Absolute and relative growth in five Pinna nobilis
Absolute and relative growth in five Pinna nobilis
Marine Biology 152: 537-548 The original is available at www.springerlink.com DOI 10.1007/s00227-007-0707-z Comparison of absolute and relative growth patterns among five Pinna nobilis populations along the Tunisian coastline: an information theory approach Lotfi Rabaoui a, Sabiha Tlig Zouari a, Stelios Katsanevakis b* and Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine a a Research Unit of Biology, Ecology and Parasitology of Aquatic Organisms, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University campus, El Manar 2092, Tunis, Tunisia b Department of Zoology-Marine Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, 15784 Athens, Greece * corresponding author Department of Zoology-Marine Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, 15784 Athens, Greece e-mail: stelios@katsanevakis.com tel: +30-210-7274634 fax: +30-210-7274608 1 Abstract The variability in absolute and relative growth of Pinna nobilis along the Tunisian coastline was investigated. Five populations of P. nobilis were sampled, three from northern and two from eastern Tunisia. The specimens were aged, and ten morphometric characters were measured on each individual. To test if differences existed in absolute and relative growth patterns among the different populations an information theory approach was followed. For absolute growth, von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, the logistic and the power models were fitted in combination with three assumptions regarding inter-population differences in absolute growth patterns: no differences, differences among all five populations or just between northern and eastern populations. The assumption of common absolute growth parameters among all five populations had the greatest support by the data, while the assumption of different growth patterns among all five populations had no support. Von Bertalanffy growth model and the power model were both equally supported by the data (while Gompertz had considerably less support and the logistic model had no support), and thus it may not be definitely concluded whether P. nobilis grows asymptotically or not. The P. nobilis populations of the Tunisian coastline had a slow growth and up to an age of ~7.5 yr their shells were smaller than from all other reported populations in the Mediterranean. For relative growth, apart from the classical allometric model Y = aX b , relating the size of a part of the body Y and another reference dimension X, more complicated models were used in combination with the three abovementioned assumptions regarding inter-population differences. Those models, of the form log Y = f (log X ) , either assumed breakpoints in the relative growth trajectories or non-linearities. For most morphometric characters, the classical allometric model had no support by the data and more complicated models were necessary. In most cases, the relative growth patterns differed either among all five populations or between the northern and eastern population groups. Further investigation is needed to relate the morphological differences observed among different populations of P. nobilis to environmental factors. Introduction The fan mussel Pinna nobilis is endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the largest bivalves of the world, attaining lengths up to 120 cm (Zavodnik et al. 1991). It is long lived, living up to 20 years according to Butler et al. (1993), while in Thermaikos Gulf (Greece) an age of 27 years has been reported (Galinou-Mitsoudi et al. 2006). It has very variable recruitment (Butler et al. 1993), and occurs at depths between 0.5 and 60 m, mostly in soft-bottom areas overgrown by meadows of the seagrasses Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera marina or Zostera noltii (Zavodnik et al. 1991) but also in bare sandy bottoms (Katsanevakis 2006a, 2007). The population of P. nobilis has been greatly reduced during the last few decades as a result of recreational and commercial fishing for food, use of its shell for decorative purposes, and incidental killing by trawling and anchoring. In the European Union, it has been listed as an endangered species and is under strict protection according to the European Council Directive 92/43/EEC. However, it still suffers illegal fishing (Katsanevakis 2007). Our knowledge on the biology and ecology of the species is fragmentary and several aspects need further investigation (Butler et al. 1993; Ramos 1998; García-March et al. 2007a). To