K1-nytt No 13, 29.08.14


K1-nytt No 13, 29.08.14
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Doctoral candidates at K1
Research is one of two main objectives for K1. The more than 130 candidates in the PhD program
are very important research resources. Candidates and supervisors deserve praise for their great
At K1 we carry out about 30 doctoral defenses per year. A little more than that are admitted in the PhD
program. The department has currently 118 PhD candidates. We know that there are even more who are
at an early stage and not yet reported.
The doctoral research work is published. Standard requirement is three original publications. These publications make up a significant part of the total K1 publication volume. The publications have consistently
the same high quality as the rest of the original publications. It is impressive how candidates with no research experience get well placed at the top of competitive fields in only few years. Most dissertations contain exciting conclusions which are cited and further investigated by others.
PhD candidates with or without scholarship or other funding have generally long and intense working
days. The speeches at the disputation dinner reveals the enormous effort involved. Many of the candidates at K1 could have alternative professions with higher wages and shorter working hours. There is every
reason for institutions and society to thank those who go through a PhD at K1.
PhD candidates vitalize every research group and supervisor. Issues are raised and challenged, and work
performed. The supervisors at K1 deserve great praise for follow-up and high completion degree, and
especially for active recruitment and motivation of candidates. It may be difficult to formulate projects that
combine cutting edge research with a fair chance of completing.
K1 is measured on research results. Number of publications is a key goal. It is of significant importance if
PhD candidates publish beyond the three required articles. With all the work done in the writing process, it
should be a goal to produce at least one overview article. This also benefits the candidates’ own resumé.
Clinical medicine is leading in doctoral degrees. This is primarily due to outstanding and motivated PhD
candidates. Great thanks to you! At the same time, it reflects attractive research groups and supervisors. We must
together ensure that the PhD program will keep leading to
good publications with real research value.
Nils Erik Gilhus
Head of Department
Photo: Thor Brødreskift
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
New section at K1
UiB seeks 120 overweight children
Section for nephrology and urology is now a
K1’s Oddrun Gudbrandsen will let children eat
new section at K1. Christian Beisland is appoin- healthy dinners for twelve weeks to see whether
it benefits their health.
ted as section manager.
Activity is transferred from surgery and internal
medicine to the new section
Until now overweight children have been measured
and weighed, but amazingly little research is done on
children when it comes to blood analysis, and we
know little about their health status, says Oddrun to
Dagens Medisin.
The reason for establishing a new section, are that
the fields have common interests in research and
education, and the professional communities wished to have an even closer contact with the univer- Children between nine and twelve years with a BMI
sity. The sections involved recommended the new over 25 can participate in the project. They will eat
healthy dinners for twelve weeks but not change
their physical activity habits. Three times during the
period they will be weighed and measured and deliWith this, K1
ver urine and
maintains our
blood samples.
goal to have
sections divided
The parents will
by fields and a
attend a evening
relatively flat
course about
structure with
direct contact to healthy eating.
the professional
Read more here
The K1-cake has now 11 pieces.
Application for promotion to
Reminder: deadline for applications is
Faculty announcement of PhD and
Postdoc positions
The announcements of 8 PhDs and 2 Postdocs
for the autumn 2014 are now available on the internet (Jobbnorge, Euraxess).
You can find application form here. This applies to
staff who are in Associate Professor positions
(minimum 50%).
The positions were also advertised in BT Sunday
24.8. with application deadline 14.9.2014.
Read more about criteria here (Norw.).
PhD and Postdoctoral Fellow
Read the announcements here:
Illustration: colourbox.no
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Registration for Department Day
Remember our lunch-to-lunch event Department Day Wednesday 12th to Thursday 13th of
November at Solstrand Hotel, Os.
The program has the main topics
1. Research projects in progress
Presentations of exciting research projects at
our department.
2. Cooperation university-hospitals
Inspiration from NTNU, and views from Stavanger, Førde and Bergen.
3. Education and teaching
On the new study plan, the Master programs,
the Nutrition program, and student evaluation.
4. Pleasant and effective working environment
With some inspiration, info on web and newsletters, and we will get to know
our core facility, the Lab Animal Facility.
