February 2015 Visit our website at www.bakersfield


February 2015 Visit our website at www.bakersfield
February 2015
Volume 54 Issue 2
Model A Ford Club of America, Bakersfield Chapter
The Model A Ford Club of
Chapter, the first chapter,
is dedicated to the preservation of the Model A Ford
and its era. All are welcome. Information in the
newsletter may be borrowed from other publications. Credit will be given
when known.
Meetings are held the first
Monday of the month at
7:00 p.m. at the Rasmussen Center, 115 E. Roberts Lane.
 2/2—Club Meeting 7PM
 2/5—Board Meeting 7PM
 2/14—Whiskey Flats
 2/19—Dinner Drive
 2/28—Super Cruise
Car Show
3/2—Club Meeting 7PM
3/19—Dinner Drive
3/28—Club Drive to Taft
If you ever have an idea for
a dinner and drive or any
ideas for a club drive....
please let Debbie Launer
Inside This
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Information Page
Business Directory
Meeting Minutes
President’s Message
Christmas Party Pictures
More Pictures
Upcoming Club
Upcoming MAFCA
 June 19-24 MAFCA
Nat’l Conv. In Loveland, Co.
If you are interested in
non-club events go to the
Bakersfield Car Club
Counsel’s event schedule
P.O. Box 1616, Bakersfield, CA. 93302
Visit our website at www.bakersfield-mafca.com
Page 2
November 2014
Sunshine Report
Fred Twissleman is home after a few days stay in the hospital. Jerry & Shirley
Osborn are recovering from that nasty flu/cold bug. Glad everyone is on the mend
and ready to hit the road with us.
Sudy Pruett, is our Sunshine Representative, she needs to know when members are
ill, have surgery, or are in the hospital. Also let her know about new Model A’rs
(babies), marriages, and other important events.
Bring something to share with a
few others.
February Anniversaries
5 - Mike & Diane Davis
Larry & Kathryn Paddock
8 - Eddie & Sudy Pruett
14 - Lanny & Midge Davenport
February Birthdays
3 - Dawn Collins
4 - Terry Scott
15 - Kava Koop
18 - Andy Brancato
20 - Tim McDowell
25 - Eddie Pruett
- Jane Tibbetts
27 - Diane Davis
29 - Lou Marraccino
2014 Board of Directors
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
News Editor
Member At Large
Past President
Ken Quarnberg
Art Tibbetts
Debbie Launer
Linda Jackson
Sharon Davis
Stu Slattery
Vickie Parker
Mary Nicks
Jim Berry
(661) 399-5579
(760) 379-2220
(661) 587-2465
(661) 399-2353
(661) 393-3317
(661) 477-2367
(661) 588-2295
(661) 589-6695
(661) 588-7408
Committee Chairmanships
Dan Foulk
(661) 393-2795
Eddie Pruett
Kirk Ritter
Rick Davis
(661) 393-3317
Rick Davis
(661) 393-3317
Mike Martin
(661) 387-1687
Sharon Davis
(661) 393-3317
Sudy Pruett
(661) 392-1668
Annie Duckworth
(661) 399-2375
Jean Gleim
(661) 397-5221
Volume 54 Issue 2
Page 3
I n f o r m a t i o n
Upcoming Events - Details
If you are interested in non-club events go to the
Bakersfield Car Club Counsel’s event schedule at:
May 23-25 NCRG Round Up
Sacaramento A’s
June 7-12 MAFCA Nat’l Tour
Lobsters & Lighthouses
Pa g e
Welcome new members
Have you paid your dues ? ? ? ?
June 23-28 Walla Wall, Wa.
Northwest Regional Meet
Editor Note:
Our Club’s Bylaws state that you must be a member of MAFCA. If you currently are not a member
of mafca please use the form below and join.
If you have stories or photos you think would be
interesting to the Club please send them to me,
and I will try to fit them in.
Page 4
November 2014
Business Directory
Volume 54 Issue 2
Page 5
Model “A” Ford Club of America - Bakersfield Chapter
General Membership Meeting Minuets
January 5, 2015
The Meeting: was called to order by the president Ken Quarnberg at 7:01 PM. Ken welcomed everyone and
wished all a Happy New Year, then commenced with the flag salute.
There were no meeting minuets to be approved by the membership as our prior meeting was the Christmas
Committee Reports: were given first by Linda as new Newsletter Editor. Newsletters were handed out, and
we wish her well in her new position. Paula was welcomed in as secretary by Ken. Sharon read aloud the
treasurer’s report, thank you Sharon for the great job you do. Vickie took the meeting attendance and passed
out the Raffle winners. For wearing your vest, $5.00 was given to Cleve Henderson, for driving your Model A
to the meeting, $5.00 was given to Linda Jackson, and for the meeting attendance winner, $5.00 went to Elia
Wisehart. There were no comments from the other committees.
