Issue 52 - Summer 2008/09


Issue 52 - Summer 2008/09
Residents Association
Issue 52
Summer Xmas Edition
Dear Fellow Residents,
On behalf of the newly elected Management
Committee and myself, I would like to thank you for
your vote of confidence in re-electing us.
New Social
It was very pleasing to have, at the AGM, a number
of members volunteer to assist in the planning of
activities. The Social side of the Association is very
much up to YOU. We can facilitate contact and
organisation of activities via the web site and phone.
A number of new activities are already being
planned. A most exciting development has been a
closer working relationship with Noosa Croquet Club
resulting in the availability of the Club room for hire
at reasonable cost, for NWRA meetings and upcoming Social events. The inaugural Management Committee meeting was held in the Club in November.
We look forward to having a mutually successful
arrangement and being able to assist each other
with various projects over time. Please support the
new Sports and Social group and the Noosa Waters
Croquet Club in any way that you can.
On Water
The year ahead is sure to be challenging as we tackle
issues such as short term holiday rentals (please see
the report by Dick Patterson) and development/
building certification problems. The main issues are
about fence heights and building within 4.5metres
of the revetment wall. These problems can involve
interpretation and understanding of Council
requirements by private Certifiers.
A number of “hooning” problems have been reported,
both on our roads and the canal. To report road
hooning problems please contact Noosa Police –
5447 5888. For excessive speed and other boating
misconduct in the canal, contact the Boating and
Fisheries Patrol at Noosaville on 5449 7555 and
advise them of boat details.
Your support of the Association is appreciated.
Thanks to all concerned for the Kayak Challenge
event which will have taken place by the time of publication. Special thanks to sponsors, Kayak Noosa.
I wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas
and good fellowship with family and friends.
Gary Trevithick, President
Noosa Waters Christmas Lights Competition
Light up Noosa Waters Homes
for Christmas!
Prizes for best entries
Judging to take place between
December 15th-19th.
Festive Canine Greetings from
Jackson,Callum,Beau,Max,Lily and Lily
(Inspired by Noosa Hot Dogs)
New Noosa Waters Social Group
The recent survey identified the need and
opportunity to have more social activity
within the Noosa Waters community.
With the wonders of technology – Noosa
Waters website, the option of the Croquet
Club as a meeting venue and the creative
spirit of so many NW residents, it will be
possible to generate a series of “virtual”
groups that just come together for the
purposes of sharing time together enjoying one-off events or activities, courses or
series of get-togethers.
A group of interested residents met in
September, 2008 to discuss options and the
way forward. It was decided to generate
‘Expressions of Interest’ for various activities and then those who put their contact
details forward, can get in touch with each
other and make arrangements for a meeting, event or activity. See ABC list page 8.
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
Some of the points covered by the President were:
• Recognition of the fantastic job our volunteers are
doing. The gardens and verges have been redone with
mulch and cleaned up. The parks are looking great contributing to welcoming effect of the estate’s
appearance on residents, visitors and potential buyers.
• Council installed new entry sign on the corner of Saltwater Ave and Gibson Road (featured in last edition).
AGM Report
The 2008 AGM was a lively and enjoyable affair attended
by over 70 members, with many issues raised and
A number of “Murphy’s Law” obstacles on the day actually
resulted in a silver lining for us. The venue we had booked
turned out to be ”double” booked but we were indebted to
the School and their team for doing everything they could
to overcome the problems. Their solution gave us:
• Makeover of the entry signs at Riverbreeze Ave -signs
funded by NWRA and special thanks to John Langdon
for the construction work; other signs will be
progressively refreshed, all adding to the amenity of
the area we live in.
• Partnering Charter with Noosa Council which has
continued with the new SCRC. This establishes high
levels of communication and co-operation between
Council and residents;
- Landscaping - it establishes responsibility and
service levels for parks and park furniture, nature
strips, entry statements, roundabouts and fountain;
- Waterways - it includes maintenance and capital
replacement of the lock, rubbish control and water
• Flooding in Shorehaven Drive and mud which enters
into the canal during heavy rain. The issues and
possible solutions have been and will continue to be
discussed with Council.
