2006 almanac collection
2006 almanac collection
by Almanac MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY by Eric Francis THURSDAY FRIDAY January SATURDAY JANUARY BEGINS with Pallas conjuncting the Great Attractor, and ends with Pallas conjuncting the Galactic Core. The conjunction of Chiron and Nessus in Aquarius Venus is retrograde the entire month. Chiron and Nessus conjunct at two degrees Aquarius on the tenth. Right after the full moon, Mars opposes Jupiter on the fifteenth. Pholus gets sextiled by Chiron on the sixteenth and then Nessus gets sextiled by Pholus on the twenty-second. was exact in May 2005. It retrograded back into Capricorn and is now again conjunct in 2 3 4 6 0 16° A 6:57 pm 5 ` V e 8:15 am ` V a 11:46 am a Ý A 2:44 pm ` R p 10:55 pm ` R Varuna 11:54 am 9 10 11 12 13 14 b V g 3:37 am ` S a 5:15 pm a Ý C 1:58 am ` T ”Xena”(2003 UB313), 9:17 am l Q Nessus 2° K 9:47 am 16 17 that no living person has ever experienced. Notably, this conearliest known Centaur planets (Chiron, the first, and Nessus, the third), occurred exactly — exactly to the degree — with Chiron square to the discovery degree of Chiron. This process, 18 a Ý D 10:50 am ` T b S b V ` Q 19 20 Chariklo 7:15 am d 10:39 am e 5:31 pm cRx 23° J 11:58 pm z 24° D 9:49 am as "the transition of Chiron into Aquarius" for the first time in about 44 years. Search Google for timelines of the late 1950s and early 1960s and see what you learn... Clue: Chiron left Aquarius and entered Pisces the last time on the day after John F. define historical eras. m Q Great Attractor 14° I Ý K 12:14 pm a Q l 3:25 pm cRx revisits J 8:18 pm ` S d 8:22 pm b Q Galactic Core, 26° I 8:27pm 1a 15 21 22 0 2° H 3:14 pm a Ý H 10:28 am a T l 5:39 pm Pholus V Nessus, 6:58 pm b Ý K 8:41 pm l V Pholus, 5:21 am a Ý F 9:49 am b Q cRx 21°J 3:31 pm d T h 1:53 pm ` S a 29°F 10:12 pm a Ý G 10:49 pm ` Ý K 5:15 am o V e 8:28 am 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 cRx S d 10:20 am ` Q Nessus 3°K 3:13 pm ` Q l 3°K 11:27 pm a Ý I 6:38 pm cRx Q o 17°J 9:10 pm ` V a 3:35 am b Q l 3°K 4:58 am ` Q b 6°K 9:33 pm a Ý J 10:31 am b R f 1:03 pm c V e 7:06 pm ` R f 10:48 pm e T h 1:24 am m Q i 8:39 am a Ý K 11:09 pm a Q l 4°K3:25 pm 30 31 Chariklo 23°G stations retrograde 4:22 pm a Ý L 10:32 pm m Q Galactic Core 26°I Kennedy was inaugurated. Movements of Chiron help SUNDAY n 12° C stations direct 10:57 am a R l 3:39 am a Ý E 9:31 pm d R e 9:28 am looking just at Chiron, could also be summed up differently Please check out Planet Waves Weekly, the only way to get Eric's weekly horoscopes including the 2006 annual pages, called Parallel Worlds. UT 8 a Ý L 12:43 pm b Ý J 9:26 pm defining conjunction, and one junction, between two of the 7 “Xena” (2003 UB313) 19° A stations direct 4:00 pm a Ý B 7:09 pm a T l 11:37 pm Aquarius. This is a generation - 2006 ~ 9° K 2:15 pm NOTE: Aspects, lunations, transits and other data listed in this Almanac are a partial list of main events chosen at the discretion of Planet Waves. This is not intended to be or replace an ephemeris, rather to reflect thoughts from Planet Waves. Comments regarding the Planet Waves Almanac may be directed to: almanac@planetwaves.net You can subscribe by calling Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453 8265 during Eastern Standard Time. Thank you. www.planetwaves.net by Almanac MONDAY TUESDAY by Eric Francis WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY February SATURDAY UT 2006 SUNDAY Parallel Worlds 2 the first weekend, 3 5 Venus, Jupiter, 1 Worlds Alignment. During FEBRUARY OPENS to the Parallel eight bodies are parallel 4 to one another: Sun, Mercury, In the first week of February, Neptune, Pluto, Hylonome and Quaoar. Venus stations direct on February third. Saturn opposes Chiron on the twentieth and trines Asbolus on the twenty-second. Juno trines Neptune on the twenty-first. And then on the last day of February, the twenty-eighth, Saturn opposes Nessus and Chiron sextiles Asbolus. Alignment around the time of the Pagan holiday Imbolc (Midwinter holiday), there is an unusual alignment between the Sun, 7 6 1 Sedna Ý direct, 18° B 12:01 am b Q h 17°K 8:22 pm Pholus trines Asbolus, 9:20 pm a Ý A 10:46 pm b T e g S pR `S n 7 8 9 ` T Sedna, m ÝJ 11:59 am Nessus V Asbolus, 8:23 am b Ý L a ÝD 4:34 pm b V m Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. It involves aspects by longitude (what sign the planets are in, exact by degree) and by declination (their distance north or south of the celestial equator). Hence, there are both aspects and parallels among this group of planets; what some would call a super aspect, which is one form of a cosmic trigger. As with Chiron conjunct Nessus, there is strongly implied the choice of where to put our consciousness; the choice of what we want to be aware of. In the weeks which led up to this, the astrology was a bit turbulent, and could have come with some unusual unrest both individually and in the world. The question is inherent in the setup: where do we focus our energy? 