About Host College - Community Colleges for International


About Host College - Community Colleges for International
CCID Recognizes the Following Board Member Institutions
for their Leadership in Internationalization
Bellevue College
Bellevue, WA, USA
Lone Star College
The Woodlands, TX, USA
Box Hill Institute
Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
Madison College
Madison, WI, USA
College of Lake County
Grayslake, IL, USA
Moraine Valley Community College
Palos Hills, IL, USA
Davidson County Community College
Thomasville, NC, USA
Northampton Community College
Bethlehem, PA, USA
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges
Davenport, IA, USA
Northcentral Technical College
Wausau, WI, USA
Green River College
Auburn, WA, USA
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Green Bay, WI, USA
Highline College
Des Moines, WA, USA
Parkland College
Champaign, IL, USA
Hillsborough Community College
Tampa, FL, USA
State Center Community College District
Fresno, CA, USA
Howard Community College
Columbia, MD, USA
Tacoma Community College
Tacoma, WA, USA
Humber College
Toronto, ON, Canada
Tompkins Cortland Community College
Dryden, NY, USA
Jikei Group of Colleges
Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan
University of Hawai'i Community
Honolulu, HI, USA
Kirkwood Community College
Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
Lillebaelt Academy - University of
Applied Sciences
Odense/Vejle, Denmark
Waukesha County Technical College
Pewaukee, WI, USA
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of our Chancellor Dr. Bruce Leslie, the Alamo
Colleges community, and the City of San Antonio,
welcome to the 2016 CCID Latin America and
Caribbean Forum. It is an honor for Alamo Colleges to
host this year’s event and to join CCID’s vision to build
partnerships and collaborative efforts within Latin
American and the Caribbean.
We are delighted that you have chosen to participate in
such an important gathering of international
professionals with the goal of empowering our
institutions and communities to accept and excel global
competencies and the demands of the 21st century
workforce. While this weekend presents an opportunity
for networking and identifying and connecting with
current and new partners, it is also a celebration of
each of our institutions’ commitment to international
education. It is your dedication and passion for
internationalization that will drive this event and the
work we do across the Americas.
I also want to recognize CCID and the Forum planning
committee. Your hard work, diligence, and commitment
has brought this event to fruition with a dynamic threeday program and a remarkable array of leaders who
have connected to this vision and have traveled to be
here with us today.
San Antonio is rich with history and landmarks that
detail its origins in diversity of cultures. What a fitting
place for globally minded professionals to gather and
strategize to create a new vision for Latin America and
the Caribbean.
CCID Board Member
Inside front
Welcome Messages
CCID Executive
CCID AC 2017
International Flags
Forum Schedule
Friday, July 15
Saturday, July 16
Sunday, July 17
Monday, July 18
Cultural Activity
Campus Visit
Presenter Bios
About Host College
About CCID
Riverwalk Map
Hotel Map
Carol Fimmen
District Director of International Programs
Alamo Colleges
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 1
Welcome to San Antonio and the CCID Latin America and Caribbean Forum. With many of
the fastest growing economies in the world residing in this region, it is a great time to learn
more about the unique educational systems, selected institutions, curricula in demand, and
interest in student mobility to broaden our internationalization efforts.
CCID member colleges will share experiences and insights in working with partners across
the region, including Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean.
We also look forward to learning from our remarkable keynote speakers, Dr. Salvador Jara
Guerrero, Undersecretary of Higher Education for Mexico and Mr. Francisco Marmolejo,
Coordinator of the Network of Higher Education Specialists at the World Bank regarding
collaboration and advancement of global engagement to increase the success of our
students and communities.
I hope that each of you finds this forum to be a useful, dynamic opportunity to establish
new partnerships within the region and to strengthen connections already in place.
thank the staff at Alamo Colleges and CCID for coordinating and hosting this timely forum.
Warm Regards,
Dr. H. Jeffrey Rafn
Chair, CCID Board of Directors
President, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
2 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
July 16, 2016
Bienvenidos, Bem Vinda and Welcome!
Thank you for joining in the Latin America and Caribbean Forum here in San Antonio, Texas.
It has been my pleasure to work alongside the wonderful team at Alamo Colleges in
planning this event, and I am proud to present you with an exciting three days of engaging
speakers, exciting sessions, and outstanding networking opportunities.
This weekend is a celebration of you, the dedicated faculty, staff, administrators, program
providers and presidents who have made a commitment to internationalizing your campuses
and to bringing the world a little closer together. Your contributions to CCID and to your
home communities have helped thousands of students and faculty pursue their dreams and
There is no better place to bring together people and institutions from Latin America, the
Caribbean, and across the globe than San Antonio. Thank you to Alamo Colleges for hosting
this event. Your enthusiastic support has ensured that this weekend will be filled with
dynamic speakers and sessions. Thank you also to our sponsors, FPPEDU.Media, STA
Travel, and Partners of the Americas for your generous support.
On behalf of all of us at CCID, welcome. I hope you have an exciting and inspiring
Mara Andersen
Executive Director
Community Colleges for International Development
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 3
CCID Executive Committee (2016-2017)
Dr. Chris Whitaker, Humber College (Chair)
Dr. Mary Rittling, Davidson County Community College (Member at Large)
Dr. Tom Ramage, Parkland College (Treasurer)
Dr. Stephen Head, Lone Star College (Host College CEO)
Seamus Reilly, Parkland College (SIO Council Chair)
4 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
We would like to thank our Latin America & Caribbean
Forum sponsors.
FPP EDU Media began in a small garage in 1997 with the desire to bridge a gap in
international education by matching qualified students with quality international programs.
Since 1979, STA Travel has been at the forefront of creating unforgettable adventures for
students and young people.
Inspired by President Kennedy and founded in 1964 under the Alliance for Progress,
Partners of the Americas is a 501(c) 3 non-profit, non-partisan organization with
international offices in Washington, DC.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 5
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
has been prepared by
CCID Executive Office:
Mara Andersen, Executive Director
Bonnie Farrell, Business Manager
Jennifer Granger de Huerta, Membership & Communications Administrator
Hosted by:
LACF Planning Committee Members:
Carol Fimmen, Alamo Colleges
LaTanya Kurney, Alamo Colleges
Jose Luna, Alamo Colleges
Kathleen Hasselblad, Highline College
Tod Treat, Tacoma Community College
Dawn Wood, Kirkwood Community College
6 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
We welcome representatives from the following countries
to the CCID Latin America & Caribbean Forum.
