Bottom of the Barrel Upgrading Strategy in Takreer
Bottom of the Barrel Upgrading Strategy in Takreer
Bottom of the Barrel Upgrading Strategy in Takreer JCCP International Symposium 21-22 Jan 2015- Tokyo Contents 1 2 Item 1Overview Takreer Item 2 Carbon Black & Delayed Coker Project Bottom of Barrel Upgrading 3 Main Objective of RR Expansion 4 Current & Future Capacities and Production Pattern 5 Conclusion 2 Abu Dhabi National Oil Refining Company (Takreer) (OVERALL) RR(E) RR(W) Refineries ADRD TRC R&D HQ 3 Mission & Objectives of TRC Vision - To become a leading Research Centre in the field of refining technology, process and product development Mission - To support and develop TAKREER core refining activities as well as assist in Technology Transfer and Human Resources Development in collaboration with local and international Institutes and Universities Objectives - To be a Technology Provider for Takreer refineries by supporting and developing Takreer core refining activities Refineries TRC - To assist in Technology Transfer and Human Resources Development in collaboration with other Institutes and Universities. Petroleum Institute (PI) UAE University, Masdar Institute (MI), Borouge Innovation Centre, Future Upstream Research Centres 4 Ruwais – A tiny spot but a big player 5 Ruwais first refinery 6 Ruwais second refinery 7 BB East + BB West = Takreer Strategy LPG Naphtha RR East RR West Jet Fuel A-1 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel LPG Naphtha Unleaded Gasoline Jet Fuel A-1 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Polymer Grade Propylene Unleaded Gasoline RFCC Slurry Naphtha CARBON BLACK & DELAYED COKER (CBDC) Anode Grade Coke Vacuum Residue Gas Oil Carbon Black Propylene 8 Carbon Black & Delayed Coker Project Bottom of Barrel Upgradation to derive the Best from the Worst 9 MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF CBDC PROJECT (OVERALL) Upgrading Bottom of barrel such as RFCC slurry and Vacuum Residue Minimize Fuel Oil Production Production of value added products like Carbon Black, Propylene and Anode Grade Coke MAIN OBJECTIVE Slurry Hydro Treater Carbon Black Unit –Delayed Coker Unit Distillate Hydro Treater Hydrogen Unit Propane Dehydrogenation Unit Coke Calcination Unit LPG Treatment Unit Associated open-art units, off-sites and utilities. Integration of above with RR(E), RR (W) & other OPCO’s FACILITIES PLANNED 10 BOTTOM OF THE BARREL UPGRADING UNITS IN RR-EXPANSION INCLUDING CBDC PDH Slurry Hydro Treater Delayed Coker Carbon Black RFCC 11 (OVERALL) WHY DO WE EXPAND OUR FACILITIES?? 12 EXPANSION PROJECTS IN RUWAIS REFINERY – MAIN OBJECTIVE Increase in ADNOC’s Refined Product share Environmental & Quality Specifications Integrity & Diversity Bottom of Barrel Upgrading (CBDC) RR Expansion Project (RR-West) Meeting stringent product quality leading to harmful emission reduction Production of high value products like Propylene, Carbon Black & Anode grade Coke STRATEGIC INTEGRATION 13 (OVERALL) CURRENT / FUTURE CAPACITIES & PRODUCTION PATTERN 14 TAKREER’s CURRENT REFINING CAPACITY (OVERALL) RR (E) • 420,000 Barrels/day ADRD Other Facilities • 90,000 Barrels/day • Power – 660 MW • Water – 14 MM Gallons/day • Waste Treatment (BeAAT) – 26 KMT/year 15 CURRENT REFINERY PRODUCTION Thousand Ton / Year 230,000 Barrel / Day Condensate 280,000 Barrel / Day 510,000 Barrel / Day Takreer Refineries Crude Oil LPG 560 Naphtha 5,500 Gasoline 2,600 Jet Fuel 5,600 Diesel 5,500 Fuel Oil/ Residue 5.3% 1,100 Feedstock for Petrochemical Industry Products Used in Transportation Bunker Fuel / Feedstock for Manufacturing Plants 16 CAPACITY AUGMENTATION POST EXPANSION Capacity, BPSD Capacity Augmentation, BPSD 1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 Capacity, BPSD Current 510000 Future 930000 Expected Capacity Augmentation by 82% after Ruwais Refinery Expansion ONE OF WORLD’S LARGEST REFINERIES 17 EXPECTED PRODUCTION AFTER EXPANSION (RRE & CBDC) Thousand Ton / Year 650,000 Barrel / Day Condensate 280,000 Barrel / Day 930,000 Barrel / Day Takreer Refineries Crude Oil Naphtha 81% 10,000 Gasoline 115% 5,600 Propylene Jet Fuel Diesel 1,600 78% 10,000 100% 11,000 Base Oil 600 Carbon Black 40 Coke 430 Fuel Oil/Residue Efficient Bottom of barrel technology 0 18 CONFIGURATION OF UPCOMING CARBON BLACK & DELAYED COKER PROJECT (OVERALL) FEED RFCC Slurry from RR (W) Vacuum Residue from RR (E) PRODUCTION, KTPA PRODUCTS Carbon Black & Delayed Coker Project Carbon Black to Borouge N220 27 N115 13 Propylene 500 Naphtha 370 Gas Oil 630 Anode Grade Coke 430 19 CONFIGURATION OF UPCOMING CBDC PROJECT (OVERALL) From New Refinery [RRE] Slurry HDT (Axens) RFCC Slurry 8.0 kbd/510 ktpa Carbon Black (Eurotechnia) From RRE, GASCO & Borouge Propane 560 ktpa LPG HDT Slurry From Existing Refinery [RRD] Vacuum Residue 25 kbd/1350 ktpa Carbon Black to Borouge 27 ktpa - N220 UV Grade 13 ktpa - N115 Semi-Conductive 40 ktpa - Total Merox (UOP) 90 ktpa Naphtha Delayed Lt. Gas Oil Coker (Foster Wheeler) Propane DehydroGenation (UOP) Coker Distillate HDT (UOP) Propylene 500 ktpa Naphtha 370 ktpa HDT Gas Oil 530 ktpa Hy.Coker Gas Oil 100 ktpa Anode Grade Green Coke 530 ktpa Calciner (Technip) Calcined Coke 430 ktpa 20 (OVERALL) CONCLUSION 21 Current Slate Fuel Oil/Residue 5% (OVERALL) Diesel 26% Jet Fuel 27% Base Oil 2% Coke 1% Naphtha 26% Gasoline 13% Future Slate Carbon Black 0.2% Diesel 28% LPG 3% Fuel Oil/Residue 0% Naphtha 26% Gasoline 14% Jet Fuel 25% Propylene 4% 22 Thank You 23
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