• Problems arising from the approval of various develop
ments by private Certifiers. Discussions are in progress
with Councillor Russell Green and Council about how
these problems can be minimised in both the short and
longer term. As these discussions evolve meetings will
be held with members and their views and decisions
will be sought to develop solutions.
the most comfortable seats we have ever had;
the best sound we could wish for;
equipment to show the photos and video clip,
no stacking chairs afterwards when everyone is tired and
wants to go home; and
• we were not charged for the venue.
We thank Councillor Russell Green and his PA Cathy Rees
for being there on the night. Russell brought us up to date
on current issues affecting Noosa residents eg,
• challenges of the amalgamation process;
• impact of the Iconic board on planning procedures;
• the evolving Noosa Biosphere; and
• the possibility of having a Noosa Waters Plan covering
water ways and catchment issues. (Ian Wallbank gave a
report on behalf of the sub-committee, which has been
set up, to investigate this option further.)
The Noosa Integrated Catchment Area (NICA) had an
interesting display about Noosa’s waterways and the
various projects underway to monitor and protect the
integrity of water condition using bio-measures such as
mangrove and seagrass health. Residents had the chance
to gain a better understanding of the negative impact on
the Noosa River area, of putting grass cuttings, chemicals,
dust and detergents into stormwater drains.
The AGM Ended on a high note with a promotional, 1995
video of Noosa Waters (provided by Ian Wallbank from his
archives of Noosa Waters) from its very early days.
As requested, Seymours arranged to have Project Manager,
Ben Brown and PR representative Melody File from
Brisbane and the local manager of JFP Consulting
Engineers, Andrew Fraser, available to respond to
concerns or interests of residents. They spoke about the
new development and in particular about our drainage
concerns in heavy rain conditions. Recent sediment had
believed to have been caused by run-off from the new
estate, but subsequent Council investigations seem to have
established a different source.
To all of the Management Committee and Residents of Noosa
Waters, wishing you and your families a safe and enjoyable
Christmas and New Year.
Residents are warned to be ever vigilant and if any
sediment, excess water or other matters of concern are
observed – from any source - to immediately contact
Council and/or a member of the WaterWatch or the
MC team. The protection of the revetment wall and quality
of our water in the canal is vital for the well-being of the
whole estate and to the Noosa River environment. (Please
refer to website for article on Revetment Wall.)
Spend some time walking along the river, paddling in the ocean,
drinking red wine and the company of good friends.
Bring on 2009!
Best Wishes Cr Russell Green
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
New Noosa Waters Social Group –
with a difference!
Please access the Noosa Waters Sports and Social Groupwebpage to view the ABC of suggested activities - or use
the “Expressions of Interest” information on page 8.
Ideally, please complete the online survey to register your
interest in any of the activities, or post hard copy form to
NWRA PO Box 197 Noosaville. You can add to the list of
options by contacting Webmaster and can give details of
existing local clubs and groups.
Monthly Socials at the Croquet Club
It is also proposed to hold monthly social events, primarily at the Croquet Club with guest speakers or organised
activities. It is hoped that the first guest speaker will be
newly appointed Coastguard Commander, Robin Hood,
who will delight audiences with his entertaining style,
but will also educate and inform about boating safety on
Noosa’s waterways, especially crossing the bar at the Spit
and changing conditions.
Noosa Waters Cinema and Film Appreciation Group
The inaugural cinematic and social event will commence
in January organised by Liz and Ron Meilke. There will
be a suggested group viewing at the local cinema and
optional social afterwards. There will then be a film appreciation get-together, probably at the Croquet Club on
another day, for a more focussed film review.
Noosa Waters Walking Group
Join the new Noosa Waters walking group! Get ready for
Christmas and to walk off the Festive Fare! Each week,
the group will depart from Saltwater Park, walk along
Shorehaven under bridge by lock, along Noosaville riverfront, then back via Saltwater. Route will alter from time
to time to suit the group who may choose stop for coffee/
drink on return trip!
Noosa Waters Book Club
This will commence in the New Year and will provide a
great opportunity to compare views and reviews about
books you have read over Christmas with fellow readers.
Please register your interest on the website.
