SnowMagazine 03.2016 - Nr 2.indd
SnowMagazine 03.2016 - Nr 2.indd
01/2016 english experts magazine W W W.T E C H N O A L P I N .C O M CONTENTS MARCH 2016 Page 4 ENGELBERG TITLIS (SUI) Page 6 KRONPLATZ (ITA) Page 8 SIVAS YILDIZ DAĞ I KAYAK MERKEZI (TUR) Page 9 WHAT DOES HE DO...? Page 10 SNOWFACTORY Page 12 CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING IN NORTHERN EUROPE Page 14 OLYMPIC SNOW AT PHOENIX PARK Page 16 ATASSplus-UPDATE 2016 Page 18 LE GRAND BORNAND (FRA) Page 20 VALLE NEVADO (CHI) Page 22 40 YEARS, THE AGE OF EXPERIENCE...!! Page 23 AUSTRALIA Page 24 CERRO CASTOR (ARG) Page 25 IN MEMORIAM - ANGEL JARAIZ Page 26 DID YOU KNOW...? EDITORIAL DEAR READERS, not only did we celebrate our 25th an- As usual, we had and followed interest- ATASSplus data-management system. niversary last year but it was also the ing projects all around the world. The The whole system was successfully in- first year that we produced 1,000 units first fully automatic snowmaking system tegrated and was operational before the of any single type within the same year. in Chile has been installed in Valle Ne- start of the season. Our TF10 is a successful story. Not only vado. Cerro Castor (Argentina) has been We also completed another very inter- is it one of the most powerful fan guns a TechnoAlpin customer since 2005 and esting project in South Korea, where we on the market but it also boasts of ex- once again required our knowledge and first revised and then implemented the cellent efficiency. The feedback we have to our expertise for the extension of its existing system. All this to guarantee the received has been very positive and it snow-making system. The main focus venue of all the snowboard and freestyle reflects the great demand for this prod- in Engelberg Titlis, which is one of the ski events for the upcoming Olympic uct. most popular ski resorts in Switzerland, Games in Pyeongchang in 2018. Alongside efficient snow guns, the man- was on the water supply where we even There are more exciting news and re- agement of snow production is becom- installed drinking-water pipelines. ports in our Snow Experts Magazine on ing increasingly important for the calcu- The operators of one of the most popular other projects. lation of cost efficiency of a ski resort. ski resorts in Italy, Kronplatz, opted to Our IT-department is working intensively integrate their system in the TechnoAlpin Happy reading! on our software packages. One of the results of their efforts is the weather module which is available for our ATASSplus data management system. It enables accurate recording of weather data and precise weather forecasts, helping ski resort operators to plan their slope opening times more effectively. The Snowfactory, our snow gun for temperatures above zero, is ideal for events of any kind and it allows more accurate planning and guarantees the required snow cover. The DSV (German Ski Asso- Erich Gummerer Walter Rieder Régis-Antoine Decolasse ciation) is the proud owner of two Snowfactory systems and rents them out for various events. They had no problems to guarantee snow coverage for the World Cup events in Klingenthal, Willingen and Ruhpolding. IMPRESSUM Herausgeber: © TechnoAlpin SpA · Via P.-Agostini-Straße 2 · 39100 Bolzano/Bozen · Italia/Italien/Italy Tel. +39 0471 550 550 · Fax +39 0471 200 441 · Responsible for stipulating: Erich Gummerer – Editors: Julia Dusini Design dv media, Vahrn/Varna (BZ) – Printed by Karo Druck, Frangart/Frangarto - Eppan/Appiano (BZ) Content may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part, including electronically, without the explicit permission of the publisher – As of: March 2016 03 ENGELBERG TITLIS MODERNIZATION OF SNOW-MAKING SYSTEM THE ENGELBERG TITLIS SKI RESORT IS VERY POPULAR WITH LOCALS AND TOURISTS BECAUSE OF ITS PROXIMITY TO ZURICH AND LUCERNE. TECHNOALPIN HAS SUCCEEDED IN ESTABLISHING A PARTNERSHIP WITH THIS SPECTACULAR DESTINATION SINCE 2014. IN THE FIRST YEAR THE ENTIRE SNOWMAKING SYSTEM WAS CONVERTED TO THE ATASSPLUS CONTROL SYSTEM. AT THE SAME TIME THE PUMPING STATION HYDRAULICS AND ELECTRICS WERE UPGRADED TO TECHNOALPIN‘S STANDARDS. THE UNIT USED TO ROUTE DRINKING WATER FROM THE VALLEY UP TO THE TITLIS MOUNTAIN WAS ALSO INTEGRATED IN THE TECHNOALPIN CONTROL SYSTEM. Existing pits on the site were replaced Titlis was optimized during the 2015 and a 1.2 km pipeline, it is now possible by new TechnoAlpin pits, and various expansion phase. This involved drain- to pump sufficient water into the exist- snow guns were supplied. The biggest ing some of the water from the existing ing system and to improve the pressure challenge was taking over all nine exist- „Trübsee“ reservoir and drilling a new conditions in the entire resort. ing pumping stations and various valve extraction line in the spring of 2015. While the new Engelberg-Trübsee-Stand boxes which were connected together. Thanks to the installation of an addi- gondola lift was being built, the main The general water supply in Engelberg tional booster pump, two cooling towers focus was