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conServAZIone hAbItAt InvertebrAtI 5: 783–797 (2011)
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the
Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in
southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)*
Andrea IULI1, Alberto ZILLI2
Associazione Oletepsiuché, c/o Museo Civico di Zoologia, Via U. Aldrovandi 18, I-00197 Rome, Italy. E-mail:
Museo Civico di Zoologia, Via U. Aldrovandi 18, I-00197 Rome, Italy. E-mail:
*In: Nardi G., Whitmore D., Bardiani M., Birtele D., Mason F., Spada L. & Cerretti P. (eds), Biodiversity of Marganai and
Montimannu (Sardinia). Research in the framework of the ICP Forests network. Conservazione Habitat Invertebrati, 5: 783–797.
During the inventoring and monitoring programmes on biodiversity carried out in the Marganai mountains and surrounding areas (southern Sardinia) by Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale "Bosco Fontana" of Verona in 2003–2006, a total of 155
species of Macrolepidoptera Heterocera, representative of nine families, were collected with a variety of sampling methods.These species are briefly
accounted on here, with remarks on the most noteworthy taxa from the faunistic, biogeographical and systematic standpoints.The survey led to the
discovery of the noctuid Phytometra sanctiflorentis (Boisduval, 1834) (= luna Zerny, 1927), so far known only from the Iberian Peninsula, which
is thus a species new to both Sardinia and Italy as a whole.
Key words: Macrolepidoptera, Sardinia, Marganai mountains, faunistics, new records.
Reperti di Macrolepidotteri Eteroceri dei Monti Marganai e dintorni in Sardegna meridionale (Lepidoptera)
Il presente contributo fornisce notizie sulle 155 specie di Macrolepidotteri Eteroceri che, con diversi metodi, sono state raccolte nel corso delle
campagne di censimento della biodiversità condotte dal Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale "Bosco Fontana" di Verona nel comprensorio dei Monti Marganai e dintorni (Sardegna meridionale) nel 2003–2006. Alcuni elementi di particolare interesse
sistematico, faunistico e biogeografico sono brevemente commentati, tra i quali degno di nota è il nottuide Phytometra sanctiflorentis (Boisduval,
1834) (= luna Zerny, 1927), finora ritenuto endemico della Penisola Iberica, che risulta pertanto nuovo per la Sardegna e più in generale per la
fauna italiana.
During 2003–2006 the Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale
"Bosco Fontana" of Verona (hereafter CNBFVR) undertook a number of sampling campaigns in the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern
Sardinia within the framework of monitoring and
inventoring programmes on biodiversity (cf. Mason
et al. 2006; Cerretti et al. 2009; Bardiani 2011). The
present account deals with all the macromoth species
collected during such campaigns, with emphasis on
the most noteworthy species from a systematic, faunistic and biogeographical point of view.
Study area
The area of the Marganai mountains has to be intended in the extended manner outlined by Angius et al.
(2011). The reader is also addressed to that paper and
to Bardiani (2011) for an annotated list of the sampling
sites and relevant features of landscape and vegetation.
Sampling techniques
The taxonomical groups taken into account in this
contribution are those falling under the traditional
concept of "macromoths" or Macrolepidoptera Heterocera. This heterogeneous assemblage, not corre783
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
sponding to any taxon rigorously defined on a systematic basis, holds a great potential for environmental analyses, not least because of the vast amount of
information so far available on it. The families here
treated are nine, namely Psychidae, Zygaenidae, Sesiidae, Lasiocampidae, Sphingidae, Drepanidae, Geometridae, Notodontidae and Noctuidae.
The macromoths were collected using an array of
methods which include light-trapping (fabric sacks
suspended below fluorescent 15W actinic tubes run
overnight), sugaring (sucrose-ethanol mixture), netting (butterfly-net), Malaise, pitfall and window-trapping. The collecting team was composed by D. Avesani, M. Bardiani, D. Birtele, P. Cerretti, G. Chessa, P.
Cornacchia, M. Mei, E. Minari, G. Nardi, M. Tisato,
D. Whitmore and M. Zapparoli. Actual collectors of
individual specimen(s) are however omitted in the faunistic list in order not to make the records too lengthy.
Taxonomic identifications
Identification of specimens, particularly those preserved in ethanol inasmuch as collected with Malaise
and pitfall traps, largely relied on the examination of
their genitalia. Dissections were done after the procedure outlined in Grassi & Zilli (2005) and genital pieces mounted either in permanent slides with
Euparal or stored in microvials with glycerol which
were associated to the original specimens.
Layout of results and depositories
All specimens belonging to the families above indicated which were collected during the campaigns are recorded in a systematic list, and remarks to noteworthy
species given in a special section ("Notes") following
it. In the systematic part, supraspecific taxa are listed
according to the arrangement of Karsholt & Razowski
(1996) after the nomenclature given in the most recent version of "Fauna Europaea" (Karsholt & van
Nieukerken 2010), with congeneric species or species
pertaining to a same subgenus given in alphabetical order. Exceptions are represented by Catocala coniuncta,
the amended spelling of which follows Bertaccini et
al. (2008), and the authorship of Cryphia (Euthales)
pallida, the author of which is Bethune-Baker (1894).
Except when otherwise stated, all the material examined is deposited in CNBFVR (Marmirolo, Mantua).
