standard - Norwood


standard - Norwood
We’ve got
ar tistic
talent p.11
Spring 2013
Norwood reaches
Staff win
at Spurs! p.14
Our Cycle
ge in
read more p.9
2 Norwood Now
Welcome to Norwood Now. Look out for these Easy English sections at the
top of the page, which contain shorter versions of the stories below.
What’s inside
The difference we make
How we help to change lives
The funds we raise
Highlights from our fundraising activities
The support you give
The job we do
Read our inspiring volunteer stories
Meet the staff who make a difference
A warm welcome to our spring edition of Norwood Now, which will
bring you up to date on our latest news.
Norwood’s vision is to enable people who use our services to
become as independent as possible, which is why inclusion has
been the principal focus of so many of our projects in recent
A message from
the President
Limmud l’am, the Norwood Art Show and our Spurs Norwood
Altogether Project (SNAP) have all been fantastic opportunities to
celebrate the talents and abilities of people supported by Norwood,
whilst introducing them into the wider community.
And in line with this same vision, Somers Court, Norwood’s new
purpose designed block of flats in Edgware, officially opened in
September, equipped with the latest assistive technology to enable
the people who turn to us to lead fulfilling and self-supporting lives.
Norwood has spearheaded many revolutionary developments in the
Jewish community over the years and in October, we pioneered the
first Special Educational Needs (SEN) conference for Jewish schools.
Alongside London Partnerships for Jewish Schools (PaJeS) and
The Board of Deputies, Norwood welcomed 140 representatives,
including governors, head teachers and SENCOs to discuss the
future of specialist education.
But none of this would have been possible without the dedicated
staff and volunteers who support the people who use our services
and the generosity of our donors.
Your support has meant that despite many challenges, our
incredible charity has gone from strength to strength with
amazing success.
Thank you.
Bernie Myers
Chief Executive
Welcome to the new edition of
Norwood Now.
In September, I had the pleasure
of being interviewed by Tania Bryer
as part of our YN Media event at
the London Film Museum in Covent
Garden. The collection of bright
young talent in the room and their
dedication to the future of this great
charity was nothing short of inspirational. We rely on the
community’s younger generations to secure the future of
Norwood and YN is doing an exceptional job in gaining
their support.
As you will read, the guest of honour at our Annual Dinner
in November was leader of the opposition Ed Miliband,
who praised Norwood for its valuable work, paying special
tribute to the ‘extraordinary volunteers’ who contribute so
much. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a huge
thank you myself to all our volunteers and their incredible
commitment to Norwood. The time and energy they devote
to this organisation is invaluable to our staff and the many
people who use our services.
Of course, volunteering is just one of the many ways you can
support this remarkable charity. We need your help, now
more than ever, to help us overcome the financial challenges
we continue to face in our uncertain economy. So please,
help us further shape the future of Norwood and thank you
for everything you do.
Richard Desmond
Front cover image: Emma Lynne taking
part in the YN Abseil Challenge
The photographs of the people we support in Norwood Now are used with subjects’ or parents’ permission.
Norwood • Broadway House • 80-82 The Broadway • Stanmore • HA7 4HB
Copyright © 2013 Norwood
T 020 8809 8809
Registered Charity No. 1059050
Norwood Now 3
Service News: the difference we make
•Norwood launched a car wash staffed by people with learning disabilities in Lewes,
East Sussex.
•Norwood hosted the first Special Educational Needs (SEN) Conference for Jewish schools.
Future Clean now in Lewes!
From left to right - Paul Marshall,
Alexandra Finch and Sam Lewis
Sussex’s first commercial car wash to be exclusively staffed by people
with learning disabilities was officially launched in October. The new
Future Clean site, in Lewes, has been funded by East Sussex County
Council (ESCC) and comes hot-on-the-heels of the project’s success in
Hatch End, London, which has been in operation since last summer.
Based at East Sussex County Council car park in Lewes, the project is
founded on social enterprise principles, which means trainees are taught
important work-skills which will help them to make the transition into their
roles as permanent staff, or into wider employment.
Through the use of biodegradable cleaning fluids, Norwood Future Clean is
an eco-friendly hand valet and car wash, which is virtually waterless and in
line with Norwood’s green credentials.
The UK’s first SEN
conference spearheaded
by Norwood
Norwood, Partnerships for Jewish Schools (PaJeS) and The Board of Deputies,
hosted the first special educational needs (SEN) conference for Jewish schools in
October, at the Jewish World ORT Centre in Camden, London.
The conference welcomed 140
representatives from Jewish schools,
including governors, head teachers
and Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO’s) and featured
workshops in areas including legal
issues and ‘battling the system’.
The morning featured a keynote speech
from André Imich, SEN advisor to the
DfE, who spoke on radical changes
to the landscape of education and
public services and the importance of
partnerships between schools.
Deputy Chair of the Trustee Board at
Norwood, David Ereira who opened the
conference said, “Every child has the
right to reach their full potential and
everyone in this room has the ability
to make that happen. Over the years,
special needs haven’t changed, the only
thing that has changed is our ability to
recognise them.”
Deputy Chair of Trustees, David Ereira
4 Norwood Now
Service News: the difference we make
•Norwood held a Chanukah party for adults who use Norwood’s residential care and
supported living services in London.
•Norwood has opened new flats in Edgware, called Somers Court, for people who can live
on their own with some help.
Dancing the night
away at the Norwood
Chanukah party
More than 200 people who use Norwood’s services got in to
the festive spirit at the charity’s annual Chanukah dinner and
disco at the Jewish Community Secondary School (JCoSS), in
December. Norwood’s Rabbi, Stanley Coten, led the evening’s
menorah lighting ceremony, before guests hit the dance floor.
The party was held for adults who use Norwood’s residential
care and supported living services in London. Members of
Links, and In-Betweeners were also invited.
It was a great opportunity for guests to celebrate the occasion
and meet and make new friends.
Unity and In-Betweeners
recently completed a sixweek Capoeira project called
‘New Wave’. It was funded
by Starbucks and run by Unity
member of staff, Maya Walters,
in collaboration with Casa De
Caboelo, a Capoeira Academy.
