March 2016 - DearSweetAru


March 2016 - DearSweetAru
MARCH 2016
MOTM: MR. SCARLET.........1
SEEKING PLAYERS................3
To have your birthday featured post
it in the Birthday Thread.
Competition #13
Host: Mozaic
The EVERYTHING Competition
is back! This month the theme
is Heartbeat. Due at the end of
the month.
Coming Soon
Let us know if there is something
you’d like to see!
MOTM APRIL.......... APR 1ST
TEC #14......................... APRIL
TIH 2016.......................... OCT
POSTING COMP..............TBA
Want to see your work showcased in the next DSA newsletter? Got an article you’re
itching to submit?
Contact Ru for more information or check out Submitting Articles to find out
about being a writer for us!
MotM: Mr. Scarlet
Ru Review: Amnesia: Memories
written by ru
written by mozaic
mr. scarlet’s signature
Well, thanks for taking the time to let me
interview [you], and
congratulations on
being March’s member of the month!
How did you feel
hearing the news?
“Surprised, if anything. I feel like there
are other people that
do things on the forum that deserve it
I have to say you’ve definitely earned it, no
doubt. You hav stuck around for a while now
putting in your own kind of contribution, and we
appreciate it. Speaking of which, has there been
anything that stands out about DSA that keeps
you coming back?
“For the most part, I know that the RPs I’m
participating in will not disappear on me one day
out of the blue. Even months later, the GMs will still
be willing to continue playing if the players are.”
That is always a good thing. You’ve been in Elements since it started. That’s a long time. You’ve
stuck with one character that just so happened
to be nominated for most loathed character in
DSA’s first rp awards. How has it been playing
the more devious type out of the more heroic
characters we have going?
“It was something I wanted to do from the
start. People tend to make these ‘Heroic’ types that
tend to make the plot move forward by default.
And that’s fine. I do it too. It makes things easier
when your character’s personality naturally gravitate towards helping people. It’s easy to make
things go smoothly when characters just roll with
it in the name of ‘Justice’ or whatever. Trado was
supposed to be a little more [self-centered] about
the whole thing. Sure, he CAN help, but what’s in it
for him? Stuff like that. At least that way, he can be
part of the group that’s moving forward, albeit for
reasons other than goodwill.”
He has definitely been an interesting character
to have along, and I can see why. You seem to
have put a lot of thought behind his character.
Has there been anything particularly challenging for you when writing for him?
“I wrote myself into a corner a couple times so
far. The most prominent one being when my character, as someone who doesn’t really do anything
outside of melee range except in key circumstances, had no means of getting in said range without
dying. My next couple posts more or less said “I
can’t react. Pass turn” in writing form.”
I can see where that would be a challenge. Do
you do any writing outside of the rp world?
“Not really. I originally took up RPing to improve my writing skills. Whether that’s happened
or not I guess is up to the other players.”
How long have you’ve been rping by the way?
“About 5 years.”
So long time. What are some of the things you
do outside of DSA? Ru’s mentioned you’re currently in school, what are you studying?
“Electrical engineering. I’m in my final year.”
continued on page
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
Firstly, before I get too into this review, the rating is due to grading both
the anime and the visual novel. If I was focusing on only one it would not be
5. The visual novel, overall, deserves about a 7 or 8; while the anime is utter
garbage. Hence my rating of 5, because I am comparing them and will be going over both.
Moving on.
Amnesia: Memories is a visual novel with a sort of reverse harem originally available for PS-Vita, but you can now buy it for PC via Steam (how I played). I
say, “sort of,” solely because the guys aren’t all pining for you at the same time.
Whenever I imagine harem or reverse harem I think of Love Hina where all of
the girls are desperate for his lower head. In Amnesia: Memories there is only
ever two guys — at maximum — pining after you at a time.
So, what is this series about? Let’s start with that before I lose you completely! Here is a quote from their official website on the basic storyline of the
�A story that takes place in a fictional world...
It was the 1st of August.
That morning, when she awoke, the heroine found herself without
any memories from before August 1st...... Everything, from the sort of life
she lived, to the relationships she had, was a blank......
