Home of the Sliders - Tuckahoe
Home of the Sliders - Tuckahoe
Tuckahoe Elementary School Home of the Sliders 2015-2016 Family Handbook 6550 N. 26th Street Arlington, VA 22213 703.228.5288 www.apsva.us/tuckahoe www.facebook.com/APSTuckahoe Mitch Pascal, Principal Francis Legagneur, Assistant Principal APS 2011-17 Strategic Plan The APS School Board has an adopted strategic plan for the 2011-12 through 2016-17 school years. This plan focuses on five important goal areas: Goal 1: Challenge and Engage All Students Goal 2: Eliminate Achievement Gaps Goal 3: Recruit, Retain and Develop High Quality Staff Goal 4: Provide Optimal Learning Environments Goal 5: Meet the Needs of the Whole Child Tuckahoe Elementary School Mission Statement The mission of Tuckahoe Elementary School is to develop responsible, life-long learners by providing a quality education through inquiry-based, differentiated, and multi-sensory instruction in a nurturing environment that maximizes classroom, outdoor, and technological resources. Tuckahoe Elementary School Belief Statements: We believe that showing respect, being responsible, and remembering the rights of others promotes good citizenship. We believe in fostering the appreciation of diversity in our community and the world. We believe that instruction should be relevant, challenging, and engaging. We believe that differentiated instruction addresses all children’s needs. We believe that home-school communication is an integral part of a successful school community. Tuckahoe Staff 2015-2016 Grade/ Department Staff Member Room Email is: Principal first name.last name @apsva.us Mitch Pascal Main Office Asst. Principal Francis Legagneur Main Office Admin Asst. Lee Califf Main Office Jane Magill Main Office Mirna Lopez Main Office Catrina Moran Main Office Pre-K Robin Andersen 171 Pre-K Asst. Sonya Robinson 171 Pre-K Asst. Mary Sible 171 Kindergarten Bridget Bishop 158 Miriam Miglino, Asst. 158 Aja Campbell 153 Jill Poth, Asst. 153 Jessica Everett 161 Tracey McDonnell, Asst. 161 Stacy Mason 156 June Gardner, Asst. 156 Tracey Morgan 165 Cindy Geddes, Asst. 165 Rebecca Altvater 117 James Brent 115 Kirsten Mirick 112 Lisa Morse 116 Lindsay Sackett 114 Sara Antognoli 110 Alexandra Dolinsky 150 Kristine Howard 176 David Koppelman 175 Anne Sill 177 First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Theresa Coffman 105 Kim DiNardo 103 Tim Grasso 109 Michelle Strickland 104 Jill Weaver 108 Ani Arzoomanian 127 Erin Herbert T510 Julie Lindeman T509 Katherine Payne 102 Jennifer Witt 130 Ramsay Cogen T505 Brian Gadzinski T503 Erin Puhl T504 Dina Valente T506 Sarah Weisz T502 Rebecca Kallem 141 Hillary Sloate 141 Haley Wetsel 168 Charmaine Jenkins 134 Sigrid Vollmecke 131 ESOL/HILT Mimi Kramer-Roberts 121 FLES Maragret Cox T508 Ana Garcia T507 Cristina Rivera-Jimenez 118 Gifted/Talented Corinne Reilly T501 Math Coach Lindy Millman T501 Vocal Music Katelyn Kyser 003 Olga Tislina 006 Bolormaa Jugdersuren 006 Jessica Wagoner Stage Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Art Counseling Inst. Music Phys. Ed. Kris Angerthal GYM Floyd Corkins GYM Mike Diaddigo GYM Bruce Ferratt GYM Christine Burke 124 Alethea Price 128 STEAM Margaret Egan 135 Special Ed. Lori DeFranza 132 Kathryn Howell 134 A Erica Midboe 107 Sarah Moody 125 Susan Wulf 169 Reading Anna Hartwick, Asst. Sunji McNear, Asst. Irma Terrazas, Asst. Librarian Holly Nisco Media Center Karent Dunlap, Asst. Media Center Mary Sible, Asst. Media Center Speech Alyssa Falbo 119 ITC Marnie Lewis Media Center Sp.Ed Coordinator Patricia Jones Psychologist Lindsey Visbaras 129 Social Worker Laura Weil 133 OT Alice Blair 120 PT Kristin Emery 120 Ext. Day LaToya Hill Shauna Min Nurse Crystal Sukhee csukhee@arlingtova.us Clinic Aide Kathy Robinson kfrobinson@arlingtonva.us Cafeteria Mgr. Rosalba Gomez Cafeteria Head Custodian Brian Allen Custodian Nana Akomeah Custodian Duc Trieu Custodian Nghia Vuong Arrival & Dismissal Procedures Daily Schedule The regular school day is from 9:00am –3:41pm. On selected dates, generally Wednesdays, APS follows an early release schedule. On those days, students are dismissed at 1:26pm. Early Release days for the 2015-2016 school year are: 10/8, 10/21, 12/9, 2/10, 3/3, 3/9, 4/20, 6/22, 6/24. Arrival The first bell rings at 8:50, and students are to sit outside their classrooms quietly until teachers invite them in. It is important for students to not arrive at school prior to 8:40, unless they are in Extended Day, as staff is not available to supervise students in the hallways before this time. Families who need child care before school are encouraged to register for the APS Extended Day program. More information can be found at http://www.apsva.us/Page/24427. Students arriving after the bell has rung at 9:00 must stop in the office for a late pass. Dismissal • Students participating in Extended Day are called first for dismissal. They meet in the multipurpose room. Kindergarten and 1st grade students are