effectively protect this species 2 there is a pressing need for better information on its biology and the status of all major local P. nobilis populations. There is no published study on the ecology and status of the species in the Tunisian coastline as yet. Individual growth in aquatic invertebrates is a process rooted in physiological processes and is the net result of two opposing processes, catabolism and anabolism (Bertalanffy 1938). For population analysis, a mathematical expression of the mean individual body growth is needed, relating the size of the species to its age. Several models have been proposed to estimate the mean individual growth in a population, some of these are based on purely empirical relationships, while others have a theoretical basis and are arrived at by differential equations that link the anabolic and catabolic processes. The most studied and commonly applied model among all the length-age models is the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) (Bertalanffy 1938). However, the practise of a priori using VBGM has often been criticized (e.g. Katsanevakis 2006b), and for many aquatic species other models like Gompertz (Gompertz 1825) or the logistic model (Ricker 1975) better describe absolute growth. All the above models assume asymptotic growth but some aquatic invertebrates, like cephalopods, seem not to grow asymptotically (e.g. Jackson and Choat 1992) and non-asymptotic models, like the power model, have been proposed in these cases. Growth is often accompanied by changes in proportion as well as in size, the phenomenon of relative or allometric growth. The allometric equation (Huxley 1932) is the most extensively used model for relative growth during ontogeny; the relationship between the size of a part of the body Y and another part X (taken as a reference dimension) has the form Y = aX b , where the exponent b is a measure of the difference in the growth rates of the two parts of the body. However, the classic allometric equation frequently fails to adequately fit the data and more complex models of the form log Y = f (log X ) should be used (Katsanevakis et al. 2007a). The reason might be either the existence of non-linearity, i.e. f is non-linear, or the existence of breakpoints, i.e. f and/or its first derivative f ′ are not continuous functions. The existence of breakpoints in allometric data has been recognized since the allometric equation was first proposed (Huxley 1932). Such changes in the growth trajectories of morphological characters during ontogeny are a potentially useful source of information as they may be caused by marked events in the life history of the species or fast ecological change, and should not be overlooked. Model selection based on information theory is a relatively new paradigm in the biological sciences and is quite different from the usual methods based on null hypothesis testing. Information theory has been increasingly proposed as a better and advantageous alternative for model selection (Burnham and Anderson 2002), e.g. in studies of fish growth (Katsanevakis 2006b), allometric growth of marine species (Katsanevakis et al. 2007a; Protopapas et al. 2007), and aquatic respiration (Katsanevakis et al. 2007b). The information theory approach was recommended as a more accurate, robust and enlightening way to study relative growth of marine species (Katsanevakis et al. 2007a). It was demonstrated that the use of the classical allometric model when it is not supported by the data, might lead to characteristic pitfalls, data misinterpretation, and loss of valuable biological information. According to the information theory approach, data analysis is taken to mean the integrated process of a priori specification of a set of candidate models (based on the science of the problem), model selection based on the principle of parsimony, and the estimation of parameters and their precision. The principle of parsimony implies the selection of a model with the smallest possible number of parameters for adequate representation of the data, a bias versus variance tradeoff. When the data support 3 evidence of more than one model, model averaging the predicted response variable across models is advantageous in reaching a robust inference that is not conditional on a single model. Rather than estimating parameters from only the ‘best’ model, parameter estimation can be made from several or even all the models considered. This procedure is termed multi-model inference (MMI) and has several theoretical and practical advantages (Burnham and Anderson 