A young boy named Orion appeared in front of her, referring to himself as a ‘spirit.’ Under Orion’s guidance, the heroine began the struggle
to regain her memories. She searched her house for clues about her everyday life, and received a message on her phone...
What was displayed on the screen was an unknown name to her.
Now, she is asked to meet with him, a boyfriend whose name and
face she doesn’t know. In a position where who to trust is uncertain, the
heroine must move in a way that her memory loss remains undetected
by her partner. Because of this, the story becomes tangled in complex
With no memories of ‘him,’ our heroine will write a new love story
starting today......�
—Official Website
In the very beginning Orion, who I have deemed “best friend”, is
talking to you outside of the universes and explains that he does not
know which world you belong to. He blames himself for your memory
loss and is determined to help you remember it all.
All you can recall is your name, which the player gets to decide.
Personally, I chose something highly inappropriate. The animu? Chose
to not name her. No one calls her by name and if you look up the cast
she is simply, “heroine.” Wat.
You get to choose among four different worlds: Heart, Clover,
Spade, and Diamond. Later on you can unlock Joker, but only if you
have completed all of the other worlds first.
I did not play them in listed order. I had already heard about the
characters from my friend who is ordering plushies of four of them,
so I knew each card symbol represented a different guy. However, you
can tell by the stories that the developers expected you to go in the
listed order.
Respectively, it goes: Shin, Ikki, Kent, and Toma. I did Ikki, Toma,
Shin, and, lastly, Kent. This is excluding Ukyo, who is always last.
The first world I chose after showing Mr. Scarlet the boys and
told him to pick one. Aesthetically he liked Ikki the best (admittedly,
continued on page 4
Deleting Unused Accounts
Next month we are going to be purging through unused member accounts. For the most part this will be members who have 0 posts and have not been
on for a long time. Primarily we will be looking at accounts with 25 posts or less, or all of you pinkies out there!
If you would like your account removed before the purge, then feel free to PM Ru on the forum or email her: If you send
her a message stating you’d like your account removed, then we will get rid of it. That simple, really.
On the other hand, if you know you have less than 25 posts and want to keep your account, then feel free to message her in the same fashion informing
her you want to keep it.
We have no problems with keeping accounts.
No one is being punished for being inactive.
It is just a purge.
written by mozaic
This month I’m going to write about a legend that’s from a very familiar
story, and not so ancient, but mysterious writer. This said story: Through the
Looking Glass, and What She Found There, the second of the Alice in Wonderland books, and their as mentioned author: Lewis Carroll. This legend we’ll
entitle the Jabberwocky.
Now I’m very much aware that this isn’t exactly a mystical legend, at least
not from our world. However , it is one in someone else’s.
The jabberwocky, before it was in the world of Alice, was something inspired by the stories of the Angelo Saxons who are well known for their stories
of heroism, and fantastical creatures. So while I shall mainly be interpreting
the next paragraph of lines, I do hope I can get across a story you’ll find interesting in my words.
The story of the jabberwocky begins with a father’s words to his son. He
tells him of this fearsome creature warning him of “The jaws that bite, the
claws that catch!” He also warns him of the other deadly creatures he faced
along his journey to the jabberwocky: the jubjub bird, and the bandersnatch.
Off the boy went after to slay the jabberwocky with sword in hand. For
sometime, perhaps days, he searched the creature out. And when that time
had passed he decided to rest beneath a tumtum tree (whatever that may be)
and became lost in thought.
It was following this time the jabberwocky made his appearance. “The
Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood, and
burbled as it came!”
A heated battle went on between the two, the boy thrusting his sword
feverishly at the creature till at last he severed its head from its body.
The boy then took off with the head of the jabberwocky, and made his
way back home. His father welcomed him back with open arms, thrilled of his
success And from there we are lead to believe that they lived mostly happily
ever after.
Elements is Dearly Sweet’s massive world roleplay co-GMed by Ru and Mozaic. Due to the sheer size of it,
they have Character Moderators, Mr. Scarlet and Mr. Rope (known as the Misters) to help approve of the characters that are submitted. All members are welcome to join at any given point in time; it is unlikely for the
campaign to stop accepting players.