6 ` a ` b Q h 17° K Ý C T e V i 5:33 am 7:33 am 6:16 pm 8:51 pm Full Moon 13 z 24 E 4:45 am b S pR aÝ F 12:03 pm 4:14 pm 20 4:02 am 5:00 am 27 ` T 1994 TA,"Pylenor", 7:07 am a ÝL 9:56 am 13:03 pm 14 15 c V e a R g b Q g 21 0 b Se fR R l 2 1:24 pm 12:16 pm 3:33 pm 2° I h S n a Ý I 7:17 am 12:11 am 2:38 am ` V i 22 f R S Asbolus ` T Pholus, Nessus, i Asbolus, f c 1:21 am 4:46 am a Ý G 5:09 am ` T Hylonome, 5:53 am 1994 TA,"Pylenor", Ý direct, 2:40 am 8° C 5:57 pm 23 a ÝJ 8:16 am 2:41 am p Ý direct, 7°D 10:15 pm 10:15 pm b V c New Moon R T V V V 12:28 am 9:36 am 7:57 pm 16 28 ~ 9° L 12:31 am f b l d b 3 11:46 am 2:40 pm 4:40 pm 6:22 pm 10:08 pm Please check out Planet Waves Weekly, the only way to get Eric's weekly horoscopes including the 2006 annual pages, called Parallel Worlds. c 16° J Ý direct 9:18 am d shadow ends, 23° B a ÝB a T l a T f 10 11 aR c aS e a Q d 5 0 16° B 6:29 am 4 1:39 am 4:00 am 8:35 pm a Ý E a R l 17 18 d Ý C a Ý H ` Ý L 10:43 pm 1:31 am 9:54 am 2:14 pm aR e b T d a Q d 12 3:44 am 2:30 pm aR h 2:58 pm 19 5:12 pm 7:25 pm a T l b T n `T d 24 25 26 ` V m a ÝK 10:15 am o ÝK 10:49 am a Q l 6°K 8:40 pm `Sp 7:20 am 9:01 am 8:08 pm 8:54 pm 4:54 am 7:40 am 3:33 pm 7:10 am NOTE: Aspects, lunations, transits and other data listed in this Almanac are a partial list of main events chosen at the discretion of Planet Waves. This is not intended to be or replace an ephemeris, rather to reflect thoughts from Planet Waves. Comments regarding the Planet Waves Almanac may be directed to: almanac@planetwaves.net You can subscribe by calling Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453 8265 during Eastern Standard Time. Thank you. www.planetwaves.net by Almanac MONDAY TUESDAY by Eric Francis WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY March SATURDAY 2006 UT SUNDAY March Clusterings MARCH SKIES will be eventful. 1 Mercury goes retrograde2on the second. Jupiter 3 goes retrograde on the 4 fourth. Venus conjuncts5Chiron on the four- On March 2, Mercury stations teenth, the same day as a lunar eclipse. Spring begins on the twentieth as the Sun enters Aries. Mercury goes direct on the twenty-fifth. And on the twenty-ninth, there will be a total eclipse of the sun at eight degrees Aries, and Pluto will station retrograde at twenty-six degrees Sagittarius, nearly conjunct the Galactic Core. retrograde in Pisces. Mercury does so in an exact square or 90-degree angle to Pluto and the Galactic Core. We’ll be 7 6 1 2 living through the Mercury a Ý A ` Q g 10°L retrograde in the weeks leading up to the Equinox. So the end of March is quite a performance, with the Equinox, then Mercury stationing direct, followed by: the Aries Point total solar eclipse; the Cheney/Bush Inauguration chart going off and Pluto stationing on the Galactic Core. 6 a a a a V S Q T 0 16° B fR l d 8° C g 8:16 pm chart will make an exact opposition to the 8th house Pluto in that chart. The fact that this is coupled with an Aries Point total solar eclipse suggests 20 i a a ` ` S eR 11:36 pm c Q l 7° K bR S eR x A Ve r n a l E q u i n o x R n S ` Ý I Ý A 27 a wave of widespread changes for the Bush Administration and the United States. 2:30 am 10:38 pm 24° critical moment within 24 hours gressed Moon in the Inauguration 9 14 zLF uu nl al rFME oc loi pn s e 15 13 Inauguration Chart will reach a eclipse. Specifically, the pro- 8 12:04 am 3:32 am 5:55 am ` T Quaoar 10:45 am a Ý D The Progressions in the 2005 of the March 29 total solar 7 c S d 12:03 am 7:55 am 8:44 am 6:26 pm 8:39 am 9:10 pm 11:48 pm 21 9:57 am 11:13 am 11:48 pm a Ý J a T ` 2° J 7:11 pm 3:35 pm 7:11 pm 8° 11:59 am 8:32 pm D 5:24 pm 1:14 pm 12:06 am 1:18 am 10:20 am 10:22 am 10:06 pm bR T n a Ý E e Ý R 18° H bR T i 11 a R l 4:34 am 9:43 am o fR o 5° K g Ixion Ý R, 12° I fR c c d R R Q T 17 g V m 12:32 am eR T h 7:05 am d R Great Attractor 5:37 pm Quaoar Ý R, 16° I 12:24 am `T i 11:07 am aÝH 11:00 pm ` T Galactic Core 4:30 pm a T l 23 24 25 bR V m 6:25 am a Ý K a Ý B Please check out Planet Waves Weekly, the only way to get Eric's weekly horoscopes including the 2006 annual pages, called Parallel Worlds. 