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& & " No...\.\.\ nly s vrsHw4vrpYALA yj:^pllA spuR(c.c.) c.rt.ur uiiu#;;;" "g**:pA 2ooe No.25or2ooe) ze,tt./Adn./20r4. I ORDEIT on .the recommenfatio3s.of*Local splection commit ]!j;:::1,ff;i;;"r" invitedfor teachine candidate(s) (as in the",,r.;^^*rtj,?,,^-tllowils. ---------- ,tarue oI the recommettded Candidates !\nr.- ^ ^ n,'-- Dr, Ram pratup yadav Mr. awadeshKilar Mr. Vivek4umarE;nA or. RajKuryaiGoG sublects/ DepilffiilG lqlilgut SGenc, Political3.i6; lglitigqtfir"* PoliticatScG;c, lglitical Sii"".. Terms & Conditions: _ atanvtime withour assignin ] i!,,,"X s any 2 rui:i^{l'113ffii,1,tril,Tf;t"0,;j;;."*inued ffi,TJHilr"Fi1,n' sinrhe ilff co'cemed #U,'*l*:;l"l51,. anv absence-fioorthis orier J,ny l. "ffi:Ti;.lasi 4 ",ijil;.#ljTfj5,11t:.:{t.:re lT:n*"J"'"'#ji*J#ftil[1fi1n decidedby fgtr*rr*:i:l'rave 5' In caseof anvdispute rh; il;;;ngf rle vrr.-ciu*eilor wifl befinar Procedure & Mode,oriuy*'oi'-"irr. andbinding H.uo atte'dance n.p"ri*.r,r]*iu ,.na ihe monthry records*a puy_juru^_irt, orJrr.i"ri.-.. directly to financ ir,r.u.rrinJ;;;^j"re F,!r.;;* by the candidates recorduno,*,in,;:,."'1"#i,'*.'s'ljilf;*lf:#?,'|",i,#Th paymentsthroushcheques urt"t au".approval ffi hffii; ofthe colrelent a'thoritf. Therew'r beno need ;fi:ifil:-.#,'"'.;ffi U*1;,;*lf*t;;1tr*"hffi.lfill*-ioraryofferwitrbek By Order, Copy '' to:- 9] '6 9i Sec.eta'y tovice-chancetor'/p.A,to pro^vice-chanceror forinrorrou,ioi'jtu"t'''l9/16) q s,;; rJ. oil,,*.', !.Pilrtment i,T5u?ffJi::r The candid.t" ... .. _.:..::_ r.'l"r,,r*'jon and necessa,y acrion. tor infbrmationand necessary action. ;;r"id;i ffi;;;;,,,**ffijlli:l**::::3 3: ilfJ'aU:,: rorinrotation *.;y:*"r;: ::,1e, uprouJir,r.;,il""' a'd,..;;;y;;i"". Jff:,ti|H'flif ff H*p,; E:l;" D (