PDF 3.13 MB - Advanced Cables and Conductors Program Peer
PDF 3.13 MB - Advanced Cables and Conductors Program Peer
High Temperature g Magnet g Superconducting Possibilities David Larbalestier National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee FL 32310 Office of Electric Delivery and Energy Reliability Peer Review Arlington VA, June 29-July 1, 2010 Special thanks to colleagues at Brookhaven (Ramesh Gupta, Arup Ghosh, Peter Wanderer) Wanderer), Fermilab (John Tompkins and Alvin Tollestrup), Tollestrup) Particle Beams Inc. (Bob Palmer), AMSC (Bruce Gamble, Alex Malozemoff), SuperPower (Drew Hazelton, Venkat Selvamanickam), NHMFL (Mark Bird, Denis Markiewicz, Ulf Trociewitz, Huub Weijers), Zenergy (Larry Masur), GE (Jim Bray), Joe Minervini (MIT) for sharing information on their plans and goals for HTS magnets What is the totally unfair competitive advantage of HTS? 120 J Jiang (NHMFL) J. 100 Irreverrsibility Field d (T) YBCO has a high Hirr(T), capability for very high Jc and very high strength (Hastelloy versions) 80 60 Bi-2212 RW YBCO () 40 MgB2 () 20 Nb3Sn 0 0 Danko van der Laan, NIST Slide 2 Bi-2223 () Nb-Ti 20 40 T Temperature t (K) David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 60 80 High Fields: where are we now? World’s highest field superconducting magnet – 23.5 T for 1 GHz NMR (Bruker in Lyon) - ~ 1 m OD Nb-Ti Nb Ti outer and Nb3Sn inner World’s highest incremental superconducting field (2.8 T in 31 T = 33.8T) – SuperPower YBCO in NHMFL coil - ~ 3.5 cm OD Slide 3 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Key Points Magnets come in many sizes, not just big 100 – 1000 m of g good wire can generate g significant fields These lengths are what industry is producing now Today’s conductors have certain lengthvarying i defects d f t that th t need d fixing fi i Small magnets are a wonderful evaluator and discriminator for the defects Success with small magnets will generate demand for many big magnets Slide 4 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 HTS insert coil trends yyear BA+BHTS=Btotal [T] Jave [A/mm2] Stress [[MPa]] JavexBAxRmax Stress [MPa] JexBAxRmax 2003 2008 2008 BSCCO 20+5=25 T(tape) 20+2=22 T(wire) 31+1=31 T (wire) 89 92 80 125 69 47 175 109 89 2007 YBCO- SP 19+7.8=26.8 T 259 215 382 2008 YBCO-NHMFL 31+2.8=33.8 T 460 245 324 2009 YBCO -SP 20+7.2=27.2 211 185 314 2009 YBCO-NHMFL (strain limited) 20+0.1= 20.1 241 392 ~611 600 open p symbols: y BSCCO solid symbols: ReBCO 30 Huub Weijers (NHMFL) BCF [T]] peak central magnetic field trend 500 25 300 20 peak winding current 15 10 1990 Slide 5 39 mm 400 200 Jave [A/mm m 2] 35 163 mm 100 1995 0 YBCO SP 2007 87 mm 2000 2005 2010 yearDavid [-] Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Bi‐2212 i 38 mm YBCO Test Coils vs. 32 T YBCO Coils Now funded SuperPower I. NHMFL I. SuperPower II. NHMFL II. 32 T YBCO Coils Ulf Trociewitz, H, Weijers, D, Markiewicz (NHMFL), D, Hazelton and V, Selvamanickam (SuperPower) Slide 6 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Larry Masur Masur,, Zenergy In production Slide 7 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 In prod production ction Larry Masur Masur,, Zenergy Slide 8 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Trudy Lehner, SuperPower Slide 9 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Bruce Gamble, AMSC Planned Slide 10 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Planned Bruce Gamble, AMSC Slide 11 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Proposal in M k Bi Mark Bird, d NHMFL Slide 12 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Proposal in Mark Bird, NHMFL Slide 13 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Proposal in Slide 14 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Ramesh Gupta, BNL Slide 15 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Ramesh Gupta, BNL The Muon Collider Design Study at Fermilab Design exercise in place 50 T solenoids are a crucial feature…… Slide 16 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 John Tompkins, FNAL Slide 17 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Proposal in Slide 18 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 HTS make much higher fusion magnetic fields accessible……… 35 We need to develop superconducting magnets for fusion which take advantage of this fantastic new operating space 30 25 Field (T T) Bi-2212 ( ) 20 MgB2 () 15 YBCO () Fusion reactor range 10 5 Nb3Sn Bi-2223 () Nb-Ti Bi-2212 Tape 0 0 20 40 Temperature (K) Slide 19 60 80 Vision for postITER DEMO reactors and Plasma Physics machines Minervini Old operating space David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 19 Stellarators using bulk HTS Tiles? (PPPL and MIT) Use diamagnetic properties of Bulk Superconducting Tiles to define flux surfaces? Objectives of concept •Superconductor material can be used t shield to hi ld magnetic ti fi field ld •Use superconducting tiles to modify fields made from relatively simple coils − Reduced TF coils in tokamaks − Simplify p y coil g geometries for stellarators Vision for postITER DEMO reactors and Plasma Physics machines