Newsletter Vol. 12


Newsletter Vol. 12
small talk
Region N-1’s Newsletter
Summer 2011
Issue No. 12
Representing Arizona, New Mexico, So. Nevada, El Paso, Texas, and So. California
Regional Coordinator Report
Our Region N1 Retreat was a fun event. Thanks to everyone who attended, gave input and suggestions for
improving and helping our region. Plus everyone enjoyed the half scale project for the remainder of the
Everyone should have received a copy of the minutes from the retreat. In summary, we will plan to hold an
auction in the near future to help raise funds. These funds will help to pay for additional pages for our Region N1
Website. So we encourage you all to continue to submit events, club activities, photos and announcements on
any miniature related activities so we can post these to our regional website and include in the newsletter. We
hope this will help you to check the website to see what is happening and to use it as a source for information.
We are also looking into establishing some social media links to the Region N1 website, with Facebook,
LinkedIn and YouTube. These will help providing more exposure in the internet world and possibly catch some
of the younger generations to see the miniatures world.
I also want to acknowledge and thank the following people who will continue as State representatives in the
coming year, Ginger Anderson – New River, AZ, Nancy Robertson – Riverside CA, Valerie Greenberg – Ojai,
CA , Betty Hodges –Morro Bay, CA and Jackie Hoefert- San Diego, CA. Our new newsletter editor starting with
the fall edition of Small Talk newsletter will be Robert Raven of Phoenix AZ. He has graciously accepted to take
up the editing and producing the newsletter for us.
I want to give many thanks to Jenifer MacLowry for all her hard work over the past two years to get this
newsletter together for us. It is much appreciated.
We still need someone to step in as the Welcome Chair, so if you have someone in mind that would be a good fit
to handle this position, please let me know.
Also I want to let everyone know that my husband and I are moving out of state from Las Vegas, NV to
Albuquerque, NM over the next few months. After about 38 years we are moving to be closer to family as my
husband has lost his job in the casino business. In the mean time I am still working full time and trying to pack
our home to move across country. Please be patient if you do not hear from me while this transition is underway.
Not sure how long this will take but keeping our fingers crossed that God willing everything falls into place and
we can move by the end of the summer and or early fall. My husband’s health has been on the road to recovery
after a major surgery just before Christmas in 2010. So we are both looking forward to being near family and
starting another chapter in our lives together in a new community with new jobs and home. Keep us in your
thoughts and prayers for a good, healthy, easy transition. We both need good health and good times in our life at
this time.
Reminders National will be in Cleveland in July, there will be a Region N1 meeting so please plan to attend if
you are attending the convention. I will have a representative there to chair the meeting for me. Everyone’s input
is beneficial. Please plan a NAME Day for your club or area. This is a special opportunity to help have fun and
promote NAME membership. New members can get signed up so they can participate in the workshop and fun.
National 2013 in Tucson AZ start planning to attend and or helping this convention. See ad at the end of the
Again I can’t thank each of you enough for your help with the Region and your support for the miniature hobby
and NAME. Each of you makes contributions with your fun and love of miniatures.
Till next time have a safe Fourth of July and summer!
Susan Sheridan, contact me at, 702.876.5637 home phone
Regional Coordinator N-1
From Your RC Liaison
Janet Smith
I’ve just come back from a truly wonderful experience in Rochester, NY at the NAME Small
Scales Regional Houseparty, “Somewhere in Time.” Big kudos to the committee who did a great
job on the event.
