click here for the program guide


click here for the program guide
Come Experience the 17’ Copper and Crystal Pyramid
Included in The Journey Expo this year will be a one
of a kind copper and crystal pyramid. This 17' tall
Pyramid was built at the same slope as the Great Pyramid of Giza. The 3/4 inch copper tubing frame have
crystals inside to enhance the high frequency that is
already generated by the copper and sacred geometry
engineering of the Pyramid. There is a chamber inside
(Shiva’s Realm) for attendees to experience not only
the energetic qualities of the copper & crystals, but a
laser & sound presentation within.
Cost is $8
Each laterel tube has 25 pieces of Apophyllite Crystals
(Infuses & surrounds you with a flow of spiritual light and very high vibration. Creates spiritual growth & awakening, heals stress)
Below the apex is a softball sized sphere of Black Amethyst
(Unifying the dark side & the light side of our being into Oneness, or the duality of our nature into our True Nature. Rediscovery)
Come Experience
The Merkaba Chamber
A new atraction at the Journey Expo will be the
Merkaba Chamber. You will be given a comfortable seat in a enclosed area under an 18”
Copper Merkaba. Headphones will be placed
upon your head. The session begins with instuctions on centering breathwork followed by
specific tones to enhance your experience.
Each session lasts 25 minutes.
Cost is $10
Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine
light vehicle allegedly used by ascended
masters to connect with and reach those in
tune with the higher realms.
"Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba"
means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the
spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating
fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals
of energy as in DNA, which transports
spirit/body from one dimension to another.
The Journey
Mind, Body and Soul Expo
August 29 & 30
Lakeland Community College - Kirtland
7700 Clocktower Dr.
Kirtland, Oh.
Saturday, 10-8:30
Sunday, 10-6
$10 per day or $15 for a two day pass
(Includes Mini Lectures, Panel Discussions
Meditaions in the Pyramid and Sunday Spiritual Service)
For Tickets and Online Information:
Table Of Contents
Special Events..............................Page 4,5, 11
Panel Discussion in the Pyramid..Page 5
Meditation in the Pyramid.............Page 5
Paid Workshops............................Page 6, 7, 8
Free Mini Lectures........................Page 9
Vendors (partial list) .....................Page 10
Presenter Schedule......................Page 10
Sunday Spirirtual Service.............Page 11
Crystal Bowl Meditation in the Pyramid...Page 11
Lakeland Community College is located at 7700 Clocktower Drive in Kirtland, Ohio - at Exit 193 State
Route 306 and Interstate 90, only 30 minutes from downtown Cleveland.
From the West: Take Interstate 90 East. Exit 193 State Route 306 (Mentor/Kirtland). Turn right (south)
onto S.R. 306. Lakeland is 1/8 mile up on the left.
From the East: Take Interstate 90 West. Exit 193 State Route 306 (Mentor/Kirtland). Turn left (south)
onto S.R. 306. Lakeland is 1/8 mile up on the left.
From the South: Take Interstate 271 North to Interstate 90 East. Exit 193 State Route 306 (Mentor/
Kirtland). Turn right (south) onto S.R. 306. Lakeland is 1/8 mile up on the left.
Special Events
The Healing Concert
Heal yourself. Heal Mother Nature
7 to 8:30
Aux Gym
The Healing Concert uses visual and sonic images of our universe to create a
feature-length presentation of profound beauty. Slow moving, calming laser
lights and visual projections create patterns found in Nature such as constellations in the sky and Northern Lights on the horizon. Wah! performs live, her
beautiful voice, loops, delays, and keyboards gently guiding audiences into
deep relaxation and rejuvenation.
Wah! has performed Healing Concerts at conferences, planetariums and universities throughout the country, run a record label for 20 years and published
books on yoga and healing. She teaches women’s workshops, cancer survivor classes, and creates community by focusing on local service projects that
bring harmony to people and Mother Nature.
Wah! will also be doing a sound healing workshop on Saturday
from 1 to 2:30pm
Matters of the Heart
Dr. Terry Gordon
2:15 to 3:15
with admission
Stress is a silent killer. In the western world, stress and its related adverse effects
have reached epidemic proportions with over 60% of outpatient visits to physician offices being due to stress related ailments. Stress is a major contributor to
the development of diseases that can lead to disability and death. It is a major
risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease and heart attacks, the
number one killer in America. While not always a direct cause, stress is often an
exacerbating factor in the progression of disease. It has been tied to practically
every major known illness and is known to weaken our immune system. Dr. Gordon will share with the Journey Expo audience his insight on how to minimize the
effects of this major health risk factor as he offers a path toward what we are all in
search of . . . Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Shanti.