on renovating the existing 04 SWITZERLAND The project at a glance 2014: • 2x M20 mobile • 41x V3 • Partial conversion of the existing pits (PE pits, ground anchors, concrete pits) • 2x TF10 mobile • 1x T40 mobile • 2x T40 mounted on 1.6 m tower • 2x TF10 mounted on 1.6 m tower • 1x TF10 rebuilt on existing arm 2015: • 7x TF10 on 3.5 m lift • 3x T40 mobile snow-making system in Stand. This was park and the midway station area have • 5x TF10 mobile extended from the midway station of already been installed and fitted. The • 9x V3ee Trübsee to the summit station of Stand. pipe installation work is due to be com- • PS200 extension: This involved building a new pumping pleted in 2016. Refurbishing the drink- - 1x pump, 132 kW, 63 l/s and 155 m pit below the new mid-way station to ing water pipeline and drains for the - 2 cooling towers, 40 l/s, withdrawal & take the water from the new Trübsee summit station of Stand was started at extraction line. The existing pumps were the same time. These pipes are being reused and redesigned, and three new supplied and laid by TechnoAlpin. The high-pressure pumps were installed. snow-making system has been designed 250 kW, 33 l/s and 550 m There are also plans for new pits with to allow for future extensions towards - 2 new drinking water pumps various fixed snow guns on this stretch, the Jochpass mountain pass but mainly and the first pits and lines for the snow in the direction of the Titlis glacier. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM feeder station to PS800 • PS800 extension: - 3x pumps with frequency converter, PROJECT 05 KRONPLATZ NEW CONTROL SYSTEM WITH 116 KM OF SLOPES AND 32 STATE-OF-THE-ART LIFT SYSTEMS, THE SKI RESORT OF KRONPLATZ IS ONE OF THE TOP WINTER SPORTS DESTINATIONS IN THE NORTH OF ITALY. KRONPLATZ HAS BEEN A TECHNOALPIN CUSTOMER FOR YEARS. THE SKI RESORT HAS A NUMBER OF TECHNOALPIN SNOW GUNS WHICH HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN LINKED INTO THE CUSTOMER‘S OWN CONTROL SYSTEM. Work began in the summer of 2015 and together, in September – and it all TechnoAlpin data-control system. The to integrate the whole system into the went off without a hitch. brief was also to extend the snow-mak- ATASSplus data-control system. This in- In addition, the existing company-owned ing system therefore 9x TF10 were sup- volved changing the control units in 13 control units in 28x M20, 19x M18 and plied and integrated in the ATASS-plus existing pumping stations and reprogram- 7 lances were replaced with an original control system. ming the existing control units in two oth- TechnoAlpin control unit. The existing The extension comprises the full da- ers in order to link them into the ATASSplus Siemens control unit was reprogrammed ta-control package, including water system. The challenge was then to put all on 25x M90. All these snow guns could management, energy limitation, update 15 pumping stations into operation in time then be successfully linked into the contracts and wind-tracking function. 06 ITALY Kronplatz Seilbahn AG has been developing its snow-making system since the late 1980s and consistently pushing ahead with automation technology. We originally had to come up with an in-house solution for the entire pumping station and snow-gun control system because there was nothing suitable on offer. In view of the rapid progress, both in terms of snowgun technology and control software, we decided to replace the original control software and hardware in the summer of 2015 after more than 20 years of service. Given the size and complexity of the snow-making system, the changeover The project at a glance • Commissioning of 15 pumping stations: - Replacement of control units in 13 pumping stations - Reprogramming of 2 further pumping stations • Integration of TechnoAlpin control units in: - 28x M20 - 19x M18 - 7 lances was always going to be a challenge, but we joined forces and • Reprogramming of the control units in 25x M90 succeeded in the end in installing the ATASSplus software and • Delivery of 9x TF10 putting the snow-making technology into operation. • Integration of full control system: Dr. Ing. Christian Erroi, Director of Kronplatz Seilbahn AG - Water management - Energy limitation - Update contracts - Wind tracking -etc. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM PROJECT 07 TURKEY SIVAS YILDIZ DAĞ I KAYAK MERKEZI GUARANTEED SNOW THE POPULAR SIVAS YILDIZ DAĞI KAYAK MERKEZI SKI RESORT IN TURKEY TURNED TO THE SNOW EXPERTS FROM TECHNOALPIN FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW SNOW-MAKING SYSTEM. SNOW-MAKING SYSTEM. October 2015 saw the work start on building a reservoir and enlarging the snow-making system. The new reservoir has a capacity of 50,000 m³ and is located at the height of 1,850 m. Six kilometers of cast iron pipes were laid between main pumping station PS100, pumping station PS200 and the reservoir in order to ensure an optimal water supply. There are also nine kilometers of pipes connecting the various pits on the ski slopes. An additional 95 concrete pits were constructed. The snow-making system was installed with 94x Rubis and one T40 fan gun. The equipment was integrated into the TechnoAlpin ATASSplus control system. The work will be completed in 2016. 