July 2016 Echoes - Trinity Reformed Church
July 2016 Echoes - Trinity Reformed Church
Trinity Echoes – July 2016 Two-Year Bible Reading Plan Prepared by Stephen Witmer The following Bible reading plan is designed to take you through the Old and New Testaments in two years and through the Psalms and Proverbs four times during that period. This plan is based on the book by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour (Zondervan 2002). You will benefit the most if you use this plan together with Fee and Stuart’s book. July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 31 2 Samuel 17-18 2 Samuel 19-20 2 Samuel 21 2 Samuel 22-23:7 2 Samuel 23:8-39 2 Samuel 24 Catch-up day Catch-up day 1 Kings 1-2 1 Kings 3-4 1 Kings 5-6 1 Kings 7 1 Kings 8-9 1 Kings 10-11 1 Kings 12-13 1 Kings 14 1 Kings 15-16:20 1 Kings 16:21-17 1 Kings 18-19 1 Kings 20-21 1 Kings 22 Catch-up day Catch-up day 2 Kings 1-2 2 Kings 3-4 2 Kings 5-6 2 Kings 7-8 2 Kings 9-10 2 Samuel 11-12 2 Samuel 13-14 2 Kings 15-16 Proverbs 28 Proverbs 29 Proverbs 30 Proverbs 31:1-9 Proverbs 31:10-31 Psalm 1 Psalm 2 Psalm 3 Psalm 4 Psalm 5 Psalm 6 Psalm 7 Psalm 8 Psalm 9 Psalm 10 Psalm 11 Psalm 12 Psalm 13 Psalm 14 Psalm 15 Psalm 16 Psalm 17 Psalm 18 Psalm 19 Psalm 20 Psalm 21 Psalm 22 Psalm 23 Psalm 24 Psalm 25 Psalm 26 July Birthdays & Anniversaries SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ; < Harold Beyer Lee Booth Emily De Nooy Rod Gosselink Quinn Gruver MaA & Jamie Dykema Rachel Coppock Marilyn Vander Waal Roger & Linda Hugen Merle & Erma Nunnikhoven D E F G H I J Michelle Brackin Steve & Eileen Holmes Vance & Alysha Schuring Sandy Nunnikhoven Randal & Joy Maifeld Eileen Holmes Ella Van Waardhuizen Judy Ver Steegt Allison Rozenboom Jora Vander Hart AnneAe Dop ScoA & Sarah TreM Ed & Barb Willis Heather Van Hauen Albert Caldwell ;N ;; ;< ;D ;E ;F ;G Rachel Fyfe Lance Klein Jaren Steenhoek Bruce Van Wyk Andy WhiAen Darla Beller Claire Vermeer Doug & Jenny Kane Ava GiM Cindy Piersma Marla Comstock Dorothy Nunnikhoven Wayne Van Der Veer Donna Van Weelden Gary & Sandy Nunnikhoven Jon De Nooy Mindy Reynolds Cornie Sneller Megan Sims Chad WhiAen ;H ;I ;J <N <; << <D Bonnie Pierson McKyndree TreM Lee & Sharon Booth Henry & Donna Van Rheenen Joseph Rozendaal Macy Van Gorp Tyler Van Wyk Jaren & Cathy Steenhoek Kendall Van Kooten Jonathan Van Wyk David & Sarah CoOngton Lance & Amy Klein Kris Oppenhuizen CJ Van Der Veer Janet Van Kampen Wade & Trish Van Dyke Alex De Armond Charlize De Armond Linda Rozendaal Kim Kiser Amy WhiAen Joe & Leisa Michmershuizen Ron & Bonnie Pierson Greg & Kim Roose <E <F <G <H <I <J DN Marge Gosselink Nancy Van Vark Gary Vos Cameron Arkema Tim Brackin Andrew Namminga Jim & Ole Blasi Gary & Beth Spoelstra WiAen Crase Adalyn Van Dyke Marilyn Van Zee Halie Veenstra Linda Hugen Dave Sietstra Lowell Ernst Ward & Sandi Van Dyke Sarah TreM Colton Van Zanten Curt Veenstra Sharon Vos D; Ryan Hulleman Braydon Niemeyer Dylan Van Genderen Jacob Van Steenwyk Special Birthdays & Anniversaries Harold Beyer Dorothy Nunnikhoven July 1 July 14 Merle & Erma Nunnikhoven Henry & Donna Van Rheenen July Nursery Schedule 8:30 Date 83 Years 82 Years July 2 July 17 53 Years 52 Years 10:45 July 3 Bill Boyd Janna Boyd Greg Roose Kim Roose Chelsea Roose July 10 Ward Van Dyke Sandi Van Dyke Brent Westerkamp Christine Westerkamp Taryn Ernst July 17 Justin Plate Natasha Plate Kelly Van Wyk Jane Van Wyk Kinzi Van Wyk July 24 Bob Vander Waal Marilyn Vander Waal Jon Muller Gretchen Muller Kate Muller July 31 Rod Van Genderen Sheryl Van Genderen Sarah Treft Cathy Steenhoek Grace Cottington Thank You! Dear Trinity Family – Thank you for coming