(Presentations are in Norwegian.)
You can find online registration form here.
Deadline: 31 October.
The CCBIO Research School opens
September 11th
Here are the projects that will lead to
better administrative services
External funding, recruitment and digitalization.
These are important issues for the first subprojects which now will be implemented in order to
develop the UiB administration.
The Steering Committee had 20. June 2014 the first
meeting of the organizational development project at
the UiB. There they decided to go ahead with the
following sub-projects starting in August:
Strategic measures for a recognized research
Competitive funding proposals
Professional project support
This is how we recruit the best talents
Service and quality in
central services
Digital services: renew,
simplify and improve
Read more here (Norw.).
Appointment of new Research
Schools in 2015
"CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies"
will be officially opened 11. September at 13.00
in Auditorium 2 at the BB-building.
The faculty announces that the application deadline for establishing new Research Schools is 20
The opening will entail a presentation of the CCBIO
Research School, talks by local notabilities like the
UiB Prorector Anne Lise Fimreite and a key note
lecture by the leading cancer researcher Anne-Lise
Børresen-Dale on Challenges in Translational Cancer Research, followed by an informal mingling
session where light foods will be served.
The Research Schools are intended as a supplement to the doctoral education and are to be operated by the departments. Several departments can
run a Research School together, and they can also
be used as local nodes in cross-faculty, national or
international Research Schools.
Please register by September 9.
Read more here (Norw.).
Read more here.
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Call of Helse Vest’s research
funding 2015
The deadline for applying for funds is September 15th this year.
Call of Erasmus+ funding
There are currently 3 calls of mobility funding
through the Erasmus+ program.
Scholarship for teaching mobility. Deadline is 15.
September and 15. February, for applications for the
Regional cooperation on research projects is encouraged, and emphasized in the research strategy academic year 2014/2015. UiB has received funding
for 18 teaching mobilities. Read more here(Norw.).
for the period 2012-2015.
Organizing Mobility. Scientific and administrative
The strategy emphasizes the need for more prostaff can apply for OM-funding to cover activities that
jects related to patient-related clinical research.
promote student mobility within the Erasmus program. Read more here (Norw.).
In addition to the usual application categories
(research fellow, multi-year project, short-term pro- Staff mobility. Staff exchange applies to all kinds of
position categories, both technical, administrative
jects, grants to go abroad), this year there is also
and scientific staff. For 2014/ 2015, UiB has receian opportunity to apply for career scholarships.
ved funding for 17 staff mobilities. Deadline is 15.
Read more here (Norw.).
September and 15. February. Read more here
IMI-funding for research on diabetes
and retinal diseases
Marie Curie Fellowship funding
Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) has current- The EU-program calls funding for Individual Felly 2 calls, with deadline November 12.
lowships through the Marie Curie actions. DeadTitle diabetes: Translational approaches to disease line is 11. September.
modifying therapy of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
This is mobility funding, either European Fellowships
Title retinal diseases: Discovery and validation of
or Global Fellowships, and applies for experienced
novel endpoints in dry age-related macular degen- researchers, or researchers who show great poteneration and diabetic retinopathy.
Read more here.
Read more here.
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
BTO and Sparebanken Vest’s
Idea Competition
BTO and Sparebanken Vest organize each year
an Idea Competition for the Bergen research
institutions. The purpose is to reward good
research ideas with commercial potential, and
the winner receives NOK 300 000 in project
development funding.
Researchers, PhD students and post docs are
eligible to participate. You can submit as a group,
or as a single person, and you can also submit several ideas.
Deadline is 13. October.
Read more here (Norw.).
OBR/Roche Idea Competition
OBR (Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable) and Roche
launches an international idea competition for
Can you imagine an innovation that could radically
improve human health? Can you think of a groundbreaking technology that could revolutionise the
whole healthcare industry in 10 to 20 years from
now in a similar way that cars changed our views on
transportation in the past century?
You have the chance to not only win the £5,000 Game Changing Innovation Prize, but also pitch your
idea directly to a panel of Roche executives in Basel.
Submission deadline is 12. September.
Read more here.