5 4 16 cÝ K 6:02 pm a Ý C 10:21 pm Pholus Ý R, 4° I 12:38 am 4:07 am 7:31 am 10:07 am 4:48 pm 11:44 pm 18 ` S f a Q l 8°K c T eR b Ý D 13°L 7:22 am d S h 8:38 am 2:38 pm 4:48 pm 12 ` Q bR c Q Nessus a ÝF 2:43 am 3:14 pm 10:24 pm 19 2:26 pm 7:03 am 9:09 am 12:09 pm 1:42 pm 1:52 pm bR T d l Q o 7° K 1:09 am 11:10 pm 26 a a c a Q c 18°K Q h 18°K Q h 18°K ÝL 2:22 am 2:38 am 6:30 am 8:32 pm 31 10:15 am i Q Galactic Core 26°I 8:27 am ` V l 8:28 am w T 10:11 am b T Great Attractor 10:10 pm i Ý R, 26° I 12:40 pm Ixion, p l B l 10 29 ~SN oelwa Ar ME col oi pns e 30 28 n Ý D a Ý A 2:40 am Varuna Ý D, 15° a Ý G ` T n 22 0 bR T Great Attractor 3 `T m R dS 9:19 am Hylonome Ý R, 27° H 5:14 pm a Ý b Ý R, 27° L 8:29 pm a T 11:02 am 9:02 pm ` Q Asbolus,10°A 8:26 am a T l 11:17 am comments? almanac@planetwaves.net You can subscribe by calling Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453 8265 during Eastern Standard Time. Thank you. www.planetwaves.net by Almanac MONDAY After Effect, Beginning Effect We're still experiencing the TUESDAY by Eric Francis WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY the fifth. For the rest of April, Jupiter and Pluto remain retrograde. Venus goes into Pisces on the sixth. Mars goes into Cancer on the forteenth. On the sixteenth, Mercury goes into Aries; on the twentieth, the sun goes into Taurus. eclipse on March 29. Saturn will soon station direct. Mars will cross the Aries point a n d f i r e u p t h e p a s s i o n a t e water sign Cancer. Mercury stationed direct a few days prior, and the 5 0 15° D 4 3 g S p a Ý D b S eR 7:11 pm ` T Varuna 10 6:14 am 3:24 pm 9:58 pm 11 f Ý D, 4° E 12:01 pm 12:54 pm 12 6 c Ý L ` T m aÝ E 13 United States charts are popping. It would seem that we're going to be carried by the momentum of this astrology for quite a while, leading to a sense of unsettled uncertainty for ` Q 2003 UB313 "Xena" 3:56 pm 17 18 eR S p c Q g 13° L a Ý J b T d some, fine adventure for others, many turning points, and a need to hunker down and hide for still others. Just remember, someplace is not really home if you don't feel safe and nourished c S n a Ý G 7:15 pm 24 9:32 am 5:47 pm 9:43 am 9:55 am 9:13 pm 25 into that sign, the emphasis is on taking action toward any goal – peace of mind included – rather than waiting around for it to happen. b T n 8:59 am ` T f Full Moon z 23° G 4:40 pm 8:54 pm 19 20 b S f `Ý B c S eR 9:08 pm 26 27 5:26 am 3:45 pm New Moon ~ 7° B 7:44 pm 7:26 am 2:33 pm 9:04 pm 11:22 pm 10:07 am 14 28 h Q o 11:50 pm d R iR d R Galactic Core 12:59 am 5:09 am 10:58 pm 0° K 3:28 am 1:56 am 6:06 am eR T o eR V m 8:22 am 5:13 pm aÝ F ` Q 1992 QB1 ` V h 12:56 am 4:21 am 4:29 am 10:34 pm 1:15 am 4:59 am 5:04 am 7:32 am 16 bÝ A a Ý I 4:00 pm ` S iR 23 c S p a Ý L b V l c V m 29 ~ 8° A 10:15 am NOTE: Friday, April the fourteenth, is one month after March’s lunar eclipse. Among some of the watery ` V o b V m c V iR 22 ` V d b T m a Ý C b V h b T p 8:33 am b V o UT 9 15 d Ý D a Ý H a T l a Ý K a Q l 2 ` T p 8 a R l 21 0 aÝ B m R p ` T Nessus a T l 1:32 am 6:12 am a Ý A 1:21 am 11:56 am 4:25 pm b T iR there. With so much energy currently in Aries and shifting 7 a Ý C 2006 SUNDAY 2 Saturn goes direct at3four degrees Leo on 1 APRIL CELESTIAL BODIES1 hold steady this month. energy ripples of two eclipses, the last of which was a solar April 9:06 am 12:20 pm 2:20 pm 7:34 pm 4:44 am 5:54 am 1:43 pm 30 9:32 am 9:54 am 9:58 am ` T l 1:55 pm g S n 6:12 pm 6:32 pm c T i 2:44 am 4:07 am 7:46 am New Moon Q Galactic Core 26°I influences on this day are the following: Mars i` enters Cancer (where 8:27 am Juno and Vesta already are), Mercury’s shadow V l n Ý D 8:28 am 11:59 am w T am ends in Pisces, Moon enters Scorpio and8:32then conjuncts10:11 Deucalion and Huya at 3° Scorpio. a Ý A ` Q Asbolus,10°A 8:26 am pm Moon b T c S d 2:40 am Varuna Ý D, 15° D 5:24 pm i Ý R, 26° I Great Attractor 10:10 pm 12:40 pm a Ý B Please check out Planet Waves Weekly, the only way to get Eric's weekly horoscopes including the 2006 annual pages, called Parallel Worlds. 9:02 pm a T l 11:17 am comments? almanac@planetwaves.net You can subscribe by calling Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453 8265 during Eastern Standard Time. Thank you. www.planetwaves.net by Almanac MONDAY A Watery Grand Trine During Earthy Taurus Mr. Ms. and Dr. Nessus, Neptune by Eric Francis TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 5 0 b S iR c Ý A aÝ E ` V g ` R eR a R l May 2006 SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:13 am 6 7 3:48 am 8:27 am a Ý F c Q j UT MAY BEGINS with a grand trine in water at thirteen and fourteen degrees played out by Jupiter in Scorpio, Uranus in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. Also during the first week, Venus goes into Aries on the third, Mercury goes into Taurus on the fifth. Venus conjuncts the North Node at three degrees of Aries on the sixth. Nessus at seven degrees Aquarius and Chiron at nine degrees station retrograde on the eleventh and fifteenth. Mercury and sun enter Gemini on the nineteenth and twenty-first. Neptune stations retrograde on the twenty-second at nineteen degrees Aquarius. May ends with Vesta entering Leo on the twenty-seventh and Venus entering Taurus on the twenty ninth. and Chiron stationing retrograde in Aquarius mid-month cordially invite us to an intra- 