08 The project at a glance • 6 km of cast iron pipe • 9 km of steel pipe • Reservoir with a capacity of 50,000 m³ • Construction of 2 transformer stations, 1x 1250 kVA and 1x 1000 kVA • ES100 water extraction point (1430 m): 1x submerged pump, 3x high-pressure pump, 2x compressor • 1x T40 on 1.6 m tower with centralized air, Hydromat W3 in pit • 94x Rubis SR10 Evo, with YB valve in pit • 95x concrete pits • ATASSplus WHAT DOES HE DO...? WHAT DOES HE DO... STEFAN STERR? STEFAN STERR CAME ON BOARD IN 2015 WHEN TECHNOALPIN BROUGHT HIM IN TO MEET THE INCREASING DEMAND FOR PIPE SYSTEMS TAILORED FOR SNOWMAKING SYSTEMS. HE HEADS UP THE SALES AND DISTRIBUTION OF CAST IRON PIPE SYSTEMS ALL OVER THE WORLD, EXPERTLY ASSISTING THE SALES TEAM WITH HIS TEN YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN THE CAST IRON PIPE INDUSTRY. „As head of sales of cast iron pipe lowing new alternative technologies to „This job brings new challenges all the systems, I liaise with all the project be discussed and offered. time and that is what I find exciting managers, site supervisors, the bid Stefan also decides on the product range. about it. When we are working with processing section, sales staff and the New pipes and fittings are developed existing pipes, we need to provide the end customers. It is important to have jointly with the supplier, Saint-Gobain right products for difficult installation oversight of the projects from the out- PAM. His remit also includes putting situations or for connections in prob- set and to define the terms of ski slope strategies in place for the use of the lematic locations,“ said Stefan, „there- inspections and the routing of the pipe- ALPINAL Systems and making recom- fore we sometimes also work closely lines,“ said Stefan. mendations in relation to applications. with external planning offices. Some aspects of the job are purely Stefan also trains TechnoAlpin employees What does he particularly enjoy about sales work but other aspects exploit in order to share his know-how about the job? „I like working in a culturally the technical subject knowledge and pipe systems internally as much as pos- diverse business and it is also a pleas- experience which Stefan acquired over sible. He also works closely with the Mar- ure and a privilege to be able to work in many years working for a manufacturer keting office when new catalogues need the mountains and with snow. Skiing is of cast iron pipe systems, thereby al- to be produced on cast iron pipe systems. one of my favourite hobbies!“ WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM ® WHAT DOES HE DO...? 09 SNOWFACTORY IN NORTHERN EUROPE The TechnoAlpin Snowfactory makes it possible to generate snow at temperatures above zero C°. An advanced and proven cooling technology is used to bring the temperature of the water below freezing point and to generate snow by innovative means. The Snowfactory gives ski resort operators more scope and certainty if they are planning ski slope openings, for example, or other kinds of events. After a successful installation in Winterberg in 2014, the demand was high in 2015, particularly in Scandinavia where three projects followed in quick succession. Sjüsjoen, Norway „The Snowfactory was running 24 h The popular ski resort of Sjüsjoen is a day without any problems. I was just 20 km from the Olympic venue of also able to gain remote access to the Lillehammer. The Snowfactory enables machine to monitor operations thanks the operators there to guarantee snow to the connection to the ATASSplus coverage, especially in the modern Bi- system. The machine is very easy to athlon Arena. The fixed SF220 has been use because it is fully automatic.“ installed in Sjüsjoen where it is produc- Espen Vetsch, ing 220 m³ of snow per day. Park Manager at Sjüsjoen Geilo, Norway „The quality of the snow is fantastic The ski resort of Geilo had stored and the machine runs really well.“ 20,000 m³ of snow from the previous Geir Flage, season and this enabled the opening of a slope prepared for training purposes two whole months before the start of the Maintenance Manager and Geilo Snowfactory-Manager season. The ski slope is maintained with the help of the TechnoAlpin Snowfactory and this also helps to prevent snow loss through melting. A mobile SF100 was installed in Geilo where it is producing 100 m³ of snow every day. Idre Fjäll, Sweden „I was really impressed with the dis- Idre Fjäll was the first ski resort to open tribution system. I was able to spray the season in Sweden thanks to stored the snow across a width of 85 m“ snow supplies and the mobile SF100 Jonas Pålsson, Snowfactory- Snowfactory. 