The heart of it all takes place in the magical world of Kyon, specifically focused on the five cities surrounding the Forbidden Forest: Lilia, Estermallow, Akelea, Calore, and Inima. In this world every fantasy creature
imaginable coexists, though whether or not is peacefully is questionable. From elves to lamias; dragons to
kitsune; and the list goes on. However, the true focus of this campaign is in a rare mutation more commonly known as: Elemental.
It wasn’t until recent centuries that individuals presenting this genetic discovery were deemed Elementals. Prior to the scientific studies common folk had deemed it a miracle, gift from the Gods, and even a
curse; but all concluded those bestowed with it were merely mages with an affinity to the elements.
As Lilia’s technology expanded and their prized Grand Laboratories grew to tower over the enormous
city the study was finally conducted. Originally they had intended on merely understanding the powers,
but their goals warped the more the scientists studied this phenomenon. Soon they became obsessed
with harnessing it and finding a means to replicate the gene once they deduce it wasn’t a gift at all. Thus
beginning their morally questionable experiments...
The exploration and founding of Elementals is besides the point for this campaign, but necessary
knowledge to truly grasp an understanding of your role. You are one of these Elemental beings born with
the mutated gene allowing you to use one of the many elements. Whether you are seen as a gift, a curse, a
guinea pig... is up to you.
Do you seek the destruction of non-Elementals? Do you desire to coexist with the rest of the world? Maybe neither. Maybe you have been dragged along with this group of outcasts thanks to the unforeseen forces
tossing you there.
No matter the reasoning you have stumbled into the village of Inima searching for one of Eliei’s Rings — a
legendary item known to amplify the natural affinity of an Elemental. Are you ready to join the adventure?
Seeking Players
verse the game’s effects?
graphic by hayabusa
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
Rating: Mature
In the city of Pedoma, in the midst of the
prohibition era, the battle to be the king of all
crime lords commences. One of the lead players in this is James Rizzo. Unbeknownst to him
he has become no more than a pawn in someone else’s scheme.
Four years ago Mikel Lombardi and Larry
Giordano entered the criminal world following
the murder of a dear friend. Their hope was not
to rid the city of crime, but to take control of
it. With this they would be able to protect the
people they cared for.
Joining James Rizzo they quickly climbed
up in rank earning his favor, and the respect
of fellow comrades. Within just a couple years
they were able to form their own circle of connections both within, and outside of the Rizzo
Family. Although they all have their own motives, they all have the same intentions, power.
In order to carry this out they plan to overthrow
the current don, and take his spot as a lead in
the battle to gain control of the city.
Now they have the attention of the mysterious man who has backed Rizzo for years, Rubin
Madison. He has agreed to be their sponsor. Of
course this does not come without a price.
jumanji; image not owned by dsa.
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
Rating: Mature
Forty years have passed since Alan Parish beat Jumanji and threw it into the Atlantic
Ocean. In that time it has traveled south and
washed ashore on a remote beach in Martinique. Despite its exposure to salt water, the
board game does not appear warped or damaged at all. It sits on the sun-bleached sand and
waits for someone to stroll by so that it can attempt to lure them in with an eerie drumming
that can almost never be resisted. In 2009, two
young girls on vacation go for a walk on the
beach and awaken the passion of the game
once more. The quick rhythm of its beating
quickly grabs the girls’ attention, distracting
them from their teenage gossip. They won’t be
the only ones sucked into the deadly game, but
even with help, the twists and terror of Jumanji
can quickly turn lethal. Can these new players
survive long enough to reach the end and re-
graphic by ru
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
Rating: Mature
At a scant four years old, the city-state of Ilscaria is the youngest established nation on the
map as well as one of the smallest, yet is one of
the most notable regardless. While a handful of
other countries will accept nonhuman citizens,
Ilscaria is the only to welcome them with open
arms, eager to have as wide of a demographic
as possible within their population. Because
of this, Ilscaria is the only human settlement in
which there are just as many non-humans walking the streets as there are humans, if not more.