Next up is Cleveland! I hope that ALL of you are attending! And I hope that MOST of you will
take some time on Thursday morning to join us for the RC/SR meeting and I hope that SOME of
you will stick around for the Monday after and attend the RC retreat. RCs are encouraged to
bring a couple of their State Reps with them, so if you’re interested in coming, there will be
space for you. More in this issue of RC Matters, but I’ll put in a little plug here, too. If you’re
coming to the retreat, please let me know! I need a headcount! Drop me a note at
Board Highlights
The following are notes from the March, 2011, board meeting:
1. We approved the AOH award winner nominations. 2. We have a new Publicity Liaison,
Michelle Faleshock. She has some great ideas for increasing coverage of NAME and miniatures
in general in local publications. Look for an upcoming article in the gazette. 3. Both income and
expenses for 2010 – 2011 continue to remain on track for this fiscal year and are comparable to
where they were at this time last year. 4. Our membership was decreased by 151 for the month of
February. That figure includes 209 dropped from the membership and 58 new members. Our past
due members was reduced and our current members increased. So bottom line the current status
is looking a bit better and the past dues are diminishing. We are looking into some additional
awards/contests around new member recruitment. 5. The website survey was posted and lots of
people responded.6. We reviewed the new club packet, which was very well written and wellreceived by the board.7. We are looking for people who have experience in writing grants, we’d
like to know about you! 8. We updated the personnel policy manual.
The following are notes from the April, 2011, board meeting:
1. We discussed the process currently used for determining who gets into a houseparty or
convention when registration fills. There is a process in place, but we decided it needed to be
documented in our policy manual. 2. Bill presented a new way to present houseparty/convention
budgets. There is some confusion over what monies are available for the committee to spend vs.
monies that are to be spent by the office. We believe this new format will help committees be
clearer on what money they have control over. 3. Membership was up slightly since the last
4. A new policy was proposed for handling pins given out for years of membership. Pins will be
given out at the National Convention, as they have in the past, but only to members who are in
attendance at their regional meetings. Pins not given out at that point will be sent to the members
after National Convention. 5. There are still some openings available for the Cleveland
Convention. We want to look into putting a “callout” on the NAME homepage making it easy to
find the link for registration. (May’s highlights are found on page 6)
Receive this Newsletter online!
Note from Sheila Benjamin, Welcome Coordinator pro tempore
I would like you to remind anyone who is not getting the newsletter online (if the club president
gives it to them, a copy gets mailed, a friend passes it along), it means NAME does not have a
current email address for them. If they would send their new or updated email address to me I
will make sure that the next issue they get will come directly to them. My email address is At the moment we have just under 75% of email addresses for our
region. It would save us money if we could move that figure up to over 90%.
Club News
Las Vegas Miniature Enthusiasts
submitted by Susan Sheridan, State Representative
Hello from the Las Vegas Miniature
The club is currently working on the “Little
Spice of Life Shop” miniature scene project
that was featured on the cover of the May
2002 Dollhouse Miniature Magazine. This
project will continue over the months of June
& July. The sample in the photos was made
by Anna Conroy, President of LVME. The club is planning to hold the
NAME Day project at their October 15th meeting with potluck lunch, gift exchange and exhibits
to work on the work center project.
Hope everyone has a great summer and keeps cool!
Jan Feldhouse brought in her half scale Cupcakery scene she completed from the Region N1
Retreat see photos below.
Minis in Paradise Scottsdale, Arizona
Submitted by Robert Ravenwood
MINIS IN PARADISE meet the first and third Thursdays of every month. Our theme for
projects in 2011 is two-fold. We are doing pieces for a workshop/garage and also for a Japanese
Our first meeting in March took some fancy foot-work at the last minute. Our club president
Alexis Sharif arrived early to find a sign on the door of Freedom Inn which announced an
outbreak of influenza. She quickly called Lee Logan and asked if we could all come to her
house in about 20 minutes. Lee graciously invited all of us into her living room and quickly set
up tables and lamps. That night was a “catch-up” meeting so we all brought projects we hadn’t
completed and shared what we were doing with the others.
Also in March was the 33rd Annual Dollhouse and Miniature Show sponsored by Small World
Miniature Club. Jody Johnson, TJ Riehle and Robert Ravenwood all entered exhibits and
came home with several ribbons. Jody took a first place ribbon for her Music Room Box, TJ
took second place for his ¼” scale cottage and TJ and Robert collaborated on the
bookstore/coffee house storefront which took a first
place ribbon.
It was also a great and pleasant surprise to see Peggy Stoker at the
miniature show so soon after leaving the hospital. Peggy has
continued to recuperate and has been back with us in our meetings.