2002). In the present study, the absolute and relative growth of five populations of P. nobilis in the Tunisian coastal waters was studied based on an information theory approach. Several models were defined a priori based on biological assumptions and it was investigated whether important differences in absolute or relative growth patterns existed among the five P. nobilis populations. Materials and Methods Study area – Sampling Thirty specimens of P. nobilis were sampled from each of five populations, three from the north coast (Bizerte Lagoon and Gulf of Tunis) and two from the east coast (Monastir Bay) of Tunisia (Fig. 1). All samples were randomly taken with free diving from shallow areas at depths between 1.5 and 3 m. All the habitats of the five populations were seagrass meadows: Cymodocea nodosa in N1, N2, N3, and E1, and Posidonia oceanica in E2. On each specimen ten morphometric characters were measured as in Fig. 2. Six of the morphometric characters (Lp, La, Wp, Wa, L1, L2) were measured both in the right and left valve and the average value was used in the analysis. Age was determined by counting the number of adductor-muscle scar rings on the shells. Because the first year’s muscle-scar ring is either absent or inconspicuous (Richardson et al. 1999), the age was estimated as the number of rings plus 1. Absolute growth A set of twelve candidate models was used to model absolute growth of the five P. nobilis populations (gi, i = 1 to 12), i.e. the relationship between L and age t (Table 1). In models g1 to g4 it was assumed that there was no difference in absolute growth among the five populations, i.e. all five populations had common growth parameters. In models g5 to g8 it was assumed that the growth parameters differed between the three northern (N1, N2, and N3) and the two eastern (E1 and E2) populations. In models g9 to g12 it was assumed that all five populations had different growth patterns. The von Bertalanffy growth model L(t ) = L∞ 1 − e − k1 (t −t1 ) (Bertalanffy 1938) was used in models g1, g5, and g9, the Gompertz growth model L(t ) = L∞ exp − e − k2 (t −t2 ) ( ) ( ( ) ) − k3 ( t −t3 ) −1 (Gompertz 1825) in g2, g6, and g10, the logistic model L(t ) = L∞ 1 + e (Ricker c2 1975) in g3, g7, and g11, and the power model L(t ) = c0 + c1 ⋅ t in g4, g8, and g12 (Table 1); L∞ (asymptotic length), ki, ti, and ci are estimable regression parameters. Details on the underlying principles, definition of parameters appearing in the equations, and mathematical description of the corresponding curves are given in detail in Katsanevakis (2006b). 4 Relative growth The allometric growth of W, D, T, Wp, Wa, Lp, La, L1, and L2 in relation to L was investigated. Twelve candidate models (fi, i = 1 to 12) for the relationship ln Y = f (ln L ) were fitted to the ln-transformed data, where Y is any of the measured morphometric characters. In models f1 to f4 it was assumed that there was no difference in relative growth among the five populations, in models f5 to f8 that the relative growth parameters differed between the three northern and the two eastern populations, and in models f9 to f12 that all five populations had different relative growth parameters. The linear model (L), ln Y = a1 + b1 ln L , was used in f1, f5, and f9, the quadratic model (Q), ln Y = a1 + b1 ln L + b2 (ln L) 2 , in f2, f6, and f10, the brokena + b ln L, L ≤ B stick (BS), ln Y = 1 1 , in f3, f7, and f11, and the twoa1 + (b1 − b2 ) ln B + b2 ln L, L > B a + b ln L, L ≤ B , in f4, f8, and f12 (Table 2). segment model (TS), ln Y = 1 1 a2 + b2 ln L, L > B In the current context, the allometric exponent b was generalized to mean the first derivative of f with respect to lnL, i.e. b = f ′(ln L) , according to Katsanevakis et al. (2007a). The L model is the classical allometric equation, assuming that allometry does not change as body size increases (b = b1 = constant). The Q model assumes that a non-linearity exists in the relationship of lnY and lnL and that b changes continuously with increasing body size (b = b1 + 2b2lnL). The BS and TS models assume a marked morphological change at a specific size of L = B; the BS represents two straight line segments with different slope that intersect at L = B, while the TS represents two straight line segments that do not intersect; thus, there is a point of discontinuity at L = B, and the slope of the two segments (i.e., b) may or may not be equal. Model fitting – Model Selection - MMI The candidate models gi for absolute growth were fitted with non-linear least squares with iterations by means of Marquardt’s