by Jennifer Chiaverini
by Jennifer Chiaverini
by Jennifer Chiaverini Finished Q uilt Size: ap proximatel y 64" squar e Quilt design by Laura Blanchard • Piecing by Pat DeBlasio Machine quilted by A Needle Runs Through It Fabrics from the “Elm Creek Quilts: Caroline’s Collection” (Style #4115) by Jennifer Chiaverini for Red Rooster Fabrics. FABRIC REQUIREMENTS: A. Pattern #22095 – LTPIN1 ........................................... 1/4 yard B. Pattern #22096 – LTGRE1 ..........................................2 yards C. Pattern #22097 – PIN1 ............................................... 1/3 yard D. Pattern #22098 – CRE1............................................... 1/4 yard E. Pattern #22099 – GRE1 .............................................. 1/3 yard F. Pattern #22100 – DKSAG1 ......................................... 7/8 yard G. Pattern #22100 – LTPIN1 ........................................... 3/4 yard H. Pattern #22100 – MEDPIN1 ................................... 11/8 yards I. Pattern #22101 – LIL1 ................................................ 7/8 yard J. Pattern #22103 – PIN1 ............................................... 2/3 yard (includes 1/2 yard for binding) Backing..............................................................................4 yards Batting ............................................................................72" x 72" CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS: Please read all instructions carefully before beginning. 1/4" seam allowance is included in measurements and all strips are cut across the width of the fabric unless noted otherwise. Label pieces and keep together until ready to sew. A. Pattern #22095 – LTPIN1 (large floral): 1. Fussy cut four 35/8" squares (Whirlpool blocks). B. Pattern #22096 – LTGRE1 (border stripe): 1. Cut four 61/4" x 72" (length of fabric) strips, leaving 1/4" of small green vine on one long side of each strip and 1/2" on the other side (Border #3). C. Pattern #22097 – PIN1 (swirl texture): 1. Cut four 21/2" strips. Crosscut fifty-two 21/2" squares (chain). D. Pattern #22098 – CRE1 (small flower toss): 1. Cut three 21/2" strips. Crosscut thirty-six 21/2" squares (chain). E. Pattern #22099 – GRE1 (rings): 1. Cut four 21/2" strips. Crosscut fifty-two 21/2" squares (chain). F. Pattern #22100 – DKSAG1 (mini toss): 1. Cut two 21/2" strips. Crosscut twenty-four 21/2" squares (chain). 2. Cut two 31/8" strips. Crosscut sixteen 31/8" squares (Whirlpool blocks). 3. Cut six 21/2" strips (Border #2). G. Pattern #22100 – LTPIN1 (mini toss): 1. Cut two 31/8" strips. Crosscut twenty-four 31/8" squares (Whirlpool blocks). 2. Cut three 21/2" strips. Crosscut forty-eight 21/2" squares (chain). 3. Cut two 41/8" strips. Crosscut ten 41/8" squares. Cut each square in half twice on diagonal to yield forty quarter-square triangles (chain). 4. Cut one 31/4" square. Cut in half twice on diagonal to yield four quarter-square triangles (chain). H. Pattern #22100 – MEDPIN1 (mini toss): 1. Cut two 31/8" strips. Crosscut sixteen 31/8" squares. Cut eight squares in half once on diagonal for center of Whirlpool blocks. Reserve the remaining eight squares to make half-square triangle units for the same blocks. 2. Cut two 13/4" strips (Frame II for the center block unit). 3. Cut three 21/2" strips. Crosscut forty-eight 21/2" squares (chain). 4. Cut six 11/2" strips (Border #1). 5. Cut seven 1" strips (Flat-Fold Piping). I. Pattern #22101 – LIL1 (large floral): 1. Cut three 21/2" strips. Crosscut forty-eight 21/2" squares (chain). 2. Cut two 17" squares. Cut square in half once on diagonal to yield four setting triangles. J. Pattern #22103 – PIN1 (plaid): 1. Cut two 11/4" strips (Frame I for the center block unit). 2. Cut seven 21/4" strips (binding). 3. Cut two 27/8" squares. Cut each square in half once on diagonal (corner triangles for Frames I and II). PIECING INSTRUCTIONS: A. Whirlpool Block: 1. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of each 31/8" G square. Pair the G squares, right sides together, with the 31/8" F squares and H squares (Figure 1). [NOTE: Each pair will yield Whirlpool Block two half-square-triangle units.] Stitch Finished Size: 1/ " away from each side of the drawn 9" square. Make four. 4 line. Cut on the line. Press half of the G/F units toward G and half toward F. Keep in separate piles. Press the G/H units toward H. Yield: thirty-two G/F units and sixteen G/H units. Draw. Stitch. Cut. Press. Figure 1 2. Sew four 31/8" H triangles to each Figure 2 side of a 35/8" A square (Figure 2). Make four. Press toward H. Make four. 3. For each Whirlpool block, arrange eight G/F units, four G/H units and one A/H unit as shown (Figure 3). [Note: Pair G/F units that are pressed in opposite directions.] Sew units together. Press so that seams are opposing from row to