October - Cass County Electric Cooperative
October - Cass County Electric Cooperative
HIGHLINE notes October 2014 Do you have friends, relatives, or neighbors who have a capital credit check waiting for them? please look at the list inside and let them know www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 1 editorial PROPOSED CARBON RULE: LET EPA KNOW HOW YOU FEEL by Scott Handy, President / CEO order to keep the grid up and running. It’s not very comforting to think of a future Polar Vortex without a healthy, robust fleet of coal generation keeping us alive and warm. The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been busy the past few years. Many, if not most of EPA’s activities and new rules have involved the electric utility industry. We’ve covered many issues in this newsletter, most notably EPA’s Regional Haze rule which is still not settled in North Dakota. To date, the Minnkota Power Cooperative family (that’s us) has invested over $425 million to comply with Regional Haze rules. We’ve also discussed EPA’s 2013 rule limiting carbon dioxide emissions from new sources of electric generation, and over 1,000 CCEC members filed comments with EPA expressing their concerns. That rule is moving ahead, and the result is that absent some sort of miracle of science and economics, there will never be another coal-based generation plant built in our nation. That’s unfortunate, because coal still provides the most stable, affordable and reliable base load generation there is. It’s important to remember that last winter’s Polar Vortex required the output of many coal plants that are scheduled to be decommissioned in 2 Highline Notes October 2014 A new proposed rule published by EPA on June 2, 2014 sets carbon dioxide emissions limits to be achieved by 2030, with interim targets set for 2020, and applies to the existing generation fleet. The rule is well over 600 pages long, with another 1,000 pages of technical reference material. Three months later we’re still trying to understand the impact of the rule, but it was recently announced that the public comment period has been extended to December 1, 2014. Frankly, we’re still at a bit of a loss as to how to respond to the proposed rule. For sure, there are lots of things not to like about it. But in fairness, we also have to acknowledge this time-honored Norwegian Lutheran bit of wisdom: “it could be worse.” Here’s what we think we know so far for just a few of the many potential problems with the proposed rule: •There appears to be significant legal problems with EPA’s authority in several parts of the rule under the Clean Air Act. •The deadline by which each state must establish its State Implementation Plan (SIP) is impossibly short given the huge complexity of the rule. •Each state has its own individual goal to meet by 2030, setting up what one industry leader has called a “food fight” between states. On the other hand, there may be a few less www.kwh.com onerous aspects for us here in North Dakota: •Among all the states, North Dakota has the lowest carbon reduction goal to meet by 2030. • North Dakota has already made significant strides in lowering the carbon dioxide intensity of our in-state generation and it appears we will get some “credit” for those efforts. • The North Dakota Department of Health, which will probably play the most significant role in drafting the SIP, understands our industry well and has a history of writing reasonable, attainable rules. There’s no way that a document of over 1,600 pages can be summarized in six bullet points, and there’s no way the public can be expected to file thoughtful comments on a rule so complex by December 1. The proposed rule will no doubt change significantly before it’s finalized, which is scheduled for June, 2015. We want EPA to have a firm understanding of how the rule could impact us here in North Dakota. It takes a lot of energy just to survive in this part of the world. EPA must take into consideration the critical importance of reliable, affordable electricity here. Here’s what you can do: go to www.action. coop and let EPA know that you have serious concerns about this proposed rule, and that reliability and affordability must be key considerations. We suggest you customize your message with the following points provided by Minnkota Power Cooperative, or you can use l SAVE TREE A contents features GO PAPERLESS With the ability to access billing and account information quickly and easily online, many are choosing to stop receiving paper bill statements altogether. Will you be next? Log on to SmartHub and choose to go paperless today. 4 CAPITAL CREDIT LISTING 11 2015 DIRECTOR ELECTION 13 YOUTH TOUR in ever y issue 2 13 editorial photo of the month 12 recipes 14 ad pages M E MB E R MEETINGS Catch up on your cooperative’s news, visit with friends and enjoy a traditional Swedish meal of pea soup, meatballs with cream gravy, mashed potatoes, rye bread, lingonberry jam and ginger cookies! VALLEY CITY Tuesday, October 14 5:30 p.m. meal | 6:00 p.m. meeting Dacotah Pavilion, Chautauqua Park, 933 12th St NE Meal prepared by Kitchen with an Attitude the comments provided. Either way, PLEASE take a moment to let EPA know how you feel. EPA has an obligation to consider all public comments, but they can’t do that if we don’t comment. Suggested points to make in your public comments to EPA at www.action.coop: 1.This proposal is of particular concern because it will give EPA a new role in dictating the nation’s energy supply/generation. Not only will it direct how cooperatives and other utilities generate power but also how co-op member-owners and other consumers use electricity for the foreseeable future. FARGO Tuesday, October 21 5:30 p.m. meal | 6:00 p.m. meeting Holiday Inn Convention Center, 3803 13th Ave S Meal prepared by Holiday Inn 2.The cost of electricity directly impacts the quality of life in the communities served by electric cooperatives. While the EPA claims that its proposal will raise electricity rates modestly, but result in lower electricity bills for consumers, this assumption fails to pass the common-sense test. 3.There are many variables that will impact the final cost of this rule. However, preliminary estimates indicate this rule could cost Minnkota’s members between $10-50 million per year if the EPA’s current version of the rule is enacted. www.kwh.com Highline Notes Volume 72, Number 9 Writer Trudy Wanner, twanner@kwh.com Designer Jocelyn Hovland, jhovland@kwh.com Printer Forum Communications Printing Board of Directors Wendy Loucks, Chairman Russell Berg, Vice Chairman John Froelich, Secretary Sid Berg, Treasurer Douglas Anderson Glenn Mitzel Jeff Triebold Marcy Svenningsen Steve Swiontek Executive Staff Scott Handy, President/CEO Brad Schmidt, Vice President of Engineering and Operations Marshal Albright, Vice President of Member and Energy Services Chad Sapa, Vice President of Corporate Services and CFO Tim Sanden, Vice President of Information Technology and CIO Highline Notes (USPS 244-740) is published monthly except for July by Cass County Electric Cooperative, Inc., 3312 42nd St. S., Suite 200, Fargo, ND 58104 Periodicals postage paid at Fargo, North Dakota 58104, and at additional mailing offices. Subscription Rate: 28¢/month. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Highline Notes, 3312 42nd St. S., Suite 200, Fargo, ND 58104. © Copyright Cass County Electric Cooperative 2014. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Contact us Billing questions/ start or stop service: 701-356-4430 or 888-277-4422 Emergency or Power Outage: 701-356-4499 or 888-277-4424 Other questions: 701-356-4400 or 800-248-3292 Call before you dig: 800-795-0555 or 811 Information about the cooperative, articles of incorporation, bylaws and more can be found at www.kWh.com. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. October 2014 Highline Notes 3 capital credits These names are from capital credit checks that remain uncashed since distribution in February, 2014. When you signed up to receive electric service from Cass County Electric, you became a member-owner of a cooperative. Other businesses return profits to investors and stockholders. Not us. CCEC is a memberowned, not-for-profit cooperative, and we return capital credits to you, our member-owners. This year, the co-op board authorized the distribution of $943,741 in capital credit refunds. This refund amount is based on how much electricity a member purchased in 1988. Members get a return on their investment in the cooperative, that’s the cooperative difference. It is your responsibility to keep the Cooperative informed of your current address so that these retirement checks will reach you. We need to hear from the person on this list or their authorized heir to disperse the capital credits, please call 701-356-4400. 520 APARTMENTS FARGO MARK D ANDERSON ROSEAU JIM BASTIEN WEST FARGO KEVIN BLANCHETTE FARGO ELIZABETH L AABYE FARGO MAUREEN ANDERSON DILWORTH GWEN R BAUER FARGO TODD D BLASER GRANDIN MICHAEL T AADLAND WATERTOWN MAUREEN J ANDERSON RIVERSIDE HAROLD BAUMANN KINDRED JESSIE L BLEDSOE WEST FARGO BONNIE K ABERLE MOOREHAD NANCY E ANDERSON MOORHEAD DONNA M BAUMGARTNER FARGO R C BLEECKER LISBON STEPHEN W ACETO FARGO PATRICIA L ANDERSON GLYNDON PAUL J BAZZANO FARGO GARY BLIXT AMENIA SCOTT ACKERLAND E MOLIE ROBERT E ANDERSON WALCOTT ROBERT BECKLUND WEST FARGO WAYNE A BLOHM FARGO TODD J ADAMS MINNEAPOLIS TIM N ANDERSON BATTLE LAKE CRAIG M BEESON MOORHEAD BLOMBERG DAVID DR FARGO WILLIAM J ADAMS FARGO ABRAHAM ANDOM SEATTLE BECKY S BEHM MINOT BRIGHT BLOSSOM DULUTH AGARWALL INDU FARGO DIANE M ARENSON FARGO DARRIN BELCOURT CHRISTINE KAREN L BLUHM FARGO RICK A ALBAUGH HEBRON ROSEMARIE ARMSTRONG WILLOW CITY BRENT BELMER ANA HEIM BOCK MIRIAM A H/WM OVERLAND PARK JOHN ALBRECHT FARGO TONY ARMSTRONG FARGO JODI M BENDER FARGO KEN M BOE ST CLOUD LYNN M ALBRECHT FARGO DENNIS E ARNESON EAGEN CHERYL K BERANEK HOPKINS ANDREW K BOEHM SCOTTSDALE MICHAEL ALDRICH BILLINGS LEONARD ARNESON MOORHEAD DAVE BERCIER FARGO DELBERT BOEHNING MOORHEAD JULIE A ALEXANDER DICKINSON JAY L ARTH FARGO ANNA BERG VALLEY CITY SUSAN M BOLINSKE THORTON ADRIAN J ALLARD GRAND FORKS SVEA ASHNER WAHPETON BARRY O BERG FARGO BRIAN BOND FARGO KATHLEEN M ALLISON RICHFIELD LAURIE M ASLESEN WEST FARGO CANDICE BERG FARGO MICHAEL R BORTH FARGO CHARLES ALM FARGO KRISTEN E ASP FARGO WENDI BERG FT. RANSOM AMY BOSCHEE KINDRED HENRY J AMANN DAZEY MARY P AUNE FARGO SHANNON E BERGAN FARGO DEBORAH A BOSCHEE FARGO AMERICAN LEGION GARDNER TODD AUSTIN FARGO ANN E BERGEF ARGO DIANA L BOSH CLEVELAND LYNN E AMUNDSON GLYNDON ALBERT M AXELSON JEROME SUSAN L BERGER FARGO JACQUES A BOUCHER FARGO WADE AMUNDSON BEMIDJI HARRIET L BAASCH PAGE DAN BERGERON WEST FARGO CAROLYN G BOWDEN FARGO BRYCE ANDERSEN BISMARCK TONI J BACH FARGO KATHY BERGLIE FARGO RICHARD BOYLE BUFFALO ROBERT J ANDERSEN VALLEY CITY JOE M BACHMEIER FARGO DON W BERGREN FARGO SCOTT BRACE LAKEVILLE ALICE M ANDERSON FARGO DAVID B BAILLIE MAPLETON HAROLD BERNDT HILLSBORO IRENE L BRAINERD EAGAN MN BECKY A ANDERSON STIDELL BAIRD CONSTRUCTION HILLSBORO BRYAN BERTSCH ARTHUR LYNN J BRANDENBURGER FARGO BRET R ANDERSON MINNEAPOLIS LYNN A BAKER FARGO DANIEL A BETTIN GWINNER NIKI L BRANDNER COLUMBIA HGT BRIAN ANDERSON HORACE JO A BAKKEN HANNAFORD BETTING DEBRA TRUST VALLEY CITY KEVIN BRANDT FARGO CURTIS ANDERSON HARWOOD NEWMAN BAKKO FARGO CLYDE BEVRE COLFAX PHILIP L BRAUN FARGO DARLA J ANDERSON WEST FARGO LORENE BALDWIN MOORHEAD DAVID BIEBER GETTYSBURG DALE L BRECKHIEMER FARGO DIANE M ANDERSON WILLIAMSBURG STEVE BALSTER FARGO JOHN T BIGGS WEST FARGO GWEN A BREIDENBACH FERGUS FALLS DOUGLAS H ANDERSON WEST FARGO JON R BARCELLONA FARGO MILDRED BILLING FORT RANSOM PATRICK A BRESNAHAN FARGO GREGORY P ANDERSON CHICAGO LUCILLE BARCENAS FARGO JOE BINFET RENTON KRISTI BREUER FARGO JAMES C ANDERSON EDEN PRAIRIE STACEY L BARTA FARGO DAWN M BISKE FARGO SUZANNE BRICKNER CAMBRIDGE JAY ANDERSON FARGO LANCE L BARTCH BISMARCK JEFFERY J BISSETT VANCOUVER GERALD BRINKMAN WAHPETON JEFF ANDERSON WEST FARGO DON BARTH THF RVR FALL CRAIG A BITTER NEW HOPE JOHN BRINKMAN DENVER KEITH O ANDERSON FARGO LORI BARTRON BATHGATE DAVID BJORNSON VALLEY CITY ROBERT C BROCKMAN JAMESTOWN LILLIAN C ANDERSON BIG LAKE DARYL W BASHOR FARGO WILLIAM J BLAKE LEONARD TOM J BROCKMEIER FARGO 4 Highline Notes October 2014 www.kwh.com PETER S BRODY ARTHUR JOHN CLOWER FARGO DEBBIE L DOERR FARGO WAYNE R FLACK MASCOUTAH SHAWNA L BROOKINS FARGO DENNIS COLLINS MERCED SHARON R DORMEYER WEST FARGO MARY J FLADLAND FARGO TRACIE L BROUGHTON REDLANDS MYRON M COLTON WEST FARGO ANTHONY DORVAL MESA DANIEL S FLATEN WEST FARGO GLENDA M BROWN FARGO LESTER W COLVIN FARGO DAVE DOUGLAS MILWAUKEER KIMBERLY M FLECK SIOUX FALLS RAYMOND BRUBAKKEN ALBANY DOUGLAS J CONWAY MOORHEAD MITCHELL K DOWNS FARGO DONALD C FLESNESS WEST FARGO ROBERT BRUNELLE FARGO JAMES L COOK MAYVILLE QUENTIN DUBOIS FARGO MARILYN J FLYNN MINNETONKA RICHARD A BRUNS GLYNDON CHARLOTTE CORCORAN WEST FARGO STEVE DUBOIS FARGO TINA J FOBES GLYNDON DEBBIE BRUNSVOLD FARGO LISA CORDOVA FARGO JAMES M DUDGEON CAMPBELL NEAL FOLSTAD BRECKENRIDGE NEIL F BUCHHOLTZ FARGO CHERYL L CORNELIUS SIOUX FALLS REXROAT T DUFFY LAKE OSWEGO KENNETH FORD KIRKSVILLE ERNIE BUCHHOLZ DURBIN IVAN COSSETTE FARGO CHARLES DUGGAN FARGO TRACY FORDE VALLEY CITY JEANETTE V BUCHL MARSHAL MICHAEL V CRABTREE MOORHEAD DANIEL DUNCKLEE NEWPORT NEWS TRACY J FORSETH FARGO KEVIN BUCHOLZ WEST FARGO NEIL C CRANDALL WEST FARGO TRACY G DVORAK FARGO JAYME L FORSTER FARGO SPENCER L BUCKNER THE WOODLANDS TIMOTHY L CRARY GRAND FORKS OLLEY EBERHARDT FARGO DENISE C FORTIER FARGO MARK D BUHAUG MOORHEAD CRETE BAR CRETE HELEN EBSEN WEST FARGO JOHN M FOSSEN EDINA PAMELA BUKHRES FARGO BILL CRIST SAINT PAUL TERRY W ECKES FARGO RONALD N FOSSUM LISBON ROSE M BUNDY FARGO TIM CROMPTON FARGO LAURIE K EGGEBRATEN FARGO EUNICE FOSTER VALLEY CITY TODD D BUNKOWSKI UNDERWOOD TIMOTHY T CROMPTON FARGO EHLERS RED WING TOM FOSTER TULSA MERRIN BUNN JR WEST FARGO RICHARD A CURTIS FARGO RONALD EHLEY WEST FARGO THOMAS P FOX SANTA BARBRA MARLIN BURCHILL VALLEY CITY SHAWN R CUSHNA FARGO CONNIE EHRENBERG MOORHEAD RICHARD FRADET WEST FARGO RICHARD A BURCKHARD WEST FARGO CINDY DAHL GRAND FORKS SUSAN T EIDOEN FARGO PAMELA S FRANK FARGO MARK L BURD DILWORTH DUANE DAHL MORRISON TODD L EISENBEISZ FARGO JERRY FRANKLIN PEL RAPIDS MARTY BURKHART ROCHELLE PAIGE D DAHL FARGO BRAD N EKRE FARGO STEVEN D FREDRICKS FARGO TAD A BURKHART BUSBEE RANDY D DAHL CRETE CARL EKSTROM WINONA DEAN FREDRICKSON FARGO ELISE BURLEY WEST FARGO RICK A DAHL COOPERSTOWN BABU R ELADASARI FARGO RONALD FREDRICKSON SABIN BUSCH AGRI RESOURCES WEST FARGO MARK A DAHLE LTLE CANADA TIMOTHY ELLENSON FARGO MARYANN FREED HORACE IRENE C BUSCHE VALLEY CITY RITA J DAHLEN MOORHEAD ROBERT W ELLSWORTH KLAMOTH FALL WAYNE FRENCH GRAFTON ROBERT D BUSHELLE EAU CLAIRE DAN DAHLGREN WAHPETON ROBIN J ELMORE FARGO JOLENE L FRENG WAHPETON BUTCHER BRADLEY T FARGO DAKOTA TURKEY FARMS WAYZATA EMILS SERVICE PONSFORD K W FREY FARGO ROBERT J BYE GEORGETOWN ROBERT DALOS FARGO RICHARD EMMEL WEST FARGO FREY’S ELECTRONICS ABERDEEN DARIN R BYKONEN WEST FARGO GARY C DALYF ARGO GREG L ENSTAD VALLEY CITY RONALD FRIED KODIAK TRENT R CABLE FARGO TONY W DALY ABERDEEN RANDY S ERBER FARGO MALCOLM FRISK WEST FARGO GORDON L CAGLEY