Inland Outrigger Canoe Club


Inland Outrigger Canoe Club
 2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series InlandOutriggerCanoeClub
OC1/OC2/V1 Southern States Winter Series‐Race 2 Sunday1stMay2016 Queries regarding the Southern States Zone Winter Series Race 2 race contact: President: Don Larcombe 0487 616 427 Secretary: Janine Carroll 0409 934 252 Race Director: Yvonne Stansfield 0458 959 779 1
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series REGATTA SUMMARY: LOCATION: Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre, ADDRESS: Loddings Lane, Nagambie.
OC1/OC2 /V1 CANOES: To be rigged on grass lawn next to Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre.
AMENITIES: Public toilets available in facility. (There are no showers available in facility). FOOD: Wraps/Toasted Sandwiches / BBQ/Snacks and Drinks available.
OC1/OC2 TRAILERS: Trailers can be stored next to centre in abundant parking area.
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series Contents
CONDITIONS OF PADDLER ELIGIBILITY........................................................................ 3 REGATTA RULES .................................................................................................................. 4 NOMINATION PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 7 FEES ......................................................................................................................................... 7 PRE EVENT REGISTRATION............................................................................................... 8 RACE/REGATTA INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 8 SPECIFIC RACE INFORMATION/COURSE OUTLINE ..................................................... 8 SAFETY PROCEDURE AND RULES ................................................................................. 11 PRESENTATIONS ................................................................................................................ 13 RACE PROGRAM ................................................................................................................. 13 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ CONDITIONSOFPADDLERELIGIBILITY
Only persons who are financial members of a club affiliated with AOCRA Inc. and are a registered competitor with AOCRA INC. associated club may compete. Membership status must be in place one (1) week prior to the regatta. The Southern States Zone Committee reserves the right to be the arbiter in any dispute regarding eligibility and registration of competitors. The race Director’s decision is final. 3
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series REGATTARULES
Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association rules (as amended), for Combined Regattas will apply. 1. AOCRA regatta rules apply and any other special rules which may be required for a specific event. 2. An alternate venue must be available for the Regatta in the event of a strong wind warning or unsuitable paddling conditions. 3. An alternate course must be available for all events. 4. All Australian competitors must be registered with AOCRA -
International Competitors must take out Travel Insurance and provide proof of such insurance which lists outrigger canoeing as an activity. -
International Competitors must sign an “Indemnity & Release” Form prior to participation. 5. Rules compliance: A. A senior official appointed by AOCRA or the zone, and a member of the organising committee should make a pre race inspection of the course. AOCRA rules calls for a course and facilities inspector B. If conditions are considered unsafe, as in rough seas, tidal convergence, strong wind or forecast strong winds or other conditions that may effect the safety of competitors and equipment, then an alternate course is to be made available. Or the event cancelled. C. In severe conditions as defined in AOCRA regatta rules the event must be postponed or cancelled. D. The lead boat in every event must have an official observer who will take 4
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series responsibility for reporting conditions and make decisions on safety. If conditions deteriorate at any point of the course in any event, the observer must recommend a course of action. E. Consultation must take place by the race committee, and other interested parties, if a safety issue arises and paddlers may be jeopardised, with a view to altering the course or stopping the race. F. The organising committee prior to race start must make inspections of canoes, All canoes must conform to AOCRA standards and scrutineers requirements G. Support boats must be available to the standard required by AOCRA and the water control authorities and have extra life