Kino Bay Knews - Club Deportivo
Kino Bay Knews - Club Deportivo
Kino Bay Knews Club Deportivo The Prez Sez ... Published by Club Deportivo; by Ron Wikel, President February 201 4 Apdo 84,83348, Bahia de Kino, Sonora, Mexico Community Outreach Joe Machock, 2nd Vice President It’s the end of the road for me in this position. I’ve had a lot of fun and am proud of what we have been able to accomplish. I want to thank Fund Raising Committee Chair Gloria Brandt and Charitable Giving Committee Chair Carolyn Kinsman and all their committee members for making my job easy. When we started out, I told them, “I work for you;” and they took me seriously! The annual membership meeting and election of Board of Directors is just days away. The Nominating Committee presented their report at the board meeting on January 10th. I’ll be giving a detailed report at the Annual Membership The nominations from the committee are: Meeting on February 15; but for those of you can’t be there, here • President: Francine Bailey are some of the things we’ve done over the last two years: • 2nd Vice President: Brent Henderson • Held a wine gala, a home tour, and two spaghetti dinners with • Secretary: Bruce Brown auction & raffle events. • Communications: Anne DeFrance • Developed a process and application form for handling assistance • Outdoor Activities: John Carlen/John Evans requests to make sure funds go where there is real need and that • Indoor activities: Sandie Burnam/JoAnn they are used as they are intended. Reinhardt • Given out about 70 backpacks with school supplies every year and • Meals: Pat Friesen birthday gifts every month to needy children who eat breakfast at The committee noted that in a couple of the Desayunador (breakfast kitchen). positions the names of two people were given. • Coordinated the program to have Club members patrol the beach This is because these two people will share the on their four-wheelers with Red Cross personnel during Semana responsibilities of the position. In most cases, Santa. the first person named will sit on the Board of Directors. • Reduced the number of Club fund raising events to take the pressure off members while benefitting more important projects As this is my last newsletter article I would than ever before. like to express my appreciation to all board and • Raised more funds and had more fun doing it! committee members as well as the many volunteers who have served the past four years. • Increased responsiblility in the way we use the Club’s charity Many thanks to our staff, but most of all a huge money. thanks to all the Club Deportivo members for • Regularly communicated our actions to Club members. their kind words and total support. It has been a • Raised almost 410,000 pesos and provided grants and assistance great of over 375,000 pesos, leaving a positive balance of over 75,000 experience Annual Meeting but pesos in the charity fund, with 20,000 of that held in reserve for Saturday I am natural disaster relief. February 1 5, 201 4 @ 9:00 am looking Club Deportivo • Selected the recipients of the Chuck McDonough Humanitarian forward to less To vote you must have paid your 2014 Award. This year’s honoree will be named at the Annual wishing dues. If you are unable to attend, you Meeting. and more Thank you to everyone who has made my job easy! may vote by proxy. Voting will be by fishing. Joe Machock secrete ballot. Filiberto Vargas, Club Manager Office hours: Monday - Saturday 8-1 2, 2-5 Outdoor Activities By Bill Stern, Outdoor Activities Director The Bocce Tourney just ended and Special Thanks go to Ron and Nancy Leetch for an excellent job of organizing the event. Melva Shaw and Dorothy Pickle were our score keepers with Fred Mahaffey, Julian Babiuk, Steve Chapman and myself handling the Referee Duties. We had 9 great lunches, three being supplied by the club. The Winner Were: 1st Place—Steve and Sharon Chapman 2nd Place—Bill and Anne Stern 3rd Place—Jim and Bruna Burbidge 4th Place—Ron and Nancy Leetch 5th Place—Tavi Kristjan and John Beaupre 6th Place—Joe and jean Cutschall Putt Putt starts February 4th running through the 6th. Jim and Darlene Lyons are organizing this event. Be sure to get signed up as we have room for 36 teams. That’s all for now. See you at the General Meeting on the 15th of February Bill In the Kitchen Gayle Lenihan, Interim Meals Director Hello & Farewell again – this is my last Newsletter as Interim Meals Director. THANK YOU to all who supported our meals at the club last month! THANKS to the SPONSORS of the January meals – Gerry Hauer/Sandy Shafer, Curt/Donna Farrier, Rick/Linda Harris, Al/Sandy Buschhorn, Tavi/Sheila Kristjan, Pat/Bev Akins, and Fred/Rogene Mahaffey. Calendar Girl Carolyn Martine, aka Gemini has volunteered to help us keep the calendar