
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
11 Habits That Could Change Your Life
Hayden Perno
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Copyright © 2015, Hayden Perno.
Except where otherwise acknowledged, all content in this publication remain the
intellectual property of the author.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
The information in this book is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT
INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. I take absolutely no responsibility for
any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary
modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or
following the information contained in this information. The publication of this
information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information
does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before
undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their
physician or other health care provider.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
This book is the property of Hayden Perno. So please don’t attempt to claim
it as yours and/or try to charge money for it! It was written for two purposes:
to help grow my brain (which it did), and for the people reading it to grow
theirs (I hope it does).
One of my goals in writing this was to back up as much, if not all the facts
that are provided in here.
Some are my opinion of course, but the rest is backed up by studies or top
professionals in the field that have expressed their opinions on the
matter/actually seen certain things happen with their clients/athletes.
If you like/dislike/agree/disagree with any of the content, drop me a line
either on my website, Facebook or on Twitter and let me know.
And hey, why not spread the love and share the book with your friends,
family, enemies, whomever? You can do this by using this link:
Why a version 2?
Few reasons. The main one being that every time I write something, if I read
it even a week later, I hate it.
Literally one minute after posting this book a year ago, I never actually had
the courage to go back and read it. It’s hard to explain, but it just feels
Almost one year on, however, I decided to give it a revamp and give each
chapter a day or two to bring it up to the voice I feel comfortable writing in
now, and the info I learned in the 12 months of this being downloaded by
over 600 people.
So, here it is. A blitzed version, injected with more and easier-to-digest
content for your hungry eyes and brains. I hope you enjoy it.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Fish Oil
Fruits & Vegetables
Daily Exercise
Fat Consumption
Eating Organic
Self-myofascial Release
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“A well-spent day brings happy sleep.”
- Leonardo da Vinci.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Sleep sure is one almighty and necessary thing in our lives. Not getting
enough of it has been linked to so many negative things, that you should
definitely start thinking about how many hours you’re actually ticking off
every night.
For starters, not enough of it is shown with a decrease in levels of alertness1,
a lowering of academic performance, and an increase in depression.
But, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
You see, a lack of sleep is kind of like how people call marijuana the “gateway
drug”. It’s the start of the line, and if your sleep dose is low, it can literally
impact on so many other factors in your life.
When we relate sleeping patterns to adults and the iPad-savvy generation of
younger kids, we can see a major difference.
Firstly, their day is nothing like most adults’ days. I mean, their day usually
involves them playing, eating, playing, eating, napping, eating, playing, and
then sleeping. Hell, sometimes they’re even known to include a few more
naps here and there.
Their main sleep during the night can even be long. I remember when my
younger sister was smaller and cuter2, she would sometimes out-sleep all of
us. She still does, come to think of it.
But, what do you think happens when a lifestyle involves getting things done,
eating good food, napping, and getting a full nights rest? Growth,
development, and a huge list of other cool things.
So, what the hell is going on with us big kids then?
I know… Obviously.
Hi, Jaz – I’m kidding, you’re still cute.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
It might come as a shock to you, but humans have more than 100 of these
circadian rhythms inside of us that influence various things from our heart
rate to blood pressure to body temperature to hormone levels to pain
thresholds and all the way our all-important sleep-wake cycle.
What a bunch of control freaks, right?
It might seem complex, but these circadian rhythms are run by one big mo’
fo’ of a clock that is situated in our brains. Although, this really isn’t your
average cog-and-a-double-A-or-two-kinda clock, this one comes in the form
of around 20,000 nerve cells, and is situated in something in our brains
known as the hypothalamus (say it). So, as you can imagine, it’s a pretty
serious piece of work.
Under normal conditions, our circadian rhythms are in sync with our
environmental clock3.
But, here’s the catch, there are certain factors that can influence our
rhythms, and with that, it can cause some adverse effects on us and
eventually, our health.
One huge effector of our circadian rhythms is this little thing that we see in
the sky every day known as the Sun. Or, aka. Light.
You see, when there is less light, the big-dog clock in our brain reviews the
information that is sent from our eyes and decides whether or not to release
this special substance known as melatonin to make us drowsy and ready for
Screw around when you are sleeping, and things can get serious.
That is, the day to night cycle.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
When we look towards shift workers, their alternated day and night pattern
causes their circadian rhythms to be affected by this stimulus pretty damn
Perhaps you know of a shift-worker, or hell, perhaps you are one. Let me ask
you this: How many of them (or you) have ever said “man, I feel great after
working 4 nights straight! It definitely does not affect my day-to-day life!”?
No takers? Well, there may be some but I think the majority wouldn’t feel
this way.
Since shift-workers’ day-to-night cycles are switched around completely, they
are more prone to screwing around with their circadian rhythms. This, of
course, is due to the fact that they are required to be awake during the night
and consequently (if they want any sleep), asleep during the day.
To make matters even worse, daytime is actually known to be a pretty bad
time to try and sleep due to our natural rhythms being programmed to raise
our performance levels, alertness and body core temperature at this
particular time of day. And because of all of this, shift-worker’s sleep time is
now shorter/non-existent and can obviously lead to sleep deprivation.
When you throw in sleep deprivation, safety, productivity, and overall health
can all be heavily compromised.
To make matters worse, an increase in human error, accidents and injuries
are even known to be a result of a sleep deprived individual.
Obviously, a lack of sleep isn’t a good thing. But, let’s take things further and
talk about it some more.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
It seems these days, everyone is busy. With our super-smart computer at an
arms-length reach, and time becoming more and more important to us, it
feels like life just keeps getting busier and busier.
Remember the days before smartphones when we used to have to wait at
the doctors? Nor do I. I mean, think about it, what the hell did we do back
Today when we’re waiting for someone or something, feeling awkward at a
party, bored at an engagement party, we can pick up our phones and do any
number of tasks from checking Facebook to Twitter, to posting #selfies and
watching people’s storyboard on Snapchat, to reading emails, articles, and
viewing the latest viral video.
We definitely have become addicted to using our phones, that’s for sure.
These days, we can’t even enter a room without at least half the people in
there on their phones.
Even when you question or bring up the topic of someone you know that is
always on their phone, they go on the defensive mode4. Try it. People bring
up the “oh but c’mon, I read articles on Facebook all the time” or classic
things like “oh I just had to check something quickly.”
Our addiction is getting out of hand. We’re choosing our phones over actual
interaction with human beings.
But, because of this addiction, the affect it’s having on us due to the brightlylit screens, our sleep can be on the receiving end of all of this.
Q: For how many of you is checking your phone the first and last thing you do
every day?
Exactly like other forms of addictions, right?
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
But listen, I’m definitely not a phone hater. Our phones have come a long
way since the flip phones with aerials, and I would probably literally cry if we
were all suddenly put back in time to before Apple blessed us5 with the
perfect touchscreen device to do everything.
We certainly have it good from a technology point of view, but not only are
phones affecting our sleep patterns, but things like TV, video games, and
computers are also playing a role in keeping us up and our brains stimulated.
Do you notice that you may not be getting to sleep fast when you use any
form of bright-screened technology close to your bedtime? Or, do you feel
like your brain is still spinning with information or imprints from your video
games when playing them late at night?
As bad as this might sound to you, but it may be something to possibly
consider limiting in your nighttime routine – maybe even removing it
completely if it’s affecting you so much.
Your health is important, more important than social media, and with simply
limiting your time spent with technology so close to bed, it can only pay off
for you.
To take things even further, it may be interesting to you to note that the
brightness of our phones can be on par with real-life daytime light.
So for anyone wanting their melatonin to release naturally and in sync with
their circadian rhythms, checking Facebook while lying in bed may not be too
good of an idea.
Man, sorry to be such a downer. Let’s get to some positives and plans of
Sorry, Android fans.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
So, how much sleep is actually required for ourselves to maintain a healthy
life? Whilst studies find it hard to pinpoint the amount of sleep we need due
to so many variables (age, gender, lifestyle habits, etc.), it is typically
suggested that adults aim for between 7-9 hours for optimal rest and
Some sources even suggest as little as 6 hours can be enough to keep your
hormones in check and your body happy and ready for another day though.
But by putting it down to in between 6-9 hours, you certainly can’t go wrong.
Sleep really is one of the most important factors in our life that we need to
make sure we keep in check. If we don’t, then we can fall out of whack
affecting our day-to-day performance levels and health in a serious and
negative way.
One way to put it is: The secret with sleep is not really a secret at all. It is
simply to get as much of it as you can, whenever you can.
And if all of the above information isn’t enough for you to think about your
sleep patterns and nighttime routines, did you know that it only takes one
night of insufficient sleep to trigger an area in your brain that is involved with
your need to eat?
