Davidson High School


Davidson High School
An academic, creative innovative, sustainable school which
strives to develop each student’s talents and capabilities while
fostering personal responsibility, self confidence, global
citizenship and a sense of wellbeing.
September 2013
HSC Visual Arts Display
Diary Dates
Thursday 5
Green Day
Friday 6
Y10 Brainstorm
Monday 12 –Friday 20
Y11 Preliminary exams
Wednesday 18
Y12 Farewell assembly
Thursday 19
Y12 fun day offsite
Friday 20
1pm Y12 luncheon
Last day Term 3
Tuesday 8
Staff and students
return Term 4
Thursday 10
Y11 Music Night in
Friday 11
6-10 pm Trivia Night
Monday 14
HSC exams begin
Tuesday 22
P&C Meeting
Please note:
Clockwise from top left: Jessica Desmond, Abigail Fenn; Emilia Kriketos; Zoe Sheehan,
Bethan Mason, Lauren Shirdon, Casey Forest,
Ms Pattinson, together with students Loren Holley and Kirsty Maye, is currently
representing Davidson High School and Australia at the Morioko Chuo
International Educational Forum in Japan.
Friday 20
Year 12 luncheon:
Years 7-11 will be
dismissed at 1 pm
Mimosa Street, Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086. Tel: 9451 0022, 9451 0199. Fax: 9975 3560
Email: davidson-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au Webpage: www.davidson-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
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Year 12 Visual Arts display
Ms Sue Sears, Visual Arts teacher
On Wednesday evening 21 August 2013 the senior Visual Art Display was held in the Jan Jones Room. This was a
chance for both Year 11 and 12 to showcase their works. Two representatives from Manly Gallery visited to view the
work to make selections for the annual Express Yourself exhibition held at Manly Art Gallery.
Running an art exhibition gives the students a deadline to work towards. Whilst there was stress, drama and tears, I
believe the students triumphed over adversity.
Teaching is a team sport and the Davidson staff have been wonderful. Many thanks In particular the CAPA staff for
their involvement, The SAS staff for their patient support, the mentors all around the school who nurtured and
bounced ideas, the English staff who assisted with artists’ statements, TAS staff for food preparation and the
Deputies and Principal who regularly visited the students to motivate, inspire and encourage the students to do their
The most valuable part of the exhibition was for the audience to give the students positive and constructive
feedback on their work. The enabled design problems to be solved before handing in for final marking.
Following is an anonymous comment from Feedback box which summed up the event: “I would have to say that
this exhibition of works is exemplary. It is by far the best I have seen in many years.”
Congratulations to the students who showed their work at the event:
Zoe Addison
Stephanie Baker
Vanessa Baker
Jessica Desmond
Abigail Fenn
Casey-Lara Forrest,
Emilia Kriketos
Sarah Legros
Grace Martin
Bethan Mason
Tayla Poyser
Alessia Roesner
Zoe Sheehan
Lauren Shirdon
Collection of works
Religion is a ruin
Cover up
The In-exactitude of a fairytale’s portrayal
The big issue
Face value - Blind justice
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small
The Unprotected Declaration of Human Rights
Beyond the visual
Cultural point of difference
Sea me
Lunacy: the orbit of our souls
Distorted droplets of domesticity
The Fundamental circle
Deputy Principal’s report
Mr David Rule, Deputy Principal
Punctuality/Gate passes
Please be aware that when late students arrive to class the learning of all students is disrupted. If students arrive at
school after the first bell, it is mandatory that they sign in at the Front Office and present an explanatory note. Gate
passes are issued only by the Deputies during break times. Written permission clearly stating date, roll class, time
and reason is to be provided.
In line with our PBEL program, we are encouraging students to be respectful, responsible and to put more effort into
wearing the correct school uniform with pride. If your child is unable to wear any part of the uniform he/she must
bring a note of explanation to one of the Deputies for approval before school. Any student who is out of uniform
and has not presented a note to a Deputy will attend lunchtime detention in Room 2 on the day. Repeat offenders
will move through the level system. Sports shorts are only to be worn on Wednesdays and during PE. Please ensure
students wear the correct black leather lace-up shoes. This is in line with the Department of Education’s WH&S
Page 2
Industrial Technology – Timber Products &
Furniture Technologies
2013 major projects
Mr Gavin Sheargold, Industrial Technology—Timber teacher
Major works by (clockwise
from top left):
Luke Betts (turned lamps);
Michael Power
(entertainment unit—
Beau Abrahams (day bed);
Peter Kemp (wishing well);
Cameron Drake
(entertainment unit—
Tasmanian oak);
Travis Faulkingham
Toby Martins (entertainment
Page 3
The Centre of Innovation and Learning Transforms into
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
Mrs Anne Coltman, English teacher
On Thursday 22nd August year 9 English classes were involved in
performing Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. They took over the
space previously known as The Library and took advantage of the
tiered structure and the performance area that it provides in order to
“walk the boards” and “strut their hour upon the stage” and practise
speaking “trippingly on the tongue”.
