June 2015 - California Yacht Club


June 2015 - California Yacht Club
JUNE 2015
From The
Rick Turner
s the Rodgers and Hammerstein song says,
“June Is Bustin’ Out All Over” and so are
the opportunities to have fun at CYC.
The month starts out with Cal Race Week. This
is our largest regatta of the year and uses two race
courses to accommodate the many fleets that
participate. Eleven or more one-design fleets are
expected, plus multiple PHRF classes. You will
enjoy either sailing in the Cal Race Week or helping
with race committee.
The following weekend is the Sanguinetti
Dinghy Regatta for juniors. This year there is a
format change from traditional individual
competitors to a team racing event. Teams from
southern and northern California have been invited
to participate in this exciting two-day regatta. Please
come out and watch the youngsters in their Optis
from the CYC Guest Dock. They are a blast to
For the big kids, every weekend affords a
chance to have fun with your friends. The cruisers
are heading to Newport Beach on June 12. S/C
David Collins, our Cruising Committee Chair, will
again ensure lots of fun for all. You just need to
bring your friends.
On June 14, the Family Activities Committee
will kick off the summer with its Ice Cream Social
on Sunday afternoon.
June 20 is a Power Fleet dock party. These
dock parties have become a “don’t miss” event.
They are a wonderful opportunity to meet new
friends and catch up with old ones. Join the fun
and meet us at the hoist area.
Wrapping up the month is the first Pool
Cocktail Party of the season on June 26. There
will be potent spirits for us to sample and enjoy.
The monthly new member meeting immediately
precedes this party, so there is a unique chance
to meet and greet June’s new members.
You should have recently received a letter
from me about Recreational Boaters of
California (RBOC). The letter speaks for itself,
but I will once more stress the importance of
this group and the work RBOC does. RBOC
needs and deserves our support. I ask you all to
join me and help RBOC continue to help us.
Any contribution that you make is an
investment in the future of boating as we now
know it.
Please join me in congratulating and
thanking both R/C Kellie Fennessy and S/C
David Collins. Kellie chaired the U.S. Olympic
Sailing Team Benefit, and I know it was a huge
effort. David was also the driving force in CYC
securing the use of Howlands Landing on
Catalina Island for our members use. When you
see them around the Club be sure to add your
thanks to mine.
Enjoy your Club!
In friendship,
Rick Turner, Commodore
California Yacht Club
4469 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Fax: 310-822-3658
Volume 51 • Number 6
General Manager
Michele Underwood
John W Nelson
Managing Editor
Vince Mattera
Editorial Assistants
Diane Adler
Steve Edwards
Nancy Lepe
Claudia Moore
Easter at CYC
Rick Turner
Vice Commodore
Richard Hamlin
- Vivian Aponte photo
Rear Commodore
Kellie Fennessy
Fleet Captain
Mike Blecher
Port Captain
Debbie Feinerman
The Breeze is published to provide
members with announcements of,
and information about, Club
activities. Deadline for articles is the
first day of the previous month of the
publication date.
Contact Breeze Editor John W Nelson
at cyc-breeze-editor@cycfleet.com for
information on submitting articles.
Caroline and Bill Stein, Hugh
McIntyre, Bill Solberg and Patty
Smiley at the Rendezvous Cruise
To place an ad, please contact
Claudia Moore at
310-823-4567 x2765 or
Breeze (USPS #016-319)
is published monthly by California
Yacht Club, Inc. d.b.a. California
Yacht Club, 4469 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA 90292.
Subscription price of $12 annually
is included in member dues.
Periodicals postage paid at Venice,
CA and at additional mailing office.
Send address changes to: Breeze
California Yacht Club
4469 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Copyright © 2015
California Yacht Club, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Marilyn Foster (SDYC), Susan and
Jack Silver, with SEO Karen
Stirling at the Power Fleet Dock
From the Commodore
Mayor’s Cup
California Cup
Malibu Zig Zag
Winners’ Circle
Easter at CYC
MdR 50th Anniversary
Cruise to Avalon
Rendezvous Cruise to Isthmus
Cruise to Howlands Landing
Book Mates
Sunset Book Club
Power Fleet News
Photo Contest
CYC Rocks the Dock
On The Horizon
Painting Aficionados
Old Town Music Hall
Women’s Paddle Tennis
Junior Sponsorship Fund
San Francisco Opti Regatta
Race Results
New Members
From the Manager
June/July Events
Front Cover: Peter and Jinx Stazicker’s Flash Packet moored at Howlands Landing,
CYC's new outstation on Catalina Island.
- S/C Denny Haythorn photo
Back cover: Three tall ships prepare for “battle” in the main channel during Marina del
Rey’s 50th birthday celebration.
- Ira Teller photo
Women's Match Racing Returns
at the 2015 Mayor's Cup
By LIZ HJORTH and SUE SERVICE, Sail Committee Chair
n Saturday and Sunday, April
(trim), and Jennifer Hylander (trim).
but even more so on a heavier boat like
18 and 19, the fourth Mayor's
The men who ultimately joined these
the Catalina 37. While Scott
Cup match race regatta
“Super Women” were Daniel Gorman
continuously kept the team focused on
sponsored by Long Beach Yacht Club
(main), Chris Gillum and Cameron
boatspeed, his familiarity with
was held on the waters off the
McIntyre (mast, Saturday and Sunday,
boathandling also allowed him to coach
Belmont Pier in the L.A./Long Beach
respectively), and Scott Dickson
Liz to more aggressive driving in the
(tactician, coach, and all-around-greatprestart as well as around the course. At
With the roar of the Long Beach
the end of Saturday, the team was tired
Grand Prix in the background, eight
Scott Dickson's years of match
but happy, with a score of six wins and
teams led by women skippers match
racing experience on the Catalina 37
one loss to Nicole Breault from St.
raced Catalina 37s, the same boats
representing Long Beach Yacht Club in
Francis YC, who is currently ranked
used in the Congressional Cup. This
the Congressional Cup proved
19th in the world in women's match
was an ISAF Grade 3 event, with
invaluable. As tactician and on-board
skippers and teams from throughout
coach, he shared his extensive
Sunday's racing occurred in
southern and northern California, as
knowledge of the Catalina 37 and
breezier conditions than expected. All of
well as the east coast of the U.S.