Costa Rica
United States
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 7
Schedule At-a-Glance
FRIDAY, July 15
SUNDAY, July 17
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Forum Registration Opens
Hotel Lobby
7:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Registration Desk Open
Hotel Lobby
7:30 AM – Noon
Registration Desk Open
Hotel Lobby
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Pre-Forum Workshop:
Health, Safety, and Risk
Management for Study
8:00 AM – Noon
CCID Board of Directors
8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Francisco Marmolejo
Romeo & Julieta
(additional registration and fee
required – lunch included)
(by invitation)
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Grand Opening Session &
Dr. Salvador Jara,
Undersecretary of Higher
Education, Mexico
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
CCID Board Senior
International Officer
1:45 PM – 3:00 PM
Focus Session:
Romeo & Julieta
Monte Cristo A
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
CCID Board Senior
International Officer Lunch
(by invitation)
(by invitation)
Evening and Dinner
on your own
3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
Peru Poster & Coffee
Romeo & Julieta
3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
Focus Session:
Romeo & Julieta
8:40 AM – 10:00 AM
Executive Leadership
Breakfast with
Francisco Marmolejo
(additional registration required)
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Focus Session: Costa Rica
Romeo & Julieta
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM
Coffee Break
10:45 AM – Noon
Focus Session:
The Caribbean
Romeo & Julieta
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
1:45 PM – 3:00 PM
Focus Session: Colombia
Romeo & Julieta
5:15 PM – 6:00 PM
Focus Session:
Romeo & Julieta
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Coffee Break
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Reception/Cash Bar
Mangos Terrace
3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Focus Session: Brazil
Romeo & Julieta
Followed by Closing
Session at 4:45pm
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Happy Hour
Mangos Terrace
8 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
July 18
2 PM – 6 PM
Hotel Lobby
9 AM – 3 PM
Health, Safety, and Risk Management for
Study Abroad: Community College
Sustainable Development Network Best
Monte Cristo A
(separate registration / $125 fee / lunch included)
Hosted by Madison College and The Community College Sustainable Development Network
(CCSDN) http://madisoncollege.edu/ccsdn, a national consortium managed by Madison College
which aims to increase the capacity of community colleges to offer faculty-led short-term study
abroad programs in STEM and sustainable development fields.
This workshop will focus on key strategies for building high quality study abroad and international
service learning programs with an emphasis on strategies for health, safety, and program design for
work in the developing world.
Workshop Facilitators:
Dr. Geoff Bradshaw, International
Education Director, Madison College &
Director, CCSDN network
Tammy Gibbs, Study Abroad
Coordinator, Madison College & Lead
Trainer, CCSDN Network
12 PM – 1 PM
Board SIO Council Lunch
1 PM – 6 PM
Board SIO Council Meeting
(by invitation)
(by invitation)
Evening and Dinner On Your Own
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 9
7:30 AM – 6 PM
Registration Open
Hotel Lobby
8 AM – Noon
CCID Board Meeting
Noon – 1:30 PM
Order of Remarks:
Mara Andersen, Executive Director, CCID
Carol Fimmen, District Director of International Programs, Alamo Colleges
Dr. Bruce H. Leslie, Chancellor, Alamo Colleges
Dr. Chris Whitaker, President, Humber College & Incoming CCID Board Chair
Brennan Reeves, Regional Director - USA, FPPEDUMedia
Dr. Salvador Jara Guerrero, Undersecretary of Higher Education, Mexico
Keynote brought to you by
Dr. Salvador Jara Guerrero
Undersecretary of Higher Education, Mexico
Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP)
Drawing from his experience in both academic and government
leadership roles, Dr. Jara will discuss the importance of workforce
development and social mobility in Mexico.
Salvador Jara Guerrero was
appointed as Undersecretary of
Higher Education in Mexico on
October 16, 2015. Prior to this
position, he was interim governor of
the state of Michoacán, his home
state, from June 2014 to September 2015. Undersecretary Jara was
founding director of the Council of Science and Technology of the State of
Michoacán and President of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de
10 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 11
1:45 PM – 3 PM
MEXICO Session
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: LaTanya Kurney, Coordinator for
International Relations, Alamo Colleges
Dr. Salvador Jara Guerrero
Undersecretary of Higher Education, Mexico Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP)
Summary: Drawing from his experience in both academic and government leadership
roles, Dr. Jara will discuss the importance of workforce development and social mobility
in Mexico.
Ing. Héctor Arreola Soria, General Coordinator
Coordinación General de Universidades Tecnológicas y Politécnicas - CGUTyP
About CGUTyP: The General Coordination of Technological and Polytechnic Universities
in Mexico sets normative and administrative regulations that support the development of
top level professionals and their incorporation into the national workforce.
M.C. Raúl Martínez Hernández, President
La Asociación Nacional de Universidades Tecnológicas – ANUT (Torreon, Mexico)
About ANUT: ANUT represents 113 Mexican Technological Universities. Among its
activities, ANUT explores and establishes incoming as well as outgoing student, teacher
and researcher mobility programs in technology-oriented fields as a means to strengthen
bonds between international technology-oriented institutions. ANUT also promotes the
learning of foreign languages and cultures as a means for effective global relations.
Rebecca B. Thompson, Acting Public Affairs Counselor
Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy (Mexico City, Mexico)
Summary: Rebecca Thompson's presentation on "Mexico and the United States:
Connecting Tomorrow's Leaders Today" will cover how the U.S. and Mexican
Governments are collaborating with partners in academia and the private sector to
increase academic mobility, strengthen collaboration among universities, and develop a
workforce toward an even more integrated, competitive, and prosperous North America.
Dr. Federico Zaragoza, Vice Chancellor of Economic & Workforce Development
Alamo Colleges (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
Summary: This presentation will focus on the role Alamo Colleges has played in building
collaborative initiatives with the Universidades Tecnológicas system and the Bilingual
model throughout Mexico.
12 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
Questions to Consider
The Country Sessions outline each country’s situation as it relates to establishing and sustaining
partnerships for the benefit of our institutions’ students, faculty, staff, and administrators.
Questions to consider throughout the weekend:
 What does the community college model look like in each country?
 How do national government and current policies support local community colleges?
 How do community, technical and and/or vocational colleges currently build economic and
social development, and what could they do in the future?
 How can CCID and its members support each country’s community college efforts?
 What are shared perspectives, experiences and insights relating to faculty/student mobility
and working with specific Latin American or Caribbean nations?
 How can we increase and enhance participation in networking, partnerships, curriculum and
program development, dual degrees, student recruitment, and study abroad?
 What best practices will you take home?
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 13
3 PM – 3:45 PM
PERU Poster & Coffee Session
Romeo & Julieta
Pilar Sotelo Neyra, International Services & Advising Manager
ICPNA - Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Lima, Perú)
Summary: This poster will cover new opportunities for International Education
Partnerships with Peru-U.S. Binational Centers. Binational Centers aim to build
bridges for the exchange of language and cultural knowledge, creating significant
opportunities. Peru’s Binational Centers teach over 80,000 students American
English and culture. They promote partnerships between Peru and American
Community Colleges and Universities.