algorithm, assuming additive error structure. The L model was fitted with simple linear regression, while polynomial regression was used for the Q model. To fit the BS and TS models, the breakpoint B was allowed to vary between the minimum and maximum value of L with a sufficiently small step. For each value of the breakpoint, two separate lines were fitted with linear regression to the data before and after the breakpoint (independent lines in the case of TS or connected lines at the breakpoint in the case of BS) and the corresponding residual sum of squares (RSS) was calculated as the sum of the two RSS for the two lines; this was done automatically in MsExcel by what-if analysis (one variable data table). The value of the breakpoint that gave the minimum RSS was found and the corresponding model parameters were estimated. The small-sample, bias-corrected form AICc (Hurvich and Tsai 1989) of the AIC (Akaike 1973; Burnham and Anderson 2002) was used for model selection. 2k (k + 1) Specifically, AICc = AIC + , where for least squares n − k −1 RSS AIC = n log(2π ) + 1 + 2k , RSS is the residual sum of squares, n the number of n 5 observations, and k is the number of regression parameters plus 1. The model with the smallest AICc value (AICc,min) was selected as the ‘best’ among the models tested. The AICc differences, ∆ i = AICc ,i − AICc ,min were computed over all candidate models gi. According to Burnham and Anderson (2002), models with ∆i > 10 have essentially no support and might be omitted from further consideration, models with ∆i < 2 have substantial support, while there is considerably less support for models with 4 < ∆i < 7. To quantify the plausibility of each model, given the data and the set of five models, the ‘Akaike weight’ wi of each model was calculated, where exp(−0.5∆ i ) wi = 5 . The ‘Akaike weight’ is considered as the weight of evidence in ∑ exp(−0.5∆ k ) k =1 favor of model i being the actual best model of the available set of models (Akaike 1983; Buckland et al. 1997; Burnham and Anderson 2002). Akaike weights may be interpreted as a posterior probability distribution over the model set. To obtain more robust inferences, the final results were based on model-averaging the response variable using Akaike weights, rather than simply on the ‘best’ model (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Results Absolute growth For each candidate model, RSS, AICc, ∆i, and wi were calculated (Table 3). Models g1 and g4 were both substantially supported by the data, while all other models had considerably less or no support. These best models were: g1 : L(t ) = 104.3 ⋅ (1 − e −0.0526( t+ 0.286) ) (t in yr, L in cm) g 4 : L(t ) = 10.31⋅ t 0.671 − 4.90 (t in yr, L in cm) The models that assumed different absolute growth parameters among all five populations (g9 to g12) had a sum of Akaike weights of only 0.1%, thus this assumption had no support by the data. The models that assumed differences in growth parameters between the northern and eastern population groups (g5 to g8) had a sum of Akaike weights of 16.0%, while models assuming that all five populations had common growth parameters had a sum of Akaike weights of 84.0% (Table 3). Hence, the data indicated that the assumption of common growth parameters among the five populations is the most plausible but without conclusively rejecting the assumption of a different growth pattern between northern and eastern populations. The VBGM assumes asymptotic growth, while the power model assumes nonasymptotic growth. The models assuming non-asymptotic growth (g4, g8, and g12) had a sum of Akaike weights of 49.3%, while the models that assumed asymptotic growth (the rest of the models) had a sum of Akaike weights of 50.7%. Hence, from the dataset of the present study, it may not be concluded whether the growth of P. nobilis may be considered asymptotic or non-asymptotic. The size-at-age raw data and the average model are shown in Fig. 3. Relative growth 6 For each morphometric character and for each model, RSS, AICc, ∆i, and wi were calculated (Table 4). The assumption that all populations had a common relative growth pattern was substantially supported by the data for Wp (f3 and f4 were the two best models with a sum of Akaike weights of 99.1%) and also had some support for W, without being the best alternative (f2 that assumed a common relative growth pattern had a wi of 20.3%, while f6 and f7 that assumed different patterns among northern and eastern population groups had a sum of wi of 73.1%). The assumption of different patterns among all five populations was the best alternative in four out of nine cases (for D, T, La, and L2), while the assumption of different relative growth patterns between the northern and eastern population groups was the best alternative in other four out of nine cases (for W, Wa, L1, and Lp). Models assuming a linear relationship between the ln-transformed morphometric variables had substantial support by the data in only two cases (La and L2), while in all other cases more complicated models were supported. The raw data and the average models for all morphometric characters are shown in Fig. 4. The relative growth of W was positive allometric (b > 1) up to a size (L) of ~18 cm and then became negative allometric (b < 1) with continuously decreasing b (Fig. 5). Thus, P. nobilis shell widens up to an age of ~3.5 yr (Fig. 3) and then for the rest of its life its shape becomes more and more elongated. For the relative growth of T, b was always <1 (Fig. 5); hence, the shell of P. nobilis becomes relatively thinner with age. The largest variability in relative growth patterns was found for D and T (Figs 4, 5). The adductor muscle scars seemed to grow in a similar pattern to the outer shell. The relative growth of the vertical dimensions (Lp and La) was close to isometry, i.e. growing analogously to L, while the horizontal dimensions (Wp and Wa) grew initially isometrically or with positive allometry but then their relative growth slowed down or even diminished (Figs 4, 5). Discussion The usual approach when studying absolute growth in marine species is to a priori adopt the VBGM, which is not a good practise for inference and robust predictions (Katsanevakis 2006b). To our knowledge, all other studies on P. nobilis growth (e.g. Moreteau and Vicente 1982; Richardson et al. 1999; Šiletić and Peharda 2003; Richardson et al. 2004; Galinou-Mitsoudi et al. 2006; García-March et al. 2007a) a priori used VBGM and did not check other non-asymptotic models or whether growth of P. nobilis may be considered non-asymptotic. This may have implications in the accuracy and precision of the estimated growth parameters (e.g. asymptotic length), especially when based on a bad model. Furthermore, growth parameters of VBGM are quite imprecise when estimated based on a dataset without available large sizes close to the asymptotic length, which is sometimes the case in reported results. For these reasons it is better to compare the curves of the reported growth models within the range of sizes encountered in each dataset than to compare the estimated parameters. Comparing absolute growth of different P. nobilis populations (Fig. 6), large variability in reported patterns is observed. Some P. nobilis populations seem to reach an asymptote in their growth at quite small sizes and early in their life, while others grow much larger becoming more than double in size. Even among individuals of the same population, depth-related differences in absolute growth were found (Fig. 6; García-March et al. 2007a). The P. nobilis populations of the Tunisian coast had a 7 slow growth and up to an age of ~7.5 yr their shells were smaller than all other reported populations (Fig. 6). The oldest individual found in this study was 15 yr old and at that age absolute growth seemed not to be close to a size plateau. At this age the size of P. nobilis in the Tunisian coast was larger than the asymptotic length of many other populations (Fig. 6). If based on VBGM (with the reservations stated before), the asymptotic length of the Tunisian populations ( L∞ = 104.3 ) is the highest among all reported values (Fig. 6). When the classical allometric model is a priori ‘picked’ to study allometric growth instead of adopting an information-theory approach, false conclusions may be reached by ‘smoothing’ the true pattern, a large part of information could be lost, and there is a serious risk is to judge the type of allometry wrongly, e.g. concluding positive allometry when there is actually negative or vice versa (Katsanevakis et al. 2007a; Protopapas et al. 2007). For example (Katsanevakis et al. 2007a), Pinna nobilis in Lake Vouliagmeni (Greece) exhibited a marked change in the relative growth of width in relation to length; initially there was strong positive allometry which after a length of ~20 cm became strongly negative (Fig. 7). The classical allometric model ‘smoothed’ this picture and derived a constant allometric exponent with a 95% confidence interval between 0.90 and 1.03, supporting isometric growth during ontogeny and thus reaching a quite different conclusion. Unfortunately, apart