Novem. 2009 - Magazine For You


Novem. 2009 - Magazine For You
Desilo se to par dana
nakon {to je ceo svet
proslavio Dan demokratije
(15. septembar). Hodala sam
Bulevarom Bila Klintona u
Pri{tini, kada sam odjednom
za~ula tresak. Sudar! Kao i
mnogi drugi prolaznici,
pri{la sam bli`e, a voza~i
ve} iza{li iz kola spremni
na sva|u (qudska narav - znate
ono kada je "jezik br`i od
pameti"?!) Ispostavilo se da
su voza~i bili Srbin i
"Pa, gde, bre, da se ba{ ova
dvojica sudare!?", pomislih ja
u trenutku. Zapo~ela je
prepirka: nisam ja kriv, ti
naglo skrenuo; e, nemoj da
la`e{, nego si ti... bla, bla,
bla, tru}... (iskreno, nijedan
automobil nije pretrpeo
neku veliku {tetu - "digli
pra{inu" ni oko ~ega!).
Do|o{e ubrzo i policajci
i po~e{e da smiruju "usijane"
glave. Ipak, zakon je zakon, to
je ozbiqna stvar i za sve je
isti (znate, tako je svuda u
svetu). Polako, voza~i po~e{e
da klimaju glavama pomirqivo, prvo policajcima, pa onda
jedan drugom. Posle par minuta, jedan od voza~a odmahnu
rukom, zasmeja se i napravi
neku {alu; drugi mu odgovori
sme{kom i posle "takti~ke
pauze" od par sekundi (ipak mu
je ovaj okrznuo "mezimca", ne}e
mu vaqda tek tako oprostiti?! - znate ve} qudske nar-
Rukova{e se oni i - u Bulevaru
Bila Klintona zavlada tolerancija, demokratija, mir,
po{tovawe reda i zakona,
Znate kada se desi onaj
trenutak kada na sve zaboravite, a koji }ete uvek
pamtiti? Meni se upravo to
desilo tog dana u Pri{tini.
"Dobro se sve zavr{ilo",
pomislim i nastavim svoj
put, a sve vreme razmi{qam
kako svako ima pravo da ka`e
{ta misli, ali da istovremeno treba da prihvati da
druga osoba ima pravo da
misli druga~ije od wega. Ho}u
da ka`em da bismo svi mi trebali da, sa potpunom sve{}u o
wenoj va`nosti za svakodnevni `ivot, otvorimo
vrata demokratiji (i toleranciji, bez koje ova prva ne
mo`e da za`ivi), da joj
pomognemo da u|e u na{e
`ivote. Na|imo "zlatnu
sredinu", dr`imo se ~vrsto
razmi{qawa i tada }e se
useliti demokratija i u
na{e `ivote. Jer, samo pozvan gost je i drag gost.
Razmislite o ovome, dragi
moji i po{tujte pravo druge
osobe da misli druga~ije od
Vas. Do slede}e pri~e...
"For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. [tampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek
stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemqe ~lanice pojedina~no.
KFOR prihvata i tra`i va{a mi{qewa, neka od wih }e i
objavqivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma
tako `eli, wegovo/weno ime ne}e biti objavqeno. KFOR ne}e
objavqivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Leonora [abanaj
Urednik: Vera Gerovac
Novinari : Ali Rexa, Donika ^eta, Sanela Kawi`a
Ilustrator: Aleksandar Naranxi}
Fotograf: Naim [aqa
Webmaster: Astrit Imeri
Design & Layout : Bekim [abani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon:
038/503-603 lokal 2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You”
magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina;
4-5: Za uspeh su va`ne
radne navike
6-7: Topla
dobrodo{lica u Klini
8-9: For you fashion
10-13: Muzi~ka kutija:
Lejzi Bend
14-15: Hol slavnih:
Majstor komedije
16-17: @ivotiwsko
carstvo: Ko je mama
18-19: Svet poznatih
20-21: Kultura: Kulturom
do tolerancije
22-23: KFOR i daqe
podr`ava obrazovawe
na Kosovu
24-25: Internet & kompjuterske igre: Marvel:
Ultimativni savez 2
26-27: Poster: Princeza
i `aba
28-31: Muvimanija: Gore
u vazduhu; Nastanak La`i;
Princeza i `aba
32-33: Va{ kutak
34-35: Zajedno za boqu
36-39: Sportski ugao:
Stoni tenis: Bilo ko,
bilo kad, bilo gde
40-41: Hi-Tech
42-43: Izjasni se protiv diskriminacije!
44-45: Upitnik:
Na koji na~in mo`emo
za{tititi prirodu?
46-47: Enigmatski ugao
48-49: Verovali
ili ne...
50: Misli poznatih
o vremenu
51-52: Pisma ~italaca
4-5: Working habits
are important for success
6-7: Warm welcome in
8-9: For you fashion
10-13: Music Box:
Lazy Band
14-15: Hall of fame:
Master of comedy
16-17: Animal
Kingdom:Who is mum
of the year?
18-19: Celebrity news
20-21: Culture:
Through culture to tolerance
22-23: KFOR helps
again education in
24-25: Internet &
computer games:
Marvell: Ultimate
Alliance 2
26-27: Poster:The
Princess and the frog
28-31: Moviemania:The
invention of lying; Up in the
air; The Princess and dhe
32-33: Your corner
34-35: Together for a better future
36-39: Sports corner:
Table tenis: Anybody, anytime, anywhere.
40-41: Hi-Tech
42-43: Speak out against
44-45: Questionnaire;
46-47: Crossword puzzle
48-49: Did you know ...
50: Famous thoughts
on time
51-52: Reader’s letters
It happened just a few days
after the world had celebrated
the International Day of
Democracy (15 September). I
was walking down Bill Clinton
Boulevard in Pristina, when I
heard a loud bang. Car crash! As
many other people around, I
went closer to the place where
everything happened. The drivers were already out of their cars
ready to start arguing (human
nature - you know "when the
tongue is faster than the
brain"?!). It turned out that one of
the drivers was and Albanian and
the other driver was a Serb.
"Come on, why did it have to
be the two of them?!" a thought
passed through my head in that
moment. The argument had
already started by then: it wasn't
my fault, you were the one that
suddenly made a turn; oh come
on, don't lie, it was you…bla,
bla, bla (honestly neither of the
cars suffered major damage so
they were practically arguing
about nothing!).
The Police soon arrived and
started to calm down the two hotheads. Still, law is law; it is a serious thing and it is the same for
everyone (you know it's the same
everywhere in the world). Drivers
slowly nodded their heads in
acknowledgement, first to the
police then to each other. After a
few minutes, one of the drivers
waved his hand, smiled and
made a joke of some kind; the
second driver responded with a
smile and after a "tactical break"
of few seconds he offered him his
hand (the other guy did scratch
his favourite car and he wasn't
ready to forgive him just like that human nature, you know …)!
They shook hands and respect
for law and order and reconciliation prevailed in Bill Clinton
You know when that moment
comes when everything else is
forgotten about, and when you
know that you will always remember it? I experienced that moment
that day in Pristina. "Everything
ended well," I continued walking
and I couldn't help thinking that
everyone has the right to say
what they think, but at the same
time also accept that the other
person has the right to think differently. What I'm trying to say is that
we all should be fully aware of its
importance to everyday life, open
the door to Democracy (and to tolerance, without it democracy cannot exist), to help it enter in to our
lives. Let's find the "common
ground," and firmly stick to democratic ways of thinking and
democracy will move into our
lives, since only invited guest is a
dear guest.
So my dear, think about it
and respect the right of others to
think differently from you. Until
the next story….
'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and
financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view
of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR
accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of
these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name
of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or
malicious letters will be printed.
Chief in Editor: Leonora Shabanaj
Editor: Vera Gerovac
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Donika Çetta, Sanela Kanjiza
Illustrator: Aleksandar Narandzic
Photographer: Naim Shala
Webmaster: Astrit Ymeri
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
ovinari magazina "For Ju" su obi~no vrlo snala`qivi
na terenu i malo {ta ih mo`e iznenaditi. Ali, ovoga
puta bili smo zbuweni. Oti{li smo u [trpce da napravimo intervju za rubriku "U~enik meseca" i profesorka
"Farmaceutske tehnologije" (smer farmaceutski tehni~ar u
ET[ "Jovan Cviji}") Ana Stojanovi} - nije mogla da se odlu~i
izme|u dve u~enice! Obe su "briqantni" |aci (obe imaju prosek
5,00 tokom celog sredwo{kolskog {kolovawa) i obe slu`e kao
primer svim ostalim u~enicima po dobrom vladawu. Nismo
imali izbora! Dakle, u ovom izdawu Vam predstavqamo Milenu
Krsti~i} i Aleksandru [arko~evi}.
Milena Krsti~i} je ro|ena 15. maja 1991. godine u Pri{tini,
ali od ro|ewa `ivi u [trpcu. Od porodice ima mamu, tatu, dve
sestre i dedu. Pitali smo je {ta se de{ava u razredu, jer smo
weno odeqewe zatekli u "haosu" od kremica, losiona, raznih
apotekarskih posudica... "Sa pravqewem krema za lice, ruke,
raznih masti, losiona po~eli smo u drugoj godini {kolovawa.
Radi se o tome da ono {to nau~imo na ~asu, prakti~no primenimo.
Supstance koje se naj~e{}e pojavquju u preparatima (baze,
parafin, vazerlin, cink, talk) nabavqa {kola. Napravqene
proizvode {kola zatim prodaje lokalnim apotekama", zapo~ela je
Milena svoju pri~u.
Ona ima petice iz svih predmeta, ipak, neki su joj mawe
privla~ni. "Najte`i predmeti su stru~ni predmeti i po pravilu su
i najinteresantniji: "Farmaceutska tehnologija", "Farmaceutska
hemija", "Farmakologija", "Kozmetologija i "Farmakognozija"
(nauka o biqkama). Meni li~no najmawe "le`i" nauka o biqkama."
Na pitawe za{to je izabrala ba{ ovaj smer, Milena je rekla
da je jo{ kao mala devoj~ica volela da se igra apotekara. "U ku}i
sam redovno "izdavala" recepte uku}anima! Najredovniji "pacijent" mi je bio deda Dragutin (ha, ha, ha). Sada je deda jako
ponosan na mene, svi|a mu se {to sam na ovom smeru, jer mogu
lako da na|em posao kao farmaceutski tehni~ar. To je ovde
deficitaran kadar."
Milenin hobi je ~itawe kwiga, kao i vo`wa bicikla. U slobodno vreme voli da {eta u prirodi i da se dru`i sa drugaricama. Kako nam je rekla, bila je mirno i poslu{no dete i uvek je
bila odli~an |ak. Ima de~ka skoro dve godine i tu vezu roditeqi
odobravaju."@ao mi je {to nisam bila u prilici da se vi{e
bavim sportom, jer kod nas u [trpcu nema ba{ puno prilike za
tako ne{to. Volela bih, tako|e, da upi{em kurs engleskog jezika,
da ga usavr{im, a svi|aju mi se i italijanski i {panski jezik."
U budu}nosti Milena planira da upi{e Farmaceutski fakultet u Ni{u, a ako ne uspe zbog velike konkurencije, upisa}e
Medicinski (pedijatar, dermatolog) ili Hemijski fakultet u
Na{a druga "briqantna" u~enica, Aleksandra [arko~evi},
tako|e je ro|ena u Pri{tini (23. 11. 1991.) i od ro|ewa `ivi u
[trpcu. "Ovom pozivu me je privuklo to sto nemam direktan
dodir sa pacijentom, a ipak mogu mnogo da mu pomognem. To je lep,
~ist posao za devojke i za one koji dobro znaju matematiku i
hemiju. A, meni su ti predmeti "ja~a" strana", rekla nam je
Ni Aleksandra, kao ni Milena, ne voli mnogo
"Farmakgnoziju" ("malo je dosadan predmet"), ali zato su joj
"Farmaceutska hemija" i matematika - omiqeni predmeti.
Aleksandra `ivi sa mamom, tatom, sestrom, bratom i babom po
tati ("mnogo je volim, ona me je razmazila"). Kao dete, bila je
jako nesta{na ("sve me je "`ivo" interesovalo", naro~ito
matematika!"). Matematiku je po~ela da u~i ve} sa 5 godina.
Zanima je i umetnost, jako lepo crta i imala je priliku da u
Ni{u upi{e Umetni~ku {kolu i to - bez prijemnog ("bili su
odusevqeni nekim mojim radovima"). Ali, nije joj to ciq.
Aleksandra `eli da joj umetnost ostane samo hobi, a planira
da upi{e Stomatolo{ki fakultet.
Svoje slobodno vreme ova devojka provodi ~itaju}i kwige
("{kolska biblioteka je bogato opremqena, a i ja imam li~no
svoju biblioteku od 350 naslova!"), radije nego da sedi ispred
televizora ili kompjutera. Ve} dve i po godine sretno je
zaqubqena. "Moj tata je prihvatio tu vezu. Sve dok ja ne zapostavqam {kolu i druge
obaveze - on nema ni{ta protiv moje veze. To je sasvim
normalna stvar za devojku
mojih godina."
Voli tenis (sama je u~ila
da igra), ali i druge
sportove, pa ~ak i fudbal!
^emu Aleksandra duguje svoj
uspeh? "Ja sam stekla radne
navike. Kod ku}e u~im svakoga
dana bar 3 sata nakon {kole,
a ponekad u~im i unapred, ako
na|em neko interesantno
gradivo na Internetu ili u
kwigama", rekla je
Aleksandra na kraju na{eg
Eto, ove dve devojke i
pored izuzetnog uspeha u
{koli, imaju vremena i za
drugarice i za porodicu i
za qubav. Zar nisu
zaslu`ile da se na|u u
ovoj rubrici?!
agazine "For You" journalists are usually very resourceful
on the field, and there is only a hand full of things that can
surprise them. Nevertheless, this time we were confused.
We went to Strpce to do a story for the section "Student of the
month" and the professor of Pharmaceutical Technology (course
Pharmaceutical Technician in ETS "Jovan Cvijic") Ana Stojanovic could not make her mind up between two students! Both are brilliant students (both have a 5.00 average, during the entire high
school education) and they both are exemplary students to all
other students, for their good behaviour. We had no choice!
Therefore, in this edition we present you Milena Krsticic and
Aleksandra Sarkocevic
Milena Krsticic was born May 15th 1991, in Pristina, however since her birth; she has been leaving in Strpce. She lives
with her parents, two sisters and her grandfather. We asked her
what was going on at her class since we found them in a chaos
making creams, lotions and different chemists cuvette's… "We
started making face cream, hand cream, different ointments,
lotions in the second year. It is about applying what we learn in
classes in practice. Substances that we most often use in
preparations (bases, paraffin, Vaseline, Zink, talc) the school
supplies for us. Products are after that sold by the school to
local pharmacies," Milena started her story.
She has five's from all subjects, but still she finds some to be
less attractive than others. "Most difficult subjects are specialised
subjects and almost by rule they are also the most interesting ones
too: "Pharmaceutical Technology", "Pharmaceutical Chemistry",
"Pharmacology", "Cosmetology", and "Pharmacognosy" (Science
about plants), my personal less favourite is Pharmacognosy."
When we asked, why she chose this course, Milena said when she
was a little girl she liked to play pharmacist. "At the house I used to
regularly give out prescriptions to cohabitants! My regular patient
was my grandfather Dragutin (ha, ha, ha), now my grandfather is
very proud of me, he likes it that I am at this course, as it should
be easy enough to find a
job after I finish school as a
pharmaceutical technician.
Here this is a scarce profession."
Milena's hobby is reading books and riding her
bicycle. In her free time,
she likes to take a walk to
look at nature and hang out
with her friends. As she had
told us, she was always a
respectful child and an
excellent student. She has
a boyfriend and they are
together for almost two
years, and their parents
approve of their relationship. "I'm sorry I was not
able to play sport more,
because here in Strpce
there are not so many
opportunities to play sport. I
would like to sign up for a
course of English language,
to improve my English, and
I also like Italian and
Spanish languages." In the
future Milena plans to enrol
at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine in Nis, and if she fails to do so,
because of hard competition, she will sign up for The
Faculty of Medicine (Paediatrician, Dermatologist) or
Chemical Faculty in Mitrovica.
Our second "brilliant" student, Aleksandra Sarkocevic, also
born in Pristina (on, November 23rd 1991), has lived in Strpce for
all of her life. "What attracted me to this vocation was the fact that
you actually have no direct contact with patients, but I'm still able to
help them a lot. It is a nice, clean, job for girls, and for those who
do well in mathematics and in chemistry. And these are the subjects that I think I'm good at," said Aleksandra.
Aleksandra, the same as Milena is not so affectionate of
Pharmacognosy (she thinks it is a, little bit, boring), on the other
hand Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Mathematics are her favourite
subjects. Aleksandra lives with her mother and father, sister brother
and grandmother on her fathers side ("I love my grandmother she
is spoiling me"). When she was just a small child, she was very
mischievous ("I was interested in almost everything, especially
mathematics"). She started learning mathematics when she was
five years old. She is interested in art, she draws beautifully and
because of her talent, she was offered to sign up at Arts School
in Nis, without an acceptance exam ("they were thrilled with
some of my work"). However, that was not her goal. Aleksandra
wants art to be only her hobby, and her plans are to sign up and
study at The Faculty of Dentistry.
Her free time she spends reading books ("school library is richly equipped, and I have my own private library with 350 books."),
rather than sitting in front of the television, or computer. She is
happily in love for two and a half years. "My father has accepted
that I'm in a relationship, as long as it doesn't affect my obligations at school, or other obligations - he doesn't abject to my
relationship, its perfectly normal for a girl of my age."