1 celestial space-out fest for a stretched out season or two. Attach dream diary, tarot cards and condoms to water bottle now while sun is in Taurus and eR S n aÝ D 2:36 pm 3:18 pm 8 9 10 ` Q away we go. How do we get there? Just pick up that Community Chest card and take a ride on the Reading. Hang out with your friends, go out, run around, apply to the Program, dS g c S f b T f 15 and don't get bogged down in the particulars about how big is your clique. Get really really really excited about intuition, cuz there’s a grand trine washing into Town reaching precise geometry over the first weekend in May. The cherry on top is Venus conjuncting North Node. If you have a purse, open wide; swallow plankton. And you do have a heart. There must be room for more plankton in there, too. 12:37 am 2:56 am 3:01 am b T h l Ý 9° K b V n aÝ J 4:12 am ` R Hylonome 8:37. am d R mR 12:50 pm b T o Ý D S hR Ý B Q n 2:59 am 4:28 pm 10:20 pm 10:44 pm 23 1:05 pm ` R Pholus 1:24 pm 5:57 pm c T d 29 a b c d 1:09 am 16 22 h Ý R 19°K a Ý A b V f aÝ G 12:34 am 3:33 am 12:41 am 8:05 pm Sedna, 10:16 am 10:24 am 19° B d Q Varuna, 15° D b T l ` S mR `T h Asbolus T Varuna 4:40 am 5:21 am 8:30 am 9:19 am 2:02 pm 11:46 pm ` V p b V p aÝ K ` Q b 27° B b S l a Ý B 30 31 c T p ` S lR aÝ E 2:15 pm Ý R 7°K aÝ H b R eR Nessus 18 24 5:46 pm 9:59 pm 11 17 2:14 am 12:18 am 12:18 pm 2:36 pm 7:28 pm c T n c V o a T l eR S g b Ý B 12 2:18 am 12:25 pm 11:19 pm c V l a T l b V g 6:24 am 7:20 am 8:01 pm a Q l b Ý C 12:26 am 7:06 am 12:02 pm c S iR b T g a Ý C Full Moon z 22° H 6:51 am mR R n aÝ I 3:36 am 8:57 pm 29° K 20 0 12:06 am 8:51 pm 26 3:32 am 4:29 am 8:29 pm 12:20 pm 3:18 pm 13 19 25 7:53 am 4:00 pm 14° E c T mR a Ý L c V 27 1:42 am 1:48 pm 7:19 pm p Ý E h 9:21 am 2:24 am 10:39 am 6:12 pm New Moon ~ 5° C 5:26 am 10:31 am d S eR m Ý R, 19°J ` V n 9:12 am 1:28 pm 8:43 pm 14 ` T o b V d b S mR 12:06 am 4:05 am 11:54 pm 21 `Ý C 4:31 am 28 ` Q Chaos, 6° C ` V f 4:06 am 4:48 am NOTE: Friday, April the fourteen 4:54 am 8:52 am Please check out Planet Waves Weekly, the only way to get Eric's weekly horoscopes including the 2006 annual pages, called Parallel Worlds. almanac@planetwaves.net You can subscribe by calling Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453 8265 during Eastern Standard Time. Thank you. www.planetwaves.net by Almanac 2 S Summer Squared Let’s just hope you have a square shaped picnic basket. And to make it easier on yourself remember square items pack efficiently in square containers. Toss in that nice square picnic blanket. Remember all those fixed grand squares just waiting to happen? Well they’re happening, and we have two this month. Mars and Saturn don't just conjunct out of idle pleasure; they turn the wheel the fate. This at an Aries point moment, the summer solstice, can range from being portentous to foreboding or to more of the absurd. Penty to discuss on the Gemini checkerboard there will be. And we’ll be fluttering from blanket to blanket once Venus goes into Gemini at month’s end. MONDAY TUESDAY by Eric Francis WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY June SATURDAY 2006 UT SUNDAY JUNE BEGINS with Mercury entering Cancer and Mars entering Leo on the and Vesta conjuncting at 8 degrees Leo which oppose Chiron at eight degrees of third. Juno enters Leo on the 5th. Mercury’s shadow begins on the 17th at 21° of Aquarius. Uranus stations retrograde on the 19th at 14° Pisces. Venus goes into Cancer. Over the weekend before the Summer Solstice, Jupiter T-squares Mars, Saturn Gemini on the 23rd and Mercury goes into leo on the 28th. A fixed grand crosses configures3on the 7th - 8th of June. 1 2 i V o 1 Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio oppose Venus in Taurus; Nessus and Chiron in Aquarius oppose Saturn in Leo. A Taurus moon re-activates the grand cross again on the solstice. 5 Chariklo 6 R Asbolus aÝ G n Ý E ` T g 3:28 am 9:09 am 9:32 am ` R Quaoar 10:53 am c T l 12 5:11 am 3:19 pm 13 aÝ J b S g b R mR 10:18 am 4:43 pm 9:14 pm 19 d Q g Ý d T eR T 7 g V mR 20 p 9° E R 14°L eR p 1:24 am 7:39 am 7:40 am 10:04 am 26 f Q n f R lR aÝ B 27 6:17 pm aÝ E c R e a Ý H 6:23 am 8:41 pm 6:21 pm 10:23 pm o Ý c T `Ý a T a a a a a T T T Q R f l e c 10:33 am 11:37 am 2:47 pm 4:04 pm 7:45 pm 1:33 pm Summer Solstice a Q l c T hR 3 aÝ ` Q 1994 TA (Pylenor) 1:32 am b Ý D 11:20 am d Ý E 6:42 pm F 8:18 pm b S eR 10 22 a Ý L ` R iR 23 5:05 am 6:02 pm 21° D 17 4:06 pm 5:24 pm 6:06 pm Mercury’s shadow begins f Q p 8° E 6:52 pm 24 28 29 10:03 am 7:57 pm a S i 6:43 pm a Ý C 2:49 am c Ý C lR R n 5:24 pm a Ý F ` S eR 1:54 am 1:46 pm 18 0 27° L d Q f 8°E `S ` R lR R aÝ dR 3:09 pm 6:03 am 7:12 am Galactic Core 7:41 am p 5:18 pm A 6:53 pm lR 7:36 pm New Moon ~ 3° D 5:06 pm o 12:30 am a Ý D 10:13 pm eR T n 30 9:08 pm Full Moon z 20° I 6:03 pm c V g c S mR 25 26°K