Codes of Conduct and Ethics Hotlines of Multinational Companies
Codes of Conduct and Ethics Hotlines of Multinational Companies
C M S‘Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater 1. Problems of implementation: Fundamental differences between Europe and the US The Code of Conduct is becoming increasingly popular amongst US and European companies. This requires the companies to draw up a framework of the company’s own ideas of legally and ethically responsible conduct, and can range from accounting rules to rules concerning social conduct. These rules venture into the domain of employee privacy, which in Europe has been a cause for concern in relation to Data Protection laws, as some companies have gone as far as to say what employees may or may not do in their spare time. Especially, the implementation of “whistleblowing” schemes as a part of the Codes of Conduct will more often than not require the processing of personal data (that is, the collection, registration, storage, disclosure and destruction of data relating to an identifiable person), such that Data Protection rules will come into force. The broad law is governed under the European Directive of 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The three conditions that need to be met in order to justify the processing of personal data are transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality. There has thus been a clash between the US perspective (The US have now one company in eight with such a Code of Conduct) and European ideas regarding codetermination and personality rights through enforcing these codes. Indeed the SarbanesOxley Act, that was introduced in the US after the various financial scandals surrounding Enron, requires that companies failing to comply with their “whistleblowing” requirements will face hefty sanctions, and therefore an EU committee set up for the purpose of examining the implementation of Data Protection law (the so-called Working Party) has investigated the problems of the US rules clashing with Data Protection rules in Europe. Without a resolution to this cross border dispute over implementation of Codes of Conduct, companies may face heavy sanctions in both Europe and the States. There have been cases in both France and Germany showing a reluctance in European courts to enforce the Codes of Conduct. This reluctance stems from two concerns: the failure to consult the employees representatives (co-determination rights), the invasion of 2 224 asche Sigle Rechtsanwaite Steuerberater personality rights protected constitutionally in both Germany and France and the subsequent data protection issues. II. The German Case A well known decision on whistleblowing via a hotline to date in Germany is the decision known as the ”Wal-Mart judgment” by the Wuppertal Labor Court and the subsequent a p plication for review of a point of law filed with the Diisseldorf Regional Labor Court. WalMart unilaterally and without the involvement of the works council implemented in its subsidiaries located in Germany a so-called code of ethics which included the provision that violations of the code of ethics be reported anonymously via a hotline especially established for this purpose. The German Works Council acting as the Plaintiff in this case, complained as to the “serious incursions into personality rights” and “a culture of denunciation.” The Works Council under the German Works Constitution Act needs to give its approval if the employer wishes to introduce rules that directly affect the behaviour of an employee within his sphere of work at the company. Therefore the following were held by the court to be subject to co-determination with the Works Council: Code of ethics violations to be reported through an anonymous hotline Prohibiting, demanding, requesting or receiving gifts or special payments The rule that no statements were to be given to the press without consent from the company communications department Rules on harassment Company inspection rights Rules concerning romantic relationships Rules on drug and alcohol abuse Ban on the display of posters advertising the disallowance of accepting of gifts and reporting of violations through a hotline. The Court of Appeal even went further by holding the “no dating rule” invalid because of the breach of general personality rights of the individual employees. 3 225 c MI S‘Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater Regarding the legality of the telephone hotline outside the scope of the codetermination rights of the works council the courts did not make any statement, in particular, with regard to its compliance with the Data Privacy Protection Act. 111. The French cases In France, however, courts have rendered a number of decisions on the admissibility of telephone hotlines with respect to data privacy protection laws. Having a cultural background similar to Germany, France does not have a particularly favorable attitude towards whistleblowing either. Prior to collecting and using employee data automatically, an employer in France has to seek the approval of CNIL (Commission nationale de I’informafique et des libertes - hereinafter CNIL) pursuant to the French Data Privacy Protection Act. On 26 May 2005, CNIL declared the whistleblowing hotlines at McDonald’s and CEAC (Com- pagnie Europeenne d’Accumulateurs),implemented to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, unlawful owing to data privacy protection laws.’ According to these decisions, anonymous reports include a risk that employees could be wrongly accused and that exoneration would be difficult for them owing to their lack of knowledge of the investigation. Such a hotline does not comply with the French Data Privacy Protection Act2 since the suspected employees are not sufficiently informed. On 15 September 2005, the Libourne Labor Court decided that a notice displayed at the workplace requesting the employees to report each case of fraud and embezzlement via an ethics hotline was to be immediately removed. In their opinion, the obligation to report all breaches without limitation to the financial area, for example, went too far. Regardless of the type of data collection and processing, an anonymous report involves the risk that the accused employee could be exposed to internal investigations and possibly to further sanctions without being able to exercise hidher right to conduct hidher own defense. Moreover, the court considered the type of hotline and the risk of a slanderous denunciation disproportionateand unlikely to prevent misappropriation and embezzlement. Further, the court found that the personal freedoms of an accused employee were endangered. ’ CNIL decision 3005-1 I O 0 1 26 May 2005 (McDonald’s group frmce); CNIL decision 2005-1 1 1 of 26 May 2005 (Exide Technologic\) Articles 6 and 7 of E rench I‘iw no 78-17 of 6 January 1978. 