pushed each team member to perform
the teams were pushed physically;
The inaugural Mayor's Cup, first
at higher skill levels.
having the men's brawn on board really
held in 2005, was an all-women's
A double round robin was
made a difference. Liz's team worked
match race regatta with the Catalina
scheduled for the weekend and perfect
incredibly hard through some difficult
37s. Long Beach Yacht Club wanted to
sailing weather allowed the LBYC race
situations, but were able to hold on to
promote a women's event comparable
committee to complete seven races
second place overall with a respectable
to the men's Congressional Cup. With
each day for each team. Match racing is
10-4 final score. If learning the basics of
the support of Long Beach’s mayor at
physically demanding on a small boat,
match racing is considered Match
the time, Beverly
Racing 101,
O'Neill, the Mayor's
and attending a
Cup was launched and
Dave Perry
Liz Hjorth and a team
clinic is Match
representing CYC won
Racing 201,
the first place trophy.
then having
The Mayor's Cup was
Scott Dickson
again held in 2006 and
coaching and
2008, but,
calling tactics
unfortunately, the
during a match
event lost sponsorship
race regatta is
in 2009.
most definitely
Jump ahead to
Match Racing
2015, LBYC decides
to bring back the
At the
regatta and invites Liz
back to race and
represent CYC, but
the current
this time there is a new
Mayor of Long
format: a coed team
Beach, Robert
led by a woman
skipper with a
maximum of three
support for
men on board. Liz
next year's
CYC member Liz Hjorth, far left, and her Catalina 37 crew came in second place (out
quickly assembles a
regatta – and
of eight teams) at the 2015 Mayor's Cup held at Long Beach YC on April 18-19.
solid core of women
Liz will be
From left to right: Liz Hjorth, Mayor Garcia, LBYC Commodore John Fleishman,
crew: Sue Service
Karyn Jones, Stine Cacavas, Scott Dickson, Sue Service, Chris Gillum, Jennifer
(pit), Karyn Jones
- David Westerfield photo
Hylander, Cameron McIntyre, and Daniel Gorman.
(bow), Stine Cacavas
- Sam Haythorn photo
CYC member Jeff Janov’s Farr 40
Dark Star in racing trim.
2015 California Cup
Four Days of Farr 40s
Exci e
3-3- ing
Seri 3
hey’re back! The Farr 40 Class is reprising last year’s
Cal Cup, returning this July in even greater numbers
to compete again for CYC’s top sailing prize. This
will be one of just five stops on the Farr 40 circuit this year,
culminating in their World Championship in late September
at LBYC.
For this 52nd anniversary of our first Cal Cup, we’ll host
up to 16 competitors, coming from as far away as Australia,
Germany, Italy, and Turkey. The US
contingent hails from Annapolis, Santa
Cruz, Santa Barbara, and throughout
southern California. With 11 races over
four days, competition will be fierce and
lead changes aplenty. Racing starts on
Wednesday, July 22, and concludes on
Saturday, July 25, with the awarding of
the prestigious California Cup trophy to
the winning team and the presentation of a half hull model of
the victorious boat to be displayed on our Cal Cup wall.
This will be a week of intense sailing and great partying.
Spectator boats will be available for those who want to
witness the action on the ocean. Otherwise, come on down to
the Club after racing to see these boats all docked together
along the “bar-side” bulkhead, meet some of their
international crews, and enjoy a bit of post-race partying –
Farr 40 style. Hope to see you then.
Pacific Cup
Deepwater Series
PHRF Racing & PHRF Cruising Classes
Three - Three - Three
Sunday Races
Hours Each (approximately)
Consecutive Months
Different Starting Experiences
July 11 • August 15 • September 12
Contact Chair S/C Ann Ach at
cycpaccup@aol.com or phone 310.822.0294
Visit the CYC website under “Sailing” to learn more.
caught up with Dan. “We were closing
on Mistral, the leader, all the way
downwind,” Bryce said. “We nearly
passed them as they dropped their
spinnaker after rounding the offset mark
By WHITNEY GREEN, Regatta Chair
before the finish and we kept ours flying.
Kudos, congrats, and many well dones to
Dan, Helen, and the Mistral’s crew for
his regatta was
a very well-sailed race and first place
advertised as “the perfect
Spring Race.” And so it
In PHRF B, Jerry Kaye’s MisQue
was. The 29 entrants sailed
of DRYC took first place, beating
north to Malibu over navy blue
Duncan Cameron’s Trust Me, while
seas powered by a steady,
Curt Johnson’s Avet took third. In
spirited wind – a gorgeous day.
Cruising A, DRYC’s Ron Jacobs’
California Yacht Club
Duchess finished first, while Whitney
fielded 13 boats in all classes. In
Green took second aboard the Pacific.
PHRF A, Dan McGanty’s
The four classes all crossed the
Mistral and Bryce Benjamin’s
finish line in under three hours, leaving
Persistence nabbed the first and
plenty of time to hang out on the Club’s
second place respectively.
terrace and celebrate with some
Mistral and Persistence
beer and tacos. Duncan
Dan McGanty and Helen Brierley first place PHRF A
compete against each other
Cameron thought the afternoon was just
frequently, and Dan commented
minutes at the finish, after three hours of
right, saying, “It was one of those days
on their performance:”The PHRF A fleet
brisk racing. These boats spent the long
that make you happy to be in southern
was anchored by the ever-active Tartan
spinnaker run home in shouting distance
California messing about with sailboats
101s and J/109s. Competition among
of each other in a tactical battle for air
… a perfect breeze to easily finish within
these boats continues to be fierce, with
and position.”
three hours and fully enjoy the after-race
five of the six boats within a couple
Bryce Benjamin and crew nearly
party.” Rear Commodore Kellie
Fennessy, racing in PHRF A, concurred:
“We finished in exactly three hours …
Nice job Race Committee. This really
makes you want to come back for more!”
S/C Bill Stump was PRO and did a
marvelous job on course selection. Also,
hats off to the astonishing array of CYC
volunteers who make these regattas
happen. Our storied Club hosts an
amazing number of races for half the
year or more and each is run (seemingly)
effortlessly by members who strategize
Malibu Zig Zag
The Perfect Spring Race
Commodore Turner with Bryce Benjamin,
second place PHRF A
- Zac Araneta photo
Curt Johnson J80 Avet 3rd
place PHRF B
- Zac Araneta photo
both the very next race and the regattas coming up in
the future.
