CBC Bulletin - 11-22-2015


CBC Bulletin - 11-22-2015
Check out the Christian books & Bibles
for sale in the room at the back of the church & downstairs on the book
Sermon Notes
Do you have a prayer request? Please fill out the
prayer request section of the CBC Welcome/Prayer Card in today’s bulletin
and place it in the prayer box in the church foyer. Or, you can e-mail your
request to prayer@cbchamptons.com.
Subject: ____________________________________________
Scripture: __________________________________________
If you need someone to listen and advise,
please contact Pastor Doug Kinney after the service or you may call the
church office at 631-725-4155.
Notes: ______________________________________________
in the church foyer is there for your convenience.
Please earmark your giving by using one of the love offering envelopes (i.e.
General; Radio; Building; Missions; Fellowship Fund). Loose cash that is not
earmarked will go towards the Fellowship Fund to help those in need.
We are collecting non-perishable food items to be
distributed to people who live in the Sag Harbor area.
There is a drop off box in the foyer. Please call Sam Piro
at 516-991-5917 if you would like items picked up.
Whatever you are able to give is very much appreciated.
Our New Christian Radio
Station! WEGB (90.7 & 93.3 FM) & WEGQ (91.7 FM)
If you would like to give towards our radio ministry,
please earmark your giving “Radio.”
Listen online at eastgatebroadcasting.com
Visit us at facebook.com/eastgatebroadcasting
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
Doug Kinney, Senior Pastor
Cornelio Castro, Brazilian Fellowship Pastor
Community Bible Church
2837 Noyac Road, Sag Harbor, NY 11963
Church Office: 631-725-4155
Church Building: 631-725-2342
Church E-mail: office@cbchamptons.com
Faith FM E-mail: faithfm@eastgatebroadcasting.com
Faith FM Studio: 631-725-3836
Church Elders
Senior Pastor: Doug Kinney
Home: 631-725-4977
Cell: 631-880-8026
E-mail: dougkinney@optonline.net
Francisco DeCarvalho: 631-259-3429
*Terry Hochstedler: 631-237-4833
*Jim Kinnier: 631-725-5211
*Fred Krupowicz: 631-603-2693
*Joe Kirby: 631-283-7849
*Sam Piro: 516-991-5917
Jerry Sanfino: 631-324-3024
Scott Silverberg: 631-287-0460
*Board Members
Brazilian Fellowship Pastor:
Cornelio Castro
Cell: 631-268-8281
Email: cornelioemma@yahoo.com
“And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching
and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015!
Welcome & Prayer
Praise & Worship Time
The CBC Worship Team
We worship God in our giving.
Prayer for Our Children
What’s going on at CBC?
Operation Christmas Child: Today is the last day for Mary Torres
to collect the boxes. Please put your filled boxes in the small room at
the back of the church. Thank you to each one who has contributed!
Home Fellowship Tonight at 6:00 PM: We will meet at the Libath’s
(4 Woodcock Lane in East Hampton). Please bring a covered dish,
salad, dessert or beverage to share. For directions, please call Barbara
at 516-318-6414. All are welcome!
Pastor Doug
Bilingual Bible Study (Spanish & English) This Tuesday:
We will meet at the home of Juan & Gaby Florez (4 Ridge Road in
Sag Harbor) at 7:00 PM. Besides the Bible study, there will be food and
fellowship. For more information, please call Sam Piro at 516-991-5917.
We go with God’s blessing!
T hanksgiving Ser vice T his Wednesday at 7:00 PM:
All are encouraged to be with us as we give special thanks unto the
Lord for His many blessings throughout the year.
“A Testimony of Thanks!”
Closing Song
After the Service: If you would like prayer or if you have
any questions, please come up to the front row of seats and
the pastors & elders will be available to talk and pray with you.
N U R S E RY & C H I L D C A R E :
downstairs at the 10:00 AM Sunday Service for
babies and children up to 4 years old. Children
are welcome to stay with their parents during
the Praise & Worship Time but Nursery &
Childcare is available downstairs from the
beginning of the 10:00 AM Sunday Service.
JUNIOR CHURCH for children in grades K-6th: At the 10:00 AM
Sunday Service. Children will be dismissed to Junior Church after the Prayer
for the Children. For more information about our children’s ministry,
pick up a CBC Children’s Ministry brochure in the church foyer.
CDs of the messages are available. Please see the
sound person after the service or write your request on
the CD request clipboard by the sound booth. We ask for
a suggested donation of $2 per CD which can be put in
the offering box in the foyer. Look for your order the
following service at the sound booth.
Please Silence Your Phones During the Service.
Thank You!
Domingo, 22 de Novembro, 2015
Martes - estudio biblico en casa de la familia Florez 4 Ridge Rd, Sag Harbor.
Hoy es el ultimo dia para entregar las cajas de regalo
Operation Christmas Child.
Por favor de confirmar con Sam o Carolin si van a poder
ayudar el Dia de Accion de Gracias.
Youth Group: All teens are welcome to meet this Wednesday
at 7:00 PM.
Thanksgiving Outreach This Thursday: We will meet at the
Southampton Tire Center at 11:00 AM. Cooked turkeys are needed
by Tuesday evening. Please call Sam Piro at 516-991-5917 for him to
pick up your cooked turkey.
No Home Bible Study at the Silverberg’s This Thursday:
Because of Thanksgiving this week, the study on the Book of
Galatians will resume the following week (Dec. 3rd) at 7:00 PM
(16 Fairbanks Court in Water Mill). For more information,
please call Scott at 871-8646.
Evening of Prayer
Wednesday - December 2nd - 7:00 PM
Christmas Concert
Sunday - December 13th - 7:00 PM
Christmas Movie - “The Nativity”
Wednesday - December 16th - 7:00 PM
Christmas Eve Service
Thursday - December 24th - 6:00 PM
New Year’s Eve
Covered Dish Home Fellowship at the Kinney’s
Thursday - December 31st - 8:00 PM - Midnight
Brazilian Fellowship
New Year’s Eve Service
Thursday - December 31st - 10:30 PM
Culto de Louvor e Adoração: Sábado, 21 de Novembro
Você tem dado graças a Deus pelas bênçãos que
Ele tem lhe concedido? Não se esqueça que Deus
lhe deu a bênção maior que é a salvação!
Participe da nossa Reunião de Oração, veja
com o Diácono Delmo Guimarães onde será a
próxima reunião e participe. Você precisa orar
mais por sua família e por sua Igreja.
Na próxima sexta-feira, dia 27, o Estudo
Biblico será na casa da irmã DoSantos.
Motivos para dar Graças
- Sua vida e família;
- A salvação em Cristo;
- Bênçãos materiais (Alimento, vestuário etc)