For many students it seemed a very daunting task just to get their
tongues around the Shakespearean language but to act at the same
time and engage with their audience was quite a challenge. The
audience was in stitches when several male students donned wigs
and low cut dresses to perform the role of Juliet. Others were wowed
by the Baz Luhrmann style re-interpretation of the traditional play in
which guns were exchanged for swords. Mrs Cassidy's class was
ambitious enough to perform the whole play by presenting an
abridged version that they had written themselves. It was touching
to see how coy the Romeos and Juliets were, often choosing to hide
their first kiss behind a fan. The fighting scenes were the most
popular of all and one group chose to have “men in tights” (this
costume was clearly inspired by the Franco Zeffirelli film version of
the play) and it consisted of the boys using their pullovers as long
Amongst the highlights of the show was Chella Parmiter’s rendition
of Juliet with Mrs Coltman in the supporting role of the nurse. Sarah
Challenor also offered a sensitive portrayal of the tragic heroine and
deserves credit for staying in character throughout the performance.
Ursula Heemann played a convincing Romeo with great use of
gestures and acting skills. Olivia Layton performed a very sensitive
portrayal of Juliet with the holy palmers’ kiss. Amongst the male
actors, those of note were Rory Campbell, Daniel Fisher, Keia Mano,
Isiah Fairless and Brian Allman. It was a wonderful inter-class
challenge, largely organised by Ms Hewes and gauging by the
enthusiasm displayed, it might become a regular feature of our
program in forthcoming years.
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Mr Ben McNaughtan, Sports teacher
Opens League and Union 2013
Our opens rugby league and union teams have
had a particularly successful year. Our league
team entered two competitions: the GIO Cup
which is a state wide tournament that begins
with a qualifying competition encompassing
public, private and catholic schools from the
Manly-Warringah and North Sydney areas and
the University Shield which follows the same
structure but only involves public schools from
the same region.
In the GIO cup, Davidson were champions
beating Cromer 14-0 in the regional final while
in the University Shield we finished runners up
in a tight final against Balgowlah Boys high
In rugby union we again entered two
competitions: the Waratah Cup which is state
wide tournament and a regional rugby 7s
tournament. In the Waratah Cup, Turramurra
were too good for us and knocked us out in the
first round of the tournament. However, in the
rugby 7s competition, the team were regional
winners and have now qualified to compete in
the state finals at Woollahra Oval on Sunday
the 8th September.
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Junior Netball—Superzone champs!
Ms Jen Wright, Netball coach
The Davidson junior girls grade
team are superzone
champions! After a long hard
season the girls defeated a full
strength Mackellar team by one
point in the Warringah Zone
final. Sophia Jaques and Emma
Connolly shot beautifully whilst
Molly O’Connor dominated the
mid court in attack. Renee
Cosh provided a strong and
steady option in WD shutting
down her player and applying
pressure on the C pass. This
result was an excellent
achievement as the opposition
had many Manly Warringah
representatives and a NSW
state player.
After this victory the team then
played the winner of Pittwater Zone, Pittwater High School to determine the overall winners for 2013. Both teams
were undefeated throughout the competition and desperate for the title of super zone junior netball champions. The
game was goal for goal for the most part with Olivia Layton leading from the front taking intercepts left right and
centre. Dynamic shooter Genevieve Kabalan returned this week and shot beautifully. Grace Clarke, Maya Bohr and
Alana Dunn were outstanding in defence with Grace taking key rebounds and shutting out their shooter.
The final whistle blew just as Genevieve took her penalty pass or shot to draw level with Pittwater. In controversial
circumstances, we went into extra time with Davidson revved up and raring to go. We started well and took control
of the game to win 32-28. This is a fantastic achievement and demonstrates this team’s commitment to training
sessions and strong work ethic. All girls contributed to this win and should be very proud of themselves.
