Project idea catalogue final


Project idea catalogue final
EUREKA Umbrella
Brokerage Event
May 5th-6th 2008
Manufacturing in the Automotive Industry
Virtual manufacturing and IT-related project ideas
1. 3D Interaction in Design and production planning.
2. Advanced Driver Risk and Mechanical Profiling solution including Real‐Time Alerts on
Accidents, Monitoring of Fuel Consumption and Air Pollution – for OEMs, Insurance
Companies, Leasing, Large Fleets and Traffic/Transportation Projects
3. The Digital Factory Warehouse
Sheet metal forming and other sheet metal project ideas
4. Coil design and manufacturing in Magnetic Pulse forming applications
5. Electrohydraulic sheet metal forming
6. Electromagnetic pulse forming to make functional sheet metal surfaces
7. Hot Stamping with Direct Resistive Heating
8. Lightweight & high-strength structural parts and component
9. Magnetic Pulse Forming of Automotive Parts from Aluminium sheets
10. Titanium and Magnesium forming for structural parts.
Surface project ideas
11. Competitive Finishing Machining
12. Development of a scratch resistant coating using a molecular self assembly nanotechnology
13. Measurement and modeling of surface appearance in automotive industry
14. Recycling of metallised plastics.
15. Smart visual surfaces –to measure the immeasurable - feelSURF,
16. Surface shielding or screening
016. 3D Surface inspection
Laser processing project ideas
17. Functional gradual materials for automotive parts with thermal barrier functions.
18. Geometric variation prediction in automotive assembling
19. Laser decoating of break tubes for automotive industry
20. Reduced Friction in Power Train Through Laser Surface Texturing (LST)
21. Laser Welding of Small Diameter Steel Tubes
22. Painted body repair, correction of micro-embedded particles.
Products, equipment, systems project ideas
23. Adaptive Rear Combination Lamp with L.E.D. and with ambient light and soiling sensor
for vehicle
24. APAC - Advanced Production of Automotive Components
25. Central-controlled New Style Intelligent Service Set
26. Electromagnetic pulse joining of cables
27. European benchmark study of production efficiency at shop-floor level
28. Lightweight Grippers and Fixtures
29. Manufacturing Life-cycle Management (MLM) for full Change Impact Evaluation
30. New generation interior lighting with LED instead of conventional incandescent bulb and
fluorescent for vehicle
31. Study of recycled painted plastic and/or chrome-plated parts using supercritical C02
32. Vehicle independent electric transmission architecture
33. Welding of dissimilar sheet materials, electromagnetic pulse welding
34. Hybrid Electric Transmission for Light Duty Vehicles
Project ideas
Virtual manufacturing and
IT-related ideas
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
3D Interaction in Design and production planning.
> Describe your project idea
The goal of the project is to develop a full color multi view 3D goggle free table top display,
built on holographic principles and provided with a real time interaction system. It is
supported by ordinary PCs running CAD and Multimedia presentation software. The system
will be utilized for testing applications and as demonstrator in product development, process
planning at the participating companies. It will also be tested for training and education
purposes. The feedback received in these tests and demonstrations will be implemented into
the supporting software platform in order to fit it to the industrial needs.
In the first phase of the project the research will focus on the development of an efficient
manufacturing technique for the fundamental optical element of the display table – the high
quality full colour holographic element. With that goal achieved, the research will concentrate
on development, adaption and evaluation of the multi view display in practical tests with
industry and research partners. Two systems will also be developed for a virtually co-located
meeting environment utilizing high speed internet.
The concept of this project has already been demonstrated as a monochrome (black – red)
display and it has created a paradigm shift by bringing virtual models out to reality instead of
having people going into virtual world. People can sit around the table and without glasses see
the presented model in 3D on the table. They can discuss and interact and at the same time
have eye contact and see mimics and gestures of each other, see Figure 1. At the same time
they can make changes to the model, interrogate it for more detailed information and get
related information from the data base.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Optics and holography, Software design and application development for design and
manufacturing, information and activity modelling, solid modelling.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Partners that can contribute application feedback and testing of new principles for interaction
in design, production and process planning.
Partners from cognitive and perception science for contributing 3D table design requirements
and evaluation.
Contact information
Full name
Torsten Kjellberg, Lars Mattsson
Email address,
Organisation name
KTH, Royal Institute of technology, IIP
Brinellv 66
+4687909069, +4687909175
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip SE 100 44
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO‐FACTORY Project Idea Form > Title Advanced Driver Risk and Mechanical Profiling solution including Real‐Time Alerts on Accidents, Monitoring of Fuel Consumption and Air Polution – for OEMs, Insurance Companies, Leasing, Large Fleets and Traffic/Transportation Projects > Describe your project idea Traffilog would like to provide an advanced Driver Risk and Mechanical Profiling solution that includes: • Profiling of Drivers Behaviour per Trip • Driver Risk Profiling • Real‐Time Alerts on Accidents – without any action of the Driver (he could be unconscious) • Mechanical Profiling of the Vehicle • Profiling of the Driver’s Mechanical Driving Skills • Monitoring of Fuel Consumption per Driver and/or Vehicle • Monitoring of Air Polution and CO2 Emission • Real‐Time Alerts on Fuel theft and Extended Air pollution > Please explain briefly your expertise Established in 2003, Traffilog has developed a web based, technologically innovative solution to better administer fleets. The Traffilog solution focuses on assisting organizations and managers significantly reduce fleet running costs. In this ‘information rich’ era which we live in, the question is not how much we know, but rather what we do with the knowledge. The Traffilog solution has the advanced ability to filter relevant and important data out of the mass of information it receives, thereby providing answers to relevant questions and allowing for cost reduction and improved efficiency of working processes. Traffilog goes ahead of other LBS solutions and offer a product that add value beyond the regular Location‐Based Real‐Time Fleet Management and Track & Trace solutions offered by other companies on the market today. We have developed a unique solution that responds to mobile asset management requirements at all corporate levels. Our solution includes: A) Advance fleet management ‐ vehicle tracking with geo‐fencing for both vehicles and personnel – with routing, replays, maps, interface for SVR and more. B) Risk and Mechanical Driver Profiling – Profiling of driver behaviour and driver mechanical skills, based on G‐sensor (accelerometer) data and CANBUS/OBDII diagnostics data, analyzed by advanced algorithms developed together with the leading Israeli technical university Technion. C) Real‐Time Remote CAN/OBD diagnostics, full reading of all CAN data, management of fuel theft and consumption, load temperature and additional features. > Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for With a vision to become an integral part of all vehicles, the Traffilog solution is well on its way to becoming a standard safety feature; (just like airbags and ABS brakes – can easily be removed), installed by the manufacturer, in all vehicles. Moreover, as they act as an additional safeguard for both the driver and vehicle the Traffilog products have come to justify a reduction in insurance costs. Traffilog is looking for partners who has a local market reach and are interested in the development of a system that is suitable, not only for the Heavy Vehicle market which is 6
Traffilog’s main market today, but rather for the large consumer/personal vehicle market. Relevant partners could be within: OEMs Insurance Companies Vehicle Emergency Service Providers Tier 1/2/3 AVL/SVR Providers National Traffic/Road Safety Projects National Infrastructures Large Fleet Companies Integrators and Distributors with reach of Large Fleets And any other interested company... Contact information Full name David Lexner Email address
Organisation name Traffilog Ltd. Address 10 HaAmal St., Park Afeq City Rosh Haayin Country ISRAEL Tel. +972‐3‐9009500 Fax. +972‐3‐9012593 Zip 48092 Kind of partner expected Workshop Priority (Please select one or more from the list below) (please select one or more from the list below) Workshop Priorities: - A: Surfaces in automotive applications - B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing - C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts - D: Virtual tools in manufacturing Kind of partner expected: - I: Industry - R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation) - C: Clients & Users - O: Others 7
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
The Digital Factory Warehouse
> Describe your project idea
Project Goal and idea.
The goal of the project is to develop principles, system architecture and implementation
guidelines for storing models of manufacturing resources and their processes in DB in a
neutral format. The resource and process models should capture relevant information for all of
planning, manufacturing system design and manufacturing applications
The ultimate goal is to provide industry with a digital warehouse of manufacturing resource
models in a neutral format, to make them fast and effective in building and running
manufacturing lines and systems. By building digital factory models fast and accurate, and in
which all relevant aspects of manufacturability, produced quality etc can be evaluated and
secured beforehand; it will be possible to achieve fast installations or reconfigurations and
ramp-up of production with high overall-equipment-efficiency. It will be an important base
for continuous runtime improvement and adaptation to customer requirements and order
portfolio. The digital factory model will be a support tool from early development throughout
years of operations and redesign. It will be a tool for solving all types of problems, to secure
manufacturing system availability.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Information and activity modelling for manufacturing needs and applications - STEP
standards as AP 239 PLCS, AP 214 Automotive, AP 224 Features, AP 240 proscess planning,
STEP NC AP 238 and 14649 and ISO 13399 for small tools – Solid modelling – concept
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Concept modelling in a computer interpretable formats. Software applications for planning,
manufacturing system design, manufacturing monitoring, manufacturing simulation and
Contact information
Full name
Torsten Kjellberg, Gunilla Sivard
Email address,
Organisation name
KTH, Royal institute of technology
Brinellv 66
+4687909069, +46707871615
Zip SE 100 44
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
Project ideas
Sheet metal forming and
other sheet metal projects
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Coil design and manufacturing in Magnetic Pulse forming applications
> Describe your project idea
Magnetic Pulse (MP) forming (cutting, stamping, welding etc) is a very interesting emerging
field for high speed deformation of materials. A research group at Lund University has
developed a new technology to design and manufacture electromagnetic coils, suitable for
example magnetic pulse forming.
Examples of interesting project ideas are:
Hybrid forming (Induction heating in the same tool with the same coil as the MP), with large
flexibility, high efficiency and high strength coil design.
3-D surface coils or Non-closed loop coils e.g. straight lines, haft circles etc.