from the abovementioned study, information theory and multi-model inference has not been used in the study of relative growth in other P. nobilis populations and so there are no much relevant data to be compared with those of this study. Katsanevakis et al. (2007a) reported only the relative growth of W in relation to L and found a similar pattern to that found in the present study, i.e. a shift from positive to negative allometry at a similar size (Fig. 7). Several other methods are frequently used to detect morphological differentiation among different populations of a species (for a review see Cadrin 2000). To detect such differences in morphology, it is critical to separate differences in body size from differences in size-corrected morphology. Most studies of among population variation in morphology either use analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with a univariate measure of body size as the covariate or compare residuals from ordinary least squares regression of each morphological character against body size or the first principal component of the pooled data (shearing). Both approaches have been criticized and McCoy et al. (2006) proposed a better alternative based on common principal components analysis combined with Burnaby’s back-projection method (Burnaby 1966). A normalization technique to scale morphometric data to a common size, adjusting their shape according to allometry has also been proposed (Thorpe 1975, 1976; Lleonart et al. 2000). However, all the abovementioned approaches assume the validity of Huxley’s classical allometric equation, i.e. linearity between the log-transformed morphometric characters. Principal components analysis (PCA) inefficiently summarizes non-linear patterns (Hopkins 1966; Somers 1986) and the results of principal-component methods should be interpreted with caution (Hopkins 1966; Somers 1986; Houle et al. 2002; McCoy et al. 2006). It has been shown that in many cases the classical allometric equation is inappropriate and more complicated models should be used (Hall et al. 2006; Katsanevakis et al. 2007a; Protopapas et al. 2007; present study), thus this basic underlying assumption of the above commonly used approaches is often invalid. The multi-model informationtheory approach used in the present context does not make such an assumption and is thus a good alternative when the classical allometric equation is not supported by the data. 8 For comparison, a correlation-based PCA (i.e. on normalised data) of the pooled log-transformed morphometric data of the five populations was conducted and the graph of the first two principal components is given in Fig. 8. The first two components explained 95.2% of the variability in the data. The ten morphometric characters were almost equally weighted in the first principal component (PC1) with weights varying between 0.30 and 0.33, while PC2 was bipolar with unequal weightings that varied between –0.40 and 0.67. PC1 may be considered to represent overall size, while PC2 may be interpreted as a ‘shape component’ (Somers 1986; Cadrin 2000). PC2 effectively separated the five populations (ANOVA, p < 0.0001) and a Student-Neuman-Keuls multiple-range test separated three homogenous groups: N1+N2, N3, E1+E2. This separation matches with the geographical separation of the five populations (Fig. 1). These results generally agree with those obtained with the information-theory approach but they should be viewed with caution as explained above. It seems that in both absolute and relative growth of P. nobilis there is large variability in the patterns among different populations (Figs 4, 5, 6, 7). Great differences in growth patterns have also been reported between individuals of the same population that are subject to different environmental conditions (García-March et al. 2007a). Food availability, temperature, upwelling intensity, sediment type, and hydrodynamics are among the factors that have been reported to affect the absolute growth of several bivalve species (e.g. Newell and Hidu 1982; Steffani and Branch 2003; Ackerman and Nishizaki 2004; Philips 2005). Specifically for P. nobilis, severe sediment disturbance and high hydrodynamic stress have been proposed as causes for reduced growth (García-March et al. 2007b). Effect of depth, hydrodynamics, predators, temperature, and sediment type on relative growth and shell morphology has been found before for many bivalves (e.g. Seed 1980; Newell and Hidu 1982; Hinch and Bailey 1988; Akester and Martel 2000; Steffani and Branch 2003). Further studies are