Just what does it take to “make a race?” Here is a
bit of the answer: there is the Owen Churchill and
mark-set boat to staff, equip, and cater. There are
courses to plan and buoys to anchor – and retrieve.
Sailing Instructions and Notices of Race need to be
prepared and revised, while still more volunteers work
on scoring the regatta and having a protest committee
ready. Then there’s arranging for catering and trophies.
The list goes on and on. It’s a lot of work, but great to
see the races go off without a hitch and smiles on the
competitors’ faces.
This is the third year of the Malibu Zig Zag and
this regatta is proving to be a very good time of year to
catch brisk breezes and to prepare and practice for the
races to come. If you are a new (or old) member, sign
on to join in this endeavor – it is a great way to connect
with our Club, meet fellow members, and see what
goes into a “perfect Spring Race.”
Winners’ Circle
KHYC RACE WEEK 3/28-29 MARTIN 242 2. Dean,
Duncan Cameron. VIPER 640 4. V, Doug Johnstone.
PHRF B 1. Avet, Curt Johnson.
6. Cooper Weitz, CYC. 24. Aidan Mobley, Jr., CYC. 25.
Roberto Ayala, CYC. 26. Ray Campbell, Master, CYC. 27.
David Collins, Great Grand Master, CYC. LASER RADIAL
11. Jessica McJones, CYC. 25. Jack Hogan, Jr., CYC. 31.
Ryan Janov, CYC. 33. Gavin Abraham, CYC.
2015 MALIBU ZIG ZAG 4/11 PHRF A 1. Mistral, Dan
McGanty. 2. Persistence, Bryce Benjamin. PHRF B 2. Trust
Me, Duncan Cameron. 3. Avet, Curt Johnson. PHRFCRUISING 2. Pacific, Whitney Green. PHRF-CRUISING
NON-SPIN 4. California Dream, Chris Gorog.
Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck. 2. Pendragon IV, John
MacLaurin. PHRF B 2. Plankton, John Staff. 3. Cuvee
Caliente, Mahaffey Family. PHRF C 1. Callisto, David
Brown. 3. Persistence, Bryce Benjamin. 4. Spray, Peter
Nelson. 6. Mistral, Dan McGanty. PHRF D 1. Avet, Curt
Johnson. 2. Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian. 4. Scooter, Liz Hjorth.
5. Redline, Derek Heeb. MARTIN 242 2. Dean, Duncan
Cameron. 4. All In, Denise George. PHRF E 3. Take Five,
Team Take Five. CRUISING A 2. Encore, John McEntire.
SUNSET SERIES RACE #2 4/22 PHRF A 1. Pendragon
IV, John MacLaurin. 2. Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck.
PHRF B 3. Ghost II, Al Berg. 4. Plankton, John Staff.
PHRF C 2. Callisto, David Brown. 3. Mistral, Dan
McGanty. 5. Tinder Box, Steve Curran. PHRF D 1.
Minor Threat, Jeff Janov. 2. Avet, Curt Johnson. 3.
Scooter, Liz Hjorth. 4. Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian.
MARTIN 242 1. Trolleycar, Peter Stazicker/Bill
Petersen. 2. CYC A, Will Petersen. 3. Sandbox, Mark
Sands. 5. Strange Crew, Steve Hathaway. PHRF E 1.
Pollux, Mario Bugacov. 4. Take Five, Team Take Five.
CRUISING A 1. Celerity, Bruce Bilson. CRUISING A,
SKIPPER HANDICAP 1. Celerity, Bruce Bilson.
Margaritaville 1.5, Jay Steinbeck. 2. Pendragon IV, John
MacLaurin. PHRF B 3. Plankton, John Staff. PHRF C
2. Tinder Box, Steve Curran. 4. Mistral, Dan McGanty.
PHRF D 1. Avet, Curt Johnson. 2. Scooter, Liz Hjorth. 3.
Wahzoo, William Wells. 4. Lizzie B, Dick Hampikian.
MARTIN 242 1. CYC A, Will Petersen. 2. Trolleycar,
Peter Stazicker/Bill Petersen. 5. All In, Denise George.
PHRF E 2. Take Five, Team Take Five. CRUISING A
1. Encore, John McEntire. 4. Va Pensiero, Joe Weber.
McEntire. 4. Va Pensiero, Joe Weber.
Women’s Lightweight 2X: 4. Grace Heinrichs and Peyton
Men’s 1X: 1. Ben Gutierrez
Women’s 1X: 1. Bridget O’Callahan 2. Nicki Schindler
Women’s 4X: 2. Nicki Schindler, Sky Karasik, Sophie
Hart, and Bridget O’Callahan
Men’s 4X: 4. Ben Gutierrez, Jonathan Solomon, James
Nowotny, and Zach Steinfeld
Women’s 2X: 2. Nicki Schindler and Bridget O’Callahan
Men’s 2X: 4. Ben Gutierrez and Jonathon Solomon
The Easter Bunny Hops to CYC Again!
- Ira Teller photos
- Michelle Weston and Members photos
he Easter Bunny came hippity-hopping into
CYC on April 5 for the annual Easter
brunch and egg hunt. The bunny always
seems to bring good weather and happy people and
this year was no exception. The brunch was
delicious and beautifully laid out.
The Easter Egg “hunts” were held at 12:30
and 2:30, with our youngest members starting the
search. Many sailing-inspired obstacles were
placed on the lawn, including kayaks, racing
buoys, lines, and more. These provided great
hiding places for the eggs and great entertainment
for the kids. The finders of the “golden” eggs were
awarded prizes from the bunny. Perhaps the most
fun of the day was had by the adults anxious to
have their pictures taken with the big bunny.
Thank Mr. Bunny for making it another great
Easter Day at CYC.
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CYC Cruise to Avalon
Thursday, July 16 through Sunday, July 19
Thursday evening: Happy hour aboard Out West.
Friday evening: Arranged group dinner at Blue Water Grill
Saturday day: Shuttle bus to Guy Rose Park for picnic lunch then walk the
ridge and back downhill to the Wrigley Memorial and Botanic Garden.
Saturday evening: Arranged dinner at Ristorante Villa Portofina.