It is good to have her back as well as her great energy and ideas.
At our second meeting in March Jody taught us all to make teapots
from clay. It was a fun evening and a first time to work in clay for
some of us. We also had two guests for the evening who enjoyed
making the teapots with us.
In April, Jean Tomes and Robert Ravenwood worked together to teach a
couple of small projects for the Tea House. Jean worked with us to make a pair
of GETA (Japanese shoes made of wood). The little projects look deceptively
simple but take quite a bit of work to complete. Robert finished of the evening
with a Japanese
Also in April, Lee Logan taught us all to make a Bonsai Tree. We had
some very beautiful little Bonsai by the end of the evening.
And not to let our workshop be neglected, Betty Knoche taught us all to make a
step ladder. She included instructions for both a tall and short ladder. And maybe
it is just me but it looked so easy until you start working. I had to take it apart
twice before I finally was happy with the result.
The first meeting in May is always a special night. It is our Unbirthday Party. We
have a potluck dinner and exchange gifts and just enjoy being together and
socializing. Mary Visner and her husband hosted the party at their beautiful home.
They know how to throw a party and it was a great evening of food and drink on
their patio.
Happy mini-making!
San Diego Miniature Crafters
Submitted by Leslie Hopwood, Club President
San Diego Miniature Crafters have been hosting the San Diego Miniature Show and Sale for
nearly four decades and knew it was time to add something new.
It has become clear to us that there are miniaturists out there perfecting their craft on their own,
they don't visit mini shops or purchase miniature magazines. They get their news off internet
sites and surf the web for miniature how-tos. In an effort to reach these up and coming
miniaturists, we decided we needed to learn their language.
We have rolled out our newest promotional tool, and
invite you to visits us!
"Sales Information" is for dealers interested in reserving a table for our February 4 & 5, 2012
show, an early reservation guarantees this year's rate. Once the fee is paid, the dealer will be
listed on the "Dealer" page assuring customers they will be able to visit their favorite dealers.
We also have a new show email and are working on a computer based
Take a look at our new blog and check back for updates. We are confident there is a whole new
generation of miniaturists out there, we just need to learn how to talk with them!
San Diego Miniature Show & Sale
"Nostalgia in Miniatures"
February 4 & 5, 2012
Board Highlights from Janet Smith (continued)
For the month of May
1. We discussed the FUN Club offering and whether or not we should incur the cost of doing a
special mailing. Some members were expecting that. We decided that a general mailing was too
expensive, and a special mailing (e.g. to just previous FUN Club participants) runs the risk of
leaving people out. So we opted for another “mailing” through the gazette and are investigating
a tear out sheet to facilitate responses.
2. We are on track for our budget this year. We reviewed the proposed budget for the fiscal year
2011-2012 and proposed changes to that budget.
3. Our membership increased slightly for the second month in a row. We increased by 54
4. We reviewed the quantity of regional pins remaining in inventory and discussed whether or
not some pins need to be redone due to changes to boundaries. We do not sell many of these
pins, so put re-orders on hold.
5. We still do not have a regional houseparty scheduled for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 so we are
planning to hold an on-line houseparty. Many on-line groups hold these and they offer many of
the same functions as regular Houseparties, including auctions, houseparty helpers, roundtables,
workshops, a sales room, etc.
6. We discussed progress and reports on upcoming Houseparties.
7. Many changes were made to the Roundtable section of the Houseparty manual, covering
evaluation of submitted samples and communication to those who apply to teach. Minor
changes were made to the Roundtable application form.
8. Regional Ambassador Award Nominations were approved by the board.
9. Progress on the NAME Day event was reviewed. At the time of the meeting,
We had over 31 events registered currently and 11 Cutters around the country. Some are laser and
some traditional cutting. 105 sample kits had been sent to event planners to date.
10. Club Renewals and Blue Ribbon Club applications are being received.
11. We discussed fund raising efforts, including the patron party in Cleveland which, as of the
meeting, had 119 attendees.