BATTLE LAKE JUDY A DANIELSON FARM. HILLS ERBSTOESSER C OIL HUNTER TRACY R FROST MCALLEN CLEANERS CAMELOT INDIANAPOLIS ROBERT L DARRAH WEST FARGO DENNIS R ERDLE MOORHEAD CALMER FROVARP FARIBAULT LUELLA CAMPBELL VALLEY CITY DAVID E DARST BOWLING GRN BRIAN A ERICKSON FARGO GENEVIEVE J FUHRKEN HAWLEY STEVEN S CAMPBELL FARGO DAVID G DAVIS FARGO DENISE ERICKSON FARGO DEBRA K FUHRMAN BISMARK CARMEN CARLSON FARGO MARY E DAVIS FARGO L E ERICKSON PAGE CHERYL L FURUSETH FARGO KURT E CARLSON FARGO LYALL B DELANEY FARGO LISA K ERICKSON MOORHEAD STEPHANIE R GABEL FARGO LORETTA CARLSON PALM HARBOR SCOTT J DELP OMAHA MARTEL ERICKSON FARGO RUSSELL GAFKJEN WILLISTON TERRY CARLSON LISBON DARRIN DEMARAIS GRAND FORKS PAUL W ERICKSON FARGO GROCERY GARDNER GARDNER MICHELLE J CARPENTER FARGO RONALD P DEMOSS EDGELEY BRENDA M ESPESETH FARGO DAN GARNAS BEAVERTON ROBERT CARRUTH DANVERS TIM DENT FARGO WILLIAM F ESSARY JR WEST FARGO STEVE J GAUTHIER FARGO JAMES CARTER BELAFIELD BRIAN T DENTINGER EAGEN TRACEY L ESSON FARGO JULIE A GEASE MORRISTOWN DOYLE J CASAVANT PELICAN RAP SHEILA DESAUTELS CROOKSTON ESTATE VERNON SMITH ARTHUR RICHARD GEBEKE CASSELTON CEDARS WEST I FARGO DESIGN/BUILDERSMOORHEAD LOWELL J FAGERLAND FARGO ELEANOR L GEBHARD WHEATLAND CHRISTOPHER CEGELSKI MINNETONKA DAVE DESMARAIS BARNESVILLE DENISE L FAHRLANDER FARGO BRENDA D GEHLER MOORHEAD MYLES E CHAMBERLAIN AURORA PAUL A DEUTSCHMAN FARGO FARM POWER INC. FARGO MICHAEL A GEISS FARGO KEVIN CHAMBERLIN WEST FARGO FORREST DEVAULT FARGO FARMERS HOME ADMIN WEST FARGO KEN R GEISZLER WEST FARGO JUDY CHESLEY ENDERLIN JOYCE DEYLE FARGO TERRY FARTHING FARGO TIM J GEISZLER FARGO JOSEPH A CHIARELLI CLEVELAND JEFF W DICK MINNEAPOLIS FEDERAL BEEF PROCESS WEST FARGO DENNIS GEMAR OAKES NELS D CHRISTENSEN ESCONDIDO WESLEY DICK WEST FARGO MERRILEE FELCHLE DEVILS LAKE VICKIE GENTZKOW FARGO DAWN R CHRISTENSON FARGO LESLIE K DIEBEL ENDERLIN NANCY FERRIS FARMINGTON TODD M GEORGESON PALMDALE CAROLE CHRISTIANSON WEST FARGO RICK L DIEDE FARGO TRACY A FETTES FARGO RANDALL W GERHOLD ARLINGTON KEVIN D CHRISTIANSON FARGO VICKI J DIETZ FARGO FETTES MOVING & STRG FARGO RICK GIBNEY FARGO LISA J CHRISTIANSON MOORHEAD SHELLEY A DIFFERDING WEST FARGO STEVEN J FETZIK FARGO RICKY D GIBNEY FARGO BRUCE L CHRISTIE FARGO SHERRY DIFFERDING S. MILWAUKEE NORMA J FIECHTNER FARGO RONALD R GIENGER VALLEY CITY MIKE CHRISTL WEST FARGO BARNEY DIRKS WEST FARGO TAMMY A FIELDS MINOT CONNIE K GILBERTSON MOORHEAD SHELDON E CIESLAK FLAGSTAFF JOSEPH DOBBS FARGO TIMOTHY J FIER MOORHEAD BYRAN D GILL FARGO DANNY CIHLAR GLENWOOD DARLENE K DOCKTER FARGO FIETZEK REPAIR HUNTER LOIS A GILLELAND WEST FARGO FRED CINK VALLEY CITY KENNETH J DOCKTER OLATHE JUDY L FILLER PHOENIX JON GILLERSTEIN FARGO FLORENCE CLASSON ARTHUR MICHELLE A DOCKTER DILWORTH FILMORE LUTH CHURCH NOME GREGORY GILLISPIE BOZEMAN LINDA CLENDENEN SAINT PAUL JOHN DOEHLER LAMOURE FIRST TRUST CO. N.D. FARGO GINA L GLOBSTAD FARGO DEBRA A CLEVELAND HARWOOD PRESTON DOELE FARGO NANCY FJELSTAD FARGO MARY A GOETZ GRAND FORKS www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 5 ANTHONY W GOODMAN FARGO SUSAN M HANSEN FARGO CONNIE HOFFART VALLEY CITY PEGGY C JOHNSON WEST FARGO CLAIR GOODNO ENDERLIN ALMA HANSON LISBON STEVEN HOFFART FARGO ROBIN J JOHNSON FARGO DOUG GOODWIN WEST FARGO BARRY HANSON FARGO RAY HOFFMEISTER FARGO SCOTT K JOHNSON FARGO MICHELLE GOODYEAR FARGO BOYD HANSON DULUTH TERRY L HOGGARTH FARGO WILLIAM W JOHNSON LITCHVILLE DANETTE M GRAHAM FARGO BRUCE HANSON WEST FARGO DONALD C HOLAND FARGO JON V JONASSON FARGO MICHELLE A GRAMER STEVENSPOINT DONALD R HANSON MOORHEAD CATHY L HOLEN WEST FARGO TIM D JONES FARGO DAVID GRANT FARGO EDNA HANSON WEST FARGO ALLEN J HOLLEMAN FARGO JEAN JONGEWARD VALLEY CITY JACQUELINE M GRANT VALLEY CITY FLOYD HANSON FARGO JACQUELINE HOLLOWAY GACKLE JORDAHL ENTERPRISES MOORHEAD WILLIAM W GRANT WEST FARGO GEORGE A HANSON VALLEY CITY JEFFREY R HOLM PHILIP CLARA JORDHEIM LISBON LORI K GREEN FARGO HOLDEN HANSON PLYMOTH LOWELL HOLM FARGO DENNIS R JORGENSON FARGO JON GREENLEY STIRUM JESSE S HANSON STURGEON LAURA L HOLMES FARGO INGA JORSTAD VALLEY CITY JEFF GREENWOOD HORACE PATTI J HANSON FARGO EDWIN HORN WEST FARGO KAREN JOSEPHSON MOORHEAD CINDY L GREER WEST FARGO ROBERT R HANSON WAHPETON JOEL HORNE FARGO DIAELDIN JUBARA FARGO LEO GREFF JAMESTOWN TERRY HANSON KINDRED LARRY A HOTCHKISS YPSALANTI K & S PROPERTIES E GRAND FORK GREG’S BUDGET BAR LISBON STEPHANIE J HARL WALKER RUSS D HOUKOM WEST FARGO MICHELLE M KALINOSKI FARGO DENNIS GRENZ BROOKLYN PARK JEFFREY S HARLOW GARDEN CITY RANDY J HOVDE COMSTOCK CHARLOTTE KAMONI VALLEY CITY SARAH J GRIESBACH EAU CLAIRE MICHAEL K HARRINGTON LOGAN JAMES HOVE EDEN PRAIRIE DOUGLAS A KAPPES LAKE PARK LUANN GRIGGS FARGO G. R HARRIS VALLEY CITY NANCY A HUESERS MINOT JACQUELINE J KARSKY MOORHEAD KELLY L GRINDAHL WEST FARGO KEITH M HARRISON WEST FARGO DANIEL L HULL MOORHEAD MICHAEL KASPARI FARGO ARTHUR W GRINDLER VALLEY CITY VICTORIA L HARSCHE FARGO BONNIE HUMPHREY FARGO FRANK R KASPER GAINESVILLE CLINTON E GRONHOVD GRAND FORKS NANCY L HARSTAD PALERMO DENICE D HURLBUT FARGO NANCY KATHREIN FARGO JODY L GRONSBERG FARGO SPENCER HART FARGO HURRAH’S MOORHEAD KEVIN K KAUFMANN MOSES LAKE JULIE A GUDMESTAD BROOKLYN PK JASON L HARVELAND FARGO NORMAN HURST GLENWOOD BRAD M KELLEY MOORHEAD GRACE GUEMPLE MOORHEAD ROBERT HASKINS FARGO BARBARA B HURTT FARGO DEBORAH D KELLY CASSELTON DONNA E GULLICK FARGO BETTE HAUG FARGO JEFF HUSCHLE ALEXANDRIA ROBERT L KENLEY JR WHITE PLAINS STEVE R GUMS FARGO HARRY M HAUGEN WILLISTON DEAN A HUSO WEST FARGO CECIL V KENNEDY OAKES CHERYL GUNDERSON ELMENDORF MISTY L HAUGEN PHOENIX CINDY HUWE WEST FARGO KEITH P KENNEY LES SUMMIT STEVEN S GUNDERSON MOORHEAD COLLEEN HAUGLIE AUSTIN CANUTO G IBARRA AMENIA JUDY M KERN FARGO STEVEN P GUNN HARRISBURG RANDY K HAWBAKER ENGELWOOD RANDALL R INGEMAN HALLOCK WAYNE F KETTERLING BONNER GEORGE B GUNSTROM DETROIT LAKE LUCILLE HEGGENESS PITTSFORD INGSTAD LAND-CATTLE VALLEY CITY GREG A KETTNER MANOMEN DONNETTE GUSTAFSON FARGO TOM J HEHL HORACE KENNETH IRVINE TROY KEVIN’S REPAIR & PAINT ALEXANDRIA SHELLY M GUSTAFSON FARGO KIM K HEIBEL FARGO BRUCE A IRVING FARGO JAMES KILLPACK AMENIA TIMOTHY D GUTHMILLER FARGO DENNIS G HEIDEN WAHPETON JAMES J ISLEY ENDERLIN STEVE KING HUNTER MARK S HAAS KATHRYN HAROLD J HEIMARK FARGO DARLENE K IVERSON BISMARCK KINNEY SHOE STORES HARRISBURG WYMAN HAAS NEW IBERIA JERRY HEINZ WEST FARGO KENNETH J JABLONSKY WEST FARGO JEFF L KINTZLE WASHINGTON DEAN HAFNER JAMESTOWN DARRYL L HEISER TOWER CITY DENNIS C JABS MOORHEAD CHARLES KITTRELL MOORHEAD JAMES J HAGEL BURNSVILLE EDWARD HEISER TOWER CITY ALETHEA K JACKSON FARGO MARY D KLABO FARGO MYRON HAGEN FARGO DEWAYNE W HEISLER WEST FARGO GREGORY A JACKSON GRAND FORKS DAVID KLATT WEST FARGO STANLEY D HAGEN SISSELTON HELENDALE LUTH. CH. LEONARD JAMES L JACOBS MAPLE GROVE MARK T KLEIN FARGO BRADLEY A HAGER WEST FARGO KAREN L HELLUM MOORHEAD DANIEL J JACOBSON MOORHEAD TONY KLEINJAN WEST FARGO MINNEWAUKAN CAMI R HENDRICKSON FARGO KATHLEEN S JACOBSON GRAND FORKS BOB KLEMISCH WEST FARGO RICHARD HAGER VALLEY CITY MICHELE R HENRICHS FARGO PAUL JACOBSON MOORHEAD VI KLOSTRIECH FARGO JOHN HAGGE WISCON. RPD MARK H HENSLEY GLYNDON TODD E JACOBSON FARGO KNAPP CONSTRUCTION FARGO KEVIN C HAHN LANGDON JAMES T HENSON GREAT LAKES DALE F JAHNER LINTON RANDY J KNAUST WEST FARGO CHURCH POINT HERITAGE PARK FARGO KEVIN A JANDT FRAGO STEPHANIE R KNODLE CALEDONIA BLOOMINGTON RODNEY HERSCH FARGO WILBERT JANKE HORACE SCOTT KNOKE DEVILS LAKE BEJOU JOE T HESCH CHANDLER PAULA R JENSEN BISMARCK TAMARA D KNOKE CANDO HALLQUIST ROBERTA DR GRAND FORKS DEVONNO HEUPLE WEST FARGO SONYA R JENSEN FARGO J M KNOLL LOUISVILLE THERESA J HALVERSON FARGO