Most Ilscarians took part in the war that led
to its founding, and as such, exhibit ferocious
nationalism and loyalty to their leader, Dagan
Aretino. While disputes between races are not
uncommon, there’s no real feud to be seen, and
they are, for the most part, “in it together”.
What makes Ilscaria significant to other nations, however, is the staggering amount of notable figures who have settled down within its
borders. There are so many famous names, in
fact, that Ilscaria has earned the nickname “City
of Heroes,” and despite their small size, even
the massive Empire exhibits a reluctance to butt
heads with them.
Word spread quickly of Ilscaria’s appearance,
and rumors of a truly safe haven for all manner
of creatures managed to attract no shortage of
immigrants to their walls. Perhaps you are one
of them, or perhaps you have been an Ilscarian
from the beginning. Whatever the case may be,
and whatever path you have chosen, you are
here now, and it is in the humble streets of this
great nation where our story begins.
he was a child, with nothing more than his imagination. And trust me, it is real. He told me that
if a person wills it enough they can make their
thoughts come to life by believing. In doing this
he opened the door to his own world. At the
same time he became responsible for life, and
instead of growing out of it like most of us do,
he kept his duties, and stayed believing. He also
created a way to save all those forgotten imaginations. This is when we had to say goodbye.
Every time the door to Märchenhaft opens,
it takes in a bit of our own. There are good
thoughts, and there are bad thoughts, the
things we fear, and the nightmares we create.
In order to save the good, the bad must come
in too, then they must be separated. The bad
never goes away, instead it must be contained.
My grandfather had to stay to make sure the job
was done. I wanted to stay with him, but he told
me that he needed me to stay behind so that he
could always remember. I didn’t figure out what
he meant until much later.
I grew up, and I saw Märchenhaft as something I used to dream of. Reality was the only
thing I believed in, it was something I could never escape from. One night, after coming down to
my last go round with life, I began going through
my grandfather’s things. I needed to know that
he at least existed, that there was once a part
of my life that was good. I discovered my grandfather’s journal, inside he had written the way
to get to Märchenhaft. I tested it to make sure I
wasn’t crazy, and of course it was there.
Some time later my friends, and I were discussing how we needed to get out of this place. I
came out with it, and got mocked until I showed
them. That was it. We would gather what we
needed, and meet in the forest where no one
could find us, then we would embark on an
adventure like no other. We didn’t realize the
consequences of our actions, and we certainly
didn’t know that we were harvesting evil among
graphic by ru
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
graphic by hayabusa
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
When you’re a teenager, and something
goes wrong, it’s the end of the world. Instead of
going out to face your fears, you do your very
best to hide from them. I was sadly one of those
As a small child my grandfather would take
me to this amazing world called Märchenhaft. A
world that he had created all on his own when
graphic by sin
For More Information: http://dearsweetaru.
MotM: Mr. Scarlet Con.
continued from page 1
Cool. What lead you on that path?
“Family really. My father and grandfather both
have backgrounds in electricity. So from a young
age I’ve always been steered in this general direction.”
Do you know what you might have done had
that not been the case or just a second choice in
“I don’t think so. Even 2 months before college
I didn’t really know what to pick. I just tried what
was suggested to me and learned I was decent at
It’s interesting how things work out, Are you
working in your field now or have anything set
up for after you finish school?
“Yes, I currently work in Research and Development for the school.”
That sounds really cool. What sort of things do
you do?
“I can’t say a whole lot cause I’m under contract, but people come to us with ideas and we
prove whether or not the ideas are actually possible. We go through the stages of research, order
parts, create a prototype, then explain our findings.”
Ah. That’s awesome. Seems like pretty important work. Alright so when you’re not working, or
doing school stuff what are you up to? Are there
any hobbies you really enjoy doing?
“Not a whole lot. Most of my free time is spent
either gaming or doing homework.”
Any games you’re devotedly playing now?
“I try to play League of Legends every day so I
don’t fall out of practice. Other than that, Fire Emblem Fates, Metal Gear Solid V, and Torchlight II is
what I’m currently focusing on.”
