Warriors For Christ


Warriors For Christ
to His will, His way, and His word”
2010 Theme
“The Year of Manifestation”
Ephesians 3:20-21
Go to www.mobcva.org
Then click on Weekly Bulletin
March 14, 2010
Our Vision Statement
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Luke 4:18­ 19 (NKJ) MOUNT OLIVE ON YOUTUBE
To view the latest videos type in:
Featured Videos:
Phase II Multi-Purpose Building
Easter Production - Play
Easter Production - Praise Dance
Church History Presentation
Pastor Thompson’s Sermon “A One Word Invitation”
It is the vision of Mt. Olive to be a church that is intentional in its efforts to identify and meet the needs of broken, hurt and oppressed people in the greater Glen Allen area through the message and ministry of Jesus Christ. From the Pastor’s Desk
Ephesians 5:18­21 (NKJV) 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another in the fear of God. The main issue is not how much of the Spirit you have, but how much He has of you. The Holy Spirit must be given the place in your life that He wants and deserves to have. Love, Pastor Thompson
Mon. 15 Children & Youth Ministry Room 140 @ 7:00 PM
Tues. 16 Official Board Meeting Room 138 @ 7:00 PM
Thur. 18 Deacons Ministry Conference Room @ 7:00 PM
Sat. 20 Health Ministry Rooms 137 & 138
Mon. 22 Call Church Meeting MP Building @ 7:00 PM
Deaconess Ministry Room 138 @ 6:30 PM
Youth Council Room 140 @ 6:15 PM
Tues. 23 Male Ushers Sanctuary @ 8:00 PM
Wed. 24 Senior Ministry Conference Room @ 10:00AM
Hope Biblical Counseling Conference Room @ 6:00 PM
Thur. 25 Mission s Ministry Room 137 @ 6:30 PM
Building Planning room 138 @ 6:00 PM
Singles Ministry Golden Corral @ 6:00 PM
Sat. 27 Ushers Workshop 9:00 AM
Health Ministry CPR 9:00 AM Service of Dedication
for the
Multi-Purpose Building
Main Sanctuary @ 4:00 PM
Bishop Michael V. Kelsey
New Samaritan Baptist Church, Washington, DC
Warriors For Christ
Empowered Women…Because He Is Able
Eph. 3:20, 21 Come and Enjoy! Bring a Friend!
Friday, March 19, 2010 4pm­6pm Girls Night Out! Atir Natural Nail Salon ….. Manicure ($24) Pedicure ($50)
Saturday, March 20, 2010 8:30 am ­ 1:00 pm 8:30 am Breakfast 9:15 am – 1:00 pm Mini Workshops on Empowerment
Sunday, March 21, 2010 Celebration of Women
Empowered !
The Lenten Season: February 16 — April 3
Lent: The forty days are taken from the days of temptations and fasting ITY
Jesus spent in the wilderness. The forty days extend from Ash Wednes­ day to Easter Eve and contains six Sundays.
(The Pulpit attire is Purple)
General Theme For This Quarter:
“TEACHING ON COMMUNITY” This quarter’s study explores the concept of community in the Old Testament books of Jonah and Ruth, as well as in the teachings of Jesus and the early church. It highlights the response of faithful people to God’s call and how their Spirit­led mission inspired a new kind of relationship between God’s followers.
* TWO CHOICES FOR ADULTS We hope that you will join us as we are focusing on: UNIT #1
YOUNG ADULTS—AGE 19 AND UP ADULTS—ALL AGES WELCOME The four lessons in this unit examine community through the themes of mission, redemption, family, and survival as seen in the books of Jonah and Ruth.
Jonah 3:10­4:5 God responded positively to the repentance of the Ninevites. Because the people of Nineveh were the Israelites' enemies, Jonah responded to God’s forgiveness of Nineveh with anger. He did not want to accept God’s will. However, Jonah came to realize that God is sovereign )in control of things in the world) and God’s way of dealing with others differs from our. He also learned that God’s steadfast love abounds to all. ·
MONDAY: A Shared Experience John 20:24­29 ·
TUESDAY: A shared Reward 1 Samuel 30:21­31 ·
WEDNESDAY: A Shared Advantage Luke 3:10­14 March 21, 2010
“FAMILY AS COMMUNITY” Ruth 1:1­9, 14b 16 Because his own community experienced famine, Elimelech and his fam­ ily moved to a foreign Community, Moab. But when Elimelech and his two sons died, for support, his wife Naomi decided to return to her origi­ nal community, Judah. Ruth her daughter­in­law, forsook her own native community of Moab to remain with her mother­in­law and moved to Judah as well. She also made a loving commitment to her mother­in­law and accepted Naomi’s God as her God.