Dr. Terry A. Gordon, a retired Cleveland Clinic trained Cardiologist is nationally renowned in matters of the heart. As a physician who on a daily basis dealt
with life and death, Terry understands that life is precious and can change in
an instant. Named The American Heart Association’s National Physician of the
Year 2002, he is an internationally bestselling author of No Storm Lasts Forever,
Transforming Suffering into Insight with a foreword written by Dr. Wayne Dyer
(Hay House). Please visit his website:
Special Events
Panel in the Pyramid!
Ask the Experts!
3 to 4:45
Expand your mind! Share your stories! Our panel of experts will answer your questions about the spirit world, mystical experiences, psychic abilities, life after death,
spirit communication, past lives, ghosts and anything else you’d like to know about,
with admission
including mini-readings for some members of the audience. As an added bonus, the
panel will be seated in a copper tubing pyramid. With the energy of the pyramid to
(right hand corner) help facilitate a, what we believe will be a very mindfull discussion!
Our panelists include: Tina Sacchi ~ Author, Holistic & Spiritual Leader
Dr. Terry Gordon ~ Best Selling Hay House Author
Wah! ~ Musician and Author
Dr. James Leary ~ Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Moderated by: Clyde Chafer ~ Producer of The Journey Expo
*NOTE * Each participants is also doing seperate workshops or presentation. Their bios
can be found below their workshop descriptions in this program guide.
(right hand corner)
Saturday 5:15 to 6:15
with admission
(right hand corner)
Meditation in the Pyramid!
Connecting with Our Ascended Masters, Guides,
Angels and Light Beings
led by Tina Sacchi
With the power of the pyramid, discover an empowering connection with Our
Ascended Masters, Guides, Angels & Light Beings via a guided imagery meditation.
Treat yourself to a beautiful journey with your Divine support team to their Light
Circle and the Divine Waterfall for a special visit to cleanse your spirit and restore
feelings of peace, relaxation, and serenity where you connect in your own perfect way.
Enjoy beautiful music, a relaxing and powerful meditation from a Master in Holistic
Alternative Arts.
Enjoy BEING in the Light
*NOTE * Tina Sacchi’s bio can be found on page 7
Featured Workshops Saturday
Cellular Rejuvenation and Cupping
Cellular rejuvenation is possible! You can renew and replenish with simple healing techniques taught
by James Leary, Doctor of Medical Qigong. You will learn about energy pathways in the body, the
importance of balance in life and within yourself, and an invaluable ancient technique called Cupping
(forming the hand into a cup and patting the body). Cupping and breathing enhances energy flow,
removes blockages and brings your energy back into balance. Ancient wisdom and fresh perspective
combine effortlessly in Dr. Leary’s method called Life Qi Renewal.
Dr. James Leary
11:15 to 12:45
$20 Y22
James Leary, Doctor of Oriental Medicine is well acquainted with healing. He has learned to regenerate the body from serious injuries utilizing teachings and protocols both learned and developed. Earning doctorates in both Behavioral Psychology and Oriental Medicine, he has a unique
perspective on how life energy can be used to get tangible results, He has spent a lifetime studying
energy patterns and behavior and has lived all over the world, learning many languages and cultural
traditions. After 30 years, he has developed a protocol for life activation called Life Qi Renewal,
which draws from many teachers, traditional Chinese Medicine, Medical Qigong and healing arts. Dr.
Leary’s expertise has been utilized by Japan’s National Police Department, professional athletes, and
corporate executives in the US and overseas.
The Power of Receptivity
Cultivating Happiness through Expanded Sensory Experience
1 to 2:30
$20 Y22
Wah! explores how anyone can be happier and more productive using vibrational forces present in every
day life. There are invisible cues in the smell of food cooking, the sound of music, the invigorating air
after a rainstorm. You can use these forces to your advantage to create rich, dynamic relationships with
everyone and everything around you. In an increasingly fast-paced and digital world, these elements become more vital to productivity and happiness. Wah! emphasizes sensory awareness and perception as key
elements in stress reduction and balance.
