COURAGE “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Courage as defined by Webster ``the quality or state of mind or spirit enabling one to face danger or hardship with confidence and resolution``. The opposite of courage is cowardice. Ew that`s nasty. So, think of the times when in the face of fear you screwed up your courage and did it anyway. Remember that first time you called A.A. or went to your first meeting? How about asking someone to sponsor you? Or the time you put your hand up and asked a question at your group’s business meeting? Then there are the times you’ve been chosen to share your experience, strength and hope at a meeting or even on the phones with a suffering alcoholic. The human mind tends to downplay these things. Maybe our attitude is one of “if I can do it, it can’t mean much.” There are so many ways courage has brought you this far. You can rest assured, courage will carry you along in future as well. For me, sometimes it takes courage to be kind and gentle. My first reaction is too often the desire to chase people away and isolate myself from the world. For another it might take courage to be assertive and stand their ground. A thorough 4th step will reveal much about your fears, and in the 5th step you will gain the courage to face them and grow. So, when someone asks if you would like to participate in life at some place or with some people, don’t gyp yourself. Get everything that’s available in life. Say yes, when your knees are trembling and your heart is pounding. Say yes when presented with a challenge no matter how small it might seem. Office Hours of Operation Mon- Fri…….8:00am to 6:30pm Saturday & Sunday…….9:30am to 1:00 pm The office will be closed on Monday, May 23 for Victoria Day 3457 Kingsway, Vancouver V5R 5L5 604-434-3933 or email:; Portions reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services INTERGROUP CORNER Unity Recovery Service 3457 Kingsway, Vancouver V5R 5L5 604-434-3933 Group Corner North Delta Group first meeting was held on Tuesday, August 15, 1972 at 9:00 pm at St. John’s United Church in North Delta – the same location the meetings are held at today. Art K, Dorothy E and Eve M. co-founded the group and of the 24 people that attended that first meeting Doug W. was in his first 24 hours of sobriety! Eve acted as Secretary of the meeting and Art chaired. Art from White Rock opened the meeting, Dorothy read “How It Works” and Bonnie and Ed from Pike Road Group as well as Frank from the Comfort Group all shared. The collection for the evening was $15.37 and would you believe the expenses (cake and coffee) totaled all of $3.00! Oh…and by the way…that newly sober alcoholic by the name of Doug W. became the 4th member of the North Delta Group and Art G. the 5th. Initially the size of the church hall seemed rather onerous since it could comfortably hold over 100 people. However, the dedication of those early members, the support of members from other groups and the format of sharing “what we were like, what happened and what we’re like now” all contributed to the success and growth of the meetings. The group continued to flourish and by 1982 regular meetings were being attended by anywhere from 60 – 80 people. Group members were very active and for a number of years hosted a Christmas Eve candlelight meeting, a Boxing Day open house and a New Year’s Eve dinner and dance. These events not only offered another opportunity for fellowship but also provided a safe haven for newly sober alcoholics who may have otherwise experienced difficulties during this somewhat trying holiday season. In the early years in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland many groups conducted a “roll call” and each member of the group was required to answer “here” and also “yes” or “no” to indicate if a drink had been taken since attendance at the last meeting. Although part of the NDG meeting format in the group’s early years this practice was discontinued in September 1984. In June 1988 the church passed a motion to ban smoking in the church building…and we all know what happens when you tell an alcoholic he can’t do something right? Although there was no real dissension the smokers decided to start the present day Kennedy Group that also meets on Tuesday nights at 9:00 pm. NDG changed their meeting time to 8:00 pm and for a while you would often see members attending both meetings…this AA was sure keeping everyone sober! Today, the group members continue to do what the founding and early members did...sincerely greet and welcome the newcomer, share their experience, strength and hope, practice the 12 traditions, hold regular business meetings and financially support Central Office, BC/Yukon and World Services on