C01 = Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Iglesias, Case Marganai, 725 m,
32S 463890 4355925; C07 = Carbonia–Iglesias prov., Domus­
novas, dint. Planargia-Scoveri, 625 m, 32S 465523 4362921;
C08 = Domusnovas, Valle Oridda, pineta, 595 m, 32S 466970
4362400; C10 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, dint. P.ta
Piscina Argiolas, 282 m, 32S 472049 4360081; C11 = Medio
Campidano prov., Villacidro, Serci, 381 m, 32S 472208
4359497; C12 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, Can.
li s'Otti, versante destro, 520 m, 32S 471690 4359611; C14 =
Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, Sedda Pranu Cardu, 549
m, 32S 470926 4358924; C18 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, Rio Cannisoni, 390 m, 32S 469095 4362383; C23 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, Rio Cannisoni, radura sponda
sinistra, 401 m, 32S 468459 4362806; C26 = Carbonia-Iglesias
prov., Domusnovas, Bega d'Aleni, 621 m, 32S 467855 4361336;
C30 = Medio Campidano prov., Gonnosfanàdiga, dint. Ovile
Linas, 710 m, 32S 466346 4365201; C31 = Carbonia-Iglesias
prov., Domusnovas, Lago Siuru, 322 m, 32S 0467069 4357916;
C36 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, dint. Lago di Montimannu, 256 m, 32S 474156 4363150; C42 = Carbonia-Iglesias
prov., Iglesias, Conca Margiani, 750 m, 32S 462440 4356936;
C44 = Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Iglesias, Conca Margiani, radura
lungo strada, 700 m, 32S 462635 4356866; C48 = Domusnovas P.ta Piloni de sa Figu, 750 m, 32S 465958 4360742; C58 =
Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, dint. P.ta Piscina Argiolas,
rigagnolo, 282 m, 32S 472049 4360081; C59 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, dint. Monte Anzeddu, 500 m, 32S
469031 4361072; C82 = Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Iglesias, Monti
Marganai, Tintillonis, 480 m, 32S 462590 4355061; C83 = Medio Campidano prov., Villacidro, P.ta Magusu, Cantina Ferraris,
367 m, 32S 469765 4361311; S1 = Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Iglesias, dint. colonia Beneck, 636 m, 32S 0462391 4355441; S2 =
Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas, sa Duchessa, 371 m, 32S
0464990 4358384; S3 = Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Domusnovas,
Valle Oridda, 592 m, 32S 0466973 4362228; SAR1 = CarboniaIglesias prov., Iglesias, Marganai, plot CONECOFOR SAR1, 700
m, 32S 462853 4355582.
Depositories (other than CNBFVR). MCZR = Museo Civico
di Zoologia (Rome); NCPZ = Noctuoid collection Provera-Zilli
Other abbreviations. al = collecting at light; bz = glass trunk trap
(beer and sugar); dint. = surroundings of; ex = specimen/s; lt = light
trap; mt = Malaise trap; nt = butterfly-net(ting); nz = hand net
on vegetation previously sprayed with a saturated sugar and water
solution; prov. = province; pt = pitfall trap; wt = window flight trap.
Sampling sites. A06 = Carbonia-Iglesias prov., Buggerru, Cala
Domestica, 10 m, 32S 446540 4358436; A17 = Carbonia-Iglesias
prov., Fluminimaggiore, Portixeddu, 6 m, 32S 449437 4365741;
1. Penestoglossa dardoinella (Millière, 1863)
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)
Records. S1: 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 25.VII–
mt, 1 ex.
VIII.2004, mt, 1 ex; 16.VI–14.VII.2005, mt, 1 ex.
10. Lasiocampa (Pachygastria) trifolii (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Records. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
2. Zygaena (Mesembrynus) corsica Boisduval, 1828
Records. C01: 11.VI.2004, nt, 1 ex. C18: 19.V.2006, nt, 1 ex
(MCZR); 21.V.2006, nt, 1 ex. C23: 19.V.2006, nt, 1 ex. S3:
10.VI.2004, nt, 1 ex.
11. Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex.
12. Hyles dahlii (Geyer, 1828)
3. Synanthedon codeti (Oberthür, 1881)
Records. S2: 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C01: 4.IX.2003, nt, 1 ex. C31: 12.VII.2006, nt, 1
ex. S2: 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex; 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex;
12.VII.2006, nt, 1 ex.
13. Hyles livornica (Esper, 1780)
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
4. Synanthedon vespiforme (Linnaeus, 1761)
Records. C18: 11.VII.2006, nt, 1 ex. C26: 16.VII.2006, nt, 1
ex. C36: 10.VII.2006, nt, 1 ex. C44: 13.VII.2006, nt, 4 ex. S2:
13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 30.VI–16.VII.2004, mt, 1 ex;
16.VI–14.VII.2005, mt, 3 ex; 24.VII–5.VIII.2005, mt, 1 ex.
5. Pyropteron chrysidiforme (Esper, 1782)
Records. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S1: 13–27.VI.2006,
mt, 2 ex.
6. Pyropteron leucomelaena (Zeller, 1847)
14. Watsonalla uncinula (Borkhausen, 1790)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 3 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex.
C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 16 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 2 ex; 9–10.VI.2004,
mt, 28 ex; 10.VI.2004, mt, 3 ex; 11.VI.2004, mt, 6 ex; 11–12.
VI.2004, mt, 45 ex; 12.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt,
2 ex; 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, mt, 2 ex. SAR1: 15–30.VI.2004, wt,
1 ex; 30.V–16.VII.2004, pt, 2 ex; 16.VII–1.VIII.2004, pt, 2 ex;
1–16.VIII.2004, mt, 4 ex; 14.VII–5.VIII.2005, mt, 2 ex.
Records. SAR1: 15–30.VI.2004, pt, 1 ex.