One study found that acute sleep loss enhances hedonic stimulus (our
sensation of pleasant and unpleasant) processing in the brain underlying the
drive to consume foods. They’re even linking this to one reason why in
western society we’ve slowly become fatter and fatter over the years.
But, what about this: Have you ever had a big night out, not gotten enough
sleep and woken up with some regrets from the previous night?6
I’m sure a lot of you are nodding right now.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Well, despite alcohol or drugs being the cause of these certain regretful
decisions, one study has even shown that a lack of sleep and a higher level of
fatigue can cause us to have decision regret.
Sleep, get into it.
 Be aware of your natural circadian rhythms.
 Daylight, including the brightness of your favorite electronic device, can
be affecting your sleep patterns.
 Aim for between 6-9 hours of proper solid sleep per night.
Ps. Want to read more about sleep and get some extra tips to get a good
night’s sleep? Of course you do, you would be crazy to say no.
8 Tips For Better Z’s
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“Now that's what I call high quality
- Bobby Boucher (Waterboy, 1998).
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Ah yes, the all-important clear and watery substance most commonly known
as water.
You’ve all probably heard that we’re made up of water, but despite everyone
thinking that it’s around 70%, we actually come in at around 55-65%.
When we’re infants, however, that percentage can be a lot higher, sitting
close to around 75% or so, with it slowly decreasing as the years (and our
youthful looks) tick by.
The body is always thirsty to keep our bodily fluids (urine, sweat, seminal &
vaginal fluid, lymph, blood plasma and interstitial fluid) happy. If our supplies
are running too low, then these systems start to freak out and not function
And, when our body systems are freaking out and not functioning optimally,
it can lead to a whole lot of dramas ranging from our kidneys not being able
to remove toxins, not being able to produce lymph7, and even halt the
digestion of food.
Not cool.
You’ve probably heard the whole “as soon as you’re thirsty, you’re
dehydrated” statement that gets thrown around. But think about it, does
that even make sense from a survival and even evolutionary standpoint?
It just doesn’t seem right that we’d have to pour water into our bodies
constantly just to stay hydrated and alive, right?
Let me ask you this: Have you ever had one of those freak-out moments
when you’re more than a metre from your water bottle and you’re suddenly
The stuff that delivers nutrients to the cells, and removes waste products.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
so thirsty that your entire life is flashing right before your very eyes? No?
Well, this is awkward then…
But seriously, if you are “addicted” to constantly sipping water and you carry
a water bottle around with you wherever you go8, having those moments
when you’re away from a water source actually just comes down to your
mental strength.
So when then, are we actually in need of some of that clear, liquidy
Straight from the Wikipedia page: “Plasma osmolality measures the body’s
electrolyte-water balance.” It is mainly determined by our sodium, counter
ions and our “uncharged species” (glucose and urea) levels.
You see, if there is a rise of as little as 2% in these plasma osmolality levels, it
gives us the feeling of being thirsty. However, actual dehydration occurs at
around a 5% rise9 in our plasma osmolality levels.
So there you go. Reach a mere 2%, and some of us feel thirsty. But reach 5%,
and things start to get serious. Hard to tell when you do happen to reach 5%,
unless you have a plasma osmolality reader hooked up to your body, but the
next few sections will make sure you’re always filled up.
The prescribed ‘8 glasses of water a day’ seems to be slightly outdated these
days due to the fact that there is little to no evidence that that particular
amount is enough water for any particular individual.
Which is totally fine and recommended.
For the people that love technical numbers and fancy letters after them; our osmotic threshold
for thirst is ∼294 mosmol/kgH2O4, whilst technically, dehydration actually occurs when our
plasma osmolality has risen to ∼302 mosmol/kgH2O
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Not to mention, that that particular guideline doesn’t even tell us how big the
glasses have to be, what time of day to drink them, or even take into
consideration our weight, height and physical activities.
But look, obviously if you literally drink no water at all, aiming for 8 glasses
can’t be a bad thing (as long as they’re not shot glasses), but as it doesn’t
take into consideration an individual’s life, or more specifically, you, it
shouldn’t be something to go off.
I mean, if you’re a six month old baby that lies in your cot all day crying and
poking yourself in the eye, does that mean you should be downing 8 glasses?
Well, maybe. But I’m going to have to go with ‘most likely not’.
So, how much can be a good amount to aim for?
30-40mls per kilogram of bodyweight is known as a safe bet.
Even more may be required due to the amount of physical exercise you
engage in every day. And it is suggested that around an extra 500-1000ml is a
good guide for every hour you exert yourself and perspire.
So obviously it wouldn’t be smart to down your entire daily suggested
requirement during the opening credits to The Simpsons, but it’s still
probably best for me to give a couple of suggestions.
After working out how much you might need (30-40mls/kg), divide your
suggested requirement up into the number of meals you consume daily.
This’ll help you at least know how much to get in before or during your next
I know there are arguments in regards to whether or not you should
consume water whilst eating due to it flushing out some of the nutrients10.
Which generally recommends you keep a 20-30 minute pause between consumption when
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
But if you’re not already consuming water on a daily basis, you can’t go
wrong with adding it into your life in any way possible.
Did you know that our brains depend on proper hydration to function
optimally? When we lose too much water, our brain cells lose efficiency.
Some minor symptoms can be sudden tiredness, headaches and drier skin.
Adding to all of the information above, some important positives to consider
when questioning whether or not you want to trade up that diet coke or VB
for some of this liquid gold are:
 Fatigue – when you lose too much water, your brain cells lose
 Blood flow – more water equals more oxygen in your bloodstream
which then equals better circulation.
 Lubrication – helps keep our joints, muscles and fascia happy and
therefore us moving more fluidly (hilarious pun…).
 Keeps you ‘regular’ – aiding in digestion and helping prevent
 Complexion – keeps your skin clearer and cleaner.
Water, get into it.
 We’re made up of water, so we should definitely look to getting
enough of it in.
 30-40mls per kilogram of your bodyweight is a safe amount plus an
extra 500ml or more for every hour you exert yourself.
 Not enough water can impact everything from our mood, skin,
digestion, lubrication and circulation.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Ps. Want to learn more about water and get some extra? Of course you do,
you would be crazy to say no.
Water & You (Video)
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“All we have to decide is what to do with
the time that is given to us.”
- Gandalf (The Fellowship of the Ring – J.R.R Tolkien,
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Something we’re getting more and more passionate about and hungry for as
technology, possibilities, and of course, our ages increase.
Everything we do these days is about making things better for us – faster for
us. Simpler for us. We have practically every bit of technology out there
(except for teleporters… hurry the f up with those, by the way) that can make
our lives run seamlessly.
We’re getting more and more choosier about the things we do, too.
Gone are the days of watching TV shows and sitting through annoying ads
without doing something about it. As soon as an ad comes on, we’re picking
up our phones and refreshing our social media apps.
On the other hand, we don’t even bother with consuming what we want to
watch live anymore, opting to download and stream content.
We’re pretty picky. Everything we do is in our time now.
Remember getting a phone call 10 years ago? If it was on our cell phones, it
was exciting. These days, don’t even try it. Texting people with the “hey, can I
call you?” is a more common – if not preferred – occurrence prior to the call.
But, let’s first take a look at the book of faces (also known as Facebook) for a
couple of seconds and see if we can do something about your time situation.
How many times have you caught yourself scrolling mindlessly through the
feed, only to hit the refresh and check if anything new has come through at
many points during the day?
For many of the people I know, that’s all I ever see. Actually, any random
room I enter, too. It’s kinda sad that we choose our screens over legit
interaction with other humans, right?
Like we talked about in the sleep section, enter any room full of people and
you’ll be hard-pressed to not see too many of them staring dangerously
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
close11 into their screens, completely oblivious to anything going on around
But again, don’t get me wrong, I love my phone. I love our technology. Sitting
around with a group of people all on our phones is very similar to us all sitting
around with the same group of people, and watching a TV show or movie
I choose constantly to stare into it if and when I am completely bored of
what’s going on around me. But with our international “ADD” getting worse,
with obvious innovations such as the increase in popularity of 6-15 second
videos on apps like Vine, Snapchat, and the ‘Gram, you can see that even our
attention span is getting worse.
Hell, the fact that you’re even reading this very sentence is a huge thing (for
me, too), for starters.
But hey, I get it, you’re after more time. So let me give you some tips and
tricks to get more of it.
I love the concept Gary Vaynerchuk has instilled on me in the past six
months. His quote “you don’t have time? Stop watching f*cking Lost” has
affected me dramatically.