CRAIG W HEWITT FARGO DIRK A JENSON FARGO DAVID R KNUDSON GARDNER RANDY O HALVORSON ST PAUL NANCY HICKS MENAHGA MAYBELLE JERMSTAD MAPLE GROVE KATHY A KNUDSON PINGREE JOHN M HAMANN WYNDMERE RANDY A HICKS MARSHALL HAZEL E JOB WEST FARGO ALTON T KNUTSON WEST FARGO CRAIG HAMBLIN FARGO GLENDA M HIEPLER WEST FARGO BLAINE JOHANNESON BISMARCK RUBY KNUTSON FARGO JAMES R HAMBRICK FARGO HIGHLAND FARMS ENDERLIN BRADLEY JOHNSON WEST FARGO TIMOTHY A KNUTZEN FARGO DAN HAMMER WEST FARGO CHARLIE A HILGERS WEST FARGO CORY W JOHNSON FARGO JOHN KODELKA FARGO STEPHEN HAMMER FARGO BURT HILL OLATHE FARRELL B JOHNSON FARGO HAROLD KOENEN WEST FARGO JUDITH HAMMLING FARGO DAVE A HILL FARGO HOWARD JOHNSON BUFFALO MIKE KOENING FARGO KENT R HAMRE ERSKIN GARY HILL FARGO JENNINGS P JOHNSON FARGO COREY L KONZE WEST FARGO GUSSIE G HANNA WEST FARGO JEFFREY A HILL DILWORTH KRAIG S JOHNSON FARGO WILBERT KOOSMANN COOPERSTOWN LAURIE HANSEN MOORHEAD KATHY A HILL FARGO LORI A JOHNSON FARGO TIM W KOTTKE MOORHEAD LYLE D HANSEN VALLEY CITY TERRY A HINRICHS DEVILS LAKE MARK R JOHNSON SIOUX CITY CALVIN J KRAMER FARGO MICHAEL HANSEN WEST FARGO CARRIE J HOCHHALTER RUGBY MICHAEL J JOHNSON FARGO BECKY L KRASKA FARGO RONALD S HANSEN FARGO DEANNA HOFF BOISE OSCAR JOHNSON HARWOOD JOHN D KRASKEY FARGO LARRY J HAGER MIKE HALEY DEANNA HALL HOLLY HALLAND 6 Highline Notes October 2014 www.kwh.com GLEN W KREIDER FARGO LESTER LERUD FARGO HEIDI F MAVIS GRAND FORKS TERESA L MONK FARGO CHARLES KREMER FARGO DALE J LESLIE KINDRED JOHN T MAYER FARGO MITCH L MONSON FARGO ROBERTA L KRENZ LAFAYETTE LEROY LEVIN WEST FARGO SUSAN MAYERLE FARGO SUSAN G MONSON FARGO TONY KROGH WEST FARGO DAVID LEWIS PELLA BOEDER MAYNARD FARGO BRUCE MONSRUD WEST FARGO MARTIN A KRUEGER FARGO CELINE LEYENDECKER JAMESTOWN SHARI M MCALLISTER FARGO, JENNY MONTGOMERY WEST FARGO DIANE R KRUMP FARGO RHODA LIDEN MOORHEAD MCCANN DISTRIBUTING WEST FARGO RHEA MONTGOMERY MANVEL SHARON M KUCHYNSKI FARGO LORI A LIEBL FARGO KELLY M MCCORQUODALE MOORHEAD TODD MONTGOMERY WEST FARGO TRACY L KUMMER FARGO MARTEE V LIKNESS RICHFIELD TAMMY MCDONALD RIVERSIDE GAYLE S MOONEY SIOUX FALLS DEBI K KUMPF FARGO DAN P LINDSETH CASSELTON TINA L MCDONALD WEST FARGO JONELL MOORE FARGO MARJORIE KUNZE DAZEY JULIA M LINSTAEDT WEST FARGO JAMES MCELHANEY MESA KATHLEEN A MOORHOUSE FARGO SCOTT D KVALE MOORHEAD EVAN W LIPP FARGO MARTIN J MCFARLAND FARGO WERNER W MOOSBERGER NEW ORLEANS KORENE M KVALEVOG FARGO IRA LIVINGSTON IV MOORHEAD PAUL MCGINTY LINDENHURST JEANNINE R MOREAU FARGO NATHAN E KVILVANG VALLEY CITY LAZARO LLERAS FARGO RANDY MCGOUGH VALLEY CITY JIM MORITZ FARGO ROBERT T LABBE FARGO SHARON M LOBERG FARGO HUGH D MCINTYRE WEST FARGO NOEL L MORKVE MAPLETON SHERRI L LABINE FARGO CHARLES S LOCKWOOD FARGO DWIGHT A MCKIBBIN BEMIDJI DARCY L MORRIS FARGO GREG LACROIX FARGO TERESA M LOCKWOOD ABERDEEN SUZANNE M MCKINNON FARGO CARMEN D MORRISON ABERDEEN JERRY E LACROSSE VALLEY CITY TOM B LOCKWOOD SANBORN MARY D MCLAURIN GRAND FORKS DONALD E MORRISON SIOUX FALLS JEAN M LAHREN KINDRED COREY E LOEKS LINTON MIKE MCLEOD WEST FARGO SCOTT MORSE WEST FARGO RANDY LAHREN KINDRED LONE PRAIRIE APTS PERRY RICHARD MCMAHON LISBON CINDA L MORTON FARGO DAVE LAKO CHINOOK TERRY LONGTIN GRAND FORKS MINETTE MCMANUS FARGO TRACY A MORTON DILWORTH BRADLEY J LAMBERT MINOT CONNIE M LONGTINE FARGO THOMAS MCSHANE FARGO BRENDA K MOSBRUCKER BISMARCK JANET E LAMBERT FARGO WILLIAM/TAMMIE LOPEZ WEST FARGO TIMOTHY MEECH BRAINERD KEVIN MOSER FARGO MELANIE J LAMBERT FARGO ALAN J LOTHSPEICH WEST FARGO BRIAN MEEHL CRETE DUANE MOST FARGO MICHELLE L LAMMLE FARGO SONYA M LOTZER MOORHEAD PAUL B MEHL NORTH LAS VEGAS KIM M MUEHLBERG FARGO LANDMARK REALTY FARGO TRACI LOUDEN LISBON CHRISTY A MEHUS WEST FARGO ROY O MUELLER ENDERLIN DELORIS LANDSEM LEONARD GARY LOVELL SANBORN GAIL A MEIDINGER FARGO VICKI A MUND WEST FARGO JERRY L LANEY SCOTTSDALE KARMEN R LOW WEST FARGO JAY P MEINDL HURON WALTER MUNKEBY ENGLEVALE RICHARD LANEY WEST FARGO JAMES S LOWE FARGO LINDA MEISTER FARGO BRAD MURCHIE FARGO SIG LANGDAHL DETROIT LAKES PATTY M LOWER WEST FARGO STEVE C MELICHER FARGO TIM MURPHY FARGO CYNTHIA M LANGER WEST FARGO ALBERT LUND CLOVIS VAL MENGE SYKESTON PAUL A MURRAY GLENWOOD MIKE L LANGER FARGO RICHARD D LUNDBORG MOORHEAD CARLTON MENNIS VALLEY CITY HENRY H MUTSCHLER WIMBLEDON FRANK S LANIER CHARLOTTE BRUCE LUNDQUIST FARGO JEFFREY L MERTZ FARGO YVONNE T MYER NOTASULGA LARKIN CHARLES CONST FARGO THOMAS LYNN MOORHEAD CY METCALF FARGO JEROME E MYROLD FARGO R D LARSEN WEST FARGO LAWRENCE LYNNES WALCOTT DAVID METZ SPEARFISH JODI R NAAS FARGO ARNOLD LARSON FARGO TERESA LYON FARGO DONALD N MEWS WEST FARGO CLARENCE NALBANDIAN FARGO BRYAN G LARSON VALLEY CITY JERRY S MACHACEK FARGO SANDY L MICHAEL COON RAPIDS NATIONAL EQUITY INC OMAHA DAVID N LARSON MOORHEAD WILLIAM MACINNES DALLAS KIM G MICHELSEN GRAND FORKS ARLYNN R NELSON VALLEY CITY DENNY LARSON TULSA JAMES S MACPHERSON HELENA JANELLE R MIEDEMA GRAND FORKS BRIAN R NELSON FARGO G A LARSON FARGO CYNTHIA MADLER MANDAN STEVE MIKKELSEN JAMESTOWN CHARLES E NELSON FARGO KELLY E LARSON WAHPETON MAGILL BROS. VERONA DAVID E MILLER WEST FARGO NELSON DR CRAIG ALAMOSA MICHAEL A LARSON MOORHEAD LISA K MAGNUSON FARGO DAVID J MILLER OWATONNA DWAIN P NELSON FARGO RICHARD A LARSON FARGO TIM MAGNUSON CROOKSTON GARY MILLER WEST FARGO JAMES M NELSON ELK RIVER LORI J LARTER FARGO WARREN MAHLKE MOORHEAD GRANT D MILLER FARGO JOSEPH A NELSON CASSELTON TOM LASS FARGO LAUREL MAKER FARGO JEANETTE MILLER HORACE KAREN S NELSON WEST FARGO KATHY M LAU FARGO JACK J MALONEY FARGO KENNETH R MILLER COLUMBUS MICHAEL A NELSON ANNANDALE DARLA LAUBACH FARGO PAUL MANSKE LISBON KENT F MILLER FARGO PASCHAL NELSON MOORHEAD LARRY A LAUDON LEONARD TRICIA A MARCINIAK MOUNDSVILLE KRISTIN J MILLER FARGO KIM NEPSTAD FARGO RUTH A LAW FARGO CARL MAREK CASSELTON MICHAEL D MILLER FARGO GEORGE NESEMEIER JR CASSELTON KAREN LAWSON WALCOTT WALLACE MARK FARGO PHILLIP MILLER VALLEY CITY LEROY NESEMEIER WEST FARGO CHERYL A LEDOUX MOORHEAD EVA M MARSON WEST FARGO ROBERT J MILLER MOORHEAD JEFF P NESS FARGO LORELL LEE FARGO JOHN B MARTIN FARGO STEVEN J MILLER PERLEY RITCHIE L NESS PARK RPDS WENDY LEICHTENBERG FARGO KARA J MARTIN PELICAN RPDS WANDA Y MILLS OAK PARK ERNEST NEUFELD MERIDIAN KARLA R LEIER MOORHEAD WENDY C MARTIN MADISON KAREN MITSKOG FARGO ROZELLA R NEUSTEL FARGO SUZANNE M LEINEN FARGO JARL P MARTINSON FARGO JAY P MOCK FARGO RUSSELL NEWMAN FARGO PAUL G LEMIEUX FARGO AMY L MATCHINSKY FARGO JUEL O MOEN MOORHEAD D. D NICKESCH FARGO SUZANNE G LEMKE RAPID CITY JANET M MATCHINSKY BROOKLIN PK LORETTA J MOEN MESA STEVE NICOLAI LAWRENCE LON LEMME CARY DAWN M MATHERN FARGO BRUCE M MOENKEDICK WILDWOOD DENISE NICOLOFF WHEATLAND RODNEY A LEMNA FARGO JOHN A MATHESON FARGO DARIN W MOGCK FARGO DENISE D NICOLOFF WHEATLAND BRENDA LENERTZ FARGO JAMES A MATHIASEN FARGO MONICA M MOHN WEST FARGO TRENT W NIELSON BISMARCK KENNETH J LENOUE FARGO EUGENE F MAUCH FARGO H E MOLSTAD LUVERNE BRUCE NITSCHKE FARGO KATHLEEN R LENOX FARGO IVAN MAUK SPARTA BRUCE D MOLTZAN CANADA NEIL NITZKOWSKI KANSAS CITY MIKE LENTZ FARGO MARK C MAULE FARGO WILLIAM D MONAGHAN FARGO TOM J NOEL PARK RAPIDS www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 7 CHARLES NOESEN FARGO JEFF S PASCUA FARGO QUICK ROBB LEE MANDAN GAYLEN ROSENAU WILTON MARK NOONAN FARGO SANJAY PATEL THIEF RIV FAL KEVIN QUINN PORTLAND STACCY A ROSENBERG ELCHART BRAD J NORDGAARD FARGO PAT’S HAIR CENTER HORACE R D OFFUTT CO LISBON AGNES ROSENDAHL DALLAS BRYAN J NORDMARK WOODSTOCK DANIEL J PAULSON MOORHEAD MICHELLE J RABBITT WAUNAKEE GARY M ROSS LISBON JOHAN NORDSTROM FARGO RENAE T PAULSON FARGO SHELLIE L RACER FARGO SCOTT ROSS WAYZALA SCOTT NOVACEK MANKATO ROBERT D PAULSON HARWOOD JAMES