Your gaming life sounds busy, but fun. Ok. So I’m
not holding you here forever, one last question,
maybe. DSA’s a community that’s obviously still
growing, is there anything you hope to see in it
future, near, or far?
“I hope eventually DSA grows to be like any
other RP site, really. If it grows to the point where
the RPs essentially sustain themselves, that should
make more than a few people happy.”
I would definitely be one of those people, and
I’m sure Ru would second that.
Thanks again for allowing me to interview you.
It’s been fun getting to hear a little more about
you, and talking to you directly of course.
Review: Amnesia Continued
continued from page 1
he does have a pretty cool coat), so I went to
Now, why would the order matter? Hey,
I definitely didn’t think it did when I went into
this, but let me explain a few things.
The overall personas of the character will,
for the most part, remain the same. Same story
aspects will even appear across the worlds.
For example, you always have the same job
at the same place, but you might not have the
same coworkers. You will always interact with
all of the characters, but your relationship with
them might not be the same. You are almost always dating someone in the beginning, except
for in two of them. This includes in the Joker
Ultimately, the big change comes down to
the butterfly effect. How drastically different
outcomes can be simply because you chose one
of the other pretty boys to bone. From friendships to events.
Each world has at least 4 endings; save for
Joker, which has around 9ish. A good, a normal,
and a couple or so bads. I like when games do
that — visual novel or otherwise. Knowing that
my actions influence the game is a big plus. It’s
why I thoroughly enjoyed Undertale and Lone
Survivor, but, I digress.
Let’s address the boys! In the order I played
them. I will try to not spoil too much, assuming
you want to give the game a shot, but I apologize in advance if some of it is a bit spoiler-y.
Quick Note: I went through each route blindly
first, then replayed to see what the other endings were.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
Ikki is a player. There is no getting around or
changing that. In every world this simple fact remains, but, of course, it only grates you in Spade
because he is your boyfriend and you don’t remember why you were cool with him hanging
out with a gaggle of... selfish women in the first
Eventually, you get to find out that he is a lot
like Yuki in Fruits Basket where he has a fan club.
Of course, these ones are so incredibly insane
that they put Yuki’s fan club to shame.
Being that I am a strong independent woman who don’t need no man... I got a bad ending.
A very bad ending. In which I realized I wasn’t
playing a simple dating visual novel where bad
was, “Hey, it’s over. We just don’t work.” No.
I was tired of how vague Ikki was being and
his attitude problem. I could not stand him constantly hanging around that flock of chicks desperately aching to get into his pants.
Even after replaying to get all of the endings,
Ikki is still not my type. You eventually learn
why he is such a player, which I don’t buy. The
friend who told me about the game loves him,
though, so, to each their own.
I like him in other stories. He is fine as friend
and I love the dynamic of his friendship with
Of the guys you can get with, his story is the
third worst. “Worst” being where it goes down
the route of a horror movie.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
I hate him. No matter what ending I received I hated him. Don’t want Toma ruined for
you? Skip this part.
Toma is your self-titled older brother. It is
mentioned, in some of the stories, that your
parents were married for a bit and then split
up. You, Shin, and Toma all met at a very young
age. Toma being the eldest and Shin being the
youngest who was only a baby at the time. Your
parents seemed to all get along.
In both Toma’s and Shin’s routes the boys
have crushes on you. The difference is who you
like. In Toma’s, Shin has accepted it and moved
I chose him because he was a nice dude in
Ikki’s route. He took care of me when I was sick
and he didn’t come off as a douche. Figured I
was safe.
No, no, no, no.
It all starts out fine. He is trying to protect
you from whomever is harassing you. Someone
keeps putting gross items in your mailbox, such
as rotten eggs. They also send you hate mail
and childishly scribble, “WHORE,” on your door.
You’d swear you were back in high school with
someone spray painting your locker.
To protect you he insists on you staying at his
house for the time being. At first it’s all right, but
then he refuses to let you outside. He gets angry
if he catches you leaving.