Dr. Richard F. Johnson, Director of the Office of International Education
Harper College (Palatine, Illinois, USA)
Summary: In collaboration with Unearth the World, Harper College offers
students the opportunity to participate in a service project through the Light
and Leadership Initiative (LLI) in the Huaycán community outside Lima, Peru.
Service learners work with women, children, and teens through workshops
and classes teaching English, math, sciences, and art. Through intentional
service-learning programs such as LLI, students acquire linguistic and
intercultural skills highly prized in the global workforce. This poster will cover
the genesis of our collaboration, the vision and design of Service Learning
opportunities, the mission and goals of LLI, and the difference between
“service learning” and “volunteering.”
Help activate the power of CCID PartnerFind &
see how this membership benefit can work for you!
If you have not yet completed your institution's international
profile in the Members Area of CCID’s website, please take 5-10
minutes to fill out the appropriate information.
To access short videos to explain this important process, please
visit http://www.ccidinc.org/ccidpartnerfind.php.
If you need your member login information to be sent again,
please send an e-mail to info@ccidinc.org.
14 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
3:45 PM – 5 PM
CUBA Session
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: Dr. Richard Johnson, Director of the Office
of International Education, Harper College
Dr. Mario Masvidal Saavedra, Professor
The University of the Arts in Havana (Havana, Cuba)
Summary: The Teaching of the Arts in Cuba: Cuba has a statefunded, tuition free, system for the teaching of the arts. This system
teaches and trains future professional artists from the elementary level
through the intermediate level. The system includes almost all the provinces, the
University of the Arts in Havana, and subsidiaries in three provinces inland. This
system encompasses music, performing arts, visual arts and media art. At present,
The University of the Arts in Havana is the chair of an international net of schools of
arts in Latin America and Europe. This presentation intends to describe the system and
explore possibilities for exchange.
Dr. Mark Marotto, Director of Choral Activities, Associate Professor
Lone Star College (Houston, Texas, USA)
Summary: This presentation will share highlights of a recent study abroad trip that
I led to Havana, Cuba focused on Cuban music and dance. I will begin by describing
my process for organizing a study abroad experience including my exploratory trip.
The study abroad featured daily exchanges with Havana community-arts groups
including the Children’s Choir of Fábrica del Arte, La Castellana Rehabilitation
Center and the National Choir of Cuba. I will conclude with reflections on the
impact the trip has had on my students gleaned from post-trip interviews, and I
will discuss our next steps for future cultural exchanges.
Dawn Wood, Director of International Programs
Kirkwood Community College (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA)
Summary: Kirkwood Community College successfully developed and delivered two
short-term faculty-led study abroad programs to Cuba in the past Academic
Year. Kirkwood sends over 160 students on short-term faculty-led study abroad
programs each year. Cuba is experiencing an upsurge in the number of small group
study abroad programs visiting its borders. In this presentation, Dawn Wood,
Director of International Programs at Kirkwood, will talk about how the Kirkwood
programs were developed, challenges and successes as well as important lessons
learned from these two recent experiences.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 15
(Cuba Panel continued)
Kaitlin Bresee, Program Coordinator
MetaMovements Latin Dance Company (Boston, MA, USA)
Summary: MetaMovements is an entrepreneurial Artist Collective dedicated to using
dance, music, & other art forms as tools for positive transformation. Working on over
20 travel programs in Cuba since 2013, Kaitlin has had the unique opportunity to
connect with this island right in the midst of change. With close friends and colleagues
experiencing this new era right on ground, she has stories of Cuban & American
relationship building to share -- as well as her own personal transformation in her
business, philosophy, and community since regularly visiting the island.
5 PM – 5:15 PM
5:15 PM – 6 PM
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: Nadine Russell, Director of Global
Learning, Central Piedmont Community College
Pablo Javier Zardini, Director of the Office for International Education
Carlos Ríos y Asociados (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Summary: Carlos Rios & Associates (CR) is an
international education consulting firm located in
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 1995, CR has
designed and led international exchange and
academic mobility programs for faculty, researchers
and students within Latin America, the US, and
Europe in partnership with universities and colleges.
Lic. Zardini has been involved with CCID since 2006 and will present on
CR 's work with CCID members. He will also share information on new
program and academic exchange opportunities between Argentinean
Higher Education Institutions and community, technical and vocational
institutions across the US, Latin America, & the Caribbean.
16 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
(Argentina Panel continued)
Ukiah Busch, Senior Strategic Affiliations Officer, Communications and
Partners of the Americas (Washington, D.C., USA)
Summary: Partners of the Americas, through the 100,000 Strong in the Americas
Innovation Fund, is in the planning stages for a 2016 innovation competition for U.S.
community colleges and technical and vocational institutions of higher
education in Argentina. Join the session to learn more. Information will
also be available soon at www.100KStrongAmericas.org, or you may
join the Innovation Network for 100,000 Strong in the Americas on the same webpage to receive
Dr. Manuel A. González, Associate Dean for the Center for International
Northampton Community College (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
Summary: Dr.González will be presenting about Northampton Community College's
work in Argentina, sharing best practices and outcomes of two CCID exploratory
trips, one presidential and one faculty, that he took to meet with the Colegios
Universitarios in Argentina.
6 PM – 7:30 PM
Reception/Cash Bar
Mangos Terrace
Collaborate, share best practices & challenges, and
strengthen our network! Some of the topics include,
but are not be limited to:
 Institutional Leadership & Policy
 Organizational Policy
 Personnel/Staffing
 Teaching & Learning
 Co-curricular Activities
 International Student Support
 Study Abroad
 Professional Development
 Low & No Cost Ways to Internationalize
 Funding
Log in to the Members Area of CCID’s website to join a CCID Learning Community today!
http://ccidinc.org/ If you need your member login information to be sent again, please send an e-mail
to info@ccidinc.org.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 17
7:30 AM – Noon
Hotel Lobby
8 AM – 8:30 AM
KEYNOTE: Francisco Marmolejo
Romeo & Julieta
Francisco Marmolejo, Tertiary Education Specialist and Coordinator Higher
Education Specialists Network
The World Bank
Drawing from the depth of his experience at the World Bank and beyond, Mr.
Marmolejo will discuss the state of education and workforce development in the
Americas, including best practices and opportunities moving forward.
Francisco Marmolejo is the World
Bank’s Lead Tertiary Education
Specialist and Coordinator of its
Network of Higher Education Specialists.