In December, the project came
to a close with a performance
by five young people from the
group at the Capoeira Academy
in Bethnal Green, in front of their parents.
Capoeira is a popular Brazilian martial art that combines
elements of dance and music.
Guests enjoying the party
in style!
Rabbi Coten lights
the menorah with
Ben Silver
Somers Court, Norwood’s new purpose
designed block of flats in Edgware,
officially opened in September. The
Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Brian Schama
and resident, Simone Maletskie, cut the
ribbon at an “At Home” event hosted by
the tenants of the property, followed by
a mezuzah fixing by Norwood Advisory
Council member, Rabbi Alan Plancey.
Norwood Now 5
Service News: the difference we make
•The Norwood Children & Family Centre moved to Essex in January.
•Stuart Russell tells us about his favourite things.
Norwood Centre
moves to Essex If you Ask Me…
The Norwood Children & Family Centre moved to Oaks Lane
in Ilford, Essex in January.
The service was previously located at King Solomon High School
in Redbridge.
The Norwood Centre offers a range of services for children and
families in Essex and North East London, including one-to-one
counselling, family support, education, after-school clubs and
holiday schemes for 5-18 year olds and transition groups for
16-25 year olds with learning disabilities.
An official opening at the new site will take place in 2013 and will
be followed by an open day.
The Norwood Centre is one of Norwood’s three family centres in
London and the South East. The Kennedy Leigh Family Centre in
Hendon provides services to North West London and the Somers
Centre located in Hackney serves children and families in
East London.
Mayor Brian Sharma cuts the ribbon with Simone Malitskie
Stuart Russell is 60 and lives in a Norwood
residential home in Redbridge.
What hobbies do you have?
I like playing records as I collect them and I have
all the old Chas and Dave songs, my favourite
song is Rabbit Rabbit. I like going out to the
local pub, attending Links and going to car-boot
If you could have any superpower, what would
it be?
I would love to fly everywhere as it would save
me walking.
What do you like about Norwood?
I like living at Norwood, because I have a lovely
I like Norwood because the staff are nice and
kind and look after me well by listening to what I
need and want out of life.
What do you want to achieve in 2013?
I want to continue losing weight at slimming
world, so far I have lost 12 stone and I feel more
healthy and look better.
What is your
favourite place?
The pub, I love a
Pepsi Max and a
packet of salt and
vinegar crisps, and
I enjoy listening to
music there.
6 Norwood Now
Service News: the difference we make
•Adults supported by Norwood went to the Limmud conference.
•Norwood held a Purim party at JCoSS.
Making history at
Ten adults supported by Norwood
were guests at the annual Limmud
Conference, hosted by Warwick
University, in December.
They attended as part of ‘Limmud
L’Am’ (Limmud for the People), an
initiative first run at the Limmud
Conference 2011, which focused
on including people with learning
disabilities in Limmud events.
Norwood’s Jewish Cultural Manager
Shoshana Bloom, led a session on
the subject of learning disabilities
in the Jewish community and ways
of empowering them to become
proud and active members of AngloJewry. All participants were given a
handbook to help them choose what
sessions to go to during the day,
which included a demonstration of
Tunisian cuisine and Israeli dancing.
The session, entitled, ‘If you will
it, it is no dream’ - Jews with
learning disabilities changing your
world,’ focused on challenging the
community’s perception of what it
means to have a learning disability
and how this can change the way we
think and view the world.
This year, Naomi Mushin and Rachelle
Adler, who live in one of Norwood’s
residential homes in Hendon, stayed
overnight for the first time at the
conference, which meant they were
able to enjoy the full range of evening
programming and entertainment
on offer and stay for a second day
of sessions. Naomi and Rachelle,
who are both long-time Limmud
participants, also presented talks
as part of the main Conference
in style!
Pirates brushed shoulders with cowboys and
princesses at Norwood’s annual Purim fancy
dress party at JCoSS, in February.
200 adults who use Norwood’s residential
care and supported living services in London
partied the night away along with members
of Links, the charity’s recreational group
for adults with learning disabilities and
In-Betweeners, a group for young people
with disabilities.
During the course of the evening, guests took
part in an interactive Megillah performance
before taking to the dance floor for a disco.
The party was one of many celebrations to
take place across Norwood’s residential
homes and educational services.
The festival was also celebrated at the
Norwood Nursery in Hendon, and at
Ravenswood, Norwood’s residential community
in Berkshire, which held a fancy dress carnival
for residents.
Norwood Now 7
Service News: the difference we make
•Israel’s Ambassador to the UK hosted a tea party for Succot.
•Dan Bonham tells us about learning at Binoh.
The Ambassador’s
tea party
Israel’s Ambassador to the UK, Daniel Taub and his wife
Zehava, welcomed children and adults who use Norwood’s
services to his home in St. John’s Wood in Septmber for a
festive tea party, to mark the Jewish festival of Succot.
People supported by the charity, transformed the Succah with
decorations made by residents from Norwood’s residential
home in Carlton Avenue, Kenton.
Rochelle Reindorp, who is supported by Norwood, presented
the Ambassador with a glass fruit bowl made by a resident
from Ravenswood and made a short speech thanking him on
behalf of the Charity.
Shalev Nymark with his Excellency Daniel Taub
A week in the life of
Dan at Binoh
By Dan Bonham
Dan is a student at Binoh, Norwood’s special education service which provides
specialist, multi-disciplinary, professional support to children with additional
and/or special education needs. He tells Norwood Now about his learning
experience over the past year.
My name is Dan Bonham, I
am 16 years old and I live
in Southgate.
Since leaving JFS last summer, I have
had the opportunity to go to Binoh
in the Kennedy Leigh Centre to do a
BTEC course in WorkSkills. Part of the
course is to do work experience in a
library, and attend a business session
at Hasmonean Boys School.
The aim for this BTEC is to learn
basic skills and work towards gaining
employment. This involves me doing
a work placement in my local library.
I also have Functional Skills and
Photography lessons and learn about
different types of businesses.
On Monday mornings, I go to Binoh
to learn current affairs and functional
skills in maths and english with two
other boys. In the afternoons, I learn
basic photography with a volunteer. To
end the day we learn thinking skills
with a practitioner from Hope, which
involves us learning about different
methods of using our minds.