And when you think about it, I’m sure you can agree. One of the biggest
things with us and our “lack of time”, are the choices that we make every
We constantly choose what we do with our time and it usually is what we
find that is most important to us. We always make time for things we find
important (like watching the new episode of The Walking Dead or Game of
Thrones), so it’s just a matter of stepping back, looking at our lives, and
40cm or more for eye health.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
reassessing things so that we can make time for important things like our
health, relationships, and external hobbies outside of work-related tasks.
When we take a complete look at our lives, piecing together why time is
speeding up for us, can be daunting.
You may relate to this, but when you do something every day that is different
– for instance, when you travel to a different country – to what you normally
do, you may sometimes find that these types of days seem to go on for
longer than “regular” ones. Even the overall time that you spend in a
different location, doing different things daily seems to stretch on for longer.
Move away from a change in scenery, and you’re getting up every day at the
same time, eating the same foods, going about your entire day pretty
similarly. Your days seem shorter, and your life seems to be gaining in
Scientists call the experiences we have when we’re doing different things
‘memory shots’. What our brains like to do is store more information about
things when they’re new, exciting, terrifying, or different to our normal dayto-day life.
If we take a step back in time and reach our first year of life, we see that that
entire first year of our life is exactly 100% of it. Complete a second year, and
it becomes 50%. Another one, and it’s a mere 33.3%. It gets even worse the
more years we stack onto our life.
But reverse your attention back to your first 2-5 years of your life. Think
about the first time you saw something, the first time you ate something, the
first time you touched a cat, traveled somewhere. All of these first
experiences were completely new.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Come back to the present moment, and the frequency of how many times
you have performed any of those initial first moments have more than
decupled in times. Perhaps even a whole centuple12 times.
Not much we can do about any of this until they finally solve time travel.
Or is there?
So, if doing the same things every single day can have an effect on our brains
to speed up our lives, shouldn’t we be looking towards finding new
experiences, chasing different things, finding passion in more than just our
standard life?
Of course, if your life is completely “on track” – meaning you are super-happy
with everything (your job, your money, your freedom) and you don’t count
down the days getting excited about “hump day” or exclaiming ‘TGIF!’ – then
you might be thinking there’s nothing more you can do about it.
But that’s not completely true.
To increase the feeling of time slowing down, chasing more from the stuff
that excites you now can help.
Finding more.
Experiencing more.
Doing more.
When you think about it, we have 168 hours in our entire week.
If we start to delegate those hours to things we find important, we won’t feel
like we’re wasting time or speeding up our clock.
Decuple coming after couple, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, hextuple, septuple,
octuplet, nonuple. Centuple coming in at a whole 100 times a thing occurs.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
We can take things to the extreme and time the things we do so that
productivity doesn’t falter, also providing us with the bigger picture of what
we’re trying to achieve.
For instance, say you know you should workout to aid in dropping those
pounds in time for your trip overseas, but of course you don’t feel like doing
it. Of course you can think of a million better things you’d like to be doing on
any given day than hitting the gym. But take a step back.
And when you look at what is required to drop those pounds, you’ll find the
time required isn’t really that much.
I mean, think about it. 30-60 minutes two to three times a week can suffice
for this type of thing – possibly even less.
Take another step back and you’ll see that 60 minutes is only one hour of
your day – 4% of your entire day.
Delegating that time to two to three of your days will help you reach it, and
by telling yourself that if you just aim for 10 minutes to get in the swing of
things and begin a workout, this timing approach will even pay off.
Time is our most important commodity, no doubt, but by looking at the
bigger picture and breaking it down, it can only pay off.
Let me give you another example.
Say you have an essay due. What if you set yourself short goals like 30 minute
stints of intense work, do you think that this will provide you with clarity to
get things done?
By literally setting a stopwatch and keeping track of how much time you’re
willing to give to your assignment, do you think it can provide you with the
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
drive to get something done, rather than allowing the procrastination demon
to rear its ugly head?
From the complete other side of the spectrum, imagine if you chose to spend
your 3-6 hours (or more) after your 9-5 job every weekday, shooting for
something you’re interested in pursuing, rather than sitting on the couch and
succumbing to the unhappiness of how the way things are.
When you really think about it, it doesn’t seem logical to complain about
where your life is at if you do not use your hours in your day to do anything
about it, right?
Like I said – and I am 100% certain you will agree with me – time is our most
important commodity. Way more than money. Gaining more of it leads to
what we’re all really in search for – freedom.
Now look, I’m not pointing fingers in this chapter, or saying what you’re doing
is wrong, but if you choose to block off 1-2 hours per day (or week, whatever
you can do) to put energy towards doing more with your life other than work
and paying the bills (that includes passions, hobbies, relationships, your
body), I completely believe it will pay off for you.
Find time. Don’t keep telling yourself you don’t have any when you may be
capable or guilty of always, without fail, finding an hour or two every night to
watch your favourite TV show.
And hey, when you are “killing time”, enjoy it, because it’s what you want to
be doing.
 Own your time. Set a timer for tasks that you know should be done.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
 Choose to do more with your life. Experiences, passions, all of these
things will help with you creating ‘memory shots’ of important things in
your life.
 Find time for important things in your life.
 Enjoy when you are “killing time”.
Ps. Want to read more about time and what you can do about it? Of course
you do, you would be crazy to say no.
Time Murderers
Slow Down Life
The Greatest Present
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“Most people are full of compensations
that result in weakness, not just stiffness.”
- Dean Somerset.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Stretching is a funny topic. There are the yoga peepz out there that swear by
it and insist that everyone should be doing it every day, the people that think
stretching is unnecessary, and then of course, you’ve got the people that fall
in the middle.
One of the arguments that people come at the stretching topic with is the
fact that if you are training to your maximum range-of-motion whilst
constantly trying to improve it through proper training, then stretching may
not be necessarily necessary13.
Whilst this is actually a great point, there could be more to stretching than
just increasing your overall stretch tolerance.
The principle of specificity states that ‘to become better at a particular
exercise or skill, one should perform that exercise or skill’. So when it comes
down to people stretching their forearms and shoulders with isolation
stretches to improve their hand positioning for say, a front squat, it kinda
doesn’t make sense, right?
What I believe their best bet would be is to actually put themselves in as best
front squat positioning with their hands and shoulders as possible.
This would ensure that they can build upon this range of motion week by
week, until their hand positioning (and thoracic and shoulder mobility) is
ideal for the front squat.
BUT! Whilst I’m not saying that stretching your forearms prior to setting up
for a front squat is completely unnecessary – or with no benefit – just have a
think about how positioning your body into certain positions when
attempting to improve certain positions can actually pay off.
Had to do it.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
To make it simple; to improve in anything, practice it.
Think about people that live in third world countries. I’d find it very hard to
believe that any people that can just drop down into a perfect ass-to-grass
squat and literally chill there for hours, has ever stretched any of their
muscles individually to get that epic mobility.
They’re just so consistent with chilling that way that their movement
patterns, mobility and flexibility are primed and perfect for it.
But, a question nonetheless for you: How many 9-5 office workers reading
this can sit on the ground cross-legged for more than 5 minutes without
Now, it doesn’t have to be a set of groundbreaking stretches that take an
hour and a half every day all whilst wearing your best bright neon pink tights,
just 5-10 minutes a day of around 3-5 stretches should help you more
significantly than not.
Squat hold:
One of the best movement stretches around, I think personally. And if you
want to improve your mobility and flexibility in your entire body, and even
improve your squat depth, then this is perfect for you.
1. Whilst sitting down in a complete squat (i.e. ass-to-grass), hold onto
something sturdy and secure.
2. From there, aim to push forward so that your weight goes over your
toes whilst keeping your heels planted.
3. Once at this maximum point of stretch tolerance, go through 2-3 deep
4. From there, now attempt to posture up through the torso.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
5. Again, once you get to your new maximum stretch tolerance, perform
another 2-3 deep breaths.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you’re over it.
Check out the video here.
Frog stretch:
1. Spread your knees apart as far as possible until you feel the stretch all
through your groin area.
2. From there push your hips backwards toward your feet.
3. When you find your maximum stretch point, initiate your 2-3 deep
4. Repeat until you can no longer get any further.
5. From there, bring your feet together, keeping your knees out wide still
6. Now posturing up onto your hands, slowly walk your hands back until
you are completely upright, performing deep breaths along the way
when you feel like you can get no further.
7. Aim for your hips to relax onto your feet with your torso vertical.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Check out the video here.
1. Holding onto something sturdy and secure with one arm, lean back so
that your back flattens out and your hips are shooting towards the
2. With your opposite arm, grab hold of your rib cage and pull it away
from the arm outstretched.
3. Work through 2-3 deep breaths every time you find a new stretch
4. Repeat on opposite side.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Check out the video here.
1. Using something high enough to keep your hips square (foam
roller/pillow), hold down your knee at a right angle with the arm that is
under your body.