Coil design with minimized inductance, detailed magnetic field pattern and large heat
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Iprod has a vast experience of simulation of magnetic systems in general and specifically MP
and induction heating. Iprod has also developed a new family of Soft Magnetic Composites
(SM2C) namely Soft Magnetic Mouldable Composites that lends itself perfectly for inductor
design to MP- and induction heating applications.
The production technique called RotoCast, allows for new design concepts. New coil
geometries can easily be realised that, according to simulations, can significantly improve the
efficiency of forming coils.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
An industrial partner with challenging applications in the sheet metal industry.
(New materials, e.g. magnesium, and advanced forming processes.)
Also a company with MP system expertise and MP system products.
Contact information
Full name
Tord Cedell
Email address
Organisation name
Division of Production and Materials Engineering (IProd), LTH
Ole Römers väg 1
+46 709 752221
Zip S-221 00
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
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PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Electrohydraulic sheet metal forming for prototypes or low volume production
> Describe your project idea
If a controlled amount of electric energy are stored in a capacitor bank and subsequently is
released into a spark gap a transformation occurs. The electric energy is ionizes in the spark
gap and a small explosion takes place. Shock waves emanating from the explosion move
outward in all directions and can be controlled to produce deformation in a sheet metal. The
efficiency of the energy conversations is improved by submerging the spark discharge in a
liquid, such as water. A controlled sheet metal deformation produced by this process is called
electrohydraulic forming (EHF). A schematic description of the process is shown in figure 1
and some of the prototypes that have been made lately are found in figure 2.
Figure 1 A schematic description of electrohydraulic forming process.
Figure 2 Some parts that have been produced by electrohydraulic forming process.
From experiments following advantages with electrohydraulic forming (EHF) has been
• Only one die (rapid tooling)
• Low cost tooling (Composites, Al-alloys etc)
• No big hydraulic press (low investment)
• A high velocity (strain-rate) process
• Discharge design provides complex shape at high velocity
• Increase formability
• Less wrinkles
• High flexibility
• Low energy consumption
• Material’s electrical conductivity isn’t a key parameter as it is in electromagnetic
This project idea concerns analysis of the potential of using electrohydraulic system
(EHF) for low volume production of sheet metal components. The specific objectives for this
project proposal is as follows:
• Develop a design methodology for EHF concerns process design and optimization
• Standardization / Particularization of the process related to the components’
• Numerical simulations of the process
• Comparison studies against other low volume production methods
o Sheet hydroforming - Quintus press
o Incremental forming
o Conventional deep drawing
• Tooling requirements
o Stress, loads and deflections in the tools
o Performance
• Low cost tooling
o Composite tools
o Composite tools with spray coated metallic surface
o Kirkzite/Al tools
o Non-hardened steel tools
o Concrete composite tools
• Cost analysis for implementation for low volume production of sheet metal parts
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
For pilot production initiative to analyse the process we have an experimental
electrohydraulic system in our lab. In this project proposal we collaborate with a couple of
R&D Institutes in Europe and the former east states as well as with European industrial
system suppliers.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer to the automotive
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C and O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
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PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Electromagnetic pulse forming to make functional sheet metal surfaces
> Describe your project idea
Electromagnetic pulse manufacturing processes (EMP) is based on the discharge of a
capacitor battery to create a high pulse current under a very short time period through a coil.
Large currents run through the coil and take the form of a damped sinus wave. This creates a
pulsed magnetic field which induces eddy currents in any conductive materials nearby the
coil. The eddy currents induced in the nearby metallic material will be in opposite direction of
the primary current and this generates a magnetic force, the Lorentz force, which deforms the
material. The whole process is taken less then 100µs, which make it to a high strain-rate
forming process. The performance of the process is strongly related to a correct design of the
forming coil.
The efficiency and the obtained magnetic force is strongly related to the conductivity of
the sheet material so a material with high conductivity like Al-alloys is easier to make
complex forming operations then for steel sheet materials. One advantage with the high speed
forming process is when the sheet material hits the die surface it is possible to make
functional surfaces on the sheet specimen on only one side. With engraved die surfaces it is
possible to make almost whatever sheet metal surface that is required or desired. Some
examples are shown in figure 1.
Figure 1 Examples of surface embossing of sheet metals achieved by electromagnetic
pulse forming. The lower picture show of a single sided sheet metal surface that was
made only by using a grinding paper between the sheet metal and tooling die.
This project idea is to develop and analyse functional single-sided surfaces of sheet
metals. This can be accomplished by first use laser engraving of the surfaces of sheet metal
forming dies and subsequently use electromagnetic pulse forming technology to achieve the
necessary impact speed of the sheet metal to the die surface to create the functional surface.
When the type of materials and surfaces has been decided then a typical pilot production
initiative could look like this:
1. Feasibility analysis the proposed project
a. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides more detailed info based on prior
experience/know how.
2. Feasibility yes, then Pilot Production Initiative will start
b. Mutual NDA will be signed to enable free flow of information
c. Customer provides drawings and samples
d. Svensk Verktygsteknik analyse the drawings and if needed design
modifications to enable EMP process
e. Customer agrees on advised modifications
f. Customer is responsible for die design and manufacturing
g. Svensk Verktygsteknik prepares pilot production set up (laser engraving of
forming dies, electromagnetic coil & tool design, process set-up)
h. Svensk Verktygsteknik and the customer share the responsible for coil
manufacturing in agreement of specifications
i. Svensk Verktygsteknik conducts the experimental electromagnetic pulse tests
in their system
j. Svensk Verktygsteknik conducts required tests (Surface scanning etc)
k. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides lab reports
l. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides parts to the customer based on specifications
3. Customer conducts all tests needed to verify the technology
If the technology has passed all criterions (quality, production rates, and cost etcetera) then
next step is to prepare for implementation in the manufacturing process. A general description
of this phase could look like this:
1. Customer and the system supplier set up a EMP implementation plan
a. First step is to analyse current production set up
b. Second step is to define EMP production set up
c. Third step is system implementation and training
d. Fourth step is the production guidance
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
One of our expertise areas is to analyze and implement electromagnetic pulse processes in
manufacturing systems for different type of applications. For pilot production initiative to
develop and analyse the process we have the state of the art electromagnetic pulse system in
our lab. In this field we also collaborate with the best supplier of electromagnetic pulse
system in the world; namely Pulsar from Israel.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer to the automotive
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C and O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
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PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Hot Stamping with Direct Resistive Heating
> Describe your project idea
The project is a new hot stamping and heat treating process for production of ultra high
strength structural parts. In this method blank sheet is heated by electric current applied
through the workpiece directly within a few seconds without using a furnace or another heat
source. Heating and stamping stages are applied synchronously. Difficulties of conventional
hot stamping process such as furnace and rapid handling requirements and heat loss during
handling are eliminated. A hydraulic press can be converted into a hot stamping unit by
installing current heating system with a low cost. We have carried out experimental studies
and results are very successful. Investment and production costs, microstructure of finished
parts are better than that of conventional furnace heating and hot stamping process. Process is
patented US 6.463.779 and US 7.285.761. We have also other international patent
applications. Our system is available for demonstration
> Please explain briefly your expertise
The process is my patented concept. We have a small company and we are carried out
experiments of the process . We are using some goverment financial supports for R&D
facilities. I am a mechanical engineer and have a number of inventions in several areas. Our
website is We have also a partner
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Automotive companies, technical institutes and universities
Contact information
Full name
Mehmet Terziakin
Email address ,
Organisation name
Metalform Muh. Ltd. Sti.
ITU Kosgeb B/1 Maslak
+90 262 678 89 00 , +90 212 542 96 60
+90 212 542 96 60
Zip 34147
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
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PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Lightweight & high-strength structural parts and components.
> Describe your project idea
The overall objective of this proposal is to reduce weight of vehicle structures by
developing new and functionally graded material-systems and components with improved
mechanical performance. Considering the big challenges in the area of environment
protection that we will face in the next few years, the pressure on nearly all industries to use
existing resources with optimal efficiency increased enormously. In this context, an essential
and fundamental approach for emission reduction is a significant reduction of average fleet
weight by lightweight constructions because this directly results in lower driving resistance
(air resistance) and, therefore, in a lower fuel consumption per vehicle km. The reduction of
emissions is one of the most important issues for the European Union because the baseline
trend is that the transport emissions will increase by 41% from 1990 to 2010 according to the
green paper of the European Commission (“Towards a European strategy for the security of
energy supply”, COM(2000) 769, November 2000).
This project idea is the development of high-performance lightweight structural parts and
components from high strength aluminium alloys (from 6000 or 7000 series), which can be
locally reinforced by Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) and/or locally polymer foam filled. A
significant improvement of mechanical performance and crashworthiness of those parts and
reduced weight, at the same time, shall be realized by gradual variations of the mechanical
properties, according to existing local requirements (like complex of loads, energy absorption,
etc.) of certain structural components. To create new solutions and production methods for
such highly-demanding products, the planned research and development work shall be
performed in three phases:
1. Design phase: identification and definition of material and component requirements.
Here, special regard has to be paid to the mechanical properties in different local regions of
the part/component.
2. Manufacturing Phase: the development of material-systems as well as adapted
production processes (extrusion, preforming and calibrating processes) are focused during the
manufacturing phase. The final step of the described process chain is the forming operation
using a process combination of warm/cold hydroforming and electromagnetic forming. A
schematic description is shown in figure 1.
3. Validation & Testing Phase: the produced parts shall be investigated and tested
regarding the defined functional requirements. Mechanical tests shall be carried out, starting
with separated single functions, including corrosive degradation or residual stresses, over
complexes of loads up to the evaluation of overall crash performance.
Figure 1 Possible process chain for manufacturing of functionally graded light weight
This project proposal reaches beyond the state-of-the-art by for example using by adding
reinforcing materials as e.g. fibres or particles to the aluminium base material. This can be
achieved by using modified porthole dies in the extrusion process. To further modifying
material properties in longitudinal and cross sectional direction then “tailored” billets,
consisting of different materials, arranged e.g. in subsequent or coaxial layers, might be used.
