2nd Birthday Edition


2nd Birthday Edition
the teens magazine | 2nd Birthday Edition | http://thefriendz.biz
Status: In a Relationship– Beyond
Broken-hearts & Brave-hearts
Unconventional Guide to Choosing
the Right Career as Teens
Summer 2010 Fashion Trends
Teen Gals & Guys
Spiritual? Me? No Way! I don’t know shit
about it.
The Guy Thing: Boxers v/s Briefs
Cover Model: Ashish Khetarpal
Cover Photo by
Anurag Bhateja
the FRiEnDz Team
Managing Editor
Copy Editor
The Media Guy
Idea People
Cover Model
Guest Authors
Special People
King Sidharth
Karthikeyan Ganpathy
Manav Dhiman
Varundeep Singh
Utkarsh Kukreti
Rishabh Verma
Tanya Oziel
Mikkel Juhl
Derek Jensen
Ashish Khetarpal
Anurag Bhateja
Creative Commons from Flickr
Shirley Osei-Mensah
Karishma Shah
Ankita Katiyar
Mohit Bansal & Lotus (L-pad)
Anu Kapoor
Dr. Gaurav Chhabra
Join the Dark Side
Want to be a part of world’s awesomest teen team? All it
takes is passion and wild imagination. Read more on how
you can join us.
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You can reuse and copy the content.
You cannot sell it or use it commercially.
You must attribute the origianl author and
‘theFRiEnDz’ when using the content.
If in doubt, mail us: info@thefriendz.biz
Cover Model /
Ashish Khetarpal
Status: In a Relationship
Movies: Kick-Ass, Prince of Persia...
Career & Education
Unconventional Guide to Choosing
the Right Career as Teens
Fashion Trends
Summer 2010
Gals / Guys
Me? No Way!
Twenties Girl /
Tuesdays with
FinalFantasy XII
The Guy Thing
Boxers v.s
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Editor’s Desk… Lap… err.. Whatever
This whole edition was inspired by so many movies (I am on a movie a
day diet plan) and I noticed how beautiful this time of our lives is. We are
stepping up to be who-we-really-are. We are indulging in new relations,
thinking about our career, trying to manage what we ‘should’ be doing
(damn adults) and what we really want to do. And in middle of this – a
childish personality is becoming independent.
It’s very dynamic life that we are living and every part of it is worth it. If
you are thinking that I am going to tell you how important this time is and
use it well then you’d be wrong. Because I think you all are doing great –
perfect as you are. No other in your shoes could have done better.
So just keep going the way that feels natural to you, no matter what
others say. Let’s be who we really want to be.
That’s my job, to give you a community where you can be the ‘real’ you
– just as you are. I will need your help in that one. All you need to do is
communicate with like minded people you find around ‘the FRiEnDz’
community – it can interacting with awesome people on our facebook
fanpage or just a comment on articles, or maybe join the team. You
choose – it’s your world.
Let’s be Awesome,
King Sidharth
Teens Make Money Online, Go Check it
Ashish Khetarpal
Age: 18
Height: 5’8”
Eyes Color: Coal Black
Hometown: Meerut, India (Currently
in Chandigarh, India)
actions leading to debacles, early
failures in life again leading to
ill and less desirable measures
bringing about a plastic life-style
and makes up for an eery character,
later in life. What is the best thing about teen
generation today?
I believe the best thing at anytime
and anywhere is learning how to
take a stand for yourself and today’s
gen-force is giving the earlier
generation a hard time digesting
their ways of doing things.
They are casting their nets wide
everywhere; one just need to keep
rotating the head. Everybody wants
to picture themselves with their own
authentic brio in front of the world
and shout out loud that they are
ready to take on.
…and the worst?
There is nothing that you can call
‘worst’. Just that certain areas
where we fail to see the bigger
picture and impulsively act upon,
that is it.
One thing, though which sometimes
captivate my attention is the way
teenagers start about things, rash
Note: Paparazzi Pic, Ashish didn’t know
he was being shot in this one.
Do you think ‘What do you want to
be when you grow up?’ is a lame
question? Haha! Not lame… but
the lam-est question.
Parents ask, “What do you want to
become when you grow up?” If I
would reply, “Justin Timberlake”,
they will call me a dumb-headed
with no brains and no sensory or
motor-y nerves functioning in my
body but if I would reply something
like, ‘’Financial analyst or a lawyer”,
they wouldn’t stop patting my
back until it starts to get a little red
and mom starts to run to get the
You become nothing when you grow
up; you always become something
while you are growing up. That’s
what I believe in.
What is the first thing you notice
in a person?
Photo by Anurag Bhateja
I am very particular about the
person’s body language. In girls,
their hair-style and their stilettos
(if they are wearing) draw my
attention. In boys, I look for matured
decency and his intellect and wit.
Wit and intellect, for me, is like an
aphrodisiac, but only in the girl’s
case. (laughin!) What is the best thing that has
ever happened to you?