2. From there grab your rib cage that is closest to the ground with the
opposite arm.
3. Taking a deep breath in, exhale whilst pulling the rib cage towards the
4. Keep going through deep breaths and pulling whilst aiming for your
shoulder to touch the ground.
5. Make sure to work the rib cage and shoulders rather than twisting
through the lumbar.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Check out the video here.
Did you know that when we static stretch and breathe properly we shift from
a sympathetic (fight-or-flight) state to a parasympathetic state (rest and
If you add in some proper breaths that fill up your stomach and rib cage
whilst stretching, it can even help shift you into the parasympathetic state a
lot faster.
What’s also interesting to note is that just like hydration impacts virtually
every organ in our body, breathing can affect everything from our posture to
our mood to even our performance levels.
Interested in learning how to breathe efficiently? Hit the play button above.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
There may be some (or even a lot of) haters out there when it comes to
stretching, but either way you look at it, you can’t deny that when you have a
good proper stretch, you feel better.
And when you feel better, everything is better.
Think of it like this, if you are in more of a sympathetic state when trying to
get to sleep, chances are you’re not going to be getting to sleep anytime
soon. Whereas if you are in a happy, parasympathetic state (like after
stretching and breathing optimally) then you will be out before that first
sheep can even do his warm up stretches prior to jumping the fence.
Stretching and breathing, get into it.
 Movement stretching rather than completely-isolated stretching can be
more beneficial to your movement goals.
 Breathing can play a huge role in getting you to move better and
stretch further.
Ps. Want to read more about stretching, breathing, mobility, and what you
can do about it? Of course you do, you would be crazy to say no.
Performance Tip #1 - Breathing
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“The usage of fish oil as a supplement is
to balance out the ratio of omega-6 to
omega-3 fatty acids in the body, which
has its own set of impacts.”
- Sol Orwell.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Fish oil is known to have a lot of benefits, some not so considerable, but for
the others, there’s some pretty good evidence to back up these little
submarine shaped items that closely resemble the head of John Hammond’s
walking stick.
Mmm, fish oil and mosquito.
Fish oil is commonly sold in two different forms: ethyl ester and triglyceride.
The better choice for consumption seems to point towards the triglyceride
one as it is shown to be absorbed by our bodies a lot quicker. Makes sense,
right? Quicker absorption = quicker effects.
Whilst this fish oil stuff usually gets a good wrap, what is inside these babies
is actually what is providing us with the goods.
Fish oil is the common term used to refer to two fatty acids:
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Two words
that I’m sure your brain just fried trying to dissect and read them out loud.
However, these fatty acids are found in fish (meaning they’re not always
completely necessary to obtain from a supplement) and are also out of two
of the essential fatty acids that you’re body cannot create itself known as
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There is very strong evidence that fish oil lowers triglyceride levels
What the hell is a triglyceride, you ask? Basically, it’s a type of fat.
Your body makes these while the rest of them come from the foods we
ingest. But, more specifically, the foods that we tend to overeat with.
So these triglycerides commute around the body via the bloodstream and are
used as energy by our cells. If we take in too many of these bad boys they are
stored in our body fat. Not something we’re looking for.
When we have high triglyceride levels, it can lead to a whole range of
diseases, including diabetes and the ever popular cardiovascular disease
A triglyceride fish oil’s life includes breaking down into fatty acids – and
something known as a monoglyceride molecule – and then back into a
triglyceride. Simple enough, right?
For an ethyl ester, however, it doesn’t have this sort of luxury.
An ethyl ester fish oil doesn’t have the monoglyceride molecule when it
broken down, so it must get it from another source. The delay of absorption
comes from the conversion the fish oil must do into a triglyceride. So of
course, due to this, the title is given to the triglyceride version.
Lucky for us, it is the most commonly sold one on the market.
Whilst this particular supplement may not be completely and utterly
necessary for survival, it can’t hurt to take the positives that can come along
with it (including placebo) and integrate it into your diet.
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Depending on what your aim for taking fish oil is, the suggested amount can
differ. For instance, for chronically depressed individuals as little as
200mg/day of EPA & DHA is suggested. Whilst for individuals with high
triglyceride levels, as much as 3.4g/day seems to be what the scientists point
their fingers to.
Hell, there is even some suggestion that as much as 6g per day – spread out
over a period of time – can help aid with decreasing inflammation and
soreness in individuals.
Overall though, despite what your intention for this particular supplement is,
aiming roughly for around 1-3 grams of EPA/DHA per day seems to be a safe
bet from any angle.
But like anything in life, it depends. And I highly recommend that you seek
advice from your GP in regards to these and your overall fat intake.
Decreasing CVD risk, diabetes, and inflammation are definitely some top
benefits of adding this particular habit into your life.
But if that wasn’t enough, did you know that fish oil has also been shown to
help increase fat oxidization levels in healthy adults? What this means is that
ingesting these little capsules can actually boost the amount of energy that
can be taken from your fat tissue. Not bad, right?
Another cool thing to note is that it has also been shown to lower depression
in those that suffer from major depressive disorders, and shown to be more
beneficial to these individuals than the medication (that is so easily handed
out these days)!
There are studies (and I’m sure anecdotes, too) to back up the above claims
that are thrown around, so it definitely can’t hurt to add it into your life.
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Make sure to check out the labels for the EPA & DHA amounts/ratios, as well
as even going as far as to find out what type of fish oil you are consuming.
Quality over quantity, right?
Fish oil, get into it.
 EPA and DHA are two fatty acids that are found in high-quality fish oils.
 Fish oil can help lower things like your triglyceride levels, depression
levels, CVD risk, diabetes, and joint inflammation.
 Aiming for between 1-3 grams per day seems to be a safe bet for any
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“Eat your vegetables. Don’t just push ‘em
around, eat ‘em. I ain’t playin’!”
- Dr. Robert Neville (I Am Legend, 2007).
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Fruits and vegetables, nature’s best sources of carbohydrates.
Fruits – being loaded with fructose, vitamins and minerals – are an A-grade
choice for consumption. Vegetables – being loaded with phytochemicals,
vitamins and minerals (among a myriad of other benefits for your human
body), and claiming its own carbohydrate category (alongside complex and
simple) known as fibrous – are another one to add to the A-grade list of
That’s all well and good, Hayden. But how the hell can these minute facts
justify an A-grade list addition along with summer, the beach, and ice-cream?
Sheesh you’re demanding.
Alright, alright, let’s go deeper.
From a casual walk around your favourite fruit and veg shop, you can
probably see that there really are so many different shapes, sizes and colours
for each fruit and vegetable ever shaped by humans.
What you may not have ever thought about is that each different colour that
you see, holds a different opportunity to ingest a wide range of vitamins and
minerals, providing you with different benefits every time you take a bite.
RED fruits and vegetables are coloured by two natural plant pigments
known as lycopene and anthocyanins14.
Lyco is the compound responsible for the red colour that we commonly see
on tomatoes, apples, capsicum (which are all fruits, by the way) and radish.
This special antioxidant has been shown to decrease the risk of stroke in men
when consumed in high serum doses, suggested that it can have a role in the
Weird words, I agree. Let’s shorten their names down to lyco and antho from now on.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
prevention of breast cancer, and even been shown to possibly promote hair
Antho’s are pigments that can appear in any red, purple, or blue fruits and
vegetables depending solely upon their pH level.
These antioxidants have been shown to be beneficial in improving eye strain
damage, blurred visions, and even preventing injuries caused by a
malfunction of synthesis-activities in diabetics.
In addition to their known beneficial effects on cancer and heart disease,
these red phytochemicals may actually be beneficial in reversing the course
of neuronal and behavioral aging.
Something no one would deny cashing in on.
ORANGE/YELLOW fruits and vegetables – like bananas, oranges,
and squash – are coloured by pigments known as carotenoids15.
Carotenoids are plant pigments that the body converts into vitamin A. The
powerful antioxidants in them can also help to prevent us from CVD and even
certain forms of cancer.
GREEN fruits and vegetables get the colour from a pigment known as
chlorophyll (borophyll). Oh, and lutein.
This chlorophyll has some pretty wild claims regarding the awesomeness of
it. Surprisingly though, most of them can only be backed up by studies that
were done on rats, mice and even rainbow trout. (Yep, I’m not kidding,
freakin’ rainbow trout.)
Some of these studies give evidence of it being anti-inflammatory, gastro
protective, having anti-ulcerogenic properties and providing substantial
cancer chemo protection. Whilst this may still apply to humans, there
I did initially think this may be one reason why they named carrots, carrots. But alas, it was
not. Carrots used to in fact be a whitish-purpley colour and their name is derived from the Greek
word karoton meaning ‘horn-shaped’.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
definitely needs to be more studies done on human creatures for longer
periods of time before it’s proven that it can show any of these benefits.