jackets on board. The vessels must comply with state transport regulations. H. Time restriction and cut off points where crews can be required to drop out of a race at a pre agreed point, need to be documented and mentioned in all briefings. Once a crew or person is requested to turn back or take advantage of rescue and refuses then all insurance for the paddler will be invalidated. This will decrease the chance of “weaker” or inexperienced crews who have decided to, have–a‐go, getting themselves into trouble when commonsense would say – turn back. Crews that refuse to turn back shall be advised that insurance will be voided at this point. I. All OC1/OC2/V1 canoes must be approved by AOCRA and have compliance stickers and yellow tags affixed. Zone committees will fix compliance stickers to all canoes and any new canoes will have a letter of compliance from the manufacturer. Imported OC1 canoes will be approved by AOCRA scrutineers and have signed stickers and yellow tags affixed. J. All canoes (paddler) must wear Australian approved PFD’s and leg ropes i.e. one PFD on an OC1, two PFD’s on an OC2. All V1’s must have bailer on board. 5
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series -
Novice in SS Zone is paddlers with less than 2 years AOCRA Membership. -
Juniors are 19 years and under. -
Only Southern States Zone paddlers will go into the draw to win the OC2 Tempest at the end of the series. -
Only Southern States Zone Affiliated Clubs can win OC2 Tempest. -
Winning Club of OC2 Tempest must not sell canoe for time period of 3 years after winning canoe. -
Winning Club is responsible for freight of winning canoe. -
All Club Presidents/Secretaries must sign canoe damage waivers and acceptance of conditions of winning OC2 Tempest. -
All Southern States Zone Clubs have the use on 1 x OC2 AOCRA canoe if canoe is not used in all races the Southern States Zone committee has the right to loan out the canoe to another club wanting to participate. -
If club is using AOCRA OC2 allocated to them they must enter 7 days prior to event to secure canoe or canoe will be allocated to another club. First entry, first option. -
All affiliated Tasmanian and South Australian club members residing in their respective states will earn double entry points when competing in Victoria to win the OC2 Tempest at the end of the series. Single Points apply for racing in your own state. -
All Southern States Zone Paddlers competing in races outside the state in which they reside, irrespective of the club they are registered with, will earn double entry points. 6
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series NOMINATIONPROCESS
The Member Nomination process will be online via the AOCRA website Member (paddler) Nominations  Please complete by Wednesday 27th April 2016  At the Click, MEMBER SIGN IN  Select RACE REGISTRATION,  You will be presented with a list of Australian regattas and alongside the Southern States Zone Regatta 1st May 2016, select RACE REGISTRATION  You will then be asked to select which events you would like to enter, enter your races, then hit NEXT  It will then ask you to confirm paddlers to be entered  It will then ask you to confirm the method of payment –credit card FEES
EVENT TYPE PER PADDLER Womens Oc1/Oc2/V1 $30 Mens Oc1/Oc2/V1 $30 Novice / Junior / Adaptive $20 Mixed Oc2 $30 *There are no set late fees. Please note that registrations received after Wednesday 27th April 2016 for OC1/OC2/V1 races maybe be refused by the race committee due to paddler safety and support boat ratios. 7
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series PREEVENTREGISTRATION
All competitors will be required to register with the Race Officials. Prior to racing competitors will be instructed to go directly to the registration area. This official area will have their Oc1/Oc2/V1 nomination forms. Race officials will check off paddlers by signing their names on the pre logged nomination form. Please Note: As this is an AOCRA safety requirement, paddlers who do not sign in prior to their event, are subject to disqualification. Only competitors named on paddler nomination forms will be allowed to compete. RACE/REGATTAINFORMATION
Directions All events for this Southern States Zone Regatta – Race 2will be held at Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre, Loddings Lane, Nagambie. There is plenty of free parking available for vessels and vehicles adjacent to the Regatta Centre Amenities The Regatta Centre has toilet facilities only. The downstairs area of the Regatta Centre is available for our use on the day. This area has power, lighting and will be warm out of the wind. SPECIFICRACEINFORMATION/COURSEOUTLINE
Venue: Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre Rowing Course.