A girl I met in high school. I could
learn a lot about life from her.
Note: Paparazzi Pic, Ashish didn’t know
he was being shot in this one.
What’s the craziest thing you did
Photo by Anurag Bhateja
I and a bunch of friends stripped off
almost everything in the middle of
the road at 3 in the morning and my
friends were peeing in the middle
of the highway lane while a heavily
loaded truck was coming towards
us. It seems that you work out a lot,
any health or work-out tips for
teens? What should they focus
I have always loved the word
‘natural’ and everything that comes
in the context of the same. A
healthy natural diet after a balanced
workout to ebb away little mental
and physical knots.
Main focus should always be
on the general outlook that you
portray. And i can be sure you
don’t want to be trapped in Arnold
Schwarzeneger’s body, giving a
speech like Obama after you play
like Sachin on the pitch. Don’t
chase perfection. Just be natural
and be real. Boxers or Briefs?
hehe. I prefer briefs. They tell a lot
about you (heheh almost grunting).
Want to be the next cover model? Just send us
some pics to info@thefriendz.biz
It’s Good Awesome
Despite the fact that half of the world
(eastern hemisphere, if you are
dumb) doesn’t think very highly of
such relationships but we are here to
tell you why it’s good. But remember,
it’s your choice – it’s not bad if you
don’t get into any relationship at all
in your whole teen life. You still have
rest of your life.
their efforts to understand but they
are parents for God’s sake.
We need someone whom we can
share our thoughts with, someone
more than a best friend. Now the
lucky ones among us might not feel
Learning Experience
Status: In a Relationship– Beyond
Broken-hearts & Brave-hearts
For us teens, love is always in the air. Part of the reason is because we are
so lovable and so loving and yea – there is that hormone thing too. It’s the
time most of us have relationships that we never thought we’d have. Wasn’t
it that as kids we thought having boyfriends and girlfriends was... well…
But now we know it’s fun to be in dynamics of relationships. But… yes there
is always this but. There are many people who still think it doesn’t make
sense or they are not ready and there is no judgment. It’s a choice. So let’s
look at some aspects of this amazing and wicked boy-girl relationship.
We hate being taught. Honestly,
when was the last time you liked
being told what’s right and what’s
wrong? We like to learn in our own
way on our own terms and that’s an
awesome thing because it makes
sure that old screwy prejudices of
previous generation are not passed
on to next generations.
that at all, but for the rest of us – we
want someone.
You will never find yourself learning
about relationship as much as you’d
learn in teenage. Nothing is binding,
you are not expected to outshine or
make it work. All you need is to be
just yourself and see how it goes.
Well, more on that later.
It’s good to ask, it proves that you
are smart enough to learn. So here
is the best shot we could give to
answer the F.A.Q.s
3 Most Asked Questions
about Relationships
But Am I Ready?
Someone to Be & Share With
Parents wanna know, all the time.
But it’s much easier to share
something with someone… well
special than to parents trying to be
friends. Not that we don’t appreciate
We might or might not be ready
for a sexual relationship but for
an emotional relationship we are
ready. If we were not, why would our
Mother Nature make us want to go
that way? Even the dumbest kids
at school know that it’s not a good
idea to go against nature – and all
we know to be good is to follow our
natural instincts.
Only you could tell when you are
Does it need to be Sexual?
break-off stereotypes and live in the
moment creating a relationship of
our own kind, on our own terms?
One of its kind boyfriend and one of
its kind girlfriend?
There’s always a way to look at things
that feels better and why in the world
would we choose a way that feels
worse than better?
What if it does Not Work Out?
No one is perfect, expect for those
who are. So since it is a learning
experience just say never mind,
give benefit of doubt, stay cool. In
short, be the cool kid you are even if
people expect you to freak out.
World will end, it will be doom of us
all. Well for a few days if you let it
but if you just look at it as learning
experience and act mature (I know,
that’s a parent’s cliché but hey) you
will see that it made you so much
clear about how you want your
relationship to be.
Say Never mind
Have Fun
This one is from our non-physical
friends (Our deepest minds get it?):
No relationship goes waste. It adds
to the person you are and you
evolve to be better one.
Best Relationship
Advice by Teens (and
some rare breed of cool
Wouldn’t it be better if we just
There is no rule book about how
a relationship should be. Being
the free and young birds we are,
let’s break stereotypes and create
relationships of our own – on our
own terms. Let’s look for the best
of others and say never mind when
things go wrong. Let’s be with
people for the fun of it.
We love extra bonus stuff, so we
thought we’d give you some. Feel
free to add to it on the online article.
The Vortex by Esther & Jerry
Be Yourself
A relationship isn’t about ‘How many
ways you can stand on your head to
please me’ but it’s about ‘How many
ways can I find to look at you that
pleases me’. So instead of trying to
change others or control the situations
just try and look things differently.
