DR MICHAELS AVE RESERVE Draft Concept Plan of South Section September 2015 Contents 1 Project Background 2 Masterplan Timeline 3 Photographic Analysis 4 Option A - Updated Masterplan 5 Option B - Alternative Design 6 Parking Options AF T PROJECT PURPOSE CE DP LA AR JO DR The purpose of this project is to update the Michaels Ave Reserve Masterplan in preparation for stage three of its redevelopment. The project scope is to investigate two layout options for the southern section of the reserve. Stage two of works included improvements to the southern sports fields and stage three will focus on the overall layout of circulation and facilities. P Wetland AF T Two plans have been developed for the southern section of the reserve; Option A is based on the 2008 masterplan, updated to take into account the new lower field configuration and Option B explores further design options for the reserve. The Ellerslie Cricket Club and Ellerslie Association Football Clubs are currently developing a concept plan for new clubrooms with Avery Team Architects as a separate venture, and these proposals will be incorporated into the concept plan as they develop. Michael Park School W H IT E S Artificial field WAY PROJECT GOALS Enhance the reserve for its users OO DP LAC E Artificial field E S A V EN U Elwood Pl parking (34 parks) • Create a more usable space for the varying park users; accommodate for passive recreation, play and sports. M IC H A EL ELW Club Rooms 8 parks (1 accessible) • Create an ‘activity hub’ in the centre of the reserve. LA W R Y STREET • Improve safety, particularly around the drop off area for the childcare centre. • Implement planting to soften the hardscape areas. YMCA • Improve circulation for pedestrians and vehicles. YS TRE E T Improve circulation 7 parks (2x drop-off parks ) Cricket nets • Locate the best route for a Greenways shared cycle/walking pathway to link up with the Orakei Greenways Plan. The proposed route is to go from Michaels Avenue, through the reserve to Arron Street and on to Ballin Street. AM A. Soccer Michaels Ave parking (55 parks) Cricket B Cricket A • Explore options for additional car parking. • Provide a drop-off area, accessible parking and adequate space for servicing and deliveries to the YMCA/child care centre and clubrooms. Playground B. Training • Create a safer pedestrian environment via traffic calming measures. Cricket C Create a better play experience D. Soccer • Provide possible playground locations for the renewal of the existing playground, ensuring that they are a safe distance from the sports pitches. C. Soccer STREET BAL LIN STR EET ARRON 1:2500 @ A3 RO AD EL LE SL IE PA RK N EXISTING SITE CONTEXT KEY PE EK R ST EE T Park boundary Internal paths / walkways Project scope Carparking areas Vehicle Entrance Existing playground Pedestrian Entrance Existing Site Context PROJECT BACKGROUND DRAFT - Michaels Ave Reserve South Concept Plan Page 1 DR ELW OO DP Existing Training Field LAC E STA GE Existing Building 3 FU TUR Future Carpark AF KEY EW OR KS YMCA RFLP Relocatable Floodlight Parking PFL R Existing Tree Future Building Cricket Nets 6 x 3.6m wide Existing Tree for Removal Future Stairs PFL Proposed Tree (R - Relocated) Future Carpark Existing Path RFLP PFL Proposed Path RFLP UE LS AVEN MICHAE RFLP A. Soccer 105m x 69m PFL 50m RFL RFL R RFL Cricket B (2 x grass 1 x concrete) RFL RFL RFL RFL B. Dedicated Training Area 90m x 55m Reinstated Fitness Station 50m PFL RFL Michaels Ave Reserve RFLP Lower Field Stage 2 and 3 Masterplan RFLP PFL Sheet 1 of 1 Scale: 1:1000 @ A3 Date: 23.04.2014 Ref. #: 121120 CO01 RFLP RFLP Amendments Date/Comments Rev E 09.04.2013 Rev F 14.05.2013 Rev G 01.07.2013 Rev H 24.03.2014 Rev I 29.04.2014 RK ROAD E PA ELLERSLI R Proposed Handrail PFL 40m PFL PFL Proposed Retaining Walls RFL D.Soccer 62m