Australia Day Street Parties
The great Aussie tradition of having a street party on Australia Day is a wonderful way to get to know friends and
neighbours. Why not organise your own street party?
Nearer the time, hints to make your event as easy and
safe as possible, will be posted on Social Events webpage.
Events may be free, low cost or a few dollars more;
active or passive; involve dining, picnicking, a glass of
wine or two – simply just sharing a sunset. Could be
about sharing vehicles to travel locally or to Eumundi,
Brisbane or the Gold Coast for events, or home based
entertaining. Keep checking the Social webpage and key
in any ideas. Just take up the interests and activities that
appeal to you, but please help to make them happen!
Call for Volunteers to Assist with Co-ordinating the
Sports and Social Group
Whereas most of the events and activities will happen
without always going through a main group, it will still be
necessary to undertake some general co-ordination and
administration roles, which will be kept to a minimum.
If you would be willing to form a steering committee,
please contact Cathie Martin on 0416 032 578 or email The next meeting will be held in
January at the Croquet Club - details later on webpage.
Update from Glen Elmes, MP for Noosa
Caring NW residents who have followed the travails forced
upon the people of the Mary River, will have shared their
relief as Premier Bligh announced the Traveston travesty
would not be built – at least for a few years. Glen Elmes,
MP for Noosa, pulled no punches in his media statement
sent to NWRA Newsletter, as he expressed his concern
for the “wonderful hinterland community”, which he says
“have been treated like the stuff (they) want to put in our
drinking supply!” See website for full statement.
This was released on the day of the
Noosa preview launch of the new
“Love, Mary” book. Available for sale
Kayak Challenge 2008
Thanks to Kayak Noosa, Expresso Noosa, Coastguard
and all who particpated or contributed in any way to the
event. Details in next edition! FYI The route is 4km long
and can take 33 minutes for experienced kayakers!
Noosa Waters Evening Out Group
A chance for people singly or in couples, to go with a
group of folk to enjoy an evening out - perhaps dining
out, dancing, boating, table tennis, going to the theatre
or going to an event eg New Year Fireworks on the River.
Sponsors of
Noosa Waters
Residents Association
Kayaking Challange
0448 567 321
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Compiled by Gloria Bruzzoni, QF5 Information Officer
Coast Guard Noosa Says Check Your Moorings
When the weather warms up heralding glorious summer
days are ahead, the dark side is that destructive weather
is also on the agenda. The storm season began early and
with a vengeance this year, demonstrating the urgency for
storm preparedness - with everyone playing a role in ensuring their own safety and protection of life and property.
When trouble strikes the volume of calls for help can be
overwhelming, resulting in delays in assistance.
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
Suggested Precautions:
• Adopt extra heavy duty lines with the ability to lengthen
as required.
• Remove to shore everything loose on a vessel
particularly newspapers, magazines and cartons
because when they become soggy, they block drainage,
bilges and pumps if the vessel takes on water.
• Strong winds will drive water through the smallest opening, causing internal flooding, so ensure all are securely
• Ensure there are no weak spots caused by rust in the
mooring or anchor equipment.
• Check out your neigbbours’ mooring arrangements both
for their well-being and yours - if not adequate, you
vessel can be at risk from theirs!
• With the popularity of pontoon boats in our system it is
important to check the amount of water gathering on
the canopy, to prevent struts collapsing or the canopy
A significant feature of severe storms is storm surge and
torrential rains so knowing the estimated water height for
your area can be important. The more shallow offshore
water, the more pronounced the wind-driven surge and if
coinciding with a high tide the more dramatic the effect on
tidal rivers, low-lying land and canals systems.
Boats not moored securely or moored too securely, which
does not allow for rising waters in the canal system, can
be an expensive risk. It is estimated 50% of moored vessels damaged in cyclonic winds could have been saved by
using better mooring lines and better knowledge in their
According to Admiral Robin Hood, “The best advice for
boaties is to become a QF5 Associate Member which carries significant benefits at an annual cost of only $50.
Free on water assistance (conditions apply), and discounts
on marine courses, including boat safety, navigation, radio
and first aid, plus free bar crossing courses. By becoming
either a Marine rescue boat volunteer or a radio operator
and undergoing professional nationally recognized training, boaties can enrich their skills.”