There are lots of things for the whole family to do in Avalon:
Golf, zip line, parasail, glass bottom boat, jet skis, boat tours, Conservancy
tours. Or just relax and enjoy the bay and a good book.
Discover Descanco Beach and bar and restaurant.
Check out the Avalon web site for more ideas at
Information or inquiries email:
Trent Anderson – trentoutwest@@gmail.com
Linda Anderson – lba42@pacbell.net
To make a reservation, call 310-823-4567
Rendezvous Cruise to the Isthmus
HUFF and
and DICK
KLEINERT, Co-chairs
- Stephanie Hathaway photo
- Vivian Aponte photo
lub members enjoyed a
very successful and fun
cruise to the Isthmus the
weekend of May 1-3. We had
about 40 participants, including a
nice mixture of newer and longtime CYC members. Activities
included swimming, unscheduled
snorkeling and untangling, dinghy
exploration, hiking, and a
wonderful tour of the USC
Wrigley Marine Science Center,
including the hyperbaric chamber.
The Harbor Reef Bar and
Restaurant were well supported by
our group, in addition to many
wonderful meals, snacks, and
libations aboard our members’
boats. The weather was great, and
a good time was had by all.
Anthony Agoglia and Sandy Allbright enjoy a buffalo
milk at the Isthmus.
“Selfie” times five
- Vivian Aponte photo
“Après Easter” Cruise to Howlands Landing
- Penny Collins photo
pril? Isn’t that a little early in
the season to cruise to Catalina?
Well, maybe. Just a week after
our cruise, the 2015 Ensenada Race
dragged on for an eternity with many
competitors resorting to the “iron jenny”
to get them off the course to whichever
port was most appropriate. Later that
same weekend, the San Pedro Channel
had a small craft advisory with up to 30
knots of wind and nine foot waves.
But for CYC’s “Après Easter”
Cruise, we had nearly perfect weather,
with a nice sailing breeze
and sunny, warm, and calm
conditions on the island,
making for a superb
weekend visit. Temperatures
climbed into the seventies
and people hiked, kayaked,
paddled, and snorkeled as if
it were mid-summer. A
number of the cruisers were
discovering Howlands
Landing for the first time
and, by all accounts,
thoroughly enjoyed
themselves. We had a well-attended
BBQ on Friday evening, but Saturday
night was the highlight – a magnificent
turnout with 50 Club members reveling
in this first cruise of the season.
Now take a deep breath, because
we have great cause for celebration.
After several years work and
discussion on a number of choices,
CYC has reached an agreement with the
Los Angeles Yacht Club to access
Howlands Landing and the shore-side
facility twelve months of the year. We
also have an agreement to use the dock
that belongs to the adjacent camp,
which means that RIBs can go ashore
without the dubious joy of beaching and
playing with anchors to keep the dinghy
and outboard off the sand.
There is much to explain, but two
initial points are that any CYC member
can now use Howlands Landing during
the week or possibly over a weekend, if
you first check with LAYC to ensure
that you don’t interfere with their plans.
I can be the clearing point for these
checks, but you must check ahead
of time, particularly if you wish to
use the shore facility during your
The second important point is
that the pier and dock belong to
the camp and are used for ferrying
supplies and people to and from
the island. The Catalina Express
uses this dock on a frequent basis,
thus there is a system of flags to
alert boaters as to when it is
possible to use the dock. If the
camp expects the ferry to arrive
they will fly a red flag on the pier. Do not
use the dock when the red is flying. If you
see a yellow flag flying, then you may drop
people off but not tie up at the pier. If you
see a green flag, then it is safe to take your
dinghy to the west side of the dock and tie
it off. We may never use the east side of the
pier as this is reserved for camp dinghies.
You can always use the beach to go ashore
if the red flag is flying.
The Howlands Landing facility is
charming. Ashore there is a wet bar with
two sinks, a large BBQ, picnic tables, two
heads, and drought-tolerant landscaping all
created by LAYC members, so please treat
everything with great respect. The west end
of the beach is leased to LAYC for their
private access; the property limit is marked
by a large rock in the sand: “frog rock.”
Use of the shore facility is included in this
lease. The east end of the beach is equally
private and is leased to the camp. We can
use the dock to get ashore and can walk
from there to the west side, but please don’t
walk through the camp as it is private. For
hikes, there is a path at the very west end of
the beach (past the BBQ) that takes you up
to the road.
With this agreement, the fulltime
caretaker of Howlands Landing must have
a way to monitor whether strangers are
using the property (trespassing), so all
CYC boats in the anchorage must fly their
Club burgee and our dinghies that wish to
use the dock must display our burgee
(decal, laminated, or cloth). Burgees can
be purchased at the front desk.
LAYC has an internal system for
reservations for moorings, which we have
been invited to participate in. You should
understand that almost all the Howlands
moorings are leased to LAYC members.
We also must bring all of our trash home
with us, so please remember this when you
are there.
Under the agreement we get two
summer weekends at Howlands to hold
CYC sponsored cruises. It is too late to do
much this summer for the 2015 season, so
we are considering our “Après Easter”
cruise to have been the first. On
September 18–20, we will hold the second
(which re-locates the Emerald Bay Cruise
originally set for that date). Next year,
both of our Howlands Landings visits will
be summer weekends. Please join us in
September and enjoy this superb, pristine
facility with its delightful natural setting.
Full Service Boat Yard
and Marina
Learn more about us online:
13555 Fiji
Fiji Way,
Way, Marina
Marina del
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CA 90292
Phone: (310)
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823-8964 Fax:
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Summer is Here
The Heat is On
By SEO KAREN STIRLING, Power Fleet Chair
either torrential rain nor gale force winds would
deter the Spring Dock Party on Saturday, April 25
from happening. Accolades and thank you are
definitely necessary for Lisa Carrington, Jennifer Dakoske
Koslu, Jennifer Schmidt, the Family Committee, and the
CYC staff, who sprang into action and created a “Rock the
Deck and Members Lounge” party. Despite the nasty
weather, the attendance was awesome and the food and
libations devoured, while Greg Paxton of the Caribe Steel
Band kept everyone entertained.