row. Make four. Figure 3 Make four blocks. B. Chain: 1. Arrange the 21/2" squares of C, D, E, F, G, H, and I as shown in Figure 4. Sew the squares into rows, but do not sew the rows together. Press seams in opposite directions from row to row. Make two sets of each row. 2. Sew a 31/4" G quartersquare triangle to the end of Rows 1 and to row 10 as shown, and a 41/8" G quarter-square triangle to the end of Rows 2-10. Figure 4 Press the triangles in the Make two. same direction as the squares in each row. 3. Sew the rows together for each set, matching seams. Press. Label both sets Y. 4. Arrange the 21/2" squares of C, D, E, F, G, H, and I as shown in Figure 5. Sew the squares into rows, but do not sew the rows together. Press seams in opposite directions from row to row. Make two sets Figure 5 of each row. Make two. 5. Sew a 41/8" G quartersquare triangle to the end of each row, adding a second triangle to row 10 in the position shown (Figure 5). Press triangles in the same direction as the squares in each row. 6. Sew the rows together for each set, matching seams. Press. Label both sets Z. 7. Arrange the remaining 21/2" squares of C, D, E, F, G, H, and I into two side rows and a top and bottom row as shown in the quilt diagram. Press seams so that they are opposing the seams of the adjacent rows. (Pressing can be done after the Y and Z units have been sewn to the center unit.) QUILT ASSEMBLY: Refer to Quilt Diagram. A. Center unit (Figure 6): 1. Sew the four Whirlpool blocks together, matching seams. Press. The unit should measure 181/2" square. 2. Frames I and II: a. Sew a 11/4" J strip to a 13/4" H strip. Press toward H. Make two strip sets. Cut four 181/2" lengths. Figure 6 b. Sew the J side of two frame units to opposite sides of the center block unit. Press toward J. c. Sew a 27/8" J triangle to each end of the two remaining frame units. Press toward the frame units. Sew the units to the top and bottom of the center unit. Press toward the frame units. B. Setting triangles: 1. Sew the long bias edge of the I setting triangles to each side of the center unit, matching centers. Press toward the triangles. [Note: The size of the I triangles have been cut larger than needed.] 2. Carefully square up the edges of the setting triangles even with the edges of the J triangles. C. Chain units: 1. Sew chain unit Y to opposite sides of the center unit. Press toward the center unit. 2. Sew chain unit Z to opposite sides of the center unit. Press toward the center unit. 3. Sew the side chain strip units to the sides of the quilt, matching seams. Press. 4. Sew the top and bottom chain strip units to the top and bottom of the quilt, matching seams. Press. D. Borders #1, 2 and 3: 1. Sew the six 11/2" H strips, for Border #1, together end to end. Press seams open. Cut into four equal lengths. Repeat with the 21/2" F strips for Border #2. 2. Sew a Border #1 strip, a Border #2 strip and a Border #3 strip together along the long edges, matching centers. [Note: Sew the Border #2 strip to the side of the Border #3 strip with 1/4" of green along the edge.] Press. Make four. 3. Sew a border unit to each side of the quilt, matching centers. Press toward the borders. Miter each corner. Trim excess and press. FINISHING: 1. Prepare backing to measure 72" square. Press seams open. 2. Layer quilt top, batting and backing. Baste layers together. 3. Quilt as desired. 4. Trim layers even with quilt top. 5. Flat-Fold Piping: a. Sew the seven 1" H strips together end to end. Press seams open. Cut into four equal lengths. b. Press each strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. c. Pin, baste, or glue-baste a prepared strip on each outside edge of the front of the quilt, raw edges of the strips even with the raw edges of the quilt, and the folded edge of the strips facing the center of the quilt. 6. Sew binding strips together with diagonal seams. Press seams open. Sew binding to quilt using your favorite method. [Note: You will be sewing through the binding, flat-fold piping, and layers of the quilt.] B Quilt Diagram ©2011 Red Rooster Fabrics. All rights reserved. Not intended for individual resale. The design for this Red Rooster Fabrics’ pattern is protected by U.S. copyright law. Quilt stores: for additional copies of this pattern please call or write Red Rooster Fabrics at the address listed: 253 West 35th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10001 401.728.4200 • We take great care to ensure that the information included in our free pattern is accurate and presented in good faith. No warranty is provided nor results guaranteed. For your convenience, we post an up-to-date listing of corrections on our website: If a correction is not noted, please contact our customer service department at You may also call or write us at the address above.