superman celebration


superman celebration
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Metropolis, Illinois 62960 •
A special section of The Metropolis Planet published for the 2014 Superman Celebration
Valerie Perrine
Dean Cain
Billy Dee Williams
Aaron Smolinski
Stars come out for 36th annual Celebration
Answer: A Superman. A baron administrator turned district attorney. A super villain’s girlfriend. A super baby.
Question: Who will be appearing at
the 2014 Superman Celebration?
Dean Cain, Billy Dee Williams, Valerie Perrine and Aaron Smolinski are
among the celebrities slated to take part
in 36th annual event.
The four actors will be in two locations for fans to meet.
Tickets are required to attend the
autograph sessions with Cain and Williams. Tickets will be given away in front
of the Metro•Chamber on Market Street
on Saturday only at 7 a.m. Supplies are
limited and only one ticket will be issued
to each person. Choice of autograph sessions will be on a first come, first serve
basis. Autograph sessions will be held at
9 a.m., 10 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Saturday at the Baymont Theater, located near the Ohio River on Front Street.
Perrine and Smolinski will be at The
Autograph Zone from 10 a.m. until noon
and 2:30-6 p.m. on Friday and from 10
a.m. until noon and 2-6 p.m. Saturday.
All four will be featured in questionand-answer sessions at the Metro Tent
— Perrine and Smolinski at 1 p.m. on
Friday, Williams at 11:30 a.m. Saturday
and Cain at 1 p.m. Saturday. Williams
and Cain are scheduled for photos in
front of the Superman Statue 15 minutes
before their Q&A sessions.
During the autograph sessions, all celebrity guests will have photos for sale
at their tables and each sets their own
individual fee. Williams, Perrine and
Smolinski will sign one item at no cost
which shall be on one of the following School where he excelled in sports. He
three official Celebration items: sched- graduated in 1984 and was offered athule book, Celebration poster or the Me- letic scholarships to 17 universities,
tropolis Planet’s special section for the choosing Princeton University, where he
Celebration titled The Daily Planet. All was captain of the volleyball team and
additional autographs will have a fee.
played defensive back on the football
Under Cain’s contract for the event, team, where he had record-setting 12
there will be a charge for all auto- interceptions in a single season. Immedigraphs, including event posters and ately after graduating, Cain signed on as
programs. Cain will offer fans two levels a free agent with the NFL’s Buffalo Bills,
of pricing — $40 for basic items (pho- but a knee injury during training camp
tos, magazines, postended his football career
ers, lithographs, DVDs,
before it began.
comics, trading cards,
With little hope of
toys, books, hats and
returning to sports, he
TV Guides) or $60 for
turned to screenwriting
See more
premium items (Superand then acting, shootman capes, costumes, S
ing dozens of commerSUPER stars
logos, original artwork
cials and appearing on
on page 3
and sports items). Posed
popular television shows
photos with Cain will be
like Grapevine, A Different World and Beverly
$40 for two people, with
Hills, 90210. In 1993,
$10 for each additional
Cain took on his biggest
role to date as Superman
Cain, best known for his breakthrough in Lois & Clark, which at the height of
role as Superman/Clark Kent in the 1993 its popularity brought in an average of 15
hit television series Lois & Clark: The million viewers per episode. The series
New Adventures of Superman, will be ran for four seasons, ending in 1997.
the fifth portrayer of the Man of Steel to
In 1998, Cain started the Angry
visit the Superman Celebration. His pre- Dragon Entertainment production comdecessors are Kirk Alyn, the first actor pany, which produced the TBS Superto portray Superman on the screen; Bob station television series Ripley’s Believe
Holiday from the Broadway production It or Not! He has also starred in several
It’s a Bird...It’s a Plane...It’s Superman!; films, including The Broken Hearts Club
Gerard Christopher from television’s (2000), Out of Time (2003) and Bailey’s
The Adventures of Superboy series; and Billions (2004). In 2004, he portrayed
Brandon Routh from the movie Super- Scott Peterson in the fact-based, mademan Returns.
for-television movie The Perfect HusCain attended Santa Monica High band: The Laci Peterson Story. He has
also appeared in a recurring role as
Casey Manning in the television series
Las Vegas.
Cain is one of seven actors to appear in both Lois & Clark and Smallville
— he guest-starred as the immortal Dr.
Curtis Knox in a seventh season episode
of Smallville.
While best known to international
film audiences as the roguish Lando Calrissian, the baron administrator of Cloud
City, in the last two episodes of the original Star Wars-trilogy — Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
and Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of
the Jedi (1983) — Williams played district attorney Harvey Dent in the 1989
movie Batman.
Williams will be assisting the celebration in marking two big anniversaries for the black-caped crusader. It
was May 1939 when Bruce Wayne first
graced the pages of Detective Comics. In
issue number 27, the world got its first
glimpse of Batman. Fifty years later, actor Michael Keaton donned the cape for
the first of his two movie portrayals of
the hero in black when Batman was released 25 years ago.
While “Superman is still our number
1 favorite,” said Karla Ogle, Celebration
chairperson, with production of Dawn
of Justice, the next Man of Steel movie
series, and 2014 marking two big Batman anniversaries, Celebration committee members wanted to acknowledge
the Justice League member whom many
See STARS, page 24
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 2
June 11, 2014
9 a.m.
5 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9 p.m.
Super Mini Con opens, 813 Ferry St.
Information & souvenir booth open, Metro Tent
Sonshine Amusements Carnival opens East Fifth St.
Opening ceremony & skit, Superman Square
Awards ceremony , Metro Tent
Gospel music with Sons of the Father, Metro Tent
Meet Superman, Superman Square
Super Friends Meet & Greet Location TBA
Gospel music with The Kingsmen, Metro Tent
Superman Road Race, Fort Massac State Park
Color Superman posters, Smallville Tent
7th annual Fan Films showing, Baymont Theater
Kids’ Karaoke, Smallville Tent
Outdoor Theatre featuring Superman II: The Donner Cut
at 8th & Market Sts. FREE!
8 a.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
10 a.m.-noon
Superfan Baseball game, Metropolis Sports Park
Super Mini Con opens, 813 Ferry St.
Meet Superman, Superman Statue
Q&A with writer Elliot S! Maggin, Metro Tent
Meet Valerie Perrine, Aaron Smolinski & Jerry Lawler ,
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
10 a.m.-7 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
Artists’ Alley & Writer’s Way opens, 801 Market St.
Planet Krypton & Planet Argos dealers’ rooms open
Superman Homepage Meet & Greet, Hardee’s
Puppetry for Television workshop with Kevin Williams & Muley,
The Autograph Zone
Smallville Tent
Superman Radio Show, Metro Tent
Freestyle Connection BMX Bike Show, Man of Steel area
11:30 a.m.
Fifth annual Superman Supersite Meet & Greet , Fat Edd’s
Super Silly Games, Smallville Tent
Noon-4 p.m.
Hang out & play video games with Gamers Paradise, Planet Krypton
Noon & 3 p.m. Illusionist Morgan Streber The Man Who Bends Steel, Metro Tent
Noon, 4 p.m. & 7 p.m.
K9 Crew trick dog show, Man of Steel area
1 p.m.
Q&A with Valerie Perrine and Aaron Smolinski, Metro Tent
“Bat Pie” eating contest, Man of Steel tent
1-6 p.m.
Meet Jerry Lawler, Autograph Zone
2 p.m.
Superman Trivia with The Rinaldis, Metro Tent
Hooked on Science with Jason Lindsey, Smallville Tent
Freestyle Connection BMX Bike Show, Man of Steel area
Swearing in ceremony for Honorary Metropolis citizens,
Superman Statue
2-6 p.m.
2 p.m. - dark
2:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4 p.m.
Meet Valerie Perrine and Aaron Smolinski, Autograph Zone
Helicopter rides over Metropolis, Baymont Theater area
Music by The Soul Bandit, Man of Steel tent
Meet Superman for phonebooth photo op, Metro•Chamber
60 Seconds to be Super! game show, Man of Steel tent
Muley & Friends puppet show, Smallville Tent
Comic art panel with Rick Stasi,
Franchesco & Jim Hall, Metro Tent
For more information, contact the
at 524-2714,
607 Market St.
FRIDAY, JUNE 13 (continued)
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
8-11 p.m.
9 p.m.
Mario Kart video game tournament, Planet Krypton
Kids’ Super Hero Costume Contest, Smallville Tent
Costume parade for all in costume begins, Smallville Tent
Sonshine Amusements Carnival opens
Blend of folk, bluegrass & country with Gideons Rifle, Metro Tent
Freestyle Connection BMX Show, the Man of Steel area
7th Annual Fan Films, top films screened with award presentation,
Baymont Theater. Doors open 5 p.m.
Smash Brothers video game tournament, Planet Krypton
Meet Superman, Superman Statue
Kids Superhero Gameshow , Smallville Tent
Superman v. Batman Tug of War , Man of Steel area. Signup at 6 p.m.
Bluegrass music with Newtown , Metro Tent
Live wrestling with Jerry “The King” Lawler and USA
Championship Wrestling, Market Street across from Planet Krypton
Smallville Prom , Baymont Theater
Outdoor Theatre featuring
Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back , Man of Steel area
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
9 a.m.
9-10 a.m.
9-11 a.m.
10 a.m.
10-11 a.m.
10 a.m.-noon
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
10 a.m.-7 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
11 a.m.- dark
11:30 a.m.
Noon-4 p.m.
Noon-10 p.m.
1 p.m.
Autograph tickets giveaway in front of chamber. Limit 1 per person.
Kiwanis Super Bike Trek, Fort Massac State Park
Super Disc Golf Tournament, Fort Massac State Park. Registration at 8 a.m.
Super Mini Con opens, 813 Ferry St.
Zumba on the Square, Superman Statue
Autograph Session A: Dean Cain and Billy Dee Williams, Baymont Theater
Weigh-in for Superman Classic Push/Pull competition, Man of Steel area
Puppet making workshop with Kevin Williams & Muley, Smallville Tent
2014 Fan Films Showing, Planet Krypton
Illusionist Morgan Streber The Man Who Bends Steel, Metro Tent
Washer Pitchin’ Tournament at Girl Scout House,
Seventh St. across from Fort Massac State Park
Meet Superman, Superman Statue
Autograph Session B: Dean Cain and Billy Dee Williams, Baymont Theater
Meet Valerie Perrine, Aaron Smolinski & Jerry Lawler , The Autograph Zone
Artists’ Alley & Writers’ Way opens , 801 Market St.