4 226 C M Shasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater French companies are thus facing the problem of how it could be possible to establish a hotline in accordance with the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act without violating the relevant data privacy protection laws. In the light of these difficulties, CNIL, after consulting the French Ministry of Labor, issued a directive on the implementation of whistleblowing systems andlor hotlines on 10 November 2005~.~ This directive comprises among other regards the above mentioned risks and problems. This direction gives French companies intending to establish a whistleblowing system detailed guidelines, providing legal certainty and thus minimizing the risk of violations of the Data Privacy Protection Act. IV. Whistleblowing under German Data Privacy Act The information communicated via the hotlines usually refers to the personal conduct of the employees and is thus personal data in terms of the German Federal Data Privacy Protection Act. If the employer, as is usually the case, itself establishes and operates a call centre which collects and processes the personal data, the processing of an employee's personal data is admissible under the German Federal Data Privacy Protection Act if it serves a purpose relating to the contractual relationship or relationships of trust similar to a contractual relationship. Accordingly, it is decisive whether the employees' data is collected, used or communicated for the purpose of fulfilling an obligation arising from the employment agreement or for the purpose of exercising rights under such agreement. If no express provisions on the use of data collected via a whistleblowing hotline are included in the employment agreement, it has to be determined by way of interpretation whether the manner and scope of the use of the data is possibly covered by the secondary obligations arising from the employment agreement. Reference is made, for example, to a use of data for the purpose of preventing the contractual purpose from becoming endangered by breach of a secondary contractual obligation. Availablc under. http://ww\~.cnil.ti. 'tileadmini~~~cumentsiuk/CN1 L-recommandation\-~~ histlehlo\.;.ina-VA.pdf. 5 227 C'MS Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater In most cases, however, the purpose of the use of data will go beyond the contractual purposes. As a rule, hotlines are established in the framework of codes of ethics. Unlike codes of conduct which are established for employment purposes, meaning for the purpose of an orderly and economically successful value-creation process, codes of ethics generally contain principles referring to the "correct" or even ethical conduct. If these codes require specific conduct which is not clearly employment-related, such data processing is no longer justifiable under the Federal Data Privacy Protection Act. However, the implementation of a whistleblowing system can be admissible if the implementing company has a legitimate interest in doing so, unless the data subject's legitimate interests outweigh the legitimate interest of the company. Recently, a group of European data protection commissioners led by the German data protection commissioner Peter Schaar defined the conditions for a legitimate interest of the employer in establishing hotlines and drew up recommendations. a) Recommendations of the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (the Article 29 group) consists of the data protection commissioners of the 25 member states of the European Union; on February 1, 2006, they issued a statement on data privacy protection requirements for whistleblowing system^.^ The recommendations of the Article 29 group aim at making it easier for companies required to implement whistleblowing systems due to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, to structure such systems in compliance with the data privacy protection laws and thus to meet the requirements of the EC Data Privacy Protection Dire~tive.~ In conclusion, the Article 29 group considers whistleblowing systems to be admissible, but places their admissibility under strict prerequisites. A prerequisite of Directive 95/46/EC is that either the collection of the data is necessary in order to comply with a legal obligation to which the data collecting party is subject or the processing is necessary for the realization of a legitimate interest safeguarded either by the data collecting party or the third party. See ~~'curol?;i.otnm/iListicehome!Di/~ri\,ac~!di tcs/wpdocs/2006/w~I 17 en.pdE. 9.9 95-46 EG rahrnen.httn1. ' Directive 95/46/EC = hrtp:// 6 228 C M S Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalle Steuerberater The Article 29 group assumes that a company could have a legitimate interest in processing data by means of a whistleblowing hotline. The legitimate interest of the company, however, must outweigh the interest and the fundamental rights of the data subject. The Article 29 group acknowledges that large international organizations such as the European Union6and the OECD7consider “good” corporate governance an important aspect of a “well” functioning corporation. The principles established by the EU and the OECD aim at a maximum level of transparency and stable accounting and finance systems in order to protect vested interests such as shareholders and market stability in general. In this context, the Article 29 group recognizes the legitimate interest of companies to implement systems enabling the employees to report irregularities. Furthermore the group considers the obligation to implement a whistleblowing system arising from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to be an opportunity to increase stability of financial markets and improve protection of shareholders. In this respect, the Article 29 group is of the opinion that the interest of a company required to implement a whistleblowing system under the Sarbanes Oxley Act is legitimate. In addition, however, the company’s interest in the data processing has to be weighed against the rights of the data subject in a review of proportionality. For this purpose, the Article 29 group established the following guidelines: Limit on the Number of Persons to Report Through Whistleblowing Systems Applying the principle of proportionality, the Article 29 group recommends limiting the number of potential whistleblowers. In this respect, the number of persons who are eligible can vary according to the sector involved, and it may be necessary to determine in each individual case whether or not the whistleblower in question is included in the group. The limitation can, for example, be specified for certain divisions. Limit on the Number of Persons Who May Be Incriminated Through a Whistleblowing System European Cornmunit). Commission Recommendation of 15 February 2005 on the role of non-eueciitive or supervisory directors of li\ted companie\ and on the committees of the (supervisory) board (OJ 1, 52. 