November/December 2012
November/December 2012
November/December 2012 Prices subject to change. Promotion availability limited to quantity on hand. D E SIGN Design is a complete concept that distinguishes itself through recognizable products which provide high professional quality and extra care for hair. The line consists of a broad range of products for in-salon and home use. Design distinguishes itself through its recognizable style of packaging and products. Distinct packaging forms the signature of the line that moves the hair. The products are distinctive through their quality. Design is salon exclusive and unmistakably Keune. Any type of hair can be styled by Design. Design offers the tools to create that style; however, wherever and whenever! Mild and Caring: All Design Care products are formulated to be mild and conditioning to the hair and are for daily use. Treatments can be used 2 - 3 times per week. Hair treated with Design Care products is left in the best possible condition. All Design Care products are color safe. Color Care: Improved formula with triple color protection, Color Care ensures the best color protection. Sunflower seed extract protects the hair from UV damage. Natural Sea Silk adds shine and leaves the hair silky and smooth. LP300 color stabilizer enhances the durability of the color. #/,/2#!2%3(!-0//#/.$)4)/.%2 s4RIPLE#OLOR0ROTECTION s3OLAMERPROTECTSAGAINST56DAMAGE s3EASILKADDSSHINE s,0ENHANCESDURABILITY sP( BONUS 2//46/,5-):%2 s(OLDFACTOR s3HINEFACTOR s,IGHTWEIGHTDIRECTIONALSPRAYMOUSSE s(EATPROTECTION Most popular design styling product s0URCHASEML#OLOR#ARE3HAMPOOML#OLOR#ARE#ONDITIONER s2ECEIVEML2OOT6OLUMIZER&2%% Promotion Price: $17.75 2EGULAR0RICE *Product substitution will be made for California DESIGN C ARE LIN E M A N Care Line Man - Keune recognizes that men and women have different ATTITUDESABOUTTHEIRHAIRALONGWITHDIFFERENTHAIRNEEDS#ARE,INE-ANWAS created specifically for men, designed for thicker scalps with a concentration on hair loss and scalp problems such as dandruff. The male-specific formulas include minerals that nourish the scalp and soothe the hair. Keune Care Line -ANPRODUCTSCOMEINSIMPLEPACKAGINGWITHMASCULINEFRAGRANCES%ACH product uses rock crystals and silicium to improve the skin and hair strength. Care Line ManISDIVIDEDINTOFOURREGIMENS &ORTIFYnTOCREATEFULLERHAIR (YDRATEnFORDAILYMOISTURECONTROL #OMBATnTODEFYDANDRUFF -AGNIFY3TYLEnTOSTYLEANDCONDITION &/24)&93(!-0//,/4)/. s2ED'INSENGINCREASESBLOODCIRCULATION promoting hair growth s2OCK#RYSTALSGIVESTRENGTH s-ENTHOLGIVESACOOLINGANDSTIMULATINGEFFECT s6ITAMIN(IMPROVESTHEKERATINRESULTINGIN stronger hair and a decrease in the number of hairs falling out s#AFFEINEPROLONGSTHEGROWTHCYCLE BONUS ()'(3().% s(OLDFACTOR s!DDSLOADSOFSHINE s#REATESFLEXIBLEHOLDnDOESNOTFREEZEYOURSTYLE s3MOOTHDEFINEANDGENTLYCONTROLYOURSTYLE s2OCK#RYSTALS%SSENTIAL-INERALSCONDITIONTHEHAIR s2OOIBOSSTIMULATESBLOODCIRCULATIONTONOURISHTHESCALP s,IGHTWEIGHTFORMULAKEEPSTHEHAIRVOLUMINOUS Top selling men’s styling product - adds volume s0URCHASEML&ORTIFY3HAMPOOML&ORTIFY,OTION s2ECEIVEML(IGH3HINE&2%% Promotion Price: $25.75 2EGULAR0RICE CARE LINE MA N CA RE LI N E Care Line offers a complete salon program for hair and scalp to provide optimal treatment for healthy hair. The Care Line salon concept embraces care for all hair and scalp types. The line consists of a broad range of products for in-salon and home use. Essential Minerals for Healthy Hair:%SSENTIALMINERALSHAVEADUAL function. In the scalp, essential minerals are building blocks of the inner body cells. The proper function of the cells