On Tuesday mornings I am doing
work experience in my local library
in order for me to get working as an
employee. The reason I chose to do
voluntary work in a library is because
I enjoy reading books and I always
wanted to get experience of working
behind a counter and interacting with
My tutor from Binoh teaches me and
six other boys business skills, such as
learning to update a CV, which will be
helpful for when I apply for a job. We usually
start our sessions by having a current affairs
lesson. I find this very useful because it
helps me understand what happens in the
wider world, by either watching the news or
reading a newspaper.
On Thursdays, I attend Barnet College where I
am studying Functional Skills English Level 2.
I am enjoying the opportunity Binoh has
given me because my literacy is improving,
and it has helped
me become more
confident, especially
when I work in a
8 Norwood Now
Fundraising News: the funds we raise
• People who support Norwood raised lots of money for the charity by taking part
in sports challenges.
Rising to the cycle challenge
in Sri Lanka!
Over 100 cycling enthusiasts saddled up for Norwood’s Sri Lanka bike
ride challenge in October, which raised an outstanding £400,000 for the
Charity. The eight-day adventure kicked off at the island’s capital Colombo
and covered a 400 km coast-to-coast route.
TV Presenter and celebrity supporter of Norwood,
Jeff Brazier, took part in the ride and was full of
praise for the charity, “Not only did I enjoy
it but I found it deeply moving too. It
was emotional, personal, satisfying
and educational. Norwood is an
amazing charity - more like a family and I’m very excited to be a part
of it and to help them continue
with the great work they do!”
Jeff Brazier
with Nick Ivil
and Jackie
Royal Parks
runners get on
their marks
20 Norwood runners pounded the pavements
for the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon
in September, which raised an impressive
£15,000 for Norwood. The group joined
12,500 other participants for the 13.1 mile
route through Kensington Gardens, Green Park,
the Houses of
Parliament and
the London Eye.
Darren Kaye
A number of tandem teams
also took part in the ride.
Focus on Fundraising –
Russell Green
Russell Green was amongst 100 cycling enthusiasts who took part in
Norwood’s international bike ride in Sri Lanka at the end of last year,
which covered a gruelling 400 km coast-to-coast route and raised
£400,000 for the charity. He tells us about his experience:
It seems that Norwood rides, for me, always bring out emotions
that I find hard to explain. Some of the acts of kindness I see
on this ride are truly inspiring.
I can fully understand why people come back year after year for more.
For some, the experience is a reality check, for others, a great way to give
something back. Many of us are swept up by the emotion, camaraderie
and warm feelings of the Norwood family. It is truly special. Whatever the
reason might be, I truly believe everyone is here for the right purpose.
For me, I feel blessed to have met and spent time with so many incredible
people. I can look back on this ride with a sense of pride, relief and
achievement and most importantly for me, I hope that I will be able to share
my experience with others in the future.
I would like to thank Norwood for making Sri Lanka yet another
unforgettable experience.
Now I’m looking forward to my next Norwood challenge
– Madagascar in October 2013. Why not join me for a
life changing experience?
Norwood Now 9
Fundraising News: the funds we raise
•People raised lots of money for Norwood for the Cooking Lunch Girls’ official ‘Cook,
Taste, Share’ recipe book launch.
It’s been an
exciting few
months for
Norwood’s YN
challengers and younger donors.
Left to right, Sharom Murad,
Jane Mordo and Rita Houri
Cooking Lunch Girls
Over 200 guests visited the home of Vered
Aaron in Hampstead Garden Suburb for the
Cooking Lunch Girls’ official ‘Cook, Taste, Share’
recipe book launch in September. The event
raised in excess of £15,000 for Norwood and
the Israel Cancer Association. Proceeds from
book sales were split down the middle between
the two charities.
Guests at the fundraiser heard from the
afternoon’s special guests, high profile chefs
Katie Caldesi and her husband Giancarlo.
Evette Simmons, a member of the Cooking Lunch
Girls group and one of the founders of Norwood’s
Hope Centre, said on the day, “I am thrilled with
the success of today’s book launch as over 200
guests attended and the book was a sell-out!”
What’s On in 2013?
September kicked off with YN’s first ever
Abseil in the City fundraising challenge,
which raised an impressive £11,000 in
sponsorship money. 25 thrill-seekers
abseiled down Beaufort House in the
City of London, braving the cold and wet
weather as they made their way down
150ft to the roof gardens. Participants
enjoyed spectacular views of the
Gherkin, Shard and London Bridge, and
were greeted by proud loved ones when
they reached the bottom.
Later that month, Norwood’s President
and media entrepreneur Richard
Desmond took to the stage at the
annual YN Media fundraising reception
for an interview with TV Broadcaster
Tania Bryer. 175 guests came to the
event at the London Film Museum
Covent Garden, which raised £20,000
for the Charity.
During the interview, Richard offered
words of wisdom to the younger
generation of media professionals
and talked about highlights from his
early career.
In October, around 90 YN Patrons
enjoyed cocktails and canapés at The
Chemistry Centre, Burlington House,
in Piccadilly for the annual Cocktail
Party. The event recognised the ongoing commitment and generosity of
Norwood’s YN Patrons.