escorted by Extended Day staff. • Walkers and car riders are dismissed next, and exit through the front door of the building. Parents who are waiting for walkers are asked to not congregate in front of the door, to provide clear , uncongested access for students and staff exiting the building. Car riders congregate in the fenced area in front of the building and wait to be picked up at that location. Please see the Kiss & Ride information below and on the map on the next page that illustrates the procedures for Kiss & Ride at both arrival and dismissal. • Bus Riders are called next as their buses arrive. Students are encouraged to listen to bus announcements carefully so that they do not miss their buses. In the event a student does miss his or her bus, the front office staff will call a parent or guardian to come pick the student up at school. Kindergarten and 1st grade bus riders must be met by an adult at the bus stop, or the bus drivers are instructed to return the child to school. • School Safety Patrols escort kindergarten students from their buses to their classrooms in the morning and from their classrooms to their buses at the end of the day. • Any changes in dismissal plans must be sent in writing. Without prior written notice, students will be dismissed according to their standard dismissal plans. If students are in Extended Day, a note needs to go Ms. Hill as well as to the classroom teacher. Teachers are not checking email at dismissal time, so emails sent just prior to dismissal with regard to changes in plans for the day may not be seen before students are released. Tuckahoe AM Drop Off Kiss & Ride Drop DO NOT Off BLOCK Trailers Fenced paved areanot used AM BUS LANE Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! We’d like to share Kiss & Ride information for new families and as a reminder to returning families. Please follow the appropriate patterns as indicated for entering and departing the parking lot during drop-off and pick-up time. Pull as far toward the end of the Kiss & Ride area as possible, maintaining a single line of traffic. Additionally, please do not move or drive through, or around, any traffic cones that might be in place. During and/or following inclement weather, please note that procedures may be temporarily modified. Please do not park cars so that the Kiss & Ride route is blocked, or in handicapped spaces if not authorized to do so. Buses do not all arrive at the same time, so please be cognizant of keeping the intersection clear, as noted on the maps. This way if buses still need to enter the loop they will be able to do so. Tuckahoe PM Pick-Up DO NOT BLOCK Trailers Kiss & Ride Pick-Up Students waiting for pick up BUS LANE Key Kiss & Ride Reminders • Student safety is our top priority. Please drive slowly through the Kiss & Ride line and obey posted signs and traffic cones. • One line of traffic should always be maintained. Please do not pull out to go around another car. At dismissal it may be necessary to loop around through the line again if your child is not outside for pickup yet when you get there. • At dismissal, please have a sign with the family name in the windshield. This will help expedite getting children to their cars. • Cell phones should not be used while moving through the Kiss & Ride lane. • During arrival and dismissal cars may not park in the Kiss & Ride lane. • Adults should stay in their cars. Patrols and/or staff members should be on hand to open doors and help students in and out of cars. • Drivers are asked to make right turns out of the parking lot to help keep traffic moving. • Please remember it is unlawful to pass a school bus, even in the parking lot or driveway, if its lights are blinking, or if it is loading or unloading children. Bus Transportation The APS Transportation Office has identified students for bus service as those living more than one mile from the school and sends letters to eligible families. Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior on the buses and at bus stops to ensure everyone’s safety. While riding on school buses: • Students are to remain seated. • Nothing should be held outside a bus window. • Students keep hands and feet to themselves. • Students treat others with respect and follow all directions given by the bus driver. • Bus patrols are available for those who need assistance, and to help keep the driver from being distracted, but it is the bus driver who is the authority on the bus. Patrols are authorized to report riders who are not following bus rules. Students who do not follow bus rules will meet with staff patrol sponsors or administrators. Repeated noncompliance with bus rules can result in an assigned bus seat, as well as suspension or revocation of bus privileges Any questions or concerns about bus transportation are best discussed with the Transportation Office. The Call Center phone number is 703.228.8670 and is staffed from 6:00am-6:00pm daily. Attendance Daily attendance at