Planet Krypton & Planet Argos dealers’ rooms open
Freestyle Connection BMX Bike Show, Man of Steel area
Hooked on Science with Jason Lindsey, Smallville Tent
Meet Sophie Aldred from Dr. Who, Daily Star Comics, 300 W. 10th St.
Helicopter rides over Metropolis, Baymont Theater area
Q&A with Billy Dee Williams, Metro Tent. Photos at Superman Statue 11:15 a.m.
Superman Classic Push/Pull Competition, Man of Steel area. Warm up at 11 a.m.
Registration for pageants, Smallville Tent
Until 3:45 p.m.
Beautiful Baby Pagant, with check in from 3-3:45 p.m.
Until 5:45 p.m.
Supergirl & Superboy Pageant, with check in from 5-5:45 p.m.
Super Silly Games, Smallville Tent
Hang out & play video games with Gamers Paradise, Planet Krypton
Sonshine Amusements open 500 block of East Fifth St.
Q&A with Dean Cain, Metro Tent. Photos at Superman Statue 12:45 p.m.
Super City 8 Ball Touranment, BooBoo’s, 318 Scott St. Registration begins at 10 a.m.
Continued on page 3
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 3
SATURDAY, JUNE 14 (continued)
1 p.m.
1-3 p.m.
1-6 p.m.
2 p.m.
Muley & Friends puppet show, Smallville Tent
Color-a-Cape with the Metropolis Planet on courthouse lawn
Meet Jerry Lawler, Autograph Zone
Super Dog Show, Smallville Tent
Swearing in ceremony for Honorary Metropolis citizens, Superman Statue
2 & 5 p.m.
Freestyle Connection BMX Bike Stunt Show, Man of Steel area
2-3 p.m.
Q&A with Sophie Aldred from Dr. Who, Daily Star Comics, 300 W. 10th St.
2-5 p.m.
Meet Valerie Perrine and Aaron Smolinski, The Autograph Zone
2:30-4 p.m.
VIP autograph session with Dean Cain and Billy Dee Williams, Baymont Theater.
3 p.m.
Meet Superman for phonebooth photo op, Metro•Chamber
3:15-5 p.m.
Meet Sophie Aldred from Dr. Who, Daily Star Comics, 300 W. 10th St.
3:30 p.m.
75 Years of Batman: The Man, The Costume, The Weapons, Metro Tent
4 p.m.
Beautiful Baby Contest, Smallville Tent
4 p.m.
Street Fighter video game tournament, Planet Krypton
4:30-5:30 p.m. Autograph Session C: Dean Cain and Billy Dee Williams, Baymont Theater. Tickets required.
5 p.m.
Illusionist Morgan Streber The Man Who Bends Steel, Metro Tent
5-9 p.m.
Super Cruise-in Classic Car Show , Banterra Bank parking lot
5:30-6:30 p.m. Autograph Session D: Dean Cain and Billy Dee Williams, Baymont Theater. Tickets required.
6 p.m.
Country music with Stacie Lynn Hines Allen , Metro Tent
Injustice video game tournament , Planet Krypton
Supergirl & Superboy pageant , Smallville Tent
6:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m.
K9 Crew trick dog show , Man of Steel area.
7 p.m.
Country music with Jordan Carter & Justice, Metro Tent
7 p.m.
8-11 p.m.
9 p.m.
Dr. Who fans take note: Actress Sophie
Aldred, who played “Ace," is headed to
Metropolis’ Daily Star Comics - Home
of The TARDIS, located at 300 W. 10th
St., for one day only, Saturday, during
the Superman Celebration.
Sophie Aldred
Aldred was the seventh doctor’s
companion in 1989 — most known for
being the only person ever to beat up a
Dalek with a baseball bat.
Her appearance at Daily Star Comics
will include the opportunity of seeing
her re-enact that piece of Dr. Who
history. Afterward, a lucky winner will
get to take home the bat, which Aldred
will sign, and have their picture taken
with her.
Tickets for the bat giveaway are $2
for one or $6 for 10 and are on sale now
at Daily Star Comics.
According to Daily Star Comics
owner Will Bruhn, all money from the
bat giveaway sale will go to Metropolis
Church of God, which will donate it to
Metropolis’ C.O.P.E. Food Pantry.
Tickets are required to attend Aldred’s
autograph sessions. The free tickets,
which will be numbered, will be available Thursday through Saturday at Daily
Star Comics.
Aldred's Saturday schedule at Daily
Star Comics is:
• 11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Autographs and
See ALDRED, page 24
Live wrestling with Jerry “The King” Lawler and USA
Championship Wrestling, Market Street across from Planet Krypton
SUPER Pow Bam BASH, Baymont Theater. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Outdoor Theatre featuring Tim Burton’s Batman, 8th & Market Sts.
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
10 a.m.
a.m. & Noon
a.m.-2 p.m.
a.m.-2 p.m.
a.m.-5 p.m.
a.m.-6 p.m.
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
11 a.m., 1 p.m.
11 a.m.- dark
1 p.m.
Rotary Super Car Show , Fort Massac State Park
Community Worship Service, Bro. Darion Rottmann, Smallville Tent
2014 Fan Films showing, Baymont Theater
Freestyle Connection BMX Bike Stunt Show, Man of Steel area
Artists’ Alley open , 801 Market St.
Meet Jerry Lawler, Autograph Zone
Planet Krypton & Planet Argos dealers’ rooms open
Super Mini Con opens, 813 Ferry St.
Stump the Superman Expert contest , Metro Tent
Kids’ Game Show , Smallville Tent
Registration for $1000 Superhero Costume Contest
in front of Metro•Chamber
& 3 p.m. K9 Crew trick dog show , Man of Steel area.
Helicopter rides over Metropolis, Baymont Theater area
Illusionist Morgan Streber The Man Who Bends Steel, Metro Tent
Parade of Characters —
$1000 costume contest entrants parade down Market St. Vote for crowd fav at Metro Tent
2 p.m.
5 p.m.
Dr. Who actress Sophie Aldred
appearing at Daily Star Comics
For mor
$1000 Superhero Costume Contest , Metro Tent
Superman Scavenger Hunt , Smallville Tent
Superman Celebration closing ceremony, Superman Statue
Lawler wrestling it up
at 36th Celebration
For the second year, Jerry “The King”
Lawler will be a guest at the Superman
But this time, he’ll also be wrestling
up some entertainment for attendees.
While many know “The King” for his
appearances on the WWE throughout
the years as a wrestling legend and commentator, others may be surprised that
he is also an artist and Superman fan.
An accomplished commercial artist,
Lawler has designed graphics for various companies, including the WWE. In
2007, he painted the cover of the wrestling comic book Headlocked.
Lawler will be at The Autograph
Zone, located at 614 Market St., from
10 a.m. until noon and from 1-6 p.m. on
Friday and Saturday and from 10 a.m.
until 2 p.m. Sunday.
He will sign one item at no cost,
which shall be on one of the following
three official Celebration items: schedule book, Celebration poster or the Metropolis Planet’s special section for the
Celebration titled The Daily Planet. All
additional autographs will have a fee.
After meeting with guests, he’ll join
members of USA Championship Wrestling, which is broadcast locally on
See LAWLER, page 24
Jerry Lawler
Page 4
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Something for everyone at this year’s
36th annual Superman Celebration
Just like when Clark Kent steps into the phone booth,
during the second weekend in June, the normally quiet
town of Metropolis transforms into a bustling Super
City for thousands of Superman and superhero fans for
one super-sized weekend that is jam-packed with entertainment, activities and celebrities.
This year’s 36th annual superman celebration begins
Thursday evening at 5 p.m. at the Superman Statue,
where there will also be a drama skit and a ribbon cutting ceremony.
Following the opening ceremony there will be an
award presentation by Massac County United Way,
which will present the recipient of the Helping Hands
Awards and the Metropolis Planet will announce its
2014 recipient of the annual Lois Lane Award.
This year’s Superman Celebration offers a star-studded celebrity guest line-up including actors Dean Cain,
Billy Dee Williams, Valerie Perrine and Aaron Smolinski and wrestler Jerry Lawler.
During the four-day celebration, visitors can sample
food items at numerous cafes-on-wheels and browse
sidewalk sales.
The always-popular carnival brings all sorts of exciting rides, along with concessions, including corn dogs
and cotton candy.
New to this year’s schedule is the addition of helicopter rides provided by Black Diamond Aviation so
Celebration goers will have the chance to fly high in the
sky like the Man of Steel himself.
Many of the most popular events are returning to this
year’s line-up including the Super Road Race, $1000
Costume Contest, Super Car Show, Supertrek Bike
Ride, the SLP Superman Classic Deadlift and Bench
press competition, Color-A-Cape for kids, Super Dog
Contest, Super Baby Contest and the Supergirl and Superboy pageants, just to name a few.
There are some new acts to the schedule this year
including the trick dog show, K-9 Crew and illusionist
Morgan Streber, The Man Who Bends Steel. There will
be video game contests, a puppetry for television workshop as well as many other exciting events and activities that will keep the entire family entertained.
There will be musical entertainment each day with
performances by Sons of the Father, The Kingsmen,
The Soul Bandits, Gideons Rifle, Newtown, Stacie
Lynn Hines Allen and Jordan Carter & Justice.
Right in the middle of all of the activities visitors
will have the opportunity to pose with the world-famous 15-foot-tall bronze statue of Superman and tour
the Super Museum, which holds the largest collection
of Superman memorabilia in the world.
Or, visitors can walk just a few blocks to see the Lois
Lane statue, the slightly larger than life bronze statue of
Noel Neill, the First Lady of Metropolis.
The celebration continues through Sunday, when the
fun concludes at 4 p.m. with a closing skit at the Superman statue.
For more information on the Metropolis Superman
Celebration guests, visit the official websites: or or call
the Metropolis Chamber at 800-949-5740.
The Superman Celebration features four days of
contests, entertainment, music, comic guests and carnival and is hosted by the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce, the City of Metropolis and the Metropolis Area
Tourism Commission.
Superman, along with several of his friends and foes, converge at the Superman Statue following last year’s opening ceremony with a sign carrying the
message Superman Celebration organizers hope everyone listens to: “You should be here.” Thousands will be in town for the four-day celebration and
will no doubt find many super activities and events to participate in.
—Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 5
Big cash prizes await Superhero
Costume Contest winners Sunday
For those who like to dress up like
superheroes and don’t mind admitting
it, the Superhero Costume Contest is the
place to be.
Not only will contestants get the rare
chance to mingle with others who aspire
for attire like their fictional heroes, they
will get the opportunity to earn something anyone bound by the chains of
mere mortality can use: cold, hard cash.
The contest will be held at 2 p.m. on
the main stage on Sunday, with signup
starting at 11 a.m.
At 1:30 p.m., there will be a parade
of contestants down Market Street to the
Man of Steel Teen area and then return
to the Metro Tent for the start of the contest.
Like last year, contestants will still
enter as individuals or as a group but will
not be separated into categories.
All contestants will compete against
each other and will be scored by guest
judges using a point system with a total
possible score of 30 points.
The point system will be:
• 10 points: Costume — Accuracy,
workmanship and fit.
• 10 points: Character — Does the
person know the character and become
the character?
• 10 points: Overall Stage Presence
— Overall impression, which means
does the person work the stage and connect with the audience?
The contestants with the top 10 scores
will return to the stage and compete for
the top prize.
Each will get one more chance to
wow the judges.
Old scores will be thrown out, and
contestants will be judged on this final
Then, the judges’ sheets will be tallied, and the winners will be announced,
with the following prizes awarded:
— First place: $1000
— Second place: $500
— Third place: $250
— Fourth place: $100
The remaining top 10 contestants will
receive a prize basket.
Contestants also need to know the
following points:
• Only hand-held props will be allowed. No set pieces will be allowed on
the stage.
• Music may be used but must be operated by the contestant or assistant off
stage. A Superman Celebration sound
technician will not be available to run
music for individuals contestants.
• For the safety of the contestants, if
any costume is bulky, uses stilts or poses
a risk when using stairs to enter the stage,
that contestant may be asked to present
themselves in front of the stage.
• The contest is open to anyone, ages
15 and over. Children under 15 may participate in the Children’s Costume Contest held at 4 p.m. Friday at the Smallville Tent.
• There is a $25 entry fee.
Registration is available at the Chamber of Commerce anytime during the
Celebration or on Sunday at the main
may walk around and encourage fans
to vote for them as the Crowd Favorite.
One ticket equals one vote, and tickets
are $1 each.
The voter must write name and number of their favorite contestant on the
back of the ticket. They may vote as
many times as they like.
Voting will continue throughout the
contest. At the end of the contest, the
Crowd Favorite will be decided by popular vote, with the winner receiving $100.
Then, one lucky ticket will be drawn
at random for a 50/50 drawing of the
money received from the voting.
The fan with the matching ticket will
win half of the money raised.
Crowd Favorite
As soon as the contestant has signed
in and has received their number, they
Best Prices
in Town
on Superman
606 Market St. • • • 618-524-2040
Page 6
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Auction gets a twist, will benefit
Save the Massac theater restoration
For attendees of the Superman Celebration, it’s a will be available each time Baymont is open during the Actors Guild card, framed complete with envelope
frequently asked question: When will something be Celebration through the first half of the SUPER Pow! marking her Metropolis address.
done about the art deco theater?
Bam! BASH event. Bags will be set up at each item for
“Superman fans have a variety of interests, so we’re
The answer is: It’s happening.
a chance to win — so the more tickets you buy, the bet- looking for anything that’s considered collectible or
But projects like that take time.
ter your odds of winning. Winners will be drawn dur- memorabilia,” said Save the Massac coordinator Lisa
And money.
ing the second half of the evening, which will consist Gower.
Lots of money.
of more dancing and fun following the auction. You do
Also on the auction block will be the Super CelebraThere’s a way Superman Celebration attendees can not have to be present to win; however, items must be tion Weekend 2015 package. Valued at almost $1000,
contribute — by attending the inaugural SUPER Pow! picked up at the Metro•Chamber on Sunday as they will the package includes: a three-night hotel stay during the
Bam! BASH.
not be shipped.
2015 Celebration, gift certificates to area restaurants
two VIP autothe
Auction, the
passes, front of
the line passes
be held from
for all autograph
sessions, two reSaturday at
served front row
the Baymont
seats at all Q&A
sessions and the
Doors will
$1000 Costume
open at 7
p.m. AdmisCelebration Tsion is $20.
shirts and other
The first 125
official 2015 Supeople who
perman Celebrapurchase adtion merchanvance tickets
dise and $100
will receive a
worth of Metro
tive SUPER
The evening
Pow! Bam!
is hosted by
BASH Hurthe
Metroporicane glass.
While there
of Commerce
is no age
with 100 perlimit for atcent of the auctendees, chiltion and raffle
dren under
proceeds going
16 must be
formed in 2009
by an adult.
with the goal of
All attendees
resurrecting and
must have a
preserving the
Massac Theater,
which was built
are encourin the 1930s and
aged to come
was open from
1938 to 1978.
their favorite Part of the fun of Saturday’s SUPER Pow! Bam! BASH will be an auction benefiting Save the Massac. Items up for
The goal is to
bid will include an autographed edition of The Grandfather of Grappling, the autobiography of Gene LeBell, who preserve the thein formal at- trained Superman George Reeve; and the framed 2013 Screen Actors Guild card of Noel Neill.
ater by turning
tire or as they
— Terra Temple | Metropolis Planet it into rentable
will be hors
public restrooms
d’oeuvres, a DJ on hand for dancing and a cash bar
The auction will begin at 9 p.m. with many special and a theater featuring a working stage and a movie
attended by the Metropolis Elks Lodge with proceeds items up for bid, including items from celebrities such screen. The 501c3 non-profit organization became the
benefiting Children’s Care and Elks National Founda- as Gene LeBell, who had a few appearances on Adven- owners of the building in May 2013.
tures and portrayed a skit character called Mr. KrypThe evening will also include a tradition begun by
The name for the evening, SUPER Pow! Bam! tonite with George and Noel Neill when they toured the Jim Hambrick, founder of the Super Museum: the preBASH, explained Celebration chairperson Karla Ogle, country going to county fairs.
sentation of the George and Noel Awards, which will
is “paying homage to Batman and putting a Super spin
An American martial artist, instructor, stunt per- be held during the auction. The Metropolis Chamber
on it,” as this year’s Celebration is marking the 75th former and professional wrestler, LeBell has trained of Commerce and the Superman Celebration co-chairanniversary of Batman. The evening “is a fun gathering with or taught grappling skills to a list that includes persons Ogle and Gower will honor two dedicated and
of people with common likes who want to have a great Chuck Norris, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Bruce Lee.
deserving individuals with the awards.
time raising money for Save the Massac (STM).”
There’s also an autographed drumhead from the
To donate items for the 2015 auction, contact GowOne of those ways is a chance raffle. The $1 tickets band Umphry’s McGee and also Neill’s 2013 Screen er at 524-7986.
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Page 7
Bullock named 2014 Lois Lane Award recipient
This year’s Lois Lane recipient is a fixture at City
Hall and has been a driving force behind Massac County’s Girl Scouts for many years.
The Planet’s award honors a working woman who
has been active in volunteering her time to the community and this year’s recipient is always finding organizations to lend her time and expertise to.
Deneal Bullock, of Metropolis, worked for the City
of Metropolis for about seven years when former Mayor Beth Clanahan was in office and later, when current
Mayor Billy McDaniel was elected, Bullock returned to
the position as administrative assistant to the mayor.
When Bullock is not busy answering the questions
and complaints from city residents, she has managed
to carve time out in her busy schedule to volunteer to
many organizations.
When her oldest daughter, Krista Clayton, was in
first grade, Bullock began as a Girl Scout leader and
since that time her name has been synonymous with
Massac County Girl Scouts for a total of 25 years.
She has served as Unit Service Director for Massac
County Girl Scouts for the past 12 years and has recently announced she is stepping down from that position.
While her children were attending the old Central
Elementary school, Bullock served as an instrumental
force in launching the Central School Parent Teacher
Organization holding various offices including president and volunteering her time to help support the
Another organization that has benefited from Bullock’s presence is the Massac County High School Band
When her daughters, Clayton and Kortney Kennedy,
were in the band at the high school, Bullock became an
active member of the Band Boosters organization and
served as president for several years.
According to Clayton, even when her younger sister
graduated from high school, her mother continued on
serving as president of the band boosters.
Bullock even extended her volunteerism to Pope
County by helping the band there when her daughter
worked as band director for several years.
Bullock has also been involved with Project Hope
Humane Society for nearly 17 years. “She is great
to work with — always very helpful. She helps me a
lot with flyers for Project Hope. She designs different
things for us. She is very creative,” said Project Hope
member Patricia Tish Lewis.
“I find her a delight to be around in her matter of
fact way. If you need anything done, just ask Deneal. I
have said many times that Deneal is an asset to our city.
She is one of the best city employees,” said Lewis.
Bullock has also been active with the Hope Light
Cancer Awareness organization as well as the Save The
Massac organization.
If all of those were not enough, she has also helped
with the Superman Celebration and the Metropolis Library with its fundraisers.
Save The Massac President Lisa Gower said Bullock was very active with the group in its infancy. “She
encouraged me to write the letter to the editor in the
beginning and attended all the meetings. She worked
all the fundraisers and still serves as vice president for
the committee,” said Gower.
She has also assisted with the organization of Arts
in the Park, which has become a growing event held at
Washington Park.
Bullock has provided her assistance with projects
for Guardian Family Services and the Toys for Kids
program held during the Christmas season.
Clayton said now that she is grown up, she has been
doing some volunteer work and says her mother has
told her that she needs to slow down and take time for
But, she said she always tells her mother, “Where do
you think I get it from?” She said her mother loves to
stay busy and enjoys the volunteer work she does.
The name of Deneal Bullock has been added to the
plaque at the Metropolis Planet office, which also lists
past Lois Lane Award winners.
Those winners include: Patricia Lewis, Denese R.
Peebles, Maggie Howett, Carrie Neely, Caroline Jones,
Sue Barfield, Lisa Gower, Julie Jo Russell, Tina Willmes, Sandra Dailey, Karla Ogle, Frieda Koch, Kris Duncan, Maxine Russell, Judy Lester, Jahnae Erpenbach,
Angie Shelton, Rebecca Lambert, Doris Vogt, Vicki
Mayhall, Kitty Oldham, Toni Miller, Carolyn Kindle,
Diane Eichorn Garrow, Jenny Walters, June Elliott,
Judy Compton, Mildred Farley, Debbie Simmons, Sharon Burris and Phyllis Harris.