And in February, 370 guests raised
the roof at YN’s third Annual Property
Awards Dinner at the London Hilton
Metropole. The fundraiser featured a
panel of women speakers from the
industry and raised an impressive
If you are interested in an amazing
experience, cycling across the Atlas
Mountains to Marrakech, YN’s
Morocco challenge will be taking
place over the bank holiday in
May. Please visit
YN challenger
Ben Menahem
A full events listing can be viewed by visiting
Virgin London Marathon
Sunday 21 April
020 8420 6834
South of France Bike Ride
9 – 12 May
020 8420 6834
YN Lawyers Reception
020 8420 6850
YN Business Finance &
Entrepreneurs Dinner
Monday 29 April
020 8420 6850
Community Fun Run
Sunday 26 May
020 8420 6962
Capital to Coast Cycle Challenge
Sunday 30 June
London to Brighton Bike Ride
020 8420 6944
The M&A Network Dinner
Thursday 2 May
020 8420 6832
YN Morocco Challenge
2-7 May
020 8420 6804
London Bridges Challenge
Sunday 12 May
020 8420 6922
London to Paris Bike Ride
29 May – 2 June
020 8420 6834
Junior Bike Ride
Sunday 9 June
020 8420 6922
The Norwood Property Lunch
Friday 21 June
020 8420 6832
Madagascar Bike Ride
Group one: 12 - 21 October
Group two: 19 - 28 October
020 8420 6834
Israel Bike Ride
28 September - 6 October
020 8420 6834
Golf Day
Thursday 11 July
020 8420 6898
Distressed Investing Dinner
020 8420 6832
Iceland Trek
21 – 25 July
020 8420 6834
Annual Dinner
11 November
020 8420 6822
Royal Parks Half Marathon
Sunday 6 October
020 8420 6834
10 Norwood Now
Fundraising News: the funds we raise
• Norwood Annual Dinner raised £3 million.
Norwood Annual Dinner
raises over £3 million
Norwood raised an incredible £3 million at its Annual Dinner in November.
The star-studded night featured a string of high profile celebrity guests,
including Chris Evans, Sir Philip Green, Theo Paphitis, and Jeff Brazier.
Simon Cowell also provided a recorded interview to introduce the evening’s
appeal film.
Over 1,100 guests turned out for the dinner at The Grosvenor House Hotel
which was compered by radio and television presenter, Chris Evans.
Another of the evening’s special guests was Andrew Lloyd Webber, one of
the world’s most successful and popular composers of musical theatre,
who was interviewed by classical musician Myleene Klass. Whilst
entertaining guests with excerpts from his greatest hits, he spoke about
his career achievements, passion for the arts, musical preferences and
his love of working with young people.
Leader of the Opposition, The Rt Hon Ed Miliband
MP, was the evening’s guest speaker who
praised the Charity for its valuable work, paying
special tribute to the ‘extraordinary volunteers’
who contribute so much.
The entire community was able to follow the
evening online via a live blog featuring photos,
tweets and video clips posted on Norwood’s
main website and its Twitter, Facebook and
YouTube pages.
Norwood Now 11
Fundraising News: the funds we raise
•Norwood held a party for its Patrons at an art gallery, which sold works of art made by
the people we support.
•People who use Norwood’s services picked out toys for our children and family services.
Annual Boxing Dinner
is a
Guests raised a knockout £170,000 for Norwood and the
Philip Green Memorial Trust (PGMT) at the charities’ second
joint Annual Boxing Dinner at the Lancaster Hotel in London in
November. The event was attended by more than 400 guests
and a number of VIP’s,
including HRH Crown
Prince Shwebomin of
Entertainment was
provided by comedian
Ricky Grover before
competitors battled
it out during the
evening’s three-bout
boxing match.
From left to right: Dave ‘Boy’ Green,
Colin McMillan, Jeff Brazier, Charlie Magri
Distressed Asset
Investors back Norwood
Over 200 industry experts attended this year’s seventh annual
Distressed Investing Dinner in October, at the prestigious
Claridge’s in Mayfair. The event, generously sponsored by
Gordon Brothers Europe, raised £135,000 for the charity’s vital
work supporting children, families and people with learning
The evening’s special guests included Peter Oppenheimer,
Goldman Sachs’ Chief Global Equity Strategist and Head of ECS
(Economic, Commodities and Strategy Research) in Europe, who
shared his views on the status of the global economy and the long
term financial crisis all over the world.
Ariel, Uri and Gabriel Kosky
From Left to right: Phillipa Karmel, Naomi Mushin,
Caroline Arnold and Amanda Turofsky
Norwood artists
exhibit their talents at
top Mayfair Gallery
Norwood’s second annual Art Show in September attracted more
than 300 guests, raising an astonishing £22,000. The evening,
held at the impressive Halcyon Gallery in Mayfair, featured over
170 pieces of art created by artists with learning disabilities,
all of whom are supported by Norwood. Guests enjoyed a drinks
and canapés reception and were able to personally meet some
of the talented artists and purchase their work.
The funds raised will be used to launch one of
Norwood’s social enterprise initiatives. This will
enable people to acquire new skills to assist them
in the work place and to tap into their creative side.
They will also have the opportunity to become more
involved in art-based projects, from which they will
be able to earn their own money.
One exhibitor, Rachelle Adler, who lives at a
Norwood residential home in Hendon, said: “It
makes me so happy to see my artwork in the
gallery. I love doing art as it’s something I am
interested in and that I have achieved myself.”
Rachelle Adler
Chanukah Toy Story
is a sweeping success!
Toys R’ Us Brent Cross, hosted over fifty children and parents
who use Norwood’s services, taking part in their own, ‘Toy
Story’ at the charity’s twelfth annual Toy Sweep in December.
Accompanied by Norwood staff and Geoffrey the Giraffe, children
at the event picked out an assortment of toys with the £4,600
raised by the Toy Sweep Committee. Each child was presented
with a £12 voucher as a Chanukah gift to spend in store.
The collection of toys will be distributed across Norwood’s
children and family services.
12 Norwood Now
Volunteering News: the support you give
•Volunteers from a bank helped Norwood with gardening at a supported living home.
•Members of the community took part in lots of activities for Mitzvah Day.
You can bank on
our volunteers
In March, four volunteers from PAM
Global Investments, a subsidiary of Bank
Hapoalim BM, exchanged a day in the
office to help tidy up the gardens and
paint the fences at one of Norwood’s
supported living homes in Whetstone.
As part of the company’s annual ‘Good
deeds day’, the volunteers also organised
for plants and gardening tools to be
donated to the home for a group of the
tenants who took part in the day’s
activities and are big gardening fans!
Analia Giachino, David Stone, Robert Belcher and Marian Martinez
A Mitzvah Day
morning. The car wash, which is the first of
its kind to be manned exclusively by people
with learning disabilities, invited Jewish
Care staff to have their cars cleaned.