Saturday, June 20
5-8 p.m. at the hoist area
Summer Dock Party – Celebrating MdR’s 50th Birthday
Susan Haber has planned another of her
“not to be missed” extravaganzas
Saturday, 4th of July
The Power Fleet invites you on its always popular
Dinghy Cruise, followed by lunch at the
Warehouse Restaurant.
Jim Golba has promised many surprises are in store for all.
Wear red, white, and blue!
Wednesday, July 29
Junior Blind Fishing Trip
George and Pati Etter
Saturday, August 8
Summer Dinner Dance and Concert
Michele Fisher and Setsuko Anthony
Power Fleet events are open to all CYC members. Sign up
at the front desk or call 310-823-4567 for information. See
you at the Club or on the water!
Power Fleet
Photo Contest
Winner: Margreth
“Through the
Eyes of a Child”
On the Water Photos to:
CYC Rocks the Dock …
pparently, “There ain’t no party like a Power Fleet &
Family Activities Committee party,” because even
near-gale force winds don’t stop us. Faced with these
conditions on April 25, Co-chairs Lisa Carrington and Jennifer
Dakoske Koslu and the ever adaptable group transformed the
Rock The Dock Party into a Rock The Patio Deck Party.
The day began with a gentle morning breeze, but by the
time the afternoon came, it was a different story. Three p.m.
brought heavy winds to Marina del Rey, ranging from 20 to 35
knots with gusts clocked at over 40. With help from Michele
Underwood and the wonderful staff at CYC, we quickly
moved the party from the dock to the upstairs deck where the
wind was light and spirits were high. Weather, schmeather!
What’s a little breeze to a group of hearty CYC members?
Downstairs, the kids were occupied with Legos, movies,
and the totally awesome Video Game Bus. You know the kids
are happy when you check on them and all you get is, “I’m
fine, Mom! Go back upstairs to your own party!”. In those
situations the best answer is, “Um, okay… good… right.”
Thanks to babysitter extraordinaire Amber Carrington, the
youngsters were cared for very well – meaning they didn’t
bother their parents. Way to go Amber!
Happy deck group
The potluck, BYOB aspect of the party merged well with
the availability of CYC’s plentiful bar – thereby ensuring that
beverages would not run out. The wind chill factor did move
some people inside to the Member’s Lounge and the bar, but
the patio deck was the place to be. Munching on everything
from homemade bisquits to falafel to the crowd favorite, KFC,
everyone seemed happy. Of course, those “Oh My” Mai Tai’s
were pretty helpful in maintaining the party atmosphere.
Into the evening the party went, eventually slowing down
like the wind did. I’m already looking forward to next year.
Hopefully, it will snow… Rock the Igloo, anyone?
- Pam Spriggs, Michelle Weston & Lisa Carrington photos
Front: Crista and John Jensen, Jennifer Schmidt, David and
Alison Kuperberg. Back: Fred Schmidt, John and Tiffany Casto,
Teresa Viscaino, Russ Carrington, Kevin Viscaino, and Lisa
Pam Spriggs, Gretchen Barnett, and Marilyn Foster (SDYC)
CYCWA On The Horizon
Thursday, June 4
11:45 a.m. in the Fireside Room
Don’t miss “Girl on the Train” by
Paula Hawkins. This debut
psychological thriller has earned stellar
reviews. Other people’s lives become a
solace for Rachel, a divorced woman
who commutes to London daily by
train. She likes observing a happy
couple who she sees every day from
her window seat. One day, she is
shocked to witness the woman kissing
another man. The next day, the woman
goes missing and the twisting quest begins
for Rachel and the reader as she becomes
obsessed with finding out what happened.
Engrossing and shocking, the witty and
sharp author (a journalist) knows how to
pace the excitement to make for addictive
reading. Moderator is Susan Allan. Chairs
are Virginia and Ira Teller. Call the Club
for reservation and lunch information.
On Hiatus for the Summer Season
(through August)
Painting Aficionados Visit the
Calliope Babu-Khan Gallery
The Painting Aficionados group assembled at the Calliope Babu-Khan Gallery.
Back Row: SEO Karen Stirling, Dawn Sprout, Linda Oistad, Pamela Abraham,
Setsuko Anthony, Suzy Brunell, Susan Silver, Joanna Brody, SEO Norma Pratt.
Seated: Martha (friend of Calliope), Calliope Babu-Khan, Nancy Fellows.
n a warm sunny day in April,
the Painting Aficionados visited
the art gallery of CYC member
and artist, Calliope Babu-Khan. We
were welcomed to her gallery by
flowers and snacks, and a favorite part
of our visit was hearing her stories and
viewing her many works of art, ranging
from nudes and abstracts to still-life
and biographies. Everyone appreciated
the opportunity to view Calliope’s art
works in detail and up close. After our
very enjoyable visit, the group
adjourned to The Ivy Restaurant in
Beverly Hills for a festive lunch and
further discussions of Calliope’s works.
Calliope is a painter who works in
many media – oils, acrylics, watercolor,
and linocuts. She was born in Athens,
Greece, and studied at several esteemed
art schools in California, including the
California School of Fine Arts in San
Francisco and at UCLA. Her gallery is
located at 1101 South Robertson
Boulevard in Los Angeles.
CYC’s Painting Aficionados group
has much on the horizon, including
portrait painting and many watercolor
techniques with our very own Club
Marketing Director, Michelle Weston.
Do check the Zephyr for updates!
Tuesday and Thursday
10 a.m. to noon.
Join us on the courts for fun-filled
round-robin matches. All skill
levels are welcome. Following
play on Thursdays, there is a nohost lunch in the dining room.
Contact Co-chairs Paula Watson
and Linde Caughey for more
every Wednesday from
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dining Room
We welcome all bridge players to
come every Wednesday, however,
to clarify the arrangement, it is
necessary to form a foursome as
each group now playing is selfcontained. Thank you for your
interest and if you would like to
substitute, contact Chair Joan
Silver at 310-858-8080.
Wednesdays in the Members
10:30 a.m. to noon
Interested in knitting, crochet, and
needlework? Beginners and new
members are welcome. A no-host
lunch follows the activities.
Contact Chair Patty Hathaway for
more information.
Thursdays in the bar area
1 p.m.
Join us for this fascinating and
strategic tile game. All skill levels
welcome. For more information,
drop by or contact Chair Susan
Every second and fourth
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
If you enjoy drawing or painting,
then Painting Aficionados is for
you. All skill levels are welcome.
