how to hold and cuddle your dwarf rabbit
how to hold and cuddle your dwarf rabbit HOW TO HOLD AND CUDDLE YOUR DWARF RABBIT Over the years my family and I have seen that the more you play with your rabbit, the tamer he or she will become. One of the coolest ways to play with a rabbit is to hold it and cuddle it. The reason is that holding and cuddling your dwarf rabbit makes it attach to you even stronger. There are good ways to hold a dwarf rabbit and of course there are ways that you never do. Here I will show you both. How to Hold Your Rabbit: This hold does not have a name that I know of but we just call it ‘the under arm hold’ . Look at the picture. The ‘One Arm’ hold or the ‘Under the Arm’ Hold In this hold the dwarf rabbits eyes are covered, which helps it to stay calm. This is a good hold when your rabbit had a panic or fright. It is also a good one arm hold and will probably work better with grownups. Small kids don’t have long enough arms to do this. They can still do it with babies (baby dwarf you recall we call babbits). Another good way to hold rabbits, and this is for baby rabbits and grown up rabbits is the ‘Plain Hold’. [If you have a better name please let us know]. See the picture below. The ‘Plain Hold’ In this hold notice the following important things. • • • All four dwarf rabbits feet are AGAINST your body. If you keep it away then they will kick...and scratch you by accident. This is a two hand hold, so one hand is always under the bottom for the rabbit to ‘sit’ on your hand. The other hand is behind and under the ears This way of holding is good for all size of people and all size of rabbits. This is a good calming method and a panicked rabbit will start to breathe slower and more normal. How to NOT EVER Hold Your Rabbit: There are three ways we find some people holding their dwarf rabbits. Please do not ever do this. We managed to take these pictures in 15 seconds to show you these three bad holds. 1. NEVER HOLD A RABBIT AWAY FROM YOU Never hold a rabbit in this way • It will kick and sometimes that kicking can hurt its spine. Parents who help their children to hold the rabbit the first time often leave the rabbit with the children and when the children get scared they ‘push’ rabbit into this position. Parents, grab quickly! 2. NEVER HOLD A RABBIT BY ITS NECK OR EARS It’s just wrong. Look at the picture Never Do This Parents, GRAB QUICKLY