The team is: Olivia Layton, Molly O’Connor, Renee Cosh, Georgia Gemmel, Cara Mendham, Maya Bohr, Alana Dunn,
Grace Clarke, Emma Connolly, Genevieve Kabalan and Sophia Jaques.
Year 7 Gala Day 2013
Mr Ben McNaughtan
Year 7 Gala day was held on Tuesday the 6th of
August. The day involves all of year 7 competing
against schools from other schools in our zone in a
variety of sports including touch football, soccer,
netball and frisbee.
The teams are coached by year 9 students from
our elective PASS classes, who coach, referee and
help run the day. Although none of our teams
were winners on the day, all of our students
participated with good sportsmanship and
enthusiasm and enjoyed the day.
Right: Year 7 Girls’ frisbee team
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Mr Jacques Kolokossian
What a difference three years make! In 2010, our boys’ junior basketball team went winless for the entire
season,which was obviously quite disappointing. With loss piling upon loss, most students would have been
disheartened and eventually would have quit the team. However, this was not the case with these players.
The boys stayed committed and sacrificed their time for after-school training. Their hard work and determination
led to a remarkable improvement in their skills. As the junior team slowly morphed into the senior team, they
started to notch up victory after victory. The team had improved so much that they remained undefeated in the
regular season for two consecutive years. In fact, this season, the team progressed to the finals where they were
narrowly defeated by Narrabeen Sports High School.
Yes, making the finals is quite a special achievement, especially after being at the bottom of the ladder only three
short years ago. But, I think the boys’ greatest accomplishment was how they held themselves both during the
games and after them. In victory, they were humble, in defeat, gracious; and throughout the entire season, their
conduct was dignified. These are qualities that players should aspire to when they compete in any representative
sport and our boys should be commended for this.
The team also had a healthy mix of Davidson and ICET students who worked together to achieve the best possible
result they could. It is encouraging to see that despite the differences of language and culture, there is a sense of
harmony and teamwork on the basketball court. I hope that these experiences together over the last few years have
forged friendships that will last a lifetime.
The following students have played on the DHS Basketball Team: Tsukasa Hisanari, Adam Arias, Shu Isezaki, Tim
Radom, Nick Hoare, Jacob Der Bedrossian, Taiga Fujii, Justin Knight, Jack Summers, Scott Johnston.
Well done gentlemen, you have made the school proud. And remember, if you can find the time to join the team
next year, there is a place waiting for you.
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Centre for Innovation and Learning
Mrs Kylie Pearson, Librarian
What’s been going on...
Book Week Monday 19th to Friday 23rd August
The 2013 theme for National Book Week was “Reading across
the Universe” and celebrations occurred throughout the
week. On Monday we held a pizza lunch for all students who
had completed the Premiers Reading Challenge were a part
of Tuesday book club or had been a top borrower for 2013.
On Wednesday, during roll call, all students took part in a
book quiz and the following students were all awarded prizes
for achieving a perfect score: Bridget Gosling, Tom Morrison, Sean McCracken, Kristi
Vanderfield, Georgia Mason and Tegan Martina.
On Friday the big day arrived where a range of planned activities took place all in aid of
the Footpath Library, a charity that distribute over 2,500 books per month to their
disadvantaged clients. Students and teachers sparked their imaginations, arriving at
school dressed as their favourite book characters. A buzz ensued as students from the SRC
visited roll call to count those that were dressed in costume and identify the group that
had won the free BBQ lunch. While it was Mr Azimi’s roll call that were crowned the
winners, students enjoyed the BBQ, with sausages selling out before the end of lunch.
Students in Mrs Von Heupt’s Year 9 English class
worked really hard to promote the Footpath
Library and Friday’s event to the school. Most notably they set up an
installation art piece in the centre of the main quad as well as a Mad Hatter’s
Tea Party that was arranged for the students who donated the most books to
the charity.
Overall it was a fantastic celebration where the staff and students at Davidson
High School shared their passion for books. Raising close to $650 we are
hoping that the founder of the charity Sarah Garnett is able to attend an
assembly early next term to accept our donations. The SRC has pledged to
bring the total to $1,000 which is simply amazing!
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Chess Club
A massive thank you to the P&C for subsiding the Sydney Academy of Chess
lessons. Students have been attending the lessons every Thursday since the
beginning of term and have really enjoyed developing their skills and challenging
each other in matches. We hope to continue to build the profile of the club by
holding a whole day chess tournament towards the end of Term 4.
