Dulcimer Daze - Knoxville Area Dulcimer Club


Dulcimer Daze - Knoxville Area Dulcimer Club
Volume 23, Number 5
May / June, 2013
Dulcimer Daze
Official Newsletter of the Knoxville Area Dulcimer Club
Editors, Sarah Young and Laura Van Eps
June Newsletter
We’ve only been on
the job a few months,
but we need a break!!
Due to our vacation
schedules, there will
no newsletter for June.
If you have club news
that needs to go out
before the next
newsletter, please
email Ginny at
Even though there
won’t be a Newsletter,
the June club meeting
will still be held at its
normal time.
Be sure to watch for
the July Newsletter
which will be CHOCK
FULL of information
and registration
materials for the KADC
Annual Retreat, which
will be held this fall in
Townsend from
November 8 - 10.
May / June Meeting Plans
Beginning Lap - Terri Jolly and Peggy Taylor
will continue this class for raw beginners.
Jam Tunes for May
Beginning Hammered - A club member will
help the beginners just getting started on the
hammered dulcimer.
Shall We Gather by the
River (1/7)
As of press time, we do anticipate the regular
classes, but do not know who will be leading
the classes. The board did not meet, and
there are people out of town, so we do not
have the sign up sheet. So….
If you signed up to lead a class, please
continue with your plans to lead that class.
If you did not sign up to lead a class but
would like to lead, please come prepared to
In the event we don’t have class leaders, we
will just jam.
For the newcomers, we usually have the following classes:
Lap Dulcimer: Beginner, Intermediate, and
Hammer Dulcimer: Beginner Intermediate
and Advanced
Jam Leader(s): No leader
Cumberland Mountain
Deer Chase (1/12)
June Apple/Angeline (1/4)
Chinese Breakdown (3/14)
When the Roll is Called up
Yonder (3/7)
Suzanna Gal (2/13)
Shady Grove (Capo 1) (1/5)
Wildwood Flower (1/10)
Soldier’s Joy (3/9)
Westphalia Waltz (2/12)
Amazing Grace
(Note: numbers after each song indicate
the set list number / song number for
those who are still have their music
organized by set list order).
Alternative Instruments
We are saddened to report the recent passing of one our
KADC Life members, Kitty Acuff. She was 87 years young
when she passed on May 8. She was a member
of the Tuesday music group and continued to
play her lap dulcimer until only a short time
before her death. Her presence in the dulcimer
community and to all those who knew her will
be deeply missed.
Go to www.facebook.com
Club Website address: www.knoxvilledulcimers.org/
Sign in and search for :
“Knoxville Area
Dulcimer Club.”
Be sure to “like” us!!!
Dulcimer Daze
Executive Board
Volume 23, Number 5
It Was A Dark and Stormy Night….
Russ Limburg, President
Well, actually it was an afternoon at Big South Fork. Rudy Ryan, Beth James,
Peggy Taylor, Vice President Cherry Lemonds and Sarah Young did their best to add to the celebration of
Spring Planting Day. There wasn’t much toe tapping as the ground was too wet.
Sarah Morgan, Secretary
We played two sets and decided to pack it up when the vendors started leaving
Nancy Basford, Treasurer
and Cherry’s instruments were one
inch away from being drenched. We
Jolene Clark, Membership
learned that it’s hard to hold a pick
with frozen fingers and rain drops
pounding on the tent can throw off the
Mike Clark
timing of songs but representing our
Terri Jolly
club was still fun. Our union thinks
Linda Smith
we each deserve TWO Dulci-Bucks
for our effort. What do you think, Mr.
Newsletter Editors
Sarah Young
(865) 458-5730
Stephen Seifert Offers a Refresher Course
Those who didn’t brave the rain were rewarded with workshops from Stephen
Seifert on Saturday, followed by a club workshop
Laura Van Eps
with Steve at the April Club Meeting on Sunday.
(865) 207-0882
The Sunday workshop concluded with a short
concert. Our own National Champion, Sarah
Deadline for submissions Morgan joined Steve on stage for some great music.
for the July newsletter will
be July 5. Thanks!!
We would like to include a list
of club members who provide
private/group lessons in a
future newsletter. If you would
like to be included in this list,
please drop us a note with info
about your lessons. Give us
your contact info and your
method of lessons: in person,
web or Skype, mail etc.
For the next month we’ll be
meet Wednesdays at 1-3 pm on
May 15 and June 5 & 19. We’ll
continue to be at Monte Vista
Baptist Church (Rooms 350 &
351), which is located at 1735
Old Niles Ferry Rd. If you have
any questions and wish to jam
with us, please call Sandi
Scrugham, 865-980-1678 or Jan
Wagner, 865-981-4023.
Page 2
Here are some tips from Steve worth passing on:
 When learning a new tune, hum it. Look it up on YouTube. Get it in your
head so you can get it in your hands. And speaking of hands, learn to read the
hands of another player as you learn a new tune.