At Norwood’s Kennedy Leigh Family Centre
in Hendon, members of the Edgware
& District Reform Synagogue got their
creative hats on, painting a colourful mural,
giving toys a spring clean and garden
fences an eye-catching makeover.
Music, mural painting and bespoke
personal styling services were just a few
of the action-packed activities organised
by Norwood for Mitzvah Day in November.
The ‘day of good deeds’ was an exciting
and rewarding opportunity for members
of the community to join forces and give
something back, by putting words into
action and offering a helping hand.
The Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Brian
Schama was amongst some 350
volunteers who got into the Mitzvah Day
spirit by taking part in over 80 activities
across Norwood’s extensive range of
Future Clean, Norwood’s eco-friendly car
wash, made a splash at Jewish Care’s Rela
Goldhill Lodge in Golders Green during the
Meanwhile, members of Unity, Norwood’s
recreational service for children with
disabilities, let their hair down at a party
organised by the Redbridge Family Centre.
Children from Beit Shvidler Primary School
and the Neimah Jewish Choir shared
their musical talents by joining residents
of Norwood homes for an afternoon of
music and singing. At the Somers
Family Centre in Hackney, Rabbi Lister
of Edgware Community Synagogue was
amongst volunteers who turned up in
spades to plant spring bulbs and
launch a new green house.
One participant, Juliet Levy,
a mother of a year six pupil
from Beit Shvidler School,
joined in the musical
extravaganza with some
of the residents at the
Norwood homes. She
said of the experience, “We wanted to
thank Norwood for giving our year six pupils
the opportunity to entertain and engage
with your residents. It was a wonderful
afternoon and we thoroughly
enjoyed meeting everyone at your
beautiful home. We would love to
come again next year!”
Norwood staff also tapped into
the essence of Mitzvah
Day by organising
a collection of
unused cosmetics
in aid of the Marie
Curie Cancer
Care Hospice in
Norwood Now 13
Volunteering News: the support you give
•The Community Engagement and Volunteer department have new ways of training volunteers.
•Norwood threw Jack Freeman a birthday party. Jack has been a volunteer at Norwood for
over ten years.
•Norwood has launched its first awards scheme for volunteers.
Community Engagement and
Volunteering team graduate
in Modular Training
Since its restructure last year, the Community Engagement
and Volunteering department have introduced Modular Training
sessions for volunteers.
The aim of the training is to ensure that Norwood’s volunteers
have the skills and confidence to fulfil the roles they will be
Volunteers who befriend with Norwood complete five modules of
training. Pictured are our first graduates, who have completed
the programme.
They are from left to right: Joshua Lew, Daniel Flowers, Tom
McNair, David Weinberg, Paul Franks, Ethan Greenwood, Aretha
Barrow, Susan Katz, Michelle Serkes
Jack Freeman celebrates
85th Birthday
Jack Freeman, one of Norwood’s longest serving volunteers,
celebrated his 85th birthday in style alongside staff and fellow
volunteers in December. Jack, who has been volunteering for
Norwood for over 10 years, was thrown a surprise birthday
party at the charity’s head offices in Stanmore, to mark his
outstanding contribution.
Jack’s volunteering role is
largely administrative, and
includes tasks such as sorting
the morning post and working
with Norwood’s Fundraising
department. He says of his
volunteering duties, “I retired
and didn’t want to sit and do
nothing. It keeps my brain
working and it’s good for me as
well as it’s good for Norwood.”
Jack Freeman celebrates with
Norwood staff
Volunteers turn their
hands to decorating
A group of volunteers from Aish Hampstead joined forces with
Norwood to make Succot decorations in September.
Are you a
Norwood has launched its first internal awards scheme for
volunteers. There will be four categories of awards which
will include one for staff who have gone the extra mile in
involving volunteers.
The categories will include:
Young Star – for volunteers 25 and under.
Community Engagement Norwood Star – for those involved
in committees and fundraising activities.
The Lady J Norwood Star Volunteer – for volunteers who are
25 years and over.
Norwood Star Employee – for a Norwood staff member who
involves volunteers effectively in their work.
Nominations can be received from staff, volunteers, the
people we support or from external sources. The awards
panel is chaired by Rachael Davis-Stollar who was formerly
the chair of YN.
Volunteers visited Norwood respite service Buckets & Spades,
an overnight short-break service for children and young people
with physical and learning disabilities and a number of residential
homes in Hendon, for a fantastic day filled with smiles, laughter and
lots of paint!
Hugo Bieber, co-chair of the YN Business, Finance and
Entrepreneurs Committee helped out at 55 Edgeworth Crescent.
He said, “I really enjoyed the morning and felt so pleased to be able
to spend quality time with a few people.”
We want your
shoes, handbags
& more!
Say goodbye to your unwanted shoes,
handbags and clothes and turn them
into funds for children, families and
people with learning disabilities. We
will collect them from your home to
stock Norwood’s charity shops. Call
us now 020 8420 6872 or email to arrange
a collection.
Charity shop
Clear out your unwanted
and everything in between
wE cOllEct it all!
We collect
charity shop your unwanted shoes,
s and turn them
handbags and
and people much needed funds fores to stock our
Call us on 020
with learning
disabilities. children, families
shops@norw 6872 to arrange a free
www.norwoo ction from your hom
Patron Her
Majesty The
Charity No
14 Norwood Now
Staff News: the job we share
•Staff, volunteers and people who use Norwood’s services went to an awards party at
White Hart Lane.
•Melanie Levy has joined the Norwood Community Engagement & Volunteering team.
•Norwood hosted a Mitzvah Day football tournament for people with learning disabilities.
A day in the
life of...
Melanie Levy joined the
Norwood Community
Engagement & Volunteering
team in 2012. Prior to this
she took a year out from
work and went to study at
seminary in Jerusalem. Her background
has predominantly been in the charity
sector working for Marie Curie Cancer
Care and St.Joseph’s Hospice. Melanie
loves to travel and explore new places
and enjoys swimming and anything
Describe your role in Community
Engagement & Volunteering?
I build links with schools, businesses,
youth groups and community groups
and promote volunteering at Norwood to
them. I also organise Norwood’s group
volunteering projects.
What drives you most in your job?