THURSDAY: A Shared Oath 1 Samuel 20:30­42 NEXT WEEK’S:
FRIDAY: A Shared Responsibility Romans 14:13­21 SATURDAY: A Shared Love John 15:9­17 SUNDAY: A Shared Faith Ruth 1:1­9, 14b, 16 March 7, 2010
Sermon Highlights:
Sermon Title:
“And The Winner Is”
Scriptural Text: 2 Timothy 2:1­5
Main Idea: We are all winners in Christ. Three things winners do:
Points: (1) Winners teach others what they know (2) Winners are winners in spite of the difficulties of life (3) Winners follow God’s rules
For the full message order a CD or DVD of the service from the Media Ministry.
MOBC COMMUNITY NEWS !! March 21 — Women’s Day Celebration 8:00 AM Worship Service Rev. Diane Mosby, Pastor Anointed New Life Baptist Church Richmond, VA
11:00 AM Worship Service Rev. Angel E. White Good Shepherd Baptist Church Petersburg, VA
March 31 — Mount Olive @ Christian Deliverance
Fellowship Ministries, Richmond, VA @ 7:00 PM Pastor/Ushers/Choir Ministering Henrico County Branch
NAACP The Henrico County Branch NAACP is celebrating its 33rd
Freedom Fund & Educational Awards Banquet. This event will be held on Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. at Quioc­ casin Baptist Church Family Life Center, located at 9011 Quioccasin Road, Henrico, Virginia. Our keynote speaker will be Rev. Dr. Kirkland Walton, Pastor of St. Peter Baptist Church in Glen Allen, Virginia. Our Master of the Ceremonies will be Dr. Cavell Phillips, General Manager, Amen 820 WGGM. Come join us, as we celebrate under the theme:
“NAACP: Ensuring our Legacy!” The ticket donation is $40.00 for adults and $20.00 for youth. For tickets, please contact Rev. Roy Carter or Sis. Joyce Johnson. Remember your support is the key to the success of the NAACP. Please support the NAACP! To Pastor Thompson and Family & Mt. Olive Church Family: Thanks you so much for your prayers, calls, cards, and words of concern for us during the past few months and for our beautiful marriage certificate of love, we will cherish it forever and pass it on to the next generation. To God be the glory for blessing us and keeping us together these many years. May God bless you all. Bro. Robert & Sis. Margaret Branch To Pastor Thompson, Sister Thompson, Deacons, Dea­ coness, The Associate Ministers, Sunday School, Voices of Commitment and the Entire Mt. Olive Family: To God be the Glory! God has once again allowed me to be healed. Thank you for your prayers, calls, visits, gifts and cards. Please continue to pray for my healing. May God bless you all. Thank you, thank you! Love, Sister Blanche Oliver Rev. Thompson & the Mt. Olive Church Family: Thank you for the calls, cards, visits, and all acts of kindness shown during the passing of our brother and uncle, “Robert Jack­ son.” Sis. Esther & Sis. Bernice Winston The U.S. Census Bureau is issuing a call to action for every resident of our nation: “BE COUNTED IN 2010”
Your response is important. Results from the 2010 Census will be used to help each community get its fair share of gov­ ernment funds for highways, schools, health facilities, and many other programs you and your neighbors need. Without a complete, accurate census, your community may not re­ ceive its fair share. A complete and accurate count is in your hand. MUSIC MINISTRY REHEARSAL
Monday, March 15, Men of Impact @ FBC Centralia @ 7:00 pm; Attire: Black Suit, Red Bow Tie
Tuesday, March 16, VOC @ St. Paul @ 7:00 pm; Bus leaves @ 6:15 pm; Attire: Black; Praise Dance @ 6:30 pm
Thursday, March 18, Musicians @ 6:15 pm; Women’s Day Choir @ 7:00 pm
(If unable to attend rehearsal, CD’s are available upon request. See Rev. Lee)
Mount Olive Baptist Church
Prayer, Praise and Meditation Garden The members, ministries and friends of Mount Olive Baptist Church are being offered an opportunity to capture our spiritual journey of praise and thanksgiving. An area between the Multi­purpose facility and the Sanctuary has been designated as a Prayer, Praise and Meditation Garden. This area will feature engraved brick pavers placed in memory, honor, celebration and encouragement of the life of a loved one. Additionally, pavers will recognize a birth, christening, baptism, wedding anniversary and event or favorite scripture. This on­ going project will secure donations to fund the installation of the garden as well as support for the building fund. The garden will contain 840 pavers creating a lasting memory to recognize loved ones, special events and our walk of faith within the Mount Olive Family. The engraved pavers are available in two sizes. The 4”x 8” paver can be purchased for $150.00 and the 8” x 8” will cost $300.00. 