75 February 2005, p.5 1 ) OIXD. OECD Princrpler of Corporate Governance. 2004. Part One, Section IV. 7 229 C’MSJHascheSigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater The Article 29 group further recommends assessing whether it might be appropriate to limit the number of persons who may be reported through a whistleblowing system and, in particular, to take measures in order to prevent false accusations from launching an investigation and thus data processing. Encouraging Identified and Confidential Reports Instead of Anonymous Reports The Article 29 group attaches particular importance to the question of whether a whistleblower should remain anonymous or should be identified, under conditions of confidentiality. In the view of the group, the arguments against anonymous whistleblowing include: -The company will in any case be unable to ensure that the identity of the whistleblower is not revealed some other way, despite anonymous reports. - It is more difficult for the company to verify allegations if it is not possible to ask follow-up questions. -Anonymous whistleblowing may lead to the development of a culture of (anonymous) denunciation. The social climate in an organization can deteriorate if employees are aware that anonymous reports concerning them can be filed at any time. To ensure the fair practice of data collection, the Article 29 group therefore recommends that whistleblowing should not be anonymous. Exceptions from this rule are possible in specific cases. Companies should thus encourage the employees not to report anonymously via the hotline. Of course, this requires security for potential whistleblowers that their reports will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality. The information must remain confidential throughout the whole process, and must not be passed on to third parties. However, the company should make it clear that in the event of further investigations the whistleblower’s identity will have to be revealed to the persons involved in the investigation. Data Processing Only for the Purpose of Processing the Report Pursuant to the Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of data privacy, personal data may be collected only for specified and lawful purposes and may not be used in any way that is incompatible with these purposes. Given that the purpose of a whistleblowing system is to ensure good corporate governance, the data collected and processed must be related to this purpose. Therefore, com- 8 230 S Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater panies should limit any reporting via the hotline to certain areas. These can be accounting, banking, and financial crime. The data processed in these areas must be limited to the data strictly and objectively necessary to verify the allegations made. Compliance With Data Retention Periods To comply with the principle of proportionality, personal data should be deleted without undue delay, that is, within two months of completion of the investigation. Only if the company takes further legal action against the incriminated person or against the whistleblower in cases of false or slanderous declaration may data be kept for a longer period of time. Clear hformation About the Whistleblowing System It is the duty of the company introducing the whistleblowing system to inform the potential data subjects about the existence and the purpose of such a system, the recipients of the reports, and the right of access and rectification for reported persons. Furthermore, the company should notify the employees that the whistleblower's identity will be kept confidential throughout the whole investigation process, but that legal action will be taken against the whistleblower in the event of abuse of the telephone hotline. Rights of the Incriminated Person The Directive requires individuals to be informed when personal data are collected from a third party and not from them directly. The information must include the identity of the entity responsible for the data processing, the purposes of the processing, the recipients or categories of recipients of the data and the existence of the right of access to and rectification. These provisions of the directive may, however, jeopardize the ability of the company to gather more information and conduct an efficient investigation. The Article 29 group therefore allows notification to be delayed as long as the incriminated individual is able to jeopardize the collection of evidence. The Directive gives the data subject the possibility to have access to the data registered on him/her at reasonable intervals and without excessive delay in order to check its accuracy and, if necessary, rectify it. The whistleblowing system must guarantee these rights. The exercise of these rights may be restricted in exceptional cases in order to protect the rights of others involved. This has to be decided on a case-by-case basis. Under no circumstances can the person accused in a whistleblower's report obtain information about the whistleblower's identity on the basis of the 9 23 1 C M S Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater accused person’s right of access, unless the whistleblower maliciously makes false allegations against a person. The whistleblower’s confidentiality should always be guaranteed. b) Applicability of Recommendations to Germany Most of the telephone hotlines implemented in German companies allow employees to pass on information without restrictions. The Federal Data