Without the help of volunteers, Norwood
would not be able to carry out much of its
vital work. A single volunteer can make
such a difference to someone’s life. By
encouraging people to volunteer and give
their time to help others, I feel that’s part
of my contribution to help society. That’s
what keeps me going!
What do you like best about
your job?
Gareth Dace interviews Gary Mabutt
They Think
it’s all over…
it isn’t for SNAP!
Former Tottenham captain and England player Gary Mabbutt joined a line-up
of proud staff, participants and volunteers at the Norwood Achievement
Awards in November, which were hosted at the club’s legendary stadium,
White Hart Lane.
The ceremony marked the completion of SNAP (Spurs Norwood Altogether
Project), a sports development scheme launched by Norwood and funded over the
past three and a half years by the Football Foundation, for people with learning
The purpose of the scheme is to provide specialised training for disability sports
coaches who will pass on their new skills to children, young people and adults
who use Norwood’s services.
Knowing that what I’m doing is for a really
worthwhile cause.
What inspires you?
In a nutshell, people. We learn from
everyone around us. I am also inspired by
the following quote: “How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world.”
Anne Frank
Marc receives his ‘Spirit
of Sport’ award
Over the course of the
evening, awards were
presented to staff, volunteers
and people supported by
Norwood, who have now
officially qualified as Disability
Sports Coaches. Marc
Butcher, a loyal Tottenham
fan who works at Norwood’s
head office in Stanmore, was
one of the 12 staff trained
as a Disability Sports Coach
through the project and won
the ‘Spirit of Sport’ award.
Norwood Now 15
Staff News: the job we share
•Angela Duce is the new Director of Operations at the charity.
•Norwood and Aish helped make decorations for our succahs.
•Charles Golding is the new Communications and Marketing Director at Norwood.
Angela Duce is new
Director of Operations
Angela Duce has been appointed Director of
Operations at Norwood.
Her new role will focus on integrating services
for children and adults in order to provide a
smooth transition and overseeing the operational
management of services across the charity.
Angela joined the organisation in 2008 as Head of Adult
Services and went on to serve as Associate Director of Learning
& Disability Support. She has held a number of managerial
positions in operations, education and development in the public,
private and voluntary sectors. Her previous roles have included
Lecturer of Nursing, Head of Operations for Macintyre and Head
of Development for Shaw Healthcare.
Norwood has also employed two Heads of Operations to replace
the former Head of Children’s Services and Head of Adult
Services posts.
Sohail Faruqi will run Norwood’s Education, Family Support &
Adoption, Health & Wellbeing and Life Long Learning services.
Pauline Smith will have responsibility for all Residential Care
services, Transition Services (for 14 – 25 year olds) and
Supported Living.
No balls up
for Norwood football
Norwood’s Andy Gemmell
and Stuart Walsh hosted
an inclusive football
tournament in aid of
Mitzvah Day in November.
Nine residents from
Ravenswood, Norwood’s
residential community in
Berkshire, took to
the pitch to showcase
their impressive ball skills
and fancy footwork.
60 Seconds with…
Charles Golding
Charles Golding joined Norwood as Communications &
Marketing Director in July 2012. He brings with him 30
years experience in print, television and radio, new media,
public relations and communications. His previous roles
in the media industry have included Deputy Editor of the
Sunday Express, Programme Controller at LBC Radio,
Features Editor of Good Morning Britain on ITV and running
his own media training and marketing consultancy.
Tell us about your role:
I head up Norwood’s Communications and Marketing
team and am responsible for implementing its internal
and external communications and lobbying strategy, which
includes press relations, digital and marketing.
What inspires you in your job?
The professional and caring staff who work here are just
amazing. They all personally care so much, it really makes
a difference.
What do you like best about your job?
I know it sounds like a cliché, but when you have worked in
the superficial media for so long, just to use those skills in
aid of something meaningful is a great privilege.
If you could invite three guests to a dinner party,
who would they be? And why?
It would have to be Abraham, Moses and my wife Madeline.
(My wife would kill me if I invited them without her). Failing
that, Woody Allen, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Baruch
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three
things would you bring with you?
My tallis and tephillin, my ipad with
remote wifi and tubes of sherbet
If you had a superpower what
would it be?
Time travel! I have been a fan of
Doctor Who since it started, so if I
had a superpower it would be to
travel through time in a Tardis.
I’m not sure i’d like to see the
future, though!
Michael Kuperberg
Stuart Walsh, Norwood’s Human Resources Business Manager,
was enthusiastic about the results, “It was an excellent
tournament full of goals and exciting matches!” Despite the large
amount of fun that was had, it was a competition after all and four
medals were awarded to those who performed exceptionally well.
A sense of achievement was felt by all participants.”