up to date and accurate. Therefore if you are organizing any activities, or know of events that should appear on the calendar please let her know FULL DETAILS by THE 24th OF EVERY MONTH, or as they are scheduled. She can be reached by phone 242-1466, or by e-mail OR - hand her a written note. It will be great to keep better track of all the activities in busy Bahia Kino. THANKS to the ORGANIZERS of the January meals – Francine Bailey & Sharon Chapman, Mark & Nancy Tracy, Anne DeFrance & Nancy Leech and Sharon Chapman (again!) & Judy Roth. And THANKS to the kitchen crews, bartenders, shoppers, setup and clean-up folks – all too numerous to name but without whom we couldn’t have a successful meals program. And how about those bocce lunches that utilized leftovers? Anne’s Ham Sandwiches, Sheila’s Chicken Tamale Pie, & my Kansas City Plaza Steak Soup using Norma Veazey’s recipe. What a wonderful way to make some extra money for the meals program! Thank you ladies (and your crews)………. Meal Schedule for February 2014 (see the kiosk at the Club for all the details): 2/1 Deep Pit Beef (Bill Zuleger) 2/9 Homemade Pancakes (Anne & Daryll DeFrance) 2/15 BBQ Pork Ribs (Marla Anderson & Mark Gagnier) 2/23 Potato/Cheese/Kielbasa Casserole (Kathie & Dave English) The upcoming Deep Pit Beef Dinner promises to be a wonderful meal. How many of you Club Deportivo members didn’t even know we have a pit out by the bocce courts/Palapa Bar for cooking this way? Let’s all support Bill Zuleger in his return engagement! See you at the club…….Gayle 2014 Spring Fashion Show Wednesday, February 26 Social Hour 11am Lunch 12 noon Show follows To benefit the Club Deportivo Improvement Fund Tickets $200 Pesos, Reserved Tables $500 Pesos Carol Wikel 242.1 459 at the club Indoor Activities By Jan Vala, Director of Indoor Activities In January we had the usual activities, such as walking aerobics, weights and stretch, line dancing, readers’ group, team trivia, as well as our usual social hours on Fridays. All of these events have been well attended. Carolyn Martine and Cathy Klopfenstein have adopted the month of February. We will have a Super Bowl Sunday Party on Feb. 2. Fortuitously, Valentine’s Day is on a Friday this year. Carolyn and Cathy will be throwing a huge “Senior Prom for Seniors” sweethearts party. Bring your wedding or prom photos for the “guess who this is” board. There will be a prize for the most correct guesses. There will also be a prize for the longest married and the shortest married couples. John Carlen and Ray Lawrence will D.J. our favorite dancing music from Big Band to 50’s and 60’s. Come pretend you’re young again and rock out to the oldies. There will be a nice background for photos from our resident photographer, Van, who has a knack for making us look good. Singles of course are heartily welcomed as well. Wear your wedding, prom or other appropriate attire. There will be a Team Trivia contest, date to be announced. Mark your calendars for the Fashion Show and Luncheon fund-raiser which will be held Feb. 26th. Look for more details on the KBNET. Jan Vala, Indoor Activities Director From the KLK President the board will be: Carolo Wikel President, Nancy Berg - Ex. VP, Jennifer Brown - Recording A BIG THANK YOU to the KLK Secretary, Lynn Wilkensonnominating committee: Linda Treasurer, and Jeanette KennedyHarrison,Janelle Stepheson, and Membership Coodinator. Leaving Sandy Burnham. Since there were the board are: Laurel Hakim - 1st no nominations from the floor at VP who served two terms, and the January meeting the following Marla Anderson who served as 2nd will be the new board members VP. My job would be impossible Donna Farrier -1st VP,2nd VP without the help of our dependable Maria Evans, Social SecretaryKLK Board members. THANK Martha Crusano, and Scholarship YOU board members past and Chairman - Diane Ackerman (serving her 2nd term). Returning to persent. Carol Wikel, President KLK. RESCUE ONE: • Provides continuous tracking of boat trips in the Sea of Cortez and land vehicle trips in the nearby Sonoran Desert. • Initiates searches and/or rescues when needed. • Maintains a coordination center for any emergency: death, illness, accidents, police assistance, etc. • Serves as a focal point for radio or telephone communication throughout the community. RESCUE ONE uses Channel 24 VHF From the Bar by Steve Lucas, Bar Director The period from 25 December through 24 January has been a really productive time for the bar, again. We had three dinners, New Years Eve, two golf events, six social hours, and two weeks of bocce. Thanks to all the bartenders: Louise Thompson, John Nieda, Randy Bender, John Beaupre, Anne and Bill Stern, Steve Chapman, Bud Stephenson, Mike Webster, Butch Geier, Martha Cusano, Bob Binckes (for marathon bocce work), Marv and Dorothy Pickle, John and Teddy Beaupre, Sheila Kristjan, Johnny Evans and John Carlen Matt Reedy, Penny Lucas and Craig Gresham. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your help and thanks to the members for your patronage. Steve Lucas, Beerman KLK Scholarship Committee First of all, we would like to thank Club Deportivo's Charitable Giving Committee for the 9500 pesos donated to this program. These funds were made possible because of the Benefit Dinner. The second semester is under way and we have 28 students attending high school thanks to our scholarship program. Currently, we are collecting donations for the next school year 2014-15. Our hopes are to continue to support at least 25 students for the school year, this costs us $3000.00 (US) for one semester and $6000.00(US) for one school year. OFFICERS Ron Wikel, President Mark Tracy, 1st Vice President Joe Machock, 2nd Vice President Barry Bennington, Secretary Joan Fairweather, Treasurer For one student the cost is $120.00 each semester or $240.00 for one school year. However, we accept pesos, US dollars and checks in any amount you might want to give. We want to thank all of the families that made donations in the past and hope that you will want to continue to support this amazing program. At the same time we would like to invite anyone out there that would like to contribute to this program or have any questions to get in touch with any of the following committee members: Diane Ackerman, Chair; Judy Hazen, Marlayna Mackenzie, Georgia Hattenburg, Hilde Harrison, Sparkie MacVeigh Respectfully, Diane Ackerman, Chair Board of Directors BOARD MEMBERS Pat Akins, Construction & Maintenance Anne DeFrance, Library & Communications Steve Lucas, Bar Manager Bill Stern, Outdoor Activities Gayle Lenihan, Interim Meals Jan Vala, Indoor Activities Kino's Estuary "Estero Santa Cruz" is Designated Ramsar Site: Ecology Clubs Instrumental in the Conservation Plan Yutsul Ramirez of Prescott College, who works with local Ecology Clubs, reports that Kino Bay’s estuary has been certified as a Ramsar site. Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance, designated under the Ramsar Convention. Wetlands are defined as areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. The Ramsar Convention is an international agreement signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, which provides for the conservation and good use of wetlands. But even though a Ramsar site is an international designation, the wetlands protection can only become real through local community efforts. Since then, UNISON-Prescott-CONANP (Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas), with the community and the ecology clubs, have been working on an action plan for its conservation. In an ongoing process, elementary schoolchildren take field trips to the estuary, do drawings of the area, and educate their teachers — many who are not originally from Kino — about the importance of this natural resource. In the secondary and high schools, club members learn about bird monitoring, human usage of the estuary, and wildlife and natural processes. They inteview fishermen and restaurant owners, visit shrimp aquaculture farms, and then share their knowledge in an experiential way with their fellow students. They also cooperate with Prescott College and other governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to educate the communithy and to influence policy. Not only are the young people of Kino’s ecology clubs educating their families and communities about the importance of caring for the environment; they are gaining valuable research skills and leadership experience. The Kino Ladies Klub is a proud supporter of these clubs and helps them in their recycling and community education efforts. If you would like to know more about how you can help out, contact Nancy Berg, 242-0398, or Carolyn Kinsman, 242-0122, liaisons for the KLK, or Yutsul Ramirez at Prescott College, 242-0024. Recycle with the Ecology Clubs! The Ecology Clubs in Kino’s schools have an active recycling program. Some of the materials are sold to riase money for their community projects, and others are used in unique products. The students designed Prescott College presented the application to the building blocks made of newspapers and have made Ramsar Convention for the naming of Kino’s estuary enough to construct a storage building at the Secondary "Estero Santa Cruz" as a Ramsar site; and it was School. designated on February 2, 2013. On the Ramsur site, it The KLK has placed plastic collection bins at states that “The site is highly significant for local Club Deportivo for Club member use, but you can help communities as it maintains the fisheries of the area and even more by dropping off your newspapers, cardboard, is also important for tourism and research. The main No. 1 plastic bottles, batteries, and aluminum cans with threats to the site are related to the shrimp farms located teacher Minerva Ferre at the Secondary School from nearby and their effluents.” 