Be in a relationship for the fun of
it – it will always work out. Say, “I
like you pretty good, let’s see how it
More Stuff
We thought we’d ask you to give
some relationship advice to fellow
teen creatures and cults. Here is
what we came up with:
Did we hear ‘need’? There is no
rule book in the sky that says it
should be this way or that way.
It’s all a choice and you know that
you will be better off with someone
who supports you in whatever you
someone? Is it how they please
you? They won’t do that all the time.
Is it how cool they are? People
evolve. The only criteria we would
use if we were in your physical
shoes would be how fun is it?
A wonderful book by Esther, Jerry
and Abraham on relationships and
the Law of Attraction – must read.
You will never have unanswered
questions about ‘Why’ that
Think again, what is the criteria
for you to be in relationship with
happened and what to do about it.
Brida by Paulo Choelo
Paulo always makes us think, this
novel of his will make you run
your mind in directions that you
never thought you could go. It’s a
wonderful book for spiritual teens.
Eleven Minutes by Paulo Choelo
A taboo in many school libraries
(adults need to grow up) is a story of
a Brazillian will make you live her life
and see through her eyes and make
you feel the way she feels. And in
all of that you will learn a lot in an
interesting way. Not that Paulo wants
to teach you something, but you are
smart to learn anyways.
The Reason by Hoobstank
Go listen again, or send it to your
boyfriend / girlfriend.
Kick Ass
There are movies that
make us dream, then
there are movies that make
our dreams come true and further
still are the movies that do both.
Here is a confession, I really thought
of becoming a superhero when in
my early teens. I had a plan, name,
costume design and a belief I can do it.
Then something happened, maybe I
just didn’t get the stuff. Whatever it
was, now it’s back and it kicks some
serious ass. And pretend to be gay
to win his girl and have sex in public.
Phew! Teens today!
Kick-Ass is not your regular superhero
movie where superheroes never get
hurt it’s a story of a regular jerking-off
teen who does it. We really don’t want
to tell you anything about the story and
ruin the show just go and watch it or
grab it on DVD.
If you are ‘the FRiEnDz’ kind
who love believing that your
dreams and fantasies can
come true even when all
else doesn’t work out – this
movie is for you.
Prince of
This is the hottest movie in
town. A hunky prince, a hot
princess, an evil uncle and
loads of magic! This is the
perfect recipe to bring one
of the most popular games
to movies. But hold on for
a second! Crap! There is no
proper climax.
And not much action either,
don’t be fooled by the
trailers – that is all there is.
Though it was certainly better than any other video game adoption teens eyes
have seen but not ‘that’ good. I’d rather play the game.
Ready to Love Again by Lady
Antebellum (Need You Know)
The Book of Eli
What are your views on being in a
relationship? Head over to online
version of this article and have
your say.
Movies – Some are good for a one time watch, others just memorable and
awesome. The Book of Eli belongs to the latter class. It’s so awesome that
you would never ever feel bored to watch it again.
Photos by Made Underground, by
Gustavo Minas, by ♪ Brigitte...Meh, and
by Pink Sherbet Photography.
by Manav Dhiman
Directed by Hughes brothers, written by Gary Whitta and starring Denzel
Washington, Gary Oldman, Jennifer Beals and MilaKunis is a postapocalyptic (meaning after everything is finished. Just like that 2012 thing)
movie. Everyone is fighting for their lives – Eating anything that they can,
even humans.
But, the protagonist named Eli (Denzel Washington) survives all in a very
awesome way, and reaches probably the only town that has remained.
But situation is the same except no
one’s eating each other. This part
of the movie is really interesting
and you would stop your breath
each time something bad is gonna
The movie is kinda boring at some
points, but thank God they last for
some moments only! I don’t want
to reveal everything interesting and
the best part of the movie, so you
gotta watch it yourself for a big
Don’t know why it’s rated Adult
(These grown-ups, they will never
grow-up), may be because of the
violence. But it’s awesome and
you all should watch it – A highly
recommended watch. Go get you
DVD now!
From Peter “the
junkie” to Peter,
my idol.
by Mikkel Juhl
Music.. Yeah I am supposed to write
about music and I bet that, I can do
that, I love music. Loads of people
love music; I bet you are one of the musical lovers too, aren’t you? Otherwise
you would have skipped this section,
most definitely.
Peter Doherty
Now (also some extraordinary lyrics)
If you are from England you have most
definitely heard about this lyrical genius. Peter Doherty, lots of people are
judging him because of his massive
use of drugs, but seriously, give me
one rock start who aren’t on drugs? It’s awesome to see Libertines back
together, I like the fact of that, but I
don’t think it will ever be as good as
the good old days (even though Peter
says, there were no good old days)
Drugs is perfectly normal in those
circumstances.. So let’s skip all the
talk about drugs, we all know that they
aren’t healthy. Let’s focus on music!
Grace/Wastelands is Peter Doherty’s
first solo album it’s a great combination
of great lyrics and quite good guitar
play. His lyrics are... indefinable. The most played songs in my iTunes
library is Salome, and Sheepskin
If you like Babyshambles and Libertines you will most definitely like Peter
Doherty’s Grace/Wastelands.