 Keep it simple. Just play the first number in each measure. Then try playing
on beats one and three, the bones of the tune. Just play the first note of eighth
note pairs. Use your ears and let your hands go along for the ride. Wrong
notes happen. Just play them quietly.
 Read ahead. Think of reading music like you read a book. We don’t read one
letter at a time. Take in a phrase at a time.
Train yourself to have simple alternating strums even when you don’t hit the
strings. Vary your out strums with some in strums.
 Play simple pieces well with variety. Play on the melody string, then the bass,
then down on the little dulcimer. Add harmonies. The harmony is usually two
notes higher or lower than the melody.
 Look up. Let the audience know you are playing from the heart. Enjoy the music.
Dulcimer Daze
Volume 23, Number 5
Museum of Appalachia Homecoming Festival
Once again KADC has been given the opportunity to play at The Tennessee Homecoming Festival at the Museum of
Appalachia this fall. The playout dates for this year’s Festival are October 12 and 13. Sign up sheets for the playout will
be on the registration table at the June, July, and August club meetings. There are morning and afternoon sessions each
day. Club members will receive an armband that are good for admission for all three days of the festival. Each
participating club member is allowed one buddy pass, which will provide free admission for a guest to accompany
you on the day you are scheduled to play. In addition, this year, there will be 10 tickets available for purchase at 1/2 price
(Regular price = $30, 1/2 price = $15) for additional guests to join you. You MUST be signed up to play to be eligible to
purchase the additional tickets. These tickets are available on a first come, first serve basis, and there is a maximum of
two half-price tickets per participating club member. These tickets will need to be purchased in advance, so if you are
interested in these tickets, please contact Toni Ferguson NO LATER THAN the June club meeting. You can contact
Toni at (865) 494-8081 if you are interested in these tickets.
The Music of David Schnaufer: A Three Day Workshop
Presented by Stephen Seifert, May 16 through 18
avid Schnaufer's playing, arranging, composing, and the man himself had a profound effect on my life and
music. I had been teaching myself to play for about a year when I discovered David's "Dulcimer Player
Deluxe" CD in a Nashville, Indiana music shop. I was amazed at the beauty and innovation in David's playing and began to realize what was possible on the instrument. I spent many hours listening to and pondering his
playing on that CD.
After moving to the Nashville, Tennessee area to attend college, I ended up meeting David and others who were
inspired by his playing, which led to my touring and teaching with him. Those five or so years on the road with him
were a wonderful internship with a true dulcimer master.
Unfortunately, David lost his battle with cancer in August of 2006. For a time, I had the unique privilege of playing
as a duet partner with my musical hero. He liked to call us The Dew Claws. I can’t overstate how thrilling it was to
be in his presence during that period; backing him up, taking leads, and playing
memorable melodies he
arranged for this unique instrument.
I will be forever grateful for the time I spent watching David play and having him there to answer questions and
help me learn to work out my own arrangements. I’m thankful for the good times we shared and every good thing
he passed my way.
During these three days, I want to share with you a good number of his arrangements, compositions, and when
necessary, playing techniques. To do so, I’ve secured permission from David’s estate as well as the permission of
the co-writers on a number of his compositions including Herb McCullough, Vince Farsetta, and Duck Baker.
Students should be solid intermediate through advanced musicians. From time to time, if necessary, I may separate
the class into two groups. We’ll typically start with an easier version of a tune and continually add licks and variations straight from David’s playing. David was known for making sure that students were able to succeed and my
goal is the same. Tablature will be handed out for each tune covered. Expect some flexibility with the schedule
depending on the needs and desires of the group and its members.
Written by Stephen Seifert
This workshop will take place in Columbus, Ohio and the fee for this event is $165 for the 3 days. For more details ,go to www.stephenseifert.com, or you can contact Stephen directly at stephenseifert@gmail.com
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Dulcimer Daze
Volume 23, Number 5
Bing Futch will have workshops in
Tellico Plains on Monday, May 20.
The workshop schedule is:
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. Two Crooked Fiddle Tunes
1:00 p.m.
Three Irish Ballads
2:30 p.m.
Mountain Dulcimer Blues
All workshops are designed for
intermediate to advanced level players.
There will be a concert that evening at
6:00 p.m., but seating is limited, as it is
being held at a private residence.
For more information on the workshops and concert, or to sign up please
contact Diana Brake at (423) 253-2794.
Cookout and Potluck Celebration and Jam
Sarah Morgan’s Graduation
There will also be a celebration of Sarah’s birthday (May
14) as well as a celebration of the graduation from
college of Sarah’s sister, Anna, too. The celebration will
take place Friday afternoon/evening, May 17th At Big
Ridge State Park at the large pavilion at the top of the
hill -- look for balloons.
Come anytime after 5pm. At 6:15 we will have a time of sharing and
blessing Sarah with whatever comments you'd like to make (no long
speeches though!). We will eat at 6:30pm and jam afterwards. Stay as
long as you like, but the park closes at 10pm.
