Quiz night 20th Feb


Quiz night 20th Feb
The Living Room
Quiz Night
Come along and share a fun evening with friends!
Saturday 20th February 2016
7.30pm to 10.30pm
at: St Peter’s Church, Broadwater Crescent
Stevenage, SG2 8AN
Make up teams of 6 or we can make up teams for you.
Tea, coffee and soft drinks available.
Tickets £8
including snacks & cakes
Available at The Living Room,
8-10 The Glebe, Chells Way,
Stevenage, SG2 0DJ.
Tel: (01438) 355649
Email: reception@thelivingroom.me.uk
All proceeds going to The Living Room, Stevenage’s addiction recovery charity (Charity No:1080634)
Our Stevenage Centre: 8-10 The Glebe, Chells Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG2 ODJ. Tel: 01438 355649
Our St Albans Centre: Rear of 156 Hatfield Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 4JA. Tel: 01727 854479
Email: enquiries@thelivingroom.me.uk Web: www.thelivingroom.me.uk