Concrete – Protection and repair of concrete
Concrete – Protection and repair of concrete
"Gas quality" CEN/AFNOR/WG 197 Date: Doc. Number: Assistant: Marie BOURBIGOT Direct line: + 33 (0)1 41 62 87 20 Your contact: Sylvie FERNANDEZ Direct line : + 33 (0)1 41 62 86 59 2010-12-29 N 230 GASQUAL DELIVERABLE APPROVED BY CEN/BT WG 197 "GAS QUALITY" D1.2 "Final WP1 report with methodology and results" ÖThe deliverable D1.2 was presented to CEN/BT WG 197 members commented, and approved on 2010-02-08/09 by the resolution 02/2010: Resolution 02/2010 – Deliverable D.1.2 Final report on study by country of appliances population (document N136) BT WG197 accepts the deliverable with a number of comments listed in an addendum presented in document N184. The document and the addendum will be circulated to the sector forum gas for information and to the relevant following CEN/TCs: 48, 49, 58, 62,106, 109, 131, 180, 234, 238, 299 ÖWith the following observations on the document: CENBT WG197 Addendum to document N 136 Deliverable D1-2" Final report on study by country of appliance population": CENBTWG197 formulates the following observations on the document: - It is appreciated that the information on the non-domestic market is very limited, both with respect to the market size and the various combustion systems in use post GAD. Especially the information gathered by phone interview to trade associations are missing. - Mandate M/400 did not envisage testing of non-domestic GAD-compliant appliances. A consequence of this constraint on GASQUAL is that no detailed information on the tolerance of these appliances to changes in gas quality will be obtained in WP5. The results of this market study, however, suggest that the size of this appliance population is substantial, yet detail is not readily available on their sensitivity to gas quality changes. - There is only partial knowledge of some types of burners and appliances, so additional information shall be provided about the appliances included in the sample of the testing programme. Gasqual has to bring very precise description about appliances they propose to test, with additional information from manufacturers. -The restriction on pressure governor is not specific to France but to 2E+ gas group. -The term " air ratio control" is too general and in the segmentation precise description has to be made (especially identifying those with feed back and no feed back) Association Française de Normalisation 11, rue Francis de Préssensé SIRET 775 724 818 00205 F – 93 571 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex GASQUAL.EU ANSWER TO THE CALL FOR TENDER ON GAS QUALITY- PHASE 1 OF THE MANDATE M/400 INVESTIGATIONS ON NEW ACCEPTABLE EU LIMITS FOR GAS QUALITY. INFLUENCE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF NEW AND INSTALLED GAS APPLIANCES. STUDY PROJECT DELIVERABLE D1.2 Installation and Inspection Rules and Practices Study GQWP1_08_D1.2_Final WP1 Report.pdf Deliverable N° D1.2 Work packag e N° WP1 Deliverable name D1.2 Final WP1 report methodology and results with Type of deliverable Lead participant Limit date of issue Final v2.0 BRG ADVANTICA GL 20.10.2009 Report AUTHOR(S): MICHAEL DENISON-PENDER, MARCIN PAWESKA, TERRY WILLIAMS, LEN EASTELL DATE: 20.10.2009 VERSION: CEN, AFNOR FINAL VERSION Document Version Control: Vers By Status Date Comments 1.0 BRGC Final Draft 15.08.2009 Final Draft to CEN 2.0 BRGC & GL Final Report 20.10.2009 Final Report with: More explanation on Methodology Section 1.2.1 Revised burner classification Fig. 2.2.2 Revised park by burner type Fig. 4.2252.1 Commercial boiler park & commentary Fig 9.1.2 Commercial cooker burner types Fig 9.3.3 Clarification & alignment with WP3 regarding manufacturer adjustment to reflect country of destination (gas group, ref gas, supply pressure) Tables detailing appliance populations segmented with country by country breakdown (Appendix D) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 2 Executive Summary This report has been produced for review by CEN/BT/WG 197 to record the conclusions of work completed by the GASQUAL consortium on Work Package 1 (WP1) Market Study. This is one of six work packages being undertaken by GASQUAL to provide information for CEN in the production of a harmonised European Standard for gas quality. WP1 has studied the current European market for domestic gas appliances. Also, some studies have taken place regarding the European market for commercial gas–fired equipment. The primary objectives of the WP1 Market Study have been to develop a classification to segment the gas appliance market, provide a country by country analysis of the appliance populations in the market and to provide a list of domestic gas appliance categories that should be considered in GASQUAL WP4 for testing in WP5. It was specifically requested that the appliance classification should relate to the relevant EN classifications, and this BRGC has attempted to do. However, the EN classifications do not necessarily segment the market sufficiently to cover all the variables that need to be taken into consideration. In most cases it has been necessary to sub-segment the EN classifications in order to make sure that critical variables are not overlooked. The report sets out a “long list” of possible domestic appliance categories that should at least be screened for their specific relevance to the test programme. BRGC is not necessarily recommending that every one of the listed appliances should be tested, but rather that each should be taken into account during WP4. It may even be that there are further subsegmentations that need to be made. On the other hand it is likely that some of the categories can be grouped together once it starts to become clear exactly where the sensitivities lie. It will be noted that in order to facilitate the analysis, the pre-agreed “Levels” of segmentation are not necessarily taken in numerical order. Similarly the vertical order of the categories reflects in part the need to group certain categories together for the purposes of quantification (e.g. Low NOx non-condensing boilers). The final tables in Appendix D have been collated by GL from the data given in the report. These tables detail appliance populations country by country in an agreed segmentation for boilers, water heaters, cookers and space heaters and these will be reflected in the final WP3 and WP4 reports such that appliance populations, possible field adjustment and an overall risk assessment will be presented as part of the final appliance selection for the GASQUAL test programme. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 3 GASQUAL PROJECT WORK PACKAGE 1: MARKET STUDY FINAL REPORT (REVISED VERSION) BRG CONSULT CP HOUSE 97-107 UXBRIDGE ROAD EALING LONDON W5 5TK UNITED KINGDOM GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 4 DISCLAIMER BRG accepts no liability for any material or immaterial, direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this report or its content. COPYRIGHT Please note that the quantified data on the Boiler and Water Heater markets are derived from sources that are the intellectual property of BRG CONSULT. The data on foodservice establishments presented in Fig. 9.3-1 are the intellectual property of: GIRA FOODSERVICE 18, avenue Marcel Anthonioz BP 28 F - 01220 Divonne-les-Bains Tel: +(33) 4 50 20 16 35 Fax: +(33) 4 50 20 29 28 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 5 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE CONTENTS PART I: DEFINING THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................ 9 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 10 1.11 Objectives..................................................................................................................................... 10 1,12 Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 12 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 18 1.21 General Observations .................................................................................................................. 18 1.22 Boilers and Water Heaters ........................................................................................................... 20 1.23 Other Domestic Appliances......................................................................................................... 23 1.24 Commercial Appliances ............................................................................................................... 25 1.25 Results and Confidence Limits ..................................................................................................... 27 2. CLASSIFICATIONS, DEFINITIONS AND TECHNICAL VARIABLES........................................... 30 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 OVERALL APPROACH ......................................................................................................................... 30 BURNERS ........................................................................................................................................... 32 FLUES ................................................................................................................................................ 36 APPLIANCES AND APPLIANCE SPECIFIC VARIABLES .......................................................................... 38 Boilers .......................................................................................................................................... 38 Water Heaters .............................................................................................................................. 46 Room Heaters and Gas Warm Air Systems .................................................................................. 48 Cookers ........................................................................................................................................ 50 Other Gas Appliances .................................................................................................................. 52 PART II: MARKET DATA................................................................................................................................ 54 3. GAS APPLIANCE POPULATIONS: EU OVERVIEW....................................................................... 56 3.1 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE POPULATIONS ................................................................................................ 56 3.11 All Domestic Appliances .............................................................................................................. 56 3.12 Total Park by Member State......................................................................................................... 57 3.2 COMMERCIAL APPLIANCE POPULATIONS........................................................................................... 58 4. DOMESTIC GAS BOILER MARKET.................................................................................................. 60 4.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS BOILER PARK BY COUNTRY ................................................. 60 4.11 Defining the Domestic Boiler Market .......................................................................................... 60 4.12 Methodology for Quantifying the Park......................................................................................... 61 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK ........................................................................................ 64 4.21 General Approach........................................................................................................................ 64 4.22 First Segmentation: Levels 1, 2 & 3............................................................................................. 78 4.226 Newer Technologies ................................................................................................................... 102 4.2262 Gas Heat Pumps.................................................................................................................... 103 4.3 FUTURE TRENDS .............................................................................................................................. 105 4.31 Drivers ....................................................................................................................................... 105 4.32 Technological Developments ..................................................................................................... 106 5. DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS .............................................................................................. 115 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY................................ 115 5.11 Product Definitions .................................................................................................................... 115 5.12 Quantifying the Park of Gas Water Heaters .............................................................................. 117 5.2 TRENDS......................................................................................................................................... 121 6 GAS ROOM HEATERS AND DRY SYSTEM HEATING ................................................................ 123 6.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................... 123 6.2 MARKET DATA ................................................................................................................................ 123 6.21 Market Segments ........................................................................................................................ 123 6.22 UK .............................................................................................................................................. 127 6.3 BURNERS ......................................................................................................................................... 129 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 6 1.1 6.4 7. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE SUPPLY ............................................................................................................................................ 130 DOMESTIC GAS COOKERS .............................................................................................................. 134 7.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................... 134 7.11 Cooker Types.............................................................................................................................. 134 7.12 Burner Types .............................................................................................................................. 137 7.2 QUANTIFYING THE DOMESTIC GAS COOKER PARK.......................................................................... 142 7.3 TRENDS............................................................................................................................................ 145 8. OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES.......................................................................................... 146 9. COMMERCIAL GAS APPLIANCES .................................................................................................. 148 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.41 9.42 COLLECTIVE AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS ....................................................................................... 148 COMMERCIAL WATER HEATERS ...................................................................................................... 152 COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. 154 OTHER COMMERCIAL GAS APPLIANCES .......................................................................................... 158 Commercial Laundry Equipment ............................................................................................... 158 Non Domestic Space and Air Heaters ........................................................................................ 158 PART III: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................ 160 10 CONCLUSIONS: LISTING OF APPLIANCES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR TESTING............. 161 10.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 161 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS ................................................................................................................. 165 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES ............................................................................................... 171 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................... 181 SUPPLEMENTARY ANALYSES BY COUNTRY OF THE PARK OF BOILERS <70 KW INSTALLED 1993-2007 .......................................................................................................................................................... 181 APPENDIX B................................................................................................................................................ 190 SUPPLEMENTARY ANALYSES BY COUNTRY OF THE DOMESTIC WATER HEATERS INSTALLED 1993-2007 ................................................................................................................................. 190 APPENDIX C................................................................................................................................................ 192 MAIN RANGES OF COMMERCIAL BOILERS AVAILABLE IN SELECTED MEMBER STATES 1997 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 192 APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................................................... 213 APPLIANCE POPULATIONS, SEGMENTED AND COUNTRY BY COUNTRY.................................. 213 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 7 1.1 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE 8 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE PART I: DEFINING THE PROJECT GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 9 1.1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE 1.11 OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE This document contains the final report on: - PROJECT GASQUAL: WORK PACKAGE 1 MARKET STUDY. The report has been prepared by the Contractor BRG CONSULT (BRGC) in conjunction with the Project Leader for WP1 (GL-GROUP, previously ADVANTICA). The WP1 Market Study was launched at the outset of the GASQUAL Project and was conducted over the first 6 months of the Project (January to June 2009). The original Proposal quotes the objectives of the Market Study as set out in the Call for Tender: “This work package shall give a view of the existing market of appliances and its trend. It shall identify for all the countries included in the study the types of appliances present on the market complying with Directive 90/396/EEC and certified to burn gases within the H group. […] This work package shall include domestic and non-domestic appliances. […] This work package shall give an estimate of the number of appliances in each segment identified. For each type of appliances at least the trend i.e. stable, growing or diminishing number of appliances in this segment and an estimation of the size and composition by age of the installed appliance population should be given unless more precise figures are available.” Further on in the Proposal the deliverables of the WP1 Market Study are summarized as follows: “Final report on Study by Country of Appliance Populations The report will at least include: - A description of the methodology used to realize this study public documents used as sources will be included as annexes of this report. - The list of type of appliances identified with the motivation for segmentation. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 10 1.1 - OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE The tables of results by country with results of number of appliances in the different technology segments. Fig. 1.121-1 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES: DWELLINGS CONNECTED TO GAS Country TOTAL Dwellings Connected to gas Total Total % Austria 4 187 1 396 33% Belgium 4 903 3 574 73% Denmark 2 710 345 13% France 31 455 11 010 35% Germany 38 751 17 579 45% Greece 5 619 31 1% Ireland 1 369 525 42% 27 012 19,300 71% 5 271 744 14% Spain 23 935 6 132 26% UK 25 612 22 794 89% Czech Republic 4 090 3 120 76% Hungary 4 172 3 106 74% 13 000 7 100 55% Romania 8 260 2 600 31% Slovakia 1 899 1 466 77% 24 825 9 576 39% TOTAL EU 16 countries 203 168 100 760 50% TOTAL EU 227 993 110 336 48% 89% 91% Italy Portugal Poland Other EU Countries % EU 16 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 11 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE - The list of sources and organisations that have contributed to the market study. - The list of publications that have been used for the market study (+ copy in annex). - The type of user i.e. domestic, non-domestic or both for each segment of appliances. - An estimation of the size and composition by age of the installed appliance population. - The forecasted evolution of the number of appliances for each segment. - The accuracy of the data given. - A synthesis table grouping the information by technologies. - A highlight of the group(s) of countries/segments of appliances with similar profile.” 1,12 SCOPE 1.121 Geographical Scope In principle the study covers the current EU 27 with the exception of the Netherlands (which only consumes L gas and therefore does not come within the scope of the GASQUAL Project). However the Call for Tender required the focus of the study to be on the 16 Member States that (always excluding the Netherlands) represent the great majority of gas consumption in the EU: - Germany - UK - Italy - France - Spain - Belgium - Poland - Hungary GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 12 1.1 - Czech Republic - Austria - Slovakia - Denmark - Finland - Ireland - Portugal - Greece. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE In practice, of the above Member States, Finland has little relevance to the study since there is virtually no gas distribution to households (only c. 35,000 dwellings are connected). The gas is used mainly for electricity generation. It was therefore decided to substitute Romania (which has a significant domestic gas network) for Finland. Dwellings in the 16 selected Member States account for 89% of all EU dwellings but 91% of dwelling connected to gas (Fig 1.121-1). 1.122 Appliance Scope The Proposal sets out the appliance scope as follows: “It is expected that that domestic boilers and water heaters will have major relevance among gas burning appliances in the countries considered. Therefore, it is suggested that the project will cover extensively domestic boilers (below 70 kW) and water heaters. For these products detailed analyses of the appliance population, annual markets and forecasted evolution will be carried out. Cookers will also be subject to special attention due to the size of the market. Other appliances, including probably space heaters, new appliances such as micro CHP and heat pumps and possibly less used technologies such as gas washing machines, tumble dryers, etc will be considered less extensively. Approximate population and market figures will be sought through desk-top studies and contacts with manufacturers and trade associations, in order to allow for an impact assessment. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 13 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE Larger plants (e.g. commercial heating, commercial catering, commercial laundry) will only be included if falling under the GAD. The market study will not cover industrial plants like gas turbines and gas engines that do not fall under the GAD. Regarding the two latter product groups (other appliances and larger plants) preliminary analyses and past experience suggest that the availability of market data can be very limited and patchy, however, best efforts will be made in order to reach a satisfactory picture of the relevant markets, within the time and budget constraints outlined for the present project. As far as commercial products are concerned, approaching the relevant manufacturing sectors and trade associations would establish which appliances would be sensitive to any broadening of the gas quality bands. Then relevant benchmark products will be identified for future testing (if this is feasible). Industrial processes will be studied in theory only, as an indication of where issues with gas quality variation may occur, but as already mentioned they will not be part of the market study. As regards boilers and water heaters, existing data will be used for appliance classification such as that presented in the EC study on the boiler directive (92/42) [4]. However, some additional work will need to be carried out in order to include additional segmentation based on relevant combustion parameters, such as possibly: - atmospheric vs. premix burner - air/gas ratio control - combustion control (e.g. Scot) - separate forced air burner (called jet burner in the BED report). - the share of boilers that are condensing / not condensing - power burners (fan premixed) or fan-assisted (fan in the exhaust)(in case this plays a relevant role) - for the atmospheric burners: Percentage of "partially" premixed (bunsen-type) and premixed (Cf. Polidoro and Worgas) - for the "jet burners": share of premixed and non-premixed As it can be difficult and costly to get the detailed share by subcategory and as in the case of this project a very high accuracy on all details of the market is not necessary, some assumptions and models will be applied. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 14 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE As regards other appliances, a possible list of types of appliances identified could include: - Cookers (hobs and ovens) - Space heaters: (flued and unflued): • domestic gas fires - flue and flueless types (to include balanced flue as well) • convector wall heaters - fan flued and natural draught types • warm air heaters - ducted and free-blowing types • radiant tube heaters - mainly commercial • decorative fuel effect fires - flue and flueless types • live fuel effect fires - flue and flueless types - Micro Combined Heat and Power appliances - Heat pumps - Washing machines (domestic) - Commercial laundry appliances • Dryers • Commercial catering (hobs and ovens). For these products accurate market shares are not very relevant and the efforts to get the data will be adjusted during the execution phase of the project to the estimated amount of appliances that are installed. For that reason the boilers, water heaters and cookers will have a higher priority. In addition, the study will take into account the importance of national market characteristics and the importance of those characteristics for the gas quality influence, for example: power burners are (at least in Germany) adjusted to CO2-maximum on site. So, for example, such a category will be very sensitive to gas quality changes in Germany and other countries. In general for the appliances considered, the study must take account of different technologies and installation requirements such as: - modulating/burner type - air/gas ratio control - gas exhaust (flued and unflued) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 15 1.1 - flame control device (sensor) and type - pressure control.” OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE In the report that follows: - - domestic appliances are treated separately from (and in more detail than) commercial appliances. Indeed domestic appliances form the main focus of the study, since they are the only ones that are due to be tested in WP5 of the Project. For domestic appliances, separate chapters (see Part II) are presented for: • gas boilers (Section 4) • gas water heaters (Section 5) • gas room heaters (Section 6) • gas cookers (Section 7) • other domestic gas appliances (Section 8) commercial products are all covered in Section 9. Product definitions are set out in Section 2. During the early part of the study a set of classifications were agreed (see Section 2), and BRGC has attempted to follow these classifications while at the same time relating them to the appliances and components actually found on the market. Although not specifically required by the proposal, BRGC was requested during the course of the study to relate the appliances and technical variables to the EN classifications, and wherever relevant and possible this has been done. 1.123 Market Scope In terms of market quantification, the study is concerned more with the park (population) of appliances than with annual sales data. The Proposal states: “For each of the segments we shall make an estimate of: - the composition by age for each country - the type of user (domestic / non-domestic) - the forecast evolution of the number of appliances by segment and country”. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 16 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE As already stated, the domestic and commercial markets have been analysed separately. There are some instances (especially for boilers) where the distinction between the two is not entirely clear cut, and the criteria used are explained in Section 2. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 17 1.2 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY 1.21 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY Before considering the methodologies employed for each of the appliance families, it is worth making some general observations about the processes of assembling the data required for the current project. Although this part of Work Package 1 is called a “market study”, the quantification required was not what a market research consultancy such as BRGC would normally consider as “market data” (i.e. annual sales into the market) but was in fact “park” or “population” data which is a very different challenge. There are only three possible approaches to assembling park data: - to conduct sample household ownership surveys - to construct models based on historical sales data - to search for any existing data that might be available in the public domain. Conducting sample household studies was obviously way beyond the budget available (even in one Member State, let alone 16). In any case to obtain the technical details required would be impossible since the householders would not know all the answers. In some countries there are broad brush government statistics on the park of heating (e.g. by fuel type and/or system type) but these nowhere near go into the technical variables required, and often they are out of date there was a nice exercise done by INSEE on the 1995 park in France). Such data can be used for reality checks for the modelling. The modelling approach does require having access to annual sales data going back at least to 1992. Fortunately BRGC had been collecting such data on domestic boilers and water heaters for the past 20 years, and had already done part of the modelling work for its own forecasting projects. BRGC also has some softer historical data on commercial boilers, albeit not necessarily based strictly on the 70 kW threshold. For room heaters, BAXI VALOR was able to supply similar data for the all important UK market. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 18 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY Even with the benefit of such historical sales data, it is not possible to plot every variable by every other variable. For example BRGC had for domestic boilers assembled over the years data by flue type and again by functionality, but not for the two combined. Where no such historical data exist, estimating the park becomes very difficult. It is not possible to reconstruct such data where they do not already exist. This also means that the “park” data that can be compiled to not necessarily conform exactly to the classifications that best suit the GASQUAL Project (e.g. conforming precisely to the EN classifications, or to the burner categories that the GASQUAL Project ideally wishes to adopt. Relevant existing park data tend to be few and far between: - some countries broad brush data on heating in the housing stock, but not in anything like the detail required for the GASQUAL project. However such data can provide a useful reality check. - for cookers BRGC did find existing broad data on ownership in most countries, plus splits free standing/built-in for the largest countries - for “commercial” appliances very few data exist at all: • for commercial boilers BRGC had been following the sales trends based on rather soft industry data since 1997, which gave some basis for estimating the park • for commercial catering equipment BRGC was able to find some data on appliances in Germany and Italy. Otherwise contacts with CISA and EFCEM revealed that no market data are collected by them or the other national associations. BRGC has however been able to provide unique data (not so far available to EFCEM) on the number of catering establishments per sector and country, courtesy of GIRA FOOD SERVICE. There were certain technical variables for which no historical sales data had been assembled, e.g.: - for boilers, burner types, modulation and special combustion controls - for cookers, critical burner categories (for hobs, ovens and grills). To try to fill these gaps BRGC conducted personal interviews with key component manufacturers. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 19 1.2 1.22 BOILERS AND W ATER HEATERS 1.221 BRGC In-House Data OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY As far as boilers and water heaters are concerned, BRGC has been able to draw on sales data that have been built-up over 20 years. In particular, BRGC has a database of annual sales (in number of pieces) from 1990 to 2007, split as follows for gas boilers: - boilers: • wall hung gas •• non condensing •• condensing • floor standing gas •• non condensing •• condensing • jet burner boilers (includes oil and gas). Supplementary analyses split the wall hung boiler markets between “heating only” and “combis”. Additional segmentations (although based of somewhat softer estimates) distinguish the above categories by output (kWh) and flue type, and also showing the share on low NOx models within non-condensing boilers - gas water heaters • instantaneous • storage Supplementary analyses split these markets by output/capacity. These data have formed the basis of BRGC’s annual multi-client programme to which much of the European heating products industry subscribes on a regular basis. The data, compiled mainly from research with manufacturers, cross checked as relevant and critically against industry association data, remain the intellectual property of BRGC. For both boilers and water heaters, additional information is contained within the texts and tables of BRGC’s past multi client reports, and reference has been made to these as appropriate. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 20 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY Some data based on the above BRGC sources are in the public domain, including those presented in the 1996 EC BED study on the boiler directive (92/42), and those presented in the EC EUP Eco Design Studies (Lots 1 & 2). However for this GASQUAL WP1 Market Study BRGC has gone back to its original (now updated) data. 1.222 Other Sources Used Even for boilers and water heaters, there are certain technical variables that needed to be considered that have not been systematically covered by BRGC’s past work, including: - burner types - modulation - the use of special combustion controls - pressure controls. For burners in particular, initial segmentations were provided by Howard Levinsky (GASUNIE) and Petra Nitschke-Kowsky (E.ON RUHRGAS) In order to fill the remaining information gaps, BRGC conducted a series of personal interviews with the relevant component suppliers, including: - burner manufacturers (BEKAERT, POLIDORO, WORGAS) - controls manufacturers (HONEYWELL, SIEMENS, SIT). This research was supported by contacts with boiler and water heater manufacturers (RIELLO, ARISTON, VAILLANT, BAXI, VIESSMANN, BOSCH), some of who also completed matrices showing the technical specifics or their current models. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 21 1.2 1.223 Analytical Methodology 1.2231 Domestic Boilers OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY Although the main objective of the WP1 Market Study is to provide park (population) data, for these appliances BRGC’s in-house data are mainly in the form annual sales of pieces. Furthermore, independent existing data on the park of appliances in most Member States is generally incomplete, out of date or non-existent. None of available sources provide the technical detail required for the present study. Thus there was a need to convert BRGC’s historical sales data into park estimates. The fact that BRGC’s sales data had been systematically collected on an annual basis since 1990 was obviously a substantial advantage. Even prior to becoming involved in the GAQUAL already undertaken some work of this kind for purposes. Indeed some simple park estimates were BED report. Nonetheless a good deal of original carried out for the present study. project, BRGC had its own forecasting included in the 2006 work needed to be This required a modeling approach that BRGC had already evolved for its own park model (Fig. 1.2231-1). Fig. 1.2231-1 METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATING BOILER PARK DATA The analysis did involve eliminating: - boilers installed pre-GAD (pre 1993) - boilers on L gas (especially in northern Germany) - boilers on LPG and town gas (but taking into account possible conversions from LPG to natural gas). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 22 1.2 1.2231 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY Domestic Water Heaters A similar approach was used for water heaters, although here there is an additional consideration in that some dwellings may use more than one single point/secondary water heater. For this reason (rather than for technical reasons) the analysis distinguishes “primary” and “secondary” water heaters. For instantaneous gas water heaters, it is particularly important to take out the still large park of appliances running on LPG (notably in Spain and Portugal) and to make some assumptions about conversion from LPG to natural gas. 1.23 OTHER DOMESTIC APPLIANCES For appliances other than boilers and water heaters, BRGC did not start with the benefit of an in-house data resource, and all market information had to be compiled from original research. 1.231 Cookers The following sources have been used to conduct research on domestic cookers: - telephone interviews with cooker manufacturers and personal interviews with cooker burner manufacturers (SABAF and CASTFUTURA) - EUROSTAT time series - IGU Database - gas usage/gas connection statistics - other: • BAK, 1997; CEREN, 1998; Dansk Naturgas, 1999; DETR, 1996; Distrigas, 1999; Doxa S.p.A., 1998; EnergieNed, 1998; EVA, 1997; Finergy/Sener, 1998; GasTec, 1996; GdF, 1999; IEC, 1996; ISR, pers. comm., 1999; Konsumenverket, pers. comm., 1998; LEEP, 1996; PdM, pers. comm., 1998; Ruhrgas, 1999; Statistics Finland, 1998; VDEW, 1996; Wolf and Kronsteiner, 1995 • STAT, INS, Statistics Denmark , INSEE, SB, Ruhrgas, Fyrogenis, CSO, ISTAT, ISR • US FCS and US DoS, 1997; Ecofys, 1999; ISR, 1999 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 23 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY • Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Labelling domestic ovens study • a programme of telephone interviews was conducted with industry associations (Fig. 1.231-1). Fig. 1.231-1 COOKER INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS CONTACTED Country 1.232 Association Website Austria FEEI Belgium AGORIA Belgium Czech Republic Germany FEE CECED CZ ZVEI Denmark FEHA Spain ANFEL Spain FAPE France GIFAM Greece SVEIS www.sveis.el Hungary CECED Magyarország Italy ANIE Portugal AGEFE Poland CECED Polska Slovakia CECED Slovakia UK AMDEA UK TEHVA Gas Fires and Room Heaters For room heaters and gas fires, very little market monitoring of any sort is conducted except in the UK and the Netherlands (the latter in any case being excluded from the GASQUAL study). Consequently: - personal interviews were conducted with the gas fire manufacturers VALOR and FABER - a telephone interview was conducted with ORANIER GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 24 1.2 - 1.233 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY discussions about burners for this products was included in the interviews with the burner manufacturers mentioned in Section 1.212 above. Other The markets for other domestic appliances such as gas tumble driers and gas washing machines are so small that there are no published data available. BRGC has contacted manufacturers in order to obtain some idea of the scale of these markets. 1.24 COMMERCIAL APPLIANCES 1.241 Boilers The “commercial and collective” boiler markets are notoriously poorly documented, and past studies conducted by BRGC have revealed that even the market leaders in these sectors have made little attempt to quantify these markets. However BRGC has over the years attempted to keep track of the main developments in this part of the boiler market, including estimates the sales of boilers above the normally accepted output thresholds, as well as estimates of the penetration of collective heating in the housing stock. Thus it has been possible to use these data to estimate the scale of the commercial and collective boiler stock based on in-house data, even if these estimates are considerably “softer” than those for the domestic park. 1.242 Water Heaters BRGC has treated all instantaneous gas water heaters as being “domestic”. It is true that there is some “light commercial” use of these products, but the appliances are the same as those in domestic use, so for the practical purposes of the GASQUAL project, there is nothing to be gained from any attempt to distinguish between the two market sectors. As far as gas storage water heaters are concerned, BRGC regularly collects sales data split between “up to 80 litres” and “>80 litres”, and the makes the assumption that all appliances >80 litres are commercial. However the EN classifications put the threshold at 70 kW but considering and it is this threshold (equating to around 220 litres) that has been used for the present report. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 25 1.2 1.243 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY Commercial Cookers and Catering Equipment Contacts with CISA/EFCEM revealed that very few data are collected on commercial catering equipment markets, with figures available only on Germany and Italy. Under the circumstances, it was decided to undertake a modeling exercise based on catering establishment data kindly made available to the GASQUAL project on special terms by the market research company GIRA FOODSERVICE. GIRA FOODSERVICE has a position in the food service market similar to that enjoyed by BRGC in the heating sector. Under the terms of the agreement, BRGC has undertaken not to place the full raw GIRA data in the public domain. In addition, telephone Associations: - Europe, EFCEM - France, SYNEG - Germany, HKI - Italy, CECED Italia - Spain, FELAC interviews were conducted with National and with the catering equipment manufacturer FAGOR INDUSTRIAL. 1.244 Other Sectors No published data are available on other non domestic gas appliance market, and BRGC has been obliged to conduct a pragmatic programme of contacts within the relevant industries. Phone interviews/visits with manufacturers and associations were conducted, including: - GOGAS - ELVHIS - ICOM ENERG (via GL) - Kris de Wit (ARGB – KVBG) for Belgium. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 26 1.2 1.25 RESULTS AND CONFIDENCE LIMITS 1.251 Domestic Boilers OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY With the detailed sales data series that come from the BRGC database and reports, verified manufacturer market shares and modelling exercises, BRGC has a strong belief that the information for domestic individual boiler park is substantially accurate. However there are specific areas where softer estimated has proved necessary: - Germany L-gas using boilers have been subtracted using proportional rule (+/- 1.5% of boiler park) - the extent of Spanish dwellings converted from LPG to natural gas is difficult to measure (+/- 1.5% of boiler park) - data on park of boilers installed before 1992 (and therefore eliminated from the final figures as being pre-GAD) are less accurate than the park data for period 1992-2007 - for jet burner boilers (other than “units”) the oil/gas split is difficult to estimate accurately and other reasons (+ /- 2% of boiler park) - the share of full modulation in heating only boilers, especially those installed pre-2000. Overall, BRGC considers its domestic boiler numbers to be accurate within ±5%. 1.252 Domestic Water Heaters With the detailed sales data series that come from the BRGC database and reports, complemented by manufacturer market shares and modelling exercises BRG has strong believe that information for domestic water heater park is fairly accurate. However there are specific areas where relatively softer estimating has necessarily been applied: - the extent of Spanish and Portuguese dwellings converted from LPG to natural gas is difficult to measure, especially since such estimating needs to take into account conversions of existing water heaters, the replacement of existing water heaters, and the displacement of water heaters by combi boilers GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 27 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY - for instantaneous gas water heaters, BRGC’s regular monitoring of the market has not historically segmented sales by flue types or electronic versus water activated modulation. However, BRGC is aware of the broad patterns and trends, and believes that the estimates are sufficiently reliable for the purposes of identifying appliances that justify testing. - The share of products on LPG versus natural gas has been based on BRG internal reports as well as any other data available from public sources / discussions with manufacturers. Overall, BRGC considers its domestic boiler numbers to be accurate within ±8% 1.253 Domestic Cookers This is not a market that BRGC has previously studied, and with little data available from secondary sources on the park and sales, combined with a fairly fragmented industry, it was impossible to quantify certain technical characteristics, as outlined in INIG segmentation document To better understand burner and combustion technology BRGC conducted interviews with SABAF and CASTFUTURA, the largest OEM suppliers of burners to cooker manufacturers (~30%- 40% of OEM market across EU). BRGC also contacted number of large cooker manufacturers that produce own burners. Numbers on the total population of gas cookers are less accurate than those for boilers and water heaters and include mixed electric/gas hobs and mixed fuel free standing products. There are also softer estimates in relation to LPG. Overall, BRGC considers its domestic boiler numbers to be accurate within ±10% 1.254 Domestic Gas Fires and Room Heaters The extent and quality of the data available reflects to a large extent the geographical characteristics of these markets. The only two substantial markets in the EU are UK and the Netherlands, and it is only in these countries that any systematic attempt is made to monitor the markets. The Netherlands is of course excluded from the GASQUAL project, although exports from the Netherlands of EN 613 products make up a significant part of the small continental EU H gas market for such appliances. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 28 1.2 OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY For the UK market, BRGC is greatly obliged to VALOR FIRES (BAXI GROUP) for the very substantial inputs they have provided. Some quantified sales data were provided subject to a confidentiality undertaken. While these data have been used as the basis for what BRGC believes are substantially reliable park estimates, it is not possible to reveal the raw sales data in this report. For the much smaller (and wholly undocumented) Continental markets, BRGC much appreciates the inputs from FABER, ORANIER as well as ARGB-KVBG. However, with the possible exceptions of the room heaters (ORANIER type) in Germany and the wall hung EN 613 convectors in Hungary, the volumes are so small that it is not worth attempting to quantify each Member State separately. 1.255 Other Domestic Products Estimates of these very small markets are inevitably soft, but no amount of analysis would come to any other conclusion than that these appliances need to be covered by whatever policy the GASQUAL Project decides to adopt towards very small niche markets. 1.256 Non-Domestic Markets The non domestic markets form easily the most difficult part of WP1 from a research point of view, and a great deal of soft estimating is involved: - for collective and commercial boilers, BRGC is confident that from its historical research it is able to provide the best estimates that could be made available within the budget, even if the strength of the data is considerably lower than for domestic boilers - commercial water heaters are hardly an issue, apart from the large storage models on which BRGC has some historical data on sales of appliances >80 litres - for domestic catering equipment, access to the GIRA data provides a basis for estimating that is not generally available to the catering equipment industry. Even so, the estimates (except in Italy and Germany) are based on the application of assumptions rather than on direct market data. BRGC does not see any way of quantifying the market for the listed catering appliances other than cookers within the budget available - other space heating equipment markets are also very difficult to quantify. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 29 2.1 OVERALL APPROACH 2. CLASSIFICATIONS, DEFINITIONS AND TECHNICAL VARIABLES 2.1 OVERALL APPROACH During the early stages of the study a set of classifications were agreed as the basis of the market analysis. It was also agreed that as far as possible the analyses should be based on the EN classifications. For the most part the technical variables on which the classifications are based are product specific (see Section 2.4 below). However, some, including: - burner types (see Section 2.2) - flue types (see Section 2.3) apply to all or several product categories, and a specific set of classifications is needed for each. It should be note that the Proposal also requires the Market Study to take into consideration the penetration of special heating controls. However, since these are so far only fitted to boilers, coverage of them is confined to the boiler analysis. The agreed classifications are set out in Sections 2.2-2.4. In order to arrive at a market analysis based on the agreed classifications, it has been necessary: - to relate these classifications to the appliances and components that are actually found on the market - to make the best use of the market data that is available. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 30 Fig. 2.2-1 E.ON RUHRGAS CLASSIFICATION OF GAS BURNER FOR MARKET ANALYSIS /1 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 31 2.2 2.2 BURNERS BURNERS The classification of gas burners was based on inputs from: - Petra Nitschke-Kowsky (E.ON Ruhrgas) who submitted the matrix shown in Fig. 2.2-1 - Howard Levinsky (GASUNIE). In April 2009 the resulting basic classifications adopted were as shown in Fig. 2.2-2 below (left hand column). These classification were used as the basis for BRGC, research and analysis. However, since the first version of this report was circulated in August 2009, it has been proposed that a slightly different set of classifications for boiler burners. These basically separate the original category “Partial Premix” into: - atmospheric - fan assisted. These revised classifications also introduce some slightly different terminologies. Fig. 2.2-2 attempts to reconcile the various different sets of classifications: GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 32 2.2 BURNERS Fig. 2.2-2 H. LEWINSKY & E.ON CLASSIFICATIONS OF GAS BURNERS FOR MARKET ANALYSIS H. Levinsky (adopted April 2009) Non-premix “Partial premix” or “Conventional” E.ON Ruhrgas Classifications (ref Fig. 2.2-1) Revised Classifications and Terminology (October 2009) Characteristics Not included Not included Gas and air are not mixed prior to combustion 1,2,6,7 Atmospheric (Natural Draught) Partially Aerated Fan Assisted Partially Aerated Bunsen type: only part of the air necessary for combustion goes through the burner. The rest goes round the burner. 3,4,5,8,9* Atmospheric (Natural Draught) Fully Aerated Usually slightly overstoichiometric. Often flat/butterfly wing flame, rod cooled or water cooled* Premix burner 10 Fan Assisted Full Premix The air goes through the burner. Usually fanned. Jet burner/Forced air burner 13 Fan Assisted Non Premix (Jet Burners) Fan driven horizontal flame. Gas version of oil burner. Atmospheric premix Note*: since the submission of the first version of this report in August 2009, BRGC has been advised that the water cooled ribbed burners should be a sub-category of “partial premix” and not “atmospheric premix”. This implies that they are not in fact slightly over-stoichiometriic as suggested in Fig. 2.2-1. Working to the above classifications, BRGC conducted personal interviews with burner manufacturers. These revealed that: - “no premix” is not really a relevant category for the appliances under study - the vast majority of appliances use partial premix Bunsen type burners, which come in a variety of constructions (these are described in more detail in the relevant parts of Section 2.4) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 33 2.2 BURNERS Fig. 2.2-1 E.ON RUHRGAS CLASSIFICATION OF GAS BURNER FOR MARKET ANALYSIS /2 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 34 2.2 BURNERS - atmospheric premix burners are used primarily in low NOx non condensing boilers. Broadly speaking since the early 1990’s there has been a progression from rod cooled to flat (butterfly-wing) flames (OVO/OVAL type) to water cooled (for wall hung boilers). As mentioned above, BRGC has since been advised to include the ribbed water cooled burners as a sub category of “partial premix” rather than of “atmospheric premix” - fully premix burners are used in most condensing boilers (apart from some SEDBUK B models in the UK and possibly some other, early, condensing models, although this latter group may be largely in the Netherlands and/or pre GAD) - gas jet burners may be fitted to “gas units” (jet burner boilers with factory fitted gas burners), or (further down the distribution chain) to “oil/gas boilers” which do not have the jet burner fitted n the factory. The share of gas is difficult to quantify for the latter type since manufacturers do not know which fuel type will eventually be used. There is even a possibility of gas burners replacing oil burners later in the life of the boiler. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 35 2.3 2.3 FLUES FLUES Apart from condensing boilers with fully premix burners and jet burner boilers, the EN classifications for domestic gas boilers are closely linked to the flue type. The flue classifications follow these EN standards: Fig. 2.3 BASIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF FLUES Type Description Type A Flueless (applies to some UK gas fires and some water heaters). Type B Open flue: draws air for combustion from inside the room, and usually evacuates the waste gasses through the chimney or through a special outlet in the roof. Type C Room sealed: draws air for combustion from inside the building. Two main types are fanned (C32 and C33 which gives greater flexibility in siting the boiler, because up to 3 metres of flue can be used) or balanced flue (C11 which needs the appliance to be positioned near an outside wall). Used mainly in the UK and for gas fires throughout Europe. Sometimes for gas fires a longer version of the balance flue is used, which it is reported does not fit easily with the current test standards. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 36 Fig. 2.41-1 CLASSIFICATION OF DOMESTIC BOILER BY TYPE /1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Sector / Product Type EN Standard Product LEVEL 4 System LEVEL 5 Burner Controls Flue Sensor Conventional Modulation type Heating only Atmospheric premixed Wall-hung noncondensing Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Conventional EN625 Combination DOMESTIC BOILER Air / Gas Control EN 297 BOILER Type B Air / Gas Control Modulation type Atmospheric premixed Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Conventional Modulation type Heating only Atmospheric Premixed Floor-standing noncondensing (Excl Jet Burners) Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Conventional EN625 Combination GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Air / Gas Control Air / Gas Control Modulation type Atmospheric Premixed Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type 37 2.4 APPLIANCES AND APPLIANCE SPECIFIC VARIABLES 2.4 APPLIANCES AND APPLIANCE SPECIFIC VARIABLES 2.41 BOILERS The agreed classifications for domestic boilers are summarized in Figs. 2.41-1, 2.41-2, 2.41.3 and 2.41.4. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 38 Fig. 2.41-2 CLASSIFICATION OF DOMESTIC BOILER BY TYPE /2 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Sector / Product Type EN Standard Product LEVEL 4 System LEVEL 5 Burner Conventional Heating Only Fully premixed Wall-hung NonCondensing Conventional EN625 Combination DOMESTIC BOILER Atmospheric Premixed Atmospheric Premixed Fully premixed EN 483 BOILER Type C Conventional Heating Only Atmospheric Premixed Fully premixed Floor-Standing Non-Condensing (Excl Jet Burners) Conventional EN625 Combination Atmospheric Premixed Fully premixed GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Controls Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type 39 Fig. 2.41-3 CLASSIFICATION OF DOMESTIC BOILER BY TYPE /3 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Sector / Product Type EN Standard Product LEVEL 4 System Burner Heating Only Fully Premixed Wall Hung EN 677 BOILERS Condensing (equipped with a premix burner) DOMESTIC BOILER Combination EN625 Fully Premixed Heating Only Fully Premixed Floor- Standing Combination EN625 EN 303-3 BOILERS (equipped with forced draught burners) Jet burner boiler noncondensing Jet burner boiler condensing GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Fully Premixed LEVEL 5 Controls Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Heating Only Jet Burner Air / Gas Control Modulation type Flue Sensor Heating Only Jet Burner Air / Gas Control Modulation type 40 Fig. 2.41-4 CLASSIFICATION OF NON DOMESTIC BOILER BY TYPE /1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Sector / Product Type EN Standard EN 656 Floor Standing (70-300kW) NON DOMESTIC BOILER EN 13836 Floor Standing (300-1000kW) EN 303-7 BOILER (equipped with a forced draught burners) Levels 1 & 2: the main focus has been on domestic boilers, which BRGC classifies as boilers that provide central heating for a single dwelling unit, the great majority of which are <60 kW. It should be noted that those classified as “commercial” boilers (Fig. 2.41.5) include both those used for non-housing and those used for the collective heating of multi-dwelling building. In practice, distinguishing between “domestic” and “commercial” boilers is never absolutely precise in that: - different countries use different output levels as thresholds (e.g. Italy 35 kW, UK 44 kW, Germany 60 kW and France 70 kW). BRG, following EN classification, made estimates which would take 70kW as threshold for domestic products. - some boilers that are sold primarily for “domestic” use are also fitted in small non-housing premises (“light commercial”) - in the “commercial” boiler market there is a growing trend towards installing “cascades” of wall hung condensing boilers. Individually these units may fall below the normally accepted output thresholds for “commercial” boilers, but they are always installed in groups. It is assumed that these are treated as domestic boilers in the EN classification, but it may be worth considering whether a cascade installation should be tested. Level 3: while it has been argued that the distinction between “wall hung” and “floor standing” boilers may not be critical to the GASQUAL project, in reality the distinction is valid because of the different construction of burners used for each category (especially with regard to low NOx models using atmospheric premix burners or water cooled burners). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 41 Level 4: - System: this classification relates to the sanitary hot water provision function of the boiler: • combination boilers include only those with direct production of instantaneous hot water, although some models may have supplementary built-in storage tanks or pre-heat/“micro accumulation” facilities. The great majority of combi boilers are wall hung, but there are some floor standing combis sold, notably in the UK. BRGC believes that this definition (used historically by BRGC for its market analyses) corresponds to the EN 625 definitions • heating only boilers do not produced directly heated sanitary hot water, but many (probably most) are connected to a hot water cylinder that is indirectly heated using a secondary circuit. Combination boilers were the main drivers of the development of continuous modulation. - Burners (see also Section 2.2 above): with a few exceptions, the patterns of burner use are fairly straightforward: • non condensing boilers (other than low NOx models) use conventional partial premix Bunsen type burners (mainly bladed for wall hung and tubular for floor standing). Most wall hung non condensing Low NOx boilers use water cooled bladed burners. It is understood that this type of burner should be included as a subcategory of atmospheric partial premix rather than atmospheric fully premix • non condensing low NOx models use some form of atmospheric premix burner (generally with rods or “oval” types for floor standing). There are also mesh/matrix type burners. As mentioned above, most wall hung low NOx boilers have water cooled rib type burners, but there are some with rod or mesh type cooling • condensing boilers (apart from some SEDBUK B models in the UK and maybe some very early condensing boilers elsewhere) use fanned premix burners. There are some non condensing boilers with fan assisted burners (e.g. ECOFLAM, IMAR and BALTUR in Italy and some VIESSMANN boilers in Germany) but it is not clear whether these should be classified as fanned premix or fan assisted partial premix. Flue types: Type A is not relevant to boilers. The overall trend for wall hung non condensing boilers has been away from Type B towards Type C. Within Type C, balanced flues (C11) are found mainly in the UK, but the trend has been away from theses towards fanned flues (C31). In can be assumed that all condensing boilers use Type C flues, especially designed for condensing use. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 42 Level 5: - Modulation: this is a poorly documented area. Modulation (and in particular continuous modulation) was introduced above all as a means of reducing the water content of wall hung combi boilers, and the great majority of combis are now continuously modulating. There may be some low priced models still in the park that are step modulating. The penetration of modulation in heating only boilers (and especially floor standing models) was slower, but today almost all heating only boilers sold are continuously modulating (the few open vented cast iron boilers still sold in the UK may be exceptions) - Special combustion controls: these included flame signal gas adaptors (e.g. SCOT and SIETHERM PRO), and flue sensor adaptors. In practice such supplementary controls are fitted only to a small number of condensing wall hung boilers - the proposal also requires air/gas ratio controls to be covered. However BRGC understands that pneumatic air/gas ratio controls are the standard modulating controls that are sold by HONEYWELL and SIT. These are not designed to broaden the range of gasses that can be used, but rather they need to be set for the gasses that are used in each country/region in which the boiler is to be sold. There are also electronic air/gas ratio controls but BRGC’s understanding that even where these are fitted the boiler needs to be adapted to the quality of gas used. Since the circulation of the original version of this report it has been pointed out (by the UK representative on the CEN 197 Committee) that both for boilers and water heaters there are many GAD compliant appliances that are still in use that do not have air/gas controls but have simple controls consisting of an appliance governor or throttle - the proposal also mentions pressure controls. Pressure governors are fitted as standard to the modulating controls supplied by SIT and HONEYWELL; also there are special restrictions on how they are used in France. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 43 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 44 Fig. 2.42-1 DOMESTIC WATER HEATER CLASSIFICATIONS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Sector / Product Type EN Standards Condensation Flue Controls EN26 Instantaneous Non-Condensing Type B Type C Type B Type C Type B Type C Modulation type DOMESTIC WATER HEATER Condensing EN89 Storage Non-Condensing Modulation type Modulation type Modulation type Modulation type Modulation type Fig. 2.42-2 NON-DOMESTIC WATER HEATER CLASSIFICATION LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Sector Product Type EN Standard NON DOMESTIC WATER HEATER EN89 Storage GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 45 2.42 WATER HEATERS The categories of gas water heater covered are shown in Fig. 2.42-1 and Fig. 2.42-2. It is assumed that all instantaneous gas water heaters are for domestic use. In general those <10 litres per minute are single point and are not necessarily the primary source of sanitary hot water for the dwelling (although they may be, especially in Spain and Portugal). Models of 10+ litres per minute are generally multi-point and therefore are often the primary source of hot water for the dwelling. One challenge is to estimate the substantial proportion of instantaneous gas water heaters, again especially in Spain and Portugal, that use LPG rather than H Gas. Also, it is known that many of those originally using LPG have been converted to H gas when the gas network arrived, and this is probably an ongoing process. This has resulted in the need for some rather “soft” estimating. For gas storage water heaters, BRGC has in the past generally assumed that those up to 80 litres capacity are for domestic use and those >80 litres are for commercial use. There is a significant usage of such appliances in “light commercial premises that need a plentiful supply of hot water such as hairdressers and restaurants. However, the EN classification gives the threshold at 70 kW, which is thought to be closer to a 220 litre capacity. For the GASQUAL project BRGC has adopted this threshold. In instantaneous gas water heaters, most appliances have water activated modulation. Some of the premium models are continuously modulating (electronic) but the precise share of these is difficult to quantify. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 46 Fig. 2.43-1 EN CLASSIFICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC SPACE AND AIR HEATERS LEVEL 1 Sector Product Type LEVEL 2 EN Standard EN 613 (including BS7977-1) Independent space heaters without fan EN 1266 Independent space heaters with fan SPACE HEATERS EN 509 Fuel effect EN 14438 Gas-fired insets for heating more than one room EN 13278 Open fronted independent space heaters DOMESTIC EN 14829 Flue-less space heaters AIR HEATERS EN 778 Forced convection air heaters <70kW EN 1319 Forced convection with fan assisted burner <70kW EN 1196 Condensing air heaters GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 47 2.43 ROOM HEATERS AND GAS W ARM AIR SYSTEMS The EN classifications for this family of appliances are shown in Fig. 2.43-1. The descriptions given for each category are those provided in a listing submitted by AFNOR. However, some further explanation about the product actually tested under some of these EN categories may be helpful, especially in relating the EN numbers to the UK’s SBGI classifications which form the basis of BRGC’s statistical analysis of the very large UK market (for gas fires the only other substantial market is the Netherlands which is excluded because it is based on L gas): - EN 613 (independent space heaters without fan) covers most balanced and open flue gas fires and room heaters, including glass fronted “live fuel effect fires” sold in continental Europe, wall hung convectors (e.g. in Hungary and SBGI “wall heaters” in the UK), floor standing room heaters (e.g. ORANIER type in Germany). In the UK, the majority of “radiant convectors” (SBGI, mainly old style ceramic gas fires) and “live fuel effect fires” (SBGI “inset living flame”, “outset living flame” and “balanced flue”) are installed in builders openings rather than having a directly fitted flue as required by EN 613. For this reason they are tested under BS7977-1, which nonetheless comes within the auspices of the GAD). On the Continent, it seems that almost all gas fires and room heaters are tested under EN 613 - EN 1266 (independent space heaters with fan) probably covers the relatively small market for fanned flue products (mainly continental). This Standard does not seem to be used in the UK, where most of the fanned flue products come under EN 13278. BRG still researches market for EN 1266 - EN 509 (fuel effect): this is very much a UK product, classified by SBGI as “decorative gas fires”. These open fronted gas fires have more of a decorative than a heating function, and products tested under EN 509 are not allowed to claim any efficiency levels - EN 14438 (gas fired insets for heating more than one room). Logically this would include models such the FABER PELGRIM KOMPAKT and SELECT models, but few are sold outside the Netherlands, and it seems that these products are tested mainly under EN 613 - EN 13278 (open fronted independent space heaters): includes SBGI “fanned flue” (mainly live fuel effect fires) - EN 14829 (flueless space heaters) applies mainly in the UK (SBGI “flueless fires”). These products claim 100% efficiency but need a catalytic converter to process the waste gasses. - EN 788: (forced convection air heaters <70 kW). This is used in the UK for open flue gas warm air systems (whole dwelling) - EN 1319: (forced convection air heaters <70 kW with fan assisted burner). This is used in the UK for room sealed gas warm air systems (whole dwelling). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 48 Fig. 2.44-1 DOMESTIC COOKER CLASSIFICATIONS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Sector / Product Type EN Standard Product Freestanding cookers DOMESTIC COOKER EN 30-1-1,3,4 Gas cooking appliances Hotplates Others gas cooking appliances EN 30-1-2 and EN 30-2-2 Forced Convection ovens and/or grills Ovens/grills Fig. 2.44-2 NON-DOMESTIC COOKER CLASSIFICATIONS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Sector Product Type EN Standard Open burners and wok burners EN 203-2-1 Chargrills EN 203-2-10 Pasta cookers EN 203-2-11 Ovens EN 203-2-2 NON DOMESTIC CATERING EQUIPMENT EN 203-1 & EN 2032-1 to 11 Boiling pans EN 203-2-3 Fryers EN 203-2-4 Hot water heaters for beverage EN 203-2-6 Salamanders and rotisseries EN 203-2-7 Brat pans and paella cookers EN 203-2-8 Solid tops, warming plates and griddles EN 203-2-9 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 49 2.44 COOKERS The EN Classifications (Fig. 2.44-1) for domestic gas cookers are: - domestic cookers: EN30-1-1, 3,4 & EN 30-2-1 - forced-convection ovens and/or grills. In practice, available data on this market are so thin that it has only been possible to quantify all EN 30 appliances together, giving the split between: - built-in - free standing. This split is relevant since built-in ovens (being generally smaller) are likely to be more sensitive to gas quality. Some reference is made in the report to the distinctions between high level (open) grills and grills built into the oven cavity. Within the latter, the trend towards ovens designed for use of the grill with the oven door closed is also relevant. As far as burners are concerned, all cooker burners (for hob, oven and grill) “take air from outside” and are therefore classified as partial premix Bunsen type. There are some sub-categories for hob burners: - fricative vs. ring (ring more stable but more expensive) - single vs. double or triple ring. Multiple ring are likely to be more sensitive to gas quality. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 50 Fig. 2.45-1 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Sector / Product Type EN Standard EN 12752-1 & EN 12752-2 Tumble dryers <20kW EN 1458-1 & EN 1458-2 Tumble dryers <6kW DOMESTIC OTHER EN 12309-1 & 2 Heat Pump EN 12244-1 & EN 12244-2 Washing machine No EN number for Micro CHP yet GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 51 2.45 OTHER GAS APPLIANCES The markets for other gas appliances (see Fig. 2.45-1) are either very small or very difficult to quantify or both. There are particular difficulties in quantifying the non-domestic/commercial market, and these are all covered in a single section of the report (Section 9). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 52 Fig. 2.45-2 OTHER NON DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES /1 LEVEL 1 Sector LEVEL 2 Product Type EN Standard EN 525 Direct forced convection <300kW EN 621 Forced convection air heaters <300kW EN 1020 Indirect forced convection <300kW AIR HEATER EN 1196 Condensing air heaters NON DOMESTIC EN 12669 Air heaters for green house applications EN 416-1 &EN 416-2 Overhead radiant-tube heaters EN 777-1 to 4 Overhead radiant-system heaters RADIANT HEATER EN 419-1 & EN 419-2 Overhead luminous radiant heaters Fig. 2.45-2 OTHER NON DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES /2 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Sector / Product Type EN Standard NON DOMESTIC OTHER EN 12244-1 &EN 12244-2 Commercial laundry appliances (Washing machines) no EN number Micro CHP GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 53 PART II: MARKET DATA GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 54 Fig 3.11-2 TOTAL PARK 2007 FOR DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES* IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES Country I. Boiler II. Water Heater III. Cookers United Kingdom 21 434 1 184 10 843 Italy 13 116 3 174 24 445 France 9 000 2 950 Spain 4 342 Germany IV. Space heaters Other Total *** 45 427 *** *** 40 736 12 866 *** *** 24 816 7 913 3 980 *** *** 16 234 8 140 2 217 2 168 829 *** 13 354 Poland 1 466 2 179 7 191 *** *** 10 836 Hungary 1 495 848 2 600 3 500 *** 8 443 Czech Republic 1 568 467 2 451 *** *** 4 485 Belgium 1 870 1 386 600 250 *** 4 106 Portugal 198 3 115 *** *** *** 3 314 Slovak Republic 633 193 1 290 *** *** 2 117 Romania 1 556 214 *** *** *** 1 770 Austria 701 195 539 *** *** 1 434 Ireland 613 36 *** *** *** 649 Denmark 329 9 96 5 *** 439 Greece 115 22 30 *** *** 167 Total 66 577 26 103 69 098 16 550 *** 178 327 (1) 11 966 * all numbers in (‘000). The figures refer to the total park, including appliances installed pre 1993. Subsequent analyses refer mainly to the post 1992 (GAD) park. *** BRG expects these markets to be relatively small. (1): Number includes 480,000 ducted gas warm air systems. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 55 3.1 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE POPULATIONS 3. GAS APPLIANCE POPULATIONS: EU OVERVIEW 3.1 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE POPULATIONS 3.11 ALL DOMESTIC APPLIANCES The total estimated park of domestic H-gas using appliances gas across the 16 EU Member States specifically covered by the study is around 178.3 million (Fig. 3.11-1). It is estimated that this figure represents close to 95% of domestic H-gas appliances installed in the EU. BRGC’s analysis has attempted to exclude L-Gas consuming appliances (this has involved excluding the Netherlands from the project) and also appliance on LPG. The analysis, presented in later parts of report also attempts to exclude all appliances still in use but installed pre-1993. Fig. 3.11-1 includes total park of appliances as of the end of 2007. Fig. 3.11-1 TOTAL PARK OF GAS USING APPLIANCES IN 2007 TOTAL PARK 2007* : 178 327 9% 37% 39% 15% I. Boiler II. Water Heater III. Cookers IV. Space heaters * all numbers ‘(000) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 56 3.1 DOMESTIC APPLIANCE POPULATIONS Fig. 3.11-1 clearly illustrates the relative importance of boilers and cookers, which between them account for 76% of the total park. There is also park of radiant heaters in UK in Fig. 3.11-1 included in others. Fig. 3.11-1 does not include the “others category which is too small to show up. “other” appliances include: 3.12 - washing machines - tumble driers - heat pumps - micro-CHP. TOTAL PARK BY MEMBER STATE Fig. 3.12-1 shows that the top 6 countries (UK, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Poland) together account for 85% of the park of appliances in the 16 countries covered. The UK is easily the largest market for boilers (UK, Italy, France and Germany account for 78% of the gas boiler park) and space heaters (UK >70%), while Italy is clear leader in gas cookers (Italy, France, UK and Poland account for >80%). In terms of trends: - in most of the larger markets the domestic boiler park is nearing saturation, but trends favour wall hung against floor standing and there is a rapid move towards condensing which should accelerate if and when the EUP Eco-Design proposals are implemented. There is still scope for enlarging the park in countries where the gas networks are still being extended, but for climatic and other reasons such growth in the uptake of gas central heating may be limited (Spain, Portugal, Greece). In Eastern Europe much will depend on policy towards district heating. The domestic boiler park could even be eroded in some of the larger markets if policy swings towards district heating (local CHP) or back towards collective heating (starting in Italy) - the gas water heater market is now largely a replacement market, with the park generally declining in favor of combi boilers and other solutions linked to central heating. Against this, there may be some scope for the H-gas park to gain share from LPG, notably in Spain and Portugal - the gas fires/room heater markets are probably loosing share both to central heating and to electricity, and in some cases (e.g. EN 509 in the UK) to solid fuel. EUP process has started, which could against products such as EN 509. There is an argument that increasingly well insulated houses may shift from central to room heating (+ perhaps solar for water heating) but this is marginal so far GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 57 3.2 - 3.2 COMMERCIAL APPLIANCE POPULATIONS the gas cookers population is now losing to electricity because of the technological advances that have been made on the electrical side. The trend is towards built-in appliances COMMERCIAL APPLIANCE POPULATIONS Quantifying the populations of commercial appliances has, as anticipated, proved to be extremely difficult. This is largely because few such markets are statistically monitored by the industries involved. BRGC tentatively estimates the following total populations (16 countries 1993-2007 installations): Product Boilers >70 kW Gas Storage Water Heaters >70 kW Catering Equipment Other (mainly radiant & air heaters) ‘000 pieces 863 241 [1,872 catering establishments] 2.5-3.5 million GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 58 3.2 COMMERCIAL APPLIANCE POPULATIONS GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 59 4.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS BOILER PARK BY COUNTRY 4. DOMESTIC GAS BOILER MARKET 4.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS BOILER PARK BY COUNTRY 4.11 DEFINING THE DOMESTIC BOILER MARKET BRGC defines the domestic boiler market as being the market for boilers below 70 kW. In general these provide central heating for a single dwelling unit, whether this be: - an individual house (detached, semi-detached or terraced) - a single apartment within an apartment building. The definition does not include collective heating for dwellings (i.e. where one boiler or group of boilers heats more than one dwelling unit). Boilers for the collective and block heating of apartments are grouped by BRGC together with commercial boilers (for non housing) classified as “collective and commercial boilers”, including the elements of cascade systems (see Section 9). Within the German definitions, BRGC’s definition of individual (or autonomous) domestic central heating includes: - all Etagenheizung in apartment buildings - Zentralheizung in 1 and 2 dwelling houses (assuming that each dwelling in a 2 dwelling house has its own boiler), but not in apartment buildings. Most such “domestic” boilers are likely to be under 70 kW (in practice the great majority are <35 kW). Thus the domestic gas boiler park can broadly be quantified in terms of the number of dwellings on autonomous H-gas central heating. However not all such boilers are domestic. There is a “light commercial” market. However, BRGC has not attempt to separate out the light commercial market where the appliances used are the same as those in the autonomous domestic market. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 60 4.1 4.12 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS BOILER PARK BY COUNTRY METHODOLOGY FOR QUANTIFYING THE PARK The requirements of the GASQUAL Market Study within WP1 are for quantifying the park (population) of domestic boilers rather than the annual sales figures. This BRGC has attempted to do this for base year 2007. Since, as explained below, estimating the national park of boilers by the required technical segmentations, BRGC has undertaken the exercise for the 16 Member States that make up close to 98% of the EU gas boiler park (excluding the Netherlands which is omitted from the study because of its use of L gas). Perhaps surprisingly given its importance within the overall energy consumption in each country, data on the park of domestic heating available in the public domain are scarce, intermittent and incomplete in terms of the segmentations required for the current project. Some data have appeared during the period under review. In France there was a significant INSEE studying 1996. In Italy useful overview data from DOXA were made available to BRGC by SNAM, but none have been forthcoming since 1995. In Germany some data is prepared by the Chimney Sweepers Association, but we have never seen these presented in a useful format. GfK is known to monitor the market in UK and Germany, but these data are not in the public domain and would be beyond the budget of this project. In view of the above, the only methodology available is: - to use whatever incomplete data that is available as a reality check - to calculate the park on the basis of BRGC’s unique database of annual boiler sales from 1990-2007. It is this exercise (herein referred to as “BRGC Park Model”) that has been carried out by BRGC for the 16 selected countries (in order of size of park these are UK, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Ireland. Slovakia, Denmark, Greece, Romania). The historical sales data which form the basis of the modeling exercise are based primarily on information received from boiler manufacturers, crossed checked against total market estimates and incorporating estimates for non-responding manufacturers. The data have been collected from the industry in different ways according to the technical variables involved: - actual returns of individual manufacturers’ sales for boiler types: • wall hung non condensing • wall hung condensing • floor standing gas non condensing (excluding jet burner) • floor standing gas condensing (excluding jet burner) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 61 • - jet burner boilers: •• gas “units” •• oil/gas boilers (for these it is not possible to tell what proportion will eventually be gas as opposed to oil because the burner is not fitted by the manufacturer. BRGC has assumed the share of gas to be 15%) consensus of opinion on annual trends in the shares of: • combi vs. heating only • flue types (Type B vs. Type C) • low NOx models within the non-condensing boiler categories • sales by output (kWh) • other variables that are not so relevant to the current study share as heat exchanger materials and ignition types. It is stressed that the above inputs to the “BRGC Park Model” are drawn from BRGC’s ongoing multi client research programme and remain the intellectual property of BRGC. This leaves some technical variables on which data have not been systematically collected over the years, and for which BRGC has been obliged to conduct research specifically for the present study: - segmentation by burner types - the penetration of special combustion controls - trends in modulation (fixed flame vs. step modulation vs. continuous modulation). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 62 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 63 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK 4.21 GENERAL APPROACH 4.211 Industry Characteristics BRGC’s remit for WP1 is to segment the EU park of domestic gas boilers according to certain technical variables that have been agreed within the Consortium (based largely on EN classifications) during the early part of the project. However in order to arrive at the analysis required it is necessary to go through the stage of relating these defined parameters to what is physically out there in the market and boiler park. The main objective of the WP1 Market Study is to support the selection of appliances to be tested. This implies evaluating the relative importance of each of the technical variables and identifying clusters of products or models types that match these variables. This in turn should facilitate the selection of models for testing that can confidently be considered as technically representative of these clusters. A step towards clustering the types and models of boilers in the EU park is to identify specific or shared characteristics (historical and current) of national markets and of boiler manufacturers. It is the manufacturers and their component suppliers who have driven the technological developments that have created today’s product segments, but the patterns of technological development have differed between different parts of the European boiler industry. To make the market analysis more manageable, BRGC has divided the industry into a number of different categories of manufacturer within each of which there are likely to be shared characteristics. Because of the numerous acquisitions that have taken place over the years, several of the larger holding companies in the industry have subsidiaries that fall into different groupings. A summary of market shares per product categories across the 16 countries can be found in Fig. 4.211-1 to Fig. 4.211-4 while Figs 4.211-5 to 4.211-11 provide more detail on the structure and evolution of each of the main industry groupings. These Figs. make reference to the burner categories submitted by EON RUHRGAS (see Fig. 2.2-1). It should be noted that for analytical purposes the French, Italian and Spanish wall hung boiler manufacturers have many shared characteristics, and could effectively be merged into one grouping. BRGC has not prepared a Fig. for the east European industry yet all. Amongst the manufacturers with gas boiler that are based in the newer Member States in Eastern Europe ranges are: GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 64 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK - PROTHERM (VAILLANT via SAUNIER DUVAL) manufacturing mainly wall hung boilers in Slovakia - ATTACK, manufacturing gas and solid fuel boilers in Slovakia - VIADRUS (ZDB) in the Czech Republic whose main strength is in solid fuel boilers but which also offers wall hung and floor standing gas boilers - DAKON (BOSCH) in the Czech Republic which is strong in solid fuel but also in gas boilers. Although the groupings in the Figs. 4.211-1 to 11 do not form part of the final analysis required for WP1, they will be referred to in the chapters that follow as a convenient way of explaining the technical evolution of the EU boiler market. Fig. 4.211-1 WALL HUNG CONDENSING SHARES: 16 COUNTRIES 1993-2007 HOLDING (1) COMPANY / BRAND NAME VAILLANT GROUP VAILLANT (2) 19% WORCESTER 10% BUDERUS 7% JUNKERS 4% BAXI BAXI HEATING UK 8% ISG IDEAL 8% VIESSMANN VIESSMANN 7% BOSCH Park Share 1993-2007 Other 35% * Includes GLOW WORM and S-DUVAL Note: (1) based on 2008 ownerships. (2) includes SAUNIER DUVAL and GLOW WORM Fig. 4.211-2 WALL HUNG NON-CONDENSING SHARES: 16 COUNTRIES 1993-2007 HOLDING COMPANY / BRAND NAME Park Share 1993-2007 VAILLANT 8% SAUNIER DUVAL 7% JUNKERS 6% WORCESTER 4% ELM LEBLANC 3% BAXI BAXI 5% ARISTON CHAFFOTEAUX ET MAURY 4% IMMERFIN IMMERGAS 4% RIELLO BERETTA 3% ISG IDEAL 3% Others 54% VAILLANT GROUP BOSCH GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 65 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-3 FLOOR STANDING NON-CONDENSING SHARES: 16 COUNTRIES 1993-2007 HOLDING COMPANY / BRAND NAME Park Share 1993-2007 BAXI 7% POTTERTON 3% BAXI FRANCE 2% BAXI HEATING UK 4% VIESSMANN 6% VAILLANT 6% GLOW-WORM 4% BOSCH BUDERUS 6% ISG IDEAL 3% REMEHA DE DIETRICH 3% CENTROTEC WOLF 2% Other 53% BAXI VIESSMANN VAILLANT GROUP Fig. 4.211-4 FLOOR STANDING CONDENSING SHARES: 16 COUNTRIES 1993-2007 HOLDING COMPANY / BRAND NAME Park Share 1993-2007 BAXI HEATING UK 12% BAXI FRANCE 2% VIESSMANN VIESSMANN 6% ISG IDEAL 4% BOSCH WORCESTER 3% VAILLANT GROUP VAILLANT 3% BAXI Others 69% BRGC believes it is important to point out that the supply of boilers has become very international, certainly since the GAD came into force in 1992. While there are still national peculiarities, BRGC believes that these are few enough to allow all the significant ones to have been identified in the analysis that follows. The above comments are particularly relevant to new newer member states that joined the EU after the GAD came into force. While it might be argued that the study should only consider boilers installed in these countries post-accession, in practice the vast majority of gas boilers installed in these countries since 1993 were either manufactured in existing Member States or in local subsidiaries of holdings based in existing Member States. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 66 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-5 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE GERMAN THERMEN SECTOR Structural Overview Sector comprises the two German companies with an instantaneous gas water heater/lightweight wall hung boiler ("Thermen") ancestry. Both have subsequently expanded by acquiring boiler manufactures that have different ancestries. Note that the market shares given below refer only to the VAILLANT and JUNKERS (including BOSCH and VULCANO) brands, not to the total group sales. Holding VAILLANT BOSCH Brand/Range VAILLANT JUNKERS/BOSCH/VULCANO Historical Perspective Up to the mid 1990’s (when condensing boilers started to gain share in Germany), wall hung boiler supply to the German market was effectively shared between two producers, VAILLANT and BOSCH THERMOTEKNIK (JUNKERS brand) selling "Thermen" type boilers under DIN 3368. These two also dominated instantaneous gas water heater production. There was a clear distinction (both in terms of DIN standards and in terms of installers) between the “Thermen” sector (wall hung boilers and instantaneous gas water heaters) and the “Heizkessel” sector (floor standing boilers, both dedicated gas and jet burner oil and gas). VAILLANT and JUNKERS currently hold some 75% of the German non-condensing wall hung boiler market, but face much stronger competition in the condensing sector, where their combined share is <30%. VAILLANT and JUNKERS both export wall hung boilers all over Europe. They also sell floor standing gas boilers in Germany (VAILANT more than JUNKERS) but exports of these products is limited. Both produce their boilers in Germany, but have moved their instantaneous gas water heater production abroad (BOSCH to Portugal and Turkey and VAILLANT to Spain). Technical Characteristics Overview The two “Thermen” producers were slow to develop suitable condensing boilers, and it was the accelerating uptake of condensing oilers from the mid 1990’s that opened the door to the Heizkessel producers (and to some importers) to challenge the wall hung duopoly of VAILLANT and JUNKERS. The German Thermen wall hung boilers were generally considered more sophisticated than the French and Italian types. We believe that VAILLANT and BOSCH produce some of their own burners, and all products were sold as “low temperature” (Niedertemperatur). The Germans pushed low NOx in non condensing boilers, and most non condensing burners are classified as premix (but not fan assisted). After a slow start the two manufacturers have seen their sales move increasingly towards condensing. In Germany for wall hung boilers the proportion of there sales taken by condensing boilers grew. Internationally, VAILLANT and JUNKERS have sold wall hung boilers produced in Germany, but with less emphasis on the low temperature and low NOx aspects. Both companies also in the 1990's introduced lower priced lines to compete with the French and Italian (VAILLANT with the "Euroline" TURBOBLOCK and JUNKERS with the NOVATHERM produced in it Portuguese VULCANO plant. There may also have been some JUNKERS imports from Turkey. Burner types Non condensing wall hung (German market) Non condensing wall hung (international) Condensing wall hung Floor standing gas non condensing Floor standing gas condensing Jet burner BRGC’s recollection is that by the mid 1990’s these German wall hung boilers were increasingly sold as “low NOx" and “premix” (but were not fan assisted). The EON chart suggests that all non-condensing wall hung boilers would use the rib type, but that the German boilers would have progressed from 6 through to 9, while the French, Italian and Spanish products would have remained mainly with type 6. For low NOx VAILLANT has its own water cooled burner, but BOSCH is thought to source from POLIDORO. Both in Germany and internationally the combis will have been fully modulating, and today the heating only models are as well. 6-9, but probably with a higher proportion remaining longer on 6. Combis (and now heating only) fully modulating (possible that the BOSCH NOVATHERM was step modulating). Both in Germany and internationally, the condensing boilers are fitted with the fan assisted premix type 11 (modulating). VAILLANT has one model using type 12 with flue sensors. BOSCH reportedly decided against special combustion controls. VAILLANT more important than JUNKERS, with concentration on German market (therefore low temperature). VAILLANT is thought to have opted for the rod cooled low NOx burner. VAILLANT more important than JUNKERS, with concentration on German market. Condensing models used fully premix burners. Not in VAILLANT or JUNKERS/BOSCH ranges. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 67 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-6 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE FRENCH WALL HUNG SECTOR Structural Overview Sector comprises the three French companies (all of whom have now been acquired by foreign boiler manufacturers) with an instantaneous gas water heater/lightweight wall hung boiler ancestry. Together with the two German "Thermen" companies, these three French manufacturers effectively created the European lightweight wall hung boiler (and especially the combi boiler) market. Also included in this group is a fourth French wall hung boiler manufacturer, FRISQUET. FRISQUET has a much smaller international presence than the other three, and has rather distinctive models with an exclusive type of burner. Holding VAILLANT BOSCH MTS FRISQUET Brand/Range SAUNIER DUVAL ELM LEBLANC CHATTOTEAUX ET MAURY FRISQUET Historical Perspective French wall hung boiler manufacturers: the French non-condensing wall hung boiler market has long been dominated by 4 indigenous producers: - SAUNIER DUVAL (now owned by VAILLANT) - CHAFFOTEAUX ET MAURY (now owned by MTS/ARISTON and rebranded simply as "CHAFFOTEAUX") - ELM LEBLANC (now owned by BOSCH) - FRISQUET. The first three were amongst the pioneers of the mass market combi boilers, and made a large contribution to the development of that market not only in France, but also in the UK, Italy and Spain. Indeed, the Italian and Spanish industries are thought largely to have followed the French (even though the Germans were also active on their markets). The French (and subsequently the Italian) wall hung boilers were generally perceived as being less sophisticated than the German ones. The main French wall hung boiler manufacturers sell a limited range of floor standing boilers. FRISQUET stands out from the other three in that it has special models that are very little sold outside France. FRISQUET offers a range of relatively high priced copper wall hung boilers with pre-heat cylinders and special burners. It has recently launched a condensing range. Technical Characteristics Overview With the exception of FRISQUET, French wall hung boiler producers emerged from the instantaneous gas water heater industry. Both in France and internationally they were largely responsible (from the 1980's), developing a mass market for wall hung combi boilers that were probably less sophisticated than the German models. Until recently the products were fixed water temperature non condensing. They followed the Italians into combis with storage, and since the late 1990s they have pioneered the "micro accumulation" concept. Over the past few years (probably partly as a defensive measure against anticipated Eco-Design recommendations), an increasing proportion of their boilers are offered (and tested) as "low temperature" boilers. It is thought that the great majority of their non condensing models use copper heat exchangers. As condensing boilers gained ground internationally they have all introduced condensing models. The share of condensing is now growing rapidly in France (24% in 2007). Burner types Non condensing wall hung Mainly Type 6. SAUNIER DUVAL is thought to produce many of its own burners, and CHAFFOTEAUX used to do so prior to its acquisition by MTS Condensing wall hung Both in France and internationally, the condensing boilers are fitted with the fan assisted premix (type No. 10). Floor standing gas non condensing Very limited involvement. Floor standing gas condensing Very limited involvement. Jet burner Not supplied GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 68 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-7 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE ITALIAN WALL HUNG SECTOR Structural Overview In terms of the number of producers/assemblers, Italy has the largest and most fragmented gas boiler industry in Europe, with dozens of mainly family owned companies. These are grouped around a relatively small number of component manufacturers, including WORGAS and POLIDORO in burners, SIT and now BERTELLI in controls, GIANNONI in heat exchangers etc. There is only space below to list a few of the largest boiler manufacturers. It should be noted that BRGC has not attempted to analysis separately the Italian floor standing gas boiler industry since it overlaps to a large extent with the wall hung industry. Much of the now declining floor standing boiler industry was dependent on the few manufacturers that maintained their own foundries (FERROLI, SIME, BIASI, IDEAL CLIMA and GRUPPO IMAR). Holding Brand/Range RIELLO BERETTA/SYLBER/VOLKERA RIELLO/THERMITAL IMMERFIN MTS IMMERGAS/ALPHA/HYDROTHERM ARISTON & others BAXI FERROLI BIASI BAXI FERROLI/FER/ STARCLIMA BIASI/SAVIO Historical Perspective After the Italian wall hung boiler market had been pioneered mainly by the French and Germans, and encouraged by rapid gasification in the early 1990’s, a large and fragmented Italian wall hung boiler industry developed, led by BERETTA/RIELLO, but with IMMERGAS, FERROLI, MTS etc growing rapidly. Italy became Europe’s largest wall hung boiler market, with sales consistently running at close to one million pieces a year. There were said at one time to be over 100 producers (or more accurately assemblers). The Italians have developed a substantial export business, and are present in almost every EU market. In particular they were very active in the UK, but have lost ground since the switch to condensing in 2005. Many of the Italians offer floor standing gas boilers (notably RIELLO, FERROLI, IMMERGAS, SIME etc. These are both steel, cast iron and copper, with the last named type being close to a floor standing combi. It should be noted that there are some Italian wall hung boiler producers whose products diverge from the normal patterns in using fan assisted premix burners for non condensing boilers (ECOFLAM, IMAR and BALTUR). Technical Characteristics Overview The industry grew (mostly in the North Eastern quarter of the country) based on a few major component suppliers, of which WORGAS and POLIDORO were dominant in burners, supplying, it is thought, overwhelmingly type 6 burners to the Italian industry. The main product was the (relatively simple) non-condensing combi. The Italians did pioneer the combi with a 40 litre storage tank, but sales stagnated at around 10% of the market. As in France (and for the same reasons), the Italian manufacturers have recently moved rapidly towards presenting their boilers as “low temperature”. Most of the Italians now offer condensing models. The condensing market is now developing quite rapidly after a slow start, accounting for some 20% of sales in 2007. One specific of the Italian market is that many wall hung boilers are installed on balconies. Perhaps 20% of sales of wall hung boilers in Italy are of models specifically designed for such siting, but it is reported that other models are also installed on balconies. Burner types Non condensing wall hung Condensing wall hung Overwhelmingly Type 6 supplied by WORGAS and POLIDORO. ECOFLAM, IMAR and BALTUR closer to Type 10, even for non-condensing. Both in Italy and internationally, the condensing boilers are fitted with the fan assisted premix type No. 10). Pioneered by the Dutch BEKAERT, these premix burners are now offered by both WORGAS and POLIDORO. Floor standing gas non condensing Two main types: cast iron and copper (the latter with integrated hot water production). Probably mainly Type No. 1. Floor standing gas condensing Very limited involvement. Jet burner Limited involvement (e.g. RIELLO, FERROLI, SIME). Cast iron wall hung (UK) SIME & FERROLI had models (outsourced?) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 69 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-8 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE IBERIAN WALL HUNG SECTOR Structural Overview There are four significant Spanish producers of wall hung boilers. Two of these, ROCA (now owned by BAXI) and COINTRA (now owned by FERROLI) were originally supplying the very large instantaneous gas water heater market. ROCA CALEFACCION (previously) part of the ROCA bathroom group), was initially a radiator and then a floor standing boiler producer, which established a wall hung boiler plant in 1995. MANAUT was originally a radiator specialist. The floor standing gas boiler market is very small and is dominated by ROCA (Spanish production) and FERROLI (importing from Italy). The Portuguese market is still very small. BOSCH has its VULCANO instantaneous gas water heater plant there, which produces some low cost wall hung boilers. Holding MCC BAXI FERROLI MANAUT Brand/Range FAGOR BAXI ROCA COINTRA MANAUT Historical Perspective The Spanish wall hung boiler market was developed mainly by the French, Germans and then the Italian manufacturers. The early Spanish manufacturers emerged from the very large instantaneous gas water heater sector: • in the 1980’s the only Spanish producer of wall hung gas boilers was the water heater and domestic appliance producer COINTRA (quite recently acquired by FERROLI) • once gasification started the water heater and domestic appliance co-operative MCC (FAGOR) brand also entered with wall hung boilers. VAILANT established its instantaneous gas water heater production in Spain in partnership with MCC • in Portugal the VULCANO instantaneous gas water heater factory, having been acquired by BOSCH, started producing a very simple and low cost wall hung boiler for the very price sensitive Spanish contract market (NOVATHERM). BOSCH already had a low priced range or the Spanish market (NECKAR) part of which may have been imported from its Turkish joint venture • ROCA (whose heating business was later acquired by BAXI) was not in instantaneous gas water heaters, but had a long standing range of (mainly oil fired) floor standing boilers. They started by importing CHAFFOTEAUX wall hung boilers, but went into production in its own right in 1995, based on technology supplied by the Italian INTERKLIM (which went out of business at the end of 1995) • the radiator manufacturer MANAUT also started to assemble wall hung boilers. There have been few exports outside Spain and Portugal. Technical Characteristics Technologically the Spanish industry has closely followed that of Italy. Condensing boilers have still hardly made any impact. One Overview important consideration is possibility that there are still wall hung gas boilers in use that are run of LPG. For example in 1996 some 20% of the wall hung boilers sold were LPG models (in the same year some 60% of instantaneous gas water heaters sold were LPG). Burner types Non condensing wall hung. Overwhelmingly Type 6 supplied by WORGAS and POLIDORO. Generally a very low priced market. Condensing wall hung Condensing boilers are still hardly seen in Iberia. Floor standing gas non condensing Very little floor standing gas (mainly ROCA/BAXI) Floor standing gas condensing Minimal involvement. Jet burner Limited involvement (e.g. ROCA/BAXI). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 70 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-9 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE BENELUX WALL HUNG AND FLOOR STANDING SECTOR Structural Overview The Dutch effectively pioneered the condensing boiler (mainly loft sited wall hung) in the EU, and there is a significant and sophisticated condensing oriented industry comprising manufacturers such as NEFIT, REMEHA, INTERGAS, ATAG, AWB, etc. The Netherlands market is of course excluded from the GASQUAL project, but Dutch condensing boilers are found in other EU countries, most notably NEFIT boilers in Germany. In Belgium the largest wall hung boiler factory, that of RADSON, was closed in 2000 following the acquisition by BOSCH. The two main boiler producers are now SAINT ROCH COUVIN (mainly floor standing) and ACV (strongest in floor standing using its tank-in-tank hot water system, but now also in wall hung condensing. Holding BOSCH BOSCH REMEHA ATAG ACV ENERTECH Brand/Range RADSON NEFIT REMEHA/BROAG/OERTLI ATAG ACV ST ROCH COUVIN/ZAGEL HELD Historical Perspective Although the Netherlands are not included in the GASQUAL project, the Benelux industry needs to be taken into account. After the French stopped supporting condensing boilers in 1989, it was the Dutch who were the main champions of such boilers, and the presence of Dutch manufacturers is felt in other EU countries, most notably NEFIT which supplied, and then was acquired by, BUDERUS, which itself joined the BOSCH Group. REMEHA acquired the French DE DIETRICH. From Belgium, RADSON was the first main supplier of condensing boilers to BOSCH/JUNKERS. Although the Belgian plant was closed in 2000, there are still many RADSON produced boilers in use in Belgium and Germany. SAINT ROCH COUVAIN is strongest in floor standing cast iron boilers, supplying mainly the Belgian market (the ZAGEL HELD brand is exported to France). ACV is a leader in floor standing boilers and now imports condensing wall hung boilers into Belgium. It is best known for its stainless steel "tank-in-tank" hot water systems, and it has an international position in commercial boilers. Technical Characteristics Overview The Dutch industry is of interest since it has long been the technological pace setter in wall hung condensing boilers. BEKAERT (previously known as FURIGAS), pioneered and for a long time dominated the supply of premix burners for condensing boilers. Now it competes in this field with POLIDORO and WORGAS in Italy. In Belgium RADSON was producing condensing wall hung boilers with aluminium heat exchangers up to 2000. SAINT ROCH is mainly in cast iron floor standing boilers. Burner types Non condensing wall hung (Belgium & international) 6-9. Condensing wall hung The condensing boilers are fitted with the fan assisted premix (type No. 10). Floor standing gas non condensing SAINT ROCH COUVIN probably has significant stock of Type 1 in Belgium. Floor standing gas condensing REMEHA significant in this sector. Jet burner ACV. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 71 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-10 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE GERMAN HEIZKESSEL SECTOR Structural Overview Prior to the GAD the German Heizkessel industry was seen as being quite distinct from the Thermen industry, with different DIN standards and a different installer trade (Heizungsbauer). The sector was dominated by VIESSMANN and BUDERUS, with BRÖTJE third. WOLF grew during the 1990's through aggressive pricing and marketing, which probably hastened the demise of some smaller players. WEISHAUPT is best known as a jet burner manufacturer, but also sold "units" and since about 2000 wall hung condensing boilers produced in Switzerland. Holding Brand/Ra nge VIESSMANN BOSCH CENTROTECH BAXI WEISHAUPT VIESSMANN BUDERUS/SIEGER WOLF BRÖTJE WEISHAUPT Historical Perspective The German Heizessel industry, selling mainly floor standing boilers under DIN 4702, which by the time of unification was led by: • VIESSMANN (which was always seen as highly individualist with its bimetal heat exchangers and its introduction in the mid 1990’s of its Matrix gas burner). VIESSMANN also has a floor standing boiler factory in France, of which much of the output is exported to German • BUDERUS (now owned by BOSCH), which moved into wall hung condensing boilers through being supplied by, and the acquiring, the Dutch market leader NEFIT. BUDERUS sells largely through its integrated distribution network, but it has a second brand, SIEGER, which targets the wholesaler trade • BRÖTJE (now owned by BAXI). For a long time BRÖTJE had its own distribution network, but this has now been sold and the company has a special (but not exclusive) relationship with GC GRUPPE • WOLF (CENTROTECH) which in the 1990’s was seen as something of an interloper with its aggressive pricing policies • MHG (MAN) which was previously EWFE, which market had been an early pioneer of condensing boilers in Germany • WEISHAUPT is leader in jet burners, but also produces some floor stand "units" and now condensing wall hung boilers • FRÖLING, which is probably best known as leader in solid fuel boilers in Germany, but which also produces gas and oil boilers • ROTEX (DAIKIN) in condensing floor standing boilers There were other brands, such as SBS and SCHÄFFER which have now disappeared. Up to the time of unification the Heizkessel industry was treated as a different sector from the Thermen industry, with different DIN standards and a separate installer trade (Heizungsbauer). However during the 1990's, and especially after condensing boilers started to gain a significant share, the Heizkessel producers started to introduce wall hung gas boilers (although these were still classified as "Heizkessel"). By the end of the 1990's the distinctions were becoming blurred, with the Heizungsbauer moving into the territory of the "Gaz -und Wasser Installaturen" and vice versa. This process was probably encouraged by mergers and by the overriding of the DIN standards by CE standards. It is important to note that VAILLANT, though classified as a "Thermen" producer, has long had an important position in the German floor standing gas boiler market (not jet burner). Technical Characteristics Overview Although the German industry, until the mid 1990's, was slow to move into condensing boilers, the product range was relatively sophisticated, reflecting the need to conform to the requirements of the Blauer Engel and in some cases to the Hamburger Forderprogram. All products have since the 1980's sold in Germany as “low temperature” (Niedertemperatur). The Germans pushed low NOx in non condensing boilers, and most non condensing burners are classified as atmospheric premix. After a slow start the German manufacturers have seen their sales move increasingly towards condensing. In Germany for floor standing gas boilers (excluding jet burner) the proportion of their sales taken by condensing boilers grew from 4% in 1996 to 11% in 2000 and to 47% in 2007 (although the overall market size in 2007 was 83% lower than in 1996). For jet burner boilers, BRGC's 2008 report suggests that all gas units were non condensing, while 40% of oil units were condensing. Burner types Non condensing wall hung (German market) Non condensing wall hung (international) Condensing wall hung Floor standing gas non condensing Floor standing gas condensing The non-condensing wall hung boilers launched by the "Heizkessel" industry during the 1990's were seen more as Heizkessel than as Thermen. The VIESSMANN range began to use the "Matrix" ceramic mesh burner. It is not clear whether the other Heizkessel wall hung boilers used burners in the range 1-5 or 6-9 (probably mainly 9: water cooled). By the mid 1990’s these German wall hung "Heizkessel" were increasingly sold as “low NOx". 6-9, but probably with a higher proportion remaining longer on 6. Both in Germany and internationally, the condensing boilers are fitted with the fan assisted premix (mainly type No. 10, but WEISHAUPT and some VIESSMANN products use the Scot system, and some BRÖTJE boilers use the SIETHERM PRO (i.e type 12). By the mid 1990’s these German floor standing boilers were increasingly sold as “low NOx". The VIESSMANN range began to use the "Matrix" ceramic mesh burner. While VAILLANT (from the Thermen sector) was using cooling rods, it is thought that most of the other Heizkessel manufacturers were using "butterfly-wing" flame burners such as the BEKAERT OVAL, the POLIDORO OVO and the WORGAS low NOx equivalent. This type of burner is thought to be highly sensitive to gas quality. Use fanned premix burners (Type 10). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 72 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.211-11 EU BOILER INDUSTRY: STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE UK BOILER SECTOR Structural Overview The UK boiler industry has been shaped by the previous dominance of open vented cast iron products that are not found in continental Europe. There were four leading brands of such boilers, of which two (BAXI and POTTERTON) now have a joint ownership. GLOW WORM is now part of VAILLANT and IDEAL is owned by ISG (previously known as CARADON). By contrast WORCESTER (now owned by BOSCH) was never in cast iron, but moved from its oil-fired base into combis. Holding BOSCH VAILLANT BAXI ISG GLEN DIMPLEX WORCEST GLOW IDEAL/KEST Brand/Range BAXI/POTTERTON HALSTEAD ER WORM ON Historical Perspective The UK has an industry that developed primarily through supplying the cast iron open vented gas boilers (wall hung, floor standing and back boiler units) that are unique to the UK market and that reflect the previous Water Bye Laws that forbade more than 15 litres of hot water to be stored under mains pressure. The emergence of the combi boiler since the late 1970's, the repeal of the Bye Law in 1989, and the revisions to Part L in 2005 have more or less killed sales of these products, but the park remains large. The four UK cast iron producers: • POTTERTON MYSON (BAXI) • BAXI (dominant in back boiler units) • IDEAL (ISG) • GLOW-WORM (VAILLANT) have all moved into lightweight wall hung boilers (especially combis, including some floor standing combis) and now condensing boilers. These are partly home produced and partly imported. However it was WORCESTER, coming from the oil fired sector, that was the first UK producer to start seriously to challenge the flood of imported combis. Technical Characteristics Although sales have fallen to a residual level, some 36% of the UK park of domestic gas boilers is still made up of relatively simple open vented cast iron boilers. These are not connected directly to the pressurised mains water supplied, but the sanitary hot water is fed from an open tank in the loft, and there is also an open header tank rather than an expansion vessel such as would be found in a sealed system. There are three main categories of such products: cast iron wall hung, floor standing atmospheric gas, and back boiler units (BBU). The last named category is a boiler set under the chimney with an open gas fire in front (typically used in social housing). The products are not efficient but they are simple and long lived. Initially Overview most had open or balanced (short horizontal) flues, but room sealed fanned flues gained ground rapidly from the late 1980's. There are no condensing versions, so when the revised Part L regulations came into force in 2005, sales of this type of boiler almost ceased. From the late 1970's, the cast iron wall hung boilers were increasingly challenged by sealed system lightweight wall hung boiler, and especially by combis. The share of condensing boilers grew steadily, especially in the subsidised social sector. They then took off when it was decided to revise the Part L Building Regulations, and the UK market is now overwhelmingly for condensing boilers (although a law preventing the continuous running of pumps means that most UK condensing boilers run at well above the optimum return temperature). Burner types These products are produced by BAXI, ISG and VAILLANT's GLOW-WORM. WORCESTER used to outsource some but never had a significant share in Cast iron open vented boilers. these products. It is understood that these boilers typically use a "box burner", which functionally is closely related to burner Type 1 (or type 6, but with only 1 rib). It is thought that these burners were all on/off rather than modulating. The great majority of lightweight wall hung boilers sold in the UK over the past 20 years are combis, but heating only "system" boilers (i.e. sealed system) and up to a few years ago "fabricated" open vented boilers were also sold. The UK manufacturers covered by this analysis mostly produced their own boilers, but following a spate of mergers these manufacturers increased the proportion of such products that they imported (BAXI Non condensing lightweight wall hung manufactures at it POTTERTON plant as well as importing from its ex-OCEAN Italian plant, ISG manufactures itself and now also owns the UK producer KESTON as well as importing some combis from SAVIO in Italy, VAILLANT's GLOW-WORM produces but may also import from its parent company, which has a significant share of the UK market in its own right). The burners are probably mainly Type 6. Sales of non condensing boilers are now at a low level. Since 2005 the market is overwhelmingly for condensing boilers (mainly combis but also some heating only, both "system" and open vented). Again Condensing wall hung the UK producers rely on a mix of UK production and imports. These use Type 10 burners. Floor standing gas non condensing The old style cast iron boilers are covered above. There are some floor standing combis in the park (e.g. WORCESTER). Floor standing gas condensing These are mostly cast iron. Type 10 burners. Jet burner There are some gas units sold. Since 2007 these are mainly condensing. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 73 4.2 4.212 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Classification of Domestic Gas Boiler Park The form of classification that was agreed early on in the project is as set out in Section 2.4. While BRGC was reasonably comfortable within segmenting the park by each variable separately, to do so in a linear manner (i.e. each variable by each variable) is a daunting task, especially since it is necessary to go back further than most people in the industry remember or have readily accessible records. It is worth noting that one of the difficulties of focusing on EN classifications is that it gives a high priority to flue types as against combustion and burner types. In reality the type of burner is fundamentally linked to the Product Type (Level 2), whereas the system type (at least for wall hung boilers) and flue types tend to emerge as variants within a family of models. It will also be seen that jet (forced air) boilers are shown as a separate category within Level 2 rather than within Level 3 because of the special difficulties of segmenting this sector. During the 1990’s, the penetration of continuous modulation (in Level 4) was liked primarily to the system type, with modulation having been developed primarily as a solution for wall hung combis. Similarly the still very low penetration of special combustion controls and sensors is entirely within the wall hung condensing sector. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 74 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.221-1 1993-2007 TOTAL PARK DOMESTIC BOILERS* 16 EU COUNTRIES DIVIDED BY AGE OF APPLIANCE AND EN STANDARDS 16 EU COUNTRIES (‘000 boilers) LEVEL 2- EN Standard* 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 TOTAL PARK ‘93-07 TOTAL PARK % share ‘93-’07 EN 483- Boiler Type C 5 629 12 103 12 113 29 844 51% EN 297- Boiler Type B 6 199 7 327 5 116 18 641 32% EN 677- Boiler Condensing equipped with premixed burner (1) 484 1 564 7 600 9 648 16% EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner 315 336 218 869 1% 12 627 21 329 25 047 59 003 100% Grand Total Note (1): The park numbers in this row refer to all gas condensing boilers <70 kW (except jet burner), and may include some that do not have fully premix burners, including c. 1.5 million SEDBUK B boilers in the UK and maybe some older condensing boilers elsewhere. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 75 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig.4.222-1 TOTAL PARK (INCL. PRE 1993) OF INDIVIDUAL GAS BOILERS 2007 (EU excl. NL, Luxembourg, Malta & Cyprus) Country UK Park 2007 ('000 boilers) Total % Total Dwellings ('000) % of Dwelling Stock on Individual Gas Dwellings Connected to Gas '000 % Comments 21 434 32.1% 25 612 83.7% 22 794 89.0% Individual gas central heating prevalent where gas available. Gasification starting in Northern Ireland 8 140 12.2% 38 751 21.0% 17 579 45.4% Significant use of collective heating in ABL and district heating (esp. NBL) 13 116 19.6% 27 012 45.8% 19 300 71.4% Uptake of autonomous gas CH high. Some scope for increased penetration in Centre & South France 9 000 13.5% 31 455 28.6% 11 010 35.0% Gas central heating has strong competition from dry electric Poland 1 466 2.2% 13 000 11.3% 7 100 54.6% Large district heating infrastructure. Spain 4 342 6.5% 23 935 18.1% 6 132 25.6% Gasification started in 1990's. Uptake strongest in urban centres & new build, excl. South. Belgium 1 870 2.8% 4 903 38.1% 3 574 72.9% Limited gas supply in Walloon region. Czech Republic 1 568 2.3% 4 090 38.3% 3 120 76.3% Large district heating infrastructure. Hungary 1 495 2.2% 4 172 35.8% 3 540 84.9% Significant DH network (esp.Budapest). Wall convectors also significant. Slovakia 633 0.9% 3 798 16.7% 1 466 38.6% Significant DH network . Austria 701 1.0% 4 187 16.7% 1 396 33.3% Strong competition from DH and biomass Portugal 198 0.3% 5 271 3.8% 744 14.1% Gasification has started but CH uptake very low. Ireland 613 0.9% 1 369 44.8% 575 42.0% Gasification expanding. Combis not favoured. Denmark 329 0.5% 2 710 12.1% 345 12.7% Very strong district heating infrastructure. Greece 115 0.2% 5 619 2.0% 31 0.6% Germany Italy Romania Gasification developing. 1 556 2.3% 8 260 18.8% 2 600 31.5% 66 576 99.6% 203 168 32.4% 100 760 48.0% Lithuania 87 0.1% 1 313 6.6% 1 090 83.0% Significant DH network . Latvia 46 0.1% 1 035 4.4% 869 84.0% Significant DH network . Estonia 19 0.0% 633 3.0% 500 79.0% Significant DH network . Slovenia 62 0.1% 796 7.8% 105 13.2% Significant DH network . Sweden 18 0.0% 5 158 0.3% 52 1.0% Very limited domestic gas supply. District heating and heat pumps prevail. Bulgaria 30 0.0% 3 738 0.8% 37 1.0% Limited gas supply. 