10 Manager in Idre Fjäll SNOWFACTORY SNOWFACTORY AND THE DSV Offizieller Ausrüster des THE GERMAN SKI ASSOCIATION (DSV) HAS BOUGHT TWO SNOW PRODUCERS FROM THE SNOWFACTORY LINE AND IS USING THESE MACHINES AT COMPETITION VENUES IN GERMANY. THIS WILL HELP BOTH THE ASSOCIATION AND THE ORGANIZERS AT THE RELEVANT VENUES TO PLAN AND RUN EVENTS, GIVING THEM ADDED CERTAINTY AND CONFIDENCE THAT THE RIGHT CONDITIONS WILL PREVAIL. said Vogel, „and so we are very glad The Snowfactory machines were used Walter Vogel, Director of DSV Market- Two Snowfactory machines were also on the ski jump in Klingenthal at the ing GmbH, saw the Snowfactory snow used shortly before Christmas for the Bi- start of winter in order to guarantee that producers as a fundamental require- athlon World Cup in Ruhpolding in order the World Cup ski jump opening event ment to be able to hold the World Cup to be able to run both competitions at would go off without a hitch. The volume in Klingenthal. „Without the Snowfactory the beginning of 2016. Snow was being of snow produced amounted to around machines the World Cup would definite- produced for the World Cup event for 3,000 m³. ly not have gone ahead in Klingenthal,“ about two weeks. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM that we decided to buy these machines. They are reliable and work perfectly. The Snowfactory snow producers give our event organizers the certainty they need to plan ahead. Having already had positive experiences with the existing TechnoAlpin machines, we knew that we already had a reliable business partner by our side who produces high-quality snow guns.“ PRODUCT INFORMATION 11 CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING IN NORTHERN EUROPE CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING IS A VERY POPULAR WINTER SPORT IN NORTHERN EUROPE AND THIS IS MAKING CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING CENTERS INCREASINGLY RELIANT ON SNOW-MAKING TECHNOLOGY, ESPECIALLY IN THE SOUTHERN SCANDINAVIA. THE CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING CENTERS WITH SNOW-MAKING SYSTEMS ARE IN A POSITION TO OPEN EARLIER THAN OTHERS IN THE AREA AND SO EXTEND THEIR SEASON. The project at a glance • 1x T40 • 1x TF10 • 1x V3 • ATASSplus • Pump, 50 l/s • Reservoir Tranemo system, the cross-country ski center ern Sweden to open its doors at the Because of its position in Southern was able to stay open a whole 122 start of the season. The Swedish Ski Sweden, the Tranemo cross-country days longer than the other centers in Association singled out the Tranemo center is prone to extremely margin- the region. It is also one of the first cross-country skiing center for an al temperatures. Thanks to the new cross-country ski centers in South- award for the best cross-country trails. 12 NORTHERN EUROPE Borås machines were already hard at work The Borås ski stadium is not far from the and were in operation for around 400 Tranemo cross-country ski center. Having hours. The snow guns are fully auto- been inspired by Tranemo, the operators matic. The water for the system is tak- at Borås contacted the snow experts and en from the sea. arranged for two 30 l/s pumps to be installed and pipelines to be laid. One Cross-Country World Cup: Royal Palace Sprint Bålsta The Swedish Ski Association leased two The Bålsta cross-country ski center near T40 mobile pumps from TechnoAlpin. Stockholm also relies on snow produced Söderhamn They provided the snow for the routes by TechnoAlpin systems. A new system The cross-country ski center in Sö- for the Cross-Country World Cup Royal was installed with two T40 machines derhamn decided to buy two T40 Castle Sprint in Stockholm. The new and one V3 with compressor. A pumping mobile pumps to provide snow for its system produced 15,000 m³ of snow for station was also built and two kilometers cross-country ski runs. In January the the World Cup. of pipeline were laid. TF10 and one V3 were integrated in the ATASSplus data control system. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM PROJECTS 13 PHOENIX PARK OLYMPIC SNOW PHOENIX PARK WILL BE ONE OF THE MAIN VENUES FOR THE 2018 OLYMPIC GAMES IN PYEONGCHANG, SOUTH KOREA. ALL OF THE SNOWBOARD AND FREESTYLE SKI EVENTS IN THE 2018 OLYMPIC GAMES WILL BE HELD THERE. 14 SOUTH KOREA The project at a glance • 51x TF10 on 4.5 m lift • 6x TF10, arm-mounted • 37 retractable pits •ATASSplus The entire area for the Olympic Games will also be installed. The ATASSplus were completed in a record time of just – six competition slopes in total – will system will be used to control the entire four months starting in July 2015. Back be equipped by TechnoAlpin with the snow-making system. The two existing in November it was already possible to latest snow-making machinery. This will pumping stations will also be automat- produce the snow for the Olympic heats include 51x TF10 machines mounted on ed by TechnoAlpin and connected to the which were held in February 2016. The 4.5 m lifts and six arm-mounted TF10 control system. other ski slopes will also be equipped machines. An additional 27 retractable pits for mobile automatic snow guns WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM with TechnoAlpin snow-making systems The Slopestyle and Ski Cross slopes in the summer of 