RADCLIFFE LISBON EUGENE ROSSCUP FARGO DAVID NOVOTNY BORUP GREG A PAVEK COON RAPIDS TIM L RADERMACHER MAPLETON TIFFANY ROSTEN WATERTOWN DAVID L NOVOTNY ROCKLIN SHERRI A PAWLICKI FARGO RENEE C RADJENOVICH FARGO ROTHCHILD FINANCIAL FARGO LAUREL G NUNDAHL HARWOOD PAUL PAWLUK WEST FARGO WILLIAM W RAGAN VALLEY CITY AMY L ROTT FARGO JIM NYGARD LEOANRD WILLIAM N PEARSON FARGO JON E RAINSBERRY FARGO CARMEN L ROURKE WEST FARGO ARTHUR G NYHOF GERMANTOWN ROBERT G PECHMANN MICHAEL S RAMAGE LAKE ELMO WANDA L RUBEY CAYUGA SHAWN P O DELL FARGO MARY M PEDERSON FARGO DAVE B RASK FARGO JENNIFER RUD FARGO LINDA M OAKES DETROIT LAKE TRACI J PELTIER FARGO LISA A RASMUSSEN WEST FARGO BRYAN L RUDE HALSTAD STEVE J OBERG FARGO EVELYN PERALA FARGO TODD RASMUSSEN ENGLEVALE LANNIE RUNCK MAPLETON KURT J OCHSNER FARGO JACKIE R PERIUS FARGO ROBIN RASMUSSON VALLEY CITY DENNIS RUPP CANTON TOM O’DEA FARGO JUDY A PERRY FARGO TERRI J RATH FARGO RUSH R WATER MGMT HARWOOD JEFF G ODENBRETT FARGO KRISTIE L PESEK FARGO NATHAN J RAYMOND MOORHEAD DARREN RUST MOORHEAD RICHARD OEHLERKING FARGO JEFF PETERSEN LAKE PARK CARL E RAZLER WEST FARGO ROBERT C RUST NAPLES GREG OESTEREICH COLFAX ANNETTE M PETERSON FARGO JIM W REARDON WAITE PARK RUSTADS KINDRED KAREN G OFFUTT FARGO CURTIS PETERSON FARGO EMIKO RECKER LISBON Y F RUSTADS KINDRED LORI L O’HARA FARGO DAVID J PETERSON WEST FARGO RED RIVER MFG WEST FARGO ANN M RYAN ST PAUL KEITH J OHM BEMIJI HOWARD B PETERSON FARGO LEROY D REDMANN WEST FARGO REGENE RYGOL FAIRFAX SANDY OLAFSON LOTTERDALE JONI M PETERSON DULUTH BEATRICE REECE COURTENAY JEANNIE L SACKMAN WEST FARGO MIKE D OLEARY FARGO KARI A PETERSON MONTROSE RICHARD G REED WEST FARGO ELAINE M SADEK VALLEY CITY DEBORAH A OLERUD FARGO KARLA M PETERSON NEW YORK WALTER T REED ROCHESTER KEITH SADLER FARGO WILLIAM G OLINGER FARGO PAUL S PETERSON FARGO DEAN V REGNIER FARGO DEAN SALTER FARGO GRACE I OLIVER FARGO RICHARD W PETERSON MOORHEAD RON REIMER FARGO CARL SALTHAMMER FARGO LEONARD OLOFSON ADA SCOTT L PETERSON GRAND FORKS STEVEN J REINHARDT FARGO SANGER STUDIOS FARGO MARVIN OLOFSON FARGO SHANNON T PETERSON MOORHEAD KENNTH J REINOWSKI FARGO LINDA SATHER WEST FARGO CHRISTOPHER M OLSON ST CLOUD TERRY A PETERSON FARGO REMOTE POSSIBILITIES FARGO TAMMY M SAUDE FARGO DORIS OLSON ABERDEEN PETERSON CONST. CO. GRAND FORKS GLENN M RENNER ST ANTHONY RON G SAUVAGEAU FARGO MYRTLE A OLSON VALLEY CITY DAVID M PFEIFER VALLEY CITY KEVIN L RENTZ SURPRISE MELANIE L SCHACHER FARGO PAM M OLSON FARGO RENEY K PFEIFER HORACE LORRAINE REVLAND FARGO JEFF SCHAEFER WEST FARGO THOMAS W OLSON FARGO JOLENE M PFINGSTEIN FARGO CRUZ REYES GRANDIN JOAN M SCHAEFER NEW ROCKFORD ZONA M OLSON FARGO RAYMOND G PHELPS WEST FARGO MONICA REYNOLDS AUSTIN TIMOTHY J SCHAF FARGO FREDRICH OMAR ST PAUL STEVEN PICKLE FARGO LORI RHONE WEST FARGO LARRY D SCHAFFER FARGO ROBERT L ONSTAD DENVER SANDY PIERCE FARGO DEBRA R RICHARDS FARGO RICK SCHAPP FARGO WILLIAM J OOMS MOORHEAD GERALD B PIHLGREN FELTON DIANE P RICHARDS FARGO STANLEY SCHAUER ESCONDIDO RUDY OPP HUNTER CAROL M PIPER FARGO JEFF RICHARDSON MOORHEAD KIM S SCHELL THORTON ORCHARD GLENN DEV FARGO STEVE PIPER BISMARCK KATHRINE RICHARDSON BISMARCK JOYCE M SCHENATZKI FARGO CARROLL L ORTH HORACE JASON J PLECITY HICKSON LARRY J RICHAU WAUBUN DOUG D SCHESVOLD VALLEY CITY SERRINA L OSBORNE PELICAN RPDS MAURICE L PLOTT JR GRAPE VINE LAURIE RICHTER FARGO RICK SCHICK FARGO KAREN K OSCARSON FARGO LARRY POACH PUYALLUP REUBEN RICHTER ARLINGTON WANDA K SCHIMMING HOUSTON MICHAEL A OSLAND FARGO PONTIAC TOWN HALL ENDERLIN JAMES D RICK FARGO ROBIN SCHLEGEL FARGO DANIEL C OSMONDSON FARGO EDWIN POOCH VERONA MICHAEL J RICK WAHPETON ARTHUR SCHLENKER WEST FARGO ROBIN OSTBOE FARGO POOCH BROTHERS VERONA MICHAEL L RICKS CRYSTAL JANET A SCHLICHTER FARGO MARK E OSTEN ST CLOUD ROBERT F POOLMAN FARGO RICK’S REPAIR LEONARD DUANE D SCHLIEMAN FARGO ALAN L OSTER FARGO LINDA G PORTER MAPLETON AMY RISDON WEST FARGO BRENT M SCHMALTZ MAPLEGROVE DUWAYNE H OSTLUND GREELEY ROBERT POSSEHL AUDUBON ROBERT ROACH FISHER PAULA M SCHMALTZ GRAND FORKS DAVID J OTTERNESS SOUTH BEND TAMMY M POTTER FARGO CHARLES J ROBBINS FARGO CHARLES G SCHMIDT FARGO TIM OTTESEN FARGO BRUCE A POWER WEST FARGO JEFF H ROBERTS BOTHELL DEBBIE L SCHMIDT FARGO GARY W OTTO FARGO RICHARD F PRESTON FARGO DAVID ROBERTSON WICHITA KEN SCHMIDT FARGO DAVID OUSE FARGO TODD A PRICE FARGO WILLIAM J ROBINSON ROSEVILLE SCHMITT CARL ESTATE FT MORGAN JERRY OVERMOE MOORHEAD VALERIE PRINCE IVER GRV HGT JOHN ROEHRICH JR DAZEY BRIAN SCHMITZ GRAND FORKS P & G NEW HORIZONS MOORHEAD JEFF A PRISCHMANN FARGO TIMOTHY J ROGELSTAD PELICAN RAPIDS FLOYD SCHMITZ FARGO MARK PADDOCK BURLINGTON MARIA P PRITCHARD FARGO KENNETH D ROGERS FARGO WILLIAM D SCHMITZ GIBSONTON JIM PALMER WEST FARGO MARTHA L PROESCHOLDT RIVERSIDE ROBERT L ROGERS COLUMBUS GREG D SCHNEIDER FARGO KEVIN J PALMER ROSEAU ALBERT PUBLOW VALLEY CITY ROLFSON HORSE CENTER NEW ROCKFORD ELSIE H SCHOESZLER VERONA LORI PANTERA FARGO MICHAEL L QUAL MOORHEAD MARCUS J ROMAN MOORHEAD CARMEN G SCHOLES FARGO JOY A PARISIEN MINOT VERN QUAM WEST FARGO FRED A ROMULD GRAND FORKS CAROL SCHORSCH FARGO BYRON PARKER WEST FARGO WILBUR T QUAM LAS VEGAS JOE RONNING FARGO DONALD C SCHROEDER WEST FARGO DENNIS PARKINSON EAGAN QUICK JIM DAZEY KARI J RONNINGEN FARGO JANET M SCHROEDER WEST FARGO 8 Highline Notes October 2014 MARTNESTCROIX www.kwh.com RICKY SCHROEDER VIOLA M STEIER FARGO TRADERS INC FARGO JERRY WEGENAST FARGO SCHROEDER/PEAVEYDAVENPORT ERIE KIMBERLY A STERTON HENDRUM BRENDA A TRAUMAN WILTON JOHN WEIGEL LISBON RICK SCHUETTE WEST FARGO KARIN/SCOTT STINAR FARGO MICHAEL S TRESSLER ANKENY KEVIN J WEIGEL FARGO ROBERT D SCHULTZ FARGO STIRUM GRAIN&SUPPLY STIRUM TRI STATE STRIPING FARGO CONNIE D WEIK CASSELTON WILLIAM J SCHULTZ MOORHEAD COREY D STOCKSTAD FARGO ROBERT TRIEGLAFF FARGO TRACY A WEINMANN BISMARCK BONNIE J SCHULZ CROOKSTON BLAKE A STONER FARGO BRIAN J TROUBA JAMESTOWN C WEISPFENNING WEST FARGO NEIL SCHUMACHER WAHPETON TIMOTHY STOREY DUANE TROUT FARGO TERRY L WELCH ABERDEEN HAROLD C SCHUSTER FARGO MITCH STRAM BISMARCK LINDA M TROXELL FARGO SARA K WELDER FARGO DOUGLAS M SCHWARTZ FARGO CLYDE R STRAND KANSAS CITY STELLA TRYBA FARGO RUSSELL C WELL JAMESTOWN ROBERT S SCHWARZ FARGO GERALD STRAND ASHMOND DEBORAH S ULRICH SPRINGFIELD LARRY D WELLS CHANHASSEN SHAWN J SCORE FARGO JEANETTE STREI FARGO FREEMAN UNDEM SANBERNADENO LYLE WELLS WEST FARGO CHAD SCOTT FARGO ARTHUR C STRINGER SANBORN DAVID A UNDERTHUN FARGO STEVE WENZEL FARGO BRAD L SCWARTZ FARGO CARL STROM LANSDALE ARNAM H VAN LEONARD LEO WERLINGER FARGO DAWN L SEAY FARGO JOHN T STROM MCINTOSH CAMP M VAN FARGO PAULA D WESEMAN FARGO MARK SEBASTIAN URBANDALE DENNIS H STRONG NEW BRIGHTON HAL C VAN JR VALLEY CITY RAGNA WESTBY FARGO CHRIS C SEELYE DEVILS LAKE DENNIS STUGELMEYER FOREST CITY OCHTEN K VAN FARGO DONALD WESTMAN SR WEST FARGO HORACE E SEIXAS FARGO GARY SUDAN FARGO RADEN R VAN FARGO SCOTT E WETSCH FARGO VALERIE A SELENSKY FARGO MARJORIE SUNDSTROM VALLEY CITY ALLEN D VANDERWAL POLLOCK CHERI A WHELAN FARGO TERESA L SETER FARGO JEFFREY A SVARE FARGO ALFRED VANGSNESS FARGO BECKY L WHITE FARGO HAROLD SEVIG BROOKLYN JOHN B SWANBERG FARGO PATRICIA J VANZYL MOORHEAD JAMES L WICKLUND GREENBUSH BRENDA M SHAFER DETROIT LKS CRAIG M SWANSON FARGO TULIO VARGAS ST PAUL TIMOTHY D WILLCOXEN DAYTON KRISAN M SHAY ST LOUIS JULIE C SWANSON MOORHEAD JOAN T VATTHAUER FARGO INDRA WILLERS MOORHEAD BILLY SHERRELL MUSTANG KENT J SWANSON KILLDEER MARLENE VCULEK CRETE DONNIE L WILLERT RIVERSIDE SHEYENNE VAL.MEAT CO FORT RANSOM NORMAN SWANSON FARGO NOE VELA GRANDIN JAMES WILLIAMS FARGO RONALD S SHOMAN WEST FARGO SHANNON T SWANSON FARGO MIKE VERLINDEN DETROIT LAKES MARK R WILLIAMS FARGO LORI SHULSTAD