Children`s Newsletter May 2016


Children`s Newsletter May 2016
May 2016
Take the “Chore” Out of Household Duties
1. To help your children be willing,
eager contributors to your family.
2. To give your kids—and you—a
good attitude about doing
3. To develop in your family
members a heart for service.
In a recent national survey, only 28%
of parents said they require their
children to do chores—even though
those parents realize the importance
of having household responsibilities.
“Parents today want their kids
spending time on things that can
bring them success,” says Richard
Rende, co-author of Raising Can-Do
Kids, “but ironically, we’ve stopped
doing one thing that’s actually been a
proven predictor of success—and
that’s household chores.”
Chores also help children develop
much-needed life skills and instill in
them a sense of self-worth and belonging. Most child-development experts say kids shouldn’t be paid for
household chores, which are part of
contributing to family life.
Summer—when homework isn’t in the
picture—is an ideal time to rev up your
family’s chore assignments.
Here are some examples of ageappropriate tasks your kids can perform:
Ages 3 to 5: They can work alongside
you to put away toys, place dirty clothes
in a hamper, sort laundry, make their
beds, and feed pets.
Ages 6 to 8: Children can dust and
vacuum, put away their clothes, empty
wastebaskets, set and clear the table,
and help with some yardwork.
Ages 9 to 12: Kids can load and unload
the dishwasher, unpack groceries, mop
the floor, fold laundry, wash the car, and
help prepare meals.
Add Excitement to Chores
Wednesday Night Children’s
We are wrapping up Wednesday
evening children’s activities for this
school year. The Pre-School and
Younger Elementary have had a
fabulous time with Cheryl Bankston
doing projects and learning about
The Upper Elementary have been
working on bible drills with Craig Prestwood and Trent Townsend. It has been
fun and challenging!
The Confirmation class and their mentors have been meeting faithfully every
Wednesday evening in preparation of
their upcoming Confirmation Sunday.
Wednesday nights are a great way to
get involved with FUMC on a small
scale. There is something for everyone
– even parents! Adult small groups
meet at the same time as the children’s
We will be taking a break for the summer, but Wednesday family activities
will resume in the fall. They may look a
little different than our current schedule,
but there will still be something for everyone!
For many children, chores imply drudgery. But that doesn’t need to be the
case! Use these tips to make chores a positive, productive experience:
 Give kids ownership. Enlist your children’s help in selecting chores, as
well as the consequences for not doing them in a timely manner.
 Teach tasks with “shaping.” First, let children watch you perform a
task while you explain it. Then let them try one step at a time.
 Use language cues and offer encouragement. Say, “I see books on
the floor” rather than giving orders. Thank kids for their efforts.
 Spur teamwork in your family by using the fun ideas below!
Terrific Teamwork Designate a
time when everyone chips in
around the house. For example, do
chores at a particular time every
Saturday morning. This reinforces
the importance of each individual’s
Whistle While You Work Play a
favorite upbeat music CD while
children complete their chores.
Also, have kids brainstorm a new,
more creative name for chores,
such as “home fun” or “household
Responsibility Roulette Mix up
the chore routine by letting family
members randomly select their
tasks for each week. On slips of
paper, write all the chores that
need to be done. Then place them
in a cup or jar. Every Monday,
have family members select their
jobs for that week.
Lend a Hand Make a creative
chore chart to keep your family
organized. Have family members
each trace one of their hands on
card stock and cut it out. Use
markers to decorate the paper
hands with a ring, a watch, or a
bracelet. Attach a small selfadhesive magnet strip to the back
of each handprint. Then place a
sticky note on the center of each
hand, and have family members
list their chores for the week. (Help
younger children.) Place the hands
on the refrigerator, pointing
downward. As family members
complete their chores for the week,
have them point their paper hand
up to show that the tasks are done.
Each week, replace the sticky
notes with new lists.
Church Chores To show children
how to extend the skills they learn
while doing household chores,
consider lending a hand at your
church some weekend. Watch the
church calendar for a designated
“work day,” or just ask a staff
member what tasks need to be
done. Your family can clean out a
closet, paint a room, organize pew
racks, or straighten out the nursery
or library.
Work and Rest Divide a long
sheet of paper into seven sections,
writing one day of the week over
each section. Together, create a
mural illustrating the different work
and activities you all accomplish
each day. Complete six days, leaving the Sabbath blank. Afterward,
read aloud Exodus 20:8-11. Brainstorm different ways of resting on
the Sabbath. Then choose how to
make the Sabbath a special day
for your family to relax with God
and one another.