12. We received and reviewed a report from the estate committee.
Regional N-1 Retreat Report Highlights
On April 30 Regional Coordinator held a retreat in Las Vegas
for the region leadership. Seven people were in attendance.
The following is a brief summation of the notes sent out by
Susan Sheridan, RC.
New Member Welcome Coordinator Sheila Benjamin
reported some challenges in connecting new members with clubs as most clubs are not
accepting new members. She recommended that clubs consider a shift to weekend
meetings or to work on projects if possible.
Newsletter Overall everyone is pleased about getting the newsletter and love the photos.
Susan recommended that everyone continue sending in photos and articles. Also,
everyone likes getting notified when the Newsletter is ready for download on the
Regional website.
Regional Website The website is being used by most attendees. They would like to see
more photos and updates made to website, adding projects and information that make it a
good communication tool. The following action items were recommended:
Updates to the website.
Need to add NAME DAY events in region on the website.
Need to add Clubs listing to website with contacts and if open for new members.
Need to add more projects to website.
Need to add updated photos to website club activities, or projects completed.
Need to add Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs and/or websites to the Regional
Does Cynthia Howe need someone to learn to do all this on a regular basis?
2013 Tucson, AZ National Convention
Still need a tote bag and souvenir book chairs to volunteer for these two positions.
Other Stuff New memberships, NAME DAY 2011, fundraising (a weekend auction),
and several suggestions for National were also discussed.
In the afternoon the participants did what miniaturists do best, they made a project called
Cupcakery in 1/2” scale which was taught by Susan Sheridan.
Close up of an exhibit by Anna Conroy that
was on display at the N-1 Regional Retreat.
Summer Reading for the not so perfect miniaturist by Jenifer MacLowry
Two of the very first books that inspired me when miniatures finally discovered me about
15 years ago were The Wish Booklets, Volumes 22 and 23, by Susan Sirkis. First
published in 1979 and 1980, they are now available online by directly ordering from
Susan Sirkis ( While the other Wish
Booklets have fabulous patterns for period dressmaking, Volumes 12 and 13 are filled
with ideas for roomboxes. Each scene has complete instructions, floor arrangements and
patterns for completing everything in the scene, which is an invaluable way to learn about
placement and stage design. Each plan uses an angled room within a roombox which
allows for peeks of rooms beyond the main room. These books are for the DYI
miniaturist who doesn’t mind using a few commercial pieces, especially Chrysnbon kits.
Sirkis shares some of her dreams and how she made them into roomboxes, creating
magical worlds. There are many drawings but alas, too few photos of her completed
projects. From castles to shops, from fairy tales to a Kate Greenway inspired nursery, her
imagination is endless. I still pour over the well-turned pages and dream of future
projects. Happy reading !
Upcoming Events
Region N-1
Shows and Sales
July 29-30, Garden Grove, CA , Tom Bishop Show Anaheim South Hotel, 12221 S. Harbor Blvd.
October 15-16, San Jose, CA Showcase of Miniatures Doubletree Hotel, 2050 Gateway Place.
October 22-23, Tucson, AZ Tucson Miniature Society 34th Annual Show and Sale. Tucson
Women’s Club, 6245 E. Bellevue
February 4-5, 2012, San Diego Miniatures, Nostalgia in Miniatures
N.A.M.E. Events Dates and Locations
* July 21-24, 2011 Cleveland, OH National Convention 2011 A Song in My Heart
* October 1, 2011 N.A.M.E. DAY -NAME Day has been set! October 1, 2011!
The Project selected is a “Workcenter” in a design that can coordinate with
last year’s hutch or can be a stand-alone project. The committee is still
debating a couple of the features. Wood has been ordered and kits will be
sent out to the committee to try-out. Check out your last gazette for details,
including a list of “cutters” and the activities we know about at this point.
Plans for the project will be published in the July/August Gazette.
* October 1, 2011 N.A.M.E. DAY North Orange County Miniature Guild will
host NAME DAY WORK BENCH at First Presbyterian Church 838 N.