Libertines reunion
I am not born to listen to pop. That’s
just not me, I am not the one who likes
all the mainstream music, and I’d rather
listen to some cool indie rock. When I was quite young, we had
some tabloid magazines and my sister
showed me Peter Doherty, I really got
a wrong impression from him, if I had
been like every (almost) other person in
the entire world, I wouldn’t have started
listening to his music.. I did…
It hit me, he is fucking brilliant. He is
perfection, at least his lyrics are. When we are talking about Peter, we
have to mention the reunion of The Libertines, they have apart in over 4 years,
they will play together at Reading and
Leeds festival, so if you are a fan, you
shouldn’t miss out on this one.. They
got 20 million pounds for playing together, and we will see if they decide to
make a new album, I doubt it though.
The most played songs in my iTunes
is The Good Old Days (definitely
one of Peter’s best songs), Last Post
On The Bugle and Can’t Stand Me
Is Babyshambles gonna
miss their drummer?
Babyshambles’ drummer Adam Ficek
left the band, probably caused by the
Libertines reunion, so they got a new
drummer. At least a temporarily drummer called Danny Goffey, hopefully
Babyshambles will enjoy a little break,
and then give us the new album soon..
Babyshambles is so awesome in bad
times, in depressed times; there lies a
lot of honesty in those songs. The most played songs in my iTunes
are Deft Left Hand and Baddie’s Boggie. Both songs really mean a lot to
me, and I really enjoy listening to them,
they are perfection!
I recommend these musicians; I really
want you to listen to them. Their lyrics
are the best; in fact the world’s best
Career & Education
Stupid questions it is, but it is time
that we ask it. Why do we have to
study what they think is best for us,
why can’t we choose? After all it’s
our birth right.
it was to enhance our skills at what
we are already good at. But now, it
has changed completely. Now we
need to be good at what we are not.
Now this seems weird, isn’t it?
Well here is even a bigger question
– why do we even relate our
education to career? Isn’t education
about honing your skills, but that
isn’t what it does – instead it points
out what you are not good at and
takes every effort of yours to make
you good at what you are not.
New Criteria to Choose
Your Career
But where do we find one? Does it
even exist?
Yes it does and you’ve been taught
to over-ride – thanks to education.
It’s your emotions. It is the most
profound question:
Unconventional Guide to Choosing the
Right Career as Teens
“How do you feel now?”
Think for a moment, do our parents know how life will be 10 years later? 20
years? 50 years?
No they don’t and they are not even going to lead it there – we are. And
yet we let them decide how to prepare for it. Not that it’s their fault, they are
well-meaning in doing so – it’s just that we don’t take the lead.
Here are some thoughts on boundless career of life that you can choose.
First thing to learn is that - it is a choice.
Killing Stereotypes
World is stuck in stereotypes, if someone is interested in science they go
for science and if they are good at understanding concepts they go for
science. Good with accounts and management? Go for MBA.
We need new criteria to choose a
career - criteria which can tend to
all the dynamics of one’s life and
can inspire the best out of them.
After all, if you are not giving your
best – you are not your best.
Needless to say, that it is time that
we stop limiting our career with
education. It really is irrelevant to
judge one’s career with education. It
doesn’t tend to all the dynamics of a
This may seem weird, but when this
now known education was made,
All our actions are inspired by this
question. Everything we want to
achieve is because we believe
we will feel better in having of it –
everything has emotional basis. So
why not let them direct us in our
choice of career. Here is a video
where Steve Jobs talks about how
he made choices based on how he
felt – leaving everything & everyone
out of the equation.
At the Heart of Career
The Unlimited Genius Kid
“Adults are always asking children
what they want to be, because they
are looking for ideas.” – Picasso
Do you remember how you
answered the question ‘What do
you want to be when you grow up?’
First and foremost the only reason
the idea of being an adult appealed
to you was ‘freedom’. We never
liked anyone else telling us what
to do, and I hope you still are the
Our sense of freedom is what we
are seeking in our career as the
first step and yet we let go of that
freedom in making that choice – we
let the education, parents, society,
family background and all of that
crap decide our career. So little
say we have in our own careers or
freedom, what an irony!
Back to the question to the kid
“What do you want to be?” I don’t
know about you but my answer
changed every day if not every 2-3
Someday I would want to be a
better teacher than mine and teach
love; someday I wanted to be a
milk-man so I could enjoy delicious
milkand then I would want to be a
solider thanks to the movie I just
Do you see the pattern? So free we
were in choice and so believing
in what is possible - God damn
that education that coaxes that out
of us. Truly, we don’t need such
Anyways, the criteria for our choice
of career were what stimulate us.
What would interest us? What would
be fun?
Fun was our criteria for choice of
career and somehow we knew
everything else gets taken care of.
Who overrode that with money and
social status and all other things
that don’t even matter?
