Smile Report - Westend Dental


Smile Report - Westend Dental
Smile Report
W e s t e n d D e n ta l
note from the doctors
Produced to improve your dental health and awareness
Nothing is better
than summer in
Chicago, especially
in the Lincoln Park
With various
festivals, events
and more, there’s
always something
happening. Plus,
who could pass up a
Chicago style hotdog
at an afternoon
baseball game?
With so many
activities this summer
your schedule may be
busier than ever - but
don’t worry! With
convenient office
hours of 7 a.m. to 7
p.m. we make it easy
for you to fit your
next dental appointment
into the calendar.
So although it’s the
time of year to be out and
about, don’t neglect your
dental health. If you’re in
need of some dental TLC
this summer give us a call
and our team will help you
find a time that fits your
Yours in good dental
Dr. David Fiore
Dr. Matt Zander &
Dr. Michael Euteneuer
Summer 2013
Maria’s Invisalign Journey
Recently one of Westend’s Dental Assistants, Maria C. completed her year long
journey with Invisalign. Maria gave us some inside information on her experience
with Invisalign®, how it has changed her smile as well as advice for those interested
in Invisalign.
Q: What made you want to go through the Invisalign process?
A: I was born with a naturally straight smile and never had a drastic need for
braces. Yet, after a few people pointed out some slightly crooked teeth I noticed
them too. Once Dr. Zander started offering Invisalign I really wanted to straighten
my smile and signed up right away!
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being perfect) how would you rate your
smile before and after the Invisalign process?
A: Before Invisalign a 7. My smile was average but I didn’t feel overly
enthusiastic about how it looked. Now my smile is definitely a 10! With
straightened teeth, Invisalign has changed my bite for the better. I’ve always had
a bad habit of clenching my jaw but with my bite aligned I’ve noticed I feel less
pressure in my jaw joints. Also, because of the jaw clenching, I used to have an area
in my mouth that would bleed. After Invisalign I’ve noticed that spot doesn’t bleed
as much.
Q: Have family & friends noticed a difference in your smile after
completing Invisalign?
A: Yes! I actually completed my Invisalign process the day before I left for my
wedding in Mexico. Once my family saw my new smile at the wedding and in
wedding photos I received a ton of compliments on how straight my teeth look.
Invisalign has definitely added a ‘pop’ to my smile!
continued on page 4
Call now and ask about our limited-time Invisalign® offer!
We look forward to hearing from you (773) 639-1114!
Want Clean Healthy Teeth?
Floss is the boss!
The next time you think, “I’ll floss tomorrow,” or the kids say,
“We promise to floss in the morning,” you might want to revisit your
oral healthcare strategy.
While brushing removes
surface plaque, it misses up
to 40% hiding between teeth!
This is worrisome because
plaque buildup cannot only
lead to tooth decay, but also to
gum disease which is linked
to over 200 other diseases.
Flossing isn’t difficult,
but kids may need a
refresher and seniors who
belong to a generation that never learned how to floss might need
a lesson. Call today to ensure your family’s regular checkups are
scheduled, and we’ll give everyone a flossing refresher.
Call today
to book your family’s
regular checkups.
The Top 8 Links...
How poor oral health impacts
overall health
At any age, poor oral health can
eventually lead to periodontal (gum)
disease, a chronic inflammatory disease
which has been linked to a long list of
inflammatory conditions including...
With “know how,” a touch of motivation, and a little
self-discipline, excellent home care goes a long way to ensure
a healthy smile for life.
o diabetes
o heart disease
o stroke
o cancer
o respiratory disease
o Alzheimer’s
o rheumatoid arthritis
o osteoporosis.
Approximately 75% of adults have
some form of gum disease. Research
suggests that it can be transferred to
others through saliva, so a simple kiss
or just sharing a snack or even blowing
on food to cool it down can put children
and couples at risk of transmission.