school is very important to your child’s academic progress. If your child is absent from school, please call the school attendance line at 703.228.8320 to report the absence. Please provide the following information when leaving your message: child’s name, teacher and reason for absence. Parents and families also must send a signed and dated written note when the student returns to school explaining the reason for the absence. The following are considered excused absences from school: • Illness, quarantine, doctor or dentist appointment • Observance of a religious holiday • Violent storms or State emergency • Summons to a court of law • Death in the family • Severe family emergency • Suspensions A doctor’s note is required for five or more consecutive days of absence in order for the absences to be considered excused. To the extent possible, please try to schedule doctor appointments outside of school hours as late arrival and early pick ups do disrupt instruction. Please note that going on vacation/traveling is not considered an excused absence according to state law and APS School Board Policy. Families are encouraged to plan trips/vacations around days when school is not in session. This avoids disruption to the learning environment and ensures that students are not missing instruction and opportunities for learning. Missed learning experiences cannot easily be made up though worksheets, and teachers often have not planned lessons in detail weeks in advance. Therefore, teachers may not be able to provide work ahead of time for vacations that take students out of school. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maximize the learning opportunities for your child. Bicycle Rules Students are permitted to ride bicycles to school. • All students riding a bicycle or scooter must wear a safety helmet. • Bicycles and scooters must be ridden in a safe and responsible manner. • Bicycles should be secured to the bike rack with a lock at the school’s front entrance. • Tuckahoe and APS are not responsible for an unlocked bicycle. • As per Arlington School Board policy, skateboards are not allowed on school grounds. Cafeteria Our cafeteria can be a busy, nosiy place. While we recognize the need for students to socialize and do not enforce a silent lunch period, the experience can be mitigated when students adhere to the following Cafeteria Rules: • Follow all directions given by any adult. • Use indoor voices. • Stay in your seat unless given permission to get up. • Use table manners while eating. • Clean up trash, table area, and floor before leaving. Students wishing to buy breakfast may do so beginning at 8:40am. A menu is sent home at the beginning of each month. You may also view the menu at http://www.apsva.us/Page/30673. Breakfast: $1.55 (Regular) or Free (Reduced) Lunch: $2.75 (Regular) or $.40 (Reduced) Milk: $0.75 Parents can pre-purchase meals at https://www.myschoolbucks.com. Also, cash or a check may be sent with your child to be given to the Cafeteria manager. Clinic Our school nurse, Crystal Sukhee, rotates days at Tuckahoe with other schools. The clinic aide, Ms. Robinson, is at Tuckahoe every day. Office personnel are on call if a child is not well or has been hurt and the nurse and clinic aide are not available. Parents/guardians are notified of serious illness or injury that occur at Tuckahoe. The clinic should be notified of any medical or health concerns about a child to ensure proper procedures are followed in the school. In the event a student becomes too ill to remain at Tuckahoe the clinic will call the designated person on the Emergency Information Form. Communication Positive communication between home and school is vital to a successful school experience for each child. We have made building relationships through open, honest communication a priority for us this year as we endeavor to support all students. School Website Our school website can be accessed at www.apsva.us/tuckahoe. Information is frequently updated including the school calendar and special events, and staff emails are linked with their names and bios for your convenience. Tuckahoe is also on social media, and this year information can be found on Facebook (www.facebook.com/APSTuckahoe). Several staff members also have Twitter accounts, and Mr. Pascal and Dr. Legagneur can be followed by @TuckPrinc and @TuckahoeAP, respectively. Friday Folders Friday Folders, or “backpack mail,” are sent home weekly. These should contain reviewed student work as well as notices from the school, PTA, and/or district about upcoming events and opportunities. Each teacher will share specific procedures for Friday Folders. Teacher Contact All staff members have APS email access using their first name.last name@apsva.us. There are also email links on the Tuckahoe web site. Teachers generally check email before school, after school, and at lunch. If an urgent matter arises during the school day, calling the school office will be the quickest way to get a message to a staff member. Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences are a special time set aside for you and your child’s teacher to meet individually. The goal of the fall conference is for you and the teacher to get to know each other and talk about your child. In the spring, you will discuss your child’s progress and set goals for the rest of the school year. This year, the first of each conference date is an early release day and the second date is a full conference day. Fall Conference Days: October 8-9, 2015 Spring Conference Days: March 3-4, 2016 Teachers and parents can always meet at other times throughout the year. The best way to do this is to schedule a mutually convenient time. Teachers often have meetings and other commitments before and after school, so unfortunately teachers may not be able to meet and have an impromptu conference without it being previously scheduled. School Talk Once a child is registered for school, parents/guardians should receive APS School Talk, an email news service offered by Arlington Public Schools. If you do not receive this automatically, you can subscribe by visiting http://www.apsva.us/schooltalk. Once registered with APS School Talk, families will receive Mr. Pascal’s monthly Tuckahoe Times Newsletter along with other important information from the Tuckahoe PTA and APS. This is the best way to receive the most current information about what’s happening at Tuckahoe. PTA The Parent Teacher Association invites all parents and staff members to join for the upcoming 20152016 school year. The PTA meets monthly to discuss events and plans designed to support Tuckahoe and continue its strong legacy of community support and participation. Additional information regarding the PTA, PTA Officers, ways to get involved, and its bylaws can be found at http://www. apsva.us/Page/14970. The first PTA meeting of the year is at the beginning of Back to School Night on September 17 in the gym. Other PTA meetings are held in the library and are from 7pm-8pm. This year the PTA is sponsoring child care during meetings for parents who need it. PTA Meeting Dates for 2015-2016 school year: October 6 December 1 February 2 April 5 June 7 (Book Swap/Ice Cream Social) November 10 January 5 March 1 May 3 Extended Day The Arlington Public Schools Extended Day Program is a service to families that provides a planned, out-of-school time program for students whose parents are employed, in school or incapacitated. This is a fee-for-service program with eligibility requirements. The program offers safe, supervised, asset-building activities which are designed to meet the needs of students. The program is operated by Arlington Public Schools staff. If Arlington Public Schools announces a delayed opening, the before-school Extended Day Program opening is delayed by the same number of hours. The daily hours for the Extended Day Program are from 7:00am to 6:00pm. Tuckahoe Codes of Conduct: The 3 R’s Across the school, we follow Tuckahoe’s 3 R’s: Respect, Responsibility, and Remembering the Rights of Others. The 3 R’s form the basis of classroom expectations and provide a common language for all in our school. As they are taught to students, we review: Respect • • • Yourself, others, and school property Listen to directions given by all staff members The privacy of others in the restroom Responsibility • • • • Come to school ready to learn Walk quietly in a single-file line in the hallways Keep your hands away from student work and school displays Throw away all trash in the classroom, hallways, playgrounds, and bathrooms Remembering the Rights of Others • Every student deserves a safe and clean learning environment and it’s OUR responsibility as a community to ensure EVERY Slider is granted this right Appropriate Dress Tuckahoe does not adhere to a strict dress code per se, but we ask that parents/guardians ensure that all children are dressed appropriately for school activities as well as for comfort. The active learner will climb on playground equipment, run outdoors, and sit on rugs in the classrooms and library. On days when your child has PE, sneakers should be worn. Shirts and blouses must fully cover the chest, midriff and back. Clothing should not contain any messages with offensive language or those referencing drugs, sex, weapons, or other violence. If staff deem articles of clothing to be distracting to the learning process, students may be asked to turn the item inside out or call home for a change of clothes. This year Fridays are designated as Slider Spirit Days. Each Friday students and staff are invited to wear Tuckahoe clothing or the school colors, blue and yellow. On designated Fridays throughout the year alternate School Spirit Days will be celebrated and announced in advance. . Personalized Device Initiative Once fully implemented in the fall of 2017, the personalized device initiative will provide each student in grades 2 through 8 with