7. Chamaesphecia aerifrons (Zeller, 1847)
Records. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 3 ex; 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1
ex; 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 8 ex. S2: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3:
13–27.VI.2006, mt, 2 ex.
15. Isturgia assimilaria (Rambur, 1833)
8. Bembecia albanensis (Rebel, 1918)
16. Macaria ichnusae Govi & Fiumi, 2005
Records. A17: 14.VI.2004, nt, 1 ex.
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex.
17. Rhoptria asperaria (Hübner, 1817)
9. Malacosoma (Clisiocampa) neustria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex.
C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex, C82: 9–10.VI.2004, mt, 3 ex.
Records. C82: 9–10.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 16.VII–1.
18. Colotois pennaria (Linnaeus, 1761)
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
Records. C58: 10–11.XI.2006, lt, 1 ex. SAR1: 21.X–17.
XI.2003, mt, 1 ex; 12.XII.2003–8.I.2004, mt, 5 ex; 8–21.I.2004,
mt, 3 ex; 15–30.VI.2004, pt, 4 ex; 22.XI–17.XII.2004, mt, 18
ex; 17.XII.2004–4.I.2005, mt, 4 ex; 17.XII.2004–4.I.2005,
pt, 1 ex; 18.I–1.III.2005, mt, 1 ex; 2–16.XII.2005, mt, 1 ex;
16.XII.2005–3.I.2006, pt, 1 ex.
19. Menophra abruptaria (Thunberg, 1792)
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 6 ex.
S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex; 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1:
5.IX.2003, mt, 1 ex.
20. Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
ex. S3: 5.IX–19.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
28. Microloxia herbaria (Hübner, 1813)
Records. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
29. Thetidia (Antonechloris) sardinica (Schawerda,
Records. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 2 ex
30. Xenochlorodes olympiaria (Herrich–Schäffer,
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 3 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 6 ex.
31. Scopula (Calothysanis) imitaria (Hübner, 1799)
21. Peribatodes umbraria (Hübner, 1809)
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 6 ex. C10: 19.V.2008, nt, 2
ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 3 ex.
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006,
mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 22–25.IX.2004, mt, 1 ex.
32. Idaea attenuaria (Rambur, 1833)
22. Campaea honoraria (Denis & Schiffermüller,
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt,
2 ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 11 ex. S2: 19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1:
15–30.VI.2004, mt, 8 ex.
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 4 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex;
11–12.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
33. Idaea aversata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
23. Agriopis marginaria (Fabricius, 1776)
34. Idaea degeneraria (Hübner, 1800)
Records. SAR1: 1.III–29.IV.2005, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C10: 19.V.2008, lt, 2 ex; 19–20.V.2008, lt, 1 ex. C11:
7–8.IX.2006, lt, 8 ex; 11–12.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C12: 21.V.2006,
lt, 4 ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt,
19 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 12 ex. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 8
ex. C59: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 84 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 10 ex;
9–10.VI.2004, mt, 40 ex; 10.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex; 11–12.VI.2004,
mt, 51 ex; 12.VI.2004, mt, 25 ex. SAR1: 15–30.VI.2004, mt, 1
ex. S2: 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 11 ex.
24. Tephronia spp.
Records. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. SAR1: 5.VIII–13.IX.2005,
mt, 1 ex.
25. Charissa (Euchrognophos) corsica (Oberthür, 1913)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex (MCZR). C31: 20–
23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004,
lt, 2 ex.
35. Idaea efflorata Zeller, 1849
26. Pseudoterpna coronillaria (Hübner, 1817)
36. Idaea elongaria (Rambur, 1833)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex.
Records. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
27. Eucrostes indigenata (de Villers, 1789)
37. Idaea filicata (Hübner, 1799)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 1
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 31 ex. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 7 ex;
Records. S1: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 4 ex. S2: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 2 ex.
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)
19.V.2008, nt, 1 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 17 ex. C12: 21.V.2006,
lt, 1 ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 19
ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 6 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 29 ex. C82:
5.IX.2003, mt, 1 ex; 9–10.VI.2004, mt, 44 ex; 10.VI.2004, mt, 2
ex; 11–12.VI.2004, mt, 44 ex; 12.VI.2004, mt, 8 ex. S1: 22.VIII–
5.IX.2006, mt, 6 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 8 ex. S2: 10–30.V.2006,
mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 15 ex.
Records. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C31: 19.V.2008, nt, 1 ex.
47. Catarhoe basochesiata (Duponchel, 1831)
Records. S1: 19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
S2: 21.III–4.IV.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 3 ex.
48. Epirrhoe galiata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
38. Idaea infirmaria (Rambur, 1833)
Records. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
49. Costaconvexa polygrammata (Borkhausen, 1794)
39. Idaea ochrata (Scopoli, 1763)
Records. C82: 11–12.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S1: 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 16–30.V.2006,
mt, 1 ex; 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex; 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 2 ex.
S3: 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex.
40. Idaea ostrinaria (Hübner, 1813)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 8 ex.
C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 3 ex. C82: 9–10.VI.2004, mt, 3 ex; 11–12.
VI.2004, mt, 22 ex; 12.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex. S2: 16–30.V.2006,
mt, 4 ex; 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 16.VI–14.VII.2005,
mt, 4 ex.
50. Camptogramma bistrigata (Treitschke, 1828)
Records. C10: 19–20.V.2008, lt, 1 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1
ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 1 ex. S1:
3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 11–25.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex; 25.VII–8.
VIII.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 2 ex; 19.IX–3.X.2006,
mt, 2 ex.