16 Norwood Now
Patron Her Majesty The Queen Patron of Children’s Services Cherie Blair CBE Patron of Adult Services Norma Brier President Richard Desmond Chief Executive Elaine Kerr
Honorary Life Presidents Sir Trevor Chinn CVO, Clive Marks OBE, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Carol Sopher
Trustee Board Bernie Myers (Chair), David Ereira (Deputy Chair), Andrew Viner (Treasurer), Gary Sacks (Fundraising Chair), Julia Chain
Estelle Doctor, Ian Fagelson, Linda Goldberg, Elliott Goldstein, David Goldstone, Ronnie Harris (Patronage Chair), Neville Kahn, Lady Elaine Sacks
Patronage Ronnie Harris (Chair)
Council Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Norma Brier, Max Caller MBE, David Ereira (Chair), Ruth Fasht OBE, Gill Gallick, Dr Danya Glaser, Gillian Howard, Ruth Levere,
John Libson, Rabbi Alan Plancey, Jack Rabinowicz, Dr Valerie Sinason, Sir Harry Solomon, Michael Teacher, Dr Richard Trompeter
The Milly Apthorp Charitable Trust
Lily Bluston Settlement
The Estate of Marc Bolan
Carole Broadley and The Louise Appeal
The Clore Duffield Foundation
The A B David Memorial Fund
Sir Evelyn & Lady de Rothschild
Richard Desmond
The Dorset Foundation
Sir Philip & Lady Green
Richard Harris & Esther Isaacs
The Carole & Geoffrey Lawson Foundation
Natalie & Ian Livingstone
The Pears Foundation
Lindsay & Gary Sacks
The Estate of Ingeborg Schubert
The Helene Sebba Charitable Trust
Reuben Shackman MBE & Rose Shackman
K C Shasha Charitable Foundation
Sobell Foundation
Mrs Phyllis Somers
The Tager Family
The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust
The Wolfson Foundation
Platinum Patrons
The Maurice Ezra Bekhor Charitable Fund
Linda & Tony Bloom
The Patsy Bloom & Robert Blausten
Charitable Trust
Simon Cowell
Barbara & Mick Davis
Michele & Keith Freedman
The J Isaacs Charitable Trust
The Robert & Rena Lewin Charitable Trust
The Rothschild Foundation
The Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust
Melanie & Michael Sherwood
The Estate of Diana Steinberg
The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation
The Lord Leonard and
Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation
Corporate Gold Patrons
Derwent London
Gold Patrons
The Agran Family
Ruth & Henry Amar
Sarah & Lloyd Dorfman CBE
The Fridolin Charitable Trust
Loretta & Ronnie Harris
Myrna & Isaac Kaye
Marcia Kilgore & Thierry Boue
The Lourie Family Trust
Louise & Hilton Nathanson
Susan & Leo Noé
Judy Piatkus & Cyril Ashberg
Bianca & Stuart Roden
The Spalter Family
The Estate of Fred Wolffing
Hilda & Marc Worth
Corporate Patrons
Amlin UK
Aston Chase
Bay Media Limited
Business Design Centre
Cambra Styles
Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts
City & Docklands Property Group
C J O’Shea Group Ltd
CP Plus
LA fitness
Galliard Homes
Gordon Brothers Europe
Halcyon Gallery
Ingram Winter Green
Knight Frank
Latham & Watkins
Property Week
Reed Smith
Solomon Taylor & Shaw
Lord Alliance CBE
The Atkin Foundation
Sharon & Edward Azouz
The Baltic Charitable Trust
BBC Children in Need
Pauline & Barry Beck
Big Lottery Fund
Carolyn & Harry Black
Stanley & Zelda Black
Sir Victor & Lady Blank
Peggy & Paul Brett
Willliam Browder & Maria Vlasova
The Clara E Burgess Charity
The Burkeman Family
Susan & John Burns
Nicholas Candy
The Alfred Caplin Charity Settlement
Irving Carter & Family
The Casey Trust
The Childwick Trust
Sir Trevor Chinn CVO & Lady Chinn
The City Bridge Trust
Joanne & Stephen Cohen
R & S Cohen Foundation
Cecilia Colman
Tom Conti
The Harold & Daphne Cooper Charitable Trust
The Sidney & Elizabeth Corob Charitable Trust
Erika & David Crocker
Malcolm Dagul
Rita & Stanley Davis
Suzanne & Henry Davis
Suzi & Andrew Davis
The Dellal Foundation
Jonathan Dennis
Sheila Diamond & Dr Alan Diamond OBE
Dollond Charitable Trust
Bernie Ecclestone
Graham Edwards
Eliane & Nabil Fattal
Priscilla & Alan Fenton
Lord & Lady Fink
Gail & Michael Flesch
The Flow Foundation
Benita & Gerald Fogel
The Football Foundation
Joyce Freed
Brenda & Alfred Garfield
Jackie & Michael Gee
Michelle & Jonathan Goldberg
Carolyn & Michael Goldhill
Adele & Michael Goldstein
Edna & Peter Goldstein
Julie & Charles Gourgey
Jahnene & Jonathan Green
Green/Lawson Family
The Philip Green Memorial Trust
Sharon & Daniel Green
Gerald Gundle Philanthropic Trust
Maureen & Michael Haltrecht
Harris Charitable Trust
Karen & Andrew Harris
Lord & Lady Harris of Peckham
Richard & Alex Hatter
Lynda & Albert Hay
Morven & Michael Heller
Susan & Stephen James
Sir Elton John & David Furnish
Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation
Susan & Neville Kahn
Lord Kalms & Lady Kalms MBE
Stephen Kay
The Estates of the Late Charles & Ellen Kempster
The Kennedy Leigh Charitable Trust
Gerald Kraftman
The Kyte Charitable Trust
The Lawson Family
Vivien & Mostyn Levein
Alison & Miles Levy
The Ralph Levy Charitable Company
Alicia & Steven Lewis
The Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust
The Cecil & Hilda Lewis Charitable Trust
Maisie & Raphael Lewis Charitable Trust
The Loftus Charitable Trust
Adrianne & Clive Marks
The Maurice Marks Charitable Trust
Sean & Lindy Melnick
Philippa & Richard Mintz
Diana & Allan Morgenthau
Jill & Brian Moss OBE
Sandra & Bernie Myers
Neil & Alison Ostrer