Label Free Career
(100% Off on All Prices)
– they have a hard time putting
a label on themselves because
it’s a feeling that they know – an
undeniable inner calling. And it
doesn’t need a label.
college because of his love for
computers. He did what his heart
said; he didn’t worry about anyone
or anything. The result? Well, you
So are you ready to make your
choice for your freedom and joy?
If you are worried that it might be
hard then let me assure you – you
are right. But don’t let it stop you,
because you will enjoy making the
impossible, possible.
James Cameroon – He enrolled
in Fullerton to study Physics. But
he dropped out shortly to marry
a waitress, and to eventually
become a truck driver. But when he
watched Star Wars in 1977, his life
completely changed. And you can
literally see the result.
But life is not worth living if you are
not living the dream. If you are not
your best, you are not your best.
“There were names, there were
designations. I looked but found no
human.” -Anon (Urdu Poem)
I can almost hear the older ones of
you crying out loud ‘But I can’t be
all of that!’
Break free from every notion of
career that was told to you and
make your own path. Choose
emotionally don’t bother about
the words and labels and sticking
to one thing. Because every day
you dream new dreams and every
day you fulfill as much as you can
while having fun – rest you just let
go. Because there is no end to the
dreams you can dream and no end
to what you can achieve.
Bill Gates – He was the son of
a schoolteacher. He enrolled
in Harvard in the fall of 1973 to
drop out after two years to found
Microsoft with childhood friend Paul
Allen. And the rest you know.
Mark Zuckerberg– Most of us
would use our college dorm room
to sleep, have fun and umm…
You know that better. But, Mark
Zuckerberg used it to create
Facebook for the Harvard students.
As Facebook grew more, he
dropped out of the college.
Head over to online version of
this article to add your views.
More Stuff
Whip It! (Movie)
But why not? Who the heck
stopping you!
Money and The Law of Attraction by
Jerry & Esther Hicks
So much emphasis is given on
labeling your career when that
label in itself is meaningless. Ask
the enterprising and creative ones
Mind Some Inspiration?
Steve Jobs – Dropped out of
Photos by vancouverfilmschool, by
evanosherow and by dreamglow
Fashion eh? Ask Us! - Gals
Summer 2010
Fashion Trends for
Teen Girls
High Dress Split
Sporty & Sci-Fi
This one is not your wear it daily
style, this one is for those special
formal occasions. Wear the dress
It’s time they wear nice jackets and
shoes with those sporty track-suits
and stuff. Throwing in sporty stuff
with fashion diva stuff is coolest
thing we saw happening in fashion
industry, for teens, this season.
Fashion is changing quickly, but we
try to bring everything for you that
matters. You will never ever get out
of fashion!
Knee High Socks
Knee high socks were rolling in
ramp this season. Time to stretch
some socks, I guess? Try different
variations. Don’t be shy – try playing
with colors and textures too.
Boyfriend Blazer
Try combining them with top pants
or short shorts.
Go get some more – you have so
many options. Wear it tight, sporty
or let it flow. Go visit some fashion
galleries to get more ideas.
with high heels or it just won’t work.
It is summer so if your legs look like
sun’s tan painting then worry not,
just use those stockings.
Printed Stuff
Graphic prints, floral or even your
random paint splashes will do. Make
it scarf or make it on pants. Just go
print! Time to use imagination.
Time to raid your boyfriend’s
wardrobe. Maybe
not, they are just
oversized jackets
with high shoulders
but they look super
hot when combined
with other trendy
stuff. Don’t forget to
fold the sleeves.
PS: We thought
we’d let you know
that ripped denim and patched
denim are in too.
PPS: Long waved hair is the best
hairstyle for teens this season.
Head over to online version of this
guide to add more tips or get talking.
Fashion eh? Ask Us! - Guys
Summer 2010
Fashion Trends for
Teen Boys
Scarf Dilemma
Stripes & Checks
If you are bold enough to make a
style statement – go for jumpsuits
and get wild in choice. Try different
colors and combinations.
this strict for guys when it comes to
colors. Jacket, T-Shirt or whatever
– grey is must. (I was wondering
about grey hair).
It is summer and weather you wear
that scarf or not, does make a difference – more than the heat. This will
put your fashion sense to test. We
will let you choose this one.
Deck Shoes
Can’t tell you how kick-ass they are!
Just love them – if you are tired of
thinking what to wear with what then
know that you are saved. You can
wear a pair of theseeverywhere with
everything. We know of guys who
plan to spend whole summer with
deck shoes on… err… take
a bath please?
Go Grey
Suddenly grey is must wear this
summer. We never saw trends go
Must have pattern this
season. Looks cool on
shirts (even when shirts
are used as jackets) but
what about checks on
your shorts? Be bold, try
PS: Don’t you forget to
get new deo. It is summer you don’t want to
be the stink machine, do
Blue Formals
Headover to online version of this article to
add your thoughts.