51. Larentia clavaria (Haworth, 1809)
Records. S1: 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
41. Idaea predotaria (Hartig, 1951)
52. Horisme predotai Bytinski–Salz, 1937
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. S2: 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
42. Idaea rusticata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
53. Operophtera brumata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C82: 11–12.VI.2004, mt, 11 ex.
Records. SAR1: 4–10.I.2005, mt, 1 ex.
43. Idaea seriata (Schrank, 1802)
54. Eupithecia centaureata (Denis & Schiffermüller,
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 1 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 2 ex. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 2 ex. S3:
13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1
44. Idaea subsericeata (Haworth, 1809)
55. Eupithecia cocciferata Millière, 1864
Records. S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S1: 21.III–4.IV.2006, mt, 1 ex; 18.IV–2.V.2006, mt, 1
ex. SAR1: 16.II–15.VI.2004, mt, 2 ex.
45. Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767)
56. Eupithecia dodoneata Guenée, 1858
Records. A06: 10.IX.2006, nt, 1 ex. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 1 ex;
12–13.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. S3: 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 2 ex; 11–
25.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex; 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, mt, 1 ex; 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
46. Nycterosea obstipata (Fabricius, 1794)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex. S1: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
57. Eupithecia oxycedrata (Rambur 1833)
Records. C10: 19–20.V.2008, lt, 5 ex.
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
58. Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Haworth, 1809)
Records. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 1 ex. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt,
1 ex.
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
69. Pechipogo plumigeralis Hübner, 1825
59. Chloroclystis v-ata (Haworth, 1809)
60. Chesias linogrisearia Constant, 1888
Records. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 1 ex. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt,
1 ex; 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 3 ex;
19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3: 5.IX–19.X.2006, mt, 1 ex;
3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S2: 21.III–4.IV.2006, mt, 1 ex.
70. Herminia flavicrinalis Andreas, 1910
61. Aplocera plagiata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex (NCPZ). C82: 9–10.VI.2004,
mt, 8 ex (1 ex MCZR); 11–12.VI.2004, mt, 11 ex; 12.VI.2004,
mt, 1 ex (NCPZ). S1: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex (MCZR). S2:
19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C10: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex; 19–20.V.2008, lt, 1 ex.
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 2 ex.
71. Catocala coniuncta (Esper, 1787)
62. Rhegmatophila richelloi Hartig, 1939
Records. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 1 ex. SAR1: 8–21.IX.2004, pt,
2 ex.
Records. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 2 ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006,
mt, 1 ex.
72. Catocala dilecta (Hübner, 1808)
63. Peridea anceps (Goeze, 1781)
Records. SAR1: 6.X–5.XI.2004, pt, 1 ex.
Records. SAR1: 29.IV–20.V.2005, pt, 1 ex.
73. Catocala elocata (Esper, 1787)
64. Stauropus fagi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex.
74. Catocala nymphaea (Esper, 1787)
Records. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 3 ex. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt,
146 ex.
65. Craniophora ligustri (Denis & Schiffermüller,
Records. C10: 19.V.2008, al, 1 ex. SAR1: 8–21.IX.2004, pt,
1 ex.
66. Cryphia (Euthales) ochsi (Boursin, 1940)
75. Catocala nymphagoga (Esper, 1787)
Records. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt, 31 ex. C82: 1–5.IX.2003,
mt, 1 ex. S1: 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 2 ex. S2: 13–27.VI.2006,
mt, 1 ex; 20.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 30.V–16.
VII.2004, mt-pt, 2 ex; 16.VII–1.VIII.2004, mt, 1 ex; 1–16.
VIII.2004, mt, 13 ex; 16.VIII–8.IX.2004, mt, 1 ex; 14.VII–5.
VIII.2005, mt, 15 ex; 5.VIII–13.IX.2005, wt, 1 ex.
Records. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex.
76. Catocala sponsa (Linnaeus, 1767)
67. Cryphia (Euthales) pallida (Bethune-Baker, 1894)
Records. SAR1: 21.X–17.XI.2003, mt, 2 ex.
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 3 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 24
ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 3 ex. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex.
C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 19 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 9 ex.
68. Bryophila (Bryoleuca) raptricula (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
77. Minucia lunaris (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Records. C23: 19–24.V.2006, nz, 10 ex; 19–24.V.2006, mt, 3
ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex. C83: 19–20.V.2008, lt, 1 ex. S3:
24.III–24.V.2006, pt, 1 ex. SAR1: 15–30.VI.2004, pt, 1 ex;
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)
20.V–16.VI.2005, pt, 5 ex.
87. Alvaradoia numerica (Boisduval, 1840)
78. Dysgonia algira (Linnaeus, 1767)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 7 ex (2 ex in MCZR, 2 ex in
Records. C31: 15.XI.2006, mt, 1 ex. S1: 25.VII–8.VIII.2006,
mt, 1 ex. S2: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt,
1 ex; 19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3: 8.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 3
88. Eublemma amoena (Hübner, 1803)
Records. S3: 5.IX–19.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
79. Catephia alchymista (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
89. Eublemma pulchralis (Villers, 1789)
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, bz, 1 ex.
S1: 18.IV–2.V.2006, mt, 5 ex.
Records. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
90. Eublemma elychrysi (Rambur, 1833)
80. Autophila (Autophila) dilucida (Hübner, 1808)
Records. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex (NCPZ).
91. Eublemma ostrina (Hübner, 1808)
81. Zethes insularis Rambur, 1833
Records. S2: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S1: 11–25.VII.2006,
mt, 1 ex. S2: 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex; 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, mt,
1 ex. S3: 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 2 ex.