The Buzz
Students have been working since the start of term 3 on The Buzz. This new
venture sees a team of students meet every Tuesday afternoon to work on the
school magazine. The 50 page 2013 edition will consist of all of the key events
including SRC, camps, SOPA, sport, drama, and much more. Capturing the
memories of 2013, this valuable keepsake is available to students at a cost of $20
per magazine. The high gloss print will be available at the beginning of December
and students can pre-order their copy from the Accounts Office.
New Resources
The Centre for Innovation and Learning has recently invested in World Book online. This online database will give
students access to;
World Book Student: This forms the foundation of an expansive reference database that includes over 40,000
encyclopedia and reference articles, thousands of links to outside web sites selected by World Book editors and
contributors. It also includes an extensive Dictionary and Atlas plus audios, visuals and animations.
World Book Advanced: This is tailored for the needs of older students, it includes encyclopedic content, integrates
primary and secondary source databases plus more than 5,500 e-books in a single search, over 700 e-books can be
downloaded to e-readers and iPads, and a wealth of research tools that allow students to customise and save their
Our World Book subscription allows us to give you and your family access to this valuable reference source at your
home computers . To access the World Book Web, follow these steps
Go to World Book Online http://www.worldbookonline.com; Type in the following user Login ID: Davidson;
Password: contact Ms Pearson: kylie.pearson11@det.nsw.edu.au
Remember that the login and password information is for students and their families only, and extending this
information to people who do not live within the school district could result in loss of at home access for our
is visiting Bunnings, Belrose on Friday 13 September
from 9.00—2.30pm
47 more donors are needed! Every donation saves
3 lives. Make an appointment by calling 13 14 95.
Page 9
Year 9 Visual Arts
Loretta Mangassarian, Jo Young, Michelle Garden
During this semester, the Year 9 Visual Arts
students gained skills and experience in
landscape painting. They developed a good
understanding of colour, composition,
textures, mood and
abstraction through the use
of photography and the
direct observation of nature.
The students selected a
variety of themes such as
picturesque and serene, bold
and beautiful, sandy beaches
and the blue violet mountain
ranges, capturing many
moods phases and
characters of the true
Page 10
Ms Kerry Short, Administration Manager
SASS Appreciation
From Monday 9th to Friday 13th September
students and teaching staff at Davidson High
School will acknowledge the hard work done by the
School Administrative & Support Staff (SAS Staff) as
part of National Recognition week.
SAS Staff are a dedicated group of professional
workers who are a vital part of our organisation
and are an important part of our school’s success
in the provision of quality education for your
I would like to take this opportunity to
acknowledge the SAS Staff at Davidson High School
in their various roles for their dedication,
professionalism and diligence in supporting our
teachers and students.
Some of the front office staff. L-r: Barb McDonald, Alanah
Ferguson, Kerry Short, Jane Coutts
Lockers 2014
In January 2014 we will be completing some much needed maintenance on the Student Lockers. All students are
requested to clear out their locker. Please leave the locker empty, clean and the door open by the end of week 10 in
term 4. Any locks left in place will be cut off. All lockers will be numbered/renumbered in the January holidays
making identification easier for the students. Some lockers may move around so students may find that their locker
has moved on the recommencement of school in 2014. If any student no longer requires a locker, please advise the
Accounts Office.
Parents please note that lockers will be held by the student for the 6 years they attend the school and will no longer
transfer to siblings. If a siblings would like to continue will a particular locker a fee of $30 is payable.
The cost of lockers from 2014 will be $60 (locks to be supplied by students) for the time that the students are at
Davidson High School.
P&C Grounds Subcommittee Report
Two working bees have been held so far this term. On Saturday August
3, 2013 Fusae Harada and eleven of her ICET students worked
enthusiastically to renovate the garden bed adjacent to the school
office. Thank you Fusae, Mizuki, Miho, Risa, Rui, Kaho, Takara, Shu, Sae,
Mio, Hiyo and Yuki. It does now look like a completely different garden.
The following Saturday, we renovated the garden on the side wall of the
library, just opposite the school office. Thank you to parents Claire
Jessop, Robert Coenraads, Jeremy Winer and the nine ICET students
(some of whom attended the week before) Mizuki, Sae, Mio, Hiroaki,
Kaho, Miho, Ryosuke, Shu and Naoki. Jeremy Winer also provided steam
weeding services to both the newly cleared and some other areas.