Bullock will receive the award Thursday evening
during the opening ceremony of the 36th annual Superman Celebration, beginning at 5 p.m.
Loosen up the
belt for the Bat
Pie Eating Contest
Holy Bat Pie, Batman!
Visitors to this year’s Superman Celebration will
have the change to participate in the first ever Bat Pie
Eating Contest, set for 1 p.m. Friday at the Man of
Steel Tent.
Contestants will have to unhook their utility belts
to make room, because we’re going to see who can eat
the most pie the quickest.
Registration will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the Man of
Steel Tent, where names will be entered for a chance
to participate.
Ten contestants will be selected to see who can
down the most pie in this timed eating contest.
The winner will receive a certificate, a Superman
Celebration T-shirt and, of course, bragging rights.
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Page 8
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Superman Road Race: shoes to be on the loose
Always a crowd pleaser, the Superman Road Race is a jaunt through the streets of Metropolis.
A non-competitive two-mile walk will also be held.
— Linda Kennedy | Metropolis Planet
ticipants will receive a free
T-shirt if they have pre-registered; however, some T-shirts
will be distributed on Thursday evening, while supplies
Superman door prizes will
be awarded.
Metro•Chamber office or go
to to events.
Those who are pre-registered can pick up their packets
at the registration area beginning at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.
Awards will be given to
the top three finishers in the
run age group divisions.
There will be no awards for
The race is a USA Track
and Field Sanctioned Event.
For more information on
individuals can call the race hotline
at 618-645-4242 or e-mail
This event will benefit the
Massac County United Way
and the Massac County High
School Cross Country team.
Injured soldier will be recognized at Road Race
Metropolis native Jared Bullock was
severely injured in Afghanistan on Nov.
13, 2013 and since that time his family,
1056 E 8TH ST.
How many brands of running shoes will be represented
at the Superman Road Race?
Pretty much all of them.
But the best way to count
them is to participate in the
That way, you can look
at all the runners around you
just before the race begins.
The Superman Road Race,
a four-mile jaunt through the
streets of Metropolis, has become a traditional event of
the Superman Celebration,
with this year marking its
26th race anniversary.
The event will include a
Thursday’s race takes off
at the big pavilion, located at
the Seventh Street entrance at
Fort Massac State Park, at 7
Aid stations and splits are
Organizers encourage residents along the Third Street
route to cheer on runners.
Race day registration is
from 5:30-6:45 p.m. at the
pavilion. The fee is $20. Par-
friends and the community have offered
their support for the fallen soldier.
In Bullock’s honor, the City of Metropolis firefighters will sponsor
Walk For Jared on Thursday at
7 p.m. as part of the Superman
Road Race at Fort Massac State
Bullock, a 2002 graduate of
Massac County High School, is a
member of the 3rd Battalion 7th
Special Forces Group and while
on patrol with his team, they encountered an IED and Bullock
suffered the loss of an arm and
a leg.
Since November, Bullock has
been undergoing extreme physical therapy and has been fitted
with prosthetics.
Organizers are hoping that
Bullock will attend the event and
walking with his family, friends
and firefighters from throughout
the region. The public is invited
to be a part of the walk too.
Pre-registration forms are
available at the Metro•Chamber
office or go to to events. A
portion of the registration fee of
$20 will benefit the Associated
Firefighters of Illinois (AFFI) Warrior
Each year, the Warrior Program helps
an Illinois veteran who has been wounded, and this year, AFFI will work toward
providing Bullock and his family a new
vehicle, which will be specially equipped
for Bullock.
According to Metropolis firefighter
and union president Chad Beaumont,
Metropolis Professional Firefighters
Local 3367 are also selling T-shirts for
All the money raised will go to the
AFFI Warrior Program. The shirts feature the AFFI logo on the front and a
soldier, an American flag and the words,
“Support our Troops,” on the back.
Banterra Banks throughout southern
Illinois are selling AFFI Warrior T-shirts
and discounted St. Louis Cardinals baseball tickets for the Sunday, June 22 game
in St. Louis to help benefit AFFI’s effort
to help Bullock.
T-shirts and tickets are for sale at
the bank’s 22 branches in southern Illinois including Metropolis, said Jennifer
Spence, Banterra marketing director.
For additional information the walk
or the Warior program, call the Metropolis City Fire Department at 524-2121.
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 9
From the baseball diamond to fairways,
Celebration offers ‘super’ sporting events
For those Superman fans who love
sports, this week’s celebration will offer
something for everyone, from baseball
diamonds to disc golf fairways.
Superfan Baseball
The eighth annual Superfan Baseball
Game will be played at the Metropolis
Sports Park at 2004 Metropolis St. at 8
a.m. Friday.
Again, the Metropolis Marvels and
the Smallville Meteors will take to the
diamond with team captains Steven Kirk
and Larry Ward.
The idea for the game was born
when Ward, Kirk, Carl Glass and Jan
Alan Henderson were tossing a baseball
around in the parking lot of the Burbank
Hilton during one of the Ray Courts Hollywood Collectors Shows.
“The rosters are never set. Each side
can always use a few extra good players,” explained Ward. “If folks have a
real yearning to play real hard fastpitch
baseball, they should just show up and
we’ll see how we can fit them in.”
Individuals who wish to play may contact Kirk by e-mail at steve@stevenkirk.
com. Participants must sign a release.
Superman Washer
There’s an old saying: close doesn’t
count, except in horseshoes and hand
And, maybe washers.
The Southern Illinois Washer Pitchin’
Association will hold the ninth annual
Superman Washer Tournament at 11
a.m. Saturday at the Girl Scout House,
located across from Fort Massac State
Park at the corner of East Fifth and East
Seventh streets.
Sign-up will be held from 9:30-10:30
a.m. All rules will be at the sign-up table.
The game of washers involves tossing
washers into a cup from a distance of 21
The rules are similar to horseshoes,
with a ringer — which is when a washer ends up inside the cup — worth five
points and single points given for closest
to the cup.
Prize money will be awarded based on
the amount of entries, and plaques will
be given to first through fourth places.
The entry fee per event is $10 for singles and $10 per person for doubles.
Participants and spectators are en-
couraged to bring lawn chairs. Alcoholic
beverages are prohibited.
For more information, contact Gary
Faulkner at 524-2087 or 618-309-0018
or by e-mail at grfaulkner@frontier.
Super Disc Golf
Love Frisbee golf? Then get ready
for a morning of flying-disc-fun at Fort
Massac State Park on Saturday, with
registration beginning at 8 a.m. and the
tournament starting at 9 a.m.
Think of disc golf as a cross between
Frisbee and golf where individual players throw a flying disc at a target, called
a Disc Pole Hole catching device — the
object is to negotiate the course in the
fewest number of throws of the disc.
The game is mix of all the normal golf
concepts, but uses a 5- to 6-ounce, 8- to
9-inch disc instead of a golf ball.
The 18-hole course is 6715 feet long.
Spread throughout the park, it starts at
the trout pond, progresses up by the
campground, crosses over and then goes
down by the boat ramp, comes around
and then through the picnic area adjacent
to Fifth Street, going back up to the trout
@ Metropolis Public Library,
books are only
half the story...
For the first 30 players who register,
they will received an official logo disc
and a T-shirt.
The fee is $20, and all men, women
and children are encouraged to participate.
For more information, contact Lindsey Stoner at The Metropolis Tourism
Commission at 618-524-5025 or by
email at Lindsey@metropolistourism.
Jack & Jill Super City
Eight-Ball Pool Tournament
The first ever Super City Jack & Jill
Eight-Ball Pool Tournament will begin
at 1 p.m. Saturday at Booboo’s, located
at 318 Scott St. in Metropolis, formerly
the Moose Lodge.
Food and drinks will be available, and
the doors open and sign-ups will begin
at 10 a.m.
“The tournament will be an 11 Handicap, with 8 and under getting a game in
the wire,” explained Booboo Corzine,
owner and tournament sponsor.
For more information or to register,
call Corzine at 618-524-2991 or 618638-7377.
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Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 10
June 11, 2014
The Rotary Car Show plus the Super Cruise In are popular events for any car enthusiast. Owners welcome visitors to stop and look at what’s under the
— Clyde Wills | Metropolis Planet
Cars also take center stage
at this year’s celebration
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When it comes to speed, power and
dependability, Superman is tops.
However, even Superman would have
to be impressed at the speed, power, dependability and style that will be on display during the Southern Illinois Region,
Ohio Valley Chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of American’s (SIROVCAACA) Super Cruise In and the 28th
annual Rotary Super Car Show.
The Cruise In will be held from 59 p.m. Saturday in the parking lot of
Banterra Bank, located on the corner of
Eighth and Ferry streets.
The event will feature classic, antique
and unusual cars, motorcycles, trucks
and tractors. There is no entry fee to
Door prizes will be offered, and a
50/50 drawing is planned.
This free event is open to the public,
and attendees are encouraged to bring
lawn chairs.
For more information, contact Bruce
Cummins at 524-5132.
Then it’s time to grease up, shine
down and tune up for the 28th annual
Super Car Show being held on Sunday,
June 15 in Fort Massac State Park.
Sponsored by the Metropolis Rotary
Club, the Super Car Show will showcase antique cars, trucks and street rods
from the 1940s, 1950s and up to the new
Judging and field activities will be
provided by the SIROVCAACA.
There will be over 40 different classes
of cars to keep spectators busy. Specialty classes for the event will include the
Best Truck and Car Award, the James
D. Shelton Memorial Mustang award,
the Superman’s Choice award and the
Bob Eckenberg Memorial award, just to
name a few.
Registration will be from 8 a.m. to
noon, and judging begins at noon. The
show will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with
trophy presentation planned for 3:30
p.m. Admission is free to the public.
Registration fee is $15 for the first entry, $10 for the second entry and $5 each
for nonjudged entries. Dash plaques will
be given to the first 100 entries.
The Metropolis Rotary Club, for a
small fee, will provide concessions.
For information, contact Arnold Williams, 618-524-2864.
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 11
Kid’s Super
Hero costume
contest Friday,
followed by
kid parade
OK, kids, get ready to grab a cape
and tights and hit the stage.
Children will have the chance to
show off their favorite Super Hero
costume at the annual Kid’s Super
Hero costume contest at 4 p.m. Friday at the Smallville Tent.