Prevention is the key but when needed, Coast Guard can
help. Join up now. Call Alan Hall on 5455 5020 or
0414 957 427
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
Short Term Holiday Rentals
Tips for Surviving Fire BE PREPARED - NOT SCARED!
At the recent association AGM residents present passed
unanimously the following resolution:
‘Residents consider that Short Term Holiday Rental
(STHR) is a tourist activity that is not compatible with the
quiet residential nature of Noosa Waters. This meeting
therefore requests the Association to make every effort to have such activity within the Noosa Waters estate
Install and maintain smoke alarms;
Ensure your security allows you to escape quickly
Have a home evacuation plan - you would have only
minutes to escape
Practise regularly with the children - get down low
and go, go, go!
Air near the door in a fire is cleaner, clearer and cooler.
In case of fire, call 000.
For any more tips and further potentially life saving information, take the time to visit:
Book a free “Homesafe Program” visit and help Noosa Waters to become a Bushfire Prepared Community.
How To Prepare:
• Have the SES help number handy - 132 500
• Trim threatening trees,
• Secure (or bring inside) play equipment, pots and
outdoor furniture
• Ensure roofs and gutters are free of leaves and debris,
• Check that street drains which can rapidly block with
debris, are clear
• Prepare an emergency kit
• Check insurance is adequate and up-to-date.
Insurance companies have 24-hour phone services and
can organise roof repairers and electricians. Please
respect that SES volunteers are for emergency situations
only, not handyman tasks!
But if there is the threat of flooding, a significant roof
leak, tree damage to the house, part of the road washed
away or an inability to cope with the storm event, do not
hesitate to call the SES on 132 500 and 000 for a lifethreatening emergency.
Further information:
People taking STHR accommodation are here to holiday.
During the discussion the adverse lifestyle impact of
partying, noise and late nights were highlighted as well
as the negative impact on the saleability and value of
housing in the immediate area. Concern was expressed
that STHR’s in Noosa Waters were increasing and unless
residents take strong immediate action we could quickly
become another Noosa Sound holiday village.
While you may not have experienced these problems remember that that house next door to you could be turned
into a noisy, uncontrolled holiday rental at any time. This
is an issue that affects us all.
We have talked to the real estate agents involved in
STHR’s in Noosa Waters about much tighter controls.
While they make soothing noises, the agents tend to
shelter behind ‘we are only following the owners’ instructions’ rather than showing any real leadership and, if
necessary, refusing to represent a particular property.
Richardson & Wrench are the main agent promoting STHR’s in Noosa Waters. Clearly there is a serious
conflict between the negative impact on residents of this
type of activity and an agents desire to represent residents in regard to buying and/or selling property. All
residents should give this matter careful consideration
when choosing an appropriate agent to handle their property purchase or sale. Support those that support us.
We have written to the Sunshine Council concerning
stopping STHR’s in Noosa Waters or at least introducing strong rules to control such activities. Their initial
response was unhelpful.
However your committee will continue discussions with
both the real estate agents involved and the Council to
seek a satisfactory response to residents’ concerns. We
will also research other approaches which may help address the STHR problem.
In the meantime residents experiencing problems should
not hesitate to contact directly the Property Manager of
the agent representing that particular STHR and follow
this up with a written complaint. It would be helpful if
your committee was made aware of the problems by
advising chairman,
Dick Patterson, email
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
Hello Residents of Noosa Waters. We’d like to provide the
following update on Noosa NorthRise, the new residential estate being created by Seymour Group on the land
adjoining Noosa Waters:
• Construction of the silt fences has been completed,
which is for sediment control of stormwater from the
site and to also assist in the minimization of any flood
ing issues into Noosa Waters
Noosa Waters Christmas Flotilla!
Friday, December 19th
6.15pm form-up for 6.30pm Start
• Construction has commenced on Stages One and Two
of the estate, including construction of the entrance
road and bulk earthworks, with completion expected
early 2009
Decorate your boats and homes to your heart’s
content – Let’s really ‘light up’ the Canal!
Prizes awarded!