Illustration: colourbox.no
Call of funding for research on
alcohol or drug abuse
Competence development for researchers in cardiovascular diseases
The Regional Cooperation Body of Helse Vest,
The University of Bergen and the University of
Stavanger has currently a call of funding for research on alcohol or drug abuse.
15 September is the application deadline for
UNIKARD’s competence development grants
You can apply for funding of researcher education
(PhD and Post doc) and multi-year projects.
Application deadline is 30 September.
UNIKARD will give 3 grants, each up to NOK
100.000, in 2014 and 2015 to candidates with a PhD
within cardiovascular research.
Full text, guidelines and application form is availabThe purpose of the grants is to promote cooperation
le here (Norw.).
and increase competence in the candidate’s reseQuestions about the call is to be directed to
arch area.
The applicant must
be employed as
post doc or researcher at a Norwegian research institution.
Read more here
Illustration: colourbox.no
Illustration: colourbox.no
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Propose candidates for Helse Vest’s
Research Award and Innovation Prize
Mobility funding Norway and Spain
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) arHelse Vest will at their research conference at
ranges the NILS Science and Sustainability proSolstrand 30-31 October, announce the winners
gramme, which aims to strengthen the research
of their two annual research awards.
and education cooperation between Spain on
These are Helse Vest’s Research Award 2014 and one side, and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenthe Innovation Prize 2014. Helse Vest and the Re- stein.
gional Cooperation Body request proposals for candidates to receive the awards.
They have currently the call:
The deadline to suggest candidates is 15 Septem- ABEL Individual mobility for researchers: aimed
at funding researchers mobility in order to carry out
ber 2014.
research and advanced training activities in strategic
Read more here (Norw.).
topics related to problems dealing with Earth Sustainability and Human Well-being. The call shall
fund Individual Mobility of Researchers (mobility of individual
scientists). Call budget: EUR
Deadline: 20 September.
Any questions, send to
Read more here.
Olav Thon Foundation’s national
awards 2015
The Olav Thon Foundation requests proposals
for candidates to receive their Award for Outstanding Research.
They also currently have a call for project funding,
up to NOK 500.000.
Deadline is 1 September.
Read more here
Regional conference with focus on
veterans and their families
The conference aims to increase the understanding of what warfare might do to the soldier,
and to his/her family.
Taking care of the single man/woman in service and
his/her family is a society responsibility which presupposes a common understanding and cross-field
Place: Bergen 13 October / Stavanger 14 October.
Target group: 1. – 2. line services within mental
health and drug/alcohol abuse, and other public
health/social services.
Registration deadline is 1 October.
Read more here
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
The NevroNor conference 2014
MIC-seminar 9 September
NevroNor arranges the National Meeting "New
Horizons in Neuroscience" at Park Inn by Radisson Oslo Airport, Gardermoen, 25 November
MIC invites to the seminar "Super Resolution
Microscopy - Principles and Applications",
Tuesday 9 September at 13:00-14:00, Aud. 4, BBbuilding.
The conference points to several new directions in
international neuroscience research. These include
the use of computational tools and large-scale
neural network simulations, the increasing emphasis on astrocytes for understanding brain function,
and the challenges of dealing with the large amount
of data that is currently amassed both in basic and
clinical neuroscience. Read more here.
Lecturer is Associate Professor Hans Gunnar Blom,
a leading specialist in super resolution imaging. He
is doing research in super sesolution imaging and
it’s applications in life sciences, and he is also a facility manager at the Science for Life Laboratory in
Stockholm, where they have several super sesolution-systems.
Read more here.
Please note; if you registered online before, please
do it again, as there was
a technical malfunction.
Other NevroNor-news:
NevroNor’s Steering
Committee have 3 new
members, to replace 3
who have served the max
of two program periods.
Read more here (Norw.).
Conference in Bergen on infectious
diseases, microbiology, hospital
hygiene and tuberculosis
Seminar on geriatric care and
substance abuse issues
Geriatriseminarene i Vestfold has Geriatric Care
The annual NSCMID meeting (Nordic Society of and Substance Abuse as topic for this year’s seClinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease ) is minar, 24 September in Tønsberg.
this year in Bergen, 25-28 September.