2016. PROJECT 15 Wetbulb Temperature -5,0 °C Temperature -4,5 °C Humidity 90 % Wind Speed 50 km/h Wetbulb Temperature -3,0 °C Temperature -2,5 °C Humidity 90 % Wind Speed 10 km/h Wetbulb Temperature -5,5 °C Temperature -4,0 °C Humidity 70 % Wind Speed 30 km/h Wetbulb Temperature -5,2 °C Temperature -2,0 °C Humidity 40 % Wind Speed 2 km/h ATASSplus UPDATE 2016 Wetbulb Temperature -4,6 °C Temperature -3,0 °C Humidity 70 % Wind Speed 8 km/h TO EXPLOIT THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IN THE FALL FOR SNOW GENERATION AND TO PRODUCE SNOW OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE – THESE ARE PRESUMABLY THE TARGETS OF ANY SKI RESORT. THE ATASSPLUS CONTROL SOFTWARE DEVELOPED BY TECHNOALPIN HAS PROVED TO BE THE OPTIMUM TOOL FOR THIS COMPLEX CHALLENGE. THE 2016 UPDATE WILL FURTHER SIMPLIFY THE CONTROL OF THE SYSTEM AND REVOLUTIONIZE PLANNING FOR THE SNOW SEASON. Weather module and integrate all the relevant weather perature differences in the ski resort. Until now ski resorts have had to rely data in the ATASSplus software. The Only local measurements can yield lo- on the weather forecasts issued by the collected data is analyzed profession- cal forecasts. regional meteorological offices to help ally and combined with meteorological The weather can be forecasted accu- with their planning. What is more, tem- model data by virtue of the collabo- rately for up to ten days, helping the peratures can vary immensely in the ration with Europe‘s largest private managers decide where to deploy smallest of areas, especially in alpine weather service, MeteoGroup. This re- snowmaking equipment and person- terrain. The new weather module is sults in accurate and precise weather nel for maximum efficiency and to se- now here to help. A meteo station is forecasts relevant to the use of snow lect the right date for opening the ski installed on each snow gun to collect guns, even when there are large tem- slopes. 16 SOFTWARE New improved SnowManager ATASSplus in mobile app form ATASSplus has been able to import and ATASSplus has been available as a mobile app for all Android devices since the 2015 display data from different systems for version. Not only can data be monitored in this way but all the main parameters can snow depth measurement since 2014. also be configured via the app. With the 2016 update the average snow The 2016 release now also features a graph of the pumping station, allowing all the depth is now also displayed in cm as pumping station flow charts to be displayed and used. well as using color. The various minimum snow quantities New improved user interface can still be specified for the season as Even more detail can be shown in the map view in ATASSplus 2016 because high-res- it progresses, such as the minimum olution orthophotographs can now also be used for the display. amount required to open the slopes or The filter and search facilities have also been upgraded, making the system even the amount needed for the entire sea- faster to use. The user interface has also been adapted to the new standards of es- son. As menitoned earlier, the new tablished programs and has become more intuitive. Very important information now feature in the 2016 version is that the stands out even more. required snow depth can now also be shown in cm. The SnowManager then Simplified maintenance automatically calculates the amount ATASSplus now includes important documents for the servicing and maintenance of still needed for each pit and slope. As the system, such as manuals, circuit diagrams, quick reference guides and exploded soon as the limit is reached, the snow drawings. operations team is informed and, if so Any spare parts which are needed can be ordered via ATASSplus in the new spare desired, the snowmaking process can parts shop which has also been optimized. In the future ATASSplus will feature a be stopped automatically. history of spare parts purchase orders. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM PRODUCT INFORMATION 17 LE GRAND BORNAND TECHNOALPIN EXTENDS SNOWMAKING SYSTEM IN SUMMER 2015, THE SKI RESORT OPERATOR AT LE GRAND-BORNAND SELECTED TECHNOALPIN TO UPGRADE ITS SNOW-MAKING SYSTEM. THE PROJECT FOCUSED ON THE „LES GETTIERS“ SKI SLOPE, WITH THE INSTALLATION OF 11 NEW SNOW GUNS. 18 FRANCE The project at a glance • 4x T40 on 1.6 m tower • 5x TF10 on 2.6 m tower • 1x TF10 on 3.5 m tower • 1x TF10 on 4.5 m tower • 1x TL6 •ATASSplus This is one of the main slopes located this extension, a TL6 was installed in the in the center of the resort. The opera- „Envers“ section of the ski resort. The tors insisted on bringing in TechnoAlpin TL6 is the latest snow lance model and experts for such an important section of boasts six control settings for optimum the ski resort. performance adapted to the extreme This expansion has allowed the resort weather conditions on the mountain. to increase snow production in this im- ATASSplus is used to control the entire portant region significantly. In addition to snow-making system. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM PROJECT 19 VALLE NEVADO CAST-IRON SNOW GUARANTEE VALLE NEVADO IS ONE OF THE LARGEST SKI RESORTS IN CHILE AND IS LOCATED ABOUT AN HOUR FROM THE CAPITAL, SANTIAGO DE CHILE. THE RESORT IS KNOWN FOR THE QUALITY OF THE SNOW ON THE SKI SLOPES WHICH EXTEND OVER 900 HECTARES FROM AN ALTITUDE OF 2860 M ABOVE SEA LEVEL TO 3670 M ABOVE SEA LEVEL ON THE SUMMIT CIMA TRES PUNTAS. Valle Nevado engaged the assistance of m above sea level. The length of the being installed which can pump water TechnoAlpin in order to guarantee high snowmaking network is currently being both to the upper area of the Cima An- quality of snow on the ski slopes from extended by about two kilometers with des and to the lower area. the beginning of the season. The wa- Alpinal ductile cast iron pipes, electric ter for the snowmaking system is taken cables and data cables. A pump with an This will be the first system in South from Ballicas lake at an altitude of 3250 output of approximately 60 l/s is also America with reservoir aeration. This 20 CHILE The project at a glance lowers the average temperature of the handling for the conditions and boast reservoir water and allows snow produc- high levels of efficiency even in border- tion to begin earlier. The system includes line temperatures. The two snow guns 19 supply points with underground re- planned for use on height-adjustable inforced concrete pits and overground towers can also be used as mobile ver- hydrants. There are plans for the instal- sions on an undercarriage with wheels lation of ten T40 type fan guns. These so that the snow production operations fan guns are ideal for the Valle Nevado can be moved to precisely where the ski slopes because they have the right snow is needed. • 2 km of underground snow-making network • HP pump outputting approx. 60 l/s - 315 kW • Submerged pump outputting approx. 42 l/s - 75 kW • Reservoir air compressor, 22 kW • 19x connection points for fan guns • 2x T40, lift-mounted • 3x T40, fixed tower-mounted installation • 5x T40 on mobile undercarriage •ATASSplus WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM PROJECT 21 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE...!! VERY FEW HISTORICAL PLAYERS OF THE SNOWMAKING MARKET CAN CLAIM 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE! THIS IS THE CASE FOR THE FRENCH SUBSIDIARY OF TECHNOALPIN! Indeed, it all began in 1976 in Fran- and then of the machine room (Liberty), ment for the group, the other one being ce: In December of that year, the first development of lances, internal and ex- in Bolzano. prototype slope, equipped with air & ternal mixing (Borax, Safyr and Rubis)... Today, the combined skills of all the water snow guns, was installed in Méri- group’s engineers fully contribute to bel-Mottaret (France) ... At the time the It‘s all this expertise and experience, the reinforcement of the technological engineers had chosen to focus their de- cultivated throughout the years of ser- advantage of TechnoAlpin on the air velopments on the air & water techno- vice and innovation, and of course ski & water and fan technology as well as logy and full automatic snowmaking in- area operations, which are now integra- software development! These are the stallations! Over the next four decades, ted into the TechnoAlpin group, through foundations that support the ability of the development team moved quickly the activities of its French subsidiary. TechnoAlpin to be the major partner of through the innovations: regulating val- Besides, TechnoAlpin France is one of ski resorts for snowmaking, now and for ves (YA, YB and VAR), automation of trail two centers for Research and Develop- years to come. 22 AUSTRALIA EXPANSION IN AUSTRALIA Mt. Hotham There has been new investment in the slopes earlier and extending the season snowmaking system at Mt Hotham. The in the spring as well. The work is due expanded system means that Mt Ho- to be completed by the time the season tham can have snow coverage for the starts in June 2016. entire season. The system was designed The project at a glance • 11x Double Borax 6 m including steel pits to provide snow for slopes for both beginners and advanced skiers. The ski Mt. Buller resort is now capable of opening the ski The ski resort of Mt Buller is situated three hours from Melbourne and has The project at a glance Mt. Hotham snow is guaranteed for all, from begin- • 5x T40 with blade heating on hydraulic 3.5 m lift • 7x TF10 mobile • 6x T60 with blade heating on hydraulic lift • 1.6 km of cast iron pipe WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM over 300 ha of ski slopes. Fun in the Mt. Buller ners right through to professionals. Mt Buller used to be a York customer and has still remained true to the technology since the merger with TechnoAlpin. TechnoAlpin supplied 11x Double Borax 6 m complete with steel pits for the extension of the snow-making system. PROJECT 23 ARGENTINA CERRO CASTOR RENOVATION OF SNOW-MAKING SYSTEM BACK IN 2005, CERRO CASTOR WAS THE FIRST SKI RESORT IN SOUTH AMERICA TO SELECT TECHNOALPIN FOR THE