However, in saying all of this, chlorophyll still has some positive benefits.
Some legit studies prove that it can have the ability to help defend against
harmful carcinogens from foods, improve the quality of life for sufferers of
metabolic disorders, help aid chronic constipation, and even control the
odour of body and fecal matter.
That’s all pretty great stuff, right?
Adding to this, it has also been recommended as far back as 1940 as an
antiseptic that can possibly protect us against serious infectious “bugs” –
which are often picked up in hospitals.
For the other pigment I mentioned earlier (lutein), this is known to also be
responsible for eye health, playing a role in possibly preventing age-related
macular degeneration.
BLUE/PURPLE whilst super tasty – coming in forms such as
beetroot, blueberries and plums – these fruits and vegetables are again
coloured by the antho pigment. So, nothing more to add specifically in this
particular section, sorry.
The last on the list are the WHITE/TAN fruits and vegetables. These
have the pigment known as anthoxanthins to blame for their colour.
And I know you’re probably saying to yourself “but white ain’t no colour of
the rainbow, boy!” And, you would be right. But, these fruits and vegetables
are still pretty damn beneficial to you and your diet.
You see, these anthoxanthins come under the carotenoids-pigment family
with benefits – just like lutein – to our eyes.
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Adding to this, there is a study that concluded that low levels of these
carotenoids was associated with higher levels of abdominal fat16.
Below is a small table of options for the various colours of fruits and
vegetables. There are so many more to choose from other than what is on
here, so please don’t just stop at trying the ones listed.
Branch out and look for some different/alternative ones to add into your diet
for variety.
Red apples
Sweet potato
Bok choy
Purple kale
Kidney beans
If you have the space, I seriously recommend that you look into growing your
own vegetables17. If you follow this route, you’ll of course then know
completely what strategies have been put in place to grow these crops all the
way down to what type of soil you use to plant them in.
I personally think that’s reason enough to include these bad boys into our diet.
Link at the end of this chapter for a simple set-up.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Not only that, but in the long run you will save a fair amount of money too.
Before reading all of the above, did you know that eating a diet that consists
of all types of fruits and vegetables has been shown to protect against so
many chronic diseases?
It’s crazy when you think about it, but it makes so much sense now when you
realize the wide range of vitamins and minerals that are actually found in
each of these colours.
Not to mention, that fruits and vegetables are normal food that is found on
this planet. Not screwed-around-with, processed foods.
There really are so many benefits to consuming these foods that this chapter
could be an entire book in itself.
The above benefits seriously speak for themselves, so if you’re lacking in
fruits and vegetables, you’re seriously lacking in some essential vitamins and
minerals that your body cannot manufacture itself.
Whether it is raw or cooked, just get them into your diet. Finding out what
ones are best consumed in a raw or cooked state can come later.
If you aim for 1-3 servings18 of fruits/vegetables at every meal, you’ll be
getting a nice amount of these nutritional treats.
Fruits and vegetables, get into them.
 Every colour of fruits and vegetables brings a different thing to the
table in terms of meeting demands and providing alternative benefits
to one’s health.
Obviously taking into consideration caloric demands.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
 Aiming for between 1-3 servings of fruits and vegetables at every main
Ps. Thinking about setting up your own garden in your backyard? No
problem, check out this super-easy to understand and execute article.
A Simple Guide to Growing Your Own Food
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“If it’s important, do it every day.”
- Dan John.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Daily exercise, something the very person reading this may in fact skip.
Whether the reason is that they’re too busy, too tired, or simply too lazy, all
of them stem down to them choosing not to do it.
There can’t be any excuses here, people. If you’re choosing not to keep
active, then you’re not choosing your health and wellbeing over just wanting
to slump on the couch.
Yep, that does sound harsh. But hey, it’s the reality19.
So what are some things you can do to get moving, anyway?
Well, maybe you have a bike that’s been collecting dust for the past year and
a half (or wayyy more), why not take that out for a spin? Why not make some
time, get outside and just simply go for a walk?
What about that local pool or beach? It could be a good idea to get outdoors
and get in that liquid. Or hey, you could even add in simple things such as
parking further away from your work or the shops and taking the stairs rather
than the escalator (or even walking up the escalator!).
Yes, you might not notice some crazy amounts of weight loss or some hectic
bicep pump that everyone is chasing in the gym, but adding these simple dayto-day exercises/activities really will help you feel better, move better, and of
course burn some extra calories.
If you’re looking at improving your overall mobility, then performing some
basic exercises every day really can go a long way. We’ve already covered
some basic stretch and breathing methods earlier in this book (Chapter 4)
that will aid this, but to go a little deeper and give you more of a plan of
attack when lost for things to do, keep reading.
I’m not pointing any fingers, however!
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Prisoner squats:
1. Start with your hands behind your head, elbows pointing forward, and
feet at a comfortable distance apart.
2. From there break into a squat working on your keeping posture.
3. Pause at your maximum depth and work through 2-3 deep breaths
before returning to the top.
4. Repeat 2 & 3 for 15-20 reps.
Check out the video here.
Push up20 with downward dog:
1. Starting in a push up position, drop down as close to the floor as
2. Once you’re back at the start of the push up, push your hips towards
the roof whilst driving your heels to the ground, and flattening out your
entire spine.
3. Repeat for 8-10 reps.
If you’re unable to perform a push up completely, opt for just the downward dog portion of
the exercise.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Check out the video here.
Knighted/dame twists:
1. Starting in a 90-90 half kneeling set up, place your hands behind your
head with your elbows winging out.
2. From there take a deep breath in and exhale whilst you twist your
thoracic/rib cage over your front leg.
3. Return back to the neutral.
4. Repeat for 10 reps and then switch legs.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Check out the video here.
Did you know that doing something is better than simply doing nothing21?
Say, for instance, you're sore from a previous workout, getting moving (with
less volume/intensity) will actually help get the blood flowing and speed up
your recovery in between workouts.
Stretching can only go so far in helping you feel better and get moving. I
personally believe, that this is the ultimate thing you can do when you’re
tightening up or dealing with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
So even though walking the dog might not satisfy your love for lifting those
“heavy ass weights”22, just getting moving can be damn beneficial to your
training in the gym.
And when you think about it, too much of our day is spent sitting in front of a
computer, TV, our phones, and a car windscreen. Fresh air, vitamin D and
An obvious statement, of course.
Credit goes to Ronnie Coleman for this infamous quote. Yeah, buddy!
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
elevating our heart rate (even though it might only be 10 or so BPM) really do
go a long way in our life longevity.
Not only that, but studies have shown that as much as a single bout of
exercise can have a massively positive effect on our brains.
Daily exercise, get into it.
 Doing something is better than doing nothing.
 Keep things simple. Just get moving.
 Don’t look at daily exercise like a chore. Change simple things like
walking to work (if possible), parking further away from the shops,
taking the stairs, and just getting outside for some fresh air.
Ps. Want more tips on getting moving? Of course you do.
Performance Tip #3 - Squats
Performance Tip #4 - Deadlifts
Performance Tip #5 – Chin-ups
Performance Tip #6 - Sprinting
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“You need fat to lose fat. You need fat to
build muscle. And guess what? You also
need fat to have awesome sex.”
John Romaniello.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Fat is our highest calorie dense macronutrient out there23. This indeed makes
it easy for people to step over their daily calorie budgets when consuming all
those tasty things like cheese, avocado and nuts if consumed in excess.
I mean, have you ever sat down for a meal of one almond? I don’t see many
people saying yes to that. You’re probably more inclined to measure out a
handful or so of deez nutz24 to fill your nutty needs.
Though, if you did just consume one almond, it’s crazy to think that a sole
almond contains almost 2g of fat. So think about it. Times that by 9 calories
and you’re already getting around 18 calories each time you eat one of those
bad boys (of course not taking into consideration the thermic effect of food).
But, I’m not here to steer you away from consuming any fatty, tasty foods,
quite the opposite actually.
You see, when it comes to fats, this poor macronutrient can sometimes cop a
lot of crap in regards to what ones are good and what ones are downright
pure evil.
There are tons of different fatty acids. They all have weird names like oleic,
linoleic, lauric, stearic, and even eicosapentaenoic25.
There are certain amounts of each or some of these in certain foods, and
this, sometimes along with chemical processes, causes them to create the
famous four fats that I’m sure you all have heard of before:
monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated and the evil accident child
known as trans.
To make this even simpler, we can then group these fats into two categories unsaturated and saturated.
9 calories per gram to be exact
10 points if you get that reference
More words for you to practice saying.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
When it comes to the unsaturated fats, we have three that fall into this
category. These ones include monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), the
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and the trans fatty acids (TFA).
