nembe-english dictionary
nembe-english dictionary
NEMBE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY 2nd edition of the Nembe dictionary, M.H.I. Kaliai, University of Ibadan Press, 1964. This version prepared and edited by Roger Blench Roger Blench Mallam Dendo 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Fax. 0044-(0)1223-560687 Mobile worldwide (00-44)-(0)7967-696804 E-mail To whom all correspondence should be addressed. This printout: August 6, 2008 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations: ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Editor’s Preface............................................................................................................................................... 3 i Abbreviations: Parts of speech of headwords have been indicated in this edition as follows adj. aux. v. cf. coll. conj. dem. E. enc. esp. ext. suff. H. infl. suff. int. int. lit. n. num. p.n. prep. pron. poss. quant. v. Y. adjective auxiliary verb compare colloquial conjunction demonstrative English enclitic especially extensional suffix Hausa inflectional suffix interjection interrogative literally noun numeral proper name preposition pronoun possessive pronoun quantifier verb Yoruba derived from ii Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 Editor’s Preface The present Nembe dictionary is a revised and expanded version of the Nembe dictionary published by M.H.I. Kaliai at the University of Ibadan in 1964. died in early January 2005, with it still unpublished. During the 1990s, the manuscript was typed without alteration into an Apple-based system under the auspices of the late Professor Kay Williamson. The files transferred to an IBM system in the early 2000s, but without any conversion of the character codes. This was only partly successful, and several sections of the dictionary became corrupted. In order to make the manuscript available, I have therefore joined together the fragments of the electronic manuscript and converted the diacritics to a single system. Checking of scientific names and additional typing of corrupted electronic files was done by Dr. Carole Pegg and Dr. Martin Walsh. I hope the results are consistent, but errors may still remain. In 2008, the availability of an extended Times Roman Unicode font, made it possible to have the entire file in a single consistent font and the whole manuscriopt was converted yet again. Manuscript notes made by Professor Williamson on a copy of the original dictionary were added to the text. The original addendum to the published work, with words and expressions omitted has now been edited into the main text. I have also corrected other obvious errors, checked and updated scientific names and reformatted the headings. I have added additional etymologies where they were known to me and substituted updated scientific names. Descriptions of musical instruments and dance are based on my own original fieldwork. The present ms. does not include the introduction, as there has been considerable scholarship on Nembe since its publication and I hope to write a new text, incorporating modern insights inot the language, as well as a bibliography of Nembe studies. I believe the ms. should be published in hard copy, but there are several reasons for not doing this at present. The first is that the ms. represents a form of Nembe current fifty years ago, and the language has changed. It will need to be reviewed by competent speakers of the current language. Secondly, it would be unfortunate not to have photographs with the text, in view of the richness of Nembe culture. Roger Blench Kay Williamson Education Foundation Cambridge 06 August 2008. iii Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 NEMBE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY The following abbreviations are intended to help search in particular semantic fields; a ai al am an ap b bf bl bm bo bp bs c cl co cr architecture agricultural implement animal sp. indet. amphibian ant animal part bird bodily fluid blacksmithing body mark, sore etc. boat term body part basket crustacean cloth colour crop dr e et f fa fg fo fp fr ft g ga go gr h he hi d da dc dk disease, sickness domestic animal dance drink i k la á1 pron. á2 pron. á3 pron. a1 pron. a2 pron. a3 pron. a-1 pref. a-2 pref. a suf. item of dress emotions ethnonym fish farming fishing gear food fish part fruit fishing term grass game gourd grasshopper herb hunting equipment household implement insect kinship landscape ma me mi ms mt p pd po r s sh so t ti tm to tp mammal medicine musical instrument masquerade marine term person personal decoration pot reptile, amphibian snake shrub song tree title temporal (adverbs) tool tree part tr v wv wp wt traditional religion vine weaving weapon weather subject form of 1st person singular pronoun; I: á ḅoyo ‘I am coming’ subject form of 3rd person plural impersonal á ḅoyo ‘they (nonpronoun; they (used of animals, birds, fishes human) are coming’ or manufactured objects, not of human beings): object form of 3rd person plural impersonal á lẹẹ ‘flog them pronoun; them: (non-human)’ subject form of 3rd person feminine singular a ḅoyó ‘she is pronoun; she: coming’ object form of 3rd person feminine singular a léẹ̣ ‘flog her’ person; her: possessive form of 3rd person feminine a ḅẹrémị ̣ opú ḅẹré ̣ singular pronoun; her; hers: ‘hers is a big case’ prefixed to a noun to form plural when a tịn a-ḅerí ‘plant qualifying word precedes: leaves’, ịní á-ḅara ̣ ‘my hands’ prefixed to the root of a verb to form a a-ḅóu ‘drunkard’, personal noun signifying a notorious doer of a-múnu the action denoted by the verb: ‘slumberer’ Derivatives with this prefix have been largely omitted. suffixed to a repeated verb to mean ‘after’, ó ḅo ḅó-a ‘if or ‘if’, or ‘when’: when or after he 1 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 comes’ áa! aán! abá excl. excl. n. tr abá tein abátein ababá ababá abada abadamindi abadí ̣ abadí-aka, ̣ abadí ạ kaka abadí-anga ̣ abadíḅẹlẹụ ̣ abadíḍẹrị ̣ abadí-erewọ ̣ abadí-ẹfẹrụ ̣ abadí-ẹngẹ ̣ v.p. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n.m. n. n. tr tr bp d cl cl la la la la la fr c wt h abadí-ituḅru ̣ abadí-ịfụngọị ̣ n.m. n.m. f c abadí-okolaịn ̣ n.m. b shout of surprise used to express interrogation magical power of poisoning; such poison; charm: charm; bewitch; influence by magic: art of poisoning by magic spleen disease of the spleen; splenalgia; splenitis cloth; blackprint imitation abada cloth ocean; sea sea-coast sea-coast seashore, littoral cape of the sea; headland; promontory fruit with natural cracks or splits in the skin fast-running whitish crab found on seashore sea-breeze rhizome or underground stem used as medicine seafish, mojarras sp. bivalve shellfish with round or long soft white shells found in sandy shores and hursts; clam curlew abadị-ókolaịn n.m b curlew abadí-osunga ̣ n. g grass sp. abadíprịḅọ ̣ p albino abáka-ikuli n.m.f . n. f sleeper sp. abalába abalamú ̣ ábaná n. n.m. n.m. hi i f carved flat stick for turning fufu bedbug mudfish or barreto; conger eel ábangá n. fr plantain (both fruit and plant) ábangá-obi n. d ábangáḅaụ abanga-ípeín ábangátịn ábangátụngba awụ-ábanga iḅéḅu-abanga n. n. n. n. n. n. fr fr fr fr fr fr ma-ipéín-abanga n. fr disease; swollen state of the tissues of the body; oedema; local dropsy plantain sucker plantains hanging together around the bunch plantain bunch; plantain plant plantain finger; single plantain fruit red or purplish plantain two fingers of plantain which are not split but are still joined together species of plantain with only two rings of fruit (= atángbaị) Gerres sp. Numenius sp. (cf. mụmọgbọlụ; okolaín) ̣ Numenius sp. (cf. mụmọgbọlụ; okolaín) ̣ Paspalum sp. (= angala kiri osunga) family Eleotridae. Mispronounced form of abása-ikuli 2 Clarias spp. family Congridae Musa paradisiaca Linn. (Musaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 okoloḅana’abanga omoní-ábangá omoní-abanga abára abará n. n. n. n. n. fr fr fr la common banana cultivar, longer than osokpo plantain cultivar species of plantain with very long bunch pretence; flourish in a dance or play immature crop of land abaraká n.m. f mullet sp. abaraká-ịdẹgé n.m. f mullet sp.. abása abása-ikuli a. n.m. f with flat and wide head fish sp. sleeper sp. (‘flat-headed sleeper’) abedí abígorógoró abígorógoró n.m. n. n. r ga sh ábiógbo abịa n n. ms mi abóso abó ̣ abó ̣bọ abụlákịmị n. n. n. n. bp wp t tr aḅá n.m. b aḅa n.m. f freshwater fish sp. aḅaká aḅaká áḅakalafáka aḅáko aḅáko abákomọ aḅalaḅalá aḅaláḍowei n. v.t. n. n., a. v.i. adv. n.m. n. v bush-rope tie with a rope bush-rope gaping; yawning gape; yawn; gaze curiously at agape butterfly cyprinid fish aḅálaị n. v i f Nile monitor lizard, ‘iguana’ game, guessing in which hand a seed is held small shrub; the seed of the shrub, which is used in the game masquerade type tall drum, narrow, cylindrical used for Sẹkịapú ̣ masquerades fork of stick or of thumb and other fingers scabbard; sheath of sword tree sp. teraph; small figure of camwood made in human shape, tied around neck of children to protect them from gods during festivals bird sp. with very long neck; great egreat = great white egret spell of struggling; melee v.i. struggle to get free or escape from grasp or grip 3 abará kiri ‘immature land’ (i.e. which has not lain fallow for long) abará ikereḅuru ‘immature crop of cocoyams’ family Mugilidae. cf. akú ̣rọ; ḅụọḅakalamọ; gbulu; ídẹgẹ, ̣ mó ̣ngịnị family Mugilidae. cf. akú ̣rọ; ḅụọḅakalamọ; gbulu; ídẹgẹ, ̣ mó ̣ngịnị family Eleotridae. Mispronounced abáka-ikuli cf. ikúli Varanus niloticus (= atangbaị) Casmerodius (or Ardea) albusii; Egretta alba Gymnarchus niloticus (= aḅóko) (= aḅóko) Leptocypris niloticus variety (= adálaị) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 aḅára áḅiogbóo áḅịḅịnyanáídeiḅur ufịgha n. n.m. n.m. áḅogóita aḅóko h water lettuce gape; yawn; gaze curiously at aḅóro n. n., a. and v.i. n. he aḅóu aḅú n.m. n. p ga ada1 ada sẹgí ̣ ada2 adagbá, adagba adagbaḍigí n.f. n.p. n. n.m. n. k dc adáka1 adáka2 adálaị adi n.m. n. n. and v.i. n.m. latex used in trapping birds; wild rubber in general drunkard method of play in the game of ọga (like English ‘jacks’), when backs of both hands are used firstborn daughter graceful Sẹkịapú ̣ dance step sword of office African or rock python vine held sacred by Nembe people as an emblem of the python lion gun = abálaị f freshwater cichlid fish sp. adikororo n. m western tree-hyrax adó Adó a. p.n. et alien; foreign Ẹdo or Bini; hence adóḅịḅị aḍérị ̣ aḍúgo afán afán-ara afánḅọ afán sụọ n. n.m. n.m. a. n.f. n.f. v.p. áfaragáda afáran afáran afarụ1 n. n. v.t. n.m. f afarụ2 afíị̣ afóko n.m. n.m. n. i p sh p f s v m wp p p p p p wp dummy; man of straw; scarecrow rascally person, esp. a child small-mouthed fish; elephant fish foreign language great laugher great talker of a fellow-wife, co-wife co-wife co-wife live as co-wives; (in a bad sense) live at loggerheads with dagger (or spear used to kill fish? E.Gb.) suffering suffer; undergo pain Madeiran sardinella, largest Cameroon sardine sp. when small cockroach excessive eater; large or gross feeder shrub sp.; child’s toy ‘gun’ made from the 4 Mormyrops species (lit., ‘I have no mouth to eat my husband’s food’) Pistia stratiotes =aḅáko cf. Igbo Python sebae ‘python’ + ‘liana’ Panthera leo family Cichlidae. cf. atán, elekéti, ịtabalá, ọkpọtụḅa Dendrohyrax dorsalis Adóḅịḅị ‘Ẹdo or Bini language’ pl. afán-ongu pl. afán-ongu Sardinella maderensis, = ikere cf. búza; gbódo2; kigbo, kparakpará; ikerere (= apóto) the pitch Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 stem afúru afú ̣ḅa áfụláfụ agada agagá agagá agagá tụa agága-iga agalá agalá gbemọ agála agala n.m. n. n. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. v.p. p cr mt cl e bp cl ga agala agálamọ ágalága v.i., v.t. n. adv. n. agala-ófoniyaị ágaláye ágará agarananá ágba ágbamọ agbamó ̣ agbá agbamó ̣ agba1 agba tụá agba2 n.m. n. n. n.m. a. adv. v.t. v.i. v.t. n. v.p. n. b g dr i agbadá n. a agbadá gbana n. and v.p. n. v.i. n. n. agbadagíri agbádaị agbádaị agbagagá, agbagbagá ágbagú ̣rụ n.m. bo bo hi f notorious thief sweet cassava type sea-bubble old print cloth wickedness side of trunk containing the ribs be wicked strip cloth mixed with strands of raffia fibre play sticks resembling arrows play with agalá sticks ??? disperse; rout; scatter is bored and chewed fibre inserted with a narrower stick; a second piece of chewed fibre is then pushed in sharply towards the first; the air is compressed and makes a sound as the first piece is pushed out cf. ẹgịrígịrị ̣ dispersion, dispersing dispersedly curved ribs upholding roof of canoe; the roof of the canoe itself; bush where bamboo (mọmbó ̣) and thatch (ịnya) are collected bird sp. (unidentified) swamp grass helmet; sun-helmet dragonfly tight; close tightly; closely tighten (rope, etc.) berth; dock; come alongside; call at house call in (at a place) wooden plate, usually round in shape wax full (of moon) group or section into which sẹkịapụ club, or any society, including church, is divided ceiling of traditional houses, made of mud on a wattle foundation lay(ing) mud on the ceiling of a native house big container squirm, wriggle, writhe while weeping wriggling movement wall-plate height (i.e. height at which the wall-plates, which support the roof, are laid) fish sp.; snake-head 5 Parachanna Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 agbaká1 agbaká2 mindímọndịagbaka agbaká3 agbakaramó ̣ agbala ágbalakóko n. n. n. ágbalála agbamó ̣ agbangba agbangba sogió agbára n. v.t. n. n. n.m. agbáya agbí agbí tụa agbógi v.t. n. v.p. n.m. ms ágbọ ágbọpẹlẹḅọ n. n.m. wp ms mindí-agbọpẹlẹḅó ̣, mindí-agbọpẹlẹḅọ ágbọkó ̣ ịyọrọ-ágbọkó ̣ owei-ágbọkó ̣ agbó ̣lọ ageré n.m. f n.m. n.m. n.m. n. n. r r r sn mt agíri agịlí ̣ ágịríga ̣ agoro n.m. n. n. n. ms wp fg agorodi aguda aguda n. n. n. tr tr mt agúugúu agúugúumọ agú ̣ḅa a. adv. n. ga v.t. n. n. n.m. tp ap b h a a f pod of oil-bean tree hoof; shoe; boot rainboot hook somebody with the arm; hedge in greedy child that eats with every person fetish; nickname for the sun palm-nut vulture = vulterine fish-eagle; much revered by Nembe people medicinal weed close; tighten rafters outer wall-plate in native houses fish sp.; snapper spp. (‘adult snapper’) obscura. = mumbeí; okoḅia cf. sangá-agbaka Gypohierax angolensis (cf. igó) (see also sará) Lutjanus spp. Four common species are recognised, viz: kesi agbará, kéụn ̣ agbara, kokoin agbará, séún agbara hold someone with arms round shoulders odour; smell; spoor; scent make ingenious arrangement; intrigue masquerade from Abua played by the Tombi quarter of Nembe shield masquerade in which leader protects audience with a shield from attacks by the masquerader, who carries a sword sea-horse Hippocampus spp. agama lizard female agama lizard; (slang) womenfolk male agama lizard; (slang) menfolk snail, ikosó with hard shell high waves close to the shore, very dangerous to incoming or outgoing boats masquerade type resembling ẹbẹ small shot for firearms fish-trap debt medicine fetish light waves during high tide carrying debris to the shore serious; grim; stern (of look) sternly; grimly women’s game involving clapping and standing on one leg while extending the other 6 (= sa) <the name of a village in Southern Njọ noted for not paying debts Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 agụlá agú ̣lụụ agú ̣lụụ agú ̣lụụmọ agú ̣ọ agụó ̣ n. a. v.i. adv. n.m. n.m. aíṇ pron. ájagbá ájagbá-ọkpụnkọrọ n. n. ajakịmó ̣ ajana aká adv. n.m. n. ọfịrịma-aká aka póú aka aka-aká ḅurúfị-aka ikuká-aka n. v.p. n. n. n. n. bp óbi-aka obirí-aka tọrú ̣gọ-aka aka farí ̣ aka farí ̣ aka farí ̣ aka isí aka-ịsịye akakará n. n. n. v.i. v.t. n. n.p. n. n. ap ap bp akanọ aka pou ḅurú aka sọgịye ákáa! akaínkpo ̣ n. n.p. n. excl. n. d akaká akákáanda akáloo akáloo akáloomọ akáma akáma warí ̣ mẹụn akama you akama n. n. v.i. n. adv. n.m. n. n.m. n.m. akámba akambalaḅá n. n. wt wt wt tr s fo bo bp bp mi stilts cloudy with cumulous clouds have cumulus clouds on horizon with cumulus cloud sorcerer very poisonous green snake; green mamba; subject, object and possessive form of 3rd person singular neuter pronoun; it; its Isoko town fufu first obtained from ájagbá, in which the cassava is grated fresh and then the pulp is just packed up and stored casually champion; leader of a herd of animals brim; brink; border; coast; edge (of tools, shells, etc.); gunnel or gunwale (of boat); cog; seam; hem (of cloth) double teeth growing from the same root hem; turn down and sew in edge of cloth tooth; fang misunderstanding between friends milk tooth bicuspid tooth; premolar; molar; wisdom tooth; cheek tooth serpent’s poison fang canine tooth incisor; front tooth; eye-tooth chatter (of teeth) gnash teeth; grind teeth gnashing of teeth watery mouth of a child prior to teething toothbrush; toothpaste operation for opening the space between the teeth, customarily done in a symbolic fashion at death when the corpse is laid in state toothache; pain in the teeth gift to a teething child toothpick cry of pain small drum beaten with stick to convene meeting of Sẹkịapụ club Dendroaspis viridis or jamesonii (see iseregu ọkpụnkọrọ) also azakịmó ̣ (= olótu) (= akaká) = aká bm i i i i dr heavy tribal mark (not used in N embe) stare; look fixedly with eyes wide open staring gaze staringly bee apiary; hive; beehive honey bee migrating bee; believed to be portent of death when it flies over village style of wearing cloth tied round neck somersault 7 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 akambalaḅá fin akaná v.i. v.t. akaná akanamó ̣ akanákoro n. v.t. n. akánga akánga akánga akánga akanga1 n. bf n.m. b akanga2 akanga-ikeín akangará1 n.m. n. n. c h ft akangará2 akasá akata n. n.m. n.m. cl cl f crab sp. found in freshwater streams plant sp. and its fruit woven material of bamboo sticks for drying small fishes and shrimps print cloth, whose pattern resembles the above print cloth sailfin; saddled bichir akatolú ákaụn n. n. t first sharpening of a knife or axe tree sp. and fruit (see ó ̣ka) akatolúte agbara` akínda n.p. v.i. akinda v.t. akí n. tp akíḅeri ̣ akírịpẹlẹ ̣ akịsí ̣ ḅịté ̣ akịsị akó akó tịẹ akóko-imbí n. n. n. n. n. v.p. n. tp c cl abadị-ákoko-imbí ịyọrọ-akóko-imbi owei-akóko-imbi akongói akóto akoto akpá1 akpá2 n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n. n. v. c c akpákpa n. tp akpákpa ogboin n. t p h bo somersault encircle; encompass; surround; enclose; environ; turn boat round to another beach surrounding; enclosure; environment come, go round point at which a complete round is woven in net weaving dried remains of: 1. blood after bleeding 2. fluid from an ulcer 3. spittle round the mouth in the morning bird sp.; yellow-casqued hornbill notoriously experienced person, esp. a woman tie a small piece of cloth round waist and between legs tie a small piece of cloth round waist and between legs yellowish/reddish dead mangrove leaf; fish eggs are roasted on it mangrove leaf half scallop-shell piece of silk cloth, traditionally used for burial handkerchief edgeways stand edgeways horse-bean ? ? ? mangrove crab sp. freshwater crab sp. mull; snuffbox bag; sac; sack; pocket steer a canoe by placing the paddle in a steady position kernel of the seed of wild mango used in thickening soup wild (native) mango 8 Ceratogymna elata (cf. amúsu1; apịapịa; ọkadịgọ) Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri [Probably bitter kola; cf. Kal. akáịn, Kol. akaán] (cf. ịfụngọị, ịkara) Canavalia ensiformis (= okóto) Irvingia gabonensis Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 (Irvingiaceae). Also recorded as akpákpakpa ogboin akpakpá1 n. akpakpá fá ósi akpakpá2 akpakpa dú ̣ akpakpa dụ arú ̣ akpakpalí ̣ akpakurú akpálaị, akpálaịn akpálaịn akparakpá ákparígwe n. n. v.i. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. akpekurú akpị akpírị̣ akpó akpo-égele n. n.m. n.m. n. n.m. akpó ísi akpóbirísi akpọ akpú ̣nkọrọ n. n. n. n. i bo bo bo la am am hi tr i hi b d t t pain in the chest tree sp. used for medicine life fufu from fermented cassava. There are two types: ájagbá akpú ̣nkọrọ in which the cassava is grated fresh and some of the starch removed and then the pulp is allowed to ferment, iseregu or kesi akpú ̣nkọrọ in which the cassava is fermented wholly rug; tarpaulin; kinds of coarse cloth tent coarse thread packed in bundles retch; keck retching big drum beaten with palm of hand to convene meeting of sẹkịapụ club special instinctive power to avoid evil acid; bitter; saline; acrid; salty acidity; bitterness; salinity; acridity be acid; be bitter; be salty bitterly embitter; make bitter tree sp. resembling wild mango tree cr red cocoyam fo akpú ̣nkọrọ fo akpú ̣nkọrọ fo akpụrú ̣ akpụrú ̣ warị akpụrụka akúḅa akúḅa akusa n. n. n. v.i. n. n. akúsi akú ̣ akú ̣ akú ̣ akú ̣mọ akụmó ̣ akụ n. a. n. v.i. adv. v.t. n. akụakpú ̣a n. and a. carapace; upper shell of tortoises and crustaceans; shell of snail; hooped staves of barrel or cask (cf. póni akpakpa) slug improvised mat roof on a big canoe improvise a mat roof on a canoe canoe covered with improvised mat roof edge of swamp quiver; box slimy frog with very long hind legs slimy frog with very long hind legs coarse mat made from raffia bamboo pulp iron staff used by fetish priests and for the arụgụ dance quiver; box tick gluttonous child knife used by palm wine tappers bird sp.; common bulbul cl mi 9 (= akpekurú) (see kú ̣rọnáásawọ) (= akpakurú) Pycnonotus barbatus (see kaínkólo) ̣ = ọkpú ̣nkọrọ ?Panda oleosa Pierre (Pandaceae); cf. iku (= akwakwáa) (cf. akụakú ̣a ikereḅuru) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 akụán akụan n. n. fo mi akụlá ịdọnị-akụla akú ̣pa n. n. n.m. tr b oil fat for eating drums. General term for drums accompanying the ogono farzvai (q.v.) [?] rod; staff; wand decorated wooden staff used by priestesses fish-eating bird; gull or tern akú ̣rọ1 n.m. akú ̣rọ-ikoso akú ̣rọ n.m. n.m. sn f better shell for playing tops; (slang) self-made champion; bully small snail mullet sp. (‘the hard-scaled mullet’) akú ̣rọ akú ̣rọ-ịdẹgé a. n. f describing species of mullet mullet sp. akwakwá n. a. same as akụakú ̣a akwán alá1 alámindi alá2 alá3 timí alá n. n. n. n. v.i. v.i. timí alá timí alá aládụ aládụ alágha alakọró alámọ alamó ̣ ala ala-ẹtẹmétẹmẹ ̣ a. adv. a. n. adv. n. adv. v.t. n. n.m. ala-obí ala-obí ala-obí alaḅéke-imbi ala ḅou n.m. n.m. a. n. n. s same as akụán brine; seawater salt water plain pepper soup prepared without oil be distant; be remote stay long; last; go on or remain unexhausted for long; delay; linger long; last; far; distant long; far distant; far; remote distance soon; not long after; the present time “king” raffia palm long make longer; lengthen richness beautifully-coloured spider producing silk web beautifully-striped snake queen (among insects, etc.) rich; wealthy "king" coconut palm king-raffia; vinifera palm alaḅóú alaḅọ n. n.m.f . pl. n.m. t alapụ alapụ-indí mt mt fo t i t t f "king" raffia palm; rich man; chief; lord: rich men; chiefs; lords tongue-sole spp. 10 (= akwán) family Laridae / Sternidae (= apú ̣ka; cf. kịárara; kịérịya) ̣ family Mugilidae. = abaraká, ḅụọḅakalamọ, ẹkpẹrú ̣kpẹrụ, gbulu, mó ̣ngịnị, ó ̣zọló ̣lị2, (cf. akú ̣rọ ịdẹgẹ) family Mugilidae. = akú ̣rọ cf. ịdẹgé ̣ Raffia hookerii Raffia vinifera; cf. ḅoukọrọ Raffia vinifera family Cynoglossidae. lit. ‘chief of fish’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 alaḅụó ̣ ala-ịkagí ̣ n. n.m. ala kọn alakọró ̣ alalụgú ̣ ala-okóko v.i. n. n. n.m. alapụ-ogidí álagbá álagbá-iḅoko indu-alagba ọwọrọdó ̣-alagbá álaggbákaratíṇ alagba alagbalá alagbalápulo alaịkịán, alakịén, ̣ alaịkịéṇ alaká alakamó ̣ n. n. n. n. n. n. p.n. n. n. n. v.t. v.t. fg álakíngi álalá alalamó ̣ álalánda n. n. v.t. n. fr sword gun (in general) barrel of gun long petiole or leaf-stalk of pawpaw capsgun [?] iroko tree masquerade paint (in general) carbolic mature but soft white kernel found among other kernels fall into a snare; miss step and fall into a ditch trap fish from a dammed-up area through an opening rash funnel blight; shrivel; wither orange tree álalándatịn álapá1 n. n.m. t f orange tree jellyfish; medusa ịyọrọ-álapá owei-álapá álapá2 alapụ n.m. n.m. n. f f tp alataịn alele n. n. alesé alesé alesé aleséḅọ n. a. v.i. n.m.f . adv. v.t. (female) jellyfish with short flagella (male) jellyfish with long flagella jelly-like attachment on roots of mangrove rich men; chiefs; lords (For compounds see ala.) small aluminium measuring bowl comb; red fleshy crest of fowl; the long and pendulous tail feathers of some male birds wandering; vagrant character vagabond; vagrant wander about; rove; stroll vagabond; wanderer; vagrant alesémọ alesemó ̣ r t t b wp wp wp tp t ms tp ap p p instep "king" tortoise; legendary golden tortoise connected with Kụla be rich; amass wealth "king" raffia palm; "king" oilpalm "king parrot”, unidentified bird sp. said to have red plumage all over the body as on the tail vagrantly make vagrant 11 legendary golden tortoise connected with Kụla. cf. ịkagị Raffia hookerii none of the local parrots matches this description; perhaps the Senegal parrot, Poicephalus senegalus (cf. okóko1) Milicia excelsa Citrus aurantium Linn. and C. sinensis (Linn.) Osbeck (Rutaceae) Citrus sinensis class Scyphozoa. cf. ịyọrọ-álapá, oweiálapá Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 alili n. alí ̣ alịmó ̣ álịpáka álo álomọ aló ̣ asamanaló ̣ alu aluwarí1̣ aluwarí2̣ alú ̣a1 alú ̣a2 a. v.t. n. v.i. adv. n. n. n. n. n.m. sal. v.i. álú ̣a alú ̣amọ ḍọgí ạ lú ̣a álụgụḅíya ̣ v.t. adv. v.t. n.m. alú ̣lụalụlụ alú ̣lụalụlụmọ alụmaịn ama1 v.i. adv. n. n. be restless in agony restlessly blow with the foot in somersaulting (always in combination) means ‘man’ in: ama2 amatarí ̣ amatarí ̣ amatarịḅará amatarịḅó ̣ n. a. n. adv. n.m.f . n. a. n. n. n.m.f . v .phr. n. n.m.f . v.p. a.m.f . hamlet; village; town; city patriotic; nationalistic patriotism; nationalism patriotically patriot; nationalist ama-anga ama-anga amaḅiri amaḅịbị amaḅọ ama da ama da amadaḅó ̣ ama dé amaḍigiḅó ̣ mi cl cl cl cl s b small drum beaten as an accompaniment to other drums. Open conical. Plays an ostinato pattern. Usually in pairs, placed in a basin of water. Beaten with sticks. For owu kuro three or four are tied together and beaten by one player. worn down by friction; eroded make attrited cloth; alpaca be restless restlessly white cloth silken white cloth used mainly for burial cloth type piece of alu cloth very large green snake salutation in some dialects, such as Ogbia yearn; be filled with longing for rest, etc., or to see something look for; search for yearningly; longingly look for earnestly village weaver bird suburb suburban heart or middle of town dialect; language; vernacular; vocabulary native; countryman; villager: (see inikíti) <English Ploceus cucullatus (= íguegele; cf. lụgúḅ ịa) ̣̣ áma ḅára (lit. ‘man-hand’) ‘right hand’; amá na eré na ‘man and wife’ (i.e. ‘husband and wife’) pl. ama-ongu reign; rule; govern; hold sway ("guide town") reign; rule; sway; sovereignty; monarchy ruler; governor; monarch cleanse the town ritually regent 12 (same as amanyanaḅó ̣) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 amamịẹmịẹye n.m. v.p. n. n.f. n. n. n.f. n. a. n.m.f . n. ama mọndí ̣ ama nyana v.p. v.p. amanyana-ara amanyanaḅọ n.f. n.m.f . n.m. n. n. n. amaḍigioweí ama fị ama fị amafị-ịyọrọḅọ amakoromọ-idu amakiri amakiriḅa amakuḅu amakuḅu amakuḅuḅọ amanyana-owei amanyanaḅọkiri ama-ogbo amatẹmẹsuo amángara1 amángara2 p fr la tr sanitary inspector live as harlot living as harlot harlot; prostitute; strumpet; whore; hooker banana with very short fruits ground; soil; land; expanse of country goddess of the land township civil; civilian native; aborigine; civilian; citizen praxis; customs and accepted institutions of a place stroll own; reign; rule: p p queen; empress monarch; potentate; supreme ruler p king; emperor kingdom same as amaḅiri spirit of the land. This is the highest worship of the village pneumonia; side-pain hand something on the shoulder tr amangarámọ amarán n. v.t. and v.i. adv. v.t. ambá ambakọrígha ̣ ambáfáa ambalịmó ̣ ambiri ambirí findimọ ambóko ambókomọ ambúrei ambúsei ambú ̣ra amgbá1 amgbá2 amgbá3 n. n. adv. v.i. n. v.t. a. a. n.m. n. n. n. n. n. amgbá ḅọgọ amgbákokoḅá amgbákokoḅaimgbá amgbakú ̣rọ v.i. n. n. fp bp sideways (hanging right or left) catch or get hold of someone or something tightly manpower; strength; might restorative medicine possibly; perhaps make pressing effort puffing out of oneself puff oneself out opened wide; broad (of entrance) opened widely brother seed sister barrel; cask; firkin; puncheon bank of a creek or river; littoral (left or right) cheek; outer side of mouth; side of face below eye; lower and upper jawbones forming framework of mouth; jowl; gill-cover be overdone (cookery) side of jaws; gill-cover or operculum cheekbone; jaw bone n.m. f small okoróḅa fish k tp k mt bp 13 ("live on town") orí amamí nyana ̣ ‘he rules the town’; orí Ọkpọma nyaná ‘he rules Ọkpọma’ (lit. ‘spirit that creates the land’) voc ámburei voc. ámbụra Tilapia sp. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 (okoroḅa) ámgbo n.m. ms amgbóko n.m. f amínị ̣ 1 amínị ̣ 2 amú n. n. n. t amúnu p amúsu1 n.m.f . n.m. tree sp. yielding good light timber one who is fond of swallowing medicine for protection, worn as amulet on arm slumberer b hornbill sp. amúsu2 n.m. tr ananá ánda andá1 anda-igbogí ándamọ andamó ̣ andá2 v.t. and v.i. v.i. v.t. n. adv. v.t. n. vampire; spirit of wizard or witch that is supposed to suck blood of sleeping persons roast or toast lightly on fire andá ḍigi v.i. andáebí a. andá kọrí ̣ andá sigi v.p. tr masquerade which catches handkerchiefs, etc., from members of the audience; (slang) a thief mudskipper family Gobiidae, subfamily Oxudercinae. cf. ịtílạ family Bucerotidae (cf. akanga1; apịapịa; ọkadịgọ) be bent; be curved bend; curve; incline manila (currency) with a curve or bend bend; wrest; twist; deflect; distort; pervert each successive birth of a mother which is delivered at full term said of a child when it stoops and peeps through its legs. It is believed that it is looking for the next child to follow it. when next child is born in the supposed normal time of 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 years said of child which grows weak and sickly, influenced by the succeeding pregnancy of the mother: said of a child at each succeeding birth of the mother: i.e. the child has become one or more times older in age group: 14 andá tó ̣gụḅeí kọrịyó ‘the mother’s pregnancy is affecting the child’. Also used of a pregnant woman longing for different types of food, or of a husband who feels unusually weak during his wife’s pregnancy. á sọnọ andá sigitẹ ‘I have five younger brothers and sisters following me’; andá sigitẹḅọ na ó kịgẹgha ‘he has no resemblance to Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 someone who has siblings following him: he behaves like an only child’ andáseí a. otoḅá-anda n. anda anénde v.i. and v.t. n. n. v.i. n. n.m. n. v.i. n. v.i. a. n. a. v.i. a. n. n. n.m. a. a., adv. n.m. angá1 angá-anga angá koromọ angá2 n. a. v.t. v.i. angánafíạ angáyọ anga1 anga1 angamó ̣ angánafíạ amakuḅu-angá prí ạ ngá anga2 anga ḅalá angaḅalaḅá anga ḅọgó ̣ angadọgụ-arụ anga ghọ wọrí ̣ a. n. v.t. n. v.t. a. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.p. anda andabuluku andaarí andí1̣ andịḅọ andídụmina ̣ andí d ̣ ụ mina andídụnó ̣ ̣ andị dụ nó ̣ andíkpọ ̣ andí2̣ andí-ebí ̣ andí-ebí ̣ andíseí ̣ ebi-andí ̣ sei-andí ̣ ándịkéle andókoo ándụ when succeeding child is born too close to the former, e.g. 1 to 1 1/2 years after it pregnancy and birth which occur after a very long interval from the former one, e.g. 4 years or more wrestle; grapple with person dr bp p d d wrestling match skirt worn by wrestlers roar or growl like lion or leopart brow; forehead foreman state of being headachy have headache; be headachy state of being headachy same as preceding mature (of human being); adult <able 18) fortune; luck fortunate; lucky be fortunate, lucky unfortunate; unlucky bonanza; good luck bad luck nit; egg of louse prick-eared (of ears) over there; yonder b bird sp.; hammerkop; ap egg; ovum; spawn; roe full of eggs lay egg; spawn dwell; sojourn; make one’s abode; live in; inhabit liveable in; worth living in; inhabitable dwelling place; house; abode marry; espouse; take in marriage marriage; wedlock join in wedlock marriageable civil marriage give in marriage aspect; phrase; side; flank; part; region sleep on one side side issue go aside stern-wheeler keep to one side; set aside; set in abeyance or suspension bo 15 (= atákoo) (cf. aní dụ ̣ ‘that part’) Scopus umbretta. = kọrọrọkó ̣tị Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 anga-imbí anga imbí anga kpụ ḍaye anga kóro angakóro angapagara angapagara angapu n. v.p. fg fg v.p. n. a. adv. n. dr anga sụú ̣ angasụó ̣ gbọrị anga(ghọ) angala v.p. n. adv.p . n. t red mangrove angalapẹlẹyaí ̣ angalaḅou angala-ingu angala-ingu n.m. n. n. n. ms tp tp mi angalakiri angalakiri-ikosó n. n.m. tp c masquerade of Njọ origin mangrove forest mangrove seedling whistle made from a mangrove seedling by children mangrove forest limpet spp. angalakiri-osungá n. g grass sp. angala-ogidi angalatẹndẹ angalatuguwéí n. n. n.m. t tp s sliver or splinter from mangrove wood secondary prop roots of mangrove black snake; black cobra ángaláyaị ímburu-angala n.m. n. ms t kú ̣rọkíri-angala n. t mingoliḅá-angala n. t masquerade depicting a monkey tall and soft-wooded mangroves growing in very boggy marshes short and strong mangroves growing on chikoko marshes branching mangrove: angéle angị ángịrí ̣ angóko angókomo. angóloi n.m. n. n. a. adv. n. i angómọ anị v.t. a. and pron. adv. adv. adv. aníḅará ̣ aníḅaraḿḅụ ̣ aníḅụ ̣ method of fishing by women fish by this method ? list (of canoe) list of canoe lateral; sideward; sideways laterally; sidewards; sideways garment for men’s upper wear; not cut like a shirt; reaches to knees and has three-quarter length sleeves be partial; take sides bias in part; partly; partially large tsetse fly coal; carbon; charcoal carpenter’s tool; auger hideous; frightful hideously; frightfully prickly spreading shrub; rebuke; reprove; chide; reprimand that accordingly; ditto; likewise; so; that is so so; equally; thus; similarly; analogously so; thus 16 Rhizophora racemosa G.F.W. Mey (family Rhizophoraceae) Patella safiana, Fissurella nubecula Paspalum sp. (= abadí ósunga) ̣ Naja melanoleuca. cf. olibi Rhizophora harisonii Tabanus spp. Macherium lunatum (Linn.f.) Ducke (LeguminosaePapilionioideae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 aníḅụẹḅé ka ̣ ̣ adv. and conj. conj. anígha ̣ 1 conj. anígha ̣ 2 adv.p . adv.p . adv.p . adv.p . adv.p . adv.p . conj. adv.p . adv.p . conj. conj. n. n. v.p. aníḅụka ̣ anígha faa ̣ aní ị fie anímị ̣ ẹrẹsínẹ, anímị ̣ ẹrẹsínẹ ̣ anímị ̣ sigimọ anímị ̣ tịḅị ḍugómọ aní n ̣ a karágha aní n ̣ ẹ aní ṛ ẹ anítẹré ̣ ̣ aníya ̣ ánoin1 ánoin2 ánoin fịna ánoin fariyai anọ, anụ nevertheless; for all that; yet; all the same; notwithstanding; in spite of the fact that nevertheless; for all that; yet; all the same; notwithstanding; in spite of the fact that or: introduces the second of two alternatives, except in interrogative senses, when mọnọ is used instead not that else; otherwise; if not then; at that time consequently; therefore; so; for that reason moreover; apart from that; unless that for the sake of that; on account of that rather than that so; as a result; consequently so; with the intent that; so that mi tr v.t. anwan anwanmó ̣ anwanrán v.t. v.t. n. wt anyaman’ọgịẹí ̣ n. g anyan anyíṇ v.t. n. f apaḅura apaḅura apaḅuraḅọ n. v.i. n.m.f . a. n. a. n. apákoo apála apáloo apapá cr before; ere; previous to the time when then; in that case; it follows that blindfolding wooden plaque bullroarer cf. noin-nama blindfold ceremony performed before setting off for war bind water pot with rope for tapping and protection; frap hollow out; scoop hollow out; scoop August dry spell anwanrán tịẹté ̣ ‘the August dry spell is now on’ sedge resembling ịnwanwan with broader leaves spread (mat) catfish spp. African butter catfish, Schilbe mystus; catfish sp. Parailia congica stammer; stutter stammer; stutter stammerer; stutterer flabby; flaccid; limp flat bean found floating in rivers flabby; limp groundnut 17 Arachis hypogaea Linn. (Leguminosae- Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 Papilionioideae) apara n. fg apara apara sará apáta n. v.p. n. h fg mi ape v.i. ape apio n. n. v apịapịa n.m. b apo, apópo a. aporoin aporoin-ikosó n.m. n.m. apóto apó ̣gọ apú ̣ka n. n.m.f . n.m. apụká apụkamó ̣ v.i. v.t. taste sour after eating unripe fruit (of mouth) make mouth taste sour: ápụn ápụn-ḅịtẹ apụnmó ̣ ápụnwéí apụn v.t. n. v.t. n.m. n.m. mindí-apụn ará1 n.m. pron. cover; overlay; overspread with cloth or hand cover-cloth cause to cover or overspread with cloth large sheet for covering roundworms; other worms parasitic in the intestines of man fish resembling roundworm subject form of 3rd person feminine singular long pronoun; she: ará2 dem. a.fem . pron. ará3 ará4 ara dem. pron. arákaa a. farinaceous meal used in trapping fish; the method of trapping itself weed used as medicine set trap by the method of apara open-mouthed waterpot half-filled with water struck with raffia fans for mixed dancing. Used in tuned sets roam; ramble; wander about; (of arrow) fly out of course or direction roaming; rambling; wandering bush-cane rope bird sp.; African pied hornbill = allied hornbill empty c c p ikoso with a soft shell weaker shell for a game; (slang) a weak person children’s plaything glutton fish-eating bird; ull or tern sp. cl i f that (fem.): subject form of 3rd person plural impersonal long pronoun; those: those: possessive form of 3rd person feminine singular long pronoun; her: wide open 18 Eremospatha macrocarpa (Palmae) Tockus fasciatus (cf. akanga1; amúsu1; ọkadịgọ) apo imbí, apópo imbi ‘empty nut or coconut’ same as afóko Tockus fasciatus (cf. akanga1; amúsu1; ọkadịgọ) ḅịḅị apụkamọ ilé ‘ile-fruit that makes the mouth taste sour’ ará mẹnẹ ‘she said; ará tú ̣ḅọ? ‘who is she?’ ará ịyọrọḅó ̣ma ‘that woman’ ará ó yai ‘those are his’ ará yema ‘those things’ ara indíḅei ‘her fish’ ara indíma ‘her fishes’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 arákaamọ áran aran árasú ̣ adv. n.m. v.i. n. aree v.i. aree arékaa arí1̣ arí1̣ aríḅọ ̣ arímọ ̣ arịmó ̣ arí2̣ n. a. n. v.t. n.m.f . adv. v.t. v.i. arí2̣ ároo, aróḅaa ároomọ, aróḅaamọ arú árụ n. v.i. adv. a. n.m. arú ̣ arụ arụ-aka arụ-anga arụ-asawọ arụgbọlọ arụ lẹ n. n. n. n. n.m. v.p. arụlẹ arụlẹḅọ arụ-ọkụlọ orụ-ó ̣kụlọḅa n. n.m. n. n.f. bo bo arụtịḅị angadọgụ-arụ n. n. bo bo bála-arụ ḅéken’arụ fin-árụ onweín-árụ arụgụ asaba asaḅá asakala asalasa asaman’alọ n. n. n. n. n.m. n. v.t. n. n.m. n. bo bo i r tp bo bo bo b bo bo bo ms cl dr f cl agape caterpillar; chrysalis; grub; larva; itch-mite roam with hostile intent bands of flat iron for fastening door-frames and wall-plates roam with hostile intent; wander about with semi-lunacy; prowl hostile roaming; prowling big and long witchcraft; sorcery bewitch; witch; charm witch; wizard; sorcerer like a witch make into a witch develop badly in growth; grow crooked or stunted (as stunted plantain or ingrowing toenail) bad development in growth gape; stare; gaze curiously at; be aghast; gasp agape; gaspingly red skink spp. spathe or large bract (especially of coconut) boat; canoe seam of boat or canoe side of boat or canoe crew of canoe of ship woodpecker stamp a canoe to show its wood has been legally cut stamping of canoe forest guard bows of canoe or boat active force of a boat or canoe, supposed to be at the fore-end or bow canoeful; canoeload stern-wheeler; steamer propelled by two large paddle-wheels at sides of stern sailing-boat launch aeroplane steamship; any ocean-going ship masquerade type men’s cloth of double size pass over; straddle straw hat unidentified fish sp. white cloth with faint stripes 19 (also arí sẹgị) ̣ Spotted, orangeflanked (Mabuya perrotetii), and five-lined (M. quinquetaeniata scharica) skinks family Picidae lit. "European boat" Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ásan n.m. r skink resembling arụ but without spots asará asáwaị asáwọ asáwọ asáwọtọgụ asele aséri n.m. n. a. n. n. n. t ásigíya n. asíko ásịfú ̣lụ ásịngásị n. n. n. dc cl t tall palm tree with growths still on stem courting or courtship by a man young men; yough young; youthful lad; young fellow hut; hovel; shanty hooking of the opponent with the foot in wrestling multicoloured strings of ornament adorning big lampshades of old-time lamps and later used for heads of masks dance type cloth resembling real india, but more silky wild date palm asu ásun asú ̣n1 asú ̣n-ịjagbá asú ̣n2 asú ̣nyaị atákoo átambúra atán n. n.m. n.m. n. bo p da ataná atanáye atanatanaḅá atángbaị atangbaị átangbála atánkoro átarabúku aténgi 1 aténgịogboloḅa ̣ 2 aténgịogboloḅa ̣ atí atígara ̣ atịtí ̣ v.t. n. n. n. n. n.m. n. n.m. n. n. n.m. n. n. v.i. atịtí ̣ atịtí ̣ atịtímọ ̣ atịtịmó ̣ atói a. n. adv. v.t. n.m.f . n. a. n.m. n. atoluḅó ̣ atú ̣ atú ̣-oḅori atụalí1̣ n. a. n.m. n.m. a i f i i wp tr ga i dr p cr da ap punting-pole; quant fool; silly person; simpleton horse horsewhip odour of fresh fish odour of fresh fish prick-eared biting fly cichlid sp.; lay purlin on; wattle purlin; wattle cobweb same as abá same as abịa black biting ant darkness; gloom gun whispering spirit in bush tickling play with children grasshopper power richly-ornamented garment wander about; be notoriously vagrant; roam; ramble vagabond; vagrant vagabondage; vagrancy vagrantly make vagrant one given to too much play cassava plant with reddish stalk fat-bellied sickly fat-bellied goat eggs of crab, carried under body by female 20 Blanding’s skink; Mabuya blandingii Phoenix reclinata. Jacq. (Palmae) = sịnya3 (= andókoo) family Cichlidae. cf. adi, elekéti, ịtaḅalá, ọkpọtụḅa Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 atụalí2̣ n. atụká n. atụká-atụka a. atụká koromọ atụkákoromọ átụngbabíạ atú ̣ọ áuun1 áuun1 v.t. n. n. n. n. v.i. áuun2 áuun2 áuunmọ1 áuunmọ2 áụụ áụụmọ aván avukpa a. v.i. adv. adv. v.i. adv. n. n. fg ?awakị(ḅa) n. fo áwaráwa áwọ1 áwọ2 áwọ3 áwọ4 a. n. n. n. n. bp tp tp p silk cloths bedecking the waist of a masquerade liquid potash got by lixiviating or filtration of wood-ash resembling colour of liquid potash due to jaundice or yellow fever in body (of eyes or urine) lixiviate lixiviating red-legged land crab gin locally distilled from palm wine; illicit gin yawn; act of yawning yawn; open mouth wide as effect of drowsiness rank; foul-smelling; olid; fetid be rank; be foul-smelling yawningly rankly; fetidly speed; rush; flow impetuously speedily; fast chest cavity fish-trap, consisting of a fishing-rod bent down and fixed as a spring trap farina soaked in pepper oil and soup (= okpúru) cast-iron pupil of eye: pith of plant cotyledon; seed-leaf child Awusá n.m.f . a. n. n.m. suf. et Hausa co cr da red red cocoyam rough-feathered chicken suffix added to noun stems to form plurals awú ̣ awú ̣ íkereḅuru ayagịrị-ọḅó ̣kọ -ayé Ayeḅa áyee! áyou kiríkubu ayou [?] n.m.f . excl. n. n. cl c dk tọrú ̣ áwọ Of Akassa origin but still retained in many proverbs: áwọ lẹgịmọbó ̣ fịbó ̣ ‘someone tricking a child into eating is an eater himself’; áwọ seí sei nyingí kuḅu ghọ seígha ‘however bad a child is, it is not bad in its mother’s bosom’ (= -yaị) fịayé ‘eatables’ ḅouayé ‘drinkables’ Deity; God; the Lord cr exclamation expressing pain garlic; onion plant sp. 21 <Portuguese ayo Crimum jagus Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 (Amaryllidaceae) lit. ‘ground-breastonion azán1 azán2 n.m.f . n.m. n. azị azíza ̣ n. n. dr v azuzú1 azuzú2 n. n. cl ayóu p f child or person who cries often without good cause fish sp. resembling herring specially carved stick for reeling thread for weaving net decorated headgear climbing plant and its pungent fruits; Piper guineensis fan print cloth bearing a pattern of fans B, b babá babaláa babaláa babaláamọ badagá, bádagáa bádagáamọ bádubádu bádubádu bádubádumọ báfụ báịbụl bála1 bála-arụ bálafindiye v.t. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. n. n. n. n. n. bálatịn bála tụa bála2 n. v.p. v.i. balá1 balá2 v.t. n.m. balị balí ṭ ụn bananaa bananáámọ baraíṇ n. v.p. a. adv. adv. baraíṇ baraínmọ ̣ mịé ̣ baraínmọ ̣ baránbaran v.i. adv. v.t. a. baránbaran baránbaranmọ basá báun v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. bo bo bo bo e f cut roughly containing nothing; empty become empty emptily (cf. bédẹgé ẹ) ̣ ̣ flat; spread out; level flatly gurgle loudly (as water from waterpot) gurgling sound of water from waterpot with a loud gurgle basin; hollow round metal vessel Holy Bible sail of boat (traditionally square) catboat; sailing boat stick for spreading out sail; boom (diagonal to a square sail) mast for sail set sail carry chin in palm of hand and sit quietly (sign of thoughtfulness or sadness) speak to with warning; warn fish sp.; West African ilisha (‘Cameroon sardine or shade’) keg of gunpowder set powder ablaze open; public openly; publicly clear; unclouded; plain; distinct; definite; apparent; not confused; manifest be clear; be apparent; grow clear clearly; plainly; apparently; bluntly; roundly make clear; clarity; elucidate; throw light on transparent; clear; easily seen through; unclouded be transparent transparently make a case make sound of fart 22 <English <Portuguese vala Ilisha africana. cf. ikpókpo Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 báun báunmọ be n. adv. v.i. sound of fart sounding like a fart ought; be obliged to (under any circumstances): bebe bebemó ̣ bedegaa bedegaamọ bee a. adv. a. adv. n. béguláa béguláamo bein1 beinkirígbolo a. adv. v.i. n. entire; whole; full; complete wholly; entirely wide (of hem of cloth) widely fathom of cloth tied to left or right side (by men) wide; broad widely bear; fruit (of plantain or banana only) canary-banana beinye beinyaị bein2 n. pl. n. bein2 bein3 n. a. B. the terminal bud of palms; cabbage full; replete; filled with; stuffed with; sated with; abundant; copious beinmó1̣ beinmó2̣ bena adv. v.t. and v.i. adv. fully; completely fill; make full; block up; load; satisfy; satiate; fill in; complete; fulfil; bring to consummation; glut just now. bene adv. never (with negative verb always following): benebene beré beré never never elegy; dirge; lamentation; lament lament; express or feel grief for; mourn for a loss; regret; moan bẹgẹmó1̣ bẹgẹmó2̣ adv. n. v.t. and v.i. v.i. a. adv. n. v.t. and v.i. adv. v.t. bẹgẹmó3̣ a. bébẹrẹ ̣ bédẹgé ẹ,̣ bẹdẹgẹẹ ̣ bédẹgé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ bédị ̣ bẹgé ̣ fr fr tp fruit (of trees in general) ? A. bunch (of oil palm only): be very rich flat; low low down = far down bed appear suddenly and take unawares; see unexpectedly; take aback; startle suddenly; abruptly appear suddenly and take unawares; see unexpectedly; take aback; startle sudden; abrupt: 23 ẹrí be ̣ ḅo la or ẹrí ̣ be ḅo nafíạ ‘you ought to have come’ (lit. "fruit to touch ground") lụgú ̣ bein ‘palm bunch’ bein fịtáa, bein tịpáa ful full to the brim bein wására full to overflowing contraction of be wó ̣kụ na á bene fịghá never ate’; ị bene mịé ̣ na fíaghá ‘ye never ̣ should have done it’; bene fányụ ḅaráfa ‘never would finish’ (cf. bádagáa) <English bẹgẹmó ̣ fị ‘sudden Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 death’ bégụlẹẹ ̣ bẹnị bẹnịmọ bérị ̣ a. n. v.t. v.i., bẹrí ̣ v.t. bérịbé rịmọ ̣ ̣ bíin adv. v.i. biló, biló bilékuru, bilókuru biléye, bilóye tịḅịbileye, tịḅịbiloye bín binmó ̣ v.t. n. n. n. fịníbinmọye ̣ biné binemó ̣ birígila birimuu birimuu biyokiri-ikagi n. v.i. v. n. a. n. n. r bísọ ̣ n. fg bísọpụ bíva bịdịgí ̣ bịdígịbịdí gị̣ ̣ bịdígịbịdí gịmọ ̣ ̣ mịé ̣ bịdígịbịdí gịmọ ̣ ̣ bínyan ̣ n. n. v.t. a. adv. v.t. v.i. bịnyan v.t. bínyanmọ ̣ bịnyánya bịrịkịị adv. v.i. v.i. bịrịkịị bịrịkịị bịrịkíị́mọ ̣ bịsé ̣ a. n. adv. a. h v.t. v.t. dr broad and well-shaped (of buttocks) shrub used in cookery; wild beniseed display in public sprawl; spread oneself; spread limbs out in ungainly way; straddle; part legs widely sprawl; spread oneself; spread limbs out in ungainly way; straddle; part legs widely with a sprawl sink (of sun); disappear; evanesce; fade out of sight; become effaced; be quenched; become cleaned up or extinguished naturally colour; dye; stain; tinge dye-plant dye hair-dye find or discover by chance clean up; deface; efface; erase; obliterate; rub out; wipe out; put out; extinguish; quench fire extinguisher enjoy oneself; have a spree enjoy oneself bugle dusky; dim; shadowy duskiness serrate hingeback tortoise stick attached to one end of a long pole called numópụkọḅá, and on which harpoon or fishing spear is finally fixed for fishing bishop top-hat try problem independently confused confusedly confuse; make or throw into disorder meet; come face to face with; oppose in duel; come by accident; come into contact; come across meet; come face to face with; oppose in duel; come by accident; come into contact; come across closely by (come or go); very near come with a bump against one another gloom (of sky); lour; be dull or threatening; appear darkly gloomy; sullen; dismal; dark gloominess gloomily all; every: 24 Sesamum sp. (= buló) <English Kinixys erosa. Also recorded as ḅiekiri-ịkagị. cf. ịkagị <English <English beaver = bíyan ̣ = bịyan ọ bịsé ̣ ḅóo ‘all of you come’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 bịsébịsẹ ̣ a. all; altogether; wholly; totally; on the whole: bíyan ̣ bịyan bobó1 bobó1 bobó2 v.i. v.t. v.t. n. v.t. bódi bódidọngọị ḍiribodi bodobodoo n. n. n. a. bodobodóómọ1 bodobodóómọ2 bódoro bomó ̣ bomó ̣ bomó ̣ odú bomọ bómoroo v.t. adv. n. v.t. n. a. v.p. a. = bínyan ̣ = bịnyan pat; stroke tenderly with the hand pat; stroking with hand as caress beat drum with inner surface of fingers and palm of hand beat oar case of tobacco lukewarm; tepid; mild; (of speech) not lively, monotonous; (of wine) not sharp make mild; make lukewarm mildly; tepidly butter glorify; give praise; exalt; extol; eulogise glory; praise; eulogy glorious; illustrious boast; brag; extol oneself fat; corpulent and tall bomoróbomoro bóromuu bóromúumọ boromúboromu bótokpóo bótokpóomọ bó ̣dọgó ̣ọ bó ̣dọgóọ́ ̣mọ bó ̣lị1 bó ̣lị2 bó ̣rọmụụ a. a. adv. a. a. adv. a. adv. n. n. a. fat; corpulent and tall fat and watery in a fat and watery manner fat and watery big and foolish in a big and foolish way calm (of sloop); doop calmly (sleep); deeply bowl; porringer football; ball very soft to the touch bọrọmú ̣bọrọmụ bọrụbọrụ bọrụbọrụ gbalí b ̣ ọrụbọrú ̣mọ búa buamó ̣ fẹ buá1 buá2 bua a. a. v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.t. v.t. v.t. very soft to the touch fat; plump; corpulent be fat; be plump; be corpulent fatten become cheap buy cheaply and in quantity bail water in large quantities paddle strongly strike hand in water in a special manner to collect crayfish among mangrove roots buamó ̣ búaan búaan búaanmọ1 búaanmọ2 bubélebubéle bubélebubéle bubélebubélemọ búbu v.t. a. v.i. adv. v.t. a. n. adv. v.i. bo ft brush aside conspicuously thick (as powder on face) be conspicuously thick conspicuously thickly thicken (a smear) thoughtless; mildly eccentric thoughtlessness; mildly eccentric behaviour thoughtlessly; eccentrically dust; sprinkle with powder; make or apply 25 á bịsébịsẹ tán ḅo ̣ ‘gather all of them’ <English <English (= bomoróbomoro) (= bómoroo) = boromúboromu) (= bóromuu) <English bowl <English ball (= bọrọmú ̣bọrọmụ) (= bó ̣rọmụụ) otóku bua ‘collect crayfish by striking water’ (= bú ̣aan) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 powder dust; sprinkle with powder; make or apply powder flog; beat; thrash broad-chested be broad-chested sudden; unexpected suddenly; unexpectedly wake suddenly from sleep; spring up sudden awakening from sleep; springing up with a spring flash (of fire); kindle; flare up; catch fire; burst into flame or blaze; blaze up flash; sudden transitory blaze with a flash flicker; (of fire) flash and die away by turns; (of flag) wave to and from bubú1 v.t. bubú2 búgaláa búgaláa bugée bugéemọ bugubugúu bugubugúu bugubugúumọ buláa v.t. a. v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. búgaláa buláamọ búlabúla n. adv. v.i. búlabúlamọ adv. flickeringly búlangíi búlangíimọ bulángibulángi, búlangibúlangi bulángibulángimọ, búlangibúlangimọ bulé bulúku anda bulukú bulúkubulúku bulúu bulúubulúu bún1 bún2 bunáa búnabuna búnabunamọ búngaa búngaamọ búngaabungaa búngaabungaa búngaabungaamọ búngaraa a. adv. v.i. very wide (of cloth) widely (of sewing of cloth) flicker (cf. búlabúla) adv. flickeringly (= búlabúlamọ) colour; dye; stain blouse for women skirt worn by wrestlers for wrestling meddle; busy oneself unduly (with); interfere blue powder bluish; of blue colour beetle fool; idiot; imbecile same as buláa flicker flickeringly luxuriant; exuberant luxuriantly rapid of growth be rapid of growth rapidly (of growth) very wide and broad (of leaves); very wide and large (of ears) hairy; woolly thickly smeared pursue; hold; catch dusty; finely powdered like dust; of fine grains; powdery pulverize; reduce to powder or dust thick thickly squid actual; exact (= bilé, biló) v.t. n. n. v.i. n. a. n.m. n.m. v.i. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. búnubunu búnwaa burú buruburú a. a. v.t. a. mịé ̣ buruburúmọ búrukúu búrukúumọ búrumizi busunú v.t. a. adv. n. a. co dr dr i p f 26 (= bunáa, and cf. bụláa) (= bú ̣labú ̣la, and cf. búnabuna, bú ̣nabụna) (= bulángibulángimọ) (= bú ̣lụkụbụlụkụ) <English (of fire only) (cf. búaan) (= bụrụbụrú ̣) (of hair or bush) order Teuthida Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 busunúmọ búun1 búun1 búun2 búun2 búunmọ búza adv. v.i. n. n. a. adv. n. f bụáa búza v.i. n. f bụáa bú ̣aan bú ̣gẹléẹ̣ n. a. v.i. bụláa v.i. bụláamọ adv. bú ̣labú ̣la v.i. bú ̣labú ̣la bụlángịdị bú ̣lụkụbụlụkụ bụnáa n. n. v.i. v.i. bụnáa bú ̣nabú ̣na n. v.i. bụrẹn bụrẹn bụrénmọ ̣ bú ̣rẹnbú ̣rẹn bú ̣rẹnbú ̣rẹnmọ bụrụbụrú ̣ v.i. a. adv. a. adv. a. bú ̣ụn bú ̣ụn bú ̣ụnmọ v.i. n. adv. actually; exactly buzz; hum; make humming sound buzz; hum of bee and other insects dust; finely powdered earth dusty; full of dust dustily Madeiran sardinella, largest Cameroon sardine make sound of fart Madeiran sardinella sound of fart conspicuously thick (as powder on face) develop; make progress from a latent to an active state of growth (especially of a child) (of fire) flash; kindle; flare up; catch fire; burst into flame or blaze; blaze up; move or pass like a flash with a flash; (of movement) immediately; instantly flicker; (of fire) flash and die away by turns; (of flag) wave to and fro flickering; waving blanket meddle; interfere flash (of fire); kindle; flare up; catch fire; burst into flame or blaze; blaze up flash; sudden transitory blaze flicker; (of fire) flash and die away by turns; (of flag) wave to and fro grow clear; become clear (by burning, etc.) clear; open; unobstructed (burnt) clear not thick; scanty (of hair or bush) scantily dusty; finely powdered like dust; of fine grains; powdery buzz; make humming sound buzz; hum of bee or beetle with a buzz 27 Sardinella maderensis = gbódo2. cf. afarụ1, ikerere, kparakpará, kigbo Sardinella maderensis. = gbódo, kigbo. cf. afarụ, ikerere, kparakpará (= búaan) (cf. buláa) (= búlabúla) <English (cf. bulúkubulúku) (= buláa) (= búlabúla) (= buruburú) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 B ,ḅ ḅa1 v.t. ḅa1 n. ḅa1 ḅa1 ḅa1 ḅa1 ft A. annihilate; destroy; kill; massacre; murder; slay; slaughter; swat (fly); put an end to (feelings, vitality of plant or disease); neutralize the effect of; overwhelm person by one’s beauty, personality, etc.; make someone overcome with amusement; fatally harm with mistaken kindness; totally finish a case annihilation; massacre; murder; slaughter; slaying; carnage B. break; shatter; smash; flatten out (high ground) C. catch (fish) D. anaesthetise; render insensible E. give first antiseptic treatment to wound: ḅa1 kipper; cure (meat, fish by splitting open, rubbing with salt and drying in sun; pickle:; preserve flesh in brine: ḅa1 F. bet: ḅa1 ḅa1 ḅa1 ḅá2 ḅá2 n. ḅadéde ḅadédeḅadéde ḅadéde-ebí n. adv. n. ḅadéde pụkọpụkọ adv.p . n. n. n. ḅálẹgẹ ḅá-osuo ḅátugu ḅáw’ẹríya, ̣ ḅ’ẹẹríya ̣ bet; wager G. fart H. in combination: dawn; begin to grow light break of day; daybreak; dawn; morrow; tomorrow morning very early morning glory (e.g. of wealth which does not last) very early in the morning v.i. n. ḅá3 n. t ḅá4 v.t. dc ḅaḅá ḅágaa ḅágaamọ n. a. adv. go day-star; morning star morning twilight morning twilight (lit. "we see tomorrow") goodnight; goodbye; farewell; adieu timber tree; abura dance; hence ingelenge ḅá, i.e. dance ingelenge step calabash lazy; indolent; slothful lazily 28 indí ḅa ‘catch fish’ ịnọ ḅá ‘treat a wound’; nama ḅá ‘pickle meat’ nama ḅa fú ̣ ‘pickle (especially brine)’ ḅará ḅa ‘make a bet’ pumbó ḅa ‘fart’ ḅa saí ‘lead in bulk’ ̣ Hallea ledermannii (K. Krause) Verdc.; Syn. Mitragyna ledermannii (K. Krause) Ridsdale or M. ciliate Aubrév. & Pellegr. (name also applied to H. stipulosa) (Rubiaceae) ?< Igbo Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅagaráa ḅagaráa ḅagaráamọ ḅágaraḅagara ḅágiriḅagiri ḅágiriḅagiri ḅágiriḅagirimọ ḅagiríi ḅáguluḅagulu ḅáguluḅagulu ḅáguluḅagulumọ ḅágulúu ḅágulúumọ ḅágụ ḅágụ ḅágụ a. v.i. adv. a. a. v.i. adv. a. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.i. smart; quick to take advantage; brisk be smart; be quick to take advantage smartly smart; quick to take advantage energetic be energetic energetically; strenuously robust; big flexuous; full of bends; undulating bend in and out; be crooked crookedly flexuous; serpentine; crooked crookedly take breakfast A. be beaten B. eat: hence ḅịḅị ḅágụ ḅịḅịḅágụ imbi ḅagú ̣ v.p. n. v.p. eat act of eating eat imbiḅagú ̣ imbiḅagụyé ḅagú1̣ ḅagú1̣ n. n. v.i. ḅagú2̣ ḅagú2̣ v.i. ḅagụ ḅágụlú ̣ụ v.t. v.i. ḅágụlú ̣ụ a. ḅáị, ḅáịịo ḅáị ka ḅẹghá ḅaị excl. excl. adv. act of eating stick for cracking kernel A. struggle; jostle (of fish in canoe) B. have beating effect (in body or head, as after strenuous work or in headache) A. bloom; blossom; flower B. grow; spring up; sprout (as skin disease like yaws) from body beat; box; buffet; ram be swollen; be bunged up (especially of eyes); be closed with swelling from blow swollen; bunged up; closed with swelling from blow good-bye; goodnight; adieu; farewell goodbye (but not for long) whether; maybe: ḅáịde ḅaká ḅákaḅaka n. v.i. a. ḅákaḅaka v.i. mịé ̣ ḅákaḅákamó ̣ v.t. ḅákaḅákamọ adv. ḅákala v.i. (= ḅágaraḅagara) (= ḅagaráa) (cf. ḅagiríi) (cf. ḅágiriḅagiri) (cf. ḅágulúu) (cf. ḅáguluḅagulu) imbi ḅagụ ó ḅágụyó ‘he is eating’ lit. "beat kernel"; (idiom) early morning be busy about bewildering; complicated; confounding; confusing; perplexing; puzzling to be bewildered; complicated; confounded; confused; perplexed; puzzled bewilder; complicated; confound; confuse; mix up in the mind; perplex; puzzle; throw into disorder confusedly; confusingly; in a complicated way coil; entwist; twist; twine; entwine; wind; wrap; enwrap; enfold or swathe in; swaddle; lap; bend; incline: 29 (= ḅáwẹríya) ̣ ó ḅonyụ ḅaị á nimighá ‘I don’t know whether he will come’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅakalá v.t. ḅákala a. furó ḅákalá furóḅákalá ḅákalaḅákala n. n. a. ḅakalámọ v.t. ḅakalamó ̣ ḅakalamọyé ḅákụḅákụ ḅákụḅákụḅó ̣ ḅalá ḅala, ḅalaḅió v.t. n. v.i. n.m. n. n. ḅalafá ḅalafá ḅalafámọ ḅalafamọ v.i. a. adv. a. mịé ̣ ḅalafamó ̣ kụró ̣ḅala v.t. n. ḅaláḅala ḅaláḅala ḅalaḅala v.i. n. v.t. ḅalayaị ḅalayaị fié ḅálelée, ḅélelée n. v.p. a. childish way of talking imperfectly talk imperfectly, as child skew; cross (of eyes); slanting; oblique; squinting; looking different ways: ḅálị v.i. v.i. squint; have strabismus; be cross-eyed eat in conjunction with or together with other food ḅálịyé n. ḅáluḅálu v.i. ḅalúu1 v.i. ft fo coil; entwist; twist; twine; entwine; wind; wrap; enwrap; enfold or swathe in; swaddle; lap; bend; incline: bent; crooked; not straight; twisted; skew; awry; oblique have severe griping pains in belly severe griping pains in belly; colic; tormina sinuous; tortuous; serpentine; circuitous; winding; flexuous; meandering; crooked; not straightforward; devious; cunning; subtle; treacherous adhere to; stick to; cleave to; cling to (by grasping); persist in; continue firmly in reel; shuttle; wind round reel; shuttle stammer; stutter stammerer; stutterer stick of dried fish fear; powerful emotion caused by impending danger or evil; state of alarm be afraid; be alarmed; be frightened; fear timid; timorous alarmingly; timidly; timorously; fearfully alarming; appalling; awful; dreadful; fearful; fearsome; terrible frighten; alarm; appal alarm; apprehension; awe; dread; excited anticipation of danger; fright; great or sudden fear; violent terror; consternation show faint morning light faint morning light avoid; shun; refrain from something: food (like fish, meat, oil, etc.) that is eaten with plainer food to add flavour; relish blink (of eyes) in an effort to control or shed tears; blink away tears blink; move the eyelids (more deliberate than 30 e.g. ḅalafamọ yé ikúli fí ḅalaḅala, ̣ fóụ́ ̣n pigiri ‘in shunning death, ikuli (a small fish) lands on the ashes’ i.e. ‘out of the frying-pan into the fire’ (cf. ḅékelée) ḅálelee tọrụ ‘squint-eyed; crosseyed’ indí ẹkị ḅálị ‘eat with fish’; puló ẹkị ḅálị ‘eat with oil’ dá ẹkị ḅálị abusive slang (lit. "take and add flavour") ?ḅaluḅalú (Ez.) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅalúu1 ḅalúumọ ḅalúu2 n. adv. v.i. ḅalúu2 ḅalúumọ ḅalúuḅalúu ḅalúuḅalúumọ ḅálụḅálụ n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. ḅalú ̣ụ1 v.i. ḅalú ̣ụ1 ḅalú ̣ụ2 n. v.i. ḅalú ̣ụ2 ḅámọ n. v.t. ḅamó ̣ v.t. ḅamó ̣ ḅará n. n. ḅará ḅa ḅaráḅa ḅaráḅara1 ḅaráḅara2 ḅaráḅara3 ḅará ḅẹlị ḅará gbala ḅarágbala ḅáragú ̣ụ ḅáragú ̣ụmọ ḅaráḅiri1 ḅaráḅiri2 ḅará ḅọgó ̣ v.p. n. adv. a. v.i. v.p. v.p. n.m. a. adv. n n. ḅará ḅọgó ̣ ḅaráḅogọ n. a. ḅaráḅụtarí ̣ ḅará-ẹḅẹrẹḅaḅio ḅará-e1gbẹgị ḅará ékị ̣ n. n. n. v.p. ḅalú ̣ụ) blink; movement of eyelids with a blink flash (of gun, lightning); give out flame or sparks (stronger than ḅalú ̣ụ) flash; sudden short blaze with a flash flash and die away by turns (of lightning) flickeringly close and open eyes very quickly and continuously (less deliberate than ḅáluḅálu); twinkle; shine intermittently blink; wink; close and open eyes momentarily (less deliberate than ḅalúu1) blink; wink flash faintly (of lightning, etc.); flicker (weaker than ḅalúu2) faint flash; flicker smash (with egg or wine) on to something; smear (the face of something with powder or chalk) leave (till break of day): bp tr bp next day arm; foreleg; hand; handle (of pot, pail, mug, etc.); "hand" working on ship, canoe-paddler; work done or thing made by somebody; style of writing; round (in boxing, wrestling, etc.); bout or spell; one stage in competition; way or method bet; wager bet; wager with hand different; various be much handled meet favourable situation tie hands god of penury or poverty knock-kneed in a knock-kneed manner one-half jar upper arm be dislocated (of arm); dislocation of arm too much; extravagant; exorbitant bp bp selfishness space between fingers inner part of elbow shake hands 31 wọrị ene ḅamó ̣ọ ‘leave it till break of day’ lit. ‘lick hand’ ḅarámị, í ghọ ̣ ḅó ̣gọté ̣ ‘my arm is dislocated’ (lit. "pass-hand") ḅará ḅụ tarí be ̣ selfish (= ḅarányaịnmọ) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅará-ẹkịya ḅará famọ ḅaráfamọ ḅará farị ḅaráfarị ḅaráfịrị ḅará gbarị ḅará ghọ fá ḅará ghọ seí ḅarághọseí ḅara-íkuli ḅará-iri ḅará írí ḅará-ịkalị ḅará-ịkpụkụ ḅará-ịkụtị n. v. n. v.p. n. n. v.p. v.i. v.i. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. n. ḅará jigeghá v.p. ḅarákasị ḅarákoríyamọndị ḅarákoríyamọndịḅ ọ́ ḅarákọngọ ḅará kpatị ḅarákuḅu ḅará la n. n. n.m.f . n. v.p. n. v.p. ḅará na ḅarányaịnmọ ḅará-ọbụ ḅará polomọ ḅará polomọ ḅarápẹlẹ, ḅarápélẹ ̣ adv.p . adv.p . n. n. v.p. n. a. ḅará sara ḅarásin v.p. v.p. ḅarásụn ḅarásụngbalị ḅarátẹíṇ ḅarátịḅị ḅarátịḅịmọ ḅarátịḅị nyana ḅarátịḅịnyana ḅarátongu n. n. a. a. adv. v.p. n. n. ḅarátọn-yọ n. ḅará na ḅụ bp bp bp bp dr bp bp bp bp bp bp handshake expend; waste expenditure applaud; clap hands applause; clapping handiwork miss opportunity be asleep; be dead be liable; mistake mistake biceps muscle of upper arm lapse; slip of hand or pen make slip of hand or pen wrist-bone at the outer side of the little finger elbow-bone claw-hands (i.e. fingers curled like claws); knuckles retaliate lit. "did not shake hand" style of women’s blouse with gathered sleeves intimate or faithful friendship faithful or intimate friend wrist be niggardly; be close-fisted palm (of hand); handful be possessed; be got; be had (lit. "reach hand") by oneself; consciously; intentionally; knowingly; in a knowing manner by oneself inner part of elbow back of palm or hand fillip; flip (tops, etc.); snap fingers flip; fillip; snapping of fingers sleeveless; hurry up; be quick; make haste; speed up let go; let off; acquit; discharge; leave; abandon; give up; liberate; release; relinquish; loose hold of; leave off; discontinue; resign; surrender forearm finger supreme; highest independent independently be or become independent independence elbow handy or convenient place 32 (= ḅaráégbẹgị) ̣ ḅarápẹlẹ fọrọkọ ‘sleeveless singlet’ (lit. ‘hand off’) (the whole elbow, while ḅará-ịkpụkụ is the bone only) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅará tụa v.p. aid; assist; help; abet: ḅarátụapríbọ ̣ n.m.f . n. n. v.p. n. helper; assistant ḅarátụapríye ̣ ḅarátụayé ḅará wagị ḅaráwọrịyaí ̣ opuḅará papaḅará fíaghaḅara ̣ gbọrịḅará aní ḅ ̣ ara mí ḅ ̣ ara yefịḅará ebíḅara ḅióḅara ye-ghọ-ḅióḅara odú-ghọ-ḅióḅara n. n. n. adv. n. adv.p . n. adv. adv. n. n.p. n.p. n. adv. v.p. n. v.p. odú-ghọ-ḅióḅara n. mí ḅara timí a.p. ḅará2 n. ḅara n. ámaḅára éreḅára kọndọḅará kalaḅára kalaḅará opu ḅára help; aid; assistance ring; bangle; bracelet retaliate; return evil slips of bamboo with which roof-mats are stitched right hand left hand left hand in a small way; lightly hour-hand (of clock) small hand in a big way; lengthily; loudly; greatly (of clock) minute hand; big hand empty-handed in an unfavourable way; unfavourably (lit. "one hand") one and the same; the same that is so; that way thus; this way right hand properly; thoroughly forget; lose remembrance of; put out of mind forgetfulness forget oneself; neglect one’s own interest; act unbecomingly or unworthily; lose consciousness forgetting oneself; neglecting one’s own interest; acting unbecomingly or unworthily; losing consciousness similar to or like (this); of the same kind or degree (as this); such (as this) like; in the manner of; to the same degree as as; in the same degree; so; to a degree that demands exclamatory emphasis; in that state; as far as: 33 (lit. "put hand") ḅará tụa kụmọ prí ̣ ‘help someone’ = kpịsịkpịsị (lit. "man-hand") (lit. "woman-hand") ḅará usually ends a noun or pronoun phrase: indí ḅara ékị ̣ oki ‘swim like a fish’; aní` ḅara ékị ̣ ḍugó kụma ‘don’t talk like that’ ó ḅẹ ḅara ‘as he said’; ó ikiomọ ḅarámị, aíṇ wó ̣ fa ‘it is not as he thinks’; aní ḅará ̣ an? aní ḅará ‘is ̣ that so? that is so’; mí ḅará ‘in this ̣ way, thus’; akáma ḅara ékị ̣ ̣ fịrí mọndị ‘be busy as a bee, work like a bee’; á ḅióḅélẹ ̣ ḅara! ‘I am Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅaraḅara adv. however; in whatever way; to whatever extent. ḅará ineghá adv.p . too much: ḅaráfa adv.p . not (always used with the future suffix -nyụ ‘will, shall, may, might, can’): ḅaraḅá ḅarága ḅarámḅụ n. n. adv. ḅarí ̣ v.t. ḅarị1 v.t. ḅarị1 n. ḅarị2 oru ḅarí ̣ gbóyaị ḅarị ḅará ḅarị ḅịḅị ḅarí ̣ ḅarị3 v.t. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.t. ḅarị3 ḅarị4 ḅarị5 conj. adv. hi la tr tr tr tr tr pestle two banks of a creek; left or right bank as soon as; immediately. add (shot, spear, etc.) to struggling animal or fish to overcome it make a small present of some sort to; tip; demand a small present small present of some sort (usually edible one); tip pay vows to a deity recompense gods fulfil vows to a deity take off the touch of a god take off a curse tap or draw sap from a tree (especially palm) by cutting into it: ‘tap raffia palm’; as n., ‘tapping of raffia palm’ and (in positive expressing) again; another time; once more: ḅarị5 34 so glad!’ At times the principal verb is repeated alternately with ḅara: á fie ḅara fie ḅara, ó ḅọú ̣gha = á fie ḅaraḅara, ó ḅọú ̣gha ‘however I spoke, he never agreed’ ó mịé ̣ ḅará ineghá ‘he did too much (very much)’ (N ote: ineghá may be a contraction of ine ḅịḅị ékị ̣ gbágha ‘cannot express with mouth’.) ó mịényụ ḅará fa ̣ ‘he will not do it, there is no way for him to do it’; aíṇ inetẹ kụkụḅaịyenyụ ḅará fa ‘it cannot be true’ contraction of ḅarámịḅụ = ḅarịmó ̣ kọrọ ḅarí ̣ á ḅarị fịnyú ̣ ‘I will eat again, once more, another time’; (in negative expression) not ... again; nevermore: á ḅarị fịghá ‘I will not eat again; I will Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 nevermore eat; I will never eat any more’ ḅárịḅárị ḅarịmó ̣ ḅarịmó ̣ mịé ̣ ḅátaka ḅátakaḅataka ḅatú ̣ ḅatụmó ̣ ḅáu adv. adv. v.t. a. a. v.i. v.t. v.i. ḅáu ḅáụ ḅáụ n. a. v.i. ḅaú ̣ n. pp ḅaú ̣ḅọ ḅaú ̣ḅọ ḅékefụla ḅékefụla sara ḅege ḅege ḅege koro ḅegemó1̣ ḅegemó2̣ ḅege sụọ n.f. a. n. v.p. v .i. n. v.i. v.t. v.t. v.i. k ḅege tamá -ḅeí v.i. det. again and again; time and again; repeatedly repeatedly do again; repeat; do performance over again sticky; viscid; viscous; gummy sticky; viscid; viscous; gummy wither; become dry and shrivelled up wither; cause to dry up fall with or make low dull sound; thwack; whack thud; low dull sound; thwack; whack sour; of acid taste; tasteless (of mouth) taste sour, as after eating unripe fruit daughter (f.); sucker; tiller (of rice-plant); sapling daughter of a daughter squirt of spittle through teeth squirt or eject spittle through teeth fall; cease to stand fall fall down cause to fall; fell; cut down (tree); blow down fall upon; attack; assault fall in; cave in; give way inwards (of building or person) stagger; totter the (masc. def. art.) ḅeí dem. this ḅeíḅei pron. this masc. dem. pron. ḅeíghaḅeígha ḅéke ḅékeḅọ ḅékekiri ḅéke-imbi a. a. n.m.f . n. n. ḅéke-imbípembu ḅékeḅịḅị ḅékenama ḅéken’ama ḅéken’ongu-ama ḅéken’ofoni ḅékenogboin [?] n. n. n. n. n. n. n. ḅéken’ogboin ḅéken’ogboín ḅékewarị n. n. n. et et indescribably big English; European European; white man fr factory coconut palm, ‘European palm-nut’ et et da t coconut frond English language; any European language pickled or canned meat England; Europe; Whiteman’s country England; Europe; Whiteman’s country duck; any English breed of fowl mango tree? fr fr a imported mango varieties imported English mango varieties house built in European fashion with et 35 (= ḅátakaḅataka) (= ḅátaka) (cf. yaíḅọ) ̣ tó ̣gụḅei ḅoyó ‘the boy is coming’ ḅeí tọgụ ebí ‘this boy is good’ ḅeíḅei sei tó ̣gụ ‘this is a bad boy’ (pl.) ḅéken’ongu Cocos nucifera Linn. (Palmae) Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅékelée a. ḅékelée ḅékeléemọ ḅéken’okiringa1 ḅéken’okiringa2 ḅeleḅelé v.i. adv. n. n. a. ḅeleḅelémọ ḅeleḅelémọ ḅelegí v.t. adv. v.i. and v.t. n. v.i. ḅelegí ḅeléleḅeléle ḅeléleḅeléle ḅeléleḅelélemọ ḅeréreḅerére, ḅérereḅerere ḅeréreḅeréremọ, ḅérereḅereremọ ḅerí n. adv. v.i. ḅeríḅeri ḅerífa ḅeríghọsụọ ḅerí ghọ sụọ ḅerínọ ḅerípẹrẹ ḅerí sara ḅerísara a. a. a. v.p. n. n. v.p. a. ḅerísará a. ḅerí sin ḅerísin ḅerí tẹngẹlé ̣ v.p. a. v.p. ḅerítẹngẹlẹyé ḅerí tịẹmọ ḅerí toun pogí ḅerítugu ḅerí tugu n. v.p. v.p. n. adv.p . n. n. n. v.t. and v.i. adv. ḅerítụaye ḍiriḅerí tịnḅerí ḅéria, ḅería ḅériamọ, ḅeríamọ cr wink; blink; turning away with closed eyes dartle; dart about (of fish struggling from the effect of fish poison); try to focus eyes (of a cross-eyed person) darting about; effort to focus eyes with a dart grope about as in dark; search blindly; act as if insane gropingly adv. n. corrugated iron sheets skew (of eyes); oblique; crossed; slanting; asquint squint; have strabismus obliquely; slantingly cultivated cotton plant cotton wool for wounds (of fencing, or strands of weaving) wide apart, separate make widely apart widely apart wink; blink; turn away with closed eyes (in annoyance) bp d bp tp dr tp tp ear; leaf; barb (of arrow, fish-hook); (small and fixed) handle (s of cooking-pot) leafy; eared leafless; earless noisy make much noise earache; pain in ear ear-drum shed leaves (of plants) deciduous; shedding leaves periodically quick at understanding (esp. foreign languages) make much noise noisy tickle ear-drum with something soft, e.g. feather material used for tickling ear-drum prick up ears hearken; listen to attentively axil (of plants) (speak) in the ear earring foliage; leaf foliage; leaf (of tree) rejoice; feel great joy; make merry rejoicingly 36 (cf. ḅálelee) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅériḅéri ḅériyé ḅé1̣ n.m. n. v.t. ḅé`ḅụḅẹḅụ ḅéḅụḅẹḅụmọ ̣ ḅẹé ̣ v.i. adv. v.t. and v.i. f nibble; pick at food nibblingly (sometimes ḅé ̣ 2.) ḅẹé ̣ ḅéghamẹnẹ ̣ ḅẹé ̣ ḅ’éẹrí ̣ ḅé ̣ ̣ ya ḅẹé ̣ ye mịẹ v.t. ḅẹéyemịẹ ̣ ḅẹéyemịẹ ̣ ḅẹé ̣ a. n. v.t. ḅẹéyemịẹ ̣ n. ḅẹé ̣ táan ḅémọ ̣ v.p. v.t. ḅéye ̣ kụmọ ḅé ̣ n. v.p. kụmọḅé ̣ n. ọbú ̣ ghọ ḅé ̣ v.p. ḅẹẹ ḅẹẹ ḅẹẹ ḅégẹrẹ ̣ ḅẹgụra v.i. n. n. n. ḅẹífie ḅẹífieḅẹífie ḅẹífieḅẹf@iemọ ḅẹké ̣ ḅẹké ̣ ḅélẹ ̣ 1 ḅẹlẹmó ̣ adv. a. adv. n. a. v.i. v.t. fish sp.; hammer-headed shark beam; wall-plate regard (in ẹkị ye ḅé);̣ look upon with reverence; esteem; respect; think highly of; give heed to: v.p. v.p. wp t co A. say; speak; utter; make specified remark; state; express (introducing reported speech) said; saying B. bid; tell to; ask to do; send; command to say or bid goodnight or farewell obey; do what one is bidden (sent, told, commanded, etc.) obedient; dutiful; submissive to another’s will obedience; submission to another’s rule C blame; chide; censure; rebuke; reprimand; reprove blame; chiding; censure; rebuke; reprimand; reproof receive or bear blame forebode (in ẹkị ye ḅémọ); betoken; augur; ̣ indicate; portend; signify; presage; foreshadow; have presentiment of saying; remark; adage gossip about someone; backbite; talk idly about someone; slander; defame; libel gossip; idle talk; groundless rumours; backbiting; slander; false and malicious oral defamation; scandal; irrelevant abusive statement; libel; published statement damaging to a person’s reputation talk behind someone’s back; backbite; speak ill of; slander; defame falsely; make scandal about; libel; accuse falsely and maliciously; gossip; tattle; talk idly about someone bleat (as sheep or goat) bleat (as of sheep or goat); bleating javelin; lance; pike; spear early dry season (December to early January) when nights are very cold for ever; ad infinitum; all the time everlasting; lasting for ever everlastingly tree sp. yellow in colour itch; feel irritation in the skin irritate; produce uneasy sensation in body 37 Sphyrna spp. ó á fieyémị ékị ̣ ye ḅẹghá ‘he does not regard my advice’; ó ịní ẹ́ kị ̣ ye ḅẹghá ‘he has no regard (respect, esteem) for me’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅélẹḅé lẹ ̣ ̣ ḅélẹ ̣ 2 n. a. ḅélẹ ̣ 2 n. ḅélẹghá ̣ a. 1 ḅélẹmọ ̣ adv. (mịẹ2@) ḅẹlẹmó ̣ ḅẹlẹmó2̣ ḅẹlẹmó ̣ḅịḅị ḅẹlẹmó ̣ ḍẹrí ̣ ḅịḅị ḅẹlẹmó ̣ v.t. v.t. n. v.p. v.p. ḅịḅịḅẹlẹmọ n. fr ḅẹlẹ ḅẹlẹ-ọbụ ḅẹlẹtịẹmọye ḅẹlẹtugu n. n. n. n. po po hi po ḅẹlẹtụọḅó ̣ ḅẹlẹtụọwarí ̣ ḅẹlégị ̣ n.m.f . n. v.i. ḅẹlẹgí ̣ ḅẹlégị ̣ v.t. a. ḅẹlẹgí ḅẹlẹgída ̣ ḅẹlẹụ1 ḅẹlẹụ seí ḅẹlẹụseí ḅẹlẹụtugú ḅẹlẹụtugú pélẹghá ̣ n. n. n. subj. + v.i. n. n. v.p. fieḅẹlẹú ̣ ḅẹlẹụ2 ḅẹlẹụ2 n. n. a. ḅẹlẹụ ḅọgó1̣ v.p. ḅẹlẹụ ḅọgó2̣ adv.p . v.p. ḅẹlẹụ dá d to d bp itch; almost any kind of irritation in the skin dainty; delicious; flavourful; savoury; palatable; sweet; pleasant; nice; tasteful; harmonious; melodious; tuneful; musical; interesting dainty; delicacy; appetizing flavour; relish; distinctive taste; sweet; sweetness; attractive quality tasteless; not palatable; insipid; tuneless; unmelodious daintily; deliciously; palatably; pleasantly; nicely; melodiously; tunefully; musically; interestingly; sweetly sweeten; give relish; make piquant entertain; amuse conversation; confabulation deride chat with; converse; confabulate; indulge in easy familiar talk pineapple Ananas comosus. ḅịḅịḅẹlẹmó ̣ pot; vessel for cooking back of pot trivet; iron tripod bottom of pot; food remaining at bottom of pot cook kitchen heave up and turn over; upturn; turn up (soil or river water) same above heaved up; upturned; (of chest) pigeonbreasted Igbo axe used for carving canoes chest pain (treated with heated axe) tongue be furred or dirty (of tongue) furred or dirty tongue fraenum of tongue be tongue-tied: spoken language first; lead; the future; time to come; the front first; front; future; preceding; forward; onward take first or leading place in competition; have the front or lead; precede too forward lead the way; go first, take the lead; conduct; guide; captain 38 kụmó ̣ḅei ḅẹlẹtugu pẹlẹghá ‘the man does not talk clearly’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅẹlẹụdú ̣ ḅẹlẹụ ḅómọ ḅẹlẹụ ékị ̣ ḅẹlẹụ mú ḅẹlẹụsaịsaị yoúḅẹlẹụ ḅẹlẹụ3 abadíḅẹlẹụ ̣ ḅaráḅẹlẹụ ḅoúḅẹlẹụ n.m.f . adv. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. n. n. n. n. n. ḅụọḅẹlẹụ piríḅẹlẹụ n. n. tịḅịḅẹlẹụ n. ḅẹlí1̣ v.i. ḅẹlí2̣ ḅịḅị ḅẹlí ̣ ḅẹlí3̣ ḅẹlí3̣ ḅélụkẹẹ ̣ ḅẹlú ̣ụ v.i. and v.t. v.p. v.i. n. a. v.i. ḅẹlú ̣ụ ḅẹlú ̣ụmọ ḅẹlú ̣ụḅẹlú ̣ụ n. adv. v.i. ḅẹlú ̣ụḅẹlú ̣ụ ḅẹlú ̣ụḅẹlú ̣ụmọ ḅẹrẹ1 ḅẹrẹ-angá ḅẹrẹ2 n. adv. v.t. n. n. ḅẹlẹụdaḅó ̣ ḅẹrẹ2 ḅẹrẹḅẹrẹ ḅẹrẹ ḍọgí ̣ ḅẹrẹ ḍugó adv. v.p. v.p. ḅẹrẹ-ebí ḅẹrẹ pẹlé ̣ ḅẹrẹpẹlẹḅó ̣ n. v.p. n.m.f . n. ḅẹrẹpẹlẹyé p la la bp la bp captain; leader afore; in front; in future come quickly take front go onward; go in front; go forward very front; van; foremost part; forefront war front cape; headland; promontory; ness; tip cape of the sea; headland; promontory fingertip next bend of river, marking off one ḅoú ‘stretch’ from the next tip of toe next bend of road, marking off one pirí ‘stretch’ from the next top of head (point from which measure of height is taken) crawl (like snail); creep (like creeping plants); be serpiginous (of skin diseases like yaws, leprosy, etc., and like sores) lap; lick up (liquid); drink by scooping up with tongue lick one’s lips or chops flash (of lightning) flash of lightning flat and small (of nose and usually mouth) flash (of lightning or gun); give out flame or spark flash with a flash flicker (of lightning, serpent’s tongue; or flame of light disturbed by the wind); flash and die away by turns flicker; irregular flash flickeringly marry by big dowry marriage by big dowry A. affair; business; concern; matter; look-out; B. case; legal action; palaver; cause; lawsuit; calamity; danger; hardship; plight palaversome cause, effect, bring about, produce a case state or express fully and clearly facts of a case orally acquittal; deliverance by verdict from a charge decide; judge; settle a case judge; arbiter judgment; sentence 39 ịnị ḅẹrẹ ‘that’s your affairs’; ịnị ḅẹrẹghá ‘that’s not your business’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅẹrẹpẹlẹyé ̣ ḅẹrérẹ ̣ ḅẹrẹsigimọ ḅérị ̣ n. v.t. conj. v.i. ḅẹrí ̣ ḅẹsụ ḅẹsụ ḅẹsụḅọ v.t. v.i. a. n.m.f . v.p. v .phr. a. adv. v.t. and v.i. tọrú ̣ ḅẹsụ tọrú ̣ ḅẹsụmó ̣ ḅéụụ ̣ ḅéụụmọ ̣ 1 ḅí ḅịaḅurú ḅíye ḅió ḅi ye ékị ̣ ḅíya n. n. v.p. v.p. ḅí2 ḅíya v.t. n. nú ̣a ḅí ḅí3 ḅigí v.p. v.i. v.t. ḅigí ḅa ḅígiri v.p. v.i. ḅígiri ḅígirimọ ḅígiriḅigiri ḅígiriḅigirimọ ḅilé n. adv. a. adv. v.i. ḅilé ḅilemó ̣ n. v.t. ḅilé v.i., v.t. n. ḅilemó ̣ mindíḅileḅó ̣ ifoín ḅilé arụ ḅilé n.m.f . v.p. v.p. court of law recline; (slang) repose except; save; unless open canoe with fire; dilate; expand; enlarge (naturally) same above be lenient; be indisposed to severity lenient; indisposed to severity lenient person act leniently act leniently fo smooth; greasy smoothly ask; call for an answer to; supplicate; make a request for; demand; require; question; interrogate; investigate; enquire; inquire into; examine; beg; ask alms; consult; take counsel with; deliberate; debate; discuss cooked or roasted food request; thing asked for; supplication take counsel with one’s mind; resolve deliberate; hold debate; take counsel how a thing might be done greet; salute; hail; thank; congratulate greetings; salutation; salute; thanks; congratulations give greetings; say thanks; salute fall into a trap strangle; kill by squeezing and breaking neckbone kill by strangling struggle; strive hard to do something or get free spell of struggling strugglingly energetic energetically A. sink; disappear below surface of liquid; capsize: capsizing (of ship, canoe) cause to sink; capsize; upset; overturn; dip; immerse; plunge; submerge; inundate; flood; overflow; deluge; cover; overlay; overspread (with earth, a grave or ditch; with influence, a serious happening) B. dive; plunge into water: dive; plunge into water; swim under water; submersion (of submarine) diver dive for oysters dive to find lost canoe 40 (slang) arụ ḅilé ‘a canoe capsized’ mindí ḅile ‘dive into water’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅilé v.t. ḅilé n. ḅíliḅíli v.i. ḅíliḅílimọ ḅíloḅílo ḅíloḅílo ḅíloḅílomọ ḅílolóo ḅílolóo adv. v.t. and v.i. n. adv. v.i. a. ḅílolóomọ ḅílorúu ḅílorúu ḅílorúumọ ḅió1 adv. a. n. adv. n. ḅió1 a. B, inside; interior; internal; inward: ḅió1 n. C. inside (in time or place): ḅió seí ḅiódụ v.p. n. have bad intent inside: ḅiódụ oduguru ḅióḅioghọ ḅióḅiomọ ḅiópolo a. adv. adv. n. ḅiótọrụ ḅiótọrụ n. n ḅió ḍụḅá sub.