Another small working bee is to be held on Saturday August 31 from 9
am. Early in Term 4, we will send an email reminder about the first
working bee of that term that will involve a larger task.
Sam Phillips g.phillips@unswalumni.com
Page 11
Prof Coletta (Italian/French)Dalpadado Sensei (Japanese) Ms Thorogood (Italian/Japanese)
ALC (Assessment of Language Competence) Certificates
All students in elective French, Italian and Japanese sat for the ALC Language Certificates. The
certificate consists of a listening section and reading section. We will publish the results when we
receive them in Term 4. Students will be presented with their certificates at assembly.
Maebashi visit
During the Maebashi visit last month, some of the Japanese visitors joined our Year 8 Japanese
class. The Maebashi students introduced themselves in simple Japanese and our students were
able to ask them about their life in Japan. Some of the Davidson students then introduced themselves to our
visitors in Japanese. Well done!
The visitors were welcomed to the school upon their arrival by Year 10 student
Matt Connolly who gave a short speech in Japanese. At the official welcome
assembly Courtney Loft and Jessica Holland welcomed the Maebashi teachers
and students in a speech again given in Japanese. It was a fantastic opportunity
for our Year 10 Japanese language students to use their oral communication skills
in an authentic context. They did a fantastic job and we are very proud of their
On their final day at Davidson
High there was a discussion
forum where our Year 10
Japanese elective class acted as
group leaders. Each Year 10 student had 4 Maebashi students in
their group and conducted the discussions in both English and
simple Japanese. Some questions asked were ‘Is Australia how
you expected it to be?’ to which many of our Japanese friends
replied “no” and ‘What is the difference between your school and
Davidson High School?’. Many of the Japanese students felt that
Davidson High School was more relaxed than their schools in
Japan and also that our students enjoyed more freedom. At the
end of the forum all the groups came together to compare
answers which was very interesting and enlightening. It was an
excellent opportunity to make friends and get to know more
about Japan.
Go Nihongo! videos are now live
In terms 3 and 4 last year some of our elective Japaense students took part
in a NSW DEC (Department of Education and Communities) project funded
through NALSSP (National Asian Languages Studies in Schools Program).
The project consisted of a set of short films to support the teaching and
learning of Japanese. Many of these scenes were filmed at Davidson High
School starring our Davo and ICET (2012) students. Even our Principal Ms
Pattinson and our librarian Mrs Pearson made brief appearances!
Page 12
The videos have been uploaded to YouTube and are now ‘live’. They are entitled Go Nihongo! by LearningNSWDEC.
There are 12 videos in the series.
Congratulations to the following Year 10 and 11 students who took part: Matt Connolly, William Denny, Jacob der
Bedrossian, Justin Knight, Kevin Lee, Victoria Lew, Kiana Nath, Hannah Paull and Toni Tait.
ICET scholarship to Japan
Congratulations to Justin Knight and Matthew Connolly from our Year
10 Japanese class for receiving the annual ICET scholarship to Japan.
The students were selected by a panel of 4 Davidson and ICET staff
members after submitting their application and taking part in a formal
interview. Many students applied for this scholarship this year and all
applicants are to be congratulated on their efforts.
Matthew and Justin will spend 6 weeks of Term 4 in Japan staying with
a host family and attending one of our sister schools, Okayama
Gakugeikan High School. This scholarship is a fantastic opportunity for
our students to extend their knowledge of Japan, use and expand their Japanese language skills and take a step in
gaining an international perspective.
Thank you to ICET for giving our students this wonderful opportunity every year.
Language class updates
Year 7
All classes have commenced their study of Italian at the beginning of Term 3.
Students have recently been given a Year 8 language elective form that must be completed and returned to school as
soon as possible. In NSW, the Board of Studies has mandated 100 hours of language study in Stage 4. At Davidson
High this study takes place in Year 8. Students have a choice of Italian and Japanese. Students must choose ONE
language which will be studied for the duration of 2014.
Students are encouraged to return their forms as soon as possible to ensure they get their language of choice. They
are due by the 11th October 2013 (Term 4, Week 1) to the Languages Staffroom. Places will be allocated to each
language in the order that the forms are received.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring Ms Coletta or Ms Dalpadado in the Languages staffroom.
Year 8
Japanese classes have finished their course book Hai! 1. There was a listening/reading/writing assessment on
Chapter 4 and a speaking assessment (a self-introduction) for Chapter 5. Students in both classes have been
allocated a new course book and workbook Hai! 2.