determines the proper function of the scalp. A healthy scalp provides better hair quality. Care Line is enriched with ESSENTIALMINERALSTHATIMPROVETHEQUALITYOFTHEHAIRANDTHESCALP%SSENTIAL minerals nourish the scalp and regulate the moisture balance. This gives the hair shine, volume and flexibility. It has a soothing effect on the cuticle, keeping the hair in better condition with protection, shine and strength. Hair & Scalp: The treatment of hair and scalp differs. Care Line has specific products for hair and for scalp. Depending on the need, the regimens contain a combination of ingredients for hair and scalp, each with a very specific benefit. -ANYCARERELATEDNEEDSARECAUSEDBYANUNBALANCEDFUNCTIONOFTHESCALP Keune Care Line helps to balance the function of the scalp for long lasting scalp and hair improvement. Hair will become naturally silky smooth and easy to comb. 6)4!,.542)4)/.3(!-0//#/.$)4)/.%2 s2EGENERATETHEHAIRINSIDEOUT s0ROTEINSANDMOISTURIZERSPENETRATEHAIR structure by filling damaged areas s,EAVESHAIRSTRONGERANDHYDRATED BONUS 0(!3%302!9 s0ROVIDESSMOOTHANDSOFTHAIRPREVENTSFRIZZ s%ASIERTOCOMBTHEHAIR s'IVESSHINE s2OCK#RYSTALSAND%SSENTIAL-INERALSCONDITIONTHEHAIR s2OOIBOSINCREASESCIRCULATIONFORGOODSCALPFUNCTION s'IVESVOLUMETOHAIR Care Line best seller s0URCHASEML6ITAL.UTRITION3HAMPOOML#ONDITIONER s2ECEIVEML0HASE3PRAY&2%% Promotion Price: $16.80 2EGULAR0RICE CARE LINE 100% Pure Plant Essential Therapy - So Pure Natural balance is developed following many years of intensive research. Plant extracts and essential oils are the only active ingredients. Knowledge about phytotherapy, aromatherapy and homeopathy supports the So Pure Natural Balance concept. The product philospohy focuses on the well-being effect and the aroma experience of 100% plant ingredients. Over 30 rich plant extracts and essential oils have been selected to create So Pure Natural Balance. Products contain certified organic essential oils, grown and harvested using biological agriculture to sustain the ecosystem and protect the integrity of the oils. s!LLPRODUCTSCONTAINCERTIFIEDORGANIC!RGANOILWHICHMOISTURIZESHAIR and fights scalp aging s/NLYPLANTEXTRACTSANDESSENTIALOILSASNATURALWORKINGINGREDIENTS s.OARTIFICIALFRAGRANCECOLORORANIMALRELATEDMATERIALS s!ROMASCOMEFROMNATURALESSENTIALOILS s!LLSHAMPOOSANDCONDITIONERSARECOLORSAFE s!LLSHAMPOOSARESULFATEFREE s!LLPRODUCTSAREPARABENFREE s!LLPRODUCTSCONTAINCERTIFIEDORGANIC!RGANOIL Vision5TILIZETHEHIGHESTQUALITYOFNATURESVALUABLEGIFTSOFFINE%SSENTIALOILS and plant extracts for the body and mind while preserving the delicate ecosystem. SO PURE offers salon clients five regimens of hair care products and one regimen of seven styling products. All products are color safe, promote a high QUALITYOFLIFEANDCONSCIOUSNESSABOUTHEALTHANDTHEENVIRONMENTANDFULFILL the needs of those desiring natural products. #!,-).'3(!-0//#/.$)4)/.%2 #(!-/-),%,!6%.$%2 !,,(!)2490%3 s5LTRAMILDANDSUITABLEFORHAIRANDBODY s2ELAXESSENSITIVESCALP s#OMPLETECONDITIONINGWITHVOLUME s&ORMULATEDWITHCERTIFIEDORGANIC!RGANOIL BONUS 34!23(!0%2 s(OLD3HINE s3TYLINGCREAMENRICHEDWITHORGANICESSENTIAL oils and Argan oil s#ORNSTARCHFORFLEXIBLEBODYANDSUPPORT s3UITABLEFORALLHAIRTYPES Flexible body & long lasting texture for all hair types s0URCHASEML#ALMING3HAMPOOML#ALMING#ONDITIONER s2ECEIVEML3TAR3HAPER&2%% Promotion Price: $25.00 Regular Price: $37.00 2013 Academy Schedule Coming Soon! ACADEMY 3344 Peachtree Road, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30326 (800) 330-9302 OPERATIONS 1440 Lakes Parkway, Suite 500 Lawrenceville, GA 30043 (678) 377-5226 FAX (678) 377-9216 twitter/KeuneUSA