FARGO VICKI R SWEENEY FARGO GLENN VETTER RIVERSIDE DUANE S WILSON MOORHEAD MICHAEL J SIMLEY FARGO BRIAN O SWENSON MOORHEAD DEWEL VIKER HILLSBORO DON I WINDINGLAND FARGO LORI M SIMON WEST FARGO DOUGLAS J SWENSON WESTFIELD VILAND CONSTRUCTION WALCOTT WILLIAM WINDT MOORHEAD ED SIMONSON FARGO WALLACE SWENSON FARGO KEVIN E VINING SIOUX CITY CINDY L WINROTH FARGO DAVID P SINCEBAUGH BURNSVILLE TAMMY J SWIFT FARGO CHARLOTTE L VIOU FARGO WINTERQUIST FARMS GRANDIN KIRT D SKADBERG PAHRUMP RALPH TAIT VALLEY CITY THOMAS L VOKES BLUE BELL BRENDA J WINTERS FARGO KEITH SKONSENG FERGUS FALLS DAVID R TANGEN CARBONDALE FELIX VOLK FARGO ALBERT K WITTENBERG VALLEY CITY SKUNES FARM ARTHUR FLORENCE E TAPLEY FARGO GLORIA B VOLK RUGBY DESIREE L WOLD MINOT RICHARD T SKURSKI LAS VEGAS R L TASSIN MOORHEAD MICHELLE VOLKER FARGO JOEL P WOLD FARGO RENEE I SLUSAR FARGO DEBORAH E TEEUWEN WOODLAWN WAYNE VOORHEES WEST FARGO KEVIN D WOLD FARGO CLYDE SMESTAD FARGO LORI A TERNES BISMARCK VICKI V VORLAND MINOT VICTOR W WOLF FARGO DAVID C SMITH CLIFTON PARK THE CAFE HARWOOD KIMBERLY J WAARA MOORHEAD JOAN I WOLFF WEST FARGO DEBORAH D SMITH ST CLOUD THE STORE INC HARWOOD DAVID WAGGONER FORT MORGAN LOWELL D WOLFF FARGO DEVONA K SMITH FARGO MARY B THEIS FARGO WILLIAM J WAGNER WIMBLEDON ROSEMARY WOLFF WEST FARGO JEANNE D SMITH HARWOOD THERESA L THEIS FARGO MICHAEL L WALDERA SIOUX FALLS DARWYN S WORREL LAMOURE LUCILLE SMITH FARGO SHARI M THOMAS FARGO ZEKE WALDNER VERONA JOHN J WRIGHT FARGO MONICA J SNYDER FARGO SHIRLEY M THOMAS LEONARD MANFRED WALHOOD ENDERLIN JULIE L WRIGHT GRAFTON DUANE SOBERG HARWOOD JEROME D THOMPSON WEST FARGO MICHELLE R WALKS FARGO KRYSTYNA WROBLEWSKI FARGO DAVID SODERSTROM MOORHEAD RON E THOMPSON ROCHESTER DANIEL R WALLGREN FARGO PAUL WUEBBEN OTTERTAIL ALICE SOMMERFELD RIVERSIDE SARA THOMPSON PAGE LAWRENCE WALOCK LAFAYETTE DAVID J YOUNG WILTON SUZANNE M SONGSTAD MOORHEAD STEVEN A THOMPSON WEST FARGO KEITH WALSH ALEXANDRIA WAYNE YSTEBO FARGO JEFF SORNSIN FARGO BONITA R THORP FARGO LEE WALSTAD FARGO MERLE R ZACHRISON VALLEY CITY NATHAN SORUM FARGO NEAL THRONTVEIT FARGO JOEL WALSVIK WHEATLAND EDWARD N ZAHARIA MEMPHIS TOM SORVIK WEST FARGO RANDY D THUE MAPLE GROVE GREG A WALTZ FARGO FRANK R ZAJIC ENGLEWOOD THOMAS F SPARKS WEST FARGO LYNNETTE THULIN BELTON VERNON V WANGEN FARGO AMY J ZANDER WEST FARGO NOEL SPEAR OAKES JAMES A TILLMAN SIOUX FALLS JAMES A WANGLER AUSTEN DAMON ZAYLSKIE FARGO LINDA L SPELDRICH WARROAD JOBY P TIMM VALLEY CITY KEVIN WANKE PELICAN RAPIDS LEE A ZIEGLER FARGO LORETTA K SPERLE ELKHORN GERALD W TIPTON CHRISTINE SHARON WARD FARGO RAYMOND ZIRNHELT LISBON JOHN S SPRATLEY FARGO MARK R TISLER WAHPETON TERRY WASTWEET FARGO DONALD ZOGG FARGO MICHAEL T SPRENGER BORUP BRADLEY J TOFT FARGO MELANIE R WATKINS FARGO ROBERT C WOLF FARGO SHARON M SPRY WEST FARGO JON R TOLLEFSON FARGO DELNO WEAVER HURON BETH A STALPES FARGO MITCH TOLPINGRUD BADGER KEVIN WEAVER FARGO MICHAEL STARK KINDRED ROGER B TOMSCHIN FARGO MARK WEBER CASSELTON BILL E STEELE FARMINGTON JULIE A TORGERSON FARGO CRAIG WEBSTER OMAHA DON R STEFFEN WEST FARGO LYLE TORGERSON FARGO CRAIG A WEBSTER FARGO JANELLE STEFFL SOUIX FALLS GARY TOSTENSON LISBON KEVIN WEBSTER STILLWATER DINA STEIER FARGO ANNE TOSTERUD FARGO DAVID S WEDDEL OWATONNA THE WOODLANDS www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 9 The Cowboy Co-op THE HISTORY OF ELECTRIC CO-OPS October is National Co-op Month, so it seems fitting for Cass County Electric Cooperative (CCEC) to look back to our beginnings and reflect on the reasons for the creation of electric cooperatives. This is a remarkable story that demonstrates the exceptional nature of the Americans who populated rural America, then and now. It’s hard to imagine what life was like outside urban areas in 1935, especially through the lens of our 21st century existence – news taking days to reach you, dirt roads, manual labor, and no electricity. Life for a large portion of the American population was, for all intents and purposes, a frontier life. Rugged people made a living through strength, persistence, and hard, often crushing, work, and they relied on their neighbors when things got tough. This way of life seems alien to most of us today, although a few are still around who remember when the lights first came on. While 95 percent of urban dwellers had electricity, only one in 10 rural Americans was so blessed. It was in this same year on May 11 when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed executive order 7037 creating the Rural Electrification Administration (REA). Immediately, “cowboy” cooperatives took the bit in their teeth and started putting together electric cooperatives all across America, CCEC was organized in 1937. Some might think that socalled “cowboy co-ops” would be restricted to the West, but the case can be made that every cooperative was formed by the cowboys of their area. These tough, self-reliant, hardworking, 10 Highline Notes October 2014www.kwh.com honest, resilient men and women were willing to take bold action to serve their interests and create a better life for their families. Working in your self-interest should not be confused as selfish, however. These cowboys were working together for their neighbors and for their communities. They got busy organizing electric cooperatives and began the work of bringing light to rural America. They dug holes by hand, walked poles up into place to carry the electric lines, all using just picks, shovels, ladders and whatever else was handy. Most of us have seen these poignant photographs, sepia images of remote places with men scrambling to light the rural landscape. Wires had to be man handled into place on the poles and cross arms. Creating the proper tension and securing the conductors to the insulators was all done by human strength and by sight. When the lines were damaged either by man or nature, it all had to be redone the same way. Today these tasks are completed using digger and bucket trucks assisted by mechanized tensioners. Safety equipment was non-existent in the early days. The hard hat was gradually being introduced, and the first job site to mandate their use was the Hoover Dam where falling debris was responsible for many deaths. Fire retardant clothing wasn’t even a glimmer in anyone’s eye, and climbing poles often involved ladders rather than spikes and safety belts. Many of these cowboys gave their lives to bring the benefits of electricity to their homes and communities. Presently, the work remains dangerous and arduous, but modern safety tools, clothing and practices reduce the risk substantially. In the days of the cowboy co-op, members reported how much power they used and the cooperative sent them a hand-prepared bill by regular RFD mail. No automatic meter reading systems or computerized billing options; ledgers formed the permanent record of transactions. Today, distribution systems are controlled by smart devices, and cooperatives can provide more consistent levels of service and quality at a much lower cost. Automated systems abound that improve the accuracy of bills and simplify data management. Technology continues to improve our ability to control system operation and costs while continuously improving quality and member service. Given all that has happened, some might think the cowboy cooperative is a thing of the past but this is far from true. The cowboy cooperative is needed just as much in 2014 as it was in 1935. Changes are sweeping through the electric utility industry, and if the cooperatives are to retain the benefits that electrification has brought to rural America, bold, decisive action by a new breed of cooperative cowboy