Euclid Street, Fullerton, CA 92832. Please contact Pat Bigham at for
more information.
* October 1, 2011 N.A.M.E. DAY Minis-n-Mountains (Los Angeles area) will host NAME DAY
WORK BENCH all are welcome. Contact Sheila Benjamin to order a bench and/or reserve a
space. <>
* October 15, 2011 N.A.M.E. Day Las Vegas 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Holy Spirit Lutheran
Church Parish Hall 6670 W. Cheyenne Las Vegas, NV 89108 Hosted by Las Vegas Miniature
Enthusiasts, Potluck luncheon, Mini Gift Exchange, Exhibits Kits in 3 scales available. To
order kit and sign up for potluck please contact Anna Conroy at Las Vegas Miniature Enthusiasts website:
* May 3-6, 2012 Portland, OR Small Scale Houseparty:Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall ~
Celebrate Them All
* Spring 2013 Lexington All Scales Houseparty
* July, 11-14, 2013 Tucson, AZ National Convention 2013 At Night In the Museum (where
miniatures come alive)
* Fall 2014 Greenville Small Scales Regional
Region N1 Leadership Team
Regional Coordinator, N1: Susan Sheridan (
State Rep., New Mexico:
State Rep., Arizona: Ginger Anderson (
State Rep., Southern Nevada: Corena Wickett
State Rep., California: San Diego and Imperial Counties: Jackie Hoefert(
State Rep., California: San Luis Obispo and Kern Counties: Betty Hodges
State Rep., California: Riverside, Orange, San Bernadino and Part of Los Angeles Counties:
Nancy Robertson (
State Rep., California: Santa Barbara and Part of Los Angeles Counties: Valerie Greenberg
State Rep., California: Ventura and Part of Los Angeles Counties:
Welcoming Committee Chair pro tempore: Sheila Benjamin (
Newsletter Editor: Jenifer MacLowry (
Web Mistress: Cynthia Howe (
Newsletter Editor Retiring
After 12 volumes and finally figuring out how to create a Newsletter, it is time to take a break
from the publishing business. I will be turning over the editorship to Robert Ravenwood, whose
articles from the Minis in Paradise club you have been enjoying in recent issues. I plan on
reporting the happenings of the Southern California clubs to which I belong and gently
encouraging other clubs to join in the sharing. This has been loads of fun and a great opportunity
to see just what the talented and diverse groups of N-1 miniaturists are busily creating. It has
also stretched my computer skills. Thank you faithful readers for your enthusiastic response and
encouragement. You kept me going when I wondered what I was doing. And a huge thank you to
all you who have submitted contributions, I can’t begin to count all the great ideas for mini
projects that have enriched my things I must make list. You have been generous with your photos
and truly live up to NAME’s motto, Only through sharing can we really enjoy our treasures. And
THANK YOU, Robert for accepting the job of Newsletter Editor. I know you will be a great
Now, fellow miniaturists, get busy making wonderful wee things, take photos of your creations,
and submit them with a few words to the fall newsletter!
The N-1 Newsletter is published quarterly.
All members of N.A.M.E. are welcome to send in contributions.
Submissions for the Winter Issue (2011) are due by December 1st.
Submissions for the Spring Issue (2012) are due by March 1st.
Submissions for the Summer Issue (2012) are due by June 1st.
Submissions for the Fall Issue (2011) are due by September 1st.
The editor welcomes articles containing news about club activities, events, displays, et cetera.
Please keep club reports to between 50 and 150 words and no more than about five
The editor needs to occasionally change font size, crop photos, and move things around to make
things fit. So, no PDF files, please. Articles may be submitted by email to
Events, updates, other timely information, and past volumes of the newsletter may also be found
on the Regional Web Site
Kindly remember that your region relies solely upon volunteers and has no budget for mailings.
You are encouraged to share this newsletter with your mini friends who do not have
access to the internet.
Information and opinions contained in the N-1 Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the view of
the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts or its regions. The facts as presented in
each article are verified insofar as possible, but any opinions are strictly those of the
individual authors.