Coastguard Noosa will be the lead vessel again this year.
• De-weeding of the 4.96ha of retained parkland is
underway, including the removal of environmental
weeds and several disintegrating trees
Noosa Community Radio will be broadcasting Christmas
Carols for the Flotilla, so bring along your radio and tune
it to 101.3 FM, turn it up and sing along.
• Seymour Group is placing great importance on the
protection of local wildlife and has organised for 15
nesting boxes to be installed on site by local company
Hollow Log Homes. This is above and beyond Council
requirements for the site
Enjoy participating in this Noosa Waters iconic occasion
whether you are on the water or on land! View from the
many vantage points; create and capture the Christmas
spirit of this special event for all.
• In response to feedback from Noosa Waters residents,
Seymour Group is also investigating a suitable location
to plant Richmond Birdwing Butterfly vines within
Noosa NorthRise.
Dress up, bring along flashing lights, hats, festive fare
and picnic! Sing loudly and have FUN!
Flotilla departs from eastern side of Saltwater Shorehaven
canal bridge; finishes at the Mermaid Quays Park
If you require any further details or have any queries or
ideas, please contact the Noosa Waters Residents Association’s nominated Liaison Co-ordinator or alternatively,
don’t hesitate to contact us on the details below.
Patrick McGuire & Melody File
Marketplace Communications
p. 07 3358 4777 e.
Shipwright Avenue
Please Remember Maritime Rules Apply
4 knots No Wash
Boats must be in sound working order, start checking now!!
All boats, all types must have navigation lights in full working order
Single file; keep to your left or right according to map directions
No overtaking unless really necessary
No horseplay
Make sure your insurance is up to date – just in case…
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Fish in Noosa Waters – By Request
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
Over the years residents have spotted and even caught, a
number of different species of fish in Noosa Waters, which also
gives a positive indicator of sound water health. For those that
enjoy fishing, to be able to do so at the bottom of one’s own
garden is one of the pleasures of living in Noosa Waters!
Festive Greetings from the
A warm welcome greets those
who attend Noosa U3A Music
Appreciation Group each
Thursday morning from
9.30 am - 11.30am.
A list of species caught by residents, can be
emailed to you on request to:
To view a list of species that are known to be
present in the Noosa River, please visit
Update on Homeless Pets Featured in
Last Edition
Did You Know? Noosa Waters Landscaping
Maintenance - Facts and Figures
Misty and Jake found homes and are doing well. Elsa is
still in need of a home but does have health issues. 4
Paws latest canine star seeking a home is Frankie, a lovable 18 month old pug who is full of life and love for people and other animals. Stella (pictured below), is a 10
month old labrador/cattle dog cross with friendly, gentle
nature from RSPCA. Can you help them find new homes?
with Sharon Woodford and John Langdon
5 Parks with Playgrounds and Sunshades
6 Open Parks
6 Roundabouts
5 Entry Statements with surrounding gardens
1 Fountain
Paved Areas of Streets
225 Metres of Mulch
Tree Removal and Replacement Program
Noxious Weed Control
With Christmas coming up, animal shelters are about to
be hit with another wave of unwanted pets that will be
bought for Christmas and rejected almost immediately
afterwards. Help save lives this Christmas. Your kind
assistance would be much appreciated. RSPCA urgently
• old towels, old blankets,
• detergents and cleaning products
• cat and dog toys
• pet food, 4Paws especially needs
food for small dogs.
FREE Keep-fit Sessions with John!
John invites all to his FREE Keep-Fit sessions in
Noosa Waters
Learn the Pandanas Bend,
Wheelbarrow Weightlifting and
Mulch Push-ups! All welcome - to the next
Working Bee in 2009!
Please bring practical donations to 30 Neptune Circuit, on
Monday Mornings, before Christmas. Call Robyn on
5447 1519, to make other arrangements.
Please protect our precious wildlife - keep cats and
dogs under control at all times, but especially at night
Warning for Dog Owners: RSPCA reports many recent incidences of people leaving their dogs locked up in
the car where they can rapidly overheat die. Please do
not go Christmas shopping with dog in car!!!
