our Neighborhood Network Connections
our Neighborhood Network Connections
SANFR A NEW WAY TO MEET SFMEETINGS NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORK CONNECTIONS GET CONNECTED San Francisco attendees have come to expect quality choices that elevate meetings to a more personalized experience. By combining meeting space and room blocks at neighboring hotels, our SFMeetings Neighborhood Network Connections offer attendees additional meeting options in a variety of settings. Now larger groups up to 2,500 people have new opportunities for their meetings in San Francisco. Get connected and explore a new way of meeting. th Wentwor Br Ross John 1600 on St Washingt 8x Hwy 101 Nob Hill St Mary’s Square Belden Chinatown Gateway Claude Powell St Bush St Su P SAN FRANCISCO DOWNTOWN CONNECTION 30 Kearny St Francis Hospital 1300 Mason St 27 27 nia St Pine St Taylor St ia Line Californ P St California The Ritz-Carlton Huntington Park Scarlet St Huntington California Stanford InterContinental Court Mark SFMasonic Hopkins Tunnel Stockton 1500 Old St Mary’s Chinatown The Fairmont Grace Cathedral St Sa1cramento Sacrame 1 1 Polk Street Commer Hangah Pagoda 1 1500 nto St 1 Clay St Joice 1500 27 Clay St Sproule s-Lilienthal se Cable Car Barn Chi Cul Cen P Portsmouth Square 1400 27 Jackson St 8x Kearny e Pacific Av Phoenix 1500 Trenton 900 Helen Wills Playground Tillman St 1200 1000 Pe te rY or ke Cyril Magnin St Powell St Eddy St San Francisco Visitor Information Center t ke ar M 9 F te Ave Golden Ga St ie ss Je Mint Plaza n so en ev St ie ss Je 5 St McAllister Carlton G Gough 200 19 Asian Art 19 United Nations Plaza Six th Civic Center SF City F College n St our th io St iss M BART/Muni Powell St Station Turk St 5 Redwood P int M Civic Center Four Seasons Ye rb aB Conte ue na Jewish Ln Museu Marriott Marquis 300 te Ave Golden Ga Lane 38 Ellis St Hallidie Plaza rth St Leavenwo 5 Hotel Nikko Parc 55 300 500 600 47 Maiden 38 Taylor St Larkin St Polk St Turk St 700 1000 800 Eddy St Ave Van Ness Franklin St Ellis St Glide Memorial Hyde St St O’Farrell CONNECTION 19 CAPACITY600 Total Meeting Rooms: 127 Total Function Space: 203,500 sq. ft. 500 Total Peak Guest Rooms: 2,400 Total Suites: 142 400 Little Largest Ballroom: 30,000 sq. ft. Saigon Union Square Hop On Bus Tour Handlery Union Square St O’Farrell Hilton Union Square Tenderloin P TIX Geary St Clift San Francisco Jones St St arr Kin gW ay Shannon ay W Union Square Westin St. Francis 2 3 PROPERTIES 19 900 Clift San Francisco Post St Handlery Union Square Hotel 38 Cedar 800 Square Hilton San Francisco Union ary St HotelGeNikko San Francisco 19 38 Hotel Parc 55 San Francisco – a Hilton 700 Sutter St Post St Cosmo 27 e Grant Av ush St Stockton tter St Campton The collection is centrally located at the nexus of Union Square,SuSOMA, and CentralGrand Market Hyatt representing five hotels with 2,900-plus Hilton rooms anchoring your meeting experience. St Old Mint F (Closed) ifth a inn M P Moscone West St InterContinental San Francisco Te John P Maritime Plaza on St Washingt 8x Chinatown Gateway Trinity Tillman MOSCONE CONNECTION e Grant Av Stockton Union F ie ss Je Campton BART/Muni Montgomery St Station t tS ke ar M ne Shannon 00 Clift San Francisco 38 Marriott Marquis Ellis