Product Catalogue Particle Monitors LPM II
Product Catalogue Particle Monitors LPM II
Local Solutions For Individual Customers Worldwide Particle Monitor LPM II Product Catalogue Particle Monitor Diagtronics The STAUFF Diagtronics range makes available components and services for monitoring and DQDO\]LQJK\GUDXOLFƃXLGVLQPRELOHDQGLQGXVWULDOK\GUDXOLFV\VWHPV Our offering ranges from stainless steel analog gauges through to highest-precision laser particle counters. A versatile range is necessary to be able to deal with different customer requirements. The innovative STAUFF Diagtronics range takes into account these crucial market factors and offers a wide spectrum of modern products of the highest quality. Competent and rapid service is second nature for us. All our products are subjected to relevant inspections in accordance with international standards and are quality inspected using our internal Quality Management system that complies with ISO 9001:2008. :LWKRXUFRPSUHKHQVLYHVWRFNVZHFDQRIIHUERWKFXVWRPHUVSHFLƂFSDUWVDQGVSHFLDOFRPELQD tions of products. Please contact STAUFF for any further details you may require. Table of Contents LPM II Particle Monitor Product Information Product Description / Order Codes / Technical Data Accessories Interface Modules with USB/Ethernet Interface LPM II-USB INTERFACE LPM II-ETH INTERFACE Remote Display Unit LPM II-REMOTE DISPLAY Flow Control Valve LPM II-DAV Moisture Sensor / Temperature Sensor 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 Product Information Particle Monitor Particle Monitor LPM II The development of STAUFF's LPM II Particle Monitor is based on the experience that has been gained using the familiar LasPaC II series analysis units. By contrast with the previous LPM I version, the LPM II Particle Monitor determines the degree of contamination of WKHPHDVXUHGƃXLGRQHLJKWFKDQQHOVDQGRIIHUVPRUHSUHFLVH and more complete determination of the particle size in accordance with international standards. It is available in two versions: LPM II-D with display and keypad LPM II-O without display and keypad (Either unit is available with an integrated moisture sensor) Product Characteristics Increased Precision And Resolution The LPM II Particle Monitor uses newly developed high-performance LEDs, which provide an precise image of the degree of contamination in the hydraulic system. Thanks to the large number of measuring channels, it is SRVVLEOHWRGLVWLQJXLVKSDUWLFOHVL]HVRIEHWZHHQŬPDQG ŬP7KLVDOORZV\RXWRDVVHVVWKHFRQWDPLQDWLRQHYHQDW higher contamination classes. Flow Flow Permanent Installation For Continuous Monitoring The LPM II has been specially developed for continuous monitoring of the hydraulic system. Due to the permanent installation Representation of the measured values by means of real-time system analysis in the system, the LPM II allows users to quickly respond to Always Secure – External Alarms increasing contamination, thus protecting the system from Small And Robust Another feature that the LPM II offers is the option to specify expensive failures and machine downtimes. Because of its robust and compact structure, the LPM II is not sensitive to jolts, shocks, dust and moisture (IP 65 International