vip cinema seating collection
vip cinema seating collection
vip cinema seating collection Figueras International Seating es una marca registrada. Todos los productos y marcas que aparecen en este catálogo están registrados y patentados internacionalmente. Figueras International Seating is a registered trademark. All the products and brands displayed in this catalogue are registered and patented internationally. nuestra filosofía En Figueras International Seating somos conscientes de que sólo existe una forma de mantener el liderazgo: escuchando las necesidades de nuestros clientes e innovando día a día. Hoy somos especialistas en el equipamiento integral de sistemas de asientos y en la optimización y rentabilidad del espacio, aunque nuestra mayor pasión siga siendo la de dejar clientes satisfechos. Our philosophy At Figueras International Seating we are aware that there is only one way to stay on top: to listen to our customers’ needs and innovating day by day. Today we are specialists in the overall creation of seating systems and in optimising and taking the maximum advantage of space, although our greatest passion continues to be satisfying our customers. passion for innovation 5400Hollywood 6500sunset 9112megaseatRc 6 12 18 vip cinema seating collection 9113megaseat 9112megaseat 9078megaseat 9106megaseat 24 28 32 36 5400 Hollywood 6 91 35.8" 85 5400 Hollywood vip cinema seating collection 42.5" 108 33.4" 5400Hollywood 7 mín.180 mín.180 114 155 61.2" 44.9" 111 44” 91 35.8" 5400 Hollywood mín.180 mín.180 114 70.9" 70.9" 44.9" 111 91 61.2" 44" 35.8" 28 11" 42.5" 108 41 155 5400 Hollywood vip cinema seating collection 16" 8 5400Hollywood exclusivo reposa pies que combina un sistema abatible con uno extensible para una mayor comodidad exclusive footrest that combines folding and extendable systems for greater comfort Bandeja opcional robusta y de grandes dimensiones, de material antiruidos, capaz de soportar hasta 200kg de peso Optional table: sturdy and spacious, made of noise-dampening materials, able to support up to 200 kg Butaca de fácil mantenimiento y limpieza, para una mayor durabilidad a seat that’s easy to maintain and clean, for increased durability 9 10 vip cinema seating collection 5400Hollywood Zolotoy Duke - Odessa, Ukraine 11 6500 sunset twin 12 90 35.5" 83 6500 Sunset vip cinema seating collection 45.3" 115 32.5" 6500sunset 13 mín.180 mín.180 103 150 59" 113 44.4” 40.6" 80 31.6" 6500 Sunset 14 mín.180 mín.180 103 70.9" 70.9" 40.6" 150 59" 113 80 44.4" 31.6" 45.3" 115 28 11" 6500 Sunset vip cinema seating collection 16" 41 180º 6500sunset exclusivo reposa pies que combina un sistema abatible con uno extensible para una mayor comodidad exclusive footrest that combines folding and extendable systems for greater comfort Bandeja opcional robusta y de grandes dimensiones, de material antiruidos, capaz de soportar hasta 200kg de peso Optional table: sturdy and spacious, made of noise-dampening materials, able to support up to 200 kg Butaca de fácil mantenimiento y limpieza, para una mayor durabilidad a seat that’s easy to maintain and clean, for increased durability 15 16 vip cinema seating collection 6500sunset The Lounge, Odeon Whiteleys - London, United Kingdom 17 9112megaseatRc Butaca de respaldo reclinable mediante pulsador. Retorno automático. Seat with pushbutton-activated relining back. Automatic return. 