Optimal animal model for prehospital hemorrhagic shock with panel
Optimal animal model for prehospital hemorrhagic shock with panel
WorseAnimalShockModelintheWorld: ExceptforAllOthers TimeforPhysiologicPhenotyping KevinWard,MD MichiganCenterforIntegraDveResearchinCriDcalCare UniversityofMichigan BiphasicOxygenDelivery/ConsumpDonRelaDonship IdealTargets:FirsttoChange….LasttoNormalize? WhereisthePaDentonthisCurve???? OxygenDebt TheMagnitude(DegreeandTime) thatVO2isBelowCriDcalDO2 MagnitudeofTotalBodyIschemia? IndirectCalorimetry VO2 pattern after 4 minutes of Exercise RepayingtheDebt • NotenoughjusttoResolveDeliveryDependentVO2 • LessonsLearnedFromExercise – OxygenAlreadyStored • 0.3litersstoredinmuscle • 1literstoredinhemoglobin:0.25litersinother fluids • 0.5litersstoredinlung – ReplenishEnergy • 2literstoreplenishphosphagensystem • 8literstoreplenishglycogen-lacDcacidsystem MakesMeNervousAboutHypotensiveResuscitaDon(Prolonged) Level of Oxygen Debt Directly Linked To Inflammatory Response and Immune Dysfunction O2Debtvs.HemorrhageVolume O2 Debt vs. Hemor Amount (mL) 1600.0 Hemor Amount (mL) 1400.0 1200.0 1000.0 800.0 600.0 r = 0.73 400.0 200.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 O2 Debt 80.0 100.0 O2Debtvs.HemoglobinLevels O2 Debt vs. Hemoglobin 12 Hemoglobin 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.0 50.0 100.0 O2 Debt 150.0 200.0 O2Debtvs.Lactate Lac vs. O2 debt (Hemorrhage) 10 Lactate 8 6 4 2 r = 0.84 0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 O2 Debt 80.0 100.0 O2Debtvs.Lacate:Post-ResuscitaDon DangerofUsingLacate Lac vs. O2 debt (Post-Resuscitation) 10 Lactate 8 6 4 r = 0.27 2 0 0.0 50.0 100.0 O2 Debt 150.0 200.0 Animalpayingbackdebtandlactatenormalizing 100.0 12 10 80.0 6 40.0 4 20.0 2 30 m in 60 m in 90 m 12 in 0m 15 in 0m 18 in 0m in PR 10 0% % 75 % 50 25 % 0 0% 0.0 Time points O2 debt Lactate Lactate 60.0 BL O2 Debt 8 20.0 2 0.0 0 Time points O2 debt Lactate 75 50 25 Lactate 4 30 m in 60 m in 90 m in 12 0m in 15 0m in 18 0m in 40.0 PR 6 10 0% 60.0 % 8 % 80.0 % 10 0% 100.0 BL O2 Debt AnimalreaccumulaDngdebtwithlactategoingup AnimalparDallypayingbackdebtandlactatenormalizing 0.0 0 75 50 25 30 m in 60 m in 90 m in 12 0m in 15 0m in 18 0m in 2 PR 20.0 10 0% 4 % 40.0 % 6 % 60.0 0% 8 Time points O2 debt Lactate Lactate 10 80.0 BL O2 Debt 100.0 Baseline O2Debt80cc/kg:50%BloodLoss O2Debt80cc/kg:30%Bloodloss O2Debt40cc/kg:50%BloodLoss SubjectsFallOutPresyncopeatManyDifferentLevels ReflecDngPhysiologicReserve HumanLBNP FCD FCD (mm-1) 0.015 * 0.013 0.011 0.009 0 20 40 60 80 MAP MAP (mmHg) 105 100 * 95 85 75 0 20 40 60 LBNP Level (%) 80 100 Baboon Comparisons N = 14 Hemorrhage Procedure LBNP Procedure Hemorrhage (50 ml/min/kg) Four weeks after Hemorrhage study Baseline: 10 min Baseline: 10 min Total 25% Hemorrhage 4 steps (7 min/step) Set LBNP to match CVP and/or PP 4 previous hemorrhage steps (7 min/step) Hinojosa-Laborde et al, J Appl Physiol 116:406-415, 2014 % Change Stroke Volume Baboon Hemorrhage/LBNP vs. Human LBNP 0 -20 -40 Baboon Hemorrhage Baboon LBNP -60 Human LBNP -80 0 12.5% 18.75% 6.25% 0% -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 Hinojosa-Laborde et al, J Appl Physiol 116:406-415, 2014 -60 25% -70 Hemorrhage -80 LBNP, mmHg Baboon Hemorrhage vs. LBNP Specificity Low Tolerance (N = 5) High Tolerance (N = 9) Compensatory Reserve 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 6.25 12.5 18.75 25 % Hemorrhage Hinojosa-Laborde et al, Am J Physiol 2016 (in press)
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