This year's speakers provide an introduction to the
There will be lectures by leading researchers and
specialists from the Nordic countries, and other Eu- symptoms we should be aware of, current treatment
options and the legal and ethical aspects that should
ropean countries. The program has current issues
be emphasized. There will also be examples of fall
such as severe soft tissue infections, multidrugresistant tuberkulosis, tropical medicine incl. Ebola, prevention, use of appropriate assessment tools for
malaria and hydatid, plus fungal infections, influen- suspected substance abuse and how health professionals can approach situations so that we can help
za, tick-borne diseases, orthopedic prosthesis inimprove quality of life for the elderly living at home or
fections, new molecular diagnostic methods and
in institutions.
the threat of multidrugresistant Gram-negative bacRegistration deadline is
10 September.
Register while there still are
available seats!
Read more here
Read more here.
Illustrasjon: Colourbox.no
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Health in development - conference
on prioritization
The National Council for Quality and Prioritization in the Health Care Services invites to conference 18 and 19 November.
Norsk sykehus- og helsetjenesteforening organizes the following meetings this autumn:
Oppgavedeling i sykehus, 15 and 16 September
Prioritization deals with how health services must
use their limited resources - who should and who
should not receive. Who should be first in the queue?
Helsetjenester til eldre, 25 and 26 September
Psykisk helse og rus, 13 and 14 October
Fagkonferanse Smittevern, 14-16 October
At the conference on November 19, we consider
the practice-related challenges we face in health
care. We discuss how these are solved today, and
how they can be solved in the future - also in light
of the new government priorities report coming this
Medisinsk kontorfaglig helsepersonell i sykehus, 20 and 21 November
Read more here (Norw.).
On a satellite seminar 18 November, we address "How can
a no be explained, justified and preserved?"
Read more here (Norw.).
Illustration: Colourbox.no
NOKUT’s conference on
education abroad
The conference is 17 and 18 November at Lillestrøm. Registration deadline is 31 October.
International higher education is a field in constant
change. In this year's conference on education abroad, focus is on three relevant topics:
-Transnational education
-Education systems and documents from countries
in a politically unstable situation
-Fake documents / diploma mills
The conference is a meeting place for all who work
with foreign educational documents, recognition of
professional qualifications
and guidance of people
with foreign competence.
Read more here (Norw.).
Newsletter from SIU
Current issues from the Norwegian Centre for
International Cooperation in Education :
SIU has developed its own information websites
on the focus countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Japan, USA and Canada
Education Conferences in Canada
The world more important than the nation
Adult education: Seed Funds for European
Nordplus: Funds for preparatory visits
Internationalization Conference 2015
Announcement of Department Manager position
Contact Seminar in Bergen - Erasmus +
Cooperation with India
Project funds North America
The Russia program
The European language award
Read the newsletter here
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Reminding of earlier announcements in K1-nytt, still current:
Horizon 2020-call and PES
See website here with the calls.
Here you can also see the Research Council’s
website with information. UiB has it’s own Horizon
2020 website.
Also note
Calls from the Research Council
Calls from the Norw. Cancer Society
The Cancer Society has several coming deadlines:
 Scholarships to go abroad - 15 October
 Movember Prostate Cancer Research
Award- t.b.a.
 Tannlege Olaf Aase og frues legat - current
UTFORSK Partnership Programme
 Program for substance abuse research
(RUSMIDDEL). Deadline: ongoing. Read more
here (Norw.).
 FORNY2020 Verification funding. For testing,
scale-up and continuation or development of
your research project - regardless of discipline.
Deadline 3.Sept. Read more gere (Norw.).
 BIOTEK2021 optimization funding. To conduct
testing, scale-up, continuation or development of
your research project in biotechnology or bioprospecting. Deadline: 3.Sept. Read more here
 Call of funding in the Research Council’s programme INFRASTRUKTUR. Deadline: October
15. Read more here.
 Programme on nano technology and advanced
materials, NANO2021. Deadlines: 03.09.14 for
drafts of innovation projects within nano technology. 15.10.14 for business relevant nano
tehcnology research projects. Open-ended
deadlines for pre-projects in innovative companies, Personal Overseas Research Grants and
Personal Visiting Researcher Grants for ongoing
projects. Read more here.