an iPad and each student in grades 9-12 with a MacBook Air for their educational use. Students are being provided these tools for their individual use so that their work and other educational materials and resources can be stored for easy access. These devices enrich the learning environment and offer teachers an additional resource with which to personalize instruction for students. In a highly technological world, it is critical that students learn to be responsible, ethical users of technology. Why does APS have a Personalized Devices Initiative? The program is rooted in the district’s mission: “Arlington Public Schools instills a love of learning in its students and prepares them to be responsible and productive global citizens.” To prepare students for an ever-changing world, APS recognizes the need to engage students in 21st century learning experiences. Toward that end, and in alignment with the 2011-2017 APS Strategic Plan, the teachers of APS are committed to fostering a personalized learning environment where each student is challenged and engaged in relevant and meaningful learning. Expectations for all Tuckahoe students regarding acceptable technology use are based on the Arlington Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy 45-2.1. Parents can view information regarding the usage of iPads in the classroom, privacy, acceptable websites, and additional answers to questions regarding the Personalized Device Initiative at http://www.apsva.us/digitallearning. Electronic Devices Cell phones: Students are permitted to bring cell phones to school, however the cell phone must be turned off and kept in backpacks during school hours. Cell phones may be used only for emergency purposes. If you need to contact your student during the day, please call the Main Office at 703-228-5288. Other electronics: Electronic devices, such as personal MP3 players, game devices, etc. are not permitted at school. Non-approved devices will be confiscated and parents will need to pick them up from the school. Visitors Safety throughout the school day is extremely important to us. Once the bell rings at 9:00 the front doors are locked. ALL visitors (parents, volunteers, substitute teachers, etc.) are asked to enter the building by ringing the buzzer at the front door, and must report to the office to sign in. Visitors are asked to wear a Tuckahoe visitor’s badge while in the building. Staff members have been encouraged to ask any adult not wearing a badge inside the building to report to the office. Homework Policy The Arlington School Board believes strongly that homework is one important component in the educational process. Homework consists of academic or other activities assigned by the teacher to be performed primarily outside of class by the student by a certain date, without the direct supervision of the teacher, and assessed by the teacher after it is performed. Homework should: • • • • • Prepare for, relate to, build on, reinforce, and/or enhance learning in the classroom. Encourage a student’s sense of responsibility, develop a sense of personal accountability, promote learning, and improve study habits. Strengthen the communication between home and school. Be appropriate for the age and stage of development of the student. Acknowledge individual differences among students through differentiation when feasible. Teachers should clearly explain assignments to students and make the assignments available to students and parents by a variety of means, with the understanding that homework is primarily a student/teacher interaction. In general, the following total amount of time spent daily on homework over four nights a week represents an average for the typical student. • • • • • • Grade K: maximum of 15 minutes plus an additional minimum of 15 minutes of reading or being read to Grade 1: maximum of 20 minutes plus an additional minimum of 20 minutes of reading or being read to Grade 2: maximum of 30 minutes plus an additional minimum of 20 minutes of reading or being read to Grade 3: maximum of 45 minutes plus an additional minimum of 20 minutes of reading Grade 4: maximum of 60 minutes plus an additional minimum of 30 minutes of reading Grade 5: maximum of 60 minutes plus an additional minimum of 30 minutes of reading Progress Reports Written progress reports are distributed twice a year for Kindergarten students. Progress is noted in terms of skill mastery being met, progressing, or at a beginning level. In grades 1-5 students receive four written report cards each year at approximately nine-week intervals. In grades 1-2 students are noted as making or not making expected academic progress. Beginning at grade 3, the standard report card uses letter grades to identify the extent to which students are meeting grade level expectations in academic content areas. Work habits, social skills, and effort are also noted on report cards as well as narrative comments from students’ teachers. Celebrations in the