Instead for making straight extrusions with further forming steps (e.g. profile bending,
cutting, etc.) the curved profile extrusion process will be explored to make two or three
dimensionally curved profiles. The Hydroforming process will be using both water as well as
gas as pressure medium. The advantage with gas is that is possible to heat up the tubular parts
in different regions to achieve local increase in formability during to blow forming process.
Another unique forming process is based on electromagnetic pulse. The electromagnetic pulse
forming process (EMF) is a non-contact forming technology, applicable to materials of high
electrical conductivity, like aluminium alloys, and acting within the range of microseconds.
The EMF process can be used either as a stand-alone unit or combined with other forming
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
One of our expertise areas is to analyze and implement electromagnetic pulse processes in
manufacturing systems for different type of applications. For pilot production initiative to
develop and analyse the process we have the state of the art electromagnetic pulse system in
our lab. In this field we also collaborate with the best supplier of electromagnetic pulse
system in the world; namely Pulsar from Israel.
In this project proposal we collaborate with several Universities and R&D Institutes
around Europe as well as with one of the largest al extrusions companies in the world.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer to the automotive
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C and O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Magnetic Pulse Forming of Automotive Parts from Aluminium sheets.
> Describe your project idea
As the trend to reduce car fuel consumption is increasing, new lightweight materials should be
used for the fabrication of automobiles. One of the materials that is continuously replacing
steel in the car body is Aluminium. One of the problems that needs to be solved when
forming automotive parts of Aluminium is it’s lower formability compared to steel. Based on
the elongation to failure properties, the formability of Aluminium is <½ that of steel.
In order to form automotive parts of sheet Aluminium, new forming processes need to be
developed. The magnetic pulse forming (MPF) process is a fast forming process, which
provides vast benefits over conventional forming processes. Due to the speed of the process,
which accelerates the formed piece to speeds of 200-600m/s, considerable improvement in
formability can be achieved. This phenomenon is referred to in the literature as “superelasticity”
The MPF process utilizes high electrical currents which are created by discharging a large
amount of electrical energy, stored in stored in capacitors, in a fraction of a second. These
currents create strong magnetic fields which accelerate the sheet metal onto a single sided die,
in order to form the desired part.
MPF works on all conductive materials such as Aluminium, steel and stainless steel. In
addition to increasing the metal formability other benefits of the process include the ability to
work with a single sided die, reduction in the number of process steps, elimination of surface
damage as this is a non-contact process, elimination of lubricant use and the allied post
forming cleaning process.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Design and manufacture of energy storage units used in electromagnetic pulse forming
processes. The expertise includes design of high voltage/ high current systems, design of low
inductance systems, insulation for high voltage.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
1. Expert in the design of coils for electro magnetic forming
2. Expert in traditional forming processes
3. Simulation capability of a sheet metal forming process.
4. Automotive end user to specify the demands and requirements for formed sheet metal
Contact information
Full name
Hovav Gilan
Email address
Organisation name
Pulsar ltd.
4 Faran st.
+ 972 544 2191 533
+972 8 942 7746
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 81103
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
C, R
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Titanium and Magnesium forming for structural parts.
> Describe your project idea
Industrialisation of light alloys parts for structural purposes in automotive, aerospace and railway
Choice of alloys, process conditions and steps and design rules will come into consideration.
The tasks to be performed include:
• Selection of representative parts, and their mechanical and working requirements.
• Choice of suitable alloys.
• Development of forging processes.
• Simulation of forging maps and validation of parameters.
• Design rules for the light alloys parts to fulfill the required mechanical properties.
• Manufacturing of samples.
• Definition of heat pre and post treatment.
• Definition of specifications of surface treatments.
• Functional test of the manufactured part.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
The current partners in the project (SME and Technical center) have expertise in the forming of nonferrous alloys. Simulation of forging processes has also been validated.
Metalographic characterisation and mechanical testing of the final parts can also be dealt with.
Both have been operating in markets such as automotive, metal goods, railway products, etc.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Industries working in the automotive, aerospace, railway supply chains manufacturing light alloys
Technical centers with expertise in the formability of Titanium and Magnesium alloys.
Contact information
Full name
Manuel Sánchez de la Asuncion
Email address
Organisation name
Avda. Leonardo da Vinci, 38
+ 34 96 131 8559
+34 96 131 8168
Zip 46980
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
C, A, B, D
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
Project ideas
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Competitive Finishing Machining
> Describe your project idea
Fine milling, Grinding, Honing, Lapping, Polishing, Hardening, Coating, ….. the final
machining stages of a process chain create much the function of the final product and has a
heavy influence of the competitiveness (price). The companies who can quantify the resulting
surface integrity (topography, chemistry, stress state, metallography) has a strategic tool to
both understand function and to control the machining process. The project will explore
possibilities to combine surface integrity measures from various sources to form new
“detailed fingerprints” of novel recently standardised 3D topography, residual stress, surface
chemistry, material phases. The project will develop the general methodology based on the
partners automotive applications.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
The Functional Surfaces Research Group at Halmstad University has a long history working
both on European projects and numreous national projects in the field of Automotive Surface
Engineering. Cylinder liner- Gear-, Camshaft-&Roller-, Sheet steel-, Toolsurfaces are
examples of applicaions the group has covered. The main expertice is in topography
characterisation. The Group in Halmstad has a strong co-operation with The Metal Cutting
Research Centre at Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg where metal cutting,
simulation and material science are strong topics.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The proposal is interested to meet partners with own applications where finishing is
important, finishing process owners or developer, or parners with experience in topography-,
surface chemistry-, surface stress state-, metallography analysis.
Contact information
Full name
B.-G. Rosén
Email address
Organisation name
Halmstad University, Chalmers University
Box 823
+46 730335272
Zip SE-301 18
Project ideas
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C, O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Development of a scratch resistant coating using a molecular self assembly nano-technology
for plastic products.
> Describe your project idea
The project aims to develop a novel high performance scratch resistant coating technology
for plastic pieces at a low cost using an environmental friendly and tailor-made process.
These new coated could be applied over the low scratch resistance polymers such as
polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC) and ABS. These coated plastics can substitute
weighty materials, as metallic or glassy components, and high cost engineering plastic
materials. The new coating technology to develop is based on self assembly nanotechnology.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Expertise in Plastics, including:
1) Technical Services
- Analysis and testing of plastic materials
- Transformation of plastic materials
- Technical advice and assistance
- Design and development of products
- Calibration of measuring and testing equipment
- Metrology of parts and components
- Environment and recycling
2) Development and improvement of polymer materials
- Composites (nano-materials, natural fillers/fibres, active and intelligent materials, etc)
- Biodegradable materials
- Improvement of the properties of traditional materials
3) Improvement of the transformation processes
- (Blown and flat) film and sheet extrusion (mono and multi-layered)
- Closed mould transformation techniques at low pressure (infusion and RTM)
- Co-injection
- Thermoforming and compression techniques at high pressure and temperature
4) Recycling
- Recycling of waste for new applications
Increasing the valorisation of the product and ecodesign.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Injections or extrusions of parts made with scratch resistant materials.
- Application sector: automotive, electronics, construction (flooring, work surfaces)
Contact information
Full name
Cristina Del Campo
Email address
REDITA – Red Tecnológica de Automoción de la Comunidad
Colón 66
0034 961 961 262
0034 961 961 260
Organisation name
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 46004
Kind of partner expected
A, C
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
Measurement and modeling of surface appearance in automotive industry
> Describe your project idea
The objective is twofold –
1) To develop better measurement tools for assessment of visually attractive surfaces
and surface coatings
2) To develop a dedicated visual appearance model based on measurable physical
properties of these surfaces with the goal of simulating the optical response
imaged into the human eye.
The task will be performed within a suggested time frame of 4 years and will be based on
dedicated measurements by scatterometry and the newly presented GRACE light
scattering model based on true material properties.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
27 years of research on surface characterization, surface structure, light scattering, and
optical interaction at surfaces. Development of non-contact measurement tools for rapid
surface structure inspection in the micron to sub-nanometre range. Responsible for the
development of the GRACE Monte-Carlo model simulating optical scattering in paper
structures. Author of the book Introduction to Surface Roughness and Scattering, and
more than 120 scientific articles.
Based on 16 years of industrial related research on surface metrology in many different
areas the we have found the metrology and modelling of Surface Appearance to be poorly
developed, despite the fact that the value added by surface finishing in overall products
ranging from e.g. paper, fabric, sheet metal to luxurious consumer products and
gemstones is counted in billions of dollars/year just in the United States.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Automotive industry, paint and surface finish manufacturers, visual perception specialists
from cognitive sciences, materials scientists for analysing internal structure of coatings,
computer optimization developers.
Contact information
Full name:
Lars Mattsson
Email address
Organisation name
KTH – The Royal Institute of Metrology
Industrial Metrology & Optics, Production Engineering
Zip 100 44
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
I, C, R
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Recycling of metallised plastics.
> Describe your project idea
Search for alternative solutions that avoid the non recycling of a plastic part after metal
Process for separating the metal coat and the base polymer, making it possible to
recycle the polymer.
Laser cladding of metallic powder avoiding the use of Palladium (Pd) (the most
pollutant component of the current coating), currently used as base of the metallic
Development of recycled polymers that can be used as base for metallic coating,
making it less important not to recycle the polymer after the coating.
Development of plastic materials with “metal looking finishing” that look like
metal directly after injection, avoiding the phase of metal coating.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Expertise in Plastics:
1) Improvement of the transformation processes:
- (Blown and flat) film and sheet extrusion (mono and multi-layered).
- Closed mould transformation techniques at low pressure (infusion and RTM).
- Co-injection.
- Thermoforming and compression techniques at high pressure and temperature.
2) Recycling:
- Recycling of waste for new applications.
- Increasing the valorisation of the product and ecodesign.
Expertise in Metal-mechanical technologies:
1) Electrochemical surface treatment of both metallic and polimeric substrates.
2) Corrosion, adhesion and ageing tests of coatings (metallic and paintings).