Not that the formals are
that blue, but having a
blue blazer or blue shirt
or even a blue tie works
well for formals. Something cool for eyes this
FRiEnDz News
all over the world to help each other in
being better.
Here we officially invite you to join the
team and help us take this forward. You
can do all sorts of things for us: write,
sing, pose, post, blog, make videos,
kick ass or whatever you wanna do.
FRiEnDz the Movie - update
5. We will keep you updated about
our progress on our official fan
We are back in business and you
better join us in. We have loads of
announcements to make in coming
weeks. Join us on this eternal voyage of
self-discovery; we will love to have you
on board.
Go treat yourself with a piece of cake
on our 2nd Birthday. Nope, we are not
paying but hey.
PS: You better check out our blog and
subscribe – we are going to be really
active on it.
The Teen Lords Return – the FRiEnDz
is Back!
PPS: Do think about writing for
magazine or blog.
Every now and then we go away – just disappear and stop producing the
awesome magazine that you deserve. We think we owe you an explanation (we
are really good at that, aren’t we?)
Why we were away?
The answer is that you deserve better. Our team is more dynamic than you can
think off – new ideas are exchanged everyday (over fb chat that sucks, emails,
skype and such). So what we think we need to do keeps evolving and sometimes
it evolves so much that we can’t keep up. For example our website – It’s design
was so awesome, took us a little while to make it a reality.
Remember we were working on the
movie? Well we’ve been working on it
since the magazine started. In fact, the
magazine started for the movie. Here
are updates on movie in 5 points:
So now you know, well kinda.
1. We tried for 5th Time and did
Meet the New Team Member: YOU
2. Learned a lot and made some
It is our 2nd Birthday and we are having a bash with you guys. Hell yes it’s a party
but it’s not the kind of party you attend on homecoming; it’s a party of passion and
fresh ideas. It’s a gathering of passionate people like you coming together from
3. At the time of wiring the script is
being simplified.
4. After that we shoot again.
You are able to write descriptions
for each to do activity that you list
under a day. Any activity that you
couldn’t complete in a day, you
can move it to another day.Be it a
previous day or a next day or even
to a section called “someday”, so
that the day you decide to do that
someday activity you do it. Also if
you want to do something some
other day but you don’t know when
you can put that under the someday
After you’ve completed an activity
you can click on it to cross it out,
meaning you’ve completed it and
you can even delete that completed
activity from the list so not keep
your to do list all cluttered up.
TeuxDeux - The Ultimate Productivity
By Shirley Osei-Mensah
You know, sometimes you just run out of time.Then you wish there were like
48 hours in a day; still run out of time because that’s how humans are. It’s
just the human. Even if there were 72 hours in a day we will still run out of it
and wish for probably 150.
then you would not know what to
do next for the day and all that and
then you’ll be back to the point “A”
of confusion and wasting time.
But what’s causing all this? It’s lack of time management. Yup, I went
through it and it was like I was dying or something, man, it was serious. It’s
like you’ve been placed in a glass box or something...umm...even though
I’ve not been placed in one before.
What you need is a to-do list that
you can take with you anywhere
you go.And that’s where TeuxDeux
comes in. TeuxDeux is a browser-based app that helps you in
scheduling your daily activities to
fit your lifestyle.
So to prevent this lack of time management, you need to have a schedule or a to-do list and it has to be a daily one and specific too. And you
wouldn’t want to use a paper for this because it might get missing and
TeuxDeux is a very cool tool to prevent you from pulling your hair out
all because of time management.
All you need to do is sign up for a
free account with them. And as I
said, it’s all browser-based so that
means it’s with you anywhere you
go because you can access it on
any pc that has internet access and
a browser :).
So don’t let time management be
a problem to you whilst TeuxDeux
Bioshock 2
by Karthikeyan Ganapathy
It’s a sequel to…
BioShock, a first-person shooter video game developed by 2K. It was
released for the Windows operating
system and Xbox 360 video game
console on 21 August 2007
Set in an alternate history 1960, the
game places the player in the role
of a plane crash survivor named
Jack, who must explore the underwater city of Rapture, and survive
attacks, by the mutated beings and
mechanical drones that populate it.
The game incorporates elements
found in role-playing and survival
games, and is described by the developers as a “spiritual successor”
to their previous titles in the System
Shock series.
The game received overwhelmingly
positive reviews, being particularly
well-reviewed in the mainstream
press, which praised its “moralitybased” storyline, immersive environment and Ayn Rand-inspired
dystopian back-story.
Why should I care?
The first game received overwhelmingly positive reviews, being
particularly well-reviewed in the
mainstream press, which praised its
“morality-based” storyline, immersive environment and Ayn Randinspired dystopian back-story.