262 0.4% 12 673 2.1% 2 653 20.9% Total 66 838 100.0% 215 841 30.6% 103 413 47.9% Selected Countries % 99.6% Sub Total: Selected Countries Sub Total: Other Countries 94.1% District heating dominates, but households have attempted to switch to gas if allowed. 97.4% GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 76 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK FIG. 4.22-2 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS 1993-2007 AND PRE 1993* BY COUNTRY (16 COUNTRIES) Country Gas Wall Hung Condensing Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Gas Wall Hung NonCond. Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Gas Floor Stand. Non Cond Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Gas Floor Stand. Cond Pre 1993 19932007 Total JB gas Pre 1993 19932007 Total Total Pre 1993 19932007 Total Austria 6 237 243 13 305 317 46 70 116 1 20 21 3 1 4 68 633 701 Belgium 0 275 275 106 834 940 151 444 595 0 7 7 29 24 53 287 1 583 1 870 Czech Republic 0 66 66 0 898 898 102 476 578 0 11 11 6 9 15 107 1 460 1 568 Denmark 0 143 143 41 126 166 8 9 17 0 2 2 0 1 2 49 280 329 France 2 404 406 293 5 956 6 248 907 1 028 1 935 0 35 35 99 277 376 1 300 7 700 9 000 27 2 097 2 123 233 2 666 2 899 901 1 348 2 249 6 76 82 495 291 787 1 662 6 479 8 140 Greece 0 3 3 0 93 93 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 18 19 0 115 115 Hungary 0 25 25 0 970 970 133 363 497 0 2 2 1 0 1 134 1 361 1 495 Ireland 0 32 32 7 540 548 11 22 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 594 613 Italy 0 668 668 0 10 418 10 418 628 993 1 621 0 49 49 221 140 361 849 12 268 13 116 Poland 0 103 103 0 1 030 1 030 18 198 216 0 7 7 47 63 110 65 1 401 1 466 Portugal 0 1 1 0 182 182 0 11 12 0 0 0 1 3 4 2 197 198 Romania 0 31 31 16 1 403 1 419 3 56 59 0 1 1 18 28 46 37 1 519 1 556 Slovak Republic 0 46 46 0 238 238 7 338 345 0 4 4 0 0 0 7 626 633 Spain 0 15 15 0 4 229 4 229 2 75 77 0 0 0 8 12 20 10 4 332 4 342 United Kingdom 18 5 206 5 224 53 11 488 11 541 2 909 1 677 4 586 0 82 82 0 1 1 2 980 18 454 21 434 TOTAL 52 9 351 9 404 761 41 375 42 136 5 827 7 110 12 937 7 297 304 928 869 1 797 7 575 59 002 Germany 66 *all numbers in ‘000 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 77 4.2 4.22 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK FIRST SEGMENTATION: LEVELS 1, 2 & 3 Please note that more detailed estimates of technical segmentations per country can be found in Appendix A of this report. 4.221 Overview Fig. 4.221-1 summarizes the scale of the EU (16 country boiler) park according to Classification Levels 1 (all boilers) and 2 (EN Standards). Of the totals: 4.222 - for jet gas burner boilers (EN 303-3) Germany and France make up almost 70% of the park - for EN 677 (in the absence of the condensing dominated Netherlands) the UK (thanks to the recent Part L revisions) and Germany (where the significant uptake of condensing boilers started in the early 1990’s) make up almost 80% of the park, but the penetration of condensing boilers is now accelerating in other countries - the trend towards room sealed flues (EN 438) and away from open flues (EN 297) has been seen across all countries, with Italy and Spain switching fastest towards room sealed. Levels 1 to 3: Total Domestic Boiler Park The relative share of the gas boiler park held by each country depends of course to a large extent on population and numbers of households, but also on the penetration of such factors as (see Fig. 4.222-1): - the penetration of central heating (partly related to latitude and climate) - gasification and the household penetration of mains gas - the existence and uptake of heating systems other than autonomous gas boilers. The numbers in Fig. 4.222-1 are for the total park of domestic gas boilers in 2007, including those that remain from before the GAD (pre 1993). Fig. 4.222-2 shows separately by country the park of domestic boilers by type installed in 1993-2007. An understanding of these factors is important for the forecasting of trends required for WP1 (see Section 4.3). Areas that are difficult to treat within the analysis required for WP1 are: GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 78 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK - boilers installed before 1992 (especially floor standing and jet burner boilers in Germany and open vented cast iron boilers in the UK) - boilers that are on L gas in northern Germany and Belgium - boilers on originally LPG that have been converted to natural gas (especially in Spain, but impossible to quantify: but this is a much bigger issue for water heaters). Wall Hung vs. Floor Standing Although it has been suggested that the distinction between wall hung and floor standing boilers may not be inherently significant to the GASQUAL project, it is almost impossible to achieve the other segmentations that are required for the project without first making this split: - almost all statistical data available on the boiler market (including the all important BRGC database) are segmented in this way - the historical development of burners for non-condensing boilers has been different for wall hung and floor standing, with some of the burners that are likely to be most sensitive to gas quality being specific to floor standing boilers - wall hung boilers have historically moved more rapidly to room sealed flues (EN 483) than have floor standing. - because within the domestic gas boiler market there has been a very clear and prolonged trend in favor of wall hung (which has this has even accelerated in recent years), most of the recent product development efforts have gone into wall hung, and there is now a reluctance to invest in improving floor standing models. This also means that the floor standing park is ageing. Since the majority of floor standing gas boilers have cast iron heat exchangers, the tend to be long lived, and indeed there may be a significant park of such boilers that pre-date the 1992 threshold. Wall hung boilers now account for some 86% of the total gas post 1993 boiler park, and indeed they hold a majority share in all countries. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 79 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK The UK as a Special Case From the bald analysis it emerges that the UK is the largest market for both wall hung and floor standing gas boilers (excluding jet burner boilers). However, it must be noted that a substantial part of the UK park of both types is made up of the cast iron open vented models that are exclusive to the UK (and on a very small scale, Ireland) and which were a requirement of the old Water Bye-Laws which up to 1989 forbade the storage of more than 15 lires of hot water under mains pressure. Sealed systems came in with the combis (which did not need to hold as much as 15 litres. Although the Bye Laws were revised in 1989, a substantial demand for these open vented boilers continued right up to the Part L revisions of 2005. Since then sales of these products have effectively died. The relative importance of these UK specific models is illustrated in Figs. 4.222-3 and 4.222-4. These products (which can also be found in Ireland) have different burner types (“box burners”) and also are mostly on/off rather than modulating. If the UK cast iron wall hung boilers are excluded, the most import markets for “lightweight” wall hung boilers (Fig. 4.222-5) are UK, Italy, France Germany and Spain, which between them account for 83% of the 16 country park of such boilers. Other peculiarities of the UK market are: - the presence of floor standing combi boilers. This is a niche market that is difficult to quantify since manufacturers have always been reluctant to provide separate sales figures for these models - the presence of lower spec. SEDBUK B rated condensing boilers. These above reflect an effort to offer the lowest priced boilers that could conform to the revised Part L requirements introduced in April 2005. It is thought that some or all of these do not have full premix burners. BRGC calculates that there are some 1.5 million of these boilers in use in the UK. Floor Standing Boilers Floor standing boilers account for some 20% of the total 16 country domestic gas boilers park excluding jet burner boilers. However, since 30% of the floor standing park is pre-1992, in the 1993-2007 park the share of floor standing is only 13% (or 14% if gas jet burner boilers are included). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 80 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Apart from the UK, the most significant floor standing gas boiler parks are in Germany and (some way behind) France. Indeed, if jet burner boilers are added to the totals (Fig. 4.222-6) Germany accounts for an estimated 21% of the 16 country floor standing gas boiler park (partly reflecting the once obligatory existence of basements in 1 and 2 family houses), and this is important to note because of the relatively high share of non-condensing low temperature and low NOx floor standing boilers (and more recently the increasing share of condensing floor standing boilers) in order to meet the Blaue Engel requirements. The French floor standing boiler manufacturers (especially DE DIETRICH) have long been conscious of German standards, but the penetration of low NOx models is lower in France. In the UK, as already shown, a large part of the park of floor standing gas boilers is made up of the old cast iron open vented boilers and of back boiler units. There is also an identifiable park of floor standing combis. In Italy, the floor standing market comprises mainly conventional cast iron models but there are steel gas boilers as well as copper models that are effectively combis. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 81 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.222-3 UK SPECIFIC BOILER MODEL PARK 1993-2007* TOTAL PARK in UK LEVEL 3 Product* Wall Hung Floor Standing Model TOTAL 1993-2007 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 % Cast Iron 1535 1807 1589 4931 30% Lightweight 2119 3668 5976 11763 70% TOTAL ('000) 3654 5475 7565 16694 100% Back Boilers 549 376 109 1034 59% Conventional 337 283 105 725 41% TOTAL ('000) 886 659 214 1759 100% Fig. 4.222-4 UK SPECIFIC BOILER MODEL SALES TRENDS 1993-2007* LEVEL 3 Product* Type Floor Standing Wall Hung Total 1993 1997 2003 2007 Back Boilers 150 96 39 1 Conventional 85 70 50 19 Cast Iron 278 339 296 8 Lightweight 368 550 1 140 1 609 881 1 055 1 526 1 638 Fig. 4.222-5 LIGHTWEIGHT WALL HUNG BOILER PARK 1993-2007 IN 16 COUNTRIES* Country* Park "lightweight" Wall Hung boilers 19932007 Share in 16 EU Countries United Kingdom 11 764 26% Italy 11 086 24% France 6 360 14% Spain 4 245 9% Germany 4 763 10% Others 7 580 17% Total 45 798 100% Fig. 4.222-6 FLOOR STANDING PARK 1993-2007 IN 16 COUNTRIES* Country* France Germany United Kingdom Total Floor Standing 1993-2007 Park Jet Burner as part Floor Standing Park excluding of Floor Standing Jet Burner 16% 14% 21% 20% 21% 24% 8 275 7 407 *all numbers (‘000) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 82 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.224-1 SHARE OF NON-CONDENSING AND CONDENSING BOILER PARK 1993-2007* IN SELECTED 16 EU COUNTRIES *all numbers (‘000) Fig. 4.224-2 CONDENSING / NON-CONDENSING SALES TRENDS 1993-2007* IN SELECTED 16 EU COUNTRIES *all numbers (‘000) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 83 4.2 4.224 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Non-Condensing vs. Condensing Given that the Netherlands (easily the most important pioneer of condensing boilers) is excluded from the study, the condensing boiler park is relatively young, and the condensing share in 1993-2007 park, excluding jet burners is 17% (Fig. 4.224-1) by no means reflects their current share of sales (48% in the same 16 countries in 2007: see Fig. 4.224-2). The condensing share of floor standing boilers is much lower. Basically the increased penetration of the condensing technology has coincided with the rapid decline in floor standing boiler sales. The penetration and pace of growth of condensing has varied markedly between countries (Fig. 4.224-3), and this has been linked to a large extent to legislation and incentives. After the Netherlands had shown the way in the 1980’s: - Germany saw a shift in emphasis from non-condensing low temperature/low NOx to condensing progressively after unification as the demands of the Blaue Engel and the Hamburg Forderprogramme intensified (though much of the early demand for condensing came from the NBL armed with newly converted Deutsch Marks) - in the UK the big switch to condensing came rapidly and suddenly with the revisions to the Part L Building Regulation in 2005. However there are doubts about the energy saving effectiveness of this move since it appears that many condensing boilers are factory set to run at 75o C - Denmark took much the same line as the UK and has now gone entirely to condensing. However the boiler market is small because of the massive penetration of district heating - Austria largely followed the Swiss LRV’92 provisions - other countries have been slower to take up condensing, but penetration is now growing significantly in Italy and France. The uptake of condensing is likely to accelerate if the current EUP EcoDesign recommendations are implemented, but the consultation process is proving tough. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 84 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.224-3 TOTAL OF CONDENSING AND NON CONDENSING BOILERS* BY COUNTRY IN ’93’07 PARK. Country Condensing Non-Condensing Total United Kingdom 5 288 13 165 18 453 Italy 716 11 411 12 128 France 439 6 984 7 423 2 173 4 014 6 187 Spain 15 4 304 4 320 Belgium 282 1 277 1 559 Romania 32 1 459 1 491 Czech Republic 77 1 375 1 453 Hungary 27 1 333 1 360 Poland 111 1 227 1 338 Austria 256 375 631 Slovak Republic 50 576 626 Ireland 32 563 594 Denmark 145 134 279 Portugal 1 193 194 Greece 3 94 97 9 648 48 486 58 134 Germany Total *all numbers (‘000) The subsequent analyses assume (based on research conducted for the GASQUAL project) that all condensing boilers have Type C flues and premix burners. However BRGC has been informed at a late stage in the project that: - there are some condensing boilers installed with Type B flues - SEDBUK B condensing boilers in the UK do not have fully premix burners. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 85 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK 4.225 Level 4: Burner Classification 4.2251 Identification of Burners Within Each Classification The basic burner classifications adopted for the study emerged from a submission by RUHRGAS/EON (as already shown in Fig. 2.21) and a subsequent presentation from GASUNIE which led to the adoption of five basic categories of burners: - no premix (not relevant to the appliances covered by this study) - atmospheric partial premix (Bunsen type), also known as “atmospheric partially aerated burners”. Since the completion of the market study it has been proposed that this category be split between “natural draught” and “fan assisted” - atmospheric fully premix, also known as “atmospheric (natural draught) fully aerated burners” - fan assisted full premix - jet burner, also known as “fan assisted non premix burners”. On this basis BRGC conducted an exercise aimed at relating the adopted classifications to burners actually on the market. This proved especially important since it quickly became apparent that the key to analyzing the burner penetration within the park was to talk to the burner manufacturers themselves. This outcome of this analysis is summarized in Fig. 4.2251-1. Of course the burners mentioned in this matrix are also for products other than boilers, but the matrices are placed here because boilers are the only product category using more than just Bunsen type burners. As far as boilers are concerned, the key findings are: - that almost all conventional boilers (non-condensing boilers that are not specifically sold as “low NOx”) use partially premix/conventional Bunsen type burners: • for wall hung boilers these are usually bladed construction. Identified exceptions are: •• FRISQUET in France whose non condensing boilers use the company’s own tubular construction (4 tubes) burners, believed to be fan assisted •• certain Italian manufacturers (ECOFLAM, GRUPO IMAR and BALTUR) who are thought to use fanned premix burners in non condensing boilers GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 86 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK •• the UK-specific cast iron wall hung boilers. Historically all of these used a multi-bladed Bunsen type burner but with a single injector for the whole burner (“box burners”) and nonmodulating. This is in contrast with the typical Italian bladed Bunsen burner which has an injector/venturi for each blade. Towards the end AEROMATRIX came out with a fanned premix for the UK cast iron boilers of boiler that was fitted to e.g. the POTTERTON PRIMA. It is thought that it was also taken up by BAXI and CARADON and maybe GLOW WORM • for floor standing boilers, these are generally tubular construction. Identified exceptions are: •• UK back burner units and possibly some old open vented cast floor standing boilers that use the same type of single injector multi bladed burners as the wall hung cast iron models GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 87 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.2251-1 BURNER CLASSIFICATIONS OF MANUFACTURERS BY TYPE /1 WORGAS Classifications Main category Round Burners Sub-category H. Levinsky Classifications Non-premixed Partially premixed/ Atmospheric premix conventional ("Bunsen" type) – X Traditional X Low NOx and CO Tubular Burners Yellow flame (also oval burners) X X "Elite" & other fan assisted Bladed burners Traditional & Low noise Low NOx and CO Premix burners Lean-premixed/ fully premixed X X X Fiber X Cylindrical metal X Flat X GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 88 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.2251-1 BURNER CLASSIFICATIONS OF MANUFACTURERS BY TYPE /2 POLIDORO Classifications Main category Round Burners Sub-category Non-premixed Partially premixed/ conventional Atmospheric premix ("Bunsen" type) MULTIGAS C51, C65, C120, C160, C220 Burners for Log Fire Places and Space Heaters Tubular burners H. Levinsky Classifications X X MULTIGAS Tubular burners for boilers and stoves X X OVO low Nox/CO emmissions. Bladed burners Premix burners Lean-premixed/ fully premixed X NP model burners X BNOx model burners (water cooled) [1] X SEMIPREMIX (cylindrical) X PREMIX (cylindrical) X Note [1]: The POLIDORO water cooled bladed burners (and the similar VAILLANT burners) were included under “atmospheric premix” in the first version of this report. BRGC has since been advised that these burners should be considered as “partial premix”. However this does present some problems in quantifying the market by the agreed burner classifications since BRGC’s historical sales data segment the wall hung non condensing boiler market between “conventional” and “low NOx”, and not specifically by burner type. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 89 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.2251-1 BURNERS CLASSIFICATIONS OF MANUFACTURER BY TYPE /3 BEKAERT/FURIGAS Classifications Main category Sub-category H. Levinsky Classifications Non-premixed Partially premixed/ Atmospheric premix conventional ("Bunsen" type) Lean-premixed/ fully premixed FURINIT (round or flat) X ACONIT (flat) X DUONIT X Cylindrical premix burners FURIPAT X Tubular burner OVAL Premix burners with BEKNIT material. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission X 90 4.2 - TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK that non-condensing low NOx models represent the most complex group of boilers as far as burner types are concerned. In general these use burners that may be classified as “atmospheric premix”, but many different types have been tried: • for wall hung: •• today the most used solution is the most widely used solution is the water cooled bladed burner. As an OEM supplier POLIDORO has the exclusive rights to this type (BNOx range). However VAILLANT has its own version. These water cooled burners should not strictly speaking be classified as “atmospheric premix” but for statistical reasons it has been necessary to group together all the non-condensing low NOx wall hung boilers •• there are also flattened “butterfly-wing flame” versions (WORGAS has one) but the uptake has been very low for wall hung •• it may be that some of the solutions tried for floor standing gas boilers (see below) have also been incorporated into the “Heizkessel” type wall hung boilers launched when the German Heizkessel manufacturers first tried to break into the wall hung market. This may include the VIESSMANN Matrix burner • for floor standing a great variety of burners have been used, generally with the objective of flattening the flame. These include: •• tubular burners with cooling rods. These were introduced in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s as German Heizkessel manufacturers (which at that time were hesitant about going down the condensing route) sought ways of conforming to the Blaue Engel NOx emission requirements (at that time set at 70 ppm). The rod technology proved adequate for 70 ppm, but when the Swiss and the Hamburg Forderprogram set the limit at 40 ppm, something new was required. For this reason rod cooling, though still fitted to some boilers, is now seen as an old technology. •• various types of ceramic of fibre mesh solutions. VIESSMANN Matrix burner fits into this category GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission The 91 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK •• butterfly-wing flame tubular burners (e.g. POLIDORO OVO, BECKAERT OVAL and WORGAS Low NOx butterfly wing). These are thought to have been widely adopted by the German Heizkessel manufacturers, while VAILLANT tended to favour the rod technology. Burner manufacturers suggest that this type has a low operating range and could be very sensitive to changes in gas quality (when the pressure drops, the flame can touch burner surface, giving rise to cracks or flashbacks with the flaming turning inside the burner and starting a fire). These burners are still on the market, but demand for the floor standing boilers that take these has for the types of boilers to which they are fitted is plummeting. It is reported that the main demand is now coming from Eastern Europe •• burners that can be fan assisted (e.g. WORGAS ELITE) - that almost all condensing boilers use fanned fully premix burners, which can be: • cylindrical steel (e.g. BEKAERT FURIPAT, WORGAS Cylindrical Metal Premix, POLIDORO PREMIX) • flat metal (e.g. WORGAS BISCOTTI) • fibre in various shapes, including cylindrical, flat or conical (e.g BEKAERT FURINIT and WORGAS TEXI). The fans are not supplied by the burner manufacturers, but are sourced separately (EBM appears to be the dominant supplier) and are fitted by the boiler manufacturer. It is understood that some condensing boilers are not fitted with full premix burners. These are mainly: •• some or all of the SEDBUK B boilers in the UK, of which BRGC estimates around 1.5 million are in use in the UK. It should be noted that the UK representative on CEN Committee 197 has raised the possibility of other “specials” in the UK, mentioning in particular the GLOW-WORM ENERGY SAVER (which existed in both condensing and non-condensing, but is now discontinued) and the GLOW-WORM FLEXICOM (condensing boiler currently available in both sealed system and open vented versions which is said to have a very high port loading) •• possibly some early condensing boiler models. However it is thought that most of these are either in the Netherlands (not included in this study), or are pre-GAD. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 92 4.2 4.2252 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Park by Type of Burner As suggested above, the available historical sales data required to make estimates of the park of boilers do not necessarily cooespond exactly to the agreed burner classifications. Based on applying the above observations to the BRGC database numbers, Fig. 4.2252-1 sets out the estimates of the 16 country park by type of burner to the extent that the available information allows. Please note that: - “conventional” includes all atmospheric partial premix burners except: • water cooled burners for wall hung non condensing low NOx boilers. These are included under low NOx wall hung. It is difficult to estimate what percentage of the park of these boilers have water cooled bladed burners, but it is certainly the great majority. Assuming it is about 90%, then a further 4,150 boilers would be transferred to the “conventional” category • some or all of the SEDBUK, which are included under “fan assisted premix and other condensing”. It is possible that up to 1.5 million of these are not full premix, but it is not quite clear whether or not they should be added to any “atmospheric partial premix” total • any older condensing boilers that do not have full premix burners. These are also included under “fan assisted premix and other condensing”. BRGC has no basis for estimating the park of these, but believes it is very small given that the Netherlands and all pre GAD boilers are excluded Thus it is possible that a comprehensive “atmospheric partial premix” category might encompass a park of up to 45.6 million boilers. Fig. 4.2252-1 ESTIMATION OF THE 1993-2007 BOILER PARK BY LEVEL 4: BURNER TYPE LEVEL 4 – BURNER (‘000 pieces) TOTAL PARK 1993-2007 1993199820031997 2002 2007 Conventional 9 614 16 726 13 602 619 1 675 7 845 2 079 2 591 3 381 Fan assisted premix & other condensing - SEDBUK B - non condensing Low NOx (wall hung) Low NOx (floor standing) Jet Burner (inc. condensing) Total TOTAL PARK ‘93-07 TOTAL PARK % shares ‘93-’07 39 942 71% 8 240 14% 1 500 400 3% <1% 4605 8% 1694 3% 315 336 218 869 1% 12 627 21 328 25 047 59 003 100% GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 93 4.2 4.2253 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Heating Only vs. Combi In this analysis: - “combi” refers to boilers incorporating directly heated sanitary hot water, and tested under EN 625, including: • combi boilers supplying instantaneous sanitary hot water only Fig. 4.2253-1 16 COUNTRY PARK OF BOILER BY WATER HEATING FUNCTION LEVEL 2- EN Standards LEVEL 3 - Product PARK 1993-2007* Gas Floor Standing EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water 246 Gas Wall Hung 38 082 Gas Floor Standing NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water 7 161 Gas Wall Hung 12 644 JB gas 869 Total 59 003 *all numbers (‘000) Fig. 4.2253-2 HEATING ONLY AND COMBI BOILER SHARES IN TOTAL 1993-2007 PARK, (16 COUNTRIES) Country EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only boilers Total Park 1993-2007 United Kingdom 10 533 7 921 18 454 Italy 10 969 1 299 12 268 France 5 780 1 919 7 700 Spain 4 189 142 4 332 Germany 1 783 4 695 6 479 Romania 1 315 204 1 519 Belgium 966 617 1 583 Poland 758 644 1 401 Hungary 681 680 1 361 Czech Republic 803 657 1 460 Ireland 57 537 594 Austria 191 441 633 Slovak Republic 133 494 626 5 275 280 33 82 115 Denmark Greece Portugal Total 132 65 197 38 328 20 674 59 003 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 94 4.2 - TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK • combi boilers with instantaneous hot water production supplemented by a built-in storage cylinder (typically 40 litres) • combi boilers incorporating a pre-heat arrangement (including the French “micro-accumulation” models). heating only boilers do not provide directly heated sanitary hot water, but more often than not they are connected to some form of indirect water heating, including: • a separate hot water cylinder: •• on the continent these are all under mains pressure •• in the UK many are fed from a loft tank rather than directly from the mains (classically single walled copper cylinders). Although the Water Byelaw preventing more than 15 litres being store under mains pressure was rescinded in 1989, such open vented systems have continued to be installed, albeit with a declining share of the market • a cylinder that is supplied along with the boiler. This includes the relatively new wall hung condensing boilers that are positioned on top of a floor standing cylinder • some models with built-in indirect water heating (e.g. the ACV-type tank-in-tank systems or the French “bain-marie” models). In general combis are wall hung, but there are some floor standing models, e.g.: WORCESTER HIGHFLOW and BAXI POWERMAX) and possibly the copper floor standing boilers in Italy (e.g. FERROLI TANTAQUA NF). However it is not sure that any of these are tested under EN 625. Within the Member States covered by this project: - the majority of 1993-2007 domestic boiler park, including floor standing and jet burner boilers (65% of the current park) are combis (Figs. 4.2253-1 and 4.2253-2), obviously this share is the result of wall hung combis uptake (within wall hung 1993-2007 park share of combis is 75%). - the major exceptions to this pattern are: GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 95 4.2 - TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK • Germany and Austria, which have long been less enthusiastic about the concept of combs than the rest of Europe. Of the total 19932007 park of wall hung boilers in these countries, some 63% are heating only, while due to high share of floor standing models in overall 1993-2007 boiler park the penetration of heating only is 72%. This pattern has become even more marked as the share of condensing boilers has grown. In 2007, 72% of wall hung condensing boilers sold in Germany and 88% of those sold in Austria were heating only (this includes wall hung condensing boilers positioned on a floor standing cylinder) • the penetration of combis is very low within the small Danish boiler market (heating is dominated by district heating). The main reason is reportedly the hard water which does not suit combis • the UK and Ireland, where the park of cast iron heating boilers remains significant accounting for some 30% of the park of wall hung boilers in the UK. Heating only lightweight wall hung boilers such as those sold as “system boilers” are also significant. for the rest of the EU (excluding the Netherlands) combis account for some 79% of the wall hung boiler park. In general in countries such as Italy, Spain and France, heating only models are offered as a variant within each main family of wall hung boiler models, rather than as separate families of models. It should be mentioned that during BRGC’s discussions with the industry, no prima facie evidence emerged that sensitivity to gas quality would be affected as such by whether the boiler was a combi or a heating only model. However, continuous modulation was developed primarily as a solution for wall hung combis. Although nearly all heating only boilers sold today have continuous modulation, there share of modulation in the park remains much higher for combis than for heating only boilers. 4.2254 Flue Types As far as boilers are concerned, the EN standards recognize two basic flue type for boilers: - Type B: open flue that draws air for combustion from the room, and usually evacuates the waste gasses through the chimney or through a special opening in the roof - Type C: room sealed flue that draws air from outside the building (rather than from the room) is found in two forms: GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 96 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK • fanned flue (Types C32 and C33), which uses a fan to evacuate the waste gasses. This gives greater flexibility in siting the boiler, because up to 3 metres can be used, which usually allows evacuation through a chimney or elsewhere through the roof • balanced flue (Type C11) which uses a balanced opening and closing system. Balanced flues have to be very short (limiting siting options) and are usually put through the back wall of the house or apartment. The disadvantage is that they tend to discharge waste gasses at low levels. The broad trend since the early 1990’s (especially for wall hung) has been away from Type B towards the fanned version of Type C. In particular: - For its statistical analysis BRGC has assumed, based the research for the GASQUAL Project, that all condensing boilers (now gaining share rapidly) use Type C flues. However, recent feedback from the industry suggests that there are “condensing boilers installed as type B taking combustion air from the installation room; mainly B23P and B53P configurations which are critical configurations for cold starts”. It is understood that these have tended to be installed in unoccupied areas such as basements and boiler rooms, and thus are probably found mostly in countries where these are common (e.g. Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark). Above all they are typical where boilers are installed in cascades - for non-condensing wall hung boilers, the estimated split of the park is 31% Type B and 69% Type C (Fig. 4.2254-1). However current sales are considerably more slanted towards Type C - Type C balanced flues are found mainly in the UK (Fig. 4.2254-2), but they have lost share to fanned Type C flues since 1990, and with the switch to condensing since 2005 fanned flues now account for the great majority of sales - floor standing gas boilers have been slower to move towards Type C because of the lesser need for flexibility of sitting. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 97 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.2254-1 PARK OF NON-CONDENSING WALL HUNG BOILERS BY TYPE OF FLUE TOTAL PARK 1993-2007 LEVEL 2- EN Standards TOTAL PARK ‘93-07 TOTAL PARK % shares ‘93-’07 1993-1997 1993-1997 1993-1997 EN 483- Boiler Type C 5 178 11 592 11 802 28 571 69% EN 297- Boiler Type B 3 253 5 300 4 251 12 805 31% Total 8 431 16 892 16 053 41 376 100% *all numbers (‘000) Fig 4.2254-2 PARK OF EN 483 TYPE C NON-CONDENSING BOILERS IN UK LEVEL 2- EN Standards TOTAL UK PARK 1993-2007 TOTAL UK PARK ‘9307 TOTAL UK PARK % shares ‘93-’07 1993-1997 1993-1997 1993-1997 Type C Balanced 874 679 324 1 877 16% Type C Standard 2 866 4 443 2 504 9 812 84% Total EN 483 Boiler Type C 3 740 5 122 2 828 11 690 100% *all numbers (‘000) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 98 4.2 4.2255 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Modulation Boiler burners can be: - fixed flame - step modulating - continuously modulating. The purpose of modulation is to reduce the volume of water that needs to be held in the boilers, while maintaining or improving the comfort performance of the boiler. The introduction of continuous modulation was triggered above all by the introduction of the combi boiler. The supply of modulating controls for wall hung combis is dominated by two companies, HONEYWELL and SIT. They informed BRGC that virtually all combis (i.e. boilers producing instantaneous directly heated sanitary hot water) have continuously modulating burners. Today these typically modulate within a range of 100% down to 40%. As part of a general trend to seek higher efficiency at low cost, manufacturers are reported to be seeking to widen the range of modulation. In the opinion of one controls manufacturer, 30% is probably the achievable limit, while another talked of going down to 10%. Suppliers also expressed the opinion that this type of fine tuning of boilers is likely to increase the sensitivity to variations in gas quality (“It can be argued that manufacturers are moving in the opposite direction to GASQUAL”) It is acknowledged that a few low cost combis are still in the park (possibly ARISTON META and BOSCH NOVATHERM) have step modulation, but this is thought to represent a very small share of the park. In general step modulation has proved unsatisfactory in terms of the comfort levels provided, and they are probably now hardly sold, at least as far as combis are concerned. The situation with heating only boilers is less clear cut. It is thought that the great majority of heating only boilers on sale today have continuous modulation, but the situation in the park is more mixed: - in the German speaking countries, low temperature boilers (and therefore continuous modulation) has been more or less standard since well back into the 1980’s, but it has been difficult to establish whether all such heating only wall hung and the floor standing LT boilers have continuous modulation - it seems logical that in the combi-dominated countries outside Germany, heating only variants of models that are mainly combis will have continuous modulation GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 99 4.2 4.2256 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK - the great majority of UK open vented cast iron boilers are on/off (except possibly for some more recent models that were fitted with the AEROMATRIX fanned premix burner) - it has proved difficult to obtain a precise view of modulation in floor standing boilers. Clearly the penetration of continuous modulation developed far more slowly than for wall hung boilers, partly because there are so few floor standing combis. It is thought that most floor standing gas boilers sold today have continuous modulation, but this is a fairly recent development. On the other hand the largest market for floor standing boilers (Germany) has been installing low temperature boilers more or as standard since the 1980’s which presumably implies some form of modulation. It is believed that there was a good deal of step modulation - it is assumed that all floor standing condensing boilers have continuous modulation. Special Controls The Market Study is required to quantify the penetration of additional controls including: - - combustion controls. These can be classified as “gas adaptors” and can be based on: • flame signal sensors (SCOT and similar). • flue sensors air/gas ratio controls, which come in the form of: • pneumatic controls. These are the standard HONEYWELL and SIT type modulating controls and are not concerned with handling different gas qualities. The boiler must be set for the gas quality to be used • electronic, which, according to the manufacturers, still need the boiler to be adjusted or the gas to be used The initial perception is that such controls could make it easier for the boilers in question to handle variable gas qualities. However, the overall picture is that the penetration of such controls to date has been so low that they would hardly show up within the total EU park numbers. Cost and cost effectiveness appear to have been the main barrier. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 100 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Combustion Controls (Gas Adaptors) There are several such systems (which control the modulation depending on the combustion quality, and detects whether the current is too rich or too lean) on the market: - the SCOT System (flame signal) was developed by STIEBEL ELTRON for RUHRGAS (EON) some 15 years ago. It enables the boiler to adjust in response to varying gas qualities, in order to be able to take gas from e.g. Norway, Russia, North Africa etc. ELSTER (KROMMSCHROEDER) now has exclusive rights to the SCOT system. It is reported that the uptake has been very low, and has mainly been for the wall hung condensing boilers of: • VIESSMANN (some models). VIESSMANN is reported to be the biggest user of SCOT • WEISHAUPT, which apparently fits SCOT to all the wall hung condensing boilers it produces in its Swiss factory - SIEMENS has the SIETHERM PRO system, which is known to be used to some extent by BRÖTJE - HONEYWELL has its own system (SQUARE) but so far it is not in use - WORGAS has the WTC system (but it is not evident in the market) - BERTELLI PARTNERS in Italy is reported to coming out with system, but it is thought that this is not yet in use. It is reported RUHRGAS originally hoped that all new boilers would be equipped with the SCOT System. However in practice the uptake has been low. The downside reportedly has been the R&D costs at the boiler manufacturer level. It takes time to adjust the controls to suit each individual model. It is understood that some trials were made on floor standing boilers (BUDERUS?), but the use of this type of control is reportedly more or less confined to wall hung condensing boilers. It would probably require legislation to increase the uptake significantly. Flue Sensors Again the uptake is low. VAILANT has a flue sensor offered with its. However, in general the feedback from the industry is not encouraging about its use being extended further. BOSCH reportedly tried it but was not happy with the performance. The total combustion goes wrong if the system is not well adjusted. The need is to find a low cost solution. Work is being done to de to develop a laser sensor for flue gasses to detect CO2 levels at <€50. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 101 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Air/Gas Ratio Controls BRGC’s advice from the industry is that air/gas ratio controls merely mix to a pre adjusted setting, and therefore would not help with handling variable gas qualities Wall hung boilers mostly have a ratio of 1 (in other words stoichiometric) equal quantity of air and gas (over stoichiometric means more air than gas). SIT has a product with 2 diaphragms which is commonly used, but it is not a combustion optimization product. It is still necessary to know the gas quality. There appear to be two types: - pneumatic, which are the basic modulating controls fitted to most combis and some heating only boilers, produced mainly by SIT and HONEYWELL - electronic. In addition, it is reported that there are still GAD compliant boilers in use that do not have air/gas control but have simple controls consisting of an appliance governor or throttle. Pressure Controls The modulating controls supplied by companies such as SIT and HONEYWELL have pressure controls fitted as standard. BRGC was informed that there is a particular issue related to the market in France, where variable pressure controls are not permitted and the controls must be set at maximum. 