82. Hypena (Hypena) lividalis (Hübner, 1796)
92. Metachrostis velox (Hübner, 1813)
Records. S1: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 22.VIII–5.
IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
83. Phytometra sanctiflorentis (Boisduval, 1834) (= luna
Zerny, 1927)
Records. S2: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.IX.2006, mt,
1 ex.
93. Cucullia (Shargacucullia) verbasci (Linnaeus,
Records. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex (NCPZ).
Records. S3: 4–18.IV.2006, mt, 1 ex.
84. Zebeeba falsalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1839)
94. Calophasia almoravida Graslin, 1863
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 1 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 5 ex. S1: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2:
16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex; 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt, 1 ex.
95. Heliothis peltigera (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
85. Autographa gamma (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 6 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006,
mt, 1 ex. C30: 22.V.2006, lt, 1 ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006,
mt, 5 ex. C58: 6.IX.2006, nt, 1 ex. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt,
1 ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex; 17–31.X.2006, mt, 2 ex; S2:
2–16.V.2006, mt, 2 ex; 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 2 ex; 5–19.IX.2006,
mt, 2 ex; 19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex;
17–31.X.2006, mt, 5 ex. S3: 5.IX–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex; 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 7 ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 4 ex; 17–31.X.2006, mt,
31 ex. SAR1: 21.X–17.XI.2003, mt, 1 ex.
86. Trichoplusia ni (Hübner, 1803)
Records. S3: 17–31.X.2005, mt, 1 ex; 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C14: 20–24.V.2004,
mt, 1 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt. 1 ex. C30: 22.V.2006, lt, 3 ex.
C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2:
16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
96. Caradrina (Platyperigea) aspersa Rambur, 1834
Records. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt, 2 ex. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
97. Caradrina (Paradrina) flavirena Guenée, 1852
Records. C10: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 11 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt,
40 ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 13 ex. C23: 19–24.V.2006, mt,
2 ex. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 1 ex. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 29 ex.
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
Schiffermüller, 1775)
C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 7 ex. S1: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 2 ex; 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 2 ex. S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 20.V–16.
VI.2004, pt, 1 ex.
Records. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
98. Hoplodrina ambigua (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
107. Aporophyla (Phylapora) nigra (Haworth, 1809)
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 2 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt,
2 ex. C31: 2–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1
ex. C83: 19–20.V.2008, lt, 1 ex. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 2 ex.
S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 2 ex; 16–
30.V.2006, mt, 5 ex.
Records. C58: 10–11.XI.2006, lt, 3 ex. S1: 3–17.X.2006, mt,
1 ex.
108. Xylocampa areola (Esper, 1789)
Records: S2: 21–25.III.2006, lt, 2 ex.
99. Spodoptera exigua (Hübner, 1808)
109. Allophyes corsica (Spuler, 1905)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 9 ex; 11–12.IX.2006, lt, 3 ex.
C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 8 ex. C58: 12–
13.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex.
Records. SAR1: 22.XI–17.XII.2004, pt, 2 ex.
110. Dryobota labecula (Esper, 1788)
100. Chloantha hyperici (Denis & Schiffermüller,
Records. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt, 31 ex. C82: 1–5.IX.2003,
bz, 1 ex. S1: 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 2 ex. S2: 13–27.VI.2006,
mt, 1 ex; 20.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 30.V–16.
VII.2004, mt-pt, 2 ex; 16.VII–1.VIII.2004, mt, 1 ex; 1–16.
VIII.2004, mt, 13 ex; 16.VIII–8.IX.2004, mt, 1 ex; 14.VII–5.
VIII.2005, mt, 15 ex; 5.VIII–13.IX.2005, wt, 1 ex.
Records. SAR1: 21.X–17.XI.2003, mt, 1 ex; 12.XII.2003–
8.I.2004, mt, 1 ex; 15–30.VI.2004, pt, 1 ex; 6.X–5.XI.2004,
mt-pt, 1 ex; 5–22.XI.2004, mt, 1 ex; 22.XI–17.XII.2004, mt,
1 ex; 22.XI–17.XII.2004, pt, 5 ex; 17.XII.2004–4.I.2005, mt,
1 ex; 4–18.I.2005, pt, 6 ex; 18.I–1.III.2005, mt, 8 ex; 29.IV–
20.V.2005, pt, 1 ex; 16.XI–2.XII.2005, mt, 2 ex; 16.XII.2005–
3.I.2006, mt, 3 ex.
111. Dryobotodes (Dichonioxa) tenebrosa (Esper, 1789)
101. Callopistria latreillei (Duponchel, 1827)
Records. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
102. Agrochola (Leptologia) lota (Clerck, 1759)
Records. SAR1: 15–30.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex; 21.IX–6.X.2004, pt,
1 ex; 6.X–5.XI.2004, mt-pt, 1 ex.
112. Dryobotodes (Dryobotodes) eremita (Fabricius,
Records. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
103. Agrochola (Agrochola) lychnidis (Denis &
Schiffermüller, 1775)
Records. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 1 ex. S2: 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
SAR1: 21.IX–6.X.2004, pt, 1 ex; 6.X–5.XI.2004, mt-pt, 1 ex;
29.IV–20.V.2005, pt, 1 ex; 3–16.XI.2005, pt, 5 ex.
113. Dryobotodes (Dryobotodes) monochroma (Esper,
104. Xanthia (Spudaea) ruticilla (Esper, 1791)
Records. SAR1: 21.IX–6.X.2004, pt, 2 ex.
