Seymour Lake Project Presentation
Seymour Lake Project Presentation
Seymour Lake LiLi-BeBe-Ta Property Armstrong, NW Ontario Seymour Lake LiLi-TaTa-Be Project – Highlights Main Zone has been intersected over approximately 200 m x 250 m and is up to 26 m in thickness (averages 11 11..52 m thick @ 1.467% 467% Li Li2 2O) O).. Zone is open to the north and to the east. east. Main Zone underlain by at least three more stacked and open horizons at relative shallow depth that carry similar lithium grades (with significant Be and Ta). Ta). Soil sampling and lithogeochemical sampling indicate that there is a very good possibility of discovering significant extensions to the known occurrences (north of North Aubry Aubry;; west and southeast of South Aubry), as well as the possibility of discovering new zones, especially to the east (Pye showing area) and south (Lookout Hill) Hill).. Excellent access to infrastructure (road, rail, hydro), all within 10 km (hydro dam planned completion late 2013) 2013). Location L ti off Main M i Zone Z att surface f near top t off large l hill provides id open pit it and/or d/ ramp access. access. MOU already signed with Whitesands First Nation, which is propro-development and very supportive of the project. project. Prices of Li, Ta and Be all predicted to increase increase:: Li (electric vehicles, etc. etc.), Ta (loss of conflict supply and primary producer closure), and Be (nuclear fuel alloys, US military armor applications, etc. etc.) Seymour Lake – Location Map Seymour Lake – Regional Geology Seymour Lake – Property Map Seymour Lake – Showing and DDH Location Map North Aubry Pye South Aubry Mafic VolcanicVolcanicGranite Contact - LRM: Seymour Lake Group - LRM: KM61 Group North Aubry – Looking Southwest Upper contact, Main Zone DDH Collar Scale Seymour Lake – Typical Pegmatite Mineralogy Dime for scale Tantalite (black xtals with blue apatite) S d ((pale l green llarge xtals t l parallel ll l tto h Spodumene hammer)) B Beryll ((green xtal t l tto right i ht off h hammer)) Seymour Lake – SL SL--09 09--33 (twin SLSL-02 02--08); Main/Lower Lower Main North Aubry open open p Pye open So th Aubry South A br On Elevation Image open - Grid Lines 200 m Shallow hole, zone plunges below EOH Plunge g 20º N Local fault offset (?) between SL02SL02-02 and -07 Section 9950N Dip 30º N Intersected narrow sub--vertical dykes sub 50 m grid - Main/Lower Horizon, preliminary solid model North Aubry – Section 9950N M/L L-2 L-1 M = Main Horizon, L = Lower Horizon (M/L = combined), LL-1 = Lower 1, LL-2 = Lower 2 Section ~9450N Plunge 10º N Dip 30º N Lepidolite Boulder 50 m grid - Main/Lower Horizon, preliminary solid model South Aubry – Section 9450N M L open open Anaconda DDH Results – North Aubry * Ta not assayed North Aubry – 2002 DDH Results, Li Li--Be Hole SL--02SL 02-2 SL--02SL 02-3 And SL--02SL 02-4 SL--02SL 02-5 SL--02SL 02-8 * SL--02SL 02-9 SL--02SL 02-10 SL--02SL 02-14 SL--02SL 02-15*2 Horizon Main Main Lower Main Main Main Main Lower Lower--1 Main Main From (metres) 45.75 25.65 32.50 25.00 18.00 13.60 1.45 51.85 2.65 6.35 SL-02SL02-16 SL--02SL 02-25 SL--02SL 02-26 SL--02SL 02-27 SL--02 SL 02--28 SL--02SL 02-29 SL--02SL 02-30 And SL--02 SL 02--31 Main Main Main Main Main Main Main Lower? Main 1.70 1.40 1.65 3.00 2.30 1.80 2.00 23.30 1.60 To (metres) 60.00 30.20 40.70 34.20 21.60 30.00 22.10 57.05 8.35 11.80 Width (metres) 14.25 4.55 8.20 9.20 3.60 16.40 20.65 5.20 5.70 5.45 Li2O(%) 1.735 1.210 1.370 2.386 0.944 0.830 0.955 1.578 2.212 1.302 BeO BeO(%) (%) 0.046 0.038 0.037 0.034 0.039 0.022 0.037 0.062 0.065 0.034 9.55 1.65 5.05 26.85 14.10 13.75 18.90 27.00 19.32 7.85 0.25 3.40 23.85 11.80 11.95 16.90 3.70 17.72 1.148 0.829 2.484 1.325 1.837 1.696 2.081 1.837 