4km lap course further instructions will be provided on the day. 8
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series OC1/OC2/V1 Mens/Womens /Mixed Marathon – 12km 12km Marathon, starting and finishing off in front of Regatta Centre Race Tower. 3 laps of the course 9
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series OC1/OC2/V1 Novice/ Junior / Adaptive 6 km 6km short course starting and finishing at the Nagambie Lakes finish tower. Alternative Course In the event the weather forecast is for gale force winds the event would be cancelled. TrailerParking
Trailers can be stored next to Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre in parking lot. OC1/OC2/V1 canoes are to be rigged on the grass lawn next to Centre. Boats are launched from grassed area behind start line. 10
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series SAFETYPROCEDUREANDRULES
Canoes Safety inspections will be completed. Canoes not meeting AOCRA Safety Guidelines will be ineligible to race. Race briefings will be held as scheduled. It is compulsory for all paddlers and coaches to attend this meeting. It will be at these race briefings that all course maps will be explained and given out to paddlers. All canoes must have the following safety equipment to be eligible to compete in any event:  OC1/OC2/V1  leg ropes affixed to the canoe and paddler  Life jackets must be worn by each paddler Any canoe that does not meet these requirements will be withdrawn from the event by race officials. We would also like to add that it is the responsibility of all club coaches to ensure that their paddlers competing in any event are capable of competing in all race conditions. As required by AOCRA racing rules:  Paddlers must be able to swim  Paddlers must be able to right a flipped canoe without assistance Any crew finding themselves in trouble for whatever reason MUST raise their paddles in the air to alert support craft or passing canoes for assistance Any canoe found not to go to the assistance of a canoe in trouble, will be disqualified from the event if at any stage of the event a safety official requests a canoe return to shore it must comply with this request immediately. Failure to do so will result in: a) Disqualification of the crew from any future events held during the remainder of the regatta b) The safety official may take SUCH ACTION AS HE/SHE DEEM NECESSARY FOR THE SAFETY OF PADDLERS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE MAY INVALIDATE YOUR INSURANCE COVER. 11
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series Race Briefings Race briefings will be held inside or in front of Regatta Centre. Course map will be displayed at briefing. Starts Competitors must be present on the starting line by the time shown on the race program, or as otherwise directed by the Race Announcer. Starting signals shall be given regardless of absentees. The position at the start should be such that the bow of each competing canoe is lined up behind the starting line between the start buoys and in a stationary position. NO ROLLING STARTS Start procedure  Yellow flag max 2 minutes to start  Red flag max 30 or less seconds to start 
Red flag down/Green flag up (simultaneously) = Start of Race All teams will be given clear start times at the race briefing Finish Line The finish line is crossed when the bow of the canoe passes between the designated finish buoys/markers. Disqualification Any paddler who attempts to win an event by any means other then those which are honest or who does not respect the AOCRA Race Rules / Canoes or who by his or her conduct clearly shows lack of respect for the Rules shall be disqualified. All disqualifications pronounced by the Race Committee and AOCRA Officials are final. Protests and Race Rulings All protests must be presented in writing to the Race Director no later then (15) fifteen minutes after completion of the race with a protest fee of $50.00. If the protest is upheld the lodgement fee shall be refunded in full. If the protest is dismissed, the lodgement fee shall be forfeited to AOCRA, or respective committee. 12
2016 Southern States Zone OC1/OC2/V1 Race Series PRESENTATIONS
Presentations commence at approximately 3.30pm, in Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre. Families and supporters are welcome to attend. RACEPROGRAM Sunday 1st May 2016 ESTIMATED START TIME EVENT DISTANCE 8.15am Briefing: Women’s OC1/OC2/V1 8.30am Women’s OC1/OC2/V1 10km 10.00am Briefing: Men’s OC1/OC2/V1 10.15am Men’s OC1/OC2/V1 10km 11.45am Briefing: OC1/OC2/ V1Novice / Junior / Adaptive 12.00am OC1/OC2/ V1 Novice / Junior / Adaptive 6km 1.00 pm LUNCH 1.30 pm Briefing OC2 Mixed 1:45 pm OC2 Mixed 10km 3.00pm PACK UP – Assist with pack up (Loading canoes & IRB’s) 3.30pm PRESENTATIONS ‐ Venue: Nagambie Lakes Regatta Centre 13