Minervini Slide 20 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 20 YBCO and cryocoolers can serve a broad, lower-field user magnet market 10 40 1.000 35 8 1.750 + 2.500 3.250 30 6 5.500 6.250 7 000 7.000 7.750 8.500 4 9.250 10.00 0 1 2 2 3 e Fi 4 5 ld la es (T 6 7 8 ) 9 80 70 60 50 40 p e ra Tem 30 ture 20 10 (K) Hirr (Teslla) 4.750 Jc (MA//cm 2) 4.000 25 20 ~ 4.66 15 Fit c-axis ab-plane ab plane 10 5 0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Temperature (K) Jc (YBCO) more than 1 MA/cm2 over a very wide range, JE ~ 1% Jc 9T magnets g at 55K are within reach,, even using the lower c-axis Jc as the gate, not the much higher Jcab Slide 21 Hirr of Nb3Sn – but at 58 K,, not 2K David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 HTS for MRI? Closed (1-3 Tesla) and open (0.3T) MRI magnets both use Nb-Ti with a transition temperature (Tc) of only 9K, ~-450F. YBCO could replace Nb Nb-Ti Ti but not at present costs MgB2 is a viable MRI conductor prospect (low cost/performance) Slide 22 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Superconducting magnets are conductor driven Better magnets require all that the conductor can offer Multifilament is better than monofilament Nb-Ti Large magnets need high current, cabled conductors Especially in Jc and Je Nb3Sn MgB2 Bi-2212 Bi-2212 Rutherford cables (LBNL) Slide 23 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Two styles of HTS magnet conductor YBCO with phenomenal Jc - ~20 x 106 A/cm2 at 25T But YBCO is ~1% of cross-section 50% is high strength superalloy 2 m Ag 1 m HTS ~ 30 nm LMO p MgO g ~ 30 nm Homo-epi 20 m Cu 20m ~ 10 nm IBAD MgO Round wire Bi-2212 – the preferred shape for cabling YBCO coated conductor 4 x 0.1 mm < 0.1 mm 50 50m H t ll substrate Hastelloy b t t 20m Cu Bi-2212 round wire ~ 1mm dia. VHFSMC chose to work on 2212 because: It is a round wire ARRA ffunds d enable bl a serious, i short h t tterm effort ff t YBCO has been well supported by electric utility end use Slide 24 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 A LABORATORY-UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAGNETS WITH FIELDS > 22 TESLA USING HTS CONDUCTOR Very High Field Superconducting Magnet Collaboration (VHFSMC) September 2009 – August 2011 Principal Investigators Alvin Tollestrup (Fermilab) and David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University) Representing a collaboration of groups at BNL (Arup Ghosh), ) FNAL ((Emanuela Barzi and John Tompkins), p ) FSUNHMFL (Eric Hellstrom and Ulf Trociewitz), LANL (Terry Holesinger and Ken Marken), LBNL (Arno Godeke and Dan Dietderich), NIST (Najib Cheggour), NCSU (Justin Schwartz) and Texas A&M University (Al McInturff) Ro nd ire m Round-wire, multifilament ltifilament Bi Bi-2212 2212 focus foc s to complement OEDER YBCO coated conductor focus Slide 25 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 How did the world’s commodity conductor Nb-Ti Nb Ti develop? 18000 into production about 1965 Optimized fitfully as Nb44-50wt%Ti until mid-70s Tevatron established Nb46.5Ti as standard, requiring ongoing industry demand from multiple vendors This focused attention on the “black p of Nb-Ti art” optimization Development of high Jc and Je came from HEP support for basic understanding in the early 1980s Understanding g that -Ti p precipitates, p , not dislocation cell wall density controlled Jc and that local Ti variations in the cast billets on scales of mm controlled and the Jc after drawing down to nm scale in real wires Full development took about 20 years (1965-1985) Critic cal Current Density, A/mm m² 1st 2003 16000 14000 1996 12000 1994 10000 1991 8000 6000 1986 4000 1985 1980 2000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Applied Field, T Development to the limits took an integrated focus on both fundamental and production issues with magnet project pull Slide 26 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Cables allow large magnets Rutherford cable (flattened, fully transposed cable) works well for round wire 2212 YBCO Roebel – Nick Long (IRL) and Andrew Priest (General Cable NZ) and E Barzi (FNAL) Major task of the HEP collaboration YBCO tape cannot be Rutherford cabled but cabling by the Roebel method is possible Under evaluation by y Karlsruhe and General Cable and IRL (NZ) Bi-2212 Arno Godeke, Magnet Group, LBNL Slide 27 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010 Summary HTS conductors, especially YBCO, can enable magnets impossible with Nb-Ti or Nb3Sn G t conductor Greater d t architecture hit t versatility tilit would ld really ll help Prefer a conductor that can be cabled Prefer a multifilament, transposed conductor Cheaper conductor opens many new doors U i Unique applications li ti are much h less l costt sensitive iti Magnets come in many sizes Can use p present conductors and provide p early y feedback to required QC and product tolerance issues that are so important to yield, cost….. Uniformity y and p predictability y are of high g importance p Of interest to multiple arms of DOE, NSF and industry………… Slide 28 David Larbalestier, DOE HTS Peer Review, June 29, 2010