to our potluck and loving on us! We cannot tell you how much you all mean to us and how you all are a part of Victory Bible Camp. We are very busy with camp starting soon and on-going work teams. We are looking forward to having Trinity here again! Bountiful Blessings to each of you! Love – Chris, Debbie & Liam Vacation Bible School 2016 Focus for the week: Choose to Believe John 9 Choose to Act Luke 17: 11-19 Choose Forgiveness Mark 2: 1-12 Choose to Obey Luke 18: 18-27 Choose Jesus John 20: 19-29 Vacation Bible School is a journey and adventure that could not happen without the prayer and support of many individuals. This year’s journey brought many exciting God sightings! Here are just a few: Almost all of the donation requests picked up! Thank you! Numerous families and individuals helped out in advance with decorating and behind the scenes during the weeks before VBS. Thank you! 53 awesome volunteers (14 of the 53 were from Heartland; 33 of the 53 were youth) signed up and came to VBS excited and enthusiastic to serve each morning! Thank you! 98 incoming 2nd graders signed up to attend and blessed us with their enthusiastic presence! Praise God! Excitement was in the air each morning as Trinity and Heartland Reformed Churches joined forces to host Pella’s second graders June 6-10. The children rode a wild ride as they learned about Jesus’ love and life. Each morning kids gathered to worship our Lord……and wow did they worship! They also watched a DVD skit showcasing characters that had important choices to make; choices that would impact their life. From there, children continued their morning at SonWorld Adventure Park by creating carnival inspired crafts and taking part in fun games. They even got to cool off in the hot weather with some crazy water games! Talented storytellers told Bible stories that introduced people who encountered Jesus and how they reacted to Him. High energy worship and prayer wrapped up the exciting morning. The monetary donations were designated for The Well and SWIM for Him. Non-perishable food items were also collected and donated to the Pella Food Shelf. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make VBS week so successful! We are very appreciative of the prayers and support. What a blessing to have donations of time and talent, supplies, and monetary gifts! Kara Vander Werff Alecia Jablonski Coordinator VBS Team Members: Amy Roorda Kara Vander Werff Jane & Arlan Van Wyk Nancy Van Wyk Liz Van Gorp Marijka Michmershuizen Kathy Wassenaar Jamie Dykema Olivia Van Wyk Ava Kane Ava Gift Kate Muller Sarah Yoder Addi Bosscher Nathan Born Nicci Van Wyk Erica Langstraaat Jessa Van Gorp Evie Armstrong Allison Brand Zarah Van Dyke Rachel Coppock Emma Yoder Lizzie Van Weelden Kelly Dykema Marissa Johnston Kate Van Roekel Ben Jablonski Michael Struve Natasha Plate Director of Children’s Ministries Saylor Williams Jovi Vander Beek Sami Wassenaar Isaac Piersma Aidan Brand Micah Davidson Barrett Bosscher Heidi Davidson Rhonda Kermode Elena Davidson Frances DeArmond Charlize DeArmond Mike Wedekind Cameron Knox Wanda Brand Kristy De Jong Deb Haines Kylie Brand Alex DeArmond Doug & Linda Oppenhuizen Anna Dunsbergen Tricia, Sierra, Savannah, & Treyson Williams Stacie Van Wyk Shane Van Waardhuizen Dan Roorda Ladies Day Trip On April 27, several ladies left the church parking lot for Ronneburg Restaurant in Amana for lunch. After enjoying a relaxing lunch, we were off to the Old Country Creamery Theatre for the play “Steeple People” – a Southern Gospel Comedy. Gospel tunes were performed by the “Steeple People” Men’s Quartet of Stinking Creek, Tennessee as they sponsored a benefit concert and clothing drive for Ghana. Great music was enjoyed along with lots of laughs! (1st row) Bonnie Westerkamp, Maryann Hutchinson, Eleanor Rietveld, Elva Roorda, Dee Wassenaar, Ilda Lou Van Zee (2nd Row) Joan Van Hal, Judy Ringnalda, Barb De Penning, Joey Vander Linden, Marlene De jong, Nancy Van Wyk, Betty Lou Kelderman (3rd Row) Ella Kool, Leona Horman, Marge Gosselink, Ethel Van Rheenen, & Marilee Sjaardema July Missionary Updates ABOUT BRIAN & DONNA RENES Brian & Donna Renes have been involved in the work of Bible translation since 1989. Their first years of ministry were spent among the Tojolabal people in Chiapas, Mexico. Since 1996 Brian has worked with the United Bible Societies, giving support to national translators and consultants. He teaches them how to effectively use the computer in their work of translating the Bible into languages such as Quechua, which is spoken in Peru, and the Kuna language of Panama. Donna ministers to Hispanic children in the Sioux Center, Iowa, area through the teaching of English as a Second Language. Brian serves in partnership with United Bible Societies. You may be thinking, why the United Bible Societies? Wycliffe is the Bible translating organization, right? Yes it is, however, Wycliffe does its work with only people groups who have a large number of readers. The United Bible Societies does the translating for those languages who have a smaller number of speakers. Both play an equal work only have different groups upon whom the focus. It is also interesting how God is using Donna to work in the schools in that area. Northwest Iowa was one of the first areas to have a lot of Mexicans moving into it. They found work in the large packing plants there. Donna has helped many children survive the life changes needed when they were placed in a school where English was the native language. Mark your calendar for Sunday July 10 !!!!! Rowland and Jane Van Es will be visiting us that evening to update us on their work in Limuru, Kenya. We are their prayer support and how can we pray for them if we do not keep up with their work. Yes, we are missionaries to our part of the world but God’s command is to go into ALL THE WORLD. It is only through our sent out missionaries that we can obey this part of Gods’ command. So please plan now to come on Sunday evening July 10 at 6:00 PM to hear from Rowland and Jane and show them that we appreciate their being our presence in Africa to bring Christ to them and prepare them to bring Him to their people. July Calendar of Events SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ; SATURDAY < 7:00am BaAle Zone Men’s Prayer Breakfast D E F G 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 11:00am Lunch Bunch H I J 12:00pm Women’s Brown Bag Lunch 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 7:00am BaAle Zone Men’s Prayer Breakfast ;E ;F Office Closed ;N ;; 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 11:00am Lunch Bunch 6:30pm Bundled BoAoms ;H ;I ;< ;D 12:00pm Women’s Brown Bag Lunch ;J <N 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 11:00am Lunch Bunch 6:00pm Missions Service <E <F <G 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 11:00am Lunch Bunch 5:30pm End of Month Meal 9:00am Sewing Bee 6:30pm Bundled BoAoms D; 8:30am Worship 10:45am Worship 11:00am Lunch Bunch <H ;G 7:00am BaAle Zone Men’s Prayer Breakfast <; << <D 12:00pm Women’s Brown Bag Lunch 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 7:00am BaAle Zone Men’s Prayer Breakfast <I <J DN 12:00pm Women’s Brown Bag Lunch 7:00am BaAle Zone Men’s Prayer Breakfast
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