Classrooms Birthday celebrations are held at the discretion of the teacher. Please check with your child’s teacher before scheduling any celebrations. We ask that all treats, cupcakes, etc. be limited to the number of students within your child’s classroom. Students will not be permitted to visit other classrooms to deliver treats to other staff members and/or other students. We do have a number of students with specific food allergies or other medical conditions that affect the types of foods they can eat. Please consult the teacher about food items that can be accepted in the classrooms, and consider healthy treats or birthday treats other than food for students to share with their classmates. Teachers can assist in offering ideas for alternatives to sweets if needed. Lost and Found Lost and found items will be placed in a bin located near the stairwell leading to the gym. Please check the area frequently to retrieve lost personal property. Lost items that remain at the end of each semester will be donated to a local charity. Emergency Drills As part of the standard safety preparedness plan, we are required to practice and participate in a number of safety drills each year. These include: Fire Drill: Instructions for exiting the building are posted in each room. Fire drills are conducted once a week during September and once a month during the rest of the year. Earthquake Drill: In the event of an earthquake or any type of serious structural damage to the school building, all staff and students are required to follow the emergency procedures outlined in the emergency folders, which can be found in every room. The PA system will be utilized to instruct staff and students during this procedure. Staff and students will practice this drill annually. Lockdown Drills: A lockdown will be initiated in the event of an emergency inside the building that affects the daily operation of Tuckahoe. Staff and students will practice the drill twice annually, generally in September and January. Secure the Building/Shelter in Place: The drill will be initiated when it is determined that it is not safe for children or staff to leave the building due to unsafe environmental or air quality conditions. Tornado Drill: During a tornado warning or drill, students and staff stay inside on the lowest level, inside a windowless, interior hallway, or room in a "drop, cover and hold" position. Staff will escort students to identified sheltering areas, take roll, and stay with their students. Staff will be notified when the drill is over. Playground Usage The playground in the front of the school is reserved for students during the school day. School personnel do not supervise students on the playground before or after school hours unless they are in the Extended Day Program. Any student wishing to use the playground before or after school hours needs to be supervised by a parent or guardian. All students have been instructed on the playground rules and usage for safety and respect of others. The playground at Tuckahoe Park is a county facility that the school can utilize during the school day. Generally it is students in grades 3-5 who visit the Park playground at recess time. While students are supervised by school personnel, it is a public facility and open to use by others. The Tuckahoe Playground Committee has drafted rules for Park playground use that have been shared with students. Field Trips Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are required to sign a Field Trip form prior to a student attending any field trip, regardless of location or duration. Children will not be allowed to attend any field trip without a signed consent form on file. APS policy does not allow for verbal permission to be granted by a parent or guardian for a field trip. The staff is very grateful to receive signed permission forms in a timely manner, allowing for a better planned and engaging field trip. Parents may be asked to chaperone a field trip. If you are available to do so, please do not bring any younger siblings as they are not permitted to ride on the school bus and it can take attention from chaperoning assigned students. Inclement Weather Decisions to close school or delay school opening are made by the Superintendent after consulting local agencies. When there is no change in operations, the APS web site and hotline say that the status for APS is unchanged. Decisions are usually announced and posted no later than 5 a.m. Check for changes in APS operations at: • APS School Talk (email, phone and text messages) Arlington Alert (go to www.arlingtonalert.com to sign up) Online at www.apsva.us APS Hotline: 1-866-322-4277 (for messages in English & Spanish) APS TV (AETV) - Channel 70/FiOS Channel 41; Arlington County – Channel 25/FiOS Channel 40 · Social Media: www.facebook.com/ArlingtonPublicSchools; www.twitter.com/ APSVirginia The APS Mobile App (Download it from iTunes or Google Play) • All Local TV and Radio Stations • • • • •