8:00 to 4:00 on school days. Fishing by Matt Curtis Reporting Period: December 23 to January 23, 201 4 Note: Missing dates normally mean that the wind contributed to boats not going out to fish. I have a NEW email if you can send me any fishing news or pictures: Anytime you have good photos of your catch, I'd love to see them and add them if there is room. It would be very much appreciated by me and the readers. In general, the water continues to cool and there have been no shortage of breezy white-capping days, so the reports have dropped off considerably. Later in the report period, some warmer water started to pop up except in a narrow band across the midriff. 12/28-29 San Pedro produced good numbers of quality yellowtail and some bonito for some of the trollers like RED ROVER, ROSIE and PERRYDIZE. MAYFLOWER fished San Esteban for some success with yellowtail, but no bonito. DAKOTA caught bottom fish but couldn't get on the yellowtail. SANDDOLLAR caught limits of bottom fish including nice goldies at Turner. 1/4 January saw the end for bonito in the catch, but Pedro continued to produce good quality yellowtail under the birds for trollers. RED ROVER, GATOR BAIT, MAYFLOWER all got into the bigger yellowtail trolling, with numerous limits filled. DAKOTA picked up a few yellowtail, and a mess of bottom fish, as did GATOR BAIT, who also got a nice sardinera (leopard grouper). 1/3 NIGHTWINGS and DOUBLE TROUBLE trolled and jigged around San Esteban for just a few bottom fish while ROSIE, who got there earlier ended up with 11 yellowtail on the troll near the lighthouse, but in deeper water. 1/5 SEABASS fished the Kino Bay area near Alcatraz for limits of rockies and three halibut. 1/8 DAKOTA, PERRYDIZE, RED ROVER, and QUE LINDA all fished San Pedro, with RED ROVER AND PERRYDIZE scoring well on the yellowtail. PERRYDIZE had his granddaughter on board who landed her first yellowtail, a 12# grouper and an 8# red (Colorado?) pargo. RED ROVER also got a nice sardinera and DAKOTA picked limits of big goldies, a sheephead and a small grouper. Meanwhile SANDDOLLAR got limits of really big goldies and a few yellowtail at Punta Willard. 1/9 DAKOTA fished Willard out in deeper water for lots of the big goldies on bait and even a couple of nice (15 and 25#) yellowtail on bait near the bottom! PERRYDIZE fished Pedro without a lot of success while EL SUENO got limits of yellowtail there. SEA BASS fished the bay again for limits of rockies and one halibut. 1/12 DAKOTA and NIGHTWINGS went to Punta Willard on a nice day, but found wind and waves building until they had to leave for the calmer waters to the south. They were only able to bring up some nice goldies, and a few salmon near Dead Man. We also saw some divers at Eagle's Nest pull out a couple of 20+ pound sardinera, but they must have spooked the rest because nothing else would hit the jigs. RED ROVER went to Pedro Matir again for the yellowtail and three small gulf grouper. I believe SEA BASS was out in the bay again for the rockies. 1/18 PERRYDIZE and RED ROVER were out west of Pedro today and RR did get into the yellowtail again trolling during the two tide changes getting a great catch of 20-22# yellowtail. 1/19 RED ROVER and DAKOTA went to Pedro and Dakota got some bottom fish and a nice sheephead and a 22# yellowtail, while RED ROVER returned to Pedro for a box half of nice yellowtail and half bottom fish. FISHFINDER went to 14 mile for limits of rockies and one or two nice pinto bass. LOCO PERRO, PONY EXPRESS, and LIL PLAYBOY all fished the Turner area and PONY EXPRESS loaded up on fat rockies. 1/20 PERRYDIZE headed for Pedro but ran into a wide open bite on bonito about eleven and a half miles northnortheast of Pedro. Rumor has it that they filled their limits on bonito. Most were caught trolling blue-mack 30s or 20s, but SAND DOLLAR wants local fishermen to keep their eyes open for an angry bonito wearing his Bluemack 20. February 201 4 8:15 Walking Aerobics 9:00 Weights & Stretch 9:15 Ladies Putt Putt 10:30 Interdenominational Church service Legend 8:30 Line Dancing Ladies Bocce 10:30 Readers Group 5:00 Social Hour 5:00 Bar Opens Yoga 8:00am Saturdays 10:30 Thursdays, Fridays
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Kino Bay Knews - Club Deportivo
Cortez and land vehicle trips
in the nearby Sonoran Desert.
• Initiates searches and/or
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• Maintains a coordination
center for any emergency:
death, illness, accidents, police