Old Business: Ken commented on the raffle at the banquet and thanked all who put it together. The club
funded much of the cost of the meal and the raffle recouped much of that cost. It was very successful and
very well done. The rate of our rental to use the room at the Rasmussen Center was raised, but the room is
certainly worth the cost. Ken asked for all to pay club dues if you have not already, and advised all to be
members of MAFCA. We have an opportunity to give complementary MAFCA memberships to persons new
to our club, and that have never been a MAFCA member before. Please see Ken if you fit this description.
New Vests are in and Linda has volunteered to manage them. Please see Linda for new vests, thank you Linda. The Lamp Light Tour at the Kern County Museum was great once again but not as many participants as
we usually have. The decorations in the Gas Station will be taken down on Thursday at 10:00 AM. Last but
not least the Pie and Drive at Marie Calendars was attended by about 30 people and was fun for everyone.
New Business: Debbie was absent so Ken gave her information on the upcoming events. Please see the
“Upcoming Events Details” list in the newsletter for this information. Any questions on events please give
Debbie a call or any Board member.
Program: The program was given by Curtis about Del’s Honor Flight. It is an opportunity for Veterans from
WWII, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, to go visit memorials in Washington DC. They showed pictures form
their trip and talked about the sites they visited. Thank you for sharing your incredible experience with the
Raffle: Thank you Candy and Mike for the work you put into the raffle, and thanks to Al, Mel and the ticket
sellers. Once again we had a great raffle.
Adjournment: The meeting was closed by Ken at 8:15, please remember to pick up your stuff and push
your chairs into the tables. We want to leave the facility better than when we found it. Thank you to all the
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Poole—Secretary
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November 2014
Presidents Message (Continued from Page 1)
President’s Message
We have officially kicked off 2015. The winter has been fairly mild, giving those among us who are a bit less
pampered, opportunities to get out and drive. Gas prices are down, which is good for touring but bad for
those working in and around the oil industry. I can, however, always take comfort in knowing we have the
right people in high places who are looking out for our best interests. Oh, look! A flying pig!
We had a great Dinner and Drive to Salty’s BBQ on White Lane last Thursday at 6:30PM. I arrived promptly
at 7:10PM and was surprised to find all of the Model A’ers still there. Some of them were finished eating, but
they were still there. I guess the opportunity to hang out with the president never gets old to these people. I
took an informal poll on the way to the counter to order my food, and discovered everything on the menu is
This coming weekend, several members are travelling north to the Turlock Swap Meet. We have the promise
of excellent weather and I’m sure there will be many bargains and must have items. It’s a great trip with great
friends and great food. Susan and I usually come back with something we (I) can’t live without. The first
time we went, I was able to negotiate a screaming deal on a complete set of parts for a ’53 Mercury Monterey.
I didn’t even have to put them together – SCORE!! All you need to do is take everything except your will
power and you are sure to have more success than you can haul home.
Next month we will head to Kernville for the Whiskey Flat Days Parade where we will, for once, be driving
the newest thing on the block. This is a fun annual event we attend which gives us an opportunity to get the
A’s out and cruise through the scenic (as well as treacherous) Kern River Canyon. What fun! After the parade, we usually wind our way around the back side of Lake Isabella to Art and Jane Tibbetts’ house for a
nice lunch before we head home.
Our next Dinner and Drive will be to the Woolworth’s Five and Dime where, it sounds to me like you can get
a nice meal for 15 cents (maybe its five dollars and ten cents – I’m never sure how these things work). This
business is owned by our own members, Mark and Linda Sheffield, who have arranged for us to get in after
hours. I don’t have all the details yet, but I believe after dinner, Mark and Linda are going to turn off the
lights and everything you can grab in two minutes is yours for a hefty 2 ½% cash discount. No flashlights.
That’s cheating!
We will round out the month of February with the Super Cruise car show at the Kern County Fairgrounds.
The Super Cruise will be on Saturday, the 28th and everyone who enters their car will also get a free entry
into the Boat and RV show going on at the same time. This is a great event which is a big fundraiser for local
disabled children’s charities. Shine up your car, bring your chairs and get there early for all the fun. There
are also several prize drawings as well as a 50/50 drawing.
Also, start getting those entry forms in for the CCRG Jamboree in Santa Maria. We’re sure to have several
exciting events and tours. The Vandenburg Air Force Base tour has very limited space – so enter early and
we hope to see you there.
Ken Quanberg - President
Volume 52 Issue 11
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November 2014
Volume 54 Issue 2
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P.O. Box 1616
Bakersfield, CA 93302
Model A Ford Club of America, Bakersfield Chapter