“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you
were working for the Lord, rather than for people.”
—Colossians 3:23, NLT
Title: X-Men Apocalypse
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Rating: not yet rated (likely PG-13)
Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Rose Byrne
Synopsis: Apocalypse, the original
mutant, has wakened from his slumber
to find a world he despises. He recruits
a group of powerful mutants to cleanse
the world of humans so he can reign as
a god.
Our Take: Although Marvel movies
have often been innocuous, fun, and
action-packed, this one introduces
something more sinister. In one trailer,
Apocalypse says, “I’ve been called
many things over many lifetimes.” One
name he lists is Yahweh. So be wary
about this movie. If your kids do see it,
have a meaningful discussion about
who is the one true God.
Title: Faster
Artist: Group 1 Crew
Synopsis: The Christian hip-hop
group’s new EP trilogy includes the
digital mini-albums Faster, Stronger
and Power. The five-member group,
which has been around for almost a
decade, had a radio single with the
song “Forgive Me.”
Our Take: This pop-infused band
offers upbeat lyrics and melodies that
make listeners want to get up and
dance. The song “Everyday Is a
Miracle,” which features Christian
singer Rachel Lampa, emphasizes the
beauty of life. “Time flies. Yeah, we
only get one life. What you gonna do
with it?” the chorus asks. Older kids
and preteens will enjoy this positive
alternative to secular hip-hop groups.
Games, Sites & Apps
Portal Knights
In this downloadable 3D
role-playing game,
players use their
imaginations to
customize their own
worlds. They also fight
creatures and monsters
with magical and
medieval weapons.
Violence is cartoonish,
with no blood. For ages
10 and up.
This new family-friendly
search engine shows kidoriented results and large
thumbnails. It also filters
out explicit content and
doesn’t collect personal
information. When users
type in objectionable
words, they receive the
message “Oops, try
Professor Astro
Cat’s Solar System
This app ($2.99) helps
children discover the
wonders of the universe.
It’s a fact-filled, ageappropriate adventure
for kids 6 to 8. They can
build a rocket ship and
choose what to explore.
Lots of reading is
involved, so parents will
need to help out.
This page is designed to help educate parents and isn’t meant
to endorse any movie, music, or product. Our prayer is that
you’ll make informed decisions about what your children
watch, read, listen to, and play.
During every Sunday morning
service except Communion
services, FUMC has a time for
children 3 years old through
Kindergarten to leave before the
sermon and spend time with each
other in Children’s Church. This is a
fantastic opportunity for kids to
become used to the church
experience without being asked to sit
through the whole hour. They go to
the 3 & 4 Year Old Sunday School
Room and have their own bible story
and time to play.
To make this happen FUMC uses
parent volunteers.
The May schedule is:
May 8th – 8:40 Service
Jason Carlock & Christy
10:50 Services
Casey Rushing & Ann Raggio
May 15 – 8:40 Service
Allison Killebrew & Tara Farr
10:50 Services
Cheryl Bankston & Laci Pittman
May 22 – 8:40 Service
Lucy Renfrow & Rachel Townsend
10:50 Services
Lorrie Jolly & Carly Hemby
May 29 – 8:40 Service
Lindsey Fyke & Vicki Thornton
10:50 Services
Shirley Kane & Vicki Rundlett
A special thank you to all of our
volunteers, and if this is an area you
feel led to help with please contact
Melissa Radicioni at
May 2016
8:40 Trad
9:50 Sun Sch
10:50 Trad &
Cinco de
12:20 –
National Day
of Prayer in
front of Clinton City Hall
9:30-11 am
Bible Study
Parent’s Night
Bible Study
5:15pm Wed
Night Meal
6pm Stop
Hunger Now
CCA & Mt.
Salus’s Last
Bible Study
Forces Day
8:40 Trad
9:50 Sun Sch
10:50 Trad &
Clinton PSD
Last Day!