will be required. A new generation of members is coming onto cooperative lines. Members who saw electric co-ops as “saviors” by bringing in the simple benefits of light, refrigeration, and other appliances are fading into memory. We must now wrestle with the perception of just being another utility, quite a fall from the savior ranks. Community involvement is a staple of CCEC. Today we are actively involved in local Chamber of Commerce and civic organizations and economic and rural development groups as a means of improving where we live and work beyond the simple provision of power. As these efforts continue, we recognize that community for many of our new members resides on the Internet – a collection of electronic representations of individuals rather than meeting in person. New members expect immediate response and limitless information. It is a challenge worthy of a cowboy response. Engaging our membership in the future will be challenging, but so was bringing electricity to rural America. While the tools differ, the cowboy cooperative mindset and ethic have not changed. The frontier life of today is different indeed. In the 21st century, co-ops will continue to work in their self-interests. This means employees and members alike pitching in and doing whatever they can individually and collectively to be sure that the interests of our community are well served and that electricity remains affordable and reliable. Just as it was in the 1930s, working in our self-interest won’t be selfish, it will be for the benefit of the families in our communities – and that’s who we, here at CCEC, are here to serve. 2015 director elections If you are a Cass County Electric member and are interested in becoming a Director, contact Karen Egeberg at (701) 356-4405 for a 2015 director election petition packet. In compliance with Bylaw requirements, a petition, biographical information and such other information as the board or credentialing committee may require to establish and verify the qualifications of the proposed director to serve must be delivered to the Cooperative office no less than (90) days (by January 20, 2015) prior to the date of the Annual Member Meeting at which an election will be held: District 2 District 3 District 5-1 Doug Anderson (i) Sid Berg(i) Wendy Loucks (i) Arthur Colfax Fargo Directors are elected by ballot for a three-year term. Nominees in Districts 2, 3 and 5 must be a bona fide resident of the director district in which they are seeking directorship. (See District Map) The names of all candidates who submit the required information in the time and manner specified in Article III. Section 3.6 of the Bylaws will be submitted to a credentialing committee consisting of between three and eight members, as determined by the board of directors. The credentialing committee may require candidates to provide and verify additional information deemed relevant by the credentialing committee. (CCEC Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation can be found at www.kwh.com; a written copy is also available upon request.) www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 11 Your recipe includes a dash of electricity. food RECIPES FROM YOUR KITCHEN Email to ccec@kwh.com or mail to: Cass County Electric Cooperative; Highline Notes 3312 42nd St S, Suite 200, Fargo, ND 58104 Ardeith Richter, West Fargo Krumkake (Norwegian Cookie) Ingredients: 3 eggs ¾ cup sugar ½ cup melted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla ¾ cup flour Preparation: Beat eggs, add sugar and continue beating. Add rest of ingredients and blend thoroughly. Place teaspoonful of batter on hot krumkake iron and bake until light brown (about 20 seconds). Remove flat cookie from iron and roll on a cone while warm. Remove form cone to continue cooling. (I roll the flat cookie in a cake pan with a sheet of paper toweling in the bottom of the pan. This will absorb any butter residue). Makes 4 dozen. Rosette Wafers Kringler Snow Flakes Ingredients: 1 cup butter 1 (3 oz.) pkg cream cheese 1 cup sugar 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 ½ cups sifted all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon cinnamon Mix butter, cream cheese and sugar well. Beat in egg yolk and vanilla. Gradually blend in flour, salt and cinnamon which have been sifted together. Fill cookie press. Form cookies on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350˚ for 12 to 15 minutes. Remove at once to cooling racks. 2 eggs, beaten with fork 1 teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon lemon extract 1 cup milk 1 cup flour (little more if necessary) Ingredients: 1 cup sugar 1 cup cream 4 well beaten eggs ½ teaspoon vanilla ½ teaspoon salt 4 - 4 ½ cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder Preparation: Preparation: Ingredients: (Scandinavian Cookie) Mix in order listed. Use just enough flour to form in shape with very little mixing. Shape in Kringlors, or circles or roll into rolls about ½ inch thick, and 6 inches long. Form into a figure 8. Dip in sugar and bake 10 to 15 minutes in hot oven 400˚ Preparation: Beat eggs slightly with sugar, salt and lemon. Add milk and flour, and beat until smooth. Then fry about 30 seconds in hot lard, using a rosette iron. This will make 40 rosettes. Heat iron in hot lard, shake off dripping fat, then dip into batter, but don’t let batter come over the top of the iron. Return to the hot lard, so lard covers iron. Send your recipes to ccec@kwh.com 12 Highline Notes October 2014www.kwh.com d Are ready to color D.C.?! More than 1,500 students from all across America take part in the Youth Tour experience each year, and so can you! Travel to Washington, D.C., where you will meet your U.S. Representatives and Senators. This unique trip will give you the opportunity to watch history come alive as you explore the museums, memorials and monuments with students from across North Dakota. You will meet student leaders from nearly every state and hear dynamic leaders on Youth Day. Bottom line, you will make friendships that will last a lifetime and be part of a group that has more than 50,000 alumni in every walk of life including U.S. Senators and CEOs. • To enter the contest, you must be a junior or senior in high school in the fall of 2014. The trip is scheduled for June 13-19, 2015. • You and your parents or guardian must be served by Cass County Electric Cooperative. • Essay topic: If chosen as a Youth Tour delegate, you will be traveling to Washington, D.C. to experience and learn about America’s rich history. What moment in American history do you wish you had been a part of and what would you have contributed? • Submit your essay in hard copy or electronic format to Cass County Electric Cooperative. Submissions should conform to a two-page, double-spaced guideline. Include a cover page with your name, date of birth, school and grade in 2014/2015, parent or guardian’s name, address and telephone number. • Deadline is 1/31/15. Send entries to jhovland@kwh.com, or Youth Tour Essay Contest, CCEC, 3312 42nd St S Fargo, ND 58104. www.ndyouthtour.com or www.youthtour.coop www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 13 ads PLEASE KEEP ADS TO 40 WORDS OR LESS AD POLICY • All ads must be 40 words or less. • Ads will be abbreviated following our guidelines. • No real estate or commercial ads accepted. • Ads are published for members at no charge as space permits on a first-received-firstprinted basis. • Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. • Members may submit only one ad per issue. • Ads must be resubmitted to run an additional month. • Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any ad. • Email ads to: ccec@kwh.com (preferred). • Mail ads to: Highline Notes, 3312 42nd St. S. Suite 200, Fargo, ND 58104 Cass County Electric Cooperative is not responsible for any items purchased or sold in Highline Notes. For Sale: Yamaha upright piano, solid oak, model T1201180, used 25 hrs, $1,600. 