Expertise in Laser and Optical Technologies::
Broad experience on laser materials processing. In this project we could look into different
laser processes:
- Laser material removal or cleaning by melting and ablating the coatings.
- Laser cladding by melting a powder.
- Laser induced electroplating.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Enterprises interested in using the developed techniques.
Contact information
Full name
Cristina Del Campo
Email address
REDITA – Red Tecnológica de Automoción de la Comunidad
Colón 66
0034 961 961 262
0034 961 961 260
Organisation name
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 46004
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
feelSURF, Smart visual surfaces –to measure the immeasurable
> Describe your project idea
Visual surfaces wether internal or external, has a major impact on the customers opinion and
“feeling” for the product as a whole. The companies who can predict customers expected
visual- and tactile apprehension of the product based on quantified measures of surface
properties like texture, hardness-, Young modulus, and gloss has the strategic tool to integrate
desirability into the product in early development phases. The project will develop the general
methodology based on the partners’ applications.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
The Functional Surfaces Research Group at Halmstad University has a long history working
both on European projects and numreous national projects in the field of Automotive Surface
Engineering. The main expertice is in topography characterisation. The Group in Halmstad
has a strong co-operation with the Industrial Design Group at Jönköping University and
covers both quantitatively measures as well as qualitative measures of costomer demands and
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The proposal is interested to meet partners with own applications where visual impression is
important, finishing process owners or developer, or partners with experience in gloss-,
topography-, micro-nano hardness and partners interested in human perception of products.
Contact information
Full name
B.-G. Rosén
Email address
Organisation name
Halmstad University, (Jönköping University)
Box 823
+46 730335272
Zip SE-301 18
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C, O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Surface shielding or screening.
> Describe your project idea
Development of materials for surface shielding or screening, in order to avoid electrostatic
Use of nano compounds, conductor polymers, etc.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Expertise in Electrical Technology:
1) Capacities of the Industrial Electrostatics laboratory:
- Advanced electrostatic characterization of materials: charge dissipation, surface or
volume resistance, potential decay or return potential analysis, very low current
measurements, electric field measurements, measurements under very low humidity
(less than 10% at 25ºC).
- Analysis of real dissipative elements in their working conditions: furniture, tools,
plastic cases or pieces. This allows the testing of charge dissipation under real
conditions with surface treatments, grounding points connections, etc.
- Testing according to several standards
- In-situ diagnostic of installations or equipment (charge generation focus, remediation
of electrostatic discharges, resistance measurements, electrostatic charge detection and
measurement, etc.)
- Atmospheric electric field measurement
- Development of R&D projects based on electrostatic charges applications (electrets
materials, piezoelectric materials from polymer foams, etc.).
2) Capacities of Applied Chemistry Laboratory
- Experience in synthesis of nanoparticles. Procedures to obtain titanium nanoparticles
and doped titanium with cobalt nanoparticles.
- Own equipment for nanoparticle characterization: UV, FTIR, and thermogravimetric
- Have the means to the following equipment to finish the nanoparticles
characterization: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction.
Expertise in Plastics:
1) Development and improvement of polymer materials:
- Composites (nano-materials, natural fillers/fibres, active and intelligent materials, etc).
- Biodegradable materials.
- Improvement of the properties of traditional materials.
2) Improvement of the transformation processes:
- (Blown and flat) film and sheet extrusion (mono and multi-layered).
- Closed mould transformation techniques at low pressure (infusion and RTM).
- Co-injection.
- Thermoforming and compression techniques at high pressure and temperature.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Suppliers of parts needing screening, displays, or with any electrostatic discharge issue.
Contact information
Full name
Cristina Del Campo
Email address
REDITA – Red Tecnológica de Automoción de la Comunidad
Colón 66
0034 961 961 262
0034 961 961 260
Organisation name
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 46004
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
3D Surface Inspection
> Describe your project idea
We are interested in building automated surface inspection systems for inspectiong surface
quality of 3D automotive parts.
We are interested in building automated surface inspection systems for on-line inspection of
2D sheet metal and 3D formed metal parts in automotive industry. We seek to find a costeffective and reliable way to perform all the inspection tasks with minimum operator
intervention, with combination of laser and 3D vision techniques.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
We are a system integrator whose expertise is in building machine vision based automation
systems. We are a spin-off from Sabanci University, VPALAB, which has been selected by
European Union as a “potential center of expertise”. Our founders have over 25 years of
experience in machine vision, especially in surface texture modelling.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Mechanical/robotics integration, surface inspection technologies
Contact information
Full name
Aytul Ercil
Email address
Organisation name
Vistek Machine Vision and Automation A.S
GOSB Teknopark, High Tech Building, 2nd floor, A2, Gebze
+90 532 362 1922
+90 262 678 89 06
Zip 41480
Workshop Priority
Kind of partner expected
(Please select one or more from the list below)
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
Project ideas
Laser processing
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Functional gradual materials for automotive parts with thermal barrier functions.
> Describe your project idea
Laser cladding application for improvement of parts and functionality of “functional gradual
Investigation around the use of new substrate materials, such as plastic materials.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Expertise in Laser and Optical Technologies:
Experience in the development of laser cladding applications with very diverse materials. We
are able to process metals, ceramics, clagg and combinations of them. The idea should be to
look into different combinations of materials, composition, geometry, size, est, in orther to
find new applications for this techniques.
Expertise in Plastics:
1) Development and improvement of polymer materials
- Composites (nano-materials, natural fillers/fibres, active and intelligent materials, etc)
- Biodegradable materials
- Improvement of the properties of traditional materials
2) Improvement of the transformation processes
- (Blown and flat) film and sheet extrusion (mono and multi-layered)
- Closed mould transformation techniques at low pressure (infusion and RTM)
- Co-injection
- Thermoforming and compression techniques at high pressure and temperature
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Enterprises developing special components for transport applications.
Contact information
Full name
Cristina Del Campo
Email address
REDITA – Red Tecnológica de Automoción de la Comunidad
Colón 66
0034 961 961 262
0034 961 961 260
Organisation name
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 46004
Kind of partner expected
A, B
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Geometric variation prediction in automotive assembling
> Describe your project idea
Automotive parts and BIW structures experience often several assembly stations before
the structure is completed. Each assembly station creates residual stresses that cause
geometrical deviation of both parts and structures. These stresses arise either from the
clamping or the joining process. The deviation from each assembly station could lead to that
the tolerance of the final structure is outside the acceptable level.
If it’s possible to plan the welding assembly design and fabrication process to minimize or
control distortion through numerical simulation it can significantly reduce fabrication costs
and improve the quality dramatically.
For distortion control, fabrication design via modelling can:
• Eliminate the need for expensive distortion corrections
• Reduce machining requirements
• Minimize capital equipment cost
• Improve quality
• Permit pre-machining concepts to be used
Controlling stresses can significantly enhance the structure’s service life. Stress control
via modelling can:
• Reduce weight
• Maximize fatigue performance
• Lead to quality enhancements
• Minimize costly service problems
Welding assembly design and fabrication simulation for large-scale assemblies, using a
temperature field on the global structure, is not fast enough to answer the questions of
engineers and designers in a timely manner. The time-consuming part of such a welding
fabrication simulation is the mechanical simulation. To overcome this limitation, and to avoid
the necessity that designers need to deal with nonlinear Finite Element simulations on the full
structure, the local-global approach has been developed.
First, inner residual forces due to the heat effects of welding are computed remote from
the global structure, on a local model. The local model is calculated by transient welding
simulations of the heat effects of welding, based on the method of Finite Elements. Then, the
residual inner forces are extracted and transferred to the global model, and the distortion of
the global structure is computed. A schematic description of the Local-Global approach is
shown in figure 1 and an optimised spot-weld sequence to minimise distortion is shown in
figure 2.
This means that the local-global approach is based on physical observations
• Local phenomenon
o High temperature and material non-linearity appear in very small areas
around the welding joint
o Plastic strains are concentrated around this small zone
• Global phenomenon
o Global distortion of the assembly is due to local plastic strains induced by
the welds
The behavior of the global structure can be considered to be elastic.
The simulation of the welding joints (residual plastic strains and stresses) can therefore be
separated from the global computation (distortion)
The advantage of this method against others is the fact that no physics is suppressed and
the residual forces are computed using a sufficient mesh density, which is not possible for
large scale structures. Consequently, precise results can be achieved.
Local model: Solid mesh
Local model extraction
Weld 13
Local simulation of the welding process
accounting for all physical phenomena
Global model:Shell-solid mesh
Projection of inner forces
for distortion evaluation
Residual Inner Forces
Global Distortion
Elastic computation of the global model after
projection of inner forces in a sequential order
Figure 1 Description how the Local-Global approach can predict geometrical deviation
of a structure
Figure 2 The Local-Global approach to optimise spot-welding sequence to minimise
This project idea is through experimental tests and numerical calculations find and
optimise the welding sequences, clamping force and position at each assembly stations to
minimise the geometric deviations of the final BIW structure.
The experimental test will be done on all type of welding processes that are used (spotwelding, Mig/Tig, Laser, Laser brazing, Hybrid (laser/Tig/Mig), etcetera) to obtain the
needed data to calibrate the local weld model. This can be done on several ways but two
common methods is:
• through micrographical studies
• residual stress and strain measurement simultaneously during the welding process
The second method is a unique method that has been developed during the last years.
When all physical data is collected then the numerical simulation software SYSWELD will be
used to simulate the local model for the specific welding process. The results from the
SYSWELD simulations will subsequently be used as input data to PAM-ASSEMBLY.
The main purpose PAM-ASSEMBLY is to compute the displacements after each step of
an assembly sequence and unclamping. With PAM-ASSEMBLY it is possible to optimize,
compare and finally select the best possible welding sequence and choice of clamping tools.