As a musical artist, author, lecturer, Wah! has been leading audiences and doing field work in the area
of personal development for 30 years. An author, accomplished musician, record label owner, mother,
and one of the founders and leaders of today’s World Music movement, she has performed with Deepak
Chopra, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer and Neale Donald Walsch. If you have taken a yoga class in the last 5
years, you have undoubtedly heard her music. Her latest book Healing: A Vibrational Exchange explores
seven ways you can interact with your world to create more space and more healing in your life
Virtual Scanning: Combining Hi Tech And Hands On
Dr. Julian Metier
4:45 to 6:15
$20 Y22
Virtual Scanning (VS) is a break through Health and Wellness program developed in Russia. It uses a
perceptual test to identify existing and developing health problems in the body with uncanny accuracy. VS
findings correlate at an 80% level with traditional medical tests. VS also creates a light therapy program
which is installed on the client’s home computer. When used as directed VS has been 93% effective in
resolving health issues in clients. This workshop will provide a real time demonstration of the technology
and show how we integrate other therapeutic modalities including body work and naturalistic hypnosis
into the overall process. We will use volunteers from the audience as much as possible to bring the process
to life for everyone attending.
Dr. Metier has been working in the field of holistic health for 21 years. He is interested in how the combination of energy modalities like the Ondamed and Virtual Scanning can be combined with hands on
therapeutic body work and naturalistic hypnotherapy to empower health and inner development.
Dr. Metier can be reached at 814-880-2934 or by e mail at
Featured Workshops Sunday
The Sacred Art of Communication with Spirit
Mediumship is an art. It is in the hidden language of Spirit, being in contact with the unseen space
where those who have passed over reside. When tapping into this hidden language, they seem to come
alive and communicate by guiding us in our everyday lives. Tim will share rare insights in the world
of Mediumship and explain the process of tapping into Spirit to bo open to these guides.
Rev. Tim Brainard
Rev. Tim Brainard is a seasoned veteran psychic medium with over 30 yrs. Experience! Tim has his
own Radio Show on Thursdays in North East Ohio on STAR 97.1 Fm. and is a Visiting Medium at
11:30 to 12:45
Lily Dale. Tim is an Experienced Speaker, and Teacher and offers workshops, and classes. Tim’s has
lived in North East Ohio all his life. Find Tim at http:/
$20 Y22
5 Tools for Living Passionately
Where Your Outside World Matches Your Inside
Tina Sacchi
1 to 2:30
$20 Y22
Many people robotically get up in the morning, burn through the day, crash each night in exhaustion, only to do
that over and over again each day of their lives, feeling unfulfilled. Their usual mantra is: “when I retire, I will
do the things I love and be in the relationships that feel right”.Or are you more soulful and seize opportunities
and enjoy all moments of life regardless what life presents you? Even so, how can we get more soulful and
create success in our lives by the power of OUR authentic selves? Successful people soulfully create and live
their world in sync with their passions, hopes, wishes and dreams in every stage of their lives.
Discover the 5 tools you can use immediately to be in love with your life NOW creating a positive pathway for
the rest of your life.
Are you soulful or robotic? Discover for yourself where you are headed with a soulful positive quiz included in
this workshop!
• Obtain clarity and inspiration regardless of where you are on your path of life.
• Eliminate obstacles, blocks and barriers that prevent you from being the real YOU and discover how to live
your life to its fullest and in joy with the power of your authentic self.
• Learn the 5 Tools that you can use immediately and Tina’s principles for living YOUR authentic life and
Walking in Beauty.
Bonus #1: Tina will lead a chakra clearing guided imagery meditation so you have the opportunity to release,
resolve and heal any thing that is not for your Highest Good and best interest…finally!
Bonus #2: Tina will be raffling her best-selling and popular meditation/self-healing audio programs.
Tina Sacchi is a best-selling author of My Spirit Is Not Religious: A Guide to Living YOUR Authentic Life
and The Expert Success Solution. As a Holistic & Spiritual leader, Tina helps people self-heal on all four levels:
spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally by guiding them to release, resolve and heal limiting beliefs
and patterns so that they live a spiritually open and authentic life. For free meditation tips and more information, visit:
Creating Order out of Chaos: Stopping the Storm
Shadowfox &
Lee Two Hawks
1 to 2:30
$20 Y22
Have you ever felt at times, your life spinning out of control, or experienced an onslaught of dis-harmony,
as if you are weathering a storm? Dealing with life situations, circumstances or from the people in your
sphere of influence, who create some sort of control dramas and discord, do not have to be chaotic. We will
share a visualization & imagination technique designed and based upon many Cosmic, Universal, Spiritual
and Natural Laws, that can be the inertia for creating miracles in your life. It is an opportunity to move with
grace and dignity from a loving seat of power. With this class, you will learn a philosophy and grasp some
nuances of law, that will enhance this technique and why it is so effective for stopping the storms.