different alarm thresholds. This means that in the case of RYHUVKRRWVRUXQGHUVKRRWVRIVSHFLƂHGOLPLWYDOXHVWKHV\VWHP Protection Rating) and can be used with virtually any common issues a signal to an external device, e.g. a warning light or a K\GUDXOLFƃXLG E\SDVVƂOWHU All The Data At A Glance More Information – The device shows the measured data on the display as a Moisture Sensor / Temperature Sensor contamination class according to ISO 4406:1999, NAS 1638, A B <RXFDQDGGLWLRQDOO\ƂWWKH/30,,ZLWKDPRLVWXUHVHQVRU AS 4059E and ISO 11218 or as a particle count per size. P temperature sensor. This sensor determines the water content T RIWKHPHDVXUHGƃXLGUHVXOWVLQUHODWLYHKXPLGLW\5+DQG The internal memory has a capacity of up to 4000 measuring A results. All the measured data can be transferred to a PC across DSDUWIURPWKLVVWDWHVWKHFXUUHQWƃXLGWHPSHUDWXUHLQ& a USB or an Ethernet interface. It is also possible to implement B P T Please note that you cannot use the moisture sensor / temperareal-time system analysis using this connection. Appropriate ture sensor with phosphate esters (e.g. Skydrol®) and water interface modules are available. JO\FROƃXLGV3OHDVHFRQWDFW67$8))IRUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQ Link To Bus Systems Media Resistance If the hydraulic system is not easy to access, a separate ŪSYLD/30,, PLQEDU 'LIIHUHQWK\GUDXOLFƃXLGVSODFHGLIIHUHQWGHPDQGVRQWKH LPM II-REMOTE can be installed in a conveniently location. LPM II; this means that each device must be rated in The integrated Modbus and CAN Bus interfaces can be used Typical measuring setup in the pressure circuit DFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHƃXLG to connect the device to existing machine control, and data aquisition systems. A B P T A P T B Scope of Supply Flexible Pressure And Flow 8QOLNHPDQ\RWKHUSDUWLFOHPRQLWRUVWKH/30,, VVSHFLDOƃRZ characteristics make it possible to carry out PHDVXUHPHQWVRQYLUWXDO\DQ\SUHVVXUHRUƃRZFRQGLWLRQV ,IWKHSUHVVXUHRUƃRZLVRXWVLGHWKHWROHUDQFHUDQJHWKH RSWLRQDOO\/30,,'$9ƃRZFRQWUROYDOYHFDQEHXVHG Each STAUFF LPM II Particle Monitor Set includes: 1x STAUFF LPM II Particle Monitor 2x M16 x 2 Test Couplings (mounted) 1x LPM II-CAB-P-FL-3 connecting cable (3 m / 9.84 ft), with plug and open cable ends 1x Software on CD 1x Operating manual on CD 1x Quick start guide [ &DOLEUDWLRQFHUWLƂFDWH 1x Connection diagram ŪSYLD/30,, PLQEDU 7\SLFDOPHDVXULQJVHWXSLQWKHUHWXUQƃRZ 3 Product Description / Order Codes / Technical Data Particle Monitor Particle Monitor LPM II 58 (2.28) Flow 116 (4.57) Ø7 (.28) 25.5 (1.00) 48.5 (1.91) 126 (4.96) 27.9 (1.10) 141 (5.55) Product Description 63.5 (2.50) Order Codes The LPM II Particle Monitor determines the contamination level RIWKHPHDVXUHGƃXLGRQHLJKWVL]HFKDQQHOVDQGRIIHUVSUHFLVH and complete determination of particle sizes in accordance with international standards. The LPM II is an automatic, optical particle counter with highperformance LEDs that work on the light obscuration principle. STAUFF recommends recalibrating the measuring equipment at regular intervals. LPM II - D - M - W 햲 Series and Type Particle Monitor (Incl. LPM II-CAB-P-FL-3 connecting cable) 햵 Moisture Sensor / Temperature Sensor LPM II 햳 