It gets creepier from there, but I’ll let you
find out about that on your own. If you don’t
plan on playing, but really want to know why I
hate him so badly... then feel free to message
Even ask Scarlet, he was on call while I was
playing. He knew if I was screaming, “NONONONONO! GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!” followed by a
lot of obscenities that I was doing Toma’s route.
I hate that guy. So much.
Of the guys it is hard for me to rate how bad
he is. Sometimes I feel he is the worst one and
other times I feel he is second worst. Him and
Ukyo are pretty tied.
My favorite ending for him was Normal
where he just went away forever.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
Shin is one of my favorites and I wish I had
played him first. Same instance, it felt like I saved
the best two for last, excluding Ukyo.
He is best friends with you and Toma. Unlike
some of the other characters, he clues in you
have amnesia pretty quickly. For me, this was
a turn on. Why? Because it means he actually
pays attention to me. He doesn’t have his head
so far up his... ahem, that he fails to see the obvious signs that I do not know what is going on.
When he finds out he immediately tries to
help you get your memories back.
Honestly, I wanted to pick him originally because I love his design. I tend to have a thing for
the tsundere in animu (Kyo in Fruits Basket, Hiei
in Yu Yu Hakusho, Killua in Hunter x Hunter, Axel
continued on page 5
Review: Amnesia Continued
I’m not sure it is possible for me to give a
short review ever.
and Riku in Kingdom Hearts...) and I also really
love how red and black look together. His hair
is all dark and foofy. Overall, to me, he is just so
Love-wise, Shin is disheartened you don’t
remember because he tried really hard to make
it so you stopped viewing him as a younger
brother. Thanks to meeting him when he was
just a babe it was hard for you to get past that.
He did a lot to accomplish this.
Shin started to get more assertive. When
you joined a band and he realized how serious
you were about it he decided to go learn guitar
(or bass? I can’t remember which). He felt like
the one in your band sucked and that if he was
good you’d have him replace them. That way he
was closer to you. He hid this from everyone, including Toma; they were all shocked to find the
instrument and an amp in his bedroom.
Anyway, my disappointment with Shin lies
in the murder mystery aspect of it.
In Shin’s route you are trying to help him
prove he is innocent. You find out you had fell
off a small cliff, resulting in you having to be taken to the hospital. Despite both you and Shin
informing the police that he did not push you,
the police investigate further and Shin remains
the prime suspect.
The type of ending you receive is ultimately
influenced by how well you do with solving the
My problem here was they did not do
enough with it. While playing Ikki’s route I was
constantly suspicious of his motives, meanwhile
Shin is suspected of potential manslaughter
and I have no doubt that he was not the culprit.
Even though he gets angry sometimes, it is clear
he did not do anything to harm you.
Even so, I still loved playing through Shin’s
story despite this. I know the reason I did not
get the good ending in my first play-through
was because I refused to interact with Toma.
It is a prime example of why it matters to go in
If I had played in the listed order I would not
have known of my hatred for Toma until I got
to his route. In Shin’s, Ikki’s, and Kent’s he isn’t
a bad guy.
By refusing to interact with Toma I missed
out on some cut-scenes that were vital to getting the good ending with Shin. Even so, the
Normal ending is still adorable.
10/10, would bang Shin.
Though, after speaking with my friend, who
has known me for longer than I’d like to admit, I
am not sure if, personally, I’d be able to entirely
get over the little brother bit. It really depends
on how our relationship was. Toma seems to be
the one more obsessed with projecting us all as
siblings, so I don’t know.
If I felt he was my younger sibling, truly, I
might have a hard time getting over it.
Same instance, he does work pretty hard to
get you to see him as a man and I think I’d be
down with it.
Anyway, for those of you who are still with
me, let me address the game versus anime as
a whole now that I’ve ranted about each boy in
I enjoyed how it was presented in the game.
You did not get to find out what was actually going on until you get to the Joker world and not
even entirely until you “beat” the game.
Each time you awaken in a world you are
entirely unaware of what you are about to encounter and what is going on.
The anime removed that entirely.