19 20 vip cinema seating collection 9112megaseatRc Vremena Goda - Moscow, Russia 21 22 vip cinema seating collection 9112megaseatRc Arca multiplex - Pescara, Italy 23 9113megaseat 25 26 vip cinema seating collection 9113megaseat Lux Cinemas Barnasud - Gavà, Spain 27 9112megaseat 29 30 vip cinema seating collection 9112megaseat Arca multiplex - Pescara, Italy 31 9078megaseat 33 34 vip cinema seating collection 9078megaseat UCI Kinowelt - Vienna, Austria 35 9106megaseat 37 38 vip cinema seating collection 9106megaseat Cine Verdi - Barcelona, Spain 39 características técnicas technical characteristics sistema de numeración numbering system reposacabezas intercambiable integrado en el respaldo, serie Megaseat interchangeable headrests integrated in the backrest cushion, Megaseat series 40 sistema tX de absorción acústica en el respaldo de la butaca tX system of acoustic absorption at the backrest of the seat tapizado opcional de cubeta de respaldo optional backshell upholstered vip cinema seating collection respaldo reclinable mediante pulsador pushbutton-activated reclining backrest sistema de tapizado integral Form integral Form upholstering system 41 colchonetas fácilmente intercambiables easy interchangable cushions Barrera antifuego ts que garantiza el cumplimiento de las normas internacionales de seguridad contra el fuego Fire barrier ts that guarantees the performance of international fire standards our offices and showrooms at your disposal Figueras Seating USA 1908 N. W. 84th Avenue Miami, FL 33126 Tel. +1 305 786 331 9433 Fax +1 305 786 331 9434 Figueras Portugal Tel. +35 1 217 510 190 Fax +35 1 217 598 793 Figueras UK 15, Great Sutton Street Clerkenwell | London - EC1V 0BX Tel. +44 (0)20 7251 8936 Fax +44 (0)20 7250 0537 Figueras Seating France 282, Boulevard Saint Germain 75007 Paris, France Tel. +33 (0)1 43 42 26 26 Fax +33 (0)1 43 42 44 22 42 Figueras Madrid María de Molina, 32 28006 Madrid, Spain Tel. +34 914 112 508 Fax +34 915 628 193 vip cinema seating collection Figueras Barcelona Aragón, 409-413 08013 Barcelona, Spain Tel. +34 934 580 262 Fax +34 932 076 849 Figueras Deutschland Dürener Strasse, 346 50935 Köln Deutschland Tel. +49 (0)221 4302811 Fax +49 (0)221 4302813 HEADQUARTERS & FACTORY Crta. Parets a Bigues km 7,7 08186 Lliçà d’Amunt Barcelona, Spain Tel. +34 938 445 050 Fax +34 938 445 070 Figueras Seating Asia 6 Eu Tong Sen Street, #10-18 THE CENTRAL, Singapore 059817 Tel. +65 6514 4154 Fax +65 6258 2154 cinema references arround the world Usa - WaRneR BRos geRMany - cinepleX MaRBURg isRael - neW lineo spain - lUX cineMas sWeDen - filMstaDen - sf Bio spain - gRUp BalaÑa spain - cinesa leBanon - gRanD cineMas aBc DBayeh KUWait - gRanD cineMas al haMRa JoRDan - gRanD cineMas at taJ Mall spain - yelMo cinepleX slovenia - KosoleJ New Lineo rishon - Israel geRMany - Kinopolis Japan - viRgin hUngaRy - oRigo filM noRWay - saga Kino UK - eveRyMan geRMany - Uci KinoWelt singapoRe - shaW theatRes UK - oDeon cineMas inDia - Wave cineMas geRMany - BRoaDWay enteRtainMent inDonesia - BlitZ MegapleX sWitZeRlanD - pathe Filmstaden sF Bio - Gothenburg, Sweden neW ZealanD - BeRKeley cineMas noRWay - saga Kino 43 nigeRia - genesis DelUXe cineMas polanD - helios cineMas spain - cines callao UKRaine - Zolotoy DUKe iRelanD - oMnipleX cineMas KUWait - cinescape noRWay - soRlie cineMas geRMany - cinepleX liMBURg qataR - qataR ciMeMa UK - siMWoRX liMiteD Shaw Jcube - Singapore aUstRia - KRaftWeRK spain - cines veRDi islanD - saMfilM isRael - yes planet spain - cines el pUnt leBanon - cineMa Des RosaiRes gReece - cine thyva gReece - cine asteRia KoMotini sWeDen - toMelilla cineMa aUstRalia - picaDilly cineMas Japan - coRona WoRlD cineMas iRelanD - West poRt cineMa Fotokem - Budapest, Hungary noRWay - haUgesUnD Kino taiWan - aMBassaDoR theatRes noRWay - fReDRiKstaDt cineMa RoMania - Jollie cineMas noRWay - BeRgen Kino sWitZeRlanD - cine capitol RUssia - titanic cineMa Cines callao - Madrid, Spain FiGueras internatiOnaL seatinG crta. parets a Bigues km 7,7 08186 lliçà d’amunt Barcelona, spain tel. +34 938 445 050 fax +34 938 445 070 Download this catalogue optimized for iPad attitude