The first two have a pretty decent fan base, the third one, not so much. And
you will find out why in a little bit.
MUFAs can generally be found in a liquid form at room temperature and
can change slightly when exposed to the cold.
They’re one of the top choices when it comes to fat intake as consuming
them has been linked with a whole host of benefits including improving your
good cholesterol, lowering your bad cholesterol, improving glucose and
insulin levels, helping stimulate weight loss, and preventing further weight
Not bad, right?
Where to find? You can find high levels of MUFAs in foods such as
avocados, nuts (macadamias, almonds, peanuts, cashews, pecans), and olive
PUFAs are found in liquid form no matter what the temperature is and they
have also been shown to provide some of the benefits listed above.
A common form of PUFAs is the omega brothers: omega-3 and omega-6.
These special PUFAs are known as essential fatty acids (EFA). Whilst siblings
such as omega-7 and omega-9 do in fact exist, they aren’t talked about as
much due to the fact that our bodies create them naturally and don’t need to
be include in the EFA group. Poor guys.
Where to find? You can find high levels of PUFAs in foods such as seeds
(flax, sesame), nuts (walnuts, pine nuts) and high-fatty fish (salmon, trout).
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
They can also be found in omega-3 and omega-6 supplements such as
fish/krill/shark/etc. oils.
TFAs are found in a solid form unless they’re exposed to high levels of heat.
One reason why companies love to use trans in preserving the life of
packaged foods is due to the fact that they are so cheap to create and obtain,
making them very easy to deal with when used for cooking.
Whilst TFAs are generally hated on, there are certain TFAs that aren’t too
bad. These are the ones that are found in meat and dairy from animals that
get their nutrients from plant-based food (cows, goats, sheeps, camels).
The actual bad ones that everyone disses are the ones that are made by a
chemical process called ‘partial hydrogenation’26 upon the unsaturated fats.
Regardless of where you stand with these, TFAs are definitely the worst kind
of fats that we can put into our precious bodies.
They have been linked constantly to CVDs, diabetes, cancers, obesity and
immune dysfunctions. We should definitely steer clear of them as much as
Where to find? You’ll typically find these bad boys in a lot of different
packaged foods from chips to cookies to crackers. You will also find it in fried
chicken, donuts and many other forms of pastry treats.
The process of adding hydrogen atoms to change its molecular structure
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
One bond = monounsaturated. Multiple bonds = polyunsaturated. Makes sense, right?
By looking at the two left fat chains, you can see that the main difference
between the two is the amount of chemical bonds that each of these acids
You can also see that there are a few letter H’s missing (hydrogen atoms).
Now, compare these two with the two on the right. No H’s missing.
The two chains on the right are what are known as saturated fatty acids
(SFAs). Interestingly, they essentially got their name due to them being
literally covered (saturated) with hydrogen atoms.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Despite what you may have heard or read, SFAs have been linked to a large
list of benefits ranging from improving liver health and immunity, helping
repair tissue, preserving muscle, and increasing sexual desire and function.
Sounds all good so far. But, surprisingly, not all SFAs are good for you.
Remember the term ‘partially hydrogenated’? Well, there is also something
known as ‘fully hydrogenated’.
This is the term used when an unsaturated fat is completely loaded with
hydrogen atoms to the point of it actually altering its entire molecular
structure. This creates a trans-fat that resembles something similar to a
natural saturated fat.
These are known to be quite bad, and we can typically see these particular
types in the more processed of meats such as hot dogs and salami.
Where to find? You can find high levels of the good27 SFAs in foods such as
coconut (oil, milk, dried), red meat (beef, lamb), dairy (cheese, milk) and eggs
(chicken, duck, velociraptor).
Here’s a cool little table28 I put together with some foods and their rough
percentages for MUFA, PUFA, SFA and TFA:
FOOD (per 100g)
Coconut milk
Beef mince
Steer clear of processed meats! Eat real saturated fats found in other sources of meat. Please!
They don’t add up to 100% due to each of these foods can differ in actual nutrition quality, so
the numbers are rough. But hey, you get the idea.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
There is a lot of information out there that can conflict with how much is too
much and how much is not enough fat to include in your diet. A general rule
of thumb that I have come to know is to not go under a quarter of your
bodyweight (in pounds29) to keep your hormone levels harmonious and your
body functioning properly.
Let me give you an example.
For an 80kg individual after working out their weight in pounds (which is
176lbs), we will then work out what a quarter of it will be by dividing it by the
magical number of four.
176lbs / 4 = 44 grams.
We now know that the lowest amount of fat that this particular individual
should intake to keep everything happening rather nicely is the double digits
of 44g.
One other way to gauge where your fat macronutrient level can sit when
planning out your diet is to aim to at least intake your essential amount30.
This calculation can be achieved by multiplying a number between these two;
0.25g to 0.35g, by your bodyweight in pounds.
Let me give you another example.
Let’s take that same 176lb individual we mentioned above.
By multiplying 0.25g (the least) by 176, we receive – of course – the number
Now we multiply his bodyweight again by the higher number of 0.35.
Easy math: your bodyweight in kilograms multiplied by 2.2. You’re welcome.
Meaning the lowest amount for a particular macro for survival.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
After the calculator (or your abacus) spits out the number 61.6g, we can then
work out the average for where this particular individual should sit around to
keep their body normalized.
By adding the two numbers together and then dividing that by 2, we will see
that their average fat requirement at a maintenance level is 52.8g.
Keep in mind of course, that the above is in regards to hitting your daily fat
requirement. Not a guide to how much fat you can consume. That will
depend on your goals and you will have to factor that in when planning your
calorie and macronutrient intake31.
This chapter is definitely the longest, but there is so much to say in this topic.
To finish off though, along with all the benefits discussed above, good fatty
acids have also been shown to stimulate activity in our brains to promote
development, increase cognitive functions, and protect us against traumatic
Adding to this, certain types of MUFAs, PUFAs and SFAs have even been
shown to be beneficial to those that suffer from eczema, acne, skin
infections, and can even have a positive effect on skin aging32.
And! Just so you don’t freak out when upping your fat intake, did you know
that eating fats doesn't necessarily make you fat?
Consuming any macronutrient in excess can be converted and stored into a
fat cell. So like anything, the key is moderation.
Don’t go crazy with either one of these fatty acids and you’ll be fine.
If you need help with working out where your entire macronutrients should sit on a day-to-day
basis when looking to put on muscle, lose fat, or even both, head to this link to find out how you
can do that: Calorie Budgets
Get after it.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Blend them into your diet, but use your new knowledge and be aware of the
good and the bad. Adding this habit in will definitely pay off.
Fats, get into them.
 Stick to MUFAs, PUFAs and SFAs when consuming fats.
 To keep your body harmonious and working optimally, don’t stoop
below around an intake of around one-quarter of your bodyweight in
 Fats don’t make you fat. Overindulging in any macronutrient does that.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“Your body is only as good as the dirt.”
- Paul Chek.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Organic and biodynamic food is food grown without synthetic pesticides and
fertilizers. What the hell are they, you ask? Well, in conventional farming
they’re using anything from fungicides, insecticides and herbicides to combat
fungal insect and weed infestations.
What this means, is that they’re basically using a lot of chemicals to combat
The funny (and sad) thing is that these pesticides actually don’t even need to
be used if farming methods were/are carried out in a way that works with
nature, and not against it.
You see, most commercial large scale farms practice what is known as ‘monocultural cropping systems’. What this means is that the farms produce one
single crop in a large area that is perfectly laid out in a systematical order.
Sounds good enough, right?
But, here’s the problem with this. While this may work for the farmers, this is
actually highly-unsustainable. It’s a breeding ground for unwanted pests to
show up, take over, and hurt the crops.
It’s nuts when you think about that to keep let’s say, fruit flies away, and not
having to spray the crops, all we would have to do is pick up the fallen fruit,
or let other animals – like chickens and pigs, for example – eat the fruit,
rather than letting them rot and ferment on the ground33.
To get “true” organic (well, as best as we can these days, anyway34), we have
to go right back to the start of where all our food is coming from.
And, what’s surprising to note – despite it being at first, obvious – is that it all
stems back to the soil that our crops are grown in.
Shapers YouTube vid.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
The basic fertilizes that we apply with the machines straight into the ground
affect the entire ecosystem that resides within the soil.
This ecosystem consists of microorganisms that all work in harmony with one
another – much like other ecosystems do on Earth35.
These ecosystem-destroying synthetic fertilizers also only provide the crops
with their most basic needs to grow, and not for them to be healthy and
nutritious for human consumption.
In short, you can’t have completely “healthy” food without “healthy” soil.
But to go even further in the search for true organic food, you have to look
towards the four seasons and the different climates that exist here on Earth.