Shadow Fox & Lee Two Hawks are spiritual world servers, spiritual leaders, teachers, energy healers,
mediums, and published authors. They co-created, “The Sapphire Teachings” with their focus on Ancient
Wisdom and the cosmic influences which enable the expansion of human consciousness and emotional
“Want Not and be Open to Receive” Second Edition by Shadow Fox
” Ageless Wisdom ~vs.~ The Winds of Lunacy. The Choice” by Lee Two Hawks
Featured Workshops ~ Sunday
Practical Manifestation:
A Step-by-Step Breakdown for Success
Rev. Debi Fellows
2:45 to 4:15
$20 Y22
Ever know somebody who was amazingly lucky, yet they didn’t seem to do anything any differently
than you? Want to learn their secret? Join Rev. Debi Fellows in learning how to harness the strength
of your mind and personal energy to get what you want.
Practical Manifestation will introduce you to the complex process of taking control over your destiny in an easy, hands on, step-by-step presentation. You will learn the universal concepts required
to use your personal thoughts and energy to make things happen and you will be given specific,
practical applications of these concepts, so you can immediately put your new and improved manifestation skills into action!
Rev. Debi Fellows works to inspire more clarity, happiness, and meaning in your life. She combines a lifetime of scientific pursuits, religious diversity, and experience as an intuitive medium to
give her a unique, grounded, and practical approach to uniting your body, mind, and soul. Debi is
a nationally known speaker, an ordained Spiritualist Minister and Certified Metaphysician through
Fellowships of the Spirit, in Lily Dale, NY, and holds a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry. Contact
Rev. Debi Fellows at 440-853-4227 or
Compass to Happiness
Susanna Magaret
2:45 to 4:15
$20 Y21
You may be feeling pressure to make good decisions that will result in happiness. After all, your
decisions affect many people, so there’s a lot of pressure to make “the right” decision. How would you
like to remain calm, centered and clear-minded when standing in the middle of change, challenge or
chaos? How would you like to know the path right path to take (rather than vacillate back and forth
between polarizing options)? In this insightful, entertaining, and transformative workshop, you will
learn how to connect with your internal compass that will provide you with clarity and will lead you to
authentic happiness.
Come to this workshop to:
 Learn how to have crystal clear awareness of your truth
 Realize how to make decisions you trust
 Discover how to connect with your internal compass to the highest good
You will walk away from this workshop with the ability to access answers and receive clarity to move
forward with positive results.
Susanna Margaret Goulder, GPCC, ACC, works with women who own businesses to discover
their soulful purpose, live their soulful purpose, and thrive. Susanna has a special expertise helping
women living in today’s hectic world find clarity of purpose, reduce overwhelm, and take actions with
confidence. Susanna left her successful career in motion pictures and television and entered seminary
to lead a purpose-driven life. Susanna was the original set decorator of the hit television show, “Sex
& The City”. Susanna is an Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Catalyst, President of Live Your Good Life
Coaching, and visiting faculty member of the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland.
FREE Mini Lectures
Aromatherapy for Wellness
Billy Galloway
11:30 to Noon Y21
This is a fun, “hand’s on” class that focuses making aromatherapy simple and easy to use. Humor
is used to keep the class light, interesting, and
still be informative. The talk has been described
as “a stand up comedian where you learn stuff”.
17 essential oils will be experienced andBilly G
discussed. We will talk about not only what the
oils do, but more importantly how to use them to
achieve the desired outcome. You will learn how
to use aromatherapy to assist issues including
sleeplessness, psoriasis, restless leg syndrome, hot
flashes, lack of energy or focus, sinus problems,
arthritis, fibro, & depression. Come and learn
about this wonderful natural healing modality.
Billy has been experiencing the benefits of aromatherapy since 2006. He is a Certified Aromatherapist accredited by the National Association of
Holistic Aromatherapy and is the Eastern Director
of Operations for Natural Options Aromatherapy
Inc. Prior to joining Natural Options, Billy was
the General Manager of Gray Kennels and Security. Billy, his wife Jenny, and two children reside
in Kingsport, TN.