+ v.i. a. subj. +v.i. a. ‘inner room’ inwardly; not loud inwardly; (of saying) silently yard; piece of enclosed ground attached to building; garden; piece of ground devoted to growing fruit or vegetables inland waterway D. kernel of coconut; edible inside portion of molluscs such as clams, limpets, mussels, periwinkles, snails and oysters, and also of crabs said of coconut or shellfish with large kernel or flesh inside having large kernel or flesh inside said of coconut or shellfish with large kernel or flesh inside having large kernel or flesh inside ḅióḍụḅá ḅió ebí ḅióẹbí C. (wrestling) dive under one’s opponent’s guard (wrestling) diving under one’s opponent’s guard ooze out steadily and rapidly (of semiliquid substance like toothpaste) oozily; in an oozing manner gulp; swallow down hastily; greedily, or with effort gulp; act of gulping; large mouthful gulpingly be flat, shallow and long (of canoe) flat and long (of nose); flat, shallow and long (of canoe) in a flat, long and shallow manner sheepish sheepishness sheepishly A. inside; inner side; inner part; interior; inner surface a 41 ḅió is always suffixed to nouns to make them mean ‘inside’: ḅịḅị ḅio ‘inside of mouth’ furó ḅio ‘inside of belly’ warí ḅio ̣ ‘inside of house’ ḅió kigi ‘inside (interior, internal) wall’ wíki ḅio ghọ ‘inside of a week’ ịní ḅiodụ ‘my ̣ innermost part, mind’; warí ḅiodụ ̣ ghó ̣ ‘in the inside of a house’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅió ịrú ̣ ḅió-ịrú ̣ ḅió seí ḅióseí ḅió pólomọ ḅió pólomọ ḅio-áye ḅió ḅará ḅió ḅí ḅió ḅélẹ ̣ ḅióḅẹlẹ ḅióḅẹlẹ (mịé)̣ ḅió ḅélẹmọ ̣ ḅióḅélẹmọ ̣ subj. +v.i. a. sub.+ v.i. a. v.p. n v.p. v.p. subj. +v.i. a. n. v.p. adv. e e e e e glad; happy; joyous; merry; pleasant; mirthful gladness; happiness; joy; merriment gladden; rejoice the heart; make glad gladly; happily; joyfully; joyously; merrily; mirthfully; gladsomely joyless; mirthless be nauseated ḅió ḍọgí ̣ a. subj. +v.i. v.p. e ḅióḍó ̣gị ḅió ḍọgịmó ̣ ḅióḍọgịmọ n. v.t. a. e e e ḅióḍọgịmọḅará ḅió ḍọmó ̣ ḅióḍọmọ ḅióḍọmọḅó ̣ adv. v.p. n. n.m.f . n. v.p. a. v.p. v.p. n. a. n. v.p. a. v.p. adv. a. a. v.p. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e n. e e consolation comfort; console; soothe in grief kind-hearted love; hold dear trust trust not courageous; cowardly vexation; state of distress; annoyance; sorrow grieve; feel sorrow at sorrowful; angry; enraged; wrathful anger; annoy; irritate; distress; vex angrily; vexedly; vexingly irritable; vexing difficult; hard; troublesome; perplexing worry; trouble; agitate; disturb; tease; harass; be difficult; be disturbed worry; care; difficulty; embarrassment worry; care; difficulty; embarrassment n. bp kidney ḅióḅélẹfá ̣ ḅió ḍó ̣gị ḅióḍọmọyé ḅió ḍọụmọ ḅió-ebí ḅió ékị ̣ prí ̣ ḅió ékị ̣ tụá ḅió-ékịtụá ̣ ḅiófaá ḅiófụrú ̣ ḅió fụrú ̣ ḅiófụrú ̣ (mịé)̣ ḅió fụrụmó ̣ ḅiófụrú ̣mọ ḅiófụrụmọ ḅiógbo ḅió gbo ḅiógboyé ḅiógbo-ayé, ḅiógboyaí ̣ ḅió-ímbi e e said of coconut or shellfish when kernel or flesh is very small and shrivelled inside having small shrivelled kernel or flesh said of coconut or shellfish when kernel or flesh is very small and shrivelled inside having small shrivelled kernel or flesh remove entrails of fish or game internally without cutting open the belly; draw (fame or fish E. mind; heart; core entrails forget; lose remembrance of or about take counsel with one’s mind be glad; be pleased; rejoice; feel great joy affect with nausea; cause to reject food with loathing nausea; loathing nauseate; cause nausea nauseating; nauseous; offensive to smell or taste nauseously comfort; console; soothe in grief comfort; solace comforter 42 = ḅió ḍọmọ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅió-ímgbọ ̣ ḅiókoríya (ẹkị) ḅió korómọ ḅiókorómọyé n. a. v.p. n. ḅió kuru ḅiókoruḅó ̣ ḅiókoru-oweí ḅiókoru-ará ḅiókpọ v.p. n.m.f . n.m. n.f. a. p p e ḅiókpọ n. e ḅió kpọmó ̣ ḅiókpọmọyé ḅiókpó ̣mọ ḅiókụró ̣ ḅió kụrọmó ̣ v.p. n. adv. a. v.p. e e e e e ḅióla ḅiólamo ḅiólaghá ḅiónyáịn ḅió nyaịnmó ̣ ḅió-oweí ḅió-ọfịrí ̣ ḅióseí ḅió seimó ̣ ḅióseimó ̣ ḅió só ̣ngọló ̣ ḅiósó ̣ngọló ̣ ḅió sọngọlọmó ̣ ḅiósó ̣ngọlọmọ a. adv. a. n. v.p. a. a. a. v.p. a. v.p. n. v.p. a. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ḅiótugu n. bp ḅiótugu-ọgịẹí ̣ ḅióweí ḅióyeé ḅélẹḅio ̣ ebiḅió fụrụḅió oweiḅió ọfịrịḅió seiḅió seiḅió ḅióḅio ḅió2 n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. a. n. bp bp bp e e e e e e a p core; heart; heartwood intimate; familiar remember; recall to mind remembrance; remembering; recollection; memorial serve servant male servant female servant audacious; bold; brave; courageous; daring; fearless; hardy; impudent; insolently disrespectful audacity; boldness; bravery; courage; impudence embolden; make bold; encourage encouragement boldly; bravely; courageously hard-hearted harden or make hard heart; take heart; pick up courage sincere; ingenuous; frank sincerely; ingenuously; frankly insincere; disingenuous heartbreak discourage; dismay irritable; quick to anger; irascible; wrathful hot-tempered bad or wicked-hearted disgust; excite loathing loathsome; repulsive; disgusting; disgustful feel seasick; feel nausea nausea; loathing nauseate nauseous; offensive to taste or smell; nauseating bosom; boob; tit; breast; chest; bust (especially of women) point of the breastbone or sternum heart liver happy mood good humour; good temper anger; fury; rage passion; strong emotion; outburst of anger strong enthusiasm ill-humour F. apartment; compartment; room roomy; full of rooms growl; grunt; roar; rumble, etc. of animals, sea, thunder, cannon, fire, storm, etc.: 43 cf. indo3, kuḅu2 nama ḅió ‘growl of animal’; abadí ḅio ̣ ‘roar of ocean’; fịní ̣ ḅio ‘crackling of fire’; ebirí ḅio Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ‘rumble of storm’ ḅió fie ḅió fiemọ v.p. v.p. utter loud deep sound (of animals) send forth loud deep hoarse sound land (as opposed to sea or water): ḅio n. ḅio koró ḅio lá ḅio lámọ ḅiókoro ḅíri1 ḅịrịaḅú ̣ ḅirimó ̣ v.p. v.p. v.p. a. v.i. n. v.t. ḅiriyaí ̣ ḅíri2 v.i. mindí ḅirimó ̣ v.p. ḅiri1 ḅiri-angá ḅiri ḅolo ḅiriḅoloyé ḅiri ḅoló n. n. v.p. n. v.p. ḅiriḅoló ḅiri2 amaḅirí n. n. n. wash woman with hot water, etc., after childbirth in a native maternity home bole; stem; trunk; girth side from armpit to hips gird loins; belt up belt climb by gripping with knees and hands; swarm up swarming up section; part cut off from something section of town ogbóḅirí ḅiri n. n. central section; middle nearness in number, scale, degree, etc.; about: ḅịá1 ḅịá1 v.i. a. ḅịá paga1 ḅịá2 v.p. v.i. shine; emit or reflect light; be bright; glow bright; emitting or reflecting much light; shining shine forth (of food) be ready; be done; be cooked or roasted to the right degree: ḅịá3 v.i. disembark reach land bring to land deep; going far down from top dress up with cloth half bottle adorn; accoutre; attire; array; clothe; decorate; dress; dandify; furnish with dresses (in general) bathe (ceremonially only): dr be or become ripe; ripen; be mellow; be 44 = ḅió tụa ḅiokiri (lit. "landground") ‘dry land’ ọsáịn ḅíiri, ó ̣saịn ḅíri ‘bathe or sprinkle with medicine’ ḅiri is suffixed to proper names to show sections within same village, as B`asánḅiri (B`assamḅiri), Ogbolomaḅirí, the two main sections of N embe. mési ḅirí ‘about forty’; sọnọma kụrá ḅirí ‘about seven years’; mí ̣ ḅiri lányụ ‘will be about this size or position’ ḅiá ebi ‘be welldone’; ḅịá ḅọgọ ‘be overdone’; ḅịágha ‘be underdone’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅịá3 ḅịá3 ḅịá paga2 ḅịá4 ḅịá4 a. n. v.p. v.i. a. ḅịátịé ̣ a. ḅịá5 ḅịamó1̣ ḅịamó2̣ v.i. v.t. v.t. ḅiamó3̣ ḅịamó4̣ ḅịá6 (mu) ḅịaḅịá ḅíḅaị ̣ v.t. v.t. v.i. a. n. ḅoyoḅịḅaí ̣ ḅọgọtẹḅịḅaí ̣ ḅịḅị ḅịḅị-anga ḅịḅị-angayaí ̣ ḅịḅịḅélẹ ̣ ḅịḅịḅélẹ ̣ ḅịḅịḅẹlẹmó ḅịḅịḅẹlẹmọ ḅịḅịḅẹlẹmó ̣ ḅịḅị ḅẹlẹmó ̣ ḅịḅịḅẹlẹmọ ḅịḅị ḅọgọmó ̣ ḅịḅịḅọgọmọḅó ̣ ḅịḅị fieghá n. n. n. n. a. v.i. n. n. n. v.p. n. v.p. n.m.f . v.i. n. v.p. v.p. v.p. a. n.m.f . v.p. ḅịḅịfieghámó ̣ ḅịḅị gbán ḅịḅị ghọ sará adv. v.p. v.p. ḅịḅị ghọ sín ḅịḅị-irí ḅịḅịkịrí ̣ ḅịḅịkpépu v.p. n. n. a. ḅịḅị ḅọgó ̣ya ḅịḅị-egé ḅịḅị-egeyaí ̣ ḅịḅị ó ̣kị ḅịḅị ékịya ̣ ḅịḅị ékị ̣ prí ̣ ḅịḅịfiédịgha ḅịḅịfiédịghaḅó ̣ bloodshot (of eyes) ripe; mellow; red and full; (of age) old ripeness show signs of ripeness (of leaves) be or become dry dry; without moisture: co bp bp bp fr fr fr bp bp (of wood and old man) dry but standing; (slang) positively charged with bad medicine or charms (of wound or sore) heal brighten; shine; polish ripen; redden; cause to ripen; mellow; (of eyes) cause to be bloodshot make or cause to dry up heal; cure be hurried to or along red; reddish tomorrow; morrow; the next or following day; the previous day tomorrow; morrow; the next or following day yesterday; the previous day mouth; word; language corners of mouth whiskers; moustache full of fine words; flowery be flowery pineapple pineapple pineapple converse; chat with; confabulate conversation; chat interpret interpreter quarrel; fall out chin; lower jaw beard challenge a statement quarrel utter curse against dumb; unable to speak distinctly dumb person; mute be mute; be silent; be unable to speak; be speechless speechlessly make silent; keep mouth shut vomit; eject from stomach through mouth; puke; spew vomit; puke; spew slip of the tongue level measure dumb; unable to speak; aphasic 45 ḅiá ḅéke-imbí ‘dry coconut’ Ananas comosus. Ananas comosus. Ananas comosus. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅịḅị kpepú ḅịḅịkpépu v.p. n. ḅịḅịkpó ̣ ḅịḅị kpọmó ̣ ḅịḅịkpọmọyé a. v.p. n. ḅịḅịkụló ̣ n. ḅịḅịkụọḅịt`é ̣ ḅịḅị nụnú ̣ n. v.p. ḅịḅị-ógbo sú ̣ọ ḅịḅị-okoló v.p. n.m.f . n. v.p. n. v.p. n. n.m. ḅịḅịomí ḅịḅị ọfịrịmó ̣ ḅịḅị-ọfịrịmọyé ḅịḅị pagá ḅịḅịpagará ḅịḅịpẹịghá ḅịḅịpẹlé ̣ ḅịḅị pịrí ̣ ḅịḅịpịrịyé ḅịḅị sará ḍugo ḅịḅị seí n. v.p. n. v.p. subj. +v.i. ḅịḅịseí n. ḅịḅị seí yaị fié ḅịḅị wagí v.p. v.p. ḅịḅị wágị subj. +v.i. n. n. n. n. a. n. n. a. n. n.m. n.m. n. n.m. n.m. a. ḅịḅịwágị ḅịḅịyaí ̣ amaḅịḅí ̣ ḅékeḅịḅí ̣ ḅẹlẹmó ̣ḅịḅí ̣ ebíḅịḅífié ̣ indoḅịḅí ̣ kiríḅioḅịḅí ̣ seíḅịḅífié ̣ tọrụḅịḅí ̣ ḅịlá ḅịláḅịḅịege ḅịláḍigí ḅịlágboún ḅịlaí ̣ ḅílalí ̣ ị̣ bp cause to be dumb aphasia; loss of speech, as a result of cerebral affection haughty and insolent refresh mouth with different kind of food refreshment; dessert; different kind of food to main dish mouth: ịnị ḅịḅịkụlọ gbáan ‘shut your mouth!’ napkin make wry mouth; pout; protrude lips as sign of displeasure coalesce; come together and form one in talks spokesman bp f d d bp m v i fg wry mouth made by a child prior to crying act as appetizer appetizer (of cloth) show first signs of rent lip blackchin guitarfish Rhinobatus cemiculus cf. ẹgbẹịnḅịḅịpẹịgha level measure cheer tuberculosis; pulmonary consumption speak smartly or quickly to have thrush (disease of children marked by fungus growth in mouth and throat); (of palm fruits) rot at tips of fruits thrush; disease of children marked by fungus growth in mouth and throat be fond of speaking ill words or curses renovate wearing cloth by joining two former edges together and tearing cloth in two at the place where there is rent in centre ebb (of tide); recede ebb; recession teeth native language; dialect English language conversation; confabulation speaking kindly; kind (especially of spirits) teat; nipple cant; peculiar language of sect or class; jargon wicked (of spirit) mouth of river or creek African elephant mainstay of a family liana sp. mason-wasp woven screen for fishing; heck gluey; plastic; ropey (of fufu when well 46 Loxodonta africana Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅịlá-tọgọ [?] n. ḅịló ̣ ḅílọló ̣ ̣ọ ḅịrị ḅịrị ḅịrímọ ̣ ḅịté ̣ ḅịté-ákịsị ̣ ḅịté ̣ ḍorí ḅịtéḍorí ̣ ḅịté ̣ gbein ḅịtégbeín ̣ ḅịtégbeinyé ̣ ḅịtẹ-ikiḅá n. a. n. v.t. and v.i. n.m.f . v.t. n.m. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. n. n. ḅịtékwọtá ̣ ḅịtélọsí ̣ ̣ ḅịté ̣ go n. n. v.p. ḅịtéwarí ̣ ̣ n. góḅịtẹ n.m. ḅo1 ḅo1 ḅo lá ḅo la v.i. n. v.p. v.p. ḅo paga ḅoyo v.p. a. ḅoyọ ḅo2 n. suf. ḅóḅoróo ḅóḅoróomọ ḅodu a. adv. n. ḅịrịḅó ̣ t tr tr cl cl cl cl cl beaten so that it is capable of being drawn out in a long string without breaking) sausage-tree Kigelia africana (Bignoniaceae) bud; embryo; apex; top shoot of tree long and narrow prophecy; prediction; divination foretell; predict; prophesy; divine prophet; juggler; doctor prophesy about cloth; drapery; garment handkerchief spin; weave spinning; weaving sew; stitch sewing needle; sewing-machine one fathom or two yards of cloth (Probably old-time cloths were only in four-yard pieces, hence ikiḅá, meaning ‘half’ of four yards.) one and a half yards of cloth one yard of cloth join pieces of different cloths of form a useful big piece full piece of cloth, formerly perhaps only 4 yards, now 6,8 or 10 yards cloth with variegated pieces and often colours, joined by needlework arrive; come advent; coming; arrival arrive; reach ought, are fit, to have come: i bo lá ‘you ought to have come’ come to pass next; coming nearest; e.g. ḅoyo kụra ‘next year’ provenance, (place of) origin suffix added at the end of a statement to á fịyóḅo ‘I’m just produce a persuasive, impressive or eating (excuse apologetic effect: me)’; ó mangịyóḅo ‘he is running well!’ motionless motionlessly self a ḅodu ‘herself’; aíṇ ḅodu ‘itself’; ịní ḅodu ‘myself’; ̣ ịnị ḅodu ‘yourself’; eín ḅodu 47 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ‘themselves’; ó ḅodu ‘himself’; ọ ḅodu ‘yourselves’; wa ḅodu ‘ourself, ourselves’; a ḅarana ḅodu ‘her own self’ ó ḅarana ḅodu ‘his own self’; wa ḅarana ḅodu ‘our own self, selves’ ḅófa ḅógoi ḅógoimindi conj. n. n. wt wt ḅógoisa ḅógolóo ḅogoloḅogolo ḅólia n. a. a. n.m. f ḅólo ḅólomọ ḅoló a. adv. v.t. ḅoló ḅolómọ ogbó ḅolómo v.t. & v.i. v.i. v.p. ḅolomó ̣ v.t. ḅolóya ḅolóya (ye) ḅolomọyé (ye) ḅoloyé ḅoloḅolo n. v.t. & v.i. n. n. a. ḅólúu a. ḅolú1 ḅolú2 v.t. v.t. ḅorí ḅoríkiri ḅorí paga ḅorí sụọ ḅoróḅu ḅoróḅu-afịaị n. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. lest; for fear that rainy season annual flood water that occurs in rainy season; spate credit to pay at more favourable time bold; big; large (of grain, writing, etc.) same as above dolphin; dolphin fish family Delphinidae [aquatic mammals, not fish]; Coryphaena sp. [a fish] tight; close; near tightly, closely brace; clamp; clasp; embrace; fasten together; grasp; hold closely; tighten jam; become tightly wedged; be fixed; cohere; stick together; agglutinate adhere; cleave to; stick fast assemble (as mechanic); combine; join together; link; connect in friendship or marriage; incorporate; unite; co-operate paste; seal; stick up; affix; fix; attach; fasten; impress cuddle; embrace; hug; grapple cuddle; embrace one another; hug; lie close and snug; nestle together; grapple ft ft ft ft seal (of wax, lead, etc.); paste; gum; brace; clamp; cramp (of eyes) large and rounded; saucer-eyed; (of writing) bold chubby; plump; round-faced; crude; lacking finish support heap up soil around plant; heap up; measure with the aid of the hands fishing at a distant place fishing port; fishery go out on fishing at a distant place dwell in a fishing port for fishing eve; evening supper 48 Nyanaḅọḅei Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 boróbu-afịaị ‘the Lord’s Supper’ ḅoróḅu-ebi ḅórogíi ḅorú ḅoruḅoru ḅoruḅorúmọ ḅoú n. a. n. a. adv. n. ḅoú-ịdẹgẹ n.m. f evening glory; wealth at a later age reclinate; bending downwards bush cane-rope; rattan species silent silently A. bush (in general in Njọ), but strictly ‘mangrove-bush’ (in N embe dialect). However, the original Njọ sense is retained in the following: fish sp.; barbel ḅou-ídẹgẹ ̣ n.m. f fish sp.; barbel ḅoú-oḅori n.m. m water chevrotain ḅou-óbiri ḅoúkọnye ḅoúpulo n.m. n. n. m bp t water chevrotain penis tree sp. ḅoúsẹ pẹlẹghaḅoú seiḅoú n. n. n. d la tr n. la ft ft ft ft ft ft acute rheumatism all over the body virgin forest; jungle; thicket burial bush (especially for deaths by abnormal causes) B. mile; stretch of a river-bank which ends at a turn cape; headland; promontory C. fishing fish; search for fish fishing as occupation go fishing go out fishing the last fish, etc., to emerge from iguru when catch is emptied our drink (water, wine, etc.); smoke (tobacco and products); absorb; suck in (liquid) drinkables; things to drink fresh; drinkable things to drink; drinkables fresh water drunkenness be drunk drinking-water in: wine-palm v la ḅoú ḅoúḅẹlẹu ḅoú ḅoú kọn ḅoúkọn ḅoú mu ḅoú paga ḅoúgugu v.p. n. v.p. v.p. n. ḅou1 v.t. ḅou-aye ḅouḅou ḅouḅou-aye ḅouḅoumindi ḅoukó ̣rị ḅou kó ̣rị ḅoumindi ḅou2 ala ḅou a. n. n. v.i. n. n. n. ḅọ n. person; anyone: e.g. -ḅọ suf. suffix used to form a personal noun signifying 49 t Barbus sp. lit. ‘bush-mullet’. cf. ịdẹgé ̣ Barbus sp. lit. ‘bush-mullet’. cf. ịdẹgé ̣ Hyemoschus aquaticus Also recorded as ḅouóbiri, ḅou-óḅori lit. ‘bush-goat’. Harungana madagascarensis (id. by N yananyo) literally "bad bush" (= igurutugu) Raffia vinifera; cf. ḅoukọrọ aní ḅó ̣ ̣ tú ̣ḅọ? who is that person? telimó ̣ ‘teach’; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 an individual person or practitioner. It is always suffixed to the root of a verb, and like the English -er means ‘one who has to do with’. Derivatives with the suffix have been largely omitted: e.g. ḅó ̣ḅọró ̣ọ ḅó ̣ḅọrọḅọḅọrọ ḅó ̣ḅọró ̣ọmọ ḅó ̣ḅú ̣ụ ḅó ̣gọ a. a. adv. a. v.i. humpy; humped; hunchy humpy; hunchy with a hump untouched (of food) (of joint) dislocate; come out of joint ḅó ̣gọyọ yọ ḅó ̣gọ ḅọgọ n. v.p. v.i. ḅọgó ̣ya1 yọ ḅọgó ̣ ḅọgọ v.i. v.p. v.t. dislocation get dislocation A. move onward; pass; proceed; pass down, over, on; go uncensured; get through; effect a passage; pass an examination pass each other depart to; go (somewhere) B. be beyond in time or place: e.g. ḅọgọtẹ a. gone by in time, just gone by; last: e.g. ḅụọḅọgọtẹ kụraḅọgọtẹ ḅọgó ̣ya2 ḅọgọ ḅọgọmó1̣ a. a. v.i. v.i. v.t. ḅọgọmó2̣ ḅọgọmó3̣ ḅọgọ v.t. n. v.t. ḅará ḅọgọ ḅọgọ adv.p . v.i. ḅọgọ oruḅọgọ ḅọgọ n. n. v.t. old; ancient aged; last year’s (of root crop) be different from; not be corresponding to C. escape; get free; be free; go unpunished cause to get free or escape; allow to escape; make free; set at liberty; liberate; spare; forgive; pardon; give amnesty to; assoil; acquit; absolve; release; abstain from killing; not kill kill forgiveness; pardon; amnesty; absolution D. surpass; excel; out-do; leave behind; be too great for too much, immoderately; extravagantly; beyond measure E. stop; come to an end; cease from doing; discontinue: stop; end; ending of a possessed state F. round off; bring to complete or wellordered state: ḅọgọ n. ḅọgọọ ḅọkọ conj. n.m. f (net weaving) complete round; (dancing) a pass round: as if cutlassfish, largehead hairtail; ribbonfish 50 telimó ̣ḅọ ‘teacher’; fịrí mọndị ‘work’; ̣ fịrímọndịḅọ ̣ ‘worker’ (N ote. The plural of -ḅọ ongu.) cf. ḅará ḅó ̣gọ; ḅụọ ḅó ̣gọ, etc. Ọ mangị warímị ̣ ḅọgọ ‘he ran past the house’; ó timí tra kịló ̣kị ḅọgọ ‘he stayed till past 3 o’clock’ ḅọgọtẹ kụra ‘last year’; ḅọgọtẹ ọgọnọwei ‘last month’ (idiom) osuó ḅọgọ ‘rain stopped’ ịgba ḅọgọ ‘make a pass round (in dancing) ịgbaḅọgọ ‘a pass round (in dancing)’ Trichiurus lepturus; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 family Trachipteridae ḅó ̣lị ḅọlí ̣ v.i. v.t. ḅọló ̣ ḅó ̣lọ ḅọlọí ̣ ḅọlọlọ ḅọlú ̣ ḅọlú ̣mọ ḅó ̣lụụ ḅọrọ n. n.m. v.t. v.i. a. adv. a. n. ḅó ̣rọgíị̣ ḅó ̣rọgíị̣ ḅọrọpú ̣ụ ḅọsụ ḅọsụ ḅọsú ̣mọ ḅọsụmó ̣ ḅoúpulo a. v.i. a. a. v.i. adv. v.t. n. ḅọú1̣ ḅọú2̣ v.t. v.i. ḅọú2̣ a. ḅọú ̣ḅio ḅọú ̣gha n. v.i. ḅọú ̣gha ḅọú ̣gha ḅọụmó ̣ n. a. v.t. ḅọụmó ̣ n. ḅó ̣ụḅó ̣ụ a. ḅu v.i. ḅu ḅịá ḅu ḅịáḅu wọrị ḅumó ̣ ḅúḅere n. v.p. a. v.p. n. ḅúḅere ḅúḅereḅúḅere n. a. t r ft t h assume curved position straighten a curved materials; open canoe with fire tree sp. gecko borrow; lend sleep complete completely fat; plump; full and fleshy dammed stretch of flat larger in size than ‘nembe’ inclined; almost falling incline; lean; bend forward over-soft; overripe; rotting peevish; born weak; frail weaken weakly; weakishly weaken tree sp., ‘bush oil’ ignite; set fire to; light up assent; agree to; consent; agree; acquiesce; be willing; admit agreeable; favourable; propitious; welldisposed agreeable mind dissent; disagree; refuse to assent. N ote: Following a verb it means ‘refuse to’: dissent; refusal dissentient; disagreeable allow; approve of; approbate; sanction; permit; authorize; license approval; assent; allowance; permission; licence slightly smoked (of fish); (figuratively) wealthy decay; decline; rot; lose quality; deteriorate (wood, etc.) decay; rot be over-ripe over-ripe leave to rot or be over-ripe A. mould; furry growth of fungi on things that lie for some time in moist warm air B. mushroom; fungus mouldy; overgrown with mould 51 = waríḅọlọ ̣ or ḅọrọpú ̣ḅọrọpụ Pycnanthus angolensis (Welw.) Warb. (Myristicaceae); Harungana madagascarensis (Guttiferae) ó mịé ̣ ḅọụgha ‘he refused to do it’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅuḅeré1 v.i. ḅuḅerémọ ḅuḅeré2 ḅuḅeré2 ḅuḅeré ḅara ḅuḅugú ḅuḅugú ḅuḅugumó ̣ adv. n. v.t. adv.p . v.i. n. v.t. ḅúḅurúu ḅúḅurúumọ ḅúḅuruḅuḅuru ḅúḅuruḅuḅuru a. adv. v.i. a. ḅúḅuruḅuḅuru ḅúḅuruḅuḅurumọ ḅúgumína n. adv. n.m. ḅugụmína ḅukuḅuku ḅulée ḅuléemọ1 ḅuléemọ2 ḅuleḅule n.m. a. a. adv. v.t. a. ḅúlelee ḅúlelee ḅúlelee ḅúluḅúlu1 ḅúluḅúlumọ1 ḅúluḅúlumọ2 ḅúluḅúlu2 ḅúluḅúlumọ3 ḅuroḅuro ḅurú a. v.i. n. a. adv. v.t. v.i. adv. n. n. ḅurú ḅurú fị (ḅurúfịweí) ḅurú fụmụ v.p. n.m. v.p. ḅuru-óbi ḅurú-ọlalị ịkagịḅuru n. n. n. d tr tp ọgó ̣nọḅuru ḅuru-éperi ḅuruma ḅurumizi ḅurumọ ḅutú ḅutú n. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. a. v.i. t f f f f grope; feel about as in dark; search blindly; find by feeling gropingly caress; fondling touch caress; fondle; touch lightly caressingly swelter; be moist or languid with heat sweltering condition cause to swelter; f f cr tp foolish; dull; stupid foolishly grope; feel about as in dark (for or after) dull; slow of understanding; sluggish; slowmoving dullness dully fish sp. toadfish fish sp. toadfish aged; very old buoyant; apt to float buoyantly buoy up; come to surface of water bulgy (of eyes) bulgy (of eyes) bulge; swell outwards faultily or prominently bulginess dirty; foul; sordid; soiled dirtily make dirty exude; leak; ooze out; flow out sluggishly oozily; with sluggish flow very early morning A. yam; edible tuber of various kinds of climbing plants B. the terminal bud of palms; cabbage teethe; grow or cut milk-teeth (of a child) knife said of a snail when it seals up its mouth with callus while hibernating dropsy; oedema yam-festival tuber of wild climbing plants; the plants themselves breadfruit (both tree and fruit) fish sp.; moonfish fish sp.; cuttlefish squid fish sp.; cuttlefish satiated surfeit; satiate with 52 hence gbán ḅuḅugumó ̣ (also ḅuḅúruḅuḅúru) family Batrachoididae (cf. ḅụléẹ) ̣ (cf. ḅụlẹḅụlẹ, ḅúlelee) (cf. ḅulebule) (cf. ḅú`lụḅú ̣lụ) Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae) = ḅurúpuweí Citharinus sp. order Sepiidae order Teuthidae order Sepiidae Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅutumọ v.t. ḅutuḅutu ḅutuḅutu ḅutuḅutu ḅutuḅutúmọ1 ḅutuḅutúmọ2 ḅụ1 a. n. v.i. adv. v.t. n. ḅụtụawei ḅụ1 n.m. ḅụ kụrọmọ ḅụ na fíạ ḅụnáfịa v.p. v.p. n. ḅụnafíamọ ̣ ḅará ḅụ tarị ḅarábụtarị ḅụ1 adv. v.p. n. cloy; glut; satiate; sate; weary with overabundance (as richness, sweetness, excess of food, etc.) dirty; soiled; foul dirtiness become dirty dirtily; in a dirty way make dirty A. body; ornament for the body; garment B. self (used for emphasis): strengthen oneself; endure; try content; be satisfied with something content; contentment; contentedness; satisfaction contentedly be selfish selfishness C. same; self-same; very: e.g. ḅụ1 D. only; sole; alone, solitary, standing by oneself (in opinion, etc.): e.g. ḅụ1 E. alone; only; solely; merely; exclusively; e.g. ḅụ2 ḅụḅẹlẹ n. v.t. & v.i. ḅụḅẹlẹ kụmọḅụḅẹlẹ kụmọḅụḅẹlẹgha ḅụḅẹlẹgha ḅụḅẹlẹmó ̣ n. a. a. v.t. & v.i. adv. mịé ̣ ḅụḅẹlẹmó ̣ v.t. ply; strand; turn of rope: delight; please highly; give pleasure to; take pleasure in; like; admire; be found of; prove attractive; appeal to; glamour; bewitch; charm; enchant; relish; prefer pleasure; delight pleasant; attractive unpleasant; unattractive; detestable; odious dislike; loathe; detest; not like attractively; pleasantly; delightfully; admirably; etc. make pleasant; etc. 53 cf. gbọrị ḅụ ‘one body’ ịní ḅụ ̣ ‘(I) myself’; ịnị ḅụ ‘(you) yourself’, (thou) thyself’; ó ḅụ, orí ḅụ ‘(he) himself’ ara ḅụ ‘(she) herself’ aíṇ ḅụ ‘(it) itself’ wa ḅụ ‘(we) ourselves’ ọ ḅụ ‘(you) yourselves’ eín ḅụ ‘(they) themselves’ gbọrị kụmó ̣ḅei ḅụ ‘the very same man’ orí ḅụ furuwọrió ‘he alone would steal’ á aíṇ na ḅụ ghá, ntẹ aíṇ érị ̣ ka érị ̣ ‘I not only (merely) heard it, but saw it too’ traḅụ ‘three-ply’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅụḅú ̣rụḅụḅú ̣rụ ḅụḅú ̣rụḅụḅú ̣rụ ḅụḅú ̣rụḅụḅú ̣rụmọ ḅụgịrịrị ḅụgịrịrị ḅụgịrịrífa ̣ ḅụgịrịrífa ̣ ḅụgịrịrịmọ ḅụgịrịrịmọ ḅụgịrịrịmọ mịé ̣ ḅụgịrịrịmó ̣ ḅụgọ a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. a. n. a. adv. n. v.t. n ḅụgọḅa ḅụgọḍigiḅọ ḅụgọló ̣ ḅụgọlọmó ̣ ḅụgọló ̣nimi ḅú ̣kụḅú ̣kụ ḅú ̣kụḅú ̣kụ ḅú ̣kụḅú ̣kụmọ ḅụla ḅú ̣laḅú ̣la ḅụlafụrú ̣ụ ḅụlọ e ḅụlọ ḅú ̣lọḅú ̣lọ ḅụléẹ̣ ḅụléẹmọ ̣ ḅụlẹḅụlẹ ḅụlẹḅụlẹ ḅụlụḅụlú ̣ ḅụlụḅụlú ̣mọ ḅụlụḅụlụ ḅụlụḅụlụmọ ḅú ̣lụḅú ̣lụ ḅú ̣lụḅú ̣lụmọ ḅụmọ ḅụmọ ḅụmọ ḅụmọye ḅụọ1 n. n.m.f v.i. v.t. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. a. v.t. & v.i. n. a. a. adv. a. v.i. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. n. n. ḅụọ-ala ḅụọdụ ḅụọ da` ḅụọḍa ḅụọḍụ n. adv. v.p. n. n. bp ḅụọ-ẹbẹrẹḅaḅio ḅụọ-ẹgbẹgị ḅụọfuro n. n. n. bp bp bp e e e e e e e e e e e bp not smart be slow or not quick not smartly shame; be ashamed shame; disgrace; ignominy shameless shamelessness shameful; shamefully shamefulness; shame; disgrace door; entrance; gate; mouth of (river, creek, etc.); means doorpost; jamb doorkeeper; gatekeeper; janitor; porter embark; board a boat put on or in (a boat) aboard; on ship frivolous; trifling fiddle; be frivolous frivolously pass watery evacuations lie strewn all over the ground silly daub; bedaub; smear; soil; paint; plaster; blur; sully daub; smear; splodge; splotch; painting dauby; splotchy of sound made by emerging gently from water emerging from water in a gentle manner bulgy (of eyes) become bulgy watchful watchfully unmixed unmixedly leak; ooze out; exude; bubble out oozily; with sluggish flow difficult; hard to do be difficult or hard difficulty difficulty foot; leg; hind-leg; foot-print; footstep; tread; prop-roots; abutment instep towards the foot end rehearse rehearsal the last thwart next to the stern; also the space between the thwart and the stern between toes ankle calf of leg 54 (cf. ḅulée) (cf. ḅuleḅule) (cf. ḅúluḅúlu 2.) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅụọnyaịnmọ ḅụọ-ọbụ ḅụọsụngbalị ḅụọtịḅị ḅụọtịḅị-ẹfẹrẹ ḅụọtịẹmọye ḅụọtongu ḅụọtugu ḅụọḅakalamọ n. n. n. v.p. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. a. n. excl. p. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n.m. ḅụọ2 ḅụọḅọgọ ḅú ̣ra n. a. v.i. ḅú ̣ramọ ḅụra1 ḅụra1 ḅụra2 ḅú ̣raḅú ̣ra ḅú ̣raḅú ̣ramọ ḅú ̣rẹẹ ḅú ̣rẹẹmọ ḅụrọ ḅụrọfọụn ḅụrọkiri ḅụrọtongu ḅụrọtugu ḅụrú ̣ ḅụrú ̣ adv. v.t. n. n. v.i. adv. a. adv. n. n. n. n. n. a. v.i. ḅụrú ̣ ḅụrụmó ̣ n. v.t. ḅụọbiri ḅụọḅó ̣gọ ḅụọgọ ḅụọgọ munú ḅụọgbanaye ḅụọ ghọ koro ḅụọ iri ḅụọ-iri ḅụọ-ịkalị ḅụọ-ịkpụkụ ḅụọ-ịkụtị ḅụọ-ịmgbụ ḅụọkọngọ ḅụọkuḅu ḅụọkuḅu ḅụọkụọye ḅụọ na kirí na bp bp bp bp bp bp bp bp bp bp bp bp f f calf of leg (general) dislocation of foot foot end of a bed have sexual intercourse footstool meet with failure miss a step missing of a step ankle bone knee bend inside the knee shank; shin ankle sole of foot pertaining to the sole door-mat Be careful! inner part of the knee back or upper surface of foot toes knee knee cap foot-hold; footing; footstool heel leg mullet sp. (idiomatic) family Mugilidae. cf. abaraká, akú ̣rọ, gbulu, ịdẹgé,̣ mó ̣ngịnị, ó ̣zọló ̣lị2, generation; epoch; era; time; historical period old; ancient drift to a corner; become crooked; bend to one side adrift slap; strike with palm of hand; smack; spank slap; spank; stroke with palm semutundu (a kind of catfish) Bagrus dogmac stagger; totter staggeringly; etc. calm; tranquil; quiet; windless calmly; quietly; etc. fireplace ash hearth; floor of fire-place back of fireplace front of fireplace corrupt; rotten; depraved; putrid; decomposed decay; mortify; putrefy; rot; be affected by gangrene; necrotize; fester; suppurate; become morally corrupt decay; putridity; putridness cause to mortify or putrefy; corrupt; infect 55 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅụrú ̣nyụ ḅụrú ̣gha ḅụrú ̣gha ḅụtụawei a. a. n. n.m. dr corruptible; perishable incorruptible; eternal incorruption clothes; costumes; dress; frock; garment D, d dá1 da n’ẹkí ̣ dá sụọmó ̣ dá tụa dá1 v.t. v.p. v.t. v.t. dá2 v.t. & v.i. v.p. v.p. v.t. & v.i. v.t. & v.i. dá sigimọ dá sụọmọ da1 da2 A. admit; accept accept; receive admit; allow entrance (applied to people) admit; allow entrance; (applied to things) B. earn; obtain as reward of labour; receive; accept; take: bolster up; support; prop; push: ‘push off’ ‘push in’ drench; wet all over; beat; inflict blows on (of sun, rain, wind); face; stand facing or fronting; turn (cards, etc.) face upwards or downwards da3 v.t. & v.i. reign; rule; hold sway, dáá dáda dadá v.t. & v.i. n. adv. dadamó ̣ dagá dagá dagamó ̣ daga dagamó ̣ damó ̣ya v.t. v.i. n. v.t. v.i. v.t. a. dry; make or become dry by evaporation; cure or preserve (something) with smoke or sun, etc. child’s name for father in opposite direction, place, or position; opposite to or with; facing front to front, back to back, or side to side, etc. push; force way through itch itch; itching irritate; make itch be very hot with rage annoy; irritate abreast; opposite 56 igbogí da ‘receive money’ cf. osuó da; ẹfẹrụ da; etc. cf. wagí ọgó ̣ ̣nọ da ‘turn or face upwards’ wagí kirí ̣ da ‘turn or face downwards’; look or turn on to a certain direction; be opposite to; point to a place, etc. cf. ama da be the head of (house, family, etc.) cf. warí da ̣ be at the head of (company, etc.) cf. tịḅị da lead cf. ḅẹlẹụ da etélimị damó ̣ya angáma ḍigi ‘look at the opposite sides of the road’ warímị ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 damó ̣yamị ghọ pọgó ̣ fie lit. "in the opposite of the house voice talked", i.e. ‘there was a voice opposite the house’ dá n’ẹkị v.p. dánẹkị dangaị dángaịmọ dángenée dángenéemọ dáya n. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. dé1 v.t. dé sin pirí de v.p. v.p. désin dé2 dé2 dé2 démọ1 démọ2 de desa n. v.i. a. n. adv. v.t. n.m. n. dégerée deí déin déin a. n.m. a. v i. déin déinmọ deinmó ̣ demésedemése demésedemése demésedemésemọ demó ̣ denenée n. adv. v.t. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. denenée n. denenéemọ déngenée dé ̣ déḅịtẹ ̣ déye ̣ dẹdé ̣ déẹ̣ adv. a. v.t. n. n. v.t. v.i. b k admit; accept; receive as adequate; acknowledge; own (person) to be something acceptance; reception high aloft; high up; far up high; of great height aloft; high up; far up confront; meet face to face; face in hostility or in defiance; oppose to; refuse obedience to; contradict; be contrary to banish; condemn to exile; expel; drive away; dismiss drive away; expel: chase; pursue animal in parkland with dogs and guns pursuit (in an unenclosed parkland) boast proud; boastful boast boastfully cause to boast; make to be proud of bird sp. (unidentified) debt in which debtor evades payment with many excuses round; roundish husband calm; composed; cool; staid; tranquil; quiet; become calm; cool (of weather, air, sea, mind, body) calm; stillness; serenity calmly; composedly; staidly; coolly make calm; pacify (self) mad; wild; superstitiously timid; weird; eerie mad, become mad madly; wildly drive; expel; eject; oust start from sleep, shock); make sudden movement from surprise, sleep, etc.) start; sudden movement of surprise, or from sleep startlingly same as dángenée lay or spread table or bed; diaper; pad diaper; layette; napkin for small children pad; stuffing pad; stuff be dim 57 (= déngenée) - Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 déẹ̣ défịwei ̣ dégẹ ̣ dégẹ ̣ n. n.m. v.i. dimness table A. be beaten or crushed by some weight B. (of chewing; grinding, pounding) be ready; be crushed into a pulp: dẹgẹ1 v.t. dẹgẹ2 adv. beat, flog, slosh, thrash, severely; crush, compress, with violence so as to break or bruise fairly e.g. dẹgẹ3 adv. often; frequently; many times; e.g. dẹgẹdẹgẹ adv. dégẹré ẹ̣ ̣ dékị ̣ dékịdé kị ̣ ̣ dérị ̣ dẹrí ̣ a. n. adv. v.i. v.t. dévụl, dévụlụ ̣ ̣ dí1 dí1 n.m. v.t. & v.i. n. often; frequently; (in a negative context) not often; rarely; seldom short; shortish; flattish deck; layer in layers be sold sell; bargain away; make over; dispose of; betray the Devil bear; give birth to; produce; beget; deliver; extrude; generate; be born di-ákpa di-éne dimó ̣ wọrị dimó ̣ díyọ dí2 dímọ n. n. v.t. v.p. n. v.i. v.t. bié dié-esí diékaramọ dígaláa dígbáa dígbaa dígbaamọ dígbái num. num. a. a. n. a. adv. n. dígbái dígbáimọ dígbolóo v.i. adv. a. birth; bringing forth of, offspring; extrusion, descent; parentage; origin womb birthday (anniversary) assist at birth (as midwife) keep (animals) to produce young birthplace sag; have downward bulge or curve in middle sag; cause to sag or curve; relax; mitigate; abate fifteen three hundred fifteenth round; spherical; circular plump; plunge stagnant; motionless stagnantly plump; abrupt plunge (more violent than dígbáa) plump or plunge with abrupt descent with sudden or heavy plump or plunge blubber-lipped; with thick protruding lips 58 togurú dẹgẹ ‘be chewed up’ gbé ̣ dẹgẹ ‘be ground up’ temí dẹgẹ ‘be pounded up’ dẹgẹ ebínimí ‘it is fairly good’ ó dẹgẹ ḅoyo yé ‘he frequently comes’ (b) (in a negative context) seldom; rarely; not often ó dẹgẹ bogha ‘he seldom comes’ < English (cf. dígbái) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 díli1 v.i. n. & excl. n. reel for thread díli2 n. scantling; beam dindín dísi a. n. disí1 disí1 disíyaị v.t. n. disíyọ disiwarí ̣ disí2 dísi-ile dịgbínịdịgbí nị ̣ ̣ dịgbínịdịgbí nị ̣ ̣ dígbó ̣ ̣ọ dígbó ̣ ̣ọmọ dígịdí ̣ gị̣ dígịdí ̣ gịmọ ̣ dịgịmó ̣ díịn ̣ díịn ̣ dịn dịnweí dịn-yé dịn-yó ̣ dobo dóko dóko dókodóko dókodóko dókodóko dókodókomọ dóo dóomọ doú doú doú doúmọ1 doúmọ2 n. n. v.i. n. v.i. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. v.i. n. a. n. n. n. n. v.i. n. v.i. a. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. a. n. adv. v.t. dó ̣bíọọ ̣ dọgí1̣ dọgí1̣ dọgí2̣ dọgí2̣ dọgịmó1̣ dọgịmó2 a. v.i. n. v.i. n. v.t. v.t. dígbolóo dílẹẹ swell out informal apology for an offence; regret; sorry! hi t red dish; oval or oblong, shallow, flat-bottomed earthenware, glass or metal plate void excrement; pass excreta; defecate; shit act of voiding excrement; defecation excrement; faeces; stool; manure; dung; ordure; shit latrine; lavatory; toilet; water-closet latrine; lavatory; toilet; water-closet be tainted with mildew tree resembling ilé toddle; walk with short tottering steps toddling stagnant; motionless stagnantly incessant; unceasing; continual (of cry) incessantly puddle; knead; crush to pulp make a din or shrill cry in flight din or shrill cry in flight another; extra an additional one same as preceding fraction; scrap leap-frog haste; hurry haste; hurry haste; hurry; hurried; speedy; hasty haste; hurry hastily; hastily; hurriedly dusty; misty dustily; mistily make haste; hurry up; be quick; be apt hasty; quick; prompt; rapid; swift; fleet haste; hurry quickly; swiftly; rapidly; hastily; promptly hasten; hurry away; cause to make haste; hurry up too high as a convenient seat lose in game of cards; fail to score loss burn; deflagrate deflagration cause to lose burn; cause to burn; char; deflagrate; scorch; toast 59 cf. díli ikpo ‘reel of thread’ cf. díli kuru ‘scantling plant’ <English dish (cf. doú) (cf. dóko) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 dọgú ̣ igoní dọgụ dó ̣la v.t. v.i. n. paddle; propel canoe: die florin piece dó ̣ngọị dó ̣nị dó ̣nịpalị dọtí ̣ dọtí ̣ dọtí ̣ dọtímọ ̣ dọtịmó ̣ dọsú ̣mọ dú1 dumó ̣ dumó ̣ dúdu1 n. n. n. n. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. v.t. v.t. v.i. dúdu1 dúmumọ dúdu2 dudú n. adv. v.i. v.t. dudumó ̣ duení1 dueníḅịtẹ duení2 dueníya dúgbáa dúgbáamọ dúgbáamọ dúgdúgbadúgba dúgdúgbadúgba dúgbadúgbamọ dúgbanáa dúu1 v.t. v.t. n. v.t. v.t. n. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. duumó ̣ dúu2 dúu tụa dúu duuduu v.t. n. v.p. n. v.i. dụ1 v.t. dụ2 dụ2 dụ v.t. n. n. pounce or swoop down upon pouncing; sudden swoop part; place; side: dụá dụaḅú ̣ dụáí ̣ dú ̣gbáa a. n. n. n. other; some some others others; some light plump or plunge bo dr dr fg paddle; propeller; spade (in cards) flowing garment for men men garment reaching to the knees dirt; unclean matter that soils dirty; soiled; nasty; foul be dirty; be nasty dirtily; nastily make dirty or nasty pour upon scoop out; off-load; unload pack into; offload into; unload into rave; talk wildly or furiously (as in anger or in a quarrel raving, boisterous talk; boisterously; noisily be loosened of its fruits (of bunch of palm) shake (bag, etc.) upside down; shake any loose material off shake into container join a loin cloth to be bigger in size: joined loin cloth catch meet or grapple with plump; abrupt plunge plump; plunge with abrupt descent with sudden or heavy plunge or fall splatter; make continuous splashing sound splatter; continuous splashing sound with a splatter plump and fat drift and get aground; be stranded; be in difficulties; be unable to get along, especially want of funds or other resources cause to be stranded; strand riddle; conundrum; enigma propound riddle; ask riddle carbolic acid be hot (of body of person) due to fever, basking in sun or warming at fire fish with a kind of woven basket called ọrụḅa 60 archaic. <English dollar <English dirty) cf. ḅịté ̣ dueni cf. dígbáa, dú ̣gbáa cf. dú`gbadú ̣gba e.g. á ọrụḅa dụyó ‘I am fishing with ọrụḅa’ e.g. wa dụ ‘our side’ (cf. dúgbáa) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 dú ̣gbáa dú ̣gbáamọ dụgbadụgba dụgbadụgba v.i. adv. v.i. n. dụgbadụgbamọ dụmó ̣ dụmó ̣dụmọ dú ̣ọ dụró ̣sị adv. n.m.f . n. n. n. dú ̣tịḅịdú ̣tịḅị dú ̣ụ n.m. v.i. dú ̣ụ n. plunge lightly with light plunge make continuous light splashing sound light splatter; continuous light splashing sound with a light splatter another person fg dr s one another stick for fixing fish trap under water drawers; knickers; shorts; underwear; pant amphisbaenid snake; droop; hang down, face downwards, as in grief or weariness drooping position (cf. dúgbadúgba) (perhaps contracted from dịn kụmọ) reciprocal <English. cf. tugusụọmó ̣ = mádụtịḅị (obi) D ,ḍ ḍa1 v.t. ḍa1 ḍa2 n. v.t. kụmọ ḍa ye mịẹ ḍa3 n.p. v.t. & v.i. ḍa3 ḅụọ ḍa v.p. ḅụọḍa n. ḍa4 v.i. ḍaḍigi ḍaḍigíḅara ḍaḍigíye v.t. adv. n. ḍaḅa indíḍaḅa ̣ ḍaḅo ḍákaịn ḍákaịnmọ ḍákịríị̣ ḍákịríịmọ ̣ ḍarágị ḍarágị ḍarágịmọ ḍarị1 ḍarị1 n. n. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. taste; learn flavour of (food, liquid, etc.) by taking it into the mouth: act of tasting ape; imitate; emulate; mimic; copy (someone to do a thing): mimicry: mimicking A. attempt; try; adventure; incur risk ft B. sound; test the depth of (sea or channel) or for any object lying on the botton of the sea rehearse; recite; practise for later public performance rehearsal; preparatory performance of play, dance or any entertainment fish with rod and line; angle; tempt; try the resolution of; test temptingly temptation: ft fo bog; marsh; lake; mere: fishpond: piscina kola; kolanut raised or elevated (of buttocks) with raised or elevated buttocks short (especially of tail of rabbit, etc.) shortly roar; utter loud hoarse sound roar; loud hoarse sound with a roar A. bark; bay; snarl (as dogs, etc.) bark; bay; snarl (as dogs, etc.) 61 e.g. fụlọ ḍa ‘taste soup’ cf. ye ḍa ‘single for something’ indí ḍa ‘angle for fish’ (pl.) ḍaḍigiáye; ḍaḍigíyai Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍarị1 ḍarị1 ḍarịmó ̣ ḍarímọ ̣ ḍarị2 n. adv. v.t. v.i. ḍarị2 ḍarímọ ̣ n. v.i. ḍarímọyọ ̣ ḍaú ̣ ḍaụ-áma ḍaụ-ánga ḍaụ-ánga ḍaú ̣ḅọ n. n.m. n. n. a. n.m. ḍaụ-óngu ḍaụ-érịgha ̣ ḍaú ̣fa ḍaụ-ówei ḍáwọị pl. a. a. n.m. v.t. ḍawọímọ ̣ 1 ḍáwọịye v.t. n. yeḍáwọị n. fịríḍáwọịḅọ ̣ ḍawọị ḍawọị ḍawọímọ ̣ 2 seíḍawọị ḍaye fugumó ̣ḍaye koromó ̣ḍaye n.m.f . v.i. n. v.t. n. n. n. n. ḍeḅuḍeḅú a. ḍeḅuḍeḅúmọ ḍégerée ḍégerée ḍégeréemọ ḍéin ḍéinmọ ḍerégu ḍerégu ḍerégumọ ḍeregúḍeregú ḍeregúḍeregúmọ adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. k k k k fg fg B. bluster; storm boisterously (of person, waves) roar; bluster; noisy self-asserting talk blusteringly; snarlingly chide; rebuke; scold; snarl at; shout at boil, bubble up (as pot or vessel) effervesce; give off bubbles of gas; sparkle (as wine); foam; froth; lather (as soap) boil; boiling; effervescence grow as an excrescence; regrow; accrete; grow together or into one accretion father; male parent; papa father-land; native country spear-side; father’s side or male side of family agnate; patrilineal one that deserves filial reverence; oldest member of a house or family fathers; leading men posthumous fatherless = ḍaú ̣ḅọ study; take pains to acquire knowledge of something; learn; get knowledge or skill by study or experience; commit to memory or learn by heart; practise make learn study; thing to be secured by pains or attention; practice devotion of time and thought to acquiring information and skill; learning apprentice; learner dream dream dream about nightmare; incubus fish-hook in general (see avukpa) long fishing line with many hooks on it; boulter; trawl-line taste without salt; insipid; tasteless; unsavoury; wanting in flavour insipidly round; oval; circular assume a round shape ovally gain full momentum in revolving or spinning with full momentum growl; roar growl; growling; roar; roaring growlingly grope, search blindly gropingly 62 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍéregúu ḍéregúu ḍéregúumọ ḍeun ḍéḅẹrẹ ̣ ḍéḅẹrẹ ̣ ḍéḅẹrẹmọ ̣ ḍẹrẹrẹḍẹgẹrẹ a. v.i. adv. n. a. v.i. adv. a. ḍégẹré ẹ̣ ̣ a. ḍégẹré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ ḍẹgị adv. v.t. ḍẹgị ḍéịn ̣ n. a. ḍéịnmọ ̣ ḍẹrégụ ̣ adv. v.i. & n. n. bo d d motionless stand motionless motionlessly first shape of bow or hem of a new canoe lumbaginous have lumbago lumbaginously hopping from place to place in a dance; wavering from side to side under a heavy load describes successful peeling-off of one object from another, without damage successfully peeling off carry baby and place on the lap or in the arms or on the waist with legs astride such a means of carrying a baby of successful peeling-off of one object from another successfully peeling off same as ḍerégu n. laugh; giggle; titter; laughter; sound made in, or act of, laughing laugh; giggle; titter; make sound and movement of face to express some lively emotions laughingly; excitedly excite; rouse up (laughter) see under abadí ̣ deride; mock; make fun of; scoff at; sneer at; ridicule mockery; derision v.i. v.t. a. (of rain) rain heavily; rain cats and dogs fall on; rain upon full; replete; rounded; protruding sprout; begin to grow; swell out swellingly = ḍíḅáa ḍíḅaláamọ ḍíḅi v.i. adv. a. & v.i. adv. v.i. ḍíḅi ḍiḅí a. v.t. ḍiḅí n. ḍíḅimọ1 ḍiḅimó2̣ ḅiḅíye ḍibi-áye kịmịḍiḅikiri adv. v.t. n. pl. n. ḍẹrí ̣ ḍẹrí ̣ ḍẹrímọ ̣ ḍẹrịmó ̣ abadíḍẹrị ̣ mịé ̣ ḍẹrị mịéḍẹrị or ̣ mịéḍẹrịye ̣ ḍẹsụ ḍẹsụmọ ḍíḅáa ḍíḅáa ḍíḅáamọ ḍíḅaláa v.i. & v.t. adv. v.t. n. v.p. = ḍíḅáamọ sink; be buried; disappear below surface of mud, etc. miry; muddy; soft bury; deposit in tomb; grave; put under ground; hide in earth; inter; entomb; plant; plant crop in ground burial; burying of dead body; funeral; interment under soft mud mire; bemire; plunge in mire; cause to sink crop crops burying ground; cemetery; burying place; 63 (cf. ḍéịn) ̣ (cf. ḍégẹré ẹ) ̣ ̣ (= ḍíḅaláa, cf. ḍíbáa) ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍíḅolóo ḍíḅolóo ḍíḅolóomọ ḍíḅúu ḍíḅúu ḍíḅúumọ ḍiéḍie ḍiéḍie ḍiéḍiemọ ḍigí a. v.i. adv. n. v.t. adv. n. v.i. adv. v.t. ḍigí ḍigí ḍị ḍigí ḍugó ḍigí ḍụḅamó ̣ ḍigí ebimó ̣ ḍigí eneni n. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. ḍigí-eneni ḍigí fie ḍigí gé ̣ ḍigí iderimọ ḍigí ikelé ḍigí iwomó ̣ ḍigí iderimọ ḍigí mịé ̣ ḍigímịéye ̣ ḍigí mọndị ḍigímọndị ḍigí mu ḍigímu ḍigín’ẹkị ḍigí seimó ̣ n. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. ḍigíseimọ ḍigí tọrú ̣ kụrụkụrụ ḍigí tọrú ̣nọ ḍigí tọrú ̣nọ n. v.p. v.p. n. ḍigí tọrú ̣sin ḍigíya v.p. v.i. agbamó ̣ ḍigi ḅẹlẹu ḍigi ḅẹlẹu ḍigimọ ebimó ̣ ḍigí v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.t. v.p. graveyard swollen; inflamed (of sore) swell out; protrude protrusively loathing; feeling of loss of appetite loathe; lose appetite loathingly; loathsomely dusk; darker stage of twilight; duskiness become dark; look dark or dusky duskily behold; see; become aware of by sight; take notice; look; turn eyes in some direction; glance; stare; ascertain by sight who, how, whether, etc.; examine; make mental search; enquire; inspect; manage; supervise; superintend; defend; keep safe; protect; act for an absentee; watch out; make informal call or visit look; glance; stare look well after; attend to well censure; reprimand revere; reverence attend to well; care well for favour; look kindly upon; pity; have mercy upon pity; favour; friendly regard talk of or about; comment on; make remark on copy; transcribe; crib look down upon; snub look about or round look upon and down (at person with anger or contempt) imitate; follow in someone’s steps example; emulation same as preceding safe journey (excl.) safe journey! escort; lead out safe journey (excl.) safe journey! choose; select out of number dislike intensely; abhor; detest; despise; look down upon; contemn; treat with disregard; hate; loathe abhorrence; detestation; contempt look kindly upon; have mercy upon envy; feel envy of envy; grudging contemplation of more fortunate persons or at their advantages overlook vie with one another; accompany one another; look at one another drop in; make informal call look forward or ahead hold in deep respect; look to in front look or search for, well; attend to or take care 64 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 odú ḍigi v.p. pegelé ḍigi v.p. sụọ ḍigí tolumó ̣ ḍigi tongú ḍigi tọlọlímọ ̣ ḍigí ̣ tọlọmó ̣ ḍigí v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. wagịmó ̣ ḍigí yọḍigiḅọ v.p. n.m.f . ḍigi ḍigifuro ḍigi-igbirigbiri ḍigi-igbirigbiri ḍigitịn n. n. n. n.m. n. apioḍigi ḅịlaḍigi ḅoruḍigi kesiḍigi ofóḍigi ógboróḍigi osungboḍigi ḍíi n. n. n. n. n. n. n. a. ḍíi ḍíi ḍíimọ (mịé)̣ ḍíimọ ḍiri ḍiriḅịágha ḍiriḅeri ḍiri gụọ ḍirigụọ ḍirigụọḅọ v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. a. n. v.p. n. n.m.f . n. n. n. v.p. n. ḍiri-ọsẹn ḍiri ḍiribodi ḍiri tú ̣a tú ̣aḍiri ḍiri ḍirigẹḅọ ḍiri-igba ḍirikiri ḍiritelimọwarị n.m.f . n. n. n. ḍírikpíi a. t v v v v cr cr of, well look sharp; look out; take care of; be careful about look through and through; make careful examination of a thing make an informal visit peep through look back make mental search survey with searching glance; inspect exhaustively or successively look over; review superintendent; supervisor; manager; inspector; guardian; keeper; protector; defender; watchman; janitor bush cane; bush rope or liana soft inner part (pulp) of rope anchor-chain; old cloth mahogany tree Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. (Meliaceae) rope made of bush-cane see under ḅịlá rope made of bush-cane cane rope see under ofó slender thorny rope, which easily wounds feet see under osungbo dim; opaque; faintly visible; not clear or bright; become dim dimness dimly make dim A. leaf; medicine green; fresh (as fresh maize) leaf; foliage have pernicious influence or practice sorcery; wizardry sorcerer; medicine-man; magician; conjurer bitter-leaf B. tobacco case of tobacco take snuff snuff C. book; record scribe; secretary bookcase mission compound school cloudy; dark; turbid; muddy; murky; not 65 lit. "leaf-soap"; (cf. inguḅouḍiri) lit. "book-ground"; lit. "book-teachhouse"; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 clear; sombre become dark; grow dark turbidly drowsy; sleepy feel sleepy or drowsy drowsily; sleepily not clear; opaque grow cloudy and dark opaquely know (how to do something); master; be addicted to; be given over to; adept; skilled or proficient person ḍírikpíi ḍírikpíimọ ḍíroo ḍíroo ḍíroomọ ḍísoo ḍísoo ḍísoomọ ḍí ̣ v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.t. ḍíḅọ ̣ ḍịá n.m.f . v.t. ḍíḅáa ̣ a. ḍíḅáamọ ̣ ḍíḅaláa ̣ ḍíḅọló ̣ ̣ọ ḍíḅó ̣ ̣ọ ḍíbó ̣ ̣ọmọ ḍịḅó ̣ọ adv. a. a. a. adv. a. ḍịḅó ̣ọmọ adv. ḍíẹ̣ v.i. ḍịé ̣ v.t. ḍịé ̣ ḍịé ̣ ḍịẹ a. n. v.t. fully same as preceding same as ḍíḅó ̣ ̣ọ excessively full (of expanse of water) excessively fully of hard body entering substance of consistency of mud; plunging (into semiliquid) in the manner of a body plunging into semiliquid divide in parts; fall in parts; be set at variance; share with others; diverge; branch (of road, creek) divide; separate into parts; split or break up into parts divided; not unanimous division; schism; secession; separation show ḍịẹ v.t. introduce ḍịékiri ̣ ḍịémọ ̣ 1 ḍịémọ ̣ 2 n. adv. v.t. ḍịé ̣ pịrí ̣ ḍịépịrí ̣ ̣ ye ḍịé ̣ sigimọ ḍịétịḅị ̣ ḍịéyọ ̣ ḍífị́ ịn ̣ ḍífị́ ịnmọ ̣ ḍịgịḍịgí ̣ ḍịgịḍịgí ̣ v.p. n. v.p. n. n. a. adv. v.i. a. division; section; share; part separately allocate; apportion; assign; distribute; divide into parts donate; present donation; gift; bestowal; thing presented set, lay, or put aside lot; portion; share division; separation small; underdeveloped (nose) in an underdeveloped way grow old; age aged; having lived long (of person, plant, etc.); well-matured (of fruits). It often goes with "kpọ" show; let be seen; manifest; evince; reveal; disclose full; replete; filled (of expanse of water) 66 (cf. ḍíḅáa, ḍíḅaláa, ̣ ḍíḅó ̣ ̣ọ) (cf. ḍíḅáa, ḍíḅọló ̣ ̣ ̣ọ) yọmi ẹki i ḍịẹ show me the place inẹki mu a ḍịẹ introduce (show) me to her Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍịgịḍịgímọ ̣ ḍíịn ̣ ḍíịn ̣ ḍíkaráa ̣ ḍíkaráamọ ̣ ḍịrịmó ̣ adv. a. v.i. a. adv. v.t. ḍịrọ ḍịrọ-erí ḍịrọyọ ḍíró ̣ ̣ọ ḍíró ̣ ̣ọ ḍísẹn ̣ v.t. n. a. v.i. v.i. ḍísẹn ̣ ḍoḅíi ḍoḅíimọ ḍogódi n. v.i. adv. n. ḍói ḍói ḍóigha ḍoiya v.i. n. a. v.t. ḍoiya n. ḍóiyọ ódu ḍói n. v.p. ḍoi v.t. ḍoimó ̣ v.t. ḍoimó ̣tuḅo pọgó ̣ ḍoi ḍokoḅíi ḍokoḅíimọ ḍorí ḍorímọ ḅịtéḍoríye ̣ ḍosí ḍosí ḍowéi n. v.p. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. n. v.i. & v.t. n. n.m. aḅaláḍowei ḍowoi ḍọḅíị̣ ḍọḅíịmọ ̣ ḍọḍó ̣ n.m. n. v.i. adv. n. agedly faint; dim; indistinct faint; give way (of light) stumpy; dwarfish stumpily; dwarfishly force down; compress; (e.g. plant growing under weight) mend; repair (broken nets or cloth) mends; repaired holes mend; repaired hole humpy; hunchy grow hump-back sneeze; make explosive sound in involuntarily expelling anything that irritates interior of nostrils act or sound of sneezing plunge into mire or soft body plunging softly alternating birth of a boy, girl, boy or vice versa change; become different change; improvement changeless exchange; interchange; give or receive something in return for another interchange; reciprocal exchange (of things) between two persons, etc. alteration change; improvement; substitution; alteration disguise; show in false colours; cast off or shed skin (snake); slough; moult (birds); exuviate (snakes, reptiles, shell-fishes) change; take another instead of; vary; make different; diversify; modify; modulate; reform; amend; adjust; regulate barter; exchange (goods or immaterial things) for other goods; swop or swap barter; trade or traffic by exchange vary tone or pitch plunge into mire or soft body plunging softly knit; weave weave together loom; knitting needle jump; leap; vault; caper; bounce; bound; rebound; spring; gallop; canter f f f bound; jump; leap; vault; spring; saltation cyprinid fish; ladyfish subspecies of Barilius niloticus tarpon plunge into mire or soft body softly cold; chill; damp 67 (cf. ḍọḅíị,̣ ḍokoḅíi) (cf. ḍoḅíi) Barilius niloticus; Elops sp. Megalops atlanticus (cf. ḍoḅíi) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍọḍó ̣ ḍọḍó ̣ ḍọḍó ̣mọ1 ḍọḍó ̣mọ1 ḍọgí ̣ a. v.i. v.t. adv. v.t. ḍọgí ̣ ḍọgí ẹ̣ rị ḍọgí p ̣ agamó ̣ ḍọgíye ̣ erema ḍọgị ḍọkọḍọkó ̣ n. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. a. ḍọkọḍọkó ̣mọ ḍọmó ̣ adv. n. ḍọmó ̣ mịẹ ḅió ḍọmọ ḅióḍọmọ(ye) ḅióḍọmọḅọ ḍó ̣ọ ḍó ̣ọ ḍó ̣ọ ḍó ̣ọmọ ḍọrọ v.p. v.p. n. n.m.f . a. v.i. n. adv. n.m. ḍọụ a. ḍọụḍọụ ḍọụmó ̣ ḍó ̣ụmọ ḍọụyọ ḍú n., a., v.i. v.t. adv. n. v.t. ḍu1 n. ḍu ḍịẹ ḍufịḅọ ḍu2 ḍúḅeḍúḅe v.p. n.m.f . v.t. v.i. ḍuḅée ḍuḅéemọ ḍuḅéleḍuḅéle a. adv. v.i. ḍúḅelée a. cold; not heated; chilly; damp; temperate; icy become cold make cold; dampen in a chilly manner; in a cold manner; coldly need; find; look for; want; call for; require; desire; wish for; be lacking in quality or unequal to requirement want; lack; need discover by trial; find; come across discover by search need; requirement; desire; want chase, pursue, run after (women) obverse; narrower at base or point of attachment than at top; slim obversely; slimly peace; quiet; tranquillity; mental calm; freedom from civil disorder or war; cessation of war or hostility make or bring about peace comfort; console; soothe in grief comfort; consolation comforter; consoler f calm; shady; cool become cool cool; coolness coolly barracuda calm and clear (of sky; air) serene; unruffled; placid; tranquil; unperturbed (of sea); mild and peaceful insipid; flat; vapid (of drink) (pl. ḍọgị-áye) Sphyraena spp. cf. mindi-ógboro, ogborokílo same as dọḍó ̣; appease; assuage; calm; pacify; soothe calmly; placidly; etc. shade draw; dip and fill (water); scoop (food, soup, etc.) legacy; material or immaterial thing handed down by predecessor; bequest legate; bequeath legatee; recipient of legacy mourn for a husband (of wife) spring up and down in water; bob up and down buoyant buoyantly spring up and down in water; bob up and down buoyant 68 (cf. ḍuḅée) (cf. ḍúḅelée) (cf. ḍúḅelée) (cf. ḍuḅée, ḍúḅeḍúbe, ḍuḅéleḍuḅéle) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍúḅeléemọ ḍúḅilíi ḍúḅilíi ḍúḅilíimọ ḍuḅu ḍuḅuru ḍuḅurumó ̣ adv. a. v.i. adv. n. v.i. v.t. ḍugó1 ḍugó1 ḍugó ḍị ḍugóḍị ḍugóḍị ḍugóḍịgha ḍugó koro ḍigí ḍugo ḍigíḍugó ye ékị ̣ tịḅị ḍugómọ ḅẹrẹ ḍugó ḍugó2 v.i. & v.t. n. v.p. a. n. a. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. v.p. v.t. ḍugó2 ḍugómọ ḍugóya ḍugomó ̣ya ḍugomó ̣yamọ ḍugó paga ḍugó tolu nụnọ ḍugóya ḍugía ḍúkuru ḍukurumó ̣ ḍúkúu ḍúkúumọ ḍúmáa n. v.t. v.t. a. adv. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.t. v.i. v.t. a. adv. v.i. ḍúmáa ḍúmáamọ ḍúmaḍúma ḍuré bálaḍure ḅióḍure ekuréḍure ogbóḍure ọfọú ̣ḍure ọkú ̣lọḍure ḍúrée ḍúréemọ ḍúreeḍuree ḍúreeḍúreemọ n. adv. v.i. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. ft buoyantly plump; rounded; chubby; become plump and rounded plumply grave; tomb be chocked with silt; be silted up choke with silt; form new earth and push up to cover former depression (as earthworm, rodents, etc.) talk; converse or communicate ideas by spoken words; express, utter, discuss, in words; address; lecture talk; address; lecture have the power of speech fond of talking talkativeness dumb take notice of; mind censure; reprimand; blame censure; reprimand; blame accuse; charge with a fault; indict (person) make statement in a case chase; follow; pursue (with intent to capture or kill); go or come after (moving thing or person); proceed along chase; pursuit follow; come after in order or time chase one another consecutive; following continuously consecutively proceed from; originate from go through or by go to fish in a creek accompany; go with dress up with cloth adorn; array; attire; clothe; decorate; dress stupid; dull; slow-witted stupidly; dully; slow-wittedly puff; reek; emit puff or smoke, air, odour, whiff puff; reek; whiff come out or up in puffs give out puffs of smoke in succession thwart or cross seat in a canoe thwart for sail with hole in centre inner thwart for the support of a mast, etc. the rear thwart middle thwart the rear thwart in a war canoe the front thwart stupid; thoughtless stupidly; thoughtlessly grope; search blindly gropingly 69 lit. ‘scoop creek’ (cf. ḍúmaḍúma, ḍú ̣mú ̣ụ, ḍúuḍúu) (cf. ḍúmáa) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍuru n. ḍurupọgọ pọgó ̣ ḍuru pọgó ̣ ḍurumọ ḍurúkuḍurúku ḍurúkuḍurúku ḍurúkuḍurúkumọ ḍúrukúu n. v.i. v.t. id. v.i. adv. a. ḍúrukúu ḍurukúmọ ḍúrukúumọ ḍúsi ḍúu ḍúumọ ḍúuḍúu1 ḍúuḍúumọ ḍúuḍúu-oḅogu ḍúuḍúu2 v.i. v.t. adv. v.t. a. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. ḍú ̣ v.t. ḍú ̣ ḍụá n. v.t. ḍụáḅẹ n.m.f . a. ḍụḅá ḍụḅá tẹịn mịé ̣ ḍụḅamó ̣ ḍụḅarị ḍú ̣ḅụụ v.i. adv.p . a.p. v.p. n. v.i. ḍụḅụụḍụḅụụ v.i. ḍụḅụụḍụḅụụmọ ḍụẹị ḍụẹị-abanga ḍụẹị-amá ḍụẹịbun ḍụẹịḅọrọmọ ḍụẹịdemọ ḍụẹịḍiḅi ḍụẹịḍụẹị ḍụẹịḍụẹí f̣ ụrụ adv. n. n. n. n.m. n. n. n. a. a.p. ḍụḅá ḍụḅamó ̣ ḅara total loss of voice; slight huskiness or hoarseness of voice, natural or due to a cold, cough, singing, etc. huskiness; hoarseness; veiled voice be affected with hoarseness or veiled voice make hoarse; cause to have veiled voice describes groping, searching blindly grope; search blindly gropingly cloudy; dark; murky; dismal; dreary; gloomy; sombre; muddy; turbid not clear; dingy; dirtylooking; dull-coloured; daft; inept; foolish; silly darken; become dark or overcast darken; make dark, overcast darkly; dismally; drearily support with (as walking stick) cold (from a sudden blast of cold air) in the manner of a sudden cold blast breezy; wind-swept; pleasantly windy breezily windy cold emit smoke or visible vapour; reek; steam (of hot food, etc.) push away with a stick; punt; toss; throw aside or up with horns act of pushing; thrust defend; ward off attack from; save; rescue; deliver or preserve from danger or misfortune defender; saviour (in pọgó ̣ duru) (cf. ḍú ̣rụkú ̣ụ) (cf. ḍúmáa) big; enormous; extensive (of families); huge; large; immense; vast; heavy; unwieldy; grown up develop; increase; become fuller; bigger; etc. largely; immensely sh i biggest; largest; etc. enlarge; magnify reck germinate; sprout; bud; ooze out slowly, as blood spout; issue forcibly in a jet, as blood spouts from wound in spouts or jets corpse; dead human body; carcass shrub sp. land of the dead beetle sp. darkest part of early morning before dawn charm to ward off evil spirit funeral; burial plenty of corpses smelling like corpse; 70 (cf. ḍụḅụụḍụḅụụ) (cf. ḍú ̣bụụ) Cassia corymbosia Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḍụẹịḍụẹí f̣ ụrụ ḍụẹị fẹngụ n. v.p. ḍụẹịfẹngụ ḍụẹị-igba ḍụẹị-ile ḍụẹị-ilé ḍụẹị-onwoin ḍụẹị-ọkịanlalá n. n. n. n. n. n.m. t t i b cadaveric smell transfer dead body by charms from one burial place to another such transfer of a body coffin male ile tree with flowers only and no fruits ile tree without fruits ring-worm African pigmy kingfisher kingfisher spp.; African pygmy kingfisher, malachite kingfisher ḍụẹị-ọkịn-alala ḍụẹịpụraye ḍú ̣fíịn ̣ ḍú ̣fíịnmọ ̣ ḍú ̣gẹléẹ ḍú ̣gẹléẹ ḍú ̣gẹlẹ́ ẹmọ ḍú ̣gụḍú ̣gụ ḍú ̣gụḍú ̣gụ ḍú ̣gụḍú ̣gụmọ ḍú ̣kú ̣ụ ḍú ̣kú ̣ụ ḍú ̣kú ̣ụmọ ḍú ̣kú ̣ụyọ ḍú ̣mụḍú ̣mụ ḍú ̣mụḍú ̣mụmọ ḍú ̣mú ̣ụ n. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. a. adv. n. v.i. adv. v.i. hearse underdeveloped (of nose) in an underdeveloped manner stodgy; bulgy swell out in a bulgy state sulky; sullen; morose scowl; look sour sulkily; scowlingly jut; project; protrude; stick out protrusive; protrudent protrusively jut; protrusion; projection; crest come out or up in steady puffs in puffs puff; emit puff of smoke ḍú ̣mú ̣ụ n. ḍú ̣mú ̣ụmọ ḍú ̣rẹḍú ̣rẹ ḍú ̣réẹ̣ ḍú ̣réẹmọ ̣ ḍú ̣rụkú ̣ụ ḍú ̣rụkú ̣ụ ḍú ̣rụkú ̣ụmọ ḍú ̣séẹ̣ ḍú ̣séẹmọ ̣ adv. small quantity of smoke being emitted steadily from a point in a faint steady flow unexpectedly small (of many things) unexpectely small (of one thing) in an unexpectedly small manner cloudy; dark; dismal; dreary; gloomy; sombre darken; become dark darkly; dismally; drearily few; scanty; smallish scantily a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. 71 Ceyx pictus (cf. ẹgbẹíntekeleḅa; ̣ ọkịn-álala) family Alcedinidae; Ceyx pictus; Alcedo cristata (cf. ẹgbẹíntekeleḅa; ̣ ọkịn-álala) (cf. ḍú ̣mú ̣ụ) (cf. ḍúmáa, ḍú ̣mụḍú ̣mụ) (cf. ḍú ̣réẹ) ̣ (cf. ḍú ̣rẹḍú ̣rẹ) (cf. ḍúrukúu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 E. ebé ebebegé n.m. n. po tr clay water-pot ladder; small ladder-like construction used as fetish float carved for line and hook or boulter; drogue beauty; enchantment; lustre; glamour; goodness; excellence beautiful; charming; fair; comely; handsome; decent; becoming; decorous; seemly; fine; good; magnificent; splendid; excellent; of striking merit; satisfactory; virtuous; bright (of day); well-behaved (esp. of child); saintly; holy bonanza; good-luck; good-fortune in a good way, method, manner or style; properly; thoroughly; well; satisfactorily; rightly; sufficiently; with care or completeness; expediently good humour or temper; tender heart speaking kindly (of spirit esp.) same as ébi-ifie gospel; good-news; good tidings in good time existent from the first; earliest; original; primitive (time) affectionate; benevolent; charitable; generous; kind; liberal benevolence; charitableness; generosity; kindness; liberality; munificence well; in a good manner; beautifully; charmingly; fairly; handsomely; decently; finely; decorously; magnificently; splendidly; excellently; saintly; much (beaten) beautify; adorn kill (esp. python or sacred thing) it is all right Saints ebengere n. ft ebí n. ebí a. ebi-andí ̣ ebíḅara ̣ n. adv. ebiḅío ebíḅịḅịfie ébi-ene ebi-egberí ebí-ifie ébi-ifié n. a. a. n. adv. a. ebímịẹ a. ebímịẹ n. ebimó1̣ adv. ebimó2̣ ebimó3̣ ebínimí ebi-óngu ebítẹ ebí tẹịn ebítẹmẹ ebítimi v.t. v.t. phr. ers. a. a.p. n. n. ebítimi kọn ébiabúru v.p. n. cr enough; adequate; sufficient better; fairer; etc. Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit good position; good living; favourable circumstances acquire wealth cassava in general ébíḅọílagha ̣ n. g grass sp. ébieséni n.m. f fish sp.; West African lungfish eḅí-nẹ-á-dité ̣ n.m. cloth type 72 (euphemism) Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae) Paspalum conjugatum (lit. "no good man gets to me") Protopterus annectens Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ebirí eḅe eḅegu éḅere n. n. n.m. adv. éḅeregha éḅeregha eḅila eḅilada eḅué eḅué koro edegba edení adv. a. n. n. n. subj. & v.i. n. n. edenígbasa edenípụmbalaḅa edenítongu edésee edéseemọ édi edí edigalaḅá Ée Éée eferuka eferuka eferuka éfuéfu, efuefu egbe egbalá n. n. n. a. adv. n. n. n. excl. excl. n. m.f. neut. n. n.m. n. egberí égberíḅịḅị égberíkụra égberíkụra égberíkụra-egberi égberíkụra-ongu égberípọgọ n. n. a. n. n. n. Ayeḅa-egberi ebi-egberí sei-egberí egbésu ége egé egé pan égebési egéle n. n. n. n. n.m. n. v.p. n.m. n.m. égele-akaụn egélewarị egele n. n. n. wt fg f hi bp pp b go m b t gale; hurricane; storm; tornado; tempest fishing sticks unidentified large catfish sp. catfish far; long-past, (as a greeting, how long since we met!) long past; too much far-off; long (time) mat in general hip joints dew-drop dew fell order Siluriformes head of cocoyam shelf over fire place on which things are put to dry sticks for crossing such shelf soot; cobweb-like hangings on edení back of fire place flat (of head) flatly special instinctive power cf. akúsi trap; snare, plot circle; (in drum language) drink exclamation expressing mockery, contempt exclamation, expressing surprise, dislike idiomatic first child; first part of new wine medicine causing itching bird sp. (unidentified) with spotted plumage calabash or gourd Lagenaria siceraria (Cucurbitaceae) account of event; news; story; tale; tidings ancient language ancient; belonging to times long past of old; old time legend men of old line of thought or trend of an argument or statement the Scriptures good news; gospel bad news or tidings altar or raft for placing war trophies of skulls olive colobus monkey Colobus verus shout of victory; acclaim, acclamation shout a shout of victory velvet small birds in general (cf. ofoni1; ọgó ̣nọofoni) tree sp. and fruit; cf. ọsịmaịn nest of birds war or wrestling song 73 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 egele gbán egele-ideri v.p. n. egele-ideri v.t. egéleabo egéleḅurugbasa egélefịfịyaị égelége égeléma egéleu-igboun egilá n.m. n. n. n. n. n.m. n. egilá mangị v.p. ḅoróḅu-egila egilá2 egilá koro egulube egusi n.p. n. subj. & v.i. n.m. n. Éi excl. eín eínya éke pron. poss. pron. n.m. m [rat; mouse] black rat ekereḅúpẹlẹ n.m. m bushbuck piri-eke ékeḅeri ékekoru igbokiri-eke turu-éke n.m. n. n.m. n.m. n. m h s da m pygmy mounse purslane royal python guinea-pig; rabbit N igerian white-toothed shrew tụrụ-eke n.m. m N igerian musk shrew ekeké ekeli n. n. ekeliḅọ ekeliḅọ ekelimó ̣ ekelimọ ekéra ekere n.m.f . v.i. v.t. adv. v.i. n. mi kala-ékere opu-ékere n. n. mi mi tr t fr c mi sing war or wrestling song obsequies performed during lyke-wake of traditional priest or priestess perform such funeral rites for a traditional priest or priestess bag woven with leaves of pandanus tree sp. fruits of a certain tree wrestling match style of jumping high jump from sideways barnacle clapperless iron bell. a) small, double used for masquerade, fishermen etc. b) large single type thus to call assembly eat dinner dark; mist; darkness grow dark i cr locust melon (idiomatic: used by adults only) (idiomatic) lit. "darkness falls"; Citrullus vulgaris < Yoruba? shout of exclamation expressing fear or grief, sorrow, regret, etc. they, them their Rattus rattus. Also recorded as eke Tragelaphus scriptus Mus minutoides Python regius Crocidura nigeriae. Also recorded as tụrụ-éke. Cf. ịsụ Crocidura nigeriae. cf. ịsụ skull; cranium deformation; deformity; malformation of part of body deformed person be deformed or put out of shape deform; disfigure; put out of shape with deformity talk noisily hollowed rectangular woodblock beaten with sticks as rhythmic accompaniment to music small ekere woodblock big ekere woodblock 74 cf. ikiriko Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọmụngụ-arụ-ekere ekerefarịḅó ̣dọgú ̣gh a n. n.m. mi i special types of ekere beaten in war canoe tailor-ant ékidi n. m lorisid spp. ekiné ekiri ekiriḍiri n. n. n. ms d sh masquerade club leprosy; elephantiasis graecorum shrub sp. ekiritụaḅọ d leper; person with leprosy ekisé ékpe ekpeḅa ekpékpaị ekpékpaị ékpete n.m.f . n. n.m. n. n. v.i. n. ekpú n.m. ekpukelemekpú ekué n. n.m. ekuékue ekuékue ekuemó ̣ ekúlein ekuré1 ekurédụ ekuré kọrịmọ ekuré2 v.i. n. v.t. n.m. n. adv. v.p. n. ekuré kaụn ebi-ekuré v.p. n. sei-ekuré ekurékondu n. n. ekurékọrịmọḅó ̣ ekwé ekwékwe ekwemó ̣ n. n. v.i. v.t. da hi dc ga f b section he-goat mat for sleeping noisy shout shout noisily dance for funeral of a big man. Without singing. In refreshments all the varieties of fishing technique practised by the N embe round box made of grass material in N orthern N igeria; similar box made of raffia in Eastern N igeria carved discus for children’s play fish sp.; jack; horse mackerel shout noisily noisy shouting end a woven work African black kite stern of boat or canoe abaft; nearer the stern than bow; aft steer a boat anything which a person dashes foot against by accident; dashing of foot against something dash foot against something; stub one’s toes dashing or stubbing of foot on the propitious side; (right for someone immediately followed by a brother, left for someone immediately followed by a sister) dashing of foot on the unlucky side three thwarts after the rear thwart in a war canoe steerer; steersman same as ekué same as ekuékue same as ekuemó ̣ 75 (lit. "the one who beats ekere doesn’t paddle") potto, Perodicticus potto; Calabar angwantibo, Arctocebus calabarensis Senna alata Linn.Roxb. [formerly Cassia] (LeguminosaeCaesalpinioidae) [Caranx spp.?] family Carangidae. cf. sọkọ-ekué Milvus migrans Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 elégbesíya ̣ elege elegedí elegí elegí elekedí ekekéti n.m. n. n. a. v.i. n. n.m. elemu a. elemu-ifie elemu-ifie elemukụra elemumó ̣ elemu-ó ̣vọ elepein n. a. n. v.t. n. n.m. elilá elilá elilá ḅirimọ v.i. n. v.p. émein n.m. m émeinḅiriawọ emi emuké emuké fin énde ene eneḅá n. v.i. n. v.p. n.m. n. n. tp eneḅá eneḅiriḅa v.i. a. enemábịsẹ enemíbịsẹ ̣ ené na noin na adv. adv. adv.p . subj. & v.i. n. n. n. adv. adv. n. n. n. a. v.i. adv. v.p. ene noin ene-ogbo ḅa-éne noin-ene mị-éne pị-éne sei-éne eneké eneni enéni enéni enénimọ ḍigí eneni da bp f f dc dc i cat fore or hind-limb; upper or lower limb same as elekedí crafty; cunning; artful; wily be cunning; artful, etc. half-gallon jar fish sp.; cichlid perch sp. aged; having lived long; old; ancient; primitive old time; of old old-time; ancient; primitive; olden (days) old year; days of yore age; cause to grow old old testament fish sp.; N iger hind [orange-spotted seaperch?] be feverish fever give special medicinal bath treatment to a child for fever manatee; sea-cow kapok pods be; exist; live (in) ekiné dance; akin to ẹlụ but stronger dance such step small tsetse fly day; cloud of rain day-break; dawn; first light; day-light; morning; the next day; tomorrow dawn; begin to grow light untimely; everyday, day by day all the day; throughout the day throughout day and night; in day and night night falls wt wt mid-day daylight; first light night-fall today; this day the other day rain-cloud cloud compassion; grace; mercy pitiful; mournful; sorrowful; compassionate call for pity; be pitiful sorrowfully; pityingly look kindly upon; have mercy upon; favour; 76 family Cichlidae. cf. adi, atán, ịtaḅalá, ọkpọtụḅa Cephalopholis nigri Trichechus senegalensis cf. eneḅiriḅa fi ‘untimely death’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pity mercy; pity; favour, etc. make pitiable pitiless (beg for) alms engule ení énjẹl, énjẹlị enume n. v.p. a. v.i. & n. n.m.f . n.m. pron. n.m. n.m. enumede n.m. b enumetandị n.m. f epe epe-injiri epegi epeká a. n.m. n. v.i. co cl epekámọ epékamọ epelá adv. v.t. n. epelá-epela epelákuru epelá toi epelépele a. n. v.p. n.m. f epéliḅa eperi1 eperi2 n. n. n. bp bm ap eperi3 epié n. n. t shoulder scab; scar of wound; cicatrice foot of periwinkles, barnacles, some snails and roots of pandanus chaff of grain; husk; bran Christmas bush and its fruit épini epiyé epu n. n. n.m. m halfpenny piece same as above pangolin spp. epulé epumú épuperepu n. n. n.m. ḍigí-eneni mịé ̣ enenimó ̣ enenifá engi engiḅọ beggar; pauper i t ga ga s maggot; larva (of fly); gentle (rare) they angel mature palm tree with no remains of rough growth on stem hawk sp. (unidentified) which frequents the tops of palm trees tailspot ctenopoma; [climbing perch?], described as freshwater catfish that climbs palm trees to eat the fruits yellowish real India cloth of yellow colour fragment shout and go about restlessly (with news); yearn yearningly cause to yearn board game; draughts; chess; deceitful manoeuvre of a checked pattern; chequered draughts- or chess-board play draughts; be tricky with a person fish sp.; razorfish roll of fufu; lump; clod mould snake sp. 77 < English family Accipitridae Ctenopoma kingsleyae. = ọḍịa e.g. fịnị-épegi eri Xyrichthys sp. cf. pẹmbụ Alchornea cordifolia (Euphorbiaceae) = epiyé ? < English long-tailed pangolin (black-bellied pangolin), Uromanis tetradactyla, tree pangolin (whitebellied pangolin), Phataginus tricuspis (see kirífofo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ere éreḅára erekoro erema ereman’ama eremayaị a. n. n. n. erére eretoi eréwaị a. n.m. n. ere warị sụọ v.p. erewarịsụọ eréwọ erewó ̣tọgu erekein erému n. n.f. n. n.m. erére a. eretoi éri éri-ikpo éripogu éripogu eri eri erimó1̣ erimó2̣ erí n.m. n. n. n. n. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. eseú eseú-eseu -esi n. a. suff. esín esín v.i. & v.t. n. esínfa esinmó ̣ a. v.t. kụmọ esinmó ̣ a.p. s p p f s cr dc feminine left hand flat-back fall; throw on back in wrestling women womenfolk; womankind nervous disease which makes the patient turn an imbecile; apoplexy all-women snake sp. womanly courting or courtship; dress up and go about to attract men go in to a woman, usually in the night, without previous arrangement and with intention to commit rape such action when committed young women girl; maiden mourning; black head-tie used for mourning fish sp.; [sea perch?]; greater soapfish (‘the mother soapfish’) all-women snake thread reel; spool; bobbin yam bundle of thread dance; spin; whirl (as of top when propelled) spinning; whirling in a spinning manner cause to spin; fillip or flip (a top) unknown place; as in column; row; line sporadic; in successive lines; in patches suffix meaning ‘score’ or ‘twenties’, as mési, tresí, iniesí, (two, three, four score or twenties), i.e. forty; sixty; eighty, etc. fear; be afraid of; be afraid; be alarmed; be frightened; have uneasy anticipation of evil; revere; reverence fear; painful emotion caused by impending danger or evil; state of alarm; dismay; consternation; fright; horror fearless alarm; appal; apprehend; consternate; cow; dismay; excite; frighten; horrify; terrify; affright; scare; intimidate alarming; appalling, awful, dreadful; fearful; 78 lit. "woman-hand"; <eré-ere Rypticus saponaceus cf. erére ama ‘Amazonian village’, ‘village with no man but all women’ (see under ere) (see under ere) dụa yọ erí ‘some foreign place’; tó ̣ eri ‘what unknown place?’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 frightful; horrible; horrid; terrible starch; starchy-meal A. road; way; highway; path; track; route; passage; entrance; course; lane; street pathless footpath; footway by-path; lane public road; main road; street; highway B. way; means by which a result is brought about; pecuniary resources; elephantiasis; swollen condition of leg thick discoid fishing stick fitted with a long handle in the centre and used for stirring up water to drive fish; any improvised stick used in driving fish shake water to drive fish with eti stick stir up water or drive fish with such stick log of wood (sometimes shaped) used as seat, now mostly used in shrines shout of exclamation expressing sorrow ten in game of agụḅá channel; bed of running water fish sp. grass-eater esun etéli n. n. etélifa ḅụọ-eteli kala-ételi opu-ételi etéli a. n. n. n. eti eti n. n. d fg eti tụa eti tụa etiti v.p. v.t. n. ft ft éu eu ewere eweri excl. num. n. n.m. f ewu n. la ezigala(ga) ézizi n. n. dk t sand- or mud-band in the middle of a river; hurst; shoal wine tree sp., the roots are used to redden camwood suffixed to verbs in reported speech, showing a command: e.g. Aboh in the Mid-Western Region native black soap, first obtained (perhaps) from Aboh masquerade type masquerade type masquerade type masquerade type pygymy hippopotamus cf. dụa etéli ‘some means or source’ Distichodus rostratis Ẹ -ẹ suff. Ẹ́bẹ ébẹn’ọsẹn ̣ n. n. Ẹbé ̣ Ẹbényingi ̣ Ẹbẹyaịkpụ Ẹ́bẹta ẹbẹịn p.n. p.n. p.n. p.n. n. ms ms ms ms m ébẹré ̣ ̣ n. mi ébẹtó ̣ ̣rụ ẹbí ̣ n.m. v.t. f ẹbíkị ̣ n. dc ẹbíkị ̣ v.i. dc xylophone resting on logs over a pit in the ground unidentified fish sp. guard against: cf. odu ébị ̣ ‘guard against self’ (cf. kẹgí)̣ dance step in which the back only is shaken to rhythm dance such step 79 orí mẹnẹ ḅóẹ ‘he said: "Come"‘ Hexaprotodon liberiensis (N igerian pygmy hippopotamus, H. l. heslopi) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ẹbịrị n. ẹbịrị a. ẹbịrị ẹbịrímọ ̣ ẹbụbú ̣ v.i. v.t. n. fo ẹbụlé ̣ n.m. ms ẹḅé ̣ v.aux . ẹḅéạ v.aux . ẹḅẹḅáa adv. as far as, as for: e.g. ẹḅẹḅáa conj. if, in the even that: e.g. ẹḅẹḅẹ conj. if (when followed by rẹ): e.g. ẹḅẹgha v.aux . said ... would not; it is used in questioning a negative future or conditional statement expressing speaker’s will or intention: e.g. ẹḅéka ̣ ẹḅélụ ̣ ẹḅélụmọ ̣ ẹḅẹlú ̣ḅẹlụ conj. a. adv. n.m. albeit; even if; nevertheless; though flat and small (nose) flatly (of nose) flatfish e.g. dab or flounder; larger kinds are halibut, turbot; loosely applied to small rays and skates ẹḅẹrẹḅaḅio n. space between toes or fingers: e.g. ẹḅịla n. ẹdé ̣ ẹdégẹrẹ ̣ ẹdẹgú ̣ ẹdẹní n. n.m. v.i. v.i. ẹdésẹ ̣ a. village or group of people owing allegiance to another; vassal altar; rack unidentified fish sp. slow; sluggish urinate in drops and often unawares (of small child) flat (of head) f f caper; frisk; gambol; mad frolic; erratic action; prank frisky; full of erratic actions; prankish; frolicsome; sportive; rascally; mischievous (of child) caper; frisk; gambol; play pranks make frisky or prankish fufu in which yam or cocoyam is mixed and pounded with ripe plantain apron or silk cloth covering the waist front of a masquerade said ... would; it is used in reporting a plain future or conditional statement expressing speaker’s will or intention; e.g. said that ... would have ..., but; it is used in reporting a future action that was never done: e.g. 80 ó fịnyú ̣mẹ ẹḅé ̣ ‘he said he would eat’ ó fịnyú ̣mẹ ẹḅéa, ̣ eín ḅọụgha ‘he said that he would eat, but they did not agree’ orí ẹḅẹḅáa, ó ḅoyo ‘as far as he was concerned, he was coming’ orí mughá ẹḅẹḅáa, á mughá ‘if he does not go, I do not go’ ó mughá ẹḅẹḅẹ ré,̣ á mughá ‘if he does not go then I do not go’ ó ḅarị mughíẹ̣ ẹḅẹgha? ‘he would not go again, did he not say so?’ order Pleuronectiformes (flatfish); order Rajiformes ḅụọ-ẹḅẹrẹḅaḅio ‘space btween toes’; ḅaráẹḅẹrẹḅaḅio ‘space between fingers’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 éẹ̣ ẹféfẹịn ̣ ẹféfẹịn ̣ ẹféfẹịnmọ ̣ ẹfẹké ̣ excl. v.i. n. adv. n. ẹfẹké-ala ̣ n.m. ẹfẹn ẹfẹnmọ ẹfẹngẹlé ̣ a. adv. n. ẹféngụye ̣ ẹfẹrẹ ẹfẹrẹtịḅị ẹfẹrẹyaị ẹfẹrẹyaịwarị fífị-ẹfẹrẹ ̣ pánị-ẹfẹrẹ ẹfẹrẹfẹrẹ ẹfẹrụ1 ẹfẹrụfa ẹfẹrụ-ẹfẹru ẹfẹrụ2 ẹfẹrụma ẹfẹú ̣ ẹfẹú ̣-ẹfẹụ ẹfẹụ-ẹfẹú ̣mọ ẹgẹlẹmó1̣ ẹgẹlẹmó2̣ ẹgélẹụ ̣ n. n.m. n. n. n.m. n.m. n. n. a. a. n.m. n. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. n.m. égẹnẹdíya ̣ ẹgẹnẹmindi ẹgérẹ ̣ ẹgịrígịrị ̣ ẹgụé ̣ ẹgụẹịn n.m. n. n. n. n. n. ẹgụẹíṇ n. ẹgụwé ̣ ẹgụwẹịn ẹgbé ̣ ẹgbẹgẹlé ̣ ẹgbé ̣ gụa ẹgbégụaḅọ ̣ ẹgbégụaye ̣ ẹgbẹ n. n. n. n. v.p. n.m. n. a. hi hi hi fp i wt f da fg mt cr dr tr tr shout of exclamation stagger; totter stagger(ing); totter(ing) staggeringly small woven mat for tying sacrificial objects on to amatẹmẹsuo after idú festival priesthood of ẹfẹké ̣ and the ceremonial butler in idú festival unreasonable unreasonably ornamented native bracelet of raffia work worn by special female juju fan for fire plate in general plateful; panful corrugated iron sheets house made of corrugated iron sheets china; porcelain; breakables pan plates; tin wares scale (of fish or in skin disease) air; atmosphere; breeze airless; breezeless; still airy; breezy cockroach wind hamlet straggly; sporadic stragglingly; sporadically spare sparingly fish sp.; [burro spp.?]; grunt species guinea-fowl floodwater chamber in a fish trap bubble from deep general feebleness after some great fear cowpea [?] seat supported at either end by forked sticks; section of sẹkịapụ club (= agba); stick laid across latrine house for squatting same as ẹgụé ̣ same as ẹgụẹịn sacrifice; offering anklet worn by women in olden days make sacrifice; offer priest that offers sacrifice or offering victim for an offering deserving; worthy; appropriate; suitable; proper; competent; fit; right; just; good 81 same as ẹfẹrụ1 [Plectorhynchus spp. & Parapristyipoma spp.?] family Haemulidae cf. áfụláfụ Vigna unguiculata (Linn.) Walp. [?] Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ẹgbẹ v.t. ẹgbẹ v.aux . ẹgbẹgha ẹgbẹgbẹrịḅá ẹgbẹịn ẹgbẹịnḅịḅịpẹịgha a. n. n.m. n.m. tp f f enough for fit; befit; suit; be right for; be of right measure, shape and size (esp. of dress); deserve ought; expressing duty, rightness, shortcoming, advisability, or strong probability: e.g. unworthy; unsuitable; unfit; incompetent coils on the stem of raffia palm spotted eagle-ray white-spotted guitarfish ẹgbẹịn-odu tụá ẹgbẹíntịn ̣ ẹgbẹíntekeleḅa ̣ a.p. n. n.m. a b spotted; pied king post (of roof) pied kingfisher ẹgbẹnịgbẹnịḅá n. ẹgụrẹ ẹgụrụḅa n. n.m. bp f cramp; contraction of muscles from sudden chill, strain, etc. beard small fry of tilapiine fish ẹhéẹn ̣ excl. éị̣ excl. ẹkẹ n. t ẹkélị, ̣ ẹkélụ ̣ ẹkẹré ̣ n.m. n.m. n.m. bs bs fg ẹkẹrẹkwéẹkwé ẹ̣ ̣ n.m. b ékẹré ngẹ ̣ ̣ ẹkẹtẹ ẹkị n. n. v.t. bm ẹkị ẹkpẹkíkpẹkị ̣ ẹkpẹrú ̣kpẹrụ n. n. n.m. t f exclamation used to attract warning or attention exclamation used to express warning or contempt white mangrove; oil obtained from it used in curing scabies or crawcraw small basket small basket fishing trap used by women for crayfish; crabpot double-spurred francolin = bush-fowl; continuous rain (praise-name) sore, ulcer accept; take; get: acceptance tree sp. with light timber; small fry of mullet 82 ị nimi ẹgbẹ ‘you ought to know’ Aetobatus narinari Rhinobatos albomaculatos cf. ḅịḅịpẹịghá Ceryle rudis (cf. ḍụẹị-ọkịanlalá; ḍụẹị-ọkịn-alala; ọkịn-álala) family Cichlidae. cf. okoróḅa Avicenna nitida Francolinus bicalcaratus; but is this a local bird? Perhaps Latham’s forest francolin, Francolinus lathami fịrí ghọ ẹkị ̣ employ; kụmọ ghó ̣ numo ékị ̣ ‘take up song following leader’; =ekpékpe family Mugilidae. cf. [abaraká, ḅụọḅakalamọ, ó ̣zọló ̣lị2?] ịdẹgé,̣ ịyagụ, ó ̣zọló ̣lị Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ẹkpẹtẹ n. mi ẹkpẹtẹkpé ̣ ẹkụẹ ẹkụẹ ẹkụẹkụẹḅá n. v.i. n. n. sh ẹkụétẹ ̣ n. ẹkụrụ n.m. ẹkú ̣rụụ ẹkú ̣rụụ ẹkú ̣rụụmọ ẹkwẹ ẹkwẹkwẹḅá ẹkwétẹ ̣ ẹlẹ1 ẹlẹ1 ẹlẹmó1̣ ẹlẹmó2̣ ẹlẹ2 ẹlẹ2 n. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. n. n. n. v.i. adv. v.t. n. v.i. ẹlẹmó3̣ ẹlẹmó4̣ ḍọgí ẹ̣ lẹ adv. v.t. v.p. ẹlẹgẹlé ̣ ẹlẹgẹlédudu ̣ n.m. n.m. ẹlẹgẹlépịna ̣ ẹlẹgẹlésiko ̣ mindi-élẹgẹlẹ ̣ ẹlẹlé ̣ n. n. n.m. v.t. ẹlẹlẹmó ̣ ẹlẹlẹ ẹlụ ẹlụ ẹlụé ̣ ẹlụétugu ̣ ẹmbị adv. n. n. v.i. n. n. a. ẹmbịmọ adv. bs f i f dc dc pluriarc, musical instrument with bowed sticks attached to a rectangular soundbox. Extinct knife misfire (of gun); spew misfiring (of gun); spew shrub, the leaves of which are used for wrapping foodstuffs for sale and for building in some areas hammock of woven ropes used for palm fruit work small woven basket work for storing pepper, etc. shame; shyness be ashamed; shy shamefully same as ẹkụẹ same as ẹkụẹkụẹḅá same as ẹkụétẹ ̣ thirst; desire for drink thirst; be thirsty thirstily cause thirst gasp; pant; throb gasp for breath with open mouth (as dog or in exhaustion after strenuous work); pant gaspingly cause to gasp yearn for or after something to do; look for violently catfish sp. found only in ponds winged moth which appears in swarms after some heavy rains very dull light complexion running needle stitch big catfish found in streams graze; touch lightly in passing: thinly (of peeling); lightly (in brushing past) wooden bailer sẹkịapụ dance dance such step seat, same as ẹgụẹíṇ promises of ẹlụé ̣ like; similar; resembling something; looking like; having the appearance of; of the kind just seen or referred to; of the class that one exemplifies: e.g. in the manner of; to the same degree as; like; as: e.g. 83 Marantochloa purpurea (Maranthaceae) Clarias sp. cf. ẹlẹlé ̣ ḅọgọ ‘brush past’ ẹrị kẹ ẹmbịḅọ ‘somebody that looks like you’ or ‘somebody of your class’ indí rẹ ẹmbịmọ oki ‘swim like a fish’; ịrụakụra ḅio rẹ ẹmbịmó ̣ otíta koro ‘dew falls to the Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 same degree as in the heart of the dry season’ ẹmbú ̣ẹẹ ẹmérẹmé ̣ ̣ ẹndụ a. n. n. ẹndụ-éndụ ̣ a. énẹmụ ̣ n. ẹngẹ ẹngẹlụgụ ẹngẹtịnọ n. n. n. fr fr t ẹngẹtịnó ̣n. n. t abadị-éngẹ ̣ ẹngẹlé ̣ ẹngú ̣lẹẹ ẹngú ̣lẹẹmọ ẹngú ̣rụụ n. v.t. a. adv. v.i. & n. n.m. n. énwẹn ̣ ẹnwẹn i ẹpẹlí, ̣ ẹpẹlú ̣ ẹpẹpẹ ẹpérẹ ̣ ẹpérẹ ̣ ẹpẹrụ ẹpẹrụ ẹpẹrụmó ̣ ẹpérụụ ̣ ẹpésị̣ n. v.p. v.p. adv. n. v.i. a. adv. n. n.m.f . n. n.m. v.i. n. v.i. n. ad v. a. n.m. sn ẹpésị-ikoso ̣ ẹpétẹ ̣ n. n.m. sn f ẹpụ ẹrẹgịérẹgị ̣ n. v.i. ẹnwẹnpọgọ pọgọ énwẹn ̣ pọgọ énwẹnmọ ̣ ẹnwẹnmọ ẹnwénrẹẹn ̣ ẹnwénrẹẹn ̣ ẹnwénrẹẹn ̣ ẹnwénrẹẹnmọ ̣ ẹpẹḅụ ẹpẹḅụḅọ almost smiling thin film on top of water; cobwebs in a house internode (esp. on sugar-cane or allied cane stems) full of rings (said of neck with many folds of flesh) sort of antichrist prevalent in N embe area in the early part of the twentieth century who claimed great prophetic powers fruits of a spice tree mantled fruits of oil palm Ethiopian pepper; tree that bears the fruits ẹngẹ type of above with durable wood and good spice see under abadí ̣ clean up bush-cane rope for basketwork, etc. very small; tiny in a very small way same as ẹkú ̣rụụ (also ó ̣mẹmụ) Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) leech; bloodworm slight huskiness of voice, usually natural; veil; partial loss of voice huskiness; veiled voice be affected with huskiness or veiled voice cause to have veiled voice huskily shame; shyness be shy; be ashamed shamefaced; bashful; shy shamefully; with shame hamlet, village villager small corner; nook small creek belch; burp belch; burp talk noisily and continuously; splutter; sputter sputter; noisy and quick talk sputteringly very small; tiny small snails, usually white and flat, believed to be poisonous to pigs pale-coloured type of ikoso small specimen of ọfọụ, a freshwater fish native dagger-like razor blade be near or at hand (especially of fall of rain or festival, etc.) 84 Citharinus latus. cf. ọfọụ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ẹrémọ ̣ n. ẹrémọ ̣ v.i. & v.t. adv. v.i. adv. & conj. ẹrémọḅara ̣ ẹrérẹ ̣ ẹrẹsínẹ ̣ érị ̣ pron. ẹrị1 ẹrị2 pron. v.t. ẹrịḅara ẹrịḅara ẹrịḅara érịé ̣ rị ̣ ẹríya ̣ adv. adv.p . v.i. v.t. ḍọgí ẹ̣ rị ḍọgí-ẹrịye ̣ s`ụọ ẹrị ẹrú ̣ v.p. n. v.p. n. ẹrụ-érụ ̣ ẹrụẹ adv. a. ẹrụẹ-ẹrụẹ v.i. ẹrụẹ-ẹrụẹ ẹrụémọ ̣ ẹrụwẹ ẹsé ̣ n. adv. a. a. ẹsé ̣ ẹsé ̣ ẹsẹrị n. v.i. n. ẹsịésị̣ (also esiési) ẹsú ̣ẹ ẹsụ ẹsụyaị ẹsụḅụ ẹsú ̣wẹ ẹtẹmétẹmẹ ̣ ẹtẹmétẹmẹwarị ̣ étẹrẹ ̣ éụ̣ v.i. n. v.t. n.m. n.m. n.m. n. n. n. vain-glorious statement; vaunt; boast; brag; threat; declaration of intention to punish or hurt make vain-glorious statement; vaunt; boast; brag; threaten; announce one’s intention to punish or hurt threateningly burn underneath therefore; because of; for the reason that; inasmuch as; since. It translates the English nouns sake, meaning out of consideration for; in the interest of; owing to I (answering questions and in comparisons): e.g. you; thou see; descry; catch sight of; experience; find; come across as seen (by one) in any way as seen; anyhow; mercilessly to i i he become threadbare see a person in distress, or after long absence; see each other; interview (in business); see one with bad intent: cf. discover; detect; find out discovery; thing found out; find agree with; concur with line; row; tier (especially one of several placed one above another) in lines or rows; in flakes or thin layers slow; not quick; tardy; sluggish; without struggle move slow; reduce speed; wish (someone) safe journey slow movement or speed slowly; tardily; unstrugglingly same as preceding efficacious; producing desired effect (esp. of medicine) efficaciousness; efficacy be efficacious woven screen for door or window (usually decorated and with fine small sticks) reduce or lessen in severity (of epidemic) same as ẹsú ̣wẹ vomit; disgorge; spew; cast up the gorge vomit; vomited matter dagger for cutting bunches of oil palm hoe in general spider cobweb; spider’s network mat, finer than ite chill; cold sensation; feverish shivering; chillness 85 tú ̣ḅẹ? érị ̣ ‘who? I’; orí na érị ̣ na ‘he and I’ (also ẹrí)̣ wa ẹríyaggha ifie ̣ ‘what a long time since we met!’ pl. ḍọgí-ẹrịaye ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 éụ̣ éụ̣ éụmọ ̣ ẹwẹí1̣ a. v.i. adv. n. ẹwẹí2̣ ẹwẹí2̣ n. v.i. & v.t. v.t. n. n. n. n. n. ẹwẹímọ ̣ ẹwẹlí, ̣ ẹwẹlú ̣ ẹwụ ẹwụtụkpa kụrọ-éwụ ̣ sei-éwụ ̣ mt bp chill; chilly; rather cold to feel become cold; feel sudden cold in cold manner small drum accompaniment in certain kinds of drumming fear; fright fear; be afraid alarm; appal; frighten beard of man air; steam pressure lamp strong current of air bad current of air; draught F. fá v.i. fá n. fá v.i. fá v.a. C. used in combination with other verbs to mean ‘out’; ‘away from’, ‘completely’: e.g. fá b.t. D. less; minus; deducting: e.g. sọnọ anoín fá kụra E. no; not any; e.g. fá fá A. be absent; be not present; be non-existent; be at a loss; be lost; cease; come to an end; finish; waste; be spent, consumed absence; being away from a place; nonexistence, or want of; loss; person, thing, amount, lost; the finish; finis; the end B. not (be) in (a place); e.g. F. -fá suf. (like English ‘-less’) used in forming adjectives with sense ‘devoid of’; e.g. faiin v.i. fakaráa v.i. fakaráa n. fakaráamọ fakaráafakaráa adv. a. loose-fitting (of dress, sail); billowy; hanging loose rustle; make sound as of dry leaves blown or brushed aside rustle; sound of dry leaves blown or brushed aside rustlingly very dry; rustling; very rough to touch 86 ama ghọ fá not at home’; warí ghọ fá ̣ ‘not in (the house)’ bíin fá ‘die out (of fire)’; dọgí fá ̣ ‘burn out’; fí fá ̣ (of family, class, species) ‘die out; become extinct’; seí fá ‘be completely rotten’ sụọ fá ‘sink away; disappear; vanish; be lost’; ‘five days short of a year’ ḅẹrẹ fá ‘no case’ kunemó ̣ fá ‘no end’ ḅaráfá ‘handless’; kunefá ‘endless’ tịḅịfá ‘headless’ (cf. following words, and fárafára, etc.) (cf. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 férukáaférukáa) fakaráafakaráa fákurúu v.i. v.i. fákurúumọ fakurúu adv. n. fakurúufakurúu fakụrú ̣ụ v.i. v.i. fakụrú ̣ụ fakụrú ̣ụmọ fakụrú ̣ụfakụrú ̣ụ faláị faláị faláịmọ faláịfaláị fálúu fálúumọ falúufalúu n. adv. v.i. v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.i. adv. a. falúufalúumọ famó ̣ adv. v.t. ḅará famọ ifié famọ famọ v.p. v.p. v.i. famú ̣ famú ̣ famụ-íjagba ̣ fandụ fanga v.t. n. n. n.m. v.t. fanga a. fángala fángala fangalá a. n. v.t. fangalámọ fangalamó ̣ fárafára adv. v.t. v.i. fárafára n. make a rustle, owing to dryness or roughness rustle; make sound as of heavy object moving amongst dry leaves rustlingly rustle; sound of heavy dresses making a froufrou make a heavy rustle or froufrou rustle slightly slight rustle rustlingly make light rustle splash; jump out of water splashing sound or action with a splash splatter; make continuous splashing sound protrude; project; stick out protrudingly robust; not slender or weakly (of person’s or animal’s body) robustly A. lose; cause to miss; let slip; waste; spend; expend to no purpose; abolish; do away with (customs or institutions) waste or expend (money, food, drink, etc.) waste, spend (time, breath, etc.) B. up (expressing complete or effectual result): e.g. b beat; flog; punish; strike; lam; hit; thrash beating; flogging; chastisement punishment bird sp. (unidentified) resembling bat coil; twist (rope); use black thread to twist hair spirally; cf. spirally twisted, as of climbing plants and horns of antelope not straight; distorted; skew; twisted; wry wryness garrotte; scrag; strangle; strangulate; kill by twisting the windpipe (in birds); wrench; wrest; wring; twist (hand, leg, etc.) obliquely cause to twist, deflect, distort or pervert rustle; make sound as of object moving amongst dry leaves rustling sound 87 (cf. preceding and following words) (cf. fakaráa, fakụrú ̣ụ, fukurúu) (cf. preceding and following words) fị famó ̣ ‘consume; eat up; mịé ̣ famó ̣ ‘accomplish, bring to an end; execute; perform; fulfil; finish; do completely’; ḅou famó ̣ ‘drink up’ tịḅị fanga ‘plait hair’; ḍigi fanga ‘coil a rope’ (cf. fakaráa, and following words) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fárafáramọ farakáa farakáafarakáa adv. a. v.i. rustlingly (of clothes) ruffled (cf. preceding and following words, and fakaráa) rustle; froufrou rustlingly rustle; froufrou rustle; rustlingly (cf. preceding words) rustle; froufrou rustlingly beat (drums); drum drummer, player (of instrument): e.g. farakáafarakáamọ farákafaráka fararáa fararáamọ fararáafararáa fararáafararáamọ farị1 farịḅọ adv. n. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. n.m. mt farịyaị mi farị2 farịye aka farị akafarị v.t. n. v.i. n. igbogífarịye farị3 n. v.t. drums; musical instruments. N ormally refers to collectively to sẹkị-apụ instruments file, grind (tools); strop; whet file; strop chatter (teeth); gnash; grind gnashing; chattering or rattling sound (of teeth) file blandish; flatter; coax cf. fárukúu a. standing out (of clothes) fárukúu fárukúumọ fárúu fáru!umọ fée fée féemọ féefée v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. féefée féeféemọ fékeféke n. adv. v.i. distend; dilate; swell out (of clothes, sail, etc.) in a dilated state distend (of sail); swell out in a distended state fleet; quick; rapid; swift glide away; pass rapidly, move swiftly; fly fleetly; fleetingly; quickly; rapidly; swiftly stagger; totter; waver, (of ship) yaw; fail to hold a straight course; go unsteadily tottering movement staggeringly; totteringly; waveringly stagger; totter; waver fékefékemọ féketée, feketée féketée féketéemọ félelée féleléemọ féleléefélelée féleléeféleléemọ fenéin fenéin fenéinmọ fénenée fénenée fénenéemọ fenfen adv. v.i. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. staggeringly; waveringly come up lightly or without resistance light; not heavy lightly; without resistance be light (in weight) lightly light (in weight) lightly brisk; active jump briskly briskly; actively light and buoyant become light and buoyant light and buoyantly light-complexioned and spotless; highly polished 88 same as fárafára ọkụmá farịḅọ drummer kụmọ farị ‘coax a person’ (cf. fúrukúu and fárúu) (cf. preceding) (cf. following word) (cf. preceding word) (same as fékẹté ẹ) ̣ ̣ (same as fẹnéịn) ̣ (same as fénẹné ẹ) ̣ ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fenfénmọ feni ferenferen ferenferénmọ férukáa adv. n.m. a. adv. a. férukáamọ férukáaférukáa adv. v.i. férukáaférukáamọ fẹ ḅịḅịfẹ adv. v.t. n. ḅịḅị fẹ fẹfẹrú ̣ụ v.p. v.i. fẹfẹrú ̣ụ fẹfẹrú ̣ụmọ fẹfẹrú ̣ụfẹfẹrú ̣ụ fẹfẹrú ̣ụfẹfẹrú ̣ụmọ fékẹté ẹ̣ ̣ fẹnfẹn fẹnfẹn fẹnfénmọ ̣ fẹngẹrẹ fẹngẹrémọ ̣ féngụ ̣ n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & a. v.i. & a. v.i. & a. a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. féngụmọ ̣ fẹngụ1 adv. v.t. fẹngụ1 fẹngụmó ̣ fẹngụmọ1 fẹngú ̣ye tọrú ̣ fẹngụ tọrú ̣fẹngụ fẹngụ2 fẹngụ2 ẹféngụye ̣ odúfẹngụye yefẹngụye fẹngụ3 n. n. v.t. n. v.p. n. n. v.i. n. n. n. n. fẹnéịn ̣ fénẹné ẹ̣ ̣ spotlessly bird bald; bare of hair baldly with short stiff scales; (of clothes) stiff (like tarpaulin); stiffly rustle rustlingly buy; purchase old custom whereby a nominal fee is paid before an intended wife or the mother-in-law speaks to, or eats in, the husband’s or son-inlaw’s house. In traditional circles, it is the payment of specified gifts by a lesser deity to a higher deity before the former is allowed freedom of speech and play perform such custom give forth slight sound as of some small creature in motion; scuff; shuffle; move with scraping, sliding or dragging motion shuffling movement shufflingly same as preceding shufflingly same as féketée same as fénéin same as fénenée he he he cleanly; habitually clean appear clean cleanly; in a clean way hover; loiter about loiteringly; in a hovering manner swing; sway; move to and fro; vacillate; oscillate; waver; swoon; reel vacillatingly; etc. swing; sway; cause to swing or sway (usually in circles) swinging; swaying hurling; flinging sling; fling; hurl sling (for throwing) to be dizzy dizziness; vertigo fanning; winnowing fan; winnow away chaff fan for fire fan for the body fanning-instrument; fanner; winnower early part of rainy season, May to August. 89 (cf. fararáa, fakaráa, etc.) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fẹngụ4 v.t. tr ḍụẹịfẹngụ fẹngú ̣mọ t fẹngú ̣mọ fẹngụmó2̣ fẹngụmó ̣ fẹngú ̣wei fẹrẹnfẹréṇ 1 1 fẹrẹnfẹrénmọ ̣ 2 fẹrẹnfẹréṇ fẹrẹnfẹrénmọ ̣ férẹré ẹ̣ ̣ férẹré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ férụ ̣ n. v.t. & v.i. n. v.t. n. n.m. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. yọmịẹfẹrụmó ̣ye n. fẹrú ̣ụ fẹrú ̣ụmọ fẹrú ̣ụfẹrú ̣ụ fẹrú ̣ụfẹrú ̣ụmọ fiáan v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. fiáan fiáanmọ fiáanfiáan fiáanfiáanmọ fíḅufíḅu n. adv. v.i. adv. a. fíḅufíḅu fíḅufíḅumọ fie fieḅịḅị n. adv. v.i. & v.t. n. fieye ḅịḅị fie ḅịḅị fié ḍị n. v.p. v.p. ḅịḅị fié ḍịgha v.p. ḅịḅị fiegha ye ékị ̣ fiémọ ye fie ye kọrí f̣ ie fieḅịḅị v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.i. ms The whole is divided into kalá fẹngụ, May & June; opú fẹngụ, July & August transfer (dead) by magical powers from a first burial place to a second burial place such transference for a second burial blow in (as rain) such blowing in beckon beckoning gesture masquerade type clean; unsoiled cleanly dry; without moisture; bald drily; baldly scarcely gone or passed only just, scarcely resolve or pass away without suppuration (of inflammation or tumour) absorbent (med.); agent that causes the drying up of a tumour, etc. scuff; shuffle shufflingly same as preceding shufflingly snort; make explosive noise due to sudden forcing of breath through nose, after holding breath for some time (naturally or after diving) snorting sound with a snort snort continuously after running, etc. with a continuous snort anxious; earnestly desirous (to do, or for a thing) anxiety; solicitous desire anxiously speak (with or to person); use specified language in speaking: cf. A. affair, dispute; lawsuit; matter; word; talk; language same as preceding use language; utter or say word have power of speech (of child); be able to talk not have the power of speech; not be able to talk (of child); (of a dumb person) dumb be silent speak something ill against speak something; discuss matter (with) speak of, about, something or matter B. talk or make sound (as animal, bird, wind, 90 (in ḍụẹị fẹngụ) (cf. fitiáan) ḅékeḅịḅị fie ‘speak English’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fiemọ v.t. fiemó ̣ adv. fiefá fílilúu v.i. v.i. fílilúu n. fílipúu fílipúu fílipúumọ fílipúufílipúu fín1 v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. v.i. fín1 fin-árụ fin-égberi finmó ̣ fín2 fín2 finyá finyámọ finyáfinyá fịnyá fịnyámọ fínye fíndi n. n. n. v.t. v.i. n. v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. adv. n. a. fíndi fíndimọ findí findimó ̣ n. adv. v.t. v.t. fío fiofio fiofiómọ fiónkofiónko fiónkofiónko fiónkofiónkomọ fioríi n. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. & v.i. adv. v.t. & v.i. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. fioríimọ fiórifióri fioróo fioróomọ fírigíi fírigíi fírigíimọ drum, etc.) cause to sound (drum), cause to start a row or debate loudly; resonantly fight; contend against or with feel paining and moving sensation in tissue of body such paining and moving sensation in tissue of body wriggle (as maggot) wriggling movement with a wriggle same as preceding mt fly (as bird, etc.); move through air (as aeroplane) flying aeroplane; helicopter; aircraft; airship; etc. flying news let fly; cause to fly evaporate; disappear evaporation snort loudly with a loud snort snort continuously snort lightly with a light snort fleck in the eye which disappears after healing broad; wide; not narrow; spacious; extensive; ample breadth; broadness; width broadly; widely; extensively broaden; widen; open; unlock; unfold; unveil broaden; widen; expand; spread; stretch out; enlarge current of water white; sleek whitely; sleekly pant; gasp; throb violently; utter gaspingly throbbing; panting gaspingly sip or drink soup in sharp copious draughts in sharp copious draughts same as above, but continuously same as fioríi same as fioríimọ rough (of skin); not smooth or polished develop rough skin in a dry and rough state 91 cf. farị fiemó ̣ ‘beat (drum) loudly’ (same as fílịpú ̣ ̣ụ) (cf. following words) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fị2 v.i. fịmó ̣ fíạ 1 v.t. v.t. fíạ 1 a. fíạ 1 v.i. fíagha ̣ v.t. fíagha ̣ a. fíagha ̣ fíaghaḅara ̣ fíaghaḅọ ̣ ḅụ na fíạ n. adv. n.m.f . v.p. ḅụnafíạ n. odú na fíạ odúnafíạ fíạ 2 v.p. n. v.i. fíaye ̣ fíaa ̣ n. excl. fịafịa fịafịámọ fịaí ̣ fịaífịaị ̣ fịaífịḅọgó ̣ ̣ fịaífịḅọgó ̣ ̣ fịaífịḅọgọḅọ ̣ fịaí-ifie ̣ fịḅú ̣ fịḅú ̣ fígbọọ ̣ fígbọọ ̣ a. adv. n. a. a. n. n.m.f . n. n. v.t. a. v.i. fígbọọmọ ̣ fịitoru adv. n. fíịn ̣ fíịn ̣ fíịnfí ̣ ịn ̣ fíịnfí ̣ ịn ̣ fíịnfí ̣ ịnmọ ̣ fịkí ̣ fịkịfịkí ̣ v.i. n. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n.m. fester (of wound, boil, etc.),; rankle; suppurate; become malignant cause to fester become; befit; suit; be fitted for; look well on; be right for; be convenient for; be incumbent on; match; be equal in quality, colour, etc.: e.g. fit; well adapted or suited; becoming; proper; right; qualified; competent; worthy; suitable; deserving: e.g. agree; become or be in harmony with; suit the constitution of; e.g.: not agree or be in harmony with; not befit or become unworthy; unbecoming; unsuitable; not befitting; unseemly enmity; lasting hate or hatred; disagreement unworthily, unsuitably enemy; opponent; adversary; antagonist be content; be satisfied (with something); accustom or habituate (to thing) content; contentedness; contentment; satisfaction same as ḅụ na fíạ contentment use some word as reciprocal nickname between friends reciprocal nickname between friends expressing that God should forbit that such thing should happen or occur clean; free from dirt; unsoiled cleanly solid food; meal; eatables mealy; containing much meal gluttonous gluttony; excessive eating glutton; gormandizer meal-time; usual time of eating low water (of ebb tide) be favourable for fishing (of low tide) stagnant; hesitant; reluctant hesitate; be reluctant; stagnate; have no current stagnantly; reluctantly; hesitatingly bread; make the slightest move, noise, etc. very slight move, noise, etc. make low sound; mutter mutter; murmur; (oracle) murmurously saw; cut with saw saw; implement with teeth for sawing 92 ḅụtụaweíḅei ị na fíạ ‘the garment suits you’ ị mịé ̣ na fíạ ye ‘worthy thing for you to do’ ịní furo na fíạ ‘it ̣ suits my stomach’ (in ye ékị ̣ ̣ fía) (lit. "eating powder") Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fílịpú ̣ ̣ụ fílọtó ̣ ̣ọ fílọtó ̣ ̣ọmọ fína ̣ 1 fína ̣ 2 fínamọ ̣ fịna fịnámọ fịndị fịndị v.i. a. adv. n. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. v.i. a. same as fílipúu short in a short manner consistency of pounded food bind; tie; fasten in bonds or cords bind; fasten; tie; swathe attach, fasten, lash (on, to) remain; be left over additional; extra; excessive; e.g. fịndịmó ̣ adv. fịndịyaị fịndịye fịndịyọ fíngịfí ngị ̣ ̣ fíngịfí ngị ̣ ̣ fíngịfí ngịmọ ̣ ̣ fíngịfí ngịye ̣ ̣ fịní ̣ fịnị-áfun fịníḅẹlẹụ ̣ suófịnị fịọlú ̣ụ n. n. a. v.i. adv. n. n. n. n. a. over; in excess; in addition; excessively; besides; more; apart what remains over; surplus material thing in excess of remainder; surplus; something in excess of flippant; frivolous; trifling trifle; toy with flippantly; frivolously trifle; thing of slight importance fire; fuel; wood pieces of fire-wood left off after splitting flame of fire thunder very small (of hole) fịọlú ̣ụmọ fíọn ̣ fíọn ̣ fíọnmọ ̣ fíọnfí ̣ ọn ̣ fịpú ̣ụ fịpú ̣ụ fịpú ̣ụmọ fịrí ̣ adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. fịrímọ ̣ v.i. fịrịmó ̣ fịrí m ̣ ọndị mọndịfịrị v.t. v.p. n. fịsaní ̣ n. fịtáa, fịtá v.i. cr in a very small way (of hole) very small (of holes) develop a small hole with a small hole sieve-like; perforated slip; fall accidentally from grip slip; act of slipping accidentally from grip with a slip business; enterprise; job; labour; task; work; duty; function send for (telling to come or ordering as to purchase) send; order; mandate; command; bid go do work; labour; toil; be engaged in work job; piece of work done for hire or profit; employment; labour; task; toil; act; thing done; deed alligator pepper plant and fruit overflow; overbrim: e.g. 93 fịndị igbogi ‘extra money’ (cf. following words) Aframomum melegueta; A. danielii (Hook. f.) K.Schum. pánịḅei fịtáatẹ ‘the pan has overbrimmed’; be full to the brim, e.g. mindímị bein fịtátẹ ‘the water is full to the brim’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fịtáamọ adv. full to the brim; e.g. fịtịfịtí ̣ fịtịfịtímọ ̣ 1 fíụụ ̣ fíụụ ̣ 1 1 fíụụmọ ̣ 2 fíụụ ̣ 2 fíụụmọ ̣ fíya ̣ 1 fíya ̣ 2 fịyaí ̣ fó1 fó1 a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.i. n. v.t. n. fó2 fó2 fó3 v.t. n. v.t. ft fó3 fofó n. n. ft mt fóforóo fofórofofóro fofórofofóro fofórofofóromọ foforófoforomọ foin foin foin fó ̣ịfịweí foinmó1̣ foinmó2̣ v.i. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. n. a. n. adv. v.t. foinmó3̣ fókíi fókíimọ fóko fóko fokofokó fokofokó fokofokómọ fólíi fólíi n. v.i. adv. v.t. & v.i. n. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. dirty; nasty nastily sharp (of sting; pinch, bite, pain, burn etc.) sting, pinch, bite, burn, sharply sharply completely black (colour) completely black same as fíạ beat one another in a bet, wager or game same as fịaí ̣ resuscitate (fainting person) such resuscitation or restoration to consciousness or life bail out capsizing canoe such bailing out use leaves to dam the sides of creek from where the screens stop such damming with leaves last of ebb before the flow; slack-water, i.e. about turn of low (ebb) tide decay; rot slack; not tight; loose; relaxed slacken; loosen loosely; slackly make loose or slack float; rest on surface of liquid buoyancy; floating power buoyant; apt to float the heart buoyantly get or set afloat (of tide floating a stranded boat); float down log in a river, or kernels in salt or muddy water float on fishing-net lighten; feel relief; grow lighter in light manner tie cloth loosely round loins in special manner fólíimọ folíifolíi adv. v.i. folói folói a. v.i. co co such style of tying cloth frothy; foamy; lathery foam; froth; lather frothily protrusive; obtrusive protrude; obtrude; project; thrust forth; stick out obtrusively bob; move up and down; rebound (like cork in water) awkward (of sudden movement) protrude; obtrude; project; stick out 94 mindímị tụá fịtáamọ ‘put the water to the brim’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 folóimọ folóifolói fóngo adv. a. v.i. fóngo a. fóngomọ fóngolo fóngolo-ẹfẹrụma fóngolomindi fóngolomọ fongolo adv. v.i. n. n. adv. v.t. fongolomó ̣ fóo v.t. a. fóo fóo fóomọ fóon v.i. n. adv. a. fóonmọ fóonfóon fóonfóon fóonfóonmọ fopúu fopúu fopúumọ fórifóri fórifóri fórifórimọ fóro foró adv. a. v.i. adv. id. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. v.t. forótẹ fórokóo fórokóo fórokóo fórokóomọ forónforon forónforon forónforonmọ fótíi fótíi fótíimọ fótiifotii fọfó ̣ fọfó ̣ ḅịḅịfọfọ fọí1̣ fọí1̣ fọí2̣ fó ̣kọ a. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. n. n. v.t. n. v.t. v.i. awkwardly (of a jump) protuberant or protrusive (of hip bones) become empty; (of house, boat) devoid of furniture, inmates, load, provision, etc. empty; containing nothing; (colloquial) hungry emptily eddy; swirl; whirl round eddy; whirlwind eddy; whirlpool in a circular way encircle; encompass; surround; form a circle round whirl; swirl; cause to make a circle pungent; piquant; biting; caustic; pricking (to skin, taste, etc.) be pungent or piquant piquancy; pungency pungently; piquantly (of holes, nostril) open and with straight sides enabling one to see far down or in agape admitting of light; perforated have many holes in a perforated state sound (as) of cork being drawn out make such sound with a cloop (of skin) dry and scurfy scurfiness in a scurfy state be riddled; be eaten up riddle; cause to deteriorate; eat up fleshy tissues and leave only integuments; decline in wealth or power riddled containing no fleshy tissues; foamy; frothy foam; froth; spume frothiness, foaminess frothily admitting of light admit plenty of light admitting light protrusive, obtrusive project; stick out obtrusively move up and down; bob; rebound kiss; suck finger or bone kiss; such sucking kiss; caress given with lips bake; roast; toast; braise baking, roasting, etc. annoy; irritate; hurt become erased or rubbed 95 (cf. fọpú ̣ụ) (cf. fó ̣rọkó ̣ọ) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fọkó ̣ v.t. fọkó ̣mọ fọkọfọkọ fọkọfọkó ̣mó ̣ fó ̣ọ fó ̣ọ fó ̣ọ fó ̣ọmọ fó ̣ọn fó ̣ọnmọ fọpú ̣ụ fọpú ̣ụ fọpú ̣ụmọ fọró ̣kọ fó ̣rọkó ̣ọ fó ̣rọkó ̣ọ fó ̣rọkó ̣ọ fó ̣tịfó ̣tị fó ̣tịfó ̣tịmọ fọụ1 fọu-ene fọụ2 fọụmó ̣ ḅịḅịfọụghá fọụn v.t. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. n. v.t. adv. n.m. a. v.i. n. v.i. adv. n. n. a. adv. a. n. fọú ̣nkụatụrụ ḅụrọfọụn teínfọụn fuá fúḅo fúḅomọ fúfu fugu1 fugu1 n. n. n. n.m.f . n.f. n.m.f . n.m. n. v.i. & v.t. n. v.t. n. v.t. n. ịmgbẹsé ̣ fugu imgbeséfugu nụnụ fugu v.p. n. v.p. nụnụfugu fugu2 n. v.i. fua-ára fuáḅọ fua-ówei fúa fúḅo k chafe; rub hard; erase; scour; scrub; burnish; furbish cause to rub or rub self against filthy filthily pungent; piquant; caustic be pungent or piquant piquancy; pungency pungently; piquantly lonesome; lonely; not lively lonesomely cloop, clooping sound cloop; make such sound with a cloop singlet; garment worn under shirt frothy, foamy foam, froth, spume frothiness gorge; feed greedily with greedy feeding market; mart; market-place market day calm; quiet; tranquil calmly; quietly fond of talking; talkative ash; powdery residue left after burning of something; (loosely used for) gun-powder keg of gun-powder wood-ash gun-powder father- or mother-in-law k k mother-in-law father- or mother-in-law k father-in-law champion (in game of ikosó) snuggle; shift or lie close up for warmth; take to lie close and snug; cuddle bp snuggle; cuddle; embrace; hug; fondle draw close to self (as child) lung strike or nudge with buttock manoeuvre in wrestling; throw over the hip; buttock (rare) throw over the hip; cross-buttock throw over hip (in wrestling) draw towards oneself before throwing running buttock distend; swell out; dilate; expand; bulge out; increase in volume; grow bigger or louder; rise (as dough) 96 (cf. fopúu) (cf. fórokóo) = ḅịḅịḍọụgha Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fugu2 fugu2 fugumó ̣ fugumó ̣gha fugulú fugulumó ̣ fugúmọ fugúmọ fugúmọ fuká fuká fukurúu fukurúu fukurúumọ fukúrufukúru, fúkurufukuru fulée fulée fúléemọ fuléefulée fuléefuléemo fụlọmaịnmó ̣ fúmu fúmukúu fun1 funfun fun2 n. a. v.t. a. v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. n. v.i. n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. swelling swollen, distended cause to distend or dilate; leaven unleavened fester; suppurate cause to fester or suppurate move up; shift a little cause to move act of moving up be proud, boast pride rustle (as in a hole) rustle; such sound with a rustle rustle; froufrou a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. n. v.i. a. n. a. n. fun tụa fúngulu fúngulu fúngulúumọ fúngulúufúngulúu v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. n. afloat; floating in liquid bob up to float in a floating manner bob; move up and down in a bobbing manner weed used as vegetable swell and look pale swollen piece of useless matter in anything useful abounding in useless pieces of matter lot; one of a set of objects used to secure a chance decision in dividing goods, selecting candidates, etc.; such method of deciding by lot cast lots wriggle (as larva) wriggling movement with a wriggle same as above fúntụa fúntụa fúntụa koro furá furá v.p. n. a. furá v.i. furamọ v.t. furó1 n. furó1 furó1 furo-ákpa furó bein bp bp bp n. v.p. bp A. 21 in game of cards B. any excessive gain in any undertaking score 21; have much gain conception; pregnancy pregnant; gravid; with child; (of tongue) with slight swelling become pregnant; conceive; (of tongue) have swelling; (of frogs) swell up make conceive; impregnate; get with child; fecundate; cause to swell up; puff A. abdomen; belly; cavity of body below chest with stomach, bowels and other organs; (outwardly) lower front of body B. womb; uterus C. entrails; bowels; intestines; garbage; offal; guts stomach be full with; be filled 97 (cf. fakurúu) (cf. fú ̣léẹ) ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 furó beinmọ v.p. fill; satisfy; satiate; be tired of or fed up with; make full; glut; cloy D. bulging part or soft surface of many objects and materials, e.g. furó1 furóḅakala furó fangala furófángala furo-ílạ kalafuro opufuró furó2 v.i. & v.t. n. v.p. n. n. n. n. n. furó2 furo-ébi a. furósei a. furótọgụ n.m.f . v.t. & v.i. n. a. furó ḅakala furo-ó ̣wọma furu furu furu furuongu furu fọí ̣ furumindi adv. n.m.f . v.p. n. fúrukúu fúrukúu fúrukúumọ futúu futúu futúumọ fúu fúu a. v.i. adv. id. v.i. adv. n. v.i. fúumọ fúufúu adv. n. fúufúu v.i. fụ1 fụ2 n. n. furuḅara furuḅọ ḅụọfuro ‘calf’; ḍigifuro ‘soft inner part of cane rope’ have, cause to have colic or gripe d d bp bp bp p p p p colic; gripe have, cause to have colic or gripe colic; gripe bowels; intestines; entrails; chitterlings small intestines; chitterlings large intestines; bowels A. batch; brood; hatch; set; breed; race; stock; strain; ancestry; lineage; family; pedigree; dynasty B. caste in N embe society of high caste, with white entrails at time of post-mortem examination of low caste, with black and twisted entrails at time of post-mortem examination native; aristocrat aristocrats steal; take feloniously; thieve; abduct; kidnap stealing; larceny; theft; thievery stealthy; sly; furtive; clandestine; surreptitious; secret; stealthily; slyly; secretly; furtively thief; larcener; larcenist; picaroon; rogue; pirate thieves (of moon) appear late while waning time of darkness; tides during first and last quarter of phases of moon distended (of sail); swell out in a bulky way distend; swell out in a dilated form phut; sound as of bladder collapsing collapse with such sound with a phut puff; short quick blast of breath emit puff of air or breath from the mouth; hiss (as snake) with a puff snorting noise resembling the snorting of steam engine snort; make explosive noise through nose, usually expressing anger, etc., while looking for something cloth type salt; efflorescence or saline particles that 98 cf. furu you ‘secret fight’ (cf. fárukúu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fụ paga fụḅara fụfọlímọ ̣ fụgá fụgá fụlá fụláprị v.p. n. v.i. v.t. n. n. n. fụlá prị fú ̣léẹ̣ fú ̣léẹ̣ fú ̣léẹmọ ̣ fụléẹfụlé ẹ̣ ̣ fụléẹfụlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ fụlọ fụlọ-ẹfẹrẹ fụlọ ghọ koro fụlọ sein v.p. a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. n. n.m. a.p. v.p. fú ̣lụfú ̣lụ fú ̣lụfú ̣lụ fú ̣lụfú ̣lụ fú ̣lụfú ̣lụmọ fụmụ fụmụ fụnfụn fú ̣ngbafú ̣ngba fú ̣ngbafú ̣ngba fú ̣ngbafú ̣ngbamọ fú ̣ngọ a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. n. v.i. a. adv. v.i. fú ̣ngọmọ fụngó ̣ fụngó ̣ fụngó ̣ iderimó ̣ fụngọ-ígbọ ̣ fụngó ̣ iwomó ̣ fụngọmó ̣ fụrú ̣ fụrú ̣ fụrú ̣ adv. v.t. n. v.p. n.m. v.p. v.t. v.i. a. n. fụrụḅio fụrụ-ítuka n. n. fụrú ̣mo fụrụmó ̣ ḅió fụrụ -ḅiófụrụ ḅiófụrụ adv. v.t. v.p. a. n. h cover damp wall or ground; dried remains of sweat which appear white on the body effloresce fortune, luck make slow but steady approach claw; scratch another person with fingernails act of scratching with nails spittle; saliva as ejected from mouth (masquerading) performance at waterside before play in public arena make such performance afloat bob up to float in a floating manner bob in water in a bobbing manner soup soup-plate tasty in soup (of fish, meat) eat or drink soup; (fishing) obtain reasonable catch peevish; querulous; childishly impatient be hot with rage or anger peevishness peevishly faint; swoon; suffocate fainting; swoon; suffocation; asphyxia sniffing sound blunder; bungle; fumble blundering; bungling; fumbling blunderingly; fumblingly be dragged or hauled; shuffle; move with dragging motion shufflingly drag; draw; haul; trawl dragging; drawing haul down dragnet; trawl net; seine haul up drag, haul towards a direction smell; reek; stink of; smack of fetid; stinking; rank-smelling stench; reek; smell; fetidness; foul or stale odour anger; vexation; angry mind goatweed; hairy ill-smelling weed used as medicine, sometimes used to revive chicks fetidly; stinkingly make or cause to smell; leave smell on be angry angry; wrathful; enraged anger; rage; hot displeasure 99 <Kalabari (cf. fulée) Ageratum conyzoides (Compositae). lit. ‘smelling herb’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅiófụrụmọ1 ḅiófụrụmọ2 ḅụlafụrú ̣ụ adv. v.t. n. ḅụlafụrú ̣ụ tọrú ̣ fụrụmọ fú ̣tụfú ̣tụ fú ̣tụfú ̣tụ fú ̣tụfú ̣tụ fú ̣tụfú ̣tụmọ fú ̣ụ v.i. v.p. n. v.i. a. adv. n. fú ̣ụ fú ̣ụmọ fụụ v.i. adv. n. fú ̣ụfú ̣ụ1 fú ̣ụfú ̣ụ2 fú ̣ụfú ̣ụmọ fú ̣ụn n. v.i. adv. n. fú ̣ụn v.i. angrily anger; annoy; vex; irritate abusive term meaning literally "smell like scour"; "stink-ball"; stinker say such word frown; grimace; look cross fizz, bubbling sound fizzle; make bubbling sound bubbling with a bubble fizzle; chuff (of steam engine); hiss; spluttering sound make hissing sound with a hiss haft or handle (of cutting implements like axe or adze) continuous hissing sound be frustrated in looking for something with a snort humming sound (as of mosquito in flight); faint sound make humming sound G. gáan gáan gáanmọ gádagbáa gádagbáa gádagbáamọ gadamú ̣ụ gadamú ̣ụ a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. gadamú ̣ụmọ gádịlị gádúu adv. n. a. gádúu gádúu gádúumọ gádú ̣ụ gádú ̣ụ gádú ̣ụ gádú ̣ụmọ gága v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. gágamọ gái gáimọ gáiin gáiin adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. a clear; unclouded; transparent; not turbid become or grow clear clearly tall and huge; stalwart grow tall stalwartly bring down (foot) heavily on ground; stamp stamp; bringing down (of foot) heavily on ground with a stamp cemetery; grave-yard; burial ground stout; strongly built; robust; sturdy; with a pronounced swelling grow robust robustness; stoutness stoutly; robustly pronounced (of a protuberance) bud; spring forth; develop pronounced swelling; protuberance same as gádúumọ resolute (of person or his health); bold; not vacillating resolutely to come down heavily (e.g. on foot) coming down heavily bring down (foot) heavily on ground; stamp stamp; bringing down (of foot) heavily on ground 100 (cf. gan) <Eng. garden) (cf. gádú ̣ụ) (cf. gádúu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gáiinmọ gáịn gáịn gáịnmọ gajogajo adv. a. v.i. adv. a. gajogajo gajogajómọ gákíi gákíi gákíi gákíimọ gákíị̣ gákíị̣ gákíị̣ gákíịmọ ̣ gákúu gákúu gákúu gákúumọ gákú ̣ụ galaḅágalaḅa galaḅágalaḅa galaḅágalaḅamọ galagalá galágala v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a., v.i., n. a. n. adv. v.t. v.t. galagalá galágalamọ gálíi gálíi gálíimọ gálíị̣ gálíị̣ gálíịmọ ̣ gámagáma gámagáma gámagámamọ gámụụgámụụ v.t. adv. a. n. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. gámụụgámụụ gamú ̣ụgamú ̣ụmọ gan gan gánmọ mịé ̣ gaánmọ gapi gapi gapi gapímọ gápíị̣ n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.p. a. v.i. n. adv. a., v.i., with a stamp (of foot) fixed; erect; vertical be fixed by point into; stick into erectly; vertically bristly; like bristles; stiff; unbending; not flexible rise like bristles; bristle stiffly; in a bristly way erect; upright; vertical; not stooping be fixed by point into erectness erectly; vertically erect; vertical; upright be fixed by point into erectness erectly; vertically erect; upright; vertical be fixed by point into erectness erectly; vertically same as gákúu confused; muddled; bungled confusion confusedly rout; scatter be routed; be scattered (as of roof by storm) etc. rout; scatter scatteringly erect; vertical (of penis) erectness erectly; vertically erect; vertical erectness erectly; vertically stagger; walk unsteadily staggering movement staggeringly blink continuously due to foreign matter in eye causing pain blink at regular intervals blinkingly clear; unclouded become or grow clear clearly; unambiguously make clear; clarify; reveal fixed be fixed fixed position fixedly same as gapi 101 (cf. gákíị,̣ gákúu) (cf. gákíi) (cf. gákíi, gákú ̣ụ) (cf. gáan) (cf. gápíị)̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 garadíi gapi gapi garadíimọ gáradíị̣ gáradíị̣ gáradíị̣ gáradíịmọ ̣ gáragára gáragára gáragára-ịsọnọ n. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n.m. gáragáramọ gárakíi gárakíi gárakíi gárakíimọ gárakíị̣ gárakíị̣ gárakíị̣ gárakíịmọ ̣ gáramú ̣ụ gáramú ̣ụ gáramú ̣ụ gáramú ̣ụmọ garángaran garangarán1 adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.t. garangarán2 garangaránmọ garangarán odú garangaran pọgó ̣ garangaran gari garigari garigarí a. adv. v.t. v.p. v.p. n. a. a. garigarí v.i. garigarímọ garịgarí ̣ adv. a. garịgarí ̣ garịgarímọ ̣ gáya gáyamọ gázara!a gázara!a gázara!a gázaráamọ gede1 v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. a. v.i. n. adv. n. mi gede2 n. ga i stout; firm be fixed firmly firmness stoutly; firmly bold; sturdy; stubborn stand firmly firmness boldly; stubbornly; firmly smart; quick hurry up; be quick; make haste; speed up non-biting, smart-moving small kind of ant, fond of sweet food smartly; quickly firm; fixed (of larger objects); not shaking be fixed firmly firmness firmly; steadily firm; fixed (of smaller objects) be fixed firmly (of smaller objects) firmness firmly; steadily pungent (of smells) smell pungently pungent smell pungently (of smells) be clear or grow clear of growths on stem clean up leaves, twigs, branches, etc. from tree; clear noisy children out of a place erect; vertical (of standing trees); alert erectly; vertically; alertly (come out) to be on the alert, ready to attack be alert cough to clear throat grated and fried cassava meal full of gari raw; crude; (of eyes) have brownish red colour due to much drinking or bathing develop brownish red colour in eyes after strong drink or after long bath rawly; crudely; with brownish red colour raw; crude; undiluted; (of old persons) hale; robust; vigorous become lively and hale rawly; vigorously contend; strive; quarrel (with person for thing) dispute over something gaunt; emaciated; lean; haggard; not plump grow lean or gaunt leanness; haggardness; gauntness gauntly meeting or alarm drum. Conical drum beaten with sticks. ‘mancala’ or ‘the board game’ similar to 102 (cf. gáradíị)̣ (cf. garadíi) (cf. garigarí) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gédegbáa gédegbáa gédegbáamọ gelegelé a. v.i. adv. a. gelegelé gelegelémọ gelegúgelegu v.i. adv. a. gelegúgelegu gelegúgelegumọ v.i. adv. gelegúgeleguye gélegúu n. v.i. gelegúmọ gélegúuye ḍigi gélegúu gémemée gémeméemọ genenée genenéemọ genénegenéne adv. n. v.p. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. genénegenéne genénegenéne genénegenénemọ génigéni génigéni génigéniye geréḅageréḅa geréḅageréḅa geréḅageréḅa geréḅageréḅamọ geregere v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. a. v.i. n. adv. a. geregere geregere geregerémọ v.i. n. adv. gerére gerére geréremọ gé ̣ géḅọ ̣ v.i. n. adv. v.t. n.m.f . v.t. v.p. v.p. a. adv. gémọ ̣ gé ̣ pagamọ fé ̣ sara géẹgé ̣ ẹ̣ géẹgé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ Yoruba ayọ huge; enormous; very large growing tall hugely; enormously clear and audible; distinct; plain; definite; unmistakable; certain; indisputable; real; sincere be audible or distinct audibly; distinctly; really; certainly wonderful; marvellous; surprising; astonishing; amazing, doubtful wonder; amaze wonderfully; marvellously; surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; doubtfully wonder; strange thing wonder; feel surprise; marvel; astonish; amaze; astound; doubt; feel uncertain about; feel strange or queer wonderingly miracle; strange thing wonder at (something) oblique; skew; slanting; squinting (of eyes) obliquely; slantingly flash; gleam; reflect light; spark; sparkle flashingly; gleamingly; sparklingly flashy; brilliant; lustrous; luminous; gaudy flash; gleam flashiness; luminousness; lustre; gaudiness flashily; lustrously; luminously; gaudily flecked; specked; speckled become flecked or specked fleck, speck, speckle; spot in the skin physically vigorous, rough or violent become rough, violent or vigorous (of play) vigour; etc. vigorously; roughly bright; clear; distinct; limpid; pellucid; not turbid; unclouded; plain become clear (of water, cloud, etc.) brightness; limpidness brightly; clearly; distinctly; limpidly; pellucidly; plainly ramble; roam; wander (especially in distress) wandering; roaming ramblingly write; pattern writer; author write to write out; advertise; publish write voluminously or fully variegated; pied variegatedly 103 (cf. gémẹmé ẹ) ̣ ̣ (cf. génẹné ẹ) ̣ ̣ (cf. gẹnẹnéẹgẹnẹné ẹ) ̣ ̣ (cf. génịgé nị) ̣ ̣ (cf. géẹngé ẹn) ̣ ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 géẹn ̣ 1 géẹnmọ ̣ géẹn ̣ 2 géẹngé ẹn ̣ ̣ a. adv. v.i. a. minute minutely show faint light speckled géẹngé ẹn ̣ ̣ géẹngé ẹn-aye ̣ ̣ géẹngé ẹnmọ ̣ ̣ gélẹlé ̣ ẹ̣ v.i. adv. a. appear in specks flecks; specks in specks oblique; awry gélẹlé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ gémẹmé ẹ̣ ̣ adv. a. obliquely oblique; awry gémẹmé ẹ̣ ̣ gémẹmé ẹ̣ ̣ gémẹmé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ génẹgé nẹ ̣ ̣ génẹné ẹ̣ 1 ̣ génẹné ẹmọ ̣ ̣ génẹné ẹ̣ 2 ̣ génẹné ẹ̣ 2 ̣ génẹné ẹmọ ̣ ̣ gẹnẹnéẹgẹnẹné ẹ̣ ̣ gẹnẹnéẹgẹnẹné ẹ̣ ̣ génịgé nị ̣ ̣ v.i. n. adv. v.t. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. a. look oblique obliquity obliquely wave firebrand oblique obliquely flash; glint; glitter; sparkle; gleam; glister flash; glint; glitter; sparkle; gleam with a gleam; glitteringly flashly; gleamy be flashy; be gleaming pied; spotted; flecked; specked; speckled génịgé nị ̣ ̣ gérụụ ̣ gérụụmọ ̣ gésụkú ̣ ̣ụ gésụkú ̣ ̣ụmọ giasíi giasíi giasíimọ giḅụ giḅụ giḅụ giḅúmọ giḅumó ̣ giḅumó ̣ gídáa gídáamọ gíde gídigídi gídigídi gídigídimọ gidimúu v.i. a. adv. a. adv. a. v.t. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. a. adv. n.m. v.t. n. adv. v.i. gidimúu gidimúumọ gígi n. adv. n. gígoro n. & v.i. become spotted or pied suitably small in a suitably small way suitably small in a suitably small way forcible; tight (of hold) hold forcibly or tightly forcibly; tightly fresh (of flesh) not; musty; of stale taste taste stale; be musty mustiness; stale taste stalely male stale or musty staleness; mustiness firm (of hold); steady; (of sleep) deep firmly; steadily; deeply heavy rain struggle; contend with; throng rush; charge; struggle with a struggle quaff; gulp; swallow in copious or long draughts act of gulping gulpingly; with a gulp gig; rowing canoe chiefly used for racing or quick errands word which entitles one to petty things that drop from another one; say such a word 104 bo (cf. génịgé nị, ̣ ̣ géẹgé ̣ ẹ) ̣ (cf. gémẹmé ẹ,̣ ̣ génẹné ẹ̣ 1.) ̣ (cf. gélẹlé ̣ ẹ,̣ gémemée) (cf. gélẹlé ̣ ẹ) ̣ (cf. genenée) (cf. genénegenéne) (cf. géẹngé ẹn, ̣ ̣ génigéni) (cf. gésụkú ̣ ̣ụ) (cf. gérụụ) ̣ (cf. gịasíị)̣ (cf. gídịgí ̣ dị) ̣ (praise name) (cf. gịdịmú ̣ụ) < English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gígoro kọrị gilogiló gilogiló gilogilómọ gilolíi gilolíi gilolígiloli gimugimú gimugimúmọ gimugimú gine ginéni v.p. a. v.i. adv. n. v.i. v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. v.i. ginéni ginénimọ gineni ginenimó ̣ gịó ̣n gịó ̣n gịó ̣nmọ giráa n. adv. v.t. v.t. a. v.i. adv. v.i. gịó ̣n giráamọ giriḅúgiriḅu giriḅúgiriḅumọ gíridíi gíridíi gíridíimọ gírigíri1 id. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. gírigíri1 gírigírimọ gírigíri2 gírigíri2 gírigírimọ giripúu giripúu giripúumọ gịasíị̣ gịasíị̣ v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.t. gịbí ̣ gíbịlị ̣ gịbịlị gịbịlímọ ̣ gịḅú ̣ gịḅú ̣ v.t. v.i. v.t. adv. a. v.i. gịḅú ̣ gídịgí ̣ dị ̣ 1 1 gídịgí ̣ dịmọ ̣ n. a. adv. fr say ‘gígoro’ like crystal; crystalline; pellucid; transparent become pellucid or clear pellucidly lure; something used to entice recall or entice (person) with lure flash (as of mirror waved in sun) producing the sensation of heat; very warm heatedly warm up; heat up full bunch of raffia palm fruit drift, be carried (as by current of water; roll; move down with aid of gravitation; slip down (of undercut bank) rolling motion in a rolling manner drift; roll; purge; scour drift; purge; scour bright (in outlook of weather, etc.) brighten (of weather) brightly alight (of something heavy); descend; dismount; settle; come to earth or tree, from the air thud made from a jump with a thud cartilaginoid; cartilaginous; gristly in a gristly manner steady; firm become firm or steady steadily; firmly greedy; selfish; eager to get or keep; quick to take advantage be quick to take advantage greedily; selfishly shivering; shivery shiver shiveringly strident (of sound of pulling); loud and harsh pull stridently stridently; loudly sharp (of bite) bite sharply; grab (something small); nip (of crab) carry; convey in hand or on head be bored; move with revolving motion; twist bore as with auger with a twist apt to break; fragile (as of old rope) lose tensile strength due to age or decay (of rope); become weak weakness (of rope, etc.), fragility firm; steady firmly; steadily 105 (cf. gịlọgịlọ) (cf. giráa) (cf. gịrịḅú ̣gịrịḅụ) (cf. gírịgí ̣ rị) ̣ (cf. giasíi) (cf. gídáa) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gídịgí ̣ dị ̣ 2 gídịgí ̣ dị ̣ 2 2 gídịgí ̣ dịmọ ̣ gídịịn ̣ gídịịn ̣ gídí ̣ ịnmọ ̣ gídịn ̣ gịdịmú ̣ụ gídọgí dọ ̣ ̣ gídọgí dọmọ ̣ ̣ gígị̣ gígị̣ gígịmọ ̣ gíịn ̣ a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. n. v.i. & n. adv. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. gíịn ̣ n. gíịnmọ ̣ gịlọgịlọ adv. a. gịlọgịlọ gịlọgịló ̣mọ gịlọngịlọn gíráa ̣ gíráamọ ̣ gịráa gịráa gịráamọ gịrịḅú ̣gịrịḅụ gịrịḅú ̣gịrịḅụ gịrịḅú ̣ụ gịrịḅú ̣ụ gịrịḅú ̣ụmọ1 gịrịḅú ̣ụmọ2 gírịdí ̣ ị̣ v.i. adv. a. & v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. n. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. gírịgí ̣ rị̣ gírịgí ̣ rị̣ gírịgí ̣ rịmọ ̣ gịrịkó ̣ọ gịrịkó ̣ọmọ gịrịp`ú ̣ụ gịrịpú ̣ụmọ gịrịrí ̣ gịrịrí ̣ ḅụgịrịrí ̣ odúgịrịrí ̣ gịrísịgịrí sị̣ ̣ gịrísịgịrí sị̣ ̣ gó1 a. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. n. n. a. n. v.t. gó1 n. helpless (of laughter) be helpless with laughter helpless (of laughter) dark darken; become dark darkly darkness quaff; gulp (of small quantity) noisy (of a group) noisily (of a group) strenuous be tired strenuously tinkle; make succession of clinking sounds in the ear; chirp (of cricket) succession of clinking sounds in the ear; tinkle; chirp with a tinkle like crystal (of water); crystalline; pellucid; transparent become clear or pellucid pellucidly; clearly same as preceding stumpy (of people); stunted (of people) in a stumpy or stunted way slight (of something small); settle lightly light thud made from a light jump with a light thud apt to break; brittle; gristly brittleness short; concise stop abruptly; break off suddenly shortly; concisely shorten; make short move; pass (slightly); come in a group or at the same time shivery; shivering shiver shiveringly short; brief; concise; curt; terse concisely; curtly excitingly brief; curt curtly; tersely shame; disgrace; ignominy shame; be ashamed shame (of self) shame (of self) gritty grittiness recite; read; rehearse; repeat aloud; interpret (statement) reading; interpretation 106 (cf. gidimúu) (cf. gilogiló, and next) (cf. giráa) (cf. giriḅúgiriḅu) (cf. gírigíri) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gó2 gó3 n.m.f . v.t. v.t. góḅịtẹ n.m. gó ̣bụgó ̣bụ gó ̣bụgó ̣bụmọ gódogbóo gódogbóomọ gódogódo gódogódomọ gogo gógoi gógoi toi gókúu gókúumọ gólu1 gólumindi v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. n. n. v.p. a. adv. n. n. gólugólu gólu2 gomugomu gomugomúmọ gómuu gómuumọ gonomi gonomíi gonomíimọ gonomu gorigori górogóro1 górogóromọ górogóro2 a. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. a. adv. a. & v.i. a. v.i. adv. v.i. górogóro2 górogóromọ gorogoro gorogoromọ gorokíi gorokíimọ gororóo gororóomọ gó ̣dọgó ̣dọ gó ̣dọgó ̣dọmọ gó ̣gọ gọgọ gọgọnígọgọnị ̣ gọgọnígọgọnị ̣ gọgọnígọgọní mọ ̣ ̣ gó ̣kú ̣ụ gó ̣kú ̣ụmọ n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. n.m. v.t. a. n. adv. a. adv. góḅọ reader; person employed to read call; mention; name; specify by name sample; pattern (cloth): cl dr b sample of cloth; cloth sewn together from different pieces gurgle (as water from a bottle) with a gurgle huge; very large; enormous enormously; hugely boil over (with bubbles) with large bubbles felt hat game; hopping (on one foot) hop steady; steadfast; stable; not bending steadily; steadfastly gold; ornament oreide; brass resembling gold used in imitation jewellery consisting of gold goal in football erect; not stooping (esp. of breast) erectly erect; not stooping erectly jump in a sprightly way vivacious; sprightly; lively vivaciously same as gonomi bristly boil over (with bubbles) with large bubbles tingle; feel irritating or uneasy sensation (in organs like ear, nose, etc.) tingling sensation with a tingle jump in quick or rapid succession rapidly; in rapid succession meet with obstacle with an obstacle come or go ashore (of canoe) coming ashore (of canoe) boil over (smaller quantity than gódogódo) with bubbling goose; bird sp. (unidentified) resembling duck carve (meat) in pieces; chop intricate; perplexingly entangled; involved intricacy intricately steady; not bending steadily; steadfastly 107 ḅịté ̣ go ‘sample cloth’ (cf. gó ̣dọgó ̣dọ) <English gold <English goal (cf. gọrọró ̣ọ) family Anatidae Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gọlí ̣ gọlí ̣ gọlọ gó ̣lọọ v.t. n. v.i. a. gó ̣lọọmọ gó ̣lú ̣ụ gó ̣lú ̣ụ gó ̣lú ̣ụmọ gó ̣mụ gọmụ adv. v.i. n. adv. n. n. gó ̣mú ̣ụ gó ̣mú ̣ụmọ gó ̣ọgó ̣ọ a. adv. n. gó ̣ọgó ̣ọ gó ̣ọméntị ̣ gọrọdíị̣ gọrọdíịmọ ̣ gọrọgọrọ gọrọgọró ̣mọ gó ̣rọró ̣ọ gó ̣rọró ̣ọmọ gọrọró ̣ọ gọrọró ̣ọmọ guasíi guasíimọ gúdugúdu v.i. n. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. adv. v.i. gúdugúdu gúdugúdu gúdugúdumọ gúdumúu gúdumúu gúdumúumọ fufíi a. n. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. fufíi gufíimọ gú ̣ga gúgu n. adv. v.i. n. gúgu gúgurúu gúgurúu gúgurúumọ guíi guíi guíimọ gulúgulu gulúgulumọ1 gulugulú gulugulumó2̣ v.t. a. n. adv. v.t. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. t ga defame falsely; slander calumny; false charge shrill; shriek; screech shrill; high-pitched (of sound or cry); coming from far (of cry) shrilly cast down; hesitate; scruple scruple; hesitation hesitatingly gum umbrella tree straight; without bend straight (as of growth) quack; gurgle; bubbling sound as of water from bottle make such sound Government gawky; scraggy scraggily skinny; thin; lean thinly narrow; not wide narrowly come, go, ashore (of small canoes) shore seize or hit forcibly with force; forcibly swarm; move in large number; be crowded with swarming swarm in swarms concave; hollow hollowness; concavity concavely; hollowly fall with dull sound, especially with mouth in contact with an object low dull sound; thud with a thud be sacrificed word which entitles one to a chance in some local games demand such chance concave; hollow (pan) concavity, hollowness concavely; hollowly strike or touch with dull but forcible thud low dull sound; thud with a thud scatter as of soft body in water; be dispersed dispersedly scatter; disperse; rout scatter into something 108 <English gum Musanga cecropioides <English (cf. gororóo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gún1 gún1 gún gba gúngbaye gún2 gún toguru gúntoguru gún3 gúne gúne gúnemọ fí g̣ úne gunúgunu gunúgunu gunúgunumọ gúre gúre n. v.t. v.p. n. v.i. v.i. n. v.i. & v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.p. v.i. n. adv. n. v.i. gú ̣a1 gú ̣a2 gụá1 gụá2 ẹgbé ̣ gụa gụasíị̣ gụasíịmọ ̣ gụáva n.p. adv. v.t. v.t. v.i. adv. v.t. & v.i. v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. v.i. & n. v.i. v.i. v.t. v.t. v.p. v.i. adv. n. gú ̣ḅa gụḅá gú ̣da gụdá gụdamó ̣ tọrú ̣ gụdamọ gú ̣dụmú ̣ụ gú ̣dụmú ̣ụ gú ̣dụmú ̣ụmọ v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.t. v.p. a. n. adv. gúre tọlụ gúremọ guré guremó ̣ gurére guréremọ gurí guríi guríi guríimọ gurikíi gurikitíi guess; conjecture guess; conjecture guess; conjecture figment; invented statement ruminate; chew the cud chew the cud rumination root; rout (of swine) struggle (cf. next) struggle strugglingly struggle for life struggle struggle strugglingly drift; being driven by current; (netweaving) be carried by current; drift; (net weaving) put gúre tọlụ in net long mesh due to bad knotting with a drift drift; cause to drift; pack (rubbish, wealth) drift; cause to drift; shift (rubbish drift with a drift gave; abrade (cf. gúne) thump, bang, fall heavily with knee falling heavily with knee with a thump same as preceding same as preceding fr be mixed-up be sacrificed mix up sacrifice make sacrifice forcibly hit (something small) in a forcible way guava tree and fruit be folded (of arms) fold, clasp (arms) be bent; be folded fold, clasp (arms); bend fold (in, over, up) grimace; make wry face concave; hollow; narrow (of space) concavity; hollowness concavely; hollowly 109 Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gú ̣ẹẹ gú ̣ẹẹ gú ̣ẹẹ a. v.i. n. gú ̣ẹẹmọ gụẹgụẹ gụẹgụẹ gụẹgụẹ gụẹgụémọ ̣ gụẹgụẹmó ̣ gụgá ẹgbé ̣ gụga gú ̣gụrú ̣ụ gú ̣gụrú ̣ụ gú ̣gụrú ̣ụmọ gụíị̣ gụíịmọ ̣ gụkí ̣ adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.t. v.p. a. n. adv. n. & v.i. adv. v.t. gụkímọ ̣ gụlụgụlụ gụlụgụlụ gụlụgụlú ̣mọ gú ̣mụgú ̣mụ gú ̣mụgú ̣mụ gú ̣mụgú ̣mụmọ gụó ̣ adv. a. v.i. v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.t. gụó ̣ ḍirigụọḅọ n. n.m.f . a. a. adv. a. v.t. & v.i. v.t. & v.i. n. a. v.i. n. v.i. gú ̣rẹẹ gụréẹ̣ gụréẹmọ ̣ gụrẹngụréṇ gụrí ̣ gụrịrí ̣ gụrịrí ̣ gụrụgụrụ gụrụgụrụ gụrụgụrụ gú ̣ụ presentiment; having a foreboding be prescient; have a foreboding presentiment; vague expectation or foreboding (of coming event, especially evil) with foreboding sad; morose; moody; gloomy; sullen look sad, morose, etc. sadness, moroseness, etc. sadly; morosely; moodily; gloomily; sullenly sadden; make sad sacrifice make a sacrifice concave; hollow; narrow (of space enclosed) hollowness; concavity concavely; hollowly similar to guíi, but applied to smaller objects with a thump knock; strike with hard blow (especially on head) with a knock black; cloudy grow black or dark blacken; make black shudder shudder shudderingly make medicine with bad intent to harm; cf. sorcery; wizardry sorcerer; enchanter short (e.g. of people and trees) vivacious; lively; sprightly vivaciously short (e.g. of grasses or trees) graze; abrade graze; abrade graze; abrasion ticklish; easily tickled; sensitive to tickling tickle sensation of tickling hesitate; show indecision 110 ḍiri gụọ practise sorcery or witchcraft; cure; heal Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 GB. gbá v.t. gbáḅọgọye gbá ḍụḅamó ̣ gbámọ n. v.p. v.t. egberí gba gbáan gbáan gbáanmọ gbaḅúu gbaḅúumọ gbaḅú ̣ụ gbadá gbádagáa gbádagáamọ gbádagíi gbádagíimọ gbádaráa gbádaráamọ gbádu gbádumọ gbádugbádu gbádugbádumọ gbádụ gbádụmọ gbádụgbádụ gbádụgbádụmọ gbagagáa gbagagáa gbagagáamọ gbágaláa v.p. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. & v.i. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. gbágaláamọ gbagara1 gbagara2 gbágbaráa gbágbaráamọ gbagbasíị̣ gbagbasíị̣ gbagbasíịmọ ̣ gbágegee gbágegee gbágegeemọ gbágidíi adv. v.i. n. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. gbágidíimọ gbáin gbáin gbáinmọ adv. v.i. n. adv. declare; describe; enunciate; inform; tell; preach; proclaim defence; excuse exaggerate accuse; indict; charge; impute; attribute; ascribe (fault) preach; tell a tale; blab; reveal or let out secret glow glow with a glow snap; break with sharp crack with a snap same as preceding cut thick bush; lop; prune; trim; gash; mangle; hack dank; soaked; unpleasantly damp dankly; in an unpleasantly damp way huge and tall in a mass dauby; greasy daubily; greasily bubble up (of something large) with a bubble boil over with heavy bubbles with heavy bubbles bubble up (of something small) with a bubble boil over with bubbles with heavy bubbles creak; make harsh noise (as unoiled door) harsh noise as of unoiled hinge; creak with a creak flat; with broad level surface and little depth; wide open (of door) flatly; opened wide (of door) hover; loiter about place edge; brink (of creek, bush, precipice) hard and not suppurating (as of boil) in a hard, non-suppurating manner spank; slap with open hand spank; slap with open hand on buttocks, etc. with a spank slant; oblique; inclined slant; slope; diverge from a line slantingly very full (of sea or pond, usually because of flood) in a very full manner (of water) bang; crash bang; crash with a bang 111 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbáịn gbáịnmọ gbalá tịḅịgbalaweí gbálaláa gbálaláamọ gbálagị a. adv. v.t. n.m. a. adv. a. gbálagịmọ gbalagígbalagị ̣ gbalagígbalagịmọ ̣ gbálị adv. a. adv. v.i. gbálị gbalí1̣ n. v.t. gbalí1̣ n. gbalíḅaụ ̣ gbalíḅarayaí ̣ ̣ n.f. k gbalíḍaụ ̣ gbalí d ̣ i n.m. v.p. k gbalị-ígbogi gbalínyingi ̣ gbalítọgụ ̣ gbalíyaị ̣ gbalí2̣ n. n.f. n.m.f . n.m. v.t. gbalí3̣ gbalí3̣ gbamú ̣ụ v.t. n. v.i. gbamú ̣ụ gbamú ̣ụmọ mịé ̣ gbamú ̣ụmọ gbamụụ gbán gbanmó ̣ gbánmọ gbanmó ̣ye n. adv. v.p. a. v.t. v.t. v.t. n. k k k (of sun) intense; violent; intensive; clanging intensely; intensively; with a clang tie a cloth round the head head tie flat flatly twisting; flexuous; sinuous; tortuous; serpentine sinuously; flexuously coiling; winding; twisting; writhing in a coiling; winding, or twisting way receive food, nourishment, nursing care, subsist; cure, etc. = gbalí ̣ feed; supply with food; nourish; sustain with food; nurture; rear; foster; nurse; act as nursemaid to; have charge of; tend; wait upon (sick person); try to cure (sickness); heal (wound); subsist; support life; keep oneself alive means of supporting life; method of act of feeding; subsistence; subsisting; sustenance; method or act of receiving nourishment, cure, etc. adoptive daughter Formerly an amount claimed by the father’s family from the mother’s family of a child born under a small dowry marriage at the death of the father adoptive father adopt; take (person) into a relationship he did not previously occupy subsistence money adoptive mother adoptive child adoptive son add (especially in barter trade); join one thing to another to increase weight or value: consecrate; purify; sanctify; impart sanctity to sanctification; consecration; purification start; make sudden movement from fear, pain or surprise start; sudden movement startlingly startle; cause to start with surprise not too big; of medium age, size, etc. close; cover; shut close; cover; shut close upon shutter; cover; flap 112 (also gbálị) lit. "subsistence money". cf. gbalịígbogi ábangá gbalị ‘join several bunches of plantain together’ nama ékị ̣ ̣ fịáí gbalị add meat to food (gift)’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbánye gbáan gbána gbaná gbaná gbanámọ gbanamó ̣ya gbanamó ̣ ḅụọgbanaye yegbanayọ gbangí ̣ gbangịrí ̣ gbangịrí g̣ ba gbangịrí ṭ ụa n. v.i. v.i. v.t. v.t. v.t. adv. n. n. n. & v.i. v.t. v.p. v.p. gbanụ kọrị gbara gbáragbára gbáragbáramọ gbararáa gbararáa gbararáamọ gbararáagbararáa n. & v.i. v.p. v.t. a. adv. v.i. v.i. adv. v.i. gbaráragbarára gbárị gbarị a. v.i. v.t. gbarịmó ̣ gbaríya ̣ v.t. v.t. gbárụ gbárụ gbarú ̣ aka gbarụ angbá gbarụ gbarú ̣ piti gbasa1 gbasa2 v.i. n. v.t. v.p. v.p. v.p. n.m. n. gbasa3 gbásíi gbásíi gbásíi gbasíimọ gbasị n. a. v.i. n. adv. a. gbasị v.t. gbanụ cover; flap; lid; shutter be closed, shut, covered run ashore; be aground; run aground A. take ground; rest on; strand B. place or put on top; add; impose; lay upon rest upon (side etc.) rest upon one another additionally footstool ledge slip of tongue; lapse; lapsus linguae; slight mistake of tongue; say such word fry; stew distort (of story, etc.) bring or drag (embellishment, person) into matter same as gbangí ̣ make a slip of the tongue keep vigil with pageantry profuse (of sweat) profusely give forth sound as of thunder; rumble rumble (as of thunder) with a rumble give forth continuous sound as of thunder; rumble full of long lines or cracks fail; miss glance aside (of weapon); glide off object instead of striking it full; fail; miss disappoint; break appointment with; fail miss (of person or missile), fail to hit, find, get, or meet (one another) clench; be clenched (of teeth) clenching (of teeth) (of teeth) clench clench teeth suck in cheeks pin across (of stick) masquerade type small stick tp outer rind of midrib of raffia palm leaf headlong; precipitate (fall) fall headlong heavy headlong fall, precipitateness precipitately perfect; just; proper; equitable; absolute; complete; fit; good enough fit; befit; be of right measure, shape and size for (especially of dress); exactly correspond to (receptacle); suit; look well on 113 (slang) kalá gbasa ‘small sticks for the walls of a local building’ (see ḅịlaí)̣ ị na gbasí let ̣ it suffice you Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbasímọ ̣ adv. gbasíạ a. gbasíạ v.t. gbasíạ gbasíagha ̣ gbasíamọ ̣ mịé ̣ gbasíamọ ̣ gbáun or gbáụn n. a. adv. v.p. v.i. gbáun or gbáụn gbáunmọ, gbáụnmọ gbédegáa gbédegáamọ gbédein1 gbédeinmọ1 gbédein2 gbédeinmọ2 gbéderáa gbéderáamọ gbée gbéemọ gbéeyo gbégberáa gbégberáamọ gbégegee n. adv. gbegégemọ gbégeláa gbégeláamọ gbéguláa gbeguru a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. a. adv. a. & v.i. adv. a. adv. a. n.m. ọkẹlẹkẹ gbeguru n.m. gbéin v.i. gbein gbékegbéke v.t. v.i. gbékegbékemọ gbelé1 gbelé2 adv. n.m. v.i. & v.t. gbelémọ gbémọ adv. v.t. & v.i. perfectly; equitably; properly; absolutely; completely; fitly; befittingly; suitably equal; level; perpendicular; horizontal; plane; evenly balanced be equal to (person or thing in quality, number, etc.) equality unevenly balanced; lopsided; unequal equally, horizontally; perpendicularly make equal; equalize ring; peal; give forth clear resonant sound as of vibrating metal, e.g. bell ring; peal resonantly; resoundingly; with a peal large (of mass) widely (as of sea or space) heavy heavily calm; cool; staid calmly; coolly; staidly dauby; greasy greasily open; outspread (of space) openly; without concealment glade; open place in bush hard and not suppurating (as of boil) in a hard, non-suppurating manner slanting slantingly flat and open (as of pan) in a flat, open way same as preceding red-legged sun squirrel m al African giant squirrel (giant forest tree squirrel) be deformed or badly stitched (of limb or cloth) sew; stitch vacillate; waver; oscillate; sway from side to side; rock vacillatingly small animal which drinks wine enquire or inquire; make search (into matter); seek information (of person, about or after thing), ask for (goods in shop); ask how or whether; proclaim (wares) inquiringly spring upon; throw upon; be thrown 114 (cf. gbé`déịn) ̣ (cf. jée) (same as gbágegee) Heliosciurus rufobrachium Protoxerus stangeri. Also recorded as okeleke Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbemó ̣ v.t. throw; fling; hurl; cast (net); cf. gbemó ̣-ịgbọ gben n. v.t. gben gben gben v.t. v.t. v.t. ms dc gben gben gbene gbengu v.t. n. n. n.m. a f cast net batter; bombard; harry; loot; maraud; plunder; raid; harpoon; spear; throw at; (in wrestling) fling; throw pluck out fruit from oil palm head masquerade dance a kind of step in an Njọ dance called ikpusu swing (as monkey) fall in wrestling; swing hamlet; cottage sea catfish sp. gbérengíi gbérengíimọ gbereí gbérerée a. adv. n. a. gbéreréemọ gbé1̣ gbé1̣ gbéfị̣ gbé ̣ fịya gbéye ̣ gbé2̣ gbéye ̣ gbẹdẹgbẹdẹ gbẹdẹgbẹdémọ ̣ gbédé ̣ ịn ̣ gbédé ̣ ịnmọ ̣ gbẹgbẹlịmó ̣ gbẹgbẹlịmó ̣ gbégbẹsụụ ̣ gbégbẹsú ̣ ̣ụmọ gbẹlụgbẹlú ̣ gbẹnẹ adv. v.t. n. n. v.p. n. v.t. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. n. a. adv. a. a. gbẹnẹ n. gbéné ̣ ẹmọ ̣ tọrú ̣ gbẹnẹmọ gbénẹgbé nẹ ̣ ̣ gbénẹgbé nẹmọ ̣ ̣ gbéngẹné ẹ̣ ̣ gbéngẹné ẹmọ ̣ ̣ gbẹngú ̣ gbéngụ ̣ gbẹngú2̣ gbẹnịgbẹní ̣ gbẹnịgbẹní ̣ gbẹnịgbẹní ̣ adv. v.p. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. v.i. v.t. a. v.i. n. huge and tall; stately; dignified; imposing imposingly; grandly one (thing) open; outspread (of space); wide and extensive; expansive extensively; expansively pay; reward; remunerate pay; reward; salary amends; fair exchange make a fair exchange reward; payment; recompense; remuneration digest; grind; crush; mash file; strop; whet; grinder; millstone; etc. mashy; mushy mashily; mushily heavy heavily tie cloth loosely round loins such manner of tying cloth at leisure; lazy; unoccupied lazily pop-eyed; having bulging eyes gentle; sedate; sober; sane; serious; thoughtful; responsible composure; tranquil demeanour; calmness; equanimity; sangfroid; coolness gently; sedately; soberly; sanely; seriously compose (countenance, thoughts, etc.) conscious; deliberate consciously; deliberately idle; unoccupied idly dismantle (e.g. zinc from roof) be dismantled; be cracked (of enamelware) crack (enamelware) numb feel numb or cramp numbness 115 ịgbó ̣ gbemọ ‘cast a net’ Arius sp. cf. ịsịngí, nẹgú ̣, nẹngú ̣, ọtíọ,̣ sịngí ̣ (cf. gbédein) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbẹnịgbẹnímọ ̣ mịé ̣ gbẹnịgbẹnímọ ̣ gbẹréngị ̣ adv. v.p. v.i. gbérẹngí ị̣ ̣ a. gbérẹngí ịmọ ̣ ̣ gbésụ ̣ gbésụmọ ̣ gbiasíi gbiasíi gbiasíimọ gbídigbídi gbídigbídi gbidigbidí adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. a. gbidigbidí gbidigbidímọ gbídigbídimọ mịé ̣ gbidigbidímọ gbidigí gbidígi v.i. adv. adv. v.p. v.t. a. & v.i. adv. adv. & v.i. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.i. gbidígimọ gbidígigbidígi gbidíin gbidíin gbidíinmọ gbigírigbigíri gbigírigbigíri gbigírigbigírimọ gbíigbíi gbíigbíi gbíigbíimọ gbíin gbíin gbíinmọ gbikíi gbikíi gbikipúu gbikipúumọ gbimúu gbimúu gbimúumọ gbímugbímu gbímugbímu gbímugbímumọ gbíngiri gbíngirigbíngiri numbly benumb; numb collapse; undergo or experience breakdown of mental, nervous or muscular power huge and tall; stately; imposing; dignified (similar to gbérengíi, but of something smaller) imposingly idle; unoccupied idly crashing heavily; violent to crash headlong (of something heavy) crashing heavily heavy (of rain) fall heavily (of rain) dirty (of water); foul; muddy; not clear; soiled; turbid; (of writing) illegible; full of blots; (of body) full of rashes; (of riches) countless; too many to count grow dirty; develop rashes dirtily; muddily; illegibly; profusely; lavishly heavily, profusely (of rainfall) make dirty mix; put together (be) mixed; muddled mixedly same as above bellow forth (like thunder or cannon) bellowing sound with a bellow roll rolling motion with a roll shudder; shiver; flutter; quiver shudder; shiver; flutter; quiver quiveringly; shudderingly; shiveringly thud; thump thud; thump with a thud or thump elbow; jostle; thrust jog; joggle; jostle; nudge abrupt (of thought); sudden abruptly; suddenly twitch; jerk twitch; jerk jerkily twitch; jerk twitch; jerk jerkily roll roll continuously 116 (cf. gbịmú ̣ụ) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbíngirigbíngirimọ gbíni gbíni gbínimọ gbiní gbiníya gbínikíi gbínikíimọ gbiníngi gbiníngi gbiníngimọ gbiningí gbiriḅúgbiriḅu adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.t. & v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. a. with a roll tangle; become involved entanglement; tangle in a tangly way tangle; entangle; intertwine intertwine; entwine (one with another); become entwined colour of soft mangrove mud (lalá) with mud caked on the body become involved entanglement; tangle in a tangled way tangle; entangle gristly; cartilaginoid; cartilaginous gbiriḅúgbiriḅumọ gbiriḅúgbiriḅuimgba gbírigbíri1 gbírigbírimọ1 gbírigbíri2 gbírigbíri2 gbírigbírimọ gbiríkigbiríki gbiríkigbiríkimọ2 gbiripúgbiripu gbiripúgbiripu gbiripúu adv. n. in a gristly or cartilaginous manner cartilage; gristle a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. v.i. n. v.i. gbiripúu n. gbiripúumọ mịé ̣ gbiripúumọ gbisí gbisímọ gbisíi gbisíi gbisíimọ gbísigbísi, gbísigbisi gbísigbísimọ gbísili adv. v.p. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. of fire intense intensely surge; move up and down or to and fro surging motion with a surge (of body) rough; not smooth roughly start (from sleep or surprise) repeatedly intermittent or spasmodic movement; start start from sleep; make sudden movement from surprise, sleep, etc. start; sudden movement of surprise, or from sleep startlingly startle; cause to start; give shock to abject; despicable; miserable; degraded abjectly; despicably; miserably come into violent impact impact; collision in collision grope; search blindly gbísili gbísilimọ gbisili gbídịgbí dị ̣ ̣ gbídịgbí dị ̣ ̣ gbídịgbí dịmọ ̣ ̣ gbịdịgbịdí ̣ n. adv. v.t. a. v.i. adv. a. & v.i. v.i. gbịdịgígbịdịgí ,̣ ̣ gbídịgịgbịdịgị ̣ adv. v.i. gropingly stumble; lurch forward; have partial fall; sprain stumble; sprain stumblingly distort; twist (words heavy and long-lasting (of rain) fall heavily (of rain) heavily sodden; become sodden; (of writing) illegible; become illegible become sodden by being trampled 117 (cf. gbịrịbú ̣gbịrịbụ) (cf. gbịníngịgbịní ngị) ̣ ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbịlịgbịlí ̣ gbịlịgbịlímọ ̣ gbịmú ̣ụ gbịmú ̣ụ gbịmú ̣ụmọ gbínịkí ̣ ị̣ gbínịkí ̣ ịmọ ̣ gbịnịngígbịnịngí ,̣ ̣ gbínịngịgbịnịngị ̣ gbịrịḅú ̣ụ gbịrịḅú ̣ụmọ gbịrịḅú ̣gbịrịḅụ a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. very black; swarthy swarthily twitch; jerk; throb twitch; jerk; throb jerkily very black; swarthy swarthily become sodden by being trampled v.i. adv. a. snap; break with sharp crack with a snap brittle; fragile; apt to break gbịrịḅú ̣gbịrịḅụ gbírịgbí rị̣ ̣ n. v.i. gbírịgbí rịmọ ̣ ̣ gbịsíị̣ gbịsíị̣ adv. a. n. gbịsíịmọ ̣ gbịú ̣ụm gbịú ̣ụnmọ gbó1 gbóye gbó adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. v.t. brittleness; fragility mark or walk away in military manner with regular and measured tread with regular and measured tread satiate (of quarrel, case, etc.) satiety; glutted or satiated state; feeling of having had too much of something; extent beyond what is desired: e.g. to satiety tingle; feel prickling or stinging sensation tingling; prickling or stinging sensation with a tingle swear; take oath, oath; solemn appeal to a god cut or harvest banana or plantain: cf. gbó2 v.t. dig. excavate; make hole by digging: e.g. gbó sụọ gbodó v.t. v.t. gbódo1 gbódo2 v.i. n.m. dig in (as thieves) cut in many places; gash; hack; lacerate; mangle be cut in many places Madeiran sardinella, largest Cameroon sardine gbodogbodó gbodogbodómọ gbódogóo gbódogóomọ gbódoróo gbódoróomọ gbógboróo gbógboróomọ gbogbósigbogbósi a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. & v.p. v.t. gbogogó f bold (of figures) boldly extraordinarily large in an extraordinarily large way (of writing, wound) bold; well-marked boldly brawny; muscular; thick muscularly; thickly god forbid! may it not happen! to carve surface of wood (as of masquerades) 118 (cf. gbínịkí ̣ ị)̣ (cf. gbimúu) (cf. gbịlịgbịlí)̣ (cf. gbịdígịgbịdí gị) ̣ ̣ (cf. gbiriḅúgbiriḅu) í ghọ pọgó ̣ la ̣ gbịsíịtẹ ̣ ‘I’m completely fed up’ cf. ye gbo ábangá gbo ‘harvest plantain’; ídu gbo ‘harvest banana’ éke gbo ‘dig for rat’; olú gbo ‘dig for crab’ Sardinella maderensis, = búza, kigbo. cf. afarụ1, ikerere, kparakpará Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbógolóo gbógolóomọ gbóko gbokó gbokógboko ḅaị gboló a. adv. v.i. v.t. n. v.t. noticeably large in a noticeably large way be scooped out scoop out caked object; carve out third day after tomorrow touch; ring (bell) knock e.g. gboló2 v.t. gboló2 n. gbó ̣lọ igboma gboló kpokpo gboló gbololó gbólolóomọ mịé ̣ gbololómọ gbolómọ gbolomó ̣ya gbongiátimi gbóngonóo gbóngoro gbongoró gbónonóo gbóo gborí1 gborí2 gboríyaị n. v.p. v.p. a. adv. v.p. v.t. v.i. n. a. v.i. v.t. a. v.i. v.t. v.t. n. gbóri n. bụọtongugbori kọngó ̣gbori gbóro gboró kirígboro gborórogboróro gbóun gbóun gbóunmọ gbóungbóun gbọdọgbọdó ̣ gbọdọgbọdó ̣mọ gbó ̣dó ̣ịn n. n. n. v.t. n. a. v.i. n. adv. n. a. adv. a. gbó ̣dó ̣ịn v.i. gbó ̣dó ̣ịnmọ gbó ̣gọló ̣ọ gbó ̣gọló ̣ọmọ gbó ̣ịn adv. a. adv. a. straighten the course of a boat or canoe by means of a propelling action of the paddle at the stern such propelling action at the stern with a paddle to straighten the course of a boat or canoe chisel ring bell make proclamation straight; without bond or curve straight straighten relate to; concern; affect be connected, related, skin, related by blood indolent wretched fellow straight and long be scooped out (of hole) scoop inside a hole (of larger object) straight and long (of heart) be agitated or disturbed catch make or construct a fence or palisade barrier; breakwater; bulwark; mole; rampart; fence; palisade tendon (of neck, heel); ropes for the head of a mask Achilles tendon tendon of neck floating dead trunk or tree; boom; driftwood plant planting cracked; full of cracks; apt to crack thwack; whack thwack; whack with a whang tinkling device to scare animals from crops marshy in a marshy way genuine; really proceeding from its reputed source rudely use a direct word where a roundabout expression would be appropriate; call a spade a spade genuinely with jaw hanging down; dejected; dispirited dejectedly straight; without bend or curve to bp bp 119 (cf. gbóngoro) ḅụgọ gbolo knock at the door (cf. gbónonóo) (cf. gbóko) (cf. gbóngonóo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbó ̣ịnmọ gbọkọgbọkó ̣ gbó ̣lọ gbó ̣lọ gbọló ̣ gbọlọgị gbọlọló ̣bọ gbọlọló ̣yewarị adv. a. v.i. n. v.t. n. n.m.f . n. gbó ̣ngọị gbó ̣ngọịmọ gbó ̣ngọnó ̣ọ gbó ̣nọnó ̣ọ gbó ̣ọn gbó ̣ọn gbó ̣ọnmọ gbọpụ gbọpụ gbọrị v.t. n. v.t. & v.i. n. adv. a. a. v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. a. gbọrịḅara gbọrịḅara n. a. gbọrịḅọ gbọrịtịḅị gbọrịtịḅị n.m.f . adv.p . n. adv. gbọrịye gbó ̣rọgíị̣ gbọró ̣kụ gbọrọró ̣ gbọụn n. a. adv. v.t. v.t. gbọú ̣nfịye gbó ̣ụngbó ̣ụn gbúda n. a. a. & v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. gbọlú ̣ gbọlú ̣ gbó ̣ngọị gbọrịḅọ gbọrịḅọ gbúdamọ gbudáa gbudáamọ gbúdagbúda gbúdagbúda gbúdagbúdamọ gbúdu gbúdu to to cr straight very tall or long chisel; be bored chisel chisel; make chisel hole; bore hole vegetable; Indian spinach deceased ancestor Basella alba house of a deceased person or principal house in which funeral rites are observed give crack on the head crack on the head rock; move gently to and fro as in cradle or chair rocking motion with a rock straight and long (of smaller object) straight and long (of smaller object) call loudly and long (of call) loud and prolonged loudly and long be full (of tide) full tide once; one; individual; single and integral, a, an: e.g. oneness; singleness; uniqueness; sameness the same; identical; not different; one and the same; monotonous; uniform; unvarying one person; one man; one gbọrị ifie ‘once upon a time’ one by one only, sole, person exactly, just, positively, precisely; quite; absolutely; entirely; altogether; outright one (thing) dilapidated: about to collapse just now; right now abrade; graze peck; strike with beak; pick up with fork or prong fork (spoon) pitted; full of scars (of sleep) deep; lie helplessly without moving deeply; without movement sufficient; adequate; sufficing sufficiently; adequately squirm; kick; wriggle; writhe squirming; etc. with a squirm make sound of bubble bubbling sound of bubbling 120 (also gbọtịḅị) (cf. gbụdáa) (cf. gbú ̣dagbú ̣da) (cf. gbú ̣dụ) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbudú gbudúmọ gbúgaláa gbúgaláamọ gbugbú adv. n. & v.i. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. gbúgburúu gbúgburúumọ mịé ̣ gbugburúumọ gbulásigbulási gbulásigbulásimọ gbulasíi gbúlasíimọ gbulu a. adv. v.p. v.i. adv. a. adv. n.m. gbulu-ịdẹgẹ gburáa gburáa gburáamọ gburáagburáa gburáagburáa gburáagburáamọ gburangburan gburangburan n.m. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. a. gburangburan gburangburánmọ gburugburú gburugburu-áye gburugburúmọ gburúrugburúru gburúrugburúru gbururúu gbururúu gbururúumọ gbụda gbụdamọ gbụdáa gbụdáamọ gbú ̣dagbú ̣da gbú ̣dagbú ̣da gbú ̣dagbú ̣damọ gbú ̣dụ gbú ̣dụ gbú ̣dụmọ n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. gbúdumọ gbúdugbúdu with a bubble same as above f f actual; real actually; really lie still (of something wide, unmovingly (of something wide) shake; move something quickly up and down, or to and fro, with the hands dull; without edge or point; blunt; obtuse bluntly; obtusely blunt; make less sharp flexible flexibly flexible in a flexible way mullet sp. with a rounded head: mullet sp. with a rounded head bang; strike or shut noisily; fall heavily bang; noisy, hard shut with a heavy bang splurge; make noisy display noisy display with a splurge glow; be heated to incandescence; incandesce incandescent; glowing with heat; shining brightly incandescence with incandescence sedimentary sediment; lees; dregs sedimentarily rumble (as thunder) rumbling (of thunder); rumble give forth sound as of thunder; rumble rumbling (of thunder); rumble with a rumble sufficient; adequate sufficiently; adequately (of sleep) deep deeply squirm; writhe squirming with a squirm make sound of bubble bubble; sound of bubble with a bubble 121 (cf. gbú ̣dụgbú ̣dụ) cf. gbú ̣galáa) (cf. gbụlásịgbụlásị) (cf. gbú ̣lasíị)̣ family Mugilidae. cf. abaraká, akú ̣rọ, ḅụọḅakalamọ, ịdẹgẹ, mó ̣mgịnị, gbulu-ịdẹgẹ? [ẹkpẹrú ̣kpẹrụ, ó ̣zọló ̣lị2,] = gbulu (cf. gbụráa) (cf. gbúda) (cf. gbúdagbúda) (cf. gbúdu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gbú ̣dụgbú ̣dụmọ gbú ̣galáa n. & v.i. adv. a. gbú ̣galáamọ gbú ̣gbụrú ̣ụ gbú ̣gbụrú ̣ụmọ gbụkú ̣ gbụkú ̣ gbụláị gbụláị gbụláịmọ gbụlásịgbụlásị gbú ̣lasíị̣ adv. v.i. adv. v.t. n. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. gbú ̣ngụrụ gbú ̣ngụrụmọ gbú ̣nụgbú ̣nụ gbú ̣nụgbú ̣nụmọ gbụráa gbụráamọ gbụráagbụráa gbụráagbụráamọ gbụrụgbụrú ̣ gbụrụgbụrú ̣ n. & v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. gbụrụgbụrú ̣ gbụrụgbụrú ̣mọ gbụú ̣ n. adv. n. gbú ̣ụn gbú ̣ụn gbú ̣ụnmọ a. n. adv. fragrant; sweet-smelling fragrance fragrantly suf. A. not; it follows and makes negative ordinary verbs and a few auxiliaries, e.g. gbú ̣dụgbú ̣dụ bubble continuously bubbling continuously lie still (of something spread out, smaller than gbúgaláa) unmovingly (of something smaller) unexpectedly small (in size) in an unexpectedly small manner give crack on the head crack on the head squirm, wriggle (like snake on ground) squirm, wriggle with a squirm flexible wobble (e.g. of withered limb); quiver (e.g. of pliant stick) grumble; mean; murmur; mutter f murmurously; murmuringly dirty; untidy dirtily fall lightly with a light thud fall lightly (repeatedly) with a light fall grim; stern grimace; make wry face; scowl; wear sullen look; look sour; frown ill-temperedly angry frown; scowl; grimace grimly; sternly croaker (cf. gbúdugbúdu) (cf. gbulásigbulási) (cf. gbúlasíi) (cf. gburáa) family Scoaemodae GH. -gha B. Equivalent to the English prefixes in- and un-; suffixed to adjectives and their derivatives to express negation, e.g. -gha gháa gháa v.i. n. speed; go fast speed; rapidity of movement 122 á nimighá ‘I do not know’, á gelegúgha ‘I do not doubt’, á fịghá ‘I do not eat’ koríagha ‘inaccurate’; ḅólogha ‘inadhesive’; karágha ‘incomplete’; ineghá ‘unable’; ebígha ‘uncomely’; tụó ̣gha ‘uncooked’; (cf. vái, ghái) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 gháimọ ghaí ghaighaí adv. excl. a. ghaighaí ghaighaí ghaighaímọ gháị gháị v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. gháịmọ gháịn gháụ gháụ adv. excl. v.i. n. gháụmọ ghéi ghọ adv. excl. part. ghó ̣ị ghó ̣ị ghó ̣ịmọ ghó ̣ị-ọkọrọ ghọí ̣ ghọí ̣ ghọímọ ̣ ghu ghu ghúu1 v.i. n. adv. n. v.i. n. v.t. v.i. n. v.i. ghúu1 ghúumọ ghúu2 ghúu2 ghúumọ ghú ̣ụ n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. ghú ̣ụ ghú ̣ụmọ n. adv. speedily yes piquant; pungent; affecting organs of smell or taste, or skin with pricking sensation affect skin or mouth with pricking sensation piquancy; pungency piquantly; pungently speed; move fast speed; rapidity of movement (of smaller creature) speedily response in story-telling produce sound by rapid movement speed producing sound (e.g. swirl of water past a projecting bank) speedily response in story-telling particle of varied use equivalent to: about; at; by; from; in; on; amongst; of; within; etc., e.g. shout; make loud inarticulate cry shout; loud inarticulate utterance with a loud inarticulate cry loud inarticulate shout char; burn to charcoal charring leave to char echo echo utter or send forth loud deep sound as of sea, storm, rain, noise of quarrel; rumour wildly; roar roar with a roar flow impetuously or fast (as rainwater); rush rush; violent flow (of tide) with a rush flow impetuously (as water in a gutter) to create a murmuring sound; rush rush; violent flow with a rush (cf. vaivaí) (cf. ghái, gháụ) ó warí ghọ emí ‘he ̣ is at home’, ‘he is in’ (cf. ghú ̣ụ) H. háa excl. háahúu háị hée héẹn ̣ hélị̣ hẹvịn excl. excl. excl. excl. n. n. shout of exclamation expressing laughter, joy, suspicion sound made when hurt by too much pepper shout calling attention shout of exclamation expressing laughter shout of exclamation expressing warning hell; place of torture heaven; abode of God 123 <English (also évịnị) ̣ <English heaven) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 híin húun excl. excl. shout expressing dislike shout expressing doubt or dissatisfaction; humph I. ibé ibeká ibenga n. n.m. n. ibéria íbidi íbiditiri ibó ibóli ibóli ibolí osuó-iboli ibóro iḅéḅu n. n. n. n. a. v.i. n. n. n. n. iḅele iḅelúḅelu iḅigá íḅe n.m. n.m. n. a. íḅe iḅomó1̣ iḅomó2̣ v.i. & v.t. adv. v.t. iḅomó3̣ n. iḅokó álagbá-iḅoko iḅókoo iḅókoomọ íḅu n. n. a. adv. n. iḅuḅu1 iḅuḅu2 iḅúkúu iḅúkúumọ iḅúlu iḅurúḅuru iḅútúu iḅútúumọ idé idé-iboro idémọfú ̣ iderí n.m. n.m. a. adv. n. n. a. adv. n. n. n.m. v.i. & t h tp hg fg cr i f tp fr f t sh fg c clan; tribe tree sp. resembling cocoa plant in appearance saltwater fern love-potion; philtre scuffle; scrimmage scene where a scuffle takes place fork in tree bent like a bow; arched be arched bow; weapon for shooting arrows rainbow fish-net; driftnet two bananas or plantains which are not split but still joined together (cf. under ábangá) black biting ant small fry of fish (in general?) prop-root of mangrove tree prone; lying face downwards; lying flat; prostrate lie face downwards upside-down; face downward; pronely cause to turn upside-down or into prone position lean-to roof; pent-house; awning; canopy; porch heavy piece of iron barrel of gun dull and lazy dully and lazily very ripe raffia palm fruits found at the base of the tree globe-fish, puffer-fish, swell-fish club (suit in cards) lazy and dull lazily and dully grey hair tree sp. with very weak stem dull and dirty dully and dirtily fibre obtained from a shrub sp.; plant itself drift-net woven with the above fibre white shrimp found in the sea and sea coast descend; come or go down; sink; fall 124 Acrostychum aureum cf. isongu (cf. iḅúkúu) Tetraodon lineatus (cf. iḅókoo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 iderí iderí v.t. a. n. iderídụ iderídụ iderímọ n. a. v.i. iderímọ a. iderímọ iderimó ̣ adv. v.t. idéru n. idié or idiyé n. ft ídu amakoromọ-idu ọḅụgó ̣-idu idú n. n. n. n. fr fr sh idú mangị idu-ó ̣lalị ikiḅa-idu v.p. n. n. tr tr tr íduḍiri n. fr ḅéke-idukumu n. idúfíi ídukumu idumu ifere a. n. n. a. ifere ifere ifere iferemó1̣ iferemó2̣ ifié v.i. n. ifié-ifie ḍigi, ifiéifie kịẹn a. or adv.p . adv. v.t. n. low; not high; not elevated descent; downward slope; descending; downward motion south; southward; lower part (of river, etc.) southerly, southern; southward abate; grow less; degrade; debase, diminish in intensity or pitch; diminish or come down in price; sink; descend meek, piously humble and submissive; showing low estimate of one’s own importance humbly; lowly; meekly abase; degrade; depose; dethrone; lower; reduce to lower rank; humiliate; humble; make base; mitigate; let or haul down (boat or sail); diminish height of; diminish intensity or pitch; diminish price; slope downwards wine from raffia palms in particular and other palms in general hiding-place for fish formed by over-hanging roots of plants growing near water any banana plant and banana fruit banana with very short fruits shrub sp. and its yellow fruits secular feast in honour of Amatẹmẹsuo played once in about seven, fourteen or twenty-one years stage idú festival play idú festival rehearsal of idú at the death of a traditional priest or on a special occasion lime green substance resembling potash, used for curing (e.g. foot-yaws) blubber-lipped (of humans, animals, fish, etc.) see íduḍiri group light; of little weight; not heavy; friable and porous (soil, bread); not grave; unimportant (person); unwanton; unchaste (woman); nimble; quick-moving; agile; active (of body and movement) feel light; feel relief; grow lighter A. levity; lightness of weight B. medicine supposed to cause levity lightly lighten; mitigate chance; interval; leisure; occasion; opportunity; moment; time; era; epoch; season (specified as time) occasional(ly); arising out of special occasion; coming now and then, not regular or frequent; seasonal(ly) 125 (see odú-iderimọ) or ídukumu Citrus aurantifolia Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ...ifie-ifié (-gha) ifie-ifie ifieá-ifiea ifiémábịsé ̣ ...ifiémị adv. adv. adv. adv. n.p. anytime; whenever since; until often; frequently; regularly; many times every or all the time the time that; when; now that; as; ifié famọ v.p. ifié seimọ ífinía ifingi1 v.p. n. n. Ifingi2 Ifingi2Ifingiḅọ1 a. n.m.f . a. v.i. n.m. v.i. v.t. n. v.i. v.t. lose or waste time; dally or dawdle away time; idle; loaf; loiter; pass away time spend or waste time farina; manioc; cassava cob (e.g. of maize); cf. ịmbịakpá ifingi ‘maize-cob’, ‘corncob’; ábanga ífingi of or pertaining to the Efiks or Calabar people Efik person ifingi3 ifingi3 ifingiḅọ2 ifíri1 ifirimó1̣ ifíriyọ ifíri2 ifiri ifirimó2̣ ifeín ifónóo ifónóomọ ífuku igá ịgáran’obiri igba ḍụẹị-igba igbé cr cr et et igbékere igbelégbe v.t. n.m. a. adv. n. n. n. n.m. n. v.t. & v.i. n. n. f mi igbelegbe n.m. ms igbema n. mi ígbi1 ígbimó1̣ ígbi2 igbimó2̣ igbídi v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. n. c da ó ḅotẹ ifiémị, á mu laté ̣ ‘now that he has come, it is time I went (I should go)’ having scrotal hernia develop scrotitis or scrotocele man with scrotitis leak; ooze out; seep; percolate leak upon leak; seepage be stripped of feathers pluck or remove feathers from a bird; strip (bird) of feathers remove (feathers) into (a receptacle) big oyster; ship worm or teredo-worm stout; bulky; corpulent stoutly throwing stick or stone cloth woven with raffia fibre large type of dog first introdued from Igala box; case; coffer coffin land; set or go ashore; arrive by water sleeper sp. (‘hard-scaled sleeper’) animal (usually antelope) horn used as transverse horn. Used for the ḍụẹị fẹngụ ceremony masquerade borrowed from Tombia, involving play with 2 crossed swords big bell. Church bell, hand-bell used to control dancers. Tied to the waist of wrestlers struggle; be busy strugglingly; busily burn with intensity (of fire) intensify (of fire) confused and disastrous situation; free fight; 126 family Eleotridae Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 igbidi-anda igbidi s. + v.i. n. n. igbigbá igbígbáa n. a. igbígbáa igbígbáamọ igbína igbipẹlẹ n. adv. n. a. & v.i. n. n. v.p. igbídi paga ígbipú igbiri igbiri nanga scuffle; scrimmage; disorderly fight: e.g. scuffle took place po dr fr mi mi t ms Igbokiri Igbopiri igbokiri-eke igbopulo igbogí anda-igbogi ḅéke-igbogi pépa-igbogi igboun n. n.m. a. n.m.f . p.n. p.n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n.m. igboun igbú prị igburu igédi1 igédi2 n. v.p. n. n. n. f igédi3 igediḅọgọ bp igére1 igére2 n. a. & v.i. n. n. igini íginínga igíri igíriḅẹlẹgị igíri-ikoso igíripagara igirigi n.m. n. n. n. n. n. a. igbiritíṇ igbó Igbo Igboḅọ et et et da c ft mixed, free wrestling of different age groups ridge raised on flesh due to insect bite or by stroke of rod or whip; wale; weal pot with rounded bottom and no legs (of new knife) blunt; dull; without edge or point; (of left hand) clumsy bluntness; dullness of edge or point bluntly; rudely waist bead cut in halves for cooking (of plantain) sweet-smelling fruit kernel like nutmeg rattle for tying on legs of masquerade rattle; give out rapid rhythmical beat by shaking rattles tied on to feet tree from which rattles are obtained masquerade type of or pertaining to the Igbo tribe or Igbos Igbo person; a slave (pl. Igbon’ongu) Igboland Igboland guinea-pig or rabbit soft oil money; cash; currency manila currency English currency money or postal order; currency notes barnacle with very hard shell; women’s game with its shell ‘dog whelk’ be dead big covering cloth; mantle bead type hard section or foot by which mollusc attaches itself to the shell: glans of penis (be) anachronistic, out-of-date, antiquated r nickname for crocodile chip; a way of holding somebody on the neck in wrestling: ms h bp d bp bp masquerade type plant sp. anus; cloaca haemorrhoids; piles coccyx buttocks big; enormous 127 class Gastropoda (idiom) cf. ímgba-igede ‘foot of oyster’ cf. tọngó ̣-igedi cf. isegí cf. igére ékị ̣ kí chip; throw one’s opponent by this method Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 igirigi n.m. b palm-nut vulture = vulterine fish-eagle igóbiri igótọgụ n.m. n.m. da b dog with fawn colour eaglet; juvenile palm-nut vulture igodó ḅió-igodo kpepu-ígodo ígodógo n. n. n. n. igogoḅá igoin igoin igoinḅọ igoinfị n. v.i. n. n.m.f . a. igoinmó ̣ igóli igologoló v.t. a. n. ígoni igoní igoní n.m. n. n.m.f . a. igoní mi h p used in phrases such as mi ms p igoní dọgụ igoníkiri igú1 igú2 íguegele ms dr b iguru n.m. bs igurutugu ígwe n. n. ft mi ígwekalị íjan p.n. a. tr íjan íjan íjanghá íjanmọ v.i. n. a. adv. Gypohierax angolensis (pl. igoin-ongú) orí igoinfítẹ̣ warị ghó ̣ paganịmị ‘he comes from a House that has been perpetually poor’ impoverish; make poor bent like a bow small bell, usually tied to waist in masquerades and to children learning to walk masquerade type hospitality guest; visitor; stranger alien; foreign; novel; hitherto unknown; strange foreign-home or land foreigner; stranger n. n.m.f . v.p. n. n.m. n. n.m. igoni-áma igoníḅọ lock; padlock in-lock; rim-lock padlock drum which House of Mẹịn claims sole right to beat thistle; a prickly plant be impoverished; be indigent; be poor poverty; poorness; indigence poor person; pauper Gypohierax angolensis (= ágbalakóko) be dead strange district, country or land masquerade type iron ornament for adorning the head village weaver bird container woven with cane, rope, etc., used to hold fishing catch last fish, etc., to be emptied out of iguru mouth-resonated musical bow with a raffia string played by adults for entertainment. The string is struck with a stick, and the vibrating length controlled with another, shorter stick Arọ Long Juju ample; copious; plentiful; many; abundant; several abound; be plentiful abundance; plenty few; not many; scanty plentifully; copiously 128 (pl. igoni-óngu) (idiom) Ploceus cucullatus (= álụgụḅíya; ̣ cf. lụgú ḅịa)) (= ḅoútugu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 íjanyaị mịé ̣ íjanmọ ikagi-opin v.p. n. ikegima ikein ikéin n. n. n. ikelé v.i. ikelé v.t. ikelé ikelékele ikelékele ikelekelemó ̣ ikeleku ikemu1 kalá ikemu2 ikereḅú, n. v.i. n. v.t. n.m. n. n. n. n. ms tp tp tp cr encircle; encompass; enclose; surround; fence in enclosure; environment; surrounding swing round; go in circles turning round and round cause to swing round masquerade type root; rootlet; root-hair small or big root spikelet of palm bunch cocoyam ikereḅurú n. cr cocoyam kwakwáa-ikereḅu kesi-ikereḅu n. n. cr cr purplish cocoyam new cocoyam ikereḅu n. cr old cocoyam ikeremanị n. sh ikerere n.m. f roots of a shrub used for weaving mats and screens; the plant itself small fry of [Cameroon?] Madeiran sardinella íkerére ikiḅa1 ikiḅa1 ikiḅamó ̣ ikiḅa2 n. n. a. adv. n. d r dr ikiḅa2 ikiḅa2 a. ikiḅatugu íkiíki ikiká ikikení ikilá ikió n. a. n. n. n.m. v.t. & plenty of multiply Home’s hingeback tortoise iron; metal dry rot of tubers shreds of oil palm fibre formerly used as an apron in olden days be around, on every side, in every direction, about: e.g. rash on the body briefness; conciseness; shortness brief; concise; short briefly; concisely; shortly A. half; one of two equal parts into which a thing is divided; e.g. B. fathom (of cloth); half; forming one of two equal parts into which a thing is divided; e.g. cl d i double yard cloth secret; secretive fragment; piece; shred disease akin to ababá soldier ant remember; recollect; recall to mind; retain in the memory; meditate; reflect; plan mentally; 129 Kinixys homeana. cf. ịkagị same as osikó; gbori íkelé ‘fence round’; tịẹ ikelé ‘stand round’ etc. or opú ikemu Xanthosoma mafaffa (Araceae) Xanthosoma mafaffa (Araceae) Xanthosoma maffafa Colocasia antiquorum Nephthytis afzelii (Araceae) Sardinella maderensis, = afarụ1 cf. búza, gbódo2, kparakpará, kigbo ololo-ikiḅa ‘half of a bottle’ see under ḅịtẹíkiḅa ikiḅa ololo ‘half bottle (e.g. of wine)’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 v.i. ikió ikiomó1̣ ikiomó ̣ye1 ikiomó2̣ n. v.t. n. v.t. ẹkị ikiómọ ikiómọye2 v.p. n. ikióye n. ikiri ikirímọ v.i. v.t. ikirigbú ikirigo ikísa n.m. n. n. ikísa ikó ikogi ikógíi ikógíi ikógíi ikógíimọ ikogi ḍoí ikogitugu ikogi wagí ̣ ikoli1 ikoliḅagụye ikoliwarị ikoliwarịḅọ ikoli2 ikolokoló n. n. n. a. v.i. n. adv. v.p. n. v.p. n. n. n. n.m.f . n.m.f . n. n.m. ikoróa1 ikoróa ikoróa-ogu ikoróa2 ikosó n. n. n. n. n. ikpá n. ikpaikputukpoluye kpaịn-kpotukpoluye (ḍụwẹịye) n. ikoliwarịḍigiḅọ go back in thought; consider; think; guess; speculate; commemorate; be a memorial of thought; remembrance remind; revive the memory of reminder intend; purpose; design; expect; look forward to; regard as likely; hope for (thing); be of opinion suspect; be inclined to think that intention; expectation; hope; purpose; thing intended; speculation; suspicion thought; sober reflection; consideration; remembrance; recollection; meditation forbear endure, bear e.g. mi mi tp bp bp bronze are; manila cylindrical slit-gong drum used in wrestling and on war canoes. Played with two wooden sticks. A footed, standing, subconical, drum, ca. 60cm. tall act of kneeling; genuflexion stump of trees; raised waist in human beings loin crooked; not straight (of gait) become or look crooked or bent crookedness crookedly turn or change over side in sleep or in sitting hip same as ikogi ḍoí jail; chain; fetters; manacles; shackles hammer prison, jail prisoner odu íkirimọ ‘comport oneself (esp. in trouble)’ cf. inkoro cf. ojé (pl. ikoliwarịongu) warder; gaoler; jailer f sn legs of pot fish sp.; Characin species King in game of cards Jack in game of cards twenty with the card hearts device on a climbing rope small snails, which are used as draughts or tops platform in the form of a sleeping place put as shrine for departed ancestor; mud-bench tree sp. 130 order Characiformes. cf. ịságụ, ọkpaịn Marantochloa leucantha (K.Schum.) MilmeRedh. (white fls.) or Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 M. purpurea (Ridl.) Milne-Redh. (purple fls.) (Marantaceae). cf. ekuwekuwebaberi [?] [?] ikpégara ikpékere ikpeku n. n.m. v.i. cr f ikpeku n. ikpekumindi ikpekumó ̣ n. v.t. ikpekumó ̣ye ikpekupulo ikpiri n. n. n. ikpirikpa ikpírikpáa ikpírikpáamọ ikpó1 ikpó2 n. a. adv. n. n. ikpó díli-ikpo éri-ikpo ikpókpo n. n. n. n.m. ikpoún n. ikpú ikpúkiri ikpú-pẹlẹ n. n. n.m. m íkpungúlusanị n. cr round pepper ikpusu ikpusu gben ikputu n. v.p. n. dc ikputuwarị ịkọlị-íkputu ikú1 ikú1 ikú1 ikú n. n. v.i. a. n. n. ikúmọ ikúyaị adv. odú-ikú a. Njọ dance dance such step stone; block; brick; hard excrescence on trunk of tree brick or block building corner stone be heavy heavy; of great weight; weighty weight; heaviness amount of urine urinated at once; hence nịna íku heavily (lit. heavy things); things set apart as accursed; taboo lazy; slothful; indolent f yam sp. unidentified fish sp. coagulate; congeal; clot; curdle; condense; freeze; solidify; set coagulation; congealment; condensation; solidification; forming into curd, clot or solid ice (cause to) coagulate; congeal; clot; curdle; condense; freeze; solidify coagulant; coagulator hard oil dirty-black: stump; e.g. tịn ikpirikpa, ọfịnye ikpirikpa short; not long curtly; short gun method of tying head for fight or war: e.g. ikpó fịna clew or ball of thread reel reel; spool; bobbin small fry of [balá or long-finned herring?] West African ilisha clot (of blood); clod (of earth); lump (e.g. of salt); loaf (of bread); lump of concrete coppice; copse; fallow old abandoned farm lying fallow grass-cutter; cutting-grass;cane rat (greater cane-rat) 131 cf. ikpiri olú ‘dirtyblack crab’ Ilisha [melonata?] Africana. cf. balá Thryonomys swinderianus (lit. ‘sugarcane-cutter’ Capsicum sp. (Solanaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 odú-ikú odu íkumọ ikú2 n. v.p. n. iku1 iku2 iku-iku obiri-íku ofoni-iku pẹgẹ-iku iku3 v.i. n.m. a. n.m. n.m. n.m. n. ikúdi ikúdi idúdimọ ikufení a. n. adv. n. ikuká ikuka-áka ikúku n. n. v.i. ikúku ikúkumọ ikúku-ikúku ikula n. adv. v.i. a. ikula ikula íkulá ikulaḅọ ikulamó ̣ ikúli v.i. n. n. n.m.f . adv. n.m. f ikúliḍiri n. h ikumó ̣ v.t. ikuri1 ikurimó1̣ ikuri2 ikurimó2̣ ikuru ikuru ikuruyó íkurusí íkurusi-imgbi ilé ilé v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.i. n. a. n. n. n. n. t plant sp., the leaves of which are used for thickening soup wedge; pad; stuff; pack in tightly between persons wear off with use (of tools) cause to wear off cease fruiting (of trees) cause to cease fruiting creep (as children and beasts) creep; creeping creeping; on all fours cannon; artillery cannon ball great-grand-child(ren) tree sp. and its fruits; ḅụḅá-ile dísi-ile n. n. t t species of ilé species of ilé i i i i t bf bp bp cl laziness; slothfulness; indolence make (one) lazy draught; single act of drinking; amount drunk at once; dose of liquid medicine; fill (of wine); mouthful fight; contend with in duel: e.g. you ékị ̣ iku louse (especially head louse) lousy flea (in dogs, etc.) louse (on bird) crab-louse; pelvic louse tree sp. Panda oleosa Pierre (Pandaceae); cf. akụ undulating; not straight crookedness crookedly catarrh; flu; mucous evacuation from the nose; snot; mucus of the nose inner part of cheek cheek-tooth; premolar or molar tooth cringe; crouch; cower; stoop; bend timidly or servilely crouch; cringe; cower stoopingly; cringingly same as above lame; cripped by injury or defect in a foot or leg; limping limp; walk lamely; hobble limp; lame walk; lameness mat formerly used in wrapping cloth cripple; lame person lamely; limply sleeper sp. (‘mangrove sleeper’) 132 family Eleotridae cf. abása-ikuli Uapaca guineensis (Euphorbiaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 dísi-ilé ḍụẹị-ilé íleléu ḅéke-ileleu ilikí ilikí ilikí ilikimó ̣ iló n. n. n. n. a. v.i. n. v.t. n. ilogú1 ilogú n v.i. ilogú ilogúmọ ilogumó ̣ ilótoo ilótoomọ ilú ílu n. adv. v.t. a. adv. v.t. n. t t t fr bp ga ílu h tree resembling ilé male ilé with flowers only and no fruits tree sp. and its fruits; African or hog plum English plum blunt; dull; without edge become blunt or dull bluntness; dullness of point or edge blunt; make less sharp bone projecting at hip or collar due to emaciation morsel; mouthful (of food) shout; make loud utterance or vocal sound; utter loudly shout; loud utterance or vocal sound; call with a shout blaze abroad; make known loudly oversized in an oversized manner look for something amongst thick weeds A. the stem or stalk by which plantain or banana bunch is attached to the tree B. children’s plaything made from the stalk of plantain or banana weeds in general hot temperament be hot-tempered fat and bulky fat and bulky if if only nut or kernel of palms eat ilulá ilulu ilulu sou imbákuu imbáluu ímbe ímbeímbe imbi1 imbi ḅagú ̣ n. n. v.p. a. a. conj. conj. n. v.p. imbiḅagụyé imbiḍigiḅó ̣ imbi-ịmgbọ imbi-olo imbitịḅị béke-imbi kugó ̣-imbi toguru-ímbi imbi2 imbi3 n. n.m. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. imbi fị imbi4 imbi-ịgbọ imbúluu ímburú v.p. v.t. n. a. a. & n. stick for cracking kernel produce examiner oil palm-nut coconut oil one head of coconut coconut tree or fruit testicle palm-kernel nut (of engine) for securing or adjusting bolts draughtsman (of a game); piece (in a boardgame) capture a piece in a board-game scoop out hand-net (used by women) fat and rounded very high (of mangroves or waves); such high mangrove or wave imḅokó imḅókoo n. a. piece of wood for cracking kernels dull and stupid tp fr fr fr fr bp fr ga 133 Ximenia americana (idiom) lit. "beat kernel" e.g. ímburu ángala ‘tall mangroves’; ímburu ó ̣nụngọ ‘high waves’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 imeme ḅara-ímeme ḅụọ-imeme ịtíla-imeme ̣ kụró ̣nama-imeme n. n. n. n. n. imení imení-imeni odu-ímeni ímgba imgba imgba-imgba imgbapẹlẹ imgbálúu imgbálu-imgbálu imgbáluimgbálumọ ímgbe imgbémọ imgbe imgbeké imgbékée imgbékéemọ imgbékéemọ imgbekú n. a. n. n.m. n. a. n.m. a. a. adv. v.i. v.t. n. n. a. adv. a. n. imgbekumó ̣ aka imgbekú aka-imgbekú imgbélée imgbéléemọ imgbépele imgbépelemó ̣ imgbepelemó ̣ imgbepelé v.t. v.i. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. imgbérée imgbéréemọ imgbésu a. adv. n. imgbétée imgbétéemọ ímgbi a. adv. n. imgbi n. imgbíla imgbílíi or imgbítíi imgbíliimọ imgbókóo imgbókóomọ imgboú n.m. a. adv. a. adv. n. bp bp bp bp sh c bp wp wp fr claw; nail finger nail toe-nail agnail; hang-nail false thistle; shrub sp. with prickles on stem and leaves flesh; pulp fleshy; without bone; pulpy body oyster, incl. oyster spat bone; skeleton bony; skeletal heavy knife look very swelled-up; bumpy; swollen full of bumps with bumps attach; settle attach on to club; cudgel club; cudgel abnormal; big; claviform abnormally blunt; dull; without edge dullness of point of edge; bluntness; teeth being set on edge cause to be dull; blunt; set on edge (of teeth) set on edge (of teeth) setting on edge of teeth big; abnormally big in an abnormally big way wander; roam; drift wanderingly; adrift cause to wander about or roam drag up or down in a zigzag fashion (of canoe) abnormally large and spread out in an abnormally and spread-out manner wine palm (fruit) big and stout stoutly coconut shell cut out in the form of cup and used in scooping soup, grinding pepper, etc. big balls of firearms; bomb; e.g. ms tp masquerade type of thick or swollen irregular form irregularly (of nose) stout and narrow stoutly woody fibre in root crops like cassava 134 Acanthus montanus (Acanthaceae) lit. ‘leopard’s claws’ class Gastropoda Raphia hookeri Mann & Wendl. (Palmae) íkurusí imgbi ‘cannon balls’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 imgbúkuu ímgbukúlu ímgbukúlusanị a. n.m. n. imgbúlúu imgbúlúumọ imí1 a. adv. a. imí1 imí1 imígha imígha imímọ v.i. n. a. n. adv. mịé ̣ imimó ̣ imíyaị imí2 imingi imingi imingi imingimó ̣ imomí indá inde inde v.p. v.t. n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. a. v.i. inde indemó ̣ indemó ̣ye n. v.t. n. indí indi-ákọn indíḍaḅa indígbalị indi-ó ̣lalị indo1 indo2 n. indo3 indo3 n. n. n. n. n. indoḅịḅị indokụma indokụma indokụmamó ̣ indomindi indomó ̣ indomina nụngala indorí indu n. v.t. & v.i. n. n. v.i. v.t. n. v.t. n.m. v.i. n. indu-alagba n. am cr t f ft ft ft bp (of nose) stout and rounded tadpole round pepper round; spherical (of a solid) spherically ample; abundant; many; copious; numerous; plentiful; superfluous; many; several; umpteen; a lot of abound; be plentiful or many abundance; plenty; superfluity few; not many; scanty fewness; scantiness abundantly; copiously; plentifully; numerously multiply; make more plenty of compress; squeeze; wring tree sp. groan; moan groan: moan groaningly; moaningly exude; ooze; percolate gum of teeth of thick consistency tend to curdle, solidify, coagulate, congeal, condense thick consistency (of liquid) cause or make to curdle or solidify; thicken thickening (for soup, etc.); coagulant; coagulator fish (in general fisherfolk fishpond pisciculture feast in honour of the deity Ogidíga projecting arms of cannon short lines of hook tied on to a long fishingline breast; udder; dug suck; draw milk into mouth fr nipple; pap; teat; dug weaning from the mother be weaned wean milk suckle sleeper sp. (‘little sleeper) be weaned pawpaw; papaya pp long petiole or leaf-stalk of pawpaw bf f 135 Capsicum sp. (Solanaceae) (n.m. when living) cf. ḅiótugu (lit. "breast water") family Eleotridae Carica papaya (Carocaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 indúkúu indúkúu indúkúumọ indúlúu indúlúu indúlúumọ indúrúu indúrúu indúrúu indúrúumọ íne ine inegha inémọ inémọ ineyọ ọmó ̣ụn iné ọmó ̣ụn-iné inein inein-esí ineinkaramọ inein-ọndé ̣ ineghá ineghaḅara inengi inengi inengi inengiḅọ inengimó ̣ íngba ingelenge ingólingóli ingóló ingólóo ingólóomọ ingu1 ingu ḅou inguḅouḍiri ingu2 iní inikíti in-ín inína inína ínjirí a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. a. v.i. adv. n. v.t. & v.i. v.aux . v.t. & v.i. n. n. v.p. n. num. num. a. num. adv. n. a. v.i. n. n.m.f . v.t. n. n. n.m. n.m. a. adv. n. v.p. n. n. v.t. & v.i. n. excl. v.i. n. n.m. corpulent; fat become fat or corpulent corpulently corpulent; fat become fat or corpulent corpulently corpulent; bulky corpulent; fat become fat or corpulent corpulently mother (used in address) be able to; afford (price); be competent to not to be able to endure; forbear endurance; forbearance physical and mental ability; sufficient power fast; go without food fast(ing) four eighty fourth; fourthly one thousand six hundred too much p f dc c mi cl excess deaf; become deaf deafness deaf (person) (see under ḅaraineghá) (pl. inengi-ongu) deafen; stun ‘oyster’, incl. oyster spat dance step; hence ingelenge ḅá minnow found in lakes and ponds dogwhelk whelk-shaped (of head) in a whelk-shaped manner pipe for smoking tobacco smoke tobacco pipe tobacco flue in ships and launches smell; discern by smell; scent; sniff; inhale; wind small drum accompaniment yes hesitate over one to commence something hesitation real India cloth 136 class Gastropoda Nucella lapillus same as alili <English India Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ínki n. ínki ki inme-íngara ̣ inmó inmó-inmo inmó-inmomọ inmo-íngara ̣ inmó paga inmó pagamọ inmópagamọye inomó ̣ inomó ̣ Inomó ̣suoḅa ínsisi inwán ínye ínyo ípein ipeín ipésáa ipétáa ípi ipirí v.p. n. n. a. adv. n. v.p. v.p. n. v.t. n. n.f. n. n. excl. excl. n. n. a. a. n. n. ipiriatugu n. tp ípiriya ipóróo ipóróomọ ípu1 ípu2 ipúkein n.m. a. adv. n. n. n. b íre1 íre2 v.i. v.t. irékáa irí1 irí1 írigha írigha a. v.i. n. adv.p . v.t. v.i. & v.t. n. v.t. v.p. irimó1̣ irí2 irí2 irimó2̣ kọrị irimó ̣ irí2 irígirígi irígirígi v.i. a. h h pp t go fr fr ink; soot; tattoo; indelible patterns made on the body by inserting pigments in punctures cut tattoo marks lichen sweat; perspiration sweaty sweatily lichen sweat; perspire; exude sweat cause to sweat something that causes sweat cheat; defraud; fraud; swindle; trick trick; swindle; fraud; cheat the deity of cheating hinge prominent ocular bone yes yes raffia fibre ring of hands of plantain or banana broad; wide broad; wide and flat; splay (of foot) see ípu palm with sweet-smelling fruits; rootlike suckers of the above palm, useful for weaving screens bird sp. littery; in a state of untidiness in a disorderly state very small calabash fruit sp. fruits of (and usually the tree) <English ink cf. inmo-íngara ̣ cf. inme-íngara ̣ or inmó tụa <English hinge) Podoccoccus barteri Mann & Wendl. (Palmae) (also ípi) Saxoglottis gabunensis die (idiomatic) call name of something (person, etc.) fondly or for protection long and big dry up; evaporate evaporation unmistakably cause to dry up A. be astray; be lost; miss (road); err; mistake aberrance; aberration lead astray; trick lead astray; mislead B. Following another verb it is equivalent to English mis-; e.g. blunder; move blindly; stumble on or along aberrant; straying from moral standard 137 pẹlẹ irí ‘misjudge; cut crookedly’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 irígirígimọ iróko adv. n. irú1 n. irú sụọ irú2 v.p. n. irúḅẹlẹmọ n. irú ḍu irú koromọ prí ̣ irú kọrí ̣ irúkọrí ̣ irútugu kụrọ-irú mẹnịmẹnị-íru lọkọ-irú iruo iruo sou iruosou iruo soumọ irusí irusí isegí v.p. v.p. v.i. a. n. n. n. n. n. v.p. a. v.p. v.i. n. n. isein (or isen) isen-esí iseinkaramọ isenáịn isenáịntoi isen-ọndẹ Iselema isene ísene-ogidi iseregu num. num. a. num. num. num. a. & n. n. n. n. isi v.t. isi-iru n. t fr dk r bf fo blunderingly tree sp.; iroko caramel; the colour which a wounded sugar cane turns into grow brown and caramel-like (of sugar cane) ale; liquor; wine; any drink to which no specific name is given fruit which, when eaten, sweetens anything that is eaten afterwards present wine according to custom at funeral pour libation or drink offering to (something) be drunk; intoxicated tipsy; intoxicated; drunk dregs or lees of wine strong drink; alcohol soft drink soft drink fame; reputation be famed for famous; celebrated; renowned make famous procrastinate; be dilatory procrastination; dilatoriness crocodile spp. nine one hundred and eighty ninth; ninthly nine (in game of agú ̣ḅa) ten (following nine) at end of game three thousand six hundred pertaining to the Warri or Itsekiri people; Warri blood from nose sacrificial knife fufu from a Urhobo town called Iseregu blow; send strong air-current from mouth or an opening of an engine, etc.; spout; issue forcibly in a jet dk wine from oil palm used in preparation of native medicine 138 also recorded as iroko. Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C. Berg. < Yoruba? N ile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, and slender-snouted crocodile, C. cataphractus (= segí). cf. igére1 See under akpú ̣nkọrọ e.g. fụla ékị ̣ isi ‘blow with spittle’; kumu ékị ̣ isi ‘blow with chewed medicine on place of pain’ (as external treatment of pain) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 isiwarị n. r house or apartment in which special course of native treatment is taken in seclusion by a patient take special course of native treatment in seclusion dwarf crocodile, ‘alligator’ isiwarị sụọ v.p. isiḅiri n.m. isikí Isobo Isoboḅọ isondu adv. a. n.m.f . n. et et too much pertaining to the Urhobo tribe Urhobo person n.m. f salt obtained by filtration of or lixiviating mangrove root ash and evaporating the filtrate small fry of fish (in general?) isongu ịndá-isongu n.m. f anchovy isudu n. tp isúlúu ite íte iti1 a. n. v.i. v.t. iti2 itiká itiká itikamó ̣ itika-opuro itita ḅụọ-itita itítáa ítoróro itorú itorú gben n. a. v.i. v.t. n.m. n. n. a. n. n. v.p. tr itorúgben itoru-ítoru ítorú itú n. a. n.m. n. b a empty bunch of oil palm from which all the fruits have been removed: e.g: lụgụ-ísudu snouted (of mouth) mat, coarser than étẹrẹ ̣ lessen; diminish dry out liquid with cloth, etc.; dab; press but not rub (surface) with sponge or soft material novice in game (slang) damp; moist; slightly wet become damp, moist, etc. dampen; moisten lobster trotter neat’s foot; leg of beef deformed like trotter of animal sweet; nice; enjoyable; interesting thing chalk; limestone throw chalk at someone (by selected traditional priestesses) as sign of absolution from defilement; undergo such act the above act chalky pink-backed pelican roof; upper covering of building: e.g. itú gbein itú kasị itú teri itúteriyé itu v.p. v.p. v.p. n. n. itumọndị-egele n. he c a a a lay thatches on roof; thatch a roof complete roof work of house ridge a roof ridging age-grade; group; batch; set; band; gang; flock; herd; host; large number sociable or gregarious birds 139 Osteolaemus tetraspi (= sibiri) ̣̣ cf. iḅelúḅelu, ịndáisongu Engraulis encrasicolus Pelicanus rufescens warị-ítu ‘roof of house’ lit. "sew roof"; lit. "nail roof"; lit. "cover roof"; akáma-itu swarm of bees; egéle-itu flight of birds; indiítu shoal; crowd; school; kịmị-itu company; congregation; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 crowd; flock; multitude; troupe (of people); namaitu flock; herd (animals); ofoni-itu flight, flock (of birds); ovin-itu herd of cattle; youítu army; troop ituḅu ítuḅurú n. n.m. ituḅuru itúka ituka obiri-ítuka ituku itukulụgụ itukulụgụ ivángúu ivívíi ivuranga iwá iwiri iwó n. n. n. n. a. & n. n. m. a. a. n. n. n. v.t. iwó v.t. iwó iwó iwódụ iwódụ iwómọ v.t. & v.i. n. n. a. adv. iwomó ̣ v.t. iyáa iyamó ̣ excl. v.t. iyée excl. f cr t bp tp t sh log of wood; block fish sp.; flagfin mojarras round yam tree sp. and its fruits hair; wool brownish pubic hairs on children thick skinned or pulpy (palm fruit) palm fruit with pulpy flesh oil palm tree with pulpy fruits broad and with wide nostrils(of nose) blubber-lipped(of mouth) thicket; shrub sp. game of cards wise or clever person A. ascend; climb; go or come up; rise; slope upwards; rise in rank; rise in pitch (of sound); mount; soar; grow upwards B. wake (someone) from sleep; arouse; awaken; e.g. C. come out of water ascent; ascension north; up-river northern; northerly; upper upwards; in upward direction: e.g. turn up (wick in lamp); make (voice) louder or shriller; shrug; raise (shoulders); sniff; draw air in audibly through nose; e.g. niní iwomọ answer to salutation; oh no!; oh, all right! push up material from a hole (as crab, rat, rodent, etc.) exclamation expressing tiredness or other confused emotion 140 Eucinostomus melanopterus cf. pẹgẹyaí ̣ munú ghọ iwó ‘arouse from sleep’ dọgú ̣ or wagí ̣ iwomó ̣ ‘pull or turn towards’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 N. ị́ ị ịbá1 ịbá fị ịbá2 pron. pron. n. v.p. n. ịba-ịba ịba-ịbamọ ịbabá ịbara ịbó ̣lị Nbó ̣rọ Nbó ̣rọ Nḅaní1̣ Nḅaní1̣ ịḅaní2̣ ịḅaní2̣ ịḅẹlẹkị ịḅẹlẹkịfá oḅori-ịḅẹlẹkị ịḅọ ịḅó ̣ḅọ íḅọló ̣ ̣ ịḅụḅụ ịḅụgú ̣ a. adv. n. n. a. p.n. a. n. a. v.i. n. n. a. n. pron. n. n. n.m. n. ịdẹgé ̣ n.m. f object case of I (á); me; my you; your; thee; thou; thy; bribe; bribery take a bribe; practise bribery batch; quantity or number of anything coming at once or treated as a set; part; section sectional sectionally piece of wood for fastening door; latch bar buttress roots; branches arched Ibenọ in Eket pertaining to the Ibenọ people Iḅanị, Bonny people pertaining to the people of Bonny splash (of fish); spatter; splurge splash fat; grease fatless medicinal plant unspecified person; "the person" discharge, mucus or film, in the eye coral bead young palm tree with growths on stem depression on the ground for playing ikosó; a hole for land crab mullet in general ịdẹgé-ịyagụ ̣ n. f small fry of mullet abaraká-ịdẹgé ̣ akú ̣rọ-ịdẹgé ̣ ḅou-ídẹgẹ ̣ gbulu-ịdẹgẹ ịdó1̣ ịdó2̣ ịdọgí ̣ n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n. n. n. f f f f ịdó ̣gịị ịdó ̣gịịmọ ịdọnị a. adv. n. ịfárú ̣ụ ịfárú ̣ụ a. v.i. mullet sp. mullet sp. fish sp.; barbel mullet sp. woven rope; twine prehensile claw of land crab; chela poisonous plant, the leaves of which are used in preparation of local rat-poison black; blackish blackishly fish sticks; weir; enclosure of stakes set in stream as trap for fish distended; dilated distend; swell out; dilate tp et et et et h tp fp h co fg 141 2nd pers. sing.; (lit. "eat bribe"); family Mugilidae. cf. abaraká, abaraká-ịdẹgé,̣ akú ̣rọ,̣ akú ̣rọịdẹgé,̣ ḅoú-ịdẹgẹ ḅụọḅakalamọ, ẹkpẹrú ̣kpẹrụ, gbulu, gbuluịdẹgẹ, mó ̣ngịnị, ó ̣zọló ̣lị family Mugilidae. cf. ịyagụ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịfú ̣fọlị1 ịfú ̣fọlị2 ịfú ̣kú ̣ụ n. a. n.m. v.t. & v.i. n. n.m. a. ịfụkú ̣ v.i. ịfúngọị ịfụngọị ịfụngọị-ịkara abadí-ịfụngọị ̣ n. n.m. n. n.m. f sf sf sf ịga1 ịga2 n. n. v Ngabó Ngabóḅọ a. n.m.f . a. adv. a. n.m.f . n.m. n. n. n. p.n. et et thread obtained from banana or plantain stem shipworm or teredo extremely narrow (of space between two walls, etc.) reach end of making progress (in trade or growth) ‘mussel’ oyster oyster shell whitish soft-shelled type of bivalve shell-fish found in hursts; clam bush cane-rattan palm species woven ropes in general used for climbing palms (some with loop at each end) pertaining to the Urhobos Urhobo person et et ridgy (of skin disease like yaws) in a ridgy or raised manner pertaining to the Igala people Igala person ịfịán ịfífịn ̣ ịfíṇ 1 ịfíṇ ịgádíị̣ ịgádíịmọ ̣ Ngárá Ngáraḅó ̣ ịgáran’obiri ịgaragaraḅá ígẹré ̣ ̣ ígịbú ̣ ̣ Ígịbụ Ógbo ̣ ígịbú ̣ ̣ tụa ịgba1 ịgba ḅọgọ ịgba mangị ịgba2 ịgbapiri ịgba ịgbá-ịgba kọngó ̣-ịgba or pọgó ̣-ịgba ịgbaná ịgbaní ̣ ịgbaníạ ịgbaníạ ịgbaníaye ̣ ịgbaráịgbaraị ịgbó ̣ ịgbó ̣fọrọkọ v.p. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. n. a. n. n. v.i. & v.t. v.i. n. n. a. n. n. hg c c da t dc dc dc bp bp ap fg trap very small; tiny (of nose) hermit crab blow nose to clear mucus large type of dog first introduced from Igala thorn; thorny tree sp. courting (of man or woman) waist movement during coition popular dance club specializing in waist movement (= Okuku) make such waist movement line of masquerade dance round off such a line dance in such a line bush ropes and tangles jungle sinew; tendon sinewy jugular veins of the neck or throat region horn of an animal contend (of child), strive, fight for a thing; insist, press; dwell long; make a stand be in rivalry; argue contention; strife; controversy; dispute point contended for in argument cracked; full of cracks net in general open-work singlet 142 class Bivalvia Ostrea edulis (cf. Kaḅó) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 fg fg fg fg fg fg fg fg fg fg fg fg Njó ̣fụ Njọn’ósungbo ịjú ̣jú ̣ụ ịkagị1 ịkagị-ịkagị ịkagịsụọtó ̣ ịkagị2 ịkagịḅara ịkagịḅuru v.p. v.p. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. v.i. n. n.f. a. n. n. n. n. n. p.n. a. n.m.f . n. n. a. n.m. a. a. n.m. n. n. r cl h salt made from mangrove wood ash Njọ tribal mark on ridge of nose in olden days snouted weevil; insect damaging stored grain weevily weevilled tortoise; cunning person beautifully woven shoulder cloth; sash yam sp. ịkaká n. pp corms or seedlings esp. of cocoyam ịkalị1 ịkalị2 ḅara-íkalị ̣ ḅụọ-ịkalị ịkará ịkaraín, ̣ ịkịraíṇ ịkaraín, ̣ ịkịraíṇ ịkaraín-di ̣ n. n. n. n. n. a. n. n. ịkaraín-ịyọrọḅọ ̣ ịkaraká1 n.f. n. ịgbó ̣ fụngọ ịgbó ̣ gbemọ afarụ-ịgbọ fụngó ̣-ịgbọ gbemó ̣-ịgbọ ikerere-ịgbọ imbi-ịgbọ ịdẹgé-ịgbọ ̣ kalá-ịgbọ kigbo-ịgbọ opu-ígbọ ̣ susu-ígbọ ̣ ịgbụrụ ịgịán1 ịgịán2 ịgílaị ̣ ịgụá ịgụá ịgụára or igụáḅọ ịjábáa, ịzábaa ịjagba asú ̣n-ịjagba famú ̣-ịjagba ịjáka tọrụ-íjaka ̣ Njó ̣ Njó ̣ Njó ̣ḅọ ga bm bp bp et et et bm i bp bp bp c p c fish with seine throw or cast net casting net for afarụ seine; drag-net casting net in general casting net for ikerere hand-net in general casting net for ịdẹgé ̣ medium-sized hand-net casting net for kigbo biggest size of hand-net hand-net for shrimps line, procession (of people) flywheel of machine native draughts scar in the pupil of eye make love concubinage concubine spread out (of toes); sprawled whip; cane; ferule horse-whip punishment eye-lashes; cilia eye-lash(es) Njọ tribe pertaining to the Njọ tribe Njọ person fork in stick; king or queen post wrist or ankle bone wrist bone ankle bone shell (especially of periwinkle etc.) virgin; undefiled virginhood; virginity primiparous birth; bearing a child for the first time virgin shell (esp. of fruits of raffia palm and of oyster, which easily crumble); it is loosely used for ịkará 143 (see isondu) Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae) e.g. ikereḅurúịkaka e.g. ịsẹmị-ịkara Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịkaraká2 ịkarakádemọye ịkarakáwarị ịkásị amanyanaḅọ-ịkasị ḅéke-ịkasị ḍigi-ịkasị ikegima-ịkasị sẹrérẹ-ịkasị ̣ ịkatá ịkatá nanga ịkẹgẹ1 ịkẹgẹpagara n.m. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. ịkẹgẹpegele ịkẹgẹ2 tọrụ-íkẹgẹ ̣ ịkẹgẹ3 ịkẹgẹ4 di-íkẹgẹ ̣ n.m. n. n. n. n.m. n. di-íkẹgẹ nọ ̣ di-íkẹgẹnọ ̣ ịkị ịkịán ịkịó ̣ subj. + v.i. n. n. n. n. tr e ịkịó ̣-eme ịkịó ̣fa ịkịó ̣tụa a. a. a. e e e ịkịrị ịkịrịmó ̣ ịkírịkáa ̣ ịkírịkáamọ ̣ ịkịtaká kịmị-ịkịtaka ịkọ ịkọgịḅá v.i. v.t. a. adv. n. n. n.m. n. fg fg ịkó ̣gíị̣ ịkọlí ̣ ịkọlị-íkọlị ̣ ịkọlíkọlimọ ̣ ịkọlị ịkó ̣lịkó ̣ọ íkọlọgọ ̣ a. n. a. adv. n.m. a. n. ịkó ̣nị v.t. i h fg fg po po b bp bp c bp c termite; white ant castor-oil plant Ricninus communis anthill bench; seat; chair throne English chair cane chair steel chair deck or easy-chair small basket-like fish trap fish with ịkatá native pot for grinding snuff piece of broken native pot; broken pieces of concrete bird sp.; swallow Hirundo spp. socket of the eye eye socket shell of ịfụngọị in uterus or womb in its enlarged condition immediately following childbirth have uteritis or pain in the womb after childbirth uteritis dirt; grime; soot ingrained in the skin stick on which sacrifice is placed mind; seat of consciousness; thought; volition and feeling; intellectual power; direction of thoughts or desires; sense; (loosely) heart; wile; trick; cunning procedure; artifice; manoeuvre sensible senseless; foolish subtle; clever; crafty; cunning; artful; ingenious; sensible; wily; trickish; sagacious; seeming to reason or deliberate (of animals) sear cause to sear; cauterize short (of stature) in a short way host; large number crowd; multitude, large number (of people) woven kind of big container for trapping fish round frame (usually of rattan palm) for fixing hand-net on to for fishing bent like a bow corner; angle angular; full of bends and corners angularly water crab in general having a long occiput display by members of a society or league of chiefs who have beheaded people at war give love to someone before it is asked 144 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịkọnị ịkọnị ịkọnị-obi ịkọrọ1 ịkọrọ2 v.i. a. n. n. n. d ịkó ̣só ̣ọ ịkpaḅarịḅá ịkpaḅarịḅá sụọ ịkpáịkpáị ịkpakpa a. n. v.p. n.m. ịkpakpa ịkpakpa tụa n. v.p. ịkpakpanáḅarána ịkpakpa-na-ḅarána ịkpákụ n. n.m. cl cl n. tp ịkpakụ v.i. ịkpakụmó ̣ ịkpakụté ̣ ịkpálaị ịkpalakpá v.t. a. n. n. ịkpálakpáa ịkpalị1 ịkpalị fanga ịkpalị2 ịkpalịfá ịkpalịfa-óvin ịkpan1 ịkpan2 ịkpangí ̣ a. n. v.p. n. a. n.m. n. n. n. ịkpangị-íkpangị ̣ ịkpasị ịkpataká a. n. n. ịkpịrí ̣ 1 ịkpịrị-íkpịrị ̣ ịkpú ̣ n. a. n. d d bp pọgọ-íkpụ ̣ ịkpú2̣ n. n. bp tp ịkpú ̣kụ ịkpụkụ n.m. n. i tp d tr c mi ap ap ap da wp grow lupus lupoid; lupous lupus; ulcerous disease of skin long stick used in climbing raffia wine palm horn used in pouring libation during traditional ceremonies emaciated; lean; gaunt high degree of dryness become very dry lobster sp. A. Pair of flat pieces of wood used as musical accompaniment; clappers, concussionplaques B. applause (by clapping) clap hands; applaud by striking hands or the clappers together loudly print cloth old cloth fresh prop-root of stunted type of mangrove cut for wood become dry and shrivelled; wither; fade; dry; droop; lose freshness and vigour make dry, or wither dry or dried anklet animal’s feet used as food; trotters (of sheep, pigs) long-legged; lanky plait; entwined hair; braid braid; plait, etc. horn of an animal hornless; poll poll-cattle cinder; fire brand poisoned arrows bough; branch; twig (of tree); branch; junction, tributary (of river, road, family) branchy; with many branches handle of wooden spoon bier; woven cagelike material used as coffin in olden days, (now chiefly used for ceremonial burials only) scabies; mange; itch scabby; mangy gizzard; crop; larynx; voice-box; Adam’s apple Adam’s apple growing point of coconut or oil palm; cabbage; terminal bud of banana or plantain coconut beetle node; knot in wood; base of a branch; protuberance covered with bark on trunk or at root of tree; gnarl 145 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịkpụkụ-í`kpụkụ ịkpụkụ3 a. n. pọgọ-íkpụkụ ̣ ịkpụkụ4 ḅara-íkpụkụ ̣ ḅụọ-ịkpụkụ ịkpụngụ ịkpụngú ̣bun ịkú ̣ ịkú ̣díị̣ ịkú ̣lị ịkú ̣rịkú ̣rị ịkú ̣rịkú ̣rịmọ ịkụrụḅa ịkụtị ḅara-íkụtị ̣ ḅụọ-ịkụtị ịkú ̣tíị̣ ịkụtú ̣kụtụ n. n. n. n. n. n.m. n. a. adv. a. adv. n. n. n. n. a. n.m. tp bp bp bp bp f knotty; gnarled wen; more or less permanent tumour of benign character on scalp or other part of body goitre; Derbyshire-neck elbow or knee joints elbow knee knob; proboscis; trunk (of elephant) long-horn beetle between the legs clawed in vain scraggy scraggily iron-wood; claw or bent fingers or toes clawed fingers bent toes clawed small specimen of horse mackerel ịla1 ḍíḅi-ịla ịla2 ịla3 n. n. n. n. h t cr bead weed with beadlike seed fig tree Job’s tears ịlịa ịló ̣ ịló ̣ koromọ ịló ̣tọ n. n. v.p. v.i. ịlú ̣lú ̣ụ ịlú ̣lụ2ụmọ ịmá ịmá sụọ ịmáraịn a. adv. n. v.p. n. bm ịmbásị n. pp ịmbasị ịmbasị ịmbí ̣ v.t. adv. n.m. m broomstick from palm frond stick siege; besieging lay siege to; besiege (wetness) be so wet as to shed drops; dripping wet; very wet heavy; of great weight; laden with heavily matter; pus fester; gather pus wale or weal; ridge raised on flesh by stroke of rod or whip carpel or section into which a pistil cell of fruit is divided do (something) deliberately due to perversity wilfully; deliberately; perversely red river-hog ịmbị-áfụlaḅa ịmbị-akásiko, n. n.m. fr b fruit of tree much relished by red river-hog bird sp.; sunbird ịmbị-akásọgị n.m. b bird sp.; sunbird akatolútẹ ịmbị n.p. m red river-hog with projecting husks [teeth?] bm d bm bm bm ap i he 146 see ịmọ [Caranx spp.?] family Carangidae cf. mọrọn, pélia Coix lachryma-jobi (Gramineae) See also ọgá Potamochoerus porcus cf. akatolútẹ ịmbị family N ectariniidae (cf. ịsẹrẹ; ọtị) family N ectariniidae (cf. ịsẹrẹ; ọtị) Potamochoerus Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 porcus. Cf. ịmbí ̣ Zea mays (Gramineae) ịmbịakpá n. cr corn; maize ịmbịakpáfịye ị`mbílị́ ị̣ ịmbírịmbí rị̣ ̣ ịmbírịmbí rịmọ ̣ ̣ ịmbítị̣ n. a. a. adv. v.i. he ịmbítị́ ị̣ ịmbítị́ ịmọ ̣ ịmbítịkí ̣ ị̣ et et of or pertaining to the Ibibio tribe or Ibibio Ibibio person ịmgbalakpá a. adv. a. & v.i. a. n.m.f . n. spoon fat and short trivial; trifling; of small value trivially; triflingly grimace; make wry face; lour; frown; scowl; gloom grim; unmirthful grimly; unmirthfully same as above go ịmgbálú ̣ụ ịmgbálú ̣ụ ịmgbálú ̣ụmọ ịmgbará ịmgbéké ̣ ẹ̣ ịmgbéké ̣ ẹmọ ̣ ịmgbélé ̣ ẹ̣ ịmgbélé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ ịmgbésẹ ̣ ịmgbésẹmọ ̣ ịmgbẹsé ̣ a. v.i. adv. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. ịmgbẹségbasa ̣ n. ịmgbẹsẹmó ̣ ịmgbẹsétịn ̣ ịmgbíkpí ̣ ị̣ v.t. n. a. ịmgbíkpí ̣ ịmọ ̣ ịmgbịpalị ịmgbọ1 adv. n. n. small calabash for storing gun-powder; powder flask; (slang) scrotum slightly swollen swell slightly in a slightly swollen manner ammunition small; smallish (of head) smallishly same as preceding in a smallish way lie across crosswise cross; place crosswise; (of obstacle) go across (river, sea, road); thwart cross-stick for weaving net which gives the mesh cause to put across cross stumpy; thickset; stocky; of small height or length in proportion to girth stumpily; stockily tight pants or lower underwear grist; size or thickness of yarn or rope: ịmgbọ2 ḅió-ịmgbọ ịmgbọị n. n. n. ịmgbú ̣ arụ-ịmgbụ ḅụọ-ịmgbụ ọbụ-ímgbụ ̣ ịmgbú ̣lú ̣ụ ịmgbú ̣lú ̣ụmọ ịmgbụrụ ịmgbú ̣tụ ịmgbú ̣tụ-ọbụ n. n. n. n. a. adv. n. v.i. n. Nmḅọkọ Nmḅọkọbọ wp dr pp bo bp bp stone (of stone fruit); seed; grain; nut heartwood; core improvised rope obtained from split leaf of young raffia vinifera palm hump; hunch; hunchback keel of boat shin of leg hunch of back small; not large (of lump, mass) smallishly corrugation; line recoil or shrink; grow humpy humpback or hunchback 147 e.g. éri-ịmgbọ ‘thickness of thread’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịmgbú ̣tú ̣ụ ịmgbú ̣tú ̣ụmọ ịmọ a. adv. n. ịmó ̣rọịn ịmparaḅọ ịmparafịrị ịmụkú ̣ ịmú ̣kú ̣ụ ịmú ̣kú ̣ụmọ ịmụnụmụnụ n.m. n.m. n. n. a. adv. n. c ịmụsú ̣ ịná ịna ínaịn ̣ ịnaịn índa ̣ n. poss. poss. n. n. int. tp ịndá n.m. f ịndáḅara n.m. f fish sp.; royal threadfin (‘young shiny nose’; ‘adult shiny nose’) giant African threadfin; 6ft. and over ịndáḅutu n.m. f lesser African threadfin ịndá eḅutu ịnda-ímeni n. n. f h ịnda-ísongu n.m. f (‘golden threadfish or shiny nose’) plant sp. with soft and tasty wood used for chop-stick fish sp., European anchovy ịndá-isongu n.m. f fish sp., European anchovy ịndamanga n. ịndányingi índaị ̣ n.m. n. ịndálaị ịndíkáa ̣ ịndụ ịndụlụ ịndụlú ̣mọ n. a. v.i. v.i. v.t. ịndụlụ-ọbụ ịndú ̣lú ̣ụ ịndú ̣lú ̣ụmọ n. a. adv. tp f p humpy; hunchy with a hump core; heartwood; the hardest part of a tree, usually impregnated with black resinous matter; ironwood; species of mangrove; periwinkle with smooth shell; carrier; porter; drudge; servile worker; slave drudgery stinginess; churlishness stingy; churlish; niggardly churlishly; etc. middle folding leaves of oil palm tree torn in shreds, used as part of war dress, in traditional shrines, or used singly for tying male flower of oil-palm my, 1st pers. plural; your , 2nd pers. plural; my own; mine; belonging to me your own; yours; belonging to you (sg.) how many? (followed by a noun or sentence): oblique or asquint lock; squint, strabismus (when eye turns inward or outward it is referred to as cross-eyed strabismus and walleyed strabismus respectively) threadfin sp. how many (used as a subject): wire very black tarry; remain; wait for recoil; grow humpy hump or hunch up (back) wilfully for a moment humpback; hunchback humpy; hunchy with a hump 148 see ịkụrụḅa e.g. ịmó ̣rọịn ịsẹmị e.g. índa ḅara ̣ ‘how many hands?’ Pentanemus quinquarius Polydactilis quadrifilis Galeoides decadactylus Engraulis encrasicolus cf. isongu Engraulis encrasicolus cf. isongu family Polynemidae e.g. índaị ị wọ ékị? ̣ ̣ ‘how many did you take?’; máịn na traị na índaị? ‘2 + ̣ 3, how many?’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịngarụ ịngị ịngịasí ̣ ịngịasítịḅị ̣ ịngịlímọ ̣ ịngímọ ̣ n. a. n. n. v.p. n. a. n.m.f . n.m. adv. n. n. v.i. v.i. ịngịmó ̣ ịngịrị ịngịrị ịngịrímọ ̣ ịngịrịmó ̣ ịngịríngị ̣ ịngọ ịngọ kọn ịngú ̣ ịngụa ịngụịngú ̣ ịngụịngú ̣ ịngụịngú ̣ ịngụịngú ̣mọ íngụó ̣ ̣ v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.i. n. v.p. n.m. v.i. a. v.i. n. adv. n. ịngú ̣síị́ ̣ ịngú ̣sịịmọ ịní ̣ ịnị ịnịa, ịnịya ịníḅịḅịnátẹrẹ íḅ ̣ ̣ áa ịnkwọ ịníya ̣ ịnkpọpị ịnọ ịnọ lá ịnọ ékị ̣ lamó ịntakị ịntẹ ịnụ ịnụḅuru ịnú ̣ ḅụọ ínwaịn ̣ a. adv. poss. poss. n. n. n. n.m. n.m. n. v.p. v.p. n.m. conj. a. n. v.p. v.i. ínwaịn-ḅịtẹ ̣ ịnwaịnmó ̣ n. v.t. ịngará ịngará-ịngara inme-íngara ̣ ịngaradọ ịngará fị ịngaráfị ịngaráfị ịngaráfịḅọ d d h d scabies; crawcraw scabious; scabby lichen smallpox; variola make mischief cheating tendency; mischievous conduct mischievous mischief-maker c periwinkle sp. with spiked shell thoroughly spoon spoonful tarry; wait; persist exert force to excrete or deliver foetus; bear down push or bear down scream; screech scream; screech screeching cause to screech, etc. char (completely) riches; wealth; prosperity acquire, possess, win (wealth or prosperity) frog sp. hurry up; make haste touching; affecting; pathetic be affected or moved in mind touchingness; affect touchingly; affectingly sugar-cane he am cr wp ft k bm bm cl cr dr lean and dejected dejectedly 1st pers. singular; my, mine 2nd pers. singular; your; thine; thy; arrow; dart hairy larva found in dry crayfish ??? my son (archaic) fathom of cloth tied to fall in front wound; cut; flaw sustain or suffer wound wound fathom of cloth tied to fall in front but; and old (of things) old, sweet yam become old and sweet tie (cloth) round loins: loincloth tie (cloth, etc.) on to 149 cf. inmo-íngara ̣ also ịngarụ-ịsẹmị Saccharum officinarum (Gramineae) = sụka [not in text] e.g. ḅịtẹ ínwaịn ‘tie ̣ cloth’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 p adult person ịnwanwán ịnwanwan n.m.f . n. n. ga g play in water sedge with very sharp stem and leaves ịnwẹnẹ n. mi ịnyaíṇ ịnyán v.i. ịnyánmọ ịnyanmó ̣ ịnyan adv. v.t. n. ịnyángị ịnyanya ịnyọ1 ịnyọ2 n. n. n. ịnyọkpó ̣ ịnyọ3 ịnyọ ḍọụmó ̣ ịnyọ pélẹ ̣ ịnyọpẹlẹ ịnyọpélẹ-ikurusi ̣ ịnyọ sara ịpá a. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. v.p. n. ípiriya ̣ ịpó ̣ró ̣ọ n. a. ịpó ̣ró ̣ọ mịé ̣ ịpọró ̣ọmọ ịpó ̣tó ̣ọ v.i. v.p. a. & v.i. v.p. n. very small copper bells used for tying on hands during dances, etc. crumbs; small shredded fragments (especially of shrimp) become restless; yearn; be filled with longing for or after rest, home, or action restlessly; yearningly; longingly cause to become restless frond of small raffia vinifera palms used for roofing or walling; dry frond of raffia palms in general for burning anything clitoris roof mats eczema man-power; strength; stamina; staying power; power of endurance; ability powerful breath; air taken into and expelled from lungs take breath; pause; rest breathe one’s last; die; give up ghost giving up ghost first cannon shot fired at the death of a person breathe column; body of people, especially following one another; part or section of a crowd; lobe, especially of liver or lungs bird sp. (unidentified) littery; in a state of untidiness; disorderly accumulation of odds and ends litter; look untidy (of objects lying about) make untidy (be) ashamed, abashed; disconcerted by consciousness of guilt make ashamed; disconcert seclusion or retirement in fattening house according to either custom or after child-birth, accouchement; lying-in; delivery in childbirth tend woman in child-birth midwifery; obstetrics midwife; man-midwife; obstetrician ḅịté-ịnwaịntẹḅọ ̣ mịé ̣ ịpó ̣tó ̣ọmọ ịrá ịrákọrịfịrị ịrá sụọ ịrásụọmọ ịrá tụwẹịn v.p. n. n.m.f . n. v.p. v.t. v.p. ịrátụwẹịn ịrátụwẹịn n. a. ịrá kọrị ịrákọrị ịrákọrịḅọ tp bp he d b midwifery work; obstetrics be confined for fattening or after childbirth fatten; seclude in fattening house present food, etc., to women at childbirth according to N embe custom, done by the husband or his representative such custom of presentation of provisions with young one; nursing: 150 Scheri sp. (Cyperaceae) (plural of ịnyan) e.g. ịrá ịyọrọḅọ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịrẹ1 n. ịrẹ, ẹrẹ2 n. ịrẹ ékị ̣ tịn v.p. ịrẹfá ịrẹfí(tẹ) ̣ ịrẹná(tẹ) ịrẹsinyaị a. a. a. ịrú ̣ ịrú ̣ ịrú ̣mọ ịrụmó ̣ ịrú ̣tẹịn ịrú ̣timi-ifie írụa ̣ ịrú ̣a ịrụakụra ịrụapaga-anga or dụ a. n. adv. v.t. a. n. v.i. n. n. n., adv. & a. n., adv. & a. v.i. n. n.m. n. ịrụasụọ-anga or dụ írụdú ̣ ̣ụ ịrụká ịságụ ịsalasá1 ịsalasá2 t sasswood tree bf name; nomenclature; word by which individual person, animal, place or thing is called name; give name to; (figuratively) give bad name to nameless; anonymous celebrated; famous renowned blood wt a. v.i. adv. v.t. n. ịsan1 n. ịsan2 n. ịsẹmị ịsẹmị-ịkara ịmó ̣rọịn-ịsẹmị n.m. n. n.m. (more idiomatic than odúai, odúyaị, puló) small; not large; not plenty smallness; paucity into small pieces make small; belittle least; smallest; slightest infancy; early childhood; babyhood pinch from anything before actual division sun; sunshine dry season East; Orient; eastern; oriental; eastward; easterly West, Occident; Western; occidental; westward; westerly f tp fg ịsalị ịsalị ịsalịmó ̣ ịsalịmó ̣ ịsamụ ‘nursing mother’; ịrá nama ‘animal giving suck’ Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan (LeguminosaeCaesalpinioidae) fp c c c be current; prevail (esp. of news) brass bangle; any imperishable property fish sp.; characin spongy roots overhanging a river in which prawns (opuro) are caught artificial trap for sp. opuro resembling the real one stark; stiff; rigid; not flexible grow stiff after death stiffly; rigidly make stiff; stiffen fin (of fish; frill (of cloth; a type of woven cloth with a frilled edge sponge; native fibrous material used in filtering palm wine shred; scrap; fragment; rag; strip, torn or broken piece; small remains ‘common periwinkle’ periwinkle shell periwinkle sp. 151 order Characiformes. cf. ikolokoló, ọkpaịn family Littorinidae (see ịmọrọịn) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịngarụ-ịsẹmị ịsẹrẹ n.m. n.m. ísị̣ 1 ísị̣ 1 ísị̣ 2 ịsí ̣ ịsịngí ̣ a. v.i. v.i. v.t. n. ịsísị̣ ịsísịyọ ̣ ịsịsí ̣ v.i. n. v.t. ịsọnọ ịsọnọwarị ịsụ n.m. n. n.m. ịsụḅụ ịsụlụ c b f i i m periwinkle sp. sun-bird bald; hairless; featherless lose hair be cut or cleared cut, clear for farm, etc. large kind of ọtíọ,̣ a sea catfish (‘real grown catfish’; ‘second-stage catfish’; ‘young type catfish’) be bruised, be contused abrasion; contusion; bruise; graze abrade; scrape off, injure (skin) by violent rubbing; bruise; contuse; excoriate; graze ant in general; emmet ant nest giant-pouched rat (giant rat) spp. knife (be) persistent (of sore) against medicine; chronic; lingering make persistent snouted fish sp. blackchin tilapia; spotted tilapia; redbelly tilapia; and other cichlid or tilapiine fish sp. (‘river tilapia’) ịsụlụmó ̣ ịsú ̣sú ̣ụ ịtaḅalá a., v.i. v.t. a. n.m. f ịtílạ n.m. f mudskipper itíla-imeme ̣ ịtítáa ̣ ítorú ̣ n. a. n. b hangnail (of teeth) carious; decayed pink-backed pelican ịtú1̣ ịtụfụrú ̣ ịtú2̣ ịtụḅụlú ̣ n.m. n.m. n.m. n. c f i very small mangrove crab fish sp.; snapper sp. which feeds on crabs insect that bores into canoes haft; handle; hilt; shaft; tang (of knives, 152 (see ịngarụ) family N ectariniidae (cf. ịmbị-akásiko; ịmbị-akásọgị; ọtị Arius sp. = sịngí. ̣ cf. gbengu, nẹgú ̣, nẹngú ̣ Gambian giantpouched rat (Gambian giant rat), Cricetomys gambianus, Emin’s giant-pouched rat (Emin’s giant rat), C. emini. Also identified as the N igerian whitetoothed shrew, Crocidura nigeriae. Cf. tụrụ-éke Sarotheradon melanotheron melanotheron; Tilapia mariae; Tilapia zillii; and other family Cichlidae. cf. adi, atán, elekéti, ọkpọtụḅa Periophthalmus spp. cf. amgbóko Pelecamus rufescens (= tígarágara) Lutjanus sp. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịtú ̣tụ ịtú ̣tụ-ịtú ̣tụ ịvịavịá n. a. n. ịwọfí ̣ ịwọ-indí ịwọ-ịwọ ịwọmó ̣ ịwọyaị ịwákáa n. n. a. adv. a. ịwákáamọ ịwísị̣ ịwịsí ̣ ịwọ adv. v.i. v.t. a. ịyá n. ịyaḅú ̣ ịyá fị pron. v.p. ịyámọ ịyamó ̣ adv. v.t. ịyágáa ịyagụ a. n.m. ịyó ̣ v.i. ịyó ̣ ịyọmó ̣ ịyọrọ n. v.t. a. & n. n.f. v.p. n. n.f. n. a. ịyọrọḅọ ịyọrọ lá ịyọrọlá ịyọrọtó ̣gụ ịzan ịzú ̣zú ̣ụ d f p fo spades, etc.) caries; decay of teeth; shipworm carious; decayed broom made of twigs or dry spadix of flower cluster or inflorescence of coconut after the nuts have been picked premature death fresh, raw, unsmoked fish fresh, raw, young afresh; anew raw food presented to a deity or juju conspicuous (of dress); striking to the eye; attracting notice conspicuously be torn off tear off crude; fresh; green; new; novel; strange; raw; unsmoked agony; affliction; calamity; desperation; distress; hardship; suffering; torture; misery unspecified people; they; them, cf. eín suffer; undergo pain or grief; have trouble; be in distress distressingly; agonizingly afflict; distress with bodily suffering; torture; inflict bodily pain (of teeth) serrulate, or serrulated, finely serrate small fry of fish, esp. mullet go with favourable tide; go easily and without quarrel with someone favourable tide (ebb or flow): turn (about) to go favourably with tide female; feminine; any part of a device or mechanism that bears the lock or socket woman attain womanhood or female maturity attainment of womanhood or female maturity girl; maiden; an expression of praise palm kernel oil having prominent front teeth J. jáị1 (also záị) jáị1 (also záị) jáịmọ1 jáị2 a. v.i. adv. v.i. jáịmọ2 jákajáka adv. a. heavy (of rain) fall heavily heavily (of rain) alight (of bird), settle (after flying down from the air) aloft; high up ruffled; shaggy; rough-haired; unkempt; uncombed 153 e.g. family Mugilidae. cf. ịdẹgé-ịyagụ ̣ e.g. ịyó ̣mindi (pl. ịyọrọ-ongu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 jákajákamọ mịé ̣ jákajákamọ jákakáa adv. v.p. a. jákakáamọ jákatáa jákatáamọ jakí ̣ jákịrị, zákịrị jákịrịmọ jála adv. a. adv. v.i. a. adv. n. ikegimajala tịn-jala jalá jalá jálaḅáa jálaḅáamọ jalágị n. n. v.t. jalágịmọ jalagí ̣ adv. v.t. jálaláa jálaláamọ jálóo jálóomọ jámú ̣ụ jámú ̣ụmọ járaráa jée jéemọ jéen jéenmọ jélekée jélekéemọ jí (also zí) jimó ̣, zimó ̣ jíge jíge a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. v.i. n. jígejíge jígemọ kiríjíge kụró ̣jige jigé a. adv. n. n. v.t. imbi jige odú jige jígo jigó jígolo jigorí jigorí v.p. v.p. n. v.t. v.i. a. v.i. a. adv. v.i. pp shaggily ruffle shaggy; with rough dried-up twigs; bristly; setaceous setaceously shaggy and lying loose (e.g. hair) shaggily; loosely (of hair) flower; produce flower strong and agile, but too thin in a strong but thin way comb; toothed strip of horn, metal, ivory, wood, etc., for dressing or cleaning hair metal comb wooden comb A. comb; draw comb through hair B. scratch soil for food (as fowl); push away supine; lying face upward supinely be scattered or dispelled; disintegrate; dissolve (of meeting); resolve; straggle dispersedly; scatteringly scatter (things) about; bestrew; dispel; disperse; dissipate supine supinely supine supinely tall; of more than average height in a tall way gawky; lanky open; outspread (of space) openly; without concealment clear; unclouded without concealment open; clear; unclouded openly; without concealment sag; have downward bulge or curve in middle make sag; cause to sag or curve; relax budge; move; quake shaking; churning; stir; concussion; quake; tremor shaky; quaky quakingly earthquake concussion; shock bestir; agitate; churn; stir; shake; sift; sieve; riddle; concuss sift; sieve; riddle (kernels) bestir oneself current; drift ford; wade stagger through soft mud; cleave on to anchor frisky; frolicsome; sportive; playful caper; frisk; gambol; play pranks 154 tịḅị jalá comb hair’ (cf. gbée) (see dí) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 jigorí n. jigorímọ jíi (also zíi) adv. v.i. jíimọ, zíimọ jiló jilómọ jílóo jílóo jílóo jílóomọ jimeín jimeín tụa jumúu jumúu jimúumọ jimúujimúu jíne adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. v.p. v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.i. jíne jínemọ jiné jipúu1 n. adv. v.t. n. jipúumọ jipúu2 adv. v.i. Jízos jịgẹ jígọrí ̣ ị̣ jígọrí ̣ ịmọ ̣ jílọ́ ̣ọ jílọ́ ̣ọ jílọ́ ̣ọ jílọ́ ̣ọmọ jímụụ ̣ jímụụ ̣ jímụụmọ ̣ jịmú ̣ụ, zịmú ̣ụ jịmú ̣ụ, zịmú ̣ụ jịmú ̣ụmọ jínyọ, zínyọ ̣ ̣ jínyọ, zínyọ ̣ ̣ jínyọmọ ̣ jínyó ̣ ̣ọ jínyó ̣ ̣ọ jínyó ̣ ̣ọmọ jịpú ̣ụ1 n.m. n.m. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. n. jịpú ̣ụmọ jịpú ̣ụ2 adv. v.i. jíụ̣ v.i. caper; frisk; gambol; prank; mad frolic; erratic action friskingly; in a gambolling way; frolicsomely fall plentifully (of rope), or limply (of large snake or human being) in one place limply; plentifully twitch; pull with light jerk with a light jerk or pull stretchy stretch out; protrude; be in the way sticking out; protrusion; being in the way stretching out; in a drawn manner extra power put extra power jerk (e.g. of fishing-line); tug jerking (e.g. of fish on hook); tugging with a jerk or tug tug repeatedly struggle for life; be disturbed (by danger; of many people) struggle for life strugglingly worry (as restless baby worries mother) zip; light sharp sound, as of bullet passing through water with a zip; suddenly disappear; vanish; be lost; die away from sight or existence Jesus jigger tubby in a tubby way taut (of longer rope); not slack be taut tautness tautly extra taut (as of rope in tug-of-war) be extra taut extra tautly tug (as fish on line) tug (as of fish on line) tugging be half-slack (of rope) half-slackness (of rope) half-slackly taut (of shorter string) be taut tautly zip; light sharp sound, as of bullet passing through water with a zip to be absent (at a short distance; for a short time) feel a sudden chill (e.g. of iced water) 155 (cf. jịmú ̣ụ) cf. jịpú ̣ụ1 cf. jịpú ̣ụ2 <English (cf. jínyó ̣ ̣ọ) (cf. jimúu) (cf. jílọ́ ̣ọ) (cf. jipúu 1.) (cf. jipúu 2.) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 jíụ̣ jíụmọ ̣ jókáa jókáamọ jóko n. adv. a. adv. n. jókoḅọ jóngbolóomọ jóngo jóo jóo jóomọ jopíi n.m.f . v.p. a. v.i. adv. n.m. v.i. n. adv. v.i. jopíi n. jopíimọ jóri jó ̣ị1 adv. v.i. a. jó ̣ịmọ1 jó ̣ị2 jó ̣ịmọ2 jó ̣kụ jó ̣kụụ jó ̣kụụmọ jó ̣kụụyọ jọlọlíị̣ jọlọlíị̣ jọlọlíị̣ jọlọlíịmọ ̣ jó ̣ró ̣in jó ̣ró ̣inmọ jọró ̣ịn jọró ̣ịn juáa, zuáa juáa, zuáa juáamọ júgujúgu adv. v.i. adv. v.i. a. adv. n. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. júgujúgu júgujúgumọ jugujugú n. adv. v.t. jú ̣gụjú ̣gụ jú ̣gụjú ̣gụ jú ̣gụjú ̣gụmọ v.i. n. adv. jóko sụọ jóngbolóo sudden sensation of cold (e.g. of liquid) suddenly chilling huge and fearsome (esp. of teeth of monsters) in a huge and monstrous way animosity; active enmity; lasting hatred; feud; hostility enemy; hostile person to become enemies tall (as of a monster) be tall and monstrous in a huge and monstrous way jar; quantity contained in it stare; gaze; look fixedly with eyes wide open stare; gaze; intent look intently; staringly (of look) jump into water feet first; stride away (as of monster) jumping into water feet first; striding away (as of monster) jumping into water feet first be difficult to understand pattering (of rain or water); trickling (of stream into sea) patteringly; tricklingly lie about; spread; litter lying about untidily jut; stick out; protrude protrusive; protruding; sticking out protrusively jut; protrusion; crest; projection straight; without bend be stretched or straightened straightness without bending tall and slim (as of person) in a tall slim manner glide into water gliding motion into water (as of kingfisher) dive into water (out of sight) dive into water (out of sight) with a dive (out of sight) splurge; make noisy display or effort in the hold of the mesh of a net just above water (of fish splurge with a splurge rinse (mouth); fill mouth with water and swill vigorously to wash out make a light splurge or splash light splurge with a light splurge 156 (pl. jóko-ongu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 K. ka káan part. v.i. káantẹ kaḅí ̣ a. n.m. Kaḅó p.n. kaḅú1̣ n. kaḅú1̣ kaḅú ̣ kọn kaḅú2̣ v.t. v.p. n. kaḅú ̣ tụa kádịgíị̣ kádịgíịmọ ̣ kadịgíkadịgị ̣ kadịgíkadịgịmọ ̣ káfịáan, káfịan káfịáanmọ kága v.p. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. kaga kagámọ v.t. v.t. kágị kágị kágị kágịmọ kagịmó ̣ a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. kagí ̣ v.t. kágo kagulúkagulu n. a. kagulúkagulumọ kágulúu kágulúumọ kágurúu adv. a. adv. a. kágurúumọ adv. kagụlú ̣kagụlụ kagụlú ̣kagụlụmọ kágụlú ̣ụ kágụlú ̣ụmọ kágụrú ̣ụ a. adv. a. adv. a. f fg fg even; too; also; likewise burst asunder; gush; be torn; be pierced through tattered (of cloth) king of fish; tigerfish Urhobo town from which type of hard farina is obtained; cf. kaḅóna’ífinia adage; proverb; traditional maxim; enigmatical saying; allegory; parable; saw; by-word speak proverbially or ironically (to someone) speak a proverb special noose for doubling meshes (net weaving) put such a noose gnarled; gnarly; rugged ruggedly covered with protuberances; twisted; rugged ruggedly lean and small in a lean and small way become tangled; be tied with (loincloth) sideways tie; fasten; tether tie, bind (to, down to, together); attach; fasten to firm; of solid or compact structure be firm; get compact; get consolidated firmness firmly; compactly consolidate; compact; solidify; dam a creek during the day in a special manner for fishing in night tide cargo; wares very uneven (e.g. of floor); crooked (e.g. of wood) unevenly; crookedly twisted, rugged (of larger objects) twistedly; ruggedly sinewy (of a strong man); muscular; awkwardly bent (of tree) in a sinewy or muscular way; in an awkwardly-bent way uneven; crooked (less than kagulúkagulu) unevenly; crookedly twisted; rugged (of smaller objects) twistedly; ruggedly sinewy (of smaller man); muscular; awkwardly bent (of a smaller tree) 157 Hydrocynus vittatus [ vitteatus?] (cf. ịgabó) cf. nangá kagịmọ ‘tread (something) firm’ <English cargo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kágụrú ̣ụmọ adv. kái1 kái2 kái2 káimọ káị káị káịmọ káịn káịn koro kaí ̣ v.i. v.t. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.p. v.t. kaịn-óngu kaín-ye ̣ káịnkólo ers. n. n.m. b kaká n. kakaḅúu kakaḅúu kakaḅúumọ kakaḅú ̣ụ v.t. n. adv. v.t. and n. a. v.i. kákaráa kákaráa kakarákakara n. adv. v.i. and n. v.i. and n. v.i. kakarákakara kakarákakaramọ kákoló kákolóo kákolóomọ kákoro n. adv. n. a. adv. a. kákoromọ kakorókakoro kákurúu kákurúumọ kakụrú ̣kakụrụ kakụrú ̣kakụrụ adv. a. a. adv. a. n. kákaráa káraráamọ kakaráa kakaráakakaráa in a sinewy or muscular way; in an awkwardly-bent way abound; be plentiful bang; make sound of gun or explosion bang; report of gun with a bang make sound as of striking a stone or bone sound of a knife on a stone or bone with a sharp blow come off (as fruit from tree or leg from crab) be plucked off pluck; pick (flower, fruit); reap; harvest, crop (grain crop such as maize, rice, etc.) reapers; harvesters instrument for reaping; harvesting machine bird sp.; bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus (= akpoégele) fourth day of the native week held sacred and as day of rest before the advent of the English seven-day week snap; make sudden audible bite snap with a snap same as kakaḅúu, but of smaller object dry be dry and stiff (e.g. as sheet); be dry and crumbly (as mud floor) dryness in a dry way rattle; crackle (as of dry leaves) (make) rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds; rattle struggle; contend with in violent effort to get free or escape grasp violent struggle strugglingly precipitousness; steepness steep; precipitous steeply; precipitously strong without flesh; hard without water (of land) in a strong but lean or dry way (of palm fruit) having thin pulp; stony muscular muscularly stony (of fruit) stoniness 158 (cf. fakaráa) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kakụrú ̣kakụrụmọ kákụrú ̣ụ kalá1 adv. a. a. kalá2 kala-áma kala erému n. n. n. kaláfuro kaláị1 n. kaláị2 (kaláyaị) kalánama kalíe (kaláye) n. n. kalíọ̣ 1 n. bit; drop; small piece of anything; e.g. kalíọ̣ 2 adv. awhile; for a short time; slightly; e.g. kalíọḅụkọ ̣ kala-ó ̣wọma kala-ó ̣wọmayaị kaláseri kalató ̣gụ kaláịn adv. n. n.m.f . n. n. and a. v.i. kaláịnmọ adv. kalukalu kalukalúmọ kalụkalụ kambala a. adv. a. n. and v.i. adv. a. kaláwarị kaláḅarị kámbaláamọ kambí f bp stonily (of fruit) stony (of fruit) little; minute; small; junior; lesser; minor; smaller small or big root or opú ikemu village; small town spotted soapfish small intestines few; not many; e.g. small ones; small pieces or things; e.g. al p d small animal something small; small thing or piece; e.g. nearly, almost; (lit. "it remained small") small children chickenpox; varicella; measles first flow of tide small child (0-12 years) small house; closet N ew Calabar people; pertaining to them jump smartly on one foot with the other raised (as in a dance); raise both legs casually while sleeping on a bed (as children do) jumping smartly on one foot with the other raised, or raising both legs while resting on a bed pop-eyed; having bulging eyes; bulgy with bulging eyes same as preceding straddle; (be in) attitude with legs wide apart with a straddle sour; of acid taste as a result of fermentation 159 ? Rypticus subbifrenatus. cf. erému kaláị ékị ̣ ḅóo ‘bring a few’; kaláị bú ̣ kó ̣ ‘a few were left’; indi ákalaị ékị ̣ ḅóo ‘bring a few fishes’ ó ̣wọmá kalaị ‘small children’; mamá kalaịmá táan ‘collect these small ones’ kalíemí kó ̣ ̣ọn ‘pick the small piece’ (singular of kaláị) mindítọpị kalịọ: ‘little drop of water’ í na ̣ kalíọ̣ koru ‘wait awhile with me’; kalíọ̣ seítẹ ‘slightly spoilt’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kambí kambí kambímọ kambimó ̣ kambịlí ̣ kambịlí ̣ kambịlịmó ̣ kámbịlíị̣ kámbịlíịmọ ̣ kámbolóo kámbolóomọ kámị kamí ̣ kamíḍọgị ̣ kamíḍọgị ̣ kamíḍọgịmó ̣ ̣ mọndị kamíkamị ̣ kamíkamịmọ ̣ kamí k ̣ ọrị kamí ṣ ụọ kamịníkamịnị ̣ v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.i. n. v.t. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. a. n. v.p. a. adv. v.p. v.p. v.i. kamịníkamịnị ̣ kamó1̣ n. n. kamó1̣ kamó2̣ v.i. n. kamó2̣ v.t. kamó ̣ye n. kán kan n. v.t. kaná n.m. kanátịḅị kana n. n. kanakaná v.i. kándikándi kándikándimọ kangá kangá v.i. and n. adv. a. v.i. kangámọ kangamó ̣ adv. v.t. become sour sourness sourly make sour, soured become sour sourness make sour; sour sour; of acid taste, due to much potash sourly hollow-eyed; having sunken eyes with sunken eyes quarrel; find fault with; brawl; squabble quarrel; altercation; squabble; brawl quarrelsome quarrelsomeness go about quarrelsomely peevish; querulous; irritable querulously compose a quarrel quarrel tingle; feel prickling sensation (especially in throat) tingle; prickling sensation (esp. in throat) ceremonial pouring of libation during feast, masquerade or funeral rites of juju persons pour libation free gift of fish, food, etc., given to one another on highways; the act of presenting such gifts give out, receive, such gifts; e.g. bs elephant tail hair used as necklace in olden days (a version of Aro Igbo nkam ényí) earth formed from remains of wood ash; dust rend; tear; lacerate; mangle; scatter (meeting, gathering) basket; wicker vessel of cane ropes, rushes, etc.; the quantity contained in it basketful carboy; large globular glass bottle usually protected with a frame of rushes; demijohn tingle; feel prickling or stinging sensation (esp. in the nose) sprawl; spread (one’s limbs) out in ungainly way; sprawling movement with a sprawl dry; without water become dry by evaporation, draining, wiping, etc. in a dry way make dry; dry 160 (cf. kanmó ̣) kamó ̣ ó ‘give (me) something!’ (said e.g. when passing people fishing) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kangákiri kángaláa kángaláa kángaláamọ kángaráa kángaráa kángaráamọ kángaráamó ̣ kángiríi kángiríi kángiríimọ kángolóo kángolóo kángolóomọ kángoróo kángoróo kángoróomọ kanmó ̣ káparáa káparáamọ kápóo kápóomọ kapúu kapúumọ kapú`ụ kará kará karágha karámọ karamó ̣ n. a. v.i., n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.t. a. n. adv. a. n. adv. a. n. adv. n. and v.i. a. adv. a. adv. n. and v.t. adv. n. & v.t. a. a. adv. v.t. kara v.t. karasara-áye karákara a. karákara karákara karákaramọ1 v.i. n. adv. karákaramọ2 -karamó ̣ v.t. a. dry land straddling; sprawling straddle; sprawl with a straddle dry; fatless (of fish or meat) be dry or fatless in a dry or fatless way make dry robust; not slender robustness robustly large (of living things) in comparison with another of same kind comparatively large size in a comparatively large way emaciated; lean emaciation; leanness in an emaciated way (pour) libation (cf. kamó ̣) ungracefully lean and tall in a tall and lean way lean; emaciated in an emaciated way snap; (make) sudden audible bite or cut with a snap same as preceding A. complete B. too much incomplete completely complete; make up the amount of, or the position of carve; slice off pieces from (wood, etc.) with knife; sliver; peel; take off skin from (yam, cocoyam, pineapple, etc.) peelings; slivers straight; without curve or bend; erect; vertical; upright; righteous; strictly honourable or honest; just; equitable; straightforward be straight or erect straightness; erectness; honesty; justness straight; vertically; uprightly; righteously; honestly; justly; straightforwardly; etc. straighten or make straight pertaining to position: e.g. 161 máịnkaramọ ‘second’; traịkaramọ ‘third’; ineinkaramọ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 karan n. karapúu v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.t. n. n. karapúumọ karapú ̣ụ karapú ̣ụmọ kararáa kararáamọ káraríi káraríimọ kararíi kararíimọ kararíị̣ kararíịmọ ̣ karí ̣ karí ̣ karíwarị ̣ kasíimọ kásị excl. n. n. a. adv. n. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. kasí1̣ v.t. kasí1̣ kasí1̣ n. kasịmó ̣ v.t. tekelé kasị kasí2̣ kásoróo kásoróo kásoróo kásoróomọ kasụkasú ̣ kasụkasú ̣mọ kátaḅáa kátaḅáa v.t. v.i. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. karíị̣ karịzíni oweikarịzíni karụkarú ̣ karụkarú ̣mọ kasa kasíi h a fg shrub of spearmint family; tea-bush; scentleaf; African curry-powder; used for cookery and as medicine; savoury snip (larger things); (make) cut with small quick strokes as with scissors with a snip snip (smaller things) with a snip (feel) slightly twisting sensation on side of body; feel a twinge tightly, with twisting sensation stern (of look) sternly (feel) grating sensation in throat in swallowing with grating sensation similar to preceding, but sharper and more painful with sharp grating sensation pray; worship; adore; engage in prayer prayer; litany; worship church; prayer-house; house of worship; synagogue; cathedral serve you right! kerosene petrol rough; not smooth roughly racket for drying fish (give forth) sound (as) of a shrewd or sharp blow with the sound of a sharp blow be confined or imprisoned; be locked up; be crucified; (of screw) tighten fetter; shackle; chain; imprison; confine; lock; nail; crucify; load; charge (as gun with shot); button up (as chest); tighten (nut or screw) A. confinement; imprisonment B. charge; right quantity of explosive for gun; load fasten; fetter; shackle; chain; nail (to something) crucify dress up with cloth lean; gaunt; thin; not plump grow lean or thin leanness; gauntness thinly bony; thorny with bones stiff; rigid; not flexible stiffen 162 ‘fourth’ Ocimum gratissimum Linn. (Labiatae) <English (cf. kófolóo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 káụmọ kaú ̣n1 n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.t. kaú ̣n2 v.t. kaú ̣n3 kaú ̣n4 v.i. & v.t. v. kaú ̣n5 v.t. kaú ̣n6 n. keḅé1 v.t. keḅé2 v.t. kee (?) keekee (?) keekeemọ kéfekéfe kéfekéfe kéfekéfemọ kéferée kéguru keki v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. n. v.i. kátaḅáa kátaḅáamọ kátakáta kátakáta kátakátamọ kátakpóo kátakpóomọ katịkatí ̣ katịkatímọ ̣ káu káumọ káụ stiffness stiffly boil vigorously vigorous boiling vigorously tall and stout stoutly thorny; spiny; prickly; full of spines with thorns (give forth) sound (as) of cutting with an axe, or of hitting foot heavily against something with such loud sound (give forth) sound (as) of cutting with sharp knife with such sharp sound catch (a thrown object); snap; take up word from someone without letting one finish; snatch; sei(feel) grating sensation in throat when swallowing dash foot against something b hawk grating sensation in throat when swallowing; clear throat noisily to bring up (phlegm, bone etc.) bear malice or wrongful intention towards another; threaten; state intention firmly palm fibre left after oil has been expressed and the nuts separated influence; have effect upon (foetus) fp leave (someone) sad after departure from a place; be missed by (someone) (utter) loud shout or cry loud shout or cry (of shout) loudly stagger; totter stagger(ing); totter(ing) staggeringly (of clothes and nose only) short gizzard or crop of mullets, bonga be near; draw near to; approach 163 e.g. ekuré ị̣̣́ kaú ̣ ̣n I stubbed mỵ̣̣̣̣ toe ̣̣̣ ̣̣̣ ̣̣̣ ̣̣̣ ̣̣̣ ̣̣̣ ̣̣̣ e.g. pọgó ̣ kaú ̣n e.g. ó í kaú ̣ ̣n wọrí ̣ he bore malice towards me, he threatened me e.g. owuḅeí tó ̣gụmá keḅeté ̣ the maspuerade has influenced the baby girl (i.e. the baby looks like the masquerade her mother saw while pregnant) e.g. wa ama ná kekité ̣ we are near home Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 keki a. near; close to (in time or place) keki adv. near; at a short distance kekía v.i. be near; draw near to kekía a. near; close to (in time) kekía adv. near; at a short distance kekíamọ adv. closely kekíya v.i. be near; draw near to kelú n. kelúkeluḅaḅuru kémbeláa kémbeláa kémbeláamo kéngereḅa n. a. v.i. adv. n. pl. kengerékengeré kengerékengerémo kengu kengu kengumó ̣ kení kenwáakenwáa v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. v.t. v.t. v.i. kenwáakenwáa kenwáakenwáamo keráa keráa keráamọ kékéin kékéin kékéinmọ kékéinmọ n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. a. adv. adv. deep part of river; depth; deep water; deep place; abyss water-lily big, fat, robust waddle (of movement of fat person) in a waddling way phosperescence in salt water seen glowing at night when water is disturbed (of tears) rise to eyes with tears rising to eyes chill; become cold; freeze harden; congeal; condense (cause to) freeze; congeal; coagulate; chill carve (meat) in pieces; chp; cut small swagger; show self-confidence or selfsatisfaction by gait; walk like a superior among inferiors swaggering gait swaggeringly give crack on the head with force crack on the head caused by force with forceful crack rigid; stiff; not flexible collected (of human being) rigidly collectedly 164 h e.g. ịna kekinimi warí ṣ ụó ̣ọ enter the house near you e.g. ó fí n ̣ a mu kekité ̣ he is near to death, he is almost dead e.g. wa ama ná kekíatẹ we have drawn near to home e.g. kekía ene ghọ ḅóo come on a near day (i.e. soon); wa kekíanimí we are related; kekía ifie in a short time; kekía tẹíṇ nearest, next e.g. wa ama ná mu kekíatẹ we have gone near home e.g. kekíamọ ó léẹ̣ flog him from close at hand; kekíamọ ó díị̣ examine him closely e.g. wa ama ná kekíatẹ we have drawn near to home Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kérekére a. kérekére kérekéremọ kérekére kérekére kérekére kérekére kérekére kérekéremọ kerikerí kerikerímọ kesi kesi agbará n. adv. a. n. adv. sociable; ready and willing to converse; not averse to society; liking company sociability sociably unsteady in behaviour unsteady behaviour with unsteady behaviour a. adv. a. n. f rough; not smooth roughly actual, licit; real; true; proper; genruine snapper sp. kesiḅará kesi-ikereḅu adv. n. cr properly; truly; actually; genuinely; really new cocoyam kesímọ kesiye1 kesiye2 késíi késímọ kéteḅáa kéteḅáamọ ketiketí kéu kéu adv. adv. n. a. adv. a. adv. a. n. v.i. kéumọ ké1̣ adv. v.t. ké2̣ v.t. kéẹ̣ kéfú ̣ ̣ụ kéfú ̣ ̣ụmọ kẹgé1̣ kẹgé2̣ kẹgẹrịḅá v.i. a. adv. v.t. n. n. kẹgẹrịḅátụa kẹgị kéịké ̣ ị̣ kéịké ̣ ịmọ ̣ kékẹ ̣ 1 kékẹ ̣ 2 kékẹ ̣ kékẹ ̣ 1 a. v.t. v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. n. v.t. kékẹ ̣ 2 kẹkẹré1̣ kẹkẹré1̣ kẹkẹrémọ ̣ kẹkẹré2̣ v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.t. actually; really verily; truly fact composed; tranquil; calm composedly solid; rigid solidly; rigidly spiny; prickly sound (as) of a sharp blow on the head give forth sound (as) of a sharp blow on the head with sharp sound (as) of a blow on the head avoid; abstain from; eschew; shun; skirt; pass close to without touching slice; pare; cut (cloth into pattern) b be sliced; be pared; be cut into pattern (of cloth) short in a short way guard an entrance aquatic bird (unidentified) condition of legs being bandy or wide apart at the knees bandy-legged; bow-legged guard hesitate; be reluctant hesitatingly cave in (of earth); be worn out expand (of ulcer); emerge from egg erosion; abrasion (of waves) cut food in pieces; chip; hack; hew; wash (of waves); wear out hatch (egg) make clucking (of hen after laying); cackle clucking; cackle cacklingly economize; use sparingly; practise economy; 165 Lutjanus sp. cf. agbára Xanthosoma maffafa e.g. ké ̣ b ̣ọgọ c.f. ké mu imení ghọ koromó ̣ pare (nails) to the quick c.f. ẹbí ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kẹkẹré2̣ kẹkẹré3̣ kẹkụ kẹkụrụ & v.i. n. v.t. v.i. n. kélé ̣ in ̣ a. kélé ̣ inmọ ̣ adv. kẹlụkẹlú ̣ kẹlụkẹlú ̣ a. adj kẹlụkẹlú ̣mọ kẹmbéẹkẹmbé ẹ̣ ̣ adv. a. kẹmbéẹkẹmbé ẹ̣ ̣ kẹmbéẹkẹmbé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ kẹmbélẹkẹmbé lẹ ̣ ̣ kẹmbélẹkẹmbé lẹ ̣ ̣ kẹmbélẹkẹmbé lẹm ̣ ̣ ọ kéngẹ ̣ kẹngé1̣ kẹngé ̣ koro v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. kẹngé2̣ kẹngélẹkẹngé lẹ ̣ ̣ kẹngélẹkẹngé lẹ ̣ ̣ kẹngélẹkẹngé lẹmọ ̣ ̣ kẹngẹrékẹngẹrẹ ̣ kẹnịfa kẹnrénkẹnrẹn ̣ kẹnrẹnkẹnrẹn kẹnrẹnkẹnrẹn n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. v.i.. a. v.i. kẹrẹndú ̣kẹrẹndụ v.i. kẹrẹndú ̣kẹrẹndụm ọ késẹké sẹ ̣ ̣ adv. tilted tilt remain in a tilted way (as a boat on land); bend sideways (as in a dance) kind of tree wobble (as of floating object in water) wobble with a wobble (of tears) rise to eyes ‘nineteen’ in a game of cards (of rain) abate; diminish; lessen very ripe or mellow be very ripe or mellow; be smoothly scraped (as roasted food); be ready to burst (of boil) move close by someone looking for favour; meddle; interfere in a meddlesome way v.i. drizzle; (fall in) fine dense drops of rain a. n. v.p. m be frugal; be economical (especially with regard to food) frugality pursue (person) with palaver manage with inadequate material rope squirrel (tree squirrel) spp. passing casually in a balanced way; standing in a balanced way (usually on one leg e.g. of birds) in a balanced way (usually of standing on one leg or passing casually) dwarfish; stunted (especially of mangroves) (describes) eyes of someone who has been in water for a long time dwarfishly (!); stuntedly moving in a showy way (as when wearing new clothes) move in a showy way showily swagger swagger; swaggering gait swaggeringly 166 Thomas’s rope squirrel (redless tree squirrel), Funisciurus anerythrus, redcheeked rope squirrel (orangehead tree squirrel), F. leucogenys, firefooted rope quirrel (fire-foot tree squirrel), F. pyrropus. Also recorded as kékụrụ ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 késẹké sẹ ̣ ̣ késẹké sẹ ̣ ̣ késẹké sẹmọ ̣ ̣ kẹsíị̣ kẹsíị̣ kẹsíịmọ ̣ kétụké tụ ̣ ̣ kétụké tụ ̣ ̣ kétụké tụmọ ̣ ̣ kéụn ̣ 1 kéụn ̣ 2 kéụn ̣ 3 kéụnmọ ̣ kẹụn1 n. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. a. a. a. adv. n. kẹụn2 n.m. f kẹụn-agbara kẹwá n. n.m. f kí1 v.i. kí2 v.t. kí3 v.t. kímọ ki1 ki2 ki3 kịánkururu adv. v.t. v.t. v.t. n. kịárara n. kíasíi kíḅikíḅi a. v.i. kíḅikíḅi kíḅikíḅimọ kídibúu kídibúu kídibúu kídibúumọ kigbo n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. f drizzle; fine dense drops of rain drizzly with a drizzle short; not tall be short in a short way dwarfish (!) dwarfishness dwarfishly spruce; neat in dress and appearance; dexterous; deft; neat-handed; skilful dry; without water (of root crops) neatly; sprucely; deftly; dexterously; skilfully potash used in cookery or mixed with tobacco for snuff fish sp., African red snapper Lutjanus agennes cf. agbára African red snapper Lutjanus agennes mongoose spp. [‘fox’] marsh mongoose, Atilax paludinosus, and long-snouted mongoose (longnosed mongoose), Herpestes naso wink at; momentarily close one eye to convey e.g. tọrụ ékị ̣ kị private intimation to person adjourn, put off (of case, meeting); postphone; e.g. (of case, change date of meeting; delay, defer; meeting) kí dịn ené prị; kị sigimó ̣ appoint, fix (time, place, for a purpose) ene kí fix a date; ifié ki fix a time put off to (another time) cut, chop hack; hew, mangle, notch tap (wine) tattoo green-backed heron Butorides striatus (cf. kurukuruḅou; ogbokó; pịnáḅou fish-eating bird; tern family Sternidae (=kịérịya; cf. ̣ akú ̣pa; apú ̣ka) weighty; massive struggle; contend with person or obstacle or work struggle with struggle (difficulty?) fat-bellied (due to food); stodgy; bulging bulge stodginess; bulginess in a bulging manner Madeiran sardinella, largest Cameroon Sardinella maderensis, = sardine búza, gbódo2. cf. afarụ1, ikerere, 167 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kparakpará kigí1 sikakigí kigí2 n. n. v.t. kigímọ kigimó ̣ v.i. v.t. kigíye kígigúu kígigúu kígigúumọ mịé ̣ kígigúu kígigúu(yọ) kígoni kíi kíiki kíikimọ kíinkíin n. a. v.i. adv. v.p. n. n. v.i. v.i. adv. a. kíinkíinmọ kike kike kíkele kíkele kikelé adv. n. v.t. v.i. n. v.t. kíkelemó ̣ kíkelemó ̣ kíkiríi kíkiríimọ kíle kile kilemó ̣ v.t. n. a. adv. v.i. n. v.t. kingbou kíngiríi kíngiríimọ kingirímangígha ̣ kíoi kiosíi n. a. adv. n. num. v.t. kiosíimọ kirí1 adv. n. kirí2 kiri3 kiri-ánga kiri-ánga kiríḅio kiríḅio kiríḅolo kiríḅọgọtẹ(ḅọ) n. n. n. a. n. a. n. n.m.f wall gable end (wall) balk, block, check dam, delay, hinder, detain, restrain, bar, preclude, stop, thwart, obstruct, hamper, impede, dissuade be shadowed or shielded cover, shade, screen, shadow, shield, keep off, defend hindrance, restraint, obstruction, impediment stiff, rigid, unbending be stiffened stiffly, rigidly stiffen, make stiff stiffness, stiffening gun with stone as percussion cap be cut walk heavily, thud with a thud running heavily, thudding (of steps) f with a thud sẹkịapú ̣ dancing shout to give sẹkịapú ̣ dancing shout flounder, squirm, wriggle, writhe, wallow, roll floundering, squirming, wriggling roll, cause to move or turn in some direction over and over, trundle roll, trundle the act of rolling stocky; short and strongly-built in a stocky manner mingle with; go about among defilement, pollution defile, pollute, desecrate, make ceremonially unclean tree good for soft wood carving fat and short in a fat, short way largest type of ray one (used in counting only) pierce, prick (of sharp instrument); make hole in (cask, boil etc.) piercingly earth, ground, land, soil; ground fenced off for tillage farm, building site, estate floor landside, landward landside, landward underpart, underneath underpart, underneath kind of weed dead ancestor 168 n.b. lighter than gbíin order Rajiformes Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kirídụ kiríḍiri kirífa kirífofo kirí gbori kirí ghọ timi kiríghọtimíye kiríkiri kirídiriyọ1 kirídiriyọ2 kirí kpokpo kirí kpuru kirí kọ kiríkọ kiríkọḅọ kiríkọyaị kiríkọye kiríkọyọ kirí la . n. n. a. n.m. v.p. v.p. n. ad. n. n. v.p. v.p. v.p. a. n.m.f . n. n. v.p. kiri-óḅori kiri-ó ̣tọkọ kirísoguye1 kirísoguye2 kirísụgịrị-ene kirí sụọ1 kirí sụọ2 ḅiokiri waríkiri ̣ 1 waríkiri ̣ 2 -kiri n. n.m. n.m.f . n. n. n. n. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. n. n. kírimáin kírimáinmọ kirínakirína kirínakirínamọ kíriríi kíriríi a. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. kíriríimọ kírokíro kírokíromọ kíti kití adv. a. adv. n. v.i. kítikíti kítikíti kítikíti a. v.i. n. kirímọndịarụ kirímọndịwei kirínyanaḅọ base, bottom kind of weed groundless snake sp.; carpet viper fence off a piece of land sit on ground, sit down seat shallow, not deep shallow place shoal glean; gather grains left by reapers cut down large trees on top of growing crops remain, be left over or behind final, last, only remaining survivor, remainder (of a family) Echis carinatus remains, residue remainder, surplus remainder, surplus reach land; be shallow (within a person’s depth or so that a stick can reach the bottom vehicle (general), car, lorry etc. snake (general) landowner da goat kind of shrub plough crowbar Saturday sink; fall to the bottom become land (of watery place) dry land floor building site (usually suffixed to proper names to mean) settlement, colony rigid, rigescent rigidly immediate immediately rigid; unyielding refuse to stand up in time when called or pulled rigidly avaricious; eager to get avariciously bustle; excited activity; fuss bustle; make show of activity; fuss; hurry about or up and down cursory; hasty; hurried move fussily about or up and down fuss; bustle; excessive commotion; 169 Inémọkiri Inémo’s settlement Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kítikítimọ kítipúu kítipúu kítipúumọ kíạ adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. kíạ kíạ paga kịá kịamó ̣ kịáye kịaḅịlíị̣ n. v.p. v.t. v.t. n. v.i. kịaḅil`íịmọ ̣ kịaní ̣ kịánkururu adv. n. n. ostentatious activity; cursoriness fussily; cursorily very dark; dense grow dark densely permeate; diffuse itself through; percolate; filter through percolation; filtration ooze out drain; filter; strain; filtrate drain or filter into filter; strainer snatch; seize quickly, eagerly, or unexpectedly, especially with out-stretched hand; catch neatly (e.g. agalá) in a snatching way; with a snatch walking stick green-backed heron kịápịsí ̣ kịárara n. n. percussion cap fish-eating bird; tern kịátị n. card game kídịbú ̣ ̣ụ kídịbú ̣ ̣ụmọ kịékịẹ ̣ kịékịẹ ̣ kíẹn ̣ 1 kíẹn ̣ 2 kịéṇ a. adv. n. adv. v.i. v.i. v.t. kịéṇ kịénya ̣ n. a. ogbó kịẹnmọ v.p. kịẹn kịẹrị kịẹrị kịẹrịḅara kịẹrịḅeri kịẹrịḅịḅị kịẹrịḅọ v.t. a. adv. n. n. n. n.m.f . n. n. a. n.m.f . n.m. p bulging (of smaller objects than kídibúu) in a bulging manner entirety; entireness; completeness altogether; completely; entirely; totally be counted; be enumerated become cracked count; calculate; enumerate; reckon up; single out counting; enumeration; calculation (of persons) specific, definite; distinctly formulated (number) add up or add together; count up; find the sum of crack (as kernel, enamel) alone; lonely; solitary; only; sole; lone; mere only; solely; exclusively lone hand something heard by one person lone opinion single person; individual; each person p lone voice solitariness individual individual person kịẹrịpọgọ kịẹrịtịḅị kịẹrịtịḅị kịẹrịtịḅịḅọ kịérịya ̣ fish-eating bird; tern 170 Butorides striatus (cf. kurukuruḅou; ogbokó; pịnáḅou family Sternidae (=kịérịya; cf. ̣ akú ̣pa; apú ̣ka) <English card, or French cartes) (or kịékịẹmọ) ̣ (lit. "lone ear") family Sternidae (=kịárara; cf. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 akú ̣pa; apú ̣ka) kígẹ ̣ v.i. kígẹ ̣ kígẹ-aye ̣ kígẹḅọ ̣ a. n.m.f . kígẹgha ̣ kịgémọ ̣ kígẹyọ ̣ kígịgú ̣ ̣ụ kígịgú ̣ ̣ụ kígịgú ̣ ̣ụmọ kịgọrị kíkalị ̣ kịkalí ̣ kíkalí ̣ ḅa ̣ v.t. n. a. v.i. adv. n. v.i. v.t. n. kíkịrí ̣ ị̣ kíkịrí ̣ ịmọ ̣ kíkó ̣ ̣ọ a. adv. a. kíkó ̣ ̣ọmọ kịlé1̣ kịlé2̣ kịlẹyaị adv. v.t. v.i. kịlịkịlị kịlịkịlímọ ̣ kịlọḅú ̣kịlọḅụ1 kịlọḅú ̣kịlọḅụmọ1 kịlọḅú ̣kịlọḅụyọ kịlọḅú ̣kịlọḅụ2 kịlọḅú ̣kịlọḅụmọ2 kịlọḅú ̣ụ kịlọḅú ̣ụmọ kịló ̣kị kílọkí ̣ lọ̣ kílọkí ̣ lọmọ ̣ kịló ̣lị kịló ̣lị kịló ̣lịmọ kịlọlịmó ̣ kịló ̣lọ kílọló ̣ ̣ọ kílọló ̣ ̣ọmọ kílọ́ ̣ọ kílọ́ ̣ọ kílọ́ ̣ọmọ kịmịkịmịḍiḅikiri a. adv. v.i. adv. n. v.i. adv. a. adv. n. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.i. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. n. p t h ms bp resemble; be like; have similarity to or feature in common with or same appearance as; seem; appear alike; similar similar things mate; peer; equal unlike; not like; dissimilar resemble (a person) resemblance; similitude; likeness tight; closely and firmly drawn together be tight tightly screwpine; pandanus sliver; break off as sliver sliver; break off pieces plant sp. resembling fịsanị but pungent short and stocky (smaller) stockily short; not far-reaching; at arm’s length; fairly narrow shortly; narrowly refuse, forsake boast; be proud funeral masquerade played for deceased people of high caste (furo-ébi-óngu) wise; discreet; crafty wisely; discreetly be tantalized tantalizingly epiglottis breathe faintly (of a dying person) with a faint breath concise; curt; terse curtly; tersely clock intent; earnest; eager (of looks); watchful intently; earnestly; eagerly; watchfully trickle; flow in drops or in small steady stream trickle with a trickle cause liquid to trickle; cry; weep trickle; flow in drops trickly; trickling with a trickle intent; eager (of looks) look intently; pry intently; eagerly human; of, belonging to, man burial ground; cemetery; graveyard 171 (pl. kígẹ-ongu) ̣ Aframomum sceptrum (Oliv. & Hanb.) K. Schum. (Zingiberaceae) <English clock Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kịmị-itu kịmị-ịkịtaka kịmíkịmị ̣ kịmịnaịn kịmịnama kịmị-ọgịzị kịmịsẹ n. n. n. n. n. n. n. kịmịtịḅị kịmịtọgụ kịmụkịmú ̣ kịmụkịmú ̣ kịmụkịmú ̣mọ1 kịmụkịmú ̣mọ2 kímú ̣ ̣ụ adv. n.m. a. n. adv. v.t. a. & n. n.m. v.t. kịna kịngá kịngẹrị kịngẹrịḅara kịngẹrịḅọ kịngẹrịtịḅị kịngẹrịtịḅịḅọ kíngị ̣ kịngị kínkịa ̣ kịó ̣nị a. n. n.m.f . n. n.m.f . v.i. v.t. n. v.i. kíọnkí ọnmọ ̣ ̣ kịọnkịó ̣n adv. a. adv. v.i. v.i. & n. adv. a. kịọnkịó ̣nmọ kíọrí ̣ ị̣ kíọrí ̣ ị̣ kíọrí ̣ ị̣ kíọrí ̣ ịmọ ̣ kíọsí ̣ ị̣ kịọsíị̣ kịọsíịmọ ̣ kịpú ̣ kírị̣ 1 adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. mịé ̣ kịrịmó ̣ kírị̣ 2 v.p. a. kịó ̣nịmọ kịó ̣nịkịó ̣nị kịó ̣nịkịó ̣nịmọ kịọníkịọní ̣ ̣ kíọnkí ọn ̣ ̣ bp p f crowd; multitude crowd; multitude everybody contemptuous attitude human flesh crowd; multitude human creature; human race; human nature; humanity per head; each mankind; human being; human species tight; tense; taut tautness; tightness tightly; tautly tighten; tauten same as preceding fish sp.; N ile perch barter; exchange thing for some other thing; buy alone; only; lone lone land each person; individual (pl. kịmị-ọwọma) Lates niloticus solitariness single person fo be felled (of tree) fell (tree) biscuit drip; fall in drops from anus (of watery evacuation), or from mouth or nostril (due to bending after eating) in drops sporadic; occurring only here and there sporadically drip frequently (especially from the anus) chirp; peep (as of chicken); (make) sharp short note (as) of small bird chirpingly; with a peep (of oils) light; not heavy; (of water) as clear as crystal; crystalline; (of eyes) bright, clear lightly; clearly; brightly not wide; narrow (of space) become narrower; contract narrowness narrowly small and emaciated; looking very leggy prick, pierce sharply (of sharp instrument) piercingly make click at as sign of contempt be well; come back to health; be recovered from illness, etc. make well; cure different; not the same; unlike; of other 172 <English cracker Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kírị̣ 2 v.i. kírị̣ 2 kírịmọ ̣ kírịtọrụ ̣ kịrí ̣ n. adv. a. v.t. kírịkí ̣ rị̣ a. kírịkí ̣ rịmọ ̣ adv. kịrịkịrí1̣ kịrịkịrímọ ̣ 2 kịrịkịrí ̣ kịrịkịrímọ ̣ kịrịpú ̣kịrịpụ kịrịpú ̣kịrịpụmọ kịrịrị n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. kịrịrị n. kịrịrịmó ̣ kírịrú ̣ ̣ụ kịrịrú ̣ụ kịrịrú ̣ụ kịrịrú ̣ụmọ kịrịrụú ̣ kịrịrụú ̣mọ kísáa ̣ kísáagha ̣ kísáamọ ̣ kítịkí ̣ tị̣ kítịkí ̣ tịmọ ̣ kítịkí ̣ tị-ọlọ ̣ kịtịkịtí1̣ kịtịkịtí2̣ kịtịkịtímọ ̣ kíya ̣ kịyá kóḅiri adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. a. adv. a. adv. n. n.m. a. adv. v.i. v.t. v.i. kóḅirimọ koḅirí adv. v.t. koḅirimó ̣ koḅiríya koḅiríya kóḅirikóḅiri kóḅu kóḅugha koḅu koḅughá v.t. v.t. n. n.m. v.i. a. v.t. a. da da nature, form, or quality; separate; dissimilar differ from; be unlike, be at variance; be distinguishable from; vary; be different in degree or quality difference; dissimilarity; variation differently; separately queer; strange; odd; eccentric crop (hair); clip; cut; cut to pieces; peel into bits; pare rind of fruit diverse; varied; sundry; several; different; separate; respective; distinct diversely; severally; differently; separately; respectively detail; item by item in detail tight; closely fastened (usually of network) tightly cunning; crafty; subtle; artful; wily cunningly; craftily; subtly; wilily niggardly; parsimonious; stingy; giving grudgingly niggardliness; act of giving in small amounts; stinginess in a niggardly way; stingily very small and scanty (of size) make gnawing sound gnawing sound with a gnawing sound exact; precise exactly; precisely steady; skilful for one’s age unsteady steadily incessant (of laugh); (of cough) whooping incessantly; unceasingly whooping cough donkey; ass compact; closely packed together or woven compactly same as kíạ same as kịá be assembled; congregate; collect, gather, into a crowd collectively; together assemble; gather together; collect; congregate; garner; pack; put (things) closely together collect into a place; aggregate; heap up call together; gather together; convoke assembly; convocation; gathering; meeting turkey be mixed up; mingle unmixed blend; mix; mingle undiluted; neat 173 = tolótolo Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 koḅumó ̣ nịná koḅu óbió koḅu v.t. v.p. v.p. óbiókoḅu kófíi kófíimọ kófolóo kófolóomọ kóforóo kói1 kóinmọ kóko n.m. a. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. & n. adv. a. n. n.m.f . v.i. & n. adv. v.i. kokó1 v.t. kokó2 kokobí kókoin kókoin agbará n. n. n.m. n. fg f f kokoríkokori kokoróko a. n.m. da kokorókokoro kokorókokoromọ kókoróo kókoróomọ kólu kómbolóo kómbolóomọ kondú kondu-ímgba kóngióo kóngolóo kóngoroḅa a. adv. a. adv. n. a. adv. n. n. a. a. n. kóngoróo konkon konkónmọ konongú a. a. adv. p ers. v.i. kóimọ kói2 kói2 kóitọgụ kóin kopíi cl mix up; intermingle; interblend sweep off urine from floor treat yaws with mixture of oil and camwood; salve; smear cloth type projecting (of buttocks and tails) in a projecting way tall and emaciated in a tall, emaciated way skinny (e.g. of fowls); with no meat thump; bang (cf. kásoróo) (cf. kóin) with a thump or bang fond of crying (of child) being fond of crying cry-baby; one who cries childishly slight thump or bang with a slight thump or bang be kept; be reserved; be concealed; remain in (bed, room, house); remain indoors; (of food) remain in good condition keep; pay due regard to; observe; guard; protect; maintain in proper order; own and manage; reserve (thing for future time); conceal cacao tree and fruit fish sp. trap fish sp.; snapper sp. snapper sp. not deep; not fleshy (of fruit) cock; chanticleer; male of domestic fowl; (neut.) the crow of a cock shallow shallowly shallow; not deep shallowly coal hollow-eyed with sunken eyes waist; loins waistbone; sacrum lean; thin; not plump oversized (of something hard and round) death-rattle; rattling sound in throat immediately before death big and well-built (of a man) oily; red oilily; redly people (collectively); inhabitants peck with force 174 (cf. kói) Lutjanus sp. Lutjanus sp. cf. agbára <English coal) (cf. kọpíị)̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kopíimọ koría adv. v.i. forcefully (of peck) agree; become, be, in harmony (with person); get on with one another; suit the constitution of; fit; be of right measure, size and shape for (esp. of dress); coincide; agree with; correspond to accurate; correct; right; true accuracy; correctness; coincidence incorrect; not right; inaccurate; wrong; not coincident; not matching accurately; correctly; rightly; coincidently righteous; just; upright; virtuous righteousness; uprightness; virtuousness; justness bald; bare of hair or head feathers baldly rage; prevail; be violent; be at the height; be plenty of (of wind, sea, cold, famine, battle, flies, mosquitoes, etc.) bear; produce, yield (tubers, corms, etc.) (of root crops) bear; carry; possess; occupy; dominate (of demon or spirit) koría koría koríagha a. n. a. koríamọ koríayemịẹ koríaye(mịẹ) adv. a. n. korikori korikorímọ koro1 a. adv. v.i. koro2 v.t. koro3 v.t. koro4 v.t. begin; commence (to do, doing, work) tịtarịkoro koro5 koro5 koro6 n. v.i. n. v.i. beginning reach required length (in net weaving) the required length of net A. (of rain, dew, night, darkness) fall; descend; drop; come down; rain; e.g. koro6 B. drop from; cease from; alight from; come down from; drop, come, fall, land, on; e.g. koro6 C. fall in a trap, etc. e.g. 175 ó oru koroyó ‘he is bearing a spirit’; oru ó ghọ koroyó ‘a spirit possesses him’ ó koro mọndịté ̣ ‘he has begun to work’; koro mịé ̣ ‘start to do’ osuó koro ‘rain falls’; eḅué koro ‘dew falls’; noin koro ‘night falls’; egilá koro ‘darkness falls’ ó fịrí ghọ koroté ̣ ̣ ‘he has left work’; ó sukúlu ghọ koroté ̣ ‘he has left school’; ó lụgú ̣ ghọ koro ‘he fell from a palm tree’; fin-árụmị koroté ̣ ‘the aeroplane has landed’; ikputumí ̣ ịní tịḅị ghọ koro ̣ ‘the stone fell or landed on my head’ edí ghọ koro ‘fall in a trap’; ịgbó` ghọ koro ‘be caught or Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 be entangled in a net’; ịdọnị ghọ koro or kó ̣n ghọ koro ‘fall in a fish trap’; yoú ghọ koro ‘fall in wrestling’ koro6 koro6 koro6 koro ḅo korómọ1 a. n. v.p. v.t. deep A. deep; deepness; depth B. throw or fall in wrestling come down fall towards (a direction; e.g. korómọ2 v.t. meet by chance or accidentally; e.g. korómọ3 koromó ̣ya1 koromó ̣ya2 koromó1̣ v.t. v.t. v.t. v.t. resemble; be like resemble one another open one into another (rooms) A. place; put in particular place; e.g. koromó ̣ iri tọn koromó ̣ koromó1̣ koromó1̣ v.p. v.p. misplace; mislay decree; enact; destine; ordain B. lay or produce (eggs) (as of bird or fish; C. dismiss <service or school); cashier; e.g. koromó2̣ v.t. bathe with water; baptise e.g. 176 tịnmí ándụ ̣ koromọ ‘the tree fell directly opposite me’ á mu ó korómọ ‘I met him by chance’; arrive for an event míọ̣ ghọ koromó ̣ lay down, sacrifice (one’s life); e.g. ịní ̣ numomị á wọ koromọ ó prị ‘I lay down my life for him’ e.g. angá koromọ fịrí ghọ koromọ ̣ put down from canoe, ship or vehicle; disembark; e.g. arụ ghọ koromó ̣ lay down, make fall down, put on the ground (a wrestler); e.g. yoú ghọ koromó ̣ put (hook and line) in water for fish; e.g. ḍaye koromó ̣ pẹlẹ koromó ̣ cut down; fell; ḅarásin koromó ̣ let down; let fall; dá koromó ̣ help to put down mindi ékị ̣ koromó ̣ oil; lubricate; e.g. pulo ékị ̣ koromó ̣ apply; put on (medicine); e.g. kumu ékị ̣ koromó ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅio koró ḍosí koro ḍugó koro fụlọ ghọ koro imgba ghọ koro v.p. n. v.p. adv.p . v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. land; disembark; go ashore jump down follow down; mind; bother about be tasty in soup be cut to the heart kirí koro odú ghọ koro v.p. v.p. land; disembark; go ashore deeply affected sín koro sú ̣n koro tugu kóro v.p. v.p. v.p. kororíi n. & v.i. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. & t. v.p. alight by accident; collapse; drop off; fall off fall prostrate fall behind; drop behind; lag behind; (of liquid) settle (make) strident sound (as) of bailing water in small amounts; scrape stridently; scrapingly having a raised ridge (of nose) with a raised ridge bush rope for weaving screens A. wait; tarry koro timí koroyọ ḅege koro ḅió koro kororíimọ kóroróo kóroróomọ korú koru timí koru koru korúya noin koru kóti kótíi kótíimọ kótikóti kótikótimọ kótoḅáa n.m.f . v.t. v.p. n.m. a. adv. a. adv. a. kótoḅáamọ kótokóto adv. a. kótokótomọ mịé ̣ kótokótomọ kótokpóo adv. v.t. a. kótokpóomọ kótoróo kótoróomọ kóu kóu kóumọ adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. koruḅọ stay put deep; deep place; abyss fall down deep down v lit. "be affected to the bone"; lit. "affected to the flesh"; await; bide B. watch; remain awake for a purpose; be on the watch; keep watch; be vigilant; exercise protecting care over; guard watcher; watchman; guardian wait for one another keep watch; keep vigil coat projecting (of tails) in a projecting way flapping (of tail when fowl, etc., runs) in a flapping way tall, well-built, and upright (as of large bird, animal, or person) in a tall, well-built, upright way caustic (of concentration of liquid); biting; pungent; very hot pungently; caustically make pungent or hot fairly tall, well-built, and upright (e.g. of cock or person) in a well-built, upright way emaciated; lean and tall in an emaciated way give forth sound (as) of cutting with an axe sound of chopping with an axe with such loud sound 177 <English coat) (cf. kófíi) (cf. kó ̣tịkó ̣tị) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kó ̣ v.i. kó ̣mọ kọmó ̣ kọmó ̣prị adv. v.t. n. kó ̣ye kó ̣yọ kọḅá kọḅátụa kó ̣ḅịlíị̣ kó ̣ịkó ̣ị kọkó ̣ kọkó ̣ fị kọkọ n. n. n. a. a. v.i. kọkọákọkọ kọkó ̣nẹḅénẹ ̣ kọkọkọkọ kọkọró ̣kó ̣ọ kó ̣lọló ̣ọ kó ̣lọló ̣ọ kó ̣lọló ̣ọmọ kó ̣lọmbíị̣ kó ̣lọmbíị̣ kó ̣lọmbíịmọ ̣ 1 kó ̣n adv. adv. adv. n. a. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.p. adv. kó ̣n1 kó ̣n2 remain; be left over or behind after abstraction; be stranded over; in excess; in addition; besides; more leave over or behind fathoms of twine left over at each end of line and hook for drawing up the weight or sinker or trawl-anchor remainder; surplus remainder; surplus hooked stick hooked (of stick) hooked; sickle-shaped; falciform; falcate hesitate; delay only in capture a piece in draughts at all; in any degree; (N .B. used to express doubt and regret); as I was saying if at all that ... same as kọkọ crow of a cock nerveless; feeble nervelessness; feebleness feebly; nervelessly curved; sickle-shaped curl up; coil up in a coiled-up way A. pick up; lay hold of and take up; lift up; collect; gather; e.g. B. acquire; have; possess; e.g. v.t. A. engage in trade or industry; e.g. 178 (pl. kó ̣yaị) e.g. wa kọkọ bíyannyú ̣ ̣ aán? ‘shall we meet at all?’ érị ̣ kọkọ olótuḅei aán? ‘am I the champion at all?’ fịní kọn ‘collect ̣ firewood’; ịnyan kó ̣n ‘collect palm fronds’; ịsẹmi kó ̣n ‘gather periwinkles’; tịn kó ̣n ‘pick up or take up a stick’; kó ̣n bọ ‘fetch; go for and bring back’; kó ̣n sin ‘carry away; pick off’ ala kó ̣n ‘acquire wealth’; ḍawọị kó ̣n ‘have a dream’; ịngọ kó ̣n ‘possess wealth’ ḅoú kọn ‘engage in fishing’; mọndị kọn ‘engage in an enterprise’; ọká kọn ‘engage in carpentry’; pirí kọn Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kó ̣n2 ‘engage in farming’; tuḅo kọn ‘engage in trade’ n. any industry or trade; enterprise; business, especially mechanical or mercantile employment carried on as a means of livelihood or profit B. engage in habitual murder; e.g. kó ̣n2 p kó ̣n3 kó ̣n4 kó ̣n5 n.m.f . v.t. v.t. v.t. kó ̣n5 kó ̣n6 n. v.i. fg kó ̣n7 kọndọ n. a. & n. n. a. n. adv. a. n.m.f . a. v.p. n. n. n. n. v.p. v.p. v.i. a. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. n.m. n. v.i. a. n. v.i. ap niníkọnḅọ kọndọ-anga kọndọḅara kọndọḅara kọndọḅara kọndọfí ̣ kọndọfịḅọ kondó ̣mọ kọndọ sụgịrị kọndọsụgịrị kọndú ̣ omonikọndụ kọngó ̣ kọngọ-ásịnya kọngó ̣ kụrọ kọngó ̣ nụngalamọ kọngọló ̣kọngọlọ kó ̣ngọló ̣ọ kó ̣ngọló ̣ọ kó ̣ngọló ̣ọmọ kọnịkọní ̣ kọnịkọnịmọ kọpíị̣ kọpíịmọ ̣ kó ̣pụ kó ̣pụtịḅị kọpụ kọpụ kọpụ kó ̣rị niní kọn engage in piracy (usually implies habitual and stealthy murder) murderer entertain with hospitality; receive hospitably; speak (a proverb); dam; block up; impede; shut in; e.g. fish-trap; graze (of cattle); feed (of other animals and birds) trunk of elephant left e.g. igoni ékị ̣ kó ̣n e.g. kaḅú ̣ kọn nụnọ kọn ‘dam a creek (partially, to trap fish’ same as ịdọnị left side left-hand side left hand leftward; leftside left-handed left-handed person; lefthander d not straightforward; awkward; clumsy have dysentery dysentery playing card card second to the queen neck jugular vein be stiff-necked crane; stretch neck act nervelessly feeble; nerveless feebleness; nervelessness feebly; nervelessly punctilious; attentive to petty formality punctiliously peck forcibly forcefully (of peck) cup cupful be full (of tide) full (of tide) full tide A. be arrested, caught, captured, held, seized; 179 (cf. kopíi) <English cup) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kó ̣rị kó ̣rị kó ̣rịmọ kó ̣rị kó ̣rị kọrí ̣ kọrí ḅ ̣ o kọrí k ̣ igí kọrí m ̣ ọndịmọ lá kọrí ̣ príkọrí ̣ ye ̣ ye ékị ̣ ọrí ̣ ̣ prí k kọrí ̣ be entangled B. be intoxicated; be drunk intoxicated; tipsy tipsily C. catch on; be ignited; light up (of combustible or fire) D. be seasoned (of salt in soup) A. arrest; catch; capture; hold; seize; take hold; intercept motion of; apprehend; grasp; check suddenly (breath); perceive with senses or mind (meaning, sound, tune); maintain, assert as true (opinion or statement) fetch; arrest detain; keep in confinement guide; lead overreach; outwit; circumvent; entrap mortgage; hostage; security; pledge mortgage; pledge; pawn B. catch; receive; be infected with (a cold, a fever, hunger, etc.) e.g. a. adv. v.t. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. C. intoxicate; excite; exhilarate beyond selfcontrol; surfeit; D. act as nursemaid; nurse; have charge of tend woman in child birth midwife wet- or dry-nurse E. betroth; engage; affiance; bind by promise of marriage; F. (idiomatic) eat G. (idiomatic) dress up properly (of costume) exhausting; fatiguing; tiresome; wearisome; weary grow weary; tire; be exhausted with fatigue; weariness after exertion; exhaustion tireless exhaustingly; tiringly; wearisomely; wearily ghost to frighten a child; bogeyman drive; steer (canoe, boat, vehicle); conduct; guide; lead; direct (one’s course or self) misguide; mislead ignite; brighten; kọrí ̣ kọrí ̣ ịrá kọrị ịrákọrịḅọ tó ̣gụkọrịḅọ kọrí ̣ v.p. n.f. n.f. kọrí ̣ kọrí ̣ kọrịkọrí1 a. kọrịkọrí1 kọrịkọrí1 kọrịkọrígha ̣ kọrịkọrímọ ̣ 2 kọrịkọrí ̣ kọrịmó1̣ v.i. n. a. adv. n. v.t. kọrịmó ̣ iri kọrịmó2̣ v.p. v.t. kọrịmó3̣ kọrọ alakọró ḅoúkọrọ kesikọrọ v.t. n.m. n. n.m. n.m. t t t t season; make palatable by introduction of salt piassava or raffia hookeri palm “king” raffia palm palm palm 180 oḅogú kọrí;̣ ọmó ̣ụn kọrí;̣ affect; attack; excite strong desire; e.g. munú kọrí ̣ e.g. irú kọrí ̣ e.g. tó ̣gụ kọrị e.g. ịyọrọḅọ kọrí ̣ fẹngụ kọrịmó ̣ fan (fire) to make flames’; ofuro kọrịmó ̣ ‘blow up (fire) to make flames’ raffia hookerii raffia vinifera raffia hookeri Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kọrọ-ẹgbẹgbẹrịḅa kọrọkọró1̣ kọrọpembu kọrọ tugurumó ̣ kọrọtugurumọye kọrọkọró2̣ kọrọkọró ̣mọ kọrọrọkó ̣tị n. a. n. v.p. n. a. adv. n.m. kó ̣sị v.i. kọsịmó ̣ v.t. kọsí ̣ kọsị1 kọsị2 kó ̣tị kó ̣tịkó ̣tị v.t. v.t. v.t. n. a. kpongbo1 kúḅu kúḅuye kuḅu1 kuḅufíndi kuḅu2 kuḅu sú ̣n n. v.t. n. n. n. n. v.p. kuḅusụnḅịtẹ kuétekuéte kuétekuéte kuétekuétemọ kugu kukuínduku n.m. a. v.i. a. n.m. n. kukurí v.i. kukúrukukúru kukúrukukúrumọ kule nú ̣a kule nú ̣akuleye nú ̣akuleye v.i. adv. v.t. v.p. n. n. kulefí ̣ kúlelíi kúlelíimọ kulelíkulelíi kulelíkulelíimọ kumbú1 kumbú2 a. a. adv. a. adv. n.m. a. kumbú2 kumbúmọ n. adv. b b bp cr to coils on the stem of raffia palm full of, abounding in, raffia palms raffia palm frond set stick on stem of raffia palm for climbing stick for climbing raffia palm gaudy; gorgeous; richly coloured; ornate gaudily; gorgeously bird sp.; hammerkop rot; decay; break to pieces; be crashed or smashed cause to rot; make rotten; shatter; smash; crash shatter; smash; crash beat, thrash, properly eat properly court flapping (of tail of small creature when running) bird sp. (unidentified) vow; take oath; promise solemnly vow; oath fathom; deeping breadth; broadness; width bosom; breast; tit; boob shroud; cover or clothe the bosom of corpse with cloth shroud; sheet or cloth for covering a corpse hasty; hurried move hurriedly hastily; hurriedly pitcher; water-pot; ewer sweet potato speak with caution, trying to hide part of the truth grope, search blindly gropingly greet; hail; salute; thank make thank-offering thank-offering title; personal appellation, hereditary or not, denoting or implying grade, status; club nickname titled slimy slimily slimy slimily axe; chopping tool short; not tall; not long; concise; brief; curt; not far-reaching shortness shortly; concisely; briefly; curtly 181 Scopus umbretta.( = anénde) <English court) cf. indo3, ḅiótugu Ipomoea batatas (Convolvulaceae) (cf. kú ̣lẹlíị)̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 mịé ̣ kumbumó ̣ v.p. kumú kumú gụọ n. v.p. tr kumúgụọḅọ p kún1 kún2 n.m.f . v.t. n. kuna kúne kune kune kunefá kunemó1̣ kunemó2̣ kunemó3̣ kunemọ-éne kunemó ̣mị kune sin kunesin tịnkune kúngelée v.t. v.i. a. n. a. v.t. a. n. n. adv. v.p. n. n. a. kungu kunú n.m. a. kunú kunumó ̣ kuopúu kuopúumọ kúorúu kúorúumọ kúrepepe kúru kuru kurukiri kurupagara kúrukúru kurukuru kurukuru kurukuruḅou v.i. v.t. v.i. adv. a. adv. n.m. n. n. n. n. n.m. a. n. n.m. kurukuruḅọ n.m.f . v.i. & t. kurúru i b t b co co b contract; decrease; abbreviate; abridge; lessen; shorten medicine; drug; spell; charm make medicine with bad intent to harm; practise sorcery sorcerer; enchanter braid; plait; pleat; interweave (hair, etc.) period of tide when day dawns while water is still flowing full order; bid; command end; come to an end extreme; last; outermost end; limit; climax endless; infinite; eternal; without end end; bring to an end extreme; outermost; last; final; latter end; extremity; climax; very end last day; day of judgment finally; lastly; in the end clean up anus of corpse customary clean-up of anus of corpse at death stub; stump of tree (of stomach) stodgy; heavy; filling; bulging (due to much food) jigger rank; rancid; stale; foul-smelling; insipid; musty (of food, news, etc.) become foul-smelling or stale make stale (of pulling) pull stridently stridently dull by nature; stupid stupidly; dully blue-spotted wood-dove tree sp. plank in general; blackboard floor of planks piece of sawn plank or timber white-faced owl black; negroid black; blackness bird sp.; black heron black person; N egro mourn; feel sorrow or regret (for, over, dead person, lost thing, loss, misfortune, etc.); 182 (same as seriḅá) Tunga penetrans Turtur afer Lophira alata Ptilopsis leucotis Egretta ardesiaca; but not a local bird? Perhaps the adult dark morph of the western reef egret, Egretta gularis (cf. kịánkururu; ogbokó; pịnáḅou) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kurúru kúsa kusi kusi-ịmgbọ kúsukúsu kúsukúsu kúsukúsumọ1 kúsukúsumọ2 kusukusú kúuku n. a. n. n. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. n.m. kụatụrụ n.m. kụẹlíị̣ v.i. kụẹlíịmọ ̣ kụẹríị̣ adv. v.i. kụẹríịmọ ̣ kú ̣gain kú ̣gala kụgó ̣ kụgọ-ímbi kụgó ̣ púu opukụgó ̣ adv. n. n.m. n. n. v.p. n. kụgụ kụkara kú ̣kịrị kụkịrí ̣ kụkụḅaị kụkụḅaị kụkụḅaímọ ̣ n. n. v.i. v.t. a. n. adv. kụkụḅaịye kú ̣kụlú ̣ụ kú ̣kụrú ̣ụ kú ̣kụrú ̣ụmọ kụla n. a. a. adv. n. kú ̣lakú ̣la kú ̣lakú ̣lamọ kú ̣lala a. adv. n. kú ̣lẹlíị̣ kú ̣lẹlíịmọ ̣ kụlẹlíkụlẹlị ̣ kụlẹlíkụlẹlịmọ ̣ kụlụkụlụ kụlụkụlụ kụmá a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. v.t. fr fr b show conventional signs of grief for period after person’s death; sorrow for (dead person, thing) mourning plentiful (of hair) cashew plant and fruit cashew nut loose; uncombined; hanging free; morally lax become loose loosely make loose come loose (of hair, etc.) cuckoo; wood-pigeon keg; small barrel (especially for gun-powder); hence readily do something for somebody with a motive underneath readily readily agree f f t readily unidentified fish sp. (‘he-goat fish,) king of fish; spadefish scrotum testicle (of male) reach age of puberty orchitis (of testicle); scrotitis or scrotocele (of scrotum) stretch of land, etc., where something abounds landslide under water be eroded gnaw; erode; chip real; actual; true; sincere; correct; honest reality; actuality really; actually; truly; sincerely; honestly; correctly fact; fidelity; honesty; truth; truthfulness (of forehead) protrusive; bulgy tight; close-fitting; having little space tightly tree sp. with medium-sized leathery leaves, and its fruits strewn; scattered scatteringly intestinal mucus; slime on body of fish and reptiles; snail’s slimy secretion, slimy slimily slimy slimily ebb completely; decline dry ebb of tide abstain from; refrain from 183 family Cuculidae; Columba palumbus fọú ̣n kụatụrụ ‘keg of powder’ (cf. next word) (cf. preceding word) ?family Mullidae Chaetodipterus sp. e.g. osi-ákụlala (cf. kúlelíi) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ḅurú kụma ḅurúkụma indo kụma indokụma indo kụmamó ̣ -kụma v.p. n. v.p. n. v.p. suf. kú ̣mbụlú ̣ụ kụmọ kú ̣n a. n.m.f . n. a.p. n.m.f . v.t. kú ̣ngha tọrú ̣ kụn kú ̣na a. v.p. a. kú ̣na v.i. kú ̣na kú ̣namọ kụnẹní ̣ kụnẹnímọ ̣ kú ̣ngẹléẹ̣ kú ̣ngụkú ̣ngụ n. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. kú ̣ngụkú ̣ngụ kụnú ̣ kụnú ̣ kụnú ̣ kụnú ̣mọ kụnụmó ̣ kụnụpuló kú ̣ọ n. a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. v.i. kú ̣ọ síin kụó ̣ v.p. v.t. kụó ̣mọ kụó ̣ sin kụọrú ̣ụ kụọrú ̣ụmọ kú ̣ọsú ̣ụ kú ̣ọsú ̣ụmọ v.t. v.p. a. adv. a. adv. kụmọḅa kụmọ esinmó ̣ kụmọpẹịḅó ̣ refrain from food abstinence from food refrain from sucking; be weaned weaning wean not. negative of imperatives p p small-mouthed man; human being; person; the human race; one manslaughter; (loosely) murder awful; frightful; horrible man-eater; cannibal be polite out of respect; shun, avoid (out of respect); keep clear of disrespectful avoid out of respect shy; easily startled; timid; avoiding observation; bashful; coy; uneasy in company boggle; start with fright; be shy; hesitate; fumble; be awkward shyness shyly slimy slimily stodgy (of stomach) shilly-shally; vacillate, hesitate to act or choose one’s course; be undecided vacillation; shilly-shallying fragrant; sweet-smelling; savoury emit sweet smell; smell sweet or fragrant fragrance; pleasant or sweet smell fragrantly cause to smell sweet special Grade A oil; perfume be effaced, erased, obliterated, burnished, expunged be rubbed out clean; erase; expunge; wipe; rub out; obliterate; make dry; polish; make smooth by friction; burnish; efface wipe on (something) erase; wipe away, off, out; expunge dull; sluggish; slow-moving dully having small buttocks or hunkers; flat flatly 184 fiekụmáa ‘speak not’, i.e. ‘do not speak’; furukụmáa ‘steal not’, i.e. ‘do not steal’; esínkụma ‘fear not’, i.e. ‘do not fear’ (see under esinmó ̣) lit. "avoid face"; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kú ̣péẹ̣ kú ̣péẹmọ ̣ kú ̣pẹréẹ̣ kú ̣pẹréẹmọ ̣ kụra kụraḅọgọ kụraye ḅoyo kụra ḅọgọtẹ kụra mí k ̣ ụra pí k ̣ ụra kụraịkpalịkpalị kú ̣rẹkú ̣rẹ kú ̣rẹkú ̣rẹmọ kụrẹkụré ̣ kụrịkíkụrịkị ̣ a. adv. a. adv. n. a. n. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.m. a. adv. v.i. a. kụrịkíkụrịkịmọ ̣ 1 kụrịpíkụrịpị ̣ kụrịpíkụrịpịmọ ̣ kụrịpíkụrịpị ̣ kụrịpíkụrịpịmọ ̣ kụrịríị̣ kụrịríị̣ kụrịríịkụrịrí ị̣ ̣ kụrịríịkụrịrí ị̣ ̣ kụró ̣ adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. v.i. n. a. kụró ̣ n. kụró ̣ḅara kụró ̣ḅọ kụró ̣ḅọ-imgba adv. n.m.f . n. kụrọḍugó kụrọ-éfẹrụ ̣ kụrọ-éwụ ̣ kụrọfịrí ̣ kụrọ-irú kụrọjóko kụrọkirí kụrọmindí kụrọmó1̣ n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. adv. d t undersized; dwarfish dwarfishly undersized in an undersized way year; age old (of crop, book, etc.) smallpox; variola coming year last, past year this year next year antler deer active; brisk briskly; actively get up briskly scraggy; scanty (of vegetation, hair, etc.); meagre scraggily; scantily; meagrely scanty (of vegetation, hair, etc.); meagre scantily; meagrely scratch body in quick, sharp strokes in quick sharp strokes make a gnawing sound gnawing sound (as of rat) make a gnawing sound repeatedly repeated gnawing sound strong; vigorous; drastic; violent; firm; formidable; fermented (of wine); hard; stiff; rigid; scarce (of food); laborious, toilsome (of work); acute (of disease); energetic; forcible; powerful; strenuous; well; in good health; austere; harsh; terse; severe; stern; strict; rigorous; vehement physical ability; energy; force; vigour; strength; power; impetus; violence; military power or strength; hardness; firmness; stiffness; rigidity; influence; scarcity (of food) strongly strong person tree sp. Ouratea flava (Ochnaceae) noise; loud outcry strong wind; gale; wind storm strong current (of air) labour; toil strong drink; alcohol virulent animosity firm ground; foundation (of building) current (of water) drastically; strongly; vigorously; violently; firmly; formidably; stiffly; rigidly; laboriously; acutely; energetically; forcibly; powerfully; strenuously 185 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kụrọmó2̣ kụró ̣-nama v.t. n.m. kú ̣rọn’ásawọ kụrọpọgó ̣ kụró ̣toi ḅarákụrọ kpó ̣ kụrọmọ mịé ̣ kụrọmó ̣ n. n. a. v.p. v.p. odúkụró ̣ tọrú ̣kụrọ tuḅokụró ̣ kụsa kụsakụsá a. a. a. v.t. a. kụsakụsámọ kụsẹkụsé ̣ kụsẹkụsémọ ̣ kú ̣sẹréẹ̣ adv. a. adv. a. kú ̣sẹréẹmọ ̣ kụsị kú ̣tẹkú ̣tẹ kụtẹkụté ̣ kú ̣ụ kwakwa kwakwáa-ikereḅu kwékwẹ ̣ kwẹkwẹ adv. v.t. v.i. a. v.i. a. n. v.i. a. m co cr harden; strengthen; stiffen; influence leopard; ‘tiger’ iron rods kept in front of shrine loud tone or voice athletics strong (of physical strength) make fast; fasten strongly make firm; treat seriously; confirm; fortify; make well energetic; well taking by force; piratical dear; costly; high-priced lacerate; tear unkempt; untidy; dishevelled; ruffled; uncombed untidily ragged; torn; frayed raggedly meagre and emaciated (as a bunch of plantains or a sickly person) meagrely; very much emaciated eat palm fruits as birds do; peck fiddle (of children); make aimless movements tiny tire; be fed up red; scarlet purplish cocoyam prate; prattle prating; prattling Panthera pardus. lit. strong animal’. cf. sírị̣ cf. ákparígwe) KP. kpá1 v.t. shave hair round the sides of head with razor blade kpá2 kpáa1 kpáamọ1 kpáa2 hold stern of canoe steady with paddle easy; quick easily; quickly crackle; creak kpáamọ2 kpáakpáa v.t. a. adv. n. & v.i. adv. v.i. kpáakpáa kpáakpáamọ kpáakpée kpáakpéemọ kpaḅúu kpaḅúu n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. with a creak flutter; flap wings; go about restlessly; quiver; shiver; shudder; vibrate; tremble with excitement flutter; shudder; quiver with a flutter; shudderingly quick (unexpectedly) quickly (unexpectedly) snap; break with sharp crack (of larger object) snap; crack 186 tịḅị kpá; pare, trim, cut away irregular parts of wood (in canoe-carving) e.g. arụ kpá Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpaḅúumọ kpaḅú ̣ụ adv. v.i. kpaḅú ̣ụ kpaḅú ̣ụmọ kpádugúu kpagagáa kpagagáa kpagagáamọ kpagagóo kpagagóomọ kpái n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. adv. v.i. kpái kpáimọ kpáị n. adv. v.i. kpáị kpáịmọ kpáịkpáị1 kpáịkpáị2 n. adv. n.m. v.i. kpáịn1 kpáịn1 a. v.i. kpáịnmọ1 kpáịn2 adv. v.i. kpáịnmọ2 kpáịnkpáịn kpáịnkpáịn kpáịnkpáịnmọ kpaịnkpụtụ adv. v.i. n. adv. n. kpakamúu v.i. kpakamúu kpakamúumọ kpakaráa1 kpakaráamọ1 kpakaráa2 kpakaráamọ2 kpakarákpakara kpakarákpakaram ọ kpákiríi n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. kpákiríimọ kpákị kpákíị̣ kpákíịmọ ̣ kpákịríị̣ kpákịríịmọ ̣ kpáko1 adv. n.m. a. adv. a. adv. n.m. with a loud snap snap; break with sharp crack (of smaller object) snap; crack with a snap stodgy; bulging (belly) creak; make harsh noise as of unoiled hinges creak with a creak bite or sting sharply sharply (of bite) bang; make sound of explosion as of gun, thunder, etc. bang explosively clap; slap; make explosive noise as of handpalms being struck together clap; slap with a clap or slap grasshopper flap; clap; chirp (as grasshopper); clap (as of slipper) dry; not yielding water; without water; careful dry up completely; become completely dry by evaporation or draining dryly; carefully spark; emit sparks of fire; clink; make sharp ringing sound with a spark or clink fret; show angry impatience; fuss fuss; bustle fussily; fretfully food; flour of unripe plantain mixed with oil and cooked palpitate; pulsate; throb (of heart and bosom) with more than usual force or rapidity palpitation; pulsation; throbbing throbbingly crackle; emit slight cracking sound with a crack move suddenly moving suddenly crackle continuously continuously crackling a. m stocky; thickset; short and strongly built; hefty; sturdy stockily; sturdily very small kind of jar very small (of size); stingy in a very small way; stingily dry; not plump drily red-capped mangabey 187 (cf. kpakóo) Cercopithecus Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpáko2 kpákolo kpákolóo kpákolóomọ kpakóo kpakóomọ kpákoróo kpákoróomọ kpákpa n.m. v.i. a. adv. v.t. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpákpa n. kpakpá v.t. kpákparáa kpákparáa kpákparáamọ kpákulúu a. v.i. adv. a. kpákulúumọ kpakulúu adv. v.i. kpakulúumọ kpákurúu kpákurúumọ kpákurúu2 kpákurúumọ kpákụlú ̣ụ kpákụlú ̣ụmọ kpakụrú ̣kpakụrụ adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. kpakụrú ̣kpakụrụm ọ kpákụrú ̣ụ kpákụrú ̣ụmọ1 kpákụrú ̣ụmọ2 kpalaḅú ̣ụ adv. tọrú ̣kpalaḅú ̣ụ kpaláị1 a. adv. v.t. v.i. & n. n. v.i. kpaláị2 kpaláịmọ kpalakíị̣ kpalakíịmọ ̣ kpalakpalá kpalakpalá kpalakpalámọ kpalí ̣ kpámbụlụ kpámerée1 kpámeréemọ v.i. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.t. n. a. adv. any member not initiated into sẹkịapụ club fall slowly downwards; sink in level; subside sunken (of eyes) with sunken eyes bite or sting sharply sharply (of bite) bony; not fleshy (of head) in a bony way slide off as land-slide; break off as sliver; sliver landslide about to fall off; chink; peep-hole; deep crevice beat down mud or block wall for rebuilding; prepare bamboo material for mat weaving dry; bone-dry; hard become dry by evaporation drily filled and a little distended (of stomach, bag, etc.) in a slightly distended way come into contact with (something hard) while chewing or e.g. when an engine is in motion; jar (on something) with a jar; jarringly bulging (of something hard, e.g. kugu) in a bulging way emit deep creaking sound with a deep creak silent; not speaking silently dry (especially of food eaten without relish; very dry (e.g. of leaves) in a dry manner dry in a dry manner dry; make very dry (e.g. fish blink; wink; twinkle wink, blink of eyelids swing loosely and quickly; jerk (e.g. of paralyzed leg, or grasshopper) be completely finished entirely, completely (finished) paralyzed in a paralyzed manner finished; complete be finished completely entirely, completely (finished) pilfer; pinch wart short and stunted (of person) in a short and stunted way 188 torquatus (slang) (cf. kpagagóo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpámerée2 kpámeréemọ kpámịníị̣ kpámịníịmọ ̣ mịé ̣ kpámịníịmọ ̣ kpamúu kpamúu kpamú ̣ụ kpamú ̣ụ kpamú ̣ụmọ kpanáịn kpanáịnmọ kpanáịnkpanáịn a. adv. a. adv. v.p. v.i. n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. kpanáịnkpanáịnm ọ kpangbá kpangbámọ kpangba kpangbakiri kpángulúu kpángulúu adv. v.i. v.t. a. n. a. v.i. kpángulúumọ kpángụlú ̣ụ kpángụlú ̣ụ adv. a. v.i. kpángụlú ̣ụmọ kpankpan kpankpánmọ kpapú ̣ kpapú ̣ adv. a. adv. n.m. v.t. kpapú ̣ pẹlẹ v.p. kpapú ̣pẹle kpápụye kpára n.m. n. v.i. kpará v.t. kpará kparáye kparaḅúu n. n. v.i. kparaḅúu kparaḅúumọ kparaḅú ̣ụ kparaḅú ̣ụ kparaḅú ̣ụmọ kpárajáa kpárajáamọ kpárakpára n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. high up (of shaving round the head) in a high-up manner (round head) tight; close-fitting tightly tighten palpitate; pulsate palpitation; pulsation snap; pluck, break, with sharp crack snap; sharp crack with a snap prickle; tingle; spark with a tingle feel prickling or stinging sensation; fret; show angry impatience fussily; fretfully to f to ft to become dry make dry as in dry land stodgy; bulging; pot-bellied; swollen be distended; swell out (of soft object; cf. kpákurúu and next) with bulging belly swollen (of something small) distend; swell out (of smaller object than kpángulúu) in a swollen way (of something small) spotless, immaculate spotlessly; immaculately scissors; forceps cut off or up with scissors; grasp or hold with tongs; scissor cut (something hard, e.g. wire) with wirecutters unidentified sea fish sp. native type of tongs be skewered; get stuck (in narrow space); be rounded up (as suspect) skewer; pin or pierce fish or meat with stick or iron for drying or cooking; gore; pierce with horn or tusk; round up (suspects) stick of pierced fish skewer; pin of wood snap, break with sharp crack (of larger objects) snap; sharp crack with a snap snap (of smaller objects) snap with a snap lanky; tall and lean in a tall and lean way very swift (e.g. of ebbing tide) 189 e.g. indíkpara (cf. kpaḅúu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpárakpáramọ kparakpará adv. n.m. kpárankpáran kparankparan-áye kpárankpáranmọ kparapú ̣kparapụ kparapú ̣kparapụ kparapú ̣ụ v.i. adv. v.i. n. v.i. kparapú ̣ụ kparapú ̣ụmọ kpáraráa kpáraráamọ kpararáa kpararáamọ kpararákparara kpáraróo kpáraróomọ kparasíi n. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. a. adv. v.i. kparasíi kparasíị̣ n. v.i. kparasíị̣ kparasíịmọ ̣ kparasíkparasị ̣ kpárikpári kpárikpári kpárrikpárimọ kpárúu kpárúumọ kpásaláa kpásaláamọ kpasíi kpasíi kpasíimọ kpasíị̣ kpasíị̣ kpasíịmọ ̣ kpatáa kpatáamọ kpatáị kpatáị n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. & i. n. kpatáịmọ kpatáịkpatáị kpatáịkpatáị kpátakáa kpátakáamọ adv. v.i. n. a. adv. f very swiftly Madeiran sardinella, largest Cameroon sardine, at a certain stage of development spark; throw off sparks sparks with sparks snap, blink, wink, twinkle, incessantly incessant snap, blink, wink, twinkle snap; take instantaneous photograph; break with sharp crack; blink; twinkle; wink snap; crack; blink; wink; twinkle with a snap lanky; tall and lean in a lanky manner break lengthwise (of splits) lengthwise (of splits) apt to break lengthwise; full of cracks lantern-jawed (of long and thin jaw) in a lantern-jawed way snap; break with sharp crack (as if heavily trodden on) snap; sharp crack snap; break with sharp crack (as if lightly trodden on) snap; light crack with a snap brittle; fragile; easily snapped or shattered move with undue haste; hurry hurry; undue haste hurriedly corpulent; fat corpulently bony; all skin and bone; thin thinly snap; break or cut with sharp but loud noise snap with a loud sharp noise snap; break or snap with sharp but light noise snap with a light snap raise (e.g. heavy load) easily easily slap (person, etc.) with palm, or part lips noisily in enjoyment of food; smack (lips) smack; slight explosive report as of surface struck with palm, or of lips parted suddenly with a smack smack continuously continuous smacking of lips soft and sticky in a soft, sticky way 190 Sardinella maderensis. cf. afarụ1, búza, gbódo2, ikerere, kigbo Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpatakáa1 v.i. kpatakáamọ1 kpatakáa2 kpatakáamọ2 kpátakpáta kpátakpátamọ kpátị kpátị kpátịmọ kpatịmó ̣ kpatí ̣ adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. kpatí ̣ kpátóo kpátóomọ kpáu n. a. adv. v.i. kpáu kpáumọ kpáụ1 n. adv. v.i. kpáụ1 kpáụmọ kpáụ2 kpáụn n. adv. v.i. v.i. kpáụn kpáụnmọ kpaú ̣n kpaú ̣n n. adv. v.t. n. kpaụnmó ̣ kpaú ̣nmọ kpáụụ kpáụụmọ kpawáị kpawáịmọ kpáwóo kpáwóo kpáwóomọ kpawóo kpawóo kpawóo kpawóomọ kpé kpée v.t. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. a. adv. v.t. v.i. & t. n. adv. a. adv. v.t. kpée kpéemọ kpeekpé kpeekpémọ kpeekpemó ̣ raise (e.g. heavy load) completely and suddenly completely and effortlessly forget completely or entirely entirely; completely run unsteadily quickly narrow; tight; compact narrow; become narrow tightly; compactly narrow; tighten sting (mosquito, gnat, bedbug, etc.); pinch; nip between tip of finger and thumb; smart; rankle sting; pinch; smart knock-kneed; (of breast) rudimentary in a knock-kneed way bang; thud; fall with low dull sound; make sound of explosion or the report of a gun bang; thud with heavy fall; with a thud bang; make slight sound of explosion or the report of a gun slight bang with a light report keep silent ring; give forth sound as of vibrating metal; peal ring; peal resoundingly carry (something) on one’s back act of carrying (person or something) on the back tie on to someone’s back close by, close to or close upon silent; not speaking silently fall sharply with a sharp fall sunken (of eye, cheek) be sunken with sunken eyes utter long loud doleful cry (of pain); howl howl (of pain) howling with a howl weave thump; bang; bump thump; bang; bump with a thump, bang, or bump wide apart widely apart make wide apart 191 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpéekpée kpéekpée kpéekpéemọ kpéin kpéinmọ kpékée kpékée kpékéemọ kpekéekpekée v.i. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. shout loudly loud (of shout) loudly (of shout) mute; silent mutely; silently lurch; stagger; tilt; suddenly lean to one side lurch; stagger with a lurch; lurchingly; staggeringly waver; oscillate; vacillate; rock; swing like pendulum; move to and fro on a fixed point due to action of water, etc. vacillatingly; waveringly be irresolute or undecided between opinions irresolute; undecided; hesitating irresoluteness; irresolution irresolutely; hesitatingly too near edge; almost falling in an almost falling manner lurch; stagger; tilt; suddenly lean to one side lurch; stagger with a lurch; lurchingly; staggeringly make series of lurches or staggers continuous lurching same as kpekelée kpekéekpekéemọ kpékekpéke kpékekpéke kpékekpéke kpékekpékemọ kpékelée kpékeléemọ kpekelée kpekelée kpekeléemọ kpekélekpekéle kpekélekpekéle kpekerée kpeki adv. v.i. a. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. n. & v.i. v.i. kpeki a. near; close to, in time, etc.; e.g. kpeki adv. near; at a short distance; e.g. kpekpe kpékperáa kpékperáa kpékperáamọ1 kpékperáamọ2 kpéngekpénge kpéngelée kpépu kpépu kpépu kpépumọ ḅịḅịkpépu ḅịḅị kpépumọ kpepú a. a. v.i. adv. v.t. a. a. a. v.i. n. adv. n. v.p. v.t. kperekí kperekí kperekímọ v.i. n. adv. wide apart tough; hard to break or cut; stiff; tenacious become hard toughly; stiffly make hard (e.g. skin) replete; filled; stuffed fat and oversized (of head) dumb; unable to speak be dumb dumbness; aphasia dumbly dumbness make dumb hold something in the mouth without chewing or swallowing; make dumb bang; meet with force or sudden impact bang; collision; impact with a bang or impact draw near to; approach; e.g. 192 (cf. kpékẹlé ẹ) ̣ ̣ wa mu ama ná kpekité ̣ ‘we have drawn near the town’ í na ̣ kpekinimi warímị ̣ sụó ̣ọ ‘get into the house near me’ ifiémị ḅo kpekité ̣ ‘the time has drawn near’ Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kperepúu kperepúu kperepúumọ kpetekáa kpetekáamọ kpéterée kpéteréemọ kpeti v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpetimó ̣ v.t. kpewée kpewée kpewéemọ kpé ̣ kpé ̣ kpémọ ̣ kpéẹ̣ v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. adv. kpéịkpé ị̣ ̣ v.i. kpéịkpé ị̣ ̣ kpéịn ̣ kpẹkẹlẹ a. v.t. adv. kpékẹlé ẹ̣ ̣ kpékẹlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ kpékẹré ẹ̣ ̣ kpékẹré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ kpẹkịkpẹkị kpẹkịkpẹkị kpẹkịkpẹkị kpẹkịkpẹkímọ ̣ kpékú ̣ ̣ụ kpékú ̣ ̣ụmọ kpérẹkpé rẹ ̣ ̣ a. adv. a. adv. v.i. a. adv. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpérẹkpé rẹ ̣ ̣ kpérẹkpé rẹmọ ̣ ̣ kpẹrụkpẹrụ n. adv. a. kpétụkpé tụ ̣ ̣ kpétụkpé tụ ̣ ̣ kpéwé ̣ ẹ̣ kpiḅúu kpiḅúumọ kpígigíi kpígigíimọ kpíi1 kpíi1 kpíimọ1 kpíi2 v.i. n. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. bang, shut with noise or sudden impact bang with a bang dauby; greasy; thick daubily; greasily; thickly dauby; greasy; thick daubily; greasily; thickly set; settle (of leg or bone after fracture or dislocation) bank up (fire for slow burning); cause to set or settle beat strongly strong beating with a strong beating beat with sharp or light beating; crack light beating with light beating never (with negative verb e.g. ó kpéẹ̣ fịghá ‘he never ate’ knock lightly and repeatedly; talk too much; prate prattling do or touch slightly in time or quickly (with negative sentences); ó kpẹkẹlẹ ḅoghá e.g. ‘he did not come in time (or quickly)’ too near edge; dangerously poised (cf. kpékelée) in a dangerously poised way following closely (as child) following closely draw near to; approach near, close to near; at a short distance closely short; low; not high or tall low, low down chatter; talk quickly or smartly; sputter; splutter sputter; splutter; chatter sputteringly covered with protuberances (e.g. of scalded skin) or shoots (e.g. of sprouting earth) prattle; talk in childish manner childish prattling; prattle very close to the ground (of trees or people) break with sharp crack (of larger objects) with a sharp crack bulging; heavy with child heavily (of pregnant woman) thump; bump thump; bump with a thump or bump rush; stampede; engage in sudden flight or hurried movement 193 Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpíi2 kpíimọ2 kpíikpíi kpíikpíimọ kpíin n. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpíin n. kpíinmọ kpíkiríi kpíkiríimọ kpikpi kpikpímọ kpiliḅúu adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpiliḅúu kpiliḅúumọ kpilikpili n. adv. v.i. kpilikpili kpilikpilímọ kpílilíi kpílilíimọ kpimukpimu kpimukpimu kpimukpimúmọ kpimúkpimúu kpimúkpimúu kpimúkpimúumọ kpímúu kpímúumọ kpimúu n. adv. a. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpimúu kpíniníi n. a. kpíniníimọ kpípúu kpípúumọ kpíri kpirí kpíridíi kpíridíimọ kpírikíi adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. a. adv. a. kpírikíimọ kpirikíkpiriki kpirikíkpiriki adv. v.i. n. kpirikíkpirikimọ kpírikpíri kpírikpíri adv. v.i. n. rush; stampede; hurried flight with a stampede or rush full of jubilation (of crowd of people) with jubilation stamp; thump; bring down (foot, or stick) heavily on ground stamp; thump; heavy downward blow with foot or stick with a stamp (of foot) stocky; thickset stockily replete; stuffed; filled in a stuffed way blink; shut the eyes for a moment and open them as sign of contempt blink (contemptuous) with a blink glide; pass by with smooth continuous movement glide glidingly greasy; dauby greasily; daubily turgid turgidity turgidly pulsate; palpitate throb; pulse throbbingly turgid; morbidly swollen turgidly pulsate; beat; throb; palpitate; expand and contract by beats pulse, throb smooth; not wrinkled or hairy; not pitted or scored smoothly robust; stout robustly; stoutly be caught catch overfull; heavy with child heavily with fruit or child dingy; dirty-looking; dull-coloured; dullwitted; opaque; swarthy dingily; opaquely; swarthily make a stampede; stampede stampede; sudden fright and scattering of a number of cattle; unconcerted movement of many persons by common impulse with a stampede rush; run violently; flow fast rush; violent or tumultuous advance; run or flow 194 Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpírikpírimọ kpisíi1 kpisíi1 kpisíimọ1 kpisíi2 adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. kpisíi2 kpisíimo2 kpitíi kpitíimọ kpịḅú ̣ụ kpịḅú ̣ụmọ kpíị̣ kpíị̣ kpíịmọ ̣ kpịkpị kpịkpímọ ̣ mịé ̣ kpịkpímọ ̣ kpịlịḅú ̣kpịlịḅú ̣ụ kpịlịḅú ̣kpịlịḅú ̣ụ kpịlịḅú ̣kpịlịḅú ̣ụmọ kpịlịḅú ̣ụ kpịlịḅú ̣ụ kpílịlí ̣ ị̣ kpílịlí ̣ ịmọ ̣ kpímụkpí mụ ̣ ̣ kpímụkpí mụ ̣ ̣ kpímụkpí mụ ̣ ̣ n. adv. a. adv. v.t. & i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.p. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. a. adv. a. v.i. n. kpímụkpí mụmọ ̣ ̣ kpịmụkpịmú ̣ kpímú ̣ ̣ụ kpímú ̣ ̣ụnị kpịmụmó ̣ kpịngó ̣ọ kpịngó ̣ọ kpịngó ̣ọmọ kpírịkí ̣ ị̣ kpírịkí ̣ ị̣ kpírịkí ̣ ịmọ ̣ 1 kpírịkí ̣ ịmọ ̣ 2 kpịrikíkpịrịkị ̣ kpịrikíkpịrịkị ̣ adv. a. a. adv. v.t. v.i. n. adv. a. n. adv. v.t. v.i. n. kpịrịkpịrị1 kpịrịkpịrímọ ̣ 1 2 kpịrịkpịrị kpịrịkpịrímọ ̣ 2 3 kpịrịkpịrị kpịrịkpịrímọ ̣ 3 kpịrímụkpịrí mụ ̣ ̣ kpịrịmú ̣kpịrịmụ kpịrịmú ̣kpịrịmụ v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. with a rush bump; thump bump; thump with a bump stampede; engage in sudden flight or hurried movement of people due to panic stampede; panic flight with a stampede thickly and closely woven thickly and closely break with sharp crack (of smaller objects) with a sharp crack crackle; emit slight cracking sound crackle with a crackle very tight very tightly make tight blink incessantly; flash on and off incessant blinking or flashing with a blink blink; look with eyes opening and shutting blink greasy; dauby greasily fidgety fidget; move restlessly fidget; bodily uneasiness seeking relief in spasmodic movements; fidgetiness with a fidget very tight or taut tight; closely held; fitting tightly tighten nod nod noddingly; with a nod very black; swarthy swarthiness; blackness swarthily blacken creak; make harsh noise creak; harsh loud noise, as of unoiled bed, hinge, etc. creak; make harsh noise with a creak tight; closely fastened tightly char; burn to charcoal; blacken with fire in a charred way fidgety fidget fidgetiness 195 Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpịrịmú ̣ụ kpịrịmú ̣ụmọ kpịrịmú ̣ụmọ 1 kpịrịsíkpịrịsị ̣ 1 kpịrịsíkpịrịsị ̣ kpịrịsíkpịrịsịmọ ̣ 2 kpịrịsíkpịrịsị ̣ kpíụ̣ v.i. adv. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. v.i. kpíụmọ ̣ adv. kpíyó ̣ ̣ọ kpíyó ̣ ̣ọmọ kpó a. adv. v.t. kpó n. kpó mịé ̣ kpomó ̣ kpóḅili kpoḅilimó ̣ kpokorokpokoró kpokorokpokoróm ọ kpókoróo1 v.p. v.t. a. v.t. a. adv. a. kpókoróomọ1 kpókoróo2 adv. a. kpókoróomọ2 adv. kpókoróo3 kpókoróomọ3 kpokpó kpokpomó1̣ kpokpomó2̣ kpokpo a. adv. v.t. & i. v.t. v.t. n. kpokpo gboló v.p. kpóokpóomọ kpókporokpo kpókporóo kpókporóomọ kpólokíi kpólokíimọ kpólombíi adv. n. a. adv. a. adv. a. cut; cease; stop abruptly abruptly abruptly brittle; apt to break; crisp; fragile; frail brittleness; fragility; crispness with crispness; brittly; frailly grit; produce grating sound (of sigh) deep-drawn; (of rain) heavy and prolonged in a deep-drawn way (of sigh); heavily (of rain) sticky (as of excess pomade) stickily coil; cause to twist up into circular or spiral shape; fold; double (flexible thing) over upon itself; wind; clasp; lay together and interlace (arms); swathe; envelope; convolve; roll up coil; length of coiled rope, wire, etc.; single turn of coiled thing; fold; hollow between two thicknesses; crease; line caused by folding dive suddenly (of shoal of fish fold up; curl; coil up coiled; folded; twisted; convoluted heap up; fold up; agglomerate bold; well-marked; bigger in size, etc. boldly; stoutly chief; especial; exceptional; principal; particular chiefly; especially; principally; particularly bold; well-marked; bigger in size; stout; sturdy; hefty; strongly-built; stalwart; doughty; valiant boldly; stoutly; sturdily; heftily; stalwartly; doughtily; valiantly bleak, bare (of poverty); abject; despicable miserably; bleakly pick up; glean collect in small quantities; scrape together collect into (a receptacle) piece of wood beaten to make an announcement, declaration, or proclamation; the announcement, declaration or proclamation so made make proclamation, announcement or declaration loudly as if making a proclamation crowing (m.) cock brawny; strong and muscular; thick (of rope) thickly; strongly crooked; deformed crookedly bent; curved 196 (cf. kokoróko) Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpólombíimọ kpólu kpolú kpolúye ogbó kpolúmọ kpongbo1 kpongbo2 kpóngúu1 kpóngúu kpóngúumọ kpóo1 adv. v.i. v.t. n. v.p. n.m. n. a. a. adv. v.i. kpóokpóo kpóo2 a. v.i. kpóo2 kpóomọ kpórokíi kpórokíimọ kporokíi kporokíi kporokíimọ kporokíkporoki kporokíkporokimọ kpórokpóro n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. kpórokpóro kpórokpóromọ kpórokúu n. adv. a. kpórokúumọ kpóru adv. v.i. kpórúu kpótokóo1 kpótokóomọ kpótokóo2 kpótokóomọ kpotokpotó kpotokpotómọ kpóun kpóunmọ1 kpoun kpóunmọ2 kpó1̣ a. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. kpó ̣ ḅa kpó ̣ḍigi kpó ̣mọ kpó ̣ tekelé kpó2̣ v.p. n. v.t. v.p. v.i. kpó ̣mọ v.t. b in a curved way be folded; be wrapped wrap; enfold; fold wrapper fold together bird sp. dry land snub (of nose) idle; unoccupied; lazy; indolent idly; indolently be twisted up into circular or spiral shape; coiled creased; curly give forth sound (as) of knocking or cutting on something hard (e.g. on head, table, etc.) knock with such loud sound crooked; deformed crookedly strike against something impact; collision with an impact untidily scattered (of objects inside house) in an untidy, scattered way patter; make rapid succession of drops (as rain, tears) pattering; stream (of tears) with a patter massive and dull (of person); too large (of a cover) in a massive, dull way swell; grow bigger; dilate; distend; expand; bulge out swollen; dilated; distended; inflated; puffed chief; especial; principal; particular chiefly, especially bold; well-marked boldly; stoutly bold; well-marked boldly resonant sound (as of gong) resonantly be completely finished completely (finished) moor; fasten or attach (boat or other floating object) to permanent anchor; tie; bind knot; tether hang; suspend on gibbet tether, rope tie to hang up; suspend age; grow old; mature; ferment, sour (of palm wine) age; cause to grow old; stunt; dwarf; check 197 Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpó ̣tẹ a. ḅịḅịkpó ̣ ḅịḅị kpọmó ̣ ḅịḅịkpọmọye kpó ̣ị a. v.p. n. v.i. kpó ̣ị kpọị kpó ̣ịkpó ̣ị n. adv. v.i. kpọkí1̣ kpọkí2̣ kpọkịrí ̣ v.t. v.i. v.t. kpó ̣kịríị̣ a. kpó ̣kịríịmọ ̣ kpó ̣kọló ̣ọ kpó ̣kọló ̣ọmọ kpó ̣kọró ̣ọ adv. a. adv. a. kpó ̣kọró ̣ọmọ kpọkpọ adv. adv. kpọlí ̣ kpọlọḅú ̣ụ kpọlọḅú ̣ụmọ v.t. v.t. & i. adv. kpọmbí ̣ v.t. kpọmbí ̣ kpọmó ̣ kpó ̣n kpó ̣n kpó ̣n kpó ̣n kpọnọnó ̣ n. adv. v.i. n. v.t. kpó ̣ọ v.i. kpó ̣ọ fi kpó ̣ọfị kpọrọkpọrọ v.p. n. a. kpọrọkpọrọ v.i. kpọrọkpọró ̣mọ adv. kpó ̣rọkú ̣ụ kpó ̣rọkú ̣ụmọ kpọrọnkpọrọn a. adv. v.i. growth or development of; mature; make sour; cause to ferment aged; old; lasting; mature; solid (of wood); stunted; sour; fermented (of drink) haughty and insolent refresh mouth dessert patter; cause to make rapid succession of taps on top of water or roof (as rain, etc.) patter(ing) to the point; to the purpose; exactly talk in rapid mechanical way; talk glibly; patter take small pieces of meat while butchering try and walk with a bad leg dog; follow closely; track; pursue person (with palaver) lonely; solitary; companionless; lonesome; (cf. kpó ̣kọró ̣ọ) isolated lonesomely; solitarily hanging loose in a loose-hanging way lonely; (of belly) bulging out while whole (cf. kpó ̣kịríị)̣ body is emaciated in a lonely way; in a bulging manner only; solely; nothing more or besides and that is all climb put; add mi a little extra (added to something bought or requested) pinch, nip or squeeze between tips of fingers; twitch; pull at, jerk at (person’s sleeve) especially to call attention pinch; twitch; nip; squeeze very much give forth sound (as) of musical drum sound of drum rub eyes, blink, etc., after sleep; e.g. be moored, fastened or attached to permanent anchor; be tied; be tethered commit suicide by hanging suicide by hanging careful in movement (towards or away from) object) move towards person (of object drawn); move with person (of live objects) without pause or hesitation with careful movement; without pause or hesitation dull; sluggish; slow-moving dully patter 198 tọrú ̣ kpọnọnọ ‘rub eyes’ Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpọrọnkpọrọn kpọrọnkpọrọnmọ kpó ̣rụ kpó ̣rú ̣ụ kpọsọkpọsó ̣ kpọsọkpọsó ̣mọ kpọtọ kpọtọkpọtó ̣ kpọtọkpọtó ̣mọ kpó ̣tọkó ̣ọ kpó ̣tọkó ̣ọmọ kpọtọkó ̣mọ kpó ̣tọpú ̣ụ1 kpó ̣tọpú ̣ụmọ1 kpó ̣tọpú ̣ụ2 n. adv. v.i. a. v.i. adv. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. a. adv. v.i. kpó ̣tọpú ̣ụmọ2 adv. kpó ̣tọró ̣ọ kpó ̣tọró ̣ọmọ kpọtụ kpó ̣tú ̣ụ kpó ̣tú ̣ụmọ kpúkée kpúkéemọ kpúkelée kpúkeléemọ kpukpu kpukpu kpúkpuru a. adv. n.m. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. kpúkukpúku kpúkukpúku kpúkukpúkumọ kpúkulúu kpúkulúumọ kpúmée kpúméemọ kpúngulúu kpúngulúumọ íkpungúlusanị kpuráa v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. kpuráa kpuráamọ kpúrakpúra kpúrakpúramọ kpurú kpurukúkpuruku n. adv. a. adv. v.t. v.i. kpurukúkpuruku kpurukúkpuruku mọ kpururúukpururú n. adv. patter(ing) with a patter be overfull (of stomach) suffering from indigestion; not eupeptic move slowly with slow movement small wooden musical drum accompaniment; filthy; muddy filthily of thick consistency (of soup) thickly thicken; make thick (soup) prepared so as to be thick (of food) in a thick way (of food) feel satiated in the throat due to much oil (of food); be crowded, be in a swarm (of crowd) in a satiated manner (of food in the throat); in a thick way (of crowd) messy (of mucus, etc.) in a messy way round basket with lid for keeping fish or fowl dull dully pigeon-breasted with a pigeon breast pigeon-breasted with a pigeon breast knock; rap; tap knock; rap; tap en bloc; in a lump; wholesale; en masse; in a mass; all together rattle dully dull rattle with a dull rattle small and well-rounded (e.g. of cocoyam) in a well-rounded way pigeon-breasted with a pigeon breast roundish; round roundly; in a circular way pepper with round fruits bang; fall, shut, close with noise; throw down negligently bang with a bang cursory; hasty; hurried hurriedly cut down large trees on top of growing crops rumble; make sound as of undersized leg in rainboot rumble with a rumble v.i. rumble; make sound (as) of thunder, heavy cr 199 see ekere (same as kpúmée) (same as kpúkelée) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 u kpururúukpururú u kpurúu kpusúu kpusúu kpusúumọ kputukputu kputukputúmọ kpútukúu kpútukúumọ kpúturu kpúturuyọ kputurú n. excl. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. v.t. kpúu1 kpúu1 kpúumọ1 kpúu2 kpúu2 kpúumọ kpúu3 v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. n. kpuwáa v.i. kpuwáa kpuwáamọ kpuwáakpuwáa n. adv. v.i. kpuwáakpuwáa kpú ̣kéẹ̣ kpú ̣kéẹmọ ̣ kpú ̣kẹléẹ̣ kpú ̣kẹléẹmọ ̣ kpú ̣kpọ kpụkpó ̣ n. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. kpụkpụ kpụkpụ kpụkpú ̣mọ kpú ̣kpụrú ̣ụ kpú ̣kpụrú ̣ụmọ kpụkụkpụkú ̣ kpụkụkpụkú ̣ kpụkụkpụkú ̣mọ kpú ̣kụlú ̣ụ v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. kpú ̣kụlú ̣ụmọ kpú ̣méẹ̣ adv. a. kpú ̣méemọ ̣ kpú ̣ngụlú ̣ụ kpú ̣ngụlú ̣ụmọ kpụráa adv. a. adv. v.i. cart, air in bowels, etc. rumble an abuse, insult puncture; prick; pierce puncture with a puncture dirty; foul; unclean; unchaste; soiled dirtily dirty dirtily be rumpled, wrinkled, creased sprain; wrench rumple; wrinkle; crease (fabric, garment, face, etc.); sprain, wrench (ankle, wrist) explode explosion with heavy explosion fall with a thud thud with a heavy fall flatulence; state of having gas in the alimentary canal; constipation thrash; beat with stick or whip or hand; spank; beat the waves heavy thrashing; beating; whipping; spanking with a spank keep beating or thrashing; keep beating the waves; make way against wind or tide continuous beating, thrashing small and stunted in a small and stunted way slim but not stunted (e.g. of child) in a slim, but not stunted way be loosened disentangle; extricate; loosen; strip off, unfasten; untie; untwist; unmask; unravel knock on door knock with a knock stunted (e.g. of person or tree) in a stunted way rattle lightly light rattle with a light rattle small (by comparison with larger objects of same kind) in a comparatively small way pigeon-breasted (of small person); rounded (of unweaned child’s stomach) in a pigeon-breasted way; in a rounded way small and roundish in a small roundish way thud (of small objects) 200 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kpụráamọ kpụráịn kpụráịn kpụráịnmọ kpú ̣rụkéẹ̣ kpú ̣rụkéẹmọ ̣ kpụrụkú ̣kpụrụkụ adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. kpụrụkú ̣kpụrụkụ mọ kpụrú ̣rụkpụrú ̣rụ kpụrú ̣rụkpụrú ̣rụm ọ kpụrụrú ̣ụkpụrụrú ̣ ụ kpụrụrú ̣ụkpụrụrú ̣ ụ kpụrụrú ̣ụkpụrụrú ̣ ụmọ kpụsú ̣ụ adv. with a light thud chink; twang chink; twang with a chink or twang small (of person, especially child) in a small way crunching (e.g. of gravel); clinking (e.g. of tightly-packed beads) crunchingly; clinkingly v.i. adv. hang trailing behind; straggle in rear in a trailing manner v.i. rumble; purr n. rumble; purr adv. with a small rumble; with a purr v.i. kpụsú ̣ụ kpụsú ̣ụmọ kpú ̣tụ kpú ̣tụmọ kpú ̣tụkpú ̣tụ kpú ̣tụkpú ̣tụ kpú ̣tụkpú ̣tụ kpú ̣tụkpú ̣tụmọ kpụwáa n. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. kpụwáa kpụwáamọ kpụwáakpụwáa n. adv. v.i. kpụwáakpụwáa kpụwáị n. excl. puncture; prick; pierce; punch; strike with light blow puncture with a slight puncture, punch or light blow compact; closely packed together compactly fizzy; sputtering fizz; fizzle; make sputtering sound fizz; fizzle; sputter with a fizz thrash, beat with stick or whip or hand, lightly or sharply; beat the waves lightly beating with a light beating keep beating or thrashing lightly; keep beating the waves continuous light beating Serves you right! L. lá1 v.t. A. reach; get as far as; attain to; arrive at (specified point or object of destination); succeed in affecting either simply or with the hand or instrument or missile or influence lá láwọrio láya n. excl. v.t. kirí la tịḅị lá v.p. v.p. act of reaching or attaining serve you right! you deserve to be ill-treated! come into contact with one another; (euphemism) come together (of man and woman) ‘reach ground’; fall; die be of age 201 á dí-ene láté ̣ it has reached my birthday; ịnị ḍirímị íb ̣ ̣ara láté ̣ your letter has reached me (lit. my hand) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 lá1 lá1 a. lá1 n. lágha a. lamó1̣ lá1 adv. lamó2̣ v.t. tíọ̣ la1 ye ékị ̣ lamó ̣ yelá1 lá1 phr. v.p. a. lá1 tíọ̣ la2 tóḅ ̣ara la yelá2 B. meet; satisfy; be adequate; suffice; be enough; be sufficient sufficient; sufficing; adequate; enough; competent adequacy; sufficiency; enough; competence; competency inadequate; insufficient; not enough; not sufficing sufficiently; adequately C. concern; relate to; affect succeed in affecting or hitting with missile or instrument where does it affect you? wound wounded D. be equal to (person or thing in quality, number etc.) E. amount to; come to; be equivalent to how much is the cost? how much is the cost? precious; important; dear; costly; of great non-material worth; high-priced F. happen to; come upon phr. phr. a. lá1 lá2 v.aux ought (expressing duty, rightness, shortcoming, advisability, or strong possibility) láa1 láa1 láamọ mịé ̣ láamọ laa2 láḅaraláḅara lagá lagilagí lágịlágị lágịlágịmọ lagịlagí ̣ lagịlagímọ lágụlọ láịláị a. n. adv. v.p. n. adv. n. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. n. a. láịláị láịláịkụmọ n. n.m.f . adv. n. a. pale; pallid; anaemic; wan paleness; pallor palely; pallidly; wanly etiolate; make pale liver anyhow; indiscriminately; promiscuously needle (rare) raw and blood-red be restless; throb restlessly; with a throb intense; violent (sun) intensely, violently gall; bile; gall-bladder nonsensical; heinous; idious; atrocious; hateful; promiscuous nonsense villain; scoundrel; rascal láịláịmọ lala lalálala lálaḅá h nonsensically black sedimentary mud muddy algae; slime on top of water 202 í ḷ aghá (it) does not concern me e.g. ye í ḷ átẹ ẹḅẹḅáa if anything should happen to me ị mịé ̣ la you ought to have done; ị mịé ̣ la (fa) I don’t blame you (i.e. it’s not your fault cf. ḅịtégbeinye ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 láligbóo lapụlapú ̣ lapụlapú ̣mọ lé a. a. adv. v.t. lée a. léemọ léelée léeléemọ leferé leferemó ̣ léferée léferéemọ légberée legilegí léke adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. a. adv. a. a. n. léke fẹngụ lekée lekéemọ v.p. v.i. adv. lékeléke lékelékemọ léketée léketéemọ leketélekete leketéleketéemọ lekulélekulé lekulélekulémọ lelégi lelegí a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. lelegimó ̣ lelegimó ̣ tụa lélúu lélúumọ lepulepú lepulepu-áye lepulepúmọ léu lé ̣ lé1̣ lé2̣ n. v.p. a. adv. a. adv. a. v.t. v.i. v.i. lẹmó ̣ lédị ̣ 1 lédị ̣ 2 légẹ ̣ légẹ ̣ inengi légẹ ̣ loló légẹ ̣ nẹmú ̣ légẹ ̣ v.t. n. n. v.t. n. v.p. v.p. v.p. fatless (of fish) succulent; immature succulently spy; keep close and secret watch (upon person, movements etc., into secrets etc); peep into fast; rapikd; quick-moving; sPeedy; swift (of motion) rapidly; swiftly (of motion) unsteady unsteadily fleet; glide away; be transitory; move swiftly cause to move swiftly fleeting fleetingly naked; bare; nude; unclothed; undraped raw and slimy-looking swing; seat slung by ropes or chains for swinging swing (a swing) be swung toppling over; swoopingly (of birds); with a swing unsteady; restless unsteadily; restlessly high; situated far above ground or sea-level far up; aloft waver; oscillate unsteadily; becom unsteady waveringly slimy; jelly-like slimily be identified, distinguished or recognised distinguish; discern; see the difference between; identify; recognise; know mark; sign; indication; badge; symbol; seal mark; make a mark on (thing) calm; quiet; waveless wavelessly; calmly curdy; in curds curds, coagulated substance in curds calm, quiet; waveless beat; flog; hit; kick; lam; lash; strike; thrash bluster; storm boisterously (of person etc.) palpitate; pulsate; throb with more than usual force or rapidity (of heart, bosom, temples) strike; beat; drive; hammer (as with hammer) lead metal dull and lazy person (slang) feign; stimulate; pretend pretence; simulation pretend deafness simulate indignation feign madness 203 cf. léelée cf. lée e.g. as raw oyster cf. lẹpụlepú ̣ cf. léụ ̣ from English lead Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 obí légẹ ̣ lẹgé ̣ légí ̣ ị̣ légí ̣ ̣ ịmọ lẹgịlẹgị lẹgímọ ̣ v.p. n.m. a. adv. v.i. v.t. feign sickness dagger; knife low; not high (esp. of seat) in a low position diminish; lessen (of heat, fire or pain) feign; invent (excuse, story); simulate; pretend lẹgímó ̣ ̣ye lẹgịmó ̣ lẹkẹlẹké1̣ lẹkẹlẹké1̣ lẹkẹlẹkémọ ̣ 2 lẹkẹlẹké ̣ lẹkẹlẹkémọ ̣ lékẹté ẹ ̣ lékẹté emọ ̣ ̣ lẹkụlẹlẹkụlé ̣ lẹkụlẹlẹkụlémọ ̣ lẹlé ̣ lélú ̣ ̣ụ n. v.t. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. a. lélú ̣ ̣ụmọ lẹpúlẹpú ̣ lẹpúlẹpú ̣mọ léụ̣ léụmọ ̣ ligbó ligbó ḅara líkolíko adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. n.phr . v.i. pretence; simulation deceive; delude; beguile; bamboozle; hoax thirsty; feeling thirst feel thirst; be thirsty thirstily thin; lean; not plump thinly gaunt and tired in a gaunt, tired way slimy slimily allure; decoy; entice; lure low; loaded (of boat) not elevated (in geographical position etc) with slow motion (as heavily laden boat) slimy; not hard (of coconut) slimily calm; quiet; waveless calmly; wavelessly kind of tree that yields wild rubber (as bitter as) ligbó líkóo likóo likóomọ líkoto líkotóomọ lịa líáa ̣ líáa ̣ líáamọ lịgịlịgí ̣ lịgịlịgímọ ̣ lịká ló1 v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. n. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. n. v.t. ló2 n. loḅiáaloḅiáa loḅiáaloḅiáamọ loḅuloḅú loḅuloḅúmọ lóḅúu v.i. adv. a. adv. a. dangle; hover about; be suspended and sway to and fro hang hang; downward droop with a downward droop hang down with a downward droop broom made from palm frond slim; of small girth; slender be slim slimly; slenderly strict; tense; not lax strictly dust;earth reclaim; win back from savagery or waste condition mark on each yard length of real india or some other cloth hover about; become restless in agony restlessly luxuriant; exuberant; profuse of growth exuberantly lush; luxuriant (esp. of leaves) 204 e.g. ó obi ékị ̣ lẹgímọtẹ ‘he ̣ feigned sickness and did not come’ cf. lepulepú cf. léu Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 lóḅúumọ lódíi lódímọ lodó lókotóo lókotóomọ lókpóo loló2 adv. a. adv. n. a. adv. a. v.i. lolomó ̣ lóo lóo v.t. a. v.i. lóomọ ló adv. v.t. ló ̣boró ̣ọ ló ̣boró ̣ọmọ ló ̣gọló ̣ọ ló ̣gọló ̣ọmọ lọgụlọgú ̣ lọgụlọgú ̣mọ ló ̣ị ló ̣ịmọ lọkó ̣ a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. lọkó ̣ v.i. lọkọ-irú lọkó ̣lọkọ lọkọmó1̣ n. a. adv. lọkọmó2̣ v.t. lọkọtuḅó odúlọkọ odúlọkọ tuḅolọkó ̣ ló ̣kọtó ̣ọ ló ̣kọtó ̣ọmọ ló ̣kpọ n. a. n. a. a. adv. v.i. ló ̣kpọọmọ pisí ló ̣kpó ̣ọ lọlí ̣ adv. v.p. v.t. fo luxuriantly empty; fatless; unproductive emptily gall; typical bitter substance ungracefully lean and tall in an ungracefully lean and tall way mature; heavy; dense develop; grow; increase (fast), (of plants, ulcers, etc.) quicken; stimulate; accelerate growth steadfast; intent; fixed (of look) look fixedly with eyes wide open (at, upon); stare steadfastly; intently; fixedly coat with clay or plaster; daub; smear; plaster; bedaub flabby; flaccid; limp (especially of buttocks) limply lanky; hanging loose (of strands) in a lanky way; in a loose-hanging way pendulous; suspended pendulously calm (of sea); lush (of grass, etc.) calmly easy; not difficult; not stiff; soft; wanting in hardness; lithe; flexible; supple; tender; not rough; not coarse; not tough; not hard; feeble; weak; infirm; wanting in force; balmy; mild; not astringent; non-alcoholic; mellow; easily wounded; delicate; loose; not compact or dense; slack; sluggish; remiss; inactive; relaxed; weary; lacking vigour languish; grow feeble; lose vitality; shrivel (of leaf, etc.) soft drink soft; loose; mellow easily, softly, tenderly; feebly; weakly; mildly; delicately; wearily; loosely; cheaply, etc. ease; make easy; relax; slacken; weaken; enfeeble; enervate; loosen; cheapen; reduce speed of cheap price; low price weary; tired tiredness; dullness, etc. cheap; inexpensive; of low cost languid; nerveless; weak languidly droop; hang down, as in weariness; be dripping; be very wet droopingly be dripping wet massage; rub; press joints and muscles of body with hand to stimulate their action; iron (linen) with flat iron 205 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 lọlí ̣ ló ̣lịkí ̣ ló ̣lịkí ̣ ló ̣píịmọ ̣ lọpó ̣ n. n. a. lọsí ̣ luáa luáamọ luáaluáa n. a. adv. v.i. luáaluáamọ adv. luamúu luamúumọ lụgú ̣ lụgú ̣ḅịa lụgú ̣pembu lụgú ̣n.-tịn a. adv. n. n. n. n. lúkáin lúkáinmọ luké lúkpáa a. adv. n. adj lúkpáamọ lúlu lúorúu lúorúumọ lúu lúumọ luu lụáalụáa lụáalụáamọ lú ̣atáa lú ̣atáamọ luéẹ̣ luéẹmọ ̣ luéẹlué ẹmọ ̣ ̣ lụgá adv. n. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adj adv. a. adv. vi.i adv. adv. n. lú ̣gbáa lú ̣gbáamọ lụgbáị a. adv. v.i. lụgbáịmọ lụgịlíị adv. a. pendulous; hanging down pendulously heavy fleece on chest (esp. of odugbaná) long and drooping (esp. of leaf or breast); pendulous droopingly buffoon; idiot; imbecile; nitwit sheepish; bashful sheepishly; bashfully foolish (of person’s act) foolishly dartle; keep on dartling similar to luáaluáa, but of smaller objects as luáaluáamọ, but of smaller objects having lashlike appendage with lashlike appendage move away quietly quietly; calmly peacefully; quietly space between first wall-plate and outer wallplate in native houses dauby; smeared in a smeared manner flop; make dull sound of soft body falling from higher up with such soft fall nerveless; feeble lụgịlíimọ ̣ lụgú ̣ lụgú ̣ alalụgú ̣ lụgú ̣bein lụgú ̣ gbein adv. nervelessly n. n. n.m. n. n. v.p. fr b cr fr t massage; press or pressing; rub or rubbing rowlock; tholepin flabby; flaccid; limp limply frill; lappet; small addition of meat to normal share one yard (of cloth) sheepish sheepishly plough way through (e.g. tall grass); swing majestically (e.g. of nama luké) with a movement of ploughing one’s way through, or of swinging majestically (of hair, leaf, etc.) long and luxuriant luxuriantly oil-palm fruit weaver-bird oil palm frond oil palm, ‘palm tree’ oil palm fruit oil palm (tree) “king” oil palm oil palm bunch pluck out palm head 206 Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Palmae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 lụgụ-ímgbọ ̣ ẹngẹlụgụ itukulụgụ óḅilólolụgụ lụgụ1 lụgụ2 lụgụama lụgụ gbá lụgúḅ ̣ia n. n. n. n. v.t. n. a. v.p. n.m. lú ̣kéin ̣ lú ̣kéinmọ ̣ lú ̣kẹtée lú ̣kẹtéemọ lú ̣kọ lụkọ lụkọ lú ̣kpáa a. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. n. a. lú ̣kpáa lú ̣kpáamọ lú ̣la v.i. adv. n. lú ̣la dẹ lú ̣lakíị v.p. a. lú ̣lakíimọ ̣ lúụmaíṇ lụó ̣ọ adv. n. v.i. lụó ̣ọ lụó ̣ọmọ lú ̣ụlú ̣ụ lú ̣ụlú ̣ụmọ n. adv. adj adv. M. má1 má1 num. n. ma ánga farímọ ̣ má ḅẹlẹụ tụá a.p. a.p. má ḅịḅị tụá mádụtịḅị(-obi) a.p. n.m. s ma-ótumo n.m. i ma ọndé ̣ má tịḅị tụa má tọrụ tụa mési má2 num. a.p. a.p. num. fem. dem. b oil palm fruit mantled palm fruit tenara palm fruit yellow palm fruit eat (palm fruit) e.g. lụgú ̣ lụgụ myth; tale; purely fictitious narrative mythological; fictitious tell a tale weaver-bird sp. Ploceus sp. (cf. álụgụbị́ ya; ̣ íguegele) languid; lacking vigour languidly languid; inert languidly feel biting sensation in an ulcer; smart chew (a stick or bone) chewing-stick; chewstick hanging limply or loosely (of something smaller) hang limply; slouch limply short stick placed across road for hauling log, etc. spread such sticks limp; wanting in energy; lacking vigour; languid limply; languidly anchor slouch; droop; go or stand or sit with loose ungainly attitude slouch in a drooping manner eager; intent (of looks) eagerly; intently wp double; twin; two; twofold couple; brace; pair; twin; two (used as adjective in N embe) double-edged or two-edged (of sword, knife) two- or double-tongued; fork-tongued (of reptiles) double-barrelled (of gun) amphisbaenid snake; fabled snake with head at each end insect sp. found in books and boxes; silverfish eight hundred two-headed two or double-faced forty this 207 = dú ̣tịḅịdú ̣tịḅị Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 má3 -ma1 -ma2 máa máịn máịnkaramọ máịn mịẹ máịnmịẹ maíṇ maịnmó ̣ máịnbe a. m.a. fem. def.a rt. n. num. & n. a. adv. v.p. n. v.i. v.t. conj. mama mamba mamba2 v.i. adv. v.i. adv. dem. & dem. pron. n. n. n. mamíwọta1 n. mamíwọta2 manda n.f. a. malú ̣ụ malú ̣ụmọ malú ̣ụmalú ̣ụ malú ̣ụmalú ̣ụmọ máma mandamó ̣ mánga manga manga-anga mangaḅọ mangaḅó ̣ẹrịgha mangamó ̣ mangaláa mangaláamọ mángiríi mángiríimọ mangí ̣ n. adv. n.m. a. v.i. n. n. n.m.f . n. v.t. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. these (things) the (feminine) tó ̣gụ ‘child’, tó ̣gụma ‘the girl’ suffix used to form definite plural of nonpersonal nouns; e.g. child’s name for mother; mum; mama two indí ‘fish’, indíma ‘fishes’ second secondly have hallucination(s); see double hallucination disappear; vanish; cease to be visible cause to vanish or disappear if; on condition that; e.g. move swiftly; flash with a flash move very swiftly with a very swift movement these (things) tr i wt child’s name for mother flat but thick log or stone for cracking kernels oblong lead rods formerly packed and sold in kegs, used in manufacturing of shot balls called "sara" faints; impure spirit coming over at end of distillation mermaid; a water-spirit ductile; malleable; plastic; pliable; pliant; lithe; supple; flexible malleability; plasticity; pliability; ductility plastically; pliantly biting insect blind be blind; go blind blindness blind side; (fig.) wrong side blind person fine rain; drizzle make blind fleeting disappear; be lost; fleet away fleetingly plump; fat; full; rounded plumply run; abscond; bolt; flee; elope; desert 208 ó ḅo maịnbe ‘if he comes’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 mangí ḅ ̣ ọgọ n. v.p. mangímọ ̣ mangịmó ̣ mangípigíaye ̣ mángolóo mángolóomọ mánị v.t. v.t. n. a. adv. adv. manrambaị n. ḅọgọtẹ manrambaị ḅoyo manrambaị deḅí manrambaị mányamánya mányamányamọ mapóo mapóomọ mapúu n.p. n.p. n.p. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. n. n.m. v.i. mapúumọ mapúumapúu mapúumapúumọ masínị ̣ masínịḅọ ̣ máụn1 n. máụnmọ adv. running; speed in running; escape A. run away B. run very well; run to much run to or towards hide away from; allow to escape race concave; sunken; hollow concavely; hollowly A. yet; so far; in the immediate future; so soon as now B. before previous to time in question; in the past. Note: Both the foregoing uses occur in a negative context; e.g. day before yesterday, or the day after tomorrow day before yesterday day after tomorrow non-existent date; day that will never come faint; indistinct faintly; indistinctly flabby; flaccid; limp limply throb; palpitate; pulsate throb; palpitation; pulsation throbbingly throb continuously with continuous throbbing sewing-machine merchant prince be shocked at (something heard); e.g. shock; impact; sudden and disturbing mental impression shockingly 209 á mánị fịghá ‘I have not yet eaten’, or ‘I won’t eat now’. To differentiate them, the former has the word wó ̣kụna meaning ‘now’, added after mánị; and the latter has the words dịn ifié meaning ‘another time’ added after mánị. See following examples: á mánị wó ̣kụna fịghá ‘I won’t eat now (or yet)’ á mánị dịn ifié fịghá ‘I haven’t eaten yet (or already)’ or ‘I’ve never eaten (that)’ odú ghọ máụn, lit. "shocked on body", i.e. deeply shocked Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 máụn2 ḿbịsẹ = mí-bịsẹ ̣ ḿḅụ = mí-ḅụ ̣ meín -mein mékulée mékuléemọ melúu v.i. n. conj. adv. pers. m.a. pers. a. adv. v.i. n. melúumọ menú menúye adv. v.t. n. méranméran a. méranméran méranméranmọ merému merémumọ merému-oki meremú1 meremumó ̣ meremú2 v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. n. v.t. v.t. v.t. meremú2 n. meremuḅió mérenée mérenéemọ mérengíi mérengíimọ m’ési m’ésikaramọ méun méunmọ mé ̣ mẹmó ̣ méẹ̣ méẹmọ ̣ mẹẹ méẹn ̣ n. a. adv. a. adv. num. a. & adv. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. a. adv. adv. a. méẹn ̣ méẹnmọ ̣ mẹnmó ̣ v.i. adv. v.t. mew; miaow cry of cat; mew; miaow ‘since’ ‘as soon as’ these (people) the (people) toothless in a toothless manner dart; start rapidly in some direction under water dart or sudden rapid motion of fish under water with a dart pin screen with menúye short, sharpened stick used for fastening screen on to upright when damming creek light in complexion; starting to be ripe or mellow become ripe or mellow ripely; mellowly supine; lying face upward lie face upward supinely back-stroke turn face upward turn palm upward; turn anything inside out admit; accept as valid or true; acknowledge; agree; answer; avow; confess; believe; own admission; acceptance; acknowledgement; agreement; answer; reply; avowal faith; belief sleepy; drowsy sleepily; drowsily habitually indolent; slothful; lazy slothfully; indolently two score; forty; 40 fortieth; in the fortieth place (e.g. of ọga or soldiers) move slowly in close-packed formation moving slowly in close formation dissolve; become liquid dissolve; make liquid slow; stealthy; secret slowly; stealthily until lukewarm; moderately warm; tepid; slightly warm become tepid lukewarmly; tepidly make tepid 210 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 méngẹlẹ ̣ méngẹlé ẹ̣ ̣ méngẹlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ mẹngụrú ̣ mẹngụrú ̣ mẹngụrú ̣mọ mẹnịmẹní ̣ mẹnịmẹní ̣ mẹnịmẹnị-íru mẹnịmẹnímọ ̣ mẹnịmẹnịmó ̣ mẹnmẹn mẹnménmọ ̣ mérẹngú ̣ ̣ụ mẹrẹngú ̣ụmọ mẹrú ̣nmẹrú ̣ụn mẹrú ̣nmẹrú ̣ụn mẹrú ̣ụ mẹrú ̣ụmọ mésẹlé ̣ ẹ̣ mésẹlé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ métẹré ̣ ẹ̣ méụn ̣ 1 v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.t. & i. v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. n. n. adv. v.t. v.i. v.t. a. adv. n. v.i. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. n.m. méụn ̣ 2 méụnmọ ̣ mẹụn mẹụnḅará míkimíki a. adv. n. a. v.i. milipúu mílolíi mílolíimọ miná1 v.i. a. adv. n.m. méẹnmé ẹn ̣ ̣ méẹnmé ẹnmọ ̣ ̣ mẹkẹsú ̣ụ mẹlẹsú ̣ụmọ mélị́ ị̣ mélị́ ịmọ ̣ mélụmé lụ ̣ ̣ 1 mélụmé lụ ̣ ̣ 1 mélụmé lụ ̣ ̣ 1 1 mélụmé lụmọ ̣ ̣ 2 mélụmé lụ ̣ ̣ 2 mélụmé lụmọ ̣ ̣ mẹlú ̣ụ mẹlú ̣ụ mẹlú ̣ụmọ méṇ ménmọ ̣ ménẹ ̣ move gently and slowly moving gently and slowly disappear; be lost; fleet; slip away fleetingly thorough; complete thoroughly; completely medlesome meddle; busy oneself unduly with meddlesomeness meddlesomely flicker; wave to and fro (as serpents’ tongue) flickeringly flash; move swiftly across flash; swift movement across with a flash gentle; quiet gently; softly say; said i tr develop; increase; become bigger grown-up; huge; large; big; heavy; unwieldy unwieldily; heavily move briskly sudden or quick movement with a brisk movement luscious; richly sweet in taste; sugary; sweet sweetness soft drink (lit. "sweet drink") lusciously sugar; sweeten become tepid make tepid dull; slow-moving; sluggish dully; sluggishly sensation as of ants crawling over the skin feel such crawling sensation; tingle flicker; flirt; move briskly flickeringly flat; horizontal; level; plane flatly; levelly; horizontally very small; tiny; paltry small red ant, very slow moving, found on food and sweets smooth; well-trimmed; not pitted smoothly honey mellifluous; sweet as honey (of even voice) commune; hold intimate intercourse together; communicate wriggle as larva; heave smooth; free from projections smoothly box-like seat for traditional priests, etc.; box for storing certain traditional property 211 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 miná2 v.t. sound a trumpet; miná3 v.i. ache; fester; rankle; e.g. mindí n. mindí-agbọpẹlẹbọ́ ̣ mindí-agbọpẹlẹḅọ mindí-apụn mindíḅileḅọ mindíḅio mindi-ébi mindi-élẹgẹlẹ ̣ mindí fa mindi-íderi mindí ịkagị n. n. n. n.m. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. water; kind of liquid; tide; periodical rise and fall of sea; sap; vital juice circulating in plants sea horse sea horse unidentified fish sp. resembling roundworm diver under water good tide for fishing, usually neap tide large catfish sp. found in streams ebb; recede fall of flood turtle spp. mindí koro mindíkoroḅịtẹ mindíkọn mindímindi mindímọndịagbaka mindi-óḅolịa v.p. n.m. n.m. a. n. s n.m. f snake eel sp. (‘striped snake eel’, ‘serpent eel’); moray eel (‘moray or painted eel’) mindi-ófoni n.m. f flying fish; butterfly ray mindi-ógboro n.m. f fish sp.; barracuda mindi-okoko n. r hawksbill turtle mindí ságị mindí sára v.p. v.p. mindísei mindítugu abadímindi ̣ alámindi bouboumindí ḍaḅamindí ḍọụḍọụmindí ebimindí n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. furumindí n. ikpekumindí indomindí n. n. f f f mt f mt r mt mt mt mt mt mt mt e.g. odú mina ‘show signs of possession by deity’ andí dụ ̣ mina ‘have a headache’; ịnọ mina ‘a wound rankles’ Hippocampus spp. Hippocampus spp. order Siluriformes West African black forest turtle, Pelusios nigre, and West African mud turtle, P. castaneus bathe in water towel; bathing-cloth black snake watery; juicy; sappy; succulent rainboot have or take a bath become seasoned (of wood); slightly smoked (of fish bad tide for fishing, usually spring tide source of a river sea-tide salt water fresh or sweet water lake or pond water cold water clean water; good tide for fishing, usually neap tide time of last and first quarters of moon when nights are very dark ice; water with frozen surface milk 212 family Ophichthidae; family Muraenidae. cf. ongorí1 family Exocoetidae; Gymnura spp. Sphyraena spp. cf. ḍọrọ, ogborokílo Eretmochelys imbricata Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ịyó ̣mindi kalamindí koromindí kụrọmindí opumindí osuómindi ọfịrímindi ̣ ọmó ̣mindi pígirimindi semindí n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. serimindi sụọmindí tọrụmindí tuḅomindí tụḅụrụmindí míngilimíngili n. n. n. n. n. a. v.i. mt mt mt mt mt míngoliḅa-angala n. t minikíi v.i. mínimíni n. v.i. mínimínimọ mínimíniḅasan míomío míomíomọ míoríi mipúu mipúumọ mipúumipúu mipúumipúumọ miyé adv. n.m. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. n. mizilí1 mizilímọ mizilí2 mizilimó ̣ mí ̣ v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. neut. dem. a. mí ḅ ̣ ara adv.p . adv.p . adv. mína ̣ karagha mínẹ ̣ mt mt mt mt mt mt mt mt b favourable tide neap tide; small tide bath current (of water) spring-tide; spate rainwater hot water ebb tide whirlpool bad water; bad tide for fishing; water from ulcer; wound or dead tissue flow or full tide spring tide sea or river water well-water unfavourable tide vermicular; like a worm in movement slither; slide unsteadily; go with irregular slipping motion red mangrove heave; rise with alternate gentle falls (as waves) heaving; swelling (of waves) glide; move, change, colour, by smooth continuous slow movement (of liquid, ship, carriage, snake, chameleon changing colour) glidingly fish-eating bird (unidentified) oily; covered with oil oilily long-faced throb; palpitate; pulsate; heave throb; palpitation; heave throbbingly; with a heave throb or heave in succession throbbing continuously mangrove mildew; be tainted with mildew; taint disappear; vanish cause to vanish this; the thing (common and neuter nouns) close at hand or touched or pointed to or drawn attention to or observed by speaker at the time, or already named or understood or in question; seldom interchangeable with aní;̣ current this way; this wise; thus; so; accordingly; ditto; likewise rather than this inasmuch as; since; because 213 Rhizophora harisonii Laguncularia racemosa Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 -mị neut. def.a rt. -mị mịé ̣ v.t. mịéḅọ ̣ mịé ̣ ḍẹrí ̣ n.m.f . v.p. mịéḍẹrí ye ̣ ̣ n. mịé ̣ ḍụḅamó ̣ mịẹ ébimó ̣ v.p. v.p. mịẹ-égbẹye ̣ mịé ̣ koríamọ ̣ mịémọ ̣ mịénafía ̣ n. v.p. v.t. a. mịé ̣ pagamọ v.p. mịé ̣ seimó ̣ mịéseimó ̣ ̣ mịéseíya ̣ v.p. a. adv. mịé ̣ toí mịétoíye ̣ mịéye ̣ míịmí ̣ ị̣ v.p. n. n. v.i. n. v.i. n adv. a. adv. neut. dem. pron. v.i. n. a. mịlịpú ̣ụ mịlịpú ̣ụmọ mílọlí ̣ ị̣ mílọlí ̣ ịmọ ̣ mímị ̣ míngịrị ̣ míngịrịmí ngịrị ̣ ̣ v.i. n. míngịrịmí ngịrịmọ ̣ ̣ mínị ̣ adv. v.i. A. the (of most things or of common nouns); e.g. warímị ̣ ‘the house’; tó ̣gụmị ‘the child’ B. the fact that; e.g. ó ḅomị wa ḅio ḅẹlẹmó ̣ ‘the fact that he came made us happy’ do; make; accomplish; fulfil; perform; effect; bring about; cause to be; produce; manufacture; influence; induce; construct; frame; prepare; establish; enact; constitute; amount to; gain; acquire (money); dress sore doer; maker; performer mock; hold up to ridicule; ridicule by imitation; deride; sneer; scoff at mockery; derision; scoff; object of ridicule; laughing stock; travesty magnify; enlarge A. amend; make better; correct an error (in document) B. (in a bad sense) punish properly duty worth doing correct; amend; set right do unto; bestow upon worthy of being done; suitable or proper to be done invent; devise; reveal indirectly; give the show away err; sin; make mistake guilty perhaps; possibly; it may be; (lit. "doing badly") take in vain; mimic travesty something to do; handiwork; doing; deed smile; grin smile; grin make peristaltic movement peristalsis of the anus (move) peristaltically slender and smooth slenderly and smoothly this (singular and impersonal) turn quickly or smartly (of eyes) quick turn(ing) (of eyes) delirious; hallucinatory; insane; mad; senseless; lunatic be lunatic; insane delirium; hallucination; insanity; madness; lunacy deliriously; madly be absorbed; swallowed 214 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 míọlí ̣ ị̣ míọlí ̣ ịmọ ̣ mịọmịó ̣ mịọmịó ̣mọ míọrí ̣ ị̣ míọrí ̣ ịmọ ̣ mịọríị̣ mịọríịmọ ̣ mítịmí ̣ tị̣ mítịmí ̣ tịmọ ̣ móndoróo a. adv. v.t. adv. n. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. móndoróomọ adv. móronmóron móronmóronmọ móronóo a. adv. a. móronóomọ adv. -mọ1 suf. absorbent; absorptive absorbently absorb; suck in; swallow up; gorge; gulp here; hither; in this place here; this place or point slender; thin (and long) slenderly; slimly thin, slim and sharp slimly but sharply small and emaciated (of person) in a small, emaciated way withdraw swiftly (e.g. of tongue of snake) withdrawing swiftly dirty; filthy dirtily; filthily long and smallish (of nose); sheepish (of looks) in a long and smallish way (of nose); sheepishly (of looks) slightly smoked and still partially fresh in a slightly smoked way tall and gaunt (of person); drowsy, sleepy (of face) in a tall gaunt way (of person); drowsily, sleepily (of face) suffix used to form causative verbs; e.g. -mọ2 suf. suffix used to form directional verbs; e.g. -mọ3 suf. suffix used to form adverbs; e.g. mó ̣kụ mọkú ̣fa adv. adv. mọkú ̣nẹ mọmbí ̣ mọmbó ̣ adv. v.t. n. mọmbọló ̣ mọndị n. v.i. in order that; so that not; (it is used always with the future suffix nyụ) in order that; to absorb; suck; drink like sponge midrib of leaf of raffia palms, both hookeri and vinifera floats on a drift net A. walk; make a journey; travel or go on foot; perambulate; stroll; move; make progress; go from place to place; saunter; (in net weaving) move (of a mesh) due to bad tightening walk; walking gait; journey; distance travelled in specified time; walk; excursion or foot; stroll; saunter; move or movement; expedition walk out stroll; walk about running mesh (of net) safe journey B. live as companions, friends, acquaintances, mínịmí nị ̣ ̣ mínịmí nịmọ ̣ ̣ mịní ̣ míọ̣ n. mọndị paga mọndị toí mọndịtọlụ ḍigi mọndíị̣ v.p. v.p. n. excl. v.i. tp fg 215 findimó ̣ ‘widen’; ebimó ̣ ‘beautify’; koromó ̣ ‘fell’ ḍorímọ ‘weave together’; korómọ ‘fall towards’ fíndimọ ‘widely’; ebimó ̣ ‘well, beautifully’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 lovers companionship; friendship; acquaintanceship; love female companion, friend, acquaintance or lover; concubine companion; friend; acquaintance; mate; stranger that one comes across (pl. mọndịongú) make friends, love male companion, friend, acquaintance; lover C. live with specified principle or in specified manner; e.g. n. mọndị-ara n.f. mọndíbọ ̣ n.m.f . mọndị mịé ̣ mọndị-oweí v.p. n.m. v.i. n. specified manner in which a person lives; principle by which person lives D. speed; go fast velocity; speed; quickness of motion E. (of machine, person, plan, etc.); work; operate; act; do appointed work; put or keep in operation; be engaged in work; e.g. v.i. n. v.t. mọndị ḅó mọndịfịrí ̣ mọndị kó ̣n mọndị pagamó ̣ mó ̣ngị n. v.p. n. v.p. v.p. n.m. f mó ̣ngịnị n.m. f mọngọlọmọngọlọ mọngọlọmọngọlọm ọ mó ̣ngọló ̣ọ mó ̣ngọló ̣ọmọ mó ̣nị a. adv. a. adv. v.t. mọnọ n. conj. mọrọn n.m. mu v.i. n. f fịrí mọndị ‘carry ̣ on operation’; ‘make effort’; só ̣mụ mọndị ‘solve (sum) by calculation’ operation; working; action work up; bring gradually to efficient state achievement; thing made engage in a trade work out dolphinfish; West African ladyfish [ten- Coryphaena sp.; pounder?] Elops lacerta mullet sp. (‘the soft-scaled mullet’) family Mugilidae. cf. abaraká, akú ̣rọ, ḅụọḅakalamọ, gbulu, ịdẹgé,̣ tunwan [ó ̣zọló ̣lị2?] willowy; slim; slender slimly slim; lithe and slender; willowy slimly covet; desire eagerly (what belongs to another) covetous; eagerly desirous (of another’s property covetousness or (in an interrogatory sentence); e.g. a. meremuḅio ghó mọndị ‘walk by faith’ fish sp.; horse mackerel depart; go; set out; start; leave; proceed; travel; journey departure; going out or back; exit 216 ị ḅonyú ̣ mọnọ érị ̣ ḅo? ‘will you come or should I come?’ (see under anígha) ̣ [Caranx spp.?] family Carangidae cf. ịkụtú ̣kụtụ, pélia Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 mulée n. mulé ḍosi mumbé mumbé tụa mumbeí v.p. n. v.p. n.m. múmbulúu múmbulúumọ mumere a. adv. n. mumere-ịḅọlọ ayeḅamumere múngele n.m. n. a. v.i. mungelemó ̣ n. v.t. múngu1 n. múngu tụa múngu2 mungu v.p. v.i. a. n. n. adv. n. a. adv. mungukiri mungumó ̣ munguyọ mungurúmunguru mungurúmunguru mọ munú munumó ̣ munúwei f i bm v.i. n. v.t. n.m. v.i. munúya n. múu mụmọ mụmọgbọlụ v.i. n. v.i. n. v.i. adv. v.i. n. n. n.m. la b mụmọsụgịrị n. wt mụkú ̣ụ mụkú ̣ụmụkú ̣ụ mụkú ̣ụmụkú ̣ụmọ mú ̣mbụrụ raised point from which a dive or plunge is taken take a dive or plunge mark made by local method of bloodletting make mark for letting blood fish sp.; snake-head plump; plumpy plumply dye; matter used for dyeing; shrub plant and fruit used for dyeing insect; cotton stainer mole; spot or blemish on human skin round; circular; spherical revolve; turn round and round; rotate; go in circular orbit circumference; distance round revolve; cause to turn round; rotate; make a circle swirl; commotion made by fish, etc., rushing through water swirl; cause such commotion be depressed hollow; having a depression hollowness hollow place; valley hollowly hollow place; valley; depression plump; plumpy plumply A. sleep; fall or be asleep sleep; rest cause to sleep bed; thing to sleep on B. cohabit; have sexual intercourse with; copulate; unite sexually cohabitation; coition; sexual copulation or union low; moo low(ing); moo(ing) stir; move stir; movement stir gently; heave gently with a gentle heave stir gently (especially while sleeping) gentle stir or movement sand-bank; shoal bird sp.; curlew species (common on sandbanks) late rains immediately following the fall of 217 Parachanna obscura. c= ágbagú ̣rụ, okoḅia Dysdercus spp. Numenius sp. (cf. abadị-ókolaịn; abadí-okolaịn; ̣ okolaín) ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 mụná n. mụna-ára mụnáḅọ n.f. n.m.f . k ers. n. k mụna-érema mụna-ówei k v.i. n. mụnụmụnú ̣ a. mụnụmụnú ̣mọ mụrẹnmụréṇ mụrẹnmụrénmọ ̣ mú ̣samú ̣sa mú ̣samú ̣samọ mú ̣séẹ̣ mú ̣séẹ̣ mú ̣séẹmọ ̣ adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. h (pl. mụna-óngu) sisters; female cousins brother; male cousin fraternize; associate as brother or sister or relation here; over here; move briskly with a brisk movement move about constantly with constant movement adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. mú ̣ndụ mụngụrụ mụngụrụmọ mụngụrụmụngụrụ mụngụrụmụngụrụ mọ mú ̣nrụn flood affinity; brotherhood; relations; kindred; relationship; fraternity; brotherliness sister relation; relative; beloved one fire-resisting plant and its black fruit (pl. mụnaóweiongu) cf. mí dụ ̣ also recorded as múrụn. Vitex grandifolia Gürke (of eyes) charming; captivating; bewitching; enticing charmingly (of fire) slow; not intense slowly (of painting) thin; not dauby or thick thinly grin; smile; smirk; show teeth in stupid smile grin; smile; smirk simperingly N. ná v.t. ná náya na n. v.i. part. hear; perceive with the ear; grant prayer; receive letter or message from act of hearing; perception with the ear hear one another; confer together; conspire A. with B. and na part. before: it is repeated alternately with the principal verb; e.g. náan náan nafíạ v.i. n. a. awake; cease to sleep; rouse from sleep state of being awake worth; deserving, worthy of; e.g. 218 e.g. ó na ḅóo ‘come with him’ e.g. orí na érị ̣ na ‘he and I’ ó ḅo na ḅo ná, wa ká ḅonyú ̣ ‘before he comes we too shall come’ mịé ̣ nafía; ̣ ‘worth doing’ ẹrị náfía; ̣ ‘worth seeing’ ná nafía; ̣ ‘worth hearing’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 appropriate; of sufficient worth or merit; e.g. nafíạ náịn a. náịnmọ naịn naịnmó ̣ nákaragha adv. v.i. v.t. adv. nákịríị̣ nama namaḅafụ namaḅakiri namaḅawarí ̣ namaḅụọ namakọrị-obiri nama-odu nama-otóngoi nama ọsọịn namasóbiri a. n.m. n. n. n. n. n. n. n.m. v.p. n. namatịnẹyaí ̣ nándụrụ v.i. nandụrú ̣mọ nándụrú ̣ụ nánga nangá v.t. a. v.i. v.t. nangáya nangụló ̣ or nángụọ náya v.t. a. v.i. née v.i. née néemọ néenée néenée néenéemọ nékenéke nékenéke nékenéke nékenékemọ nembé nembé kọn Nembe Nembeḅịḅị n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. v.p. n. n. aloft; high up; upward; excitant; moved to strong feeling excitedly; straight up get up (of penis) cause to be erect rather than; e.g. al da i bp fg f et et = níkịrí ̣ ị̣ animal; (neut.) meat or flesh pickle shambles; scene of carnage abattoir; slaughter-house footprints of beast; tracks; pug hound, hunting dog hide; leather; skin solitary wasp which frequents meat or fish hunt (for game) insult nerves; sinews; tendons shrivel; contract or wither into wrinkled, folded, rolled-up, contorted, or dried-up state shrivel shrivelled; contorted be trampled trample; tread underfoot; walk upon; press or crush with the feet (as lụgú ̣ nanga) trample one another long; tall hear one another; confer; take counsel; conspire; combine; concur, privily, for unlawful purpose reel (of eyes, head); be in a whirl; be dizzy; sway; stagger; swoon; have fainting fit reel; swoon; stagger reelingly; staggeringly reel; swoon; sway sway(ing); reel(ing); swoon swooningly; swayingly crazy; insane; mad; maniacal be mad; act madly craze; mania; madness; delirium; insanity crazily; maniacally; madly fishing method fish on or dam flat bank of river N embe people N embe language 219 bomó nafíạ ‘praiseworthy’; ḅé ̣ nafíạ ‘blameworthy’ aní nakaragha ̣ ‘rather than that’; mí nakarágha ̣ ‘rather than this’ literally "bad as dog" or "bush animal" or tụa Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 Nembenaịn Nemben’ebiwei néréun néréunmọ mịé ̣ néréunmọ néun néunmọ nẹ1 n.m.f . n. n.m. a. adv. v.t. a. adv. conj. nẹ2 nẹgú part. n. nẹmú ̣ nẹmú ̣ nẹmú ̣ nẹmú ̣mọ nẹmụmó ̣ nẹmú ̣ lẹgẹ nẹmú ̣lẹgẹ nẹmụsánga nẹngẹ a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.p. n. n.m. adv. nẹngẹnẹngẹ nẹngí ̣ adv. v.t. Nembeḅọ et person of the N embe clan et i range of the N embe language; vocabulary guinea-worm absorbed; hypnotized absorbedly hypnotize absorbed absorbedly because; since; inasmuch as; for the reason that that, which, who sea catfish sp. (‘the smallest sea catfish’) f insane; mad; lunatic mad; be mad; act wildly insanity; madness; lunacy madly make made fancy insanely insane fancy insect so; as appears or results from preceding or implied statement or fact; e.g. so A. beat; surpass; excel; outdo; e.g. nẹngí ̣ B. be above, at a higher point, on the upper side; e.g. nẹngí ̣ C. be more than (introducing second member of comparison); nẹngí ̣ nẹngíḅara ̣ nẹngịmó1̣ a. adv. v.t. & i. nẹngịmó2̣ n. nẹngịmó ̣ḅọ n.m.f . a. a. v.i. nẹngịmọ nẹngíya ̣ surpassing; excellent; pre-eminent surpassingly; excellently; pre-eminently conquer; defeat; overcome; overthrow; gain victory; triumph; be successful; prevail (over enemy); win; subdue; subjugate; vanquish conquest; defeat; success; overthrow; triumph; victory; subjugation; win victor; conqueror; vanquisher successful; victorious; triumphant not equal; unequal be unequal 220 Arius sp. cf. gbengu, ịsịngí, nẹngú ̣, ọtíọ,̣ sịngí ̣ nẹngẹ ó mughá so he did not go’ ḅẹrẹmị í nẹngịté ,̣ ̣ lit. "the case has surpassed me (in doing)", i.e. ‘the case has been too much for me’; ó í ̣ nẹngịghá ‘he does not beat me’ ó sógio í nẹngịté ̣ ̣ ‘he has risen above me’ e.g. ḅurú fị ábangá nẹngị ‘to eat yam more than plantain’; ẹrí nụngalá ị2@ ̣ nẹngí ‘you are ̣ taller than I’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 nẹngíyaghá ̣ nẹngíyamọ ̣ mịé ̣ nẹngíyamọ ̣ nẹngú ̣ a. adv. v.p. n.m. nghọ ními a. ními ními v.i. n. nímimọ adv. nimi v.t. nimighá nimiwọrị a. adv. nimíya nimíya ḍirinimi yenimi v.t. n. a. n. mịé ̣ nimimó ̣ -nimí v.p. suf. nínein nin’esí níneinkaramọ níneinkaramọ nin’ọndé ̣ níngala níngaláa num. a. a. adv. num. v.i. a. niní1 niní ḅọgọ niníkondu nini-ópogolo ninípanga niní2 niní kọn niníkọnḅọ n. v.p. n. n. n. v.t. v.p. n.m.f . a. n. adv. ninnín ninnín ninnínmọ f not unequal; equal unequally make unequal sea catfish sp. (‘the real sea catfish’; ‘longsnouted sea catfish; ‘rigid sea catfish’) contracted for of -mị ghọ discreet; judicious; prudent; sagacious; worldly-wise; circumspect; cautious; wary; taking everything into account; not speaking out at inopportune times; sensible be wise; get wise wisdom; sagacity; prudence; possession of knowledge discreetly; judiciously; prudently; sagaciously; wisely; warily; cautiously; sensibly know; identify; recognise; be aware of; be conscious of; feel; be acquainted with; experience; learn; sense; heed; be versed in unknown knowingly; in a knowing manner; consciously; intentionally be on intimate terms with; love acquaintance learned; literate knowledge; learning; familiarity gained by experience make known to be; used to express state or condition; e.g. bp bp bp bp eight one hundred and sixty eighth eighthly three thousand two hundred swell; distend swollen; distended (of limbs, caused by rheumatic pain) nose; organ or smell smell ridge of nose nostril wing of nostril punish (subordinate) unduly do murder; assassinate habitual murderer; assassin; assassinator numb; torpid numbness; torpidness numbly; torpidly 221 Arius sp. cf. gbengu, ịsịngí, nẹgú ̣, ọtíọ,̣ sịngí ̣ ebínimí ‘it is good’; ị ḅonimí yo? ‘are you here now?’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 mịé ̣ ninnínmọ ninóngo ninóngo níị̣ v.p. v.i. v.t. a. níị̣ níị̣ níịmọ ̣ nịịní ̣ nịịní ̣ nịịní ̣ nịịnímọ ̣ níkịrí ̣ ị̣ nịkọnịkó ̣ or níkó ̣ ̣ọ nịná nịná san pẹrẹnịná nịnásịnị nịnọ ńka v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. a. n. v.p. n. n. noin noinḅiri(ogbo) noindeaḅụ noin koru n. n. tr ers. v.t. noinkoru noinmó ̣ n. v.t. noinnama n.m. & rs. n. a. a. noin-ogbo nóngoróo nó ̣ bf bf fr adv. nó ̣ nó ̣ nó ̣ v.i. v.t. nó ̣ n. nó ̣gha nó ̣ghamo nó ̣mọ nó ̣ịn nó ̣ịnmọ nó ̣mbadáị a. adv. adv. a. a. n. nó ̣ndí ̣ v.t. benumb; torpidify; numb; stupefy commune; hold intimate intercourse together discuss; examine by argument tense; unrelaxed; strained to stiffness (of bowel nerves) become tense tenseness; tensity tensely tense; strained to stiffness become tense tenseness; tension tensely wasp-waisted (of waist) thin; slender and emaciated urine urinate semen fruits of the shrub ẹkụẹkụẹḅá (which see) see nụnọ also; too; even (cf. nịịní)̣ (cf. níị)̣ (contraction of mímị ̣ ka) night midnight roving night spirits keep lyke-wake or watch over dead body at night with lamentations and merry-making, before burial the next day lyke-wake; wake benight; overtake (of night) tr juju [??] h midnight very tall pungent; piquant; biting; pricking (to skin, taste, smell of pepper, snuff, sun, etc.); painful ache; suffer continuous or prolonged pain A. give rise to pain; inflict pain upon B. annoy, irritate, molest, harass, vex, exacerbate, exasperate, aggravate ache, pain, suffering, distress, pang, throes, anguish, agony painless painlessly pungently, piquantly, painfully faint, very thin faintly, thinly herb sp. suck, absorb 222 enemí ị́ noinmọ, ‘I ̣ was benighted’ (also mịé ̣ nọmó ̣ v.p.) Bryophyllum pinnatum. < English never-die Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 nó ̣ndí ̣ v.i. said of any person whose wraith or apparition is seen after death and can cause harm such act of roving of a wraith or apparition bad omen; marvel; miracle; mystery; wonder; amazement; portent; significant sign; prodigy; marvellous thing amaze; overwhelm with wonder; surprise; portend; foreshow, as omen fabled creature resembling man and ape that can be tamed; anthropoid ape; simian; any man with doubtful origin eclipse (of sun or moon); nó ̣ndí ̣ nọndọ n. n. nọndọ ékị ̣ ḅé ̣ v.p. nọndọ2 n.m. nọndọ3 n. nó ̣ngbọró ̣ọ nó ̣ụn -ń timí a. n. nu númo numó1 n.m. v.i. a. v.i. n. numófa numó famọ numomó2̣ numó numo1 a. v.p. v.t. n. n. numo2 n. song; hymn; chorus; music: e.g. numo pẹlẹ1 numo pẹlẹ2 numo sogio numo3 worínumo núngbáa núngbaláa nungú nungu ékị ̣ ḍigi nunú v.p. v.p. v.p. n. n. a. a. n. v.p. n. núu núumọ nú ̣a nú ̣a kule nú ̣akuleye nụngalá a. adv. n. v.p. n. a. stop or cut off singing join up in a song after a pause raise or start a song or hymn curse; reviling curse or reviling stiff and stubborn (e.g. of disobedient child) obstinate and uncooperative (e.g. of child) sideways look; leer; glance look askance at; view suspiciously; leer roots of pandanus used as rope for many purposes sheepish sheepishly general form of greeting; thanks; thank you render thanks thank-offering tall or long i al fg tp gawky tasty grub found in rotting raffia or oil palm (should, would) have; e.g. animal sp. ??? subsist or feed on live; that is alive; living live; be alive; continue alive life; being alive; period from birth to death; mode of living; lifetime; livelihood lifeless end life; kill let live; spare harpoon; fishing-spear hair; e.g. 223 ịrú ̣a nọndọ ḅé ̣ ‘an eclipse of the sun took place’; ọgọnó ̣wei nọndọ ḅé ̣ ‘an eclipse of the moon took place’ ị mịé-n ̣ timí ‘you ought to have done it’ (contraction of nyú ̣ timí) tịḅị anumọ ‘hair of head’ tun-numo ‘hymn; song’ lit. ‘abusive song’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 nụngalámọ nụngala numó nú ̣ngbáa n. adv. n.p. a. nú ̣ngbaráa nú ̣ngbọ nụngbọ1 a. v.i. v.t. nụngbọ2 nụngbọ ḍosí nụnọ, nịnọ nụnọ imbí nụnọ kó ̣n nú ̣nụ bála nú ̣nụ n. v.p. n.m. v.p. v.p. v.i. subj. + v.i. v.t. v.t. nụnụ nụnú ̣mọ bála nụnụ ḅịḅị nụnụ ḍiginụnụ farịyaị nụnụ ibolí nụnụ ógbogbáanụnụ tọrú ̣ nụnụ nụnú ̣ma n. v.i. n. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. n. nụnụma nụnụmaḅẹlị n. n. nụnụ-obí nụnú ̣ya ft ft bo fo dr d length in a long or tall manner long life stiff and stubborn (of a smaller child than núngbáa) stiff, obstinate, and dirty-looking (of child) be charred or singed char; burn off the hair of an animal after slaughter; singe; grave (bottom of boat) by burning off accretions bonfire; campfire jump over bonfire creek scoop fish in a creek dam a creek be pulled, stretched, elongated be swelled out with wind (of sail) drag; haul; pull; draw; attract; attune drag up (to self); make appreciable increase in height and growth twitching illness drag one another tug-of-war draw sail for wind make wry mouth; pout tug-of-war tune drums set (arrow) on string, nock tug-of-war grimace; make wry face fufu from yam, etc.; e.g. brass anklet irritation in the throat; tonsilitis (treated by licking oil from cleaned nụnụma) NY. nyáịn nyaịnmó ̣ nyakámịnyakámị nyákatáa nyákatáamọ nyakíi v.i. v.t. v.i. a. adv. v.i. nyakíi nyakíimọ nyámbáa nyámbáamọ nyámbiríi nyámbiríimọ n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. be broken; break cause to break; disable feel prickly heat within body bristly in a bristly way heave; rise and fall; rise with alternate falls (as waves, branch of tree or bed under weight of animal or man, etc.) heave; heaving with a heave sedate; staid; composed sedately; staidly plump; corpulent plumply 224 ḅurú nụnụma ‘yam fufu’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 nyamú ̣ nyamú ̣ nyamú ̣mọ nyaná v.i. a. adv. v.t. nyana-ára nyana-áye nyanáḅọ n.f. n.m.f . n.m. v.p. n. p p p amanyanaḅọkirí amanyana-oweí nyángalágha n.f. n.m.f . n. n.m. a. nyángịrị nyángịrị nyángịrịmọ nyangịrímọ ̣ nyánkịnyánkị nyánkịnyánkịmọ nyée nyée nyéemọ nyéeyọ v.i. n. adv. v.t. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. n. nyenenée v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. a. nyana-ówei ama nyana amanyana amanyana-ará amanyanaḅó ̣ nyenenéemọ nyenénenyenéne nyenénenyenénemọ nyẹngbéẹ,̣ nyéngbẹẹ ̣ nyẹngbéẹmọ ̣ nyéngelée nyéngeléemọ nyengenyengé nyengenyengémọ nyéngerée nyéngeréemọ nyengérenyengére, nyéngerenyengere nyéngerenyengere mọ nyenrennyenrén v.i. adv. v.i. p p p stay long; linger; delay distant; far; remote lingeringly; distantly acquire; possess; own; have; dominate; occupy; hold sway (female) owner assets; belongings; effects; goods; property male or female owner; (esp. in referring to God) lord or lady male owner; lord govern; manage; rule; hold sway governance; act or manner of governing; holding sway empress; queen; governess; manageress monarch; potentate; supreme ruler; president kingdom; monarchy emperor; king; governor; manager respectable; of fair social standing; honest and decent in conduct; e.g. nyángalágha kụmọ rock while walking rock; rocking manner while walking with a rocking motion move towards in a rocking manner frivolous; given to trifling; not serious frivolously open; exposed (of sky) become open (of sky) without concealment; openly glade; clear open space or passage between forest trees flash (cf. nyó ̣ngịrị) (cf. nyẹnẹnéẹ) ̣ with a flash with a flash in a flashing way lazy adv. be lazy lazily increase, especially in volume; be distended, swollen out in a distended manner be distended in a distended manner accumulate; collect accumulative accumulatively shake like spherical envelope of liquid in a container in a constantly shaking manner a. n. shiny; glistening; washed bright glistening; shininess adv. v.i. adv. v.i. a. adv. v.i. (pl. nyana-óngu) 225 (cf. nyéngẹlé ẹ) ̣ ̣ (cf. nyéngẹré ẹ) ̣ ̣ (cf. nyẹngérẹnyẹngé rẹ) ̣ ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 nyenrennyenrénmọ nyéuun nyéuunmọ nyéịn ̣ nyéịnmọ ̣ nyẹnẹnéẹ̣ nyẹnẹnéẹmọ ̣ nyẹnénẹnyẹné nẹ ̣ ̣ nyẹnénẹnyẹné nẹmọ ̣ ̣ nyẹmínịnyẹmí nị ̣ ̣ nyẹmínịnyẹmí nị ̣ ̣ nyoun nyéngẹlé ẹ̣ ̣ nyéngẹlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ nyéngẹré ẹ̣ ̣ nyéngẹré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ nyẹngérẹnyẹngé rẹ, ̣ ̣ nyéngẹrẹnyẹngẹrẹ ̣ nyẹngịnyẹngị nyẹngịnyẹngímọ ̣ nyénị ̣ nyẹní ̣ nyẹnrẹnnyẹnréṇ nyẹnrẹnnyẹnrénmọ ̣ nyéụụn ̣ nyéụụnmọ ̣ nyingí nyingi-áma nyingi-ánga nyingi-ára nyingíḅọ adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. a. n.p. in a glistening manner dense; crowded together densely; crowdedly fine and small in grains finely flash a. adv. v.i. v.t. a. n. adv. v.i. p k k gbọrị nyingi mụná k ers. n.p. k nyingiḅá n. nyinrímunyinrímu nyinrímunyinrímu mọ nyinrimúu a. adv. nyinrimúumọ nyịnrímụnyịnrí mụ ̣ ̣ nyokómunyokómu adv. a. v.i. & n. adv. nyingi-óngu nyokómunyokómu a. (cf. nyenenée) with a flash continuously flashing with a continuous flash shifting and loose (of sand, wet or dry) quicksand v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. a. adv. n.f. n. n. a. n.f. n.f. (cf. nyéụụn) ̣ increase spherically in a distended manner accumulate; collect accumulatively almost capsizing; nearly filled with water (of canoe) very fine and small (of writing) finely sink; settle down depress; push down by force crystal clear clearness; transparency in a very clear manner become very clear; show pus clearly at tip (of swelling); be ripe (of boil) dense; crowded together densely; crowdedly A. mother; mama; mum; female parent; dam motherland female branch of family matrilineal mother; mum; etc. one that deserves filial reverence; oldest female member of a house or family mothers; leading women in a community uterine brother or sister; relation on the mother’s side B. plant from which others are derived slips of bamboo stick on which the fronds of the bamboo are woven to form roof mats tasting hard and raw with a hard, raw taste hard and raw, giving the feeling of an uncooked yam with a hard, raw feeling same as nyinrímunyinrímu pant; gasp; throb (of heart) gaspingly 226 (cf. nyéngelée) (cf. nyéngerée) (cf. nyengérenyengére) (cf. nyéuun) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 mọ nyókúu nyókúumọ nyomunyomu nyomunyomúmọ nyóngbolóo nyóngbolóomọ nyóngolóo nyóngolóomọ nyónmáa nyónmáamọ nyoún nyoun-áka nyoúnnyoun nyó ̣ịịn nyó ̣ịịnmọ nyọngịnyọngí ̣ nyọngịnyọngímọ ̣ nyó ̣ngịrị a. adv. a. adv. v.i. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. n. n. a. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. nyó ̣ngịrịmọ nyó ̣ngịrịnyọngịrị nyó ̣ngịrịnyọngịrịm ọ nyó ̣ngọ nyó ̣ngọmọ nyó ̣ngọló ̣ọ nyó ̣ngọló ̣ọmọ nyọngọmó ̣ nyó ̣nkụmú ̣ụ nyungumó ̣ nyungumọ-áye v.i. adv. a. adv. v.t. a. v.t. -nyụ suf. nyụkú ̣ụ v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. nyụkú ̣ụmọ nyụkú ̣ụnyụkú ̣ụ nyụkú ̣ụnyụkú ̣ụmọ massive massively thirsty; feeling thirst thirstily grow; develop (huge) huge; enormous hugely; enormously list; lean over to one side (of boat) due to shifting cargo; incline (of building, person, etc.) list; leaning, inclination to one side (of boat) with a list calm; quiet calmly; quietly sand whitish gravel or pebbles sandy; granular fine; in small particles in small particles; finely crowded; closely packed (of people) in a crowded manner rock; move to and fro gently while in motion rocking with a rocking motion very soft very softly stoop; deign; condescend stoopingly pendulous; hanging down or sideways pendulously bend; bow; stoop flabby; empty-looking (as of stomach) throw off or away rubbish; litter; compost; muck; farmyard manure shall; will; can; may; e.g. heave; nod with heave or nod heave or nod continuously continually nodding or heaving 227 (cf. nyángịrị) á ḅonyú ̣ ‘she will come, she may come’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 O. ó óbi óbitandígha ̣ opu-óbi obí obí obimó ̣ obibí óbió óbió koḅu óbiókoḅu óbiókoḅu obirí obiri-áka obiri-íku obiri-ítuka obirítọgụ namakọrị-obiri obiriékeke óbolokú ̣ma obongoro pron. n.m. n. n.m. v.i. n. v.t. n. n. v.p. n. n.m. n.m. n. n.m. n. n.m. n.m. n. n.m. n.m. obósi oburu oḅiloló oḅilolólụgụ óḅilóngo n.m. n. n. n.m. n.m. oḅito n.m.f . n. n. v.i. n. oḅogoró oḅogú oḅogú oḅogu-áịdẹgẹ s h s d cl da ap i bp da da t b r cl fr t b p d he; him; his snake (in general) fence plant; lantana python ail; be ill; be sick illness; sickness; disease cause to be sick pricker; spike; pricking instrument framboesia; yaws treat yaws with kind of native oil or smear such treatment for yaws cloth used in such treatment dog canine or eye-tooth flea brownish pubic or body hair on children pup; puppy hound; hunting dog borassus palm, fan-palm bird sp. (unidentified) with melodious voice leatherback turtle red cloth verandah; lobby green kind of palm-fruit palm tree bearing this fruit bird sp. with long neck which dives for fish African Darter buffoon; a fool bay cold; chill feel feverish, chill goose-flesh; bristling of the skin caused by chill or fright catch or receive cold oḅogu-óḅogu oḅogu-óḅogumọ oḅókóo oḅókóo oḅókóomọ oḅolo oḅoloḅagụ oḅoloḅagụḅó ̣ oḅolo tụá oḅoloyou oḅori oḅoriḅolo subj. + v.t. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. n. n. n.m. v.p. n. n.m. n. da h cold; chilly; feverish; aguish aguishly; coldly wide and gaping; yawning gape; yawn agape; widely fist; buffet; shrewd blow boxing; pugilism boxer; pugilist clench hand tightly to form a fist fisticuffs goat or sheep (in general); a fool goatweed oḅoriḅoloye n. h herb sp. oḅogú kọrị d 228 cf. pẹgẹyaí ̣ <Igbo úbiliékeke Dermochelys coriacea Anhinga rufa lit. "cold is catching (someone)"; Cyathula prostrata (Amaranthaceae) [?] = tọrú ̣-gbalịye Desmodium sp. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 (LeguminosaePapilionioideae) oḅori-ịḅẹlẹkị oḅorikụgọ oḅoritọgụ ḅou-óḅori n. n. n.m. n.m. h sh da m weed used as medicine shrub with edible yellow fruit kid or yearling water chevrotain kiri-óḅori ọnana-oḅori owei-oḅori óbu n.m. n.m. n.m. n. da da da óbu koromọ oḅuró1 oḅuró2 oḅúróo oḅúróomọ odigbá odigiri odó ododó odokó odú ódu ḍói v.p. v.t. n. a. adv. n. n. n. n. n.m. n. v.p. óduḍói n. odúyaị, odúaị namaodu n. odú bomọ odúbomọ v.p. n. odúḅa n. odúdẹrị odúdọgụ odúḍiḅi odú ḍigíi a. a. a. excl. odúḍigiḍụḅamọ odúḍigi-eneni odúḍigiseimọ odúḍigitọrú ̣sin odúḍụḅamọ odúḍụḅamọ odúḍụa odu-ékịḍịá ̣ odu-ékịyetí ṇ ̣ odúfamọ odú fị odúfịna n. n. n. n. n. a. n. n. n. n. v.p. a. goat sheep he-goat court of a powerful deity or of a league of powerful men which used force to arbitrate in all matters affecting two disputing parties in olden days lay complaint to an óbu court roast slowly or lightly; simmer; bake dust dusty dustily pap; gruel big wrestling drum red red cloth hawk A. body; skin; leather transfigure; transmute; slough; moult; shed skin transfiguration; transmutation; moulting; casting off of skin blood skin; leather; hide B. condition; self praise oneself; boast self-glorification; self-laudation; self-praise; boast self-execution; self-murder; self-executing; suicide self-betraying self-propelled self-propagating; self-sown look out! be vigilant! be careful! be watchful! take care! self-regarding self-pity self-abhorrence self-abandonment self-aggrandizement arrogant; presumptuous; haughty self-defence self-revelation self-respect; self-reverence; self-esteem self-destruction; self-destroying accustom; habituate self-imposed mi co cl b bp bf bp 229 Hyemoschus aquaticus family Accipitridae lit. "change body"; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 odúfuramọ odúgba odúgbalị odugbaná odu-íderimọ odu-íkú odu-íkú a. a. a. n. n. a. n. odu íkumọ odu írụmọ ̣ odu-íyamọ ̣ odúghọḅióḅara odúghọními odúghọními odúghọpaga odúkasị odúkasị odúkọrị odúkọrị odúkpo odúkpọ odúkụró ̣ odúlamọ odúlẹgịmọ odú lọkó ̣ odúlọkó ̣ odú lọkọmọ odúmịẹḍẹrí ̣ odúmọndịwei odúnafíya ̣ odúnafíya ̣ odú nimi odúnyana odú pigi odúpigi odú pou odúpou odúpou v.p. v.p. a. n. a. n. a. a. n. a. n. a. a. a. a. a. v.p. a. v.p. n. n.m. a. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.p. a. n. odúsara odúsara odúsei odúsei odúseimọ odú sin odúsogiomọ odúsogiomọ odútarị odútarị odútelimọ odútelimọ odútịn odútịn odú tọlọmọ a. n. a. n. n. v.p. a. n. a. n. a. n. a. n. v.p. da e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e self-fertilizing self-explaining; self-explanatory self-feeding; self-supporting; self-sustaining ram; male of sheep humility; self-abasement; self-humiliation lazy; indolent; slothful; lethargic laziness; indolence; slothfulness; idleness; lethargy make lazy belittle oneself self-tormenting; self-torturing self-forgetfulness self-conscious self-consciousness shocking self-convicted self-conviction self-appointed; self-restrained self-control; self-restraint self-winding hardy; capable of endurance healthy; strong self-inflicted self-deceiving; self-deceptive languish languid weaken self-scorn rheumatism self-complacent; self-satisfied; self-content self-complacence; self-satisfaction be discreet; know oneself self-governing abnegate; deny oneself self-abnegation; self-denial; self-renunciation be patient patient patience; calm endurance, of pain, or any provocation; perseverance smart; brisk; swift smartness; briskness, etc. gaunt; haggard; lean gauntness; leanness, etc. masturbation, self-pollution abscond; flee; run self-conceited self-conceitedness; self-exaltation; boast selfish self-love self-taught self-education self-accusing; self-accusatory; self-styled self-accusation preen; trim feathers or self; prepare; make 230 (of birds, etc.) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 odútọlọmọ odútọndị odú tú ̣ọ odútú ̣ọ odútụọmọ odúwagịmọḍigí odúwori odúaị n. a. v.p. n. a. n. n. odugbaná odugurú kala-odugurú opu-odugurú oḍóḅáị oḍóḅáịmọ oḍu1 n.m. n. n. n. a. adv. n. oḍu-imbí oḍu-imbi opogoló oḍu-ịsịye oḍu mina ḅịla-óḍu oḍu2 n. n.p. n. v.p. n. v.t. oḍuó v.t. ofo1 n.m. f ofo2 ofógori ofógoriḅọ s ofokó ofokó ḅió pin ofoni1 n.m. n. n.m.f . n. v.p. n.m. b ofoni-aḅụọkpatị ofoni-ama-ama n.m. n. c m da a a a ap t ap m ofoni-ama-nanama-na-amatengi ofonimunumọ ofoni-obi ofoni-otoin ofonipán ofonitọgụ ofoniwarị kiri-ófoni e e bf n. n. n. n. n.m. n. n.m. v bm da ready preparation self-luminous perspire; sweat perspiration; sweating promoting perspiration self-examination self-cursing blood ram; male of sheep room; apartment boudoir; small room chamber; big room heavy, thick and unpolished (of art and craft) heavily and thickly (carved) tusk of ivory; all ivory work; trumpet; growth on tail of certain snakes and on ventral fin of certain fishes button button-hole plant sp. with rough leaves; sand-paper sound a trumpet elephant tusk peel (something) with much flesh attached to the bark; e.g. oḍu kará tie animal skin or velum to drum casing or barrel; tie fish hook to a line; tie a harpoon to a staff or handle fish sp. African moony; angelfish also ịrẹsinyaị, odúyaị, puló (pr. oḍimbí) Ficus asperifolia (or oḍu sogú v.p.) Monodactylus sebae; family Pomacanthidae horned viper inanition; emptiness empty braggart short-windedness be out of breath fowl; bird in general lobster sp. Lord Derby’s anomalure (Derby’s flying squirrel) Beecroft’s anomalure (Beecroft’s flying squirrel) ivy catalepsy; convulsion; epilepsy; fit small boil on the face cock-crow chick; chicken fowl-pen; mat-roof of canoe fowl (of the ground) 231 class Aves (cf. egéle; ọgó ̣nọ-ofoni) Anomalurus derbianus Anomalurus beecrofti. Lit. ‘bird of the man of the village’ [?] Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọgó ̣nọ-ofoni ofoni2 ofoni3 n.m. n.m. n. b i bm bird of the air chrysalis; pupa (of insect) pimples; acne; oforofo oforokpo n. a. & n. bp windpipe or trachea counterfeit; (thing) made in imitation; not genuine; inferior; ofúro ofuro v.i. v.t. ofuromó ̣ v.t. ofuroye1 ofuroye2 n. n. ogbidoro ogbígbi ogbó1 ogbó1 ogbókuḅu ogbó pagamọ noin-ogbo tọrụ-ogbo ogbó2 n. n. n. a. n. & a. v.p. n. n. n. ógbo sú ̣ọ ogbó sụọ ogbósuọ ogbó3 v.p. v.p. n. n. centre; centralize middle of night middle of river; midstream club; company; fellowship; guild; brotherhood; league; group; party be mixed join a club or league group; league time; ebi-ogbó ogbodoin n. n. h more suitable place or group bush cane ogbogba ogbogba ógbogbáanụnụ ogbogboniḅa a. n. n. n. ogbogboniḅada ogboín n. n. fr thick (of cloth); tough (of meat) thickness or toughness tug-of-war beam of house; ridge-piece; ridge pole; ridge tree king- or queen-post mango in general akpákpa-ogboin ḅéken’ogboin ịyọrọ-ogboin owei-ogboin ogbokó n. n. n. n. n.m. fr fr fr fr b wind (native) mango imported mango varieties imported mango variety with smaller fruits imported mango variety with larger fruits heron ogbolo n.m. f fish sp. mi d tr e.g. tọrú ̣kuḅu ofoni ‘pimples of the face’ e.g. popo-óforofo e.g. oforokpo kasa ‘inferior fish sp. frame’ be blown blow; send strong air-current from mouth; hoot or whistle (as steamer, launch; etc.) insufflate; blow air into nose of a hound; (of snake) hiss at a victim to kill it flute; fife; whistle, etc. jaundice; yellow fever; malaria; ague; shivering fit dregs; less; sediment necromancy centre; middle; midst central; middle centre; central 232 e.g. tịtarị ogbo ‘first time’ Coster afer (same as opóto) (Zingiberaceae) Irvingia gabonensis (Irvingiaceae) family Ardeidae (cf. kịánkururu; kurukuruḅou; pịnáḅou) Heterotis niloticus Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ogbomu ogboni n.m. v.t. ogboni ogborokílo n. n.m. ogbudú ogian ogidí1 alapụ-ogidí ísene-ógidi ogidikirífụngọama ḅọ n. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m.f . ms to wp wp p ogidí2 n. bp ogidí3 n. tp ogiga ógilogíri ogio occurs in ogiopolotiri n. n. n. dr ogiongion ogiri ógo ogodo n. n. n.m.f . n.m. ogodoḍigísẹgị n. ogóni n.m. ogorá ógorómba ogósi ogú oguára ogugu n. n. n.m. n. n.m.f . n. ogúgúu ogúgúumọ ógumágala ogumasirí ogúmogú ogúnu ogúnuwarị a. adv. n.m. n. n. n.m. n.m. ogurú n. f tr d fo m c la r mi b f m bowl; basin persecute; pursue with enmity and injury (especially holder of opinion held to be heretical); assault jointly persecution; joint assault barracuda nursery for puppies masquerade type matchet; cutlass sword sacrificial knife dwarf; midget; pigmy; pygmy; extremely small person much below the size of ordinary man curved thickened shinbone (sabre tibia) due to yaws scraps sliced from mangrove wood; sliver; hence angala ogidi ornament of the head bubble of soap blown into air; soap bubble arena into which people suspected of witchcraft are brought for public post-mortem examination after death; now, a place where corpses of people of high caste in N embe society (furoébi-ongu) and brought for last lying-in-state before burial asthma Igbo condiment namesake black-fronted duiker Sphyraena spp. cf. ḍọrọ, mindiógboro hence obiri ógbudu (cf. okionkion) Cephalophus nigrifrons after-glow; glow of setting sun; gloaming; evening twilight bronze masks and works of art used by early N embe settlers corrugation; edgeways rope obtained from oil palm mid-rib small snail twenty in game of cards giant; man in the moon depression; ravine; pit; gully; any concave or hollow surface hollow; concave concavely; hollowly chameleon market thumb-piano, sansa, mbira bird sp. (unidentified) with long tail fish sp.; snapper sp. yellow-backed duiker 233 (see okéreke, ó ̣bọ) Lutjanus sp. cf. agbára Cephalophus Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 silvicultor oguga n. ogugú ohóo ói ojé ojeye ojígo, ozígo ójilée okéreke n.m. excl. excl. n. n. n. n. n. óki oki oki okílo f okilolo n.m. v.i. n. n.m.f . n.m. okio n. la okionkion okiri ókirínga1 ókirínga2 ókiríngatịn ḅéken’okiringa n. n.m. n. n. n. n. d da wt tp t cr okó okóḅa1 okóḅa2 n. n. n. ap okoḅia n.m. f okogoló n. t tree sp. and fruit used as spice; African nutmeg; okóko1 n.m. b grey parrot okókoḅara ala-okóko a. n. b okóko2 okolaíṇ n. n.m. ga b abadị-ókolaịn okólo okólokuḅu okólo-ogbo n.m. n.m. n. n. b la la la al mi he ga mi p la door-panel made of raffia-palm poles and moved on ropes acting as rollers animal with very thick hide expression of surprise shout wrestling drum brass; brasswork local mat children"s game; mock tug-of-war thumb-piano, sansa, mbira, musical instrument with nine keys sawfish swim swimming musician; singer; songster brook; rill; rivulet; runlet; runnel; spring; stream; fountain freshet; rush of freshwater; flowing into sea; flood of river from heavy rain; hence okiomindi asthma castrated he-goat harmattan cotton, cotton wool; kapok cotton plant; kapok cultivated cotton plant; cotton wool for wounds active force of sẹkịapụ club cowry wattle; red fleshy growth around the eyes of boa or python and other snakes, and birds like drake, turkey, etc. fish sp.; snake-head parrot-like; psittacine king parrot; said to have red plumage all over the body as on the tail children’s game curlew curlew sp. creek bed of river; channel bed of river; centre of river; channel 234 (same as ikísa) (see ogúmogú, ó ̣bọ) Pristis spp. (cf. ogiongion) Parachanna obscura. = ágbagú ̣rụ, mumbeí Monodora myristica (Annonaceae) Psittacus erithacus (cf. ala-okóko) Numenius sp. (cf. abadị-ókolaịn; abadí-okolaịn; ̣ mụmọgbọlụ) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọbụ-ókolo ọbụ-ókolokuḅuimgba Okoloḅa n. n. bp bp hollow of back back-bone okoloḅana’abanga n. & a. n. Bonny; pertaining to Bonny okoloḅan’abanga okombó ókombóko okongo n. v.i. n.m. n. ọkụma-ókongo warị-ókongo okoróḅa okoroko ókoróngo okori okori okorimó ̣ okoróḅa n. n. n.m. n.m. n.m. a. n. v.t. n. f common species of banana, longer than osokpo banana plant gape upon masquerade type empty shell, especially of snail; hence osiókongo; skeleton of building; underlying support or essential substructure of anything; frame frame of drum frame of building small tilapia sp. snake sp. drum spp. (fish) barren (of land); jejune barrenness; jejuneness make barren small tilapiine fish ókoróngo n. f meagre (‘meagre drum sp.’); drum okosi okosi okosiḅọ okosighá okosimó ̣ okosiyaị okóto okótugu a. n. n.m.f . a. v.t. n.m. n. okpo [?] n. okpó ókpodódo okpóko-lodudu n. n. n. okpokoro okpókpo okpokpo tịḅị-okpokpo okpómina okpongbó n. n. n. n. n.m. n. okporó ókporóko okporóku n.m. n.m. n. fr fr ms ap mi a f s f old; adult; elder; senior; aged; senile age; senility old man; adult; elder; senior c bo m fr d bp f dr am fo ageless; never growing old age; olden; cause to grow old conversation about sex matters crab sp. found in bush freshwater streams spot on which the spirit of sẹkịapụ club is supposed to be resident plant sp. old leaking canoe serious quarrel cusimanse nut (of palm-fruit), hence okpokoro imbi foot-rot skeleton; skull; scalp skull; scalp giant sea catfish (‘broad-headed sea catfish’) spiral anklets from knee to ankle worn by women at various ceremonies frog with long legs stockfish trough; long unopened canoe for making palm 235 Umbrina spp. family Cichlidae. cf. ẹgụrụḅa Argyrosomus regius; Umbrina spp. (pl. okosi-ongú) Ctenolophon englerianus (Ctenolophonaceae) Crossarchus obscurus Arius gigas Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 oil (especially hard oil in the past) lonesome (be) dull okpótúu okpótúumọ ókpoyaị a. a. & v.i. n. adv. n.m. b ókpun n. tr okpúru okpútu okuḅó okúkúu okúkúumọ okún okurú n. n. v.t. a. adv. n.m. n.m. fo ókụrụ olibi n. n.m. cr s olikí oló1 ịyọrọ-oló owei-oló oló2 olópulo olósú ̣ọ v.t. n. n. n. n. n. subj. + v.i. n. v.t. n. okpósóo okpótúu imbi-oló oló3 olo-ára olóḅọ olo-ówei oló4 olo saí ̣ ologo ologonimiḅó ̣ ologo tụá ḅẹ-ólogo oyiaḅẹ-ólogo olóko1 olókokụmọ olóko2 olóko2 olóko3 n.f. n.m.f . n.m. n. v.p. n. n.m.f . v.p. n. n. n.m. n. v.i. a. n. he t t t p p p e e p he sf dullness dully ostrich Struthio camelus; not a local bird shrine; house or enclosure marking the spot where a deceased ancestor is supposed to be; cenotaph farina soaked in pepper soup and oil carrion bring; assimilated form of ẹkị ḅó hollow; concave hollowly; concavely mortar for pounding bag (usually) of leopard skin decorated with small bells hung by juju of highest rank okra plant and fruit black cobra pilfer; steal boundary tree species with small leaves species with large leaves pomade; white oil heated oil that has become white become white in frying process (of oil) coconut oil make love with concubinage; cohabiting of man and woman not legally married female lover lover; concubine Naja melanoleuca. cf. angalatuguwéí Dracaena sp. (pl. olo-óngu) male lover grief; deep sorrow; keen regret grieve; give deep sorrow to; utter abuses and cry decree; code; law; statute; doom lawyer enact (law); decree commandment ten commandments jug imaginary person; monster be hollowed; be dug out hollow; not solid [rhomboid mussel?] ‘whelk or buckie’ 236 [Modiolus rhomboideus. ex RF?] class Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 olókosịngị n. olokó ololi v.t. v.i. ololi ḅịá ololiḅịá ololimó ̣ ololo ololo-ịkará or ololo-ịkaraká olomaịn ólominókporu oloseí oloseí oloseíkụmọ v.p. n. v.t. n.m. n. f bp d olósẹkịaḅa n. n. a. n. n.m.f . n.m. olótu olú olu-ópogolo olútụngba ala-olú ikpiri-olú ịyọrọ-olú owei-olú olúlu n.m. n.m. n. n. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. v.i. olúlu ḅọgọ olulumó ̣ olúlu paga olúlu sụọ óma v.p. adv. v.p. v.p. n. ómangị ómangịnẹngị ómbu n.m. n.m. n. p groin lockjaw; mumps; tetanus cruel; wicked; tyrannical cruelty; wickedness; tyranny tyrant; wicked person b dove p c c c c c c c champion (especially in wrestling) land crab hole of land crab leg of land crab yellowish-brown land crab black and dirty land crab female land crab male land crab pass through a narrow aperture; go in or out furtively or secretly; sneak; slink sneak out, past, away sneakingly sneak out, off, away sneak in measure; grade ómbu ombú ombúmọ ombumó ̣ ombu ombuḍigi ombu koro ombukoro v.i. adv. v.t. n. n. subj. + v.i. n. Gastropoda catfish sp., described as sickly and emaciated order Siluriformes with big head and hollow and flabby sides cut (something) with the flesh; hollow; dig out languish; pine; waste away from disease but not die quickly (of fruits) become ripe immaturely such immature ripeness (of disease) cause to languish bottle broken pieces of bottle bp bp Streptopelia sp. (identified as a turtle dove, but there are no local spp.) two-gallon pot 3-gallon pot A. weak point (usually a hole from the pith of the wood) that occurs just below the stern (rarely on the bow) of a carved canoe B. the tip of coconut shell first cut open before the body is broken into three parts be sharp, sharp-pointed sharply sharpen navel; umbilicus navel-string; umbilical cord drop or fall off (of navel-string from newborn baby) falling-off of navel-string 237 see Exodus 16:1636 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ombuloú n. omí v.t. (of lips) suck in; hence omíngoo omíngoomọ omongi omongi a. adv. v.i. n.m. omongimó ̣ omoni omoni-ará omoniḅó ̣ v.t. n. n.f. n.m.f . n. v.p. n. n. n. n.m. ers. n.m. n. v.i. v.t. v.t. n.m. n.m. (of fame) queer; strange queerly; strangely grow weak and feeble smallest member of a litter or brood; runt; (anthony in the case of pigs) cause to grow small; stunt; dwarf slavery; slave female slave slave; human chattel; bond-man; bond-slave omoni-ábangá omoni fé ̣ omonifé ̣ omonifịrị omonikiri omonikọndụ omoni-ongu omoni-owei omoniwarị óndo ondomó ̣ ondo óndoḅá ongorí1 ongorí2 ongorímọ t da p p p fr p p p cl f tree sp. and fruit, plantain cultivar deal in slaves dealing in slaves; slave-dealing bond service bondage; serfdom first male slave slaves; serfs male slave house of bondage; place of confinement wash anus after stool cause to wash anus tie cloth or put hand between legs cloth type snake eel sp. v.t. v.t. & i. n. fg ers. scrape the bottom of container fold loin cloth up to thighs -ongu suf. suffixed to nouns or to the root of verbs to form plural noun signifying persons or practitioners (see under -ḅọ, to which it acts as plural): oní óno ononi ononi v.t. n. a. v.i. ononimọ ononimó ̣ adv. v.t. slaughter; kill for food large building; barracks languid; spiritless pine; languish; put on languid look; waste away languidly; languorously; languishingly make to languish ongoró ongu Chrysobalanus orbicularis ḅịḅị omi ‘sucked-in lips’ fish trap collection of people 238 family Ophichthidae. cf. mindi-óḅolịa e.g. mein óngu ḅoyó ‘these people are coming’ e.g. ama ‘village’, ama-ongu ‘villagers’; yoú ‘fight’ you-óngu ‘fighters’; furu ‘thieve’ furu-ongu ‘thieves’ telimó ̣ ‘teach’ telimọ-óngu ‘teachers’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 onu onweín onwein-árụ onwein-ónwein onwoin1 onwoinyọ onwoin2 onwoínmọ onwoinye ónya1 n. n. n. a. v.t. n. v.t. v.t. n. a. ónya1 ónyamọ ónyayọ ónya2 ónyaḅọ v.i. adv. n. n. n.m.f . v.p. v.p. n. n. excl. excl. v.i. v.t. ónya sụọ ónya tịẹ ónyaye onyé óo oó ópo opó opó opówọrịoḅọ opogolo opoli opolomó ̣ bo barricade smoke; reek; vapour ship sooty; dusky; smoky bite; nip with teeth bite; wound made by bite bail, bale (water) bail, bale (into something) bailer efficacious; producing desired effect (of medicine) be efficacious efficaciously efficaciousness; efficacy witness; testimony; evidence eye-witness v bear witness stand surety or witness testimony; evidence flowers of cotton tree oh! (expressing various emotions) oh! (expressing various emotions) be peeled A. peel in long strips B. castrate; geld; spay; bark (a tree) eunuch cavity; gap; hole; hollow; leak round basket for keeping fish; big kpọtụ twist bush cane rope for urgent work; bark (a tree) blister full of husks or sheaths (e.g. of maize) plentifulness of husks with plenty of husks pig; swine weed sp. piglet sty; piggery bush cane sp.; n.m. c big; great; ample; important; high in rank; eminent; immense; elaborate; copious; extensive (of families); much greatness; importance; highness; eminence greatly; amply; immensely; copiously; much; eminently; elaborately dyed feathers of assorted colours used for ornament; plume generic term for lobsters, mudshrimps. n.m. n.m. i c insect sp. crayfish sp. n.m. n. n.m. v.t. opóma opóráa opóráa opóráamọ opóropo opóropoḅeri opóropotọgụ opóropowarị opóto n. a. n. adv. n.m. n. n. n n. opú a. opú opumó ̣ n. adv. ópuló n. opúlo ópumbosúosúo opuro p fg da h da 239 (pl. ónya-ongu) <Portuguese porco Coster afer (see ogbodoin) e.g. Squilla locusta, Callianassa turnerana; Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ópur’ánga n. sh shrub sp. and its fruit. opurotịḅị opuru-anga n. n. bp h prepuce; foreskin herb sp. opusaní ̣ ópuwárị1 ópuwárị2 orá cr big peppers; capsicums big house or family big meeting house for traditionalists his (plural form) óro n. n. n. poss. pron. pron. n. n. n. v.p. n. n.m.f . n. oro orodó oropo n. v.t. n. oróri or oróro ororí or ororó oru oru oru jigé orujigé oru karị orukarị orukarị oru koro orukoro oru siḅa orusiḅa órugurú v.i. v.t. n.m. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. a. v.p. n. v.p. n. adv. orupogí osí osi-ákụlala akpakpafa-ósi ósigíri osikó n.m. n.m. n. n. n. n. m c bf i osíokokoríko osisi n. n.m. t f osoḅaị1 osoḅaị2 n. n. fg d orí órikó oriyá oriyó oriyó pogi oriyópogi oriyópogiḅọ tr ap t hr pp tr tr tr he red tail feather of parrot; hence órikó pụkọ tree sp. secret talks eavesdrop; hide to listen to secrets eavesdropping eavesdropper mat woven with stems of an aquatic plant of sedge family gutter commune bark of plantain or banana stem or some trees; hence ábanga óropo be gnawed in; be bored in gnaw in; bore into god; deity; idol; fetish be possessed by a spirit initially initial stage of being possessed by a spirit worship juju traditional religion relating to traditional religion continue to be possessed by a spirit continuing state of possession be in possession of juju possession of juju all the time; ever before; small bat sp. snail snail’s slimy secretion; seminal emission slug sugar strips of thread for tying round the waist; apron tree sp. with long broad leaves fish sp.; snapper sp. ?pigsnout grunt (‘pigfish’) two or more pronged harpoon or fish-spear urinary disease; strangury 240 Tristemma hirtum (Melastomaceae) Melastomastrum theifolium (G Don) A & R Fernandes (Melastomataceae) < ‘great’ + ‘pepper’ (see epiyé) e.g. órugurú ghọ or órugurúm bịsẹ family Chiroptera < English sugar (see ósuan) Lutjanus sp.;? Pomadasys rogerii. cf. agbára Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 osokosóko osokpo1 osokpo2 osóru n. n. n. n.m. fr fr. ósuan n. t ósumogbúgburu ósun ósun-alá ósunḅọ i osunga osungbo1 osungbo2 osungboḍigi ábanga-ósungbo n.m. n. n. n.m.f . n. n.m. n. n. n. andị-ósungbo n. bp igíri-osungbo n. bp Nzọn’ósungbo n. bm osuó osuo-íboli osuómindi oti1 oti1 oti1 otimó1̣ oti2 oti2 oti2 otimó2̣ otiyọ otiotioḅa n.m. n. n. a. v.i. n. v.t. a. v.i. n. v.t. n. n. wt wt wt otípou otípou otíta otiti1 v.t. n. n. n.m. wt b otiti2 n.m. ms otiti tíṇ oto1 oto2 v.p. n. n. otómọ v.t. i tr tr g i v pp banana plant banana plant style of tying women’s head very high grub found in decaying stick or manure heap; yam beetle larva tree sp. with long broad leaves and small spines on the body, not suitable for firewood scorpion only occurs in the expressions: priesthood of those who give wine to a deity one that gives wine to a deity Musa cavendishii Musa cavendishii (see osíokokoríko) grass in general millipede; stupid person only occurs in; slender liana sp. row of infertile seed embedded in plantain and banana fruit nerve from centre of brow to nose which swells out when person is annoyed nerve running from anus to scrotum or vulva in the case of females heavy tribal mark cut from the centre of the forehead to the ridge of the nose by Njọ in olden days rain rainbow rainwater barren; childless become barren or childless barrenness; childlessness make barren shallow; of little depth become shallow (of deep wound); shoal shallowness make shallow shallow place; shoal glow of rising or setting sun; twilight; gloaming circumcise female organ circumcision of female genital organ fog; mist Senegal coucal Centropus senegalensis masquerade type and dance rehearsal performed at the death of people of high caste (furo-ébi) dance such play corridor; lane; path unit of count in fish trade; e.g. indi óto ‘20 frames of fish’; kasa otó ‘100 empty frames’ measure up; approach full measure 241 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 otoḅá n.m. otoḅá otoḅa-ánda otoín agbagba-ótoin ofoni-otoin otokolo otóku1 otóku2 otolo n. n. n. n. n.m. n. n. otómọ otondoriḅa otongbolo otongbolo-warị otóngoi otóngoiwarị nama-otóngoi otosi otóto v.t. n. n.m. n. n.m. n. n. n. conj. m hippopotamus ms masquerade performance depicting the hippopotamus (see under andá) abscess; boil; carbuncle; tumour carbuncle; anthrax small boil on the face island; isle crayfish; shrimp pistil cell of citrus fruits filled with juice soft part of the belly around the pelvis, often bulging out measure up; approach full measure fontanel mosquito mosquito-netting wasp vespiary; wasps’ nest wasp seen on fresh fish or meat whitlow notwithstanding; in spite of the fact that; albeit; although; nevertheless; bm bm bm la c pp bp i i i i B. if; on the condition or supposition that; in the even that; in case; otóto ótu ótu kọrị otumó otumódụ otumófa n. v.p. n. n. a. otumópagara otumósa otumótụawei ma-otúmo otuo otuo otuo-ẹfẹrẹ otuómọ otuoye ovin ovin-tọgụ ovíri ovíri owei1 n. n. n.m. n. v.t. n. n.m. v.t. n. n.m. n.m. v.i. n. a. & n. bp ap bp dr i da da p goal, in some kinds of game reach goal; (idiomatic) die vulva; vagina; anus; tail tail tailless; hence buttocks; hips; fundament adultery fee knickers; shorts; trousers insect sp.; silverfish collect; contribute; pay collection contribution; collection collection or offertory plate collect up collection cow calf suffer; undergo pain pain; anguish; suffering male; masculine; of the sex that begets offspring or performs the fecundating function (used of persons or animals, birds); any part of a mechanism that bears the ball or pin for the socket 242 Hippopotamus amphibius e.g. ẹrí otóto ka ̣ mịétẹ ̣ ifiémị ‘in spite of the fact that even you have done (it)’ e.g. ị ḅo ḅóa otóto wa tíịn ̣ ‘in the even that you come, call us’ otumófa ovin ‘tailless cow’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 owei-ágbọkó owei-álapá n. n. r f male agama lizard jellyfish (male) with long flagella oweiḅọ oweiongu-okí oweitọgụ owei2 oweimó ̣ owei tẹíṇ owoló owomó ̣ oworóworoḅa n.m. n. n.m. a. v.t. a.p. n. v.t. n. p tp oworóworoḅa sụó ̣ owoso subj. + v.i. n. man; male being (swimming) trudgen-stroke male-child powerful; aromatic (of gin, etc.) make powerful or more serious or furious prepotent; more powerful than others pit; abyss; bottomless chasm blight; wither; shrivel; scathe wood decay in log where the sapwood has been eaten up leaving only fragments of heartwood and the bark such decay has set in t timber-yielding tree; black afara ḍaḅa ḅio-owoso n. t ‘swamp owoso’ owu1 owu gbeín owusara n.m. v.p. n. ms owu (ḅei) 2 n. bp oyi oyiesí oyikaramọ num. num. a. & adv. num. n. & a. n. masquerade; masked play play masquerade principal waterside on which masquerade performs fụláprị ceremony afterbirth; caul; membrane enveloping foetus; loosely it refers to placenta too ten two hundred tenth; tenthly oyiọndẹ oyóyo ozígo p he four thousand perfect paragon or beauty; very beautiful thing mat 243 cf. álapá, ịyọrọálapá (pl. owei-ongu) expression of praise Nauclea vanderguchtii (De Wild.) Petti Syn. sarcocephalus nervosus (Rubiaceae) Nauclea vanderguchtii (De Wild.) Petti Syn. sarcocephalus nervosus (Rubiaceae). cf. owoso = ojígo Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 Ọ. ọ pron. second person plural pronoun; you, ye; also possessive your; ó ̣ba ọba Ọba-ama ọbọ́ ̣rụ ó ̣bọ n.m. n.m. p.n. n. n. f mi ọbọdọgọ n. cr ó ̣ḅọkọḅụọ ọbọlọ ó ̣bọó ̣nya n. n. n. h ọbú ̣ ọbụ-áḅịḅị ọbụ-ánga ọbú ̣ ḅó ̣gọ ọbú ̣ḅó ̣gọ ọbú ̣ ḅó ̣gọghá ọbú ̣ḅó ̣gọgha ọbú ̣ ḅọgọ ọbú ̣ḅọgọ ọbú ̣ḅụgọ ọbú ̣dụ ọbú ̣ ghọ ḅé ̣ ọbụ-ímgbụ ̣ ọbụó ̣bụ ọbụ-ókolo ọbụókolokuḅuimgba ọbú ̣ sụọ ọbú ̣sụọ ó ̣bụ tú ̣a n. n. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. n. adv. v.p. n. a. n. n. ọbú ̣tongu n. move into chambers for consultation (of case) movement into chambers for consultation go astern; go backwards; fall back; retreat; back-water backside; posterior ọbú ̣kọ ọbụrú ̣ ó ̣ḅa ó ̣ḅakírị̣ adv. v.t. n. n. afterwards; in the sequel hold collectively; hold many objects deceit very small canoe go t dc dc dc v.p. n. v.p. bo large calabash king of Benin; Ọba of Benin Benin city unidentified freshwater fish sp. thumb-piano, sansa, mbira, musical instrument with two faces on a broad flat board cassava cv. with very high cyanide content and hence very poisonous common climbing weed wrestling trick; deadly grip; strangle-hold umbrella tree e.g. ọ nẹmú ̣yo ‘you are mad’; mamá ọ yaí ‘these are yours ̣ (or your own)’ cf. ogúmogú or okéreke (see ọgá) Musanga cecropioides (Moraceae) (see also gọmụ) back; behind; exterior gossip backside; posterior dance back turning properly to rhythm such dancing dance back not turning to rhythm dancing back without turning to rhythm move into chambers for consultation (of case) movement into chambers for consultation back door; posterior gate or door aback; backwards slander; speak ill of spinal column backward; behind; stealthy hollow of the back backbone 244 In the following expressions ọbú ̣ means ‘back of’: hence arụ-ọbụ; ḅara-ó ̣bụ; ḅẹlẹọbụ; asú ̣n-ó ̣bụ; ḅụọ-ọbụ; ḍiri-ọbụ; ẹfẹrẹ-ọbụ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọḅárị ọḅọ n. n.m. r gum; resin; pitch; tar African softshell turtle ó ̣ḅọkọḅú ̣ọ ọḅọkọló ̣ erema ọḅọkọló ̣ owei-ongu ọḅọkọló ̣ ó ̣wọmá ọḅọkọlọ ọḅó ̣pụ h a a a a c common climbing weed area used as public latrine women’s latrine men’s latrine children’s latrine moulting crab, etc.; any weakling; ọḅọró ̣ ọḅọró ̣ ọḅó ̣rụ ọḅụgó ̣ n. n. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.m. & a. v.t. n. n.m. n.m. ft ft f m hunt for fish with harpoon hunting fish with harpoon freshwater fish sp. colobid and cercopithecine monkey. [Applies to several species in N embe, the white-nosed guenon and the mona monkey.] akan-ọḅụgọ n.m. m putty-nosed monkey; putty-nosed guenon ege-ọḅụgọ n.m. m olive colobus monkey kesi-ọḅụgọ n.m. m. mona monkey kẹké-ọḅụgọ ̣ n.m. m Sclater’s monkey; Sclater’s guenon ọḅụgó ̣ḅara ọḅụgọ-ídu n. n. he h wooden ladle plant sp. and its yellow fruits ọḅụgọ-ígbiri n. h plant sp. and its seed, used as rattle. ọḅụgó ̣lụgụ ọḅụgó ̣lụgụ gbein ọḅụgọtandígha ̣ n. v.p. n. ọḅú ̣rụ ọdẹlé1̣ ọdẹlé2̣ ó ̣dị ó ̣dị n. n.m. n. a. v.i. ó ̣dị ó ̣dịmọ ọdịmó ̣ n. adv. v.t. ọdịmó ̣ kọrí ̣ ọdịmó ̣ tụá ó ̣dị paga ó ̣dị sụọ v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. t b bp standing on the head; headstand stand on the head as acrobatic feat thorny tree, the roots of which are used as tonic medicine decaying remains of thistle vulture ganglion of small space; tight; compact become tight or compact; become jammed, especially in the end of a hole or an enclosure tightness; compactness; squeeze in a tight condition; compactly; tightly jam or squeeze (thing) against something; push (thing) together into a small space capture without struggle in an enclosure squeeze in; force in force way out of a tight place; squeeze out force entry into a tight place; squeeze out 245 Trionyx triunguis. Also recorded as ọḅọr hence ọḅó ̣pụ-ịkọlị cf. akan-ọḅụgọ, ege-ọḅụgọ, kesiọḅụgọ, kẹké-̣ ọḅụgọ, Cercopithecus nictitans. Cf. ọḅụgọ Procolobus verus. Also recorded as ége. Cf. ọḅụgọ Cercopithecus mona. Lit. ‘true monkey’. Cf. ọḅụgọ Cercopithecus sclateri. Cf. ọḅụgọ Masaenda isertiana (Rubiaceae) Eriocoelum pungens var. inermis (Sapindaceae) family Accipitridae Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ó ̣dị sụọ ọdídí ̣ ị̣ v.p. a. ọdídí ̣ ịmọ ̣ ó ̣dụgụbíạ ọdụó ̣lụ ọḍịa adv. n.m. n. n.m. ọḍírị̣ v.i. ọḍírịmọ ̣ ọḍịrịmó ̣ ó ̣ḍọ adv. v.t. a. v.i. n. ó ̣ḍọmọ ọḍọmó ̣ ọḍọmó ̣ye ọḍú ̣ adv. v.t. n. n. ọḍú ̣a n. ó ̣fịn ọfịn ọfịnmó ̣ ọfịnyé ọfịọ1 v.i. v.t. v.t. n. v.i. n. v.i. n. a. e n. d ọfịọ2 ọfịrí ̣ ọfịrịḅió n. ọfịrịloló ọfịrímọ ̣ n. adv. ọfịrịmó ̣ ọfịrịma v.t. n.m. ọfịrịma-aká ọfịrịma-ịḅẹlẹkị ọfọịn n. n. v.t. n. ọfọịn-aye i fg f fo f bp fp force entry into a tight place; squeeze in rudimentary (of organ); imperfectly developed in an imperfectly developed manner wasp sp. fishing stick for pinning screens freshwater fish sp.; tailspot ctenopoma be weighed down with (load, work, cares, punishment, etc.) in a weighed-down manner weigh down abstinent; not liking some food be abstinent abstinence; habit of refraining from many kinds of food abstemiously appliqué; embroider ornament embroidery; ornament soup of fresh fish cooked into a slightly thick consistency with oil and a little water; hence ọḍú ̣ tụọ situation in which an arbitrator in a dispute turns to assist one side in the dispute be swept; be cleaned sweep sweep aside broom whistle whistling; whistle rage (of disease, famine) raging (of disease or famine) ardent; hot; fervent; fervid; passionate; zealous; glowing; intense; torrid; very hot; tropical fever; malaria; sickness; nickname for smallpox; heat; hotness (perception or sensation of it); hot weather; pungency of flavour; warmth of feeling; anger ardour; enthusiasm; fervour; zeal; heat of mind hot displeasure; rage ardently; fervently; fervidly; passionately; zealously; intensely; hotly cause to heat up; warm up shark and dogfish spp (‘slender, long-nosed shard’; long-nosed shark’), incl. tiger shark double teeth growing from the same root shark-oil, from shark’s liver take by force; plunder; pillage; loot act of taking by force loot; pillage; plunder 246 Ctenopoma kingsleyae. = enumetandị order Squaliformes, incl. Galeocerdo cuvier Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọfọụ1 n.m. f ọfọụ2 n. t ọfọụ3 n. tr ọfọụḍuré ọfọụḍuré n. n. bo bo ó ̣fụrú ̣gba ọgá1 ọgá2 n. n. n. wp to ga ọgá3 n. pp ọgá4 ọga ọga ịsọnọ ọgándi ọgbá ọgbákana ọgbákiri ọgbaní ̣ ó ̣gbọ ó ̣gbọyaị ọgbó ̣lọ ọgbọlọ ọgbọlú ̣gbọlụ ọgbó ̣rụ ó ̣gbụ n. n.m. & a. n. n.m. n. n. n. n. v.t. n.m. n.m. n.m. n. n. ọgbụdụ n. ó ̣gbụ kún v.p. ó ̣gị ọgịẹí ̣ ọgịgá ọgígáa ̣ n. n.m. n. a. ọgịọrị ọgịzị ọgó ̣ v.i. n. n. n. k ọgọ-ára ọgó ̣ḅọ n.f. n.m.f k k i i cl v bs bs c am i tr d he moonfish, freshwater fish sp.; large specimen of ẹpẹtẹ tree sp., the fruits of which resemble those of kola carved wooden device in form of U, frilled with shreds of immature leaves of oil palm tree called ịmụnụmụnụ and decorated with narrow length of white cloth impregnated with charms, used as protective armour for the bow of a war canoe rear thwart in a war canoe front three thwarts of a war canoe which are extended outwards for the pullers to sit on, and under which the U arms of the "ọfọụ" are lashed sling (for missiles) adze; carpenter’s tool pieces of shaped broken plate used for game; the game itself carpel or section of citrus fruit containing the pistil cells called otóku (wrestling) deadly grip; stranglehold small biting red ant small biting red ant sp. cloth; organdie bush cane ropes special basket woven with cane rope farm with plenty of ropes and tangles rectangular farm basket with plank bottom puke; retch; spew; vomit vomit; gorge; vomited matter small snails used as tops nickname for frog praying mantis card; club something resembling mud used in smearing the hair on the heads of wives of high priests during times of mourning sludge; thick greasy mud (especially from palm oil) said of a woman when she has plastered her hair during mourning venereal disease; gonorrhea small knife pad for loads pinched or squeezed in appearance (especially of neck) talk noisily noisy talking plenty; abundance state of being as brother-in-law or sister-inlaw sister-in-law brother- or sister-in-law 247 Citharinus latus cf. ẹpẹtẹ (see ọbọlọ) (see ọkịkaḅá) (pl. ọgọ-óngu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọgọ-ówei ọgọdọ ọgọdó ̣mọ ọgó ̣gọị ọgọmó ̣ ọgọmó ̣ḅara ọgó ̣nọ ọgọnọḅuru [?] ọgó ̣nọḅuru ọgó ̣nọdụ ọgó ̣nọ dụ sei ọgó ̣nọdụsei ọgó ̣nọkuḅuyaị ọgó ̣nọkuḅuyaị mịẹ ọgó ̣nọkuḅuyaịmịẹḅ ọ ọgó ̣nọ-ofoni ọgó ̣nọwarị ọgó ̣nọwei ịwọ-ọgó ̣nọwei ọgó ̣nọweiḅịḅị ọgó ̣nọweiagbatụa ọgó ̣nọweipáịn ọgó ̣nọweifá na paga na ọgó ̣nọye ọgụ ọgú ̣gú ̣ụ ọgú ̣gú ̣ụmọ ọgụrụ kurukuru-ọgụrụ ó ̣ka1 ó ̣ka2 ọká1 . n.m. n.m. v.t. v.i. n. v.t. adv. n. adv. n. n. n. v.p. n. v.p. n.m.f . k dr cr t t thunder; lightning small ante-chamber in old-time houses short; deformed (of neck) in a deformed manner potassium iodide potassium permanganate bead used by royalty alone in olden days tree sp. and fruit ashes from plantain rind used as potash substitute in cookery carpentry engage in carpentry work hornbill sp. ọká2 ọká kọn ọkadịgọ n. v.p. n.m. ọkaíṇ ọkaịn ọkará n. n. n. ọkaráḅọ et ọkará kpọ n.m.f . & a. v.p. tree sp. and fruit; roofing mats; thatches Ghana; Accra; hair style for men; women’s cloth style Ghanaian; Accra person ọkarákpọye n. dr tie cloth round loins with another piece of rope or cord rope or cord used in tying cloth round loins b t et Dioscorea bulbifera (Dioscoreaceae). lit. ‘up-yam’ breadfruit tree and fruit north; up-river; skyward talk nasally due to defect in nose such nasal speech hypocrisy; pretence; dissimulation be hypocritical; dissimulate hypocrite; pretender; dissembler bird of the air storey house; upstairs moon; month It is divided as follows: new moon first quarter second quarter; full moon third quarter when moon is waning fourth quarter until new moon is seen n. n.m. n.m. n. n. n. n.p. n. n. a. adv. n. n. n. n. n. brother-in-law inner loincloth used as pants or tight drawers troop; flock about after or to (something) shout or talk boisterously boisterous talk spare; be frugal sparingly apex; top; up; sky; heaven in heaven; heavenly; upstairs aerial yam 248 (cf. egéle; ofoni1) (pl. ọgó ̣nọyaị) (same as ákaụn) family Bucerotidae (cf. amúsu1; akanga1; apịapịa) Garcinia kola Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọkaran’álu ọkarásutu n. n. cl dr ọkéké ̣ ẹ̣ a. ọkéké ̣ ẹmọ ̣ ọkélé ẹ̣ ̣ ẹ̣ or ọkélẹké ̣ ọkịkaḅá ọkịn-álala adv. a. n. n.m. b ḍụẹị-ọkịn-alala n.m. b ọkịrí ̣ a. v.i. n. ọkịrímọ ̣ n.m.f . adv. sei-ọkịrí ̣ ó ̣kọ ó ̣kọ sara ọkó1̣ n. n. v.p. v.t. ọkó ̣ fị ọkó ̣ye1 ọkó2 n. v.p. n. v.t. ọkịríkụmọ ̣ ọkó ̣bọ ọkó ̣fịrị ọkó ̣ye2 ọkó3̣ bf n.m.f . n. n. n. m i ọkọró ̣mọ n. n. v.t. n.m. n.m. v.i. n. v.t. ọkpáịn n.m. f ọkó ̣kọ ḍarị-ọkọkọ ọkọló ̣ ọkọlọkọpogí ọkọríkọrị ̣ ọkó ̣rọ Ghana print cloth women’s dress style consisting of a lower cloth, a blouse and a top cloth all of the same cloth curved like the interior of a circle; concave (of face) concavely small; of little size; smallish pad for loads (see ọgịgá) woodland kingfisher; blue-breasted kingfisher bird spp.; pigmy kingfisher, malachite kingfisher facetious; funny; jocular; humorous; waggish; droll; flippant jest; joke; jeer; speak or act in trifling manner; banter facetiousness; fun; jest; joke; jocularity; humour; drollery; waggishness; flippancy; pleasantry wag; jester; droll; joker Halcyon senegalensis; H. malimbica (cf. ḍụẹị-ọkịanlalá; ḍụẹị-ọkịn-alala; ẹgbẹíntekeleb ̣ ̣a) Ispidina picta; Corythornis cristata facetiously; jokingly; jestingly; jocularly; humorously; waggishly; drolly joke with malice in it curd vomited by child vomit curd bribe; pervert by gifts or other inducements the action or judgment of bribe; bribery take or "eat" bribe bribe hire; employ (person) for wages; procure or grant temporary use of (thing) for stipulated payment hireling; labourer labour (for wages) hire; rewards; wages short but heavy rain that falls just before dry ebb foam; froth; lather; suds scum from a boiling pot or fermenting wine clean rope for basketwork big bat which cries throughout the night centipede which glows on being touched shout; make loud cry or sound shout; loud utterance hoot; assail (person, etc.) with derisive shouts; boo fish sp.; characin sp. 249 family Chiroptera order Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 & a. ọkparan ọkpọkó ̣kpọkọ n.m. n.m. ọkpọló ̣kpọlọ ọkpọró ̣ n.m. v.t. ọkpọró ̣ye ọkpó ̣tọ tịḅị-ọkpọtọ ọkpọtó ̣ ọkpọtó ̣kpọtọ ọkpọtụḅa n. n n. n. n. n.m. ọkpó ̣tụụ ọkụ ghọ ḅọgọ ọkụghọḅọgọ ọkụkú ̣ ọkú ̣kú ̣ụ a. v.i. n. adv. n.m. n.m. v.i. n. v.p. n. n.m. a. ọkú ̣kú ̣ụmọ ọkú ̣lọ1 arụ-ọkụlọ arụ-ó ̣kụlọḅa ọkú ̣lọ2 ọkụmá ó ̣kụó ̣dụ ọkụó ̣kụọ ó ̣kụrụ ó ̣kụrụbéke adv. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. abadị-ó ̣kụrụ ọlalị ọlalị fí ̣ ḅuru-ó ̣lalị idu-ó ̣dalị indi-ó ̣lalị ịsẹmị-ọlalị oḅoripẹlẹ-ọlalị n. n. v.p. n. n. n. n. n. ọlílị́ ị̣ ọlílị́ ịmọ ̣ ọlọ1 a. adv. v.i. & t. n. ọkpó ̣tụụmọ ọkpụrụbịá ọkú ̣ ọkụ ọlọ1 Characiformes. cf. ikolokoló, ịságụ f b bp bp bf pp f first-born son bubu, a freshwater catfish reputed to move supinely; talkative bird; hence, a great talker drag; search bottom of river with grapnel or drag grapnel or drag brain brain matter mucilage; phlegm rotten fibre of plantain left on the stump freshwater fish of cichlid perch species d dull; sluggish; depressed lose force; dull dullness dully one-gallon pot Africcan buffalo; ‘bush-cow’ abut; border; have a common boundary with boundary; land mark; border; margin; limit encroach or intrude usurpingly (on boundary) encroachment masquerade type protruding; curved like the exterior of a circle; convex (of forehead) convexly bow of boat or canoe bow; fore-end of boat (see under arụ) source beating drum in general bugle; trumpet tree sp. okra plant and fruit rashes resembling small yaws often found on small children hibiscus plant found along sea shores feast; festivity; festival; merriment; carnival enjoy or celebrate a feast yam festival secular feast in honour of amatẹmẹsuo ‘fish’ festival ‘periwinkle’ festival feast when a goat is slaughtered or sacrificed for a deity or a departed ancestor bald; hairless baldly cough; expel air from lungs d cough; act of coughing m ms bo mi t cr d h tr tr tr tr tr 250 Auchenoglanis occientalis family Cichlidae. cf. adi, atán, elekéti, ịtaḅalá Syncerus caffer Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 kítịkí ̣ tị-ọlọ ̣ ọlọ2 ọlọgọlọ ọló ̣kọ ọló ̣kọ ọlọkó ̣ ọlọlímọ ̣ ọló ̣lọ n. n. n.m. v.t. n. v.t. v.i. v.i. ọlọló ̣ v.t. ọlụ ọlú ̣lú ̣ụ ó ̣ma n.m. a. n.m. ó ̣mbị v.t. ọmbịmó ̣ ó ̣mbịpulo ó ̣mbịye ó ̣mbịye-ó ̣mbịye ó ̣mbịlárị ọméndé ̣ ẹ̣ ọmí ̣ d fp m f whooping cough vital organs of crustacean African civet [cat] retch retching disgorge; eject from throat drag oneself forward with difficulty loosen; become less tight and hence fall off; look paralytically emaciated clean up oil palm leaf or plantain stem for fibre; clean the heads of lobsters and shrimps in preparation for cooking; loosen; make less tight second-born son small-mouthed electric catfish v.t. n. n. a. n. a. n. h rub; spread (ointment, powder, camwood, dye, etc.) over the body cause to rub over pomade; ointment; unguent camwood dye of crimson colour; red umbrella (of nose) flat itching weed; cow itch ọmímị ̣ n.m. tr ọmịní ̣ ọmó ̣ ọmó ̣ ó ̣mọ ḅá ó ̣mọḅá pron. v.i. n. & a. v.p. n. mt mt ọmó ̣ noin ọmó ̣noin v.p. n. mt mt ó ̣mịteghá sériyeghá ọmó ̣bụ kala-ọmó ̣mbụ opu-ọmó ̣mbụ ọmó ̣ngọ ọmó ̣rịmba n.p. n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. n. i i i he ọmó ̣rịmba tụá prí ̣ v.p. ọmó ̣ụn ọmó ̣ụn koro n. subj. + v.i. k mt mt fabled spirit which has a supposed adjustable magic arm second personal pronoun plural; you; ye ebb; flow back; recede ebb tide; dawn while water is still ebbing period of tide when day dawns while water is still ebbing become night while water is still ebbing period of tide when night falls while water is still ebbing nothing housefly in general sandfly; midge blowfly; meatfly mug; drinking vessel pointing of hand at someone abusively; an expression da ékị ̣ ḅálị said to an opponent point hand abusively at someone and actually utter da ékị ̣ ḅálị appetite; dearth; famine; hunger have famine; famine exists 251 Viverra civetta Malapterurus electricus <English umbrella also recroded as ó ̣mị; Mucuna pruriens (LeguminosaePapilionioideae) cf. ọmó ̣ mindi <English mug Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọmó ̣ụnkọríyo ̣ ó ̣mọyaí ̣ ọmụngụ ọmụngụ-arú ̣ ọmụngụ-arụ-alaḅó ̣ subj. + v.t. a. n.m. n. n. n.m. bo bo ọmụngụ-arụ-ekeré n. mi ọmụngụkirí ọmụngụ-ongú ọmụngụḅaibuluḅá ọna n. ers. n. h n.m. f ọná n.m. f ọnana ọnanakokoḅó ̣ n.m. n.m. da ọnanatọgú ̣ ọndé ̣ ọngbọ ọngbọ ó ̣nghaá ọngọ ọngọlí1̣ n.m. num. v.t. n. n. n. v.t. da ọngọlịmó ̣ ọngọlí2̣ ọngọrí ̣ ọngọrí ̣ ó ̣nị v.t. n. v.i. n. n.m. ó ̣nị dụ ọní ̣ ọnínịị ̣ ọnọ ọnụngó ̣ ímburu-ó ̣nụngọ v.p. v.t. a. n.m. n. n. yakayaka-ó ̣nụngó ̣ ọnụnú ̣ ḅara-ó ̣nụnụ ḅịḅị-ọnụnụ ḅụọ-ọnụnụ ọnyéndẹẹ ̣ n. n. n. n. n. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. n. ọmó ̣ụn kọrị ọnyéndẹẹmọ ̣ ọnyényẹẹ ̣ ọnyị feel hunger; be hungry ms fr cl cl mt mt mt mi mi mi mi hungry, peckish masquerade type battle; war battleship; warship; war canoe war canoe chief; a chief who has amassed wealth to reach the status of manning a war canoe (30 slaves and ammunition) wooden drums used in a war canoe; the style of beating them captivity soldiers fern; bracken geelbeck croaker (‘small-mouth or weakfish’) Atractoscion aequidens meagre (‘meagre drum’; ‘croaker or large- Argyrosomus regius mouth’; ‘sea croaker) sheep hence ọnana oḅorí shepherd (pl. ọnanakok’ongú) lamb; yearling four hundred, used as unit of counting importune; solicit pressingly; make appeals to solicitation no, expressing an emphatic negative channel; sound; strait clean up or scoop completely (with hand, spoon, etc.) any semi-solid matter clean up to one side succulent coconut fruit snore snore; snoring cloth canopy over an arena for dancing or meeting spread cloth as canopy over an arena flay; strip off skin or hide very small; tiny black cloth used for mourning wave; breaker very high wave; heavy ocean wave breaking on coast small rough waves harmonium; harmonica; organ in general accordion mouth-organ pedal organ simper; smirk simperingly same as preceding blacksmith’s charcoal 252 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ó ̣ọ ọpagịpagí ̣ ọpagịpagílụgú ̣ ̣ ọpaịn excl. n. n. n. ọpalí ̣ ọpịán1 ọpịán tụa ọpịán2 ọpịapịá ọpịna n. n. v.p. n.m. n.m. n. ó ̣pịnánga ọpịndá ọpịndágbenḅịté ̣ ọpínị ̣ ọpịní ̣ ọpịpaịn n. n. a. n.m. v.i. v.t. n.m. ọpịpí ̣ ọpịrịsíkị ̣ ọpó ̣ ọpó ̣tugu n.m. n.m. n. n. ọpó ̣ịn ọpó ̣lụ ọpọtọkọ, ọpọtọ ọpó ̣lụḅayaị ọpó ̣rịmó ̣pọ ọpụ n.m. n.m. n. n.m.f . n. n. ọpú ̣n ọpú ̣ntụọfịaí ̣ ọpụrú1̣ ọpụrú2 ọpụrụ-áka ḅio-ó ̣pụrụ ọpụrú3 ọra v.t. n. v.t. n. n. n. n. pron. ọrí ̣ n. bp ọríyọ ̣ ọrọ ọrọdọ ọrọmú ̣ excl. n.m. n.m. n. la i ọrọmú ̣ sou ọrọrọḅilégha v.p. n.m. b ọró ̣sị n. cr fr fr g he ms bf bp bp f expressing confused emotion spice plant and its fruit mantled type of oil palm fruit reed; the Indian bamboo, special knife used for tapping palm wine lot (for finding lost things) draw or cast lots masquerade type same as apịapịá skin; hide; integument; bark; rind; tan; husk; outer cover wax in the ear; cerumen shoulder scapular sash become bare of skin or bark peel; rind; bark; strip; excoriate fish sp.; minnow sp., especially one in salt water notorious thief half gallon pot corner of room back of fire place; r c female of tortoise crayfish mud legendary, exceptionally tall human being fp air bladder of sea-catfish; sound belly; lower front of body; flank; fleshy part of front of body between ribs and hip seethe food with the rind such seethed food gather up with the hand section of canoe built-up sides of canoe; coaming bulk-head; inner part of ọpụrú ̣ back length of an animal from shoulder to hip your (plural) bo bo bo ap pubic hair serve you right! creeklet; rill; rivulet; runnel biting fly; vomiting feeling which tends to rise from the root of the navel feel such vomiting feeling bird sp. with long thin legs found on sudd grasses; African jacana; common lily trotter rice 253 Oxytenanthera abyssinia family Cyprinidae cf. ḅụrọtongu; edenítongu second person plural possessive pronoun; cf. obiri-ítuka, pẹgẹyaí ̣ Chrysops spp. Actophilornis africanus Oryza sativa Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 (Gramineae) < Portuguese arroz ọrú ̣ ọrụḅá n. n.m. ọrú ̣rụụ ọrú ̣rụụmọ ọsá ọsá sụọ ó ̣saịn(ḅẹlẹ) a. adv. n. v.p. n.m. ọsẹkẹ ọséṇ éḅẹn’ọsẹn ̣ ọsịḅá ọsígọ ̣ a. n. n. n. n. ọsịkaịn n.m. f ọsịkasịká ọsịkasịkaídu n. n.m. mi f ọsímaịn ̣ n. t ọsịma ọsịmakọn ọsịmakọnḅó ̣ ọsịmamọmbọ ọsịsá1 ọsịsá2 ọsó1̣ ọsó2̣ n. n.m. n.m. n. n. v.t. v.t. f a cl f tr ọsọḅú ̣ ọsọḅú ̣ n. v.i. ọsọíṇ 1 v.t. ọsọíṇ 1 namaọsọịnḅó ̣ ọsọíṇ 2 n. n.m. v.t. ọsọíṇ 2 ama-ọsọịn kụmọ-ọsọịnḅó ̣ n. n. n.m.f . n.f. ọsọínsọịnḅá ̣ ọsọkịsọkí ̣ ọsọmụ ọsọmụ mọndị ọsọmụmọndịḅó ̣ ọsụkụ n.m. n. v.p. n.m.f . n. fg fp p p p tr f order; class; kind; sort woven basket-work open at both ends, used for fishing; coop mute; silent mutely; silently very tall, but fruitless, oil palm tree; become ọsá pot of medicine kept in special place for healing very small; very few (of bunch, contents, etc.) soap (in general) native black soap spine of fish; hard part in fin of fish; awn holes in wood caused by teredo or shipworm or stemborers fish sp.; halfbeak spp., flat garfish musical instrument; a rattle very small and thin fish resembling ọsịkaịn, halfbeak spp. tree sp., the wood of which is very durable in water; in blacksmithery blacksmith unidentified scaly fish described as very tasty bridge; jetty; landing pier; mole cloth in strips fish in a "nembe" dam keep preliminary lyke or waking before actual night of ceremonies; falsehood; alie; fib; false statement lie; speak falsely; tell lie; fib; hence ọsọḅụ gba hunt; chase or pursue wild animals or game for food or sport; hunting; pursuit of game hunter spy; explore secretly; keep secret watch (on movement of person) spying espionage; practice of using spies or spying spy god responsible for ferrying spirits to the underworld fish sp. errand; message go on errand messenger; forerunner; harbinger; precursor; one who carries a message same as ituku lụgụ 254 (also ọríḅa) ̣ e.g. ọsá lụgụ (also ó ̣ḅẹn’ọsẹn) family Hemiramphidae Hemiramphidae sp. also égele-ákaụn hence ḍụẹị ọsó ̣ hence nama ọsọịn Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 yọ ékị ̣ ọsú ̣kụ dọgú ̣ ọta v.p. n. fg ọtị n.m. b frequent a place weir; enclosure of stakes set in a stream as trap for fish sunbird sp., black in colour ọtịkọkó ̣ ọtíọ̣ n. n. f chikoko mud small type of sea-catfish called sịngí ̣ ọtó ̣bịrị ó ̣tọló ̣ n.m. n. sh mindi-ó ̣tọlọ n.m. sh ọtọlọtọlọḅá ọtó ̣ndịaḅá ọtó ̣ngbọlọ(ḅá) n.m. n.m. n. i i ọtú ̣ma n. a. small 1/4-gallon pot shrub sp. yielding valuable wood for fish-rods and small fruits for thickening soup shrub species found in more swampy conditions non-biting small insect resembling sandfly firefly; glow-worm very minute particle of dewdrop; scintilla; spark; atom; tittle; whit mud in general made of earth or clay; fictile; ọtú ̣ma-ọtú ̣ma ọtịkọkó ̣-ọtụmá pérẹn’ó ̣ ̣tụma ọtụmụ1 ọtụmụ2 ọtụrú ̣ ó ̣vọ ó ̣vọ fị ó ̣vọ iri ó ̣vọ kọrị elemu-ó ̣vọ ịwọ-ó ̣vọ ó ̣wọmá a. n. n. n. cr n. n. n. v.p. v.p. v.p. p.n. p.n. p ers. muddy chikoko mud yellow clay aerial yam double navel great number vow; covenant; testament make a covenant; vow go against a covenant be affected by a vow Old Testament N ew Testament children kalaó ̣wọmayaí ̣ ọwọrọdọ-álagba ó ̣wọrọwó ̣só ̣ ọyaya ọyéḅẹ ̣ n. n.m. n.m. n.m.f . v.i. n.m. n. v.p. a. chickenpox; measles gun; cap-gun; dane-gun brush-tailed porcupine bird sp. (unidentified) moron; degenerate brute; fool; buffoon ó ̣yị ọyọ ọzarị ọzarị koro ọzarịkoroghá d m b p cl char; burn to charcoal native cloth in strips (perhaps from Oyọ) rust rust; become rusty rustless 255 family N ectariniidae (cf. ịmbị-akásiko; ịmbị-akásọgị; ịsẹrẹ); Arius sp. cf. gbengu, nẹgú ̣, nẹngú ̣ e.g. ọtú ̣ma ḅẹlé ̣ ‘clay pot’ Dioscorea bulbifera (plural to tó ̣gụ) e.g. ó ̣wọmá kalaị ‘few children’ (but loosely used as ‘small children’); kala ó ̣wọmá ‘small children’ Atherurus africanus (cf. wáya; wó ̣ya) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ọzarị-ọzarí ̣ ọzarị pẹlé ̣ ó ̣zọló ̣lị1 a. v.p. n. rusty corrode children’s game; hopping on one foot and swinging the other to and fro small fry of fish, especially those of mullet ga ó ̣zọló ̣lị2 n. f ó ̣zọnízọbịá ̣ ọzú ̣gụụ n. a. cloth resembling real india tight; deformed; misshaped (of net, garment, etc.) must; be obliged to (do) pá2 pá3 v.aux . v.i. adv. paán v.i. paán n. e.g. family Mugilidae cf. ẹkpẹrú ̣kpẹrụ, ịdẹgé,̣ ịyagụ P. pá1… nyụ paán paán egé pan n. v.p. pága v.i. paga v.i. paga pagamó1̣ n. v.t. pagáya v.t. pagáya n. paga pagámọ pagamó2̣ v.t. v.t. paga paga paga n. paga paga ḅo n. v.p. paga gbáan fụrú ̣ paga pu paga v.p. v.p. v.p. dare; venture to; have the courage to; ought still; even to this present time; just; A. crow; utter loud cry of cock; bleat; make sheep’s, goat’s, or calf’s cry; low; moo; utter cry of cow; hoot; utter cry of owl crow; cry of cock; bleat; cry of sheep, goat or calf; low; moo, cry of cow; hoot B. boo; hoot; make sound of disapproval or contempt at a speaker or an announcement boo(ing); hoot(ing) encourage by shouting (especially in case or on happy occasions) be manifest; present oneself formally or publicly; come out A. go out; start; depart; journey; travel; proceed; move departure; going away; starting acquit; discharge; divorce; send out; dissolve (marriage) absolve from marriage; divorce from one another dissolution or undoing (of marriage); divorcement B. happen; come to pass; come about happen to; betide; appear to cause; effect; bring out or about; produce; start; develop C. be or become visible; appear; be published appearance D. grow; develop; increase in size or height; be produced; be found in some place; wax growth; development; germination come forth from; issue, appear, originate, from grow over; be covered with some growth smell out; smack of (something) germinate; sprout; spring up; rise (of moon) 256 e.g. á pá munyú ̣ ‘I must go’ e.g. pá timí ḍigíi ‘just wait and see’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 paga a. E. clean; free from dirt; unsoiled; chaste; washed out; pure; undefiled unclean; impure; unchaste; soiled; defiled be redeemed or bailed answer; reply to answer; reply bail; redeem redeemer pagaghá págara pagará1 pagaráye1 pagará2 pagaráḅọ pagaráye2 pagara1 a. v.i. v.t. n. v.t. n.m.f . n. n. pagara ḅịté ̣ pagarapagará págarapágara págarapágaramọ pagara pú imbipagara kurupagará pulópagara págị1 págị1 págị2 n.m. a. a. adv. v.t. n. n. n. v.i. n. v.i. pagị1 pagịye pagị2 v.t. n. v.t. paị paị páịn v.i. n. v.i. páịngha paịnmó ̣ paíṇ paká a. v.t. v.t. n. palágị palágịmọ palalá, pálaláa pálaláamọ pálalóo v.i. adv. a. adv. a. stagger; totter; walk unsteadily staggeringly flabby; flaccid; limp limply flabby; flaccid; limp pálalóomọ pálị adv. a. pálị pálị v.i. n. limply tight; compact; closely fitting; firmly put together become tight tightness cl redemption sheet; broad more or less flat piece of some thin material (as of iron, lead, glass, paper, etc.); shred; strip; torn or broken piece (of crockery, etc.); side (of person, animal, object); part; half of something; fillet cloth woven in strips sheet by sheet; piece by piece not fluent; half and half (of language) not fluently break or saw into plank; fillet (fish) part (usually 1/3) of a broken head of coconut sheet or piece of sawn timber plank half-cask of oil be pledged; pledge one’s self state of being pledged take more than necessary (of food, drink); cloy, glut, satiate, oneself with (food, drink, etc.) pawn; impawn; pledge; put in pawn or pledge pawn; pledge give more than necessary (of food or drink); cloy, glut, sate, satiate (with food, drink or pleasure) be not true lie; lying be broken; dwindle; wane (as moon); shrink (by breaking) unfailing; unwaning fail (a promise) break piece off tree sp. yielding very light wood and fibre bark 257 Clappertonia ficifolia (Willd.) Decne. (Tiliaceae) (cf. next word) (cf. preceding word) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pálịmọ palí ̣ adv. v.t. tightly fitting A. support; tighten so as to keep from falling; give strength to; palímọ ̣ 1 v.i. palímo ̣ 2 palímọ ̣ sụọ palịmó ̣ n. v.p. v.t. choke; become unable to breathe properly owing to stodginess of stomach such condition of being choked force entry into a tight or compact place tighten; hamper; obstruct space with material obstacles B. follow; come after in order; support; second; land assistance supporter palí ̣ palíḅọ ̣ palịmó2̣ pambá1 pambaimburúsụọgha pambawei pambá2 n.m.f . v.t. n. n.m. n.m. n. pamba pamba pambamó ̣ pámbara pambará panáma pangá ninípanga pánị pápa v.i. n. v.t. v.i. n. n. n. n. n.m. adv. papaḅará papaḅarámọ papaḅió papaḅió a. adv. n. a. papaḅịḅí ̣ pápamọ pápapaga pápapagayé papatúgu papatúgu papayé pápa2 a. adv. a. n. a. n. n. adv. papa papalá pápaláa pápaláamọ páraráa n.m. a. a. adv. a. b f dr go bp he k follow closely; chase wing; eaves (of house) large stork, so called because of its large wings fish spp. with broad flat body; skates and rays leaf (of book or tobacco), hence ḍiripamba; single thickness of folded paper which is equal to two pages in a book become hot and dry; thirst; parch feeling of hotness make hot and dry; make thirst; parch slightly burn at bottom of soup pot (of soup) slightly burnt scent in soup panama hat calabash drinking cup wing of nostril pan for nothing; free; in vain; unsuccessfully; merely; simply; barely; just empty-handed empty-handed emptiness; futility; vanity; fruitlessness empty; containing nothing; devoid of furniture or inmates; without loads; vain; addled; futile; fruitless without meat or fish; plain (of food) freely casual; accidental; happening by chance accident; chance happening bare; naked; nude; unclothed; uncovered nakedness; nudity nonsense; meaningless words even (in negative context); child’s name for father flat flat flatly ungainly; gawky 258 e.g. tịnmí tugumí ̣ ̣ palíị̣ ‘fix the stick firmly!’ (pl. palị-óngu) family Ciconiidae order Rajiformes <English <English e.g. á bene pápa ḍigí ka ḍigíghá ‘I never even looked’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 patapatámọ páụn pée pée pée péemọ pégele adv. v.i. a. v.t. v.t. & i. n. v.i. v.t. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. v.i. & n. adv. n. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. pégele pegelé pegelé ḍigí pegelemó ̣ n. v.t. v.p. adv. pegelemó ̣ kaú ̣n pekée pekéemọ pekelée pekelée pekeléemọ pekelépekele, pekélepekéle pekelépekele, pekélepekéle pekelépekelemọ pékepéke pékepékemọ pékuláa pékuláamọ mịé ̣ pékuláamọ pékunáa pékunáamọ pelelée peleléemọ v.p. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. with a spatter pound sterling pale; pallid; wan; sallow; anaemic grow or become pale, sallow pallor; paleness palely; pallidly; wanly dance; masquerade dance in which dancer whirls round and round such a masquerade dance turn round for examination examine a thing round and round twistingly; hence pegelemó ̣ gbaá ‘tell (something) in roundabout manner’ brandish (as sword) dart; take off; spring from with a spring or dart dodge; shuffle dodging; shuffle; shuffling with a dodge dodgy; fickle; inconstant; changeable v.i. dodge; move quickly round adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.p. a. adv. v.i. adv. with a dodge falter; stagger falteringly broad and wide broadly make broad; broaden broad or wide broadly dart; start rapidly in some direction; dodge with a dart páraráamọ párị párịpárị parí ̣ pásisei pásisei pásụ pasụ pátakáa pátakáamọ patákapatáka, patakapataká patákapatákamọ patákipatáki patákipatákimọ pátakíi patapatá in an ungainly manner be spun ruffled; curly (of hair); kinky spin make devout supplication; beseech, pray, entreat, earnestly earnest prayer; entreaty be dented dent patter with a patter patter with a patter heavy patter with a heavy patter broad and heavy spatter; splash dc ms 259 <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pelélepeléle, pelelépelele pelélepeléle, pelelépelele pelemúpelemu pelemúu pélia a. dodgy v.i. dartle; keep on darting v.i. v.i. n.m. dartle start rapidly in some direction; dart dodge fish sp.; [African horse mackerel?]; Senegal jack; pompano sp. péligue pembú ḅéke-imbípembu kọrọpembu lụgú ̣pembu pende pendemọ1 pendemọ2 n. n. n. n. n. v.i. adv. v.t. péndu péndu v.i. n. péndumọ pendú pénge pénge péngemọ pengé péngenée péngenéemọ pengenépengene pengenépengenemọ pénipéni adv. v.t. a. v.i. adv. v.t. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. pénipénimọ pénwáa pénwáamọ pépeláa pépeláamọ pepelámọ pepesáa pepesáamọ1 pepesáamọ2 pereperé n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. a. adv. v.t. a. n. pereperémọ pereré pererémọ pereréperere or peréreperére adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. f tp tp tp tp hanky-panky; underhand dealing frond of palms coconut frond raffia palm frond oil palm frond (of body) settle; come to rest composedly compose; arrange in a specified manner; tranquilise feel tired because of hard work aching tiredness; the feeling which comes as a result of too much hard work with aching tiredness tire; cause to be tired oblique; in a sideways direction be bent or leaning obliquely cause to bend or lean light; of little weight; of small specific gravity lightly light; of little weight lightly gasp; strain for air or breath, with open mouth, as in drowning or in exhaustion gasp; straining for air or breath gaspingly broad; wide; broad-brimmed broadly; in a broad-brimmed style broad; wide and flat broadly; widely broaden; widen broad; wide and flat broadly; widely broaden; widen smart; brisk; lively smartness; word used at time of purification by priest or priestess, urging that the person should be brisk and smart smartly; briskly dart; take off dart with a dart falter; stagger 260 Caranx senegallus. family Carangidae. cf. mọrọn, ịkụtú ̣kụtụ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pererépereremọ peri adv. n. peri-atịḅị peri ḅá v.p. perinamá n.m. peri pẹlé ̣ v.p. peripẹlé ̣ perígbo péselée n. n.m. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. adv. n. n.m. n. v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.t. & i. péseléemọ petáa petáamọ petapetá petapetámọ pétekáa pétekáamọ petekapeteká petekapetekámọ pewáa pewáamọ péẹn ̣ péẹnmọ ̣ pẹgẹ pẹgẹ-ikú pẹgẹtugú pẹgẹyaí ̣ pégị ̣ pẹgí ̣ péị̣ pẹí1̣ pẹí2̣ péịpé ̣ ị̣ a. tr tr ms falteringly human sacrifice given in rotation by members of a society or league of chiefs; head of enemy taken at war; a big and ferocious game animal killed skulls of sacrificed victims kept as trophies said of a child when it cuts its milk-teeth, or of an eaglet when it develops white feathers from dull grey ones; or of a person who has performed a difficult task any of the following animals when killed is regarded as perinamá:- ḅịlá ‘elephant’; ọkú ̣ ‘bush-cow’; kụró ̣nama ‘leopard’; tele ‘gorilla’; émein ‘manatee’ or ‘seacow’; ḅólia ‘dolphin’ behead a victim at war or perform human sacrifice; take scalp taking of scalp; beheading of a victim at war masquerade type pale; pallid; sallow; wan grow pale; become pale pallor; paleness palely; pallidly; wanly patter; spatter with a patter or spatter patter (in succession) with a continuous patter wide or broad (of foot) broadly; widely patter (as footsteps of some animal on soft soil); spatter with tread with a patter patter; spatter i bp with a patter show first flow (of tide) first flow of tide slightly pelvis; pubic region crab-louse pelvic region pubic hairs be prised up prise up, open, by leverage be eaten eat (fish or meat only) touch or be touched by a draughtsman or some stick in a game of igboun and other games perforated; pitted 261 cf. obiri-ítuka, ọrí ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pékụpé kụmọ ̣ ̣ pélẹ ̣ 1 adv. n.m. n.m. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. & v.i. adv. v.i. pélẹ ̣ koro pélẹ ̣ 2 pélẹḅa ̣ v.i. n. n. pẹlẹ1 v.t. pẹlẹghaḅoú n. la pẹlẹghatọngó ̣ pẹlẹ koromó ̣ pẹlẹ sín peri pẹlé ̣ peripẹlé ̣ tọngó ̣ pẹlẹ tọngó ̣pẹlẹ tọngó ̣pẹlẹgha tọngó ̣pẹlẹgha2 pẹlẹ2 n. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. n. n. n.m. v.t. bp pẹlẹ3 n. v.t. pẹlémọ ̣ pẹlẹmó ̣ v.i. v.t. farịyaị pẹlé ̣ numo pẹlẹ4 pẹlẹ4 v.p. v.p. v.t. pẹlẹ irí ḅọrẹ pẹlé ̣ ḅẹrẹpẹlẹḅó ̣ ḅẹrẹpẹlẹ-ené ḅẹrẹpẹlẹyé pẹlẹ5 v.p. v.p. n.m. n. n. v.t. pélẹkoro ̣ pẹlẹkoro n. n. péịpé ̣ ịmọ ̣ pẹịpẹínẹgị ̣ pẹịpẹínẹngị ̣ pékẹlé ẹ ̣ ̣ pékẹlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ pẹkẹlépẹkẹlẹ ̣ pẹkẹlépẹkẹlẹmọ ̣ pẹkẹpẹké ̣ pẹkẹpẹkémọ ̣ pékụpé kụ ̣ ̣ in a perforated way whale whale slim slimly slim slimly thin; lean thinly whisper mt i mc mc cr whisperingly be cut, felled, mowed, ceased, stopped, ended, decided, settled, concluded, adjudged be cut down neap-tide period of tide just following a spring when, although the tide will be flowing, the level or height of water continues to decrease daily cut; amputate; fell; mow; chop; hew; hack; notch virgin forest which has not been farmed for over forty years and more; jungle uncircumcised penis cut down cut away or off take scalp taking of scalp circumcise circumcision uncircumcision centipede chip; trip up; cause to stumble by entangling or suddenly arresting the feet; wrestling-trick; chip cease; end; stop; desist; bring or come to an end be screened; be stranded intercept; sheet out; screen; dam; interrupt; prevent passage stop drumming cease or cause to stop singing conclude; decide; adjudicate; determine; judge; settle; adjudge misjudge decide a case judge judgement day judgment drum or sing an accompaniment; banana cultivar corridor 262 order Cetacea order Cetacea e.g. ó a ghọ ḅụọmá pẹlé ̣ ‘he tripped her up’ cf. inikí pẹlẹ or alili pẹlẹ; numo pẹlé ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pẹlẹkoroḅụgó ̣ pẹmbụ n. n.m. pénị ̣ 1 pénị ̣ 2 pẹní ̣ pẹpẹ pépẹlé ẹ̣ ̣ pépẹlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ pẹré ̣ pẹré ̣ pẹré ̣ n. v.i. v.t. a. a. adv. a. n. n.m. pẹréḅọ ̣ pẹrẹmó ̣ pẹrẹnịná pérẹn’ó ̣ ̣tụma pẹrẹsaní ̣ n.m.f . n.m.f . v.t. n. n. n. pérẹḅú ̣ ̣ụ pérẹḅú ̣ ̣ụmọ pérẹpé rẹ ̣ ̣ pérẹpé rẹ ̣ ̣ pérẹpé rẹmọ ̣ ̣ pétẹké ẹ̣ ̣ pétẹké ẹmọ ̣ ̣ pẹtẹpẹté ̣ pétẹré ̣ ẹ̣ píga pigá a. adv. a. n. adv. a. adv. a. a. v.i. v.t. pigákiri n. pọgó ̣ piga v.p. pigi v.t. pigi n. pigíya v.i. & n. v.p. n. v.i. n. n. n. v.p. v.t. pẹrékụmó ̣ ̣ odú pigi odúpigi pígiri pígiri pígiri-ẹfẹrụma pígirimindi pígiri sụọ pigirí f door in a corridor fish sp.; razorfish penny (coin) (archaic) be prised up open with force; prise; open (eyes) wide thin; lean flat flatly rich; wealthy; having riches richness; king (Njọ origin, but retained in N embe especially for king in games of draughts and cards) rich or wealthy person Xyrichthys sp. cf. epelépele <English rich person; lord; lady bf cr bo enrich; make rich semen yellow clay sweet pepper plant and fruit resembling alligator pepper low; not high (of house) in a low way loquacious; chattering loquaciousness loquaciously low; not high (of seat) low tiny; very small tiny; very small be moored or pinned or transfixed berth; moor (canoe) in suitable place; pin, transfix with stick berth; a ship’s place at wharf; sleeping place of a boat choke; stop breath temporarily by blocking with food or water; choke down deny; disown; recant; abjure; abnegate; renounce; contradict denial; abnegation; abjuration; recantation; renunciation; contradiction bet; wager; debate; (make) competition; dispute deny oneself self-denial; self-abnegation go in spiral or circle; revolve; whirl; swirl swirl; eddying motion (of water, air, etc.) whirlwind whirlpool force entrance agitate or turn round something with spoon or hand; churn; stir; gyrate 263 or pigáyọ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 píli pílorú pin pinmó ̣ pinyó ̣ pindá pindamó ̣ píni n. n. v.i. v.t. n. n. v.t. n. pínió ̣nị pinóngo pinóngomọ pinongomó ̣ piolí piolímọ piopió piopió piopiómọ pirí pirítugu n.m. v.i. adv. v.t. v.t. adv. a. n. adv. n. n. piríḅio piríḅọ pirí de n. n.m.f . v.p. piríde n. seipirí n. pirínti pisí pisímọ pisimó ̣ píti n.m. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.i. pití pitímọ pítikíi v.t. v.t. a. la pill lead (metal) cicatrize cicatrize cicatrice or cicatrix; scar fibre from raffia fronds used for weaving mat force; threaten pin; thin piece of brass or iron wire for fastening things inferior cloth used for bathing choke; gasp or strain for air or breath gaspingly choke; suffocate prick; make a thrust into sharply (of piercing) pointed; sharp pointedness pointedly bush; forest spot on which goddess of forest is supposed to be resident wilderness bushman drive game; hunt; chase, scour (district) in pursuit of game battue; driving of game by beaters to a station; scouring a district in pursuit of game bush for burial purposes pitikípitikimọ pí ̣ v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. print cloth get wet; be drenched wetness; condition of being wet in a wet or drenched condition drench; wet all over; steep; soak; make wet be fixed on pointed thing; be fixed by point into pin; prick; stick; fix; infix prick; pinch damp, moist, slightly wet (usually of food or mud) be damp damply damp (of food only) be damp damply the other; píaị̣ píalí ̣ ị̣ píalí ̣ ịmọ ̣ pịgịpịgí ̣ pịgịpịgímọ ̣ a. adv. a. adv. the others lanky in a lean manner serried; without gaps in a serried way pítikíimọ pitikípitiki cl 264 <English <English literally; "bad bush"; <English or píyaị ̣ e.g. pí ̣ yemị ‘the other thing’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pịmụpịmú ̣ pịmú ̣pịmú ̣ụ pịmú ̣pịmú ̣ụmọ pịmú ̣ụ a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. v.t. v.i. n. v.i. adv. v.i. n. v.i. a. adv. v.i. pịmú ̣ụmọ pịná pịná pịná pịnáḅou adv. a. v.i. n. n.m. pịnáḅọ n.m.f . v.t. v.p. a. n. v.i. v.t. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. adv. v.t. píịịn ̣ píịịnmọ ̣ píịn ̣ píịnmọ ̣ píkị ̣ pịkí1̣ pịkí2̣ pịkịríị̣ pịkịríịmọ ̣ pịkịrípịkịrị ̣ pịnamó ̣ fụlọ pịnamó ̣ pịnapịná pịndí ̣ pịndịmó ̣ pịnịngí ̣ pịnịngímọ ̣ pịníngịpịní ngị ̣ ̣ pịníngịpịní ngịmọ ̣ ̣ píọgí ̣ ị̣ píọgí ̣ ịmọ ̣ pịọlí ̣ pịọlímọ ̣ pịó ̣nị pịọpịó ̣mọ pịrí ọ r prí ̣ a. n. adv. v.t. prí k ̣ ọrí ̣ príkọrí ̣ ye ̣ v.p. n. pịọpịó ̣ co co co b faint; dim; glimmering; gleaming glimmer; gleam faintly; dimly sound lightly like fart faintly (of sound) be wound; turn (itself) winding; act of winding or of turning on a tap wind (clock); coil; turn on a tap dance a certain step in otoḅá play dancing step in otoḅá play turn about or round smartly smartly (of turn) rotate; revolve rotating; revolving; rotation; revolution dartle unsteady unsteadily dart; start rapidly; dart suddenly (as birds, bees, missile) in some direction smartly; suddenly white; whitish become white, ripe; redden white; whiteness little egret = lesser white heron et white person co make white; whiten redden soup with oil or palm fruit white; whitish white; whiteness fly off (as spark, seed, etc.) cause to fly off soft; cosy softly; cosily soft; not rough or coarse; quilted; snug softly; cosily crowded; overcrowded in a crowded way prick sharply (of piercing) elude; escape adroitly from difficulty, person’s grip or observation; hence pịó ̣nị ḅọgọ; slip our of reach, hence pịó ̣nị paga pointed; sharp acuity; sharpness; acuteness pointedly; sharply give; endow; bestow; bequeath; confer (thing) upon (person); grant (favour); accord (affection); deliver; hand over; proffer pledge; pawn; mortgage security dc dc co co 265 Egretta garzetta (cf. kịánkururu; kurukuruḅou; ogbokó) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pịrịríịmọ ̣ písẹ ̣ v.i. n. adv. v.i. pịsẹ n. v.t. pịrịríị̣ pịtịḅú ̣ụmọ pịtịḅú ̣ụpịtịḅú ̣ụ pịtịḅú ̣ụpịtịḅú ̣ụmọ pịtịpịtí ̣ pịtịpịtímọ ̣ pó pogí1 v.t. n. a. v.i. v.t. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. fie ḅịḅị pogí v.p. fieḅịḅịpogí a. fieḅịḅịpogí n. pogí2 orupogí ọkọlọkọpogí pógo1 pógo pogó1 n.m. n.m. n.m. v.i. v.i. v.t. pogó2 pogó3 pogóye v.t. v.t. n. pógolo pogoló pogolomó ̣ pogu1 pogumó ̣ pogu2 pogu fịná pólo or poló v.i. v.t. v.t. v.i. v.t. n. v.p. v.i. n. v.t. pịsẹmó ̣ pịsịlí ̣ píta ̣ 1 píta ̣ 2 pịtá pịtịḅú ̣ụ polómọ start; dart smartly start; swift dart with a sudden start be separated or scraped; scratch or claw oneself spell of scratching oneself remove or separate palm fruits from spikelet; scratch or scrape with nails to relieve itching; claw gently sow or germinate seed in the nursery stage pistol bent; inclined; twisted be trapped or entrapped trap; entrap flicker; dart; flash m m m flickeringly; with a dart flicker; flash and die away by turns flickeringly remote; secluded; out-of-the-way remotely shoot out (of periwinkle when roasting) A. hearken; listen to; give ear to; hear person speaking with attention; make effort to hear something obey; perform bidding of; heed advice; execute (command) obedient; submissive to or complying with superior’s will; dutiful obedience; submission to rule B. humiliate by being silent when called bat spp. small bat sp. big bat which cries throughout the night be pulled; carved, winkled out be marked (especially eye) with chalk pull out; carve out; winkle out; spot or single out spot; mark (especially eye) with chalk patch; repair with patches patch; piece of cloth or metal put on to mend hold or rent be pierced; have holes make hold in; pierce side of make hole in lose in a game cause to lose in a game bunch; bundle; faggot; skein; sheaf; tangle tie into bundles burst; detonate; explode explosion; detonation burst on somebody with a spark (as fire); spark at; snap or fillip two fingers at someone in contempt or with a meaning 266 <English family Chiroptera Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 polomó ̣ poló v.t. v.t. polo polotirí n. n. gbọrịpoloḅọ opúpolotiri pológi or pologi n.m.f . n. v.i. pombi(ye) n. n. cause to burst; detonate; explode disembowel; eviscerate; gut; paunch; remove entrails of fish or game street; area; arena; vacant ground arena; field; neighbour Popo n. et big arena; racecourse; stadium make a struggle (as fish in a canoe); engage in loud altercation or wrangle; brawl; altercate; quarrel struggle; altercation; brawl; quarrel; wrangle fibrous part of the cut-open coconut, hence imbi pombiye suck; draw liquid with mouth soft immature kernel of oil-palm fruit be dented dent make dent barrel; cask; puncheon barrel of salted meat cask or puncheon of oil force; oppress force; oppression rounded metal vessel for holding child’s evacuation; potty resembling grey or ash colour (of fresh water as the latter becomes abundant and floats on top of salt or seawater during the rainy season) become grey or ash coloured (of seawater in the rains) Dahomey Popoḅó ̣ n.m.f . & a. v.t. n. v.i. & n. a. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. n. et Dahomean t mould; shape tree sp. with soft wood jumble póo v.t. n. v.i. v.t. v.t. n.m. n.m. n.m. v.i. n. n. póoo a. pomi pondí póndo pondo pondomó ̣ póni namaponi pulóponi ponómọ tp co v.i. popomó ̣ póro porogú poróguporógu pórogúu pórogúumọ póropóro póropóromọ pororó pororómọ pororopororó pororopororómọ posi poto e.g. polotirímị ghọ ‘in the street’, ‘in public’ untidy, badly-fitting (dress) jumbly in a jumble gush; flow (as tears) with a gush or flow (of tears) light; of little weight with light weight of little weight with light weight age-grade bullet 267 cf. pó ̣ọọ < name of Popo town Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 póu poú1 poú2 v.i. v.i. v.t. poú3 poumó ̣ v.t. v.t. poúmọ pọgó ̣ n. n. pọgó ̣ ḅélẹ ̣ pọgó ̣ḅélẹ ̣ pọgó ̣ ḅẹlẹmọ pọgọ-íkpụ ̣ pọgọ-óforofo pọgọ-ólolo pọgó ̣ seí pọgó ̣ seimọ pọgó ̣tụaye pọgó ̣tugu ḅélẹpọgọ ̣ v.p. n. v.p. n. n. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. n. ḍarịpọgọ seípọgó ̣ seipọgó ̣ gbémọ seipọgó ̣gbémọ telimó ̣pọgọ n. n. v.p. n. n. pọgó ̣ḅara a. adv. pọgó1̣ v.p. pọgó ̣la n. pọgó ̣laghá pọgó ̣lamọ a. adv. pọgó ̣lamọ pọgọmó ̣ pọgó ̣tugu pó ̣gọị pó ̣gọị ḅọgọ pọgọị pọgọị ḅọgọmó ̣ pọgụ pọgụḅịḅị pọgụtugu a. v.t. n. v.i. v.p. v.t. v.p. n. n. n. pọgụ ideri v.p. bp bp dr bp mt mt mt lean over brood; sit on egg (as hen) hem; turn down and sew in edge of cloth; hence ḅịtẹ áka pou press; exert steady force against (something) oppress; lie heavy on; press, weigh down; crowd; throng oppression A. voice; sound uttered by mouth; tone; sound with reference to pitch, quality and strength; modulation of voice to express emotion, sentiment, etc.; tune; correct intonation in singing; gullet have melodious voice melodiousness of voice make voice melodious gizzard; voicebox; larynx; crop; Adam’s apple trachea or windpipe trachea or windpipe; melodious voice have unmelodious voice make voice unmelodious necklace base of the throat tuneful or melodious voice; blustering voice; commanding tone chiding tone unmelodious voice to choke on food; swallow the wrong way choking on food advice; counsel B. gluttony; morbid hunger; bulimia gluttonous; greedy; ravenous; voracious gluttonously; greedily; ravenously; voraciously tire; make or grow weary; have had enough of; be fed up with; cloy; sate; satiate satiety; weariness; tiredness; feeling of having had too much of something tireless; unwearied; unsatisfied satisfactorily; e.g. fị pọgó ̣lamọ ‘eat satisfactorily’ tiring; tiresome; wearisome make greedy greed; insatiate longing for food; gluttony slip from; escape from grasp by force slip from grip wrench away from; wrest from; snatch from wrest from A. beach; waterside front of beach; waterfront shore between high and low water mark B. feeling of readiness to evacuate bowels evacuate bowels; excrete; expel waste matter from system 268 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pọgụ-ideriyọ pọgụ koro pọgụkorowarị pọgụkoroyaị pọgụkoroyọ pọgụ mọndị pọgụmọndí ̣ pọgụ mú pọgụmuwarí ̣ pọgụmuyaí ̣ pọgụmuyó ̣ pọgụ tarí ̣ pọgụyaí ̣ pó ̣lụ pó ̣lụ pọndí ̣ n. v.p. n. n. v.p. n. v.t. n. n. v.p. v.i. n. v.t. yọpọndịḅó ̣ n.m.f . a. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. pó ̣ọọ pọọpó ̣ pọọpó ̣ pọọpó ̣ pọọpó ̣mọ pọọpó ̣mọ pó ̣rọgíị̣ pó ̣rọgíịmọ ̣ pọrọmú ̣ pọrọmú ̣pọrọmụ pọrọpọró ̣ pọrọpọró ̣mọ mịé ̣ pọrọpọró ̣mọ pó ̣rọró ̣ọ pó ̣rọró ̣ọmọ pọrọrọpọrọró ̣ or pọró ̣rọpọró ̣rọ pọrọrọpọrọró ̣mọ pó ̣sị1 pó ̣sị2 pọsí ̣ pọtí ̣ pọtịápọtịa pọtịápọtịamọ pọtọpọtó ̣ pọtọpọtó ̣ pọtọpọtó ̣kiri pó ̣ụ pọú ̣ pọú ̣mọ a a bf a d bf bf co co co co co co a. adv. v.i. a. v.i. a. adv. v.p. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. n. v.i. v.t. n. & v.t. a. adv. a. n. n. v.i. v.t. v.i. da latrine; place for evacuation of bowels evacuate bowels latrine house excrement; faeces; shit; stool latrine, etc. have watery evacuations or stool diarrhoea; dysentery evacuate bowels latrine house excrement; faeces latrine, etc. have strong desire to evacuate bowels excrement; faeces; shit; stool speak with difficulty difficulty in speaking squeeze; compress; massage; rub as part of treatment masseur grey or ash colour white become white whiteness whitely become grey or ash coloured (especially of soup with much fat in it) littery; jumbly in a jumble soften; become soft soft; yielding to pressure; softish soften littery; in a state of untidiness; with objects lying about scatteringly; in an untidy way make (place) untidy; strew; litter droop; hang down droopingly stagger; walk unsteadily; totter staggeringly cat; pussy <English. cf. elégbesíya ̣ be squashed, crushed squash; crush or squeeze flat into pulp putty la (cf. póoo) wealthy; affluent wealthily; affluently marshy; miry; muddy marshiness; muddiness marshy ground; bog be washed, purified wash (cloth, sin); purify crowd; flock to 269 <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 prí ̣ pu1 v.t. v.i. pumó ̣ pu2 v.t. v.t. púya1 púya2 v.t. n. pu tụá putụáḅọ púkamọ púkapúka pụkọḅá v.p. n.m.f . n. n. v.i. n. adv. a. n. ḍayepụkọḅá numópụkọḅá pule n. n. n. pule sín v.t. v.p. putụáye pugu púka pulesín puló pulópagara pulóponi pulópulo pulótombịa pulótụkpa ikpekupuló kụnụpuló olópulo ó ̣mbịpulo taḅápulo puló pulo-íkpoun pumbó pumbó ḅa pumbóḅa púráa n. n. n. n. a. n. n. n. n. n. n. n. púráa púráamọ púrapúra1 púrapúra1 púrapúramọ púrapúra2 n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. give (see pịrí)̣ germinate; sprout; pullulate; spring up; bud; put forth shoots; develop cause to shoot or germinate A. break; split (stick, plank, etc.); burst; crack; chap; shatter; part or separate hair; shiver part; quit one another’s company parting; tributary of a river; road junction B. anatomize; dissect; perform surgical operation upon vaccinate; cut in vaccinator fg fg tr tr bf n. n. v.p. n. v.i. vaccination myriad; countless start to fly; beat wings flap; light motion of wings with a flap or flutter with much flapping (of birds with big wings) rod or pole of a harpoon or a hand fishing line, hence: rod of a fishing line and hook pole of a harpoon or fishing spear charm; object having occult power, supposed to be brought our from an affected part of the body charm remove charm from person’s body by a medium removing of a charm from body A. oil; pomade half cask of oil full cask of oil oily; yellow quarter-cask of oil oil lamp hard oil soft and fragrant oil oil fried white pomade; ointment; unguent edible palm oil B. blood state of being bloodshot in the eye fart; wind from the anus emit wind from the anus; fart fart flap; flutter; give forth sound (as) of wings of bird when caught or starting to fly flap(ping); flutter(ing) with a flap or flutter make many flaps and flutters much flapping or fluttering with a series of flaps shed rapid tears 270 (rare, <Kalaḅari) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 púrapúra2 púrapúramọ púree púreemọ purugúpurugu purugúpurugumọ púrugúu púrugúumọ pururúu pururúumọ pusúu pusúu pusúumọ púu n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. púupúu púuyọ púun púun pụáa a. n. v.i. n. v.i. pụáa pụáamọ pụẹ pụéẹ̣ púẹ́ ẹmọ ̣ pụéẹpụé ẹ̣ ̣ pụéẹpụé ẹ̣ ̣ pụfáa pú ̣kapú ̣ka pụkéẹ̣ pụkéẹmọ ̣ pụkọ pú ̣kọpú ̣kọ n. adv. v.i. v.i. adv. v.i. n. v.i. v.i. & n. v.i. adv. n. a. pụkọpụkó ̣ ḅadéde pụkọpụkọ pú ̣la a. adv. n.m. pụlá pụlá pụlá pụlámọ pụlamó pụlapụlá pụmbalaḅá a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. n. edeni-ápụmbalaḅa fịnị-ápụmbalaḅa pụmbú ̣ pụn pụnmó ̣ pụnéẹ̣ n. n. v.t. v.i. v.t. a. rapid tears with a gush (of tears) thickly strewn (of objects floating on water) in a thickly-strewn way jumbly in a jumble jumbly in a jumble sudden; abrupt suddenly; abruptly emit sound as of bursting shell or water pot sound of bursting with a sound of bursting be split, burst, cracked (of skin or dried up earth) cracked (e.g. of earth); chapped split; chap; crack; rent; fissure; schism make sound of fart fart beat upon (something) with sound of lapping; lap sound of wavelets on beach; lapping lappingly be fortunate, lucky, prosperous lap; beat upon something lightly lappingly lap continuously continuous lapping spit; eject saliva flutter; flap f become slightly open ajar; slightly (open) feather bald in patches (of hair or feathers); with matted hair feathery; with ruffled feathers very early morning cassava croaker paralytic have paralysis; (of wine) be flat paralysis paralytically paralyse; affect with paralysis; cripple trace; visible sign soot; black substance rising in big flakes in smoke of wood in burning soot found hanging over fireplace (edení) flakes that rise above burning fire brush or clean lightly silt up; be choked with close, block or choke up early (of morning) 271 Pseudotolithus senegalensis Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pụnéẹpụné ẹ̣ ̣ pụnụ a. n.m. pú ̣nụkú ̣ụ pú ̣nụkú ̣ụ pú ̣nụkú ̣ụmọ pú ̣nụpú ̣nụ a. n. adv. a. pú ̣nụpú ̣nụ v.i. & n. adv. n. v.i. v.t. n. pú ̣nụpú ̣nụmọ pụpú ̣gu, pụḅú ̣gụ pụpụrú ̣ụ pụrá pụrá pụrá koro pụrákoroyọ pụrámọ pụrá mu pụráye ikupụráye pú ̣rẹẹ pú ̣rẹẹmọ pụréẹpụré ẹ̣ ̣ pú ̣rẹpú ̣rẹ n.m.f . v.p. n. v.t. v.p. n. n. a. adv. v.i. v.i. pú ̣rẹpú ̣rẹmọ pụrẹpụré ̣ pụrẹpụrémọ ̣ pụrẹpụréyaị ̣ adv. a. adv. pụrú ̣gụ v.i. pụrú ̣gụpụrú ̣gụ pụrú ̣gụpụrú ̣gụmọ pụrú ̣gụyó ̣ a. adv. n. pụrụgú ̣ v.t. pụrụgú ̣mọ pụrụgú ̣yọ pụrụpụrú ̣ pụrụpụrú ̣mọ pụrụpụrú ̣yaị pú ̣sa v.t. n. a. adv. v.i. pụráḅọ m very early (of morning) genet[s] spp. cosy; snug cosiness; snugness cosily; snugly fine; not thick; scanty (of hair, rain, grass, etc.) drizzle pp scantily; in a drizzly way peduncle or stalk of palm bunch declare; say out; let out carry; convey; transport carriage; conveyance; manner of carrying; transport porter; carrier reclaim; win back from waste condition reclamation accrete; form round a nucleus carry away or off to carrier (for loads) burden; load quiet quietly breathe quietly and exhaustedly blow in lightly (as wind); open in rapid succession (as book caused by wind) in rapid succession fragmentary in shreds or pieces shreds; scraps; fragments; small remains; pieces fall into creases; pucker or gather into folds as fault in sewing creasy; wrinkly with creases and wrinkles pucker; wrinkle; crease; place gathered into folds as fault in sewing crease; tousle; wrinkle (fabric, garments, leaves, etc.); gather or pucker garments into folds intentionally as part of style; rumple pucker; crease pucker, pleat (deliberately put in dress) fine; small (grains); fragmentary into pieces shreds; scraps; crumbs; fragments; pieces become furled because of bad wind (of sail) 272 blotched genet (large-spot genet), Genetta tigrina pardina, and servaline genet (crested genet), Genetta servalina cristata Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 pụsámọ pú ̣sụpú ̣sụ pú ̣sụpú ̣sụ pú ̣sụpú ̣sụmọ pụsú ̣ụ v.t. a. n. adv. v.i. e.g. anga pụsámọ adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. cause to drift to a corner (of wind or current); prolific; producing much offspring prolificness prolificly emit sound as of a bursting receptacle, or of a boil sound of bursting with a bursting sound fragmentary in small pieces pieces with small numbers (in card games) very small; tiny very small; tiny make small puff; emit puff of air or breath puff; short quick blast of breath with a puff beat upon (something) with sound of lapping; lap with a lap lap with a lap lap continuously continuous lapping pụsú ̣ụ pụsú ̣ụmọ pụtụpụtú ̣ pụtụpụtú ̣mọ pụtụpụtú ̣yaị pụtụrụpụtụrú ̣ pú ̣tụrú ̣ụ pú ̣tụrú ̣ụmọ pú ̣ụ pú ̣ụ pú ̣ụmọ pụwáa n. adv. a. adv. a. a. v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.i. pụwáamọ pụwéẹ̣ pụwéẹmọ ̣ pụwéẹpụwé ẹ̣ ̣ pụwéẹpụwé ẹ̣ ̣ part. A. emphasises the word that precedes it; conj. B. then; in that case; it follows that: e.g. érị ̣ ị tịíṇ ‘I called you’, érị ̣ rẹ ị tịíṇ ‘it is/was I that called you’; ó kịẹrị ḅoghá ‘he did not come’; ó kịẹrị ré ̣ ḅoghá ‘it is/was he alone that did not come’ e.g. ị ḅoghá ẹḅẹḅẹ ré ̣ wa ḍumọ tínnyụú ̣ ̣ ‘if you do not come then we shall call another person’ Hevea brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae) <English R. rẹ ró ̣ba n. cr rubber plant and processed product 273 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 S. sa sa fí ̣ sa gbé ̣ sa koromó ̣ ḅógoisa n. v.p. v.t. v.p. n. otumósa ziḅaéremasá n. n. sáa! 1 sáa! 2 sáan sáanmọ1 sáanmọ2 sáasáa sáasáamọ saḅa saḅaḅọgọ saḅámọ saḅamó ̣ sagị v.i. & t., excl. excl. v.i. adv. adv. a. adv. v.t. n. v.t. v.t. v.t. mindí ságị sáị saí1̣ v.p. v.i. v.t. saímọ ̣ 1 saí ̣ saí1̣ v.t. saị-áye saí2̣ saí f̣ ị saífị̣ saídu ̣ saịsaí ̣ ḅẹlẹụsaịsaí ̣ sájị sakala sakasaká sakasakáyaị sakasakáyọ sákpee v.p. n. n.m. n. n. n. a. a. v.i. n. a. arrears; outstanding debt; dues owe (debt); be in debt pay debt, dues or arrears give on credit credit to pay at more favourable time (usually in dry season) adultery fee debt not easily settled, owing to complexity and magnitude shoo; (utter) sound to frighten birds away; drive away thus exclamation expressing regret wrinkle; produce wrinkles (on forehead) with wrinkles without further argument forcible forcibly cross; step over; pass over passover intercept; prevent passage; span; cross over cause to cross towards a point broadcast (sand, seed, water); bespatter; spatter; splash (water) bathe be laid upon A. impose; place or lay charge or something upon; send (something) through someone B. place crosswise; cross (legs); hence C. put something into a canoe or vehicle; lade; load; f cl mi cargo; freight of ship occurs in; commit adultery committing of adultery big skate or ray; turbot forefront, van forefront serge (cloth) thin; delicate rattling rattle rattle; rattling things very minute drop high; tall 274 e.g. ye ékị ̣ tịḅị ghọ saí ̣ ḅụọ saị ‘cross legs’ e.g. arụ ghọ ye saí;̣ dó ̣ngọị saí ‘ship ̣ oars’; ship, take or send away (goods or passengers) on canoe or ship; ferry order Rajiformes; order Pleuronectiformes <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sákpeemọ sálaláa sálaláamọ salasalá salasalámọ sambí1̣ sambí2̣ sán sánmọ1 sanmó1̣ yesanyé san sánmọ2 sanmó2̣ sána1 sánamọ sána2 saná sanámọ sangá adv. a. adv. a. adv. n.m. n. v.t. v.t. v.t. n. v.t. v.t. v.t. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. v.t. n. agbakásanga mindísanga nẹmú ̣sanga sanga1 sanga2 sangala sangịsangí ̣ sangịsangímọ ̣ sángoloḅá sángoloḅaḅio sángoloḅafa sánị1 sanímọ ̣ sánị2 saní1̣ sanịmó ̣ saní2̣ sánị-ákpa n. n. n. n. n. n. a. adv. n. n. a. v.i. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.t. n. n. cr cr 1 saníwarị ̣ 2 saníwarị ̣ n. n. cr bm fịsaní ̣ n. cr cluster of pepper seed contractile muscular glands showing on the body of woman after child birth alligator pepper plant and fruit - íkpungúlusanị n. cr round pepper kalasaní ̣ opusaní ̣ pẹrẹsaní ̣ n. n. n. cr cr cr small peppers; chillies big peppers; capsicums sweet pepper plant and fruit resembling b t t t i tp fg tp fp fp fp in a tall way motionless and rigid motionless and rigidly protruding; scattered (of bones) in a protruding or scattered way bird sp. (unidentified) key grate grate into make one to grate grater urinate urinate upon make one to urinate be unconcerned or indifferent unconcernedly be sprinkled with splash (with liquid or powder); sprinkle sprinkle with tree sp. species of sangá tree species of sangá tree insect sp. dead tree (fallen or standing) fish-trap dead twig lively in a lively way gills of fish; branchiae gill chamber of fish abranchial shine; glisten; glister; glitter; gleam; sparkle shine upon melt; become liquefied by heat melt; reduce to liquid condition by heat; smelt cause to melt condiment; peppers; capsicum spice pepper plant 275 Piptadeniastrum africanum (Hook.f.) Brenan (LeguminosaeMimosoideae) Aframomum longiscapum (Zingiberaceae) Aframomum melegueta Capsicum sp. (Solanaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 taḅásanị sapíị̣ n. v.i. sapíịmọ ̣ sapó sára1 n. adv. n. v.i. sára2 furá sára furására sára3 sára imbi sára-imbi sará1 v.i. v.p. n. n. v.p. n. v.t. sarámọ v.t. ogbó sarámọ sará2 v.p. v.t. sara1 sara2 saragbana v.t. v.t. n. n. sara3 v.t. sara4 saramó ̣ ḅará sara ḅerí sara ḅịḅị sara ḅụọ sara odúsara tọrú ̣ sara sara5 saratịḅí ̣ sara6 a. adv. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. a. n. v.p. n. n. n. saraga ikiḅasaragá sázị segí n. n. n. n.m. cr fg fg bp cl r alligator pepper edible peppers and capsicums in general splash; make a jumping and falling noise in water; make noisy display in water noisy splash with a splash sponge collapse (of house, etc.); be poured out (of liquid); be shed (blood); fall, be demolished abort; miscarry abort; miscarry abortion; miscarriage method of fishing (by women) fish by the sará method fishing by the sará method pour out; empty; crumble; demolish; wreck; fall (of liquid, works, house, etc.); drop, shed (blood, tears); hence warí or ̣ odúaị sara cause to pour upon (blessing, sand, water, etc.); fall upon; rain on; besprinkle; sprinkle; smear; soil pour into one place; put together; pile; heap disgorge; regurgitate; disembogue; vomit: hence ḅịḅị ghọ sará cause to abort or miscarry lay rafters on roof of house rafter outer wall-plate stick in native building pay out or away (rope) by slackening it or letting out more quick quickly be quick at handwork be quick at hearing be quick at speech be quick at walking smart; brisk; quick smartness; briskness; quickness be quick at making friends dunghill; compost heap top of dunghill small round or oblong bullet for fire-arms manufactured from lead bars called mamba, used in cannons rib floating rib serge; kind of cloth crocodile spp. 276 (see agbangba) (see agbangba sogió) <English N ile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, and slender-snouted crocodile, C. cataphractus (= Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 segí seí n.m. a. ms v.i. n. sei-áfịaị seiḅághá sei-amịéyaị ̣ sei-angá seíḅio sei-éne sei-éwụ ̣ sei ékị ̣ pága sei-ékịpága ̣ seífa v.i. n. n. n. n. v.p. n. a. séifú ̣rụ n. sei-ígbogi seimindí seí mịẹ seímịẹḅó ̣ seímọ n. n. v.p. n.m.f . adv. seimó1̣ v.t. ḅió seimọ ḅióseimọ v.p. a. ḍigí seimó ̣ ḍigíseimó ̣ fie seimó ̣ ifié seimọ indí seimọ indíseimọ odú seimọ tịḅị ḅio saimó ̣ seísei fụrú ̣ ḅióseí odúseí seí2 v.p. n. v.p. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. v.p. v.p. a. a. n. v.i. seimó2̣ v.i. p masquerade depicting the crocodile bad; addled; worthless; faulty; detestable; corrupt; indecent; abominable; odious; lascivious; lewd; licentious; lustful; immoral; evil become bad; grow addled; become corrupt; become spoilt bad; abomination; crime; mischief; wickedness; sin bad food get worse (in state of health) bad character or bad manners bad or addled egg bad humour; bad mind bad day; dark cloud bad air confess confession guileless; guiltless; innocent; without blemish; sinless groin; inflammation of the glands in the groin; inguinal bubo bad coin; counterfeit (coin) gleet (of sore); bad water or tide do mischief, sin sinner badly; very much (want a thing); defectively; faultily abolish; destroy; spoil; lay waste; abrogate; cancel; repeal; revoke; rescind; annul; infringe; transgress; violate; defile; corrupt; taint; soil; sully; infect; abominate; adulterate nauseate filthy; loathsome; obscene; repulsive; nauseous despise; detest; dislike; hate; loathe contempt; dislike; detestation speak ill of waste (time) steam fish for future use steaming of fish for future use emaciate; make lean debauch rage; heat up (of quarrel, hunger, dance, etc.) wicked-hearted lean leanness when following a repeated verb means ‘however’; bloom; blossom; flower (of tree) 277 isegí). cf. igére1 (= isegí). cf. igére1 (pl. seímịẹ-ongú) e.g. á fie fie seí ‘however I talked’; á mịé ̣ mịé ̣ seí ‘however I acted’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 seimó3̣ n. seín sélein selelée seleléemọ seminísemini seriḅá v.t. n. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. n. serimindi serinoin n. n. seseúnseseun a. seseúnseseunmọ seun v.i. adv. n.m. & a. seminíseminimọ sereseré sereserémọ seri séún agbara sẹ séẹ̣ sẹgbọrú ̣ sẹgị sẹgímọ ̣ 1 sẹgímọ ̣ 2 n. v.i. n. v.i. & t. n. v.t. v.i. tr f dc dc dc n. sẹlén’ẹkị ̣ sẹlén’ẹkịté ̣ ̣ adv. ms ers. v.i. v.i. v.t. n. n.m.f . v.t. a. séṇ 1 v.t. sẹgímọmọ ̣ sẹkịapụ sélẹ ̣ 1 sélẹ ̣ 2 sẹlé ̣ sẹléḅọ ̣ charm or protective device; amulet; antidote; antitoxin; antivenene; panacea; general remedy drink soup or any liquid in sips; sip shilling piece be pushed out suddenly with a sudden push pathetic; inspiring pity feel pity for feeling of pity; sentimentality; sentimentalism with a feeling of pity luscious; sugary; richly sweet in taste lusciously flow; rise slowly (of tide) flow; flowing of tide period of tide when day dawns while water is still flowing full flow-tide; inflow period of tide when night falls while water is still flowing dank; soaked; oozy; unpleasantly or unwholesomely damp (of ground, etc.); dampish become damp damply fish sp., snapper sp. fish sp., snapper sp. tribe; nation; state be tired world; earth; planet dance; fawn upon; gambol; move with rhythmical steps, leaps, etc., to music, alone or with set dance; dancing motion dance towards (an object) flutter; dither; be in a flurry; shake; shiver; quiver; quake; tremble; oscillate; vibrate flutter; dither; flurry; shaking; shivering; quivering; quaking; trembling; oscillation; vibration; trepidation shiveringly; quiveringly; tremblingly club of masquerade dancers become threadbare (of cloth) be selected; be picked choose; pick; select; sift choice; selection chooser; selector choose, select and take chosen for excellence; picked by exclusion of what is inferior; select present (money, gift, etc.) to somebody for 278 Lutjanus sp. cf. agbára Lutjanus sp. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 performance shave (hair) lean against; recline deck- or easy-chair skew; slanting or sloping upwards or uphill silk cloth neat (of cut edge) neatly twenty; score twentieth twentiethly thirty thirtieth thirtiethly eight thousand carry in hand; hold; manage or possess as a pet domestic animal keep livestock keeping of livestock be older than (by birthright); hence, si-ọndé ̣ siḅá v.t. v.t. n. a. n.m. a. adv. num. a. adv. num. a.p. adv. num. v.t. siḅánama nama siḅa namasiḅa sigi n. v.p. n. v.i. sigíya v.i. follow one another (by birthright); sigímọ a. sigimó ̣ n. v.t. distant; far away; far apart; remote; disconnected distance; remoteness A. isolate; place apart or alone; segregate; put apart from the rest; separate; disunite; keep from union or contact; divorce partially; expel or shut out (person) from society; except or exclude (thing) from enumeration or statement, etc.; make objection against isolation; segregation; separation; excepting; exception; exclusion; partial divorce separate partially from each other set apart or aside (to God or for a purpose) B. except; excepting, not including; but séṇ sẹrérẹ ̣ 2 sẹrérẹ-ịkasị ̣ sẹrérẹpaga ̣ sẹrí ̣ séụn ̣ séụnmọ ̣ si sikaramọ si oyi fịndị si oyi fịndị karamó ̣ n. sigimó ̣ya ḍịé ̣ sigimó ̣ v.i. adv. cl da sigimọ conj. except; unless; save ḅarásigimọ sigirí sigirimó ̣ síin adv. v.t. v.t. v.i. except that rub rub in move 279 ? < English érị ̣ a sigí ‘I am older than she’ e.g. ení sigíya ‘they follow one another (by birth)’ e.g. Ada sigimó ̣ pịóngumeín bịsẹ ḅó ‘except Ada all the other people should come’; besides; else than; ẹrị sigimó ̣ dụmó ̣ fá ‘there is none besides you’ (contraction of ḅẹrẹsigimọ) ;e.g. ị mịé ̣ (ḅẹrẹ)sigimọ ị fínyụú ̣ ̣ ‘unless you did (it) you will die’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 síin síkakáa síkakáamọ sikasiká sikasikámọ sikikíisikikíi sikikíisikikíi sikikíisikikíi sikikíisikikíimọ sikirísikiri sikisikí sikisikí sikisikí sikisikímọ síko n. a. adv. adv. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. sikómọ v.t. sikó siko1 siko2 v.t. n. n. siléti silíva sílo n. n. v.i. síloyó ̣ n. mịé ̣ silomó ̣ silosiló sílosílo simbi siméti sín1 v.t. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. v.t. n. v.t. sínmọ v.t. ḅutụawei sín fịrí g̣ họ sín kó ̣n sín kụó ̣ sín osungá sin sín koro sín2 sín3 v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.t. v.t. sín4 adv. sílosílomọ sílulúu sílulúumọ símbi fp ms movement huge; enormous; very large enormously very large; etc. enormously fussy fuss fuss; fussiness fussily several places fussy fuss fuss; fussiness fussily make jerky movement (of canoe); make jerky sobs after crying or due to stammering make jerky movement towards somebody as if to flog blow bellows dorsal fin humped device tied to front and back of waist of a masquerade slate silver kink; form kink or back twist (of rope); form hangnail (of nail) kink; back twist (of wire, thread, etc.); hangnail cause to kink kinky fuss fuss; fussiness fussily elastic elastically drown; be submerged in liquid drowning drown; submerge in liquid cement remove; cashier; dismiss from service; depose; discard; eradicate; weed; take off; divert; unclothe leave (hair, garment, feather, etc.) in somebody’s grip or hold divest; unclothe cashier; dismiss take away or off; remove erase; expunge eradicate; weed fall off or fall down take photograph; mention; specify by name; adduce; cite as proof or instance again; once more; 280 <English <English <English fotó sin e.g. sín ḅé ̣ ‘speak Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 again’; sín tun ‘sing again’ síndo n. sindó n. sindondó singí v.t. n.m. v.t. cl síbụụmọ ̣ síḅịrí ̣ ị̣ sídị ̣ sịdí ̣ sịdịmó1̣ sịdịmó2̣ a. a. n. v.i. n. adv. num. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. v.t. v.t. n. sígọ ̣ v.i. sịgọ v.t. síị̣ síịnmọ ̣ sịka sịkakigi excl. v.i. & t. v.i. adv. n. a. v.i. n. adv. n.m. n. 1 síkaká ̣ n. t 2 síkaká ̣ sịkara(mó ̣) sikí ̣ n. adv. v.t. sp sịkịrísịkịrị ̣ sịkịrísịkịrịmọ ̣ v.i. adv. sinungúsinungu sínungúu sínye sipúu sipúumọ siwei siweikaramọ síbụụ ̣ síịịn ̣ síịịnmọ ̣ síịịnyọ ̣ síịn ̣ d tr f name for sandstone-rock formation regarded as sacred informal apology (sorry) for striking foot on a (Kalaḅarị origin) deity say such apology cloth type knead (as bread); work up (water and leaves) into paste doughy; fibrous doughy; pasty; fibrous cholera; diarrhoea and vomiting snap; break with sharp crack snap; sharp crack with a sharp crack thirty thirtieth thirtiethly persistent persist; be persistent persistence; persistency persistently slender (of waist); wasp-waisted become knotted or entangled knot; tangle cause to knot charm or protective device worn on the upper arm; amulet; periapt entangle (as in mesh); stick, lodge (as piece of meat in teeth) lodge or stick mats into a roof as sign of repairs shoo! utter sound to frighten birds away; drive away thus; shoo away ooze; exude; percolate; leak oozily ooziness; exudation; percolation insistent insist; dwell long on insistence insistently stingray; small ray or skate family Dasyatidae gable; gable end of building; so called perhaps because of resemblance to ray (triangle) silk cotton tree; kapok, ceiba species Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae) mast (of ship) quick(ly) desert; forsake; refuse; shun; avoid; eschew; abdicate hesitate; be reluctant; linger hesitatingly 281 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 síkọ ̣ sílọọ ̣ sílọọmọ ̣ símụụ ̣ símụụmọ ̣ símụnú ̣ ̣ụ símụnú ̣ ̣ụmọ sịmụsịmú ̣ sịmụsịmú ̣mọ síṇ sínató ̣ ̣rụ sínẹ ̣ sịngá sịngamó ̣ síngalí ị̣ ̣ síngalí ịmọ ̣ ̣ sịngé ̣ n. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n.m. n.m. v.i. & n. a. n. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. r c sịngẹmó ̣ sịngésịngẹ ̣ sịngésịngẹmọ ̣ sịngí ̣ v.t. a. adv. n.m. f ịsịngí ̣ n.m. f 1 síngịlị ̣ 2 síngịlị ̣ sịngịlí ̣ v.i. v.i. v.t. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.t. n. n. v.i. adv. a. a. n. adv. a. v.i. sịngịsịngí ̣ sịngịsịngímọ ̣ sịnịḅá sịnịḅámọ sínịḅáa ̣ sínịḅáamọ ̣ sịnịní1̣ sịnịní2 sịnịníị̣ sịnịníịmọ ̣ sịnịnísịnịnị ̣ sịnịsịní ̣ sịnịsịnímọ ̣ sịnsíṇ hiccough; hiccup persistent persist; be persistent persistence; persistency persistently unrelaxing; taut unrelaxingly; tautly tight; taut tightly; tautly tight; taut tightly; tautly large water tortoise or turtle fiddler-crab hoop or whoop not full; half half lessen in volume in a reduced condition slender slenderly drowse; doze; be in half-asleep condition doze; drowse; short slumber; half-asleep condition make drowsy drowsy; sleepy drowsily; sleepily large kind of ọtíọ,̣ a sea catfish (‘orangecoloured flesh catfish’; ‘real grown catfish’; ‘second-stage catfish’; ‘young type catfish’) large kind of ọtíọ,̣ a sea catfish (‘orangecoloured flesh catfish’; ‘real grown catfish’; ‘second-stage catfish’; ‘young type catfish’) scream (with laughter) be constricted constrict constriction long (of speech, story) in a long manner keep or stand aloof aloof; away; apart aloof aloofly give newly born child its first wash first washing of a newly-born child spurt; jet spurt; gush out in a jet in a jet silky pathetic; affecting; touching; gruesome; grisly touchingness; gruesomeness gruesomely; touchingly insistent insist; dwell long on 282 (suótọrụ-wálaị) Arius sp. = ịsịngí. ̣ cf. gbengu, nẹgú ̣, nẹngú ̣ Arius sp. = ịsịngí. ̣ cf. gbengu, nẹgú ̣, nẹngú ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sịnsínmọ ̣ sịnya1 sịnyasịnyá kọngó ̣sịnya togurúsịnya n. adv. n. a. n. n. sịnya2 sịnya3 n. n. sínyatun ̣ sínyọọ ̣ sínyọọmọ ̣ sịó ̣bọdọ sịpú ̣ụ n. a. v.i. n. adv. n. v.i. sírị̣ n. n.m. sógio-ẹgbẹgụaḅó ̣ sogio1 sogiomó ̣ a. adv. n. a. n.m. v.t. v.t. ḍigí sogiomó ̣ odúsogiomọ odúsogiomọ sogio sín sogio2 v.p. a. n. v.p. v.t. sogoló sógu sógu paga sogu1 n. v.i. v.p. v.t. sogu-ongú ers. n. v.p. n. n. v.p. n. n.m. n.m. a. a. a. sịrịsịrí ̣ sịrịsịrímọ ̣ sógio sogu-ọlalí ̣ sogu wagí ̣ kirísoguyé sogu2 sogu gbaná sogugbana-ételi sója sójaḅó ̣ sókokóo sókolóo sokosokó t insistence insistently nerve; sinew; tendon sinewy; fibrous jugular vein of the neck veins moving the parietal muscles during mastication piassava rope from raffia wild date-palm m straw hat made from wild date-palm leaves insistent insist; be insistent insistence insistently shea-butter make light sharp sound (as of a sharp knife cutting a thread) such sound leopard, ‘tiger’ serial; in orderly sequence serially height; elevation high; of exalted rank high priest pick up; lay hold of and take up; remove lift up; raise; elevate; accelerate; exalt in rank; promote; cause to advance to esteem highly, or to a high degree proud; arrogant; haughty; presumptuous pride; arrogance remove begin; commence; raise (work, song, etc.); hence loop be dug-cut be rooted out; be dug out dig; bore; canal; excavate; root out; exhume; disentomb; unearth; make hole; harvest reapers; harvesters harvest festival plough over plough canal; artificial water course construct causeway causeway soldier soldier tall or high high (of stern and bow of canoe) tall or high 283 Phoenix reclinata. = ásịngásị <English Panthera pardus. <Kalaḅarị. cf. kụró ̣-nama numo sogio ‘begin or raise a song’ <English (pl. sója-ongú) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sólobáa sólolóo solosoló sómbi sondio sóndio sondio-esí sondiokaramó ̣ sondi’ọndé ̣ sopíi sopíimọ sopisopí sopisopímọ sóropíi soropisoropí a. a. a. v.i. n. num. n. num. a. adv. num. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. sou1 a. v.i. a. v.i. v.i. sou paga n. v.p. mịé ̣ soumó1̣ sou2 sou tịẹ fíghọsou ̣ v.p. v.i. v.p. n. mịé ̣ soumó2̣ sou3 sou ḅọgọ soumó ̣ v.p. v.i. v.p. v.t. koromó ̣ sou v.p. firíghọsou ̣ só ̣bịlị só ̣gị sọgị n. n. v.i. v.t. só ̣gọị só ̣gọịmọ só ̣gọịtoíye sọgọị v.i. n. adv. n. v.t. sọgọịyé a. n. sóroróo sorosoró to tall or long tall or long long squat; crouch with hams resting on back of heels squatting posture six six fingers or toes on a hand or foot hundred and twenty sixth sixthly two thousand four hundred drip; drop; fall in drops in drops fall in succession in drops in drops jump and fall; fall in big drops jump and fall in succession; drop continuously bulgy; swollen bulge; swell out bulgy; swollen bulge; swell out grow; develop; germinate; sprout; bud; put forth shoots growth; germination; development go out; spring up; grow up; sprout; put forth shoots cause to grow, develop, germinate, sprout rise; get up; resurge; revive arise; stand up resurrection; rising again from dead at the last day resurrect; raise from dead retire; withdraw; go away; resign from; depart; go away dismiss; dissolve; disperse; disband; send away leave; let remain; depart without taking deserts; abandon; give up to retirement; resignation shovel; spade be picked or pulled out pick; probe with knife or pointed instrument to remove something (as coconut from shell and extraneous matter from teeth) conceal oneself; be hidden concealment; hiding clandestinely; secretly; surreptitiously game of hide-and-seek; bo-peep hide; put, keep out of sight; conceal; cloak; disguise; dissemble clandestine; secret; surreptitious secret; thing kept secret 284 e.g. fịrí ghọ sou ̣ <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sọgọịyó ̣ só ̣ịịn só ̣ịịnmọ só ̣kị só ̣kị tụa sọkịsọkí ̣ sọkọ n. a. & v.i. adv. n. v.t. v.p. n. n.m. só ̣lọlíịmọ ̣ só ̣lọló ̣ọ n.m. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. v.i. adv. a. só ̣lọló ̣ọmọ` sọmbí ̣ só ̣mụ sọmụsọmú ̣ adv. n. n. a. só ̣mụụ só ̣ngọlọ sọngọló1̣ ḅió sọngọlọmó ̣ ḅiósọngọlọmọ v.i. v.i. n. v.t. v.p. a. ḅiósọngọlọmọḅara sọngọló2̣ adv. v.t. sọní ̣ v.t. sọnịsọní ̣ a. n. adv. num. num. a. adv. num. num. num. a. a. adv. num. n.m. sọkọ-ekué só ̣kọkó ̣ọ só ̣kọló ̣ọ só ̣kọmú ̣ụ só ̣kọpíị̣ só ̣kọró ̣ọ sọkọsọkó ̣ só ̣lọlíị̣ sọnịsọnímọ ̣ sọnọ sọnọ-esí sọnọkaramọ sọn’ọndé ̣ sọnó ̣ma sọnọma-esí sọnó ̣makaramọ sọnọma-ọndé ̣ sọnọmasikó secret place; hide-out; hiding-place move or sail fast on water; glide fast f f f fast; swiftly chock; wedge chock; wedge put chock or wedge apex; extreme top of tree fish sp. of the mackerel family fish sp. of the mackerel family tall and vertical long and horizontal pointed (of navel) high and narrow tapering of faint rattling laden be loaded to strain bearing capacity in a loaded way conical; long and slender; elongated (e.g. of head) prolately something sweet or dainty sum; arithmetical problem uncircumcised; having the prepuce still on penis; (of crop) immature; wormlike feel loathsome be nauseated nausea; loathing; e.g. ḅió sọngọlọ nauseate nauseate; affect with nausea nauseous; causing nausea; loathing; disgusting; nasty nauseously rape, ravish, violate (child); molest somebody with abusive words bone; take out the bones from; clear bone of adherent flesh; pick detailed detail in detail five hundred fifth fifthly two thousand seven hundred and forty seventh seventhly two thousand eight hundred fish sp.; mackerel sp. 285 <English family Carangidae. cf. ekué <English family Carangidae Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sọnọníị̣ sọnọníịmọ ̣ sọnọnísọnọnị ̣ v.i. adv. a. sọnọnísọnọnị-aye ̣ sọnọnísọnọnịmọ ̣ só ̣rọpíị̣ só ̣rọró ̣ọ só ̣rọró ̣ọmọ só ̣sị só ̣sịwarị só ̣sọ sọsó ̣ só ̣tị só ̣ụn súaa súaamọ suáa adv. v.i. a. adv. n. n. v.i. v.t. n.m. n.m. a. adv. v.i. suáamọ súangíi súangíimọ suansuán suansuánmọ sukáa n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. s i súnmọ sunmó ̣ sunungúsunungu súnungúu súnungúumọ suó1 suó ḅẹ suó2 suófịnị suófịnịdayé suótọrụ suré n. adv. n. n. n.m.f . n. v.t. v.p. a. v.t. a. n. adv. v.t. a. a. adv. n. v.p. n. n. n. n. n. ft sure ímbi v.p. ft sukáamọ sukúlu sukúlu-igbogi sukúlutọgụ sukúluwarị sule numo sule súlulúu sumein sún wt glide over swiftly (as snake) sleekly sleek; smooth and soft and glossy; smoothly gliding snakes (swift-gliding) sleekly jump and fall lightly in water elongated (e.g. of head or plank) prolately Church; public worship church; building for public Christian worship be pierced thrust; pierce shirt worm profuse; plentiful profusely; plentifully splurge; make noisy effort (especially of fish in water noisy splashing with a splurge long and thick (hair growth) thickly and long with whiskers; filamentary; filamentous fibrously splurge; make noisy effort (especially of fish in water noisy splashing with a splurge or splash school school fees scholar; school-child school building sing aloud sing song loudly snouted; slow-moving chide; scold foolish foolishness foolishly befool; bamboozle; dupe; hoax; mystify spongy spongy spongily score or point in game of igboun score a point sky; heaven thunder; lightning lightning conductor firmament; sky room for fish formed by overhanging roots of plants growing near water fish around such overhanging roots 286 <English <English <English (see idié) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sure-ímbi sure súrurúu súrurúumọ susú n. v.t. n. a. v.i. n. adv. v.t. ft n. fg súu v.t. n. & v.i. n. & v.t. v.t. súumọ sụáa n. adv. v.i. sụáamọ sụansụán sụansụánmọ sụasụáa n. adv. a. adv. v.i. susúmọ sútu sutúu sụgá adv. v.i. & t. v.t. sụgbá1 sụgbá2 sú ̣gịrị v.t. n. v.i. sụgịrí ̣ v.t. sụasụáamọ sú ̣ga sụgụmó ̣ sụkáa n. v.t. a. v.i. n. v.t. v.i. sụkáamọ sú ̣kpụrú ̣ụ sú ̣kpụrú ̣ụmọ sú ̣kụrú ̣ụ n. adv. a. adv. a. sụgịrịmó ̣ sụgú ̣ ft sn fishing around overhanging roots chide; scold; rebuke scolding bulgy; stodgy bulge; swell out (with advanced pregnancy) bulginess; stodginess with a bulge scoop crayfish or shrimp with hand-net; otóku susu hand-net for killing shrimps; susu ígbọ or ̣ otóku susu refuse to accept and send back a present suit <English stew <English plunge violently; move straight on water (of large object; cf. só ̣ịịn) violent plunge; straight gliding movement with a violent plunge; moving straight splurge; make light noisy effort (especially of fish in water less noisy splashing with a light splurge or splash in threads; filamentary fibrously drip (as blood), or jump (as mudskipper), in rapid succession in rapid drips or jumps be stuck or fixed; wear (as feather, sword, small stick in hair, headgear or waistband) stick, fix (knife, dagger, etc., in waistband or in mat wall or roof for safety) refuse (especially work); hence fịrí sụgba ̣ snail sp. be washed; dissolve; melt; become liquid; decline in health; waste away; (of coloured material or dye) not bear washing wash; cleanse with liquid; (of moving liquid) denude; assoil; absolve from sin; sift (ore) by action of water washing; wash carry along (of moving water); dissolve; melt unsteady (of boat in water) be unstable in water unsteadiness (of boat in water) cause to be or make unsteady light splurge; make light noisy effort (especially of fish in water light splashing with a light splurge or splash snouted in a snouted way tight; closely drawn 287 Nembe dictionary. 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Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sú ̣kụrú ̣ụmọ sụkụrú ̣ụsụkụrú ̣ụ sụkụrú ̣ụsụkụrú ̣ụm ọ sú ̣lẹléẹ̣ sú ̣lẹléẹmọ ̣ sú ̣máịn sụn adv. v.i. adv. tightly move unfreely with hampered movement a. adv. v.i. & n. v.t. motionless motionlessly sigh sụnmó ̣ sụnsú ̣n sụnmó2̣ sú ̣ngbaị sú ̣ngbaịmọ sụngbalí ̣ ḅarásụngbalị ḅụọsụngbalị sụngbalịḅá sụngụ1 sụngụmó1̣ sụngụ2 sụngụmó2̣ sú ̣ọ1 n. v.t. a. n. a. adv. n. n. n. n. v.t. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.i. odú sú ̣ọ sú ̣ọ2 v.p. v.i. sú ̣ọ3 sú ̣ụ4 v.i. a. oló sú ̣ọ sụọ1 v.p. v.i. & t. sụọ ḅo sụọ ẹrị sụọ fá sụọfá sụọmindi sụó ̣mọ sụọmó1̣ sụọ prí ̣ sụọprí ̣ sụọye v.p. v.p. v.p. n. n. v.t. v.t. v.p. n. n. sụọyọ anga sụọ kamí ṣ ụọ yoú sụọ n. v.p. v.p. v.p. 1 bp bp bp stretch; make taut; tighten; straighten; lay out; spread continuous expanse or tract; stretch; line stretch forth striped wallplate; beam persistent persistently phalange; finger or toe finger toe knot; noose join; unite; connect (rope) join; connect (rope) continue; remain in existence; not cease maintain; keep up (action, etc.) become; come into being; begin to be; convalesce; regain health; grow fat entangle; catch; involve; tangle (in snare, difficulties or obstacles) be deceived smooth (of powder, pomade, etc., on skin); ground fine (of tobacco); boiled white (of oil) become white (of cooked oil) (of school, meeting) begin; start; commence; enter (also of any gathering); rise (of flood water); enter into picture come in; come with join to see with; concur with be lost; perish; vanish; disappear loss; disappearance; etc. flood or spring tide approach; come near to gain advantage over profit; be of advantage to profit addition; advantage; gain; increase; interest; profit gain; profit; advantage take sides; be partial quarrel; altercate fight; wrestle; make war; contend in battle; wage war 288 e.g. ebí tọgụ sú ̣ọ ‘become a good boy’; telimó ̣ḅọ sú ̣ọ ‘become a teacher’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 sụọ2 sụọ3 v.t. v.t. sụọmó2̣ dá sụọmó ̣ v.t. v.p. sụọ4 v.t. sụọ5 v.t. sụọ6 v.i. fester; gather (pus); develop as purulent swelling (of wound); hence be among, with, in the number of; sụọ7 v.i. (of wound) be received; sụọ8 sụọ9 sụọmó3̣ sụọmó4̣ v.i. v.i. v.t. n. sú ̣rụ a. sú ̣rụ sú ̣rụ sụrú ̣ sụrụmó ̣ sụsa sụsú ̣mọ sụsụmó ̣ sú ̣ụ sú ̣ụ sú ̣ụn sú ̣ụn v.i. n. v.t. adv. v.t. a. v.t. v.i. n. a. v.i. sú ̣ụn sú ̣ụnsú ̣ụn sú ̣ụnsú ̣ụn n. a. n. set; sink below horizon (as sun, moon, etc.) go to bed; fall asleep patch up a leak in a thatch roof the hairless portions on the head on either side of the forehead not straight; oblique; declining from the vertical or horizontal; slanting; diverging from straight line or course slant; slope slant; slope slant; slope; diverge from line slantingly; obliquely browbeat; bully; chide distant; far; remote stretch forth move continuously on water (cf. súu, só ̣ịịn) continuous movement on water straight; without bend or curve stretch (especially of muscles after sleeping, etc., by extending limbs, etc., in various directions); lie; lay to rest stretching stretchy stretchiness attend; be present at (school, meeting, etc.) join, become a member; initiate into (of club, etc.); let in receive in; take in; admit; allow entrance (into club, etc.) lodge; reside; put up; be contained in (of stranger); hence ogbo sụọ e.g. ịní warị sụọ ̣ ‘lodges in my house’ ịmá sụọ ‘gather pus’ e.g. ó ka sụọ ‘he is also among them’ e.g. ịnọ í ghọ sụọté ̣ ̣ ‘I have received a wound’ T. tá tá2 tá2 táan táan2 táan ḅo táan mu táan paga táan sụọ ḅịḅị táan n.f. excl. v.t. v.t. v.i. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. p wife; consort; woman married to a husband shout to drive away animal drive away thus receive; get; bear up against be gathered together be gathered up be gathered on to (place) be gathered out be gathered in receive blame: 289 e.g. ó ḅịḅị táanté ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ‘he has received a scolding’ loló táan táatáa táatáa taḅá1 taḅá2 taḅ’ára taḅ’ówei tabásanị ̣̣ taḅátọgụ táḅụ taḅú ̣ taḅụ-ébiaburu tadá tada-óngu tada-ówei oputada-óngu oputada-ówei tafáa tafáa tafáamọ táfilíi táfilíimọ tafịlị tafulamó ̣ táị v.p. n. & v.t. v.t. v.t. n.f. n.m. n. cr n.m.f . v.i. v.t. n. fo a. & n. ers. n.m. ers. n.m. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. n. v.t. int. bear up against anger expression to drive animal away say such word lap; lick occurs in; daughter-in-law son-in-law edible peppers and capsicums in general child of daughter-in-law be soaked, immersed, dipped, steeped dip; immerse; soak in liquid; steep soaked cassava grandsire (paternal) grandsires forefather; grandfather ancestors great-grandfather plump lightly on water light plump on water with a light plump plump (more of legs) plumply from frame for mounting cannon flatter; overpraise what (are these?); takaláa takaláamọ takaráa takaráamọ tákatáka tákatákamọ tákelée tákelée tákeléemọ takeletakelé, tákeletakele takeletakelémọ tákị takí1̣ takí2̣ tákparáa tála v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. slip; lose balance with loss of balance; with a slip stand out smartly smartly (of standing) speedy (of run); rapid speedily; rapidly tottering totter; be on the point of falling totteringly unrhythmical adv. v.i. v.t. v.t. a. v.i. talá1 v.t. unrhythmically tie cloth sideways in special manner; hook; pluck (something) with hooked material pilfer; steal gawky; lanky; skinny trip; make false step; stumble; partially fall, from catching or striking foot trip; (of person or obstacle) cause (person to stumble by entangling or suddenly arresting his feet 290 e.g. má táị? ‘what are these?’ e.g. ḅité ̣ tákị Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 talámọ talá2 tala adv. v.t. n. talágị talágịmọ talágịtalágị1 talágịtalágịmọ1 talágịtalágị2 talágịtalágịmọ2 talála találamọ talalá talatalá talatalámọ tamá1 tamádụ tama-éfẹrụ ̣ 2 tamá ḍụẹị tama v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. a. adv. a. n. n. v.i. subj. + v.i. v.i. n. n. tamá3 tamụnọ tan2 v.p. n. n. v.p. n. v.p. n. v.t. n. v.t. tan ḅo tan mu tan pagamó ̣ tan sín tan sụọmó ̣ tanyaí ̣ v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. tánanáa tánanáamọ tandá1 a. adv. v.t. tandá2 n. tándaráa v.i. tamụnọ ebí tamụnọ-ebí tamụnọ-ené tamụnọ seí tamụnọseí tamụnọ tọlọmó ̣ tamụnọtọlọmó ̣ tan1 t trippingly catch distant or floating object with long stick tree sp.; bark is used to liven up palm wine Sacoglottis gabonensis (Humiriaceae) slip; lose balance with loss of balance; with a slip unrhythmical unrhythmically stagger; totter staggeringly droop; hang loosely (e.g. of cloth) droopingly make droop; loosen lie scattered or sporadically sporadically; scatteringly northern northern side northern wind smell emit smell (of corpse) tr tr lurch; stagger; stumble suddenly lurch; stagger; stumble soul; manes; deified souls of departed ancestors; shade of departed person, as object of reverence have good luck good luck Sunday have bad luck, hard luck bad luck; hard luck make sacrifice to soul sacrifice to soul chip; trip up (of foot); e.g. ḅụọ tán wrestling trick; chip clear (rubbish; gather; pick up (fallen fruits from ground); carry gather, pick, carry in gather, carry to (place or people) gather, carry out gather, carry off gather, carry in litter; rubbish; compost; muck; farm yard manure wide (of unfurling) widely get burning coals from a fireplace shrine; room of penates in a house; part of house kept sacred for a deity swagger; swank; walk like a superior among inferiors; show self-confidence or selfsatisfaction by gait 291 (in ḅege tamá) hence fịní tanda, ̣ angị tandá Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tándaráamọ tandaráatandaráa tandí ̣ tandíye ̣ tangbalá tángbaláa tángbaláamọ tángiríi tángirímọ tapúu tapúumọ tapú ̣ụ tapú ̣ụmọ tárangíi tárangíimọ tárị tarí1̣ taríạ tarí2̣ taríya ̣ tarịmó ̣ tásịgá tásịgá tásịgá tasíị̣ tasíịmọ ̣ tatá tatágbogbósi táu táumọ taú1̣ taú2̣ tawaíṇ téḅi tée téemọ n. adv. v.i. & n. v.t. n. v.t. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. swank; swagger; bluff swaggeringly same as above n. a. v.t. n. v.i. n. v.t. n. n. n. v.i. n. adv. excl. v.t. & i. excl. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. n. v.t. a. adv. t mi dc ascend; climb; mount ladder; steps burnish; brush lanky; tall and lean in a lanky manner plump; fat; full; rounded plumply snap; break with heavy sharp crack snap; sharp crack with a snap snap; break with light crack snap; light crack with a snap oversized (of cloth); sizable sizably be blest; be revered bless; invoke God’s favour on; consecrate; make holy; pronounce words that bring supernatural favour upon (of father, priest, etc.) blessing; bestowal of divine favour blessed; revered A. love; hold dear; bear love to; be fond of love; warm affection; fondness be in love with one another love for one another B. excite strong desire; affect strongly; attract; appeal; like to; be pleasing to; feel attracted by allure; charm; entice; lure; enchant; fascinate tree sp. and its seeds; rattles obtained from the seeds dance with rattles tied to the feet of dancers snap; break with sharp crack snap; sharp crack with a snap expression urging a small child to try and walk say such word; begin to walk (of small child); pull to feet expression meaning ‘may it not happen’ thud; fall with low dull sound thud with a thud dampen; moisten; put in liquid lightly grandchildren tree sp. and fruit bask in (sun); warm oneself at (fire) swift; fleet; rapid swiftly; rapidly 292 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tefelemó ̣ téi téiḅaị téiḅaị téigbolo téinẹ téin teín1 teín2 v.t. excl. pron. n. thingamy; thingumbob; thingummy; what-doyou-call-it had I known; what struck (me)? why not? n. excl. p. v.i. v.t. v.t. teíntụáye teín3 téintéin teín4 tekéke tekéke n.m.f . n. v.t. a. v.t. a. v.i. tekékemọ tékele tékele tekelé adv. v.i. n. v.t. tekelé ḅa tekelé kasí ̣ tekelémọ tekelepánị tekelé pụrá tekeléye tékerée tekerémọ téketéke v.p. v.p. v.t. n.m. v.p. n. a. v.t. v.i. téketékemọ tekí adv. a. v.i. teíntụáḅọ flatter; overpraise what? tekímọ tekimó ̣ tele n. adv. v.t. n.m. téletéle téletélemọ telímọ a. adv. v.i. be exploded; be stained fire; explode; detonate; shoot; discharge gun inject; drive liquid into body; sting (as bee, wasp); inoculate injector; inoculator injection; inoculation spot; mark, stain, with spots spotted; pied fillip; flick; flip unsteady; insecure be on the point of falling: to m unsteadily; insecurely be hung; be hanged hanging; downward droop hang; suspend; attach loosely (to hook or other object above) hang, suspend on gibbet crucify hang on to bucket; pail carry on pole over shoulder hanger short; not long (especially clothes and dress) shorten; curtail totter; walk unsteadily and fast (especially of child learning to walk, or somebody staggering) totteringly proud; boastful be proud; boast; brag of or about; extol oneself; vaunt pride; vainglorious statement proudly; boastfully make to brag or boast chimpanzee, ‘gorilla’; ape sporadic; scattered; fallen wide apart sporadically be taught, instructed, advised, directed, educated, disciplined 293 e.g. ó ẹkị tekeké wọrí ‘he ̣ placed it insecurely’ Pan troglodytes (probably West African chimpanzee, P. t. verus) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 telimó1̣ telimó ̣ḅọ telimó ̣pọgọ telimó ̣ye telimó2̣ témi temí1 temí2 tendeḅaḅió tendeḅaḅioyaí ̣ ténderáa ténderáamọ tendu ténenáa ténenáamọ tenenée tenenéemọ mịé ̣ tenenéemọ téngelée téngeléemọ tengí tengi-ára téperetépere téperetéperemọ térerée téreréemọ téri teri v.t. n. n.m.f . n. n. v.t. v.i. v.t. v.t. n. a. adv. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.p. a. v.i. adv. a. & n. n.f. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. admonish; advise; educate; instruct; teach; discipline; direct; guide; (vulgarly) receive instruction; learn teaching teacher; adviser; instructor; preceptor; tutor la advice; admonition; counsel; instruction lesson; instruction; teaching; training; culture dandle child on knees or in arms be pierced, stabbed, pricked pierce; prick; spike; stab beat; pound; crush with pestle armpit hairs in armpit buoyant buoyantly estuary or branch of creek broad-brimmed (of hat) in a broadly-brimmed way start from sleep with a start startle swollen; distended become distended; swell out in a distended state maternal grandparent grandmother unsteady; tottering stagger; stand unsteadily; totter staggeringly; unsteadily light feel or look light lightly be worn; be put on crown; put on (as hat); cover; put ridgemat or ridging on roof of house; wear sixty sixtieth in the sixtieth place otter sp. teu num. a. adv. n.m. -tẹ suf. suffix used to form perfect tense of verbs: tẹḅẹmó ̣ tẹḅụ v.t. a. v.i. pet a child; caress laden; loaded; low (land) reach strain-bearing capacity (of loaded canoe or boat) capacity (for load) in a loaded way tesi tesikaramọ tẹḅụmó1̣ n. adv. m (pl. telimọ-óngu) 294 (pl. tengi-óngu) African clawless otter (Cape clawless otter), Aonyx capensis, and spotnecked otter, Lutra maculicollis e.g. mu ‘go’, muté ̣ ‘has gone’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tẹḅụmó2̣ tẹị1 v.t. v.i. tẹị2 n. v.i. tẹị3 v.t. tẹíṇ 1 tẹịnmó ̣ tẹịnmọ-íboro tẹíṇ 2 v.i. v.t. n. v.i. tẹínḅara ̣ tẹịnmó ̣ḅaraghọ n. adv. tẹínyaị ̣ ḅarátẹíṇ mịé ̣ tẹịnmó ̣ tẹké ̣ tékẹẹ ̣ a. v.p. v.t. n. a. tékẹẹmọ ̣ tékẹré ẹ̣ ̣ adv. a. tékẹré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ tékụré ẹ̣ ̣ adv. a. tékụré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ tẹlẹgú ̣tẹlẹgụ tẹlẹgú ̣tẹlẹgụmọ télụ ̣ tẹlụ témẹ ̣ adv. a. adv. v.i. v.t. v.i. tẹmẹ1 v.t. tẹmẹ-ayé tẹmẹḅó ̣ tẹmẹ irí tẹmẹ2 n.m.f . v.p. n. tẹmẹḍigiyé tẹmẹḍụayé tẹmẹ fie tẹmẹfụlá n. n. v.p. n. fg cause to strain migrate; move from one place to another; move slowly (as snail); flit; pass lightly migration; move; change of abode be declared not guilty; be free from blame; be acquitted, exculpated, exonerated, discharged, released win in certain games (as ludo, igboun, agú ̣ḅa, etc.) drift (e.g. of canoe); glide cause to drift drift-net be more; be most; (used as equivalent to English -er, -est): state of being much in particular; particularly; especially; mainly; mostly state of being much or many stronger; wealthier make more; increase appeal; beg; entreat; pray appeal; entreaty; prayer aloft; high up; upward; distant; specified distance from upwards; distantly short; of small length (of skirts and cut length of cloth); undersized shortly (cut, of cloth) short; of small stature; not tall (of human beings); puny; undersized shortly (of build) intricate; involved intricately emerge from egg hatch be created, shaped, formed, constructed, fashioned, modelled, drawn, moulded, minted, coined (of money) create; shape; form; construct; fashion; model; mould; draw; mint; coin (money) creatures; created things; creation creator; one who creates tr miscreate spirit; ghost; image; apparition; shadow; wraith mirror; looking-glass salvation; saving of the soul resound from a distance saliva 295 e.g. ḍụḅá ‘be big’, ḍụḅá tẹíṇ ‘be bigger’; tịḅịfí ̣ ‘stubborn’, tịḅịfí ̣ tẹíṇ ‘be more stubborn’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 Ebítẹmẹ Seítẹmẹ Tọntọntẹmé ̣ tẹmụtẹmú ̣ p.n. p.n. n. a. v.i. Good Spirit; Holy Ghost Bad Spirit; the devil Holy Spirit; Holy Ghost slow (in speech) drawl; speak with indolent or affected slowness drawl; slow utterance drawlingly lap; thigh; secondary prop-roots of certain plants: tẹmụtẹmú ̣mọ tẹndé ̣ n. adv. n. tẹndé-ḅịlanẹngị ̣ n.m. al [small bat-like creature] galago spp. tẹndẹ-ímgba tẹngẹlé ̣ n. v.t. & n. v.p. n. a. v.i. adv. v.t. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.t. n. v.i. n. adv. v.t. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. bp thigh bone; femur tickle ḅerí tẹngẹlẹ ḅerítẹngẹlẹyé téngẹlé ẹ̣ ̣ téngẹlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ tẹrẹ1 tẹrẹ2 térẹngí ị̣ ̣ térẹngí ịmọ ̣ ̣ tésịị ̣ tésịịmọ ̣ tẹtẹmó ̣ tíi tíimọ tikoní tíkoróo tíkoróomọ tíkpaa tíkpaamọ tikpáin tikpáinmọ tíkpasíi tíkpasíimọ tíkpoo tíkpoomọ tikpóun adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. poke ear with feather or stick tickler slightly swollen distend; swell out slightly in a swollen condition support; keep from falling support before oversized; sizable (cloth) sizably dwarfish dwarfishly caress; pet caress; petting rush; run precipitately rush; precipitate run with a rush praise; commend the merits of (person, thing) short; curt shortly; curtly plump; corpulent plumply plop; drop heavily in water sound as of heavy object dropping into water without splash; plop with a plop corpulent; bulky; fat plumply plump; bulky; corpulent plumply plop 296 e.g. angala tẹndé ̣ ‘mangrove proproot’; ilé tẹndẹ ‘Uapaca prop-root’ Allen’s squirrel galago (Allen’s galago), Galago alleni, and Demidoff’s galago (dwarf galago), Galagoides demidoff (short for aní tẹrẹ) ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tikpóunmọ tímbalíi tímbalíimọ timí1 & n. adv. a. adv. v.i. timi1 timíḅara timi-ebí timi fá timifá ebítimi seítimi n. n. phr. phr. phr. v.p. aux.v . n. n. n. v.p. n. n. n. timi2 timi fí ̣ tíngaláa tíngaláa tíngaláamọ tíni típaa típaamọ típasíi típasíimọ tirí1 n. v.p. a. v.i. adv. n.m. a. adv. a. adv. n. tirí tụa tirí2 v.p. n. tirí3 n. tirí4 polotirí tirí ḅa n. n. v.p. tiríḅa tiri tịẹ n. v.p. tirí tọlọmọ v.p. ḍụẹị tirí paga v.p. ḍụẹịtirípaga tirigó n. n. timíyọ aní ḅ ̣ ara timí ín ̣ a timíi mí ḅ ̣ ara timí tịẹ timí timí2 with a plop plump; corpulent plumply abide; stay; remain; continue; dwell; stand firm; sit; exist; wait abidance; continuance; existence seat; dwelling-place (it) was like that abide with me! stay with me! (it) was like this stand firm or still be; could; should; would have; will: fg tr condition; living living condition affluence have no living paucity; being without means good living; affluence bad living; penury; destitution; poverty; paucity advance; payment beforehand receive advance swollen; distended distend; swell out in a distended state tin corpulent; bulky; plump plumply plump; bulky plumply canopy; overhanging shelter; expanse covered by a spreading tree or a cast-net; form a canopy heap; group of things lying one on another; pair; set length of hook and line used for fishing at a time; boulter; length of dragnet or driftnet: arena; an open space open field said of moon when it does not set but remains on horizon before dawn; also of secret love or news when it is no longer a secret such state of moon or secret be left alone in an arena; (of card game) have no winner prepare arena for play; said of moon when it is preparing to rise and darkness starts to clear perform the formal "laying-out in state" of a corpse in a public square for citizens to pay their last respects such formal laying-out of a corpse canopy; an open expanse of water or land at 297 e.g. mu timí ‘be going’ <English hence ịgbó ̣ tiri hence ḍaye tiri; ibóro tiri Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tirigó nyana tirigó tụa tírikpíi tírikpíimọ tiro v.p. v.p. a. adv. n. títi tití v.i. v.t. tiye n. v.t. v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.i. n. v.t. tiyekugú n.m. tịḅị1 v.i. tịḅịḅó ̣ n.m.f . v.t. v.t. n. v.p. titimó ̣ tiyán tiyánmọ tiyanmó ̣ tíye tịḅịmó1̣ tịḅịmó2̣ tịḅị2 tịḅị-anumó tịḅị asaḅá tịḅị dáa n. n. n.m.f . v.p. tịḅịdú ̣ tịḅịdú ̣ nó ̣ tịḅịdụnó ̣ tịḅị ḍugómọ n. v.p. n. v.p. tịḅịḍugómọ n. tịḅị-ekeké tịḅịfá tịḅị fangá tịḅịfanga-erí tịḅị fẹngú ̣ tịḅịfí ̣ n. a. v.p. n. v.p. a. tịḅịḅẹlẹú ̣ tịḅịḅió tịḅịḅó ̣ po bp bp the point where streams or roads meet; an expanse at a confluence or conflux have an expanse develop an expanse massy; weighty in a massy way kohl; ground black substance used by women to paint eyelids strike against, upon A. beat; flog; hit B. butt; gore; push with head butt(ing); goring compress, squeeze together; pacify choke; suffocate suffocation; asphyxia suffocatingly choke; asphyxiate; suffocate be scattered, dispersed, few; lessen scattering collect wine from palm tree with a special pot attached to the top special pot left on top for collecting wine that trickles out of the palm tree go off in pairs, pair; unite in love or marriage; be arranged in pairs partner; the other member of a pair pair; arrange in pairs; pair off; put two by two compare; liken A. head; anterior part of body hairs (on head) pass overhead (of sun); reach afternoon; (colloq.) pass over a senior person to act in a matter; act beyond one’s powers top of the head brain; knowledge head; headman; leader; chief; principal; ruler; master head; lead; be, form the head, or be at the head of head side (of bed, etc.) have headache headache accuse; indict; charge: sake of; for the sake of; because of; owing to; in the interest of; out of consideration for; in order that; skull; cranium headless; acephalous; unsuccessful twist hair with thread black thread for twisting hair (of sun) be past meridian or zenith saucy; cheeky; heady; impetuous; impudent; 298 e.g. ye ékị ̣ ó tịḅị ḍugómọ e.g. ịní tịḅịḍugómọ ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tịḅịfí ̣ n. tịḅịfịḅará adv. tịḅịfịnaḅịté ̣ tịḅịfịnaweí tịḅị gbámọ n.m. n.m. v.p. tịḅịgó ̣ tịḅị ísị̣ tịḅị-ísị̣ tịḅịkiriebimó ̣ tịḅị kịrí ̣ tịḅịkịrí ̣ tịḅịkịrịḅó ̣ tịḅị kpó ̣ tịḅịkpọyé tịḅịkpó ̣ tịḅịkurukurú tịḅị lá tịḅịlá tịḅịlá tịḅịlẹyé tịḅị na otumó ná tịḅịnẹngí ̣ tịḅịnẹngịḅó ̣ tịḅịnó ̣ tịḅị nyanámọ tịḅị nyọngọmó ̣ prí ̣ tịḅị-okó tịḅị-okpokpó tịḅị-onongoró tịḅịpaga tịḅịpagaghá tịḅịpitiyé tịḅị prí ̣ n. v.p. n. n. v.p. n. n.m. v.p. n. a. n. v.p. a. n. n. n.p. a. n.m.f . n. v.p. v.p. n. n. n.m. a. a. n. v.p. tịḅị sín prí ̣ tịḅịsínpríye ̣ tịḅị sogió tịḅịsogioweí tịḅị tịẹmó ̣ v.p. n. v.p. n.m. v.p. tịḅịtịẹmọḅó ̣ n.m.f . n. tịḅịtịẹmọyé dr dr dr d bp bp ms insolent; insulting; insubordinate; disobedient; impertinent; badly behaved; naughty; discourteous; rude; uncivil discourtesy; disrespect; disobedience; cheekiness; headiness; impertinence; impetuosity; impetuousness; impudence; insolence; naughtiness; rudeness; incivility; sauciness saucily; headily; cheekily; impetuously; impudently; insolently; naughtily; rudely; impertinently head-tie head-tie accuse; indict; charge; be accused or charged with head side (of bed, etc.) grow bald or hairless alopecia; baldness dandruff; scurf cut hair haircut barber; hairdresser tie head (with cloth) head-band headstrong precipitateness come of age; reach maturity mature pubescence; arrival at puberty or maturity capitation, poll tax head and tail, the essence of a matter of higher status senior headache monopolize bow down to skull; cranium skull; cranium masquerade type with very tall head successful unsuccessful hairpin give up oneself to chief or deity, for safekeeping honour; respect highly; confer dignity upon respect raise head; pillow pillow substitute; put in exchange for; replace with another substitute (person) substitute (thing) 299 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tịḅịtongú tịḅịtó ̣ọn tịḅịtó ̣ọngha tịḅịyó ̣ ḍịétịḅị ̣ gbọrịtịḅí ̣ n. a. a. n. n. adv. kalátịḅịanumo kịẹrịtịḅí ̣ kịẹrịtịḅí ̣ mádụtịḅị-obí tịḅị2 n. n. adv. n.m. bp s occiput; back of head successful unsuccessful headquarters; head place share; portion at this moment; at once; right now; exactly; absolutely; positively; precisely; entirely; altogether; outright; quite hair style one’s self alone alone amphisbaenid snake B. life: tịḅị2 C. individual: tịḅị2 D. top; knobbed end of nail; maturated part of boil; upper end of bed, etc.; climax E. head of fruit or tobacco F. chapter; main division of a book; hence tịḅị2 tịḅị2 pp -tịḅị suf. suffix equivalent to English -ful or -lead: tịẹ1 v.i. & t. tịẹ1 n. tịẹḅá tịẹkirí n.f. n. tịẹ kụró ̣ tịémọ ̣ 1 v.p. v.t. stand; maintain upright position; assume stationary position; be situated; alight; perch; settle; come to earth from the air; stop; cease functioning stand; cessation from motion or progress; standing the god of standing specified situation or rank; specified size or height; standard; degree of excellence or efficiency, required for particular purpose stand fast; stand firm move to and remain in specified position tịémọ ̣ 2 tịẹmó1̣ tịẹmó2̣ v.t. v.t. v.t. tịẹmó3̣ v.t. stand before (someone) set upright; erect; bristle (hair) stop doing; bring to an end; bar; hinder; make a halt or pause; brake provide at one’s expense; 300 = dú ̣tịḅịdú ̣tịḅị e.g. ó tịḅị na sụó ̣ ‘he entered with his head’ (i.e. he lost his life in the enterprise) e.g.gbọrịḅọ tịḅí ̣ ‘per head, every individual’ tịtarị tịḅí ‘first ̣ chapter’ e.g. ẹfẹrẹtịḅí ̣ ‘plateful’; ịngịasítịḅị ̣ ‘spoonful’; arụtịḅí ̣ ‘canoe-load’ e.g. anga tịémọ ̣ ‘stand to one side; stand aside’; tongú tịémọ ̣ ‘stand back’; tọrú ̣gọ or ḅẹlẹụ tịémọ ̣ ‘stand in front’ hence ituka tịẹmọ e.g. ó irú tịẹmọ wa prí ‘he ̣ stood us drinks’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tịẹmó ̣tịẹmó ̣ tịẹmọndịyé tịẹ prí ̣ a. & v.i. n. v.p. (be) prescient tr apparition; ghost sponsor; stand surety for; be god-father or god-mother to sponsor; surety; god-father or god-mother kekíamọ tịẹ koro tịé ̣ sigímọ tịẹ sou tịẹ tịẹ2 tịẹ2 tịẹ tó ̣n tịẹ3 kalátịẹ opútịẹ tíkịtí ̣ kị ̣ n.m.f . v.p. v.p. v.p. v.p. a. n. v.p. n. n. n. a. stand near stand down stand aloof, away, clear, aside stand up; arise of specified height; tall height; size; dimensions; magnitude; measure height cock (of gun) half-cock full-cock whooping; hence tíkọló ̣ ̣ọ tíkọló ̣ ̣ọmọ tíkpọlí ̣ ̣ tịkpó ̣ụ tịkpó ̣ụ tịkpó ̣ụnmọ tíṇ 1 tíṇ 1 tíṇ irí ịrẹ tíṇ ịrẹtíṇ tíṇ 2 tịn ḍigitịn a. adv. n.m. v.i. n. adv. v.t. n. v.p. v.p. n. v.t. n. n. short; not tall or long shortly masquerade type plop (lightly) light plop with a light plop call; invite; mention; name call, invitation misname; call by wrong name christen christening haul; pull; drag; draw plant, tree, in general mahogany tree tịnḅerí tịnḅirí tínẹ ̣ 1 tínẹ ̣ 2 n. n. v.i. n. nametịnẹyé tịnẹ tịnọ ẹngẹtịnó ̣ n. v.t. n. n. ọbọdọgó ̣tịnọ tíọ̣ tíontí ̣ ọn ̣ tíontí ̣ ọn ̣ tíontí ̣ ọn ̣ tíọntí ̣ ọnmọ ̣ típaa ̣ típaa ̣ típaamọ ̣ n. int. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. tịẹpríḅọ ̣ ms t t tp tp t t t leaf of plant plant stem; bole; girth; trunk; haulm; stalk be reeved, threaded, skewered fathoms of twine attaching the float to the sinker and weight on a hook and line nerve; sinew, tendon thread; reeve; skewer tree sp. yielding a spice called ẹngẹ type of above tree with durable wood and good spice type with soft wood and inferior spice where? anxious; earnestly desirous be anxious or desirous anxiety; solicitous desire anxiously full to the brim; replete; hence bein tịpa be replete fully 301 e.g. tịẹkirí (see kítịkí ̣ tị) ̣ tíkịtí ̣ kị ̣ ọlọ ‘whooping cough’ Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. (Meliaceae) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tịpú ̣ụ tịpú ̣ụmọ tịra v.i. adv. a. snip; cut with small quick strokes with a snip three (when used for qualifying): tịraị tịraịkaramó ̣ num. a. three (in counting) third; thirdly massy; solid; weighty solidly; weightily first; former; primary the very first from the beginning tóḅi tóforóo adv. a. adv. a. n. adv.p . n. n. v.t. a. adv. excl. adv. v.t. v.t. tóguru n. v.i. togurú togurú dẹgẹ n. v.t. v.p. togurúsịnya n. gún togurú toí v.p. v.i. tírịkpí ị̣ ̣ tírịkpí ịmọ ̣ ̣ tịtarị tịtarịḅẹlẹú ̣ tịtarị koromí g̣ họ tịtarị-ofonipán tịtarịpagá tịté ̣ tịtí ̣ tịtímọ ̣ tíyọ ̣ bp toí kọn toítiri toítiri toí kụrọtoí tokímọ tókoróo tologútologu tólogúu tolótolo tólu tólughá v.p. n. v.p. n. v.i. & t. n. a. a. a. n.m. v.i. a. da e.g. á tịraị ékí ̣ ̣ ‘I took three’ first cockcrow head excuse dumpy; short and stout in a dumpy manner see tíọ̣ bask in (sun); warm oneself at fire mortify (of corpse); be affected by gangrene or necrosis mortification; necrosis make mouth movement while chewing something chewing; mastication chew; grind with teeth; masticate; triturate grind to fine powder; masticate thoroughly; triturate veins seen moving when the parietal muscles are chewing chew the cud; ruminate engage in fun, games, sport; play; frisk; gambol fun; sport; amusement; jocularity; drollery; game; play; jest; lark; frolic; spree; mirth; merriment; frisk; gambol stage a play picnic picnic; take part in picnic athletics stand on tiptoe n. e.g. tịra kịmí ‘three ̣ people’; tịra ọndé ̣ = 3(400) = 1200; tịra sí sixty standing on tiptoe long-legged (of seat) knock-kneed long-legged; leggy; lanky turkey have a hole; be punctured, pierced, pricked not leaking; not having developed a hole 302 (see also téḅi) = kóḅirikóḅiri Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tólu koro tólu sụọ tóluyọ tolu1 v.p. v.p. n. v.i. n. tolughá tolumó ̣ ḍigí v.i. v.p. tolumó ̣ prí ̣ ḍugó tolu yọ tolúmọ v.p. v.p. v.p. tolu2 tolu3 v.t. v.t. n. a. n. n.m. tolughá tomátos(i) tomi tomi tominí tomini-amákiri tomini-amákiri tominíkiri tominíkiri tominíkiriḅó ̣ tóndio tondió tondoḅaḅió tongú tongúdụ tongú wagímọ ̣ ḅarátongu ḅụọtongú ọbú ̣tongu tịḅịtongú t’óngu toó toó tootó tootó topíi topíimọ topíitopíi topíitopíimọ tororíi n.m. ers. n. a. n. a. n.m.f . v.i. v.t. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. n. n. excl. pron. excl. v.i. excl. v.i. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. cr al penetrate and pass through penetrate through or into puncture; pricked hole issue; appear; emerge; spring, come out; get through issue; appearance; emergence; mouth of river; outlet (it) is not through peep; peer; look through narrow aperture; peep out; look furtively give furtively or through a narrow passage pass through or by issue forth or out to (a place, house, river, road, etc.) make a hole; prick; pierce; puncture; perforate sharpen a new tool initially such initial sharpening blunt; without edge; unsharpened tomato African palm civer (two-spot palm civet) [small animal which steals palm-wine] p p drunkard folks; mankind; humanity; humankind; people p world of living men or human beings worldly world of living men worldly human being bp bp bp bp bp suffer injury or pain (of existing wound) hurt; wound (feelings or existing wounds) armpit back; behind; rear behind; rear; hindermost part turn or reverse backwards elbow heel backside; posterior occiput; back of head which people? abusive shout shout thus abusive shout shout thus drip; drop; trickle with a drip or trickle drip continuously drip continuously drip; drop; trickle 303 <English Nandinia binotata. Also recorded as otome, tomí (pl. tominíkiriongú) (see tendeḅaḅió) (= tọ-óngu) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tororíimọ tororíitororíi tórotóro tórotóro tóun tóun toún tounmó ̣ wagịmó ̣ toún wagí` tounmó ̣ tó ̣ adv. v.i. v.i. n. v.i. n. v.t. v.t. v.p. v.p. excl. adv. with a trickle drip continuously drip-drop; drip persistently persistent dripping bend; stoop; bow bending; bow; stooping bend; bow; invert; turn upside down cause to bend; bow turn upside down turn upside down how? what? when? where? which? See following: tó ̣gụ child; babe; baby; kala tó ̣gụ tó ̣ị tó ̣ị tó ̣ịmọ tó ̣ịtó ̣ị tó ̣ịtó ̣ị tó ̣ịn1 tó ̣ịn1 tó ̣ịnmọ1 tó ̣ịntó ̣ịn1 n.m.f . n.p. n.m.f . n.p. v.i. n. adv. v.i. n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. tó ̣ịntó ̣ịn1 tó ̣ịntó ̣ịnmọ tó ̣ịn2 n. adv. v.i. tó ̣ịnmọ2 tó ̣ịntó ̣ịn2 tó ̣kịị tó ̣kịị tó ̣kịịmọ tọkímọ ̣ adv. v.i. v.i. n. adv. v.t. tọkịní ̣ tó ̣kịtó ̣kị tó ̣kịtó ̣kị tọkó ̣ tó ̣kọọ tó ̣kọọmọ tó ̣kọró ̣ọ tó ̣kọró ̣ọmọ tọkọró ̣ọ n. v.i. n. v.t. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. tọló ̣ tọlọlí ̣ tọlọlímọ ̣ v.t. a. adv. tó ̣gụ kalaí ̣ tó ̣gụkọrịḅó ̣ tó ̣ḅara? how is it? tó ̣dụ? what part? where? tọ-ífie? which time? when? little child baby nurse small child drip; fall in drops drip(ping) in drips or drops drip persistently persistent dripping drip; fall in drops drip(ping) in drips or drops drip persistently; be in drips or drops (of blood, oil, liquid) all over continuous drops or dripping with persistent dripping alight to earth (froma jump, etc.; set or put foot lightly on something lightly; faintly step lightly continuously appear first (of moon) first appearance (of moon) faintly (of moon) point to, at; direct attention to; appoint; nominate socks; stockings meddle meddling manage; conduct (with tact) stand aloof, away, apart aloof long-legged (of chair) in a long-legged manner stray, wander, deviate from the right way (path, truth) eat complete completely 304 <English stocking Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tọlọmó1̣ odú tọlọmọ tọlọmó2̣ tọlú1̣ tọlú2̣ tọlú3̣ v.t. v.p. adv. n. n. & a. n. tọlú ̣ síin tó ̣lụtó ̣lụ tọmbịlí ̣ tọn1 v.p. a. n. v.t. tọnyé1 tọn1 n. tọnyé2 n. c tọn1 ye tó ̣n prí ̣ tọn v.p. v.t. tọn-ayé ye tó ̣n v.p. tó ̣ndị ọtó ̣ndịaḅá tọndí ̣ v.i. n.m. v.t. tó ̣ngható ̣ngha tọngó1̣ tọngó2̣ tọngó ̣ pẹlẹ tọngó ̣pẹlẹ tọngó ̣pẹlẹghá1 tọngó ̣pẹlẹghá2 pẹlẹghatọngó ̣ tó ̣nmọ1 a. n. n. v.p. n. a. n.m. n. v.t. tó ̣nmọyé1 tó ̣nmọ2 n. v.i. & t. n. v.t. n. tó ̣nmọ2 tó ̣nmọ3 tó ̣nmọyé2 i bp i bp prepare; adjust; dress be prepared; prepare oneself appreciably; really; properly; (do) particularly mesh; interstice of net single oyster appearing singly on rock or harder part of mangrove root; joint; place by which two bones are fitted together dislocate; come out of joint perforated; pitted tumbler, glass A. measure; ascertain extent or quantity of (thing) by comparison with fixed unit or with object of known size; scale; weigh; estimate relative value or importance by some standard; ascertain size and proportion of (person) for clothes balance; scale; measure B. arrange; plan; scheme; design; contrive; intend; purpose; mean to; have in mind to; conceive or form in mind; be of opinion; expect; think (thought) arrangement; plan; scheme; design; intention; contrivance C. order; put in order; regulate; command thing to be done regulate or order one’s affairs forbid; loathe; detest; abominate; regard with disgust forbidden things; menses; monthly periods menstruate; discharge menses or monthly periods be kindled; be lit up glow-worm; firefly light up; kindle; illuminate; set ablaze; inflame several; diverse; sundry; various trigger (of gun); pendulum (of clock) penis; prick (vulgar) circumcise (an organ) circumcision (of organ) uncircumcised centipede uncircumcised penis liken; find or point out resemblance in (thing) to; compare; estimate the similarity of (one thing with, to, another); contrast; set (two things, one with another) in opposition, so as to show their difference comparison gesticulate; gesture; give idea as to size, etc., by movement of limb or body gesticulation; gesture illustrate, make clear, by examples; exemplify illustration; example 305 cf. tọlụ-ímgba <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tọntó ̣n tọntọnyé tó ̣ọn a. n. v.i. forbidden; holy; sacred; saint taboo imprint shape on; leave impress, imprint, mark or form on: tọpíị̣ drip; drop; trickle tọrọríịmọ ̣ tọrọríịtọrọrí ị̣ ̣ tọrọríịtọrọrí ịmọ ̣ ̣ tó ̣rọró ̣ọ tó ̣rọró ̣ọmọ tọrọtọró ̣ tọrọtọró ̣ tọrú1̣ tọrú ̣ ḅa tọrú ̣ ḍigi mịé ̣ tọrú ̣ḍigimịé ̣ tọrụ ékị ̣ tụá tọrụ-ékí ̣ ̣ mọ tọrú ̣ féngụ ̣ tọrú ̣féngụ ̣ tọrú ̣ findi tọrú ̣fíndi1 tọrú ̣fíndi2 tọrú ̣ fụrụmọ tọrú ̣-gbalịye [?] v.i. & n. adv. v.i. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. n. v.p. v.p. n. v.p. a. v.p. n. v.p. n. a. v.p. n. tọrú ̣ghọsụọ tọrú ̣ghọsụọghá tọrụ-ígiri a. a. n. tọrụ-íjaka ̣ tọrụ-íkẹgẹ ̣ tọrụ-ímgbọ ̣ tọrú ̣ kpó ̣ tọrú ̣kpó ̣ tọrú ̣kuḅu tọrú ̣ kụn tọrú ̣kụn tọrú ̣ kụró ̣ tọrú ̣kụró ̣ tọrú ̣kụró ̣ tọrú ̣kụró ̣furu tọrú ̣kụró ̣furu kọn tọrú ̣ lọkó ̣ tọrú ̣lọkó ̣ tọrú ̣nungu n. n. n. v.p. n. n. v.p. n. v.p. a. n. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. tọpíịmọ ̣ tọpíịtọpí ị̣ ̣ tọrọríị̣ e.g. ḅụọmí kirímị ̣ ghọ tó ̣ọn ‘the foot left an impress on the ground’ with a drip or trickle drip continuously drip; drop; trickle with a drip or trickle drip continuously with a continuous drip or trickle droop; languish; hang down in weariness droopingly drip persistently persistent dripping A. eye; face (of wine) intoxicate be partial partiality keep under observation fine; beautiful; attractive swoon; reel; be in a whirl swoon; vertigo; dizziness open eyes; civilize civilization grasping; rapacious frown; grimace; scowl; wear sullen look Cyathula prostrata (Amaranthaceae) = oḅoriḅolo bf bp bp bp bp bp satisfactory unsatisfactory conjunctiva; mucous membrane of the inner eyelid eyelash; cilia eye-socket bone eyeball be bold boldness face; forehead to chin be shy shyness be rapacious rapacious; grasping rapacity marauding; piracy; highway robbery engage in piracy and plundering be lenient lenience; leniency eyebrow 306 < ‘eye’ + nungú Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ‘glance’ tọrụ-ótoin tọrụ-ó ̣fịrí ̣ tọrụ-ó ̣fịrí ̣ tọrụ-ó ̣pịna tọrú ̣sara tọrú ̣sara tọrú ̣sarasará tọrú ̣tụayé tọrú ̣wei ḍigí tọrú ̣ kụrụkụrú ̣ ḍigítọrú ̣kụrụkụrú ̣ ḍigí tọrú ̣nó ̣ ḍigítọrú ̣nó ̣ ḍigítọrú ̣nó ̣ ḍigí tọrú ̣ sín n. a. n. n. a. n. n.m. n. n.m. v.i. n. v.p. a. n. v.p. ḍigítọrụ ebitọrú ̣ mindítọrụ seitọrú ̣ suótọrụ tọrú2̣ n. n. n. n. n. n. tọrú ̣kírị̣ tọrú ̣kírịkí ̣ rị̣ tọrú3̣ kírịtọrú ̣ ̣ tọrụ tọrụḍigiyé tọrụ gbé ̣ tọrụgbé ̣ tọrụkuḅú tọrụmindí tọrú ̣-ogbó tọrụ otuó tọrụ-otuó tọrú ̣gọ tọrú ̣gọyé tọrú ̣gọye sín tọrú ̣gọyesín tọsí ̣ tra traị túḅilíi túḅilíimọ túḅo tuḅo tuḅo a. a. n. a. n. n. v.p. n. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. n. v.p. n. n. a. num. a. adv. n. v.t. n. tuḅokirí tuḅo kó ̣n tuḅokó ̣n n. v.p. n. bm s mt d fg sty or stye (in eye) rapacious rapacity eyelid social sociability grass snake eyeglass; spectacles worm in the eye have mercy upon; be compassionate compassion be jealous, envious envious; jealous envy; jealousy overlook B. surface; side; face; appearance; outward aspect appearance right side (of cloth); outside of garment surface of water (of cloth) seamy side; inside of garment firmament; sky class; kind; sort; species; type; genus; order; variety; pattern different diverse; varied method; special form of procedure; order; way of different kind or method river; large expanse of water spyglass; binoculars pay river dues payment of river dues middle of river river water middle of river; midstream make collection of river dues collection of river dues front; frontage; facade scrotitis; orchitis, etc. circumcise circumcision fish-trap same as tịra same as tịraị plump; plumpy; chubby plumply well fix price; bargain commerce; trade; business; estimate; price; cost factory engage in trade trade 307 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 tuḅolọkó ̣ tuḅolọkọmó ̣ tuḅo tụá tuḅoyaí ̣ túḅugúu túḅugúumọ tugbé subj. + v.i. n. adv. subj. + v.i. n. adv. v.p. a. adv. n. túgo tugó tutóye tugu1 v.i. v.t. n. n. tugu ḅọgó ̣ tugudú ̣ tugu ḍugó tuguḍugoḅó ̣ v.p. a. v.p. n.m.f . ers. a. v.p. a. n. v.p. v.p. n. n. v.p. a. v.p. n. n. n.f. n.f. n.f. v.t. v.p. v.p. v.p. tuḅo kụró ̣ tuḅokụró ̣ tuḅokụrọmó ̣ tuḅo lọkó ̣ tugughọpagaọwọmá tugufá1 tugu kóro tugukó ̣ tugusụọmó ̣ tugu tú ̣a tugu tụá irútugu tugu2 tugu ḍọgí ̣ tugufá2 tugu nimí tugu3 tugu-amá tugu-ará kalátugu opútugu tugurumó ̣ tugurumó ̣ bịyán tugurumó ̣ sín kọrọ tugurumó ̣ kọrọtugurumó ̣ kọrọtugurumoyé tukpáa tukpáamọ tukpáatukpáa túkuu n. n. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. a. be dear (in price) dearness dearly (of price) be cheap (in price) cheapness cheaply raise or increase price brideprice paid by husband; dowry dull; not bright dully stick used in fastening the mouth of ịkọ fish trap to side screens be caulked or corked caulk; cork; stopper caulk; cork; stopper bottom; hind-part; base; stump (of tree); root; end; final or last part be last; be backward hind; posterior; situated at the back follow follower; disciple posterity dr tr tr tr bottomless; baseless; groundless; unfounded lag behind; (of liquid) settle final; last drawers; knickers; shorts; underwear; pant go backwards start the beginning of anything (weaving, etc.) dregs or lees of wine meaning; reason; motive examine; investigate; inquire into; scrutinize meaningless; (idiomatic) tongue cannot tell understand; comprehend spot where an oracle is consulted village in which an oracle is situated oracle, regarded as a female deity oracle at Awka Aro Long Juju push; urge; impel bump dislodge; push away push stick to lean against raffia palm for purposes of climbing and tapping such pushing of a stick stick for climbing raffia palm plump; plunge with a plunge splatter continuously massive; heaped; high (measure) 308 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 numo tún tun2 tunḅiriḅoloyé amanyanaḅọtún tundu tundutundú kalátundu opútundu túndurúu túngbo1 túngbomọ túngbo2 tungbó tungbómọ adv. a. adv. v.t. n. a. adv. v.t. v.t. n. v.p. n. n. n. n. a. n. n. a. v.i. adv. n. v.t. v.i. tungbomó1̣ tungbomó2̣ v.t. v.t. tunwan n. turu túrukúu túrukúumọ tuu túutúumọ tuutuú tuutuúmọ tuwáin n. a. adv. v.i. n. a. & v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. tuwáinmọ tuwein adv. n. tú ̣a1 tú`a2 v.t. v.t. tú ̣aḍirí tú ̣a3 n. túkuumọ túlee túleemọ tumbi tumbiyé túmbilíi túmbilíimọ tumó1̣ tun1 túutúu dr dr la la la f (filled) to a high degree buoyant; protruding buoyantly punt; quant; beat punt-pole; quant plump; plumpy; chubby plumply appease; quiet; soothe; pacify; satisfy chant; sing chanting; singing sing a song hat; outdoor head covering puggaree crown hill; mound; mountain hilly; mountainous hill mountain high as a mountain incline; lean back; list (of canoe, etc.); bend in an inclined way small screens for damming sides of creek cause to list or bend; same as tungbomó ̣ be bent or inclined (as result of having been bent) cause to incline careen; turn boat on one side for clearing or caulking mullet sp. (‘the large mullet’) (iron) nail massive massively hoot; toot hoot(ing); toot(ing) (become) flatulent, inflated, puffed up, windy (of belly) flatulently make sound as of steam engine with steaming sound as of engine hiss; make loud hissing sound as when liquid is poured on fire or heated object with a hiss caulk; cotton or fibre material for stopping leaks clothe; put clothes upon; wear; e.g. ḅịté ̣ tú ̣a snuff; sniff (tobacco); hence snuff; powdered tobacco for snuffing occurs in: 309 family Mugilidae. cf. abaraká, akú ̣rọ, ḅụọḅakalamọ, gbulu, ịdẹgé,̣ mó ̣ngịnị ḍiri tú ̣a ‘snuff tobacco’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ó ̣bụ tú ̣a ó ̣bụtú ̣a v.p. n. tugu tú ̣a tugutú ̣a tụá v.p. n. v.t. back water; go astern; move backwards going astern; backing water; moving backwards move backwards, etc. going backwards, etc. A. put (something into); B. stuff; fill; e.g. stuff cushion with cotton, etc. C. add (into something); hence tụáyọ n. ft addition D. set fish trap E. mark (with identification mark); F. write, register (name in a book); G. enact; ordain; decree; H. inflict; lay on (wound); I. set; join; attach; fix (broken leg); yọtụaḅó ̣ n.m.f . p adv. tụámọ v.t. tụámọye tụamó ̣ tụá siín tụá timị tụáya n. v.t. v.p. v.p. v.i. mindí tụa, puló tụa, fụ tụá ‘add water, oil, salt’; nama tụá ‘add more meat’ e.g. ẹkẹré ̣ tụa, ibóro tụa, ịkọ tụá e.g. lelegimó ̣ tụa hence ḍiri ghọ ịrẹ tụá e.g. ologo tụá ‘enact a law’ e.g. ịnọ ékị ̣ tụá ‘inflict wound on’ e.g. ḅụọ tụá ‘set leg’ bone-setter J. darn; mend; K. include, put in, as part of a whole L. bear; produce (fruit, etc.); M. with; along with; in company with; in conjunction with; tụámọ1 e.g. ẹkị akpá ghọ tụá ‘put into a bag’ in company; together N . In derived words and phrases: tempt or incite to do evil; beguile; delude; seduce temptation put fire; kindle put off stay with; nurture; foster hook or engage one another in the crook of 310 hence ḅịté ̣ tụa hence beinyaị tụá (equiv. of Eng. prep.) e.g. o ékị ̣ tụá ḅo ‘come along with him; o ékị ̣ tú ̣a ḅo ‘he brought along with him; o ékị ̣ tụá kịéṇ ‘make him be numbered with (them)’; o ékị ̣ tuá kịéṇ ‘he numbered (it) along with (others)’; etc. e.g. eín tụámọ fé ̣ ‘they bought in company or together’ (pl. tụámọyaí)̣ e.g. eín tụáya ḅó Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 arm; ḅará tụa tịḅị tụá v.p. v.p. tịḅịtụá tugu tụá tugutụá tụá2 n. v.p. n. n. tú ̣ḅara? tụḅará int. n.m. tú ̣ḅọ tụḅụrụmó ̣ ḅió tụḅụrụmó ̣ excl. pron. n.p. n. v.i. n. v.t. v.p. tú ̣kẹréẹ̣ tú ̣kẹréẹmọ ̣ tú ̣kịníị̣ tú ̣kịníịmọ ̣ tụkịníyọ ̣ tụkpá tụkpáde tụkpáa tụkpáa tụkpáamọ tụkpáatụkpáa a. adv. a. adv. n. n. n.m. v.t. n. adv. v.i. tụkpáatụkpáa tú ̣kụụ tú ̣kụụmọ tú ̣lẹẹ tú ̣lẹẹmọ n. a. adv. a. adv. tụléẹtụlé ẹ̣ ̣ tụléẹtụlé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ tú ̣ndụrú ̣ụ tú ̣ndụrú ̣ụmọ tụngbá a. adv. a. adv. n. ábangátụngba ídutụngbá olútụngba opurotụngbá n. n. n. n. tú ̣ḅọ tú ̣ḅọ ka tụḅụ tụḅụr`ụ assist; help start the preparation of the head of a masquerade or the beginning of woven material, as mat, screen, etc. start of such preparation start the head of a net, woollen material, etc. head of a net, etc. time m How? antelope sp.; sitatunga ‘they came arm in arm’ (lit; "put hand") e.g. mí tụa ‘this ̣ time’; aní tụa ‘that ̣ time’; pí tụa ‘the ̣ other time’; tịtarị tụá ‘first time’ = tó ̣ḅara Tragelaphus spekei [sclater] who? i fr fr fp fp whoever; whosoever end, especially of creek; go against tide going against tide stem against tide or current cause one’s gorge to rise at; sicken; excite loathing or indignation short; curt; terse curtly; tersely tiny; very small; smallish in a smallish way pinch lamp; light insect that hovers around light at night plunge lightly light plump or plunge with a sudden plump splutter; make continuous splashing sound (in water) continuous splash or splutter protrusive protrusively protruding; buoyant buoyantly (of floating body in water or potbellied man) buoyant; springy buoyantly humped; humpy; hunched with a hump finger (of plantain or banana); claws or legs (of crabs) finger of plantain finger of banana claw of crab claw of crayfish 311 hence okólo tụḅú ̣ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 opútụngba tú ̣ọ tú ̣ọ n. v.i. tú ̣ọ odú tú ̣ọ tụó ̣ tụó ̣ tụrú ̣ tụrụ-éke n. v.p. v.t. n. a. n.m. tụrụríị̣ tụrụríị̣ tụrụríịmọ ̣ tú ̣ụ tú ̣ụmọ tụwáịn tụwáịn tụwáịnmọ tụwẹịn a. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.t. ịrátụwẹịn n. tụwénị ̣ n. fp m prehensile claw of crab, crayfish, etc.; chela A. be cooked B. swelter; be moist or languid with heat; swelter; sweltering atmosphere perspire; sweat; exude sweat cook; seethe cooking; seething foul-smelling; hence N igerian musk shrew e.g. á tú ̣ọyó ‘I am sweltering’ Crocidura nigeriae. cf. ịsụ trickly trickle; pour out in drops with a trickle hiss with a hiss sizzle; make sputtering sound as in frying sizzle; sputtering with a sizzle present food, etc., to woman at childbirth according to N embe custom (done by the husband or his representative); hence customary presentation of food, etc., at childbirth, by husband to woman cord; twine <English twine) U. ubé n. fr African pear udára uú n. v.i. n. v.i. fr star apple echo; resound with an echo; repeat by echo echo flow impetuously or fast; rush (as rainwater in a gutter) rush; violent flow (of water); noise of quarrel, wave, etc., heard from a distance with a rush úuu n. úuumọ adv. Ụ. ú ̣ụụ v.i. n. ú ̣ụụmọ adv. flow impetuously (as water) to create murmuring sound; sweep fast (as rain storm) to produce similar sound; rush rush; violent flow or sound (of rain storm or murmuring stream) heard from a distance with a rush 312 Pachybolus edulis (<Igbo) (<Igbo) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 V. váa1 v.i. váamọ1 váa váamọ2 vadáị2 váiimọ vaivaí adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. vaivaímọ váịị váịịmọ vakapúu v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. vadáịmọ vadavadá vadavadámọ vádu, vadúu vádumọ váduvádu váduvádumọ vádụ, vadú ̣ụ vádụmọ vádụvádụ vádụvádụmọ váii vakapúumọ valúu valúumọ valuvalu valuvalumọ valú ̣ụ valú ̣ụmọ valụvalú ̣ vamútu vamúu vamúumọ vamú ̣ụ vamú ̣ụmọ vángavúngu n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. n. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. n. fall rapidly on something to create a continuous rattling sound; rush with a continuous rattling sound quick; rapid; swift quickly; rapidly splash; bespatter splash with a splash spatter spatteringly spout or sputter heavily with a loud spout spout continuously with a continuous spouting; sputteringly spout or sputter lightly with a light sputter sputter or gurgle lightly and continuously with a light gurgle rush; speed rushing; speeding with a rush affecting skin with pricking sensation; irritative; pungent; piquant give acute pain on the skin irritation; piquancy; pungency irritatingly; pungently; piquantly rush; flow fast; speed with speed; fast make sound as of object being drawn from the roots such sound with a loud cloop protrudent; protrusive protrude; stick out protrudently; protrusively purl; flow with whirling motion and babbling sound (of brook) purl; whirling motion and babbling sound with a purl slightly protrusive stick out slightly in a slightly protrusive manner flow with slightly whirling motion and babbling sound slight whirling motion and babbling sound hurricane lamp spring or jump up violently fling; violent spring with a violent spring spring lightly and suddenly with a light spring long throwing-stick 313 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 vapúu v.i. vapúumọ vapúuvapúu adv. v.i. vapúuvapúumọ vapú ̣ụ vapú ̣ụmọ vapú ̣ụvapú ̣ụ adv. v.i. adv. v.i. vapú ̣ụvapú ̣ụmọ vasíi adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. vasíimọ vasíivasíi vasíivasíimọ vasíị̣ vasíịmọ ̣ vasíịvasí ị̣ ̣ vasíịvasí ịmọ ̣ ̣ vidáa vidáamọ vidividí vidividímọ víi víimọ víivíi víivíimọ vimúu vimúumọ vimúuvimúu vimúuvimúumọ vinínga virikáa virikáamọ viriríi viriríimọ vírivíri vírivírimọ virivirí virivirímọ viyáa viyáamọ adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. pull out stridently and loudly; pop (e.g. of cork) stridently (of pull) pull out stridently and loudly and continuously with a continuous strident pull disappear; vanish vanishingly pull stridently but less loudly; flicker as a heated light with a less strident pull; flickeringly splash or spatter heavily heavy splash or spatter with a heavy splash spout in heavy spray; pull and make water spray heavily in the air with a spray of water splash or spatter lightly light splash or spatter with a light splash spray lightly; pull and make water spray slightly with a light spray firm (of hold) firmly streaming with tears with streaming tears speed; veer speeding; veering with speed; veeringly speed; rush speedily make sudden strong pull away from somebody’s grip such sudden strong pull with a strong pull pull strongly and continuously with a strong continuous pull vinegar stand up abruptly as if startled abruptly (of stand) enter smartly smart entry with a rush hasty; hurried make haste; hurry up hastily; hurriedly itching; irritating; irritative give acute pain on the skin; irritate irritation irritatingly spit hard upon in a violent manner 314 <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 viyái viyáimọ viyó v.i. adv. v.i. viyómọ vịáa vịáamọ vịdịvịdí ̣ vịdịvịdímọ ̣ vịdịvịdíyọ ̣ víịị̣ adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. víịịmọ ̣ vịmú ̣ụ vịmú ̣ụmọ vịmú ̣ụvịmú ̣ụ vịmú ̣ụvịmú ̣ụmọ vịrịvịríị̣ vịrịvịríịmọ ̣ vịú ̣ụ vịú ̣ụmọ vịyáa vịyáamọ vịyáị vịyáịmọ vodoróo vodoróomọ vondoróo vondoróomọ vóo vóomọ vóon vóonmọ vóoo vóoomọ voropúu voropúumọ vosíi vosíimọ vó ̣dị vọdí ̣ vó ̣ọọ vó ̣ọọmọ vọró ̣ vọsíị̣ vọsíịmọ ̣ vọvó ̣ vọvó ̣mọ adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. v.t. n. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. n. adv. a. n. adv. flog hard in a hard manner become completely clear of (some skin disease) scrupulously flog smartly and lightly smartly and lightly puddly in a puddle puddle speed; rush speedily snatch; seize quickly; make sudden strong pull from someone’s grip with a quick snatch with a quick, irregular motion quickly and irregularly enter into a hole smartly smartly (of entry) whiz or whizz with a whizz spit lightly but sharply upon in a light but sharp manner flog lightly but sharply in a light but sharp manner fall out in a lump (as shellfish) in a lump fall out in lump (as mucus) in a lump plentiful plentifully open (of hole); unsheathed; bare openly; barely fall to earth in a single go in a single go sink into something soft with a sound of sinking into something soft crash with a crash be squeezed squeeze squeezing commence at one go (of rain, laugh, cry, etc.) with one accord, pitch, tone flog; beat with stick; thrash crash lightly light crash with a light crash lively; interesting; exciting liveliness in a lively way 315 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 vudá v.i. vudámọ vudamó ̣ vudáyo vúguvúgu adv. v.t. a. a. v.i. vúngalamọ vuráan n.p. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. v.t. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. vuráanmọ vuráanvuráan vurán vúrangáa vúrangáamọ vúrukúu vúrukúumọ vúu adv. v.i. v.i. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. vúumọ vú ̣dụgú ̣ụ adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. vúgúvúgu loló vúguvúgumọ vukpáa vukpáamọ vúla vúlamọ vuláa vuláamọ vuláavuláa vuláavuláamọ vúle vulé vúngala vú ̣dụgú ̣ụmọ vụdụgú ̣ụ vụdụgú ̣ụmọ vụdụgú ̣vụdụgú ̣ vụdụgú ̣vụdụgú ̣mọ vụkpáa vụkpáamọ vụkú ̣ụ vụkú ̣ụmọ vụláa vụláamọ generate matter; suppurate; discharge pus; be purulent purulently cause to suppurate purulent; discharging pus (rage) violent; petulant; peevishly impatient or irritable rage; rave; speak furiously or madly (of person, storm) violent anger; petulance petulantly; peevishly spring with force with a spring eddy; swirl with a swirl or an eddy flare up; kindle; flash flare; flash with a flash flicker; flash; eddy flickeringly; with a swirl be induced induce; persuade; prevail on swagger swaggeringly make short running sound amongst trees or grasses with a short running sound make continuous short runs amongst grasses slash; make a rough cut thick; overgrown thickly thick; shaggy thickly; shaggily veer; change direction of boat forcefully; change course of walk, etc.; finish; blow hard (as storm) veeringly plump; filled out; fleshy become plump plumply enter sloppily into ditch; squelch sloppily; squelchily sloppy (of road); wet with rain; full of puddles sloppiness; squelchiness sloppily spring lightly with a light spring leave; go away from, recede, slightly slightly (of movement) enter smartly smartly (of entry) 316 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 vú ̣ngalamọ vú ̣ngaláa vú ̣ngaláamọ vụráan v.i. & n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. vụráanmọ vụráanvụráan adv. v.i. vuráanvụráanmọ vụrán vú ̣rụkú ̣ụ adv. v.i. a. vú ̣rụkú ̣ụmọ v.i. adv. vú ̣ngala swagger swaggeringly wave momentarily; return abruptly with momentary wave (of tail) make slight jumping sound amongst grasses of trees with a slight jumping sound make continuous slight running sound among grasses with continuous short running sound slash; make rough cut (of face) fierce; angry-looking; gloomy (of weather) become gloomy or fierce-looking fiercely W. wá v.i. wáḅá n. wamó ̣ v.t. wá sára wa1 v.p. pron. wa2 wa3 pron. pron. wayé waweí wáa n. n. v.i. wáamọ wáa2 adv. v.i. wáamọ2 wáa3 adv. v.i. wáamọ3 wáa4 n. adv. excl. wáan wáanmọ wanmó ̣ waḅúu v.i. n. adv. v.t. v.t. & i. be flooded or filled to overflowing (of river or container) time of spring tide when water stays full till break of day cause to overflow, overbrim, inundate or deluge overflow; overbrim subject form of 1st person plural pronoun; we; e.g. wa ḅoyó ‘we are coming’ e.g. wa léẹ̣ ‘flog us’ object form of 1st person plural pronoun, us; possessive form of 1st person plural pronoun; our; of or belonging to us ours; our thing; our own ours; our own make continuous sound as of light rain rattling on something or of water running after a breaker has dashed on the shore with such continuous sound make sound as of waterfall pouring out its water; splash; gush; issue in copious stream gushingly make continuous sound as of something being torn or rent such continuous sound with a tearing sound are you sure ....? e.g. ị ḅonyú ̣ wáa? ‘are you sure you will come?’ make sound (as) of pot about to boil such sound with a hissing sound steam lightly snap; bite or break off heavily 317 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 waḅúumọ waḅú ̣ụ waḅú ̣ụmọ wága wagá wagalá1 wagalá2 wagíiwagíi wagíiwagíimọ wágị adv. v.t. & i. adv. v.i. v.i. n. v.t. v.t. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. gbá wagí ̣ wagí ̣ n. v.p. v.t. wagímọ ̣ v.t. wagịmó ̣ v.t. n. wágulúu wágulúumọ wágurúu wagúruwagúru wágụlú ̣ụ wágụlú ̣ụmọ wáịn1 wáịnmọ1 wáịn2 wáịnmọ2 waíṇ wakárawakára, wákarawakara n. a. n. adv. a. n. a. a. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.t. a. with a snap break off lightly with a light snap be shaken be tossed, swayed, rocked swaying or rocking motion rock; toss; sway rinse; swill; flush; pour water over or through sprawl with a sprawl A. return; come or go back return; going back B. be turned round; be rotated, revolved, deflected, diverted, stirred, converted conversion convert; evangelize; win over to Christianity A. turn; turn round; revolve; rotate; turn aside; deflect; divert; stir; turn (tubular organ) inside out turn towards a specified direction - right, left or about return; give or pay back or in return. May precede many verbs to give the meaning of the English prefix re-, back, once, more, again, anew, afresh (often with implication that previous doing, etc., was deficient or erroneous or now requires alteration or improvement or renewal) B. twist the teeth of saw alternately for sawing slight turn in the teeth of saw C. trick someone so as to capture two or more pieces at the same time; trick and turn down an opponent in wrestling trick in draughts or wrestling stodgy; bulging stodginess in a bulging manner baggy; puffed out bagginess baggy; bulging (of clothes) bulging (out) bulge out in a bulging way twang; clank with a clank or twang sizzle; sputtering sound with a sizzle abrade; graze; scrape dry and rough 318 e.g. wagịmó ̣ gbá ‘retell’ wagịmó ̣ ḅo ‘bring back’ wagịmó ̣ gé ̣ ‘rewrite’, etc. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wála walaḅáa walaḅáamọ walágị walagí ̣ waláị waláịmọ wálaláa wálaláamọ walawalá conj. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. whether fiddle (as crab); make aimless movement in an aimless manner be scattered turn over; scatter fiddle (as crab); make aimless movement aimlessly (of movement) flat; shallow shallowly move up and down, to and fro, in all directions; surge surging motion with a surge bulging bulge (largely) large bulge with a bulge leak out (as water); gush gushingly bulge (slightly) slight bulge we (emphatic) wamịní ̣ n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. pron. wan n.m. wanáịn wanmúuwanmúum ọ wanmú ̣ụ1 v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. v.t. v.i. v.i. a. adv. sprinkle; scatter in small drops or particles sprinkling with a sprinkle dart; whip; appear suddenly in some direction with a dart tingle; feel pricking sensation with a tingling sensation be flushed or swilled rinse; flush; swill smart; rankle; give intermittent pain rankle; give constant pain shooting (of pain) shootingly v.i. wanmú ̣ụmọ1 wanmú ̣ụ2 wanmú ̣ụmọ2 wanmú ̣ụwanmú ̣ụ wanwán wanwánmọ wára adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. wará waraḅúu waraḅúumọ waraḅú ̣ụ v.t. v.i. adv. v.i. enter in nostrils faintly, i.e. perceive smell faintly faintly snatch; seize quickly with a snatch given to snatching become lively smartly be scratched or abraded; be free of stem attachment (as palms) abrade; scratch; score be shattered or snapped with a snap snap sharply walawalámọ wáluu wáluumọ wáluwálu wáluwálumọ wálụụ wanáịnmọ wananáa wananáamọ wánawána wánawánamọ wángala wangalá wanmúu wanmúuwanmúu m Maxwell’s duiker 319 subject form of 1st person plural long pronoun; Cephalophus Maxwelli Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 waraḅú ̣ụmọ warasíi adv. v.i. warasíimọ warasíị̣ adv. v.i. warasíịmọ ̣ warawará1 warawarámọ1 warawará2 warawarámọ2 wáriwári adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. n. n.m. n. n.f. n.m.f . ers. n.m. n. n. n. n. n. n n. n. n. n.m. n. wáriwárimọ warí1̣ warị-áye waríḅọlọ ̣ waríkiri ̣ warínyana-ará ̣ warínyanaḅó ̣ ̣ warị-óngu warínyana-oweí ̣ warítugu ̣ akámawarí ̣ egélewarí ̣ ikoliwarí ̣ ịsọnọwarí ̣ ofoniwarí ̣ omoniwarí ̣ opóropówarị otóngoiwarí ̣ otongbolowarí ̣ ovinwarí ̣ p p with a sharp snap tread heavily so as to cause things to snap loudly; dig or prick forcefully with a heavy tread tread lightly so as to cause things to snap faintly; dig or prick sharply snap sharply coarse, not soft (grain) coarsely rattle with a rattle hurry; move with undue or great haste hurry; undue haste hurriedly A. dwelling house; coop; nest penates; household gods gecko floor; building site mistress; landlady owner of house; landlord or landlady p house-people p landlord household apiary; beehive bird’s nest prison; gaol ants’ nest pen; mat roof of canoe house of bondage piggery; sty wasps’ nest mosquito net cattle-pen B. the people living in a house; a family or household; the unilineal descendants of a family or household living together as a corporate group, and including any other relatives, strangers, and slaves who may be attached to the household hold office as titular chief of a household titular chief piece (of cloth) piece of cloth bulging sideways; oblate in a bulging way be dispersed; be scattered scatteringly; stragglingly scatter; strew; spread; disperse; dismiss; circulate; straggle scatter over; straggle over (a place) spread; strew; scatter spray; fly in spray (as liquid) r p warí d ̣ a warídaḅó ̣ ̣ warí2̣ ḅịtéwarị ̣ wáruu wáruumọ wása wásamọ wasá v.p. n.m. n. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. wasámọ wasamó ̣ wásaa v.t. v.t. v.i. p 320 = ḅó ̣lọ (pl. warínyanạ ongú) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wásaamọ wásawása wasíi wasíimọ wasíị̣ wasíịmọ ̣ wáya wée wéemọ wégeláa wégeláamọ wégerée wégeréemọ wegerewegeré, wegeréwegere wegerewegerémọ wéguláa wéguláamọ wéguráa wéguráamọ wei -wei wékekáa wékekáamọ wékekée wékekéemọ wekelée wekeléemọ wekélewekéle, wekeléwekele wekélewekélemọ wélekée wélekéemọ wélekpáa wélekpáamọ wélekpée wélekpéemọ wéleláa wéleláamọ adv. a. v.i. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. n. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. in a spray in a spray issue in showers pierce heavily or forcefully forcefully (piercing) pierce sharply sharply (piercing) bird sp. (unidentified) fast (of current) run fast (of current) fast wide (of container) widely baggy; not tight widely roomy; not tight n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n.m. suff. roominess, commodiousness widely wide (of container) widely baggy; not tight widely "what-do-you-call-it"; thingamy; thingummy suffix often added to verb (phrase) to form instrumental noun a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. having gaps; gapped become full of gaps in gaps having gaps; gapped become full of gaps in gaps lurch; jerk suddenly to one side (of something open, e.g. canoe, plate) lurch; jerk to one side with a lurch unsteady (of canoe) adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. unsteadily (of canoe) empty; devoid of (inmates) emptily empty; open emptily; openly empty; open emptily; openly wide (of entrance) widely 321 = wóya (cf. ọyaya) e.g. munú ‘sleep’, munúwei ‘bed’; tịḅị sogió ‘raise head’, tịḅịsogioweí ‘pillow’; wẹwé ̣ ‘pare away’; wẹwéwei ̣ ‘plane’; etc. Such nouns are masculine Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wélelée wéleléemọ wémbe wenáa wenáamọ wénawéna, wenáawenáa wénawénamọ wengeráa wengeráamọ wengeráawengeráa wengeráawengeráa mọ wereweré werewerémọ wesáa wesáamọ wetáan wetáanmọ wetáanwetáan wetanwetán wetanwetánmọ wéḅé ̣ ̣ wéẹ̣ wéẹmọ ̣ wéịn ̣ wẹké ̣ wẹkẹléẹ̣ wẹkẹléẹmọ ̣ wẹkẹléwẹkẹlẹ, ̣ wẹkélẹwẹké lẹ ̣ ̣ wẹkẹléwẹkẹlẹmọ ̣ wékẹrẹ ̣ wẹkẹwẹké ̣ wẹlẹgíwẹlẹgị, ̣ wẹlégịwẹlé gị ̣ ̣ wẹlẹgíwẹlẹgịmọ ̣ wélẹlé ̣ ẹ̣ wélẹlé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ wẹlẹwẹlé1̣ wẹlẹwẹlémọ ̣ 1 wẹlẹwẹlé2̣ wẹlẹwẹlémọ ̣ 2 a. adv. n.m. v.i. & n. adv. a. wide widely small rat flash; blaze adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. in flames startle; glance about (of eyes) with a sudden glance glance suddenly and continuously with a continuous sudden glance (of eyes) a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. a. adv. v.t. v.i. adv. a. v.t. v.i. & n. adv. a. thirsty; parched thirst; feel thirst thirst thirstily spray; fly in spray (as liquid) in spray fall in big sheet (as cloth on someone) in a tangle straggle; get dispersed (cloth) straggly stragglingly say; said so (wó ̣-ḅé)̣ flow in slowly or lightly slowly (of flow of tide) small; tiny grind; whet; strop; file lurch (e.g. of small canoe or plate) adv. adv. v.t. a. unsteadily now; in the immediate past; at length; then; just file; grind; strop; whet incoherent (of speech) v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. babble; talk incoherently babbling incoherently shallow (dish, mind, etc.); flat become shallow or flat shallowness shallowly; flatly conspicuous; clear conspicuously; clearly loquacious talk excessively loquaciousness; loquacity loquaciously with a flash or blaze flashing with a lurch (of canoe) unsteady 322 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wénsẹnwé nsẹnmọ ̣ ̣ wẹnsẹnwẹnséṇ wẹnsẹnwẹnsénmọ ̣ wérẹwé rẹ ̣ ̣ a. adv. a. v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. a. wérẹwé rẹmọ ̣ ̣ wẹrẹnwẹréṇ v.i. n. adv. a. wẹnẹwẹné ̣ wẹnẹwẹnémọ ̣ wénsẹnwé nsẹn ̣ ̣ wẹrẹnwẹrénmọ ̣ wérụụ ̣ wérụụmọ ̣ wẹwé ̣ wẹwé ̣ sará wẹwésara-áye ̣ wẹwéwei ̣ wiḅúu wiḅúumọ wígiwígi wígiwígimọ wíi wíimọ wíin1 wíin2 wíki1 wíki2 wílilíi wílilíimọ wílipúu wílipúumọ wiliwilí wiliwilímọ winmúu winyáa winyáamọ winyawinyá wiri wiriḅúu v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.t. v.p. n.m. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. n. excl. v.i. n. n. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. adv. a. n.m.f . v.i. fine; thin; tiny finely; thinly drizzly drizzle drizzlingly fringed in fringes (of speaker, speech) glib; fluent; garrulous; loquacious; voluble; (of some soils) crumbly; offering no resistance talk fluently or quickly glibness; volubility glibly; fluently; volubly clean; free from dirt; unsoiled; free of ceremonial defilement be clean cleanness cleanly; in a clean way oblate; swelling sideways swell from the side oblately plane; pare away; shave pare off; plane shavings; dross plane break crisply crisply (of handling) rough; violent be rough with (in handling) roughly (handling) furious; uncontrolled; frantic furiously; frantically wine Hmph! (expresses doubt or dissatisfaction) use such an expression wick (of lamp) week; period of seven days become bare of bark, peeled wanly; whitishly rise with alternate falls; heave (as waves, etc.) heaving; heave with a heave wan, bloodless and whitish (of wound) become bare of bark, peeled wanly make rude gesture with pursed-up lips spread on top of water (as kerosene) with a flash volatile; evaporating rapidly (as petrol and some types of varnish clever, cunning person snip; cut in quick strokes 323 <English <English <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wiriḅúumọ wiriḅúuwiriḅúu n. adv. v.i. wịnrịkíịwịnrịkí ị̣ ̣ wịnrịkíịwịnrịkí ịmọ ̣ ̣ wịnyáa wịnyáamọ wịrịsíị̣ v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. v.i. n. v.i. adv. v.i. n. a. v.i. v.i. & n. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. wịrịsíịmọ ̣ wịrịsíịwịrịsí ị̣ ̣ adv. a. wịsíị̣ wíya ̣ wịyá wógii n. v.i. v.i. v.t. a. wirisíi wirisíimọ wíriwíri wíriwírimọ wisíi wisíimọ wíyaa wíyaamọ wịḅú ̣ụ wịḅú ̣ụmọ wịḅú ̣ịwịḅú ̣ụ wịḅú ̣ụwịḅú ̣ụmọ wígịwí ̣ gị̣ wígịwí ̣ gịmọ ̣ wịlịlíị̣ wịlịlíịmọ ̣ wịlịlíịwịlịlí ị̣ ̣ wịlịlíịwịlịlí ịmọ ̣ ̣ wịnkíị̣ wịnkíịmọ ̣ wịnkíịwịnkí ị̣ ̣ wịnmú ̣ụ wịnmú ̣ụmọ wịnrịkáa wịnrịkáawịnrịkáa wịnrịkíị̣ snip snippingly make loud, continuous chipping, mowing, or clawing sound; snip continuously excrete with a loud noise loudly and noisily (excretion) hurry; move with haste hurriedly; hastily burst with force (as of a turgid substance) forcefully; with a splash simpering simper; smile affectedly simperingly crisp; break crisply crisply crisp; brittle crispness crisply be busy aimlessly with aimlessly (in writing, working) slip; slide with a slip or slide slippery; slippy; slimy slipperiness slipperily squeak squeakily squeaky squeak continuously continuous squeaking scratch someone to draw his attention with a scratch start; make sudden movement sudden start or movement restless; fidgeting move restlessly about; fidget squeak squeaky squeakily smart; ingenious; quick smartly; ingeniously burst with light sound (as of bursting or crushing louse) with light sound brittle; apt to break (of sound when, e.g., walking on dead leaves or grass) brittleness; fragility burst be torn tear off thick (of bunch) 324 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wógiimọ wogo wógolóo adv. v.i. a. wógolóomọ wógoróo wógoróomọ wogorówogoro wogorówogoromọ wóguu wóguumọ wóin adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. v.t. n. wóinmọ wóko wokó wókobárị wolowolómọ2 wongoló wongoró wónomúu wónowóno a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. v.i. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. a. v.i. v.t. a. v.i. wónowónomọ wóntonwónton adv. v.i. wókokóo wókokóomọ wókolóo wókolóomọ wókosóo wókosóomọ wokowokó wológi wólolóo wólolóomọ wólowólo wólowólomọ wolowoló1 wolowolómọ1 wolowoló2 thickly be nearly drooping (of breast) loose; slack; not tight; weighed down (e.g. of branch or breast) loosely; slackly loose; slack; not tight (e.g. of string) loosely; slackly very loose; slack; not fitting loosely; slackly thick (of bunch or bundle) thickly twang with a twang be hollowed or carved out carve out; hollow out work-bar, i.e. commission claimed from a supercargo by the representatives of a house to which a trade belongs on every twenty puncheons of oil bought. There was another commission called "customs bar" charged on every puncheon of oil sold. This was deducted from the native trader’s money and paid to the chief under whose auspices the supercargo had placed his ship for trading. with gaps gape; be open wide full of gaps hollow; sunken become deep hollowly lean; thin; not plump become lean thinly bubble; rattle boil or bubble over; seethe; rage (as sea) wide and straight (of hole or river) widely loud; strongly audible; pronounced speak loudly or noisily loudly; audibly large (of meshes); very wide be very wide in a very wide manner very hot be very hot in a very hot manner rock; lurch; sway scoop inside a hole sloping deep down; declivous swarm about; congregate in numbers (as bees, flies, etc.); talk boisterously in swarms; boisterously swarm about 325 <English Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wóntonwóntonmọ wóntoon wóntoonmọ woó woómọ wóon wóoo worí worí wori-írẹ ̣ worílátẹ worínumo wóro woró wórogíi wórogíimọ worogíi worogíimọ woróko worókomọ worokó wororóo wororóomọ woróroworóro woróroworóromọ wórosíi wórosíimọ worosíi worosíimọ worósiworósi, worosíworosi wórowóro wórowóromọ wósii wósiimọ wosíi wosíimọ wosó wosómọ wósowóso wósowósomọ wowó wowómọ wó ̣ adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. v.i. v.t. n. n. a. n. v.i. v.t. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. v.i. adv. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. adv. in swarms rank; foul-smelling, stinking, fetid fetidly; rankly red; mellow mellowly buzz run (as a stream); fall (as a waterfall) abuse; affront; curse; insult; revile abuse; affront; curse; insult; woe derogatory nickname; bad name accursed; accurst abusive curse cave in; yield inwards hollow out; undermine inclined; ready to fall in an inclined or bent way collapse; fall heavily or suddenly; plunk suddenly and heavily cave in; yield inwards hollowly undermine; wear out quaff; drink in long draughts in copious or long draughts croaky (of voice) in a croaking manner baggy in a baggy form collapse; fall suddenly suddenly (of fall) baggy fall in rapid succession in rapid succession heavy and pendulous (as bunch of plantain, etc.) heavily and pendulously fall in a big heap (of fall) in a heap splash; dash with a splash full of spray spout continuously in spray or in a spout red redly A. so; accordingly; like: 326 e.g. ó wó ̣ ḅé ̣ ‘he said so’; aíṇ wó ̣ pagá ‘it appeared or happened so’; aíṇ wó ̣ timí ‘it was so; it was like this; it seemed so; it stayed Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 B. thus; in this way; in this manner: wọ part. particle used to emphasize statements: wọgó ̣ wó ̣gọló ̣ọ wó ̣gọló ̣ọmọ wó ̣gụụ wó ̣gụụmọ wọí ̣ wó ̣ịn squeeze pendulous pendulously thick (of bunch) thickly agree; be in harmony with twang wó ̣ịnmọ wọkọwọkó ̣ wọkọwọkó ̣mọ wó ̣kụ v.t. a. adv. a. adv. v.i. v.i. & n. adv. a. adv. adv. wó ̣kụna wó ̣kụḿ’ḅụ wó ̣kụwó ̣kụ wọló ̣ wó ̣lọló ̣ọ wó ̣lọló ̣ọmọ wọlọpú ̣ụ wọlọpú ̣ụmọ wó ̣lọwó ̣lọ wó ̣lọwó ̣lọḍugo wó ̣lọwó ̣lọmọ wó ̣nọnó ̣ọ wó ̣nọnó ̣ọmọ wó ̣ọn a. adv. adv. v.t. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. wó ̣ọnmọ wọọn n. adv. v.i. wọó ̣nmọ wó ̣ọọ wó ̣ọọmọ wọrị adv. v.i. adv. adv. with a twang very high and full (of spring tide) very full now; at the present time; by this time; under the present circumstances; immediately; yet; still; as late as now just now lately; recently; not long ago soon; in a short time backbite; make subject of gossip enter into something freely and unimpeded freely; unimpededly enter into well-enclosed or sheltered condition snugly drivel; twaddle drivel; twaddle; prosy talk prosily lengthy; longish lengthily; longishly make short sharp note (as) of small bird; utter (song); chirp chirp; short sharp note of bird with a chirp be completely reared up; grow up together in health, without loss by death (e.g. of brood of chickens) as a complete, healthy group fall heavily (as rain) heavily (of rainfall) now; before; wọrị v.t. leave; let remain; remain over; wọrị mú, or wọrị soú v.p. abandon; leave off; quit; go away from 327 so’ e.g. ó wó ̣ fié ‘he spoke thus’; wó ̣ timi ifié by this time; by now’ e.g. á gbọrị nama ḅá; á gbọrị nama wó ̣ ḅá ‘I killed one (or an) animal’ (= wó ̣kụmí ḅụ) ̣ e.g. wó ̣rị mịéẹ̣ ‘make it now’; mịé ̣ wọrị ‘made before’ mịé ̣ wọrị ‘make and keep it; keep up’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wọrị prí ̣ wọrịo v.p. v.aux . leave over for (literally) leave or keep (behind); retain. Always used in combination with another verb: wó ̣rọ wọró ̣ wó ̣rọgíị̣ wó ̣rọgíịmọ ̣ wó ̣rọró ̣ọ v.i. v.t. a. adv. v.i. wó ̣rọró ̣ọmọ wó ̣rọsíị̣ wó ̣rọsíịmọ ̣ wọrọwọró ̣ adv. a. adv. v.i. wọrọwọró ̣mọ wó ̣sịị wó ̣sịịmọ wọsíị̣ wó ̣ya wúgulúu wúgulúumọ wúguru wúgurumọ wugurumó ̣ wúku wuláa wuláamọ wúlawúla wúlawúlamọ wungáa adv. a. adv. v.i. n.m. a. adv. v.i. adv. v.t. n. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. wungáamọ wúnguwúngu adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. be dismantled dismantle inclined slopingly enter into something freely and without impediment freely and unimpededly ruined; dilapidated in a ruined way rattle; give out rapid succession of short sharp hard sounds in rapid succession heavy and pendulous (as a wasps’ nest) pendulously fall in a small heap bird sp. (unidentified) heavily filled (as breast) heavily fester; generate matter in a festering manner cause festering in hook and eye for fastening dress eat greedily greedily; voraciously loquacious loquaciously shake violently (as a beast amongst tall grass while grazing) violently (of shake) murmur; hum wúnguwúngumọ wurawurá wurawurámọ wurukúu wurukúumọ wurúkuwurúku, wurukúwuruku wurúkuwurúkumọ wúrurúu b adv. a. murmurously red; reddish be red redness redly yield loosely to pressure (e.g. of soft ground when stepped on) loosely loose; not compact; porous v.i. adv. v.i. n. become less tight loosely rumble; make sound (as) of air in the bowels rumble 328 or wọrịyo e.g. ó mịé ̣ wọrịó ‘he has done something and kept it up’; ó mịé ̣ wọrịó ‘he must have done it’; ó mịé ̣ wọrịó ‘he has done well’ =wáya (see ọyaya) <English hook Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 wúrurúumọ wururúu wururúumọ wururuwururu wúruwúru wúruwúru wúruwúrumọ wúsawúsa wúsawúsa wúsawúsaghá wúsawúsamọ wusú wusúmọ wúsuwúsu wúsuwúsumọ wúuu1 wúuumọ1 wúuu2 wúuumọ wú ̣gụlú ̣ụ wú ̣gụlú ̣ụmọ wú ̣lụwú ̣lụ wú ̣lụwú ̣lụmọ wú ̣ngụwú ̣ngụ wú ̣ngụwú ̣ngụmọ wú ̣nụwú ̣nụ wú ̣nụwú ̣nụmọ wụrụkú ̣ụ wụrụkú ̣ụmọ wụrụkú ̣wụrụkụ, wụrú ̣kụwụrú ̣kụ wụrụkú ̣wụrụkụmọ wụrụrụụ wụrụrụụmọ wụrụrụwụrụrụ wú ̣ụụ1 wú ̣ụụ2 wú ̣ụụmọ adv. v.i. adv. v.i. n. a. n. adv. a. v.i. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. & n. adv. v.i. n. v.i. v.i. n. adv. with a rumble enter without hesitation without hesitation (of entry) rumble continuously continuous rumble hasty; hurried; rash hurry; haste hastily; hurriedly prodigal; wasteful be lavish with; give without stint lavishness; lavishment economical; not wasteful; thrifty lavishly; prodigally give way, as loose soil loosely loose; soft; not compact (of soil); porous looseness; porosity loosely rumour in a rumour impetuous; moving rapidly move rapidly or fast (water); sound as swiftly moving water impetuousness; impetuosity impetuously heavily filled (as scrotum) heavily loquacious; babbling babble; chatter babbling; loquaciousness loquN embe dictionaryaciously snuffle; murmur in a murmur snuffle; speak nasally or whiningly; murmur snuffle; whining snufflingly; in a murmur; whiningly yield softly to pressure softly very soft become soft; soften very softly rumble with a rumble rumble continuously continuous rumble move rapidly or fast sound as slowly moving water such faint moving sound with light moving sound 329 Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 Y. -ya suff. added to verb stems to make them convey a reciprocal meaning: yáa yáḅei yáa excl. excl. p. excl. p. excl. p. n.m.f . n.f. n.m.f . n.m. n.m.f . n.f. n.m. a. adv. a. n. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n.m. n.m. a. p calling someone’s attention you (man); vocative in an exclamatory statement you (woman); vocative in an exclamatory statement you (plural); vocative in an exclamatory statement uncle or aunt p p aunt uncle or aunt p p uncle niece or nephew p p niece nephew brackish; between salt and fresh in a brackish condition unwieldy unwieldiness unwieldily clustered in a cluster riotous; disorderly; unruly become riotous or rowdy riotously tiny or bony (of fish); (of place) littery, untidy become littered and untidy son son filial yáma yáa yámein yáa yaḅí ̣ yaḅị-ára yaḅíḅọ ̣ yaḅị-ówei yaḅítọgụ ̣ yaḅítọgụ-ará ̣ yaḅítọgụ-oweí ̣ yaḅụyaḅú ̣ yaḅụyaḅú ̣mọ yágitáa yágitáamọ yágịlíị̣ yágịlíịmọ ̣ yágịyágị yágịyágịmọ yagịyagí ̣ yaí ̣ yaíḅọ ̣ p p yaíḅọ ̣ ḅara adv.p . filially; yaị -yaị suff. things belonging to (him, her, them, us); (his, her, their, our) own: suffix added to stems of words to form plural; similar to -aye: 330 e.g. paga ‘go out’, pagáya ‘be divorced’; lé ̣ ‘flog’, léya ̣ ‘flog one another’; ḅa ‘kill’, ḅáya ‘kill one another’; temí ‘stab’, temíya ‘stab one another’ e.g. mímị ̣ yaíḅọ ̣ fịrí ̣ ‘this is a filial duty’ e.g. yaíḅọ ̣ ḅara ékị ̣ ó da nẹkí ‘receive ̣ him filially’ e.g. ó yaí ‘his ̣ things’ e.g. fị ‘eat’, fịyaí = ̣ fị-ayé ‘eatables’; ḅou ‘drink’; ḅouyaí ̣ = ḅou-ayé Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ‘drinkables’; ḅarátụayé ‘ring’, ḅarátụayaí ‘rings’ ̣ yáịị, yaịị a. yásiimọ ye v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.t. a. v.i. n. adv. n. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. a. adv. a. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. ye ḅíya v.p. yeḅíya-ongú ers. a.p. yáịịmọ yaịmó1 yaịmó2̣ yakayaká yakayakámọ yakayaka-ó ̣nụngọ yakolóyakolóo yakolóyakolóomọ yálaláa yálaláamọ yalịyalí ̣ yalịyalímọ ̣ yámbiríi yambiríimọ yáraráa yáraráamọ yarayará yarayarámọ yásii ye ékị ̣ kụmọ mịẹghá yefá yefịḅará yefịḅió ye lá yemá bịsẹ yemí b ̣ ịsẹ yenimí yenimiḅará yenimiḅó ̣ adv. n. n. v.p. n.p. n.p. a. n. adv. n.m.f calm; placid; reticent; quiet; serene; silent; tranquil; unruffled; windless; unperturbed be silent; be quiet; keep silent calmness; quietness; silence calmly; reticently; silently be silent silence ripply; rippling ripple; toss to and fro (as small waves) ripple; tossing; rolling with ripples ripply waves munch or chew with much action of jaw with much action of jaws flat (of plate) flatness flatly clean; free from dirt in a clean way; cleanly corpulent; bulky corpulence plumply lanceolate; tapering be tapered off taperingly sharp and pointed sharpness sharply branchy; spreading (of boughs) spread out; branch (of tree) state of having spreading branches in a spreading way thing; something; matter; material; implement; imaginary animal, plant or anything; monster take counsel about something; discuss something counsellors innocuous; not injurious; harmless nothing; nought right hand parlour; dining room wound all the things; everything the whole thing wise; discreet; sensible; prudent; sagacious wisdom; prudence wisely; discreetly; sensibly; prudently, etc. wise man; wise person 331 (pl. yenimi-ongú) Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 ẹkị ye ḍigịmọ ẹkịyeḍigímọ ẹkịyeḍigímọgha . a. n. v.p. n. a. -ye n. suff. yenimighá yéuumọ yẹ v.i. adv. a. a. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. v.i. n. adv. a. n. adv. part. Oh! recumbent; reclining recline; be in a recumbent position recumbently chap-fallen; with jaw hanging down; bathchap in a chap-fallen manner turn eyes quickly to see with a quick turn of the eyes rascally; belonging to the disorderly class rascality in a rascally way dear; precious; high-priced; costly; of great value; especial; fundamental; important slip; lose footing; slide unintentionally slipperily; in a slippery way slippery; slippy fast; swift move fast swiftly; fast massive massiveness massively dart; start rapidly in some direction such rapid movement with a dart calm; quiet; windless calmness; quietness calmly; quietly used after verbs and nouns for emphasis: yẹẹ yégẹgé ẹ̣ ̣ excl. a. Oh! recumbent; reclining yée yégegée yégegéemọ yégelée yégeléemọ yekerée yekeréemọ yekeréyekere yekeréyekeremọ yelá yelelée yeleléemọ yeleléyelele yerekée yerekéemọ yerekúu yerekúumọ yererée yereréemọ yéuu excl. a. v.i. adv. a. foolish foolishness respect respect careless (of duty); lax; negligent; not strict; remiss carelessness; laxity; negligence suffix often added to the root of the word to form a neuter noun: adv. v.i. adv. a. n. adv. a. 332 e.g. mịé ̣ ‘do’, mịéye ̣ ‘deed’; seí ‘bad’, seíye ‘bad thing or sinful action’; fie ‘talk’, fieyé ‘talk, thing said’ e.g. ó ḅotẹí yẹ ̣ wéḅé ̣ ̣ ‘they say he has arrived’; ịkagí ̣ yẹ wébé ̣ ̣ ‘they say it is Tortoise’; ó indíḅei pẹịtẹí yẹ ̣ ‘he has eaten the fish!’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 yégẹgé ẹmọ ̣ ̣ yégẹlé ̣ ẹ̣ yégẹlé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ yẹgẹyẹgé ̣ yẹgẹyẹgémọ ̣ yékẹré ẹ̣ ̣ yékẹré ẹmọ ̣ ̣ yẹkẹréẹ̣ yẹkẹréẹmọ ̣ yẹkérẹyẹké rẹ ̣ ̣ yẹkérẹyẹké rẹmọ ̣ ̣ yẹkẹtéẹ̣ yẹkẹtéẹmọ ̣ yélẹlé ̣ ẹ̣ yélẹlé ̣ ẹmọ ̣ yẹré ̣ yérẹké ẹ̣ ̣ yérẹké ẹmọ ̣ ̣ yésẹré ̣ ẹ̣ yésẹré ̣ ẹmọ ̣ yéụụ ̣ yéụụmọ ̣ yikayiká yikayikámọ yíridíi yíridíimọ yịgọlí ̣ yịlịlíị̣ yịlịlíyịlịlị ̣ yịlịlíyịlịlịmọ ̣ yírịdí ̣ ị̣ yírịdí ̣ ịmọ ̣ yịrịríị̣ yịrịríịmọ ̣ -yo yógogíi yógogíimọ yogogíyogogi yogogíyogogimọ yógolóo yógolóomọ v.i. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.t. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. n. v.i. a. n. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. suf. recline; be in recumbent position recumbently with jaw hanging down in a chap-fallen manner very large develop; increase largely scanty; few; not many scantily stare staringly unsteady; restless look unsteady; look here and there restlessly; unsteadily stare staringly having the jaw hanging down; chap-fallen with fallen jaw deliver a message qualmish; queasy feel qualm or momentarily faint or sick queasiness; qualm with a qualm (of stomach) bulging; stodgy rest quietly due to stodgy stomach in a stodgy manner calm; quiet; windless become quiet calmness; quietude; quietness calmly; quietly enormous; very large enormously oversized in an oversized manner cluster (of coconut) slip; lose footing slippery slipperiness in a slippery way oversized in an oversized manner bend slightly; nod with a nod suffix used to form the present continuous of verbs: a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. adv. a. adv. almost falling; leaning over lean over; be about to fall in a leaning-over way tottery totter; stand unsteadily totteringly pensile; pendulous pendulously 333 (variety of yẹkẹréẹ) ̣ e.g. ḅo ‘come’, ḅoyó ‘is coming’, etc. Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 yóii1 yóiimọ1 yóii2 yóiimọ2 yoliyolí yoliyolímọ yólokíi yólokíimọ yolokíyoloki yólolíi yólolíimọ yolóliyolóli, yololíyololi yóo yoro yoroḅáḅio yórodóo yórodóomọ yórokóo yórokóomọ yóroróo yóroróomọ yoroyoró1 yoroyorómọ1 yoroyoró2 yoroyorómọ2 yósii yósiimọ yoú1 yoú2 a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. & n. adv. a. v.i. v.i. & n. adv. a. sleek; soft and shiny; luxuriant; sericeous sleekly slaver; let spittle flow from mouth; dribble steadily (of flow) oily; rubbed with oil oilily flash excl. shout to frighten or startle a child at game of bo-peep hail; hailstone barn; store prolate; extending in length prolately lean grow lean; become emaciated leanness in a lean condition prolate prolately sharp and pointed sharpness sharply comely (of appearance) comeliness in a comely manner branchy in a branchy way build; construct conflict; fight; wrestle; battle; combat; contest; war; affray; fray arms; ammunition start war; commence war pugnacious army wrestle; fight; wage war call a fight cry cry(ing) tears; teardrops; sap of plants used to form the past indefinite tense of verbs: n. n. a. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. n. adv. a. n. adv. a. adv. v.t. n. youyaí ̣ -yoye v.i. a. n. v.p. v.p. v.i. n. suf. yọ1 n. yọkirí yọ2 n. n. you-áye yoú ḍọgị yoúḍọgị you-ítu yoú sụọ yoú tịn you flashily flashing flash continuously flash flashingly flashing a sore; any place on body where skin or flesh is bruised and inflamed scar; cicatrice place; building or spot devoted to specified 334 (pl. you-áitu) e.g. á ḅoyoyé ‘I used to come’ e.g. angáyọ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 purpose; passage of book, etc.; proper or natural position; residence or dwelling: yọ3 yọ ré ̣ ghọ yó ̣ḅụyó ̣ḅụ, yọḅụyọḅú ̣ yọgịlí ̣ yó ̣gịlíị̣ yó ̣gịlíịmọ ̣ yó ̣gịyó ̣gị yó ̣gịyó ̣gịmọ yọgọ yọgọmó ̣ yó ̣gọló ̣ọ yó ̣gọló ̣ọmọ yọgọró ̣ yọgọrọmó1̣ yọgọrọmó2̣ yó ̣ịị1 yó ̣ịịmọ1 yó ̣ịị2 yó ̣ịị yó ̣ịịmọ2 yó ̣lọkíị̣ yó ̣lọkíịmọ ̣ yọlọkíyọlọkị ̣ yọlọkíyọlọkịmọ ̣ yó ̣lọló ̣ọ yó ̣lọló ̣ọmọ yó ̣rọdó ̣ọ yó ̣rọdó ̣ọmọ yó ̣rọró ̣ọ yó ̣rọró ̣ọmọ yó ̣sịị yó ̣sịịmọ yugurúyuguru n. adv.p . v.i. n. a. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. v.i. v.t. a. v.i. adv. v.t. adv. v.t. a. n. adv. v.i. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. adv. a. v.i. circumstance; event in the event of become soft by soaking; have too much liquid (of oil, fat, etc., in a mixture) cluster; bunch (of coconut) clustered be in a cluster; cluster in a cluster loquacious; babbling; chattering babble; talk excessively; chatter (of birds) babble; chatter loquaciously become sodden or soggy make sodden; make doughy, heavy and moist pendulous; pensile; hanging down become pendulous or pensile pendulously skirt; go along or past the edge of along the edge or border make to go past the edge of soft and shiny; glossy; sleek; sericeous sleekness; gloss(iness) sleekly slaver; let spittle flow from mouth; dribble slavery (of spittle) in a slavery manner; in a dribbly manner flash with a flash; sleekly sleek, soft and glossy; flashing become sleek and glossy sleekness; glossiness sleekly; flashingly long and narrow long and narrowly prolate; pear-shaped prolately long and narrow long and narrowly well-filled (of wasps’ nest); plentiful plentifully quaggy; very soft become very soft 335 ‘dwelling-place’; karíyọ ̣ ‘place of worship’; koḅiríyayó ̣ ‘meeting place’; mindíkoroyó ̣ ‘bathing place’; timíyọ ‘dwelling or living place’; toíyọ ‘amusement place or place of play’ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 a. adv. plump plumply i tr tr be rubbed (of leaves of medicine) rub (eye or hands) mole-cricket female deity priestesses in charge of ziḅá ziḅaeremá v.i. v.t. n.m. n.f. ers. n.m. s West African house snake zigbáa1 zigbáamọ zigbáa2 a. adv. a. zigbáamọ zigígizigígi zigbáa2 zigbáamọ zigígizigígi zígizígi zígizígi zígizígi zígizígimọ zígo zigó zíii adv. a. v.i. n. adv. a. v.i. n. adv. n. v.t. v.i. zíiimọ zịbígị̣ zịbịgí ̣ zịbígịzịbí gị̣ ̣ zịbígịzịbí gịmọ ̣ ̣ zịgịrímọ ̣ adv. v.i. v.t. a. adv. v.i. zịgịrịmó ̣ zịgịrímọzí ịzí ̣ ̣ ị̣ v.t. n. zígịzí ̣ gị̣ v.i. zígịzí ̣ gịmọ ̣ adv. zịgịzịgí ̣ zịgịzịgí ̣ zúaan zúaanmọ zuái zuáimọ zúangíi v.t. n. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. yúkusúu yúkusúumọ Z. zábala zabalá zaịn ziḅá ziḅa-érema stagnant stagnantly large (of length of cloth); (of human being) tall and huge largely; tottery tremble; dodder (continuously); totter trembling; doddering; tottering tremblingly tottery tremble; dodder; totter trembling; doddering; tottering tremblingly current; drift ford; wade remain abundantly; exuberantly or overflowingly in a place (as a large snake, large rope or liquid) abundantly; exuberantly; relaxedly be squeezed squeeze confused in a confused manner burrow into sand or mud (as water-crab); retire out of sight bury; cause to hide away game in which a nut is hidden between the legs of a sitting member and another is asked to guess where the nut is hidden try to force stick for pinning canoe into water with a rocking motion with rocking motion (in forcing stick into bottom of river) pin (canoe with stick) pinning (of canoe) with a rocking motion long and trailing (of cloth) in a trailing manner fall heavily in water stridently (of fall) long and trailing (of cloth) 336 Gryllotalpa spp. Boaedon lineatus or B. virgatus e.g. zigbáamọ pẹlẹ Nembe dictionary. Kaliai revised Blench. Circulation draft 6-Aug-08 zúangíimọ zugbé1 adv. v.t. zugbé1 zugbé2 n. v.t. zugbé2 zúzuru zú ̣ḅéẹ̣ zú ̣ḅéẹmọ ̣ zụḅézụḅé ,̣ ̣ zụḅẹzụḅé ̣ zụḅézụḅé mọ ̣ ̣ zú ̣léẹ̣ zú ̣léẹmọ ̣ zụlézụlé ̣ ,̣ zụlẹzụlé ̣ zụlézulé ̣ mọ ̣ n. v.i. a. adv. v.i. adv. a. adv. v.i. adv. ft in a trailing manner use hand to strike water in a special manner to drive shrimps into hand-net during collection such method of collection of shrimps use a new cloth carelessly to dirty it for first washing such careless use of cloth become surplus straight; not bending without bending become straight and not bending with each tread without bending (of some hinge joint) straight; not bending without bending become straight with each tread without bending (of some hinge joint) 337