St Tenderloin Parc 55 CONNECTION CAPACITY San Francisco Visitor Information t Total Meeting Rooms: Eddy St 85 Center tS ke ar Hallidie M Total Function Space: 160,000 sq. ft. Plaza Turk St Total Peak Guest Rooms: 1,400 n so Total Suites: 152 en 9 F ev St Little e 39,621 sq. ft. te Av SaigonLargest Ballroom: sie Golden Ga es Jones St Hyde St 600 Cyril Magnin St Taylor St 38 700 Hotel Nikko 500 300 ie ss Je Mint Plaza Old Mint F (Closed) ifth a inn M J 5 SF City F College St our n th io St iss M BART/Muni Powell St Station int M rth St Leavenwo 400 Ye rb aB Contemporary ue na Jewish Ln Museum P P Moscone West St InterContinental San Francisco rd wa Ho St Yerba Buena a m ha Te 300 Civic Center St McAllister 5 200 19 Asian Art Museum 19 United Nations Plaza P St Museum of Modern Art Ha wt ho rn e Yerba Buena Gardens St P Moscone Center South Carousel Yerba Children’s Buena Creativity Ice Skating Museum Yerba Center Buena Bowling Center 8x a tin St en m em lso Cl Fo South of Market St 8x 27 0 20 r Ha BART/Muni Civic Center Six th Civic Center Th ird Center for the Arts Moscone Center North a om at N m er y Park Central Four Seasons 38 Powell St PROPERTIES St O’Farrell Hilton InterContinental San Francisco Union Square Glide San Francisco Marriott Marquis Memorial 800 Bus Tour Union Square a inn M ald M La smo Post St within a block Squareand a half In the SouthCoof Market area, tower Second Maidenof each other, two hotels Union Westin Museum Square St St. Francis 3 2 of the P African 38 from premium shopping, dining, over the heart of downtown and are just steps away Diaspora 14 Ne TIX w M on entertainment and cultural venues. Hop On tg 8x Geary St Handlery o 27 38 South of Market J Kearny 30 Fir st St Financial District Sutter St P Grand Hyatt ery Montgom Pine St Belden Bush St Sutter St Front St St Mary’s Square Claude Powell St Mason St St Francis Hospital Taylor St Pine St 27 27 Huntington Park Scarlet Huntington Stanford InterContinental Court Mark SFMasonic Hopkins Financial District P St California The Ritz-Carlton Tunnel Stockton St California Sansome Grace Cathedral St Sa1cramento Old St Mary’s Chinatown The Fairmont 1 St Sacramento 1 1 Embarcadero Center ial Commerc Hangah Pagoda Joice Nob Hill 1 Clay St Davis St Clay St Sproule 1 Clay St 1 Transamerica Pyramid Chinese Culture Center P Portsmouth Square Battery St Cable Car Barn 0 r 10 arny enix Pacific Fo ur th St 500 Joe DiMaggio Playground St Lombard 1300 600 St Greenwich Ave Van Ness Tennis Courts 1700 1800 1800 Green St 700 Green 700 P Vallejo St 800 2100 Coolbrith Park 1200 ay Lane Macondr Union St 1300 1400 Union St Washington Square 1300 yde Line Powell-H 1400 1400 ason Line Powell-M Larkin St Polk St Filbert St P B 2200 2300 Vallejo St Jack c St Keroua 800 Broadway 900 Ross 8x Kearny e Pacific Av Phoenix NOB HILL CONNECTION 1500 Trenton Helen Wills Playground Tunnel Broadway th Wentwor 1500 John Nob Hill is one of the city’s premier meeting destinations with five luxury hotels, 1600 on St 8x Washingt breathtaking views and the most centralized location to all that San Francisco has to offer. enue Hwy 101 Huntington Park Scarlet St a Huntington Californi Stanford InterContinental Court Mark SFMasonic Hopkins Grace Cathedral Pine St 27 Post St ay W