eR T f c T f 11 a Ý I 11:45 am ` S hR 16 5:07 am 7:04 am 0 13° F 12:06 am 4 2 9 Nessus 4:06 am R oR 10:51 am D 12:25 pm lR 2:00 pm G 8:19 pm Chariklo Ý D 17° a R l 5:09 pm b Ý E 3:30 am 3:35 am 5:14 am 5:22 am 7:31 pm 9:00 pm 15 aÝ K 21 a R l b R iR b S o b R Galactic Core ` R Ixion 8 14 9:57 pm R 8:48 am 1:21 pm www.planetwaves.net 4:15 am 11:21 pm For more about Eros Gold call Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453-8265 during Eastern Standard Time. by Almanac Creative Resources The Sun is now in Cancer, first astrological sign of summer and the sign of house and home. But the focus of the sky is in Leo — which is about the economics and finances of one's home. Leo is one of the most energetic, resourceful and most of all, creative signs. The message is, get creative with money. Think of resources as something more than cash. Remember that the universe is a space designed for creation, and there is no limit to energy, just limits on how we use it. Households can be a system to create a natural strength for focusing resources, and you can put yours to work for that purpose now.With Saturn present in this sign, the emphasis is on structure — but not entirely. Mars is pushing a theme of healthy materialism and acquisition. The two recently made a conjunction. When you combine Mars and Saturn in Leo, that sounds like the beginning of a cycle of manifestation. The conjunction freed lots of stuck energy, and opened the way for creating what we need, or what we want. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY by Eric Francis THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JULY UNRAVELS a Mercury stationing retrograde at the first degree of Leo on the forth day of the month. Mercury ingresses from Leo back into Cancer on the tenth, the eve of a full moon. Venus opposes the Galactic Core on the 16th and then enters Cancer on 0 11°G 4:37 pm 10 5 eR V mR b Ý R a Ý c V dR a T 0 25° A 1°E 3:35 am hR R p 4:17 am aÝ K 8:18 pm 7:13 pm Ý H hR R n PholusR 5:16 am 11:56 am 2003 UB313 Ý R 21°A 9:01 pm 24 5:50 pm 9:46 pm 18 aÝ B ` Q bR a T lR 25° D Asbolus Ý R 20°A 1:45 am 3:43 am 7:07 am 5:08 pm New Moon ~ 2°E 4:31 am aÝ E a R lR 27 6 H n hR l 5:13 am 11:33 am 12:46 pm 9:30 pm 12 o Ý c T `Ý a T ` T Asbolus a Q lR 9:54 am ` T 2003 UB313 10:59 am a Ý L R oR D lR G Chariklo Ý D 17° 6:57 am 7:18 am 7:58 pm c Ý D hR V o R 2:41 am 10:07 am a Ý C 26 9:10 pm 11:00 pm 10:53 pm 28 i v e / O ra c l e rch A 29 2:14 pm d S iR c R iR ` Q Varuna 10:46 pm oR R p a Ý D c R mR d Ý F ` Ý E 3:30 am 4:05 am 4:50 am 5:06 pm 6:04 pm b Ý D 21°D iR S n c V p a Ý J 3:31 am 7:25 pm aÝ A c R Galactic Core 12:39 am 1:50 pm 23 12:42 pm 3:27 pm 6:26 pm 6:52 pm 11:17 pm 29 3:25 am 4:39 pm aÝ G c V f 16 22 28 d S mR ` R Nessus 5:47 am 7:32 pm 9 d R oR 7:07 am c S oR 5:28 pm c V d 8:37 am 1:49 am 11:37 am c S lR 15 21 27 c S e a Ý F a Ý I UT 2 8 14 20 12:25 am 2:39 pm n R oR 26°K c T gR e Ý D 8°H ` S gR 7 13 19 25 31 6:54 pm 7:33 pm Full Moon z 18° J 3:02 am 11 c S hR ` T Chariklo bR Ý D 17 4 2006 SUNDAY 1 ` R mR the 19th. On the 22nd, Mars enters Virgo and the Sun enters Leo. Mercury stations forward on the 29th at 21° of Cancer. 3 July p 11:23 am a Ý G ` R lR c S gR 12:28 am 8:27 am 6:19 pm iR S 30 12:39 am 11:41 am 30 www.eros.planetwaves.net For more about Eros Gold call Chelsea toll-free in the U.S. (877) 453-8265 during Eastern Standard Time. by Almanac THE SATURN-NEPTUNE opposition is a place where individual consciousness meets the mass dream. Many souls are drowned in that place; many will yet learn to swim. For everyone who cannot yet identify, claim and exist within their true personhood because "nobody else is doing so," we have the archetype of directly experiencing individuality, self awareness, authority for oneself. In contrast with most spiritual paths, which seem to teach a kind of narcissism exalting the individual over the collective, Saturn in Leo is saying we need to get hold of this process consciously, and take over as our own boss so everyone else is not doing it to us. The anesthesia side of Neptune in Aquarius seems to be working beautifully. You just zone out and hope everything is going to be fine. If nothing else, Saturn in Leo opposing Neptune in Aquarius promises a confrontation or encounter with reality, and as these two planets align exactly, we can expect to see and feel additional evidence of that contact. MONDAY TUESDAY by Eric Francis WEDNESDAY THURSDAY August FRIDAY SATURDAY 2006 UT SUNDAY AUGUST ENDS with Saturn making an exact opposition to retrograding Neptune on Thursday the 31st. Two days earlier, Mars squares retrograding Pluto. Mercury goes into Virgo on the 27th. On the 26th, Venus conjuncts Saturn at 17 ° Leo; Mercury conjuncts Saturn on the 21st. On the 19th, Neptune conjuncts retrograding Ceres at 18° Aquarius. Venus