a regular basis. The members have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs but they also recognize their responsibility in making sure the hand of AA is always there when someone reaches out for help. If you want to see how that works…if you want to have your spirits uplifted…if you want to hear and see about caring and sharing for another alcoholic…if you just need a meeting… come and join us any Tuesday night at 8:00 pm at Crossroads United Church, 7655 – 120th St At the General Service Conference April 20th, the new Western Canada Regional Trustee was chosen from the 4 nominees representing the Area’s in Western Canada. Congratulations to Cate W from Manitoba on being the first woman to serve in this position. Thank you to the remaining nominees, particularly our own Trish L, for being ready to serve this fellowship once again. BIRTHDAY CONTRIBUTIONS Daniel T, 16 years Shelina K, 13 years Kelly R, 25 years Louise S, 25 years Gord D, 19 years Sue Mc, 15 years Wendy W, 21 years Phone Room Statistics March February January 1,337 1,139 1,151 12th Step 69 102 78 Al-Anon 14 3 10 Ans Serv 198 130 87 Website 18,318 16,898 19,723 General DIRECTORY UPDATES May 2016 New Meetings Monday: “ Meditating Friends” 5400 River Rd., Richmond –1:30 pm Wednesday: “ Roses AA” Kekinow Housing, 14145 -103 Ave., Surrey -noon Thursday: “ The Program” starting May 12 715 Columbia St., New Westminster –6:30 pm Friday—”Attitude Adjustment” Park House, 5400 River Road, Richmond—noon. missed from the new directory. Saturday: “ Queers, Plain Crackpots & Fallen Women” 253 E. Hastings. Vancouver –4:00 pm Sunday: “ Saturday Morning Service Topics” EDIC, 7277 King George Blvd. Surrey –9:15 am Meeting Deletions Sunday: “ A Good Start” Faye’s Restaurant, 7380 King George Blvd., Surrey –9:30 am Sunday: “ We Do Recover” VRC, 2775 Sophia St. Vancouver –3:00 am Sunday: “ Endless Possibilities” 724 Truman Rd. Gibsons -7:00 pm Sunday: “ Action Big Book” & “ Action Group” 305 W. 41st Ave., Vancouver - 7:00 pm & 8:00 pm Sunday: “ Sobriety on Sussex” last mtg. May 1st 6050 Sussex Ave, Burnaby—8 pm Monday: “ Monday Free Speech” NSAC, 176 E. 2nd St., North Vancouver –8:30 pm Monday: “ Surrey Memorial Hospital” 13750-96 Ave., Surrey –7:30 pm Monday: “ Monday Night Hospital” Peace Arch Hospital, White Rock –7:30 pm Tuesday: “ Big Book Study” 659 North Rd., Gibsons –8:00 pm Thursday: “ Big Book Men’s” 5400 River Rd., Richmond –7:00 pm Thursday: “ Metro Imperial Men’s” 332 12th St., New Westminster –8:00 pm Friday: “ Strawberry Hill” 11040 River Rd., Delta –8:00 pm Saturday: “ Carrying The Message” 22270 North Ave., Maple Ridge –7:30 pm Meeting Changes Sunday: “ Topic Meeting” has a new name “Daily Reprieve” Burnaby Fellowship, 7638 6th St., Burnaby –11:00 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday: ‘High Nooners” new name & new time is now called “Nearly Noon” 529 Queens Ave., New Westminster –11:30 am Monday-Friday: “ Edmonds Noon Sobriety” has returned to St. Albans Church, 7717 19th Ave., Burnaby noon. Saturday at 10:00 am. Monday-Saturday: “ Burnaby Lunch Hour” has a new name “Daily Reprieve” Burnaby Fellowship, 7638 6th St. Burnaby –noon Monday: “ Frantic Serenity” is an open meeting, not closed as stated in the directory. 15115 Roper Ave., White Rock –7:30 pm Monday: : “ Timbergrove & Food” new time, 13922-101 Ave., Surrey –now 7:30 pm Tuesday: “ ABC Nooner” new location Kekinow Housing, 9537 Prince Charles Blvd. Surrey—12:00 pm Wednesday: “ Newton Group” new location Newton Fellowship Church, 7328 - 144 St., Surrey –7:30 pm Wednesday: “ Royal Oak” new time as of April 5. 4812 Willingdon Ave. Burnaby –7:30 pm Friday: “ Sober @ 7” new location Bear Creek Pavilion, 13750-88 Ave., Surrey –7:00 pm Saturday: “ Burnaby New Life” new location St. Stephen’s Church, 9887 Cameron St., Burnaby—7:00 pm Upon Awakening: needs support. Vancouver Recovery Club, 2775 Sophia St. Mon-Sun 7:00 am SPRING DIRECTORY New directories are available in the office at the same old price of $2. FYI, May 27, 2016 your Central Office/Intergroup has been in existence for 70 years. One of the oldest in existence in North America! Something to be proud of. So, be sure to go to the big celebration on June 11th at the Croation Cultural Centre (see events page). SEEKING GROUPS TO TAKE ON MONTHLY PHONE SHIFTS! Intergroup is looking for groups to take on a monthly phone shift shared with another group. Currently we need 2 groups to take on the 16th of the month. Bring it up at your business meeting! It works out to about 8 shifts a year, on evenings, weekends, and the occasional holiday Monday. Your group needs three volunteers for each shift, with a three-month sobriety requirement. It’s a great way to do service at the