Enhance Romance
Through Massage
Christina Zaccarine
12:15 to 12:45 Y21
My talk will center around the “bonding” properties
that are associated with massage & how couples can
use this to help spice up their love life.It will feature
a brief lesson about the biological responses that
researchers have proven occur as the result of human
touch and our innate need for human contact. I will
also include the versatility of massage and how
important it is to a romantic relationship. Lastly, I
will feature some of the products that Pure Romance
offers in our top of the line massage category
Christina Zaccarine is a graduate of Gilmour
Academy & Ohio Wesleyan University. After
13 years of employment in the corporate world,
Christina began her own business as an independent
consultant with Pure Romance, LLC, in 2004. Since
then she has enjoyed success educating and entertaining thousands of woman through this in-home
party platform. In recent years, Christina has gone
on to become a corporate trainer and international
business coach. In addition to her business, Christina
has achieved mastery of Reiki Master & is now
certified in essential oil based massage. She enjoys
practicing her blend of healing arts in addition to
the fun-filled education she shares through her
Pure Romance Parties.
The Naked Soul
Dina Biscotti Barnes
12:15 to 12:45 Y21
Follow your inner voice calling out for soul
freedom to this mini-lecture on the Naked
Soul. To get to the truth of what lies within,
we must first uncover the many layers that
block our light. Author of When My Mind
Met My Soul, Dina Biscotti Barnes is here to
guide us on living in union with our beautiful,
powerful, Naked Soul. Are you clothed in
layers of fear, guilt, worry and confusion?
Does your mind continually prevent you
from removing old, worn-out patterns, ideas
and beliefs that no longer fit you? Begin the
process of stripping away all that covers your
radiance and reveal your limitless, luminous,
soul. Let’s get naked.
Dina Biscotti Barnes is a health,
wellness and P.E. teacher in Erie, Pa.
As an author and speaker, her book,
When My Mind Met My Soul is a
blessing of holistic health, soul living,
and one love. Visit to join in soul unity.
Relief is Just a Tap Away
Rena Gaudin
4:30 to 5 Y21
Anxiety, irritability, sadness, overeating,
pain, and chronic fatigue can be your body
saying there is too much stress in your life.
Try this easy, proven tapping technique and
experience relief. Tap to Wellness is a form of
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as seen
on Oprah and endorsed by Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Tapping helps take you out of the fight or
flight mode and enables the creative, problem
solving part of the brain to activate. The
chronic patterns of energy like anxiety, sadness and pain can be released. Tapping is done
on the main energy pathways on the body.
It is gentle and easy to learn and do and is
appropriate for all ages. Learn to use tapping
to get relief and begin to enjoy life more.
Rena Gaudin is passionate about helping you live
a happier life. Her training in advanced EFT, Law
of Attraction, Hypnosis, NLP, Aromatherapy, Reiki
Master, and as a Massage Therapist & Instructor, provides you with an experienced, caring,
holistic practitioner.
The Chakra Diet for
Energy Balance
Lela Covey. CWC, CHE
4:15 to 4:45 Y21
Everything you put in your body either
strengthens your aura or weakens
it — what you eat today affects your
mood, energy and balance tomorrow.
The good news is that your energy can
improve – quickly – if you start implementing the Chakra diet. Our society
depends upon medication to get well,
but medicine doesn’t heal – food does.
Food should be our medicine.Go to the
garden to get well, not the doctor!
Lela is a former international top model
and fitness trainer from Las Vegas,
Nevada. She is a certified nutritional consultant, health educator and
plant-based chef. She is the author of
“Journey to Health: Five Steps to an
Optimum Diet.”
The Healing & Detoxing
Properties of
Far Infrared Light
Phil Wilson
4:30 to 5
Healing sessions of Far Infrared Light are becoming a commonplace occurrence in recent years.
More andmore health profesionals, and consumers are becoming aware of the incredible benefits
that one can derive by beingin a Far Infrared
Sauna. Even the Mayo clinic has stated that they
recommend it for all of their heart patients. When
a person sits in a Far Infrared Sauna, they absorb
the light, which pulsates all the water molecules
and cells of their body. This increases the core
temperature of the body, sparking a healing process, of increasing the metabolism, and the flow
of lymph. The results are giving the Far Infrared
Sauna a reputation for being one of the best ways
to help the body get rid of heavy minerals, and
even dioxin.