The Italian classes have completed a unit 3 test and have started animals and colours in Chapter 4 of Ecco Uno.
Year 9
Italian classes are finalising their Ecco Uno Chapter 6 study.
Year 10
Japanese students have recently presented ‘weather reports’ in Japanese as part of their Hai! 5/6, Chapter 2 unit of
work. The class has now commenced Chapter 3 and it is expected that this chapter will be completed by the end of
this term.
Page 13
Italian students are studying reflexive verbs in Chapter 5 of Ci Siamo in the topic of Daily Routine.
Year 11
Year 11 French are completing Unit 8 of their text book The French Experience in preparation for their Year 11
Preliminary yearly examination. Students are encouraged to get their notes and study timetables organised for
revision and exam preparation.
Year 12
Japanese Beginners students have finished the unit of work on Future Plans & Aspirations and are working on their
final unit of work entitled Holidays, Tourism and Travel. Mock speaking tests are conducted in class every week as
students prepare for their final HSC oral examination taking place Saturday 14th September. Students have been
allocated an exam time and venue and have been briefed on the procedure for the day.
French Beginners students have completed their speaking component of the HSC 2 Unit Beginners French
examination on Saturday 31st August. The class is now focusing on finishing the course, honing their listening,
reading and writing skills and revising for the final HSC examination.
We have many students studying several languages for the HSC this year including study through the Open High
School. We wish all language students the best of luck in their oral examination. Gambatte kudasai! Bonne
Saturday 28th September
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Bushfire safety info, free
jumping castle, kids activities, free sausage sizzle
207A Forest Way, Belrose
(opposite nursery)
Page 14
Celebrating our students
Congratulations to our student leaders for 2014:
School Captains:
Madeline Hinds, Ben Argue
School Vice Captains: John Vergos, Sarah Schooley, Grace Iaccobe, Stephanie David
Kirsten Banks, Ryan Packness, Taylor Barnard, Hannah Paull, Georgia Campbell, Georgia
Rutherford, Jessica Cragg, James Spicer, Callum Crooks, Joel Taylor, Christine Dunch,
Ashleigh Elston, Jason Flannery, Emily Heung, Loren Holley, Koki Iwama, Juliet Jacquet,
Kila Maino, Elise Marnoch, Kirsty Maye, Claudia McHenry, Rebecca McKern, Pierce O’Toole.
Congratulations to Gericho and Blade Hills (Year
12 2011, below front left and right) who have
reached the semi finals of Channel 9’s Australia’s
Got Talent as part of the marital arts performance
X-treme Team.
Pictured left, middle front row, is Josh Gessner, in
the USA as part of the Australian baseball team.
Unfortunately Australia didn't do so well but Josh
received MVP for one game and he was one of
three players from the Australia team (total 14
players) to play for the All Stars
Georgia Elphick (Year 8) will dance at the State Dance Festival at the Seymour Centre this week.
All the best, Georgia!
Cameron Davis (Year 12) has been placed 24th in the Queensland Isuzu golf tournament. This is
an amazing result in a PGA tournament—well done, Cameron!
… and our teachers!
Sebastian Brunsdon (pictured with year 10 students Caitlin Lewis
and Stefan Pieper) has been awarded the Minister’s Award for
Excellence in Teaching . He was selected for his ability to “inspire
his students with his drive, passion and fervour for economics and
geography”, according to the award citation. “His classroom
practice reflects all the best attributes of quality teaching. As a
result, his students have produced outstanding academic results
in these fields,” it says.
Mr Brunsdon has been teaching Economics, Geography and
Commerce for 21 years, 16 of them at Davidson. “Australia's
future lies with the talents of its young people. I really enjoy the
challenges and rewards that come from opening student's’ minds
to contemporary social and economic issues. I feel really lucky to
be able to teach in a school like Davidson High”, he said.
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Prefect induction
morning tea
Page 16
k W
For the first time in many years Davidson High is producing The Buzz, a year book of the key
events in 2013, written by students.
The high gloss magazine will be available in early December for $20. Pre-order on the slip
below and return it to the Accounts Office by 18th October.
The Buzz
pre-order form
Return to Accounts Office
Name of Student: _________________________________
Roll call: ____________
Number of copies: ______
Payment: 
 Cheque
 Mastercard
Card number: _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _
 Visa
Expiry: ______________
Cardholder’s name: _______________________________
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