needed to relate the observed variability in absolute and relative growth of P. nobilis to specific factors and uncover the ways in which the environment may affect its growth pattern. Acknowledgements We wish to acknowledge the suggestions and comments of two anonymous reviewers, which helped to improve the quality of the manuscript. This survey was conducted in compliance with the current laws of Tunisia. References Ackerman JD, Nishizaki MT (2004) The effect of velocity on the suspension feeding and growth of the marine mussels Mytilus trossulus and M. californianus: implications for niche separation. J Mar Sys 49: 195–207 Akaike H (1973) Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. In: Petrov BN, Csaki F (eds) Second international symposium on information theory. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp 267–281 Akaike H (1983) Information measures and model selection. 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GIS Posidonie publ., Marseille, pp 169–178 11 Table 1: The set of candidate models used for the analysis of absolute growth. k is the total number of estimable parameters (regression parameters plus 1). Model g1 Description Bertalanffy,common parameters for all 5 populations k 4 g2 Gompertz, common parameters for all 5 populations 4 g3 Logistic, common parameters for all 5 populations 4 g4 Power, common parameters for all 5 populations 4 g5 Bertalanffy, different parameters for north and east population groups 7 g6 Gompertz, different parameters for north and east population groups 7 g7 Logistic, different parameters for north and east population groups 7 g8 Power, different parameters for north and east population groups 7 g9 Bertalanffy, different parameters for each of the five populations 16 g 10 Gompertz, different parameters for each of the five populations 16 g 11 Logistic, different parameters for each of the five populations 16 g 12 Power, different parameters for each of the five populations 16 Table 2: The set of candidate models used for the analysis of relative growth. k is the total number of estimable parameters (regression parameters plus 1). Model f1 Description L model,common parameters for all 5 populations k 3 f2 Q model, common parameters for all 5 populations 4 f3 BS model, common parameters for all 5 populations 5 f4 TS model, common parameters for all 5 populations 6 f5 L model, different parameters for north and east population groups 5 f6 Q model, different parameters for north and east population groups 7 f7 BS model, different parameters for north and east population groups 9 f8 TS model, different parameters for north and east population groups 11 f9 L model, different parameters for each of the five populations 11 f 10 Q model, different parameters for each of the five populations 16 f 11 BS model, different parameters for each of the five populations 21 f 12 TS model, different parameters for each of the five populations 26 12 Table 3: Values of residual sum of squares (RSS), the small-sample bias-corrected form of Akaike information criterion (AICc), AICc differences (∆i) and of the ‘Akaike weights’ wi for the twelve models gi of absolute growth. The models with ∆i < 4 are given in bold. Model g1 g2 RSS 754.3 779.2 AICc 676.2 681.1 ∆i 0.2 5.1 wi 38.2% 3.3% g3 822.0 753.2 738.2 753.7 689.1 676.0 679.5 682.6 13.1 0.0 3.5 6.6 0.1% 42.3% 7.4% 1.6% g8 g9 786.6 738.9 694.8 689.0 679.6 691.7 13.0 3.6 15.7 0.1% 6.9% 0.0% g 10 693.1 691.3 15.3 0.0% g 11 704.1 693.7 17.7 0.0% g 12 692.8 691.3 15.3 0.0% g4 g5 g6 g7 13 Table 4: Values of the small-sample bias-corrected form of Akaike information criterion (AICc), AICc differences (∆i) and of the ‘Akaike weights’ wi for the twelve models fi of the measured morphometric characters. For each character, values of wi corresponding to models with ∆i < 4 are given in bold. Model W=f(L) D=f(L) T=f(L) W p =f(L) W a =f(L) AICc L 1 =f(L) L p =f(L) L a =f(L) L 2 =f(L) f1 -295.9 -62.2 -290.8 -234.7 -256.0 -366.1 -394.2 -314.1 -233.9 f2 -353.9 -60.1 -289.4 -245.3 -258.9 -369.6 -401.7 -312.3 -232.3 f3 -344.7 -86.3 -288.0 -256.9 -263.1 -369.1 -400.5 -313.4 -231.6 f4 -342.8 -100.1 -288.8 -256.2 -264.0 -372.2 -402.0 -314.4 -234.7 f5 -314.9 -109.0 -301.1 -232.5 -262.8 -394.6 -430.5 -323.7 -257.4 f6 -355.9 -105.8 -303.5 -240.3 -271.2 -397.0 -439.6 -339.4 -259.3 f7 -353.5 -148.2 -304.9 -251.6 -281.1 -395.6 -438.2 -343.4 -261.3 f8 -351.1 -154.6 -306.0 -250.0 -281.6 -399.1 -446.2 -353.7 -274.1 f9 -326.5 -141.5 -315.1 -230.9 -258.3 -393.0 -441.1 -372.4 -286.0 f 10 -343.8 -133.2 -325.4 -240.4 -272.3 -393.2 -436.0 -364.6 -285.1 