She likes Tennis (she is self-taught Tennis player), as well as
other sports, even football! To what does Aleksandra owe her
success? "I created my working habits. I study at home every
day, for at least three hours after school, and some times I even
learn in advance, if I find something interesting on the internet or
in books", said Aleksandra at the end of our conversation.
These two girls alongside with being successful at school
always have time for their friends, family and love. Don't they
deserve to be portrayed in this column?
porodice `ive sada u renoviranoj ku}i.
"Postavili su nam novu
stolariju: prozore, vrata i
pod. Ja se nisam nadao da }e
nam biti ovako dobro. Kada
idem u nabavku, odlazim u
prodavnice koje dr`e
Albanci, idem i u Pe}, u Klinu, nekad vozom, a nekad taksijem. Nikakvih problema nemam."
[ef Kancelarije za zajednice pri op{tini Klina, Milorad
[arkovi}, kazao je nam da je ovo selo multietni~ko i da u
miru i dobroj saradwi u wemu `ive Albanci, Romi i Srbi.
"Neke ku}e su ponovo izgra|ene, neke od wih su renovirane, a
sve su opremqene najosnovnijim delovima poku}anstva. Svakoj
povratni~koj porodici uru~ena je i nov~ana pomo} u iznosu od
2000 evra, a dobili su i hranu za nekoliko meseci. Qudi
mahom `ive od penzije, socijalnih primawa i poqoprivrede",
rekao nam je gospodin [arkovi}.
U potrazi za povratnicima u Rudici nai{li smo na jednog
me{tanina romske nacionalnosti - gospodina Mustafu Musu.
I on nam je govorio o dobrim kom{ijskim odnosima Roma,
Albanaca i Srba. "Oduvek smo `iveli dobro sa svima i na{
odnos se nije promenio. I{ao sam da posetim srpske povratnike i da im po`elim toplu dobrodo{licu. Vi|amo se
svakoga dana i uvek se pozdravqamo."
U ku}i povratnika Gvozdena Bo`i}a ura|ena je sanacija
krova, unutra{we malterisawe, napravqen je nov pod, uvedene
su voda i struja. On nam je rekao da su radovi na ku}i profesionalno ura|eni. "Zadovoqan sam radovima, sprat je useqiv...
Sa kom{ijama se dobro sla`emo, wihov predlog je bio da zaboravimo na pro{lost i da u budu}nosti `ivimo zajedno, bez
ikakvih problema. Da nisu dobre kom{ije, ne bi ni do{li da
se pozdrave sa nama i da vide kako `ivimo..."
Predstavnik srpskih povratnika u selu Rudica, Bogdan
Da{i} vratio se pre {est meseci sa suprugom i troje dece, i
nada se da }e se u skorijoj
budu}nosti zaposliti. Wegova
deca idu u {kolu u selo Bi~a,
15 km udaqenom od wihove
ku}e, i za sada imaju prevoz od
ku}e do {kole - i obratno.
Ipak, nadaju se da }e se
otvoriti neko istureno odeqewe i u Rudici, da u~enici ne
bi putovali svakoga dana do
{kole. A mo`da se tada otvore
i neka nova radna mesta?
"Planirano je da se dva radnika zaposle u {koli u Bi~i,
jer ostati ovde bez posla nemogu}e je.
Ukoliko `elimo da
se bavimo poqoprivredom, bi}e
nam potrebna
finansijska sredstva. Za sada
imamo samo traktore, a treba}e
nam p{enica, |ubrivo, nafta i ostale potreb{tine - kako bismo mogli da
obra|ujemo zemqu", rekao je gospodin Da{i}.
Do sada je u Klinu vra}eno oko 346 srpskih
porodica, a u ovoj op{tini imaju za ciq da vrate
sve raseqene iz mawinskih zajednica i da im
obezbede odr`ivi povratak. Uz ovako toplu dobrodo{licu me{tana Kline, ({to je izgleda tradicija u
ovom kraju) `iteqe ovoga kraja u budu}nosti o~ekuje
miran i uspe{an zajedni~ki `ivot.
Milorad Vuli} (sa leve strane)
ada ~ovek ima zdravqe i krov nad glavom, svi ostali problemi su re{ivi. Ovo mi{qewe dele i srpski povratnici u
selo Rudica, u op{tini Klina. Povratak raseqenih lica
jedan je od prioriteta ove op{tine, a da bi se ovaj plan uspe{no
realizovao neophodno je qudima izgraditi ili renovirati ku}e.
U ovom selu, tokom ove godine izgra|eno je 11 ku}a: 10 za
srpske porodice, jedna za albansku, a realizacija projekta trajala
je od marta do avgusta. Nevladina organizacija "Evropska perspektiva" uradila je projekat, a Britanska ambasada u Pri{tini bila
je jedini donator (donacija Britanske Vlade iznosila je 274.000
evra). U saradwi sa Ministarstvom za povratak i zajednice, a
preko UNDP-ija i uz pomo} op{tine Klina ispuwena je `eqa ovih
qudi da se vrate na svoja ogwi{ta.
Tokom na{e posete srpskim porodicama u Rudici bilo je
veoma lako primetiti wihovu sre}u i zadovoqstvo zbog povratka
svojim ku}ama. Dobri kom{ijski odnosi u~inili su wihovu radost
jo{ ve}om. Povratnika Milorada Vuli}a prekinuli smo u prijatnom razgovoru i ispijawu kafe sa wegovim prvim kom{ijom
Albancem. Gospodin Vuli} (71 godina) i jo{ 6 ~lanova wegove
Gvozden Bo`i}
hen a man is healthy and has a
roof over his head, all other problems are solvable. This opinion is
also shared by Serbian returnees in the village of Rudica, in Klina municipality. The
return of the displaced persons is one of
the priorities of this municipality and in
order to successfully accomplish this plan,
it is more then essential to repair or rebuild
the houses for the returnees.
During this year 11 houses were
rebuilt in this village: 10 for Serbian families and one for an Albanian family; this
project started in March and it was completed in August. The NGO "European
perspective" has
worked on the project, and the British
Embassy in Pristina
was the only donor
(donation of the
British Government
was €274.000). In
cooperation with the
local institutions
through UNDP and
with the help of
Klina municipality,
the wish of these
people to return to
their homes has
been fulfilled.
During our visit to
the Serbian families
in the village of
Rudica it was very
easy to see their
happiness and
pleasure because they have returned to
their homes. Good neighbouring relations
have made them even happier.
We interrupted returnee Milorad Vulic
while he was having a pleasant conversation and coffee with his first Albanian neighbour. Mr. Vulic (71) and six members of his family now live in a
repaired house. "They have
installed new doors, windows and
floors. I did not expect that it would
be this good. When I go shopping I
go to stores owned by Albanians, I
also go to Pec and Klina, sometimes on a train and sometimes I
take a taxi. I have no problems."
The head of the Office for
Communities in Klina municipality,
Mr. Milorad Sarkovic, said that this
village is multiethnic and that
Albanians, Roma and Serbs live in
peace and good cooperation.
"Some houses have been repaired,
others have been renovated, but all
of these houses were equipped
with the basic
items. Every
returnee family
has received
financial help of
€2000 per
household, as
well as food for several
months. People mainly
live on their pensions,
social welfare or from
agriculture," said Mr.
In search for
returnees we came
across a local resident,
Roma by nationality, Mr. Mustafa Musa. He
told us about the good neighbouring relationship between Roma, Albanians and
Serbs. "We have always lived in good relationship with everyone and this has not
changed. I visited Serbian returnees to wish
them a warm welcome; we see each other
every day and we always say hello."
Gvozden Bozic is one of the
returnees and he is happy because the
roof of his house as well as the inner
walls has been completely repaired. He
said that in his opinion the work has
been done quite professionally. "I'm satisfied with the work done and the second
floor is also ready for us to move into.
We get along with our neighbours; their
suggestion was to forget about the past
and to live together in the future, without
problems. If they were not good neighbours they probably wouldn't even come
to say hello and see how we live."
Representative of the Serbian
returnees in the village of Rudica, Mr.
Bogdan Dasic returned with his wife and
three children six months ago and he is
hoping to get a job in the near future. His
children go to school in the village of Bica,
15 km from where they live, and for now
they have bus transport from home to
school and back. But, they are hoping that
there will be a school branch opening in
their village, so the pupils won't have to
travel to school every day, and maybe this
would be a good opportunity to open new
working places.
The plan is to have two people from the
village employed in the school in Bica,
because it's impossible to live here without
a job. If we are to become farmers and
work in agriculture we will need financial
support. For now, we only have tractors but
we will need wheat, fertilizer, diesel and
other things necessary to cultivate the soil,"
said Mr. Dasic.
So far there are 346 returnee families in
Klina; the aim of the municipality is to bring
back all displaced members of the minority
communities, and to wish them a warm welcome. With the warm welcome from the
residents of Klina municipality (which
seems to be a tradition in these parts), a
peaceful and successful life together lies
ahead for the inhabitants of this area.
Milorad [arkovi}
ve momke smo "uhvatili" pred
sam po~etak wihovog koncerta u
Parte{u (op{tina Gwilane). Dok
su ostali ~lanovi rok benda "Lejzi"
pripremali binu uz bu~ne zvuke roka,
uspeli smo da "ukrademo" malo vremena
i popri~amo sa gitaristima Goranom i
Miqanom. Wih petorica iskqu~ivo sviraju obrade pesama poznatih svetskih
rok zvezda. Wihov bend ~ine Goran
Vu~eti} (gitara), Dimitrije
Milovanovi} Mi}a (peva~), Radomir
Martinovi} (bas), Miqan Jovanovi}
(gitara) i Miodrag Radovi} (bubwevi).
Me|u wima vlada demokratija i svi su
podjednako va`ni u bendu.
"4U": Kada i kako je osnovan va{ bend?
Goran: "Mi postojimo ve} sedam godina. Nas
petorica radimo iskqu~ivo obrade - obra|ujemo
rok, alternativu, hard rok i bluz. Svako od nas
voli razli~itu vrstu muzike, a sviramo pesme
mnogih poznatih izvo|a~a. Ja sam najmla|i u bendu, imam 29 godina, a svi ostali su stariji od mene. Najstariji je basista koji
ima 39 godina."
Miqan: "Svi mi smo svirali i pre osnivawa na{eg sada{weg
benda, svako je bio ~lan neke muzi~ke grupe. Goran i ja smo se
prvi aktivirali i okupili iz svake od tih grupa po jednog ~lana,
i osnovali "Lazy". Naravno, od tada su se mewali i ~lanovi u
bendu, kao npr. basista i bubwar. Po~etkom novembra slavimo
godi{wicu, a bend smo nazvali "Lazy" jer smo uvek kasnili na
probe... drugim re~ima, bili smo lewi (ha, ha, ha). A, ima i jedna
pesma tog imena od grupe "Dip Parpl" koju svi jako volimo. Sve
se uklopilo..."
"4U": Gde naj~e{}e svirate?
Miqan: "U nekim klubovima u Mitrovici sviramo ba{ ~esto.
Mitrovica je poznata po roku, a mi smo svi iz tog grada.
Gostujemo i na nekim festivalima u Ra{koj, Leposavi}u i
Obrenovcu, a u Beogradu sviramo jednom mese~no.
Nastupamo gde god da nas pozovu i zadovoqstvo
nam je da gostujemo u {to vi{e razli~itih sredina."
Goran: "Nedavno smo po prvi put svirali u
Gra~anici, a ve~eras smo u Parte{u, gde nikada
ranije nisam bio. Klub u kom smo nastupali u
Gra~anici bio je pun qudi, {to zna~i da se i
tamo slu{a rok. Ja sam se ba{ prijatno iznenadio, jer nisam znao ni{ta o toj publici. Svi su
pevali sa nama, a eto, mislili smo da se tamo
slu{a samo turbo folk. Zaista je to za nas bilo
pozitivno iskustvo. "Strava" je bilo, ba{ smo se
svi super proveli."
"4U": Da li mislite da se rok slu{a na
Goran: "U posledwih nekoliko godina u
Mitrovici je nastalo mnogo mladih bendova, a
sada imamo i rok {kolu. Ne znam kako je po
drugim mestima na Kosovu, ali u Mitrovici i
u na{em okru`ewu definitivno se rok mnogo
slu{a. Sve {to je novo i druga~ije je i interesantno. Ako omladina, mo`da, nije imala prilike da se sretne sa rokenrolom, evo sada
imaju {ansu. Mi smo ve~eras u Parte{u i
koliko vidim slu{a}e nas mnogo mladih. A
onda neka sami zakqu~e {ta im se vi{e svi|a:
da li im vi{e prija rok ili mo`da neka druga
vrsta muzike?"
nastavak na strani 12
e caught these guys just before the beginning of
their concert in Partes (Gnjilane municipality).
While other members of the band "Lazy" were
preparing the stage, with the loud sounds of rock playing in
the background, we managed to get some free time with
two members of the band, guitar players Goran and Miljan,
and talk to them. Five of them only play covers of the
songs played by World-famous bands. Members of the
bend are: Goran Vucetic (guitar), Dimitrije Milovanovic Mica (singer), Radomir Martinovic (base), Miljan Jovanovic
(guitar) and Miodrag Radovic (drums). In the band rules
democracy and every member is equally important.
"4U": When and how was your band formed?
Goran: "The band exists for seven years now. The five of us only
work on the covers - we cover rock, alternative, hard rock and blues.
Every one of us likes a different type of music, and we play songs of
many well-known performers. I'm the youngest in the band, I'm 29
years old; the oldest member of the band is the bass player and he is
39 years old."
Miljan: "We all used to play before the current band was formed,
everyone use to be a member of some other band. Goran and I were
the first to get active and we brought together members of different
bands and formed the band "Lazy". Naturally, since then members of
the band were replaced with other players over the time, for example
the bass player and drum player. We will celebrate our anniversary in
the beginning of November. The band was named "Lazy" because
we were always late for rehearsals, in other words, we were being
lazy (ha, ha, ha). Also, there is the song by this name performed by
the band "Deep Purple" that we all like so much. Everything fits ..."
"4U": Where do you play most of the time?
Miljan: "We play mostly in some clubs in Mitrovica. Mitrovica is
known for its rock loving audience, and we are all from this town; we
also perform on a number of festivals in Raska, Leposavic and
Obrenovac, and in Belgrade we perform once a month. We play
wherever we are invited and it's a pleasure for us to perform in as
many different places as possible."
Goran: "Recently, for the first time, we played in Gracanica, and
tonight we play here in Partes, this is the first time for me to be here.
The club where we performed in Gracanica was full of people, which
means that people there also like to listen to rock music. I was pleasantly surprised because I didn't know anything about the audience
there. Everyone sang with us, and we were surprised because we
thought the audience there likes only turbo
folk. This was really a positive experience
for us. It was cool; we all had a great time."
"4U": Do you think that rock is listened
to in Kosovo?
Goran: "In the past few years many
new young bands were formed in Mitrovica,
and now there is even a rock school; we
don't know what's the situation is in other
places in Kosovo, but in Mitrovica and in
our surroundings rock is definitely being listened to a lot. Everything that is new and
different is interesting and if the young people did not have the opportunity to listen to
rock, now they do. Tonight we are in
Partes, and as I can see there are a lot of
young people who are going to listen to us.
After that, they can make their own conclusions on whether they prefer rock or some
other music."
Miljan: "I think that in Mitrovica rock is
being listened to a lot. Unfortunately there
are only few clubs that play rock music, but
I know that there are many people who like
rock music. Things are getting normalized,
and each day there are more youngsters
listening to rock music. Recently we performed in Gracanica, and I was, as were
the other members of the band, pleasantly
continued on page 13
napomenemo da smo imali prilike da
odr`imo jednu svirku sa basistom
najpoznatije rok grupe "Fejt No Mor".
Ceo koncert smo odr`ali sa wim! Bilo
je to odavno i mo`emo slobodno time da
se pohvalimo. To nam je jedan od
najve}ih uspeha, jer smo svirali sa jednom svetskom zvezdom."
Miqan: "Taj koncert }emo zauvek
pamtiti. "Fejt No Mor" je moj
najomiqeniji bend."
Miqan: "Mislim da se kod nas u
Mitrovici definitivno mnogo slu{a rokenrol.
Na`alost, nema mnogo kafi}a koji pu{taju rok, ali
znam da mnogi qudi vole rok. Sada se mnogo toga
normalizuje, sve je vi{e mladih koji slu{aju ovu
vrstu muzike. Nedavno smo gostovali u Gra~anici i ja
sam se kao i ostali ~lanovi benda prijatno iznenadio. Fantasti~no smo se proveli, a bi}e vaqda ponovo nekih svirki i nadam se da }e biti jo{ boqe.
Zaista je publika bila sjajna!"
"4U": Ukoliko bi vam se ukazala prilika da na
Kosovu u~estvujete na nekom multietni~kom
festivalu, da li biste pristali da svirate
zajedno sa qudima koji pripadaju ostalim
zajednicama koje `ive ovde?
Goran: "Mi smo ve} u~estvovali na Me|unarodnom
festivalu "Nort Siti Xez & Bluz Festival
Mitrovica" koji se odr`ava u Zve~anu. Na tom festivalu gostuju muzi~ari iz celog sveta. Tako|e smo
u~estvovali i na jednom
multietni~kom koncertu u
Skopqu. Do sada nismo
imali prilike da sviramo na
nekom drugom multietni~kom
festivalu na Kosovu, sem
ovog koji se odr`ava u
Zve~anu. Naravno, ukoliko bi
postojao takav neki festival, rado bismo svirali."