Phil Wilson has an honors degree in mathematics, and has been
exploring healing energies, spiritual realizations, and direct
experience for over 40 years. He currently owns a health food
store and distributing company in Columbus, Ohio, and operates
the website: Phil has been lecturing for
almost 40 years on principles of spiritual awareness, the changing
body chemistry, the laws of inertia and momentum, and in recent
years has given over a dozen talks on the healing aspects of Far
Infrared Light. His talks are not only informative, but also many
times quite illuminating.
For Information on all Our Events
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Special Events
Sunday Spiritual Service in the Pyramid!
(right hand
Sunday, August 30 at 11 to Noon in the Main Vendor Hall - Included in price of admission
Please join Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm of Divinity Spiritual for a spiritual service of healing.
Let us clear our energies and bring in the energy of Prosperity and Abundance in All Good Things.
Divinity Spiritual is a place of Love, Light, Truth and Freedom. We are a congregation of spiritual
intuitives, healing facilitators, and those seeking the clarity and guidance of Spirit.
Rev. Mary Margaret Denholm is the founder. 513.289-2914
Crystal Bowl Meditation in the Pyramid!
(right hand
Sunday, August 30 from 3 - 4pm in the Main Vendor Hall Included in price of admission
Enjoy an Ecstatic Energetic Exchange of sound with Alajah, the ultimate celestial music for healing, relaxation
and meditation. Reconnecting you with your *I AM* consciousness, and as it emerges the pathways illuminate.
Let the sound of the bowls and the experience of an Ethereal Journey align your energy vibration, or just come
to Dance through the Cosmos.When the bowls are played, they create spiraling sounds that reach into eternity.
For all that has ever been, is NOW! Calling from the distant past and the Cosmic future, blending all into Oneness. With each vibration of the crystal bowls, waves of Energy Clear and Free Constrictions from our bodies.
The sound allows us to reach into ourselves and Experience Dimensions that are blocked or shut down. Our
entire world begins to Expand, allowing more of our True Nature to rise to the surface. The sound vibrations
relay our prayers directly with magnified intention to the Higher Realms.
Weaving together the celestial sound of the crystal singing bowls, creating a luminous sonic tapestry, that
soothes and opens the heart, enfolding the listener into a transcendent experience of the Divine and a direct
experience of the Soul.
Rhiannon/Alajah is actively dedicated to the Consciousness Evolution of the Planet. Rising in Love and
BEing in a constant state of Gratitude, she creates and re-activates multifaceted, multidimensional grids with
crystals, light, sound and sacred geometry. She is the proprietress of Moon Struck Magick, specializing in
Ethereal Meditation Journeys and Crystalline Activation Ceremonies, with Crystal and Alchemy bowls.
Work is her Play, and her Tools are her Toys. As a Luminescent Vibrational Alchemist, she believes music is a
blessing, a prayer and a healing when it comes deeply from the heart.
VENDORS (partial list)
The Biomat - Holistic Products, Bodywork
When my Mind Met my Soul - Author
Mayan Connection - Clothing, Crafts/Gifts
Coach Kimi - Spiritual Life Coach
Universal Nuances - Books, Intuitives
Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids & Pyramids - Holistic Products
Live Your Good Life Coaching - Holistic Services, Intuitive
Virtual Scanning Scientific Viewing Energy RX - Holistic Services
Juice Plus+ Whole Food Nutrition - Nutrition
Marty Burmaster Physical Healing - Bodywork
Flaska - Holistic Products
It's Your Journey - Crystals/Jewelry, Crafts/Gifts
The Merkaba Chamber - Meditation Tool
Momentum 98 Relax Fir Infrared Sauna - Holistic Products
Body & Soul Pure Romance and Reiki by Christina - Holistic Products, Bodywork
Spiritual Holistic Guidance & Jewelry (Tina Sacchi) - Jewelry, Intuitive
Princess Petals - Intuitive
Omars Touch Therapy - Energy work
Starwood Festival - Holistic Services
Divinity Spiritual Church - Holistic services
Kashmir Dream Treasures from the Silk Road - Clothing, Crafts/Gifts
Rev. Tim Brainard - Psychic Medium
Natural Options Aromatherapy - Essential Oils, Ionic Footbaths
Teresa Manjes - Astrology
Rev. Tracie Redden-Frick - Psychic Medium
Rishi Institute - Books, Intuitive
Psychic Medium Julie - Intuitive
Tranquil Souls - Aura Pictures
Jin-Koto 20 Minute Readings - Tarot Reader
doTerra - Essential Oils
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