SUPPLY OF A MOBILE M20 WITH ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR (XE MOTOR). Since then, the relationship between an existing ski slope was fitted with new The ATASSplus control system update Cerro Castor in the province of Ushuaia cast iron pipes, routed from the booster will be installed during the work in the and TechnoAlpin has gone from strong pumping station. Improvements were spring of 2016. to stronger. First of all, automatic snow made to the water supply system in guns were installed in the existing sys- 2014, with the addition of new cast iron tem (tower-mounted M18, mobile M18 pipelines and 15 new pits. This means and stand-alone V3 lances). Then Tech- that all the snow guns in the system can noAlpin designed and built a new, fully be supplied at the same time. Building automatic pumping station, integrated work began in the spring of 2016 on a the existing system in the automatic new section of the snow-making sys- control system, and installed new snow tem, with a new reservoir capable of guns on a new ski slope (Halcón Pe- holding 10,000 m³ and a new pumping legrino). TechnoAlpin supplied the first station with an output of approximate- Alpinal cast iron pipes for this ski slope. ly 90 m³/h which will supply three ski The existing pumping station was moved slopes through pipelines made of ductile to the middle section of the ski resort cast iron. This will enable the supply of in order to be able to supply the middle up to nine snow-making points per ski and upper sections of the complex. Then slope. The project at a glance • 1x pumping station, 45 l/s • 1x pumping station, 25 l/s • 1x pumping station, 17 l/s • 10 km of snow-making pipelines, water pipes and supply cables • 47x pits • 1x M20 automatic mobile • 2x M18, lift-mounted • 3x M18 automatic mobile • 1x T60, arm-mounted • 2x T40 mobile • 1x T40, lift-mounted • 5x TF10, lift-mounted • 4x V3 compressor • ATASSplus 24 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM ANGEL JARAIZ In fond memory of Angel Jaraiz long-standing trading partner We received some sad news in mid-February. Our Angel Jaraiz is no longer with us. since 2000. The first project TechnoAlpin and Angel had been working together and it is still one of our we completed together was in the Sierra Nevada, flagship projects. fight. His enthusiasm was inAngel showed us what real passion is and how to n and Casli enjoy such high fectious. It is thanks to him alone that TechnoAlpi chose to form a partnersstanding in Spain today. We can be proud that Angel the other companies. hip with TechnoAlpin, singling us out from all Angel, you will be sorely missed. WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM INFORMATION 25 …ALL ABOUT TECHNOALPIN DID YOU KNOW...? THAT TechnoAlpin made snow for the King of Norway? On January 17, 2016 Norway congratulated its monarch, King Harald V, on 25 years on the throne. A little skiing race for children was organized in his honor in front of the Royal Palace in Oslo. The arrangement was to have a T40 produce 1,000 m³ of snow and to have the remaining 6,000 m³ transported in from ski resorts for the event. But the T40 produced so much snow that no THAT additional supplies were needed. TechnoAlpin has once again donated the budget for Christmas gifts for customers to a good cause? THAT TechnoAlpin makes colored snow? This time we helped to fund the rebuild- Artist Philipp Messner covered the lawn in front of the Alte Pinakothek art muse- ing of a hospital and a neighbouring um in Munich with multicolored snow with the help of three TF10 machines and nurse training school in Thame (Nepal). some food coloring. The visitors had great fun running over the brightly colored The buildings had been completely de- snow and making colorful snowmen. Needless to say, snowball fights with color- stroyed in the devastating earthquake ed snow were a mandatory part of the action. in April 2015. Thanks to the donation, the village community now has access to free primary care again. We at TechnoAlpin are pleased to have been able to help the inhabitants of Thame at this difficult time. 26 THANK YOU WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS. THE COMMITMENT AND PROFESSIONALISM THEY DEMONSTRATE IS WHAT MAKES TECHNOALPIN A LEADING COMPANY. ® WWW.TECHNOALPIN.COM PARTNERS 27 Aaron Felder Alain De Cian Alberto Zapparoli Alessandro Sabbi Alex Carpentari Alexander Borgia Alexander Klapfer Alexander Leitner Alexander Pixner Andrea Cavatton Andrea Menini Andrea Stenico Andrea Valmorbida Andreas Gutgsell Andreas Marth Andreas Mumelter Andreas Weiss Anita Kompatscher Anja Berents Anna Anegg Anna Mittelberger Anton Puff Armin Grasberger Armin Hilber Arno Hafner Benjamin Pötz Christian Bonini Christian De Brida Christian Jocher Christian Niedermayr Christoph Fischer Christopher Hopfgartner Claudia Pomaro Claudio Olivotto Dagmar Geis Daniel Heiss Daniel Kahler Daniel Neulichedl Daniel Raffl Daniel Widmann Daniela Stelzer Daniele Facchin Daniele Neri Dietmar Windegger Dominik Pöder Eduard Lahner Elmar Kanestrin Elmar