Miqan: "Svakako da bih
i ja u~estvovao na nekom
multietni~kom festivalu na
Kosovu. Za{to da ne?! Imam
ja mnogo drugara Albanaca,
jo{ od pre rata. Nisam ja u
tom "fazonu" i nisam politi~ki optere}en. Zaista ne
vidim razlog zbog kog se
tako ne{to ne bi desilo i
ovde kod nas."
"4U": Koji je va{ najve}i
uspeh do sada?
Goran: "Va`no je da
"4U": Da li planirate u budu}nosti
da objavite album sa autorskim
Goran: "Ve} imamo neke tekstove i
muziku, mo`da }e se jednoga dana i to
Miqan: "Ve} du`e vreme planiramo
da objavimo autorski album, ali sada
nam je prioritet da vi{e putujemo i gostujemo u {to vi{e razli~itih sredina.
Muzikom se iskqu~ivo bavimo zbog nekog
na{eg zadovoqstva i iz qubavi prema
muzici. Jednom re~ju, muzika je na{
hobi. Ipak, ne mo`emo se baviti samo
svirkama, jer te{ko je `iveti od roka.
Mi smo "cover band" (prate}a grupa) i za
sada radimo samo obrade. Svi ~lanovi
rade po nekim firmama, jer moramo
imati neki stalni izvor prihoda. Od
ovih koncerata ne mo`emo da `ivimo."
"4U": Na kraju na{eg razgovora, {ta
biste poru~ili svim mladim qudima, potencijalnim rokerima?
Goran: "Mladima bih poru~io da
slu{aju ono {to vole. Oni koji ve} vole
rokenrol, neka se strpe jo{ malo. Bi}e
ekspanzije i bi}e jo{ roka na ovim prostorima. Mitrovica je uvek bila poznata
po roku i po dobrim muzi~arima - i
Albanci i Srbi iz Mitrovice danas sviraju svuda po svetu."
Miqan: "Volite se! Slu{ajte muziku,
jer ona spaja qude!"
surprised. We had a great time, and I'm hoping that there will be
more gigs, which I hope will be even better. The audience was great!"
"4U": If you had an opportunity to participate in a multiethnic
festival in Kosovo, would you agree to play together with people who live here and are members of other communities?
Goran: "We already have participated in the international festival "North City Jazz & Blues Festival Mitrovica" held in Zvecan;
participants of this festival are guests from all over the world. We
also participated in a multiethnic festival in Skopje, and until now
we did not have any opportunity to play in another multiethnic festival in Kosovo, except the one held in Zvecan, if there is such a festival we would play with pleasure."
Miljan: "Of course we would participate in a multiethnic festival
in Kosovo, why not?! I have a lot of Albanian friends from the time
before the war. I do not have
that kind of attitude and I'm not
too much into politics. I really
don't see a reason why something like that could not happen
"4U": What has been your
greatest success so far?
Goran: "It's important to
mention that we had an opportunity to play a gig with a bass
player of the most popular rock
group "Faith No More". We
played an entire concert with
him! It was some time ago, but
we can freely brag about it. This
is one of our biggest successes because we played with
a world-famous rock star."
Miljan: "We will remember that concert forever, "Faith
No More" is my favourite band."
"4U": Are there any plans on publishing an album
with your own songs in the future?
Goran: "We already have some lyrics and music and
maybe one day we will publish them."
Miljan: "We are planning this for some time now,
but the priority now is to travel as much as we can to
as many different places possible. And we play music
only for our own satisfaction because of the love for
the music. In one word, music is our hobby. Still, we
cannot just keep on with gigs because it's hard to live
from rock music. We are a cover band and for now we
only do covers; all of the members of this group work
because we have to have stable incomes since we
cannot live from concerts."
"4U": At the end of our conversation, what would you
like to say to young people,
potential rockers?
Goran: "I would like to say
to the young people to listen
what they like. To the ones that
already like rock, to be patient
for just a bit longer, there will be
a rock expansion, and there will
be more rock in these parts.
Mitrovica is known for its rock
loving audience and for its good
musicians - both Albanians and
Serbs from Mitrovica are playing all over the world."
Miljan: "Love each other!
Listen to music because it
connects people!"
Branislav Nu{i}
"Nas trojica smo iz jedne du{e
krenuli u svet, jo{ odmah po
mome ro|ewu. ^im sam se prvi put
u krilu maj~inom nasme{io, iz
toga osmeha ponikao sam ja i
po{ao svojim putem u svet; ~im
sam se prvi put u krilu maj~inom
zabrinuo, namrgodio i uozbiqio,
iz te zbiqe ponikao sam opet ja i
po{ao svojim putem u svet; i ~im
sam se prvi put u krilu maj~inom
zaplakao, iz toga pla~a ponikao
sam opet ja i po{ao svojim putem
u svet.
Putevi su nam bili razli~iti.
Tome tre}em, koji je smeju}i se
kroz `ivot i `ivotu pro{ao
svoju stazu, poveravam da ispi{e
ove listove moje jubilarne kwige,
jer je on jedini video `ivot."
vako je sebe opisao Branislav
Nu{i} u svojoj "Autobiografiji", jedan od najpoznatijih
srpskih komediografa, koji je bio i
pisac romana, drama, pri~a i eseja,
za~etnik retorike u Srbiji, istaknuti
fotograf amater, kao i novinar i
Ro|en je 8. oktobra 1864. godine u
Beogradu u cincarskoj porodici \or|a
i Qubice Nu{e, a dobio je ime
Alkibijad Nu{a. Wegov otac je bio
ugledni trgovac `itom, ali je ubrzo
posle Nu{i}evog ro|ewa izgubio
bogatstvo. Porodica se preselila u
Smederevo, gde je Nu{i} proveo svoje
detiwstvo i poha|ao osnovnu {kolu i
prve dve godine gimnazije. Preselio
se u Beograd, gde je maturirao.
Kad je napunio 18 godina
zakonski je promenio ime u
Branislav Nu{i}. Diplomirao
je na Pravnom fakultetu u
Beogradu 1884. godine, a tokom
studija je proveo godinu dana u
Nu{i} se borio u Srpskobugarskom ratu 1885. godine
koji ga je zatekao na slu`ewu
redovnog vojnog roka. Dr`avnu
slu`bu dobio je 1889. godine i
kao zvani~nik Ministarstva
spoqnih poslova postavqen je
za pisara konzulata u Bitoqu,
gde se i o`enio 1893. godine.
Na jugu Srbije i u Makedoniji
proveo je celu deceniju.
Wegova posledwa slu`ba u tom
periodu bilo je mesto
vicekonzula u Pri{tini.
Godine 1900. Nu{i} je
postavqen za sekretara
Ministarstva prosvete, a ubrzo
posle toga postao je dramaturg
Narodnog pozori{ta u
Beogradu. Za upravnika
Srpskog narodnog pozori{ta u Novom
Sadu postavqen je 1904. godine, a
1905. godine je napustio ovu funkciju i preselio se u Beograd, gde se
bavio novinarstvom. Osim pod svojim imenom, pisao je i pod pseudonimom "Ben Akiba".
Vratio se 1912. godine u Bitoq
kao dr`avni slu`benik, a 1913. godine
osnovao je pozori{te u Skopqu, gde je
`iveo do 1915. godine. Posle Prvog
svetskog rata Nu{i} je postavqen za
prvog upravnika Umetni~kog odseka
ministarstva za prosvetu. Na ovoj
poziciji je ostao do 1923. godine.
Posle toga je postao upravnik
Narodnog pozori{ta u Sarajevu, da bi
se 1927. godine vratio u Beograd.
Nu{i} je bio izabran za redovnog
~lana Srpske kraqevske akademije 10.
februara 1933. godine.
I pre konzulovawa u Pri{tini (jun
1893), bavio se fotografijom i bio je
jedan od najranijih srpskih stereofotografa. Ostavio je trag i kao pisac o
srpskoj fotografskoj istoriji (prvi je
zabele`io delovawe putuju}ih
dagerotipista Kapilerija i Daj~a) i
nekim tada novim tehnikama (npr. o
rentgenskoj fotografiji). Svojim
fotografskim radovima ilustrovao je
svoje tri putopisne kwige. U~esnik je
Prve izlo`be fotoamatera u Beogradu
(1901). Objavio je u listu "Politika"
i jednu pripovetku na fotografske
teme koju je posvetio svom kumu,
dvorskom fotografu Milanu
Jovanovi}u. Nu{i}eva fotografska
dela ~uvaju se u wegovom legatu u
Muzeju grada Beograda.
Po motivima Nu{i}evih
dela snimqeno je nekoliko
filmova: "Dr"; "Sumwivo
lice"; "Put oko sveta"; "Pre
rata"; "Narodni poslanik", kao i
opera "Knez Ivo od Semberije". Od
wegovih drama najpoznatije su: "Tako
je moralo biti", "Jesewa ki{a", "Iza
Bo`jih le|a", "Pu~ina", a od komedija
"Protekcija", "Svet", "Put oko sveta",
"Gospo|a ministarka", "Narodni
poslanik", "Mister Dolar",
"O`alo{}ena porodica", "Pokojnik",
"Sumwivo lice", "Dr", "Vlast"
(nedovr{ena), "\ole Kermit"
(nedovr{ena). Poznati romani su mu:
"Op{tinsko dete", "Hajduci",
"Devetstopetnaesta", a napisao je
tako|e i brojne pripovetke, tragedije,
rasprave i uxbenike.
Branislav Nu{i} je bio plodan
pisac, poznat po svom upe~atqivom
humoru koji se nemilosrdno
obru{avao na qudske slabosti i
wihovu, ~esto duhovitu, prirodu.
Preminuo je 19. januara 1938.
godine, a tog dana fasada zgrade
beogradskog Narodnog pozori{ta
bila je uvijena u crno platno.
"My three faces set out from one soul into the world, right after my
birth. As soon as I smiled on my mother's lap, for the first time, my
first face was born out of that smile and that part of me began its
own journey into the world. When I got worried, sombre and serious on my mother's lap, for the first time, my second face was
born out of that seriousness and the second part of me began its
own journey into the world. As soon as I started crying for the first
time on my mother's lap, my third face was born out of that cry
and thus the third part of me began its own journey into the world.
Our journeys were different.
I endow the lines of my jubilee book, to the part of me, which lived
its life laughing because this part of me was the only one who has
seen a real life"
his is how
Branislav Nusic,
one of the best
Serbian comedy writer
described himself in
his "Autobiography",
he also wrote novels,
dramas, stories and
essays, he was the
founder of rhetoric in
Serbia, a prominent
amateur photographer, journalist and a
He was born
October 8th 1864 in
Belgrade in a Cincar
family of Djordje and
Ljubica Nusa, and
named Alkibijad Nusa.
His father was a prominent wheat merchant,
but soon after his birth,
his father lost his wealth
and his family had to
move to Smederevo,
where Nusic spent his
childhood and went to
the primary school and
attended first two
years of Gymnasium.
He moved to Belgrade
where he graduated.
When he was 18
years old, he legally
changed his name to
Branislav Nusic. He
graduated Law at the
Faculty of Law in
Belgrade in 1884, and after his studies, he spent a year in Graz.
Nusic fought in the Serbian-Bulgarian war in 1885, which started
while he was on regular military service. He got a job as a civil servant in 1889 when he started to work as an official of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and he was appointed as a clerk in the consulate in
Bitolj, where he was married in 1893, he spent a whole decade in the
south of Serbia and in Macedonia. His last posting in that period was
a position of vice consul in Pristina.
In 1900, Nusic was appointed as a secretary of Ministry of
Education, and shortly afterwards, he became a dramaturge in the
National Theatre in Belgrade. He was hired as a manager of the
Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad in 1904, and in 1905, he left
this position and moved to Belgrade where he worked as a journalist.
Aside from writing
under his own
name, he also
used to write
under the alias
"Ben Akiba."
He returned to
Bitolj in 1912 as
a civil servant,
and in 1913, he
founded a theatre in Skopje,
where he lived
until 1915, after
the First World War,
Nusic was the first manager of the Art
Department in the
Ministry of Education.
He continued to work as
an art manager until
1923, and then he started working as a manager of the Theatre in Sarajevo, whereas in 1927 he decided to
return to Belgrade. Nusic became a regular member of the
Serbian Royal Academy on February 10th 1933.
Even before his service in the consulate in Pristina (June 1893),
he was a photographer, and was one of the first Serbian stereo photographers. He left his mark also as a writer, because he wrote about
the Serbian photographic history (he was first to record the work of
travelling daguerreotypists Kapelije and Dajce) and other, for that time
new techniques (for example about Roentgen photography). With his
photographic works, he illustrated three travelling books, which he
wrote. He was a participant of the first exhibition of photo amateurs in
Belgrade (1901). He published a short story on the topic of photography in the daily "Politika", and he dedicated it to his godfather, the
court's photographer Milan Jovanovic. Nusic's photographic works are
in his legacy and in the Museum of the city of Belgrade.
Based on Nusic's works several movies were filmed: "Dr",
"Sumnjivo lice" (The suspect), "Put oko sveta" (Trip around the
world), "Pre rata" (Before the war), "Narodni poslanik" (Member
of Parliament) as well as opera "Knez Ivo od Semberija" (Knight
Ivo from Semberia). Of his dramas best known are: "Tako je
moralo biti" (It had to be like that), "Jesenja kisa" (Fall rain), "Iza
bozjih ledja" (Behind God's back), "Pucina" (Open sea) and of
comedies: "Protekcija" (Protection), "Svet" (World), "Put oko
sveta" (Trip around the world), "Gospodja ministarka" (Minister's
wife), "Narodni poslanik" (Member of Parliament), "Mister Dolar",
"Ozaloscena porodica" (Grieving family), "Pokojnik" (The
deceased), "Sumnjivo Lice" (The suspect), "Dr", "Vlast" (Power)
(unfinished), "Djole
Kermit" (unfinished),
known novels are:
"Opstinsko dete"
(Municipal kid), "Hajduci"
(Thieves), "Devetstopetnaesta" (915th), he
also wrote numerous short
stories, tragedies, discussions and textbooks.
Branislav Nusic was a
prolific writer, known for his
impressive humour pounding on human weaknesses
and their, often, witty nature.
He died on January
19th 1938 and on that day
the facade on the building
of National Theatre in
Belgrade was covered with
black canvas.
Qubav na prvi pogled
ivovski pas i minijaturno
prasence stoje zagrqeni kao
da su prava porodica, nakon
{to je presence majka odbacila
odmah po ro|ewu. Surogat majka
Katjanga, osmogodi{wi rodezijski
pti~ar, preuzela je maj~inske
du`nosti prema prasetu sa slatkim,
ta~kastim stomakom, Polinhen i
kako izgleda - ovo usvajawe je prihvatila sa lako}om.
Usamqena Polinhen (`enka) je
sre}om prona|ena trenutak pre
smrti i data je na brigu psu koji
je odmah prihvatio kao da su iste rase.
Na sre}u dve nedeqe starog praseta,
Katjanga se "na prvi pogled zaqubila" u
wu i sa~uvala je.
Ovaj neverovatan odnos je od malog,
naboranog praseta napravilo pravog, pravcatog lova~kog
psa. Ove dve `ivotiwe `ive na farmi u Horstelu
(Nema~ka) gde ina~e `ivi Katjangin vlasnik, Roland
Adam (45) sa suprugom Edit (44). Roland je, ina~e,
bankarski slu`benik, koji tako|e na farmi dr`i i dve
vijetnamske sviwe za oplod.
Roland je prona{ao prase nakon {to je ono bilo
odba~eno od svoje porodice iste ve~eri kada se okotilo. On je rekao: "Sviwe tr~e slobodne u na{im
{umama, gde je jedna okotila jedno od ukupno pet
prasi}a. Na{ao sam Polinhen kako le`i sama u {umi
potpuno hladna, bio sam siguran da }e je lisice odneti
iste ve~eri ako ostane tamo, pa sam odlu~io da je ponesem sa sobom ku}i i dao sam je Katjangi. Katjanga je
malo pre toga prestala da doji svoje mladun~e, koje
sada ima deset meseci, pa sam mislio da }e ona
preuzeti du`nosti majke i brinuti se o prasetu."
Katjanga, kao najboqa majka koju mo`ete zamisliti, odmah se "zaqubila" u prase i po~ela da ga ~isti,
kao {to je to radila sa svojim mladun~etom. Par
dana nakon toga, po~ela je da lu~i mleko i da doji
prase. O~igledno je da ona sada smatra prase za
jedno od svojih mladunaca.
An|ana se hvali svojim
roditeqskim ve{tinama
na je mekog srca,
ima malo dlakavo
rame za plakawe i
zna gde se u zoolo{kom
vrtu nalaze maramice za
brisawe beba. Zato je
An|ana, `enka {impanze,
dobro kvalifikovana da
~uva mladunce. Jer, u
zoolo{kom vrtu se pojavila Sijera, mlada pumica siro~e.
An|ana, koja ima pet
godina, ceo svoj `ivot je
provela u Institutu za
ugro`ene i retke vrste u
Severnoj Karolini (SAD).
Nau~ila je da se brine o
malim i velikim ma~kama
za vreme dok se za wu
samu brinula stru~wak za
ma~ke, Kina Jork.
Direktor ovog
Instituta, dr Bagavan
Entl je rekao: "[impanze
odli~no i brzo u~e i sjajni su imitatori, tako da
nije bilo potrebno mnogo
vremena da An|ana nau~i
sve {to je potrebno kako
bi se brinula o
ma~i}ima. Kada Sijera
prebrzo tr~i, An|ana je
zaustavi i pazi da ne
upadne u neku nevoqu."
An|ana je ranije ve}
pomagala pri podizawu
mladunaca. Ona se ve}
brinula o dva bela tigra,
leopardu i ~etiri lava.
Dr Entl je jo{ dodao:
"Ona je odli~an asistent. Ako su mi potrebne
maramice za brisawe
beba - ona }e otr~ati i
doneti ih".