4.226 NEWER TECHNOLOGIES 4.2261 Micro CHP To date the only micro-CHP appliance available on a commercial scale is the BAXI/SENERTEC DACHS range (internal combustion) which is intended for non-domestic use (see Section 9.1), even though it might fall into the “domestic” category according to the EN standards. As of 2009 about 13,000 appliances are in place, with Germany as easily the largest market. VAILLANT has a similar product (ECOPOWER). A number of domestic models are expected to be launched from 2009 (see Fig. 4.2261-1), but these launches have repeatedly been put back reflecting a difficulty in getting these products ready for market. It is anticipated that the UK and the Netherlands will take the lead in encouraging the uptake of these products. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 102 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK DG TREN is in the process of incorporating micro CHP appliances into the EUP Eco-Design process (Lot 1), and the assessment appears to be reasonably favorable. 4.2262 GAS HEAT PUMPS The only product known to be on the market is the ROBUR commercial model. BRGC understands that by the end of 2008 some 4,000 appliances had been installed. Italy is easily the largest market, followed by Germany. These are basically light commercial gas absorbtion products for heating and cooling. ROBUR is understood to have received funding from GDF to develop a smaller domestic model (BUDERUS is also a partner), but the launch is probably 4 years away. There is also an EON consortium of which VAILLANT, BTT and VIESSMANN are members. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 103 4.2 TECHNICAL SEGMENTATION OF THE PARK Fig. 4.2261-1 MICRO CHP APPLIANCES IN DEVELOPMENT 2009 Company Model Partners Technology Output Expected Launch Moving from "Alpha" to "Beta" phase BRITISH GAS Fuel Cell CERAMIC FUEL CELLS GENNEX/BLUE GEN E.On (UK), EWE/BRUN (D), GDF SUEZ/DE DIETRICH (F) Fuel Cell 2kWe 2009 BAXI ECOGEN BRITISH GAS Stirling 1.1kWe/24kW thermal 2009 DISENCO HOMEPOWERPLANT mCHP Stirling 3kWe/18kW thermal 2009 ENERGETIX GENLEC GENELEC DAALDEROP (NL), E.On (UK), STIEBEL ELTRON (D) Rankine Cycle Up to 3kWe E.On Stirling 1kWe, 7kWh MONDRAGON & MERIDIAN ENERGY Stirling CERES POWER WORCESTER BOSCH WHISPERGEN WHISPERGEN BROAG-REMEHA REMEHA CHP VAILLANT VIESSMANN ARISTON/ELCO Stirling Based on MICROGEN Based on MICROGEN Stirling MEC engine Stirling MEC engine INFINIA (USA) Stirling GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 2011 2009 (?) 2009 1kWe, 18kWh 2010 104 4.3 4.3 FUTURE TRENDS 4.31 DRIVERS FUTURE TRENDS Forecasting future trends in the domestic gas boiler market involves taking into account a complex mix of drivers. BRGC has developed an approach that attempts to take into account these different variables, broadly speaking along the following lines: Fig. 4.31 KEY DRIVERS INFLUENCING BOILER TRENDS Type Driver of Specific Driver Underlying trend drivers Substitution Saturation Scope for additional first time installation. Effective saturation occurs at lower level of central heating penetration in warmer climates Gasification Where gasification is still developing there is scope for growth scope for growth, but consumer attitudes will affect actual uptake. Replacement patterns Replacement rates (linked to appliance life cycle) will influence uptake of newer technologies in the existing dwelling stock Product mix Substitution from within the domestic gas boiler market; e.g. condensing from noncondensing, Type C flues from Type B flues. System /fuel type substitution Substitution from outside the individual gas boiler market; e.g. competition from collective heating, district heating, different fuel types, heat pumps etc. Macro-economic Cyclical drivers Housing construction Other (incl. weather, energy prices) Political Events Comments Macro-economic Legislation/incentives Cyclical drivers are in principle short term and reversible. The current economic downturn is an example. It is not always easy to distinguish cyclical trends from underlying trends. Cyclical factors can for example delay underlying trends. Legislation and incentives are easily the most important of these “artificial” drivers. Their impact can be to bring forward technological substitution. GASQUAL could in itself, like EUP, become an “event” GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 105 4.3 4.32 TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS 4.3211 Technological Trends (Product Substitution) FUTURE TRENDS 4.32111 Boilers Within the domestic boiler sector itself, the most important “product substitution” trends are likely to be: - a continuing shift in favour of condensing boilers. Apart from the countries where there is already a strong momentum in this direction (UK, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Belgium), the EUP Eco-Design process (although its final requirements are still in doubt) is expected to act as a catalyst in the countries that have shown more reluctance (France, Italy, Spain) and also in eastern Europe where economic considerations have so far been the main constraint - the shift towards condensing will obviously help to prolong the long term shift from open flues (Type B) towards room sealed (Type C) - there is also a strong shift away from floor standing boilers towards wall hung, and much of the R&D work is now being focused on wall hung rather than the dying floor standing sector. In general terms, much of this R&D effort is being directed towards improving the performance and energy efficiency of existing boilers while keeping the cost of doing so to a minimum. Such efforts reportedly include: • further refining the adjustments made to boilers pre-shipping to accommodate the gas qualities in the country of end use • searching for modulation through a range wider than 100% to 40%. With the demise of the UK open vented cast iron boiler, continuous modulation itself is now more or less standard • searching for effective combustion controls/flue gas sensors that might facilitate the use of more variable gas qualities without a prohibitive hike in costs (the search was mentioned for a laser sensor for flue gasses to detect CO2 levels costing <€50 a piece). As things stand there is little expectation of any significant increase in the fitting of either the Scot/SiethermPro type controls or of sensors without either targeted incentives or coercive legislation. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 106 4.3 FUTURE TRENDS 4.32112 Micro CHP Although (apart from the light commercial internal combustion models from BAXI/SENERTEC and VAILLANT) it has taken far longer than most players had anticipated to bring domestic micro CHP to market on a commercial scale, there is so much activity at the moment (see Section 4.2231) that it is impossible to reach any other conclusion than that the GASQUAL project will need to take into account each of the main technologies that are being developed, i.e.: - internal combustion engines - Stirling engines - Rankine Cycle - fuel cells however difficult it is to predict what the uptake will be. The Sterling Engine and Rankine Cycle technologies have emerged reasonably favourably has a result of their being added to the EUP Eco Design proposals (it is understood that fuel cells have not been taken into consideration). 4.32113 Gas Heat Pumps Gas heat absorption heat pump technology as emerged mainly from the air conditioning sector, but in spite of positive expectations no domestic sized product has yet come to market. The small ROBUR product is said to be some 4 years away from launch. Thus for the moment this can only be earmarked as a product to watch out for (unless it is decided that the existing ROBUR appliance should be classified as domestic rather than commercial). 4.3212 System/Fuel Type Substitution Assuming that micro CHP and gas heat pumps are considered as a type of gas boiler, BRGC sees the main substitution issues from outside the gas boiler are: - positive for H gas boilers: • continued trend away from LPG and oil in favour of natural gas • continued trend towards wall hung which is overwhelmingly natural gas (apart from a small share of LPG and of electric boilers) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 107 4.3 • - in France, any reversal of the recent trend in favour of dry electric in new build (now standing at record levels). This could happen as France’s nuclear capacity starts to approach the end of its life cycle, and also as a result of the generally negative implication of the EUP on electric heating (especially water heater which forms part of ant “toute électique” system). On the other hand the wish to avoid the cost of installing individual condensing boilers in new build could favour alternatives including electric, collective or district heating neutral for H as boilers: • - FUTURE TRENDS BRGC does not expect any significant threat to gas boilers from domestic biomass boilers. Where there is substitution, it is more likely to be from oil to biomass, but BRGC believes that there is in any case that the prospect of further biomass boiler growth is very limited negative for H gas boilers: • a much greater threat comes from electric heat pumps, whether geothermal, air-to-water or air-to-air (reversible air conditioning) with the biggest immediate threat coming for high temperature airto-water heat pumps, which are subject to intense market activity at present • linked to the EPBD requirements there is some indication of a possible swing back to: •• collective heating in new build (easier to combine with solar thermal in multi-family buildings) •• local CHP district heating (but in some of the new Member States, including Romania and The Czech Republic there has been pressure from home occupiers to switch from district heating to gas central heating, which has generally been discouraged by the authorities) • 4.3213 any move towards “passive” or “carbon neutral” new housing. Underlying Trend Drivers 4.32131 Replacement Rates The rate of replacement does not in itself (if like-for-like) impact on the overall size of the domestic gas boiler park, but it will affect the pace of product substitution (e.g. non-condensing to condensing) or system substitution. Perhaps most importantly for the GASQUAL project, the replacement rate will influence the pace at which pre-GAD appliances are replaced with new appliances. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 108 4.3 FUTURE TRENDS 4.32132 First Time Installation/Saturation The scope for increasing the size of the domestic gas boiler park depends to a large extent on the level of equipment of central heating (whether gas or other, and whether autonomous or collective/district) that already exists. Any continuing first time installation of individual gas boilers will have a positive impact on the total park, even if the level of first time installation is falling (which is the case in most countries). The anticipated realistic saturation level for central heating ownership will vary between countries and regions, depending mainly on the climate 4.32133 Gasification Gasification has obviously been the most powerful driver of the gas boilers market in past years, but the pace of gasification has inevitably slowed as saturation approaches. In some countries (Southern Italy, Southern Spain, Portugal, Greece) gasification is taking place largely in areas where for climatic reasons central heating is not a priority. In eastern Europe, much of the gasification has taken place in urban arrears already equipped with district heating. There remain scope for growth in Bulgaria, but progress is slow in the current economic climate. Gasification is proceeding in Ireland and Northern Ireland within the UK. There is no sign of any significant extension of the very small gas networks in Sweden or Finland. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 109 4.3 4.3214 FUTURE TRENDS Events Legislation and incentives are key factors influencing the market. In addition to the many measure that are already in place, the two most important events over the next few years are likely to be: - legislation linked to the EPBD, which will vary by Member State. In some countries (e.g. Italy and Spain) this may encourage a swing back to collective and district heating in new apartment building. A recast of the EPBD to extend it to smaller individual existing dwellings is under way. This is likely to encourage the replacement of pre-GAD boilers, and should in theory favour the more efficient gas boilers - the implementation of the EUP Eco-Design (Lot 1) proposals. These are almost certain to accelerate the shift towards condensing technology, but could also stimulate the uptake of micro CHP and heat pumps. The impact of the above trends will probably be reinforced by the individual National Energy Efficiency Action Plans, and National Renewable Energy Action Plans (required respectively by the “Energy Services” Directive 2006/32/EC and the “Renewable Energies” Directive 2009/28/EC) to be published or updated over the coming years. 4.3215 Cyclical Drivers It is sometimes difficult to make a distinction between the impact of cyclical drivers and the impact of underlying drivers. There is no doubt that in recent years the cyclical drivers have depressed the market (in terms of annual sales) in most countries. Replacement rates have fallen in favour of repairs, and new housing construction has fallen. This will not necessarily reducing the size of the park in a measurable way, but it will cause the park to age. In Spain, where so much of the growth in the park has been linked to new build, the recession has undoubtedly held back the growth of the park. While levels of new housing construction can be considered as a cyclical driver when forecasting boiler sales levels, in general any continued installation of autonomous gas boilers in new dwellings will generate an absolute increase in the park, since new construction normally outweighs demolitions. Changes in the share of individual gas systems within new build (see Section 4.3212 above) can be considered more as an underlying driver. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 110 4.3 4.34 FUTURE TRENDS Expected Future Trends Figs. 4.341-1 & 2 summarize BRGC’s view of the most likely future trends in the domestic gas boiler park. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 111 4.3 FUTURE TRENDS Fig. 4.34-1 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS 2007 ('000 boilers/dwellings) Country Gas Wall Hung Condensing Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Gas Wall Hung NonCond. Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Gas Floor Stand. Non Cond Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Gas Floor Stand. Cond Pre 1993 19932007 Total JB gas Pre 1993 19932007 Total Total Pre 1993 19932007 Total Austria 6 237 243 13 305 317 46 70 116 1 20 21 3 1 4 68 633 701 Belgium 0 275 275 106 834 940 151 444 595 0 7 7 29 24 53 287 1 583 1 870 Czech Republic 0 66 66 0 898 898 102 476 578 0 11 11 6 9 15 107 1 460 1 568 Denmark 0 143 143 41 126 166 8 9 17 0 2 2 0 1 2 49 280 329 France 2 404 406 293 5 956 6 248 907 1 028 1 935 0 35 35 99 277 376 1 300 7 700 9 000 27 2 097 2 123 233 2 666 2 899 901 1 348 2 249 6 76 82 495 291 787 1 662 6 479 8 140 Greece 0 3 3 0 93 93 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 18 19 0 115 115 Hungary 0 25 25 0 970 970 133 363 497 0 2 2 1 0 1 134 1 361 1 495 Ireland 0 32 32 7 540 548 11 22 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 594 613 Italy 0 668 668 0 10 418 10 418 628 993 1 621 0 49 49 221 140 361 849 12 268 13 116 Poland 0 103 103 0 1 030 1 030 18 198 216 0 7 7 47 63 110 65 1 401 1 466 Portugal 0 1 1 0 182 182 0 11 12 0 0 0 1 3 4 2 197 198 Romania 0 31 31 16 1 403 1 419 3 56 59 0 1 1 18 28 46 37 1 519 1 556 Slovak Republic 0 46 46 0 238 238 7 338 345 0 4 4 0 0 0 7 626 633 Spain 0 15 15 0 4 229 4 229 2 75 77 0 0 0 8 12 20 10 4 332 4 342 United Kingdom 18 5 206 5 224 53 11 488 11 541 2 909 1 677 4 586 0 82 82 0 1 1 2 980 18 454 21 434 TOTAL 52 9 351 9 404 761 41 375 42 136 5 827 7 110 12 937 7 297 304 928 869 1 797 7 575 59 003 66 577 Germany GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 112 4.3 FUTURE TRENDS Fig. 4.34-2 TOTAL PARK OF DOMESTIC H-GAS BOILERS 2007 AND FORECAST FUTURE TRENDS ('000 boilers/dwellings) Total Central Heating Park Country Domestic H-Gas Boilers Pre 1993Total 1993 2007 Other Central Heating (1) Total Dwellings No central heating '000 % w/o CH % on Gas Austria 68 633 701 2 737 749 4 187 17.9% 33.3% Belgium 287 1 583 1 870 1 851 1 182 4 903 24.1% 72.9% Czech Republic 107 1 460 1 568 1 931 591 4 090 14.4% 63.6% 49 280 329 1 978 403 2 710 14.9% 65.0% France 1 300 7 700 9 000 19 187 3 268 31 455 10.4% 35.0% Germany 1 662 6 479 8 140 27 177 3 434 38 751 8.9% 45.4% 0 115 115 2 663 2 841 5 619 50.6% 0.6% 134 1 361 1 495 754 1 923 4 172 46.1% 85.0% 18 594 613 611 145 1 369 10.6% 42.0% 849 12 268 13 116 8 500 7 013 27 012 26.0% 71.6% 65 1 401 1 466 8 604 2 930 13 000 22.5% 54.6% Denmark Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Poland Portugal 2 197 198 79 4 994 5 271 94.7% 14.1% Romania 37 1 519 1 556 1 831 4 873 8 260 59.0% 35.0% 7 626 633 2 379 786 3 798 20.7% 38.6% 10 4 332 4 342 6 394 13 199 23 935 55.1% 25.6% United Kingdom 2 980 18 454 21 434 3 462 716 25 612 2.8% 89.0% TOTAL 7 575 59 003 66 577 90 137 49 047 203 168 23.8% 48.0% Slovak Republic Spain Expected Future Trends Condensing set to grow, but total gas boiler park may fall. Much of non equipped park out of reach of gas. Growing competition from district heating, biomass and possibly heat pumps. Rapid growth in condensing likely to continue, but pace of growth depends on continued incentivisation. Modest park growth should come from extension of gas (first time installation) and new build. No expected competition from district heating. Heat pump uptake still low. Prospect of modest but slowing growth in gas boiler park from first time installations and new build. However gasification is slowing. District heating (35% of dwellings) not expanding and there are some defections in favour of gas. Already some impetus behind growth in condensing share and this should accelerate if EUP proposals implemented. Although some 65% of dwellings are connected to gas, only some 12% used individual gas boilers, while 61% are on district heating. There is little prospect of significant growth in the park of gas boilers, especially given the emergence of demand for air-to-air heat pumps. The park will however shift rapidly towards condensing boilers, since the sale of non-condensing is no longer permitted Gas boilers in France have long faced intense competition from dry electric systems based on France's large nuclear power capacity. Currently the park of gas boilers is scarcely growing as the share of dry electric in new build is running at record levels (<70%). There was a brief enthusi asm for solid fuel, but the growth of heat pumps looks more serious, especially in new build and as replacements for the rapidly declining floor standing boilers. France has been slow to encourage condensing boilers, but condensing should now gain share at an accelerating pace. It would take a significant swing away from electric to enable the gas boiler park to grow, but is not impossible if the EUP programme threatens electric water heaters and as the current nuclear capacity approaches the end of its life cycle. However it could be that district heating rather than gas will be the beneficiary. Germany has traditionally favoured collective rather than autonomous heating for apartments. In 1 & 2 family houses there is a relatively large share of basement sited floor standing boilers. There could be some growth in the park of individual gas boilers as wall hung gas displaces floor standing oil, but there is competition from heat pumps and (sporadically) from biomass. The district heating network (especially important in the NBL) has not grown much since unification, but there could be an ESCO led upswing in local CHP. Condensing boilers (especially wall hung) will gain share rapidly in the park. While there is plenty of scope for the gas boiler park to increase along with gasification, this is currently happening at only a modest pace, mainly in Thessalonica. The Athens market has yet to gather momentum. It will probably take strong legislation and/or incentives to achieve more than a marginal share for condensing, but this may come with the EUP implementation. On the face of it Hungary is far from being a mature heating market. Central heating penetration, as defined by BRGC, is only around 55%, although this does not include the dwellings (c. 25%) using the gas radiators that are a particular feature of the Hungary. Currently about 16% of dwellings are on district heating (mainly in Budapest), 4% are on collective heating, 35% are on autonomous central heating (compared with 22% in 1990) 25% are on gas radiators and 20% are on other forms of room heating. With the gasification programme approaching saturation and much of the switch from solid fuel to gas having taken place, growth in the gas boiler park would need to come from displacing wall convectors. The growth in condensing should accelerate. The park has grown very rapidly since the mid 1990's, helped by gasification and a booming economy. Saturation is now approaching, but there is still scope for gas to displace peat boilers. The condensing share should grow with the new Part L, especially at the expense of open vented cast iron. Central heating penetration is approaching 75% (compared with some 60% in 1990), which may be close to saturation given the warm climate in the South and Isles. The biggest underlying drivers have been the gasification process, and (in addition to first time installations) the accompanying wave of conversions from collective to autonomous (mainly wall hung combis) heating. All these drivers are now well past their peak. Some 90% of dwellings are in gas supply areas and over 70% are connected. Any park growth from new build and first time installation could be offset by a swing back to collective and district heating. After a slow start condensing is now growing, and this should accelerate in anticipation of the EUP measures. Poland still has a considerable park of dwellings with no central heating (estimated at some 25% of dwellings), mostly in rural areas, which is being equipped at a rather slow pace (1-2% per year). However, given the continuing improvements of standards of living in the country it is considered that this trend should continue to provide a moderate but steady underlying growth for the years to come. Poland has a relatively low share of natural gas within its energy mix, due to great reliance on coal. Gasification is still under way, although at a rather slow pace, and it is not expected to have any dramatic impact on the number of connections for domestic heating in the forecasting period. In spite of the relatively recent gasification, especially in Lisbon and Porto, the uptake of central heating has been slow and confined mainly to new build. The park should grow, but slowly and from a low base. The boiler market developed largely because of dissatisfaction with the old district heating networks. Between 2001 and 2004 a total of 776,360 disconnections from the district heating were made, causing the proportion of the dwelling stock on district heating to fall from 31% to 23%. Although the authorities acted to stem the flow of disconnections from 2005, there is still scope for further growth from disconnections and gasification. During the 1990s the Slovak market was characterised by a shift away from solid fuel and towards gas (initially floor standing, then mostly wall hung). The trend is now partly reversing, with solid fuel having gradually regained a substantial share since 1998. Within the gas segment, floor standing models are declining rapidly, and condensing is growing at a rather fast pace. District heating supplies some 40% of all dwellings. There have been some disconnections from the network, with people preferring the independence of individual gas systems. However it appears that this trend is now slowing down. Similarly, there has been a trend away from collective systems, but this seems to be now reversing, especially in smaller buildings. The proportion of dwellings with central heating increased from around 19% in 1990 to nearly 50% by 2007. The gasification process revealed a preference for autonomous heating over collective, although there was not the same type of massive programme of conversions that occurred in Italy. Thus the main under lying drivers over this period have been the increasing uptake of central heating in Spain's very large new housing sector, and first time installations linked to the gasification process. The park still has scope to grow further, but this is likely to be at a slower pace as saturation approaches and as new build levels fall. The EPBD could cause a swing back to collective. It will take legislation to generate a substantial condensing boiler market. The UK gas boiler park is virtually saturated, with scope for growth coming mainly from the gasification of Northern Ireland. The share of condensing in the park has been increasing rapidly since the Part L revisions of 2005. The share of cast iron boilers is declining, but the rate is constrained by the long life of these products. The UK s a country to watch for micro CHP GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 113 4.3 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission FUTURE TRENDS 114 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY 5. DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY 5.11 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS The products covered here are gas dedicated water heaters. This means that their sole function is to provide sanitary hot water. Boilers that both run the central heating and provide sanitary hot water (whether directly or indirectly) are covered in Section 4 above. There are two relevant categories of domestic gas water heaters: - instantaneous gas water heaters (conforming to EN 26) that do not store hot water but which provide it instantaneously on demand. These water heaters are generally sub-segmented by water flow rate: • 5 to <10 litres per minute • 10 to <13 litres per minute • 13+ litres per minute. Typically water heaters in the first of these categories are used as single point water heaters (i.e. just the kitchen or just the bathroom) and as such can usually be considered as secondary water heaters (i.e they have a supplementary role and or not the main source of hot water for the house). On the other hand water heaters providing 10 or more litres per minute are most often multi-point water heaters and therefore represent the primary source of sanitary hot water for the dwelling. However it is believed that within the large park of instantaneous gas water heaters in Spain and Portugal, it is thought that a 5 to <10 litres per minute water heater may in many cases be the sole form of water heating for the dwelling. In the UK there is a small market for instantaneous gas water heaters specifically for caravans and boats (PALOMA brand imported by MORCO from FAGOR). There are no condensing models. The main product development in what is now largely a replacement market has been from pilot to electronic ignition as well as movement towards water initiated modulation. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 115 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY Fig. 5.12-1 1993-2007* TOTAL PARK OF WATER HEATERS IN 16 EU COUNTRIES DIVIDED BY AGE OF APPLIANCE AND EN STANDARD TOTAL PARK '93-07 LEVEL 2- EN Standard TOTAL Park '93-07 TOTAL % Share '93-07 6 842 20 648 87% 1 089 925 3 046 13% 7 870 7 767 23 693 100% 19931997 19982002 20032007 EN26Instantaneous 7 024 6 782 EN89- Storage 1 032 TOTAL 8 056 *all numbers (‘000) Fig. 5.12-2 1993-2007* TOTAL PARK OF WATER HEATERS IN 16 EU COUNTRIES PER COUNTRY Country Spain 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 2 219 2 284 2 418 Italy 938 1 026 1 199 Portugal 804 1 035 826 France 1 106 886 793 Poland 655 697 735 Belgium 378 412 495 1 083 559 333 Hungary 206 300 320 United Kingdom 397 308 245 Czech Republic 120 163 135 Romania 34 53 127 Slovak Republic 27 77 81 Austria 75 54 39 Ireland 8 11 11 Greece 3 4 7 Denmark 2 2 3 8 056 7 870 7 767 Germany Total *all numbers (‘000) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 116 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY It should be stressed that in several countries, but above all in the very large markets in Spain and Portugal, a substantial proportion of the park of instantaneous gas water heaters were sold for use with LPG. BRGC has attempted to exclude these from the numbers, but it is known that some (notably in Spain) will have been converted from LPG to natural gas when the gas network was developed - gas storage water heaters (EN 89) which is a much smaller market, with most sales having been concentrated in Germany, Italy, and France. It is generally considered that models up to 80 litres capacity are for domestic use (mainly primary/multi-point) while those >80 litres are commercial (to a large extent in small commercial premises). However, EN89 sets the threshold at 70 kW which is equal and above 220 litres, and this has been used in the BRGC analysis. A small market for condensing models (almost entirely in >70 kW models) has emerged in recent years, probably based on imports from the USA. 5.12 QUANTIFYING THE PARK OF GAS W ATER HEATERS Figs. 5.12-1 and 5.12-2 set out BRGC’s estimates of the park of domestic gas water heaters in total and by country. Please note that estimates of the water heater park by type per country can be found in Appendix B of this report. The water heater market is less complex than the boiler market, with fewer significant manufacturers (Figs. 5.12-3 and 5.12-4): - the instantaneous gas water heater industry has a large overlap with the wall hung boiler industry, but with fewer players. It is dominated by: • the two German “Thermen” manufacturers, both of whom have located their production the Iberian Peninsular (BOSCH to its VULCANO plant in Portugal and VAILLANT to a joint venture with FAGOR in Spain). There was an eastern German producer, DESSAUER GASGERÄTE, that expanded rapidly during the post unification boom, but then folded. Some of its appliances are probably still in use in the NBL, but they can probably be considered as pre-GAD • the three main French wall hung boiler manufacturers SAUNIER DUVAL (VAILLANT), CHAFFOTOEAUX (ARISTON) and ELM LEBLANC (BOSCH) • the Spanish FAGOR and COINTRA (FERROLI) • the Italian SYLBER (RIELLO) • BAXI in the small UK market. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 117 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY Fig. 5.13 INSTANTANEOUS GAS WATER HEATER MARKET SHARES IN 1993-2007 PARK ACROSS SELECTED 16 EU COUNTRIES HOLDING BOSCH VAILLANT GROUP COMPANY / BRAND NAME GAD Appliance market shares JUNKERS 38% ELM LEBLANC 3% VAILLANT 12% SAUNIER DUVAL 6% MCC FAGOR FERROLI COINTRA 7% ARISTON THERMO GROUP CHAFFOTEAUX 4% TERMET TERMET 4% SYLBER 2% BERETTA 1% RIELLO 12% Others 10% Fig. 5.14 STORAGE GAS WATER HEATER MARKET SHARES IN 1993-2007 PARK ACROSS SELECTED 16 EU COUNTRIES HOLDING ARISTON THERMO GROUP COMPANY / BRAND NAME GAD Appliance market shares ARISTON OTHER ATG BRANDS 23% 6% VAILLANT GROUP VAILLANT 12% WIKORA WIKORA 6% QUANTUM QUANTUM 5% Others GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 27% 118 5.1 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY Although water heater park has less variables to work on, the data available is more scarce as well. In particular there is little information on share of LPG in total sales of water heaters and BRG based its estimates, where available, on BRG internal reports. Later some of key industry manufacturers, such as RIELLO, were contacted to understand better the share of LPG in total sales of gas dedicated water heater and ultimately park of H-gas using products. For water heaters the situation is even more complex as in southern Europe (in particular Spain and Portugal and to a lesser extent Italy), where dedicated water heaters are most popular, once gas arrived some of LPG water heaters have been adapted to use H-gas (changing the gas injector), while some have been substituted by combi boilers. Quantifying these processes is almost impossible and there are no official statistics to support such quantifications. Therefore the accuracy of H-gas water heater park is lower than this of boilers and BRG estimates it to be within + 10% / - 10%. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 119 5.1 5.121 QUANTIFYING THE EU DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS PARK BY COUNTRY Flue Types Traditionally the great majority of flues for instantaneous gas water heaters have Type B. However fanned flues (Type C) were progressively introduced during the 1990’s. The situation seems to differ across countries, for instance in Italy approximately 30%-40% of water heaters are type C, while in UK over last years Type C has been predominant, following the Part L revisions. Late information suggests that there is a close correlation between flue types and modulation, with the great majority of water activate models having Type B flues, and almost all electronically modulating models having Type C flues. It is known that some water heaters have been installed without flues (especially in Spain). 5.122 Burners Here the situation is clear cut: 5.123 - all instantaneous gas water heaters use Bunsen type burners (bladed construction e.g. POLIDORO NP). No evidence has been found of special low NOx models or of the use of premix burners - gas storage water heaters use round Bunsen type burners. Modulation The standard method of modulating in instantaneous gas water heaters is the water activated method. Full electronic modulation was introduced for premium models in the mid 1990’s (VAILLANT and JUNKERS), but this still only accounts for a minority of sales. It is difficult to quantify precisely BRGC is assuming around 10% of the park and 25% of current sales (maximum) been electronically modulating. 5.124 Combustion Controls No special combustion controls are used. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 120 5.2 5.2 TRENDS TRENDS Dedicated gas water heaters have increasingly become a replacement market as first time installation increasingly favours water heating linked to the boiler (whether combis or indirect water heating). In the replacement market itself dedicated water heating itself has tended to lose through a shift in favour of central heating. In warmer climates where there is less demand from central heating, solar is likely to gain share. It is possible that gas water heaters will benefit from the generally negative outcome of the EUP Eco-Design process for electric storage water heaters, but ecologists would prefer to see the benefits going to solar. In general BRGC expects to see a steady decline in the park of dedicated gas water heaters (Fig. 5.2). Fig 5.2 1993-2007* TRENDS IN SALES OF DEDICATED WATER HEATERS 3000 2 310 2 165 2 211 257 284 2 068 1 985 249 228 1 819 1 757 1 869 2500 257 2000 207 1500 1000 2 053 1 907 1 928 1 662 500 0 1993 1997 2000 EN89 Gas Storage 2002 2004 2007 EN26 Gas Instantaneous *all numbers (‘000) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 121 5.2 TRENDS Fig. 6.1-1 GAS FIRED SPACE HEATERS: MAIN PRODUCTS FOUND ON THE MARKET Category Description Radiant gas fires This category correspond to the SBGI "Radiant' category, which includes ceramic type open gas fires that are mainly radiant but some of which also include some convection. They can be open or glass fronted. VALOR models include FIRELITE OXYSAFE, ESQUIRE, BRAVA, CHARM and BLACK BEAUTY RADIANT. Decorative fuel effect fires Decorative fuel-effect gas fires are designed to simulate a solid fuel open fire primarily for decorative purposes and intended to be installed so that the products of combustion pass unrestricted from the firebed to the flue. We assume that this corresponds to the SGBI "Decorative Gas Fires". Includes VALOR models DGF WITH QUATTRO, , DGF WITH MAJESTIC, ARC (open basket type) and SPANISH BASKET. Picture Flue Standard Independent space heaters Radiant gas fires are the original gas fires that have been on the market since approximately 1967. They are more functional than decorative. Most now include some convection as well, and can claim efficiencies (NCV) of 79%. 80-90% are sold to social housing including EAGA Decent Homes, which may be phased out in 2012. EN509 EN509 products cannot make claims for efficiency levels. AFNOR's listing describes this category as "fuel effect" but in the market place "fuel effect" is used more to describe the EN 613 gas fires (see below). EN509 products came on to the market relatively late (late 1980's?), and they are seen primarily as decorative products. The typical product is an open grate inset fire. Efficiencies are generally low (<40%). They may be banned as a result of the current EUP Eco-Design process. Still high sales but losing to electric, solid fuel and more efficient Live Fuel Effect fires. Open, Balanced or Fanned Flue EN13278 and EN 613 (+ BS79771) Covered by both EN 613 and EN 13278 - but most of VALOR's approvals would be certified against BS79771:2002, which falls under the G.A.D. as they are not directly connected to a flue connection, but are installed into the builders opening. These products are effectively the immediate successors of the radiant gas fire, and were introduced when decorative gas fires started to become popular. They have progressively become more efficient. These are also the main type of decoarative gas fire export from the Netherlands by, for example, FABER and DRU. Flueless EN14829 Separate flueless. Not sold by VALOR. 3 UK producers. Product marketed as 100% efficient (NCV). Market c. 20,000 pieces maximum a year. B&Q an important distributor. Balanced Flue EN613 Independent space heaters (with or without fan). Ducted EN778 Open flue Open flue. Live fuel effect fires are designed to look like a solid fuel fire, just like decorative fires, but it includes a flue box which is, in combination with the front fret and overall design, restricts the flow up the chimney . These are significantly more efficient than a decorative ones. Live fuel effect fires Flueless gas fires Convector wall heaters This correponds to SBGI "outset L.F.E", " inset L.F.E.", "Balanced Flue", and "Fanned or Powered Flue". Includes VALOR models ADORN, VISAGE, WESTMINSTER, DREAM, ULTIMATE, HERITAGE, DECADENT, CAPRI, BLENHEIM, TRANQUILITY, ICON, ARTURA, VISIA, LIBERTY, ENVY, OBSESSION, SEATTLE, HOMEFLAME (EMINENCE, HARMONY and DREAM - all open flue) and BLACK BEAUTY UNIGAS, ULTIMATE BALANCED FLUE, SEATTLE BALANCED FLUE, DREAM BALANCED FLUE, DECADENT BALANCED FLUE, DREAM FAN FLUE, BLACK BEAUTY SLIMLINE and HEARTBEAT. These products have no flue and evacuate the waste gasses (usually treated by a catalytic converter) into the room. VALOR does not produce them. The UK market leader is FOCAL POINT, which sells a lot through B&Q (including EUPHORIA). Flueless not picked up by SBGI? A convector heater is a heater which operates by air convection currents circulating through the body of the appliance, and across its heating element. This heats up the air, causing it to increase in area. Wall heaters emit both radiant and convected heat. Appear to be mainly glass fronted LFE designs. Comments EN 613 for direct flue connections . BS 7977-1 for closure plate installs. EN Code for In UK now sold largely to the EAGA Decent Homes contract, which may be phased out in 2012. A variant is common n the Hungarian market Assume classified as "Wall Heaters" by SBGI. Type C Warm air heaters The warm air heaters is a dry system. The air is warmed directly by the gas as it passes through a simple heat exchanger, the air is then circulated through ducts within the property. Type B Free Blowing GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, PRELIMINARY REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Most first time installations in 1960's/70's. There is still a significant park in the UK (c.500,000 dwellings?). JOHNSON & STARLEY still sell replacement appliances. EN1319 122 6.1 6 GAS ROOM HEATERS AND DRY SYSTEM HEATING 6.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS PRODUCT DEFINITIONS In terms of EN classifications (see also Section 2.43), this section covers the following: - EN 613: independent space heaters without fan but with directly connected flue (in the UK many radiant and decorative gas fires are installed in the builders opening which provides an open route for the waste gasses without the need for a directly connect flue. These are test under BS7977-1 which comes within the GAD, rather than under EN 613) - EN 1266: independent space heaters with fan - EN 509: decorative fuel effect gas fires - EN 14438: gas fired insets for heating more than one room - EN 13278: open fronted independent space heaters - EN 14829: flueless space heaters - EN 778: forced convection air heaters <70kW - EN 1319: forced convection air heaters <70kW with fan assisted burner - EN 1196: condensing air heaters. Fig. 6.1-1 illustrates some of the actual products found on the market. 