Gum disease is often silent – progressing
without symptoms – but warning signs
may include swollen, red, or bleeding
gums, mouth infections and tenderness,
bad breath, and loose teeth. But the good
news is that gum disease can almost
always be prevented. If it starts, it can be
treated, and sometimes even reversed.
It’s important for the whole family
to commit to a good oral healthcare
regimen, including regular
dental checkups. Together, we
can work to help keep you
and your family healthy!
Safety Is Priceless!
Combat Sugar
Use custom mouthguards
Play is the new word of the day. Whether you’re enjoying family
fun time or your favorite sport, just getting out and playing should
always make you smile. Just make sure you protect that smile with
the best mouthguard.
Custom-made personalized mouthguards:
Offer top-notch protection
Fit comfortably & stay in place
Allow you to talk & breathe easily
Growing jaws & new teeth can be accommodated regularly
Mouthguards protect more than just the teeth and face. There
is also evidence that they reduce the incidence and severity of
concussions. Everyone, including grownups, should wear a
mouthguard during activities that put them at risk for injury, for
example, hockey, football, basketball, and even mountain biking.
Like any sports
gear, a mouthguard
will wear out. Bring
yours along to every
checkup to confirm
that it’s providing
optimum protection.
If you think your family has “sugar
on the brain,” you would be right. The
brain uses nearly 80% of your daily
sugar intake. It’s programmed to crave
sugar’s energy-rich sweetness, and it
sends out a nice pleasurable sensation
when satisfied. How do you control sugar
intake? Try these 3 tips!
1 Keep blood-sugar levels steady.
Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks daily.
2 Keep mind and body occupied.
Enjoy physical activities away from
the cookie jar.
3 Refuel the reserves. Get enough
sleep and daily nutrients to fight
fatigue-induced cravings.
Sugar-related obesity and type-2
diabetes are on the rise, and sugar can
cause irreversible damage to teeth and
gums, along with hours of missed school
and work due to discomfort and the
need for repair. For a healthy future,
use sugar sparingly, and always brush
and floss afterward.
Smile Whitening 101
Answers to the most frequently asked questions
Everyone wants a healthy white smile, but how do you decide which treatment is best for you?
Q. What’s the difference between dentist-supervised whitening and drugstore kits?
A. Dentist-prescribed home systems and in-office treatments are customized to your unique needs.
We can determine the most effective whitening procedure for you based on the type and extent of the
staining and the location and number of restorations you have.
Q. Will whitening brighten my restorations too?
A. No, but let’s discuss options so that older restorations don’t sabotage your new bright smile.
Q. At what age is it safe to start whitening?
A. Sensitive pulp is closer to the surface in younger teeth, so age 18 is usually
considered the youngest age to avoid irritation. Our guidance is important!
Q. What options do I have if I need to repair damaged or discolored teeth?
A. There are many ways to repair teeth, and even improve their shape,
while making them look whiter. Beautiful white bonding or porcelain
veneers can correct damage and imperfections, and old silver-colored
fillings can be replaced by attractive tooth-colored ones.
If you want a bright dazzling smile, there are many options to
suit your needs and budget! Ask us about them!
Follow these 3 tips!
W e s te n d
C ha r ity C o r n e r
Everything You Wanted To
Know About Invisalign
continued from front page
Q: Has Invisalign impacted
your confidence level or daily
attitude about your smile?
A: Yes. Being a dental professional
people expect you to have perfect
teeth. With the result of my new smile
I feel more confident telling patients
about Invisalign and how it can benefit
them. Likewise, being in the dental
profession, people expect you to have
perfect teeth. Now I not only have the
knowledge but the smile of a dental
professional as well.
Q: What tips or advice do you
have for those in Invisalign?