8” x 8” center pavers, which will surround the two cornerstones from previous church structures, will be available for $500.00. Each paver must be paid in full at the time of purchase. For additional information, please pick up a paver brochure from the information table outside of the church office. Paver orders will be received after each morning services through May 30 th . If you have any questions concerning the project, you may contact any member of the committee listed below. Jean Barber­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­264­5806 Charlene Bazemore­­­­­527­2870 Julia Galloway­­­­­­­­­­­­732­5356 Cherrie Henderson­­­­­­266­3374 Eula Jones­­­­­­­­­­­­­­747­9635 Joyce Libron­­­­­­­­­­­­355­1874 Rosiland Ruffin­­­­­­­­­321­5322 In recognition of and being sensitive to the needs and concerns of the congregation, pavers may be
purchased at half price until the end of March. Also, for that time period you will be able to select
where you would like your paver placed in the area surrounding the center.
COOKBOOK UPDATE Mt. Olive Cookbooks are now available at a cost of $20.00 each. Purchase yours today.
The Cookbook Committee
ATTENTION MEMBERS Once again I’m calling on you for your assistance. The earthquake in Haiti has left many with permanent injuries, amputa­ tions, and disabilities. If you have old crutches, walkers, canes or wheelchairs, please donate them to the CCH Missions Ministry. For further information, please contact Rev. Corbett. Thank you and God bless you.
Media Ministry New Price: DVD reduced from $20 to $15 Services and Special Programs recorded in 2009 can be purchased at a special reduced price of $10.
Types of services includes the following: All 8am services, Spring/Youth/Fall Revivals, Special bundle price for each Revival (three services) is $30, Black History/Easter/Christmas programs, Music concerts, Church/Ushers anniversaries and more. Services can also be formatted for ipod uploads. DVDs can also be mailed to family and friends. Typical shipping and handling is about $3.00. Upon receipt of your order DVDs are usually processed within 10 minutes. Please note the 11am service is not recorded on DVD. The Media Ministry is currently seeking Video Technicians to train for recording one Sunday service each month. If interested contact Bro. Charles Tiggle (262­9614) or Bro. Lester Glover (690­2470). MOBC
How To Accept Jesus
Christ into Your Heart Perhaps while reading the announcements you realized you have never made a Christian commitment. Don’t delay that decision! We encourage you to embrace God’s love today and receive the salvation that only Jesus Christ gives. Here are five simple steps you can take to find assurance of salvation. 1. Recognize your need. The Bible tell us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23) All of us are sinners, and we must admit our need for a Savior. 2. Repent of your sins. Our sins create a wall that separates us from God. By con­ fessing our sins and turning from them, you will find forgiveness. The Bible prom­ ises: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). 3. Believe in Jesus. God sent His only Son to die so that He could pay for all our sins. Put your faith in Him and believe in His power to save you. The Bible says, ‘“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life’” (John 3:16). 4. Receive His salvation. God has given us a great gift in His Son, but we must re­ ceive His gift. Thank Him for loving and forgiving you, and ask Him to live in your heart. His promise to us is clear: “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). 5. Confess your faith. The Bible assures us: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). You have been born again and are now part of God’s family. Tell someone else what Jesus has done in your life!
Do you really “know” what love is?
Maybe? / Maybe Not?
All of us talk about love. We tell others that we love them, but as songwriter & rapper, Eve put it, “Love is Blind. It will take over your mind. What you think is love it’s truly not, you need to elevate and find”… Knowing what real love is requires us to look to God for the answers for He is love. Do you know what love is? If you do “know,” come out and be a blessing. If you don’t, come and be blessed. WHERE: Golden Corral 4050 Gaskins Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060 WHEN: March 25, 2010, 6 p.m. FOR WHOM: All singles… male and female FOR WHAT: Open forum and discussion on what love is from God’s perspective, so that we can love others like God love’s them. Please RSVP, Sis. Marcia Hart, by March 18, 2010 @mth5c@yahoo.com or 540­907­9931 DEACONESS MINISTRY The Nellie W. Crump­Thomas Scholarship Fund
Who will be a recipient this year?