A lot of the fruits and vegetables that we buy at our local stores actually grow
naturally at different times of the year and different locations.
Thanks to technology – most notably the growth of transportation – no
matter where you are on this planet, you are able to acquire all sorts of
different crops at any time of the year.
But let’s get specific here.
Take an apple, for example. The absolute best time of the year to harvest
them is during the warmer months (spring to summer). Though, I’m sure you
have probably noticed that all year round the big-chain grocery shops that
control our world, stock these perfectly ripe and juicy red apples that
practically blind you as you walk past them from the shine they give off.
If you took away all the conventional sprays and methods that make them
look sexy, you would be left with pale-looking apples in the colder months
Except ours it seems. One day when aliens come here, I’m sure that’ll be the day that we
finally all come together as one.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
(autumn to winter), and you probably would be more inclined to avoid an
apple purchase.
One of the absolute best things you can do is to source and purchase locallygrown organic fruits and vegetables that are in-season.
Here is a small table below to give you some idea for what fruits and
vegetables grow best at certain times of the year in Australia36:
Green beans
Globe artichoke
English spinach
When eating a range of foods that are grown and produced under natural
conditions rather than conventional farming methods, you can see why it
would be more beneficial to your health in the long run, right?
Too much of our food these days is altered and screwed around with for
cost-benefits to the bigger companies that control our world. This creates a
Dear international readers. I’m sorry.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
toxic situation where they win, we lose, and in the end, all of it is costing us
money that could be put towards a cheaper method for production.
You can make a difference, however. And we can battle with the controlfreaks and money-hungry corporations by supporting our local organic small
businesses and companies that are trying to make a change.
Of course you may think that these shops stock things that are too expensive
– and you would be right most of the time. However, by trying to swing the
tide against the big corporations, we can help cause the massive reduction in
the cost of the items in the long-run.
Organic foods, get into them.
 Stick to consuming foods that are grown in-season and grown close to
your climate.
 Support local organic businesses to help swing the tide against the big
corporations and bring the prices down.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“If somebody says that a foam roller is a massage in a
can, and is just as good as manual therapy, that’s
misguided because they’re attacking two totally
different physiologies.”
- Charlie Weingroff.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
You may have heard of this self-myofascial release (SMR) stuff before. If not,
it’s okay. That’s why I wrote this chapter.
SMR can be achieved in a many number of ways. Usually, however, it involves
putting pressure onto certain areas of your body.
This can be done with either a foam apparatus (like a foam roller), a hard
plastic roller (like a bit of PVC piping), or even a baseball (like the ones they
use in baseball).
It definitely is a highly popular method for self-release, and is used by people
all around the world from high-level athletes all the way to average
basement-dwelling gym junkies.
So why is it so popular though? And, could you benefit from adding it into
your lifestyle?
Let’s find out.
You may be able to relate to this, but has anyone ever squeezed your
trapezius muscles in your neck region? Was it painful? Well, this is a sign of
angry neural receptors.
When an area of your body is lacking in things like strength and mobility, your
body sets up a defense system in and around the area so that you, my friend,
don’t fall apart. It’s actually kinda helpful, though, being cramped up, tight,
immobile and painful to the touch isn’t really a good thing long-term.
Two super-commonly affected areas – as you may be able to relate to – are
found in the neck region and hip flexor zone.
A lot of the time these areas are cramped up because the areas surrounding
are just not doing their job properly.
Let’s take the hip flexors for instance. Tight hip flexors are a common sight in
a lot of individuals and most of the time, it’s a really easy fix.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
You may think that stretching them daily will help them, but you’re better off
dealing with the issue that’s causing the neural receptors to build up tension,
hang on, and cause you immobility, tightness, and possible pain at the touch.
In this case, by dealing with proper glute and anterior core strength, it can rid
the hip flexors from becoming overactive, allowing you to not have to worry
about stretching them every single day.
So when we have angry and tense neural receptors in certain areas of our
body, before we decide to help rectify this, we certainly can opt to use SMR
to help take away some tension, giving us more freedom to solve the issue.
By applying the pressure of any method of SMR, we give that area the option
to send a message to the brain indicating something is happening in that
The brain will then determine what level of pressure this is, and decide
between two things for you to experience:
a/ Get the hell off this damn thing, that shit hurts,
b/ Chill out receptors and switch off.
Of course if you are in excruciating pain when rolling out certain areas of your
body, the issue of it being taxing on your central nervous system (CNS) when
performed or held on certain areas for long periods of time arises.
So, if you’re planning on lifting heavy, or are about to perform at a high
demand (eg. competing), SMR prior for long periods of time may not be
completely wise to perform.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Though, in saying that, I’m not saying that it will inhibit your results, it just
could possibly play a factor.
So, keep that in mind.
Whether it is pre, post, during, before bed or after bed – it can be all good.
Of course, how long you perform it for and the level of pain you experience
are factors to consider.
But generally, before a workout it can help as it aids in releasing some areas,
whilst also getting people in the zone before strengthening the areas that are
lacking and causing their angry receptors.
Sometimes, I even suggest to clients to use it before bed to help wind their
bodies down, with added bonus effects of helping to reduce cramps/pains.
This – from my anecdotal perspective with my clientele – does have positive
results, so if you feel like cramps and random tightness keeps you awake at
night, please give this a go.
Now, of course you’re probably wondering, how the hell can I perform SMR
effectively? Let’s get to that.
What I find to be the best method for rolling out is to apply a ‘tack and
stretch’ method upon affected areas.
This is performed by rolling over the muscle tissue at a nice and slow speed
(around one inch every 1-2 seconds), pausing at the tight zones that give you
that pain/tingling/tight sort of feeling, and then proceeding to move the
closest joint through as much range of motion as you have.
For example, when rolling out your quadriceps in a prone position, once you
find a “happy” spot in the leg, bend your knee through its available range of
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
This will be pretty painful if you have a lot of tension going on, but over time
your tissue quality will improve, the receptors will switch off, and if you stay
consistent with it, along with strengthening certain areas, the painful
experience will subside rather rapidly.
Check out the video below to see the ‘tack and stretch’ method in action.
Performing SMR can be slightly addictive, but definitely don’t spend hours
rolling out areas on your body every day. Give it a hit once, maybe twice a
day, for 40-90 seconds on each painful area and move on.
Strengthening areas that you’re lacking in, or that are causing you to tighten
up, is a much better plan of action rather than relying on a foam roller every
day to do the job for you.
Over time through consistency, it will improve. And eventually, it might only
be a matter of dealing with it every so often – just like a routine car service.
Although I’ve already mentioned this, I really want to take some time to focus
on this.
One thing to think about is if you’re constantly tight or in pain in a certain
area of your body, something is going on that shouldn’t be. Most of the time
when it comes to angry receptors holding on, it can be as simple as an
imbalance somewhere close to that area.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Like we already discussed, if you have constantly tight hip flexors, then it
could actually be a case of weak/inactive glutes and a weak core that is
stopping you from being able to bring yourself into a neutral spine.
Over time, the tension is built up, and the next place to carry it is pushed into
the hip flexor region.
By dealing with the actual issue of why you’re so tight/in pain, is a good way
to rid yourself of having to always “mask” it with the self-myofascial release37.
Despite all of this, I definitely recommend that if you do have certain areas
that always seem to be building up with tension all the time, it may be wise
to seek out a physiotherapist or trainer (or any other kind of specialist that
deals with us mammals) and get a proper assessment rather than trying to
figure it out yourself.
If you cannot find a professional to properly assess you, please get in touch
with me and I will help you38.
Just like the pro-stretches out there, there are definitely three types of
people when talking about any form of SMR.
We of course have the love it crew, the hate it crew, and those that find
absolutely no use with it.
Along with what you learned in Chapter 4, SMR can also provide you with an
extra method for helping you feel and move better, carrying over to helping
One way I always like to explain this is to think about instead of always smashing a hammer
into your hand (not treating the cause of tightness) and then just popping a Panadol (SMR) every
day, deal with the issue and try not to get caught in the vicious cycle.
Just put the subject line as “Assessment” –
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
put you in that infamous parasympathetic state that we’ve already talked
about earlier on in this book.
But no matter what fence you sit on in regards to SMR, I’m sure if you give it
a go, you will see the light and the benefits that can come from including this
habit into your lifestyle39.
Self-myofascial release, get into it.
 SMR is not a form of massage.
 SMR can help switch off angry and tight areas that are causing you
grief, along with it helping you activate areas that are seized up.
 The ‘tack and stretch’ method works great for practically every area of
your body.
 Don’t spend too much time on this before a workout. Be consistent
with it, and over time, the areas will free up.
 Make sure you strengthen the areas that are causing this tightness.