Privacy Protection Act provides that, first, the employer must have a legitimate interest in the collection of data and, second, that the employee’s interest in preventing the processing or use of the data concerning him does not outweigh the interest of the employer. The opinion of the Article 29 group provides key points for weighing the interests of the parties involved in consideration of the need for proportionality. Taking the recommendations of the Article 29 group into account, and considering the decisions rendered by judges in France, companies should make sure, when implementing a whistleblowing system, that the report is not made anonymously, that the content of the report is restricted to certain areas and therefore to a certain group of employees, and that the whistleblower’s identity is protected as far as possible. It is very likely that national courts and Data Protection agencies will follow the recommendations of the EU Working Party and, therefore, strike down any whistleblowing scheme that goes beyond the allowed scope. V. Dismissal of Whistleblowers German courts have repeatedly ruled that employees reporting illegal activities of their employer will have to reckon with disciplinary measures that may include dismissal. One of the reasons for this is certainly rooted in cultural differences between the German legal system and the Anglo-American common law countries in which whistleblowing, in terms of meaning, is considered neutral, almost even desirable. In Germany, in contrast, whistleblowing connotes “denunciation” - a connotation that has been shaped by historical experience during the period of the German Nazi regime and the German Democratic Republic. This fundamental attitude helps to explain the position of the courts, which tend to be negative as far as whistleblowing is concerned. In several cases concerning conflicting interests of the employer and the employee, courts have assumed that the employer’s interests with respect to loyalty override the interests of 10 232 C NI S Hasche Si Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater the employee who reports a violation of law. However, in all these cases the employer did not introduce a Whistleblowing system with the request to report suspicions of misconduct. If a company introduces a whistleblowing system by opening a hotline for the purpose of reporting suspected misconduct, it seems evident that an employee who reports his suspicions of misconduct on the part of his supervisor, employer or colleague cannot be dismissed on the grounds of conduct which had previously been requested. Dismissal can only be considered if the employee, in reporting the misconduct, violates an obligation of loyalty or confidentiality incumbent on him. The employer may determine the scope of such obligations. The obligations binding the employee serve to protect the employer, so that the employer can reduce the employee’s obligations to the employer’s own disadvantage. By implementing a whistleblowing system and instructing the employee to use it in a certain manner, the employer makes the employee’s duties of conduct more specific. This means at the same time that the employer alters the obligations of loyalty and confidentiality in such a way that the use of the whistleblowing system, in the way previously specified, is exempt from the obligations of loyalty and confidentiality. Dismissing an employee because he or she used the whistleblowing system as permitted and requested to do would contradict the legal principle of “venire contra factum proprium”.’ This does not apply to a case in which a report is made via the hotline in another way than that prescribed or to an external notification of the violation. If the employee used the whistleblowing system contrary to the instructions, for example, in order to disturb the harmony in the workplace by false accusations in areas that are not covered by the whistleblowing system, this can still lead to dismissal. The employer does not alter the duty of loyalty with regard to every type of use of the whistleblowing system, but only with regard to its use in the manner precisely specified by the employer. An improper use of the whistleblowing system by the employee can thus constitute an act justifying a warning or even dismissal. Even external whistleblowing, for example, by means of a notification given to an authority, can still be considered a breach of the duty of loyalty or confidentiality. ’Latin: contradiction of one’s own previous acts 11 233 C M S Hasche Sigle Rechtsanwalte Steuerberater Unless the employee’s interest in external whistleblowing outweighs the employer’s interest in an internal investigation, the employee doing this breaches hidher duty of loyalty and confidentiality. The employer thus continues to have ways to sanction such acts. VI. Conclusion Implementation of a whistleblowing system inevitably alters the duty of loyalty and confidentiality imposed upon the employee. It is no longer possible for the employer to dismiss a whistleblower acting lawfully, even if the dismissal would have been justified prior to the implementation of a whistleblowing system. For this reason, companies should provide their employees with a detailed guideline showing when and how they may report misconduct via the hotline. To avoid risking a violation of the Federal Data Privacy Protection Act, businesses in Germany should review their existing whistleblowing systems with regard to scope and, following the recommendation of the Article 29 group, structure or, if necessary, limit them to avoid lawsuits relating to data privacy protection. The data should be limited to the areas specified by the Article 29 group: billing, finance, banking and financial crime. U.S. companies wishing to introduce a whistleblowing system, in particular, should schedule adequate lead time in order to create a global arrangement from the beginning that will be in line with the requirements of both employment law and data privacy protection law in the European Union states and still warrants that the obligations resulting from the SarbanesOxley Act are met. Further reaching reporting obligations will probably no longer be accepted by work councils, which will usually have a right to be involved in the establishment of a hotline. Anke Koerber May 2006 This note provides a general overview of the law only and should not be replied upon in place of specific legal advise 12 234