Intergroup level. Phone shifts offer a way to get to know your group members better, and lend the hand of AA to those seeking help, often for the first time. Contact Central Office if you are interested: 604-434-3933 UPCOMING EVENTS Check the website for posters:; For out of Area go to: and open Box 459. BC YUKON CONVENTION May 13 – 15 (see back page for details) THE BAY GROUP’S 65th ANNIVERSARY MEETING May 16, one of Vancouver’s oldest groups. BC Yukon Archives, food & fellowship to follow. Vancouver Alano Club, 1525 W, 7th Ave. –8:00 pm COMOX VALLEY RALLY May 20-22, Native Sons Hall, 360 Cliff Ave., Courtney, BC. Kella-Lee 250-897-4729 MIRACLES May 20 -22, Calvary Community Church, 1250 Rogers Way, Kamloops. Melody 250-376-8012 Corinna 250-579-5152 COMOX VALLEY RALLY May 20-22, naïve Sons Hall, 360 Cliff Ave., Courtenay, BC. Kella-Lee 250-897-4729, Marilyn 250-338-5984 SUNSHINE COAST WOMEN’S SPRING RETREAT May 21-22, Camp Sunrise LIVE & LET LIVE 42ND ANNIVERSARY May 26, 1825 W. 16th Ave. Potluck following the 8:00 pm speaker meeting. TRI-CITIES SPRING RALLY May 27-28, All Saints Parish Hall, 821 Fairfax St., Coquitlam. Info: Brent 604-936-2712 DISTRICTS 36 & 38 DELEGATE REPORT May 28, Church, 7260 St. Albans Rd., Richmond. Info: Sheryl D. (Dist.36), Ken J. (Dist.38) 604-928-1324 or LOUGHEED SPEAKER GROUP May 31, celebrates 21 years and A.A.’s 81st with food, fellowship & speakers. 8:00 pm in the upstairs room. LYTTON ROUNDUP June 3-5, Lytton BC Memorial Hall, Pepsi C 778-254-2580 FRASER VALLEY RALLY June 4, Shannon Hall, 6050 176th Ave., Surrey. Ken M 604-314-6832 Stan H 604-722-4135 THE FIRST FOUR CELEBRATE 70 YEARS June 11, speakers, buffet, live music, dancing. Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive. 10:00 am to 1:00 am. Info: Nadine 604-808-5344; Mona 604-561-3230 Tickets $30. GRATITUDE ROUNDUP June 10 -12, Glenmore Inn & Convention Centre, 2720 Glenmore Tr. S.E., Calgary FOUNDERS DAY CONFERENCE June 10-12, Akron Ohio THE FIRST 4 GROUPS CELEBRATE Jun 11, Croation Culteral Centre, 3250 Commercial Dr., Vancouver. Tickets $30 ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL June 16, Lifeline Group hosts at 3525 W. 24th Ave., Vancouver –8:00 pm VANCOUVER INTERGROUP WORKSHOP, June 18, Park House, 5400 River Road, Richmond. Displays from Subcommittees, members sharing. Info: 604-434-3933 email: 1:30 to 3:30 pm. THERE IS A SOLUTION, July 1 -3, Native Friendship Centre, 319 North Fraser, Quesnel, BC email: ESK’ETEMC NATION, July 15-17, Alkali Lake. Fred 250-440-5889; Ken 250-440-5768 SMITHERS ROUNDUP July 29-31, “A New Freedom” Pioneer Activity Centre. Chris 250-846-5957; Michelle 250-846-9706 JULY QUARTERLY July 8-10. BC Yukon Area 79 Kelowna, BC (check for details) PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES REVIEW Special Intergroup Meeting on Saturday, May 7th. All members are welcome to attend. Special Meeting Poster SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE MAY JUNE Cooperation with Professional Community 1st Tuesday 7:00 pm 3rd 7th Hospitals: 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. 3rd 7th Corrections: 1st Wednesday, 7:00 pm (2nd Tuesday as of June 2016) 4th 14th Special Needs: 2nd Monday, 7:00 pm 9th 13th Detox: 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 pm 17th 21st 14th 11th Finance: Thursday before Intergroup, 6:00 pm 12th 16th Operating Committee: same night as Finance 7:00 pm 12th 16th Intergroup 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Orientation at 7:00 pm ( 49th & Kerr) 17th 21st Treatment: 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 pm 17th 21st Telephone: 3rd Thursday, 6:00 pm 19th 16th 21st 18th 25th 22nd Workshop: 2nd Saturday, 11:00 am Workshop: 3rd Saturday, 10:00 am Public Information: 4th Wednesday, 7:00 pm Subcommittee meetings are held at Central Office, 3457 Kingsway. All A.A. members are welcome. VANCOUVER INTERGROUP WORKSHOP AROUND THE REGION SATURDAY, June 18, 1:30—3:30 PARK HOUSE 5400 River Road, Richmond Ever thought you might like to know more about speaking at schools; carrying the message through our friends in Professional fields; helping the incarcerated ? Now is your chance to hear what happens and how to become a part of these vital services. DISPLAYS BY THE COMMITTEES RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING THE MESSAGE TO THE FOLLOWING GROUPS: PUBLIC INFORMATION; COOPERATION WITH THE PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY; DETOX AND TREATMENT CENTRE; PROVINCIAL PRISONS AND REMAND CENTRES; HOSPITALS, SPECIAL NEEDS. Also on hand will be information from Telephones and Bridging the Gap Find your niche in the 3 legacies of A.A. More info: 604.434.3933 or
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