She started to become aware of her surroundings, but was too dumb to even dodge
getting killed several times. Orion also kept disappearing a lot in instances that did not make
He is supposed to start disappearing the
more memories you manage to gather, but in
the anime they used it to justify plot holes.
continued from page 4
I avoided him like the plague because he is
a bit of a jerk in the other routes, especially in
Ikki’s. He is very distant and has no idea how to
interact with people. He has the social skills of a
piece of poop.
In Ikki’s route he kept mistakenly insulting
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
your intelligence and was too dense to comprehend how offensive he was being.
In his world you guys had just started dating and your amnesia actually helps to stabilize
your relationship with him.
By lacking the memories of the fight you
had you were able to take a step back and realize he wasn’t actually a bad guy.
Funnily enough, I was able to get the good
ending because I responded the way I do with
Scarlet, which made me laugh insanely.
Kent is the awkward nerd who desperately
wants to be a good boyfriend, but doesn’t know
how. He’ll resort to asking his best friend Ikki,
but does not quite understand what he means.
For example, when you had a fight with him
Ikki suggested that Kent give you a gift. He specified hand-made would be better. So, he gives
you a math workbook that he made himself and
he is looking forward to grading your answers.
Yeah. Best gift, right? Haha.
He clues in you have amnesia pretty quick
as well and is the only one that thinks to speak
to Orion. Kent wants to help you, but he is torn
and firmly believes you will leave him the second you remember the big fight you guys had.
Lo and behold, the fight is actually rather
Of all of the worlds Kent is the most docile.
One of the bad endings is pretty damned bad,
but it is of no fault of Kent’s. Good, Normal, and
the other Bad endings all make sense. They are
very logical and your relationship could still survive anyway.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
I will try to not get too into him, because it
definitely ruins the game to do so.
There is a reason his world is last and there
is a reason that he kills you at least once in every
world. Not kidding. Every world there is at least
one Bad end where he kills you. He is constantly
popping up with the crazed expression shown
in the provided image.
However, even after playing all of his endings, I can’t say that I like him. Maybe before
everything, but at the very end where they ask
if I forgive him... I only said yes to get the Good
ending. That’s it.
Because he has so many more endings than
the other boys, I went through him blindly 3-5
times before following a guide. I got really close
to the Good ending once, but died one day before.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
MFW the protagonist in an anime based on
a visual novel is more boring and pathetic than
in the game itself.
In these sort of games it is not surprising for
the main character to be bland to make it easier
for self-insert. Though the game states several
times you tend to be more aggressive, sarcastic,
and independent. I liked that idea more than
what I actually got to play.
Even so, this isn’t appropriate for anime,
shows, or anything of the sort. People want
someone they can relate to, sure, but a boring
self-insert does not work in this scenario and
she was even more bland than she was in the
There were several “endings” in the anime
that did not occur in the game and didn’t make
For one, there was a time Heroine (yeah,
she never gets a name either) was pushed into
a lake. She didn’t hit her head. She isn’t incapable of swimming. She just accepts she is dead.
Slowly sinking into the lake that does not even
seem to have fish. With water so clear she can
stare up pathetically at the dark knight’s sky as
she concludes this is the end. Doesn’t even attempt to swim up.
Then there are plenty of instances where
she gets hit by a vehicle. One being in a crosswalk in a busy area with lots of people around,
yet the dude just sped right through and into
your face. I guess he must have been a day
drinker texting on his phone. That’s my conclusion, anyway.
Honestly, I gave it a shot to see what routes
they decided to go with, but they didn’t even
bother to stick to what was in the game. Sure,
sometimes moments in it were cheesy, but the
in-game story wasn’t bad. Yet they decided to
make it garbage.
The main complaint I have with the game is
the fact that I cannot get with any of the girls.
continued on page 6
Review: Amnesia Continued
continued from page 5
Mind you, this isn’t the start of me getting into
an equality rant. I do enjoy more open games,
sure, but it is not a requirement for me when
I start them. I expected Amnesia: Memories
to be more oriented towards people into men,
primarily heterosexual females. Just like I played
Hunie Pop knowing it was for guys who wanted
to pop one off while playing Bejeweled.