The following fabrication conditions can be included in coupled simulations between
• Pre-heating
• Tandem Welding
• Welding with Multiple Sources
• Hybrid-Welding
Multi-Pass Welding
Contiguous joints fabricated in sections
Post heat treatment of joints
Tack welds
Simulation of contact between components
Elastic distortion compensation when clamping
Unclamping and re-clamping
One-directional stops
External loads (gap closing, compensation distortion)
Self weight
The industrial benefit with this project will be:
• Minimize production cost
• Minimize structural weight
• Minimize distortions (distortion engineering)
• Minimize product risk in the earliest stage of the product development cycle
• Master assembly problems
• Ascertain the level & distribution of stresses
• Control and minimize hardness and grain size in the FZ and HAZ
• Avoid cold cracks
• Improve the product design
• Identify better processes or materials
• Meet procedure approvals
• Meet product acceptance standards
• Implement new production methodologies
• Subsequent optimization of the product design and the manufacturing processes
• Improved understanding of the effects that lead to distortions and stresses
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
One of our expertise areas is to analyze joining processes through numerical calculations.
For experimental data we have the state of the art metallurgical and measuring system for
welding processes in our lab.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer to the automotive
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Lazer decoating of break tubes for automotive industry
> Describe your project idea
In the process of manufacturing break tubes for automotive industry , decoating of pipe ends
before installing fixtures, is a safety critical task because possible leakage of break fuel is
catastrophic. Laser technology ,compared to traditional methods like use of abrasives,
hazardous solvents etc., is precise, damage free for substrate, and safe to environment .Our
research in 2007 resulted in a prototype laser tube decoating machine which is now being
tested inhouse for pvf decoating. We plan to improve the technology to allow for decoating
of stubborn materials like polyamid etc., to be faster for mass production of break tubes, and
for reduced cost to allow for wider use.
> Please explain briefly your expertise IE from Syracuse Univ.,N.Y.,U.S.A. (1978) , BSc in EE from Ist.Tech.Univ.(1974) .
MSc Thesis (1978) titled “microprocessor controlled lathe” is one of the pioneering works
done in USA in low cost computer control of machine tools. Since then developed
mechatronic systems for industries ranging from textile to metal processing including leather ,
plastics, electronics and automotive. Since 2005 ,developing laser processing machines for
various industries.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
. Partners are sought from (but not limited to) Balkan countries, Russian Federation and
Israel as client/user to test the technology. Partnership with a local University is also planned.
Contact information
Full name
Orhan Tosun
Email address
Organisation name
BANTBORU Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
GOSB 700.Sok. No.712 , GEBZE
(+90 262) 677 47 13 (Direct), (+90 262) 677 47 00 PBX
(+90 262) 751 46 37
Zip 41480
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Laser Welding of Small Diameter Steel Tubes
> Describe your project idea
Laser beam welding is being successfully used to join metals and alloys like steel, titanium
and nickel.. BANTBORU has invested in machine and technology to produce precission
small diameter steel tubes (max.10mm.diam) using induction welding and planning to
investigate the possible use of laser welding. Besides the other benefits, fusion bonding
achieved by laser welding is expected to provide excellent resistance to mechanical and
thermal shock.
> Please explain briefly your expertise IE from Syracuse Univ.,N.Y.,U.S.A. (1978) , BSc in EE from Ist.Tech.Univ.(1974) .
MSc Thesis (1978) titled “microprocessor controlled lathe” is one of the pioneering works
done in USA in low cost computer control of machine tools. Since then developed
mechatronic systems for industries including leather , plastics, electronics and automotive,
ranging from textile to metal processing. In 2007 led the team to develope a “Laser tube
decoating machine”for Bantboru which is a major supplier for automotive industry (Patent
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
BANTBORU will be the user of the technology to be developed but can participate in the
development process as well using its R&D background in the field and expertice in laser
processing machines. Partners are sought from major European brake tube suppliers and laser
welding equipment manufacturers. Partnership with a local University is also planned.
Contact information
Full name
Orhan Tosun
Email address
Organisation name
BANTBORU Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
GOSB 700.Sok. No.712 , GEBZE
(+90 262) 677 47 13 (Direct), (+90 262) 677 47 00 PBX
(+90 262) 751 46 37
Zip 41480
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Painted body repair, correction of micro-embedded particles.
> Describe your project idea
Use of laser technology for repairing the painted body, by making micro-cissings
The system would be guided by use of machine vision
Sealing system to be developed: plastic or metallic dust application
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Expertise in Laser and Optical Technologies:
Experience in laser micro-processing and cleaning of different materials: printing rolls,
painted metal plates, etc. We also have experience in the development of special laser systems
fitting nonstandard requirements, as could be in this case.
Expertise in Metal-mechanical technologies:
1) Defectology of painted metals.
2) Paint application processes.
Expertise in Plastics:
1) Development and improvement of polymer materials:
- Composites (nano-materials, natural fillers/fibres, active and intelligent materials, etc).
- Biodegradable materials.
- Improvement of the properties of traditional materials.
2) Improvement of the transformation processes:
- (Blown and flat) film and sheet extrusion (mono and multi-layered).
- Closed mould transformation techniques at low pressure (infusion and RTM).
- Co-injection.
- Thermoforming and compression techniques at high pressure and temperature.
3) Recycling:
- Recycling of waste for new applications.
- Increasing the valorisation of the product and ecodesign.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Car manufacturers.
Contact information
Full name
Cristina Del Campo
Email address
REDITA – Red Tecnológica de Automoción de la Comunidad
Colón 66
0034 961 961 262
0034 961 961 260
Organisation name
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 46004
Kind of partner expected
A, B
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Reduced Friction in Power Train Through Laser Surface Texturing (LST)
> Describe your project idea
Laser surface texturing is a method to produce micron-sized dimples on a surface for
improving the tribological performance of friction units lubricated with oil. A pulsating laser
beam is used to create a large number of micro dimples by a material ablation process.
Ca 100 μm
Depth ca 10
Figure 1. Schematic of LST process and surface after production of micro dimples
These dimples generate a hydrodynamic pressure between oil-lubricated parallel sliding
surfaces. The micro dimples act as a micro-hydrodynamic bearing with reduced friction as a
result. Result from investigations has shown up to 4% reduced fuel consumption with use of
laser textured piston rings. It is also reported that the friction decrease with use of laser
textured bearings.
Figure 2. Diagram over fuel consumption from experiments
carried through at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
(Haifa Israel) with series 1, untextured piston rings and series
2, 3 textured piston rings in a cumbsution engine.
The project idea is to further develop the innovative laser technology for reduced friction
losses in a combustion engine by LST.
Examples of application of LST in a power train for reduced friction.
Piston rings, liner
Bearings in gearboxes rear axes etc
Crank shaft bearings etc
Other surfaces of interest
Of all practical micro surface patterning methods it seems that LST offers the most promising
concept. This is because the laser is extremely fast, clean to the environment and provides
excellent control of the shape and size of the micro-dimples, which allows realization of
optimum designs.
The project will identify and outline parts in the power train where LST can be applied for
reduced friction and wear. Scientific and experimental work will be carried through for
optimization of the geometry of the LST treated surface for reduced friction and emission of
gasses to the environment.
Project outline
1. Literature studies to establish the state of the art
2. Numerical analysis for design of optimized dimple geometry
3. Process documentation through laboratory experiments
Development of laser process parameters
Laser density
Pulse frequency
Process gases
Material properties on processed surfaces.
Tribological properties as a function
Dimple geometry (width, depth, density)
4. Case studies on applications in power train (bench mark tests in test bench; engine,
gearbox etc)
Piston rings, liner
Bearing surfaces in gearboxes rear axes etc.
Crank shaft bearings
Other surfaces of interest
Practical and economical aspects of the implementation of LST
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field of
manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
One of our expertise areas is in the area of development of the laser material processing
technology for several applications. We have a strong relationship with the Division of
Manufacturing Systems at Luleå university of technology where we mostly carry through our
laser experimental work by Dr. Hans Gedda. The University has several laser types suitable
for LST processing. Dr. Gedda is our specialist in that area and has long experience of laser
surface treatment.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Preferable partner to collaborate in this project is the from the automotive power train
component manufacturer. But even other interested of improved tribological performance of
friction units lubricated with oil
Contact information
Full name
Hans Gedda
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+ 46 920 759 14
+46 920 759 55
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C and
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
Project ideas
Products, equipment,
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Adaptive Rear Combination Lamp with L.E.D. and with ambient light and soiling sensor for
> Describe your project idea
The aim of this project is to design and manufacture a rear combination lamp for vehicle by
using L.E.Ds as light sources instead of traditional bulbs. Adaptive function of this new
generation rear combination lamp is provided by using ambient light sensor to sense the
ambient light at daytime or night and adjust the luminance intensity according to ambient
light automatically and by using soiling sensor to sense the degree of the dirtiness on the lens
surface and adjust the luminance intensity according to this dirtiness degree.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Shortly, Farplas is an international leading company in the global automotive supply industry,
providing interior ceiling systems, interior / exterior lighting equipments, trimming parts and
accessories for major OEM companies within Turkey and around the globe.
Farplas has a lot of exterior lighting devices’ projects including both bulbs and L.E.D.s for all
over the world. Farplas has designed and manufactured lighting devices including bulbs for
more than 30 years, for example; stop lamps, front director indicators, sidemarkers with bulbs
for Evobus, Mercedes Benz Turk, BMC, Fiat-Otoyol, Otokar, TEMSA, ISUZU etc. Farplas
has started to design and manufacture Side Marker Lamps with L.E.Ds for Mercedes Benz
Turk, BMC, Fiat-Otoyol, etc. since 2003. At the end of 2006, Farplas decided to design and
manufacture single lamps project with L.E.Ds including stop, tail, fog, reversing and signal
functions. This project has been managed by Farplas, TUBITAK and Gebze Institute of
Technology (GYTE), concurrently. Now, this project is finished successfully. During this
project, Farplas was responsible for plastics conceptual design and mechanical design,
electronic design and optical design. Farplas has had a lot experiences about through-hole
piranha type L.E.Ds for automotive exterior lighting.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Farplas has a lot of experiences in L.E.Ds, optical parameters, electronic design requirements
and especially plastics design during this project. But this new project will include adaptive
functions related to sensor technology and new version electronic design. The previous
project’s light source was through-hole piranha type L.E.Ds. But in this new project, SMD
type L.E.Ds will be used as light source. Because of these reasons, Farplas is looking for
partners which have experiences in;
• Sensor technology especially ambient light and soiling sensors
• SMD type L.E.Ds for automotive exterior rear lightings
• Electronic design especially automotive new generation lighting
• Optical design in automotive lighting especially fresnel lenses.