He serves as the coordinator of the
internal thematic group on higher
education, which helps facilitate the
exchange of ideas on higher education
initiatives across the globe. Previously,
he served as founding Executive Director of the Consortium
for North American Higher Education Collaboration
(CONAHEC), a network of more than 160 higher education
institutions primarily from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico,
based at the University of Arizona, where he also worked as
Assistant Vice President. At the University of Arizona, he
was Affiliated Researcher at the Center for the Study of
Higher Education and Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Latin
American Studies.
8:40 AM – 10 AM
Executive Leadership Breakfast with
Francisco Marmolejo
Bolivar A
By invitation, with separate registration & fee.
This exclusive event is designed for senior executives in education administration, government, and
the private sector to discuss education and workforce development in the Americas.
18 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
9 AM– 10:15 AM
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: Kathleen Hasselblad, Executive Director
of Int’l Programs & Grants, Highline College
Andrés Morera, International Relations Director
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica (San Pedro | San José, Costa Rica)
Summary: Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, a Laureate International University, is
the largest private university in Costa Rica. With 7 faculties across ten campuses
around the country, ULCR is home to 24,000 students and nearly 1,500 international
students between short term study abroad and degree seeking internationals. Learn
how this university, with one of the lowest tuitions in Latin America, has
evolved from a small private college to a member of one of the largest
international networks of universities. Universidad Latina´s mission is to
develop, inspire and aid ethical, innovative, and entrepreneurial leaders to reach their potential in
order to take an active role in today's world.
Gabriela Lücke, International Trade Specialist
US Department of Commerce / US Embassy (San José, Costa Rica)
Summary: The U.S. Department of Commerce is a government agency located in
the U.S. Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica. One of their main sectors is education.
Their expertise in building partnerships with international colleges and universities
while fortifying their national institutions has allowed them to uphold their highly
regarded reputation. Their multifaceted approach is unique in that it combines market
analytics with a mutual selection process for high school level students that are
categorized in certain market tiers. Learn about this strategy that has provided a
realistic scenario for Costa Rican families to participate internationally in the community
college system which provides a clear avenue to state universities and Ivy League schools.
Andrea Keith, Executive Director
La Asociación CREAR (Playa Sámara, Costa Rica)
Summary: CREAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to supplementary
educational opportunities for the youth of Playa Sámara. 210 days a year, CREAR
provides English, Art, and Technology classes, and Girl’s Empowerment activities,
among others, to improve the holistic education of our youth. CREAR additionally
aims to educate global citizens through our GAP year and internship programs.
Students can gain valuable work skills and give back to the community via our safe
and organized student travel/volunteer options. Find out how to bring a group of
students, or support CREAR’s mission by promoting our internship programs at your
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 19
(Costa Rica Panel Continued)
Christine Yaroch, Coordinator of World Languages & Cultures and Assistant
Professor of Spanish
Delta College (University Center, MI, USA)
Summary: Christine and a colleague at Delta College have created and established
an Honors Academic Travel Study (HATS) program to offer academic international
travel opportunities targeted for honors students. As a part of HATS, Christine has
led two student groups on service-learning trips to Playa Samara, Costa Rica
partnering with Asociación CREAR. Students earn 3-credits and the course fulfills the
service-learning graduation requirement. Christine will discuss the logistics of
planning the trip, student course work pre and post travel, and other best practices
for travel to Costa Rica.
Dan Creed, Global Studies Coordinator & Professor
Normandale Community College (Bloomington, MN, USA)
Summary: I will review a successful language immersion semester program that
Normandale and other community colleges in MN have hosted over the past 20 years
in Costa Rica.
Conference Etiquette & Reminders
 Please make sure all of your electronic devices are in silent/vibrate mode.
 Please wear your neck wallet (name badge) throughout the weekend.
 Be on time to the sessions.
 Don’t forget your business cards to distribute as you make connections!
 Allow for proper breaks. Speak with presenters after session has ended.
 Remember: margarita, water, margarita, water.
Your consideration is appreciated.
20 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM
Romeo & Julieta
10:45 AM - Noon
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: Seamus Reilly, Vice President for
Institutional Advancement, Parkland College
Dr. Robert W. Robertson, President
Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (Nassau, Bahamas)
Summary: We live in turbulent times. The economy is global and based increasingly
on knowledge and technology. To compete in these changing times requires that we
develop and maintain a skilled and competent workforce that is a prerequisite for any
company. Governments are more active in structuring workforce development
support mechanisms and specific training opportunities to assist employees and
businesses. In that regard, community colleges have a key role to play in these
economic development efforts.
Dr. Naomi R. Boyer, Associate Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives &
Polk State College (Winter Haven, Florida, USA)
Summary: Polk State College has worked collaboratively with the International Field
Station, Forfar, on the Andros Islands, Bahamas to develop an interdisciplinary
program that targets both science lab based courses and the arts. A rugged, handson experience that is integrated with online coursework has been instrumental in
changing student perspectives, while satisfying key general education requirements.
Despite the apparent divergent course content, the partnering of physical and
biological sciences with painting/arts has provided the required enrollment and has resulted in an art
show, which generated proceeds for education abroad activities.
Dr. Geoff Bradshaw, International Education Director
Madison College (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
Summary: Madison College is the home to the Community College Sustainable
Development Network (CCSDN), a collaborative group that promotes faculty-led
service learning programs related to sustainable development in Latin America and
the Caribbean. Madison College and collaborating CCSDN institutions have partnered
with the Blue Mountain Project to offer renewable energy, nursing, and education
programs in the Hagley Gap region of Jamaica. Bradshaw will discuss CCSDN
cooperation in Jamaica, examples of projects, and issues to consider when exploring partnerships or
engagement in the region
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 21
(Caribbean Panel Continued)
Jorge Huayhuaca, Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives
Tompkins Cortland Community College - TC3 (Dryden, NY, USA)
Summary: Throughout its 23 years history, the Global Connections program has
been the flagship international initiative of Tompkins Cortland Community
College (TC3). In that period well over 3,000 students have acquired Associate
Degrees from TC3 while continuing their studies toward a Bachelor's degree at their
home university. About two thirds of international students at TC3 come from the
Dominican Republic and other Caribbean countries. Jorge Huayhuaca will speak about processes and
systems that have facilitated TC3's activities in the Region.
Noon – 1:30 PM
Featured Speakers:
Alicia Martinez, Assistant Vice President for Programs, Services and
International Affairs
HACU National Headquarters (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
About HACU's Commission on International
Education: The HACU Commission on International
Education was first established in 2005 and, on any given
year, is composed of 10-12 college and university
administrators from HACU-member institutions. The purpose of the Commission
is to provide guidance, advice and support to HACU on the following:
 Providing HACU members with orientation, information and appropriate
contacts to establish international programs;
 Expanding opportunities for students, faculty, and staff from member
institutions to participate in international programs.