701.866.9162 Wheel dolly for replacing wheel seals, $50. 701.437.2863 Wood burning stove. 701.282.7732 5 volumes of family histories from Norway, written by a historian, all in Norwegian, $150. 701.351.1190 Queen/full-size bookcase headboard, $20. 952.412.2407 Side arm Hurricane ditcher, like new, stored inside, needs 150hp to run, make offer. 701.840.9349 Electric generator, Coleman/Powermate, model #PMO525202.02 / 5000W/120/240v/3600 rpm/41.7/20.8 amps/single phase 60 hz, 50 hours, $300. 701.205.4430 or jlddesotel@cableone.net 10 – 260 gallon fuel oil tanks, $50/ea. 701.683.4180 100 gal Rubbermaid water tank w/ drain valve. Hay bale hunting blind. 16” Poulan chain saw w/ 2 extra chains. Canadian goose decoys. Leupold Wind River 10x42 binoculars w/ case. Set Storehouse folding sawhorses. Swisher 48” pull behind yard sweeper. 701.282.3679 mounting pad. Built in 2005, works perfectly, we upgraded our AC system, $800/OBO. 701.261.0577 Craftmatic adjustable bed, XL twin, heavyduty mattress, variable speed massage, $800. 701.232.5419 94 Ford F150XLT, good cond, $3,500/OBO. 701.540.5398 2009 Jayco Designer 5th wheel, 3-slides, fireplace, big screen TV, sat dish on roof, washer/dryer, A/C, good condition, $35,000. 701.680.2599 Battery operated scooter, very good tires & battery, used very little, $500. 701.730.6390 Ace in the hole, model A5000-03 battery back-up sump pump, w/ deep cycle inc, never used, $150. 701.282.4664 Brass bed, queen, w/ frame, 40-yrs old, exc shape. 2- Black & Decker hammer drills, 3/8 and 1/2 inch. 2 Vikings blankets, 84x96, $20/ea. 701.219.1375 Tractor Parts for Case (LA, DC, D, SC, VAC). Minneapolis Moline (UR). Engine for an old U w/ solid block. Variety of carburetor and magnetos. Radiators & some other parts for 62 Rambler. Antique Briggs & Stratton washing machine engine, runs well. 701.845.4303 Large black leather couch w/ faux leather around the sides, black leather chair (looks like office), oak vanity w/ stool. Inexpensive black metal futon. Walmart computer desk. Two-brown leather-look kitchen parson chairs. Hobby Lobby game table. All in exc cond. 701.351.3600 Stiffel brass floor lamp with shelf, great condition, $50. 701.361.9872 Lincoln 155 wire feed welder w/ stand, 2 welding helmets, some accessories, used approx. 12x, $525. Lawn sweep, used once, $100. Two-2 tone hydraulic jacks in cases, $30/ea. 701.799.9964 2 HP office jet 4500 wireless printers, $20/ea. 701.261.7456 Two black/dark navy print loveseats & one chair, exc cond, pics avail, $250/OBO. 701.261.1977 4 All-weather tires Nokian WRG2 235/50R18, snow flake on mountain symbol, 7/32 to 8/32 tread, can be run all year, $400. 701.412.6384 JD belt driven snowblower, will fit 1960’s JD model 110 lawn tractor, $300/OBO. 701.361.9576 Yard cart, 10 cu ft steel Agri-fab, $50. Lawn sweeper, 38” Craftsman, $50. 701.367.4837 New white metal ceiling grid, 13, 12-footers, $25. 701.371.1902 Propane tanks, 2 - 75 gal round tanks, $75/ea or both for $125/OBO. 701.282.4997 5th Annual Holiday Craft/Vendor Fair, Holy Cross Catholic Church, West Fargo, Saturday, November 22, 10-3. Over 35 booths, admission price is canned food items, complimentary refreshments will be served (free-will offering), and door prizes. New in box, Stoeger M3500, 12 gauge shotgun, 3.5” chamber, camo, $450. New wheels, taken off 2012 Ford F150 XLT, lug nuts and caps, 17”, 5 spoke, polished aluminum, $400/OBO. 701.840.4546 96 Polaris XLT Indy Special snowmobile, 1,681 mi, reverse, high output triple, pull hitch, new 6” carbide scags, full cover, thumb & hand warmers, new belts 1 1/4” drag studs, $1,700. 701.298.0499 Comfort King size “Divine” mattress set w/ powder base (two remotes), 8 months old, very clean, exc cond, paid $3,900, selling for $2,500. Creative Memories True 12x12 albums, brand new in package, 1 royal blue & 1 periwinkle blue, $25/ ea. Pages, $15/ea. Protectors, $7/ea. 3 - Leslie Sansone walking DVDs, $10/all. JVC & Toshiba DVD players, work great, $10/ea. 701.361.0597 York central AC, used, 2.5 ton, 10 SEER, fully charged w/ R-22, incl: A-coil for furnace & 14 Highline Notes October 2014www.kwh.com s New Briggs & Stratton Generator, 8750 KW start up, 6000 KW running, never been run, never had gas in tank, $500/ firm. 701.200.1091 Decorative shelf unit, great for holiday décor, organizer for kids room, or storage, exc cond, pics avail, $50. 701.492.9150 Wanted: Motorcycles & ATV’s, all makes & models, years, condition. Let me know what you have. 701.361.7289 Small pull type box scraper to be pulled w/ ATV or garden tractor. 701.730.5224 Orig 1961 Cub Cadet lawn/garden tractor, exc cond, parade ready, $2,200/OBO. Mission oak 8-drawer jewelry armoire, like new, $200. 701.588.4611 4-16” semi mounted plow. 701.882.3245 DU-HA (under seat storage unit), for 2012 GMC crew-cab pickup (rear seat), $50. 701.261.0200 Good used 1000 lb baler, would like all belts to be 9” & been stored inside. 8’ Allied snowblower w/ single feeding auger. 701.840.9349 Three mobility scooters, great cond, $500/ea. 701.205.5305 4 New Bridgestone Dueler H/T tires, P225/70/R18, $300. 701.840.5407 or 701.845.6999 Craftsman Snow Thrower, 8.5 hp, 26” two stage tract drive, $650. 701.793.7841 Stackable washer/dryer. 701.361.7770 Wheels for Bagboy Lite two-wheeled golf cart. Bagboy Lite two-wheeled golf carts for parts. Platform that golf bag sits on for a Wilson Prostaff Limited two-wheel golf cart. Wilson Prostaff Limited two-wheeled golf carts for parts. 701.799.4677 IS YOUR HEATING SYSTEM READY FOR WINTER? Test your heating system to make sure everything is working properly. Dual heat off-peak members, remember to test both heating systems and be sure to fill your propane or fuel oil tanks to avoid running out during the winter months when fuel prices are higher. Free: Small electric church organ. 701.588.4521 1998 Dodge Ram 1500, loaded w/ extras. Sears 12” Band saw/sander. 701.588.4521 Statement of Ownership www.kwh.com October 2014 Highline Notes 15 Cass County Electric is a member of Touchstone Energy, a national alliance of local, memberowned electric cooperatives providing high standards of service to all members, large and small. In order to qualify as a Touchstone Energy partner, electric cooperatives must be active members of their communities, dedicated to serving all members with integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community. 3312 42nd St. S., Fargo, North Dakota 58104 800-248-3292 • www.kwh.com CASS COUNTY ELECTRIC UGLY FRIDGE CONTEST U G LY = O L D A N D I N E F F I C I E N T How old and inefficient is your refrigerator? Enter Cass County Electric Cooperative’s Ugly Fridge Contest and you will be eligible to win a new ENERGY STAR refrigerator. To enter, send a picture of your inefficient refrigerator along with your name and address to lfernandez@kwh.com or CCEC, Attn: Leily Fernandez, 3312 42nd St S, Suite 200 Fargo, ND 58104. CONTEST RULES: GH U O R TH R 30 E B M NOVE • Must be a CCEC member. • Refrigerator must be in use in kitchen in CCEC service territory. • Ugly fridge pictures will be put into a random drawing to determine winner. • CCEC will dispose of your old refrigerator. • New refrigerator will be chosen by CCEC. • Entry must be received by November 30, 2014. 16 Highline Notes October 2014www.kwh.com