Contact information
Full name
Email address
Organisation name
GOSB Teknopark Kemal Nehrozoğlu Caddesi üretim Binası 1. Blok
Zip 41480
0090 262 678 89 24
0090 262 678 89 30
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Advanced Production of Automotive Components
> Describe your project idea
To use the advanced technologies to manufacture car components owning improved
performances on:
- Tribological characteristics.
- LCA – Life Cycle Analysis.
- Fatigue and wear.
The technologies to be used are:
- Moulds and tools texturing, using laser or similar, for metal sheet forming.
- Laser welding and surfacing.
- Rapid manufacturing of metallic components.
- Fibre reinforced plastic, replacing metal safety parts.
The manufactured components will be fitted on
- Braking systems.
- Steering systems.
- Shock absorber systems.
- Tools for plastic injection or metal sheet forming.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
SAT TECNOLOGY is involved in EUREKA projects from more than 20 years. The main
manufacturing companies from North Spain are the project partners of the more than 25
EUREKA projects successfully completed, where SAT is supplying services about project
setting up and management, besides technical support on laser and optical technologies.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Industries, preferably SME’s, able to participate as partner co-developing technologies or
materials, or tools, or other applications.
Technological suppliers (Universities…) able to bring to the project also end-users for the
products/processes developed.
Contact information
Full name
Pedro SANZ
Email address
Organisation name
C/ Iturrama, 15
+34 948 07 66 97
+34 948 07 67 62
Zip 31007
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Central-controlled New Style Intelligent Service Set
> Describe your project idea
The aim of this project is to design and manufacture a service set with dimmable L.E.D.
reading light by passenger, controlling with serial communication, unique addressing for each
service set, and self error analyse. In this new project; dimmable reading light brings to be
adjusted the luminance intensity by passenger and this function is provided by using PWM
driving technique. Controlling with serial communication brings to be managed all service
sets in vehicle by using a central control unit in dashboard. Unique addressing brings to be
controlled each service set and each function of that service set individually. Self error
analyse brings to be detected function errors such as L.E.D. and button faults, in each service
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Shortly, Farplas is an international leading company in the global automotive supply industry,
providing interior ceiling systems, interior / exterior lighting equipments, trimming parts and
accessories for major OEM companies within Turkey and around the globe.
Farplas has designed and manufactured service set projects including speaker, ambient light
and reading light with bulb or L.E.D., air nozzles for more than 30 years for MBT(Mercedes
Benz Turk), BMC, OTOYOL, OTOKAR, TEMSA, ISUZU, MAN. Farplas has a lot of
experiences in service sets . For example, MBR1 Service set project for MBT includes touch
button function. This method has been applied in service sets by FARPLAS.
Farplas collaborated with any company from France about making an intelligent service set
for aircraft. This project would have been applied for a aircraft interior part fair in Germany.
This project has included following items :
Individual reading light:
With a short pushing on the ON/OFF button, the passenger can light or extinguish all the LED
of its reading lamp. With a prolonged push, he can increase the luminosity off the LEDS.In
some case, the hostess can command all the individual reading light via the Video Cabin
Command Unit (VCCU). She can light or extinguish all the lights at the same time.
Ambient light:
The ambient light is controlled by the hostess via the VCCU. She can choose the colour (three
colours available). All the ambient lights are powered on the same time. The ambient lights
are constituted of led positioned behind a translucent ring that is around the individual light
Individual ventilation:
The air flow is controlled mechanically by the passenger (orientation of the ventilation, air
flow rate modulation, stop of the ventilation). There are 2 ventilation systems,
The loudspeaker permits to transmit the sound in the cabin. There is one loudspeaker by PSU.
The volume of the sound is command by the hostess via the VCCU.
Signal of call:
When the passenger want to call the hostess he can push on a button present on the PSU. An
aural signal is sent to the hostess, she can see on the VCCU which passenger ask her (each
KSU card has a specific number). At the same time, a light is powered to permit to the hostess
to situate the passenger in need. The light is powered off by pushing on the same button.
Recall of instruction:
The pilot can command the recall instructions directly.
KSU electronic card:
The electronic card will permit to command each KSU systems via the VCCU. Each card will
be numbered in order to be recognise by the VCCU.
The PSU will have to integrate all the functions presented above
New styling for service set
In this project ; Farplas has provided design and prototype of plastic components, design and
prototype of electronical systems , design a new styling for this service set and made a whole
prototype of this product and exhibited in this fair.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Farplas has a lot of experiences in service sets. But these service sets haven’t included these
intelligent applications. But this new project will include new version electronical design
which provides communication between each set and central control unit, automatically. This
project includes dimmable L.E.Ds reading light and ambient light.
Because of these reasons, Farplas is looking for partners which have experiences in;
• Electronical design especially automotive new generation intelligent systems
• Optical design in automotive lighting especially interior lighting
Contact information
Full name
Email address
Organisation name
GOSB Teknopark Kemal Nehrozoğlu Caddesi üretim Binası 1. Blok
Zip 41480
0090 262 678 89 24
0090 262 678 89 30
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Electromagnetic pulse joining of cables to terminals for the automotive sector
> Describe your project idea
Electromagnetic pulse manufacturing processes (EMP) is based on the discharge of a
capacitor battery to create a high pulse current under a very short time period through a coil.
Large currents run through the coil and take the form of a damped sinus wave. This creates a
pulsed magnetic field which induces eddy currents in any conductive materials nearby the
coil. The eddy currents induced in the nearby metallic material will be in opposite direction of
the primary current and this generates a magnetic force, the Lorentz force, which deforms the
material. The whole process is taken less then 100µs and the performance of the process is
strongly related to a correct design of the forming/joining coil.
Electromagnetic pulse crimping/welding of cable-terminals is a growing technology to
manufacture high-voltage cables and terminals. From several customers around the world
following advantages has been recognised with this technology:
1 Low cost process
2 High rate process < 100μs
3 Extremely stable and reliable process
4 A solid state weld is achieved between cable and connector
5 Improved connection and strength between cable and connector then for traditional
welded specimens.
6 Decreased heat in the joint at high current flows i.e. lower static heat due to
decreased resistance.
7 Almost all combinations of dissimilar material can be joined
8 All type of crimping shape is possible i.e. circular, elliptical and rectangular.
9 `Green process` : No heat, radiation, smokes or gases
Some pictures of cross-cuts of cable connections made by electromagnetic pulse processes are
shown in figure 1 and pictures of cables in figure 2. If required a physical demonstrator can be
send to the potential end-user.
Figure 1 Cross-cut of a) al-connector to copper cable at magnitude x12, b) the same in
magnitude x25 and c) a rectangular cable.
Figure 2 show some examples of cable-connectors made by the electromagnetic pulse
This project idea is to develop and analyse the electromagnetic pulse joining of cables to
terminals with these goals:
1 Enable durable low resistance connection between cable to terminals
2 Prevent oxidation in the joint
3 Resistance values will meet USCAR-21 specs
4 Analyze the potential to manufacture up to 300 connections per minute
When the type of material and cable-terminal geometries has been decided a typical pilot
production initiative could look like this:
1. Feasibility analysis the proposed project
a. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides more detailed info based on prior
experience/know how.
2. Feasibility yes, then Pilot Production Initiative will start
b. Mutual NDA will be signed to enable free flow of information
c. Customer provides drawings and samples
d. Svensk Verktygsteknik analyse the drawings and if needed design
modifications to enable EMP process
e. Customer agrees on advised modifications
f. Svensk Verktygsteknik prepares pilot production set up (coil & tool design,
process set-up)
g. Svensk Verktygsteknik and the customer share the responsible for coil
manufacturing in agreement of specifications
h. Svensk Verktygsteknik conducts the experimental electromagnetic pulse tests
in their system
i. Svensk Verktygsteknik conducts required tests (peel, metallurgic, tensile, etc)
j. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides lab reports
k. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides parts to the customer based on specifications
3. Customer conducts all tests needed to verify the technology
If the technology has passed all criterions (quality, production rates, and cost etcetera) then
next step is to prepare for implementation in the manufacturing process. A general description
of this phase could look like this:
1. Customer and the system supplier set up a EMP implementation plan
a. First step is to analyse current production set up
b. Second step is to define EMP production set up
c. Third step is system implementation and training
d. Fourth step is the production guidance
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
One of our expertise areas is to analyze and implement electromagnetic pulse processes in
manufacturing systems for different type of applications. For pilot production initiative to
develop and analyse the process we have the state of the art electromagnetic pulse system in
our lab. In this field we also collaborate with the best supplier of electromagnetic pulse
system in the world; namely Pulsar from Israel.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer to the automotive
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C and O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
European benchmark study of production efficiency at shop-floor level
> Describe your project idea
The Productivity Potential Assessment (PPA) method has been developed in Sweden with the
purpose to discover and analyse the potential for improving existing production at shop-floor
level. To this date almost 50 studies have been completed and the conclusion in short is that
there is a great potential of improving the production in Sweden. This potential is seldom
considered today when decisions are taken to outsource production to low-cost countries.
The project idea is to make similar studies in other (high-cost) European countries using the
same method, and thus being able to benchmark performance at shop-floor level between
companies in different countries. The PPA method is already translated to English (still draft
version) but the method need be validated in other industrial and national circumstances. A
PPA study is completed in just one day by certified experts, usually experienced industrial
engineering consultants. The study is focused on utilization of manual labour in combination
with machine efficiency and an overall analysis of the company’s production system.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Academics, research institutes, or business organisations in different European countries.
Multinational companies that are interested in objective comparison of their factories in
different countries.