Kaufmann Elmar Rainer Elmar Walder Erich Gummerer Erika Marchio Erika Unterweger Fabian Alegre Fabian Gruber Fabrice Dequeker Fabrizio Martinet Federico Tricotti Federico Zanardini Florian Schwalt Florian Thöni Florian Villgrattner Francesco Zambaldi Franziska Köhl Frederik Danielsson Georg Santa Gerald Reichegger Gernot Nischler Giorgia Cassiolari Hannes Frei Hannes Obkircher Hannes Pichler Hannes Simonini Hans Baumgartner H. Hochwieser Heidi Vonmetz Heinz Viehweider Helene Messner Hermann Nock Irina Belkina Ivan Gross Jacques Fournier Jessica Marcialis Johann Kaufmann J. Untermarzoner Johannes Fontana J. Wiedenhofer Jörg Herzig Jörg Kofler Josef Dusini Joseph Bell Jozef Duřcák Julia Dusini Julian Calliari Juris Panzani Karlheinz Terrabona Katja Obkircher Klaus Bacher Konrad Kostner Kurt Bagamoro Lena Maria Gummerer Luca Baraldo Lukas Aichner Manfred Alber Manfred Livi Manfred Scherer Manfred Winkler Manuel Furlotti Manuel Meraner Manuel Planötscher Marco Moratti Margit Köhl Marion Margesin Markus Mahlknecht Markus Messner Markus Pfeifer Markus Sparer Martin Coser Martin Gamberoni Martin Hofer Martin Margesin Martin Noggler Martin Pichler Martina Mair Matteo Paterno Matthias Obrist Matthias Simonini Mauro Ficara Mauro Freno Max Vieider Maximilian Hawlin Melanie Romen Michael Keim Michael Mayr Michael Smaniotto Michael Wieser Michele Marsonet Miriam Godino Mirko Brunner Monika Hornikova Oliver Schwienbacher Omar Faustini Othmar Kanton Paolo Alberti Paolo Bagozzi Paolo Merler Paolo Nardone Patrick Platzgummer Patrizia Pircher Peter Mahlknecht Peter Rottensteiner Peter Unterholzer Petra Kofler Philipp Cancura Philippe Ronin Pierpaolo Salusso Pirmin Putzer Rene Tschigg Richard Reifer Robert Herbst Robert Maoret Roberto Begliatti Roberto D‘Agostino Rudolf Prantl Sara Moraschi Sarah Winkler Siegfried Göller Siegfried Rieder Simon Klotz Simon Kohler Stefan Egger Stefan Gasser Stefan Hölzl Stefan Malfer Stefan Reinstadler Stefan Schwabl Stefano Bruscagin Stefano D‘Amicis Stefano Facchini Stefano Locatelli Stephan Psenner Tamara Pircher Thomas Burger Thomas Carli Thomas Damian Thomas Faller Thomas Kaserer Thomas Lunger Thomas Möltner Thomas Nocker Thomas Pichler T. Strumpflohner Thomas Waldner Tobias Spitaler Ulrike Oberrauch Umberto Marchesan Verena Lutz Verena Pattis Walter Rieder Werner Siller Wolfgang Gurschler Wolfgang Hanni Wolfgang Lechner Wolfgang Psenner Albert Gomig A. Aichhorn Bianca Zanona Dominic Waldner Elmar Kuen Herbert Huber Irene Zimmerling Manuel Schöpf Marco Eller Markus Goller Markus Greiderer Martin Eppacher Martin Ganzer Martin Plank Martin Zeiser Michael Schloffer Oliver Stieg Patrick Gebauer Rainer Loidl Robert Kramberger Stefan Jais Stefan Sterr Valentina Braconi Brice Lacorre Cyril Murmann Marco Albiez M. Zurbriggen Michael Erni Michael Müller Patrick Varonier Philippe Delaloye Samuel Zweifel Stefan Gisler Stefan Mumenthaler Thomas Kempf Valeria Purrazello Franz Kern Gerti Zandt Jonas Sögtrop Manfred Huber Richard Fiedler Sabine Bosdorf Ulrich Gall Alain Glotain Alain Stedile Annie Roillet Antoine Di Carlo Antoine Lecornu Bernard Ligori Bernard Racineux Celine Thibaut Christelle Veille Christine Bourgerie Corentin Bocquel Corinne Vascon Damien Landreau Daniel Callot David Rouzet Dominique Defer Eric David Ester Lebel Fabrice Aubin Fabrice Cannard Francois Le Duc Frederic Cottet Puinel Frédéric Voccia Frederique Goux Gaâl Lesage Gaelle Le Moguen Guillaume Dugue Guillaume Gansert Henri Philipp Herve Limou Isabelle Bodin Isabelle Viatte Jean Biguet Mermet Jean Nouvelle Jean-Marc Buratti Jean-Noel Mahe Jose Sanchez-Vadia Julien Dupupet Karine Jaillet Laetitia Laine Laurent Guilleminot Laurent Travers Le Yu Yang Lionel Thebaud Louis Pascal Vesy Luc Mitard Ludovic Nameche Marc Lanaspeze Marion Destarac Maxime Rougeaux Michael Payan Michel Blanchot Michel Galvin Nicolas Chiron Nicolas Mabut Olivia Leguern Olivier Chapelle Olivier Conrad Olivier Romand Pascal Kergal Patrick Bellini Philippe Fraslin Philippe Olivier Philippe Prou Philippe Thual Pierre Duranthon Pierre Favet Regis-A. Decolasse Sarah Champin Sebastien Coquet Sebastien Decaris Sebastien Salvaggio Sonja Paday-Stiller Stephane Guiheux Stephane Rousseau Stephane Sage Stephanie Gabez Thierry Andre Thierry Martron Timothee Giraud Vincent Baudouin Vincent Gadois Vincent Tessier Caroline Johansson Erik Reinholdsson Lars Nordström Magnus Hedlund Martin Bergström Tommy Åsell Andrej Križan Anna Fablova A. Turiakova Branislav Kukula Lowy Ladislav Marek Vesely Martin Merka Milos Slosiar Pavol Klukan Radoslav Martonik Roman Hotera Zuzana Holášová Jiri Krticka Sergej Ragosin Vadim Trukhin Michal Fratczak Rafal Smolan Alex Martin Bill Ross Buster Saunders David Kennedy Eric Bengtson Garrett Poole Jean Petit Joe Scarfi Kimberly Cotrell Matt Pizzichemi Michel Gallois Robin Smith Sean McKinnon Steve Daly Stuart Clotworthy Tim Reiter Ville Lauren Walter Fuchs Aimee Song Edward Zhang Haijun Zhang James Tian Joey Jiang Junqiao Li Lihua Liu Matthew Lu Patrick Danielsson Qiong Jia W W W.T E C H N OA L P I N .C O M Andreas Schwingshackl