For details, contact Nancy Fellows.
CYCWA & Friends Visit El Segundo’s
Historic Old Town Music Hall
By First Officer CAROL WATKINS
orty CYCWA members and their spouses and friends
were entertained on Sunday, April 26, by Bill Field
playing the 1925 “Mighty Wurlitzer Theater Pipe
Organ” at Old Town Music Hall, El Segundo’s original
movie house built in 1921. Following Bill playing the
Wurlitzer, there was a sing-along, a “news reel,” and a
Laurel and Hardy pie-throwing comedy that had everyone
in stitches.
After a brief intermission, the audience watched the
1953 version of “The Desert Song,” starring Gordon McRae
and Kathryn Grayson. It was a wonderful opportunity to go
back in time and see how Sigmund Romberg’s operetta was
put on the screen. Everyone once again had to really use
their imagination as McRae and Grayson would burst into
song at the most interesting moments.
Following the movie, the group went to Rock & Brews
on Main Street for a fun dinner. A lovely afternoon in an old
theater gave us all a chance to step into the past.
Put Friday, September 25, on your calendar for
CYCWA’s next event, when we vist the garment district in
downtown Los Angeles. It’s “Shop ‘til you Drop” followed
by lunch at the L.A. Athletic Club. Sign up at the front desk
or call 310-823-4567. We need to reserve a bus for this
event, so you must RSVP.
Women’s Paddle Tennis
- Linde Caughey photo
n April, S/C Bill Watkins conducted a well-attended
doubles strategy clinic for the Club’s women’s paddle
tennis group. The participants learned many new tactics
and had a great lunch for Bill following the clinic. This June
we are looking forward to one of our yearly tournaments
and potluck lunch. These are always fun and well attended.
The women play every Tuesday and Thursday, starting
at 10 a.m. After the Thursday sets, the players enjoy a nohost luncheon in the dining room. All skill levels are
welcome. Contact Co-chairs Paula Watson and Linde
Caughey for more information.
Be a Part of Our Club’s Future
major element of our Club’s
future is our Junior Sailing
Program and when you join the
CYC Junior Sponsorship Fund, you’re
helping develop the sailors of tomorrow.
The Junior Sponsorship Fund helps
to pay for clinics, special coaching,
regatta fees, and expenses, as well as
equipment for our junior program. By
offering your monthly support to that of
the parents and the Club, you help keep
our youngsters on the water, developing
important skills, gaining confidence, and
sailing fast on behalf of CYC.
Choose from the following monthly
levels of support or, if you are feeling
even more generous, name your own
price above the Gold level of support in
order to become a patron of the CYC
Junior Sailing Program.
Bronze: $8/month or $96 annually
Silver: $12/month or $144 annually
Gold: $16/month or $192 annually
Patron: annual gift of $250 or more
Each year our sailors travel
throughout the United States and abroad
racing under the CYC burgee. By
becoming a sponsor today, you can help
us maintain the highest standards and
reach our goals. You also help a
youngster expand her or his horizons and
allow them to experience activities and
friendships that will stay with them into
We would love to have you onboard
as an official sponsor of our junior
sailors and we look forward to sharing
our successes with you. Please contact
CYC Accounting today to sign up or fill
out a contributor card, which can be
obtained at the front desk. Your
contribution will be added to your
monthly Club statement. When you do
the math, you’ll see that only pennies a
day can make a big difference.
For more information, please contact
Club members Heather Janov or Jennifer
Dakoske Koslu.
CYC Juniors In Action
San Francisco “The Slow”
Opti Regatta
Green Fleet Jr. Sailor
n stories,
people say that
San Francisco
is very windy.
Guess what? No
wind! Our coach,
Guillaume Rasse,
thought it would
be really windy
and cold, but it
was a perfect
sunny weekend on the water. It was a lot different from our
recent CYC regatta when we sailed in rain and hail!
Green Fleet was postponed for about half an hour as we
waited for the wind to pick up, so we all had a lovely lunch
alongside Del Rey YC Junior sailors. Then we started a race
and then we just sat there. Finally, we had some wind and
managed to get some good racing in. It was an amazing
experience. Tiburon is my favorite regatta!
I think our parents had a good time, too, as we could
see them all on the deck of the Corinthian Yacht Club
cheerin us on. I can’t wait to sail over summer with my
friends and our amazing coaches.
April 11-12 Harken Series, San Francisco YC
(Coach Guillaume Rasse)
Champ 9/47 Kieran Shocklee
15/47 Alexis Westland
19/47 Bastien Rasse
24/47 Tot Davis
26/47 Dylan Westland
45/47 Callie Davis
Green Fleet, (Coach Nina Aviles)
Tessa Farrell, Ethan Chi, Lucca Farrell, Nicolas Silva, Lucas
April 5-8 CISA Clinic, Alamitos Bay YC
Laser R Jessica McJones
Laser R Jack Hogan
April 26-27 Carrie #6 / Ken Hoover Memorial Regatta,
King Harbor YC (Coaches Nina Aviles/Cooper Weitz)
Champ 5/39 Gavin McJones
14/39 Kieran Shocklee
15/39 Katharine Doble
24/39 Dylan Westland
27/39 Jordan Janov
30/39 Tot Davis
31/39 Preston Zeigler
38/39 Elijah Smith
39/39 Callie Davis
Green Fleet (Coaches Kaytlin Hall/Roberto Ayala)
Ethan Chi, Rachel Sison, Lucca Farrell, Tessa Farrell,
Josie Hamilton, Lucas Knight, Martina Silva, Nicolas Silva
April 26-27 PCISA Pacific Coast Championship, Cabrillo
Beach Yacht Club
Windward High School Sailing Team William Line Jr., Marie Line, and Herbie
Schwartz (Coach Will Petersen)
April 30 - May 3 USODA Team Trial, Coral Reef Yacht
Club, Miami, Florida
111/229 Grant Janov
2014-15 Carrie Series Final Standing
3 – Gavin McJones
10 – Jordan Janov
7 – Kieran Shocklee
12 – Bastien Rasse
8 – Grant Janov
13 – Aidan Koslu
- Joe Farrell photo
Juniors Calendar
June 6-7 Opti Team Racing - Sanguinetti Invitational @ CYC
June 6-7 CFJ Match Racing - Youth Match Race Invitational
June 19-21 Opti Harken Series #4 / Heavy Weather Regatta
June 19-21 Laser PCCs @ Royal Vancouver YC
June 28-July 8 Laser World Championship @
CORK Kingston, Canada
July 6-10 US Sailing Youth Championship @ Eastern YC, MA
July 10-12 Junior Olympics @ CBYC
July 11-12 4th of July Regatta @ ABYC
July 21-24 Laser Nationals @ Brant Beach, NJ
July 23 Beach to Bay (LBYC/ABYC)
July 30-Aug 2 CFJ Nationals @ SBYC
July 30-Aug 2 Laser North American Championship @
Wanchese, NC
Henry Oster's Journey of
Despair, Survival, and Hope
ur May 7 Book Mates
session was profoundly
moving, heart-breaking, and
yet filled with the spirit of hope.