6.2 MARKET DATA 6.21 MARKET SEGMENTS In terms of markets, the most important segments are: - gas fires, for which demand within the EU is very much concentrated in the UK (easily the largest market) and in the Netherlands (the latter is of course not included in the GASQUAL project). There are some exports (mainly from manufacturers in the Netherlands such as FABER and DRU VERWARMING) to other EU Member States, but the scale is small (perhaps 20,000 units a year, with 10-20% going to the UK). The main product sub categories are: GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 123 6.2 MARKET DATA • radiant gas fires which are open flue and would normally fall within EN 613. However, most of them are installed directly in the builders opening, and do not require a directly connected flue. For this reason they are tested under BS7977-1 rather than EN 613. Radiant gas fires are specific to the UK, and were the original gas fires that have been on the market since before WWII. They are ceramic type open (still the largest category) or glass fronted gas fires that are mainly radiant but some of which also include some convection. Most now include some convection as well, and can claim efficiencies (NCV) of 79%. In the UK 80-90% are now sold to social housing including EAGA Decent Homes, which may be phased out • live fuel effect fires (most which, if they are balanced or open flue, are covered by EN 613, with fanned flue coming under EN 132278) which are designed to look like a solid fuel fire, just like decorative fires (see below), but which include a flue box which, in combination with the front fret and overall design, restricts the flow up the chimney. These are significantly more efficient than the decorative ones. There is a substantial market in the UK, where the SBGI distinguishes between “inset” and “outset” (open flue) and “no chimney” (balanced or fanned flue). However, most of the “inset” and “outset” and outset models are installed directly in the builders opening, and do not require a directly connected flue. For this reason they are tested under BS7977-1 rather than EN 613. Most of the gas fires exported to other Member States from the Netherlands fall into this category. They are all tested under EN 613, and the vast majority are glass fronted with balanced flues. In addition FABER has developed a hybrid product (long balanced flue) which does not really fit into existing classifications for test purposes. One notified body gave an appliance a 93% efficiency rating not taking into account the specifics of this type of flue, while another gave it 68% taking into account the longer flue. These products are effectively the immediate successors of the radiant gas fire, and were introduced during the late 1990’s when decorative gas fires started to become popular. They have progressively become more efficient. There are also Type B models which tend to be older models that are often manufactured locally. It seems that, whether with balanced flue or fanned flue, these products are tested under EN 613 on the continent GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 124 6.2 - MARKET DATA • decorative fuel effect gas fires (EN509) are designed to simulate a solid fuel open fire primarily for decorative purposes and intended to be installed so that the products of combustion pass unrestricted from the firebed to the flue. This category is specific to the UK, where a strong underlying growth seems to have peaked in 2003. EN509 products came on to the market relatively late (late 1980's?), and they are seen primarily as decorative products. The typical product is an open grate inset fire. Efficiencies are generally low (45%-65%), and EN509 products are not allowed to publish efficiency levels. Some believe they may be banned as a result of the current EUP Eco-Design process. Sales in the UK are still high but the product is losing ground to electric & solid fuel. These products are hardly sold on the Continent. It is thought they may use non-premix burners • flueless gas fires (EN14829). These products have no flue and evacuate the waste gasses (treated by a catalytic converter) into the room. VALOR does not produce them. The UK market leader is FOCAL POINT, which sells a lot though B&Q (including EUPHORIA). The product is offered as 100% efficient (NCV). Concern was expressed during the research about the possibility of varying gas qualities causing soot build up that in turn could affect the operation of the catalytic converter, with potentially dangerous consequences. The product was first sold in 1998, and the market is quite small (possibly 20,000 pieces a year in the UK) but it is thought to be growing room heaters, which are covered by EN 613 (without fan) and EN 1266 (with fan). Within this category BRGC has identified: • convector wall heaters sold in the UK. A convector heater is a heater which operates by air convection currents circulating through the body of the appliance, and across its heating element. This heats up the air, causing it to increase in area. VALOR has such a product, which is now sold largely o the EAGA Decent Homes contract, which may be phased out GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 125 6.2 MARKET DATA • there is also a range of balanced flue wall hung convector heaters or gas radiators that a above all associated with the market in Hungary. It is likely that many of those in use predate 1992, and certainly the vast majority will predate Hungary’s accession to the EU in 2004, and even the transition period before that. Apart from indigenous production FABER in the Netherlands came out with a range (GWH Series; balanced flue EN 613) originally with the Hungarian market in mind, but now of the 40,000 to 50,000 a year sold by FABER, most go to Russia where they are well able to cope with the low gas pressures. BRGC estimates that in Hungary close to 25% of dwellings (i.e. around 1 million dwellings) use this type of heating, implying some 3.5 million convectors in use. Most have been supplied by local producers FÉG and LAMPART, but it is not possible to evaluate how many have been installed since Hungary came under the auspices of the GAD • the German ORANIER is thought to be the leading EU producer of “Gasheizautomaten” which are both wall hung and floor standing convector type room heaters. Sales of these products have fallen from about 150,000 pieces a year in the mid 1990’s to some 20,000 in 2008. Much of the demand comes from Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe. ORANIER also produces a range of these products for VAILLANT’s VGR range • in the Netherlands, DRU has a range of wall hung and floor standing room heaters, but it is not clear to what extent these are exported (they appear in the French and German catalogues but not in the UK one) • ROBUR in Italy produces a range of gas space heaters (both noncondensing and condensing) but it is believed that these are mainly for commercial use. They do however offer gas radiators for domestic and commercial use. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 126 6.2 - 6.22 MARKET DATA in the UK there are still some 480,000 homes (40% private, 60% public) which have ducted gas warm air. Although there has little first time or new build installation for many years (the systems were originally installed mainly in the 1960’ and 1970’s, there is a significant replacement market, and some 230,000 systems have been installed since 1993. The average product life is estimated to be 27 years in the private sector and 17 years in the public sector. The products use partial premix “Bunsen” type burners (tubular construction sourced from Italy). The burners do not modulate (modulation refers to the fan, not the burner). Originally there were balanced flue installations, but it is thought that these are now rare in the park. Since 1992 the trend has been from open to fanned flues, and current sales are roughly evenly split between the two. Outputs range from 7.3 kW to 26.4 kW. These appliances can also offer indirectly heated hot water (EN 483 indirect cylinder), and facilities for air filtration. The product has been adapted to conform to the 2005 Part L revisions, but this did not involve launching a condensing model. However, one is expected to appear over the net few years (they are widely used in the USA). This will be tested under an extension of EN 1319. UK The UK is so easily the largest and most complex market amongst the countries covered for these products that it is worth considering the UK separately from the rest of Europe. Various different sets of market data have been submitted to BRGC during the research (including estimates from GASTEC), not all of which are compatible. In BRGC’s view the most reliable figures are those complied on annual sales over the period 19932008. It is probably reasonable to assume that the cumulative sales 1993-2008 are close to the current park of appliances installed post GAD. On this basis, the park estimates are given in Fig. 6.22-1. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 127 6.2 MARKET DATA Fig. 6.22-1 ESTIMATED UK PARK OF GAS FIRES, ROOM HEATERS AND GAS WARM AIR SYSTEMS INSTALLED 1993-2008 Appliance Type EN Classification Park 19932008 ('000 pieces) Comments Expected Future Trends Market decline expected to continue due to loss of share to electric and end of Decent Homes scheme in 2012. Radiant Gas Fires EN 613 2 270 Market in long term decline. GASTEC estimates the total park at some 5.7 million (70% box radiant and 30% glass fronted). This implies a large remaining park of pre-1993 fires still in use. Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires EN 613 & 13278 + BS7977-1 4 695 GASTEC estimates 3,250,000. Open Flue Outset EN 613+ BS7977-1 790 Steady decline in sales since 1993 Open Flue Inset EN 613+ BS7977-1 3 250 Strong growth in sales which peaked in 2003. Since then sales have fallen sharply. No Chimney EN 613 & 13278 655 Market fairly steady. Decorative Gas Fires EN 509 970 GASTEC shows 2.6 million (but includes some EN 613?). Strong growth up to 2003 when sales peaked. Threatened by EUP? Total Flued Gas Fires EN 613, 13278 & 590 7 935 Flueless EN 14829 120 Not included in SBGI. Market c. 20,000 pa. GASTEC had 172,000 park in 2005 Market thought to be growing. Wall Heaters EN 613 485 GASTEC has 443,000 for balance flue convectors in 2005. Steady decline in sales since 1993 Market likely to become residual after end of Decent Homes scheme in 1012. 230 Total park c.450,000. Most systems installed for the first time in 1960'/70's, but there is a replacement market. Products adapted to 2005 Part L revisions. Condensing version in pipeline. Continued decline in sales. Gas Warm Air Systems EN 778 & 1319 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Market continues to decline in face of competition from solid fuel and electric 128 6.3 6.23 BURNERS Continent Given that the Netherlands are excluded from the study, the market for domestic room heaters on Continental Europe is so small that it is not possible to analyse it by country. To summarise: 6.3 - about 20,000 live fuel effect EN 613 gas fires are exported a year from the Netherlands, of which perhaps 15,000 go to continental EU Member States. Germany and Belgium are the largest markets - in Germany, there is estimated to be a park of 836,000 gas fires and room heaters (nearly all EN 613), roughly evenly split between open and balanced flue - in Belgium there is a significant park of around 250,000 gas fires and room heaters (EN 613) - there is still a significant usage of gas stoves in the new Member States of eastern Europe, but most of these are pre-GAD - in Hungary, there is a long established usage of wall hung gas convector balanced flue radiators. In total BRGC estimates that some 25% of dwellings are heated in this way. Assuming an average of 3.5 radiators per dwelling, this gives a park of some 3.5 million radiators. This form of heating was already widely used during the communist era, and given the fact that Hungary joined the EU only in 2001, most of this park must be considered as pre GAD. However there will have been replacement sales made since 2001. BURNERS As far as is known all products covered by this section of the report use some type of partial premix Bunsen type burner. It was suggested that some EN 509 products use secondary air only, but this was denied by the UK market leader. Italy appears to be the major source of supply for the UK industry, while FABER in the Netherlands has burners produced to their own design by a UK manufacturer. One feature of the market is the importance of the appearance of the flame for the gas fires with a decorative function. It is believed that this involves quite fine adjusting, and this aspect could be affected by variations in gas quality. In terms of sensitivity to changes in gas quality: - glass fronted fires run more risk of soot/carbon deposits. already a major cause of call-outs GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission This is 129 6.4 - SUPPLY there may be safety risks if flueless products have their catalysts clogged up. In terms of other sensitivities to changes in gas quality: 6.4 - glass fronted fires run more risk of soot/carbon deposits. already a major cause of call-outs This is - there may be safety risks if flueless products have their catalysts clogged up. SUPPLY The production of gas fires and room heaters can be considered in three groups: - the UK industry supplying the UK market which is easily the largest in the EU, comprising: • VALOR (BAXI Group) which is probably the market leader with its two brands VALOR and WONDERFIRE. VALOR does not produce flueless models • FOCAL POINT is probably No.2 (and is leader in flueless). • ROBINSON WILLEY which also owns GRATEGLOW FIRES • BFM which owns FLAVEL, KINDER and VERINE. • others including: •• JETMASTER •• YEOMAN STOVES •• LEGEND •• MAGIGLOW Plus DRU GASSAR and BURLEIGH in flueless - the Netherlands industry, which mainly supplies its home market (the second largest after the UK, but excluded from the present study) but which also exports perhaps 20,000 live fuel effect gas fires a year to other EU fires (including the UK which may take 10-20% of these exports. The two largest players are: • FABER INTERNATIONAL BV (GLEN DIMPLEX) which has commercial subsidiaries in UK, Belgium and Germany, and partners in Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and Spain GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 130 6.4 • - SUPPLY DRU VERWARMING B.V. which owns SPARTHERM in Germany and DRU GASSAR in the UK local manufacturers in the other Member States including: • ORANIER in Germany which sells room heaters (convector type) mainly to Germany and Austria. ORANIER also supplies an own label range to VAILLANT • local manufacturers in Belgium and in eastern Europe (possibly mainly MORATOP for wall mounted and KARMA CESKY BROD for floor standing in the Czech Republic) who are thought to be supplying mainly open flue appliances. There are also producers of gas radiators in Hungary, including FÉG and LAMPART. JOHNSON & STARLEY now dominates the supply of domestic gas warm air systems in the UK. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 131 6.4 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission SUPPLY 132 6.4 SUPPLY Fig. 7.121-1: ILLUSTRATIONS OF BURNERS USED FOR DOMESTIC COOKERS (HKI COMPILATION 2009)…/1 Burner Type (group) Burner Type (subgroup) Image Defintion/Description Produced since (ca.) Produced by Used in* Load range (of appliances) (kW) min. output 0,3 - 0,6 max. output 1,0 - 3,2 min. output 0,3 - 0,6 max. output 1,0 - 3,2 min. output 0,3 - 0,6 max. output 1,0 - 3,2 min. output 0,3 - 1,6 max. output 2,5 - 4,5 Sensitivity to changing Gasquality atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1990 B atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 2000 B atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 2005 B atmospheric burner triple ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate min. since 1990 B atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1990 B 1,0 - 3,2 not clear atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1990 B 0,5 - 3,2 not clear atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate min. since 1990 B 0,3-2,0 not clear atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1990 B 0,2 - 1,0 not clear atmospheric burner double ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1995 B 0,5 - 2,5 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners atmospheric burner double ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1995 B 0,7 - 3,5 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners atmospheric burner triple ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1995 B 1,5 - 4,0 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners atmospheric burner triple ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 2000 B 0,2 - 5,0 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners not clear not clear not clear not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners B: Hotplate GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 133 7.1 7. DOMESTIC GAS COOKERS 7.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS 7.11 COOKER TYPES PRODUCT DEFINITIONS To quantify the park, BRGC has been obliged to rely on the rather limited park data that has been available via the industry. For the most part the only segmentation available has been between free standing and built-in appliances (but in the case of ovens this is a relevant segmentation for the GASQUAL project). In terms of combustion there are three different functions: - hobs - ovens - grills although not all installations incorporate all three. Statistically: - free standing cookers are treated as a single unit. The grill may be separate from the oven (high level), or integrated into the oven. Some cookers have two ovens - for built-in, the hob and oven are counted as two units (sometimes a gas hob may be used with an electric oven, and a separate high level grill would be treated as a third unit. However where the grill is built into the oven, the oven+grill are treated as one unit. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 134 7.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Fig. 7.121-1: ILLUSTRATIONS OF BURNERS USED FOR DOMESTIC COOKERS (HKI COMPILATION 2009)…/2 Used in Load range (of appliances) (kW) Sensitivity to changing Gasquality min. since 2005 B ? not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners min. since 2000 B ? min. since 1990 B 0,6 - 1,9 hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement min. since 1990 B min. output 0,3 - 0,6 max. output 1,0 - 3,0 not clear single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement 1998 B min. output 0,3 - 0,6 max. output 1,0 - 3,0 not clear atmospheric burner triple ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from above and below the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement 1998 B 0,3 - 4,5 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate Burner Type (group) Burner Type (subgroup) atmospheric burner triple ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from above the hotplate atmospheric burner 4 ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate atmospheric burner single ring fish burner, primary air from above the hotplate atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate atmospheric burner Image Defintion/Description Produced since (ca.) hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possible hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possible hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possible GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Produced by not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners not clear, more sensitive than normal single ring burners in low rate 1999 Gaggenau B 0,6 - 2,8 not clear 1999 Gaggenau B 0,4 - 1,9 not clear 1993 Isphording B 0,2 - 4,2 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners 1993 Isphording B 0,16 - 3,6 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners 1993 Isphording B 0,11 - 3,6 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners 135 7.1 atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from above the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner double ring burner, seperate supply of inner ring, primary air from below the hotplate atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from below the hotplate hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possible hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possibe hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possibe hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possibe hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, primary air adjustment possibe hotplate burner, gives different emission behaviour depending on mounting conditions (flat or deep mounted) and the pan support, no air adjustement atmospheric burner PRODUCT DEFINITIONS min. since 1990 Isphording B 0,6 - 2,8 not clear 2008 Isphording B min. output 0,25 - 0,5 max. output 1,0 - 3,0 not clear 1996 Gaggenau B 0,25 - 6,0 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners 2007 BSHG B 0,3 - 6,0 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners 2003 Gaggenau B 0,165 - 4,0 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners 2003 Gaggenau B 0,165 - 2,0 not clear, more sensitive than single ring burners min. since 1990 ATAG/NL B min. output 0,25 - 0,5 max. output 1,0 - 3,0 not clear s.r.Monte Morenze 23804 Lecco Italy E CastFutura A 2,4 kW not clear radiant grill burner, located in oven Oven Burner not clear atmospheric burner single ring burner, orimary air from below the hotplate hotplate burner, no air adjustement 1994 Palux AG B 0,8 bis 3,5 very low atmospheric burner double ring burner, primary air from below the hotplate hotplate burner, no air adjustement 1994 Palux AG B 1,2 bis 7 very low atmospheric burner standard version, round form radiant grill burner, located in oven 2007 Palux AG E 5.2 very low A Oven B Hotplate C Open burner D Covered burner E Grill GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 136 7.1 7.12 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS BURNER TYPES A gas cooker installation may include three different burner types: - hob (typically 4 per hob) - oven - grill. All of them can be classified as “Partial premix/Bunsen type” under the Levinsky format, but obviously the construction of each is different. Fig.7.121-1 presents an illustrated diagram submitted by Haus-, Heiz- und Küchentechnik e.V. (HKI Industrie Verband) GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 137 7.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS FIG 7.121-2 CHARACTERISTIC OF THE COOKER BURNERS, PREPARED BY INIG FOR GASQUAL GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 138 7.1 7.121 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Hob Burners These are generally round burners working in the open with plenty of access to secondary air. There are many different models (see also Fig 7.121-2) but it has not been possible to segment the park in such detail. The burners are normally in three parts: - injector holder (fixed base). BRANDT integrates this into the surface of the cooker) - spreader - lid. Burners may also be classified as “fricative” or “ring”: - ring burners provide a more stable flame (but are more expensive) because the pilot flame is a continuous circle below actual flames (see Fig. 7.121-3), whereas fricative have small pilots in between main flames (see Fig. 7.121-4), so easier for pilots to go off, or easier to have flame lift - fricative are in aluminum, molded - ring burners have 4 parts, the copper cover being the additional one and most expensive to manufacture. Of the total market it is estimated that 95% fricative, 5% ring. Perhaps from the point of view of the GASQUAL project, the most important distinction to be made is between single and multiple ring burners. Double/triple or more are more unstable, even with today’s gases. They are subject to flame lift and flashback, so would be very sensitive to changes in gas quality. This is critical. If the worst gases work with multirings, then they will work with the single ring ones too. Multiple burners have been produced since about 10 years ago. Their share has grown rapidly but has now stabilized now to about 10% of sales and BRG estimates these products constitute approximately 6% of the hobs park. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 139 7.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Fig. 7.121-3 RING HOB BURNER MAIN FLAME PILOT FLAME Fig. 7.121-4 FRICATIVE HOB BURNER MAIN FLAME PILOT FLAME GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 140 7.1 PRODUCT DEFINITIONS Since the mid 1990’s there has been a trend towards cooker manufacturers outsourcing the production. The largest specialist hob burner producers are: - SABAF (Italy) - SOMIPRESS: SOCIETA METALLI INIETTATI (Italy) - DEFENDI (Italy). Some cooker manufacturers, including ELECTROLUX BRANDT/FAGOR, still produce their own burners. and Where the burner production is outsourced, the burner manufacturer will adapt the injector according to the country and local gas quality. Their customers will order batches for specific countries. Then the cooker is labeled according to the gas type that is suitable for it. However often largest customers will order high volumes of the burners suitable for the most common gases (eg G20), and then will change themselves the injector required for gases for which small volumes are required. 7.122 Oven and Grill Burners All oven and grill burners are basically Bunsen type partially premix (generally 70% primary air and 30% secondary). According to the industry there are no exceptions. Within this category there are many designs. Most seem to be tubular, either straight and “formed’ (see for illustrations). Ovens are tested (EN 30 .1.1) at 2000 C. The flame modulates 1.3 (not less). There are certain differences between the requirements of the UK and the Continent. In the UK: - the oven burner is generally at the back - the top part of the oven is expected to be the hottest, while on the Continent the hottest part is on the bottom - open high level grills are probably mainly found in the UK - there are special tests for the UK (not under any EN standard). This seems to be something to do with English housewives wanting to bake bread rapidly. There are specially designed burners for the UK. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 141 7.2 QUANTIFYING THE DOMESTIC GAS COOKER PARK As for hob burners, the trend has been for cooker manufacturers to outsource the production of their oven and grill burners. The two leading specialist oven and grill burner producers are CASTFUTURA and FLAMGAS, both in Italy. Again, the burner manufacturers normally carry out the adjustments to the burners in relation to the country in which the cooker is to be installed. According to one burner manufacturer, there are too many gasses already (they mentioned 22 different types for Europe). They say it takes 2 weeks for one set-up for Europe but only 1 week for the USA. Certain types of cooker may prove more sensitive than others, notably: 7.2 - burners for built-in ovens are more difficult than those for free standing because the cavities for the former are generally smaller, giving reduced access to secondary air - a relatively new but growing type of oven is one that is specifically designed to allow grilling with the oven door closed. Again lack of air is a problem. QUANTIFYING THE DOMESTIC GAS COOKER PARK BRG has extensive data on sales of boilers and water heaters, including market segmentations per certain technical characteristics as well as manufacturers’ market shares. Domestic cookers, which is not target market for BRG multi-client market studies BRG has prepared park estimates relying primarily on external sources. Thus, as presented in Fig. 1.221-1 BRG contacted number of European gas cooker associations as well as largest manufacturers of domestic cookers, such as ELECTROLUX in an attempt to gather data on sales time series, park or both. BRG also used information from Danish Gas Technology Centre database as well as dig through numerous publicly available reports and data from statistics offices. As result BRG has found that data availability differs significantly across countries (see Fig. 7.2-1). In addition BRG has separated cookers using natural gas, from cookers running LPG according to any data available from secondary sources. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 142 7.2 QUANTIFYING THE DOMESTIC GAS COOKER PARK Fig. 7.2.2 PARK OF H-GAS DOMESTIC COOKERS IN THE 16 SELECTED COUNTRIES BY COUNTRY Country Total Italy 24 445 France 12 866 United Kingdom 10 843 Poland 7 191 Spain 3 980 Hungary 2 600 Czech Republic 2 451 Germany 2 168 Slovak Republic 1 290 Belgium 600 Austria 539 Denmark 96 Greece 30 Portugal N/D Romania N/D Ireland N/D Total 69 098 Fig. 7.2.3 PARK OF H-GAS DOMESTIC COOKERS IN THE 5 MAJOR COUNTRIES BY COUNTRY AND EN CLASSIFICATIONS Country France Germany Italy Spain UK LEVEL 3 Classification Total Free standing gas cookers 4 320 Built-in (separate) gas hobs / mixed hobs / gas ovens 8 546 Free standing gas cookers 1 573 Built-in (separate) gas hobs / mixed hobs / gas ovens 595 Free standing gas cookers 10 743 Built-in (separate) gas hobs / mixed hobs / gas ovens 13 702 Free standing gas cookers 1 511 Built-in (separate) gas hobs / mixed hobs / gas ovens 2 469 Free standing gas cookers 7 062 Built-in (separate) gas hobs / mixed hobs 3 020 Built-in (separate) gas ovens Total GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 760 54 301 143 7.2 QUANTIFYING THE DOMESTIC GAS COOKER PARK The table below provides summary of data quality for gas cooker, where: ***- Reliable data with additional splits for free standing and built-in models **- Reliable data; total park of domestic gas using appliances *- Data estimated based on numerous sources including H-gas total household connections, share of electricity versus gas in total cooker sales, EUROSTAT time series and other n/a- Insufficient data for estimates Fig. 7.2-1 DATA RELIABILITY FOR ESTIMATING DOMESTIC COOKER PARK Country France UK Germany Italy Spain Belgium Czech Republic Hungary Data Quality *** *** *** *** ** ** * * Country Data Quality Austria * Poland ** Ireland n/a Greece n/a Slovak Republic ** Romania n/a Portugal n/a Figs. 7.2-2 and 7.2-3 present estimates of the park of H-gas using cookers across 16 selected EU countries. For free standing appliances, the three functions (hob, oven and grill) are combined into a single statistical unit. By contrast for built-in appliances, the hobs and ovens (usually with grills incorporated into the ovens) are counted as separate pieces, but except in the UK it has not been possible to obtain separate figures for hobs and ovens. It must therefore be acknowledged that the form in which the data on builtin appliances are available is only partly helpful in terms of supporting the formulation of the GASQUAL test programme. In Section 10 of this report BRGC has assumed that separate testing would be required for hobs, ovens and grills. For hobs, it is probably not significant whether they are on a free standing appliance or separate. However, it is thought that builtin ovens may be more sensitive than those in free standing appliances. Thus it would have been helpful to have separate numbers for built-in ovens. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 144 7.3 TRENDS BRGC’s research suggests that typically on the Continent, only some 10% oven built-in gas hobs are used in conjunction with gas ovens (the rest use electric ovens). This provides some basis for estimating the scale of the built in ovens park. BRGC is working on the basis of some 3.5 million pieces for the 16 countries. 7.3 TRENDS Cooker markets are reported generally to be stable. There may however be some loss of share to electric reflecting the improvements in electrical technology (e.g. induction). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 145 7.3 8. TRENDS OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES The proposal requires BRG to cover: - gas tumble dryers (EN 12752 for <20kW and EN 1458 for <6 kW) - gas washing machines (EN 12244-1) These are small markets and there appear to be a mainly residual park. According to one major manufacturer these appliances are now hardly sold because of the difficulties of installation. It was suggested that in the past the main markets were UK and Germany (+ the Netherlands), and that the burners could well be sensitive to gas quality. In respect of gas tumble driers, the following helpful observation were received from the UK Member of the CEN 197 Committee: - “The gas tumble dryer model suggested for assessment is a MIELE T9820 residential tumble dryer. This was only ever sold in very small volumes when MIELE tried out the market and we believe has since been withdrawn from sale. We would recommend that White Knight ECO43A (3kW burner) and White Knight BG44A (4.7kW burner) models are both assessed as part of this exercise. Variations on these models have been sold in Europe to UK, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Germany with an overall population of around 150K pieces and are currently being produced and sold unlike the proposed model.” Another niche market (mainly in the UK) is for boiler-cookers. Patio heaters are also covered by the GAD, but these have not been included in the study since it is thought that almost all are for use with LPG. They generally use round Bunsen type burners similar to those used for gas storage water heaters. Please note that micro-CHP and gas heat pumps have already been covered in Section 4.226. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 146 Fig. 9.1-1 ESTIMATED PARK OF "COMMERCIAL" GAS BOILERS 2007 FOR 16 SELECTED COUNTRIES Country Threshold (kW) Total Comments Great majority sold 2007 (excluding jet burner) are condensing. Park figures exclude wall hung. Some 10,500 wall hung boilers >50 kW sold in 2007, so there may be a park of >100,000. In 2007 35% of sales were 44-75 kW. Wall hung (including cascades) are gaining share. Most sales now condensing. C.60% >50 kW. Cascades gaining share. Aside from jet burner, condensing share approaching 50% of sales. Condensing started in 2003 and now has majority of sales. Cascades gaining share. "Commercial" boilers losing share rapidly to wall hung cascades. Majority condensing sold in 2007. Also some 11,700 wall hung boilers (mainly condensing) sold for use in cascades in 2007. Germany 50 243 127 UK 44 212 825 Italy 35 104 727 France 70 73 130 Poland 50 63 725 Belgium 70 38 880 Austria 60 37 225 Sales >50% condensing by 2007. Spain 50 31 831 Condensing penetration still negligible. Romania 70 17 123 Market declining. Czech Republic 70 13 200 Smaller wall hung boilers for cascades gaining share. Slovakia 70 7 363 Smaller wall hung boilers for cascades gaining share. Denmark 60 6 108 39% condensing in 2007 sales (78% excluding jet burner). Greece 70 5 200 Mainly jet burner. Gas still has only a small share. Hungary 70 4 831 Small market: little collective heating in apartments. Ireland 44 2 382 Gas has small share. Portugal 70 1 333 Gas has small share, but market developing based on condensing. Total 863 009 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 147 9.1 9. COMMERCIAL GAS APPLIANCES 9.1 COLLECTIVE AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS COLLECTIVE AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS There are numerous problems involved in quantifying the park of “commercial” boilers. In most cases the markets are poorly documented. BRGC has been attempting to monitor these markets within its multi-client programmes since the mid 1990’s, and thus has some basis for estimating roughly the size of the park in each country. However there are also problems of classification and definition. The EN classifications adopt the following definitions: - EN 656 (gas boilers 70-300 kW) - EN 13836 (gas boilers 300-1000 kW) - Gas boilers within EN 303-7 (boilers equipped with a forced draught burner). Thus the threshold for “commercial boilers” adopted by the EN classifications is 70 kW. However, the thresholds commonly used in each Member State (and hence the bases of BRGC’s analyses) vary. However, please note that: - these boilers are used both for non-domestic applications and for the collective heating of apartment buildings - while the EN classifications adopt an output threshold of 70 kW, it has not always been possible strictly to adhere to this threshold. This applies particularly in the UK, which is one of the better documented markets, but where the threshold has long been set at 44 kW - there are obvious difficulties in splitting jet burners sales (other than gas “units” between gas and oil) - the numbers do not include the increasingly important category of “cascade” boilers. These are banks of, usually, wall hung condensing boilers which individually would (it is assumed) come under EN 677 and be considered as “domestic”, but would be installed in groups that in aggregate would be >70 kW. GASQUAL WP4 may wish to consider whether or not these should be included as a separate category in the WP5 test programme. This solution is gaining share in many countries, causing sales of “commercial” gas boilers to decline. They probably represent the largest group of condensing boilers <70 kW that are installed with Type B rather than Type C flues. In practice this is a highly complex sector with a wide range of models, technologies and outputs. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 148 9.1 COLLECTIVE AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS Fig. 9.2-1 ESTIMATED PARK OF GAS STORAGE WATER HEATERS >70 kW Country Park 93-07 ('000 pieces) France 80 844 Italy 66 446 United Kingdom 44 773 Germany 15 564 Ireland 9 089 Belgium 6 200 Hungary 4 625 Spain 2 985 Czech Republic 2 606 Poland 1 921 Slovak Republic 1 895 Austria 1 550 Portugal 1 158 Greece 811 Romania 582 Denmark 98 TOTAL 241 147 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 149 9.1 COLLECTIVE AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS Supply is fairly fragmented. The German “Heizkessel” manufacturers (notably VIESSMANN and BUDERUS) are present in most countries, and WOLF, BRÖTJE and WEISHAUPT are also significant. Other important suppliers are REMEHA, IGNIS (B). DE DIETRICH, BAXI and ATLANTIC GUILLOT are important in France, as are RIELLO, IDEAL CLIMA, FERROLI, ICI CALDAIE and UNICAL in Italy. FERROLI and BAXI lead in Spain. UK market for gas commercial boilers is dominated by ISG/IDEAL, HAMWORTHY, POTTERTON COMMERCIAL, BROAG and MHS. Fig. 9.1-2 presents estimates of “commercial” boiler market shares for the 16 EU Member States covered by this study. The purpose including this Table in the report is to identify the leading brands, so that if a subsequent project is undertaken to identify models for testing, web searches of product ranges can be undertaken. This said, the Table needs to be used with caution within the context of the GASQUAL project: - the shares are based on the thresholds commonly used in each country (as shown in Fig. 9.1-1) and not on the EN 70 kW threshold - the jet burner shares include gas and oil - the rankings are by brand rather than holding, since this is the best guide to seeking out the product ranges - being 2008 shares, the Table only reflects the current position, and obviously not the historical situation. Following on from the last mentioned point, BRGC is also presenting in Appendix C to this report some charts illustrating the main ranges of commercial boilers that were on the market in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK in 1997. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 150 9.1 COLLECTIVE AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS Fig. 9.1-2 ESTIMATED BRAND SHARES FOR COMMERCIAL BOILERS IN 16 EU COUNTRIES 2008 (% volume) Holding VIESSMANN DE DIETRICH REMEHA ISG BOSCH RIELLO FERROLI DE DIETRICH REMEHA ATLANTIC ATLANTIC WEISHAUPT BAXI VAILLANT HOVAL BIASI BAXI ACV IDEAL CLIMA UNICAL ATG CENTROTEC ICI CALDAIE BAXI MODULAR HEATING GROUP MCC ATLANTIC DE DIETRICH REMEHA FONDERIE SIME BAXI ARCA CLYDE ENERGY SOLUTIONS FIREBIRD BOLIERS ATG BALTUR MHG ENERTECH THERMONA VIADRUS DE DIETRICH REMEHA BAXI FACODY BOSCH GRANT ENGINEERING LACAZE STREBELWERK ALUFI STOKVIS INDUSTRIAL BOILERS ADISA ERESAN BLOWTHERM ATG COSMOGAS SILE VICKING GROUP RADIANT BRUCIATORI BAXI COMERCIAL QUEMOIL FATECA THERMOSTAHL SANT'ANDREA GOLDPOL BOSCH VARA PIFATI BOSCH UNITED TECHNOLOGIES HÖTECHNIKAI CTD TIFELL Others/not identified Total Source: BRG CONSULT Brand/Company (Country) Jet Burner Floor Standing Gas Total VIESSMANN (D) DE DIETRICH (F) IDEAL/KESTON (UK) BUDERUS (D) RIELLO (I) FERROLI (I) BROAG (NL) HAMWORTHY (UK) ATLANTIC GUILLOT (F) WEISHAUPT (D) POTTERTON COMMERCIAL (UK) VAILLANT (D) HOVAL (A) BIASI (I) ROCA (E) ACV (B) IDEAL CLIMA (I) UNICAL (I) ELCO (D) WOLF (D) ICI CALDAIE (I) BRÖTJE (D) MHS (UK) DOMUSA (E) YGNIS (B) REMEHA (NL) SIME (I) BAXI FRANCE (F) ARCA (I) CLYDE (UK) FIREBIRD (IRL) ECOFLAM (I) BALTUR (I) MHG (D) ST ROCH COUVIN (B) THERMONA (CZ) VIADRUS (CZ) OERTLI (F) BAXI ITALY (I) FACODY (E) JUNKERS (D) GRANT (IRL) TRANSTUB (F) STREBEL (A) ALUGAS/ALDINGAS (E) STOKVIS/RENDAMAX (NL) ADISA (E) ERESAN (RO) BLOWTHERM (I) CHAFFOTEAUX (F) COSMOGAS (I) SILE (I) PERGE (F) RADIANT (I) BAXI DENMARK (DK) COMERCIAL QUEMOIL (E) LASIAN (E) THERMOSTAHL (RO) SANT'ANDREA (I) TORIS (PL) GEMINOX (F) VARA-FÉG (H) PIFATI (RO) DAKON (CZ) ALARKO (T) HÖTERM (H) COLLARD & TROLART (F) TIFELL (E) 12.87% 4.45% 8.28% 6.95% 5.02% 5.67% 5.00% 3.28% 1.79% 3.62% 2.80% 0.03% 1.68% 1.78% 2.07% 2.05% 1.29% 1.67% 0.25% 1.95% 0.00% 0.38% 1.21% 1.41% 0.69% 0.10% 0.51% 0.90% 0.69% 0.86% 1.04% 0.91% 0.35% 0.60% 0.52% 0.00% 0.10% 0.31% 0.00% 0.60% 0.00% 0.52% 0.17% 0.43% 0.00% 0.35% 0.00% 0.33% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 0.22% 0.24% 0.05% 0.09% 0.17% 0.15% 0.14% 0.11% 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 13.02% 100.00% 15.51% 8.89% 3.68% 4.45% 5.39% 4.17% 2.99% 2.99% 4.34% 0.05% 0.92% 4.15% 1.48% 1.31% 0.69% 0.60% 1.49% 0.80% 2.67% 0.23% 2.76% 1.92% 0.69% 0.11% 0.99% 1.69% 1.15% 0.46% 0.51% 0.23% 0.00% 0.00% 0.69% 0.28% 0.30% 0.86% 0.70% 0.41% 0.80% 0.00% 0.69% 0.00% 0.43% 0.00% 0.57% 0.00% 0.46% 0.00% 0.25% 0.41% 0.41% 0.09% 0.00% 0.18% 0.