The contest is open to kids, ages
14 and under.
Superman-theme gift baskets will
be awarded to the winner.
Following the costume contest, the
public is invited to meet Superman at
5 p.m. at the Smallville tent and view
the Kid’s Superhero Costume Parade,
which will be a march from the tent,
up and down Market Street, to the Superman statue for pictures and back.
The events are being supervised
by Zeta Zeta Sorority.
From Clark Kents to Supermans, the Kid’s Super Hero costume contest brings out every child’s favorite Super Hero.
The contest will be held at 4 p.m. Friday at the Smallville Tent, followed by a parade.
— Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
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Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 12
Alley provides artists,
writers a place to gather
Artists have brought a unique flavor
to the Superman Celebration for many
And this year is no exception.
Escape the heat of the street for a
unique look at the world of comics inside Artists’ Alley & Writers’ Way.
Artists’ Alley & Writers’ Way is located just across from the Noel Neill/
Lois Lane statue in the Carpenters Local
No. 640 building at 801 Market St.
It will be open from 10 a.m. until 6
p.m. Friday and Saturday and from 10
a.m. until noon Sunday.
Featured writer Elliott S! Maggin will
have a question-and-answer session at 10
a.m. Friday at the Metro Tent.
Featured artists Rick Stasi and
Franchesco, along with Jim Hall, will
hold a comic art panel at 4 p.m. Friday
at the Metro Tent.
Maggin began his professional career
as a teen selling historical stories to a
boys’ magazine.
When his college term paper What
Can One Man Do? received a B+, he
rewrote it as a comic book script and sent
it to DC Comics.
The story, drawn by Neal Adams,
was published in Green Lantern #87
(1971), and Maggin became a writer for
DC, working on Superman and Batman,
along with being editor from 1989-91.
Maggin also has some Marvel credits to his name, including The Iliad, The
Spectacular Spider-Man #16 and The Incredible Hulk #230.
Stasi is an artist/writer/intellectual
properties producer with credits at DC
Comics, Marvel Comics, Charlton Comics, NOW Comics (Twilight Zone),
Eclipse, Disney, Warner Bros. (Looney
Tunes & Tiny Toons for Steven Spielberg) and LucasFilms/STAR WARS.
He also contributes to Wonder Woman Day, an annual charity event that supports shelters for abused women and
Stasi has taught comics, sequential art
and storyboarding courses for over 20
years as an instructor with the Shawnee
Mission School District, The Westport
School of Art and The Kansas City Art
He currently gives individual instruction and career counseling. He recently
completed a comics project with writer/
editor Paul Kupperberg christening the
return of Charlton Comics.
His first non-comics related publishing venture, a book of original poetry
and musings titled Funny You Should
Ask is set for a spring 2014 release.
Franchesco, an award-winning illustrator who’s mastered the ability to
conceptualize, pencil, ink, color, and everything in between, may be best known
for Good Girl Art, but pin-ups aren’t the
only thing he excels at.
His images have appeared in the pages of Marvel Comics, DC Comics and
countless other publications. Some of his
latest are on the covers of Zenescope’s
Grimm Fairy Tales getting set to reach
their 100th anniversary issue, while others are featured on the SyFy Channel’s
Heroes of Cosplay.
Hall has produced illustrations for
major corporations including FedEx and
Warner Bros.
His comic work has been published
by Marvel, DC and Dark Horse, and
includes work on The Avengers, Silver Surfer, The Legion of Super-heroes,
Johnny Quest, Aliens vs Predator and
Star Wars.
Maggin, Stasi, Franchesco and Hall
will be joined at Artists’ Alley & Writers’ Way by many other Superman Celebration favorites including Mitch Foust,
Dean Zachary, Will Woods, Tyrine
Carver, Trevor Hawkins, Sean Dulaney,
Jason Rawley, Charles Ettinger, Ken
Bailey, Nick Rockicki, Joe Kelley, Lonnie Easterling and Tyrone Reed.
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June 11, 2014
Artists’ Alley and Writers’ Way offers visitors a chance to get more acquainted with the artists of the comic book world.
— Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
Shuttle provides transportation
to events throughout Metropolis
As any Superman Celebration veteran
will tell you, parking isn’t exactly convenient during the event.
“Parking can sometimes be an issue
in the uptown area,” observed Celebration chairperson Karla Ogle.
So to assist visitors and locals alike,
there’s the Superman Celebration Shuttle, provided by West Bus Co.
Shuttles will run to and from all Metropolis hotels to all Celebration locations, including Superman Square, the
carnival area and Fort Massac State
For locals, off-site parking will be
available at Second and Ferry street in
the north end of the main Harrah’s parking lot.
The shuttle fee is $2 per person, per
ride. Riders under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Riders picked up on Superman Square
can ride to the location of their choice.
“West provided this last year and they
loved it,” said Celebration co-chairperson Lisa Gower. “I think parking alone
keeps our local people from coming to
the Celebration’s evening events. We
hope a lot of people take advantage of
Departure times and locations are:
• Holiday Inn — 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 2
p.m., 5 p.m.
• Metropolis Inn — 9:05 a.m., 11:05
a.m., 2:05 p.m., 5:05 p.m.
• Super 8 — 9:10 a.m., 11:10 a.m.
2:10 p.m., 5:10 p.m.
• Motel 6 — 9:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m.,
2:15 p.m., 5:15 p.m.
• America’s Best Value Inn — 9:25
a.m., 11:25 a.m., 2:25 p.m., 5:25 p.m.
• Fort Massac State Park pavilion
— 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30
• Carnival — 9:40 a.m., 11:40 a.m.,
2:40 p.m. 5:40 p.m.
• Baymont Inn & Theater — 9:45
a.m., 11:45 a.m., 2:45 p.m., 5:45 p.m.
• Off-site parking near Harrah’s —
9:50 a.m., 11:50 a.m., 2:50 p.m., 5:50
• Harrah’s — 9:55 a.m., 11:55 a.m.,
2:55 p.m., 5:55 p.m.
• Superman Square/statue on Friday
and Saturday — 10 a.m, noon, 3 p.m., 6
p.m., 9:30 p.m.
• Superman Square/statue on Sunday
— 10 a.m, noon, 3 p.m., 5 p.m.
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Page 13
Variety of music acts to perform at Metro Tent
From gospel music to bluegrass and country, this
year’s lineup of musical entertainment is sure to have
something for everyone.
The musical entertainment will start at 6:30 p.m. on
Thursday evening with the gospel night.
Opening the show will be the talented group Sons of
the Father from West Frankfort.
Les, Chris and Brent Snyder have traveled the U.S.
full-time since 1989. Snyder has had his original songs
recorded by Legacy Five and His Mercies.
The featured gospel group The Kingsmen Quartet,
will take the stage at 6 p.m. Since 1956, this group
has risen from humble beginnings in the mountains of
western North Carolina to one of the most beloved and
innovative groups in Christian music.
The Kingsmen Quartet has performed for former
President Jimmy Carter and at the opening ceremony
of the World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn.
In 2000 they were inducted into the Gospel Music
Hall of Fame followed by the Christian Music Hall of
Fame in 2008.
They’ve garnered multiple dove awards and numerous Singing News Fan awards including favorite bass
vocalist, tenor, baritone, lead, instrumentalist, video,
the 1992 favorite song Wish You Were Here, as well as,
favorite album by the same name, male quartet of the
year and group of the year.
Voted favorite band a record of 17 times and always
a crowd favorite, the group returns to the Superman
Celebration to perform southern gospel.
Taking the stage at 2:30 p.m. on Friday will be The
Soul Bandit’s, Massac County High School’s very own
rock band, which will get the crowd revved up and the
crowd rockin.’
Friday evening the music at the Metro Tent continues at 5 p.m. and showcases a band that recently won
the WKMS Battle of the Bands contest held at Maiden
Alley Cinema in Paducah.
Based out of Louisville, Ky., Gideon’s Rifle is predominantly influenced by traditional American roots
music and Kentucky bluegrass and has a strong focus
on vocal harmonies and arrangement.
The combination of self taught folk musicians and
their classically trained counterparts has Gideon’s Rifle
irreverently sliding in and out of Americana, folk, bluegrass and country with a unique sound all their own.
The featured band Friday evening will be Newtown,
which will take the stage at 7 p.m. Featuring five artists
who demonstrate a vast array of acoustic music styling,
Newtown is based out of Lexington, Ky.
The band is able to journey into a realm of their own,
while still maintaining the spirit of the legendary bluegrass and “Newgrass” sounds created within the walls
of Lexington’s Red Slipper Lounge during the mid
The band was started by Kati Penn, a talented fiddle
player and vocalist from Frankfort, Ky. Jr. Williams
complements his wife, Kati, with an amazing high harmony and lead vocals along with persistently tasteful
banjo and guitar playing. Clint Hurd of Eidson, Tenn.,
is the newest member playing the mandolin and singing
some lead and harmony vocals. On guitar is C.J. Cain,
a Lexington native and graduate of the University of
Kentucky. Terry Porier is the band’s bass player and is
originally from New Brunswick, Canada.
Together, the band blends their vastly different mu-
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sical influences to deliver a sound of their own.
Saturday’s music will start at 6 p.m. with a local favorite, Stacie Hines Allen, who was born and raised in
southern Illinois and began working in Nashville as a
session vocalist and honing her songwriting skills.
She has recorded five albums and performed at numerous venues across the midwest.
Allen lives in Nashville where she continues to play
music and write songs with her husband, Zach.
The featured act, Jordan Carter will take the stage at
7 p.m. Saturday.
Carter is a 13-time award winning Nashville recording artist. Carter and his band, Justice, have opened
for many artists such as Marti Stuart, Jamie O’Neal,
Rosanne Cash, Mark Wills and Billie Jo Shaver.
They have performed all over the country from
Pennsylvania to Oklahoma entertaining folks with their
great traditional, but unique sound, performing Cash,
Jennings, Haggard and new country with a touch of
classic rock. Carter has also been cast as an extra on the
hit ABC TV show Nashville.
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Page 14
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Scenes from Superman Celebration 2013
Always a favorite, the Superman Road Race attracts many athletes to run or walk in the event.
Cool cars will be cruisin’ the town for the Cruise In and Rotary Super Car Show.
Strong men use super muscle strength in the
Superman Push/Pull event.