Bring your instrument and maybe a chair (there are picnic tables with
benches, however). We will be under a large pavilion, therefore, we
hope weather will not be a big issue. A little drizzle, cloudiness won't
hamper. However, in case of serious thunderstorms we would cancel. If
there is any question about weather, just call that day before 2pm
We will have hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the "fixin's". If you have time
and inclination to bring a dish, that would be fantastic, but, if not, come
Please forego gifts; Sarah's biggest and best gift from
you would be your presence, affirmation, and playing
music together -- all of you know Sarah well enough to
know the truth of that statement!
Chord of the Month
In case you missed the April newsletter, we are providing one chord per
month for the next few months to help
members associate the name of the
chord with the fretting for the chords
on the lap dulcimer. Note that this is
not meant to represent all possible
combinations of this chord, but is only
here to help you learn enough to play
a chord when you are given the
chord name and not the tab.
Chord of the Month - A Chord
Page 4
Please pass this along to KADC players and any and
all music friends and we hope as many of you will
come that can.
Note: Big Ridge State Park is in Union County and probably a 20 minute
drive from No. Knoxville. Head north on Maynardville Hwy, also known
as Broadway and/or Hwy 33. You will pass Milan Baptist Church on
your left and soon after a sign pointing you to Big Ridge will appear. Take the first road on the left after passing church. This road is
Hwy 61 West and will take you right to Big Ridge. Something else to
know . . . many cell phones do not get service once you arrive near Big
Dulcimer Daze
Volume 23, Number 5
2013 Pickin’ Porch
The 2013 season of the Pickin’ Porch kicks of on May
18 with Hunter Walker. He will teach 3 workshops
that day.
The first workshop is “String Side Up” and is designed for Beginner level lap dulcimer. No prior
dulcimer or music experience is required.
Pickin Porch Schedule
May 18 Hunter Walker
May 25 Michael Shull
June 1
Nathaniel Samsel
June 8
Aaron O’Rourke
June 15 Larry Conger
The second workshop is “Movin’ On Up” and is
designed for Advanced Beginner –Intermediate Level
players. This class will include technique, repertoire,
chords and chord shapes, strumming and
embellishments. Bring your capo with you to this
June 22 Kendra Ward and
Bob Bence
The 3rd class is “The Art of Arranging” and is
designed for Intermediate to Advanced Players. This
class will cover not only the mechanics of masterful
playing, but will also include the emotional aspects
of playing. You may bring music to work on in this
class, but he will have tab as well.
There will be workshops during the day, as well as a
His workshops will accommodate the level of all
players present for that class.
tor, but generally there are 3-4 workshops offered.
Cost is $20 for one class, and $15 for each additional
Pickin’ Porch, but donations are accepted.
Call Wood-n-Strings at (865) 448-6647 to sign up or to
get more information.
Hunter will perform on the Pickin’ Porch out back at
7:00 p.m. Bring your chairs, sit back and relax, and
enjoy some great music!
June 29 Steve and Ruth Smith
July 6
Stephen Seifert
July 13
concert on the
Pickin’ Porch out back at 7:00 that
night. You may be able to find class info on the instructor website, but if not, call Wood-N-Strings for
more info., or to sign up for workshops. Number of
workshops and fees vary from instructor to instrucThere is no fee to attend the evening concert at the
Wood-N-Strings Dulcimer
10% Off
ALL Dulcimer Accessories, Tuners, and Books
For KADC Members
FREE Beginner Lap Dulcimer Classes
Mike Clemmer is offering FREE Beginner level Dulcimer Classes at
5:00 on Monday nights. Classes last approximately 45 minutes to an
hour. This class is designed for Entry level players, but he will offer
tips for students who may be a littler further along in the learning
process. You can call Wood-N-Strings if you need more information.
Page 5
Rt. 321 (Lamar Alexander
Parkway) on the way to the
National Park.
Townsend, TN
Owners: Mike and Connie
Volume 23, Number 5
Knoxville Area Dulcimer Club
P. O. Box 22352
Knoxville, TN 37933-0352
May 26 - Monthly Club
Meeting, Second UMC,
Knoxville, TN 1:30 pm
June 4 - Board Meeting
6:30 pm Second UMC
All members welcome to
attend board meetings.
June 23 - Monthly Club
Meeting, Second UMC,
Knoxville, TN 1:30 pm
July 2 - Board Meeting
6:30 pm Second UMC
All members welcome to
attend board meetings.
July 28 - Monthly Club
Meeting, Second UMC,
Knoxville, TN 1:30 pm
May 18
Rugby Village Festival
September 13-14
Antique Show
Museum of Appalachia
Be sure to watch the sign in table at the
next club meeting for sign up sheets for
playouts and other club events.
September 21
There is also a sign up sheet on the sign
in table to volunteer for club meeting
duties, such as working the greeting table, leading classes, jam leaders, helping set up tables and chairs, etc.,
Storytelling Festival
Big South Fork
October 12-13
Tennessee Fall Homecoming
Museum of Appalachia
November 8-10
KADC Annual Retreat
Please contribute a little of your time
to help out with our club events!