Contact information
Full name
Anders Kinnander
Email address
Organisation name
Chalmers Technical University
Zip 412 96
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Lightweight Grippers and Fixtures
> Describe your project idea
FlexProp has unique knowledge and patented technology in the area of lightweight production
equipment as fixtures and grippers as well as manual equipment. By utilising composite materials
FlexProp has demonstrated significant weight savings, excellent robustness and enhanced
performance in such equipment. FlexProp has up until today some demonstrators in use in automotive
industry and is looking for partners to industrialize, evaluate, adapt and introduce the technology in
> Please explain briefly your expertise
My expertise is material science combined with 10 years experience from automotive
industry, in particular lightweight production equipment as grippers, fixtures and C frames for
self piercing riveting and klinching.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
FlexProp would like to get in contact with line builders and end users.
Contact information
Full name
Karl-Otto Strömberg
Email address
Organisation name
FlexProp AB
Kilgränd 4
+46 35 184830
+46 705984831
Zip 30240
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Manufacturing Life-cycle Management (MLM) for full Change Impact Evaluation
> Describe your project idea
Configuration management through the entire life-cycle is a common problem. The impact of
an isolated change to a design or manufacturing process is difficult to evaluate.
This project will demonstrate the possibilities enabled by an integrated information
representation for the entire life-cycle of a product or manufacturing system (requirements to
disposal). Furthermore, the project will also investigate the current limitations and necessary
additions to international product data standards as identified by the business needs of the
project participants.
A cornerstone in the project will be the business needs of the participating industry partners.
Already existing technology will be used to demonstrate current possibilities and the
identified limitations will be used as a base for new research and development.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Information modeling of requirements, product, manufacturing system and process data.
International standards for product information.
Systems engineering.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Organisations with assembly of several product families.
Expertise in computer interpretable knowledge representation.
Organisations interested in extending their information support through the life-cycle of the
product and manufacturing system.
Organisations experiencing difficulty in their life-cycle management.
Contact information
Full name
Victoria Rogstrand
Email address
Organisation name
Brinellvägen 66
+46 (0)8 790 90 78
+46 (0)8 21 08 51
Zip 10044
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
New generation interior lighting with LED instead of conventional incandescent bulb and
Fluorescent for vehicle.
> Describe your project idea
The aim of this project is to design and manufacture partial or continuous interior lighting by
using L.E.Ds as light sources instead of fluorescent for vehicle. As known, fluorescent lamps
is widely used in interior lighting in vehicle. However there are lots of disadvantages such as;
• Health issues, If a fluorescent lamp is broken, mercury can contaminate the
surrounding environment and poison its inhabitants.
• Using ballast, Fluorescent lamps require a ballast to stabilize the lamp and to
provide the initial striking voltage required to start the arc discharge. This increases
the cost of fluorescent.
• Lifetime, Fluorescent lights have a strictly limited life, just like incandescent bulbs.
The extra cost of buying such lamps is not usually justified by their low life in
practical usage, especially when compared with very low cost incandescent bulbs.
• Power factor, Fluorescent lamp ballasts have a power factor of less than unity. For
large installations, this makes the provision of electrical power more expensive as
special measures need to be taken to bring the power factor closer to unity.
• Power harmonics, Fluorescent lamps are a non-linear load and generate harmonics
on the 50 Hz or 60 Hz sinusoidal waveform of the electrical power supply. This
can generate radio frequency noise in some cases. Suppression of harmonic
generation is standard practice, but imperfect. Very good suppression is possible,
but adds to the cost of the fluorescent fixtures.
• Optimum operating temperature, Fluorescent lamps operate best around room
temperature (say, 20 °C or 68 °F). At much lower or higher temperatures,
efficiency decreases and at low temperatures (below freezing) standard lamps may
not start.
• Non-compact light source,
• Flicker problems,
• Color rendition
• Dimming, Unless specifically designed and approved to accommodate dimming,
most fluorescent light fixtures cannot be connected to a standard dimmer switch
used for incandescent lamps.
• Disposal and recycling, The disposal of phosphor and particularly the mercury in
the tubes is an environmental issue. Mercury poses the greatest hazard to pregnant
women, infants, and children. A broken fluorescent tube is more hazardous than a
broken conventional incandescent bulb due to the mercury content. Because of this,
the safe cleanup of broken fluorescent bulbs differs from cleanup of conventional
broken glass or incandescent bulbs.
It will be provided both getting uptrend in using L.E.D in vehicle lighting and avoiding
these disadvantages of fluorescent lamps and making a flexible design as partial and
continuous and reducing the prices by optimizing L.E.Ds amount.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Farplas is an international leading company in the global automotive supply industry,
providing interior ceiling systems, interior / exterior lighting equipments, trimming parts and
accessories for major OEM companies within Turkey and around the globe.
Farplas has a lot of interior lighting devices’ projects including both bulbs and L.E.D.s for all
over the world. Farplas has designed and manufactured lighting devices including bulbs and
fluorescent for more than 30 years, for example; reading lamps with bulbs, interior ceiling
lights with fluorescent for EVOBUS, MBT (Mercedes Benz Türk), BMC, OTOYOL,
OTOKAR, TEMSA, ISUZU etc… Farplas has started to design and manufacture interior
lights with L.E.Ds in ambient light BMC, OTOYOL, etc…
At the end of 2006, Farplas decided to design and manufacture single lamps project with
L.E.Ds including stop, tail, fog, reversing and signal functions. This project has been managed
by Farplas, TUBITAK and GYTE, concurrently. Now, this project is finished succesfully.
During this project, Farplas was responsible for plastics conceptual design and mechanical
design, electronical design and optical design. Farplas has had a lot experiences about through
hole piranha type L.E.Ds for automotive exterior lighting.
Now, Farplas wants to design and manufacture interior ceiling light with L.E.D by using these
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Farplas has a lot of experiences in L.E.Ds, optical parameters, electronical design
requirements and especially plastics design during this project. But this new project will
include new version electronical design. The previous exterior light project’s light source was
through hole piranha type L.E.Ds. But in this new project, SMD type L.E.Ds will be used as
light source. Because of these reasons, Farplas is looking for partners which have experiences
• SMD type L.E.Ds for automotive interior ceiling lightings
• Electronical design especially automotive new generation L.E.Ds lighting
• Optical design in automotive interior lighting especially
Contact information
Full name
Email address
Organisation name
GOSB Teknopark Kemal Nehrozoğlu Caddesi Üretim Binası 1. Blok
Zip 41480
0090 262 678 89 24
0090 262 678 89 30
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Study of recycled painted plastic and/or chrome-plated parts using supercritical C02
> Describe your project idea
The aim is to eliminate impurities resulting from painting or chrome-plating using semi-gassy
C02 solutions under supercritical conditions and minimising the loss of mechanical
compounding properties obtained during the recycling process.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Expertise in Plastics, including:
1) Technical Services:
- Analysis and testing of plastic materials.
- Transformation of plastic materials.
- Technical advice and assistance.
- Design and development of products.
- Calibration of measuring and testing equipment.
- Metrology of parts and components.
- Environment and recycling.
2) Development and improvement of polymer materials:
- Composites (nano-materials, natural fillers/fibres, active and intelligent materials, etc).
- Biodegradable materials.
- Improvement of the properties of traditional materials.
3) Improvement of the transformation processes:
- (Blown and flat) film and sheet extrusion (mono and multi-layered).
- Closed mould transformation techniques at low pressure (infusion and RTM).
- Co-injection.
- Thermoforming and compression techniques at high pressure and temperature.
4) Recycling:
- Recycling of waste for new applications.
- Increasing the valorisation of the product and ecodesign.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
- Manufacturers of parts using these technologies (working in automotive, construction, and
electronic sectors).
- Compounders/Reciclers with special single scruw-extruder machine or corrotating twin
scruw-extruder machine.
Contact information
Full name
Cristina Del Campo
Email address
REDITA – Red Tecnológica de Automoción de la Comunidad
Colón 66
0034 961 961 262
0034 961 961 260
Organisation name
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Zip 46004
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, R, C
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Vehicle Independent Electric Transmission Architecture
> Describe your project idea
This concept rests on a unique but simple structure that comprises two special in wheel
electric motors axially linked by a differential gear assembly. Each in-wheel motor comprises
a stator and a rotor having an inner shaft and outer shaft disposed coaxially by gearings such
that the shafts may rotate at different speeds, the arrangement being such that in use the equal
electromagnetic rotational force generated by each motor turns their respective wheel directly
and yet cooperatively regardless of differing load conditions exerted on each wheel. Since the
controller only uses the same control signals for the two motors, it is much easier and
intrinsically safer than having to control two motors by software independently but incoordination, in particular at high speed. The system thus inherits the many advantages of inwheel motor drive systems while maintaining robustness and reliability of the differential
gear. It also adds redundancy and modularity to the drivetrain, as each motor can be powered
modularly to meet changing load demand. It also does not suffer from high un-sprung weight
currently associated with in-wheel electric drives.
This project idea concerns the development of a novel patent-pending “Vehicle
Independent Electric Transmission Architecture (VIETA)” system for future low-carbon and
environmental friendly transport. The system involves a multiple of disciplines of electrical
machines design, power electronics and control, mechanical structure and vehicle design. The
VIETA system comprises three main subsystems:
1. Dual in-wheel electric motors
2. Power and control electronic drives
3. Axial differential link
Technical Impacts of the VIETA System
Relative to a traditional mechanical power transmission VIETA offers many advantages:
- Better efficiency with drive-train losses and more recaptured braking energy
- Better vehicle stability and safety due to improved torque control at the wheels
- More vehicle design options without the need to fit the mechanical transmission
- Lower costs and better reliability due to lower number of mechanical parts
- Freedom from drive-train noise and vibration in the vehicle body
- Excellent performance due to the novel electric motor's torque output characteristic
- Reduced lifetime environment impact due to less end of life wastes for major parts
- Cheaper and faster development cycles due to the mechanical simplicity.