Love at the
first sight
giant farm dog
and a tiny
piglet cuddle
up as if they were
family after the baby
runt was abandoned
by its own mother.
Surrogate mum
Katjinga, an eightyear-old Rhodesian
Ridgeback, took on
motherly duties for
grunter Paulinchen - a
tiny pot-bellied pig and seems to be taking the adoption in her
stride. Lonely
Paulinchen was luckily
discovered moments from death and placed in the
care of the dog who gladly accepted it as one of her
own. Thankfully for the two-week old mini porker,
Katjinga fell in love with her at first sight and saved
her bacon. And the unlikely relationship has made the
wrinkly piggy a genuine sausage dog. The two animals live together on a huge 20-acre farm in Hoerstel
(Germany), where Katjinga's owners Roland Adam
(54) and his wife Edit (44) a bank worker, keep a pair
of breeding Vietnamese pigs. Property developer
Anjana shows off her
parenting skills
he has a tender
heart, a nice
hairy shoulder to
cry on - and she knows
where her zoo keeps the
baby wipes. So Anjana
the chimpanzee is well
qualified to be a kittensitter. Since orphaned
puma cub Sierra turned
up at the zoo. The chimpanzee, who is five, has
lived her whole life at
The Institute of Greatly
Endangered and Rare
Species (TIGERS) in
South Carolina, in the
U.S. She learned to care
for little big cats while in
the charge of resident
feline curator China
York. Park director Dr
Bhagavan Antle said:
"Chimpanzees are great
learners and imitators so
it wasn't long before she
took on the right behaviours that were necessary to keep the kittens
in line. If Sierra is running around too fast
then Anjana will scoop
her up and make sure
she doesn't get into any
trouble." Anjana has
already helped to bring
up two royal white tiger
cubs, a leopard and four
lions. Dr Antle added:
"She is a great assistant. If you need a baby
wipe you can just tell
her and she'll run off
and get it."
Roland found the
weak and struggling piglet after
she was abandoned by the
rest of her family
one evening
after she was
born. He said:
"The pigs run
wild on our land
and the sow had
given birth to a
litter of five in our forest. I found Paulinchen
all alone and when I
lifted her up she was
really cold. I felt sure
some local foxes would
have taken the little
pig that very night so I
took it into my house
and gave her to Katjinga. She had just finished with a
litter of her own, who are now 10 months, so I thought
there was a chance she might take on the duties of
looking after her."
Katjinga is the best mother you can imagine. She
immediately fell in love with the piggy. Straight away
she started to clean it like it was one of her own puppies. Days later she started lactating again and giving
milk for the piggy. She obviously regards it now as
her own baby.
ultura je proizvod ~ovekovog stvarala{tva i dostignu}a i svi
narodi na svetu se izdvajaju po svom kulturnom nasle|u, specifi~nom samo za wih. Upravo skup kulturnog nasle|a svih naroda koji `ive zajedno u jednom dru{tvu, oblikuje nali~je tog dru{tva,
jer je kultura sastavni deo qudskog `ivota i socijalizacije.
U posledwih nekoliko godina stanovnici Kosova su postali
`eqni kulturnih de{avawa. Povodom toga NVO Centar za mir
i toleranciju (CPT) sa sedi{tem u Pri{tini ve} dve godine
zaredom organizuje "Nedequ kulture" u preko 10 srpskih sredina na Kosovu (Gra~anica, Lapqe Selo, Osojane, okolina
Gwilana, Parte{, [trpce itd).
Ove godine, bogat sadr`aj "Nedeqe kulture" je sa zadovoqstvom
propratio veliki broj qudi. Manifestacija je otvorena 20. septembra
serijom rokenrol koncerata u klubu "Magacin", u Gra~anici. Odr`an je
i mini Festival dokumentarnog filma u Medija centru u ^aglavici i
posetioci su pokazali veliko interesovawe za ovu vrstu filma.
Omladinsko pozori{te "Geto" iz Lapqeg Sela izvelo je dve predstave
za decu i odrasle u svom selu i u Osojanu. Qubiteqi multimedijalne
savremene umetnosti imali su prilike da na grafi~koj koloniji u
Domu kulture u Gra~anici vide mno{tvo umetni~kih radova. Bilo je za
svakoga pone{to, pa i za one koji vole tradicionalnu srpsku muziku;
truba~ki orkestar "Etno Art" nastupao je u Ranilugu i [ilovu, a folklorni ansambl "Venac" u Gora`devcu i Lapqem Selu. Treba posebno
pomenuti da je poznati srpski rok bend "Pope~iteqi" (poreklom sa
Kosova) gostovao u Gra~anici i [trpcu i da je to muzi~ka grupa koja je
napravila zna~ajan pomak i postigla uspeh i van Kosova. Naravno, bilo
bi nezahvalno ne spomenuti rok bendove "Lejzi" i "Hosenfefer &
Sajkosonik Boris" koji su se predstavili publici u Gra~anici i
Parte{u. Zadweg dana "Nedeqe kulture" (25. septembra) odr`ana je
modna revija sa promocijom tradicionalne srpske kuhiwe u Lapqem
Selu koju je organizovala `enska NVO "Avenija" iz istog sela.
Zadu`ena za odnose sa javno{}u u NVO "Centar za mir i toleranciju", Dragana Stani} izjavila je da su ove godine anga`ovali qude
sa Kosova kako bi pokazali da se i ovde stvara umetnost i da postoji
mnogo neotkrivenih talenata na ovom podru~ju. "Ono {to je bilo
indikativno za stvarawe ovog projekta jeste nedostatak kulturnih
vrednosti koje su se, na`alost, izgubile u posledwih nekoliko godina, tako da svi ose}aju veliku potrebu za kulturnim manifestacijama.
Nije u pitawu samo kultura, jako je lepo kada se qudi okupe na jednom
mestu gde mogu dobro da se zabave, porazgovaraju i razmene neka svoja
iskustva i mi{qewa. Ima sredina na Kosovu gde se ne odr`avaju
nikakva kulturna de{avawa, a nama je ciq da na neki na~in obogatimo
duhovni `ivot tih qudi."
NVO "Centar za mir i toleranciju" u Pri{tini zvani~no postoji
od 2001. godine i osnovni ciq ovog Centra jeste poboq{awe
kvaliteta `ivota svih stanovnika Kosova, a posebno srpske zajednice. Jedan od dvojice menaxera ovog Centra, Sa{a Ili} rekao nam je
da "Nedeqa kulture" promovi{e srpsku kulturu i da je slogan ove
manifestacije "Kulturom do tolerancije", nastao ba{ iz tog razloga
{to "u kulturi nema nasiqa".
"@elimo mladima da damo ne{to {to dugo vremena nije dostupno
u srpskoj zajednici, posebno u enklavama. Ima mnogo dece koja nikada
nisu bila u pozori{tu, nikada nisu gledala dokumentarni film i ne
znaju {ta je to. Neki mladi nikada nisu bili na rok koncertu, a upra-
vo je to ono {to im treba. Potrebno im je da odu u pozori{te,
bioskop ili na neki koncert."
Glumci Omladinskog pozori{ta "Geto" su predstavom "Lepotica
i zver" zaista uspeli da zabave decu u Osojanu. Za neku od te dece
bilo je to prvi put da gledaju pozori{nu predstavu. Umetni~ki
rukovodilac pozori{ta, Zoran Risti} rekao nam je da samo kulturom mo`emo mewati stvari na boqe. "Ako mi prezentujemo na{u kulturu i ako po{tujemo na{u i kulturu qudi koji `ive sa nama, onda
}emo imati i mnogo boqe odnose. Ova "Nedeqa kulture" je bila
jako produktivna, a nama iz pozori{ta je dovoqno da izmamimo
deci osmeh - i mi smo prezadovoqni! @elimo da se deca opuste,
nasmeju, zabavqaju i da pone{to nau~e", rekao je gospodin Risti}.
Dvanaestogodi{wa Neda Dabeti}, u~enica {estog razreda O.[.
"Rado} To{i}" iz Osojana, odgledala je celu predstavu nakon koje
je po`elela da i ona jednoga dana glumi u nekoj sli~noj.
"Mislim da je predstava bila odli~na. Najvi{e mi se svidelo
kada je princeza plesala sa zveri. Ovo je bilo prvi put da sam
gledala neku predstavu, a volela bih da ih ima jo{ vi{e i da nam
dolaze razni glumci", kazala je Neda.
Nadajmo se da }e "Nedeqa kulture" zaista prerasti u
tradicionalno de{avawe, a manifestacija kao {to ova mo`e
mladima biti motivacija u budu}nosti - da i oni sami organizuju neki kulturni doga|aj.
ulture is a product of man's achievements and creativity, and every
community in the world differs from the other by its cultural heritage, which is typical to them. The collection of cultural heritage of
all people living together in one society creates the image of that society
because culture is a vital part of a
human life and socialisation. In the
past few years people living in
Kosovo have grown eager to
attend cultural events. In regards to
that the NGO Centre for Peace and
Tolerance - CPT, whose offices are
located in Pristina, for two years in
a row they have organised "The
Week of Culture," in more than 10
locations in Kosovo populated by
Serbians (Gracanica, Laplje Selo,
Osojane, Gnjilane surrounding
area, Partes, Strpce, etc.)
This year "The Week of
Culture" was rich in content and it
was attended by a large number of
young people. The event began on
the 20th September with a series of
Rock concerts in the club
"Magacin" in Gracanica, followed by a mini festival of documentary film
organised in the Media Centre in Caglavica and visitors showed great
interest for this type of film. Youth Theatre "Geto," from Laplje Selo performed two plays for children and grown-ups in Lapje Selo and in
Osojane. Fans of the multimedia modern art had an opportunity to see
the works of artists in the Graphic colony in the Culture House in
Gracanica. There was something for everyone, including those who like
traditional Serbian music; trumpet orchestra "Ethno Art" performed in
Ranilug and in Silovo, and Folk ensemble "Venac" in Gorazdevac and in
Laplje Selo. We should mention that Gracanica and Strpce hosted the
famous Serbian rock band "Popecitelj" originating from Kosovo; this
musical group has achieved a significant success, even outside of
Kosovo. Of course, it would be unthankful not to mention bands like
"Lazy" and "Hosenfefer & Psychosonic Boris," who introduced themselves to the audience in Gracanica and Partes. On the last day of the
"The Week of Culture" (25 September) a fashion show was held in Laplje
Selo with a display of traditional Serbian cuisine, organised by the female
NGO "Avenija" from the same village.
Ms. Dragana Stanic who is in charge of the Public Relations in CPT,
said that this year they involved people from Kosovo to show that art is
being created here as well and that there are many undiscovered talents
in this area. "What was used as indicative in creating this project was the
lack of cultural values, which unfortunately was lost in the past few years,
and practically everyone feels a need for cultural events. Not everything is
just about culture, it's nice to see people get together in one place where
they can have a good time, and where they can talk and exchange their
experiences and opinions. There are places in Kosovo, where no cultural
events are being organized whatsoever, and our aim is to in a certain
way improve the spiritual life of these people."
CPT has been officially functioning in Pristina since 2001. The
main goal of this centre is to improve the life of all people living in
Kosovo, in particular Serbian population. One of two managers of
this centre Mr. Sasa Ilic said to us that "The Week of Culture" promotes Serbian culture and that the slogan of this event "Through
Culture to Tolerance," was chosen for this purpose because "there is
no violence in culture."
"We would like to give young people something that was not available
for a long period of time to Serbian community, especially in the
enclaves. There are many children who have never been in the theatre,
never watched a documentary, and who don't know what that is. Some
young people have never been to a rock concert, and that's exactly
what they need - they need to go to the theatre, cinema or to a concert."
Actors of the Youth Theatre "Geto" have managed to entertain the
children in the village of Osojane with a play "Beauty and the Beast."
For some of the children this was the first time to watch the theatre
play. Mr. Zoran Ristic who is an Art director in this theatre said that
only through culture we can change things for the better.
"We should introduce our culture to others and we should respect
our culture as well as culture of other people who live with us in order to
have much better relationship between people. This year "The Week of
Culture" was really productive. For us, it was enough to get the children to
smile - we are more than satisfied
with that! We want the children to
relax, laugh, have fun and learn
something," said Mr. Ristic.
Twelve-year old Neda Dabetic,
had seen the theatre play. She is a
student of the sixth grade at the
Primary School "Rados Tosic" in the
village of Osojane, and after the
play, she decided to become an
actress in a similar play one day.
"I think that the play was
great, I liked the most when
Princess danced with the Beast. It
was a first time for me to see a
play, I wish that there are more
theatre plays and I would like to
see more actors to come and act
here for us," said Neda.
We should hope that "The Week
of Culture" will become traditional event, and the event like this can be an
inspiration to young people to organise some cultural event themselves.
rva stvar koju uo~imo kada su u pitawu kompjuteri i
kompjuterska tehnologija je da su eksperti za ovu oblast
sve mla|i, time ja~aju tvrdwe stare izreke da
budu}nost pripada mladima. Nesumwivo, brz napredak
u oblasti tehnologije najboqe odra`ava impuls i
entuzijazam mladih kao glavni podsticaj za ove
pronalaske. Pored mladosti, energije i entuzijazma
postoje i mnoge druge va`ne funkcije i to je nekriti~an idealizam mladih koje ~esto vidite da starijim
generacijama izgleda utopijski. Ali sav mladala~ki
{arm le`i upravo u toj dozi utopizma mladih qudi
koji `ele mir umesto nasiqa, jer mir tera mlade
qude da radije odaberu qubav, toleranciju, slobodu
i saradwu, umesto mr`we i izolacije.
Ovo je verovatno najboqi na~in da se objasni
za{to milioni mladih qudi {irom sveta vi{e vole
da imaju softver otvorenog koda u odnosu na licencirane programe. Razlozi mladih za ove zahteve su jednostavni i prakti~ni; cene licenciranih programa su
veoma visoke i te{ko je mladima da imaju pristup
wima. Tako je razvoj znawa i tehnolo{kih informacija koncentrisan ka bogatijim dru{tvima i bogatijim
zemqama u kojima mladi sa visokim standardom
`ivota mogu da priu{te razli~ite programe. S druge
strane u siroma{nijim zemqama, npr. u zemqama u
kojima je niska op{ta svest gra|ana, nedostatak
ovakvih programa tako|e stimuli{e rast i ja~awe
softverske piraterije. To ustvari zna~i da mladi
kupuju ilegalan softver, a rezultat toga su mladi
qudi koji postaju prestupnici zakona. Dok otvoreni
kod omogu}ava otvoreno znawe o ra~unarima {irom
sveta ru{e se sve barijere koje spre~avaju {irewe
otvorenog znawa o ra~unarstvu u sve zemqe sveta.
Pokret sa sli~nim stanovi{tem je po~eo da se
razvija na Kosovu po osnivawu NVO FLOSS Kosovo
(Slobodan Softver Otvorenog Koda Kosovo). Ova organizacija je po~ela sa radom u martu 2009. godine na
inicijativu amerikanca Xejmsa Majkla Dipona koji o
ovoj inicijativi ka`e: "...umesto {to gube vreme u
internet kafeima, mladi qudi treba da pi{u softver.
Umesto da igraju "Kanter strajk" mladi treba da
ure|uju stranice na Vikipediji". Nije dugo trajalo i
prvi uspesi ove organizacije su se pokazali krajem
avgusta, ta~nije 29. i 30. avgusta 2009. godine. Ovi
datumi obele`avaju prvu konferenciju softvera
otvorenog koda na Kosovu, na kojoj su se okupili
stru~waci iz SAD, Italije, Slova~ke, Albanije i
Srbije. Tokom konferencije razni govornici su predstavili brojne mogu}nosti i prednosti koje dolaze iz
upotrebe softvera otvorenog koda. Ovde treba
napomenuti va`nu ~iwenicu da }e na Kosovu uskoro biti usvojen zakon protiv piraterije, {to zna~i da }e kupovina piratskog
programa biti zabrawena. Mnogi pojedinci, kao i institucije,
mora}e da plate veoma visoke cene za kori{}ewe licenciranog
programa, a istovremeno svi oni koji odbiju da plate licence
automatski }e biti smatrani za prestupnike zakona.
Zanimqivo mi{qewe o ovome dao nam je ~etrnaestogodi{wi
de~ak Gent Ta~i koji, iako veoma mlad, mo`e se smatrati kompjuterskim stru~wakom: "Kao prvo, treba po~eti sa
kori{}ewem softvera otvorenog koda u {kolama, jer bi to bio
najboqi na~in da se {kole oslobode velikih finansijskih
tro{kova koji su potrebni za dobijawe licence za upotrebu
programa. Kao drugo, jednostavnost ovih programa ~ini ih
vi{e odgovaraju}im za u~enike. I kao tre}e, {to je ujedno i
glavna korist, ovi programi bi podstakli mlade qude da se
ukqu~e u pisawe i poboq{awe programa, {to bi omogu}ilo
mladim qudima da steknu odgovaraju}e znawe o ra~unarstvu".
On je pozvao sve wegove vr{wake da budu bez predrasuda i
koriste programe kao {to su: Linuks, Ubuntu, Mozila..., jer na
taj na~in, ako ni{ta drugo, ne moraju da koriste piratske
verzije programa, a i po{tova}e zakon.
hen we refer to computers and to the computer technology, the first thing that catches our
attention is the fact that younger and younger
people are becoming experts in this field and in this
way, we only reaffirm the old saying that the future
belongs to the youth. There is no single doubt that the
recent and rapid developments in the
field of technology are the best reflections
of the youth vigor and enthusiasm, which
are the key elements and which lead
towards these great inventions. However,
young people, apart from vigor and
enthusiasm, also have another vital feature and this is the youth unspoiled idealism, which quite often seems like the
youth's point of view and which might
seem utopian to the elder generations.