Records. C82: 22–25.IX.2004, mt, 2 ex. S3: 21–24.III.2006,
lt, 1 ex. SAR1: 16.II–15.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex; 18.I–1.III.2005, mt,
7 ex; 1.III–29.IV.2005, mt, 17 ex; 29.IV–20.V.2005, pt, 23 ex.
105. Aporophyla (Aporophyla) australis (Boisduval,
114. Ammopolia witzenmanni (Standfuss, 1890)
Records. C58: 10–11.XI.2006, lt, 3 ex; 12–13.XI.2006, lt, 4 ex;
13–14.XI.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. S3: 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
115. Trigonophora (Trigonophora) flammea (Esper,
106. Aporophyla (Phylapora) lutulenta (Denis &
Records. C58: 10–11.XI.2006, lt, 1 ex. C82: 29.IX–21.XI.2003,
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)
mt, 1 ex. S1: 17–31.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 21.X–17.XI.2003,
mt, 1 ex; 22.XI–17.XII.2004, pt, 1 ex; 17.X–3.XI.2005, pt, 1 ex;
16.XI–2.XII.2005, pt, 2 ex.
Records. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 2 ex. C83: 19–20.V.2008,
lt, 1 ex. S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3: 18.IV–2.V.2006, mt, 1
ex; 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 29.IV–20.V.2005, pt, 1 ex.
116. Polymixis (Polymixis) flavicincta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
127. Mythimna (Prodigithymna) prominens (Walker,
Records. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
117. Polymixis (Polymixis) rufocincta (Geyer, 1828)
128. Mythimna (Pseudaletia) unipuncta (Haworth,
Records. C82: 22.XI–17.XII.2005, pt, 1 ex.
118. Mniotype spinosa (Chrétien, 1910)
Records. C82: 22–25.IX.2004, mt, 1 ex. S1: 19.IX–3.X.2006,
mt, 1 ex; 17–31.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1
ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 3 ex. SAR1: 6.X–5.XI.2004, mt-pt, 1 ex.
119. Mesapamea secalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 1 ex. C31: 12–17.VII.2006, mt,
2 ex. S1: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
120. Luperina dumerilii (Duponchel, 1826)
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 3
ex. S1: 25.VII–8.VIII.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1
ex. SAR1: 1–5.IX.2003, bz, 1 ex.
129. Leucania (Acantholeucania) loreyi (Duponchel,
Records. S2: 17–31.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3: 13–27.VI.2006, mt,
1 ex.
130. Leucania (Leucania) putrescens (Hübner, 1824)
Records. S1: 3–17.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1
ex. S3: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 1 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 12
ex. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C58:
12–13.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 1 ex. S1: 5–19.
IX.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
121. Oria musculosa (Hübner, 1808)
131. Orthosia (Monima) cerasi (Fabricius, 1775)
Records. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
Records. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt, 2 ex. SAR1: 1.III–29.IV.2005,
mt, 2 ex.
122. Conisania (Luteohadena) luteago (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
132. Orthosia (Monima) cruda (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Records. S1: 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. SAR1: 16.II–15.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex.
123. Hadena (Hadena) confusa (Hufnagel, 1766)
133. Orthosia (Orthosia) incerta (Hufnagel, 1766)
Records. S2: 2–16.V.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt, 1 ex.
124. Mythimna (Hyphilare) albipuncta (Denis &
Schiffermüller, 1775)
134. Perigrapha (Rororthosia) rorida Frivaldszky,
Records. S2: 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt, 2 ex.
125. Mythimna (Hyphilare) l-album (Linnaeus, 1767)
135. Ochropleura leucogaster (Freyer, 1831)
Records. S1: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 25.VII–8.VIII.2006,
mt, 1 ex. S3: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
Records. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt, 2 ex.
126. Mythimna (Mythimna) vitellina (Hübner, 1808)
136. Noctua comes Hübner, 1813
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
Records. C82: 1–5.IX.2003, bz, 1 ex; 5.IX.2003, mt, 2 ex. S2:
13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 16.VII–1.VIII.2004, mt, 1 ex;
21.IX–6.X.2004, mt, 2 ex.
2 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 3 ex. S1: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex;
19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex. S3:
5.IX–19.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 16.II–15.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex;
16.VII–1.VIII.2004, mt, 1 ex.
137. Noctua orbona (Hufnagel, 1766)
146. Agrotis trux (Hübner, 1824)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex.
138. Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C11: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 3 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1
ex. C18: 20.V.2008, nt, 1 ex. C82: 1–5.IX.2003, bz, 1 ex. S1:
19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex; 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 2 ex.
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 7 ex. S2: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 1
ex. SAR1: 13–30.IX.2005, mt, 1 ex.
147. Calliteara pudibunda (Linnaeus, 1758)
Records. C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 1 ex.
148. Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758)
139. Noctua tirrenica Biebinger, Speidel & Hanigk,
Records. SAR1: 16.VI–14.VII.2005, mt, 1 ex; 24.VII–5.
VIII.2005, mt, 2 ex.
Records. C11: 15.VII.2006, lt, 1 ex. C26: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex.
149. Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Linnaeus, 1758)
140. Xestia (Xestia) xanthographa (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Records. C26: 15.VII.2006, lt, 2 ex.
Records. S1: 19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
150. Nycteola revayana (Scopoli, 1772)
141. Cerastis faceta (Treitschke, 1835)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 5 ex. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt,
19 ex.
Records. C58: 10–11.XI.2006, lt, 2 ex. S3: 21–25.III.2006, lt,
5 ex. SAR1: 1.III–29.IV.2005, mt, 1 ex.