Relative to other in-wheel motor concepts, such as MIEV, VIETA offers advantages such as:
- Much shorter development time and hence less investment
- Synergy of relatively simple and proven technologies
- No critical software overhead for safety and redundancy
- Intrinsic fail-safe feature with built-in redundancy
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
In this project proposal we collaborate with a couple Universities and R&D Institutes
around Europe as well as with European industrial suppliers.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer to the automotive
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C and O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
> Title
Electromagnetic pulse welding of dissimilar sheet materials for B-I-W structures
> Describe your project idea
Electromagnetic pulse manufacturing processes (EMP) is based on the discharge of a
capacitor battery to create a high pulse current under a very short time period through a coil.
Large currents run through the coil and take the form of a damped sinus wave. This creates a
pulsed magnetic field which induces eddy currents in any conductive materials nearby the
coil. The eddy currents induced in the nearby metallic material will be in opposite direction of
the primary current and this generates a magnetic force, the Lorentz force, which is used for
different type of applications. The whole process is taken less then 100µs and the
performance of the process is strongly related to a correct design of the coil.
This process has been used since the 60´s to join tubular parts by a cold weld process. A
schematic description a tubular magnetic pulse welding (MPW) is shown in figure 1, some
electromagnetic parts in figure 2 and a typical microstructural shape of the joint in figure 3.
Figure 1 Schematic description of electromagnetic pulse welding (MPW) of tubular
Figure 2 Typical parts that is made by electromagnetic pulse welding (MPW).
Figure 3 Typical cross sections of the joint achieved by electromagnetic pulse welding
This project idea is to further develop the MPW process to accomplish cold welds
between dissimilar sheet material parts for the Body-In-White (BIW) structure. The joint
configurations that will be analysed can either be in shape of seams or spots. The proposed
materials in this study can be high-strength steels to Al-alloys but the material combinations
will be discussed in more detail with the partners and end-users. The goals will be:
1. A seam weld between Al-steel without brittle carbides
2. A spot weld Al-steel without brittle carbides
When the type of materials and welding geometries has been decided a typical pilot
production initiative could look like this:
1. Feasibility analysis the proposed project
a. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides more detailed info based on prior
experience/know how.
2. Feasibility yes, then Pilot Production Initiative will start
b. Mutual NDA will be signed to enable free flow of information
c. Customer provides drawings and samples
d. Svensk Verktygsteknik analyse the drawings and if needed design
modifications to enable EMP process
e. Customer agrees on advised modifications
f. Svensk Verktygsteknik prepares pilot production set up (coil & tool design,
process set-up)
g. Svensk Verktygsteknik and the customer share the responsible for coil
manufacturing in agreement of specifications
h. Svensk Verktygsteknik conducts the experimental electromagnetic pulse tests
in their system
i. Svensk Verktygsteknik conducts required tests (peel, metallurgic, tensile, etc)
j. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides lab reports
k. Svensk Verktygsteknik provides parts to the customer based on specifications
3. Customer conducts all tests needed to verify the technology
If the technology has passed all criterions (quality, production rates, and cost etcetera) then
next step is to prepare for implementation in the manufacturing process. A general description
of this phase could look like this:
1. Customer and the system supplier set up a EMP implementation plan
a. First step is to analyse current production set up
b. Second step is to define EMP production set up
c. Third step is system implementation and training
d. Fourth step is the production guidance
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Svensk Verktygsteknik is a Swedish based research & development institute in the field
of manufacturing processes. The key role is to through application research implement new
technologies and productions processes mainly for automotive manufacturers and tier 1-2
suppliers around the world. Through our combination of RTD-projects and commercial
engineering projects we bring the latest technology to our customers and remain updated with
the needs of the manufacturing industry. This makes us a competitive partner assisting our
customers in their effort to develop and maintain world class performance. To be able to
support our customers in the best way possible, we cooperate with companies, institutes and
universities in Europe and the US, thus accessing leading researchers and modern
experimental equipment.
One of our expertise areas is to analyze and implement electromagnetic pulse processes in
manufacturing systems for different type of applications. For pilot production initiative to
develop and analyse the process we have the state of the art electromagnetic pulse system in
our lab. In this field we also collaborate with the best supplier of electromagnetic pulse
system in the world; namely Pulsar from Israel.
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
The preferable partner we look for to collaborate in this project proposal will come from
either an automotive manufacturer or a large component manufacturer (Tier 1-2) to the
automotive industry.
Contact information
Full name
Roger Andersson
Email address
Organisation name
Svensk Verktygsteknik
Aurorum 6
+46 920-75917
+46 920-75955
Zip SE-977 75
Workshop Priority
(Please select one or more from the list below)
Kind of partner expected
(please select one or more from the list below)
I, C and O
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea Form
> Title
Hybrid Electric Transmission for Light Duty Vehicles
> Describe your project idea
A new electric motor included transmission system to drive front wheels of light duty
commercial vehicle will developed. Electric motor will be directly coupled to the differential
box while the internal combustion engine coupled through gears, the gear ratios of the
gearbox and the diff-case and torque-speed-efficiency map of the electric motor will be
optimised to enhance overall transmission efficiency.
> Please explain briefly your expertise
Ford Otosan, established at the end of 1950s, is one of the most innovative research-intensive
companies and the sales leader in Turkey. It is located in Kocaeli, southeast of Istanbul and is
close to major universities and technoparks (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Technical
University) and Tubitak Marmara Research Center. In 1966, launching Turkey’s first massproduced automobile Anadol, Otosan laid the foundation of the Turkish automotive sector. In
1978 Ford and Otosan signed a licensing agreement as Ford – Otosan. The agreement gave
Otosan the right to produce and sell the Cargo trucks and the Transit series, as well as to
manufacture the engines for the Anadol and Transit. Engine plant at Eskişehir, Inönü, founded
in 1979, began mass production in 1982, and it was again Otosan who, using modern
manufacturing methods, produced Turkey’s first diesel engines. Turkey’s first small diesel
engine ERK, too was an Otosan product. The current body of 9500 employee represents
Turkey’s best and brightest. Within a short time, Ford Otosan has joined the ranks of Ford of
Europe top production plants, with strong international reputations. Today, Ford Otosan has
the technology and the know-how to design a complete vehicle for the domestic and
international markets.
Ford Otosan Product Development Department
Ford Otosan Product Department was formed in 1961 and, as of today can develop almost a
complete vehicle in house. PD got involved in a unique vehicle development project with
Ford in 1998 (Transit Connect/Tourneo Connect) and a brand new heavy-duty engine family
development project (Ecotorq) for the new Cargo truck in 2003. Vehicle development group
has just finalized design and development of new Transit and engine development team is
working on new engine segments for Transit and Cargo vehicles. Engineers utilize the state of
art engineering tools to develop parts and systems, simulate crash tests or cooling
performance and have gained extensive knowledge and experience from countless hours and
kilometers of engine and vehicle testing. Engineering resources include Design Studio
(concept development, digital modelling, A-class surfacing, clay generation & modelling,
rapid prototyping, color & harmony analysis, craftsmanship, design aid manufacturing) 6 Test
Cells (with TUV & TSE accreditation capable of measuring performance, emissions, T/C
Matching and Turbo Transient Response), Material Lab (to support material characterisation,
failure root cause and micro structure analysis), Vehicle Performance Measuring Equipments
(to measure speed, acceleration, brake performance, fuel consumption and noise & vibration),
Fatigue Test Rigs (with programmable 6 hydraulic cylinders and SINCOTEC Resonance
Frequency Fatigue Rig Test Rig), Durability Rig Test Laboratory (to support key life tests).
As of January 2008, the number of engineers working in Product Development has reached
497. The PD has 15 PhD and 159 MSc degree level engineers who are internationally
recognized in their area of expertise. 88 technician and supporting workers form the
competitive employee body of the company.
Ford Otosan Research & Development Department
R&D department of Ford Otosan, established in 2002, is known to be the leading structure of
“pre-competitive level actions” in Turkey, regardless of the sector types, leads most of the
vital projects with universities, research centers and other companies, and plays a key role in
driving forward the whole process to reach the results compatible with the truly integrated
European approach. R&D Department is the first automotive industry partner that has
involved in a project funded by FP6 programme of EC (GREEN Integrated Project). Turkey’s
first fuel cell package has been designed and developed with and consortium led by Ford
Otosan. In the first quarter of 2006, Ford Otosan designed and produced its first hybrid
vehicle, FOHEV (Ford Otosan Hybrid Electric Vehicle) again working with universities and
research centers in Turkey. Otosan’s collaboration agreements with universities, such as
Bogazici University, Istanbul Technical University, Middle East Technical University, Koc
University and Marmara University, contribute to improvement of academic research.
A state of the art plant, carefully initiated product development projects, projects being
worthy of funding from Turkish government as well as European Commission, exceptional
human resources – all these components enable Ford Otosan to thrive as a dynamic and
innovative institution of high level design and development. Research activities at Ford
Otosan are carried out in collaboration with universities and research centers aiming to enrich
basic research within the country while contributing to social and economic development.
During the past 2 years, close to 45 research projects with universities, 8 projects with
research centers and 5 large consortium projects with pre-competition level partners were
conducted in cooperation with researchers at the institutions. As a result of these
collaborations, the numbers of intellectual property items have been reached to over 65
scientific papers, 38 patents, 28 utility models, 16 trademarks and 22 industrial designs
> Explain what kind of partner/expertise you are looking for
Electric Motor and Inverter Developer
Power Electronics Manufacturer
Driveline Manufacturer
Contact information
Full name
Varlik Kilic
Email address
Organisation name
Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.
Izmit Golcuk Yolu Ihsaniye Golcuk
+90 262 315 67 62
+90 262 315 60 04
Zip 41670
Workshop Priority
Kind of partner expected
(Please select one or more from the list below)
(please select one or more from the list below)
Workshop Priorities:
A: Surfaces in automotive applications
B: Laser processing in automotive manufacturing
C: Sheet metal forming for automotive parts
D: Virtual tools in manufacturing
Kind of partner expected:
I: Industry
R: RTD&I (Research, Training, Development and Innovation)
C: Clients & Users
O: Others
date for 2008-04-15
Please send to
PRO-FACTORY Project Idea