The tone was set when moderator
SEO Norma Pratt introduced Henry
Oster, co-author of “The Kindness
Of the Hangman.” Oster simply
began with “Glad to be here,” an
understatement coming from a man
who, as a German Jewish child,
survived the horrors of the Nazi
death camps and the Holocaust. We
were honored to learn that ours was
the first book group Oster has
attended since his book was
published a few months ago.
The author had just returned
from Germany, having attended an
emotional commemoration for the 70th anniversary of the
liberation of Buchenwald, where he was held. Tears filled
Oster’s eyes as he recalled what a starving 17 year old believed
was an hallucination, the sight of a tank with the Star Of David
entering the concentration camp; he was also visibly moved by
a map that Norma had created showing his path from his home
in Germany to the ghetto in Lodz, Poland, to three other death
camps, where "the day you arrived was usually the day you
died.” For the 45 Club members in attendance, it was a truly
remarkable journey, one many of us will never forget.
Being one of the few German Jews who survived, and
knowing that many of those survivors would not be willing to
share their experiences, and that many others just want to
forget, Oster began telling his story to visitors to the Simon
Wiesenthal Holocaust Center in Beverly Hills. “My story is one
of many,” Mr. Oster told our group. “But my unique exception,
which I would not know until 2011, is to be the sole survivor of
the 2,011 Jews deported from Cologne, Germany.”
Oster said he would never have put his experiences into
book form if it weren’t for New York Times writer Dexter
Ford. “Dexter was my patient when I was an ophthalmologist,”
said Oster, “and one day he discovered the number on my arm
and was curious enough and knew about the meaning of it and
he said ‘Oh, you have to write a book'.”
Oster recounted the chilling first time he experienced antiSemitism, the terrifying selections that almost always happened
in the “darkness of night and with a German shepherd,” the
horrors of Auschwitz, and the unforgettable moment he saw
tanks and the Allied soldiers who would liberate him.
Norma informed us that the book took about seven years to
write and that Mr. Oster would wake up each morning and
struggle with the decision to keep on writing. Oster explained
how he would not let what happened to him dominate him.
“Hate will simply eat you up from the inside out and I will not
give them the satisfaction.”
Please join us on June 4 for our discussion of the best- Susan Oster photo
selling fiction thriller “The Girl On
the Train,” by Paula Hawkins. Susan
Allan will moderate this page-turner
that has been compared to “Gone
Girl,” not only in its suspense, but
also in its examination of marital
roles and relationships gone mad.
On July 2, Erma Darling will
moderate our discussion of “Joey’s
Place,” a Las Vegas crime novel set
in 1970 that was written by Breeze
Editor John Nelson. An outcast
sheriff's detective is mysteriously
ordered to solve the murder of the
respected co-owner of the most
exclusive casino in town. Alone. As
one reviewer said, “You are in for
one hell of a ride.”
We meet on the first Thursday of
every month, 11:45 a.m.to 2 p.m., for lunch and a stimulating
environment of discussion that has made Book Mates such a
popular book club. Remember, pick up a copy of "The Girl on
the Train" and join us on June 4.
Luncheon: $12.47++. Reservations are an absolute must.
Call 310-823-4567.
Sunset Book Club
Strikes Gold!
is true. Our April meeting was pure 22 carat. Our book,
“The Lady in Gold,” by Anne-Marie O’Connor, attracted
quite a lively crowd, and the rich discussion was expertly
led by our fluent moderator, SEO Norma Pratt.
A true story, the book is about a local family’s pursuit to reclaim
property that was stolen by the Nazis during World War II. The
property, most notably artwork by Austrian painter Gustav Klimt, was
displayed in Vienna’s most famous museum, the Belvedere. The most
famous painting, Klimt’s masterpiece “The Lady in Gold,” had
become an Austrian icon representing the elegant fin de siècle that
was the Austro-Hungarian Empire before World War I.
The beautiful woman in the painting was much beloved by the
Austrians. However, to Maria Altmann, the book’s protagonist and
Cheviot Hills resident, the painting wasn’t just an anonymous
“beautiful woman.” It was her aunt, Adele Bloch-Bauer, and she
wanted the world to know it. The lawsuit for reclamation, basically
tiny family vs. big Austria, went all the way to the U.S. Supreme
Court. Ultimately the painting was restored to the Altmann family
and it now lives in a New York City museum.
The story is fascinating. Even as the Nazi Reich claimed Jewish
lives, it also claimed Jewish property: blatantly, methodically, and
even “legally,” always trying to cover its tracks. The government of
Austria, the defendant, claimed the painting was a “donation”
created by a will. The plaintiff, Ms. Altmann, claimed the artwork
was stolen from the home of the owner before the owner even died!
Norma, stunning in gold herself, elicited nuggets of information,
viewpoints, and other gemstones from our eager participants.
Everybody loved the book! Even the dessert was fabulous: a
delicious chocolate layer cake very reminiscent of a rich Viennese
Sacher Torte. That Norma. She thinks of everything.
Enjoy this incredible summer that lies before us. Even if you
don’t pick up a book all summer, you might enjoy “The Lady in
Gold” movie, starring Helen Mirren and now in theaters.
Hope to see you in September at our fabulous (and free!) wineand-cheese get-together. No meetings until then.
Seated: Maureen and Bill Tieman. Standing: Stan Kandel,
Antoinette Leos, Sue Moore, SEO Norma Pratt, Peggy
Mitchell, Marie Hedlund, guest Sandra Webster, Linda
Oistad, Erma Darling, Povl Christensen, and Kirsten
Gaskill on the far right.