The player takes the role of “Subject Delta”, the first Big Daddy and
prototype for the Big Daddies seen
in the original game. The character
possesses superior speed and intelligence to other Big Daddies, as
well as free will. As such, the player
uses the Big Daddy’s drill and rivet
gun as weapons as well as some
other weapons found across Rapture, though the drill does run out of
fuel. The weapons in the game will
have several types of ammo, similar
to the first game. Alternatively, in
contrast to other Big Daddies, the
player may also use plasmids, while
“upgrade trees” will provide unique
ways to upgrade them. A new
feature added is the ability to dualwield plasmids and weapons at the
same time. Further Big Daddy abilities found in the first game, such
as performing a shoulder dash, will
also be an option.
Release Date: Out Now
Hotness meter: Burning!
Final Fantasy XIII
It’s a sequel to…
Final Fantasy XII :P (you already
knew that!)
The series began in 1987 as an
eponymous video game developed
to save Square Enix from bankruptcy; the game was a success
and spawned sequels. The video
game series has since branched
into other genres such as tactical
role-playing, massively multiplayer
online role-playing, and racing.
Although most Final Fantasy installments are independent stories with
various different settings and main
characters, they feature common
elements that define the franchise.
Such recurring elements include
plot themes, character names, and
game mechanics. Plots center on
a group of heroes battling a great
evil while exploring the characters’
internal struggles and relationships.
Character names are often derived
from the history, languages, and
mythologies of cultures worldwide.
Why should I care?
The series has been commercially and critically successful; it
is Square Enix’s bestselling video
game franchise, with more than 85
million units sold, and one of the
best-selling video game franchises.
It was awarded a star on the Walk
of Game in 2006, and holds seven
Guinness World Records in the
Guinness World Records Gamer’s
Edition 2008. The series is well
known for its innovation, visuals,
and music, such as the inclusion of
full motion videos, photo-realistic
character models, and orchestrated
music by Nobuo Uematsu. Final
Fantasy has been a driving force in
the video game industry. The video
game series has affected Square’s
business practices and its relationships with other video game developers. It has also introduced many
features now common in console
RPGs and has been credited with
helping to popularize RPGs in markets outside Japan.
The plot of Final Fantasy XIII, taking
place in a world known as Pulse, revolves around the fal’Cie, mechanical beings of godlike power created from crystals residing inside
them. People who are marked by
the fal’Cie for greater purposes are
called l’Cie. Each l’Cie has a Focus,
a goal the fal’Cie wants him or her
to fulfil within a certain amount of
Some 1,300 years ago, a fal’Cie
named Orphan constructed a paradise for humanity: the shell-like city
of Cocoon, which floats high above
the surface of Pulse. Over time,
after disaster destroyed Oerba Village and wiped out its residents, the
people of Cocoon began to fear for
the safety of their world, worrying
that it would be cast down from the
sky into the hell that they saw Pulse
to be.
Consequently, anyone who is discovered to have visited Pulse is
immediately subjected to quarantine and exile by the theocratic
government of Cocoon, known as
the Sanctum
As Snow leads the resistance group
Team Nora in an attempt to stop
the purging of civilians, the mysterious Lightning fights her way past
PSICOM soldiers with the aid of
Sazh to find a Pulse fal’Cie, Anima,
who turned her sister, Serah (who
is also Snow’s fiancée), into a l’Cie.
Through a chain of events, these
three, along with two exiles, Vanille
and Hope, are forced by the fal’Cie
of Pulse to become l’Cie, and with
that become enemies of humanity
with the Focus of bringing about the
downfall of Orphan and Cocoon.
Release Date: Out Now
Hotness meter: Warm
Spiritual Me
positive stuff?”
“Another name for self-help shit, I
“Let’s not talk about it! I mean I am
not ready to die yet.”
To our amazement people believed
it some weird shit that teens just
don’t do. So let’s change that thinking. C’mon now! You knew this was
gonna happen, right?
Spirituality, as the name suggests,
is ‘of spirit’. No! Notthe woo-woo
ghost-town-spirit spirit it’s the
thoughts, the intent, the emotions
and caring about your ‘being-ness’
Spiritual? Me? No Way! I don’t know shit
about it.
If you are about to skip this one already, let me tell you the answer to the
first questionAre you Spiritual?
You bet!
Read on if you want to know why I am so sure about you being spiritual
when I have not even met you.
Thanks to crappy adults, they have made spiritual to be some woo-woo
stuff that it isn’t. We asked teens what they thought what spiritual and here
are some crazy responses (now there were good ones too since teens are
very smart, but then we hid them to make a point :P )
“Err..you meditate and burn incense stuff. You know… the regular think-
Ok, spirit means non-physical as in
your thoughts, where you are headed, you want to become something,
you believe in passion (and hardwork doesn’t make any sense). In
nutshell, if you care about what you
‘be’ (as in personality) then you are
So if you are money minded, jock,
dork, jerk, air-head, happy, sad,
caring, broken-hearted, bushed
eye, creepy, lonely, Bebier lover etc.
etc. etc. - you are spiritual period
You can’t help but be spiritual
because everything starts with
thought – and that is what spiritualism is all about. Now don’t listen to
those creepy adults who might tell
you otherwise, we don’t trust them,
We think that was too much for you
to take. But we know you could take
it – you are cool like that. Now this
section will make more sense then
Photo by seanmcgrath
aunt Sadie – a fun loving, demanding
girl from the 1920s! Sadie Lancaster
wants her necklace back which was in
her possession from a very long time,
or she won’t be able to rest without
it. When Lara finally decides to help
Sadie (as Sadie won’t take NO for
an answer!), she learns many things
that nobody could teach her. But just
when they think they have nothing in
common, these two “twenties” girls
from two very different eras learn some
surprising truths about each other, and
also love and life.