Photos by: Linda Kennedy, Michele Longworth and Clyde Wills
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 15
Check out these
A new ruler. This young fan is all smiles while
getting to wear legendary wrestler Jerry Lawler’s
crown for a photo with him.
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Sell your stuff in the classifieds!
Classified advertising deadline for The Southern
Scene is Thursday at 10 a.m. and the Metropolis
Planet is Monday at 10 a.m.
All classified ads must be pre-paid.
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At left: Children like this young Clark Kent will strut their
stuff in the Super Girl and Boy Pageant. At right: While
the little tots will have a chance to shine during the Super
Baby Pageant.
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Page 16
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 17
2014 Superman Celebration offers
pageants for girls, boys and babies
Zeta Zeta Sorority of Metropolis is
once again sponsoring the Miss Supergirl and Mr. Superboy Pageant and the
Superbaby Contest, as part of the Superman Celebration festivities.
The pageants will take place Saturday
on the stage in the Smallville Tent and is
open to the public.
Applications are now available at
Metro•Chamber, located at 607 Market
St. and online at and go to events and then click
on “other events.” Applications will be
submitted at the chamber office until Fri-
day evening. Applications turned in on
the day of the event need to be brought
to the Smallville tent area, prior to 3:45
p.m. for the Superbaby and 5:45 p.m. for
the Miss Supergirl and Mr. Superboy.
The Superbaby Contest is scheduled
to begin at 4 p.m. and is for babies and
toddlers, ages 0 up to 35 months as of
the date of the contest. Check-in to obtain contestant number will begin approximately one hour before the contest,
which begins at 4 p.m. at the Smallville
Categories that will be judged in each
age group are prettiest smile and best
personality. In addition, for each age
group there is a category for most beautiful girls and most handsome boy. A
trophy will be awarded for each category
in each age group. All participants will
receive an entry prize. Parents are asked
to accompany their children on stage.
The registration fee for the Superbaby
Contest is $10, check payable to Zeta
Zeta Sorority, and should be turned in
with the application.
Children ages 3 and older are invited
to enter the Miss Supergirl and Mr. Superboy Pageant.
The Miss Supergirl and Mr. Superboy
Pageant is scheduled for 6 p.m. and is for
girls, ages 3-10, and boys, ages 3-7.
Age divisions include girls ages 34, Tiny Miss Supergirl; ages 5-7, Little
Miss Supergirl; and ages 8-10, Miss Supergirl.
For boys, the division is ages 3-4,
Little Superboy; and ages 5-7, Mr. Superboy.
Age groups are subject to change
depending upon the number of partici-
A trophy will be awarded for each
category in each age group. All participants will receive an entry prize.
The registration fee for the Miss Supergirl and Mr. Superboy is $15 and
should be turned in with an application.
Check-in to obtain contestant number
will be at approximately 5 p.m.
Dress attire for the baby contest and
pageant is sporty/casual clothes, not
pageant clothing, and for the Supergirl/
Superboy pageant, hand-held props are
Winners will be recognized in the
Metropolis Planet.
Zeta Zeta Sorority also supports the
Superman Celebration by supervising
the other Smallville activities such as
Super-silly Games and Kids Superhero
Costume Contest.
For more information, call 638-5681.
Zeta Zeta Sorority is a Metropolis
Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, an international organization that provides a means
for women to socialize and serve in their
Super Car Show
June 15, 2014
Rain or Shine
A part of the 36th Annual Superman Celebration
The Miss Supergirl and Mr. Superboy Pageant, along with the Beautiful
Baby Contest, are popular events at each year’s Celebration. Winners walk
away with trophies, crowns and more. Sandy Dailey, pageant coordinator,
is shown telling a contestant were to stand.
— Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
Visitor’s Center & Museum
Super Cruise-In
Registration: 8 a.m. - Noon
Sat., June 14
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Judging begins at Noon
Washington Park
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No entry fee!
Non-Judged Entries - $5
Judging and show field activities by
Ohio Valley Chapter (OCV) - Antique Automobile Club of America
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 18
June 11, 2014
SuperTrek provides different look at Superman’s hometown
The annual Kiwanis SuperTrek bicycle ride is truly a family affair and is considered by many to be one of
the biggest events of the Superman Celebration. The trek is three tours of Massac County ‘s countryside
in lengths of 16, 60 and 100 km. The event starts at 8 a.m. Saturday at the trout pond at Fort Massac State
— Linda Kennedy | Metropolis Planet
Metropolis CITGO
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2 Hunks of Pizza
for $4
Fountain Drink
(Available only during Superman
Celebration, June 12-15)
Explore the countryside surrounding the
Home of Superman on routes that partially follow the “old” Ohio River bed. during the annual Kiwanis SuperTrek.
The bicycle ride will take over Massac County roads and byways Saturday.
The SuperTrek draws participants of all ages
— in 2013 there were 207 participants — from
several states.
One of the biggest events in the Superman
Celebration, it is a true family affair where
mom, pop, sis and brother frequently ride together. This year marks the 27th annual event.
The trek is actually three tours of Massac
County’s rolling countryside in lengths of 16,
60 and 100 km. The short route is generally flat,
but the longer routes require a little more pedal
power on hills.
Each ride will start and finish by the trout
pond at Fort Massac State Park. There will be a
mass start at 8 a.m. on Saturday.
The fee is $30 and includes a commemorative T-shirt, sag service, maps, stocked rest stops
and marked routes.
For late registrations, T-shirts will be available only while supplies last. Visit http://ride. to register on line and
pay with a credit or debit card. Cash or check
only will be taken at the in-person registration.
Pre-registration is Friday from 5-7 p.m. in
the parking lot of El Tequila Mexican Restaurant, across from Fort Massac. Those who preregistered may also pick up their entry packets
at that time.
Event day registration is at 7-8 a.m. at the
race area.
All riders who register via the webpage must
check in on Saturday with Metropolis Kiwanis
Club representative prior to the ride’s start.
Riders under 16 are required to be accompanied by an adult.
All participants are required to wear approved
and secure helmets and everyone should abide
by bicycle rules of etiquette and must not, by
any means, feel like they need to get in a hurry.
All entrants are required to sign a release
The event is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club
of Metropolis.
For more information, visit the website or email
Victorian Rose’s
Friends & Company
1700 North Ave.
Metropolis, IL 62960
“The Biggest Little Flea Market in Town”
10:00 - 4:00
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 19
It’s prom time, Smallville style
A giant disco ball spinning from the ceiling. Your
favorite tunes pouring from the sound system. Circling
round the dance floor with your favorite guy or gal.
Add a few heroes — and maybe even some villains
— into the mix and you’ve got a Smallville Prom. It
will take place from 8-11 p.m. Friday at Baymont Theater, complete with a DJ to take music requests.
For the second year, the Superman Celebration’s
usual dance is taking more of a prom feel.
The atmosphere was created last year thanks to Tim
Brown and Linn Workman.
Workman, an artist and longtime celebration guest,
had been to several other sci-fi, fantasy and pop culture conventions that have what is known as a “Geek
Prom”— a themed dance geared towards those attending their conventions.
“The television series Smallville already had this
extremely popular prom scene, so Lin and I thought it
would be really cool for Superman Celebration to have
its own Smallville Prom,” Brown said.
“We took the idea of converting our usual after-hours
dance party into our own version of the Smallville prom
to (celebration coordinators) Karla Ogle and Lisa Gower and they loved it,” added Brown.
While special attire isn’t required, attendees are encouraged to dress up — whether that be in formal wear
or in costume or whatever special creation they want to
come up with.
The night will include the crowning of the king and
While there is no age limit for attendees, children
under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
2014 Metropolis Planet T-Shirts
On sale during the
Superman Celebration
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Southern Scene
Page 20
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Superman not the only man that can bend steel
Taking the stage and amazing the
crowds with illusions will be Morgan
Strebler, The Man Who Bends Steel.
Morgan will take the stage on Friday
at noon and 3 p.m., Saturday at 10 a.m.
and 5 p.m. and Sunday at noon. He’ll also
be taking his talent to the streets during
the celebration, entertaining crowds with
close up illusions and magic.
Morgan is a native of Missouri’s
Bootheel, who calls Las Vegas home.
Beginning in his early teens, Morgan has perfected the art of PsychoKinetic magic and is considered one of the
world’s leading experts and performers
in this field.
He became the youngest magician in
the world to catch a live bullet between
his teeth. Morgan has performed at Caesar’s Palace, the Bellagio and the Venetian and has traveled internationally performing to more than a million people.
He has entertained Hollywood stars
and celebrities and has been on TV in
75 countries and performed on five continents.
At age 17, Morgan was immersed
in the design and construction of his
first full-scale illusion show. The show
opened with Morgan magically producing a convertible sports car out of thin
That first show held greater significance for Morgan than even he antici-
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pated. He was joined with Mikala, who
would become his personal and professional partner.
Morgan and Mikala started doing
magic shows throughout the Midwest,
capturing the attention of numerous television and radio stations.
In an astonishing display of wizardry,
Morgan and Mikala shocked and amazed
the public when they vanished a 20-story municipal power plant that sprawled
over two city blocks.
Morgan stretched his creative capabilities even further when he became the
youngest magician in the world to catch
a live bullet between his teeth.
This deadly illusion, which had killed
13 performers in the past, garnered front
page newspaper coverage for Morgan,
as well as exposure on the CBS Evening
Feeling the call of the World Mecca
of Magic, Morgan, Mikala and their
young son, Caleb, soon called Las Vegas
Recently, the dynamic magical duo finalized design and completed construction of their revolutionary, multi-million
dollar show, which ranks as one of the
largest in existence. This extraordinary
show will be supported by a professional
cast of over 20 dancers and crew.
Last year, Morgan performed internationally during a tour in Seoul, Korea. He enjoyed hundreds of sold out,
live shows in the spectacular 2200 seat
SeoulLandtheater before more than a
million people.
During this Asian tour, Morgan appeared on five television shows, including a widely distributed reality show.
Morgan is also viewed as one of the
world’s leading experts and performers
in the field of Psychokinetic magic, also
known as PK. Using only the power of
the mind, PK is the ability to physically
alter or affect various objects.
For example, Morgan uses this extraordinary “gift” to bend forks, coins
and keys, as well as force items to move
without logical explanation.
These special talents have enabled
Morgan to become one of the most
sought after performers in the world.