ingresses into leo on the 12th. Mercury enters Leo on the 11th. The full moon is on the 9th at 16° Aquarius which means the sun is at 16° Leo. 3 1 a Ý H Hylonome Ý D 23°H 7 ` Q f 14° E mR S p aÝ B a T lR 21 b Q f 16°E Chariklo R Asbolus Sedna Ý R 20°B aÝ E b R oR a R lR b R hR 28 Ý D 10°I b S m a Ý H Quaoar 1:08 pm 6:11 pm 8 12:42 am 4:45 am 7:09 am 6:34 am 3:58 pm 6:02 pm 7:53 pm 25° D 6:56 am 22 c T e 2:48 am 11:51 am Full Moon z 16°K 10:53 am 4 c T gR ` S gR 6:57 am 7:58 pm 10 16 0 23° B 1:51 am 17 aÝ C ` T Hylonome 2:07 pm 9:50 pm ` S iR c R lR New Moon ~ 0°F 7:10 pm ` T Pholus ` Ý F 6:25 pm a Ý F 30 6:56 am 9:13 am 11:28 pm 3 1:13 am 6:22 am 6:08 pm 9:10 pm 8:11 am 5:01 am 7:07 pm 12 b T e a Ý D 0 8°I 2:45 am 3:20 pm 8:34 pm 10:57 pm Ý D 10°I f R oR Ixion 22° E a Ý J 3:51 am Mercury’s shadow ends 1:41 am aÝ A 4:09 am ` R oR 5:13 am cÝ E 11:06 am 9:29 am 9:03 pm hR Q o R 18°K 26 1:52 am 2:52 am a Ý G c R oR c Q f 17°E 5:19 am 13 8:22 am ` T Sedna 3:18 pm d R gR 8:20 pm mR S n 2:27 am 12:51 pm 7:23 pm 20 19 25 ` S mR m Ý D 0°J b S iR aÝ I gR R p f R hR nÝ F bÝ E ` R hR Pholus Ý D 29° H 6 5:07 am 11:14 pm 18 24 31 p Ý F a Ý I 5:06 pm 6:04 pm 5:47 am 7:32 pm 5 11 ` T 2003 UB313 aÝ L 23 29 1:52 am a T lR e S gR 5:53 am 7:57 pm d T iR 8:46 am 7:47 am 5:20 pm 6:25 pm 15 10:00 am 8:34 pm b R lR a T lR ` T e 9 aÝ K 11:54 am d V e 10:02 pm a Q lR 14 0 9°H 2 c S lR ` R mR 10:36 pm 27 7:02 am 1:25 pm c R hR 11:38 pm b Ý F 12:18 pm 7:30 pm 30 7:00 am 7:52 am 9:53 am “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Albert Einstein by Almanac by Eric Francis September UT 2006 www.planetwaves.net Live Like It Matters MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 SEPTEMBER features eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis. The lunar2eclipse takes place on the 7th at 15° Pisces. Retrograding Ceres squares Jupiter on the 8th. The solar eclipse happens on the 22nd at 29° Virgo. Jupiter squares retrograding Neptune on the 24th. Usually, we're not informed in advance by anyone other than astrologers that eclipses are happening, unless they're visible locally (which is fairly rare), so we typically have no way to associate personal and world events with them. A significant astrological fact about eclipses 5 4 b Q p 14°F a Ý K i Ý D 24° I 6 12:54 pm a Q l 6:15 pm Pholus Ý I 11:20 pm ` R gR 11 2:51 am 10:53 am 10:54 am 12 c Ý F Chariklo R 2003 UB313 a Ý L 7 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon z 15° L 6:42 pm ` V e 6:14 am ` T Quaoar 12:26 pm c S m 6:56 pm x P 15°L 1:45 am 2:49 am 9:19 am 6:51 pm after, the event itself, even up to six months or more on either side. So it takes a real degree of awareness, timing and sensitivi- ` Q p 18°F a T l 1:11 am 2:41 am 18 a Ý C b Ý G 8:59 pm 9:07 pm stand what's happening. You can think of it this way: each eclipse is tuned to a different frequency, and that frequency is sensitive to influence for an extended period of time. Eclipses want us to be aware; they are a call to consciousness, and to conscience. Eclipses say 25 a Ý a T c T b V b R live like it matters. Do what is truly important. Be who you really are. Eclipses bring the culture together in some way, representing a collective gateway. c H l i f 2003 UB313 1:55 am 11:06 am 6:09 pm 8:27 pm 10:24 pm b T m 19 20 c V e 11:27 am C 5:31 pm 1994 TA (Pylenor) Ý R 16° a Ý F c Q n 17°F b S o 26 27 ty to their energies to under- f S ` T m c Q p 26°F aÝ I ` S lR 9:38 pm d S oR 2003 UB313 1` Q b e V p c S i b Q n 8° F Chariklo R 1992 QB1 8 2:01 am 4:18 am 6:22 pm 1:55 pm 3 9° 28 D lR lR d 4° G 2:53 am 3:40 pm 5:40 pm 7:00 pm 5:48 am 2:34 pm 6:30 pm ` T 1994 TA (Pylenor) gR R n b T i aÝ J 10:01 p m c Ý G 9:21 am 10:04 pm 1:07 am 4:36 am 12:00 pm aÝ B d T m 6:29 pm 7:39 pm 17 ` T i e V n a Ý E 5:01 am a R l c R gR 30 b R gR b V e 10 23 29 3:27 am F 16 22 12:06 am 3:09 am 9:31 pm b V i 2 Solar Eclipse New Moon ~ 29° F 11:45 am 6:56 am Asbolus T Varuna w A 29°F 11:40 am ` Ý G a Ý G 1:07 pm i T p a Q l 6:06 am b S h R 21 5:24 am 9:23 am 1:16 pm 7:24 pm 9:26 pm Ý S S Q SUNDAY 9 d Ý G a Ý A oR T e a d b b SATURDAY 4:49 am 8:44 am ` Q n 11:10 am a Ý J 1:46 pm ` T Ixion 6:13 pm 14 0 21° C 11:16 am 15 13 is that their effects can be observed long before, and long FRIDAY 3:34 am 6:02 am 12:14 pm 9:39 pm 24 4:03 am 5:19 am 1:43 pm 0 7° J 11:04 pm 10:01 am e T hR 30 e w Ma o o forum n Astrology Secrets Revealed (ASR) isN~now on PlanetWaves.net. A team of several different astrologers, 8° A 10:15 am consultants and I will comment on the questions you submit to us. Our aim is to develop an ongoing dialog to help unfold then mystery of our lives and encourage all of our personal growth work. See you at the forum! Ý D a Ý A 8:26 am http://asr.planetwaves.net S d 2:40 am Varuna Ý D, 15° D 11:17 am 8:31 pm by Almanac by Eric Francis October 2006 UT www.planetwaves.net Mercury Retrograde Mercury retrogrades in water signs are fairly rare, though we are having some lately. As part of this particular retrograde, Mercury will make a series of exact conjunctions to the natal Neptune in Scorpio of everyone born between early 1960 and late 1967, emphasizing that planet in their charts. Jupiter has also been in this neighborhood for the past year or so, and at this point Mercury and Jupiter get together for a series of meetings. Mercury-Jupiter conjunctions, which typically happen about once a year, are interesting because they bring together the rulers of all the mutable signs in one place. In traditional astrology, Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury. Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter. Because this Mercury retrograde occurs close to Jupiter, there will be a series of three. Mercury retrogrades are usually considered time to take care of old business and to set aside the beginnings of things for a while. However it can be a fairly good time to sketch, plan and consider one's options, and to clean up obstacles from the past that may get in the way. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 at 12° Aquarius. Chiron 2 stations direct on 1 OCTOBER begins with Mercury entering1Scorpio on the 2nd. On2the 3rd, Ceres goes direct the 12th at 4° Aquarius. Jupiter squares Saturn on the 25th. Sun and Mars enter Scorpio on the 23. Venus enters Scorpio on the 24th. Mercury stations retrograde on the 28th at 25° Scorpio. Neptune stations direct on the 29th at 17° Aquarius. 3 2 a Ý K b Ý H a Q lR 9° H 9 d R 3:24 am 4:37 am o Ý D, 12° K 11:03 am c S l 12:29 am 11:15 pm 16 ` V f 23 ` Q d 29°G b T f ` Ý H d Ý H 30 d T l 10 a C Ý Mercury’s echo begins Eris 4 7:28 am ` R Asbolus ` S hR c S o b S gR a d 2:01 am c 11:52 am p Ý S T Ý L hR m G 11 6:07 am 6:42 am 2:04 pm 6:34 pm 11:07 pm ` T Varuna 18 c R Eris a Ý F ` V i ` Q Chariklo 24°G c V f 12:33 am 6:16 am 24 bR Q e 11:45 am a Ý L c Q d m T p 9:57 am i T j 6:54 pm e T f 3:02 am 2:09 pm b T lR ` S o a Ý A b V m b a d 5:44 pm l 10:57 am 2:17 am 1:09 pm 7:53 pm T o Ý D V f Ý D 4° K R 18° a ÝÝ G Varuna 26 6:10 am 4:55 pm 5:20 pm 5:25 pm 7 4:20 am 5:32 am 10:25 am 6:27 am 10:21 am 10:38 am 9:10 pm ` R 1992 QB1 l S p Nessus Ý D 10:45 am 9:03 pm 9:04 pm 20 D 9:35 am 7:20 pm c V i i T n c S hR ` R Eris a Ý E 21 4:20 pm 8 aÝ B a T l 5:05 am 12:10 pm 28 2:21 am 3:47 am 5:49 am 2:34 am d V i 6:27 am a R l 6:38 pm b T hR 22 n Ý G a Ý H b Q e a T l 6:06 am 6:56 am 11:40 am 27 ` T Nessus aÝ J ` Q c 4°H z 13° A 3:13 am 14 0 20° D 12:26 am 15 13 19 25 31 6 12 17 6:45 am 10:06 am c Ý H 1:26 pm aÝ I 4:37 pm 5:33 am 12:22 am 5:47 pm 11:57pm 5 cT l `T l gR V m b Ý R 25°H 29 12:20 am 3:14 am 10:59 pm ~ 28° G 5:14 am 1:15 am 7:55 am 3:19 pm 4:49 pm 0 6° K 1:06 am a Q l 3:00 am h Ý D 17°K 9:13 am 7:15 pm a Ý K 9:26 pm 6:23 pm 7:55 am 10:17 am N e w to Moon Write Secrets Revealed, a forum on planetwaves.net. Here, a team ~ 8° A Astrology 10:15 am of several different astrologers, consultants and I will comment on the questions you submit to us to help unfold the mystery of our lives and encourage all of our 8:26 am personal growth work. See you at the forum! www.asr.planetwaves.net 11:17 am by Almanac by Eric Francis November 2006 UT www.planetwaves.net eI Jupiter in Sagittarius For the first time in more than 10 years Jupiter will be in its sign Sagittarius. Here are some of the Jupiter highlights of 2006-2007: Dec. 28 Jan. 22 Feb. 03 Mar. 16 Apr. 06 May. 06 May. 11 May. 31 Jun. 10 Aug. 07 Sep. 07 Sep. 30 Oct. 09 Dec. 05 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 07° e V l 12° e T g Attractor 14° e Q Great 19° e S f 19° e Ý R 18° eRx S f 17° eRx T g 15° eRx V lRx 14° eRx Q Great Attractor 09° e Ý D 11° e V lRx Great 14° e Q Attractor e T g 15° Core 26° e Q Galactic 28° e Q i 29° e Ý J MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2 and 1 in retrograde: Mercury NOVEMBER begins with two planets Uranus. Venus enters Sagittarius on the 17th. Mercury stations direct on the 18th. Uranus stations direct on the 20th. Moon enters Sagittarius and Sun 2This month 28°H and 29°3H are highlighted: on 1 the 20th conjuncts Hylonome at 28°H. Sun conjuncts Jupiter on the 21st at 29°H 6 7 c T o a Ý C 3:24 am 4:47 pm 13 20 c V n aÝ L c T h bRx Q c 17°H 12:23 am 4:51 pm New Moon ~ 28° H 10:18 pm bRx T d S bRx T a Ý ` Q p hRx g o D bRx 16°H c Q e 28°H 21 5:40 pm 8:21 pm ` V l 0 1:16 am 1:46 pm ` Ý I 11:15 pm b S g 5° L 6:29 am ` R Chaos a Ý A 12:33 am 3 3:32 am 3:46 pm 9 8:35 pm a Ý G 1:14 am 2:59 pm o T Sedna aÝ J 30 12:53 am 2:59 am 6:57 pm 11:30 pm ` S gRx l S n c V m 12:01 pm 1:00 pm 1:46 pm bRx V m ` d c 2:15 am d T V Ý T 4:33 am 4:04 pm 11:41 pm a Ý E a R l bRx Q d 12° H f m I h 5:58 am 6:20 am 8:02 am b Ý D 9°H 7:00 pm a Ý H f V p e Ý I 25 4:14 am 4:42 am a Ý K i V p c T g Full Moon z 12° B 12:59 pm o S p ` V m 12 11:32 pm 11:51 pm 0 20° E 5:46 am 2:34 am 11:59 am o Q h 17° K 3:15 pm ` R Sedna 18 24 7:41 am 9:25 am aÝ B a T l 5 11 17 23 11:01 am 2:50 pm SUNDAY 4 10 16 29 b T h d T f a Ý A 6:08 am 8:24 am 4:23 pm 7:29 pm ` T o 7:45 pm 9:30 pm ` T h 22 6:08 am a Ý I 7:04 am c V l 7:08 am ` Q e 29°H 28 3:43 pm 15 12:19 am 1:19 pm 5:26 pm g Ý D 10°L ` Q Hylonome d T o 27 8 h S 14 c T f a Ý F bRx S gRx bRx T f c S gR SATURDAY 2 enters Sagittarius on1 the 22. Jupiter conjuncts 1 Jupiter on the 21st. Sun enters Sagittarius on the 24th. By the end of November all major planets and asteroids are moving forward and 4 planets are in Sagittarius. 