One girl in particular is utterly adorable and
is the only character, aside from Orion, who only
has your best interest at heart in every world
and every storyline.
representing Joker, again?
Sometimes she is concerned and apologetic. You learn that, despite being the leader, she
does not have full control over all of the members in the fan club. Yes, she is the leader of Ikki’s
fan club. Guess how she is in his route.
She also dresses the oddest of all of the characters. Sure, the others aren’t exactly dressed in
a fashion deemed, “normal,” but she is donning
Victorian age clothing. I think she’d make a good
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
Sawa is your best friend in every route. She
is protective of you and tries to do what she can
to ensure you are okay. Sometimes she teases
you about who you are dating, except for in
Shin’s world. In that one you find out she has
been harboring a crush, but refuses to express it
because you two are happy together.
She is a good friend. Rika and Mine should
learn from her. They are the other two girls
who show up, but their relationship with you is
greatly affected by what world you chose.
My friend who suggested the game loves
Mine and wishes there was a world where you
could be with her. I disagree. I think she is cute,
but I don’t like her attitude.
Neither of us are interested in Rika.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
More often than not, Mine has a crush on
Ikki and is part of his fan club. If you play Ikki’s
route, then she hates you because he won’t
leave you for her.
Due to Ikki being my first world it was hard
to remove myself to actually enjoy Mine.
In Kent’s route she was fine. If I had played
that one first it is likely I would have enjoyed her
She can be a good friend, if she wants to.
Whether or not she does is based on if she
wants to get with the guy you are dating.
If she does, then she tries to manipulate him
away from you.
If she doesn’t, then she is sweet and decently helpful.
Then there’s Rika.
Like Ukyo, her most common face is the, “I
am going to kill you,” expression. If she thinks
you like Ikki at all she will be your worst nightmare, next to Ukyo. There are instances where
she actually kills you, but not as much as our favorite green haired, brown shirted... How is he
Due to a giant, blank gap left on the newsletter, I’m going to expand on Amnesia: Memories
by addressing the gameplay.
The last character that is there, but you cannot get with, is the manager Waka. Personally, I
didn’t mind him not being an option, but someone into dating older men might be.
When the game gives you an option to
choose, you will see a selection like the image
above. Usually this does not exceed 6 options.
More often than not it is 2-4. They do influence
your outcome with the individual in question.
Responding a certain way will indicate to
the person you are dating that you have no idea
who they are. For some characters raising suspicion is good, while others it is a very negative
red flag.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
His persona is what changes in each route.
Sometimes he is really stern, while others he
can be pretty concerning. Sometimes you don’t
even get to know his name. He’s just dubbed,
“Manager.” Poor guy.
While I have mentioned Orion, personally, I
am fine with not having him as a dating option.
He is an adorable shota, but if I am not sure if I
can get past little brother with Shin then I definitely cannot with Orion.
Each time he left when I got my memories
back my heart broke. He is my little best friend!
If it isn’t clear by the length, I thoroughly enjoyed the game. If this is your type of thing, then
I’d recommend giving it a go.
You can check how well you are doing, to an
extent, by checking your Parameters. If these
are all low then you are pretty much guaranteed a bad ending. However, having them filled
does not mean you will receive a good one.
I used this to see how my character felt depending on actions when I was following guides.
I did not use it with my blind play-throughs.
A high affection will typically result in a Good
ending. The site says that the higher Suspicion is
the more likely you will receive Bad, but there
are characters where being suspicious isn’t too
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
amnesia: memories; dsa does not own this.
You also have a cellphone that you have little to no control over. If the story says you answer it, then you do. There are some instances
where you can control your text replies, but, for
the most part, it is there to remind you that you
do have a cellphone. A dated flip phone, but
you have it nonetheless.
There are some extras I find neat that can be
unlocked the more you play.
Select images you get in your Gallery can be
interacted with to get bonus dialogue.
There are also extra stories. If you click to listen to them you can hear the guy’s side of the
story. For example, with Shin you find out how
oblivious your character was to his feelings.
Then there are some goofy, but kind of fun
mini-games where you can play against the lover options. These are games you see while playing the main game, like air hockey.