He has performed exclusive engagements at premier celebrity “hotspots”,
such as Pure at Caesar’s Palace, Body
English at the Hard Rock, Caramel
Lounge at Bellagio, and V Bar at the Venetian.
Morgan has been on TV in 75 coun-
tries and performed on five continents.
He most recently filmed multiple spots
on the upcoming TV series Masters of
Illusion, hosted by Dean Cain, who will
appear at this year’s Superman Celebration, on the CW Network.
Currently, Morgan is immersed in
pre-production, design and planning for
a future television series and nightly live
Helicopter rides will let you fly like Superman
Superman is usually busy flying around Metropolis, but
during the Celebration, he likes to take a break to visit with all
of his fans and friends.
So this year, Celebration goers will get a chance to fly
around Metropolis instead!
That’s right, with the help of skilled helicopter pilots from
Black Diamond Aviation of Marion, individuals will be able to
hop in a helicopter ride around Metropolis at a cost of $40.
Black Diamond Aviation will have a booth on Market Street
for individuals to sign up for rides from 2 p.m. until dusk on
Friday; Saturday from 11 a.m. until dusk and Sunday from 11
a.m. until dusk.
The helicopter rides will depart from near the Baymont
Hotel area and shuttle bus transportation will be available to
transport individuals for rides.
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 21
Postal Service heroes to be recognized at Celebration
Ten men and women will be recognized for their heroic actions during the opening ceremonies at 5 p.m. on
Thursday at the Superman Celebration.
The men and women represent Illinois and Missouri
letter carriers, rural carriers and postmasters whose actions went beyond their normal job performance to render assistance or save a life or property.
USPS District Manager and Lead Executive David
Martin said, “Heroism is not about super powers. In
fact, if you talk to postal heroes like rural carrier Richard
Girth, you’ll find super abilities had nothing to do with
their heroic acts or compassionate deeds. Girth from
Bunker, Ill. found a customer suffering from hypoglycemia or extremely low blood sugar. Without his quick
actions, this customer may not be with us today.”
Martin continued, “Ask any of our postal heroes and
you will most likely hear a humble and simple response
to their actions. ‘I only did what anyone would do,’ or
‘I was in the right place at the right time.’ The truth is: a
national workforce of nearly 500,000 and a daily presence in every community in the nation means postal
employees often are the first to know when something
goes wrong in a neighborhood,” Martin said. “Postal
employees truly serve as ‘the eyes and the ears of their
Locally, Monty Culbertson, a rural carrier of Vienna
will be recognized.
On Jan 30, the body of James “Jim” Test, 79, of
Johnson County was discovered in a well on his property.
Test had not been seen or heard from his family for
numerous days.
Culbertson, who was Test’s mail carrier, reported to
officials about the mailbox not being emptied by the
Even though it was not the news family and friends
were hoping, Culbertson’s alertness of the customers
on his mail route brought help in locating and later finding Test’s body.
In 2013, the Postal Service and the Postmaster General recognized 262 PMG Heroes — an average of
more than one per business day.
Stamp cancellation honors Superman
Superman will once again honor Metropolis with this year’s stamp cancellation, made possible by the U.S. Postal
Service, during the 36th annual Superman Celebration.
Cancellations will be offered from
8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Friday and
from 9 a.m. until noon Saturday at the
main tent.
The dated Superman cancellation
reads: Superman Celebration Metro Station, Metropolis, IL 62960, June 13,
2014 and June 14, 2014.
An envelope with Superman art will
be available for purchase at the main
tent next to the Superman statue or at the
‘Fun’tastic times ahead
for kids this weekend
From magic shows and science demonstrations and scavenger hunts and
puppet shows this year’s 36th annual Superman Celebration will bring with it a
super a super-sized portion of children’s
events, games and activities that are free
for children to participate in.
On Thursday evening, children are
invited to gather at the Smallville Tent
to color Superman posters at 7 p.m. followed by Kids’ Karaoke at 7:30 p.m.
At 11 a.m. on Friday at the Smallville
Tent, Kevin Williams & Muley will hold
a Puppetry for Television workshop.
Williams will host another workshop on
Saturday at 10 a.m.
The fun continues on Friday with
the always popular and fun Super Silly
There will be another opportunity for
children to participate in the Super Silly
Games on Saturday at noon.
Friday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Williams will be back with his pal, Muley
and friends for a puppet show at 3:30
At 4 p.m., all of that super hero wannabes will have the opportunity to participate in the Kids Superhero costume
contest with a costume parade for all the
participants starting at 5 p.m.
Children will be able to test their superhero knowledge at 6 p.m. Friday at
the Smallville Tent, where the Superhero
Gameshow for Kids, will be held.
Also at 6 p.m. on Friday, at Planet
Krypton, there will be a Smash Brothers
Video Game Tournament.
Saturday’s fun begins at 11 a.m.
with local science guy Jason Lindsey of
Hooked on Science, who will be at the
Smallville Tent performing fun, handson science demonstrations that will most
likely include some audience participation from the children.
Children both young and young at
heart will be able to make their very own
capes, just like the Man of Steel’s on Saturday at 1 p.m. on the courthouse lawn
during the Metropolis Planet’s ever-popular Color a Cape event.
Also at 1 p.m. at Smallville Tent, Muley & Friends will be back for another
puppet show.
At Planet Krypton at 4 p.m., a Street
Fighter video game tournament will be
On Sunday, the kids’ fun continues at
11 a.m. at the Smallville tent with Kids
Gameshow and at 2 p.m. children are invited to take part in a Superman Scavenger Hunt at the Smallville Tent.
And, children both young and old
will have a chance to get face time with
the guest of honor, Superman at 6 p.m.
in front of the Superman statue on Friday and at 3 p.m. on Saturday at the Metropolis Chamber of Commerce’s photo
Metro•Chamber office. The envelope,
pre-stamped, will cost $3.
Cancellations, which will be available
for 30 days after the celebration, are also
provided free to persons supplying their
own stamped envelopes.
After the celebration, persons seeking the 2014 envelope can contact the
Metro•Chamber office.
Cachets from previous years are
available on a limited basis for 50 cents
Receipts from the envelope and cachet
sales go to the Superman Celebration.
During the
Celebration, please
be cautious while
driving near the
carnival area.
Watch for
Open At 11:00 a.m. For Lunch!
323 Ferry Street • Metropolis
Page 22
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
K-9 Crew will
be performing
‘super’ tricks
Each year Metropolis’ canines
have their own contest and this year
dog owners may want to make plans
to attend a new event to the schedule,
K-9 Trick Dog Show, so they can
teach their dogs some new tricks.
The K-9 Crew Trick Dog Show is
a high-energy canine thrills show featuring the husband and wife team of
Tony and Sarah Hoard.
The K-9 Crew has six super performing canines doing comedy, tricks
and high flying Frisbee routines.
They have performed with the Indianapolis and Baltimore Symphonies, America’s Got Talent season
4, Good Morning America, Animal
Planet along with NBA, MLB, NFL
and College Sports Teams.
The K-9 Crew will be dazzling the
audiences with shows scheduled for:
• Friday — three shows at noon; 4
p.m. and 7 p.m.
• Saturday — one show at 8:30
• Sunday — 11 a.m.; 1 p.m. and
3 p.m.
Celebration offers many photo opportunities
The Man of Steel is always popular with the kids and, throughout the Celebration, he can be found in several events.
— Planet photo
. y
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June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 23
Fan Film Awards marks its
seventh year at Celebration
Where else but a superhero’s hometown can a night of film morph into an
event showcasing talent from around the
The seventh annual Fan Film Awards
will take place at 6 p.m. Friday at Baymont Theater. Doors will open at 5 p.m.
Seating is limited and available on a
first-come basis.
Film enthusiasts will have their
chance to see this year’s participants
during showings at 7 p.m. Thursday at
Baymont Theater and at 10 a.m. Sunday
at Planet Krypton.
This year’s event will feature eight
films submitted by filmmakers from
around the nation.
Three winners will walk away with
awards for the Best Drama, Best Comedy and the Best Animated Feature, Trailer or Music Video. Films with with the
highest scores from the judging process
will be screened during Friday’s awards
Open to professionals and amateurs
internationally, the competition is open to
superhero-themed, fan-made films of 20
minutes or less. They can be films from
any superhero-related genre or universe,
including heroes of the filmmaker’s own
creation. Individual filmmakers can enter up to four films per competition. The
films are judged by a panel of 12 to 20
filmmakers, sound editors, writers, comics artists and film and comics aficionados. To ensure fairness, no one involved
in the running of the competition is allowed to serve as a judge.
The Superman Celebration Fan Film
Competition started after Tim Brown
was asked to do outdoor fan film showings at the 2007 Superman Celebration.
“There was almost no nighttime programming back then, and, despite a few
technical glitches, a crowd of 250 to 300
people showed up at Superman Square
with their lawn chairs and blankets,”
Brown recalled. “The response was
overwhelming — so much so that (celebration coordinator) Karla Ogle asked
me to do it again in 2008. I agreed, but
asked if we could make it into a fan film
contest — an idea that she loved. So, the
competition was born.”
The first Fan Film Awards was held
in 2008 with nine films vying for first
“It’s grown steadily ever since —
forcing us to retool and tweak it a bit,”
Brown said.
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Superman’s leading lady
While at this year’s Superman Celebration, don’t forget to stop, pose and
take at picture at the Noel Neill statue, located on the corner of Market and
Eighth streets.
— Planet photo
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Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 24
Continued from front
attendees dress up as.
Harvey Dent made his first Detective
Comics appearance in issue number 66
in August 1942.
Williams’ 50-plus year showbiz career also includes Lady Sings the Blues
(1972), Nighthawks (1981), Moving
Target (1996) and Undercover Brother
(2002). He voiced Lando Calrissian in
the The Lego Movie (2014), the television series Star Wars Rebels (2014) and
the television movie Lego Starwars: The
Yoda Chronicles - The Phantom Clone
(2013). He was also a contestant in the
recent season of Dancing with the Stars.
This will be Perrine’s second trip to
Metropolis. She last attended the Celebration in 2001.
She is best known as her role of Lex
Luthor’s girlfriend Miss Teschmacher in
Superman: The Movie (1978) and Superman II (1980). She has also appeared
in numerous television series and feature films including What Women Want
(2000) and Lenny (1974).
Smolinski’s connection to the Man of
Steel began at the tender age of 3 when he
played “baby Superman” in Superman:
The Movie in 1978.