Version Options With display and keypad Without display and keypad Moisture sensor / temperature sensor: 5+LQUHODWLYHKXPLGLW\DQGWHPSHUDWXUHVLQ& Phosphate ester- (e.g. Skydrol®) and water glycol-compatible devices are available on request D O 햴 Fluid Compatibility Fluids based on mineral oil and petroleum (standard) M Phosphate ester (e.g. Skydrol®) E 6SHFLƂFZDWHUJO\FROV G Without moisture sensor / temperature sensor With moisture sensor / temperature sensor O W Note: In the case applications with extreme pressure peaks, please contact STAUFF. Note: Versions "E" and "G" can only be supplied with an anodized housing and without a water sensor. Note: You need an interface module with either a USB or an Ethernet interface for exporting and programming. 1RWH,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHULHVRQƃXLGFRPSDWLELOLW\ please contact STAUFF. Technical Data Channels >4, 6, 14, 21, 25, 38, 50, 70 μm(c) according to ISO 4406:1999 Measuring Range / Purity Classes ISO 4406:1999 Code 0 to 25, NAS 1638 Class 00 to 12, AS4059 Rev. E. Tables 1 and 2 Sizes A-F: Classes 000 to 12, ISO 11218 Classes 00 to 12 (lower codes or classes are test time-dependent) Fluid Compatibility M: Brass, viton and FR4: suitable for synthetic and mineral RLOEDVHGƃXLGVGLHVHODQGSHWUROHXP G: Austentic stainless steel, viton: suitable for offshore and DTXHRXVƃXLGV ( $XVWHQWLFVWDLQOHVVVWHHOSHUƃXRULQDWHGUXEEHU)).0 suitable for phosphate ester and aggressive media Max. Permissible Operating Pressure EDU36,VWDWLFWHPSHUDWXUHGHSHQGHQW (Note: In systems with extreme pressure peaks, please contact STAUFF) Precision ±1/2 Code for 4, 6, 14 μm(c) ±1 Code for larger particles Calibration Each device is individually calibrated using ISO Medium Test Dust (MTD) in accordance with ISO 11171 (1999); Flow 20 ... 400 ml/min / 0.005 ... 0.11 US GPM Viscosity Range žPPV Test Duration Settable between 10 ... 3600 sec., set ex-works to 120 sec. As standard with start delay and freely programmable test intervals Water Sensor 5+UHODWLYHKXPLGLW\ Temperature Sensor &) Medium Temperature Ŷ&&Ŷ))SUHVVXUHGHSHQGHQW Volumetric Flow Measurement As display only Ambient Temperature /03,,2Ŷ&&Ŷ)) /03,,'Ŷ&&Ŷ)) Data Storage Max. 4000 measuring results Weight 1.15 kg / 2.53 lbs Interfaces RS485, RS232, Modbus, CAN Bus 4 International Protection Rating IP 65: Dust-proof and protected from spray Impact resistance rating IK04 Power Supply 9 ... 36 V DC Current Consumption 12 V: 70 mA (LPM II-O), 150 mA (LPM II-D) 24 V: 40 mA (LPM II-O), 80 mA (LPM II-D) 36 V: 30 mA (LPM II-O), 60 mA (LPM II-D) Power <2.2 W Housing Surface Treatment Painted, polyurethane based paint, according to BSX34 colour BS381-638 (dark grey) Tested according to: BS2X34A and BS2X34B, MMO114 and SP-J-513-083 Part II. Cl. A The unit meets: MIL-PRF-85285 Wetted parts M: C46400 Cu alloy, 316 stainless steel, viton, FR4, sapphire G: 316 stainless steel, viton, sapphire ( VWDLQOHVVVWHHOSHUƃXRULQDWHGUXEEHU)).0VDSSKLUH EPDM Connection Diagram / Accessories Particle Monitor Interface Module with USB or Ethernet Interface LPM II-USB/ETH INTERFACE Hydraulic hydr. line line LPM II-D (with display) LPM II-D (with display) LPM II-O (without display) LPM II-O (w/o