Nevertheless, the youth's endearing
charm lies on the fact that young people
have this dose of utopian idealism inside
of them and this part of them prefers
peace to violence; it makes the young
people choose love and tolerance rather
than hatred, freedom rather than restrictions and accumulation of knowledge and
cooperation rather than isolation.
This is probably the best possible
way to explain why millions of young people all around the world prefer to have
open source software to licensed software.
The young people prefer open source software
because of simple and practical reasons: the
licensed software programs are very expensive and
it is quite difficult for most of the young people to
have access to them. As a result, advanced knowledge and technological information are concentrated
more on rich societies and rich countries, where the
young people in high living standard countries can
afford different types of software programs. On the
other hand, in the poorer countries, i.e. in the countries where the general awareness of people is on a
lower level, the lack of such software programs also
stimulates the growth and expansion of software
piracy, which means that young people have to buy
illegal software programs and as a result, the youth
who buy them, end up as law breakers. In contrast,
open source software provides free knowledge of
computer technology all around the world and in
this way, it breaks down all the barriers that prevent
the distribution of free and open knowledge of computer technology everywhere and, it facilitates the
development of computer technology in all the
countries of the world.
A movement with similar viewpoints has started to develop in
Kosovo after the establishment of the Non-Governmental
Organization FLOSS Kosovo (Free/Libre Open Source Software
Kosovo). This organization was established in March 2009 on the
initiative of an American citizen, James Michael DuPont, who said
the following words regarding his motivation to establish such an
organization: "… the youth spending time in internet cafes should
be writing software instead. Instead of playing 'Counter Strike', they
should be editing the Wikipedia". It did not take a long time to see
Gent Thaçi
the first results of this organization, which emerged on the surface
at the end of August, to be more precise on 29th and 30th August
2009. These dates marked the first Software Freedom Conference, which gathered experts from the US, Italy, Slovakia, Albania,
Serbia. During the course of this conference, various speakers
presented numerous opportunities and advantages of using the
open source software. We should not forget to mention a very
important fact that the anti-piracy law is due to be approved in
Kosovo quite soon, which practically means that it will be prohibited to purchase pirated software programs, whereas numerous
individuals and institutions will have to pay extremely high prices
for licensed software programs which are being used and all those
people or institutions that refuse to meet the expenses of these
licenses will be automatically regarded as law breakers.
Gent Thaçi is a 14-year-old youngster from Prishtina and
despite of the fact that he is extremely young, he can already
be considered a computer expert. As a matter of fact, he has
a very interesting point of view in this respect. According to
his opinion, the first step should be to use open source software in local schools because this would be the best possible way to spare the local schools from huge expenses,
which are required to obtain software licenses. Secondly,
these software programs are quite simple and their simplicity
makes them more practical and functional for the students.
Thirdly, which represents also the main benefit, these software programs encourage young people to engage in writing
and editing software programs and they can enable the
youth to gain proper knowledge about computing science.
Therefore, he invited all people his age to be open-minded and to use software programs, such as: Linux, UBuntu,
Mozilla etc, because in this way, if nothing else, they will not
have to use the pirated software programs and they will
always be on the right side of the law.
@ivopisni izbor likova o`ivqava ovaj zabavni i tehni~ki
neujedna~en nastavak
e morate biti verni
~italac stripova da bi
znali da je "Marvel:
Ultimativni savez 2" prili~no
zabavan. Stiskawe dugmadi,
kako biste na ekranu mogli da
vidite erupciju supermo}i i
bqe{tavih borila~kih
ve{tina, sa`ima se do centra
zadovoqstva u mozgu, sve dok
ne podlegnete uro|enom
zadovoqstvu i tada Vas je
te{ko odvojiti od igrawa.
Prvih pola sata igrawa
daje Vam sve informacije
potrebne da biste mogli da
nastavite daqe. Iz pogleda
kamere vodite tim sa~iwen od
~etiri Marvel zvezde kroz
horde sledbenika i u`arenih
robota koji povremeno skrenu
sa predvi|enog puta da bi
re{ili zagonetku i potukli
zlo~ince koji stoje izme|u Vas
i slavqeni~kog, pobedni~kog
navijawa. Upravqate jednim
herojem, dok drugi igra~i koji
trenutno igraju ili ne,
upravqaju sa druga tri heroja.
Bez obzira za kog se heroja
ili antiheroja iz izbora od
ukupno oko 24 odlu~ite, svi
mogu da nani`u dva vatrena
napada u kombinaciju napada,
ugrabe razli~ite objekte, bacaju neprijateqe svuda okolo i
izvode super mo}i, koje jedino
ograni~ava brzopune}i mera~
preostale mo}i. Dok su kontrole kod svih mawe-vi{e iste,
postoji ipak odre|ena
koli~ina varijacija izme|u
heroja. Storm mo`e da leti i
obara vi{e neprijateqa
istovremeno jakim naletom
vetra. Jezik heroja Venom
mo`e da {ibawem napravi
{tetu bilo kom neprijatequ
koji se na|e u blizini, a
Ajsmen mo`e da prizove erupciju leda i napadne zlo~ince
odozdole. Bilo da ste sami
ili sa prijateqima akcije su
sasvim dobra zabava.
Ipak, nisu svi likovi
stvoreni da budu jednaki. Svi
su poprili~no izjedna~eni,
{to ih ne ~ini sve jednako
zabavnim za igrawe. Na~in na
koji Nevidqiva `ena uklawa
mo}i likovima u igri je za-
nimqivo, ali nije ni pribli`no zanimqivo kao dramati~ne kanxe Vulverina ili Dedpul koga dobro
zaokru`ene mo}i i samoreklamiraju}i jednostavni
alati ~ine prili~no zadovoqavaju}im izborom za
igrawe. No, neprekidno udarawe dugmi}a mo`e da i od
najboqih likova napravi dosadne, naro~ito kada
otkrijete efikasnu kombinaciju koju konstantno ponavqate. Na sre}u, mo`ete na
brzinu promeniti lik sa kojim igrate
za drugi koji nije pod kontrolom nekog drugog
igra~a i dodati ili
• Zabavno je
spajati napade
likove u Va{u
• Zanimqivo razekipu, takogranata pri~a daje vam
re}i u letu.
razlog da dva puta
• Brojna unapre|ewa na
dodatak akcipo~etnom interfejsu
ji je spajawe
• Puno misija sa
mo}i. Kako
strane i misija
koje treba
neprijateqe Va{
mera~ spajawa mo}i
se puni; kada mera~
poka`e da je pun, mo`ete
pokrenuti spajawe mo}i dva heroja u napadu.
Postoje vi{e vrsta napada u zavisnosti od
• Niz
toga koja su dva heroja ukqu~ena u akciju
spojene mo}i. Navo|eni napadi, kao zrak
vatre i leda koji prave Ajsmen i ^ovek
• Neusagla{eni
bakqa, dozvoqavaju Vam da ovaj par pomerglasovi
ate po ekranu, zadaju}i udarac svakom
neprijatequ koji nema dovoqno sre}e i na|e
se u blizini ovog zraka. Napadi ~i{}ewa,
kao {to im ime govori, ~iste najbli`u
okolinu od lo{ih stvari, kao {to su
skretawe lasera koju izvode Ajronmen i
Kapetan Amerika. Va{e u~e{}e u pri~i
nije samo ograni~eno na to da donesete
samo jednu odluku, ve} se kroz igru
ukqu~ujete u dijalog sa razli~itim likovima i birate jedan od tri ponu|ena odgovora na
wihov komentar: agresivan, odbramben ili diplomatski.
Ima dosta igrawa upakovanog na ovaj disk. Ne samo
da }e kampawa trajati vi{e od 15 ~asova, ve} }e Vam i
pri~a koja se grana dok igrate dati dovoqan razlog da
se vratite igrici i ponovo je igrate. A, pored svega
spomenutog ima i vi{e misija koje sami morate da
pre|ete. Ve}ina ovih misija su dobro dizajnirane i
zadovoqstvo ih je igrati; laka igrica u kojoj }ete
testirati svoje poznavawe Marvel stripova, mno{tvo
kostima, audio diskova i dokumenata koje treba
sakupiti. I tako, dok "Marvel: Ultimativni savez 2"
ne daje seriji nov i smeliji pravac (koji su mnogi
o~ekivali od nastavka) ipak daje brzopotezno
udarawe dugmi}a, sna`nu akciju koju bi
obo`avaoci orginala `eleli. I prosto je
super zabava, ~ak i ako ne razlikujete
Ajronmena od Ajronfista.
A colorful cast of comic characters enlivens
this fun and technically uneven sequel.
The Good
• The fusion attacks are
fun to perform.
• Cool branching story
gives you a reason to
play twice
• A number of welcome
interface improvements
• Lots of side missions and
The Bad
• An array of
• Inconsistent
ou don't need to be a
comic book geek to
know that Marvel:
Ultimate Alliance 2 is a lot of
fun. Mashing on buttons to
make the screen erupt with
sparkling superpowers and
flashy martial arts squirms into the
pleasure center of the brain, and once
you succumb to the innate delights, it's
hard to tear yourself away.
The first half-hour of the game introduces you to all you'll need to know
to get you through. From an isometric camera view, you lead a
team of four Marvel stars
through hordes of
expendable henchmen
and glowering robots,
occasionally taking detours
to solve simple puzzles and
bash on the villains standing between you
and fist-pumping victory. You lead one hero
at a time, while other players, online or off,
control the other three. Regardless of which
heroes and antiheroes from the roster of
about two dozen you choose to take along,
they can all string two types of melee attacks
into combos, grab various objects and enemies to throw around, and perform four
superpowers limited only by a quick-recharging power meter. While each controls more
or less the same, there's a
good amount of variety among
the heroes. Storm can fly and
knock down multiple foes at a
time with a gust of wind;
Venom's tongue can lash about,
doing damage to any nearby
enemies; and Iceman can call
forth an eruption of ice to
impale villains from underneath. Whether you're on
your own or with buddies,
the action is good, laid-back fun.
However, not all the characters are created equal.
They're all fairly balanced, but that doesn't make them
all correspondingly fun to play. The Invisible Woman's
debuffs can be helpful, but she's not as viscerally
appealing as Wolverine, with his dramatic clawing, or
Deadpool, whose well-rounded powerset and self-referential one-liners make him consistently satisfying to
use. However, ceaseless button mashing can make
even the best characters tiresome, especially once
you've discovered effective patterns that you can keep
spamming again and again. Fortunately, you can
change easily to another character not controlled by
another player and switch unlocked heroes in and out
of your active crew on the fly.
The most notable additions to the action are
fusion powers. As you damage enemies, you fill up a
fusion meter, and once it's charged up, you can initiate a two-hero fusion attack. There are several types
of attacks, depending on the two heroes involved in
the fusion. Guided attacks, like the fire-and-ice beam
created by Iceman and the Human Torch, let you
maneuver the pair about the screen, zapping any foes
unlucky enough to get caught in their elemental
stream. Clearing attacks, appropriately, clear the
immediate area of baddies, such as the laser deflection that Iron Man and Captain America perform.
Your involvement with the story isn't limited to
making a single decision, however. Throughout
the game, you'll engage in dialogue with various
characters and choose one of three different
responses to their statements: aggressive, defensive, and diplomatic.
There's a lot of game packed onto this disc. Not
only will the campaign last you around 15 hours or
so, but the branching story gives you a good reason
to return. Furthermore, there are additional standalone missions to take on, most of which are
designed well and are enjoyable to tackle; a trivia
game that will test your Marvel comics knowledge;
and lots of costumes, audio discs, and dossiers to
collect. So while Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 may not
take the series in a big and bold new direction, or
benefit from the kind of refinement you would look
for in a sequel, it does deliver the button-mashing,
power-flinging, over-the-top action fans of the original would expect. And it's just good fun, even if you
don't know Iron Man from Iron Fist.
Uloge: Riki Gervejs, Xenifer
Garner, Rob Lov, Xonah Hil,
Luis C.K., Tina Fej,
Kristofer Gest, Xefri
Tambor, Patrik Stjuart,
Xejson Betmen
Re`iser: Metju Robinson,
Riki Gervejs
Studio: "Varner Bros."
@anr: komedija/drama
vo nove romanti~ne
komedije "Nastanak
la`i" koja se odigrava
u alternativnoj realnosti u
kojoj lagawe, pa ~ak ni koncept lagawa, ne postoji.
Svako, od politi~ara i
ogla{iva~a, pa do mu{karca
i `ene na ulici, govori
istinu i ni{ta osim istine
bez razmi{qawa o
posledicama. Me|utim, kada
Mark, gubitnik koji nikako
nema sre}e, iznenada razvije
sposobnost da la`e, otkriva
da nepo{tewe daje neke
plodove. U svetu u kom se
pretpostavqa da je svaka re~
apsolutno istinita, Mark
lako la`ima otvara sebi put
do slave i bogatstva.
Me|utim, la`i imaju tu
osobinu da se {ire i Mark
shvata da su se stvari malo
omakle kontroli kada u
wegove najve}e la`i po~iwe
da se veruje kao u Jevan|eqe.
Sada, kada ceo svet zavisi od svake wegove
re~i, postoji samo
jedna stvar do koje
Mark nije mogao da
do|e putem la`i, a to
je srce `ene koju voli.
Starring: Ricky Gervais, Jennifer
Garner, Rob Lowe, Jonah Hill, Louis
C.K., Tina Fey, Christopher Guest,
Jeffrey Tambor, Patrick Stewart,
Jason Bateman
Director: Matthew Robinson, Ricky
Studio: Warner Bros.
Genre: Comedy / Drama
ere comes the new romantic
comedy The Invention of
Lying, which takes place
in an alternate reality where
lying-even the concept of a liedoes not
Everyonefrom politi-
Uloge: Xorx
Kluni, Ana
Kendrik, Vera
Xejson Betmen,
Tamala Xons
Xejson Rejtmen
cians to advertisers to the man
and woman on the streetspeaks the truth and nothing
but the truth with no thought of
the consequences. But when a
down-on-his-luck loser named
Mark suddenly develops the
ability to lie, he finds that dishonesty has its rewards. In a
world where every word is
assumed to be the absolute
truth, Mark easily lies his way
to fame and fortune. But lies
have a way of spreading, and
Mark begins to realize that
things are getting a little out of
control when some of his
tallest tales are being
taken as, well, gospel.
With the entire world
now hanging on his
every word, there is
only one thing Mark
has not been able to
lie his way into: the
heart of the woman
he loves.
"Gore u vazduhu" je komedija o Rajanu
Bingamu, ~oveku koji obavqa prqave
poslove za kompaniju za koju radi i voli
svoj `ivot na putu, ali je primoran da
se bori za svoj posao kada mu kompanija
smawi buxet za putovawa. Od wega se
"Up in the Air" is a comedy
where Ryan Bingham, a
corporate hatchet man who
loves his life on the road
but is forced to fight for his
job when his company
downsizes its travel budget. He is required to spend
more time at home just as
he is on the cusp of a goal
zahteva da provodi vi{e vremena kod
ku}e, ba{ kada je nadomak ostvarewa
svog ciqa na kom je radio godinama:
dostizawe 5 miliona miqa kao putnik
koji ~esto putuje avionom i to upravo
po{to je sreo "redovnu putnicu" - `enu
svojih snova.
Starring: George
Clooney, Anna Kendrick,
Vera Farmiga, Jason
Bateman, Tamala Jones
Director: Jason Reitman
Studio: Paramount
Genre: Drama / Comedy
he's worked toward for years: reaching five million frequent
flyer miles and just after he's met the frequent-traveler woman
of his dreams.
Uloge: Anika Noni Ros, Kejt Dejvid, Opra
Re`iser: Xon Musker, Ron
Studio: "Volt Dizni"
@anr: animacija/mjuzikl
"Volt Dizni studio
za animacije"
"Princeza i
`aba", animiranu
komediju u kojoj dolazi
do modernog zapleta u
klasi~noj pri~i koja govori o
divnoj devojci po imenu Tiana,
`abi-princu koji o~ajni~ki `eli
ponovo da postane ~ovek i sudbonosnom
poqupcu koji ih oboje vodi u urnebesnu avanturu kroz misti~ne mo~varne zalive Luizijane.
Starring: Anika Noni Rose,
alt Disney
Keith David, Oprah Winfrey
Director: John Musker,
Studios presents
Ron Clements
the musical The Princess
Studio: Walt Disney
And The Frog, an animated
comedy in which comes a
Genre: Animation
modern twist on a classic tale,
/ Musical
featuring a beautiful girl named
Tiana, a frog prince who desperately
wants to be human again, and a fateful
kiss that leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana.
Uloge: Xordx Kluni, Bil Marej, Xejson
Svarcman, Meril Strip
Baziran na kwizi Roalda Dala, film
govori o lukavoj lisici
~ija je porodica u opasnosti, jer je trojici glupih i
ru`nih farmera dosadilo
da dele svoje koko{ke sa
ovim stvorom.
Starring: George Clooney, Bill Murray,
Jason Schwartzman, Meryl Streep
Based on the Roald Dahl book telling the story of a
crafty fox who finds himself and his family targeted for
death by the three dumb, pug-ugly farmers who tire of
sharing their chickens with the critter.
Uloge: Kenet Brana, Filip Sejmur Hofman, Bil Naji
Brana i Ifans igraju u filmu o dixejevima
na piratskoj radio stanici u
Engleskoj tokom sedamdesetih.
Xons igra Amerikanku koja
dolazi na brod da poseti dixejeve i zaqubquje se u druga
svog de~ka.
Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Philip
Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy
Branagh and Ifans play DJs for a pirate radio show
in England during the 1970's. Jones plays an American
woman who visits the deejays on the boat and falls for
her boyfriend's pal.
D o l a z i u s k o r o ... C o m i n g s o o n
Uloge: Xesika Bil, Dvejn "De Rok" Xonson,
Xastin Long
"Planeta 51" je sme{na pri~a o invaziji
vanzemaqaca koja se fokusira na male, zelene
qude sa antenama koji naseqavaju Planetu 51 i
koji `ive u strahu da ih ne napadnu bi}a sa
druge planete. Kada astronaut, kapetan ^arls
^ak Bejker prizemqi svoj svemirski brod na
ovu planetu misle}i da nije naseqena, paranoja stanovnika je "pu{tena s lanca" i po~iwe
prava avantura. Lem, mladi stanovnik Planete
51 koga fascinira svemir i
spoqa{wi svet, pomo}i }e
^aku da pobegne od vlasti,
povrati svoj svemirski brod
i vrati se ku}i.
Starring: Jessica Biel, Dwayne
"The Rock" Johnson, Justin Long
Planet 51 is a funny reverse alien invasion story
centered on the little green people with antennas who
inhabit Planet 51, and who live in fear of being invaded
by beings from another planet. When Astronaut Captain
Charles "Chuck" Baker lands his spaceship, thinking
that the no-one lives there, the inhabitants' paranoia is
unleashed and the real adventure begins. Lem, a young
resident on Planet 51, who is fascinated by space and
the universe, will help Chuck try to escape from the
authorities, recover his spaceship and return home.
Uloge: Emili Blant,
Rupert Frend, Miranda
Ricardson, Mark Strong
Film "Mlada
Viktorija" prikazuje uspon
kraqice Viktorije na
presto, fokusiraju}i se na
rane nemirne godine wene
vladavine i wenu legendarnu romansu i brak sa
Starring: Emily Blunt, Rupert
Friend, Miranda
Richardson, Mark Strong
The Young Victoria
chronicles Queen Victoria's
ascension to the throne,
focusing on the early turbulent years of her reign and
her legendary romance and
marriage to Prince Albert.
koji s qstvo je r
e po d
ka`e o
jim kri {to misli;
da nas
tamo n
eke od
da pre ol
ispiuke i u
puti na
put mi
stvari ostoji mnogo
samo d
kroz k
obro i }i i `ele}i na
oje ne
o najb
o p
qudi p rolaziti sam
menom, stvo se vezuje oqe! Za
Razmi{ no postaje de o vreuzmu { |e kroz na{
to im
i odu.
je p
na sa n ijateqa su
zbog na taju samo on otrebno a
{im i
{to i
koji da a ne zbog se koji su tu
nisu tr ose}a. Prija e}amo sve
ju, a ne
be. On
ajna ak
o jedna eqstva
sebe, a
at. Ono
druga s
{to sa ta
znati d
e stidi
m ja
a kroz
a ceni
. Mora
se pri
mo sva
jeste d
tvo ne
Ono bi
re~. Da svaki savet
i topl
nas su
kao i q ko zna zbog
n a . T a jn
ubav. A
e vi{e stva
i skor
t o d a l i s u t a jn e ,
nema d
efinic var koja
i je
ana ce
om sve
je d n o j
, koju n
u ili
i. Sve
avati i
m a w e je s a m o
i joj r
ma i z
a druge , darivawa d voeqstvo
u s
zna~i q
Ja seb
ubav. S tvari,
imam p e smatram sr
ve dru
se izm
birala jateqa kog n nom, jer
nedore e i ostane
. Vaqd
~eno, a
li to n
kle". D su se du{e s
jer zav
si od n
Ne mog
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a{la `em:
se uvek
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re nekoliko dana je redakcija magazina "For Ju" dobila
neobi~an, ali interesantan poziv od nekoliko vojnika Vi{enacionalnih namenskih snaga - Jug. U stvari, pozivnicu je
poslala grupa mladih iz omladinske organizacije "U~enici poma`u
`ivotu" iz Orahovca koji su kontaktirali redakciju ~asopisa
"Dritarja" ("Prozor") koji izdaje VNNS - J i odlu~ili da pozovu
redakciju magazina "For Ju" u prijateqsku posetu svom Centru. Pored
toga, smatrali su da bi ovo bila dobra prilika da upoznamo neke
~lanove ove omladinske organizacije i saznamo ne{to vi{e o
wihovim aktivnostima. Naravno, na{a redakcija je prihvatila ovaj
topli poziv i odlu~ili smo da ubrzo posetimo ovaj Centar.
^im smo stigli tamo, ovi mladi qudi puni entuzijazma su nam
rekli da su vrata ovog Centra otvorena svim mladima u op{tini
Orahovac, bez obzira na etni~ku pripadnost i dodali da ova organizacija podr`ava svaku vrstu saradwe me|u mladima u ovoj op{tini.
Pored kancelarije u dowem delu grada, gde smo se mi nalazili i koji
uglavnom naseqavaju Albanci, postoji jo{ jedna kancelarija u gorwem
delu grada koji naseqavaju uglavnom Srbi. Ove dve kancelarije
funkcioni{u kao most koji povezuje ove dve zajednice kako bi se
pove}ao nivo saradwe, kao i da bi se koordinisale zajedni~ke
aktivnosti. Tokom svoje posete imali smo priliku da sretnemo gospodina Ansgar Senga iz Vermelkirhena u Nema~koj koji }e kao volonter
u omladinskoj organizaciji "Studenti poma`u `ivotu"
u Nema~koj ostati u Orahovcu do septembra 2010.
godine. Gospodin Seng je rekao da je kada je prvi put
stigao na Kosovo bio zaista impresioniran jezi~kom
raznoliko{}u i time {to mladi u Orahovcu mogu da
komuniciraju na razli~itim jezicima, kao {to su: poseban orahova~ki dijalekt, zatim albanski, srpski,
engleski, pa ~ak i nema~ki. On smatra da su mladi u
Orahovcu isti kao i wihovi vr{waci {irom sveta.
Oni imaju puno snova i puno nade u svoju budu}nost i
jedna od wihovih najve}ih `eqa je mogu}nost da putuju
po svetu i posete razne zemqe.
Imali smo priliku da upoznamo neke mlade
~lanove ovog Centra kao {to su: Ermir Hamza, [kurte
Veqiu, [asena Derguti, Saranda Derguti, Admir
[aqa, Hazer [ehu i Abdurahman Mulaga. Oni su nam
rekli da su postali ~lanovi Centra iz razli~itih
razloga. Neki od wih su do{li u Centar kako bi
poha|ali razli~ite kurseve, kao {to je kurs informatike ili jezi~ki kurs, dok su drugi do{li kako bi
u~estvovali u raznim aktivnostima
koje organizuje ovaj Omladinski centar. Me|utim, svi oni imaju ne{to
zajedni~ko: do{li su u Centar da se
dru`e kroz u~ewe, razmewivawe ideja
i pri~u o svakodnevnim problemima.
Pored toga, naglasili su da sve ove
aktivnosti mogu biti organizovane na
bezbedan i miran na~in.
Predstavnici redakcije ~asopisa
"Dritarja" rekli su nam da su imali
redovne kontakte sa mladim
~lanovima ovog Omladinskog centra
preko grupa za razgovor ili tzv.
"fokus grupa". Ciq ovih grupa je da
diskutuju o glavnim problemima
mladih qudi u svakodnevnom `ivotu
i na koji na~in ih prevazi}i. Ove
fokus grupe su veoma va`ne i to
pokazuje i ~iwenica da su na jednom
od sastanaka pokrenuli temu nasiqa
me|u u~enicima (tinejxerima). Tokom
ove diskusije, mladi su istakli da
nemaju dovoqno infomacija o tome
kako da se izbore sa ovim problemom dana{wice i da ne znaju gde da
potra`e pomo}. Nakon toga su predstavnici redakcije ~asopisa
"Dritarja" pitali ove mlade qude da li su o ovom problemu razgovarali sa svojim roditeqima, nastavnicima ili ~ak mo`da sa pripadnicima Kosovske policije i na na{e iznena|ewe odgovor je
bilo jednoglasno "NE". Kao posledica ovog razgovora, redakcija
~asopisa "Dritarja" je odlu~ila da u narednim izdawima savetuje
mlade kako da izbegnu nasiqe u {koli i kako da identifikuju
u~enike koji su izvor nasilnog pona{awa u {koli.
Na kraju na{e posete, postali smo svesni da su takvi Centri
izuzetno va`ni za formirawe mladih generacija, jer su ovo mesta
na kojima mladi mogu da se bave pozitivnim vannastavnim aktivnosima i tako|e mogu postati svesni koliko je va`no organizovati i
oja~ati civilno dru{tvo. Pored toga, ovo je i odli~na prilika za
mlade da se dru`e, umesto da gube vreme po lokalnim kafi}ima.
Ono {to je jo{ va`nije, u ovakvim Centrima mladi u~e da sara|uju
jedni sa drugima, bez obzira na to ko su ili odakle dolaze. To je
razlog {to su na{i mladi prijateqi u Omladinskom centru
"U~enici poma`u `ivotu" savetovali svim svojim vr{wacima na
Kosovu da po~nu da se bave raznim aktivnostima u Omladinskim
centrima koji rade u mestima gde oni `ive, zato {to misle da je
ovo "najboqi na~in da se ostvari boqa budu}nost!"
few days ago, the editorial office of "For You" magazine
received an unusual but interesting invitation from a few soldiers of the Multinational Task Force - South (MNTF-S).
Actually, the invitation was sent by a group of young people from
the Youth Organization "Students Help Life" in Rahovec, who had
made contacts with the editorial office of "Dritarja" (Window) magazine, which is published by the MNTF-S and had decided to invite
the editorial office of "For You" magazine for a friendly visit to their
center. In addition, they thought that this would be a very good
opportunity to meet some of the members of this youth organization
and to be closely informed about their activities. Naturally, our editorial office kindly accepted this warm invitation and we decided to
pay a visit to this center very soon.
On 1st of October 2009, as soon as we arrived, these enthusiastic
young people told us that the doors of this centre are open to all the
youth in Rahovec municipality, regardless of their ethnic background
and added that this organization welcomes every kind of cooperation
between the local young people. In addition, they informed us that
apart from the office in the lower part of the town, where we were
staying and which is inhabited mostly by local Albanians, there is also
another office in the upper part of the town, which is inhabited mostly
by local Serbs. These two offices function as a connecting bridge
between these two communities in order to increase the level of
mutual cooperation as well as to coordinate joint activities. During our
visit, we had the opportunity to meet Mr. Ansgar Seng, from
Wermelskirchen in Germany, who is due to stay in Rahovec
until September 2010 as a volunteer of the Youth Organization
"Students Help Life" in Germany. Mr. Seng admitted that when
he first arrived, he was truly impressed by rich linguistic diversity, because young people in Rahovec can communicate in different languages, such as the specific Rahovec dialect, then
Albanian, Serbian, English and even German. According to his
opinion, young people in Rahovec are just like all their peers all
around the world. They have lots of dreams and hopes for their
future and one of their greatest wishes is to be able to travel all
around the world and visit different countries.
On 1st of October 2009, we had the opportunity to meet
some of the young members of this centre, such as: Ermir
Hamza, Shkurte Veliu, Shasena Dërguti, Saranda Dërguti,
Admir Shala, Hazër Shehu and Abdurrahman Mullaaga. They
informed us that they decided to join this center for different reasons. Some of them came to the center to attend various cours-
es, such as the computer or language
courses, whereas some other youngsters
came to participate in various activities,
which are organized in this Youth Center.
However, all the youngsters have one
thing in common: they come to this center
to socialize with each other through learning and by exchanging ideas on their concerns or their difficulties in everyday life.
In addition, they also stressed that all
these activities can be organized in a
safe and peaceful environment.
The representatives of the editorial
office "Dritarja" told us that they had regular contacts with the young members of
this Youth Center through discussion
groups or "Focus Groups". The aim of
these groups is to discuss about the main
concerns and problems of these young
people in everyday life and how to overcome them. These discussion groups are
very important and one of the typical
examples of their importance is the fact
that in one of these discussions, they
raised the issue of school violence
amongst students (teens). During the
course of the discussion, the youngsters stressed that they did not
have sufficient information how to deal with this disturbing issue of
modern times and that they did not know where to seek help.
Afterwards, the representatives of "Dritarja" magazine asked the young
people if they had talked with their parents, their teachers or even the
officers of Kosovo Police about this issue and surprisingly enough,
their answer was a resounding "NO". Consequently, the editorial office
of "Dritarja" magazine, in its following editions, decided to advise all
the young people how to avoid violence at school and how to identify
all the students, who are source of violent behavior at school.
In the end of our visit, we became conscious that such centers
are extremely important for the formation of young generations, as
these are the places, where the young people can take up positive
extracurricular activities and they can also become fully aware how
important it is to organize and strengthen the civil society. In addition,
this is an excellent opportunity for the young people to make friends
with each other rather than waste their time in local pubs. What is
even more important, at these centers, young people learn to cooperate with each other regardless of the fact who they are or where they
come from. This is the reason why our young friends at the Youth
Center "Students Help Life" advised all persons their age in Kosovo to
engage in various youth activities and youth centers, which are functioning in their corresponding municipalities, because they think: "This
is the best way to have a better future"!
Zoran Jovanovi} i Aj{e Ta}i
laskom u novi milenijum svet oko nas se neprestano "kompjuterizuje", i samim tim tempo `ivota je izuzetno br`i
u odnosu na pro{lost, tako da roditeqi nemaju mnogo vremena za "kontrolisawe" i edukaciju dece. Omladina, van {kole,
vreme provodi ili za kompjuterom ili na ulici. A kada mladima
ulica postane svakodnevno stani{te, onda mo`emo pretpostaviti
u {ta ti mladi prerastaju.
Upravo je Kamenica jedan od gradova na Kosovu koji ima
za ciq da mlade zainteresuje sportom i ne dozvoli da im
ulica postane wihova druga ku}a. Osnivawem multietni~kog
stonoteniskog kluba "Kamenica" Milica Vasi}, Aj{e Ta}i i
Zoran Jovanovi} prihvatili su se ni malo lakog zadatka, ali
ra~unaju na podr{ku grada, mladih i sportskih organa. Ova
inicijativa entuzijasta ne tra`i mnogo, ali bi mogla mnogo
da zna~i za `ivot i vannastavne aktivnosti mladih Roma,
Srba i Albanaca u ovoj op{tini.
Qudi {irom sveta igraju stoni tenis radi fizi~ke ve`be,
rekreacije i emotivnog pra`wewa. Olako shva}en i zanemaren u
na{oj zemqi stoni tenis nudi mnoge prednosti kao `ivotni
poziv, zahvaquju}i kojima je upra`wavan {irom sveta.
Na`alost, trenutno na Kosovu ovaj sport nije razvijen u toj
meri. Inicijativa i `eqa grupe mladih i slu`benika koji su
zadu`eni za sport i mlade u op{tini Kamenica, da se sa osnivawem kluba zapo~ne sa organizovanim i {irim aktivnostima
ima vi{e smisla - oni `ele da ovaj klub bude inicijalno jezgro
okupqawa mladih koji }e se mo`da jednoga dana na}i u mo}nom
sportskom dru{tvu {irom sveta.
Prema re~ima koordinatora za sport u ovoj op{tini, Zorana
Jovanovi}a, ovaj stonoteniski klub zvani~no je registrovan 15.
januara 2009. godine, i ve} ima oko tridesetoro dece. Jedno
sedi{te kluba za srpsku decu je u Kolole}u, drugo je u selu
Hodonovce za albansku decy, i tre}e mesto gde se svi oni zajedno okupqaju, i registrovani i neregistrovani ~lanovi, je
omladinski centar u Kamenici.
"Prioritet nam je da aktiviramo mlade qude, da im pru`imo
priliku da se dru`e, da se bave sportom i da se klone ulice i
raznih poroka. Jednostavno `elimo da wihov vi{ak energije
usmere ka sportu, a ne ka drogi i alkoholu. U na{em klubu se ne gleda ko
pripada kojoj naciji i svi su podjednaki sportisti, a sport nema naciju",
rekao nam je gospodin Jovanovi}, ina~e
dugogodi{wi sportski aktivista.
Mladi svih uzrasta dolaze u ovaj
klub, a samo oni najboqi mo}i }e da
budu registrovani ~lanovi i da se
takmi~e na raznim turnirima. No, ni
onim lo{ijim igra~ima ne}e biti
uskra}eno pravo da se i daqe bave
ovim sportom. Kako nam je rekla
Zoranova koleginica gospo|a Aj{e
Ta}i, za sada im je ciq da se {to
vi{e mladih ukqu~i u sportska
de{avawa koja se redovno odr`avaju u
Kamenici, a i {ire.
"Radimo mnogo sa mladim sportskim amaterima i zaista imamo dobru
saradwu sa svima wima. Na{a
op{tina stalno organizuje takmi~ewa
u svim sportskim disciplinama.
Primera radi, u junu ove godine,
imali smo turnir na kojem je u~estvovalo 20 albanskih i srpskih ekipa, i pro{li smo bez ikakvih
problema", kazala je gospo|a Ta}i.
Stoni tenis je opravdano opisan kao "brzi {ah". Mentalna
pripravnost uzrokovana takti~kim izazovima stonog tenisa je
posebno korisna za starije. Sposobnost koncentracije na primenu
odre|ene taktike je od koristi za sve uzraste. Ovo je jedan od
retkih sportova u kojima veli~ina, godine i pol ne predstavqaju bitne takmi~arske faktore. Upravo zbog toga ovi
aspekti su u~inili stoni tenis najpopularnijim sportom na
svetu uz slogan: "stoni tenis:
bilo ko, bilo kad, bilo gde".
nastavak na strani 38
ith the beginning of the new Millennium, the world
around us is constantly being computerised, and the
tempo of life is a lot faster compared to the past. This
leaves the parents with little time for control and education of
their children. Young people, when not in school, they spend their
time on the computer or outside on the street and when the street
becomes an everyday residence for the young, then we can
assume what these young people are growing.