The Women’s Auxiliary to the Deacons’ Conference of Richmond
and Vicinity will be awarding scholarships to students who are planning
to attend college. The Deaconess ministry would like to encourage all
interested high school seniors to apply for this scholarship . We have
been a supporter of the Nelli Crump-Thomas Scholarship Fund for many
years. In 2008 we were thankful and blessed that Christen Jones was
the recipient of a $ 1,000 scholarship.
Applications can be found on the table in the commons area outside the church office. Please fill in the top portion and have a school
official of your choice fill in the remainder of the form. In addition to
completing the application, the applicant is also required to submit a
letter of recommendation from a responsible community leader (may
include the Pastor or a ministry leader). All applications must be in by
April 15th.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Deaconess
Dorothy Robinson (Deaconess contact person) at 266-3118 or Nelli CrumpThomas (804) 358-5783.
MOBC Mount Olive is sponsoring a blood drive on Sunday, April 11 th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in classrooms one and two of the Multi­Purpose Building. There will be a sign­up table in the commons after services. Please consider donating the gift of life during this Easter Sea­ son. Every donation can help save 3 lives right here in the community. There will be give­ aways for all donors.
I n t e r c e s s o r y P r a y e r Ruth Barham….……………….....healing & recovery
aunt of Tara Hurst
Benjamin & Lawrence Brown ...…….……...strength
brothers of Rev. Corbett
Delaney Caroline……encouragement & deliverance
James Carter. ……......................healing & recovery
Evelyn Carter……………………..healing & recovery
Rev. Carter’s wife
Mary Dabney…….………...Evelyn Dabney’s mother
Henrico Healthcare on Airport Dr.
Pearl Davis………...…….….…...healing & recovery
sister of Cleopatra Quarles and Patricia Walker
Mary Anna Fowlkes Evan.….….healing & strength
Edith Gardner………….…....…...healing & strength
mother of Pamela Gardner­Davis
Pamela Hairston..…..….…......…healing & strength
Virginia Hall………..….…….………….breast cancer
Doris Harris…………....strength & encouragement
Jerry Harris……….……....….…..….…Throat cancer
Clevett Harris­Alston…….........healing & recovery
niece of sister Evelyn Williams
Nakita Johnson……..………......healing &recovery
Wanda Johnson……………...healing & recovery
Joseph Mason………........…...healing & strength
Penny Marshall………………..healing & recovery
Alice Mitchell……...……. ..... recovery & strength
James Parker…....………..........healing & strength
Rosalind Ruffin & her mother…...........…strength
& encouragement
Margaret Shamblee…………healing from a stroke
grandmother of Margaret Gordon­Joyner
Freda Snead……………..….....strength & healing
Raymond Tatum……...……....healing & recovery
James Taylor…….….….…...…healing & strength
Jonathan Trueheart……...…….healing & strength
Betty Jo Williams…......……...healing & recovery
daughter, Sally Williams
Bernard Williams….. ….…....healing & recovery
brother of Benita Williams
Howard Williams…..……….....healing & recovery
Sterling Wright…..….healing from a stroke
Elaine Wright………….……..…healing & strength
Bernard Wright…………………….faith & strength
Notice: Healing and Recovery lists are for members only and their families. Please contact the church office to have names
submitted for listing in the bulletin. All other prayer requests should be submitted to the Intercessory Prayer Ministry by completing the Intercessory Prayer Request Form below and placed in the prayer boxes in the Narthex or outside the church office.