display) CAN Bus CAN or or Modbus Modbus interface Incl. LPM II-CAB-P-FL-3 connecting cable incl. connection cable LPM II-CAB-P-FL-3 LPM LPM II-USB II-USB INTERFACE INTERFACE USB Flow USB LPM LPM II-ETH II-ETH INTERFACE INTERFACE ETH ETH Network Network ETH Connection diagram: PC connection of the LPM II Particle Monitor Order Code Order Code LPM II - USB INTERFACE 햲 Series and Type Interface module with USB interface Product Description LPM II - ETH INTERFACE Either interface module is connected to the LPM II using a connecting cable (3 m / 9.84 ft). With the power supply unit connected, the LPM II is supplied with current via the connecting cable. 햲 Series and Type LPM II-USB INTERFACE Interface module with Ethernet interface LPM II-ETH INTERFACE Scope of supply: Power supply unit Interface module with Ethernet interface Connecting cable (3 m / 9.84 ft) Note: An Ethernet cable is not supplied. Scope of supply: Power supply unit Interface module with USB interface Connecting cable (3 m / 9.84 ft) USB cable The LPM II is connected to an EDP system or a laptop/PC using an interface module with a USB or an Ethernet interface. The interface modules allow you to evaluate the measured data and to carry out programming using the supplied software. In USB operation, the LPM II can be supplied with current via the USB cable too. Remote Display Unit LPM II-REMOTE DISPLAY Hydraulic hydr. lineline LPM II-O (without display) LPM II-O (without display) Flow LPM II-REMOTE DISPLAY LPM II-REMOTE DISPLAY LPM LPM II-CAB-P-P-3 II-CAB-P-P-3 USB/ETH / / USB / ETH CAN / Modbus CAN Bus/Modbus Connection diagram: Remote display Order Code LPM II-REMOTE DISPLAY 햲 Series and Type Product Description ,QWKHFDVHRIDSSOLFDWLRQVRXWVLGHWKHRSHUDWRUpVƂHOGRIYLHZ RULQORFDWLRQVWKDWDUHGLIƂFXOWWRDFFHVVLWLVSRVVLEOHWRGLV play via a remote display the values that the LPM II measured. The LPM II can be programmed using the keypad on the remote display. LPM II-REMOTE DISPLAY Scope of supply: Remote Display LPM II-CAB-P-P-3 connecting cable 5 Particle Monitor Accessories Flow Control Valve LPM II-DAV M16x2 measurement coupling Product Description Flow Flow ~145,5 (5.73) SW19 SW24 Order Code ,QV\VWHPVLQZKLFKWKHYROXPHWULFƃRZRUWKHSUHVVXUHLV WRRKLJKWKHRSWLPXPƃRZLVDFKLHYHGZLWKWKHXVHRIDƃRZ control valve. It can process pressures from 4 bar ... 400 bar / 58 PSI ... 5801 PSI. 7KH/30,,'$9ƃRZFRQWUROYDOYHLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH K\GUDXOLFRXWOHWRIWKH/30,,YLDWKHFRQQHFWLRQƂWWLQJV LPM II - DAV - M 햲 Series and Type Flow Control Valve Max. Permissible Operating Pressure 400 bar / 5801 PSI (Note: Note that a minimum operating pressure of 4 bar / 58 PSI must be maintained for the proper function of the ƃRZFRQWUROYDOYH LPM II-DAV 햳 Fluid Compatibility Fluids based on mineral oil and petroleum (standard) M Phosphate ester (e.g. Skydrol®) E 6SHFLƂFZDWHUJO\FROV G /30,,ZLWKƃRZFRQWUROYDOYH/30,,'$9 100 Flowrate too high Flow control valve required ŪSLQEDUEHWZHHQ/30,,LQOHWDQGRXWOHW 10 1 Flowrate ok 0.1 0.01 Flowrate too low 0,001 6 1 10 9LVFRVLW\LQPPV 100 1000 Accessories Particle Monitor Moisture Sensor / Temperature Sensor Product Description However, even dissolved water can cause