Kamenica is one of the cities in Kosovo that has set up a goal
for itself to keep the young occupied with sport activities and
eliminate the option of the street becoming their second home.
Founders of multiethnic Table Tennis club "Kamenica"; Milica
Vasic, Ajshe Thaqi and Zoran Jovanovic accepted a difficult task,
but they are counting on the support from the city, young people
and sport institutions. The initiative of these enthusiasts is not
demanding but it could be significant in life and in out of class
activities of young Roma, Serbian
and Albanian children in this
People around the world
play Table Tennis for the sake of
physical exercise, recreation, and
emotional discharge. Easily comprehended and subdued in our
country, Table Tennis offers many
advantages for professionals,
being the reason why it is practiced around the world.
Unfortunately, in Kosovo this sport
does not expand to that extent.
The initiative and a wish of a
group of young people and incumbents in charge of sport and youth
in Kamenica municipality, is to
found a club which would be a start for more organised and
extensive activities, makes sense - they want for this club to be
the initial core for the young people, who one day could be a part
of sports society in Kosovo or elsewhere to get together.
According to Mr. Zoran Jovanovic, who is the coordinator
for sport in Kamenica municipality: The Table Tennis club was
officially registered on January 15th 2009, this club has around
30 members. The location of the first club is in the village of
Kololec (for Serbian children), second is in the village of
Hodonovce (for Albanian children) and the third is where all
members get together (registered and not registered), is the
youth centre in Kamenica. "Our priority is to get young people
active, to give them an opportunity to make friends, and to
play, to stay away from the street and different vices. We simply want them to use the extra energy they have in sport
instead of drugs and alcohol. At the club we do not look at who
belongs to which nation, everyone is equal sportsperson, and
sport does not have a nation," said Mr. Jovanovic who is for
many years a outstanding footballer.
Young people of all ages come to this club, but only the talented ones get to be registered as members and take part in different tournaments, but even less talented players can come to
the club and enjoy playing Table Tennis. As Mrs. Ajshe Thaqi,
Zoran co-worker told us; our aim is to get as many young people
interested in sports events, which regularly take place in
Kamenica or elsewhere. "We work a lot with young sport amateurs and we really have good cooperation with them all. We, the
municipality, constantly organise competitions in different sports.
For example; in June, this year, we organised competitions in all
sports where 20 Albanian and Serbian teams have participated,
everything went without any problems," said Mrs. Thaqi.
Table Tennis was justifiably characterised as "Fast Chess".
Mental readiness caused by the tactical challenges of Table
Tennis is particularly useful for elders. Ability to concentrate and
implement tactics is of use to all ages. This is one of rare sports,
where size, age and gender do not represent significant competitive factor. For these reasons, Table Tennis became one of the
most popular sports in the world under the slogan: "Table Tennis:
Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere."
continued on page 39
Assistant coach at the Youth
Pomo}nik glavnog trenera u Omladinskom centru
takmi~arskih rezultata onih koji se tome vi{e posvete.
"Kamenica", [aban Rexepi, kazao nam je da svakog dana trenira
Trener Marko Stevanovi} radi u ovom klubu od samog osnisa decom od 10 do 12 sati. Po wegovim re~ima, deca se dobro
vawa, i ka`e da ve} vidi talenat u jednom {esnaestogodi{waku
sla`u, dolaze redovno i zajedno igraju stoni tenis.
Lazary \eli}u, koji je na nedavno odr`anom seniorskom
"Mi smo tu da ih podstaknemo na dru`ewe i da
turniru u Ranilugu osvojio drugo mesto.
ih nau~imo kako se igra stoni tenis. Kada
"Va`no je to {to deca nisu na ulici i pravilno
prave ekipe, nije bitno ko s kim igra,
se razvijaju. A svako od te dece ima pojediozn rt u ri
s, spo
to uop{te ne gledaju i ne prave rana~ni uspeh na nekim odr`anim jednodnevim
zliku me|u nacijama. Hteo bih da i
turnirima. Savetovao bih svim mladima da
ni pong, a ili u rek stoni o
St ing
ostala deca na Kosovu praktikuju
se bave bilo kojim sportom, jer }e na taj
e d udara azvoj 899. enst m
1 prv
ao akm icu
ovo, jer jedino tako mogu imati
na~in ste}i veliki broj prijateqa, ma
e t pt
eni koj
boqu budu}nost", izjavio je
koje nacionalnosti oni bili."
e s ji lo ni t gles arod dine, na
ko a ko sto u En |un . go rod nisk o
gospodin Rexepi, koji pripada
Na prostorima biv{e Jugoslavije
romskoj nacionalnosti.
ovaj sport je imao lepu tradiciju;
igr olu apo~e liko do 19 me|u tono koj. P je
U porodici sportova
Gazi}, [tadler i Milorad @ivanovi}
na sa je e. Ne 190 `ava Prvi Engl r`a arod
stoni tenis je specifi~na
bili su u redu najpoznatijih jugoslou
te . god o je su od enis 921. nisu Me|
sportska disciplina; igra
stonotenisera, i to u stua
je i t va
19 dr` 25.
se na malom prostoru i na
dentskim danima. Ovo je jedan od
o 2-19 u sto ovan ston osno ITTF
osn o u
191 wa
oko je veoma jednostavan.
najrazvijenijih sportova u Kini,
od mi~e vetu nstv ada j derac
k fe
To je vrlo slo`ena i zahteJapanu,
Koreji, Rusiji, i u ve}ini
t ez
pr onu
vna sportska aktivnost, jer
evropskih zemaqa. Poznato je da je
sav tsko Lond enisk
podrazumeva u istom trenutku
preko "ping-pong diplomatije" otvoren
sve 26. u onot
19 a st
fizi~ko, umno i ~ulno
i proces poboq{awa me|udr`avnih
anga`ovawe. Brzina i ma{toviodnosa izme|u SAD i Kine.
tost su posebne odlike, reakcije su
Mo`da }e ovaj sport i na Kosovu ujedinitenutne i nema prostora za
ti sve mlade qude?! Nikad se ne zna, mo`da i
razmi{qawe. Mora se delovati intuicijom,
u stonoteniskom klubu "Kamenica" postoje
razumom, nogama, rukama, o~ima, i sve to opet spojiti i
neki neotkriveni talenti koji }e jednoga
harmonizovati u akciju koja daje rezultat. Zbog tih osobidana zablistati na nekoj od svetskih
na, to je sport idealan za rekreaciju, ali i za ostvarewe
Centre Saban Redzepi said that he trains with children every day
working in the club since it formed and he tells us that he noticed
between 10:00 and 12:00 hours, the children get along very well,
that one boy in the club is talented for this sport, his name is
they play Table Tennis together and they come to practices on a
Lazar Delic, and he came second on the tournament for senior
regular basis. "We are here to incite friendship, to teach
players in the village of Ranilug.
them to play Table Tennis. When they make teams,
"The important thing here is that the children are
it does not matter, who plays whom, they don't
not on the street, and they develop properly,
s kno
mind and they are not making any differthey all have their individual successes on
com port wn a Ten
pet whe s Pin nis,
ences based on nationality. I would like if
different small tournaments. I would like
na a T
all the children in Kosovo are practicing
to give advice to young people to play
En ted i able they wo o Pong o
this, because that is the way to a betsport, because this is one of the
too gland n the Tenn hit th r fou is a
and k pla . Se peri s Ta e ba pla
ter future," stated Mr. Redzepi who
ways to make a lot of friends of difo
Ch 191 ce be eral d fro ble. T l with ers
is Roma by nationality.
ferent nationality." In former
am 5 th
Ten pio
ere een erna 189 le T rac
In the sport's family Table
Yugoslavia this sport had a good
Fir nis le ship were 1904 tiona 9 to 1 ennis ket
Tennis is a specific sport and can
tradition, Gazic, Stadler and
be played in a relatively small
Milorad Zivanovic are among the
i192 orld e for Tabl Inte d 191 amp in
Tab 6 a Cha med e Te rnat 2, b ions
space. It looks simple but in fact,
most famous Yugoslavian Table
le T the
it is a complex and demanding
Tennis players, and we should
enn sa pions 192 is. T al
en ps
is F me
sport, because it requires simultamention them because they
ede time p too n Eng first
neous physical, mental and sensory
became famous while they were
ion when plac and. able
engagement. Speed and imagination
still students. Table Tennis is one
Int e in The
ITT rnati Lond
are special characteristics, reactions
of the most popular sports in
ini nal
are instant and there is no time for
Japan, Korea, Russia and
reflection, player must act with its intumost of the European countries. It is
ition, intellect, legs, hands and eyes all
a known fact that trough "ping-pong"
must be harmonised in to action that result in
diplomacy a process of improving interwining a point. Because of these characterisstate relationship between USA and China.
tics, this sport is ideal for recreation but also
Maybe this sport unites all young people in
for achieving competitive results for those
Kosovo. And you never know, maybe in the Table Tennis
who are more dedicated.
club "Kamenica" there are undiscovered talents that will one
Coach Marko Stevanovic has been
day shine at one of the World Olympics?!
organizaciji Saveta Evrope 20. oktobra u Pri{tini, a 21.
oktobra u Mitrovici po~ela je kampawa "Izjasni se protiv
diskriminacije". Bez sumwe, najupe~atqiviji trenutak po~etka
ove kampawe bio je dolazak reprezentativca francuskog
nacionalnog fudbalskog tima Lilijana Turama. Izbor francuskog
fudbalera i svetske ikone za po~etak ove kampawe nije bilo iznena|ewe. Turam je neprekidno bio ukqu~en u borbu protiv negativnih
pojava, kao {to su diskriminacija, rasizam i ksenofobija. Wegovo
iznenanadno povla~ewe iz aktivnog igrawa fudbala u junu 2008.
godine desilo se zbog toga {to se otkrilo da on ima problema sa
srcem, pa se sada wegova borba protiv ovakvih pojava odvija kroz
Fondaciju Liliana Turama "Obrazovawem protiv diskriminacije" uz
podr{ku organizacije "Sport bez granica" u kojoj je on predsednik.
Tokom prvog dana posete Pri{tini, Turam se sastao sa grupom
mladih ambasadora koji su tokom letwih meseci bili u~esnici
letweg multietni~kog kampa organizovanog od strane NVO
"Aurora", a uz podr{ku Saveta Evrope. Nakon sastanka, Turam je
u~estvovao na konferenciji za medije na kojoj je zajedno sa
gospo|om Henrijetom @erard iz Saveta Evrope predstavio neke od
osnovnih aspekata kampawe protiv diskriminacije. Kako su na konferenciji rekli, organizacija ove kampawe je na nivou cele
Evrope, a sli~ne akivnosti su ve} odr`ane tokom 2009. godine u
evropskim metropolama poput: Pariza, Madrida, Milana, Rima
Lisabona, Moskve, Qubqane, Barselone i dr.
Glavna poruka kampawe je: diskriminacija je zlo~in, a vi
mo`ete biti slede}a `rtva ili svedok, zato, izjasni se protiv
diskriminacije. Gospo|a @erard je zatim govorila i objasnila da
ova kampawa ima tri glavna ciqa: da se stru~waci za medije
obu~e u vezi sa vestima o diskriminaciji i intelektualnom dijalogu, da pomognu da se glas mawina ~uje, tako {to }e im pru`iti
priliku da pri|u medijima i da se javno mwewe obavesti o
antidiskriminacionim polisama.
Sa druge strane, Lilian Turam je objasnio da, na`alost,
diskriminacija ima druga~ije forme i da se javqa u svim kulturama
{irom sveta. On je tako|e opisao vreme kada je kao jedan od najboqih svetskih fudbalera bio, u vi{e navrata, `rtva diskriminacije. Svi smo mi isti i niko nije ro|en kao diskriminator, rasista ili ksenofob, ali na sve to uti~e porodica i dru{tvo u kom odrastamo. Zato je veoma va`no da
uradimo sve {to je u na{oj mo}i
da slede}oj generaciji
vaspitawe, gde nema
pedrasuda o rasi,
religiji, etni~koj pripadnosti, polu ili
bilo kojoj drugoj
razlici koja mo`da
postoji. Jedan od
najboqih na~ina da se
ovo postigne jeste kroz
dru`ewe i ukqu~ivawe
mladih u me|uetni~ke
sportske aktivnosti,
{to je vi{e mogu}e, jer
je sport najboqi na~in
da se grade mostovi
prijateqstva. Ovo je
potvr|eno ve} slede}eg
dana u Mitrovici, kada
su se mladi Albanci,
Srbi, Bo{waci i Romi
okupili da do~ekaju
ovog sportistu i
ambasadora mira. Ovom
prilikom Turam nije
oklevao da obu~e svoju
sportsku opremu i da
u~estvuje u igri zajedno sa ovim mladim entuzijastima. Na kraju sportskih aktivnosti odr`ana je konferencija za medije, tako|e u Mitrovici.
Turam je izrazio potrebu da omladina nastavi da sara|uje zajedno, bez gledawa na razlike.
U kratkom intervjuu koji je ekipa na{eg magazina napravila sa
gospodinom Turamom, on je izrazio zadovoqstvo stavovima i ta~kama
gledi{ta mladih Kosovaca, sa kojima je imao priliku da se sastane.
Kako je on rekao - mladi na Kosovu su kao i mladi {irom sveta, i
oni imaju mnoge snove. Zato je savetovao mlade da stalno rade na
tome da ispune svoje snove i odrastu u zdravoj okolini,
tako {to }e uvek misliti pozitivno. [tavi{e,
najva`nije je da je posavetovao mlade qude da
budu sre}ni onim {to jesu
i zadovoqni svojim
n October 20 and 21, in Prishtinë, respectively in Mitrovicë, marked
the beginning of the "Speak out Against Discrimination" campaign
organized by the Council of Europe. Without any doubt, the key
moment of the beginning of this campaign was the arrival of the representative of the French National Football Team, Lilian Thuram. The selection of
the French footballer and world icon to mark the commencement of this
campaign didn't come as a surprise at all. Thuram has constantly been
engaged against negative phenomena, such as discrimination, racism and
xenophobia since his sudden retirement from active football in June of 2008,
due to the discovery of a heart problem. His fight against such phenomena
is done through the creation of the Lilian Thuram Foundation - "Education
against Racism", and with the support of "Sports without Borders" organization, where he is also the President of the organization.
During his first day of his visit to Prishtina, Thuram initially met with a
group of young ambassadors, who during the summer months were participants in the multiethnic camp organized by the NGO "Aureola", with the
Support of the Council of Europe. After this meeting, Thuram took part in a
press conference, where together with Mrs. Henriette Girard from the
Council of Europe, presented some of the key aspects of the anti-discrimination campaign. According to them, the organizing of the campaign is a PanEuropean initiative and similar activities that have already been held
throughout 2009 in other European centers, such as: Paris, Rome, Milan,
Madrid, Lisbon, Moscow, Ljubljana, Barcelona, etc.
"The main message of our campaign is: Discrimination is a crime, and
you can be the next victim or witness, therefore speak out against discrimination," Mrs. Girard then spoke and she explained that this campaign has
three main goals: to train the media experts about news relating to discrimination and intercultural dialogue, to help in hearing the voice of the minorities, by creating opportunities to approach the media, and to inform the public opinion about the anti-discrimination policies.
On the other hand, Lilian Thuram explained that unfortunately discrimination has different forms and it is present throughout the world and in all the
cultures. Lilian Thuram also described the time
when he as one of the best football players in the world,
repeatedly a victim of discrimination. But we are all the same and none of us
is born as a discriminator, racist or a xenophobe, but all of these are influenced by the family and the society we grow up in, so, it is very important to
do everything that is in our power in order to give the next generations a
healthy up-bringing, where there are no prejudgments due to a person's
race, religion, ethnicity, gender or any kind of differences that might exist.
One of the best ways to achieve this is through socializing and engagement
of the youngsters in interethnic sports activities as much as possible,
because sport is the best way to build bridges of friendship. This was proven
the very next day in the city of Mitrovicë, where young Albanians, Serbs,
Bosniaks and Roma gathered to welcome this sportsman and ambassador
of peace. On this occasion, Thuram didn't hesitate to put on his sports wear
and become part of the game of these young enthusiasts. At the end of the
sports activities, a press conference was held also in Mitrovicë, Thuram
emphasized the need for the youth to continue to cooperate with one another, without looking at their differences.
In a short interview that our magazine obtained with Mr. Thuram, he
expressed his satisfaction about the stances and viewpoints of the young
Kosovars, who he had the opportunity to meet. According to him, the
young people of Kosovo are like all the other young people in
the world, and they too have many dreams. Therefore, he
advised the youth to constantly work, in order to fulfill their
dreams and grow up in a healthy environment, by always thinking
positively. Furthermore, the most important thing is that he advised
the young people to be happy with themselves,
and be satisfied with their accomplishments.
Milena Ili} (18)
U~enica sam
Ekonomskotrgovinske {kole u
Lapqem Selu i moje
je mi{qewe da
prirodu mo`emo
tako {to
svoju `ivotnu
bismo da
pa`wu gde
bacamo sme}e
i da redovno imamo
akcije ~i{}ewa
prirode. Svim sredwo{kolcima bih
poru~ila da obrate
pa`wu na ova vrlo
va`na pitawa i da
revnosnije ~iste
Milena Ivic (18)
I'm a student in the
Secondary Economy
and Trade school in
Laplje Selo, and it is
my opinion that we
can protect nature
by not polluting our
environment. We
should pay
to where
we throw
and have
activities for cleaning nature. I would
like to send a message to all students
to pay more attention to these very
important issues and
to more eagerly
clean nature.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu
KFOR poruku.