142. Agrotis bigramma (Esper, 1790)
Records. C08: 6.IX.2006, nt, 1 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 5
ex. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. S1: 5–19.IX.2006, mt, 5 ex;
19.IX–3.X.2006, mt, 2 ex. S2: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex;
5–19.IX.2006, mt, 2 ex. S3: 22.VIII–5.IX.2006, mt, 1 ex; 5–19.
IX.2006, mt, 1 ex.
151. Apaidia rufeola (Rambur, 1832)
Records. C10: 6.IX.2006, al, 1 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C48: 11.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. S1: 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
152. Pelosia obtusa (Herrich–Schäffer, 1852)
Records. C82: 9.VI.2004, nt, 1 ex.
143. Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766)
153. Eilema caniola (Hübner, 1808)
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C12: 21.V.2006, lt, 1 ex.
C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C82:
5.IX.2003, mt, 2 ex; 9–10.VI.2004, mt, 1 ex. SAR1: 31.VIII–14.
IX.2004, mt, 1 ex.
Records. C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt,
1 ex.
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 42 ex. C10: 6.IX.2006,
nt, 1 ex; 19–20.V.2008, lt, 1 ex. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 118
ex. C31: 20–23.V.2006, mt, 8 ex. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 32 ex.
C44: 6.VI.2004, lt, 7 ex. C82: 5.IX.2003, mt, 21 ex. C83: 19–
20.V.2008, lt, 2 ex. S1: 27.VI–11.VII.2006, mt, 1 ex; 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 3 ex; 3–17.X.2006, mt, 2 ex. S2: 2–16.V.2006,
mt, 1 ex; 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex; 30.V–13.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex.
S3: 16–30.V.2006, mt, 1 ex; 13–27.VI.2006, mt, 1 ex; 19.IX–
3.X.2006, mt, 1 ex.
145. Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
154. Cymbalophora pudica (Esper, 1785)
Records. C07: 20–24.V.2006, mt, 1 ex. C11: 8.IX.2006, lt,
Records. C11: 7–8.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex; 11–12.IX.2006, lt, 5 ex.
144. Agrotis puta (Hübner, 1803)
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)
C14: 8–9.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C58: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 1 ex.
cocles (Geyer, 1831) from the south-western Mediterranean.
155. Coscinia bifasciata (Rambur, 1832)
Hyles dahlii (Geyer, 1828)
Records. C10: 12–13.IX.2006, lt, 2 ex. C42: 7.IX.2006, lt, 8 ex.
Zygaena (Mesembrynus) corsica Boisduval, 1828
Sardo-Corsican endemic (figs 1–2); the larvae are
oligophagous on Asteraceae, mainly on Santolina insularis (Genn. ex Fiori) Arrigoni and Leucanthemum
flosculosum (L.) P. Giraud (Bordoni & Leo 1999).
Insular central-western Mediterranean subendemic
occurring in Sardinia, Corsica, the Balearics and the
Tuscan archipelago (Dapporto et al. 1999), with
colonies recorded from Catalonia (Masó et al. 1979)
and, after deliberate introduction, Tunisia (Hundsdörfer 2004).
Macaria ichnusae Govi & Fiumi, 2005
Sardinian endemic.
Tephronia spp.
Fig. 1. Zygaena (Mesembrynus) corsica adult, wingspan: 23 mm
(Domusnovas,Valle Oridda, 592 m, 10.VI.2004) (photo by A.
The systematics and faunistics of the genera Tephronia Hübner, 1825 and Eumannia Fletcher, 1979 are
currently under review by A. Hausmann and collaborators. There are however conflicting views about the
identity of taxa and their taxonomic boundaries with
respect to the proposal by Leraut (2009). During the
course of this and other surveys in Sardinia up to
three species have been found to occur on the island,
despite the presence of only one taxon was suspected
(T. cyrnea Schawerda, 1932). We refrain however
from giving any further taxonomic identification in
order not to interfere with the resolution of this currently difficult species complex.
Charissa (Euchrognophos) corsica (Oberthür, 1913)
Subendemic known from Corsica and Sardinia to the
Tuscan coast (Dapporto et al. 2002) (figs 3–5).
Fig. 2. Zygaena (Mesembrynus) corsica adult (Sassari prov., Uri,
loc. Pala Reale, 14.V.2006) (photo by P. Niolu).
Lasiocampa (Pachygastria) trifolii (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
The specimen, as is the rule, is characteristic of ssp.
Fig. 3. Charissa (Euchrognophos) corsica adult, wingspan: 22 mm
(Villacidro, Serci, 381 m, 7–8.IX.2006) (photo by A. Iuli).
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
1 mm
1 mm
Fig. 4. Charissa (Euchrognophos) corsica, male genitalia (Villacidro, Serci, 381 m, 7–8.IX.2006) (drawing by A. Iuli).
1 mm
Fig. 5. Charissa (Euchrognophos) corsica, female genitalia (Cagliari
prov., Monte Arcosu, Su Pirastru, 350 m, 16.V.2009) (drawing
by A. Iuli).
Fig. 6. Horisme predotai, male genitalia (Domusnovas, sa Duchessa, 371 m, 3–17.X.2006) (drawing by A. Iuli).
1 mm
Fig. 7. Horisme predotai, female genitalia (Cagliari prov., Monte
Arcosu, Su Pirastru, 350 m, 14.III.2009 ) (drawing by A. Iuli).
Horisme predotai Bytinski-Salz, 1937
Sardinian endemic (figs 6–7).