8:40 Trad
9:50 Sun Sch
10:50 Trad &
BBQ Chicken
Lunch for Boy
Scout Tr 88
Mother’s Day
8:40 Early
9:50 Sun Sch
10:50 Trad &
8:40 Trad
9:50 Sun Sch &
Acolyte Training
10:50 Trad &
6pm Choir
Spring Prgram
Something from Sunday School
Sunday School Matters: We are blessed at FUMC to have wonderful
church members who dedicate their time to teach our little ones Sunday
School every Sunday morning. They spend this hour fellowshipping, having fun, and learning about Jesus. If your children haven’t found a way to
one of our Sunday school classes the locations and teachers are below
and we would love to have you. And if you, as the parent haven’t found
yourself a class, then we will be happy to help you also find a place to belong!
Children’s Sunday
Class Information
The Kindergarten and 1 Grade
Sunday School Class had a
blast on Palm Sunday doing a
Resurrection Egg Scavenger
Hunt through the church!
Birth to 2 Years - Nursery Room
Workers: Wanda ???, Sandra ???
3 & 4 Year Olds – Room 213
Teachers: Linda McBrayer &
Lindsey Fyke
In March FUMC held is annual Easter Eggstravaganza! There were activities for everyone: Easter
egg hunts by age, a scavenger hunt for older children, guess the number of jelly beans, face painting,
coloring, a jump house, bean bag toss, obstacle
course, and an inflatable slide. At FUMC we are
committed to our children and events that bring
them to the church to have fun and show our love
for Jesus!
Acolytes Needed
K & 1 Grade – Room 212
Teachers: Jenny Lewis & Krisa
Children entering the third
through sixth grade in the 20162017 school year are invited to
join in Acolyte Training. Acolytes serve during the early and
late traditional services on Sunday mornings. Training will be
held on May 15 during the
Sunday School hour. Parents
may take their children directly
to the sanctuary at 9:50 am or
Kathy Fisher will come to the
Sunday School rooms to pick up
anyone interested. Dru Luckett
will be conducting the training.
Please feel free to contact
Kathy Fisher if you have any
2 & 3 Grade – Room 302
Teachers: Jeanne Garforth, Vicki
Thornton & Jamie Edwards
4 & 5 Grade – Room 306
Teachers: Jamie & Tom
6 Grade – Upstairs in the Gym
Teachers: Phillip Pardue & Mary
All your children shall be taught
by the Lord,
and great shall be the
of your children. Isaiah 5:14
The Children’s Choirs
There are many ways for your
children to participate musically at FUMC! For our littlest
voices, Anna Prestwood and
Russell ??? lead the Cherub
Choir for children from 4 years
through Kindergarten. This
choir meets in Room 212 on
Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm.
Tommy Steadman, FUMC’s Director of Music Ministries, leads
the Children’s Choir. Kids in first
through sixth grades can join
Tommy on Sunday evenings at
5:00pm for practice. We are
looking forward to their Spring
Program at 6pm on May 15th.
VBS 2016
Deep Sea Discovery
June 13 – 17
8:30 – 11:30 am
Pictured L to R (Top): Beaux
Hayden Smith, Kylie Woods, Tenley Prestwood, & Sophie Carlock.
(Bottom) Mason Medina, Caroline
Killebrew & Braley Montgomery.
Stop Hunger Now
Packing Event
Do you ever find it hard to teach your children about giving back? Sometimes all
the volunteer opportunities around you
aren’t suitable for a child. But children are
some of the most important people we
could ever ask to volunteer. Teaching a
child about a life of service is important,
and Stop Hunger Now is a perfect way to
introduce your child to helping others.
There are LOTS of jobs necessary for a
Stop Hunger Now packing event, and
MANY are suitable for little hands and
little hearts. This is something fun and
something your family can do together! So
think about joining us on May 4 in the
gym for FUMC’s latest Stop Hunger Now
packing event! And they will get a cool
hair net too!
Tommy also directs the Children’s Hand Bell Choir that met
on Wednesdays at 4pm. Their
spring performance was at the
end of April and was amazing!
Come join us at Celebreation Reef,
Pelican Pier, Curiosity Cavern, and
the Tide Pool Playland as our kids
learn that “God is with me wherever I
go!” Five days of learning that: God
knows me; God hears me; God
strengthens me; God loves me; and
God sends me! Kids will… KNOW
that God is always with them! They
will explore God’s presence in their
lives! And they will serve God by
serving others! Sounds like an
awesome time!
Save this date! And please contact
Landa Gayle Strum if you want to
help with this ministry as it is a huge
outreach to our Clinton community.
You can call or text Landa Gayle at
601-953-2741 or email her at