Marija Milovanovi} (18)
Priroda je sve ono {to nas
okru`uje i mi smo neraskidivo vezani za wu. Mislim
da je jedini na~in da
za{titimo prirodu ako
obratimo pa`wu gde bacamo
sme}e! Trebala bi
da se okupi jedna
grupa qudi kojoj
treba objasniti
kako se treba
pona{ati prema
prirodi, jer ne
mo`e se
obja{wavati pojedincima. Stawe
`ivotne okoline na
Kosovu danas, tj.
sva ova ne~isto}a - to je jednostavno odraz na{e kulture. Mislim da svaki
~ovek treba da zna kako da
se pona{a prema `ivotnoj
okolini, a to znawe se
prvenstveno "nosi od ku}e",
tj. ono se zadobija kao
osnovno ku}no vaspitawe.
Marija Milovanovic (18)
Nature is everything that
surrounds us and we are
unbreakably tied to nature.
I think that the only way we
can protect nature is to pay
more attention where we
throw garbage!
We should
gather up a
group of people
and explain to
them how to
take care of
nature since it
cannot be
explained to
individuals. The
state of the
environment in Kosovo
today, all the filthiness, is
simply the reflection of our
culture. I think that everyone should know how to
behave towards the environment, and this knowledge basically comes from
family education.
Lazar Stevi} (18)
Ja mislim da bismo, ako
`elimo da o~uvamo svoje
`ivotno okru`ewe,
trebali da pazimo
gde bacamo sme}e.
Prostor ispred
svojih dvori{ta
trebali bismo da
redovno ~istimo.
Mislim da bi u
svakom selu trebalo da bude vi{e
kontejnera za sme}e
i da bi svi qudi trebali
da bacaju sme}e u wih, a ne
pored wih! @alosno je da
qudi na Kosovu to jo{ nisu
Lazar Stevic (18)
I think that we should, if we
want to save our environment, watch
where we throw
garbage. We
should clean frequently the area
around our yards
and I think that
there should be
more garbage
containers in
every village, and
that people should use them
to throw garbage in them
and not next to them! It's
sad that people in Kosovo
have not yet learned that…
Mirjana Kiti} (18)
Prirodu mo`emo za{tititi prvenstveno podizawem nivoa
na{e li~ne kulture i svesti o va`nosti ~istog `ivotnog
okru`ewa. Svako od nas ponaosob mora da pazi kako se
pona{a prema svom `ivotnom okru`ewu, a kasnije moramo
pokazati i ostalim qudima da neki na~ini pona{awa nisu u
redu. Potrebno je pribaviti odre|ena sredstva koja bi nam
mogla pomo}i u o~uvawu ~iste prirode, kao npr. korpe za
|ubre i kontejnere. Kakvo je sada stawe na Kosovu, mislim
da na{a `ivotna okolina li~i na jednu omawu deponiju!
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
Milena Maksimovi} (18)
Ja sam iz sela
Radeva. Po meni,
jedan od najve}ih
problema na Kosovu
jeste zaga|ivawe
Poboq{awem svoje
li~ne kulture
mo`emo u velikoj
meri za{titi prirodu. Kada bismo
mawe koristili
automobile, reciklirali
sme}e i pazili gde ga bacamo,
onda bismo mogli efektnije
da za{titimo prirodu. A, i
bilo koji slu~ajni prolaznik
imao bi ispred sebe mnogo
lep{i i prijatniji prizor.
Nije ba{ lepo gledati drvo
"oki}eno" prqavim, plasti~nim kesama, zar ne?
Milena Maksimovic (18)
I live in the village
of Radevo. I think
that one of the
biggest problems
in Kosovo is pollution. By improving
our individual culture we can, in
many ways, protect nature. If we
were to: use cars
less, recycle
garbage, and watch where we
throw garbage, we would be
able to protect nature more
effectively. And in any case,
the people walking around
would have a better and more
pleasant view in front of them.
It's not very nice to look at a
tree "decorated" with filthy
plastic bags, is it?
Mirjana Kitic (18)
We can protect nature firstly by raising the level of our individual culture and awareness about the
importance of clean living environment. Every
one of us individually has to watch how it acts
towards environment, and later on we have
to show other people that their behaviour is
not good. It is necessary to get resources
that would be helpful in preserving a clean
nature, like for example garbage cans and
containers for placing garbage in. With the
present situation in Kosovo, I think our environment looks like a small garbage dump!
1. One’s relatives
4. ___ bean
8. Connect
12. Out __ limb (2
13. Blacksmith’s
14. Voluntary worker
15. Bursting balloon
16. Retained
17. Chopped cabbage
18. Python, e.g.
20. Fodder tower
22. Groom’s affirmation (2 wds)
24. Preposterous
28. Londoner informally
31. Benevolent
34. Build a trench
35. Charged atoms
36. Star pitcher
37. Crowd
38. Rental ad abbr.
39. Some voice
40. Bible book after
41. Warehouse
43. Mineo or Maglie
45. Reverse, for one
48. Bible song
52. Lion’s “meow”
55. Letter opening
57. Formerly named
58. Unoccupied
59. Interoffice note
60. Abby’s twin
61. Low grades
62. Outer covering
63. Lincoln’s son
1. The Keystone ___
2. Sharing a secret
(2 wds)
3. California wine
4. Enjoyed
5. Vexation
6. Floor cleaners
7. Against (prefix)
8. “Argo” captain
9. Grease
10. Actress Lupino
11. Partner of
19. Young foxes
21. Pot cover
23. Not that great
25. Eden man
26. El __ (weather
27. Dyed Easter
28. Tweety or
29. Tiber city
30. Clouseau’s rank
32. Chill
33. Gangbuster Eliot
37. Females
39. Munched on
42. Shrek et al.
44. Cook’s wear
46. Navy bigwigs
47. Smell
49. Med. sch. Course
50. Singer Home
51. Darn socks
52. Disencumber
53. Keats work
54. Pub pint purchase
56. Friend (Fr.)
Savremeni ~ovek misli da
gubi ne{to - vreme kada ne obavqa poslove
brzo, pa ipak ne zna
{ta da radi sa vremenom koje dobija kada
poslove obavi brzo osim da ga "ubija".
Erik From (1900-1980)
ameri~ki psiholog
Modern man thinks he loses
something - time - when
he does not do things
quickly. Yet he does not
know what to do with
the time he gains -except kill it.
Erich Fromm (1900-1980), American
Moramo da koristimo
vreme kao alat, a ne
kao sofu.
Xon F. Kenedi
35. predsednik SAD
We must use time as a tool,
not as a couch.
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963),
Thirty-fifth President
of the USA
U realnosti, qudi mogu
da imaju vremena za
ono {to `ele da rade;
nije vreme ono {to im
fali, ve} voqa.
Ser Xon Lubok
dr`avnik, bankar,
In truth, people can generally make time for
what they choose to
do; it is not really the
time but the will that
is lacking.
Sir John Lubbock (1834-1913), British
Statesman, Banker,
Toliko vremena provedemo u
pripremama, rutini i
toliko puno u gledawu u
pro{lost da je koli~ina
genijalnosti jedne osobe
ograni~ena na samo nekoliko ~asova.
Ralf Valdo Emerson
ameri~ki pesnik, esejista
So much of our time is spent in
preparation, so much in
routine, and so much in
retrospect, that the
amount of each person's
genius is confined to a
very few hours.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- (1803-1882), American Poet,
Ni{ta nije vrednije od
jednog dana.
Johan Volfgang von
Gete (1749-1832)
nema~ki pesnik, dramaturg, romanopisac
Nothing is to be rated higher
than the value of the day.
Johann Wolfgang Von
Goethe - (1749-1832),
German Poet, Dramatist,
Uspeh u ve}ini slu~ajeva
zavisi od spoznaje koliko
Vam je vremena potrebno
da biste uspeli.
[arl de Monteskije
(1689-1755) francuski
pravnik, politi~ki filozof
Success in the majority of
circumstances depends
on knowing how long it
takes to succeed.
Charles De Montesquieu (1689-1755), French Jurist,
Political Philosopher
Ako je vreme dragoceno,
nijedna kwiga koja ne
postaje boqa sa svakim
ponovnim ~itawem ne
zaslu`uje da bude
pro~itana nijednom.
Tomas Karlil (1795-1881)
{kotski filozof, autor
If time is precious, no
book that will not
improve by repeated
reading deserves to be
read at all.
Thomas Carlyle - (17951881), Scottish
Philosopher, Author
Vreme je jaha~ koji kroti
Xorx Herbert (1593-1633)
britanski metafizi~ki
Time is the rider that
breaks youth.
George Herbert (1593-1633), British
Metaphysical Poet
Vreme prolazi, ka`e{?
O, ne! Avaj, vreme
stoji, a mi prolazimo.
Henri Osti Dobson
britanski autor
Time goes, you say? Ah,
no! Alas, Time stays,
we go.
Henry Austin
Dobson (1840-1921),
British Author
Kada ~ovek sedi sa lepom
devojkom, jedan sat izgleda kao minut. Me|utim,
ako ga pustite da sedi na
vreloj pe}i jedan minut onda je to du`e nego
bilo koji sat. To je relativnost!
Albert Ajn{tajn
ameri~ki fizi~ar ro|en
u Nema~koj
When a man sits
with a pretty girl
for an hour, it
seems like a
minute. But let him
sit on a hot stove
for a minute -- then it's
longer than any hour.
That's relativity!
Albert Einstein - (1879-1955),
German-born American
Ni{ta vredno ne}e biti
izgubqeno ako radite
Abraham Linkoln
16. predsednik SAD
Postoji vreme za rad i
vreme za qubav. To vam ne
ostavqa vremena ni za
{ta drugo.
Koko [anel (1883-1971)
francuska modna
Nothing valuable can
be lost by taking
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
Sixteenth President
of the USA
There is a time for
work and a time for
love. That leaves no
other time.
Coco Chanel - (18831971), French
Dok ne po~nemo da
upravqamo vremenom, ne
mo`emo da upravqamo
ni~im drugim.
Piter F. Draker
ameri~ki konsultant
za menaxment, autor
Until we can manage
TIME, we can manage
nothing else.
Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005),
Consultant, Author
Mi spavamo, ali razboj
`ivota nikada ne staje i
{ara koju tka kada sunce
zalazi, tka i ujutru kada
sunce izlazi.
Henri Vard Bicer
ameri~ki propovednik,
govornik, pisac
We sleep, but the loom of
life never stops, and the
pattern which was weaving when the sun went
down is weaving when it
comes up in the morning.
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), American
Preacher, Orator, Writer
Moja omiqena muzi~ka grupa je "Van
Gog", ~iji bih poster volela da
objavite. Omiqeni glumac mi je
Ventvort Miler; od sportova volim da
igram odbojku i fudbal, a slobodno
vreme provodim sa prijateqima i
slu{aju}i muziku. Volela bih da
objavqujete vi{e informacija o poznatim stranim li~nostima, a tako|e bih
`elela da pi{ete i o Ani Ivanovi} i
Novaku \okovi}u, jer mislim da su oni
do sada puno toga postigli u `ivotu.
Maksimovi} Milena
"Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola" Lapqe Selo
Za po~etak da ka`em da mi se mnogo
svi|a magazin "For Ju". Od peva~ica
volim da slu{am Nata{u Bekvalac; moj
omiqeni glumac je Nikola \uri~ko, a
od sportova volim odbojku. Svoje slobodno vreme provodim "surfuju}i" po
internetu. Volela bih da se bavim
modernim plesom, ali nemam uslova za
Kiti} Mirjana
"Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola" Lapqe Selo
Ja se zovem Marija i iz Gra~anice sam.
U slobodno vreme {etam sa svojim pri-
jateqima. Tako|e idem u pozori{te i
to mi je jedini hobi. Nikol [izinger
je moja omiqena peva~ica, a od glumica
volim An|elina @oli. Volela bih da
objavite Madonin poster. Slu{am Va{e
top liste i mislim da su "kul".
Omiqeni sport mi je odbojka, a volela
bih da napi{ete ne{to o Jeleni
Milovanovi} Marija
"Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola" Lapqe Selo
Od peva~ica najvi{e volim da slu{am
Britni Spirs, a volim i da slu{am
Va{e top liste - mislim da su "kul".
An|elina @oli mi je omiqena glumica, a zaista bih volela da objavite
wen poster. Svoje slobodno vreme
provodim na internetu. [to se sporta
ti~e, najvi{e volim vaterpolo, a posebno me interesuju trke formule 1.
Pozdrav svima!
Stevi} Lazar
"Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola" Lapqe Selo
Pozdrav svima!
Omiqena glumica mi je Penelop Kruz,
a `elela bih da objavite poster 50
Cent-a. Volim da slu{am Nikol
[izinger, kao i "4U" Top liste. Tenis
je jedan od mojih omiqenih sportova;
slobodno vreme uglavnom
provodim sa prijateqima izlazimo na razna mesta,
dru`imo se... jednom re~ju u`ivamo. Volela bih da vi{e
pi{ete o `ivotu poznatih li~nosti:
doma}ih i stranih.
Ivi} Milena
"Ekonomsko-trgovinska {kola" Lapqe Selo
Redovno ~itam magazin "For Ju" i mislim da je odli~an! Moj omiqeni bend
je "Niklbek" i najvi{e volim wihov
CD "Far Avej". Svakako, slu{am i
Va{e top liste i po meni su odli~ne.
Lindzi Lohan je glumica koja mi se
najvi{e svi|a, a htela bih da objavite
poster grupe "HiM". U slobodno vreme
slu{am muziku, a od sportova volim
odbojku i ko{arku.
Nikoli} Nenad
Gimnazija - Lapqe Selo
Ja sam Du{an iz Lipqana. Od glumica
mi se najvi{e svi|a An|elina @oli,
a u Va{em magazinu bih voleo da
vidim poster grupe "AC/DC". Imam
svoj bend sa kojim u slobodno vreme
ve`bam i sviramo gde god nas pozovu.
Simijonovi} Du{an
Gimnazija - Lapqe Selo
Peva~ica koja se meni najvi{e dopada jeste Avril Laviw, a moj
najomiqeniji album je "Let Go"
(uglavnom slu{am stranu muziku). Od
glumaca najvi{e volim Xonija Depa
i volela bih da objavite poster
Enrike Iglesijasa. [to se sportova
ti~e, najvi{e volim fudbal i odbojku, a slobodno vreme provodim
{etaju}i i dopisuju}i se sms
Stefanovi} An|ela
- Lapqe Selo
My favourite music group is "Van
Gogh"; I would like you to publish
their poster. My favourite actor is
Wentworth Miller, I like to play volleyball and football, and I spend my free
time listening to music or with my
friends. I would like to ask you would
publish more information about
celebrities from all around the world,
also I would like if you would write
more about Ana Ivanovic and Novak
Djokovic because I think they have
achieved a lot in their lives.
Maksimovic Milena
Economy and Trade school Laplje Selo
To start with, I would like to say that I
like your magazine "For You" a lot! I
like to listen to singer Natasa
Bekvalac, my favourite actor is Nikola
Djuricko, and my favourite sport is
volleyball. I spend my free time surfing the internet. I would like to
engage myself in modern dancing,
but I have no conditions to do so.
Kitic Mirjana
Economy and Trade school Laplje selo
My name is Marija and I'm from
Gracanica. In my free time I like to
walk with my friends. I also go to the
theatre and that's my only hobby.
Nicole Scherzinger is my favourite
singer, I like Angelina Jolie; she is my
favourite actress. I would like you to
publish a poster of Madonna. I listen
to your top charts, and I think they are
cool. My favourite sport is volleyball. I
would also like if you could write
something about Jelena Karleusa.
Milovanovic Marija
Economy and Trade school Laplje selo
I like to listen to Britney Spears, and
your top charts - I think they are cool.
Angelina Jolie is my favourite actress,
I would like to ask you if you could
publish her poster. I spend my free
time surfing the internet. My favourite
sport is Water polo, and I'm especially
interested in the Formula 1 races.
Greetings to everyone!
Stevic Lazar
Economy and Trade school Laplje Selo
Hi everyone!
My favourite actress is Penelope
Cruz, and I would like if you could
publish a poster of 50 Cent. I like listening to Nicole Scherzinger. Tennis
is one of my favourite
sports. I spend my free time
mainly with my friends - we go
out to different places, we hang
out… in one word - we enjoy it. I
would like if you would write more
about the life of celebrities: domestic
and foreign.
Ivic Milena
Economy and Trade school Laplje Selo
I frequently read your magazine "For
You" and I think that it's great! My
favourite band is Nickleback and I like
their CD "Far Away." I also listen to
your top charts, and I think they are
great. Lindsay Lohan is the actress I
am most fond of, and I would like you
to publish the poster of the band
"HIM." In my free time I listen to
music and my favourite sports are
volleyball and basketball.
Nikolic Nenad
Gymnasium - Laplje Selo
My name is Dusan and I'm from
Lipljan. I like the actress Angelina
Jolie, and I would like to see the
poster of the band "AC/DC" in your
magazine. I am in a band and in my
free time we practice and we play
we are invited to play.
Simijonovic Dusan
Gymnasium - Laplje Selo
The singer I like the most is Avril
Lavigne and her album "Let Go" is
my favourite album (I listen to foreign
music most of the time). My favourite
actor is Johnny Depp and I would like
you to publish a poster of Enrique
Iglesias. I like football and volleyball,
and in my free time I spend it walking
and sending SMS to my friends.
Stefanovic Andjela
- Laplje Selo