Isturgia assimilaria (Rambur, 1833)
Sardo-Corsican endemic (fig. 8); the larvae feed on
various species of brooms (Fabaceae) (Flamigni et al.
Thetidia (Antonechloris) sardinica (Schawerda, 1934)
Sardinian endemic (fig. 9).
Fig. 8. Isturgia assimilaria adult, wingspan: 27 mm (Iglesias, Conca Margiani, road clearing, 700 m, 6.VI.2004) (photo by A. Iuli).
Macrolepidoptera Heterocera recorded from the Marganai mountains and neighbouring areas in southern Sardinia (Lepidoptera)
Fig. 9. Thetidia (Antonechloris) sardinica adult, wingspan: 25
mm (Iglesias, Conca Margiani, road clearing, 700 m, 6.VI.2004)
(photo by A. Iuli).
Fig. 10. Rhegmatophila richelloi adult, wingspan: 34 mm (Cagliari prov., Monte Arcosu, Su Pirastru, 350 m, 16.V.2009)
(photo by A. Iuli).
Camptogramma bistrigata (Treitschke, 1828)
Sardo-Corsican endemic. Uncertainty exists about
the ranking of this taxon, which Leraut (2009) considers as a subspecies of C. bilineata (Linnaeus, 1758).
The pattern of continental and insular populations is,
however, strikingly different.
Chesias linogrisearia Constant, 1888
This taxon, currently considered to represent a valid,
endemic species to Corsica, is also recorded from
Sardinia in Karsholt & van Nieukerken (2010), who
however do not mention it from Corsica (type locality). Leraut (2009) notes that further studies may
lead it to be subsumed under Chesias rufata cinereata
Staudinger, 1901, which Redondo et al. (2009) in
turn consider as synonymous to nominotypical C.
rufata (Fabricius, 1775).
Fig. 11. Herminia flavicrinalis adult, wingspan: 36 mm (Iglesias,
Conca Margiani, road clearing, 700 m, 6.VI.2004) (photo by
A. Iuli).
Rhegmatophila richelloi Hartig, 1939
Sardo-Corsican endemic (fig. 10).
Herminia flavicrinalis Andreas, 1910 (= gigantea Turati, 1911)
An interesting W-Mediterranean species (fig. 11)
known in Europe only from the southern Iberian Peninsula and Sardinia (Fibiger et al. 2010).
Phytometra sanctiflorentis (Boisduval, 1834) (= luna
Zerny, 1927)
This species (fig. 12), so far known exclusively from
the Iberian Peninsula (Fibiger et al. 2010), is new to
Sardinia and Italy. Deemed to be univoltine with a
Fig. 12. Phytometra sanctiflorentis (= luna) adult, wingspan: 22
mm (Iglesias, Conca Margiani, 750 m, 7.IX.2006) (photo by
A. Zilli).
long flight season from late March to late July, the
record from Sardinia is fairly beyond the recorded
flight period for the species. In Sardinia also the congener P. viridaria (Clerck, 1759) occurs.
Andrea Iuli, Alberto Zilli
Alvaradoia numerica (Boisduval, 1840)
The specimen is typical of ssp. behouneki (de Freina,
1983), endemic to Sardinia.
Following the revision of the genus Alvaradoia Agenjo, 1984 by Zilli et al. (2009), the pruned concept of
A. numerica is of a Sardo-Corsican endemic species
(fig. 13).
Fig. 13. Alvaradoia numerica adult, wingspan: 25 mm (Iglesias,
Conca Margiani, road clearing, 700 m, 6.VI.2004) (photo by
A. Iuli).
Eublemma elychrysi (Rambur, 1833)
Despite the rather limited number of macromoth
species scored during the sampling programmes,
there is evidence that the faunal composition of
the area of Marganai mountains and surroundings
is fairly representative of the peculiar features of
the Sardinian lepidopteran fauna, as shown by the
relatively high number of endemic and subendemic
taxa which were collected, e.g. Rhegmatophila richelloi and Alvaradoia numerica. From an ecological
standpoint, the vast majority of the species observed
in the area fall under the categories of ubiquitous
and thermophilous elements, the latter in turn either characteristic of open spaces or forests. A few
species such as Apaidia rufeola and Pelosia obtusa
are however typical of humid environments, and
their presence is therefore evidence of a given habitat heterogeneity which makes the authors suggest
that with specially dedicated researches the number
of macromoth species occurring in the area would
greatly be increased.
Sardo-Corsican endemic (Fibiger et al. 2010).
Mniotype spinosa (Chrétien, 1910)
The old concept of M. spinosa was recently split into
two species, M. occidentalis Yela, Fibiger, Ronkay &
Zilli, 2010 and M. spinosa (Chrétien, 1910), on the
grounds of the discovery that westernmost populations so far ascribed to spinosa are characterised by the
absence of hair pencils in the male trifine brush organs, whereas the easternmost ones, including those
from Sardinia, have them (Fibiger et al. 2010).
Conisania (Luteohadena) luteago (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
This paper was prepared in the context of the ICP
Forests monitoring programme.
This work would not have been possible without the
great efforts of the CNBFVR and the team coordinated by this institute in sampling and sorting out all
the material obtained during the monitoring activities in the study area. Our special thanks go therefore
to Franco Mason, Daniele Avesani, Marco Bardiani,
Daniele Birtele, Pierfilippo Cerretti, Giuseppe Chessa, Paolo Cornacchia, Maurizio Mei, Emma Minari,
Gianluca Nardi, Mara Tisato, Daniel Whitmore and
Marzio Zapparoli for enabling the realization of this
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