 HACU’s role in facilitating the establishment of international programs
 Potential sources of support for international programs
 HACU’s advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. to secure federal support for
the establishment of international program opportunities for member institutions
e.g., Title VI in HACU’s Legislative Agenda
22 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
(Luncheon Featured Speakers Continued)
Dr. Richard F. Johnson, Director of the Office of International Education
Harper College (Palatine, Illinois, USA)
“So Hwaet? The Value of International Education (according to a
Summary: We’ve all come to the important work of global education by various
paths. We know global learning builds linguistic and intercultural skills highly
prized in the global workforce. We believe global learning fosters compassion,
empathy, and cultural sensitivity. In the present climate of global violence
and political unrest, the world could use a whole lot more of all of these qualities. Join me for an
affirmation and celebration of the vital work we do.
Cross-Cultural Solutions and CCID Partnership
Harris Wofford Global Service Fellowships
(In honor of Senator Harris Wofford, a human rights advocate and global citizen.)
Applications accepted on a rolling basis!
Send your students to Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, Morocco, Ghana, India, or Tanzania!
Fellowships cover 50% of the published program fee cost at the time of enrollment.
Individual Students: Students must apply through the International Education office on campus.
Groups: Groups must be faculty-led and must be approved by the sending institution before being
For more information, visit CCID's website: http://www.ccidinc.org/global_service_fellowships.php
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 23
1:45 PM – 3 PM
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: Matt Clausen, Senior VP, Public-Private
Partnerships, Partners of the Americas
José Julián Prieto, International Relations Advisor
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (National Training Service) - SENA (Colombia)
About SENA: Vocational education in Colombia was initiated by The National Training
Service- SENA back in 1958. Back then, the productive sector, unions and the
government joined forces to create an institution that could train the workforce
of Colombia. Since then SENA has been the main Vocational Training Institution
with 98% coverage across the country. Currently SENA has 490 certified programs
(technical and technological) in all the different productive sectors. In addition, the
Ministry of Education recently promoted a law focused on developing tertiary education
with the aim of validating different types of certifications.
Dr. Manuel A. González, Associate Dean for the Center for International
Northampton Community College (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA)
Summary: Dr.González will be presenting about Northampton Community College's
work in Colombia.
Diane Burke, Executive Director of Global Education Initiatives
Central New Mexico Community College (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
Summary: Design and development of workforce-focused student/faculty exchange
in the Fall of 2016 with CNM Community College and SENA Medellin: The challenges
of building competency and capacity for student mobility across institutions in
different countries will be discussed in relation to a 100k Strong grant. The program
is focused on an exchange of information technology students from the Cisco
Networking Academy at both institutions. Students will have completed their
coursework in order to participate in an intensive test preparation for CCNA exam, an
international industry credential. The program includes job shadowing at employers,
contextualized English language conversation and cultural activities.
24 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
(Colombia Session Continued)
Luis Quijano, Program Coordinator for the Office of International Education
Miami Dade College (Miami, Florida, USA)
Summary: Miami Dade College (MDC) was the recipient of the Reto Tech SENA 2015
Competition # 8 as part of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Grant. MDC joined forces
with SENA Centro de Comercio y Turismo in Armenia, Colombia as the official partner for
this grant, and will share best practices used during the implementation, delivery and
sustainability stages of the program.
3 PM – 3:30 PM
Romeo & Julieta
(sponsored by Partners of the Americas)
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 25
3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
BRAZIL Session
Romeo & Julieta
Moderator: Tod Treat, Executive Vice President
for Academic and Student Affairs, Tacoma
Community College
Prof. Marcelo Bender Machado, President
Conselho Nacional das Instituições da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional,
Científica e Tecnológica (Brasil)
About CONIF/Summary: The Federal Network of Institutes for Education,
Science and Technology in Brazil (CONIF) is composed of 41 institutions. In the
past 15 years, there has been significant progress in vocational education,
particularly in the areas of innovation and social inclusion in Brazil. The Institutes’
strong network offers innovative programs for Brazilians, providing inclusive
opportunities for students to prepare for the globalized world. This
presentation will focus on how internationalization became a central aspect
of CONIF’s initiatives.
Chet Shaw, Dean of Student Services
Moraine Valley Community College (Palos Hills, Illinois, USA)
Summary: Chet Shaw will be presenting on Moraine Valley Community College's
collaboration with the USA Community College Consortium recruitment efforts in
Brazil. In addition, the presentation will also focus on the efforts of increasing
awareness of American community colleges as an option for students in Brazil.
Carol Fimmen, District Director of International Programs
Alamo Colleges (San Antonio, Texas, USA)
Summary: The Alamo Colleges – Institutos Federales of Southern Brazil
partnership is characterized by unique human resources and training and
educational traditions. The foundation of the relationship is a body of faculty
prepared to educate and train students with certifiable skills and programs that
have a multiplier effect throughout Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. This
presentation focuses on the overarching goals of the partnerships including
enhancing and improving faculty and student knowledge; providing support to help students identify
and develop leadership skills; fostering active learning opportunities; encouraging and supporting
diversity; and challenging students to explore activities leading to lifelong growth.
4:45 PM – 5:00 PM
Romeo & Julieta
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Mangos Terrace
26 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
9 AM - Noon
Cultural Activity OR Alamo Colleges
Campus Visit
(Optional, registration required)
Meet in the lobby
of the hotel at
8:45 AM
See below for more information on each
San Antonio’s newly designated UNESCO World
Heritage Site
Monday, July 18, 2016
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
The site encompasses a group of five frontier mission complexes situated along a stretch of San
Antonio River basin in southern Texas. It includes architectural and archaeological structures,
farmlands, residencies, churches and granaries, as well as water distribution systems. The
complexes were built by Franciscan missionaries in the 18th century and illustrate the Spanish
Crown’s efforts to colonize, evangelize, and defend the northern frontier of New Spain. The San
Antonio Missions are also an example of the interweaving of Spanish and Coahuiltecan cultures,
illustrated by a variety of features, including the decorative elements of churches, which
combine Catholic symbols with indigenous designs inspired by nature.
Missions to be toured (Note: may only visit 3 due to time constraints):
 Mission San Jose
 Mission Conception
 Mission Espada
 Mission San Juan
 Alamo
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 27
Monday, July 18, 2016
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Tour will include:
 Scobee Education Center and
 Nursing Building
 Moody Learning Center
 Tobin Loft (Student Housing)
San Antonio College was established as University Junior College in September 1925,
under the auspices of the University of Texas. The following year control of the college
was transferred to the San Antonio Independent School District and the name was
changed to San Antonio Junior College.