“Gone Fishin ’ ”
No Sunset Book Club
in June
From The Manager
e had a great kickoff to our summer
season with a wonderful Memorial Day
Barbeque, the launching of our pool
food-service, the new seating area on the patio, and
Adirondack chairs next to the front lawn. We are
ready for the Junior summer program, match-racing
off the guest dock, bocce ball on the front lawn,
plus the summer regattas and many Club parties
and events. I look forward to a busy and fun
CYC cruisers can now enjoy the Los Angeles
Yacht Club's facility at Howlands Landing on
Catalina Island. Guest reservations are required, so call the
front desk a few days before you intend to go over and we will
let LAYC know who to expect at any given time. There are a
few blocked dates, but in general this will be a place you can
set sail for throughout the year. CYC will be having a
Rendezvous Cruise to Howlands in September. Check the
Club's website for details.
Regatta Co-chairs Erin and Will Petersen and John
Hamilton are changing things up for the Sanguinetti Regatta
this year. Several California teams have been invited to
compete against CYC Juniors in Optimist Class team racing.
This format is something that our sailors enjoyed in last year’s
Opti Nationals, but they didn’t have a great deal of experience.
This year is different. Junior Program Director Guillaume
Rasse has been practicing with our racers and thinks that our
team will be a force to be reckoned with. Good luck CYC Opti
This month cruisers will be heading to Newport Beach the
weekend of June 12-14. Co-chairs Lynn Heiberger and Dorian
Cougias have put together a spectacular weekend of gourmet
food and wine. On Friday night, we will be “Sippin’ into
Summer” with wine tasting and food stations at Newport
Harbor Yacht Club. On Saturday, NHYC is putting out a latemorning brunch and then cruisers can enjoy dinghy cruising in
the afternoon and a dinner at The Cannery Restaurant for
another sumptuous feast. Land cruisers are also welcome to
drive down and join in the fun. Please make reservations at the
front desk early, as we need to give a head count to the
No More Stress!
Sleep in, go to the island when you want, even on holidays!
For Sale:
45’ Avalon Mooring #W15
First row, directly in front of Descanso Beach Bar/Grille
Swim to shore. $99,500/OBO
Richard (805) 432-4321 (CYC Member)
restaurant prior to that weekend.
There are a number of social events not to be
missed. The Family Activities Committee has its
annual Family Summer Kickoff Ice Cream Social on
June 14. The Power Fleet will be celebrating Marina
del Rey’s 50th anniversary party at the Dock Party,
June 20. After last month’s dock party turned into a
deck party, we know that the Power Fleet can have
fun no matter what the weather.
Father’s Day is once again celebrated with our
annual Father’s Day Barbeque Brunch. We host our
first Pool Patio cocktail party on Friday, June 26.
We will have music, dancing, bocce ball on the front lawn,
and match racing off the guest dock. The Radio Amateur
Group hosts its annual Field Day on June 27. I invite parents
to bring their children over to the RAG station (you’ll find it
under the blue awning in the boat yard) and watch how our
members communicate with people all over the world. To
watch Charlie Pascal do Morse code is simply amazing.
We expect to have a wonderful Fourth of July weekend
and there will be a lot of CYC boaters wanting to bring their
boats to the Club. If you expect to have your boat out of its
slip over that weekend, let the dock office know so we can let
someone else use it.
Here’s to a great summer and seeing you ‘round the Club!
In Memoriam
Lulu Schaeffer
CYC member since 2009
Russell Hand
CYC member since 1967
Allison Voss
CYC member since 1998
JUNE 2015
1 Club closed
Club closed
2 Bridge Club
3 Women’s
7 Club closed
Dinghy Regatta
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Junior Sailing
14 Club closed
Cruise to
Newport Beach
Women’s Paddle
15 Club closed 16
Family Summer
Kickoff Ice Cream
Mixed Doubles
Club closed
21 Club closed 22 Club closed 23
programs begin
Father’s Day
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
5 Sanguinetti
Dinghy Regatta
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Fleet Council Mtg.
Seafood Buffet
Starlight Series
10 Women’s
CYCWA Painting Paddle Tennis
Cruise to
Jr. Comm. Mtg.
Newport Beach
Sunset Series
Knit or Knot
Starlight Series
Seafood Buffet
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis
Bridge Club 17 Women’s
Paddle Tennis
Sunset Series
Bridge Club
Dinner for Two
Double Cut
Pork Chop
Cruise to
Newport Beach
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
Double Cut
Pork Chop
Power Fleet 20
Dock Party
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Starlight Series
CYCWA Sunset
Mixed Doubles
Book Club
Paddle Tennis
Bridge Club 24 Bridge Mtg. 25
CYCWA Painting Women’s
Paddle Tennis
Yachting Luncheon
Sunset Series
Starlight Series
Knit or Knot
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis Jr. Awards Mtg.
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Knit or Knot
Knit or Knot
Paddle Tennis
Paddle Tennis
Sunset Series
Women’s Paddle
Dinner for Two
Double Cut
Pork Chop
Seafood Buffet
New Member 26
RAG Field Day
Pool Patio
Mixed Doubles
Cocktail Party
Paddle Tennis
Kids Movie Night
Dinner for Two
Double Cut
Seafood Buffet
Pork Chop
28 Club closed 29 Club closed 30
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Junior Sailing
Session #2
Breeze Deadline
Paddle Tennis
JULY 2015
Bridge Club
1 Women’s
Sunset Series
Knit or Knot
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
5 Club closed
6 Club closed
7 Bridge Club
Women’s Paddle
of July
3 4th
Dinghy Cruise
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Independence Day
Fleet Council Mtg.
Seafood Buffet
Starlight Series
8 Women’s
CYCWA Painting Paddle Tennis
Jr. Comm. Mtg.
Sunset Series
Sail Comm. Mtg.
Knit or Knot
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis Starlight Series
10 Pacific Cup #1 11
Junior Rock the
Boat Party and
Mid-Summer Sail
Seafood Buffet
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Ride to El
Segundo Café
Dinner for Two
4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 • 310-823-4567 • Fax: 310-822-3658
Always check www.calyachtclub.com for the most current event information.