Twenties Girl by
Sophie Kinsella
by Karishma Shah
This book completely changed the
way I look at things – the way I treat
the people around me: my friends, my
family members and everyone I know.
Twenties girl is about a 20 something
head hunter whose life is in a huge
mess. Her best friend and business
partner runs away to Goa leaving her
alone to run the new business which is
already going downhill and the love of
her life dumps her. To worsen it all, she
is being visited by the spirit of her great
Lara and Sadie make a hilarious duo
as they chase for her necklace. This
breezy gripping novel takes us back in
time, makes us realize the importance
of relationships.
I couldn’t
stop reading
this novel!
Along with an
amazing storyline and plot,
the characters
too are
interesting! This
book follows
every genre
– romance,
tragedy. My
Hats off to
Sophie Kinsella.
Tuesdays With
Morrie by Mitch
By Ankita Katiyar
‘Tuesdays With Morrie’, written by
Mitch Albom, is a book that will surely
capture your hearts and souls. It
talks about the loving relationship
of a student and a mentor, who part
ways after the student graduates and
reunite sixteen years later. The teacher,
Morrie, suffering from a terrible disease
called ALS, teaches Mitch, the student,
life’s greatest lessons, in the last days
of his life.
Mitch, caught in the
frenzied rat-race for
success, exchanging
his dreams for bigger
paychecks, has long
lost touch with his
former professor,
mentor, ‘coach’ Morrie
after his graduation.
Mitch sees Morrie on a
night show on TV and
comes to know about
Morrie’s illness and
they meet again, to
compile their final
project, in the form
of this book, together
on the meaning of
life, death, love,
relationships, marriage,
feeling sorry about yourself, faith,
the world and everything that we
feel awkward talking about in our daily
After reading the book, it’s impossible
not to fall in love with Morrie as he tells
Mitch and all of us about the reality of
life, how love always wins and dying
isn’t something we should fear, instead
we should embrace the fact that we’ll
die one day, why not make the most of
life now? It’s lovely how he walks the
final bridge between life and death and
narrates us the trip. Even as Morrie’s
life drains away, he’s full of love, light
and energy.
There are moments in the book when
you can’t stop your tears from running
down your cheeks, moments when
you’ll crack up and moments when
you’ll realize what have you been
missing in your life.
The characters, the story
and the lessons in the book
are truly magnificent yet so credible
and realistic. Morrie is one true hero.
We all have our teachers, mentors and
Morries... maybe somewhere deep
within us! We all need to rediscover
our lives, like Mitch did. ‘Tuesdays
With Morrie’ is one magical chronicle,
one amazing true story that everyone
should read. It will move you as much
as it moved me.
Read a good book lately? Write a
book review and send us to:
The Guy Thing
Boxers v/s Briefs - War of the... worlds
• Sometimes people feel…
well… we have herd… insecure and naked!
This is the ultimate war of worlds, while it is really personal stuff
but we don’t mind talking about it, do we? Well most of us don’t
care but consider these points which almost every one forgets.
So get real and join the discussion:
• Did we say bad with hardons? Even when you have
jeans over it?
Well let’s conclude this
with 2 things:
1. Underneath your jeans –
wear what you like.
The all-time popular in tweens ain’t
it? Even the popular low-waistjockey-show off thing was related to
briefs. So let’s explore it… err… we
mean that in the nicest way. Ahem!
• Perfect fit, perfect protection.
• Keeps everything in place.
• Works perfect when it hot
people are around and you
get a hard-on. Ahem, again.
• If you are too sweaty (read:
itchy) then this is the worst
• No free flowing air.
• Can’t just wear em around
like boxers, can you?
• Keep it clean – is the hardest
part of all.
• Bad in summers.
The ultimate short thing, wear it under or just wear it standalone works
well everywhere. Most popular
among teens.
• Free flowing air! Bliss!
• You can just throw your pants
away and they act as standalone shorts.
• Works in all seasons.
• Super duper bad when you
are just wearing boxers and
you see a hot person around.
Shit! – Bad with hard-ons.
• Never run when you are on
boxers. Eekk!
2. But when you are wearing
boxers alone and you are
sure that there will be hot
people around – wear a brief
under boxers – you can even
show off the waist band.
PS: This is an experimental new
section in magazine. Head to the
online version of this article and let
us know how you like it.
Photo by steveb_ohio and Jockey