Even though he was very young at the
time the movie was filmed, Smolinski
June 11, 2014
remembers a lot about being on set, in
particular: “the bus ride, how incredible
(director) Dick Donner was with me. I
have very fond and vivid memories,” he
said. “I especially remember Dick letting
me talk into the walkie talkie — such a
thrill at 3. I also remember being in the
capsule and standing under the truck."
His role was reprised in Superman II.
In Superman III, he played the boy by the
photo booth. Smolinski has appeared in
numerous episodes of Lonesome Dove,
which filmed near his home in Calgary.
He has appeared in several films, television shows and made-for-TV movies
including Outer Limits, MVP, Someone
to Love Me, Wes Craven’s Don’t
Look Down, Wishmaster 3, Ice Angel,
Gallows Hill, Viper, JAG, Mysterious
Ways, Someone to Love Me, Night Man,
Poltergeist: The Legacy, the television
show Honey I Shrunk the Kids and many
Smolinski had a role in 2013's Man
of Steel. He reached out to Donner
about being in the movie. Donner sent
Smolinski’s information to director Zack
Snyder, who liked the idea of having him
continue in the Superman movies.
“I played a communications officer
in the scene where Zod’s ship comes to
pick up Superman in the desert. I was
written into the script. I had a line, but
unfortunately it got cut with several
others in that scene. It was a long scene,”
he said.
Smolinski had the opportunity of
working with great actors, including
Christopher Reeve, Glenn Ford, Richard
Pryor, Louis Gossett Jr., as well as some
great directors, namely Donner and
Richard Lester. Smolinski is still acting,
producing and directing, and recently
completed an independent movie call
While the Tonight Show with Jay
Leno was in production, Smolinski
ran the backstage bar Leno had for
guests. Smolinski said he would go to
the guests’ dressing rooms to get them
something. Smolinski also noted when
Superman Returns actor Brandon Routh,
was on the Tonight Show, Leno brought
Smolinski out on stage.
Continued from 3
The King and USA champions will
match up at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday
at an outdoor ring that will be set up on
Market Street, in the fenced lot across
from Planet Krypton. There is no admission charge.
Continued from 3
photos with fans: a signed photo is $25
and a photo with Aldred is $10.
• 2-3 p.m. — Q&A session.
• 3 p.m. — Baseball bat drawing and
announcement of winner.
• 3:15-5 p.m. — Second autograph
and photo sesssion with fans.
For more information about Aldred’s
visit or the baseball bat giveaway tickets,
contact Bruhn at 524-1033.
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Jake Brenningmeyer
Jerry “The King” Lawler poses with a super friend during the 2013 Superman Celebration. Lawler is returning this year for autographs, photographs
and wrestling.
- Planet photo
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Page 25
Muscle power required for
weightlifting, tug of war
Superman is without a doubt the
strongest man on the planet. But in Metropolis, during the Superman Celebration, men and women from several states
will show off their muscles and strength
on Saturday at the Superman Classic
Push/Pull Tournament.
Who will walk away as the victor in
a competition where only the strongest
people dare to compete?
Everyone will be able to find out on
Saturday at noon, when the competition begins at the Man of Steel Tent at
the corner of Eighth and Market streets.
Weigh-ins for the competition will be
held from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday.
Trophies will be awarded in raw,
novice, open teenage, junior, submaster,
master and police and fire categories and
in various weight divisions. All divisions are for both men and women.
All standard rules apply. The event is
a touch and go bench competition and a
standard dead lift competition. Competitors can enter either or both events. Each
is a separate competition with separate
entry fees and separate awards.
The entry fee is $60 and may be
downloaded online at or call
Butch Adams at 618-201-4966 or Harley
Timbs at 615-319-4345 for information.
Another new event this year that will
involve some brute strength and muscle
power is the Superman vs. Batman Tug
of War, which will be held Saturday 6:30
How do busy Celebration goers unwind after a long, hectic day at the Superman Celebration? The outdoor theater, of
course. When the daily activities cease,
individuals are invited and encouraged
to head to the area near the Man of Steel
Tent with their lawn chairs to enjoy an
outdoor movie Thursday through Saturday nights for showings at 9 p.m.
Superman Celebration Co-Chair
Karla Ogle said when the outdoor movie
theater was first introduced several years
ago, people loved it. Ogle explained the
original location, near the former Dippin
Dots, was not conducive to the outdoor
theater experience, as the lighting was
too bright.
In 2012 Tim Brown set up the canvass screens on the side of Chiropractic
Works, at 723 Market St. and organizers
said that location was perfect. Brown,
along with celebration staff members
will be setting up the screens. “We’re
encouraging folks to bring lawn chairs or
blankets. We will have bleachers set up
as well. Just another fun, free activity to
wind down each day at the celebration,”
said Ogle.
Take time to kick back,
relax at outdoor theater
Want to be honorary citizen?
Superman fans will once again have
the chance to become an ‘Honorary Citizen of Metropolis’ during this year’s Superman Celebration.
Citizen certificates will be available
for purchase for $20 at the Metropolis
Chamber of Commerce during the celebration. Owners of these certificates will
have the chance to stand at the Superman
statue and be ‘sworn in’ by Metropolis
Mayor Billy McDaniel.
There will be two swearing-in ceremonies — at 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
For more information, call the chamber at 524-2714.
Once again, the High Action Freestyle BMX Bike Show will offer Metropolis
visitors a chance to see death-defying acrobatic tricks throughout the Celebration, from Friday through Sunday.
— Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
BMX bikes will soar
This weekend Superman won’t be the
only one with the ability to fly through
the air.
For those that crave that rush of
adrenaline or just like to watch as others perform risky stunts, the High Action Freestyle BMX Bike Show is what
you’re looking for.
The stunt bike riders will once again
perform acrobatic tricks such as 360’s,
540’s, no handed back flips and the superman at this year’s Superman Celebration.
The team will also bring a new ramp
and half-pipe to the performances.
The Freestyle Connection BMX Bike
Show has been a popular attraction since
its debut at the Celebration.
The professional extreme stunt riders have performed at the 2001, 2002
and 2003 X-Games and Gravity Games
and have been touring nationwide since
This year’s shows will take place
Friday at 11 a.m. and 2 and 5:30 p.m.;
Saturday at 10:30 a.m., 2 and 5 p.m. and
Sunday at 10 a.m. and noon at Eighth
and Market streets, near the Man of Steel
401 E. 5th St.
After a Hot Day at the Superman Celebration
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Page 26
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
Carnival rides will bring family fun for everyone
A person is never too old to enjoy a Ferris wheel ride, a bite of cotton candy or a NASCAR car. Sonshine Amusement of Alabama will once again provides carnival rides to visitors of this year’s Superman Celebration.
— Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
Market Street during the Superman
Celebration is the hub of many activities,
but just a few short blocks away there
is even more fun for all of those thrillseekers at the carnival. Hop on the Ferris wheel for a bird’s eye view of all of
the rides or for those who may be braver,
there is the tilt-a-whirl or other exciting
rides. This year Sonshine Amusement
will operate the carnival, which will be
held at 500 E. Fifth St., offering a variety
of rides, games of chance and of course
all of those carnival foods like caramel
apples and cotton candy.
The carnival always brings with it
captivating rides that will bring shrieks
of fright, laughter and tons of fun for
the whole family. Some rides are more
appropriate for adults and bigger kids,
while there are those special rides that
will be just right for the little tots.
Rides will begin operating Thursday
and Friday beginning at 5 p.m. until 10
p.m. and two sessions on Saturday from
1-5 p.m. and from 6-10 p.m. Armbands
will be $15 per session, or single tickets are $1, with each ride being two to
three tickets per ride. For armband ticket
holders, there are two sessions on Saturday from 1-5 p.m. and 6-10 p.m.
Sonshine Amusement of Alabama is a
Christian-family-owned carnival that has
been providing the rides at the Superman
Celebration for many years.
Artists, Batmobile coming
to the Super Mini Con 3
This year’s Superman Celebration
will feature a Super Mini Convention
Thursday through Sunday, located at 813
Ferry St., next door to Banterra Bank,
starting at 9 a.m. each day.
Individuals will be able to meet artists Steve Stanley, Peter Smith and prop
masters Jeff Holland and John Clark and
browse a selection of toys, comics, rare
items and more.
The Batmobile will be on site and
available for some cool selfie shots.
In addition to all of that, there will be
fan films, movies and giveaways.
Fort Massac to host
period games for kids
For parents who want to let their kids
take a few moments to cool off under the
mighty oaks at Fort Massac State Park,
don’t miss the period games that will be
offered by the Massiac Marines.
The Garrison for the Massiac Marines
will host a living history event from 10
a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday on the fort
grounds at Fort Massac State Park.
The French and Indian War period living historians will present displays, interpretive programs and play with games
of the French, American and American
Indians from the 18thCentury.
For more information, call the park
office at 524-9321.
June 11, 2014
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
Page 27
Super pooches
are set to take
stage Saturday
Dogs — and owners — of all ages are invited to participate in the annual Super Dog Show at 2 p.m.
Saturday, sponsored by Project Hope Humane Society. Awards will be given out to the lucky winners.
— Michele Longworth | Metropolis Planet
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Kids and adults get the chance to dress up and “strut
their stuff,” in costume and as always, those loveable
canines will have the chance to dress up and show off
during this year’s 36th annual Superman Celebration in
the annual Super Dog Show, which will be organized
by members of Project Hope Humane Society of Metropolis.
Dogs and owners of all ages are invited to participate.
After registration at 1:30 p.m. at the stage area at the
Smallville tent, the dogs and their handlers will begin
the show at 2 p.m. marching those family dogs of all
kinds across the stage to impress the judges.
Several competition categories will be offered. They
are: Clark Kent, the best reporter — longest nose; Superboy — smallest dog over one year old; Lois Lane
— best dressed/costume; Ma Kent — most mannerly;
Pa Kent — most opinionated/largest dog; Lana Lang
— longest hair; Lex Luther — trickiest/best trick.
The first, second and third place winners in each category will receive a framed certificate, and dog treats.
All participants will receive a certificate. The Best in
Show will receive a trophy. Organizers remind dog owners that all dogs must be on a leash at all times and must
be held by someone who can control them and emphasize that dogs competing in the smallest dog category
must be at least 1 year old. Parents may wish to assist
children who are showing their dogs.
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Page 28
Metropolis Planet: Superman Celebration Section
June 11, 2014
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