2 15th, Venus conjuncts Jupiter and on the Sun FRIDAY 1:41 am 5:55 pm 19 12:25 am 2:47 pm a T l 1:06 am 26 3:41 pm a Q l 5°K 5:22 pm ` Q Pholus 3°I 10:55 pm o V Eris 1:29 am 1:30 am 12:00 pm Write to Astrology Secrets Revealed, a forum on planetwaves.net. Here, a team of several different astrologers unfold the mystery of our lives and encourage all of our personal growth work. www.asr.planetwaves.net by Almanac by Eric Francis December 2006 UT www.planetwaves.net MONDAY 2007 Almanac Get ready for a new style of Almanac for 2007! This Almanac will be complete with a custom-programmed ephemeris that we've programmed to calculate the major events of the year. This is a detailed day-byday calculation of events. It includes the Sun and Moon, the classical planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, Centaurs and a variety of Pluto-like planets beyond Neptune. The Almanac also includes 13 sets of New and Full Moons, and an extended adventure zones. The Almanac also includes a numerology report by Christine DeLorey. Your subscription includes Spiral Door, the 2007 annual edition website. The Almanac is extra. Its pre-order price is just $9.95. Please order a copy or two. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6:42 pm ` V e 1:45 am Spiral Door, the 2007 annual edition website; the almanac is an extra. You can pre-order your copy a Q l b Q p 14°F 12:54 pm 6:14 am ` T Quaoar 2:51 am c Ý F 2:49 am R a K atÝhttp://www.planetwavesweekly.com/sales/home.html. Just pull 12:26 downpmthec "choose one" menu 2003 UB313 S m 6:15 pm Pholus Ý I 10:53 am Chariklo 9:19 am i Ý D 24° I ` RAlmanac.” gR a Ý L 11:20 pm 2007 and choose "Pre-Order 6:56 pm x P 15°L 10:54 am 6:51 pm Full Moon 25° H 7:57 pm z 12° C 12:25 am Mercury’s SUNDAY 19th. The New Moon, Dec 20th, is conjunct Pluto on the Galactic Core. Sun enters Capricorn on the 22nd. Mercury conjuncts the Galactic core on the 25th. On the 27th, Pallas enters Aquarius and Mercury enters Capricorn. Ceres enters Pisces and Pluto conjuncts the Galactic Core on the 29th. order your pdf format 2007 Almanac for $9.95, call (877) 453-8265, or (206) 567-4455 from out5 6 7 z L 1 4To side the US. You can call during Eastern business hours, please.Your subscription already includes 2 3 15° 4 5 echo ends ` Q Ixion a Ý C p Ý H b T f 3:00 am 3:05 am 12:30 pm 8:07 pm 11 months of the year, eclipses, retopportunity, rough spots, and WEDNESDAY 2 Core. Vesta enters DECEMBER spotlights Venus, Sun, Mercury and1 Pluto all conjunct the Galactic Scorpio on December 4th. The Full Moon 5 Dec is opposite Ixion. On the 6th, Saturn stations retrograde and Mars goes into Sagittarius. Venus conjuncts the Galactic core and Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 8th. Venus enters Capricorn on the 11th. Sun conjuncts the Galactic Core on the overview for each of the 12 rogrades, hot spots, moments of TUESDAY cÝ J d Q e 18 o V i aÝ I Q i l T p `V o ` ` h 5:33 am b 4:11 pm ` S S S T Eris n l j 19 1:42 am 7:47 pm 10:00 pm 4:06 am 4:58 am 6:01 am 0 20° F 2:32 am 13 4:20 am 9:10 am 2:39 pm 5:57 pm ` Q Galactic Core 6:38 pm b V h 26 7 f Ý R d Ý I 11:17 am a Ý D c V o 12 25 a Ý L b Q i b Q Galactic Core 6 14 11:18 am 1:17 pm o R f 1:41 pm Chariklo Ý H 11:48 pm a Ý G c V g 12:22 am 11:43 pm a Ý J 27 0 c T Eris Ý K V o Ý A Ý J 5° A 21 3:29 am 4:38 pm Merkurius S Eris b V n 2:48 pm 28 8:31 am 11:46 am 1:26 pm 5:04 pm 8:54 pm 7:17 am 8 c Q b ` a ` c a Ý Q Ý V Q R i I Quaoar E n Galactic Core l 15 c V p d V l b T g 6:33 am 4:28 pm 10:01 am New Moon ~ 28° I 2:01 pm 20 m b a b c S fR c V h g S p c T n e V l 22 d T g 10:30 am ` Ý J 2:27 pm a Ý K 29 3:21 am 3:51 am 5:51 pm 6:40 am 11:51 am 4:45 pm 7:07 pm 11:33 pm aÝ B b V m b T o 1:26 am 7:03 am 3:06 pm 9 4:59 pm 7:39 pm 10 ` V h b Q d b Q e 5:43 pm a Ý F 16 2:27 am 4:58 am 9:31 pm 17 10:12 am 1:56 pm a T l 3:02 pm Asbolus Ý D 23 12:17 am 12:21 am 9:49 pm a Q ` T g c S Eris 12:00 pm 11:08 pm ` S fR 1:35 am 24 l 30 o Ý L 12:53 am 11:12 am a Ý B 8:08 am i Q Galactic Core 5:47 pm 1:42 pm a T l 9:58 pm 9:06 pm Hylonome Ý I 10:17 am b S fR 12:18 pm 31 a Ý C d V h 4:28 pm 1992 QB1 Ý D 11:16 am 1:04 pm 2:29 pm