Hatha Raja Sadhana Master Class
Hatha Raja Sadhana Master Class
Hatha Raja Sadhana Master Class With Dharma Richards ERYT-500 Hatha Raja Sadhana Master Class With Dharma Richards ERYT-500 Saturday, January 28 1:00-3:00 pm - $40 Soaring Spirit Yoga Studio 308 Poplar Alley, Historic Occoquan, VA (703)499-9114 Saturday, January 28 1:00-3:00 pm - $40 Soaring Spirit Yoga Studio 308 Poplar Alley, Historic Occoquan, VA (703)499-9114 This transformational, moving meditation session begins with spiritual pranayama and dharana followed by an in-depth and challenging Namaskar vinyasa practice. Focusing on the 8-Limbed Path, personal attention is given throughout the class as well as direction toward the true goal of Yoga. This transformational, moving meditation session begins with spiritual pranayama and dharana followed by an in-depth and challenging Namaskar vinyasa practice. Focusing on the 8-Limbed Path, personal attention is given throughout the class as well as direction toward the true goal of Yoga. For Intermediate/Advanced practitioners, teachers and teacher trainees. For Intermediate/Advanced practitioners, teachers and teacher trainees. Dharma Richards, ERYT-500 – Being a Yoga Alliance Advanced Registered Yoga Teacher, Dharma incorporates a Classical Hatha-Raja style of teaching which encourages organic movement and an open heart as she routinely leads students through nurturing practices of pranayama/breathwork, asana/physical postures, and dhyana/meditation. Dharma’s studies continue at the North Carolina School of Yoga with her beloved teacher Chandra Om, senior disciple of Sri Dharma Mittra. For detailed information, see Dharma’s personal website (www.dharmarichards.com) and her studio website (www.yogagardennc.com). Dharma Richards, ERYT-500 – Being a Yoga Alliance Advanced Registered Yoga Teacher, Dharma incorporates a Classical Hatha-Raja style of teaching which encourages organic movement and an open heart as she routinely leads students through nurturing practices of pranayama/breathwork, asana/physical postures, and dhyana/meditation. Dharma’s studies continue at the North Carolina School of Yoga with her beloved teacher Chandra Om, senior disciple of Sri Dharma Mittra. For detailed information, see Dharma’s personal website (www.dharmarichards.com) and her studio website (www.yogagardennc.com).
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