 Get properly assessed.
Ps. Want more tips on SMR? Of course you do.
Performance Tip #2 – Foam Rolling & Mobility
For all the people that use a foam roller, I want you to email me if you also find pleasure in the
daily spine crack that the roller gives you –
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every
- Zig Ziglar.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
That day. That time. That life altering situation. Is this something that you’re
constantly waiting for?
I think too many people are just going about their lives with absolutely no
drive behind them other than “gotta pay da bills”, “gotta make it to the
weekend”, and “thank god it’s hump day!”.
If this is you, then ask yourself this: What am I waiting for?
Are you waiting for that “moment” that will change your life? Are you waiting
for that moment that will make things better? Do you even know what that
“moment” is? And, would you even know when to grab it if it did show itself
to you?
Or even better, find your passion.
Something that gets you up in the morning. Something that keeps you
kicking, driving and focused.
There is a saying: “the harder you work, the luckier you get”. Instead of
drifting along, day-by-day waiting for that “moment” to come along, put your
focus into something that you’re passionate about.
And if you don’t have a passion, find one.
Think back to earlier in your life when you had things to look forward to.
Things that you enjoyed. Things that made you happy. Don’t be another one
of those people that just accept where they’re at is where they’re going to be
Whether it’s a passion ranging from cycling to video games, surfing to
reading books, collecting Pokémon cards to hiking mountains, bungee
jumping to filing your neighbours tax documents, anything in this world can
be used here.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
There really is so much out there, that it would be crazy not to seek out one
or a few things that you find passion in.
But without passion in your life, you have no drive. So find one. Or better yet,
find many.
Accepting unhappiness and succumbing to the grind, that’s what you may be
doing to yourself.
But think about this, if you’ve got goals, ideals, passions, and things to look
forward to in life, then how can a measly, little 9-5 job that you hate so much
bring you down? You know it’s only a minor task in life, and outside of it,
you’re killing it and striving for your goals, your plan, and eventually, your
ultimate way of life.
Freedom is the number one reason all of us work. So why not create more
things in your life that give you more satisfaction, more freedom?
Don’t just think of or write down one or two goals that are farfetched that
you haven’t thought about how to actually get there.
Plan it out.
Think about it.
If you are one to write down goals, break it down so that you have smaller
ones that build, progress, and lead you to the bigger ones.
For instance, if you want to be able to strip down 20kg by 2016, give yourself
a short term goal to hit 10kg by the middle of the year.
Break it all down. Start with a big goal, and then trace an imaginary timeline
all the way back to where your life is at currently.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
From there you will see what it takes and what milestones and what certain
things you need to achieve before reaching one of these big goals.
What you will also find by doing this is that your smaller goals will evolve and
change to impact on your bigger ones.
This definitely does not matter, however. Since when you’re ticking off small
ones constantly, you will know you’re on the right path and therefore,
If you aren’t too interested in writing down your goals, and you are one to
build a burning desire and focus for things you want achieved, at least keep
an open mind to this.
You see, by writing your goals down, it can give you the opportunity to carry
them around with you wherever you go. This will give you a chance,
whenever you have one, to pull them out, read them, and focus even more
upon them.
Ingraining them into your brain is one of the best things you can do to aim for
whatever you want.
I mean, think about it, if you’re constantly thinking about something, then
you will always have that natural drive to shoot for it.
And hey, even if you do start to stray or forget what you’re aiming for, you’ll
always have them with you in your pocket to pull out and constantly remind
you of them and to stay focused.
I don’t think any of us ever dreamed or wanted to be unhappy, depressed
and sick of the grind of everyday life. I mean, that seriously wouldn’t make
any sense!
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
I’m not saying that everyone reading this is what I just described, or within a
day you can turn your whole life around, but take it step-by-step.
Think about it. Plan something. Write it down. And get after it.
Say you’ve always wanted to deadlift 250kg, start to put in the practice that is
required to get there. Learn or get someone to program and track your
workouts, work out a meal plan to help you with your nutrition goals and
even start going to bed on time for your adequate rest.
If you’ve always wanted to learn to surf, stop thinking about it, stop stalling,
jump on eBay/Gumtree and look for a cheap second hand board to get
yourself underway.
Or, if you’ve always wanted to visit amazing places like Navagio Beach cliff in
Greece, plan, commit, and execute it40!
Q: By simply giving you these examples, can you see that everything can be
sorted, planned and put into play if you actually want something?
Dream it up.
Something a lot of people frowned upon me doing – Euro Thoughts
Version one of this book had me set that goal to myself secretly. Easily by the time I had even
started to think about updating this, that goal had been met. Everything is possible, no doubt.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Imagine what it would be like when you got there. Imagine what you would
feel like when you got there. Imagine it down to the very last detail, and then
write it down.
Talk about your dreams with two to three close friends/family members.
Explain to them exactly what you want to achieve. Explain to them where you
want to be. Explain to them how you will feel when you get there. Explain to
them right down to the very last detail.
Make it real, and set it in stone.
Establishing a good solid support network is one of the best ways for success.
Once you have told your support network, you will now be accountable to
them. This can help you actually set the wheels in motion to get to where you
want to be as you’ll have them constantly checking in on your progress.
But don’t blurt your goals out to every second person you see out on a
Saturday night, it seriously kills the strive.
Keep it burning inside of you. Burning and growing every day and every time
you think about it.
At first, I never imagined myself writing a book when I was young. At first, I
didn’t even know where to start. But, I had a dream of what I wanted to get
done. I had a dream about helping as many people as I can learn some habits
to integrate into their lives, and help change them for the better.
So, I set out a plan, and put it into action.
At some points during the writing of this I almost stopped. During the writing
of some chapters like ‘Fat Consumption’, it just kept getting deeper and
deeper the more I dug and researched into it. But I never lost focus and
always kept my drive to complete it.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Goals certainly aren’t always supposed to be hit easily. They sometimes test
you and you’ll no doubt have ups and downs on your road to achieving
certain ones.
If your goal is to lose some kilos, then there will be times when you slip,
maybe even plateau. And if you let that effect you, it can bring you down.
But if you keep your eyes on the prize, and you’re constantly driving to your
goal, then reaching it is always possible.
What you’ve got to start telling yourself is to stop drifting along, and start
swimming against the current. Set some goals. Write them down. Carry them
with you wherever you go and think about them whenever you can.
I guarantee that this is the best plan of action to achieve something you
What are you seriously waiting for? How long will you put off that thing
you’ve been thinking about doing for so long? How long will you be unhappy
with the body you have? How long will you be unhappy with the life you live?
If you want something so bad, put in the effort to achieve it.
Yes, it will take you time. Yes, it will take you sacrifices. But if you truly, and I
mean truly want something, you won’t care. You will go after it every damn
chance you get.
Did you know that when a suggestion is accepted by your subconscious it sets
your body into motion for your automatic behaviours (habits) to change?
That's why writing down your goals can be so powerful. If you’re constantly
reading to yourself what you’re constantly striving for, then you will always
have it on your mind.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
But if you have nothing on your mind. Nothing to aim for. Then you’re
constantly floating in a state of limbo. Just floating on by.
What a waste of time.
And what a waste of your life.
Setting goals, get into it.
It sounds cliché, but anything you desire in life can be achieved.
Focus is what will get you to wherever you want.
Commitment will help you achieve whatever it is you wish.
Execution is what is stopping you from doing it. Stop lacking in
execution. You’re better than that.
 Put your mind far enough into the future to the point of you being the
person that you wish to become. Now become it. Do whatever it takes.
 Life is too short. Carpe diem.
Ps. If you want more on this subject and help to get you to where you want
to be, or what you want to achieve, follow the links below.
Shapers (Video)
Your Next Year
3 Tips You Need Right Now
Turning Gimme’s Into Gotit’s
Eyes on the Prize
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
Listen, I’m going to give you one last tip.
Go back through this book and write down one (or two) of these habits that
you aren’t currently doing.
Yep, right now. I’ll wait…
Great choice. I like that one too.
Okay, you have just chosen your first small goal for the month. Let’s see how
much you can stay on track with me setting you a target of hitting at least an
80% average (24/30 days).
And hey, you can even repeat this little task every month until all 11 of these
habits are part of your lifestyle. Sound good? Yep, I agree.
So why are you still sitting there? Grab a piece of paper and start
Go get yourself a life you’ve always thought only famous, rich people and
that guy down the road can acquire.
If you want more tips/habits/mind confessions, link up with me on my
Facebook page, website and Twitter.
And just quickly, thank you so much for reading this. The fact that you clicked
the link, downloaded, and read this book really means more than I can put in
words here.
Hablar pronto,
Hayden Perno.
© Hayden Perno 2015 []
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Stretching –
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