San Antonio College was recognized and ranked in the Top Ten 2015-16 Digital
Community Colleges Survey Awards that use technology to improve curriculum delivery
and services to students, faculty and staff.
San Antonio College was recently ranked as one of the Top 25 Community Colleges for
Hispanics by Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education magazine.
San Antonio College is among the nation’s Top 100 Minority Degree Producers according
to Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine. SAC ranks among the top 20 in 15
different categories, making the list for the sixth-consecutive year.
Designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Two-Year
Education SAC earned National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Two-Year
Education (CAE2Y) by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS). The program began in 2010.
In support of the mission of the Alamo Community College District, San Antonio College
responds to Bexar County’s diverse community by providing high quality general
education, liberal arts and sciences, career education, continuing education and
developmental education. The college has an average
semester enrollment of 21,000 credit students and an
average annual enrollment of 16,000 other-than-credit
students. San Antonio College is the largest singlecampus community college in Texas and one of the
largest in the United States.
28 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
(in alphabetical order)
Arreola Soria, Héctor
General Coordinator, Coordinación General de Universidades Tecnológicas y Politécnicas CGUTyP, Mexico City, Mexico
Ing. Héctor Arreola Soria currently serves as the General Coordinator of Technological and
Polytechnic Universities where he has driven continuity and fostered internationalization within
the field of engineering. He has been working in public administration for more than 30 years. He
is an Industrial Engineer and received his degree from the Durango Institute of Technology. His
postgraduate studies are in the area of Education Planning from the National Polytechnic
Institute and Public Administration from the Universidad del Valle de Mexico.
Bender Machado, Marcelo
President, Conselho Nacional das Instituições da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica
– CONIF, Brazil
Chancellor, Tecnológica Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, Pelotas, RS Brazil
Prof. Machado is the president of the Association of Federal Institutions for Professional, Scientific
and Technological Education - CONIF. He is also the chancellor at IFSul, a 14-college district in
the south of Brazil. He has experience in academic administration, having worked as the Head of
the Academic Department and as President of colleges at IFSul, before taking office as
chancellor. He has a Master´s degree in Electrical Engineering and initiated his PhD Studies in
Boyer, Naomi
Associate Vice President/CIO, Polk State College, Winter Haven, FL, USA
With over seventeen years of higher education and K-12 experience, Dr. Naomi R. Boyer,
Associate Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives & Innovation/CIO, is responsible for all institutional
and instructional technology, K-12 partnerships, innovative program development, and
international initiatives at Polk State College. Dr. Boyer spearheads educational robotics
programs and maintains scholarship activities through research and publications.
Bradshaw, Geoff
International Education Director, Madison College, Madison, WI, USA
Geoff Bradshaw, Ph.D., is the Madison College International Education Director and Director of
the CCSDN network. Bradshaw has more than 15 years of experience in international education
leadership and was recognized by CCID in 2011 with the Werner Kubsch award for outstanding
achievement in international education, and by the Wisconsin Association of International
Educators in 2015 with the Hong Rost Leadership Award for International Education Student
Service. He has presented and provided consulting for numerous colleges on issues of study
abroad risk management.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 29
Bresee, Kaitlin
Program Coordinator, MetaMovements Latin Dance Company, Boston, MA, USA
Kaitlin Bresee is currently a program coordinator for Metamovements Latin Dance Company. She
obtained her master’s degree in Public Health from Boston University in 2014. During that time
she concentrated her coursework in Social Behavorial Health and had the exceptional opportunity
to put this coursework into practice while at MetaMovements -- implementing programming in
Boston while also traveling to Cuba to research the intersection of arts instruction and health.
Burke, Diane
Executive Director, Global Education, Central New Mexico Comm. Coll., Albuquerque, NM, USA
Diane Burke is currently the SIO on Internationalizing the Campus including education abroad,
workforce education, international student and scholar services, English language proficiency and
internationalizing the curriculum. As Dean of Workforce and Economic Development, she worked
with employers investing in employee professional development and working adults staying
competitive in their industry. Before that she was Dean of the School of Applied Technologies,
providing associates degrees and certificates for 20 programs in transportation, manufacturing,
construction, and design.
Busch, Ukiah
Senior Strategic Affiliations Officer, Communications and Membership, Partners of the Americas,
Washington, D.C., USA
Ukiah Busch is currently the Senior Strategic Affiliations Officer in the Membership and
Communications Unit at Partners of the Americas, a non-profit organization focused on
development and social issues in the western hemisphere and dedicated to connecting people
and organizations across borders to serve and change lives through lasting partnerships. Mr.
Busch earned degrees in Italian, French and Spanish from the University of Georgia and a
Masters of International Relations from American University in Washington, DC.
Creed, Dan
Global Studies Coordinator & Professor, Normandale Community College, Bloomington, MN, USA
Dan Creed currently serves as Director of Normandale Community College's Global Studies
programs and Business and Hospitality Department Chair. He also teaches business and
hospitality classes at NCC. Before teaching at Normandale, he served as Executive Director of the
Governor’s Residence in MN. He worked for an International Foundation for 21 years before that.
He holds a master’s degree in organizational management.
Fimmen, Carol
District Director of International Programs, Alamo Colleges, San Antonio, TX, USA
Carol P. Fimmen is the District Director of International Programs at Alamo Colleges in San
Antonio, Texas. In this capacity, she is responsible all aspects of international affairs. She has
extensive experience in collaborating on the future of international education with colleagues
from colleges and universities around the world. She has worked on a number of projects
dealing with international education, global engagement, capacity building and leadership in
higher education.
30 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
Gibbs, Tammy
Study Abroad Coordinator, Madison College, Madison, WI, USA
Tammy Gibbs is the Madison College Study Abroad Coordinator and a lead trainer for the CCSDN
Network. She has a background and Masters in Experiential Education and has led both study
abroad and wilderness programs. She has been in the International Education field for a decade.
Tammy currently is the Education Abroad Representative for the Wisconsin Association of
International Educators.
González, Manuel A.
Associate Dean, Center for International Education, Northampton CC, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Manuel A. González, Ed.D., is the Associate Dean for the Center for International Education, and
he has expanded international exchange and study opportunities. NCC hosts about 200-300
international students on its campus annually. Manny has been instrumental in expanding NCC’s
engagement throughout the world. In 2012, Manny was awarded the Warner Kubsch Award for
Outstanding Achievement in International Education. Through his efforts, NCC has been
awarded numerous grants and contracts for international programs.