Cedar 38 Chinatown Gateway P 30 Tillman Sutter St Post St Grand Hyatt Westin St. Francis Union Square P Campton Union Square TIX Geary St Clift San Francisco Maiden e Grant Av 900 Bush St 2 Shannon 19 Sutter St St Ma Squar Stockton 3 P St California The Ritz-Carlton Tunnel Stockton Bush St Old St Mary’s Chinatown The Fairmont Mason St Pine St 1 1 CONNECTION CAPACITY 27 St 1300 Francis Total Meeting Rooms: 70 Hospital Total Function Space: 170,000+ sq. ft. 00 Total Peak Guest Rooms:121,400 Total Suites: 250 1000 Largest Ballroom/Auditorium: 11,362 sq. ft./41,415 sq.Cosm ft.o 27 St California Hangah Pagoda 1 Nob Hill Taylor St ia Line Californ Clay St Clay St Powell St St acramento Cable Car Barn Joice y St 27 Sproule Haas-Lilienthal House P Portsmouth Square 1400 PROPERTIES 1500 Fairmont San Francisco 27 InterContinental Mark Hopkins1 San Francisco 1500 The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco Polk Street St SF Masonic Sa1cramento 1500 The Scarlet Huntington San Francisco Stanford Court San Francisco Coit Towe St. Peter & Paul Co lum bu sA ve nu 700 e Russian Hill 1300 lvd ll B elegraph Hi Lombard St Hill e Grant Av 1000 Taylor St Culebra 1200 38 Hop On Bus Tour Handlery Union Square 38 P Ye Hotaling entworth Ross Jackson St 8x Kearny Phoenix e Pacific Av Trenton 900 John 10 Maritime Plaza on St Washingt 8x St Mary’s Square Belden Chinatown Gateway SOMA ONE CONNECTION 300 Park Central Four Seasons Ye Th rb ird aB Contemporary St ue na Jewish Center Ln Museum for the Arts Marriott Marquis te Ave Golden Ga ie ss Je Mint Plaza ie ss Je 5 SF City F College St our n th io St iss M BART/Muni Powell St Station int M Little Saigon rth St Leavenwo 400 8x Ellis St CONNECTION CAPACITY Parc 55 Total Meeting Rooms:San81 Francisco Visitor Information t Eddy St Center tS Total Function Space: 155,000 sq. arft. ke Hallidie M Plaza Total Peak Guest Rooms: 1,500 rk St Total Suites: 206 Tu on ns F Largest Ballroom: 39,6219 sq. ft. Steve African Diaspora 14 Ne w Old Mint F (Closed) ifth a inn M Moscone Center North P Moscone West St InterContinental San Francisco rd wa Ho St Yerba Buena a m ha Te 300 Civic Center St McAllister 5 200 19 Asian Art 19 United Nations Plaza Six th Civic Center M on tg om er y a om at N P Ha wt ho rn e Yerba Buena Gardens St P Moscone Center South Carousel Yerba Children’s Buena Creativity Ice Skating Museum Yerba Center Buena Bowling Center 8x a tin St en m em lso Cl Fo 8x 27 a inn M St Museum of Modern Art South of Market St Se co nd ald M Glide Memorial Cyril Magnin St 500 e Grant Av Stockton TIX Hop On Geary St Handlery PROPERTIES Bus Tour Union Square Clift Four Seasons San Francisco San Francisco 38 Park Central San Francisco, a Starwood Hotel P St O’Farrell Hilton Hotel Union San Francisco Marriott Marquis Nikko Square Jones St Hyde St 600 38 Powell St Tenderloin ie ss Je mpton P Taylor St 38 700 F Ca Hyatt Three SOMA hotels join forces to provide an “all-under-one-roof” meeting BART/Muni Montgomery St Station t — making destination concept connected by theUnion Yerba Buena pedestrian zone S et ne k La r St o Post a Cosm Square en aid M M Unionthe cultural heart of the city. Museum it a seamless indoor/outdoorWestin experience in Square St. Francis 3 2 of the Shannon 38 0 Grand 