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.11% 0.11% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 14.74% 100.00% 14.00% 6.36% 6.31% 5.87% 5.18% 5.03% 4.14% 3.15% 2.89% 2.09% 1.99% 1.79% 1.60% 1.58% 1.48% 1.43% 1.38% 1.30% 1.29% 1.21% 1.18% 1.04% 0.99% 0.85% 0.82% 0.78% 0.78% 0.71% 0.61% 0.59% 0.59% 0.52% 0.49% 0.46% 0.42% 0.37% 0.36% 0.35% 0.34% 0.34% 0.30% 0.30% 0.28% 0.25% 0.25% 0.20% 0.20% 0.19% 0.19% 0.18% 0.18% 0.17% 0.14% 0.11% 0.10% 0.10% 0.08% 0.08% 0.06% 0.06% 0.05% 0.05% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 13.76% 100.00% GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 151 9.2 9.2 COMMERCIAL WATER HEATERS COMMERCIAL WATER HEATERS This section covers only gas storage water heaters >70 kW (EN 98), which is assumed to correspond to appliances >220 litres. Based on BRGC’s annual sales estimates for such appliances 1993-2007, the park by country is as shown in Fig. 9.2-1. Please note that: - the figures include a small number of condensing models - also included are combined residential solar + gas storage water heaters (<1%) It may be surprising to find the UK so high on the list, given the very small domestic market for these products. Most gas storage water heaters sold in the UK are for commercial use (even those below 220 kW.). All instantaneous gas water heaters are assumed to be “domestic”. While some are certainly used in commercial premises, the models are the same so from a testing point of view there is no point in attempting to segment the market between “domestic” and “commercial”. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 152 Fig. 9.3-1 TOTAL FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS: 16 EU COUNTRIES 2008 Segment A B CZ DK F COMMERCIAL 35 899 44 272 28 484 14 534 175 865 Hotels & Lodging Places Restaurants QSR Outlets (inc. Fast Food) Transport Foodservice Leisure & Event Catering 15 275 1 975 3 900 1 075 35 070 13 518 15 080 5 400 5 000 6 650 26 475 18 700 386 272 70 SOCIAL FOODSERVICE D GR H IRL I 236 890 32 286 26 731 18 433 197 764 44 800 6 700 1 930 4 150 36 850 88 080 130 105 14 650 7 150 3 550 7 780 47 690 57 900 10 350 17 390 242 201 1 220 2 561 361 470 242 478 3 805 1 524 7 922 12 987 15 301 8 082 78 807 74 720 Business & Industry Education Health & Welfare Other Social Foodservice 1 570 2 814 3 551 2 871 7 805 5 135 6 113 9 810 2 836 49 310 1 090 3 525 1 630 2 271 127 535 310 TOTAL FOODSERVICE 43 821 57 259 43 785 PL P RO SK E UK 76 808 76 304 24 153 16 926 237 306 196 681 1 439 336 4 055 1 325 3 435 1 115 10 105 48 600 220 360 64 730 23 815 24 150 5 500 11 770 62 585 44 500 519 583 10 410 91 820 48 050 49 780 14 538 3 715 161 225 72 150 644 623 140 29 2 184 338 464 550 326 1 091 526 10 891 225 121 294 2 180 550 585 130 65 2 300 1 750 14 789 3 322 7 743 3 750 41 889 43 209 20 539 14 428 6 848 18 317 83 136 441 000 17 440 620 1 396 1 148 4 850 3 505 1 705 3 886 983 1 465 21 750 77 359 33 960 2 200 5 245 1 900 24 457 36 415 11 070 7 352 5 190 8 635 28 420 238 048 20 195 22 275 467 1 035 620 10 080 2 414 7 414 2 907 577 7 455 32 110 116 065 104 1 497 1 045 435 67 82 2 502 875 350 283 98 762 856 9 928 22 616 254 672 311 610 35 608 34 474 22 183 239 653 120 017 96 843 38 581 23 774 255 623 279 817 1 880 336 Source: GIRA FOODSERVICE Fig. 9.3-4 PARK OF COMMERCIAL GAS CATERING EQUIPMENT IN ITALY AND GERMANY Country Product Gas ovens Italy (2004) Boiling pans, frytop, open burners Gas cooking appliances Total Germany No pieces 90 000 289 600 32 061 411 661 Roast-, grill- and griddleplates/-equipment 3 000 Combi steamer 7 000 Commercial cookers 6 000 Multi-purpose cooking pan 3 000 Cooking machines, (pressure-) boiling pan 2 000 Fryer, frying machines 2 000 Total 23 000 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 153 Total 9.3 9.3 COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT In spite of extensive research, it has only been possible to find quantified data for commercial catering equipment in Italy and Germany. In order to make some progress on this sector it was decided to purchase data from the specialist food service market research consultancy GIRA SIC. GIRA SIC prepares every year detailed statistics on the number of non-housing establishments with kitchen facilities in most European countries (including all EU Member States except Bulgaria). A summary of the data for 2008 for the 16 countries is given in Fig. 9.3-1. The source data gives far more detailed splits by sub segments, as well as time series, but BRGC has agreed to restrict the divulgation of these data. While these numbers give a good idea of the scale of the sector, there remain a number of steps between them and quantifying the park of gas appliances. To do this it would be necessary to have some basis for estimating: - the average number of appliances per kitchen in each user segment (preferably be type), based on the EN classifications (Figs. 9.3-2) - the % share of gas vs electricity. As far as the latter point is concerned, the numbers available for Italy and Germany (Fig. 9.3-3) clearly illustrate the huge differences that can be found between Member States. Fig. 9.3-2 NON-DOMESTIC COOKER CLASSIFICATIONS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Sector Product Type EN Standard Open burners and wok burners EN 203-2-1 Chargrills EN 203-2-10 Pasta cookers EN 203-2-11 NON DOMESTIC CATERING EQUIPMENT EN 203-1 & EN 203-2-1 to 11 Ovens EN 203-2-2 Boiling pans EN 203-2-3 Fryers EN 203-2-4 Hot water heaters for beverage EN 203-2-6 Salamanders and rotisseries EN 203-2-7 Brat pans and paella cookers EN 203-2-8 Solid tops, warming plates and griddles EN 203-2-9 In terms of technical characteristics, the illustrated chart (submitted by HKI) shows some of the main burner types used on commercial cookers (Fig. 9.3-3). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 154 9.3 COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT Fig. 9.3-3 EXAMPLES OF BURNERS USED FOR COMMERCAL COOKERS (HKI COMPILATION 2009)…/1 Burner Type (group) Burner Type (subgroup) Atmospheric burner (rip form) standard/old version Premixed burner (Surface burner) Standard version Premixed burner (Surface burner) Standard version atmospheric burner Produc ed since (ca.) Produced by Used in Load range (of appliances) (kW) burner is composed of several single burner rips 1986 Junkers Combisteamer 18-36 low 10 Air is blown by a fan into the burner, gas is mixed with into the air stream by a nozzle 1997 Rational AG Combisteamer 10-54 medium 10 Air is blown by a fan into the burner, gas is mixed with into the air stream before the burner with an overstoichiometric mixture 2004 Rational AG Combisteamer 10-60 medium old version of burner in combisteamer 1992 Eloma GmbH combi-steamer 10-20 medium Air and gas mixture is blown by a fan into the burner, gas is mixed with air stream by a nozzle 2001 Eloma GmbH combi-steamer 10-40 high No 6 Image Defintion/Description Premixed burner (Surface burner) Standard version atmospheric burner double ring burner, primary air from below the cover plate Open burner, used in gas range, there is different emission behavior, dependant on the rust, primary air adjustment at the Mixing tube possible 1999 C 2,1 - 7,0 atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from below the cover plate Open burner, used in gas range, there is different emission behavior, dependant on the rust, primary air adjustment at the Mixing tube possible 1995 C 1,4 - 5,6 atmospheric burner single ring burner, primary air from below the cover plate Open burner, used in gas range, there is different emission behavior, dependant on the rust, primary air adjustment at the Mixing tube possible 1995 C 0,7 - 3,5 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Sensitivity to changing Gasquality internal ring sensitively; nozzle and Venturi tube must be adapted, sensitively liquid gas with low inlet pressure nozzle and Venturi tube must be adapted, sensitively liquid gas with low inlet pressure nozzle and Venturi tube must be adapted, sensitively liquid gas with low inlet pressure 155 9.3 COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT Fig. 9.3-3 EXAMPLES OF BURNERS USED FOR COMMERCAL COOKERS (HKI COMPILATION 2009)…/2 atmospheric burner Staff burner Covered burner, used in gas deep fat fryer 1995 D 8,0 16,0 not clear atmospheric burner Round burner Hotplate burner, used in gas solid top range 1995 B 12.5 not clear atmospheric burner Round burner Covered burner, used in gas baking-oven, used in gas broiler, used in gas lava stone grill 1993 D 7,0 7,0 16,0 nozzle and Venturi tube must be adapted, sensitively liquid gas with low inlet pressure atmospheric burner Staff burner Covered burner, used in gas tilting bratt pan, used in gas baking-oven, used in gas griddle plate D 12,0 17,0 5,6 7,0 14,0 nozzle must be adapted pre mix burner Aconit® cylindrical premix burner flat pre mix burner, Covered burner, used in gas combi steamer, used in gas quick boiling kettle, used in gas cooking kettle D 11,0/17,0 18,0/26,0 36,0/52,0 15,0/20,0/26,0 24,0/30,0/38,0 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 1995 2004 CO2 Calibration, if necessary nozzle must be adapted 156 9.3 COMMERCIAL CATERING EQUIPMENT GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 157 9.4 OTHER COMMERCIAL GAS APPLIANCES 9.4 OTHER COMMERCIAL GAS APPLIANCES 9.41 COMMERCIAL LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Up to the time of the deadline for WP! It had not been possible to obtain any quantified data on commercial gas laundry equipment, although BRGC still has enquiries out in the market place. It is assumed that, as in the domestic sector, the vast majority of the market is for electrical appliances. 9.42 NON DOMESTIC SPACE AND AIR HEATERS A significant sector of non domestic gas appliances is that of space and air heaters. Not surprisingly market data are scarce, but according to SBM in France there is a European market of about 300,000 pieces a year sold to industrial and commercial premises (agriculture is not included) covering all the EN categories listed in Fig. 9.42-1 (plus EN 778 and 1319 which are treated as domestic and include mainly gas warm air systems in the UK for which the market is some 15,000 units a year). It also includes about 70,000 overhead luminous radiant heaters (EN 419) The market in France is for 30,000 pieces a year (includes 7,000 EN 419), and the park is estimated at 450,000, including 200,000 EN 419). Extrapolating these figures it is likely that the 16 country total park for all these products is in the order of 2.5-3.5 million. Fig. 9.42-1 OTHER NON DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES LEVEL 1 Sector Product Type LEVEL 2 EN Standard EN 525 Direct forced convection <300kW EN 621 Forced convection air heaters <300kW AIR HEATER EN 1020 Indirect forced convection <300kW EN 1196 Condensing air heaters NON DOMESTIC EN 12669 Air heaters for green house applications EN 416-1 &EN 416-2 Overhead radiant-tube heaters RADIANT HEATER EN 777-1 to 4 Overhead radiant-system heaters EN 419-1 & EN 419-2 Overhead luminous radiant heaters GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 158 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 159 PART III: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 160 10 CONCLUSIONS: LISTING TESTING 10.1 INTRODUCTION OF APPLIANCES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR The primary objective of the WP1 Market Study has been to provide a list of domestic gas appliance categories that should be considered in WP4 for testing in WP5. It was specifically requested that this list should relate to the relevant EN classifications, and this BRGC has attempted to do. However, the EN classifications do not necessarily segment the market sufficiently to cover all the variables that need to be taken into consideration. In most cases it has been necessary to sub-segment the EN classifications in order to make sure that critical variables are not overlooked. Figs. 10.2-1 & 2 and 10.3-1 & 2 set out a “long list” of possible domestic appliance categories that in BRGC’s view should at least be screened for their specific relevance to the test programme. BRGC is not necessarily recommending that every one of the 88 listed appliances should be tested, but rather that each should be taken into account during WP4. The composition of the list is summarized in Fig. 10.1-1. It may even be that there are further sub-segmentations that need to be made. On the other hand it is likely that some of the categories listed in Figs. 10.2 and 10.3 can be grouped together once it starts to become clear exactly where the sensitivities lie. It will be noted that in order to facilitate the analysis, the pre-agreed “Levels” are not necessarily taken in numerical order. Similarly the vertical order of the categories reflects in part the need to group certain categories together for the purposes of quantification (e.g. Low NOx non condensing boilers). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 161 10.1 INTRODUCTION Fig. 10.1-1 INITIAL PROPOSED PRODUCT SEGMENTATION FOR TESTING GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 162 10.1 INTRODUCTION Pre-Adjustments to Appliances One set of possibly critical variables that is not taken into account at all in Figs. 10.2 and 10.3 is the adjustments made by or on behalf of manufacturers prior to shipping, or by installers in the field, to reflect the H gas qualities found in the countries where the appliances are to be installed. This is a topic that comes under the scope of WP3 rather than of WP1, but during the WP1 research it was repeatedly claimed by appliance, burner and controls manufacturers that pre-adjusting prior to shipping is common practice. The WP3 findings suggest that the manufacturer adjustments are solely to account for H, L or E-gas groupings in the country of destination, BRGC feels bound to record that this is not the impression gained during BRGC’s own research. The information given to BRGC (in discussion rather than in writing) is that: - in the case of boilers, water heaters and space heaters, the adjustments are made by the appliance manufacturers themselves. According to one boiler manufacturer the countries for which such adjustments are needed include France, Belgium, Poland and Hungary. Problems in Denmark were also mentioned. The practice was cited by one controls manufacturer as being part of a general trend towards trying to extract the maximum levels of performance from existing boilers by fine tuning rather than by more costly innovation - for cookers (both hobs and ovens+ grills), the adjustments are made by the burner manufacturers on behalf of the appliance manufacturers. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 163 10.1 INTRODUCTION Since the submission of the first version of this report, the following clarification was offered by one of the boiler and water heater manufacturers represented on the GASQUAL Consortium: “G20 is the reference gas for Group H and Group E; it means that, in theory, gas appliances in categories I2H and I2E using G20 at 20 mbar should have the same adjustment but this is not true because: a - Hungary has I2H gas category, the reference gas is G20 but a supply pressure of 25 mbar instead of 20 mbar so some appliances need a specific adjustment at assembly lines b - Denmark has I2H gas category, the reference gas is G20 but the actually distributed gas has a higher Wobbe index than in other countries so standard boilers need a specific adjustment at assembly lines c - France has several gas categories (I2E+, I2Esi , I2Er), the reference gas is G20 at 20 mbar but the gas appliances can be supplied also with G25 at 25 mbar; in this case the gas appliances need a specific design and a specific adjustment so they are quite different from similar appliances for other countries d - similar situation in Belgium where gas categories are I2E+ and I2E(S)B and the reference gas is G20 at 20 mbar but the gas appliances can be supplied also with G25 at 25 mba r As can be seen by those simple cases, appliances for Hungary, Denmark, France, Belgium have G20 as reference gas but their adjustments (in some cases their design) can be completely different and gas appliances for France can't be installed in Hungary or viceversa.” GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 164 10.2 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS EN Classifications (Level 2) Figs.10.2-1 and 10.2-2 lists some 50 categories of domestic gas boilers. Giving priority to EN classifications obliges the analysis to segment between: - flue types (EN 297 vs EN 483) - combis (EN 265) vs “heating only” - condensing (EN 677) vs non condensing - jet burners (EN 303-3) vs other gas boilers. These distinctions have been made, except in respect of some very small niche markets: - boilers with special combustion controls, for which combis and heating only are taken together - floor standing combis, where Type B and Type C flues are taken together. Flue Type (Level 2) Prioritising the EN classfications places considerable emphasis on flue types. For non condensing boilers, the main distinction is between: - Type B (open/atmospheric) flues - Type C (room sealed) flues. For boilers the vast majority of these are fanned flues, but there are still some balanced flues in place in the UK. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 165 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS Non Condensing vs Condensing (Level 3) This is a reasonably straightforward classification, and several of the other variables are partially dependent on this split. It was assumed for the basic analyses that all condensing boilers: - use Type C flues - use full premix fanned burners. However it has emerged that there are some significant exceptions to these general rules: - there are some condensing boilers, usually sited in boilers room or basements, that are installed with Type B flues. The most important group of such boilers are the “cascade” systems, many of which have Type B flues - there are some condensing boilers that do not have full fanned premix burners. The most important group of these is the SEDBUK B rated condensing boilers in the UK. BRGC estimates that there are some 1.5 million of these in use, but it is not clear exactly how their burners should be classified, or indeed under which EN Classification they are tested. They are listed as a separate category in Fig. 10.2-1. Combi vs Heating Only (Level 4) The term “combi” refers to boilers providing directly heated instantaneous sanitary hot water (even where there may be supplementary built-in storage or pre-heat facilities). This should conform to EN 625. Where “heating only” boilers also supply sanitary hot water, it is via a secondary circuit heating an indirect hot water cylinder. The vast majority of combis are wall hung. There are some floor standing combis in use in the UK (including the BAXI POWERMAX CPSU and the WORCESTER HEATSLAVE; there are now condensing versions, but these are not listed as a separate category), and there are some borderline cases elsewhere (notably the copper floor standing boilers sold by several of the Italian manufacturers + perhaps Bain Marie types in France). Both these types have been included in the list in Fig. 10.2-1, but it may be that the fact that they are floor standing is not relevant. The combi/heating only split has been very relevant to the evolution of continuous modulation (Level 5), which was first introduced primarily for wall hung combis (although, especially since around the year 2000, it has spread to most heating only and floor standing boilers). Nonetheless in the park today a far higher proportion of combis than of heating only boilers have continuous modulation. There have been a very few low priced combis sold in the past with fixed or step modulation. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 166 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS Wall Hung vs Floor Standing (Level 3) It has been argued that the distinction between wall hung and floor standing is not in itself relevant to the GASQUAL project. However in practice the technical and quantitative evolution of the two types of boiler have been so different that it is virtually impossible to analyse the market without treating them separately. In particular, the construction of the burners is very different between the two categories. Burner Types Apart from jet (forced draught) burners, the EN classifications do not directly classify boilers by burner type (although all condensing boilers coming under EN 677 have full premix fanned burners). It was agreed that the market study should (based on the H. Levinsky/GASUNIE recommendations) distinguish between 5 categories of burner (no premix, partial premix/Bunsen type, atmospheric premix, full fanned premix and jet burner), but BRGC has sub-segmented some of this categories (based in part on Petra NitschkeKowsky/EON RUHRGAS analysis). No premix burners are not relevant to boilers. Atmospheric Partial premix (Bunsen type) burners are used in the vast majority of non-condensing, non low NOx boilers. The most common types are: - multi-blade burners used for most non-condensing, non low NOx wall hung boilers - tubular burners used for most non-condensing, non low NOx floor standing boilers. There are some smaller additional categories: - - - most wall hung low NOx boilers are fitted with the water cooled bladed burners of POLIDORO and VAILLANT. It is understood that these should be classified as “atmospheric partial premix” rather than be grouped under “atmospheric premix” along with the other types of low NOx burner “box burners” used for most of the UK open vented cast iron boilers (floor standing, wall hung and back boiler units). These are bladed burners with a single injector for the whole burner. There may indeed be other “specials” in the UK special 4 tube burners used by the French wall hung boiler manufacturer FRISQUET. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 167 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS Atmospheric premix burners, which have been taken to include most of th solutions that have been tried for non-condensing low NOx boilers. This is a relatively small and declining segment, but it is also the most complex and possibly the most sensitive to gas quality: - for wall hung boilers, the most used solution is the water cooled bladed burners of POLIDORO and VAILLANT. How these are considered to be “atmospheric partial premix” burners. There may be some rod cooled or mesh type burners in wall hung boilers, but these can also be found and tested in floor standing boilers - for floor standing boilers a lot of types were tried during the post unification boom in Germany, when the Blaue Engel NOx emissions requirements were being reduced from 70 ppm to 40 ppm, and before Germant really embraced the condensing boiler. These solutions included: • rod cooling, favoured by VAILLANT. It was suggested during the research that this type could be sensitive to gas quality because the height of the flame in relation to the rod is important • various mesh types (ceramic, metal) including the VIESSMANN Matrix burner • “butterfly-wing flame” burners, including the BEKAERT OVAL, the POLIDORO OVO and the WORGAS Low NOx. This type has been used by a number of German and other floor standing boiler manufacturers, probably including BUDERUS, BRÖTJE and WOLF. It is still used in what is now a declining market segment. It was repeatedly stressed that this could be the type of burner that is most sensitive to gas quality. If the flame gets too low, the burner itself burns up. Full premix fan assisted burners, which are now more or less standard for condensing boilers, apart from at least some UK SEDBUK B boilers. There are also some non condensing boilers that use fanned premix burners (ECOFLAM, IMAR, BALTUR). Jet burner boilers, which is a difficult category to quantify. Jet burners are used far more for oil than gas, and the gas burners tend towards the higher output. Jet burner boilers as a whole fall into a Level2 category (EN 303-3). BRGC has further segmented this into: - non-condensing and condensing - “units” (where the burner is factory fitted and is specific to the boiler model) and “oil/gas boilers” (where the burner is fitted further down the supply chain, and the manufacturer does not necessarily know whether this will be oil or gas). For “oil/gas” boilers the test houses will need to select both a burner and a boiler model. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 168 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS Modulation (Level 5) To avoid having too many categories, the analysis just distinguishes between: - continuous modulation - step modulation and fixed flame (no modulation). Continuous modulation was introduced around the late 1980’s/early 1990’s primarily as a means of limiting the volume of water that needed to be held in wall hung combi boilers. Thus almost all wall hung combis now in use (with the exception of a small number of very low cost models) have continuous modulation, typically controlled by SIT or HONEYWELL modulation controls (which also incorporate pressure controls). Progressively continuous modulation has spread to heating only wall hung and floor standing boilers, including the great majority of such boilers being sold today (and since about 2000). However, there are many such boilers in the park that do not have continuous modulation, including the majority of pre 2000 floor standing boilers and nearly all the UK open vented cast iron products that use “box” burners. Continuous modulation today is typically in the range of 100% down to 40%. However development work is taking place to widen the range (some see 30% as the likely limit, while others talk of going down to 10%). This (like the fine adjusting of boilers to suit the gas quality of their country of destination) is all part of a trend to try to get the best possible performance out of existing boiler types. It is a trend that may be going in the opposite direction from what is convenient for GASQUAL. Combustion Controls The uptake of special combustion controls has so far been minimal: - WEISHAUPT fits SCOT to all its wall hung condensing boilers (probably around 10,000 in use) - VIESSMANN fits SCOT to certain models - BRÖTJE fits the SIETHERM PRO to some boilers - VAILLANT has a flue sensor on offer with one model. The industry is seeking to develop an effective low cost laser sensor, but the general view is that it would take legislation significantly to extend the use of such controls. Figs. 10.2-1 and 10.2-2 do not list separately any older boilers that are reportedly GAD compliant do not have air/gas control but have simple controls consisting of an appliance governor or throttle. It has not been possible to quantify the park of these, but it may be that they will need to be considered when the final test programme is drawn up. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 169 10.2 DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS Other Variables: Balcony Siting The question was raised during discussions on the test protocols as to whether it is necessary to test as a separate category wall hung boilers that are sold (mainly in Italy) specifically form external siting on balconies. These need to operate in temperatures of Max 40/60°C; min -10/-15°C. The situation is not very clear cut. It is estimated that some 10-11% of combis sold in Italy are specifically designed for external use. These can be both Type B and Type C (fanned). It is not thought that balanced flues are used. Many combis that are not intended for external siting are nonetheless installed on balconies. It is possible that 20% of all combis sold are so sited. Rough estimates indicate up to 50/60% of boilers in Italy, one of the largest markets in EU, are installed outside (i.e balcony siting) There is a trend towards selling boilers that can be sited either indoors or on a balcony. Other Variables: Cascades There is a growing trend towards installing wall hung (usually condensing) boilers in groups or cascades, especially for the collective heating of apartments. This variant is included in Fig. 10.2-1 because the individual boiler units are mostly below the 70 kW threshold for “commercial” boilers. It has not been possible to quantify the park, but it certainly runs into hundreds of thousands in the 16 countries covered. As already indicated, a significant proportion of these might be installed with Type B flues rather that the Type C flues that are more or less standard for other types of condensing boilers. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 170 10.3 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Figs. 10.3-1 and 10.3-2 lists 40 categories of domestic gas appliances other than boilers that might be screened for testing in WP4. It will be noted under Level 5 that there is no column for combustion controls. This is because no such special controls are used on any of the product categories covered. Gas Water Heaters There are only two Level 2 and Level 3 categories: - instantaneous (EN 26) - storage (EN 89). Instantaneous Gas Water Heaters For instantaneous, models of 10 litres + per minute are normally considered as multi point/primary water heaters (i.e. they are the main source of sanitary hot water for the whole dwelling) while those of <10 litres per minute are generally single point/secondary. However, it is thought that in many Iberian homes water heaters of <10 litres per minute are the sole source of sanitary hot water. These output classifications are useful for quantifying the market, but they are not thought to be relevant to the test programme (no specific “commercial” models were found). One challenge to quantifying the relevant park is to estimate the proportion (especially in Spain and Portugal) that run on LPG rather than H gas (especially given that some have been converted from LPG to natural gas). There are no EN numbers to distinguish between open flues (Type B) and fanned flues (Type C). There are even some flueless products (Type A). Traditionally the great majority were Type B, but the share of Type C has grown steadily. All burners are partial premix Bunsen type (bladed). Traditionally most appliances had water activated modulation, but the share of electronic continuous modulation has grown at the premium end of the market. Continuous modulation may now account for 25% of sales and 10% of the park. As for boilers, Fig. 10.3-1 does not list separately any older water heaters that are reportedly GAD compliant do not have air/gas control but have simple controls consisting of an appliance governor or throttle. It has not been possible to quantify the park of these, but it may be that they will need to be considered when the final test programme is drawn up. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 171 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Gas Storage Water Heaters For gas storage, it is assumed that those of <70 kW are domestic and those of 70 kW+ are commercial. There are a very few condensing models on the market, but BRGC’s research suggests that these are all right at the upper end of the commercial range. It is possible that they are imported from the USA. There would appear to be no reason to test them as a domestic product. Both Type B and Type C flues are offered, but it has not so far been possible to quantify the share of each. All burners are partial premix/Bunsen type (round burners especially designed for gas storage water heaters). All are on/off (non modulating). Gas Fires, Space Heaters and Warm Air Heaters With the Netherlands excluded from the GASQUAL project, the UK is by far the largest market for this group of products. It should be noted that EN 613 covers a wide variety of different balanced and open flue gas fires and space heaters, so Fig. 10.3-1 sub-segments this particular EN classification to a considerable extent. Radiant Gas Fires (EN 613 + BS 7977-1) This is the oldest category of gas fires in the UK. There is still a large park of pre1993 appliances, so the total park is much larger than the estimated post 1993 park. Independent Space Heaters with Fan (EN 1266) BRGC has not come across anyone claiming to sell appliances under this category. May apply to a very small number of fanned flue radiant gas fires. Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires (EN 613 & EN 132678 + BS 7977-1) These have both a heating and decorative function. They are able to claim efficiency levels (unlike EN 509). There is a large UK market, mainly for open flue (chimney). balanced flue market is small. The fanned and This is also the main product exported by the Netherlands producers to other Member States. These are nearly all balanced flue (EN 613). Volumes are small (<20,000 p.a. exported). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 172 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Decorative Gas Fires (EN 509) This is a UK specific product, which is more decorative than for heating. It is not permitted to claim efficiency levels for this product. Flueless Gas Fires (EN 14829) UK specific product. Uses catalytic converter. Can claim 100% efficiency. Small market, with a large part of the sales channeled through DIY stores. Could be a critical “special case” for GASQUAL, because of fears that variable gas qualities could cause soot build up and jeopardise function of catalytic converter. Gas Fired Insets for Heating More Than 1 Room (EN 14438) This category was not specifically discussed during the research. FABER in the Netherlands has products that appear to fit the description, but it is not certain whether they are tested under EN 14438 or under EN 613, or whether there are significant sales outside the Netherlands. Floor Standing Gas Room Heaters (EN 613) These balanced flue products are associated mainly with the German speaking market, and above all with the German manufacturer ORANIER (which also supplies the VAILLANT range). They are described by ORANIER as “Gasheizautomaten”. There is thought to be some market in Eastern Europe. Sales peaked in the 1990’s. Gas Wall Heaters (EN 613) In the UK, there is a significant but declining market for wall hung gas convector heaters (balanced flue). In Hungary there is a much larger market for gas radiators (also balanced flue) which may account for 25% of the total domestic heating park (implying 3.5 million pieces assuming an average of 3.5 units per equipped dwelling). However, only a small part of this park will have been installed since Hungary came under the GAD. Gas Warm Air Systems (EN 778 & 1319) In European terms this is a UK specific product (although there are marginal sales in France and Belgium), but it is very widely used in the USA. The main period of installation was in the 1960’s and 1970’s, but there has been a continuing replacement market since the GAD in 1992. The dominant producer JOHNSON & STARLEY adapted the product to meet the requirement of the revised Part L regulations of 2005, but a condensing version is still in development. EN 778 is for open flue and EN 1319 for room sealed (including condensing when it appears). GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 173 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Cookers (EN 30): Hobs The listing in Fig. 10.3-2 assumes that: - for both built-in and free standing cookers, the hob burners would be tested separately from the oven/grill burners. Thus the distinction between free standing and built-in is probably not relevant for hobs - the first distinction is between the cheaper but less stable fricative burners (c.95% of the markets) and the more expensive ring burners (c.5%). The pilot flames referred to are feeder flames that light on ignition. They are not permanent pilots such as used to be a feature of gas boilers in the past - there is also a sub-segment of multiple ring burners (double and triple). These are considered to be especially sensitive to gas quality, and cover about 10% of current sales (6% of the park). Generally the pre-delivery adjustments to accommodate the gas quality in the country of end-use are done by the burner manufacturer. Cookers (EN 30): Oven and Grill Burners Here the distinctions between: - built-in and free standing - grill inside oven and separate (high level) grill are significant: - built-in ovens generally have a smaller cavity than those in free standing cookers, and therefore have more restricted access to secondary air. This could make them more sensitive to gas quality - where the grill is inside the oven, the user is advised to leave the oven door open when using the grill. However, there is a new type of oven available that is specifically designed to allow the grill to be used with the oven door closed. The there is limited access to secondary air, and this type could be the most sensitive of all to gas quality. Again, the pre-delivery adjustments to accommodate the gas quality in the country of end-use are done by the burner manufacturer. Gas Tumble Driers (EN 1752 and EN 1458) Very small market. Gas Washing Machines (EN 12244-1) Very small market. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 174 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Micro CHP (no EN No. as yet) Internal combustion models have been on the market for some years, but they straddle the light commercial and domestic markets. Stirling Engine Micro-CHP has been in development for some years, but it has taken a long time to bring them to market. Many companies, including leading boiler manufacturers, are planning launches some from late 2009 The ENERGETIX/GENLEC Rankine Cycle product is also due for launch in 2009. Micro CHP has recently been added to the EUP Eco-Design process (Lot 1) and seems to be emerging reasonably well, with the possibility of rankings slightly ahead of the best condensing boilers on a primary energy consumption basis. However much depends on how the products are installed and set up Fuel cell models are also in development. Gas Heat Pumps (EN 12309) for Heating & Cooling ROBUR has a product on the market, but like internal combustion Micro CHP they straddle the light commercial and domestic markets. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 175 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Fig. 10.2-1 SUMMARY OF DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR TESTING IN WP4: LIGHTWEIGHT WALL HUNG GAS BOILERS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 EN Classification LEVEL 3 PRODUCT TYPE LEVEL 4 System LEVEL 2 Flue Type Modulation EN 297 Wall Hung Non Condensing Heating only Type B Partial Premix (bladed) Continuous EN 297 Wall Hung Non Condensing Heating only Type B Partial Premix (bladed) Fixed or step EN 483 Wall Hung Non Condensing Heating only Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (bladed) Continuous EN 483 & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing Combi Type B Partial Premix (bladed) Continuous EN 483 & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing Combi Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (bladed) Heating only Type B Heating only EN 297 EN 297 EN 297 EN 483 EN 483 EN 483 EN 483 & 625 EN 483 & 625 Domestic Boilers EN 483 & 625 EN 483 & 625 EN 483 & 625 EN 483 & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) Wall Hung Non Condensing (low NOx) EN 297 (A6) & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing EN 297 (A6) 483 & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing EN 483 & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing Estimated Park (19932007) LEVEL 5 Modulation & Combustion Controls LEVEL 4 Burner Type Combustion Controls Standard Comments LEVEL 6 Manufacturers (not comprehensive) ('000 pieces) } 375 Tends to be variant within ranges that are mainly combis. } negligible Very few if any left. Standard 970 Tends to be variant within ranges that are mainly combis. Most wall hung boiler producers. Standard 7 700 Large park, but losing to Type C. Most wall hung boiler producers. Continuous Standard 18 000 Now the largest category of boilers internationally Most wall hung boiler producers. Partial premix (water cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany VAILLANT Type B Atmospheric premix (rod cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Few in wall hung. Just test floor standing? BUDERUS (?) Heating only Type B Atmospheric premix (mesh type) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Includes Matrix burner. Few Type B VIESSMANN Heating only Type C (Fanned) Partial premix (water cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany but also now main type of low NOx internationally Most wall hung boiler producers. Heating only Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (rod cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Few in wall hung. Just test floor standing? BUDERUS (?) Heating only Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (mesh type) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Includes Matrix burner. VIESSMANN Combi Type B Partial premix (water cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany but also now main type of low NOx internationally VAILLANT Combi Type B Atmospheric premix (rod cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Few in wall hung. Just test floor standing? BUDERUS (?) Combi Type B Atmospheric premix (mesh type) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Includes Matrix burner. VIESSMANN Combi Type C (Fanned) Partial premix (water cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany but also now main type of low NOx internationally Most wall hung boiler producers. Combi Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (rod cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Few in wall hung. BUDERUS (?) Combi Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (mesh type) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Includes Matrix burner. VIESSMANN Combi (for balcony) Type B Partial Premix (bladed) Continuous Standard } 2 200 Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (bladed) Continuous Standard } Especially Italy. Many wall hung boilers not specifically for external siting are also sited on the balcony. Trend towards extra slimline versions. Especially Italian manufacturers but also those importing into Italy Type C (Fanned) Full premix Continuous Standard 400 Non condensing fanned burners specific to certain Italian producers. IMAR, ECOFLAM, BALTUR. Type B & C (Fanned) Partial Premix (specific FRISQUET type) Continuous Standard 500 France only. FRISQUET 4 605 1 694 Combi (for siting on balcony) Combi & Heating Only Combi & Heating Only Most wall hung boiler producers. EN 483/297 & 625 Wall Hung Non Condensing EN 677 Wall Hung Condensing Heating only Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous Standard } 4 114 International, but especially UK (including open vented and SEDBUK A &B) and Germany. Especially VAILLANT, BOSCH and UK producers EN 677 Wall Hung Condensing Heating only Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous With flue sensor } very few Only one VAILLANT model in Germany VAILLANT EN 677 Wall Hung Condensing Heating only Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous With SCOT/SIEMENS } very few WEISHAUPT, VIESSMANN, BROETJE EN 677 & 625 Wall Hung Condensing Combi Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous Standard } 5 237 All WEISHAUPT wall hung & some VIESSMANN (SCOT), some BRÖTJE (SIEMENS) Gaining share throughout Europe. May be some specials in UK, including SEDBUK B (which may not all have fully premix burners) and open vented. There are some condensing boilers with Type B flues. EN 677 & 625 Wall Hung Condensing Combi Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous With flue sensor } very few Only one VAILLANT model in Germany VAILLANT EN 677 & 625 Wall Hung Condensing Combi Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous With SCOT/SIEMENS } very few All WEISHAUPT wall hung & some VIESSMANN (SCOT), some BRÖTJE (SIEMENS) WEISHAUPT, VIESSMANN, BRÖTJE At least some SEDBUK B condensing boilers do not have full premix burners. BAXI/POTTERTON, IDEAL, GLOW WORM Growing market for wall hung boilers installed in "cascades" especially for collective heating of apartments. Many condensing boiler manufacturers EN 677 & 625 Wall Hung Condensing Heating only & combi Type C (Fanned) Partial premix (SEDBUK B UK) Continuous Standard c. 1.5 million included in totals above EN 677 Wall Hung Condensing Heating only (in cascades) Type C (Fanned) and Type B Full Premix Continuous Standard … GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Most boiler manufacturers 176 10.3 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES 177 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Fig. 10.2-2 SUMMARY OF DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR TESTING IN WP4: FLOOR STANDING AND CAST IRON WALL HUNG GAS BOILERS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 EN Classification LEVEL 3 PRODUCT TYPE LEVEL 4 System LEVEL 2 Flue Type LEVEL 4 Burner Type Modulation Domestic Boilers Estimated Park (19932007) LEVEL 5 Modulation & Combustion Controls Combustion Controls Comments LEVEL 6 Manufacturers (not comprehensive) ('000 pieces) EN 297 Floor Standing Non Condensing Heating only Type B Partial Premix (tube) Continuous Standard 450 Most floor standing boilers sold now outside Germany. Most floor standing boiler producers. EN 297 Floor Standing Non Condensing Heating only Type B Partial Premix (tube) Fixed or step Standard 2 428 International. Mainly pre 2000 models. Most floor standing boiler producers. EN 297 Floor Standing/Wall hung Non Condensing Type B Partial Premix ("box") Fixed or step Standard 2 000 UK: includes wall hung cast iron, floor standing cast iron, BBU's. BAXI/POTTERTON, IDEAL, GLOW WORM EN 483 Floor Standing/Wall hung Non Condensing Type C (balanced & fanned) Partial Premix ("box") Fixed or step Standard 4 690 UK: includes wall hung cast iron, floor standing cast iron, BBU's. BAXI/POTTERTON, IDEAL, GLOW WORM EN 483 Floor Standing Non Condensing Heating only Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (tube) Continuous Standard 315 International. Type C mainly post 2000 models. Most floor standing boiler producers. EN 297 Floor Standing Non Condensing (Low NOx) Heating only Type B Atmospheric premix (rod cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany, but also internationally on a small scale Especially VAILLANT EN 297 Floor Standing Non Condensing (Low NOx) Heating only Type B Atmospheric premix (mesh type) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Includes Matrix burner. VIESSMANN EN 297 Floor Standing Non Condensing (Low NOx) Type B Atmospheric premix (OVO/OVAL Butterfly-wing flame) } Mainly Germany, but also internationally on a small scale. Special case for sensitivity. Probably BUDERUS, BRÖJTE, WOLF Heating only (UK cast iron open vented) Heating only (UK cast iron open vented) Heating only Continuous Standard 1 752 EN 483 Floor Standing Non Condensing (Low NOx) Heating only Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (rod cooled) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Especially VAILLANT EN 483 Floor Standing Non Condensing (Low NOx) Heating only Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (mesh type) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany. Includes Matrix burner. VIESSMANN EN 483 Floor Standing Non Condensing (Low NOx) Heating only Type C (Fanned) Atmospheric premix (OVO/OVAL Butterfly-wing flame) Continuous Standard } Mainly Germany, but also internationally on a small scale. Probably low numbers for Type C. Special case for sensitivity. Probably BUDERUS, BRÖJTE, WOLF EN 483 & 625 Floor Standing Non Condensing Combi UK Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (tube) Continuous Standard 256 Small park in UK. WORCESTER EN 483 Floor Standing Non Condensing Italy copper with large built-in cylinder Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (type?) Continuous Standard 200 Mainlly in Italy. Integrated hot water production. Tested under EN 625 (?) E.g. FERROLI TANTAQUA NF, RIELLO COLONNA 130 EN 677 Floor Standing Condensing Heating only Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous Standard } 297 International, but especially (including open vented and SEDBUK A &B) and Germany. VAILLANT, German Heizkessel, UK producers EN 677 & 625 Floor Standing Condensing Combi UK Type C (Fanned) Full Premix Continuous Standard } very few Niche UK market. WORCESTER, ISG EN 303-3 Floor Standing Jet Burner Non Condensing Heating only (burner supplied separatey) Type B Jet burner (forced draught) } EN 303-3 Floor Standing Jet Burner Non Condensing Heating only (gas units) Type B Jet burner (forced draught) } EN 303-3 Floor Standing Jet Burner Non Condensing Heating only (burner supplied separatey) Type C Jet burner (forced draught) } Esp. Germany and France. EN 303-3 Floor Standing Jet Burner Non Condensing Heating only (gas units) Type C Jet burner (forced draught) } Esp. Germany and France. EN 303-3 Floor Standing Jet Burner Condensing Heating only (burner supplied separatey) Type C (?) Jet burner (forced draught) } EN 303-3 Floor Standing Jet Burner Condensing Heating only (gas units) Type C (?) Jet burner (forced draught) } Esp. Germany and France. Esp. Germany and France. 869 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission very few, but will grow German Heizkessel + French Floor Standing Manufacturers Esp. Germany German Heizkessel Esp. Germany 178 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Fig. 10.3-1 SUMMARY OF DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR TESTING IN WP4: DOMESTIC GAS WATER HEATERS AND SPACE HEATERS LEVEL 1 Domestic Gas Water Heaters LEVEL 2 EN Classification EN 26 Instantaneous EN 26 Instantaneous EN 26 Instantaneous EN 26 Instantaneous EN 26 Instantaneous LEVEL 4 System Dedicated Water Heating Dedicated Water Heating Dedicated Water Heating Dedicated Water Heating Dedicated Water Heating LEVEL 2 Flue Type Type C (Fanned) Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (bladed) Partial Premix (bladed) Partial Premix (bladed) Partial Premix (bladed) Partial Premix (bladed) Type C (Fanned) Partial Premix (bladed) Type A Type B Type B LEVEL 5 Modulation Estimated Park Modulation ('000 pieces) Comments LEVEL 6 Manufacturers (not comprehensive) Now mainly a replacement market. Spain, Portugal, Italy and France to gether account for 67% of the park. There are some flueless installations, but it has not been possible to quantify these. It is thought that all fully modulating appliances are type C, and most water activated ones are Type B. There are some balcony models in Italy (e.g. SYLBER DERVYL POLAR). VAILLANT, BOSCH, SAUNIER DUVAL, CHAFFOTEAUX, ELM LEBLANC, FAGOR, COINTRA dominate, + RIELLO/SYLBER in Italy 3 046 Germany, Italy and France together account for some 56% of the market. Other significant countries are Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic. A.O. SMITH, VAILLANT, ARISTON THERMO, WIKORA The original UK gas fire. Open or glass fronted. Now most have some convection. VALOR, FOCAL ROBINSON WILLEY etc. None found during study. None identified. VALOR and other UK. FABER and DRU (NL) LEVEL 4 Burner Type Water Activated Water Activated Modulating (electronic) Water Activated Modulating (electronic) For external siting } few (?) } 18 600 } negligible (?) } few (?) } 2 048 } few (?) Instantaneous Dedicated Water Heating Storage Non Condensing Storage Non Condensing Dedicated Water Heating Dedicated Water Heating BS 79771 + EN 613 Radiant Gas Fires Room Heating Type B or BS 79771 opening Partial Premix Fixed 2 270 EN 1266 Independent Space Heaters with Fan Room Heating Type C (fanned) Partial Premix Fixed negligible? BS 79771 + EN 613 Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires Room Heating + decorative EN 613 Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires Room Heating + decorative EN 613 Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires Room Heating + decorative EN 13278 Live Fuel Effect Gas Fires EN 590 EN 26 EN 89 EN 89 Gas Fires, Space Heaters and Warm Air Heaters LEVEL 3 PRODUCT TYPE EN 14829 EN 14438 EN 613 Type B Type C (Fanned) Fixed } Fixed } POINT, Partial Premix Fixed } 1 655 Significant UK market (c. 655,000 park), and also the main type of decorative gas fire exported from the Netherlands. Partial Premix Fixed } few Special flue developed by FABER which has produced varied test results. FABER Type B (Open) Partial Premix Fixed 4 400 Main UK category. Most are do not have a directly connected flue (EN 613) but are installed into a builders's opening (BS 7977-1 within GAD). VALOR, FOCAL ROBINSON WILLEY etc. Room Heating + decorative Type C (fanned) Partial Premix Fixed few Minority UK category VALOR etc. Decorative Gas Fires Mainly Decorative Type B Partial Premix (some no premix?) Fixed 970 UK specific. More decorative than heating. Cannot claim effiency levels for this product. VALOR etc. and many generic. Flueless Gas Fires Room Heating + decorative Type A Partial Premix Fixed 120 UK specific. Special case for GASQUAL because of fears of soot accumulation affecting catalytic converter. FOCAL POINT, DRU GASSAR, BURLEIGH Heating several rooms Type A (?) Partial Premix Fixed negligible? Very small sector. Possibly not much sold outside Netherlands. FABER has in range. Room Heating Type B Partial Premix Fixed 500 Significant in Germany. ORANIER VALOR (UK), FÉG (H), LAMPART (H), FABER (NL) Gas Fired Insets for heating more than 1 room Room Heaters (floor standing) EN 613 Wall Heaters/Wall Hung Convectors EN 778 Forced convection air heaters <70 kW EN 1319 Forced convection air heaters <70 kW with fan assisted burner Wall Hung Gas Convectors and Gas Radiators Ducted warm air <70 kW whole dwelling heating: open flue Ducted warm air <70 kW whole dwelling heating: room sealed Type C (balanced) Type C (FABER long balanced flue) Partial Premix (round) Partial Premix (round) Type C (balanced) Partial Premix Fixed 5 000 Significant but declining market for wall heaters in the UK (c. 485,000 park), and Germany (est. 350,000). Large and long established market for gas radiators in Hungary (c.3.5 million units in 1 million homes) Type B Partial Premix Fixed 150 UK specific. Main period of installation in 1960's/70's, but replacements sold post 1993. 80 UK specific. Main period of installation in 1960's/70's, but replacements sold post 1993. Mainly fanned flue. Few balanced flue now marginal. Type C (?) Partial Premix GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Fixed POINT, JOHNSON & STARLEY dominates. Some from BRINK (NL), MULTICALOR (B) and USA. 179 10.3 OTHER DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES Fig. 10.3-2 SUMMARY OF DOMESTIC GAS APPLIANCES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR TESTING IN WP4: COOKERS AND OTHER APPLIANCES LEVEL 2 EN Classification LEVEL 1 Micro-CHP and Heat Pumps LEVEL 2 Flue Type LEVEL 4 Burner Type LEVEL 5 Modulation Estimated Park Modulation ('000 pieces) Comments Domestic gas cookers: hobs (built in & free standing) fricative single ring Cooking (open) No flue Partial Premix Manual 51 525 Cheaper less stable burner: small pilot in between flames. c.95% of market EN 30 Domestic gas cookers: hobs (built in & free standing) ring single ring Cooking (open) No flue Partial Premix Manual 2 700 More stable and more expensive: Pilot flame is a continuous circle below the actual flames. C. 5% of market Cooking (open) No flue Partial Premix Manual 2 250 Double & triple ring. Could be especially sensitive to gas quality. C. 10% of current sales and 6% of market. Grilling No flue Partial Premix Manual EN 30 Domestic Gas Tumble Dryers & Washing Machines LEVEL 4 System EN 30 EN 30 Domestic Gas Cookers LEVEL 3 PRODUCT TYPE Domestic gas cookers: hobs (built in & free standing) fricative and ring: multiple ring Separate (High Level) Grill (free standing) Oven modulates 1:3 Oven modulates 1:3 Oven modulates 1:3 Oven modulates 1:3 Oven modulates 1:3 Oven modulates 1:3 Oven (free standing: no grill) Oven No flue Partial Premix EN 30 Oven (free standing:with grill for use with open door) Oven + grilling No flue Partial Premix EN 30 Oven (free standing:with grill for use with closed door) Oven + grilling No flue Partial Premix EN 30 Oven (bult-in:no grill) Oven No flue Partial Premix EN 30 Oven (built-in:with grill for use with open door) Oven + grilling No flue Partial Premix EN 30 Oven (built-in:with grill for use with closed door) Oven + grilling No flue Partial Premix EN 12752 Type B Tumble Dryers <20 kW Laundry Drying Not known Not known Not known few EN 1458 Type B22 & B23 Tumble Dryers <6 kW Laundry Drying Not known Not known Not known few EN 12244-1 Domestic Gas Washing Machines Laundry Not known Not known Not known few Not known Not known Not known Not known Not known Not known None Specific Micro-CHP: Stirling Engine None Specific Micro-CHP: Rankine Cycle None Specific Micro-CHP: Internal Combustion None Specific Fuel Cells EN 12309 Gas Heat Pumps All main cooker manufacturers. SABAF, SOMIPRESS, DEFENDI are main burner manufacturers. Grill is separate and open. Plenty of access to secondary air. Probably most common in UK. } EN 30 Space Heating & Electricity Generation Space Heating & Electricity Generation Space Heating & Electricity Generation Space Heating & Electricity Generation Space Heating & Cooling LEVEL 6 Manufacturers (not comprehensive) } 34 000 } } Small new sector, but probably highly sensitive. } The great majority of built-in hobs in Europe are used in conjuction with electric ovens. BRGC estimates that roughly 10% of built-in ovens are gas. These are likely to be more sensitive to gas quality than oven on free standing cookers. } 3 500 } All main cooker manufacturers. CASTFUTURA and FLAMMGAS are main burner manufacturers. Small new sector, but probably highly sensitive. Appears now to be a residual park. Very few such appliances are now sold because of the difficulties of installing such products. MIELE and other domestic appliance manufacturers. Not yet on market It is taking a long time to bring to market, but launches planned for 2009 BAXI, DISENCO, BOSCH, VAILLANT, REMEHA, VIESSMANN, ARISTON Not known Not yet on market Launch planned for 2009 ENERGETIX GENLEC Not known Not known 13 Already on market, but more light commercial than domestic BAXI/SENERTEC, VAILLANT Not known Not known Not known Not yet on market In development CERES POWER, CERAMIC FUEL CELLS Not known Not known Not known 4 Already on market, but more light commercial than domestic ROBUR GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 180 APPENDIX A APPENDIX A SUPPLEMENTARY ANALYSES BY COUNTRY OF THE PARK OF BOILERS <70 KW INSTALLED 1993-2007 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 181 APPENDIX A Fig. A.1: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY FLUE IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /1 Country Flue Open LEVEL 2- EN Standard EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Austria EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Belgium EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Czech Republic EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Denmark EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Product Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 TOTAL PARK 93-07 35 46 1 0 0 0 0 23 4 48 162 129 9 0 0 0 17 65 0 2 266 103 3 0 0 0 14 82 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 58 0 5 24 71 0 0 0 0 0 50 7 85 147 128 8 0 0 0 11 142 3 34 140 199 4 0 7 0 8 167 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 51 0 27 11 57 0 0 0 0 0 59 8 104 96 126 6 0 0 0 11 244 4 239 44 184 3 0 10 0 3 147 9 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 17 2 111 70 173 1 0 0 0 0 131 20 237 405 383 23 0 0 0 39 451 7 275 451 486 9 0 17 0 25 396 11 66 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 126 2 143 182 APPENDIX A Fig. A.1: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY FLUE IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /2 Country Flue Open LEVEL 2- EN Standard EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) France EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Germany Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Greece EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Hungary EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Ireland EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Product Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing 1993-1997 339 1 141 84 0 0 0 18 584 0 12 768 946 134 0 0 359 13 280 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181 209 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 1 0 3 5 0 0 103 0 0 1998-2002 332 1 151 117 0 0 11 73 1 015 1 26 411 548 97 0 9 334 29 744 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 110 342 0 0 0 0 4 24 0 3 5 3 0 3 10 0 0 157 0 1 2003-2007 TOTAL PARK 93-07 186 928 53 0 0 13 80 1 136 35 366 112 354 44 16 48 125 35 1 073 1 12 13 0 0 1 0 75 0 3 63 224 0 0 0 0 3 165 2 22 6 3 0 2 16 0 0 243 0 30 857 3 221 254 0 0 23 171 2 735 35 404 1 291 1 849 275 16 57 818 76 2 097 1 16 17 0 0 1 0 76 0 3 354 775 0 0 0 0 9 195 2 25 14 6 0 9 31 0 0 503 0 32 183 APPENDIX A Fig. A.1: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY FLUE IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /3 Country Flue Open LEVEL 2- EN Standard EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Italy EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Poland EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Portugal EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Romania EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission Product Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing 1993-1997 427 172 57 0 0 0 28 281 0 8 76 11 7 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 1 11 0 0 0 0 42 0 1 1998-2002 216 1 538 54 0 0 2 122 3 233 9 106 79 422 16 0 0 7 0 64 1 10 6 63 1 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 21 7 10 0 4 0 0 361 0 3 2003-2007 119 1 138 26 0 0 1 80 4 056 40 555 43 474 20 0 0 10 0 56 7 93 4 49 1 0 22 0 0 20 0 1 25 20 7 0 10 0 0 957 1 27 TOTAL PARK 93-07 763 2 848 137 0 0 3 230 7 570 49 668 198 907 43 0 0 20 0 122 7 103 11 120 3 0 22 0 0 40 0 1 55 28 28 1 14 0 1 1 361 1 31 184 APPENDIX A Fig. A.1: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY FLUE IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /4 Country Flue Open LEVEL 2- EN Standard EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Slovak Republic EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) Spain EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Open EN 297- Boiler type B EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (balanced) United Kingdom EN 483- Boiler type C EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Room sealed (fanned) EN 483- Boiler type C EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Product Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Total 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 136 9 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 15 310 4 0 0 0 3 174 0 0 524 165 0 362 513 0 0 2 866 0 110 12 627 135 54 0 0 0 0 0 59 0 5 22 595 4 0 0 0 7 1 045 0 1 380 175 0 229 450 0 41 4 402 9 449 21 329 66 53 0 0 0 0 0 49 4 42 21 467 3 0 0 0 8 1 639 0 14 68 163 0 50 275 0 24 2 480 73 4 648 25 047 TOTAL PARK 93-07 338 116 0 0 0 0 0 122 4 46 58 1 371 12 0 0 0 17 2 858 0 15 972 504 1 640 1 237 0 65 9 747 82 5 206 59 003 Source : BRG Consult GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 185 APPENDIX A Fig. A.2: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY FUNCTIONALITY IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES Country Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Functionality LEVEL 2- EN Standard Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Combi EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Heating only NON EN 625- Boilers with sanitary water Italy Poland Portugal Romania Slovak Republic Spain United Kingdom Product Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Gas wall hung Gas floor standing Gas wall hung Jet burner gas Total 19931997 35 39 82 1 183 180 13 9 144 280 43 3 2 4 60 1 1 626 358 111 84 820 781 764 134 0 0 1 1 68 182 146 0 3 6 107 0 50 438 405 23 57 7 76 5 11 4 2 6 0 41 9 4 11 11 136 12 0 472 18 11 4 1 730 886 1 924 0 12 627 19982002 75 31 130 0 278 161 26 8 338 150 43 4 1 3 76 0 2 067 405 126 128 540 448 1 085 97 0 0 5 4 289 114 80 0 7 8 164 0 87 4 734 260 142 56 342 79 155 23 80 6 1 1 330 22 45 10 64 135 53 0 1 619 29 21 4 3 374 659 2 101 0 21 328 20032007 82 20 138 0 505 110 104 7 322 57 75 3 1 3 127 0 2 087 300 343 65 423 195 1 130 60 33 2 57 14 324 69 88 0 47 9 244 0 109 5 551 130 198 27 408 50 215 30 48 4 44 1 943 26 70 7 57 70 86 0 2 098 29 22 3 5 429 214 2 136 0 25 047 TOTAL PARK 93-07 191 90 350 1 966 450 143 24 803 487 161 9 5 10 264 1 5 780 1 063 579 277 1 783 1 424 2 980 291 33 2 62 18 681 366 314 0 57 23 515 0 246 10 723 796 363 140 758 205 375 63 132 11 51 3 1 315 57 119 28 133 342 152 0 4 189 75 55 12 10 533 1 759 6 161 1 59 003 Source : BRG Consult GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 186 APPENDIX A Fig. A.3: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY BURNER IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /1 Country Burner Conventional LEVEL 2- EN Standard EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Austria Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Belgium Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Czech Republic Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Denmark Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B France Germany Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Fan assisted premix Low Nox EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Product Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas wall hung condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 TOTAL PARK 93-07 3 51 0 0 4 48 32 17 1 177 182 0 0 0 2 3 12 9 280 185 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 2 47 0 10 0 5 2 0 1 285 1 725 54 0 0 12 18 0 84 64 40 0 13 280 705 2 89 0 1 7 85 22 31 0 154 248 0 0 3 34 4 22 8 143 336 1 4 2 10 4 33 0 4 1 20 0 15 0 27 1 16 0 243 2 158 0 0 1 26 161 9 128 22 18 0 29 744 398 1 40 0 2 8 104 10 73 0 102 273 0 0 4 239 5 97 7 44 300 1 4 9 55 2 37 0 3 1 0 0 0 2 111 1 17 0 136 2 044 21 0 35 366 108 21 65 6 10 0 35 1 073 154 5 180 0 3 20 237 65 121 1 432 704 0 0 7 275 11 130 24 468 821 2 8 11 66 6 69 0 9 4 67 0 25 2 143 4 33 1 664 5 926 75 0 35 404 288 30 277 92 67 0 76 2 097 1 256 187 APPENDIX A Fig. A.3: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY BURNER IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /2 Country Burner Conventional LEVEL 2- EN. Standard EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Greece Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Hungary Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Ireland Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Italy Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Fan assisted premix Poland EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Low Nox Jet Burner EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 TOTAL PARK 93-07 Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Product 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 171 211 5 0 0 0 5 4 0 6 107 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 441 440 15 0 0 8 0 14 57 76 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 109 352 1 0 0 3 4 13 0 8 153 0 17 0 1 0 0 0 291 4 443 44 23 9 106 4 304 56 57 477 0 0 1 10 21 10 1 87 0 0 0 3 0 0 14 64 374 0 0 2 22 3 16 0 8 259 0 2 0 30 0 0 0 177 4 317 16 134 40 555 5 743 27 25 472 0 3 7 93 18 55 1 93 0 0 0 3 0 0 18 344 937 6 0 2 25 13 33 0 22 518 0 22 0 32 0 0 0 909 9 200 75 157 49 668 9 1 060 140 159 962 0 3 7 103 39 65 Gas wall hung condensing 0 0 0 0 Jet burner gas 11 23 30 63 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 188 APPENDIX A Fig. A.3: 1993-2007 PARK OF DOMESTIC GAS BOILERS DIVIDED BY BURNER IN 16 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES /3 Country Burner Conventional LEVEL 2- EN Standard EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Portugal Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Romania Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Slovak Republic Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Spain Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Conventional EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B United Kingdom Fan assisted premix EN 677- Boiler condensing equipped with premixed burner Low Nox EN 483- Boiler type C / EN 297- Boiler type B Jet Burner EN 303-3 Boilers equipped with forced draught burner Product Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Gas floor standing condensing Gas wall hung condensing Gas floor standing non condensing Gas wall hung non condensing Jet burner gas Total 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 TOTAL PARK 93-07 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 43 0 0 0 1 0 1 11 134 24 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 484 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 886 3 499 0 45 0 110 0 0 0 12 627 6 81 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 21 365 0 0 0 3 0 7 10 132 109 2 1 0 5 1 4 0 29 1 562 0 4 0 1 0 74 4 650 5 027 0 0 9 449 0 0 0 21 328 4 91 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 25 967 0 0 1 27 1 20 7 65 96 1 1 4 42 1 4 0 28 1 722 0 30 0 14 0 354 3 141 2 888 0 29 73 4 648 0 0 0 25 047 11 182 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 55 1 375 0 0 1 31 1 28 28 331 229 5 2 4 46 2 8 0 75 3 768 0 34 0 15 0 427 12 1 677 11 414 0 74 82 5 206 0 0 1 59 003 Source: BRG consult GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 189 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B SUPPLEMENTARY ANALYSES BY COUNTRY OF THE DOMESTIC WATER HEATERS INSTALLED 1993-2007 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 190 APPENDIX B Fig B.1: 1993-2007 PARK OF WATER HEATER EN26 INSTANTANEOUS IN 16 SELECTED COUNTRIES Country Spain 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 2 200 2 263 2 389 Italy 761 873 1 063 Portugal 801 1 029 821 France 933 722 659 Poland 594 596 650 Belgium 359 391 475 Germany 673 296 188 United Kingdom 359 269 205 Hungary 143 149 151 Romania 34 53 125 Czech Republic 73 59 57 Austria 67 48 35 Slovak Republic 20 24 14 Greece 3 4 5 Ireland 2 2 2 Denmark 1 2 2 7 024 6 782 6 842 Total Total Total 6 853 33.2% 2 697 13.1% 2 650 12.8% 2 313 11.2% 1 840 8.9% 1 225 5.9% 1 158 5.6% 834 4.0% 443 2.1% 211 1.0% 190 0.9% 150 0.7% 58 0.3% 12 0.1% 7 0.0% 6 0.0% 20 648 100.0% Fig B.2 : 1993-2007 PARK OF WATER HEATER EN89 STORAGE IN 16 SELECTED COUNTRIES Country 1993-1997 1998-2002 2003-2007 Germany 25 410 263 France 44 173 164 Italy 11 177 153 Hungary 11 63 151 Poland 44 61 100 United Kingdom 80 37 38 Czech Republic 4 47 103 82 19 21 Slovak Republic 0 6 53 Spain 4 19 20 Ireland 7 6 8 Austria 5 8 6 Portugal 2 3 6 Denmark 1 1 0 Romania 0 0 1 Greece 0 0 0 321 1 032 1 089 Belgium Total Total Total 698 28.6% 381 15.6% 341 14.0% 226 9.2% 206 8.4% 155 6.4% 154 6.3% 122 5.0% 60 2.4% 43 1.8% 21 0.9% 19 0.8% 11 0.4% 3 0.1% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 441 100.0% Source: BRG Consult GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 191 APPENDIX C APPENDIX C MAIN RANGES OF COMMERCIAL BOILERS AVAILABLE IN SELECTED MEMBER STATES 1997 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 192 APPENDIX C Fig C.1-1 BELGIUM: RANGE OF POWER FOR GAS ATMOSPHERIC AND CONDENSING BOILERS 1996/7…/1 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 193 APPENDIX C Fig C.1-1 BELGIUM: RANGE OF POWER FOR GAS ATMOSPHERIC AND CONDENSING BOILERS 1996/7…/2 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 194 APPENDIX C Fig C1-2 BELGIUM: RANGE OF POWER FOR JET BURNER BOILERS 1996/7…/1 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 195 APPENDIX C Fig C1-2 BELGIUM: RANGE OF POWER FOR JET BURNER BOILERS 1996/7…/2 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 196 APPENDIX C Fig.C.2-1 FRANCE: SELECTED RANGES OF ATMOSPHERIC GAS BOILERS WHICH GO >40kw 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 197 APPENDIX C Fig. C.2-2 FRANCE: SELECTED RANGES OF JET BURNER BOILERS WHICH GO >40 Kw 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 198 APPENDIX C Fig. C.3-1 GERMANY: RANGE OF POWER OF ATMOSPHERIC GAS BOILERS >50KW 1996/7 BY MANUFACTURER GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 199 APPENDIX C Fig. C.3-2 GERMANY: RANGE OF POWER OF OIL/GAS JET BURNER FLOOR STANDING BOILERS >50KW 1996/7 BY MANUFACTURER GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 200 APPENDIX C Fig. C.3-3 GERMANY: RANGE OF POWER OF GAS UNIT FLOOR STANDING BOILERS >50KW BY MANUFACTURER 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 201 APPENDIX C Fig C.4-1 ITALY: SELECTED RANGES OF FLOOR STANDING ATMOSPHERIC GAS BOILERS WHICH GO >35 kW 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 202 APPENDIX C Fig C.4-2 ITALY: SELECTED RANGES OF CAST IRON JET BURNER BOILERS WHICH GO >35kW 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 203 APPENDIX C Fig C.4-3 ITALY: SELECTED RANGES OF STEEL OIL/GAS BOILERS WHICH GO >35kW 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 204 APPENDIX C Fig C.4-4 ITALY: SELECTED RANGES OF GAS JET BURNER UNITS/GRUPPI TERMICI WHICH GO >35 kW 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 205 APPENDIX C Fig. C.5-1 NETHERLANDS: RANGE OF POWER OF COLLECTIVE/ COMMERCIAL ATMOSPHERIC GAS BOILERS, INCLUDING BOILERS TO BE USED IN CASCADE SYSTEMS 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 206 APPENDIX C Fig. C.5-2 NETHERLANDS: RANGE OF POWER OF JET BURNER BOILERS 1996/7 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 207 APPENDIX C Fig C.6-1 SPAIN: EXAMPLES OF RANGES OF ATMOSPHERIC GAS BOILERS AVAILABLE ON THE SPANISH MARKET 1996/97 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 208 APPENDIX C Fig C.6-2 SPAIN: EXAMPLES OF RANGES OF JET BURNER BOILERS >40 kW AVAILABLE ON THE SPANISH MARKET 1996/97 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 209 APPENDIX C Fig. C.7-1 UK: SELECTED RANGES OF "COMMERCIAL" ATMOSPHERIC GAS BOILERS 1996/1997 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 210 APPENDIX C Fig C.7-2 UK: SELECTED RANGES OF "COMMERCIAL" JET BURNER BOILERS 1996/1997…/1 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 211 APPENDIX C Fig C.7-2 UK: SELECTED RANGES OF "COMMERCIAL" JET BURNER BOILERS 1996/1997…/2 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT │BRG Consult for European Commission 212 APPENDIX D APPENDIX D APPLIANCE POPULATIONS, SEGMENTED AND COUNTRY BY COUNTRY GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 213 APPENDIX D COMMENTARY The following tables have been produced taking data from the main report, in order to use the agreed segmentation for the different generic appliance types and to identify individual country by country appliance populations. Tables have been developed for boilers, water heaters, cookers and space heaters. Populations for other generic appliance types are very small and did not warrant further detailed analysis. The same table formats are being used for the WP3 (installation & service practice) and WP4 (appliance selection) reports. This will enable the production of a spreadsheet for each generic appliance type (Level 1) in which a risk value will be calculated for the segmented appliance types (Levels 2 and 3). This will be the methodology used to select the appliance types for the GASQUAL testing programme based on the following risk assessment methodology: Risk Value = Probability of Failure x Consequence Risk = [Sum by Country (Population x Likelihood of Adjustment)] x Consequence Weightings Country Population - taken from WP1 tables on populations Country Likelihood of Adjustment - taken from WP3 tables on adjustment of air/gas ratio and/or burner pressure Consequence Weightings – taken from an assessment of the controls (Level 5) on each appliance type and response to gas quality variation regarding Burner Instability, High Emissions, Overheating and Loss of Safety Devices. The ranking of the risk values will indicate the appliance types most at risk and candidates for the GASQUAL test programme. GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 214 APPENDIX D WP1 L1 Boilers MARKET SEGMENTATION AND APPLIANCE POPULATIONS BY COUNTRY EN 297 - Central heating boilers - type B11 and B11BS boilers fitted with atmospheric burners of nominal heat input not exceeing 70 kW EN 483 - Central heating boilers - type C boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW EN677 - Central heating boilers - specific requirements for condensing boilers with a nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW and EN 15417 for 70-1000 kW EN 303-3/303-7 - Central heating boilers - assembly comprising a boiler body and a forced draught burner L5 Controls Key - O=On/Off P= Pressure Regulator L2 EN Std/Flue EN 297 Open Flued EN 483 Room-sealed L3 Burner Type No PreMix L4 Floor/Wall Floor Wall Partial PreMix/Conv Floor Wall Partial PreMix Fanned Floor Wall Low NOx Partial PreMix Floor Wall Atmos. Full PreMix Floor Wall Full premix Floor Wall Jet burner Floor Wall No PreMix Floor Wall Partial PreMix/Conv Floor Wall Partial PreMix Fanned Floor Wall Low NOx Partial PreMix Floor Wall Atmos. Full PreMix Floor Wall Full premix Floor Wall Jet burner Floor Wall L5 Controls O, P O, P O, P, Q O, P, Q O, P O, P O, P, Q O, P, Q O, P O, P P, Q, R P, Q, R O, P O, P O, P, Q, R O, P, Q, R O, P O, P O, P, Q O, P, Q O, P O, P P, Q, R P, Q, R Q= Modulation R = Air/Gas Ratio TOTAL 93-07 AUS 0 0 2292 3 12107 117 N/D N/D 1273 64 2804 56 N/D N/D 79 0 82 2 0 0 0 0 2990 23907 N/D N/D 455 1666 N/D N/D 84 246 0 0 CZ R DEN 268 436 323 566 0 0 7 80 4 48 0 0 2 63 All Population Data x 1000 FRA IRE GER GRE HUN 385 3438 72 52 1 16 326 764 1 21 0 0 167 17 980 2028 0 0 11 28 1 6 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 164 268 145 255 4 67 279 2489 20 15 35 31 4 50 2 21 4 33 121 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 25 31 0 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission BEL N/D = No Data Available POL POR ROM SLO 291 2944 143 866 7 124 3 83 260 181 25 1243 184 1256 0 0 3 339 35 59 0 0 0 2 2 6 0 141 0 0 5 0 0 1 24 50 0 3 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 11 0 8 0 77 52 140 21 497 618 6157 16 96 4 58 52 1292 70 48 50 2526 1493 9859 276 472 0 0 2 5 0 0 6 721 4 6 0 0 1 26 0 2 0 286 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 21 51 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 23 0 66 215 ITA SPA UK APPENDIX D EN 677 Condensing Boilers EN 303-3 Forced Draught No PreMix Floor Wall Partial PreMix/Conv Floor Wall Partial PreMix Fanned Floor Wall Low NOx Partial PreMix Floor Wall Atmos. Full PreMix Floor Wall Full premix Floor Wall Jet burner Floor Wall Jet burner Floor Wall O, P O, P O, P, Q, R O, P, Q, R O, P O, P O, P O, P O, P O, P P, Q, R P, Q, R 0 0 0 500 N/D N/D 0 0 N/D N/D 296 9354 0 0 P, Q, R P, Q, R TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 238 7 275 11 66 2 144 35 404 76 2097 0 3 2 25 0 32 49 668 7 103 0 1 1 31 4 46 0 15 82 5206 868 0 1 0 24 0 9 0 1 0 277 0 291 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 63 0 3 0 28 0 0 0 12 0 1 0 59003 633 1583 1460 280 7700 6479 115 1361 594 197 1519 626 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 216 12268 1401 4332 18455 APPENDIX D WP1 MARKET SEGMENTATION AND APPLIANCE POPULATIONS BY COUNTRY L1 Water Heaters EN 26 - Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for the production of domestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric burners EN 483 - Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of domestic hot water L5 Controls Key - O=On/Off P= Pressure Regulator L4 Floor/Wall Wall L5 Controls P, Q Q= Modulation TOTAL 93-07 18600 All Population Data x 1000 L2 EN Std/Flue EN 26 Instantaneous Open Flued L3 Burner Type Partial PreMix/Conv AUS 135 BEL CZ R 1102 171 DEN 5 FRA GER GRE 2082 1042 11 HUN 399 IRE 6 EN26 Instantaneous Room-sealed Partial PreMix/Conv Wall P, Q 2048 15 123 19 1 231 116 EN89 Storage Open Flued Partial PreMix/Conv Floor O, P 2319 18 116 146 3 362 EN89 Storage Room Sealed Partial PreMix/Conv Floor O, P 122 1 6 8 0 19 1 44 1 270 184 265 21 6 685 83 663 0 215 324 20 196 10 1 57 41 147 35 0 11 17 1 10 1 0 3 2 8 TOTALS 23089 GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 217 ITA POL POR ROM 2427 1656 2385 190 SLO 52 SPA UK 6168 751 APPENDIX D WP1 L1 Cookers L2 Type Built-in Hob MARKET SEGMENTATION AND APPLIANCE POPULATIONS BY COUNTRY EN30 - 1.1 General Safety EN30 - 1.2 Forced Convection Ovens/grills EN30 - 1.4 Automatic controls EN30 – 2.1 Efficiency EN30 – 2.2 Rational use of energy for Fanned Ovens L4 Construction Sensitive constructions are: Burner positioned below hob level (Deep Inset) or Burner close to Pan Support (Small B-P Dist) L3 Burner Type Atmospheric Partially Aerated – Single Ring L4 Construction Deep Inset Small B-P Dist Atmospheric Partially Aerated – Multi-Ring Deep Inset Small B-P Dist Built-in Oven All Population Data x 1000 Partially Aerated Oven Burner Free-Standing Partially Aerated Cooker Oven Burner Partially Aerated Surface Combustion Partially Aerated Ribbon Burner Partially Aerated Surface Combustion Partially Aerated Ribbon Burner L5 Controls FSD No FSD FSD No FSD FSD No FSD FSD No FSD Convection Fan No Convection Fan TOTAL 93-07 AUS BEL CZ R DEN FRA GER GRE HUN IRE ITA N/D = No Data Available POL POR ROM SLO SPA UK 30339 N/D N/D N/D N/D 7387 514 N/D N/D N/D 11844 N/D N/D N/D N/D 2134 2884 1259 N/D N/D N/D N/D 307 21 N/D N/D N/D 492 N/D N/D N/D N/D 87 136 3500 N/D N/D N/D N/D 852 60 N/D N/D N/D 1366 N/D N/D N/D N/D 248 760 34000 N/D N/D N/D N/D 4320 1573 N/D N/D N/D 10743 N/D N/D N/D N/D 1511 7062 69,098 539 600 2451 96 30 2600 N/D 24445 7191 N/D N/D 1290 3980 10842 Convection Fan No Convection Fan Built-in Grill Built-in Grill Door Open Door Closed Door Open Door Closed Eye Level Grill Eye Level Grill GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 12866 2168 218 APPENDIX D WP1 L1 Cookers MARKET SEGMENTATION AND APPLIANCE POPULATIONS BY COUNTRY EN30 - 1.1 General Safety EN30 - 1.2 Forced Convection Ovens/grills EN30 - 1.4 Automatic controls EN30 – 2.1 Efficiency EN30 – 2.2 Rational use of energy for Fanned Ovens L4 Construction L2 Type Built-in Hob L3 Burner Type Atmospheric Partially Aerated – Single Ring Sensitive constructions are: Burner positioned below hob level (Deep Inset) or Burner close to Pan Support (Small B-P Dist) L4 Construction Deep Inset Small B-P Dist Atmospheric Partially Aerated – Multi-Ring Deep Inset Small B-P Dist Built-in Oven Partially Aerated Oven Burner Free-Standing Partially Aerated Cooker Oven Burner Partially Aerated Surface Combustion Partially Aerated Ribbon Burner Partially Aerated Surface Combustion Partially Aerated Ribbon Burner All Population Data x 1000 L5 TOTAL 93-07 AUS Controls FSD No FSD FSD No FSD FSD No FSD FSD No FSD Convection Fan No Convection Fan N/D = No Data Available BEL CZ R DEN FRA GER GRE HUN IRE ITA POL POR ROM SLO SPA UK 30339 N/D N/D N/D N/D 7387 514 N/D N/D N/D 11844 N/D N/D N/D N/D 2134 2884 1259 N/D N/D N/D N/D 307 21 N/D N/D N/D 492 N/D N/D N/D N/D 87 136 3500 N/D N/D N/D N/D 852 60 N/D N/D N/D 1366 N/D N/D N/D N/D 248 760 34000 N/D N/D N/D N/D 4320 1573 N/D N/D N/D 10743 N/D N/D N/D N/D 1511 7062 69,098 539 600 2451 96 12866 2168 30 2600 N/D 24445 7191 N/D N/D 1290 3980 10842 Convection Fan No Convection Fan Built-in Grill Built-in Grill Door Open Door Closed Door Open Door Closed Eye Level Grill Eye Level Grill GASQUAL PROJECT, WORK PACKAGE 1, FINAL REPORT│BRG Consult for European Commission 219