f 11 -347.8 -160.2 -312.6 -238.2 -266.9 -387.8 -424.6 -353.7 -273.4 f 12 -343.3 -163.3 -324.8 -251.6 -265.2 -385.6 -428.6 -364.0 -278.1 ∆i f1 60.0 101.1 34.6 22.2 25.7 33.0 52.0 58.3 52.1 f2 2.0 103.2 36.0 11.6 22.7 29.5 44.6 60.1 53.7 f3 11.2 77.0 37.4 0.0 18.5 30.0 45.7 59.0 54.4 f4 13.1 63.2 36.6 0.7 17.6 26.8 44.2 58.0 51.3 f5 41.0 54.4 24.3 24.4 18.8 4.5 15.7 48.7 28.6 f6 0.0 57.5 21.9 16.6 10.4 2.0 6.6 33.0 26.7 f7 2.4 15.1 20.5 5.3 0.5 3.5 8.0 29.0 24.7 f8 4.8 8.7 19.4 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.7 11.9 f9 29.4 21.8 10.3 26.0 23.4 6.1 5.1 0.0 0.0 f 10 12.1 30.1 0.0 16.5 9.3 5.9 10.2 7.8 0.9 f 11 8.1 3.1 12.8 18.7 14.8 11.3 21.7 18.7 12.6 f 12 12.6 0.0 0.6 5.3 16.4 13.5 17.7 8.4 7.9 wi f1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% f2 20.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% f3 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 53.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% f4 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 37.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% f5 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% f6 55.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 20.7% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0% f7 17.2% 0.0% 0.0% 3.7% 43.2% 9.9% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 55.9% 57.2% 87.8% 0.0% 0.2% f8 5.2% 1.1% f9 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 2.7% 6.9% 96.6% 59.9% f 10 0.1% 0.0% 56.7% 0.0% 0.5% 3.1% 0.5% 1.9% 38.7% f 11 1.0% 17.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% f 12 0.1% 81.9% 42.9% 3.8% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 1.5% 1.2% 14 Figure captions Fig. 1: The location of the five populations of the present study. N1: Echaâra, N2: Njila, N3: Sidi Rais, E1: Stah Jaber, E2: Téboulba. Fig. 2: The morphometric characters measured in P. nobilis specimens. L: length, W: width (maximum dorso-ventral length), T: thickness, D: distance from the top of the shell hinge to the top of the valves, Lp, La: lenghts of the posterior and anterior adductor muscle scars respectively, Wp, Wa: maximum width of the posterior and anterior adductor muscle scars respectively, L1, L2: lengths from the top of the posterior and anterior adductor muscle scars respectively to the top of the shell. Fig. 3: The size-at-age raw data and the average model. Differences between North and East population groups were so slight that were not visible in the graph. The data were jittered by adding a small random quantity to the horizontal coordinate to separate overplotted points and have a better visualization of the dataset. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. Fig. 4: (Left panel) The raw data of the measured morphometric characters in relation to the shell length (L). (Right panel) The average models of relative growth. Ni are the northern populations and Ei the eastern ones; abbreviations as in Figs 1 and 2. Symbolization: ◊: N1, : N2, ∆: N3, +: E1, x: E2. Fig. 5: The generalized allometric exponent b for the relative growth of the measured pairs of morphometric characters, based on the average models. Fig. 6: Absolute growth curves of several P. nobilis populations: A1: 13 m depth, Moraira Bay – Spain (García-March et al. 2007a), A2: 6 m depth, Moraira Bay – Spain (García-March et al. 2007a), B: Thermaikos Gulf – Greece (Galinou-Mitsoudi et al. 2006), C: Mljet National Park – Croatia (Šiletić and Peharda 2003), D1: Aguamarga – Spain (Richardson et al. 1999), D2: Rodalquilar – Spain (Richardson et al. 1999), D3: Carboneras – Spain (Richardson et al. 1999), E1: Veliko jezero Croatia (Richardson et al. 2004), E2: Malo jezero - Croatia (Richardson et al. 2004), E3: Mali Ston Bay - Croatia (Richardson et al. 2004), F: National Park of Port Cros – France (Moreteau and Vicente 1982), PS: present study (model g1). The reported asymptotic length L∞ in each case is given in parenthesis. Fig. 7: Comparison of W-L relative growth curves (Top) and generalized allometric exponents (Bottom) of the P. nobilis populations of the present study and the population in Lake Vouliagmeni – Greece (Katsanevakis et al. 2007a). Fig. 8: Scatterplot of the first two principal components of the pooled normalized logtransformed morphometric data of the five P. nobilis populations. 15 Fig. 1 16 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 17 Fig. 4a 18 Fig. 4b 19 Fig. 5 20 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 21 Principal Component 2 1.5 1 N1 0.5 N2 0 N3 E1 -0.5 E2 -1 -1.5 -11 -8 -5 -2 1 4 Principal Component 1 Figure 8 22