Huayhuaca, Jorge
Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives, Tompkins Cortland CC (TC3), Dryden, NY, USA
Jorge Huayhuaca is the Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives at Tompkins Cortland
Community College (TC3). For the last 23 years, he has worked in the development and
management field creating a variety of collaborations and exchange programs between TC3 and
many partner colleges and universities around the world. Mr. Huayhuaca is also a board member
of the Mutis Network of Universities, a board member of UAOTEC in Colombia, and has worked as
a consultant in the Latin American region focusing on curricular development in hospitality
Jara Guerrero, Salvador
Undersecretary of Higher Education, Mexico, Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), Mexico City,
Dr. Salvador Jara Guerrero was appointed as Undersecretary of Higher Education in Mexico on
October 16, 2015. Prior to this position, he was interim governor of the state of Michoacán, his
home state, from June 2014 to September 2015. Undersecretary Jara was founding director of
the Council of Science and Technology of the State of Michoacán and President of the Universidad
Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 31
Johnson, Richard
Director of International Education, Harper College, Palatine, IL, USA
Dr. Richard F. Johnson is Professor of English and Humanities, and the Director of the Office of
International Education at Harper College. As Director of International Education, Rich oversees
the college’s Global Focus initiative, study abroad program, campus programming, the Faculty
International Field Seminar, and the graduation Distinction in International Perspectives. His
primary teaching duties include courses in freshman composition, Early British Literature, World
Mythologies, Introduction to Western Civilization, and African Humanities. This coming year, Rich
will lead a group of students on a study abroad program to Uganda. Rich holds a PhD in
Medieval Studies from Northwestern University. He is the author of Saint Michael the Archangel
in Medieval English Legend (Boydell & Brewer, 2005) and numerous articles on Anglo-Saxon
hagiography. An aficionado of bluegrass music, Rich also plays banjo for Sartre’s Dog and the
Third Friday Band.
Keith, Andrea
Executive Director, Asociación CREAR, Playa Sámara, Costa Rica
Andrea Keith, Executive Director of Asociación CREAR, is originally from Texas, where she
attended Austin College and graduated in 2008 with a degree in Psychology and Spanish. She
moved to Costa Rica in 2009 to serve as the Program Director for Asociación CREAR. Since then
she has made CREAR a sustainable program, and has spearheaded multiple new projects
including the Girl’s Empowerment program. Andrea was the recipient of the Yo Creo Award in
2015 for her work as a social entrepreneur.
Lücke, Gabriela
International Trade Specialist, US Department of Commerce / Global Market Agency, US
Embassy, San José, Costa Rica
Gabriela Lücke has been working in the Commercial Service for nearly 8 years as a Commercial
Service Specialist, her main industry sectors are Education, Hotel & Restaurant Equipment,
Medical Equipment, Travel & Tourism to the U.S. Services. Gabriela has a Master’s Degree in
Project Management from the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, one of the best public
universities in Costa Rica. She started actively promoting the U.S. community college system in
2014 by developing an innovative strategy to promote the U.S Community College in the Costa
Rican market; she works closely together with Education USA.
Marmolejo, Francisco
Lead Tertiary Education Specialist, The World Bank
Francisco Marmolejo is the World Bank’s Lead Tertiary Education Specialist and Coordinator of its
Network of Higher Education Specialists. He serves as the coordinator of the internal thematic
group on higher education, which helps facilitate the exchange of ideas on higher education
initiatives across the globe. Previously, he served as founding Executive Director of the
Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), a network of more
than 160 higher education institutions primarily from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, based at the
University of Arizona, where he also worked as Assistant Vice President. At the University of
Arizona, he was Affiliated Researcher at the Center for the Study of Higher Education and
Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Latin American Studies.
32 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
Marotto, Mark
Chair, Music Department, Lone Star College-Montgomery, Conroe, TX, USA
Dr. Mark Marotto is the Chair of the Music Department at Lone Star College-Montgomery where
he also heads the choral-vocal area. He has lived and worked in several countries including
Switzerland and Romania, and most recently led a study abroad program focused on music and
dance in Havana, Cuba. He holds a doctorate in choral conducting from the University of
Michigan a master's degree in orchestral conducting from the National Music University of
Martinez, Alicia
Alicia Martinez, Assistant VP, Programs, Services & Int’l Affairs, HACU, San Antonio, TX, USA
Alicia Martinez is the Assistant Vice President for Programs, Services and International Affairs for
the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). In this role, Martinez oversees the
offices of membership, student services and PreK-12 activities, along with international initiatives
for the association’s more than 450 member colleges and universities located throughout the
U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America and Europe. Martinez has worked at HACU for nearly 10 years
and been involved in a variety of initiatives for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and
programs focused on Hispanic student success. She has more than 23 years of experience
working in the nonprofit sector. Prior to her position at HACU, she served as capital campaign
director and director of Development and Communications for St. Anthony Foundation in San
Francisco, Calif. Past positions also include serving as the director of grants program for Santa
Marta Hospital Foundation and program director for the Los Angeles House of Ruth both in Los
Angeles, Calif. Martinez has a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and has done
graduate-level work at Phillip’s Graduate University in Calif.
Martínez Hernández, Raúl
presidencia@anut.org.mx, ramah16@hotmail.com
President, Asociación Nacional de Universidades Tecnológicas – ANUT, Coahuila, Mexico
Rector, Universidad Tecnológica de Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico
M.C. Raúl Martínez Hernández is currently president of the National Association of Technological
Universities in Mexico. He also serves as rector of the Technological University of Torreón in the
state of Coahuila, Mexico. This state shares borders with the USA. He has held various tertiary
education leadership positions in the public sector in Mexican states such as Coahuila, Sinaloa,
and Morelos. He holds a BA and an MS in the field of Agronomy from the Agrarian Autonomous
University in the state of Coahuila, Mexico.
Masvidal Saavedra, Mario
Professor, University of Havana, the University of the Arts, Havana, Cuba
Dr. Mario Masvidal Saavedra (Havana, 1953) graduated from the Faculty of Languages,
University of Havana in 1974, since then he has taught in several universities such as the
University of Havana, the University of the Arts, the International Film School of San Antonio de
los Banos and others. He is a PhD and a full professor of the Linguistic Studies Department at the
University of the Arts and has published on Linguostylistics and other topics.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 33
Morera, Andrés
International Relations Director, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, Laureate International
Universities, San Pedro | San José, Costa Rica
Andrés Morera is currently the Director of International Relations for Universidad Latina de Costa
Rica. He holds a BA in Advertising and two Master’s degrees, one in Marketing & Communications
and another in Spanish Teaching. He has also received a Virtual Teacher Program Certification.
Andrés has researched Promoting Students Engagement and Language Proficiency through
Technology Enhanced Instruction, and is also co-founder of Spanishonline.us, a virtual platform
for teaching and tutoring Spanish to students from around the world.