A: Be patient – Invisalign results do
not come overnight. It can definitely
work for you but you have to be
disciplined in wearing your Invisalign
trays and following at-home dental
care. Since Invisalign recommends
patients to brush and floss after
every meal, it will definitely help you
office information
Westend Dental
Dr. David Fiore
Dr. Matt Zander
Dr. Michael Euteneuer
1170 West Armitage Avenue
Chicago, IL 60614-6385
Office Hours
Mon – Fri 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday hours seasonal
Contact Information
(773) 639-1114
(773) 244-9588
Office Staff
Sylvana.......................... Office Manager
Kelly, Chris...........Schedule Coordinators
Bernadette, Megan D., Megan P., Ginny.. ................. Registered Dental Hygienists
Alyssa, Lily................ Hygiene Assistants
Maria C, Lucy, Amber, Maria P............... ................................. Dental Assistants
Cindy.......................Clinical Coordinator
Amy... RDH/Manager of Hygiene Services
Kimberly................... Marketing Director
Information included is not dental or medical advice. For your
specific information be sure to consult our office. If you do not wish
Maria & family run for ZERO
Nearly 240,000 men are affected by
prostate cancer each year but Westend
Dental’s Maria P. & family are helping
spread awareness and find a cure. Maria
and family participated in the ZERO
Prostate Cancer Run in honor of prostate
cancer survivor, and Maria’s father-inlaw, Patrick Harte. In 2009, Patrick
was diagnosed with prostate cancer and
underwent treatment later that fall. During
his treatment process, Patrick discovered
that he also had bladder cancer but
continued with his treatment. Four years
after being diagnosed, Patrick is proud to
say both cancers are in remission and he is
enjoying a healthy, full life.
For the second year in a row Maria &
family participated in the ZERO Prostate
Cancer Run benefiting ZERO, a nonprofit
dedicated to ending prostate cancer through
free prostate testing, government research
funding and patient education. Not only did
everyone on team Harte & Souls complete
their 5k race but the team beat their $1000
fundraising goal and collected a total of
$1896. With the support of their family
& friends, team Harte & Souls was able to
assist ZERO in its mission of zero prostate
cancer and looks forward to next year’s race
with a new fundraising goal to break!
establish diligent at-home dental
hygiene habits!
Q: What would you say to
those considering Invisalign?
A: Invisalign is very beneficial but
you have to be committed to the end
result. Although you are wearing
removable aligner trays, you need
to be diligent about wearing them. Simply put: if you wear it, it works!
Interested in straightening your
smile or wondering what Invisalign
can do for you? For a limited-time
patients’ can take advantage of our
Summer Smile Special! Choose
between two offers: $400 OFF the
cost of your Invisalign treatment OR
a FREE Zoom!® whitening session
upon completion of your Invisalign
treatment (cannot be combined with
any other offer; some restrictions
Call us now to schedule
your complimentary Invisalign
consultation – offer valid for the
first 100 patients that reserve an
Financing Your
Dental Health
Although dental health is crucial
to your overall well-being, in tough
economic times it can be hard to
finance. Like other medical costs
preventative care such as dental
hygiene visits and exams combined
with fees for cavities, crowns and more
can add up quickly. Although it may
be costly, no one should jeopardize
their dental health because of finances,
which is why Westend Dental offers
two financing options for patients.
Care Credit - Westend Dental
accepts Care Credit, a healthcare
specific credit card that allows account
holders to pay for their dental treatment
over a span of 12 months with 0%
financing. Care Credit can also be
used for other medical procedures
including LASIK, cosmetic surgery
and veterinarian fees. Signing up for
Care Credit is easy! Visit CareCredit.
com or Westend Dental to submit your
information and you can find out if
you’ve been approved instantly.
In-House Financing (for orthodontic
treatment) - Interested in Invisalign?
Westend Dental offers payment plans to
finance your orthodontic treatment over
a span of 12 months with 0% interest.
If applicable, we’ll even utilize your
orthodontic insurance coverage to lower
the out of pocket cost.
If you have concerns or questions
on financing your dental health, give
us a call. We can discuss our different
financing options in detail and create a
plan that fits your budget. Plus, worryfree dental care is something everyone
can smile about!
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