 Funding for cross-regional cooperation projects with Regional Health Authorities. Deadline is 3 September 2014. Read more here
 GLOBVAC. Deadline 11.02.15. Read more.
Cooperation between Norway and Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa, for strengthening the linkage between higher education and research in international collaboration,
See the full Call for proposals here.
Application deadline: 16.09.14.
Third EU Health Programme
Call from NordForsk on Health and
Proposals for Framework Partnership Agreement
for operating grants 2014: 25.09.14.
Proposals for Projects 2014: 25.09.14.
Read more here.
The Kavli Trust will donate 100 million
NOK this year to good causes
The Trust is particularly concerned with research
which might prevent or cure serious diseases and
damages resulted from our
modern way of living.
Read more about the trust here.
Mental health - collaborative projects
with research groups in the US
The Programme on Alcohol and Drug Research and
the Research Programme on Mental Health are announcing funding to promote cooperation between Norway and the US.
Deadline: 15.10.14. Read more here.
Grants for Open Access publication at
the University of Bergen
Employees, PhD candidates and Master students
might apply for funding here to cover author
payment for Open Access publishing.
Funding is available for research projects addressing
inequalities in the distribution of health and welfare.
Application deadline: 16.10.14. Read more here.
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Cont. reminding of earlier announcements in K1-nytt, still current:
Call for funding of WUN
research cooperation
Nordic workshop in Lund
’Educating health professionals for tomorrow ́s global healthcare systems – the role of universities’.
UiB is member of the Worldwide Universities Network
Target groups are teachers and students, university
(WUN). Deadline is Oct. 17 for funding of initiating
administrators, health care leaders, physicians involnew WUN research projects. Info: Bjørn Erik Andersen at the Division of Research Management. See ved in medical education etc.
the call here (Norw.). Also appli- Reg. deadline: 01.10.14.
Read more.
cation form and guidelines.
UHR’s meeting on grades
October 23rd and 24th 2014
The Norwegian Association of Higher Education
Institutions invites to meeting on grades, October
23rd and 24th. The issues at October 23rd are general, while October 24th is dedicated to education
in health and social sciences. Read more here.
Helse Vest’s Research Conference
Helse Vest’s annual research conference will take
place Thursday 30th and Friday 31st October at
Solstrand Hotel & Bad. Target group: board members, leaders and researchers.
See the invitation here:
EMBO courses and conferences
Language courses for employees
-EMBO/EBI Practical courses on advanced molecu-  Course in Clear language (23-24.10)
lar biology and bioinformatics methods, June-Nov.
 Evening class in Academic English (starts 1.
2014. Read more here.
-15th EMBL/EMBO Science and Society ConfeRead at the staff pages for details.
rence. 6.- 7.11 2014. Deadline: 09.10.14. Read
more here.
Guidelines for handling violence and threats
UiB has new guidelines for handling violence and threats.
UiB aims to have much awareness on risks relating to violence and threats. New guidelines are made to
prevent and ensure good management of violence and threats directed at employees in their working environment.
The guidelines apply to violence and threats committed by third parties and includes the entire operation
and all employees at the UiB. With third party is in this
context meant persons who are not employed by the
University and threaten and/or do violent acts against a
UiB employee in his/her work situation.
The guidelines clearifies responsibilities, requirements
for preventive measures, handling and management of
violence and threats.
Read more here (Norw.).
Illustration: Colourbox.no
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Workshop for educators
Remember deadline for semester
registration 1 September
Want to learn more about group based teaching
and student activating learning? Participate at
the workshop for educators 18 and 19 Septem- It is important that all PhD candidates register
for the semester within the deadline.
ber 2014!
(NOTE: registration deadline is 1 September.)
 Designing Group Work that Really works
 A key to student motivation and success
 Turning good group assignments into great ones
In this connection, also check that your education
plan and e-mail address is correct. Progress reports
are sent in mid-October to the e-mail addresses
registered in Studentweb.
Read more here.
K1’s recent disputations
Bente Sandvei Skeie defended 20 June her thesis ”Gamma Knife Surgery for Intracranial Tumours - Clinical and Experimental studies”.