DETACH HERE “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? Date of Request: Jeremiah 32:27 INTERCESSORY PRAYER REQUEST FORM Place in Intercessory Prayer box or Mail Request to: Reverend Darryl Thompson, Pastor Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 8775 Mt. Olive Ave., Glen Allen, VA 23060 Prayer Request: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Harriet H. Gilchrist, ME (536988) 804­350­4253 Himalayan Goji Juice; http://msg.getgojionline.com/go/getgoji
Pam Hairston (ASI) (804) 334­0566; Email: pamhai@msn.com Wellness products. www.employmentfromhome.net/p229801 Billie Winzor (“A Passion For Possibilities”) 804­226­0109 BARBER / STYLIST
Kenneth Barney (Genesis) 804­643­2442 ext.100 HOME IMPROVEMENTS
Gloria Goodall 804­225­0460 (H) or 804­909­0499 © Can assist you with daily care for the elders or youth in your home CLEANING SERVICES
Ronald J. Jones (Jones Cleaning Service) mrronjones@comcast.net Commercial Janitorial Services, carpet cleaning, floor re­finishing ·
Mary Brown, (Brown Communications) www.mandj.mywirelessrep.com Wireless, Free Phones, Direct TV, Security Systems 804­922­2611
Dondrey Pegeas, (Wireless Communications) 804­228­8181 or 214­2369 Tradon.mywirelessrep.com COMMUNITY SERVICES
Racquel Dozier (Party Lite & Two Sisters Gourmet Consultant) (804) 822­2184 Host a show or fundraiser http://www.partylite.biz/racqueldozier
Pamela Henderson (Arisen Sun Productions) (804) 614­2524 Let’s ASP Plan an Event for U — pamellahenderson@yahoo.com COSMETICS & MORE
Erika Nixon (Personal Makeup Stylist) 804­386­7061; email: makeupondemand@comcast.net FINANCIAL
Willie J. Crudup, Jr. (United 1st Financial) (804) 264­6196
Ann Lawson (US Realty) 519­1098 Harold Lawson (US Realty) 399­4792
Jacquelin Braxton­Jones (US Realty) 269­6872 OR 346­1000 ext. 232 jjones@usrealty­va.com
Louis N. Westbrook (Long & Foster) 550­4529 OR 347­6596
Wanda Center (Action Referral) 804­381­8400 wanda@RichmondHomes.net
Charles Anderson (US Realty, Inc.) (804) 346­1000 ext. 234 or 497­9550; candersonusrealty@yahoo.com RENTALS
Sandra Chandler & Alice Clark (Ladies Shoes) 798­5277 After Nine Shoe Store (Sizes 6 to 16) — www.after9shoes.com
Linda Mosby, Full Figure Fashions– Plus Size Consignment Shop 5520 Lakeside Avenue, 23228 (O) 447­3101 (C) 836­0202.
Pamela L. Veney (Leah's Invitation Boutique) (888)­822­5701 http://www.leahsboutique.mcphersonsprint.com PC REPAIR and TECHNICAL SUPPORT
White’s General Contracting, 804­796­5589 OR 804­389­7401 Specializing in windows, vinyl siding, roofing, leaf guards & home improvements GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRINTING SERVICES
Tony & Juanita Lawrence (Lawrence Rentals) 755­7115 or 922­2796 Tent rentals, tables & chairs for all occasions. Email: jasmynjes@comcast.net RETAIL
Mable Williams (StoneyForce Mortgage) (804) 386­9924
DeShay White, CPA (Individual Tax Preparation & Booking) (804) 387­2361; Email: deshay.d.white@jpmchase.com Charles Tiggle, Sr., Preventive Legal Plans & Identify Theft Protection (804) 675­8429 www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/cltigglesr REALTORS
Interfaith Services of Henrico (ISH) (804) 501­5294 Emergency financial assistance to County residents Email: henricocares.org Lee Pritchett 804­387­8003 Lee’s Lawn Care LEGAL SERVICES
Mc Arthur Smith (Handy Tool Man— LICENSED ) 519­5255 Racquel Dozier (804) 822­2184 E­mail: contactpowerproductions@gmail.com TRAVEL
Anthony & Robyn Winston 798­0091 rwinston01@comcast.net Motorcoach Charters—SpiritToursCoach.com
Kenyada Jones (Dynamic Design & Print, LLC) Kenyada .jones@ddpdesigns.net www.ddpdesigns.net
Marcia Hart, Travel Agent, (Hart­to­Hart Travel) (540) 848­4167 http://www.ytbtravel.com/harttoharttravel; mth5c@yahoo.com,
LU Richards 737­5201 Lurichards@msn.com Printing on T­Shirts, Aprons, Tote Bags, & More ·
Mrs. Joyner, Travel Agent (Chocolate Princess Travel) 866­574­2101 http://www.ytbtravel.com/chocolateprincess; chocolateprincesstravel@gmail.com HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Sheila Garris­Wallace, MD Richmond Primary Care 288­3001 7110 Forest Avenue, Suite 201, Richmond, VA 23226 TUTORING SERVICES
Marcia Hart, Tutoring Consultant (Hart­to­Hart Tutoring Services) mth5c@yahoo.com, (540) 848­4167