38 South of Market J Kearny Tillman Sutter St Fir st St Financial District Sutter St P 30 27 Trinity Bush St ery Montgom Pine St Claude Powell St Mason St St Francis Hospital Taylor St Pine St 27 7 Huntington Park Scarlet Huntington Stanford InterContinental Court Mark SFMasonic Hopkins Financial District P St California The Ritz-Carlton Tunnel Stockton St California Davis St Grace Cathedral St Sa1cramento Old St Mary’s Chinatown The Fairmont Front St 1 1 1 Sansome Nob Hill Embarcadero Center ial Commerc St Sacramento Hangah Pagoda Joice 1 Clay St Sproule 1 Clay St Portsmouth Square 1 Clay St Battery St Cable Car Barn Transamerica Pyramid Chinese Culture Center P 2200 on St Washingt 8x 1 1 UNION SQUARE ALLIANCE 1 1500 Nob Hill The Fairmont Huntington Grace St Old St Mary’s Chinatown 1 Polk Street ial Commerc St Sacramento Hangah Pagoda Clay St Joice 1500 Clay St Sproule 27 Cable Car Barn P St California The Ritz-Carlton St Mary’s Square Kearny Tillman 3 2 Jones St Hyde St Larkin St Polk St Ave Van Ness 600 500 Cyril Magnin St Tenderloin Hotel Nikko Powell St Glide Memorial Taylor St 38 Lane Eddy St 300 50 Turk St Park Central Ye rb aB Contemporary ue na Jewish Ln Museum P Marriott Marquis Parc 55 SF City F College n St our th io St iss M BART/Muni Powell St Station t tS ke ar M ie ss Je Mint Plaza Old St 8x Four Seasons Ellis St San Francisco Visitor Information Center Hallidie Plaza t ke ar M 38 38 St O’Farrell Hilton Union Square 19 19 Maiden Hop On Bus Tour Geary St 800 700 P Union Square TIX Geary St St O’Farrell Union Square Westin St. Francis Campton e Grant Av Post St Cosmo Grand Hyatt Stockton Cedar Sutter St Shannon Post St CONNECTION CAPACITY Total Meeting Rooms: 55 1000 Total Function Space: 86,00027sq. ft. 19 Total Peak Guest Rooms: 1,200 900 Total Suites: 77 Largest Ballroom: 10,700 sq.38 ft. Sutter St P 30 1200 Trinity Bush St ery Montgom Chinatown Gateway Claude Powell St 27 27 Grand Hyatt00 San Francisco St 13 Francis Hospital The Westin St. Francis Mason St Pine St Pine St Belden Mark Hopkins Taylor St Line alifornia C PROPERTIES Tunnel Stockton Park Sa1cramentolargest hotels Cathedral Two of San Francisco’s partner to offer meeting planners the ideal 1500 Scarlet St Huntington California Stanford Union Square location and views for San FranciscoInterContinental meetings. Court SFMasonic Transam Pyrami Chinese Culture Center P Portsmouth Square 1400 27 Hotaling 8x John 1600 y Gold St Jackson St Kearny e Pacific Av Ross Phoenix 1500 Trenton 900 e Pacific Av th Wentwor Broadway Jackso Squar Jack c St Keroua 800 Tunnel Broadway Helen Wills Playground 1000 Broadway P Vallejo St 1500 1100 P Vallejo St 800 Coolbrith Park 1200 1300 1700 1800 1800 Green St 700 1300 ay Lane Macondr 2100 00 ne Mason Li e Line well-Hyd 0 Union St Ce for Art Moscone Center North P Ca Moscone West d ar St CONNECT WITH US To reserve your meeting and create a unique attendee experience, call or email: Christopher Deschenes Manager, Business Development Convention Sales cdeschenes@sanfrancisco.travel 508-269-8555 San Francisco Travel Association One Front St., Suite 2900 | San Francisco, CA 94111 sanfrancisco.travel/meeting-planners /SFMeetings | #SFMeetings APRIL 2016 REV. S
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