FILE PATH: \\flordata\projects\61867.00 Ward-Gulfport MS Parcel\graphics\BOARDS\Graphic Pakcage 02-18-15 Site Data 4 Parcel No. Parcel 1 Parcel 2 Parcel 3 Parcel 4 Parcel 5 Parcel 6 Parcel 7 Parcel 8 Parcel 9 Parcel 10 Parcel 11 Parcel 12 Parcel 13 Land Use Commerical/Retail Commerical/Retail Commerical/Retail Business Park Industrial Industrial Industrial Business Park Business Park Business Park/Transition Commercial/Retail Town Center Park City Recreational Facility Creosote Road R.O.W. Stormwater/Borrow Facilities Total Development Area Total Acres 14 14 29 40 19 53 48 17 37 12 17 48 7 355 25 44 100 524 Acres of Wetlands Disturbed 7F 11 F 29 F 28 F 18 F 46 F 46 F 14 F 32 F 8F 14 F 29 F 0 282 25 F 34 F 91 E 432 Gulf Islands Waterpark 11 Pond CRE TE R OSO 8 MDOT PARCEL Canal Road Pond LEGEND City Recreational Facility Town Center CR 1 OT EOS E RO COMM./RETAIL BUSINESS PARK Stormwater/ Borrow Facility BUSINESS PARK 10 12 TOWN CENTER Pond Kansas City Southern Railroad BUSINESS PARK 4 Creosote Road OA D 9 COMM. Gulfport Premium Outlets BUSINESS PARK 7 INDUSTRIAL 5 INDUSTRIAL AD CITY RECREATIONAL FACILITY 6 INDUSTRIAL Stormwater/ Borrow Facility Stormwater/ Borrow Facility Pond Forest Heights Neighborhood COMM. 2 Pond Business Park 13 Commercial/Retail PARK Industrial 3 Pond Upland Outparcel (MDOT) Rail Powerline Easement Recreational Trail k COMM./RETAIL Cr ee Bottomland Hardwoods High Quality Bottomland Hardwoods Medium Quality Bottomland Hardwoods Low Quality Wetland Pine Savanna Medium Quality Wetland Pine Savanna Low Quality Cypress Strand Low Quality ke y Community Park Tu r Stormwater/ Borrow Facility Gulfport Dragway North Gulfport Neighborhood Canoe Head F E Fill Excavation NOTE: THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD BE TREATED AS CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE © 2014 VHB FIGURE A-15: PROPOSED PROJECT CONCEPT PLAN SCALE IN FEET WARD-GULFPORT PROPERTY 0’ 1000’ N 2000’ DATE: April 30, 2015 PROJECT NUMBER: 61867.00 225 E. Robinson St, Suite 300 | Orlando, Florida 32801 Tel: 407.839.4006 | Fax: 407.839.4008 | www.VHB.com