Supervisors: Per Øyvind Enger and Paal-Henning Pedersen.
K1’s next disputations
Alexander Lebedev defends Tuesday 2. September in Stavanger his thesis ”Cognitive impairment in
neurodegenerative diseases: insights from computational neuroimaging”. Supervisors: Dag Årsland, Eric
Westman, Nils Erik Gilhus, Mona K. Beyer and Arvid Lundervold. Read more here.
Nezla Duric defends Thursday 4. September her thesis ”Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder - Characteristics and Treatment with Neurofeedback”. Supervisors: Irene Elgen and Kjell Morten Stormark.
Read more here.
Eirik Søfteland defends Thursday 11. September his thesis
”The diabetic gut. Mapping visceral sensations from gut to brain.”.
Supervisors: Georg Dimcevski, Bjørn Nedrebøe, Odd Helge Gilja,
Trygve Hausken and Jens B. Frøkjær. Read more here.
Håvard Visnes defends Friday 12. September his thesis ”Risk factors
for jumper’s knee”. Supervisors: Roald Bahr, Agnar Tegnander and
Kari Indrekvam. Read more here.
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
K1’s recent publications, collected from Pubmed
We would highly appreciate it if you could let us know if any is missing. If anyone have publications not included in our Pubmed search, please contact Marianne.Myhren@k1.uib.no .
Level 2 publications are marked red. For complete list of K1-publications, see our website.
Finne K, Vethe H, Skogstrand T, Leh S, Dahl TD, Tenstad O, Berven FS, Reed RK, Vikse BE. Proteomic analysis of formalinfixed paraffin-embedded glomeruli suggests depletion of glomerular filtration barrier proteins in two-kidney one-clip hypertensive rats. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 Aug . Level 1.
Røsjø E, Myhr KM, Løken-Amsrud KI, Bakke SJ, Beiske AG, Bjerve KS, Hovdal H, Lilleås F, Midgard R, Pedersen T, Benth, Torkildsen Ø, Wergeland S, Michelsen AE, Aukrust P, Ueland T, Holmøy T. Increasing serum levels of vitamin A, D and E are
associated with alterations of different inflammation markers in patients with multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol. 2014
Jun. Level 1.
El-Salhy M, Gilja OH, Hatlebakk JG, Hausken T. Stomach antral endocrine cells in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Int J Mol Med. 2014 Aug . Level 1.
Watnick RS, Rodriguez RK, Wang S, Blois AL, Rangarajan A, Ince T, Weinberg RA. Thrombospondin-1 repression is mediated via distinct mechanisms in fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Oncogene. 2014 Aug . Level 2.
El-Salhy M, Gilja OH, Hausken T. Chromogranin A cells in the stomachs of patients with sporadic irritable bowel syndrome.
Mol Med Rep. 2014 Aug. Level 1.
Skrunes R, Svarstad E, Reisæter AV, Vikse BE. Familial Clustering of ESRD in the Norwegian Population. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2014 Aug . Level 1.
Gustavsen MW, Viken MK, Celius EG, Berge T, Mero IL, Berg-Hansen P, Aarseth JH, Myhr KM, Søndergaard HB, Sellebjerg F,
Oturai AB, Hillert J, Alfredsson L, Olsson T, Kockum I, Lie BA, Harbo. Oligoclonal band phenotypes in MS differ in their HLA
class II association, while specific KIR ligands at HLA class I show association to MS in general. J Neuroimmunol. 2014 Jul.
Level 1.
Koefoed VF, Baste V, Roumes C, Høvding G. Contrast sensitivity measured by two different test methods in healthy, young
adults with normal visual acuity. Acta Ophthalmol. 2014 Jul. Level 1.
Rygh AB, Skjeldestad FE, Körner H, Eggebø TM. Assessing the association of oxytocin augmentation with obstetric anal
sphincter injury in nulliparous women: a population-based, case-control study. BMJ Open. 2014 Jul. Level 1.
Bøe Lunde HM, Telstad W, Grytten N, Kyte L, Aarseth J, Myhr KM, Bø L. Employment among Patients with Multiple Sclerosis-A Population Study. PLoS One. 2014 Jul. Level 1.