damage. This PHDQVWKDW\RXVKRXOGPDNHDOOMXVWLƂDEOHHIIRUWVWRNHHS saturation as low as possible. In this case too much water is never enough! Saturation point Free water Saturation values 6LQFHWKHHIIHFWVRIIUHHLHHPXOVLƂHGZDWHUDUHPRUH damaging than those of dissolved water, the water content should always be considerably below the saturation point. Emulsion Using the moisture sensor / temperature sensor, the LPM II 3DUWLFOH0RQLWRUFDQGHWHUPLQHWKHZDWHUFRQWHQWRIDƃXLG VDWXUDWLRQYDOXHLQ5+H[DFWO\DQGRQDUHSURGXFLEOHEDVLV This sensor is in the device in a specially designed housing in WKHORZSUHVVXUHWKURXJKƃRZOLQH As a guideline, we recommend always keeping the saturaWLRQYDOXHVLQDOOV\VWHPVEHORZ Simplicity – saturation as a percentage value (%) Different oils have different saturation values. This means that the most sensible approach is to measure saturation in percent. It is of course possible to convert these results to parts per million (ppm) if you know the saturation/temperature characteristics of the oil type. Dissolved water More oil analyses – water content and oil temperature :DWHULVXQGHVLUDEOHLQPLQHUDORLOVDQGQRQDTXHRXVƂUHSURRI ƃXLGV:KHQWKHZDWHUFRQWHQWH[FHHGVDVSHFLƂFVDWXUDWLRQ YDOXHDSSUR[LPDWHO\SSPZLWKPLQHUDORLOVWKHƃXLGVWDUWV to go cloudy. Above this value, there is a risk of water collecting in the system in the form of droplets. This can lead to corrosion and faster wear. Further information on oil temperature values In addition to the water content, the moisture sensor /temperature sensor of the LPM II Particle Monitor can also measure the ƃXLGWHPSHUDWXUHLQ&7KLVVHUYHVDVDUHIHUHQFHWHPSHUDWXUH for the RH values (relative humidity/percentage share of water in oil). %RWKWKH5+DQG&UHVXOWVDUHGLVSOD\HGRQWKHPDLQVFUHHQ and the measurement progress screen and in the printed analysis. Please note: Due to the temperature gradient between the tap SRLQWDQGWKHVHQVRUWKHWHPSHUDWXUHYDOXHVFDQEH&WR &EHORZWKHDFWXDOV\VWHPWHPSHUDWXUHGHSHQGLQJRQWKH operating conditions. 7 Local Solutions For Individual Customers Worldwide GERMANY Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co. KG P. O. Box 1745 58777 Werdohl Im Ehrenfeld 4 58791 Werdohl Tel.: +49 23 92 916 0 Fax: +49 23 92 916 160 A Global Presence with Branches and Dealers in all Industrial Countries. AUSTRALIA STAUFF Corporation Pty. Ltd. Tel.: +61 2 4271 18 77 ITALY STAUFF Italia s.r.l. Tel.: +39 0362 63 80 70 RUSSIAN FEDERATION STAUFF LLC Tel.: +7 495 276 16 50 BRAZIL STAUFF Brasil Ltda. Tel.: 11 47 72 72 00 CANADA STAUFF Canada Ltd. Tel.: +1 416 282 46 08 UNITED STATES STAUFF Corporation Tel.: +1 201 444 78 00 CHINA STAUFF China Tel.: +86 21 68 18 70 00 KOREA STAUFF Korea Ltd. Tel.: +82 51 266 66 66 UNITED KINGDOM STAUFF UK Ltd. Tel.: +44 114 251 85 18 FRANCE STAUFF S.A.S. Tel.: +33 2 54 50 55 50 MALAYSIA STAUFF South East Asia Sdn Bhd Tel.: +60 3 8024 61 68 VIETNAM STAUFF Vietnam Ltd. Tel.: +84 8 3995 47 23 INDIA STAUFF India Pvt. Ltd. Tel.: +91 20 66 20 2471 VDOHV#VWDXIƂQGLDFRP NEW ZEALAND STAUFF Corporation (NZ) Ltd. Tel.: +64 9 271 48 12 IRELAND STAUFF Ireland Tel.: +44 28 92 60 69 00 VDOHV#VWDXIƂUHODQGFRP POLAND STAUFF Polska Sp. z o.o. Tel.: +48 58 660 11 60 LPM II Product Catalogue English 9910000218 06/2013