Photos taken at first meeting of Management Committee
at the Croquet Club.
If you see any domestic or wildlife in strife, please take
the time to help. Call:
Croquet Club Update
Local Pet Rescue or
RSPCA 5449 1371
4PAWS 0411 144 689
Professional Snakecatcher
Noosa Waters Croquet Club members take their Croquet
seriously, but also know how to have fun and work hard.
The Club was a great place to spend 2008 Melbourne
Cup, as can be seen from the photos. Watch for the next
open day – join this Noosa Waters Club. Contact Andy
Hallinon on 5449 7493 or see the latest newsletter for
more information.
Wildlife Rescue
5449 5200
Seabird rescue: 5485 3020
- Mark Norman 0408 726 524
Noosa Waters Residents Association
Issue 52 - Summer Xmas Edition
Noosa Waters Sports & Social Group
ABC of Suggestions
A Archery
B Boating
C Craft
D Dining out
G Golf
Emergency services
E Environment studies
F Fishing
French Conversation
Graphic design
H Humour Holidays – Armchair travel
Interior design
K Karate
Information Technology
Jigsaw puzzles
On Wednesday October 15th the AGM was held and all
existing office bearers were voted in again –
Secretary David Carter Treasurer Margaret Davies
Area Coordinator Henry & Gisa Weatherill
Koala study Kayaking
M Monopoly
Neighbourhood Watch
Sen. Sgt Steve McReight reported on a decline in some crimes but a slight
increase in break ‘n enters and cautioned residents to lock-up, not to leave
garage doors open and waterfront owners to be aware as break ins from the
water are slightly increasing. He reported of a missing person on that day
but through the combined efforts of police and residents that person was
found safe and well. He also reported on ‘Hooning’ and how the police actually work with these incidents. He urged all Neighbourhood Watchers and
Residents to watch out for each other and to look out for different things,
observe and report. No matter how little an incident maybe he said anything
could be helpful.
N Nature Watch Neighbourhood Support for
those in need of assistance
O Ornithology
Off-road driving
P Photography
Q Quilting
R Racing
S Scrabble Snooker Swimming Stocks & Shares
Scrapbooking Singing Spanish Sports
T Theatre
Ten-Pin Bowling
Tennis Table
U Ultra-lights
V Vintage Cars
Volunteering abroad or locally
On November the 23rd you were invited to Christmas drinks & nibbles and
all that attended had a good time. We welcomed some new neighbours,
chatted, nibbled and had fun and even the mozzies were kind to us.
With special good wishes for Secretary David, who has been unwell, we
would like to wish you all a very Happy, Safe and Peaceful Christmas
Your Neighbourhood Watch Team
W Walking Wine appreciation
What should you do if you see anything suspicious?
X Xylophone or other instrument playing
Phone local police (Noosa: 5447 5888; Maroochydore: 5479 9888) and
Complex Security, (5447 7559) straightaway. If it is an emergency, call 000;
later, please let Henry and Gisa (5474 4125) know about incidents.
Z Zoology or animal related interest
Register your interest -
To assist with formation of the steering
committee or any of the above suggested
groups, please note this on your copy.
Gary Trevithick
Vice President
Dick Patterson
Tony Van Der Linden
Harvey Williams
Asst Secretary
Ian Wallbank
Archivist / Council Liaison
Water Watch
Warren Burrows
Sharon Woodford
John Langdon
Howard Martin
Case Smit
5473 0545
5442 4309
5455 5125
5474 2230
5473 0475
Legal Advisor
Noosa Waters Community Website
For the latest information on all Noosa Waters
Resident Association activities, events and
local news or issues vist
Allan Day
5474 1015
Harvey Williams
5473 0012
Gisa/Henry Weatherill 5474 4125 neighbourhoodwatch
Fine Dining
Louise Taylor
0408 743 377
Kay Pallot
Seymour Liaison NWRA liaison
5449 8104
Lost and Found Janet & John Day
5455 5835
Noosa Waters Residents Association (Inc.)
PO Box 197 Noosaville 4566
The information contained in this publication has been obtained from sources deemed to be
reliable, but its’ accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No responsibility for error or omission, can be
accepted. Interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.