x 46m C. Soccer 100m x 69m RFLP Amenity Planting Lockable Entrance Gates Cricket A (5 x grass 1 x concrete) Cricket C (hoggin base) RFLP T PFL Permanent Floodlight RFL Relocatable Floodlight LA4 Landscape Architects 26 Kitchener Street, Auckland P.O. Box 5669, Wellesley Street, Auckland p: 09 358 0904 f: 09 358 0895 e: la4@la4.co.nz www.la4.co.nz This drawing and its contents are subject to copyright and shall only be used with the express permission of LA4 Landscape Architects Masterplan (2008) Revised stage 2 and 3 Masterplan (2014) PREVIOUS PLANS DRAFT - Michaels Ave Reserve South Concept Plan Page 2 FIGURE LEGEND: DR Figure 1. Main entrance to Michaels Ave Reserve Figure 2. Existing playground located next to the road Figure 3. Michaels Ave carpark, oversubscribed during sports games Figure 4. Road access to the YMCA illustrating how the experience for pedestrians needs to be enhanced Figure 5. Tarmac surfacing surrounds the YMCA building and Plunket play area Figure 6. View towards the existing clubrooms, parking and the rear hardcourt assembly area Figure 7. Drop off area for users of the YMCA building Figure 8. Sports fields currently under construction, view from service road Figure 9. Removable bollards between the Elwood Place and YMCA carparks Figure 10. View towards Elwood Place carpark with 34 parks Figure 11. Concrete path leading to the lower section of the park around the sports fields Figure 12. Portable goals and loose aggregate path, intervention is needed to improve this area 1 3 T 2 4 5 7 9 AF 6 8 10 11 12 photographic analysis DRAFT - Michaels Ave Reserve South Concept Plan Page 3 DR GENERAL NOTES (applicable to both plans) ELW OO DP LAC E Existing Artificial Field 5 AM YS TRE ET Existing Artificial Field 6 1 Upgrade existing entrance; provide pedestrian access and install lockable gates to improve safety as well as plant management to improve sight lines. 2 Upgrade existing carpark (32 spaces, 2 of which are accessible parks). Reconfiguration of layout to include 2 spaces dedicated to car manoeuvring Ensure there is clearance for servicing and emergency vehicle access. 3 Proposed clubrooms, refer to page 7 for further details. 4 Central plaza with bench seats. Clearance of 4m to allow emergency vehicle access. 5 Existing concrete hardcourt area used for assembly, upgrade with seating. 6 Install a lockable cage to store portable goals. 7 Upgrade loose aggregate path to concrete due to maintenance issues. 8 Existing fenced playground for Plunket child care centre retained. 9 Retain service access and reinstate surfacing. Construct a low wall to screen service area (bins etc.) for YMCA building. 10 Install speed bump to reduce vehicle speed. 7 1 2 11 PFL 8 4 9 R AVENUE 14 3 PFL Cricket Nets M IC H A E LS YMCA R 13 12 PFL RFLP AF T RFLP RFLP Soccer Pitch 10 OPTION A SPECIFIC NOTES PFL 15 R RFL RFL Existing Carpark (55 spaces) RFL Cricket Pitch RFL RFL RFL Cricket Pitch RFL Soccer Pitch PFL RFL 16 Cricket Pitch PFL Soccer Pitch Soccer Pitch RFLP PFL RFLP 12 Terraces with grass treads and concrete risers acting as steps to the sports fields and seating for spectating games. 13 Carpark in front of the YMCA building (24 parks, 2 of which are accessible). Proposed trees included in the design to mark carpark entrance and slow traffic. 14 Entrance courtyard with bike racks, benches and planting. 15 Retaining wall with handrail 16 Shared use cycling and pedestrian path (approx. 3m) linking to the proposed Greenways route and reserve facilities. Proposed light poles allow the pathway to be lit at night, lighting strategy would be further developed by a lighting engineer. 