Attachment 2-Nataki Consult Application
Attachment 2-Nataki Consult Application
PEER RECOVERY COACH? N ATA K I C O N S U LT A Re c ov er y C oa ch i s s o me o ne w i th r e a l - l if e ex p er i enc e in sub st anc e abus e AN D r ec o ve ry wh o i s w i l l in g t o he lp . Th e Rec o v ery c oa ch c an h e lp Peer Recovery Coach (Prevention Service) i n d i v i dua l s un d er st an d the pr o ce ss o f r ec o ve ry a n d h o w t o b re a k th e n eve r -en d i ng ch a in of se l f d e fe a t in g beh av i o rs as s oc i a te d w it h sub st an ce u se . A Supportive Approach NATAKI CONSULT O ur r o l e i s t o en c our a ge , e mp o we r , an d su pp ort i n d i v i dua l s wh o w an t t o m a ke a p os i t i ve ch ang e i n t he i r l i ve s . Th is m e an s h e lp in g in d iv i du a ls w o r k thr ou gh da i l y cr i s is s itu a t i ons tha t m ay s e em ov er whe l m in g . 514 56th Street Kentwood, Mi. 49548 Phone: (616) 734-3512 E-mail: (616) 734734 - 3512 HOW CAN A RECOVERY COACH HELP? WHAT DISTINGUISHES PEER RECOVERY COACHING FROM THERAPY? Recovery Coaches can help by providing supportive services to maintain a positive recovery program. Together we can uncover long lost goals and aspirations while Recovery Coaching is not therapy nor is it advice. The coaching is a supportive approach used to aid individuals with substance use who want help in At the end of the day... WE UNDERSTAND! their recovery…... Or are interested in broadening their program of recovery. We meet you wherever you are in your process and work with you in building the kind of life you desire for yourself. This is a service of suggestions from an individual who has first–hand experience of what addictions entails. - WHAT TO EXPECTYou can expect support in managing stress, gaining self-awareness, improving self confidence, and acquiring a life with balance and a sense of wholeness. developing the coping skills needed to reach them. We will walk alongside you You can expect mentorship and support in through the obstacles of life and help you: connecting with various forms of supports in your community. • Discover your potential • Create a recovery network • Establish boundaries • Identify behaviors, attitudes, and NAT AKI CONSULT You can expect to be encouraged by a living feelings associated with using example of how the recovery process works. P R C : K AR IM A D IGG S HO L MES MB A, P L- L TB- S P , You can expect to be reminded THAT IF: 514 56th Street Kentwood, Mi. 49548 “I can do it, You can too!” Phone: (616) 734-3512 E-mail: Program Summary (BRIEF) Nataki Consult 1. How would you describe the people you intend to serve? Nataki consult will serve those individuals between the ages of 14 and 60 who have substance use concerns and/or history. The people being served also will have identified either multiple systems (DHS/Probation/Parole/Juvenile Detention/Institutions) use or no prior system use. Nataki Consult will only serve those individuals who agree to services freely. How many at a time? Nataki Consult will serve 12-15 individuals at full capacity. These interactions will be individually, unless they are attending a group. How many per year? Nataki Consult will serve 15-30 individuals per year, depending on client engagement. 2. What specifically will you do to help them? Nataki Consult will use various program methodologies (Seeking Safety, Lies That Bind, Relapse Prevention, etc). Nataki Consult will specialize in Peer-to-Peer strategic interactions that seek to empower clients and uncover their wealth of underutilized choices. Not only will these interactions be purposeful, but they will assist in the development of foundational boundaries that may be deficient. Each program methodology has its own unique components that are designed to educate individuals about themselves from varied perspectives. Once the client is able to clearly identify the path they prefer to take towards freedom, Nataki Consult will assist them in the process of transitioning out of services and onto their next phase of life. What kinds of services will you connect them to? Nataki Consult may connect clients to various services, such as: Substance Abuse Treatment/Medication-Assisted Treatment Transitional Living/Sober Living/Living Supports Disability Advocates/Job Development Programs/ Life Skills Housing Programs/Home Buyers Programs Continuing Education/Colleges/GED Programs/Trade School Scholarship Opportunities/Investment Firms/Real Estate Agents Legal Representation/Primary Care Physicians/Specialists Financial Management Resources/Family Issue Referrals Therapist/Psychologists/Psychiatrists/Counselors/Spiritual Mentors Program Summary (BRIEF) Nataki Consult Small Business Start-up Resources/Support Groups 3. Will you keep track of how many people succeed? Nataki Consult will always keep track of how many succeed, as well as what has been helpful and what has not been helpful. If so, how do you measure that? Nataki Consult will conduct quarterly surveying on service delivery and obtain quarterly questionnaires from various domains, which will have been identified during the initial intake. This data will reflect the effectiveness/non-effectiveness of service delivery as well as provide qualitative data on the areas of improvement versus the areas of regression or non-movement. Last, yearly focus groups of 3-5 people will provide the final piece of measurement data on program quality and prevention effectiveness. Nataki Consult will use SOAP notes as Non-Clinical documentation. 4. How will your program get its funding? Nataki Consult will obtain funding from other agencies (contractual), Medicaid (reimbursements), and participating Insurance providers. From Network 180? Nataki Consult will accept funding from Network 180 From Clients? Nataki Consult will accept self-pay (check, cash, and debit/credit) Where else? Nataki Consult will also accept payment from churches, personal referral sources, and other outside network resources 5. How will people come to know about your program? Nataki consult will do outreach and industry networking to establish a presence in the service area, in order to generate referral sources. Do you have a website or brochures? Nataki Consult has a brochure (see attached). Nataki Consult’s website will be coming soon. Program Summary (BRIEF) Nataki Consult 6. Tell us a little about the typical client? The typical client has either a history of substance use/abuse and wants services in a more exclusive environment with a focus on recovery from a broad perspective…or….The client is in a maintenance phase of recovery and wishes to obtain greater insights about themselves and society at large, in order to improve their quality of life. 7. How long will people participate in your program? People can participate in this program for as little as 6 months to as long as 1 year. Will you do any follow-up to see how they’re doing later? Yes, there will be 2 follow-ups, one 3 months after service ends and a second one 6 months after services. 8 What is the general size of your program’s operating budget? The size of Nataki Consult’s operating budget will be around $12,500.00- $15,000.