The Doris Pacey Charitable Foundation
Martin Paisner
The Jaffe Family
Elizabeth & Daniel Peltz
Mary-Anne & Tony Phillips-Page
Ruth & Michael Phillips
Sara & Paul Phillips
Michelle & Adam Plainer
The Presidents Club Limited
Ramar Charitable Trust
The Raven Charitable Trust
Barbara & Howard Reuben
The Marc Rich Foundation for Education,
Culture and Welfare
Jamie & Joey Ritblat
Sir John & Lady Ritblat
The Gerald Ronson Foundation
The Rose Foundation
Lesley & Murray Rosen
Ian & Emma Rosenblatt
Anne & Daniel Rubin
The Rubin Foundation
Ana & Julian Salisbury
Isabelle & Ivor Seddon
Elizabeth & Irvine Sellar
Heskel Setty Charitable Trust
Katrina & Jonathan Shalit
The Maurice & Hilda Shifrin Charitable Trust
Andrée & Howard Shore
Rebecca & Simon Silver
Sir Harry & Lady Solomon
Brenda & Sidney Solomons
Rosalyn & Nicholas Springer
Simon & Ingrid Sterling
Sandra & Michael Teacher
Laura & Barry Townsley
Nicholas Trimmatis
Anna & Paul White
The Wigoder Family Foundation
Dr Edward & Mrs Nadine Wojakovski
Shelley & Merrick Wolman
Anita & Poju Zabludowicz
Corporate Friends
First Advantage Litigation Consulting
First Artist
Jayroma (London) Ltd
Jones Lang LaSalle
The MET Group
SGPB Hambros
C. & S. TOBELEM - REALIS Investment House
Sharon & Daniel Adler
Hayley & Stephen Allan
Sally & Henri Alster
Barry & Simmone Angel
Tirzah & Paul Arenson
Linda & Dennis Baylin
Julia & Alan Bekhor
The Bogod Family
Sophia & Gennadiy Bogolyubov
The Sir Clive Bourne Family Trust
Lauren & Keith Breslauer
David Burland
Loretta & Perry Cash
Claudia & Joe Cohen
Sheila & Denis Cohen Charitable Trust
The Craps Charitable Trust
Judy & David Dangoor
Sir Harry Djanogly CBE & Lady Djanogly
Gillian & Dennis Levine
Freddie & Marion Durst
Michael Edelstein
Tony Eisen & Family
Joanne & David Ereira
Fairacre Properties Limited
Beverley & Jonathan Feuer
Andrea Dennis & Robin Fisher
Sally Fiszman
The Foster Family
Sonia Fox
Sarah & Bernard Fromson
Charlotta & Roger Gherson
Sharon & Jonathan Goldstein
Susan & Richard Goldstein
The Jordan Max Goodman Charitable Trust
Martin Gore
Lydia & Manfred Gorvy
Jane & Michael Grabiner
The Grant Family
Marcia & Michael Green
Ruth & Nick Green
Vivienne & Russell Green
Lynne & Jonathan Hammé
The Spencer Hart Charitable Trust
Barry Jacobs Charitable Trust
The Dorothy Jacobs Charity
Louise & Alan Jacobs
Geoffrey Jayson & Judith Katzler
Michael & Ilse Katz Foundation
Jet & John Kelmanson
The Kirschel Foundation
Frances & Nathan Kirsh
Candy & Gary Landesberg
Israel Lazarus Charitable Trust
Esther & Gerry Lee
Jennifer & Howard Leigh
The Leslau Family
Stanley & Zea Lewis Family
Beverley & Ian Marcus
Hilda & Sam Marks
Harriet Heyman & Michael Moritz
Susan & Paul Moser
Vivian & Jeremy Pfeffer
The G & E Pollitzer Charitable Settlement
The Porter Foundation
Sara & Robert Prevezer
Sheila & Anthony Rabin
Vivian & Michael Rahamim
The Rapp Family
Reuben Family
David & Ruth Rosenberg
Elliot & Sue Rosenberg
Melody & Mark Salem
Muriel & Freddy Salem
The Schmidt Bodner Charitable Trust
Josephine & Richard Segal
Gabrielle & Steven Sharpe
Emma & David Stanton
Max D Steinkopf Charitable Settlement
Vincent Tchenguiz
Toy Sweep Committee
Alexandra & David Tucker
Rita & Barry Tucker
Deborah & Kevin Gundle
Westlon Trust
The Majorie & Arnold Ziff Charitable Foundation
Laura & Stephen Zimmerman
YN Chairman’s Circle
Angela & Yonni Abramson
Louisa & Jeremy Brier
Daniel Daggers
Saul Doctor
Gemma & Zac Goodman
Phillip Hyman
Robin Lovat
Suzanne & Joseph Tager
YN Platinum Patrons
Adam Banin
Leor & Hal Cohen
Robert Desmond
Richard Fine & Phanella Mayall Fine
Amanda & Daniel Lyons
Michael Lyons
Sam Morgan
Nicola & Simon Tager
Andrew Wolfin
YN Patrons
Daniel Aaron
Daniel Bardiger
Valerie & Simon Beresford
Sophie & Marc Bergen
Hugo Bieber
Nicole & Ben Braude
Gaby & Lee Dagul
Tanya & Danny Dahan
Sarah Dahan
Oliver Gershfield
Joanne & Daniel Greenaway
Laura & Rasheed Hassan
Kelly & Darren Hopkins
Inspired Asset Management
Daniel Kenig
Jack Kirkland
Sophie & Adam Lauffer
Charlotte & Mark Lazarus
Jonathan Levy
Timothy Lovat
Sarah & Adam Maurice
Anna & Adam Phillips
Natasha & Matthew Phillips
Jessica & Jourdan Rajwan
James Reichman
Rob Rinder
Jessica & Simon Rinder
Mark Sabah
Daniel & Michelle Samson
James Scott
Skinnydip Limited
Claire & Richard Spector
Nicole & Ryan Springer
Anna & Danny Steel
Rachael & Gavin Stollar
Grant Sulkin
Gregg Sulkin
Jessica Tucker
Simon & Samantha Walton
YN Friends
Ian Baron
Anna & Jamie Binstock
Karen & Anthony Bodenstein
Philip Brainin
Charlotte Eder & Nicholas Paisner
Shiri & Mark Engel
Jamie Feldman
Michelle & Neir Gigi
Adam Goldman
Helaine Gordon
Joel Goschalk
Zoe & Marc Ingram
Michael Jazanovich
Julie & Glenn Kangisser
Frieda Kaplan Gross
Charlotte & Philip Kendall
Catherine & Mark Kober
Tamara Raphael & Eyal Malinger
Gemma Mishon
Jonathan Nash
Jonathan Newman
Carly & Jonny Novick
Nicole & Mark Rajbenbach
Gabriella & Oliver Russell
Simon Saitowitz & Linsey Reay
James Salisbury
Leigh & Samuel Shaerf
Rebecca & Dany Shafran
David Suter Sharabi
Charles Silver & Angela Solomon
Tomer Sofer
Eliot Solarz
Ellie & Adam Sprei
Nicole & Daniel Teacher
Davinia & Jeremy Teacher
Nicholas Trompeter
Alex Hugo Waiman
Jonathan Walters
Danielle Weisz
We gratefully acknowledge our Benefactors,
Patrons & Friends who wish to remain