1.475 0.055 0.013 0.024 0.031 0.127 0.096 0.025 0.037 0.028 * SL-02-08 was lost at 30 metre depth *2 this interval preceded by 0.95 m of lost core and then preceded by 0.7 m of 1.052% BeO South Aubry – 2002 DDH Results, Li Li--Be From (metres) 30.70 To (metres) 35.05 Width (metres) 4.35 Li2O (%) 1.460 BeO (%) 0.056 Hole SL--02SL 02-17 Horizon Lower SL--02SL 02-18 Main 25.00 31.25 6.25 0.339 0.013 And Lower 52.10 61.18 9.08 1.262 0.067 SL--02SL 02-19 Main 2.65 17.15 14.50 0.304 0.040 SL--02SL 02-20 Main 3.00 16.30 13.30 0.757 0.048 And Lower 58.20 60.00 1.80 0.454 0.088 SL--02SL 02-21 Main 2.35 18.64 10.36 0.648 0.052 And Lower 50.82 52.02 1.20 0.288 0.027 SL--02SL 02-22 Main 8.13 15.20 7.07 0.390 0.036 And Lower 39 18 39.18 42 10 42.10 2 92 2.92 1 401 1.401 0 046 0.046 SL--02SL 02-23 Main 1.95 5.20 3.25 0.625 0.074 SL--02SL 02-24 Main 13.90 17.95 4.05 0.307 0.049 North Aubry – 2002 2002--09 DDH Results, Tantalum Hole SL02--15 SL02 SL02--28 SL02 SL02--31 SL02 and Horizon Main Main Main Lower? From To Width (metres) 6 35 6.35 9 75 9.75 3 40 3.40 0 104 0.104 3.75 6.00 2.25 0.108 6.35 7.50 1.15 0.092 14.50 19.32 4.82 0.118 Ta2O5 (%) In the 2009 drilling, only two narrow high grade tantalum intersections were made: SL SL--09 09--3A with 1.0 m of 0.221% Ta2O5; and SL SL--09 09--33 with 0.84 m at 0.098% Ta2O5. Strong Rb2O values were also encountered in most of the drill holes, giving average values of 0.1% to 0.6% over the composite interval, but as with tantalum and beryllium in note (1), no metallurgical or comparative work has been undertaken to quantify what ultimately may be recoverable values of rubidium, or any other potential by by--product credits such as gallium or thallium. thallium. North Aubry – 2009 DDH Results, Li Li--Be Hole SL--09SL 09-03A SL--09SL 09-09A And SL--09SL 09-27A SL--09SL 09-33 And And SL--09SL 09-34 SL-09SL09-43 And SL--09SL 09-44 And SL--09SL 09-45 SL--09 SL 09--46 SL-09SL09-47 And Horizon Lower Lower--1 Lower Lower--1 LowerLower-2 Lower Lower--1 Main/Lower LowerLower-1 Dyke? Main Main Lower--1 Lower Main LowerLower-1 Main/Lower Main/Lower Main/Lower From (metres) 74.17 53.12 71.90 62.00 14.40 90.2 105.3 86.32 To (metres) 85.30 58.70 75.30 67.60 40.53 93.5 106.4 97.54 Width (metres) 11.13 5.58 3.40 5.60 26.13 3.3 1.1 11.22 Li2O % 1.203 0.108 0.833 1.895 1.584 0.936 1.176 0.550 51.55 97.28 32.80 72.70 48.00 60 82 60.82 58.00 102.08 39.55 75.84 60.90 78 45 78.45 6.45 4.80 6.75 3.14 12.90 17 63 17.63 1.030 0.735 2.100 2.457 1.676 0 710 0.710 51.52 55.40 55.40 62.40 3.88 7.00 1.507 0.200 BeO %(1) 0.033 Nsa(2) 0.038 0.068 0.046 0.063 0.070 0.023 0.017 0.010 0.082 0.031 0.045 0.047 0.081 0.024 (1) BeO and Ta2O5 values greater than approximately 0.04% may be recoverable based on comparison to metal oxide grades in known rare metal deposits such as Tanco’s Bernic Lake mine or Talison Minerals’ Greenbushes mine,, but are not supported byy specific metallurgical testing from the Aubryy pp p g g on samples p Zones. These values are currently shown for reference only, to indicate potentially recoverable by-product credits in an eventual development scenario. (2) nsa = no significant assays South Aubry – 2009 DDH Results, Li Li--Be SL-09-48 intersected several narrow horizons, including 1.23 metres at 0.422% Li2O and 0.062% BeO, and 2.32 metres at 0.854% Li2O and 0.032% BeO Seymour Lake – Enzyme Leach Soil Results, Lithium North Aubry Pye South Aubry Li ppb Lots of untested potential indicated by unexplained soil and lithochem anomalies Seymour Lake – Surface Lithogeochem Results, Lithium open North Aubry Pye S th Aubry South A b Excellent untested potential indicated by unexplained soil and lithochem anomalies
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