17 Upgrade playground in existing location in a natural theme with planting and mounding. Design is indicative only and will be developed in next phase of project. Allow for the picnic area to be upgraded as part of works. RFLP RFLP RFLP KEY ARRON S TREET AD EL LE SL IE PA RK RO N 1:1500 @ A3 PFL Remove existing building and reinstate as a picnic area. RFL RFLP PFL R 17 11 Scope of work PFL Proposed permanent floodlight Existing path RFL Proposed relocatable floodlight Proposed path RFLP Proposed relocatable floodlight parking Proposed shared path Amenity planting Renewed fitness station Existing tree Existing lighting Proposed tree (R - relocated) Potential pathway lighting Existing tree for removal oPTION A - UPDATED MASTERPLAN DRAFT - Michaels Ave Reserve South Concept Plan Page 4 DR GENERAL NOTES (applicable to both plans) ELW OO DP LAC E Existing Artificial Field 5 AM YS TRE ET Existing Artificial Field 6 1 Upgrade existing entrance; provide pedestrian access and install lockable gates to improve safety as well as plant management to improve sight lines. 2 Upgrade existing carpark (32 spaces, 2 of which are accessible parks). Reconfiguration of layout to include 2 spaces dedicated to car manoeuvring Ensure there is clearance for servicing and emergency vehicle access. 3 Proposed clubrooms, refer to page 7 for further details. 4 Central plaza with bench seats. Clearance of 4m to allow emergency vehicle access. 5 Existing concrete hardcourt area used for assembly, upgrade with seating. 6 Install a lockable cage to store portable goals. 7 Upgrade loose aggregate path to concrete due to maintenance issues. 8 Existing fenced playground for Plunket child care centre retained. 9 Retain service access and reinstate surfacing. Construct a low wall to screen service area (bins etc.) for YMCA building. 10 Install speed bump to reduce vehicle speed. 7 1 2 YMCA 8 4 PFL M IC H A E LS R 12 9 14 AVENUE 3 15 PFL Cricket Nets 13 PFL RFLP AF T RFLP 10 RFLP Soccer Pitch OPTION B SPECIFIC NOTES PFL R RFL RFL Cricket Pitch Cricket Pitch RFL RFL Shared use cycling and pedestrian path (approx. 3m) linking to the proposed Greenways route and reserve facilities. Proposed light poles allow the pathway to be lit at night, lighting strategy would be further developed by a lighting engineer. 12 Playground to be built in place of the existing building, design to be in a ‘natural’ theme with planting incorporated for shelter. Design is indicative only and will be developed in next phase of project. 13 Grass bank with planting. Option for terraces as illustrated in Option A is also possible. Steps alongside the building connect to the lower level path and plaza. 14 Entrance courtyard with bike racks, benches and planting. 15 Turning circle with 3 angled, drop off parks, including 1 accessible park and planting to calm traffic. 16 Extend car park and reconfigure layout (87 parks). Layout includes swale planting, pedestrian access and crossings. Existing playground rebuilt in a more appropriate central location. Allow for the picnic area to be relocated on flanking grass lawn a part of works. 16 RFL RFL 11 Soccer Pitch PFL 11 RFL RFL Cricket Pitch PFL Soccer Pitch Soccer Pitch RFLP RFL RFLP PFL PFL R RFLP RFLP PFL RFLP RFLP KEY ARRON S TREET 1:1500 @ A3 AD EL LE SL IE PA RK RO N Scope of work PFL Proposed permanent floodlight Existing path RFL Proposed relocatable floodlight Proposed path RFLP Proposed relocatable floodlight parking Proposed shared path Amenity planting Renewed fitness station Existing tree Existing lighting Proposed tree (R - relocated) Potential pathway lighting Existing tree for removal option b - ALTERNATIVE DESIGN DRAFT - Michaels Ave Reserve South Concept Plan Page 5 DR 34 8 32 AF T 32 7 3 24 55 55 Existing Parking: 104 Parks, 1 accessible parks, 4220m² of tarmac Option A: 111 Parks, 4 accessible parks, 3790m² of tarmac 87 Option B: 122 Parks, 3 accessible parks, 3420m² of tarmac PARKING OPTIONS DRAFT - Michaels Ave Reserve South Concept Plan Page 6