Prieto, José Julián
International Relations Advisor, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje– SENA, Colombia
At SENA, José Julián Prieto has been leading the implementation of the 100,000 Strong in the
Americas initiative as well as a volunteer program for promoting bilingualism within the
institution. He is a Political Scientist from Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia, with wide
experience in Human Rights and Peace Building. After completing a Masters in Development and
Good Governance and a Second Masters in Public Policy in Germany, Mr. Prieto joint the
International Relations Group in SENA.
Quijano, Luis
Program Coordinator, Office of Int’l Education, Miami Dade College (MDC), Miami, FL, USA
Luis Quijano is the Program Coordinator for the Office of International Education at Miami Dade
College (MDC), which serves 165,000 students throughout eight campuses in Miami-Dade
County. In his role, Mr. Quijano manages study abroad, exchange programs and other
international grant initiatives at the College-wide level. He represents MDC on the NAFSA
Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion and also functions as MDC’s Fulbright Advisor for the
Student, Scholar and Specialist Programs.
Robertson, Robert
President, Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, Nassau, Bahamas
Dr. Robert W. Robertson is the President of the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute. In
2016, Dr. Robertson was named a Fulbright (Specialist) Scholar by the United States Department
of State. In addition, he is a Visiting Full Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and a
Scientific Adviser to the Global Universities in Distance Education. He has more than twenty five
years of experience leading and managing organizations in the public sector, the private sector
and in academia in Kazakhstan, Canada and the United States.
34 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
Shaw, Chet
Dean of Student Services, Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, Illinois, USA
Chet Shaw is currently the Dean of Student Services at Moraine Valley Community College. He
has served in the field of Higher Education for approximately 16 years and has held various
leadership roles in both the Community College and University institutions. Chet has also served
as an Adjunct Faculty role teaching courses in various disciplines and has led efforts to support
the success of International Students at the college by increasing enrollment, retention and
Sotelo Neyra, Pilar
International Services and Advising Manager, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano - ICPNA,
Lima, Peru
Pilar Sotelo is the International Services and Advising Manager at ICPNA. She has been in the
English and Spanish Teaching field for over 20 years. She holds a bachelor´s degree in Law and
in English-Spanish Teaching from San Marcos University. She has postgraduate studies in
Business Administration. Additionally, she was certified as an Oral Proficiency Interviewer and
Rater by the United States Peace Corps and as an Oral Language Proficiency Rater by ACTFL.
Thompson, Rebecca
Acting Public Affairs Counselor, Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy, Mexico City, Mexico
Rebecca Thompson is Acting Public Affairs Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City. Before
arriving in Mexico over one year ago, she served in Washington in the State Department's Public
Affairs Bureau. Rebecca has also served as Press Attaché at the U.S. Embassies in Manila and
San Salvador, in public diplomacy positions in the State Department's Bureaus of International
Narcotics and Law Enforcement and Western Hemisphere Affairs, and in cultural affairs positions
at the U.S. Embassies in Buenos Aires and Seoul.
Wood, Dawn
Director, International Programs, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
Dawn Wood serves as the Director of International Programs for Kirkwood Community College.
With close to 20 years of experience in international education, Ms. Wood is currently responsible
for forwarding the international vision and global commitment of Kirkwood Community College.
The International Programs area at Kirkwood requires her direction in the area of international
partnerships, international student services, international admission and recruitment, study
abroad programming, intercultural exchange, international grant management, and international
curriculum and faculty development.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 35
Yaroch, Christine
Coordinator of World Languages & Cultures and Assistant Professor of Spanish, Delta College,
University Center, MI, USA
Christine Yaroch is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at Delta College in mid-Michigan and also
the Coordinator for the World Languages and Cultures Discipline. She grew up near Detroit, MI.
She earned her BA from Siena Heights University in Adrian, MI and an MA at Bowling Green
State University, OH. Christine has been very involved in international travel initiatives at Delta
College co-leading trips to Costa Rica, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and Ecuador.
Zaragoza, Federico
Vice Chancellor of Economic and Workforce Development, Alamo Community College District
(ACCD), San Antonio, TX, USA
Dr. Federico Zaragoza has been the Vice Chancellor of Economic and Workforce Development at
the Alamo Community College District (ACCD) since 2004. Under his leadership, ACCD received
the prestigious American Association of Community College Trustees’ 2005 National Workforce
Excellence Award for ACCD’s role in developing exemplary job training programs for Toyota
Motor Manufacturing, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. He is a distinguished lecturer in technical and
industrial education and has lectured throughout the United States and in Germany, Spain,
Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Nicaragua, and Mexico.
Zardini, Pablo Javier
Director of the Office for International Education Exchange, Carlos Ríos y Asociados, Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Pablo Javier Zardini is the Director of CR & Associates. He has worked with governments,
foundations, universities and institutes from all Latin America and Caribbean countries in areas
such as global education, international cooperation, mobility, fundraising and strategic planning.
He has consulted for Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the World Bank, and USAID,
among others. He holds a BA in Business Administration and has completed graduate work in
finance, international cooperation, and university fundraising.
36 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
About Host College
The Colleges
The Alamo Colleges serve the Bexar County community through their programs and services
that help students succeed in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed in today's world.
Students are taught by highly qualified faculty with Master's and doctorate degrees dedicated to
creating a learning centered environment. Student services include counseling, computer labs,
tutoring, financial services, services for the disabled, developmental instruction, veteran's
services, and job placement.
The five colleges — San Antonio (est. 1925), St. Philip's (est. 1898), Palo Alto (est. 1985),
Northeast Lakeview (est. 2007), and Northwest Vista (est. 1995) — offer associate degrees,
certificates and licensures in occupational programs that prepare students for jobs, as well as
arts and science courses that transfer to four-year colleges and universities and lead to AA and
AS degrees.
The Alamo Colleges nine-member board of trustees are elected locally to six-year terms by
Bexar County voters. The Chancellor, the district's chief executive officer, guides and
implements the programs and policies of the Alamo Colleges.
Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, St. Philip’s College and San Antonio College are
accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to
award associate degrees and certificates. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern
Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditations
of Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, St. Philip’s College and San Antonio College.
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 37
CCID Membership is open to community, technical, or vocational colleges having
regional, national, or state accreditation; that primarily offer short term certificates and
associate degree programs, or similar academic credentials; and may be based inside or outside
of the United States of America. Join today!
Membership Benefits
With CCID Membership your institution can:
Profile your college’s international efforts through CCIDPartnerFind
Search CCIDPartnerFind for potential international partners and peers
Enhance study abroad offerings with access to Harris Wofford Global Service
Fellowships for students and faculty
Strategically internationalize with CCID’s online data collection tool and Framework for
Comprehensive Internationalization (FCI) on-campus workshops
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38 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum
CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum | 39
40 | CCID’s Latin America & Caribbean Forum