Grosse S, Haugland HK, Lilleng P, Ellison P, Hallan G, Høl PJ. Wear particles and ions from cemented and uncemented titanium-based hip prostheses-A histological and chemical analysis of retrieval material. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.
2014 Jul. Level 1.
Griffiths ST, Aukland SM, Markestad T, Eide GE, Elgen I, Craven AR, Hugdahl K. Association between brain activation (fMRI),
cognition and school performance in extremely preterm and term born children. Scand J Psychol. 2014 Jul. Level 1.
El-Salhy M, Gilja OH, Gundersen D, Hatlebakk JG, Hausken T. Duodenal chromogranin a cell density as a biomarker for the
diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2014 Jun. Level 1.
Søreide E, Lockey D. To intubate or not to intubate-is that (the only) question? Crit Care Med. 2014 Jun. Level 2.
Wik E, Trovik J, Kusonmano K, Birkeland E, Raeder MB,
Pashtan I, Hoivik EA, Krakstad C, Werner HM, Holst F, Mjøs
S, Halle MK, Mannelqvist M, Mauland KK, Oyan AM, Stefansson IM, Petersen K, Simon R, Cherniack AD, Meyerson
M, Kalland KH, Akslen LA, Salvesen HB. Endometrial Carcinoma Recurrence Score (ECARS) validates to identify aggressive disease and associates with markers of epithelialmesenchymal transition and PI3K alterations. Gynecol Oncol. 2014 Jul. Level 1.
Illustration: Colourbox.no
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
HSE-courses for staff working in labs New general agreement on chemicals
UiB’s Health, Safety and Environment department offers this autumn the competence program "HSE in the laboratory".
"HSE in the laboratory" is a competence program
for all staff who has a laboratory as
their workplace. Issues: systematic
HSE work, chemicals, waste management, fire hazard, radiation, biological factors and ergonomics.
Registration deadline is 10 September. Read more here (Norw.)
Photo: P-E. Rosenbaum, UiB
There will be an information meeting 10 September on the new general purchase agreement on
chemicals. Supplier is Sigma Aldrich.
The meeting is held Wednesday 10 September at
09.00 to 12.00 in Realfagsbygget auditorium 2.
Sigma Aldrich will be present and inform on new
products, how to use the
catalogue etc.
Illustration: Colourbox.no
Current UiB special staff offers:
Rector and acting University Director
invites to the theatre
Rector Dag Rune Olsen and acting University Director Kjell Bernstrøm invites to the play
"HELLEMYRSFOLKET" at the theatre, 18.09.14.
The play is by Amalie Skram, a musical,
dramatized by Gunnar Staalesen and
composed by Julian Berntzen. Max 2
tickets each. Draw of tickets after the
deadline 29 August. Apply for tickets at
this link.
Cartoon of the Week
New application period for the cabins
at Ustaoset late autumn 2014
It is now opened for electronic application for stays
at U-heimen, Ottesheimen and Butten at Ustaoset
for the period 12 October 2014 - 4 January 2015.
Deadline is 15 September,
draw 16 September 2014.
Read more here (Norw.).
Words of Wisdom of the Week
Education’s purpose is to replace an empty
mind with an open one.
- Malcolm S. Forbes
Newsletter No. 13, Vol. 2, 29. August 2014
Illustrasjon: www.colourbox.no
Useful links
Website for K1
Contact info K1-adm.
Campus bus
Horizon 2020
New doctorates at UiB
Faculty’s website
Phone numbers (internal UiB)
UiB’s employee web pages
Research Council
Faculty board cases
Oslo Cancer Cluster
UiB’s personnel regulations
Faculty strategy plan
Teaching accounts:
For new users.
Helse Bergen/UiB’s website
with guidelines for medical
BBB seminars
CCBIO seminars
If you have logged on before.
Available positions at UiB
E-mail to the study sections:
Personnel portal Pagaweb
Nutrition: studie-nutrition@uib.no
På Høyden web news
New study plan
E-mail to K1’s administration:
Earlier issues of K1-nytt
Mi Side (My Space)
E-mail to editor of K1-nytt: