2016 Miss HHC Paperwork - Miss Harvest Homecoming


2016 Miss HHC Paperwork - Miss Harvest Homecoming
Dear Contestant and Parent(s),
Welcome to the Miss America Scholarship Organization! We are excited that you are interested in
learning more about our organization. We hope that after reviewing this packet, you will have the answers to
your questions and the desire to join us as a contestant in our Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant.
You could be our Miss Harvest Homecoming 2016!
The Miss America Organization is one of the nation's leading achievement programs and the world's
largest provider of scholarship assistance for young women. Last year, the Miss America Organization, and its
state and local organizations, made available more than $45 million in cash and scholarship assistance. This
assistance is not just for the handful of young women who become Miss America, but is available to the over
12,000 young women who compete in the state and local competitions as well.
We are serving this program because we believe in the Miss America Organization. Many of us have
benefited from the program and acknowledge the impact it has made in our lives. We hope that you will
consider participating with an open mind, putting aside any preconceived notions you might have about what a
pageant is.
Miss America, and its preliminary scholarship pageants, are not beauty pageants. The Miss America
Organization prides itself on its focus of intelligence, talent, community service, and character. The interview,
on-stage question and talent competition make up 65% of the overall score. This is the foundation of our
scholarship program.
We look forward to working with you in the 2016 Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant.
Please read over ALL paperwork, and the contestant contract, for eligibility requirements and pageant dates/
times. It is important that you understand all rules and requirements. I have enclosed last year’s festival
appearance schedule, and the schedule from the Miss Indiana pageant, to give you an idea of your time
commitment during the 2016 Harvest Homecoming Festival and state pageant in June 2017.
Thank you for your interest in our program. We look forward to seeing you as a contestant this year!!
Cara Brown
Executive Director
Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageants
Please contact Cara Brown at missdirector@missharvesthomecoming.com or (502) 299-6414 with any
Miss Harvest Homecoming Information
All rehearsals, run-throughs, etc. are closed to the public, including parents.
All required paperwork and advertisements are due on July 16, 2016
□ Miss contestants must be 17 and a graduating senior (unless 16 and graduating early) and no
older than 24 by December 31st 2017.
□ Queen advances to Miss Indiana Pageant in June 2017. Please see sample appearance schedule for
further details.
□ Queen is required to ride in Harvest Homecoming Parade and make appearances during the
festival and to promote her platform during her year of service. Please see sample appearance
schedule for further details.
□ All prize money must be used for scholarship purposes only.
□ All prize money must be requested within one (1) year of date awarded title.
□ If the Queen is unable to fulfill all obligations, she must forfeit all prizes, gifts and title to her
□ Contestant may not hold the title of Miss Harvest Homecoming more than two times.
□ Please see contract for further eligibility requirements.
Miss Harvest Homecoming 2016 will receive a $3000 scholarship, crown, crown pin, plaque, flowers, sash,
and portrait, will participate in activities during the festival, and compete in the Miss Indiana
Scholarship Pageant in June of 2017.
The First Runner-up will receive a $1000 scholarship, plaque, flowers, and compete in the Indiana State
Festival Pageant in November 2016.
The Second Runner-up will receive an $800 scholarship, plaque, flowers.
All contestants will compete in the following categories:
Interview – 25%
On-Stage Question – 5%
Talent – 35%
Evening Wear – 20%
Lifestyle and Fitness in Swimsuit – 15%
July 16, 2016
9:00a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Paperwork Drop-off, Contestant Meet-and-Greet, Workshop: interview skills, hair and
makeup tips. Be sure to bring all items on the Contestant Checklist included in this packet.
Location Harvest Homecoming Office. 431 Pearl Street, New Albany, IN
*Please come with hair and makeup done as we may be taking pictures for the local paper. Attire is dressy casual.
July 30, 2016
10:00-6:00 p.m. Optional mock interview. Harvest Homecoming Office (time subject to change)
August 11, 2016
6:00 – 9:30 p.m. Rehearsal at TBD. Bring $20 for opening number t-shirt. Dress comfortably. Bring your
shoes for evening gown, swimsuit, and opening number.
August 13, 2016
9:30 a.m.
Arrive at FCHS and put wardrobe in dressing room
9:45 a.m.
Contestants Ready and on stage for rehearsal/Preteen and princess arrival
Run through Preteen/Princess number/Crowning/Group photo
11:00 a.m.
Lunch with Princesses/Pre-teens
11:45 a.m.
Princesses excused/Miss and Teen ready for rehearsal
12:00 p.m.
Teens/Miss Run Show
2:00 p.m.
Teen Interviews Start/Miss Talent Rehearsal
3:30 p.m.
Miss Interviews Start/Teen Talent Rehearsal
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Doors open
6:30 p.m.
Pageant starts
(times subject to change)
***Contestants must remain at Floyd Central High School all day for security purposes.
Tickets will be available at the door the evening of the pageant. Ticket prices are $10 Adults and $5 students,
children 3-12 and senior citizens. Children 2 and under are free. All people attending must purchase a ticket to
watch the pageant.
August 14, 2016
9:00a.m.-4:00 p.m.
New Queens’ photo shoot. & location TBD
Children’s Miracle Network
All Miss Harvest Homecoming contestants must raise a minimum of $100 for the Children’s
Miracle Network, which is the national platform of the Miss America organization. Please
follow these steps while raising money for the Children’s Miracle Network:
Visit www.missamericaforkids.org
If you are a new contestant, select the link “New Contestants Click Here” and create a profile page.
Once you’re registered, you will see all of the available pageants in the state of Indiana. Choose our
pageant. Once chosen, you will see all of the options to customize your fundraising page. If you are a
returning contestant, select the “Returning Contestants” link and update your profile page.
Send emails to family members, friends, and local business! They can submit online donations that will
immediately be reflected on your Miss America 4 Kids Profile Page!
Once you have raised your $100 print your Qualification Report off of your profile page and bring it
with you to rehearsals or the day of the pageant. No money will be collected at the pageant. All money
must be raised before pageant day. Failure to do so will result in not being qualified to compete.
Here are some ideas for collecting donations: START EARLY!!!! DON’T WAIT!!!
Ask ten people for $10.00
Ask four people for $25.00
Find four business that will donate $25.00
Ask your parents or family members to make a tax deductible donation
Ask your workplace to sponsor you by making a tax deductible donation
Be creative, hold a fundraising event!
Have a “send-off” party where your family and friends gather to view your competition
wardrobe and talent before the Harvest Homecoming pageant. Ask them to support you by
donating to the Children’s Miracle Network.
 Ask the businesses that you frequently support to support you! (Favorite restaurants, your bank,
recreation centers, photo studio, tanning salons, hair salons, etc)
Don’t let the $100 Children’s Miracle Network Donation deter you from participating in the
pageant! You would be surprised how quickly you can earn $100 for a worthy cause! If you
are having trouble raising the money please contact Cara Brown at 502-299-6414 or email her
at missdirector@missharvesthomecoming.com for additional suggestions. It’s always great to
give back to our community. Service is one of the four points of the Miss America crown! This
money is due by August 11, 2016.
This checklist is provided to assist you in tracking forms due to the Miss Harvest Homecoming
Scholarship Pageants. The following forms are due at Meet and Greet on July 16th and should
be in the order listed below. Place items in a folder with pockets. Place a clean copy of this
checklist on top of the right pocket when finished.
Name ______________________________________________
Item and Notes
Location in folder
Contestant Resume (follow formatting instructions in this packet) Right Pocket
Contestant Platform Statement (follow formatting instructions in this
packet. Don't forget signature!)
Right Pocket
Contestant Contract (A and B are in contract) —requires notary Right Pocket
Supplemental Fact Sheet (Attachment A)
Right Pocket
Medical Information (Attachment B)
Right Pocket
Local Rules and Regulations (Attachment C)
Right Pocket
Local Titleholder's Year of Service (Attachment D)
Right Pocket
Scholarship Usage Agreement (Attachment E)
Right Pocket
Pageant Requirements/Festival Commitment (Attachment F)
Right Pocket
90 second cut of Talent music on thumb drive or CD (label with
name and song title)
Left Pocket
5x7 Color Headshot (and email high resolution to
Left Pocket
Contact Information Page
Left Pocket
Talent Information sheet (with full contestant introduction
Left Pocket
Copy of Birth Certificate- COPY. Will not be returned
Left Pocket
Proof of Residence (i.e. Copy of Drivers License)
Left Pocket
Advertisement page (see advertising page in packet for details)
Left Pocket
Sample Full Page Ad (1/2” margins)
2016 Miss Harvest Homecoming
Program Book Advertising
Don’t miss your opportunity to place an ad in the Miss
Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageants Souvenir
Program Book.
Discount Price for Family and Contestants:
Full Page: $100 ($500 value)
Half Page: $50.00 ($250 value)
You may use any combination to meet your full page ad
requirement. You also have the option of selling business
cards. Ten cards sold make one full page!
Business Card: $10.00 each
For Photos and Business Cards:
• Photos for full page ads should be 8x10 at 300dpi black and
• Business Cards should be scanned separately at 300dpi and
placed in the ad spaced equally. Business Card size can also
be a personal message from a family member or friend.
• Any images that are not high-resolution will appear blurry
when printed.
Laura Merida
Good Luck! We Love You! Mom & Dad!
Sample Half Page Ad (1/2” margins)
Good Luck
Blair Barker
(Insert personal message
or business name/logo)
All ads submitted must be PRINT READY.
Accepted File Formats:
• Print-ready Adobe PDF
• TIFF or JPEG (at least 300dpi)
• All artwork should be saved at a high-resolution
Ad Specifications:
Miss Harvest Homecoming's program book is one color
(black and white). Color cannot be used.
Paper is high quality
Full Page
• Page size: 8.5 x 11
• Size with bleeds: 9 x 11.5 (.25" bleed)
• Safe type area: 7.5 x 10
(If bleeds are not prepared correctly, they will not bleed to the
edge of the page.)
Half Page: Ad size: 8 x 5.125 and will not bleed.
Sample Business Card Page Ad (1/2” margins)
Fonts: All fonts should be embedded in to the files that are
Media: Ad will be accepted on CD or by email if they are
smaller than 8MB. Email to Jeff Finn at
jfinn@harvesthomecoming.com. Be sure to include your
NAME, and WHICH PAGEANT you’re in, in the email so
the ad can be applied to you.
Ads submitted after the July 16th deadline not be in the
program book!!!!
If you need help designing an ad page, please visit
www.pageantdesignsolutions.com. They make beautiful ad
pages for a wonderful price!!!! Please let them know
Harvest Homecoming Pageant referred you.
We Support Ellise Edwards!
Good Luck!!
Contact Information Sheet
(may be handwritten)
Name _______________________________Age ____ Birth Date __/__/___
Address _______________________________________________
City, State
Home Phone ____________________________
Cell Phone ______________________________
Email __________________________________
Your Home COUNTY where your home/parents’ address is)-___________
Parents’ Names ________________________________________
Parents’ Address _______________________________________
Parents’ Home Phone ___________________________________
Parents’ Cell Phone ____________________________________
Mother’s email address___________________________________________
Father’s email address ____________________________________________
Platform _____________________________________________
Talent ________________________________________
Title of Accompaniment Music/Music Used _______________________
College Attended ______________________ Major __________________
High School Attended __________________________________________ _____________
2016 Instructions for Completing the Local Contestant’s Resume
This is your opportunity to demonstrate to the state judges why they should consider you for the job of
Miss Harvest Homecoming. You may list as many or as few items under each category as you desire.
Your only restriction is that it must follow the established format and it must fit on one (1) page. This
page, combined with the Platform Statement, will comprise your entire application for this job. The
judges will receive exactly what is submitted.
Any item submitted that does not fit the established criteria will be returned for correction only once. Any item, which
does not meet the criteria or is submitted after the deadline, will not be given to the judges. If your resume arrives
on the day of the deadline, and does not meet the criteria, there will not be time to return it to you; therefore, it will
not be given to the judges. If she chooses, a contestant may explain the lack of judging materials during her
1. Create a “New” document with your computer’s Word program.
2. Set margins for 1" on all four sides. The font style may not be any smaller than “10” and no larger than
“12” point type, using the Times New Roman font style. Please refer to the attached sample to verify
you are following the requested format.
3. With the justification set for left, type “Name:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the space bar twice.
Then, type your name as you wish the judges to know it. (If your name is LaCricia Deborah Smith and
you want to be known as “Deborah Smith”, please type “Deborah Smith).
4. Then, move to the next line and type “Title:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the space bar twice.
Then, type Miss Harvest Homecoming.
5. Then, move to the next line and type “Hometown:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the space bar
once. Then, type your hometown including the city and the state.
6. Move to the next line. Now set your justification to the right. Type “Date of Birth:” in bold. Hit the
space bar two (2) times, and type the month, day, and year of your birth. (Ex. October 10, 1989)
7. Move Justification to the left. Double space down and type “Education:” in bold. Hit the tab bar three
times and then type your most recent school first. If it is grad school, indicate it as such. List degree
seeking (all on the same line as the name of the school), move to the line underneath that to list your
undergraduate school and degree sought/achieved, and below that list your high school.
8. Double space down. Hit the tab bar once. Type “Platform Issue:” in bold. Hit the tab bar three
9. Double space down. Hit the tab bar once. Type “Scholastic/Career Ambition:” in bold. Hit the Tab
bar once, MAKE SURE IT LINES UP WITH THE OTHERS ABOVE IT. Then type the type of degree/
education you would ultimately like to achieve and beneath that, list your career ambition.
10.Double space down. Hit the tab bar once. Type “Talent:” in bold. Hit the tab bar three times. Type
the type of talent and specific selection.
ABOVE IT. (i.e. Pop Vocal - “Crying”, Tap Dance - “Staying Alive”, etc.)
11.Double space down. Type “Scholastic Honors:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each item should
be separated by a semi-colon (;).
12.Double space down. Type “Leadership Roles:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each item should
be separated by a semi-colon (;).
13.Double space down. Type “Accomplishments:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each item should
be separated by a semi-colon (;).
14.Double space down. Type “Interesting Facts:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each item should
be separated by a semi-colon (;).
15.Double space down. Type “Employment:” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Each item should be
separated by a semi-colon (;).
16.Double space down.
Type “How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and
aspirations?” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Please answer the question in sentence form.
17.Double space down. Type “Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you chosen
to succeed in the Miss Harvest Homecoming Pageant?” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Please
answer the question in sentence form.
18.Double Space down. Type “What social issue, other than your platform, will have the greatest
impact on your generation and why?” in bold. Hit the space bar twice. Please answer the question
in sentence form.
The entire form MUST FIT ON ONE (1) PAGE using the Times New Roman font style. You must
leave a 1" margin on all four sides of the page.
If spacing issues arise, simply follow the example provided.
Use your best judgment on what is most important for the judges to know about you. Use the
space wisely. Attached is an example of what the Resume should look like.
This form is given to the judges with your platform statement. You will notice there is a REQUIRED
SIGNATURE LINE at the bottom of the Platform Statement. When these two pages are put together,
they will create your entire application. Your signature covers the materials listed ON BOTH PAGES.
Your signature verifies that everything on your forms is true and accurate. If it is proven that any
information on these forms is not true, correct and factual, you risk disqualification from competing in the
national competition and losing your local/state title.
Name: Jane Smith
Title: Miss Local
Hometown: Anytown, Indiana
Date of Birth: December 29, 1989
University of State – sophomore – Bachelor of Science, Liberal Arts
Frederick Douglass High School
Platform Issue:
Celebrating Cultural Diversity and Inclusiveness
Scholastic/Career Ambition:
Obtain a Masters of Business Administration
Pop Vocal / “Fallen”
Scholastic Honors: Recipient of National Coca-Cola Scholarship; Recipient of the Metropolitan Urban League National Scholarship;
Dean’s List; Member of the President’s Leadership Council at the University
Leadership Roles: Created and implemented a comprehensive Cultural Diversity Education Curriculum for grades K-12 in twelve
Public Schools; University Student Body Senator; H.S. Sr. Class Pres.; College Sorority President.
Accomplishments: Recipient of the J.C. Penney Golden Rule Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service to Community; Recipient of
the National Conference for Community and Justice Humanitarian Award; Performer, Grand Ole Opry in Nashville; Piano
Performance scholarship at State University.
Interesting Facts: First person on either side of my family to attend college; Youngest of five children with a 13-year gap between
me and my next oldest sister and an almost 20-year gap between the oldest and myself.
Employment: Internship with a Law Firm; Internship with local ABC television affiliate; Student Assistant at State University.
How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and aspirations?
I come from a loving, supportive family that has always taught me to work hard for the things I want to achieve. Growing up, my
parents always encouraged us to get involved with our local community and help those who were less fortunate than us. They tried to
instill good values in us and to always guide us on the right path. I think it is because of these lessons my parents taught me that I want
to make a difference in today’s world. I aspire to be a woman of great influence, preferably working in the non-profit sector, where I
can apply my talents for the greater good and help to change people’s lives. One person truly can make a difference, and I am on my
way to proving that cliché. I also dream to one day have a loving family of my own, with beautiful children in whom I can instill the
same core values that my parents gave to me.
Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you chosen to succeed in the Miss Harvest Homecoming Pageant?
Along with providing the financial assistance for young women to fulfill our educational goals, the Miss America Organization gives
us the opportunity to bring national attention to a cause dear to our hearts. If I were to become Miss America, I know that my voice
would be heard as a spokesperson for my personal platform, as well as the national platform. Raising awareness of important social
and political issues has always been important to me, and Miss America provides the perfect arena for that.
What social issue, other than your platform, will have the greatest impact on your generation and why?
Although I’m not sure I would consider it a social issue, I think technological advancements will have the greatest social impact on
my generation. Technology is changing everything – the way we communicate, our lifestyles, access to information – it’s all right at
your fingertips! That can be a double-edged sword. I believe we run the risk of losing both interpersonal and language skills due to
the ease and speed of communicating electronically. I believe our educators should address this issue immediately, or it may,
unfortunately, have the greatest impact on my generation and every generation to follow.
Instructions for Typing the 2016 Local Contestant’s Platform Statement
This is your opportunity to explain to the state judges what your chosen platform is and why it
is important for the Miss America Organization to embrace this platform.
This 100-200 word, single-spaced document combined with the Contestant’s Resume, will comprise
your entire application for this job. The judges will receive exactly what is submitted. Any items
submitted that do not fit the established criteria will be returned for correction only once. Any item that
does not meet the criteria or submitted after the deadline will not be given to the judges. If your Platform
Statement arrives on the day of the deadline and does not meet the criteria, there will not be time to
return it to you; therefore, it will not be given to the judges. If she chooses, a contestant may explain the
lack of judging materials during her interview.
1. Go to the word processing program of your computer.
2. Start a “new” document.
3. Set margins for 1" on all four sides. The font style may not be any smaller than “10” and no larger
than “12” point type using the Times New Roman font style.
4. With the justification set for left, type “Name:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the space bar
twice. Then, type your name.
5. Then, move to the next line and type “Title:” in bold. Following the colon (:), hit the space bar
twice. Then, type Miss Harvest Homecoming.
6. Double space down. Set your justification to “center”. Then type in bold and underline the title of
your Platform.
7. Double space down. Write what you feel is critical for the judge’s to know about your platform and
why it is necessary for you to have the job of Miss Harvest Homecoming to promote this issue. What
you write will be what the judges know about your platform, your role in successfully dealing with this
issue, and the role the Miss America Organization may play in your plan.
8. This essay may include some of the following items (this is not to be meant as an exhaustive list):
· A clear definition of the platform and the specific issues you wish to address
· A plan on how you have or will create awareness of the platform
· Your media plans
· Your marketing strategy
· How you propose to fund your ideas/plans
· Any significant accomplishments you have made in regard to your issue
· What do you wish to accomplish during your year of service as Miss Harvest Homecoming for your
platform issue?
9. At the bottom of the page, you MUST set the justification to the right.
Type a line of 26 spaces.
Below that line, you must type Signature/Date and after printing sign and date the document.
Once you have printed the document, it is important that you SIGN and DATE the document as
shown in the attached SAMPLE
Name: Jane Doe
Title: Miss Harvest Homecoming 2016
Celebrating Cultural Diversity and Inclusiveness
It is imperative that this nation face and embrace its cultural diversity. The title of Miss Harvest Homecoming
will allow me to create the awareness that must exist. My plan is to motivate the media and to partner with the
National Conference for Community and Justice. I intend to prove that in order to accept and understand people
of other cultures; one must be willing to step out of a personal cultural comfort zone and identify the origin of
their prejudice. Our country’s ethnic make-up is changing rapidly and our citizen’s fear of terrorism can explode
already existing, but deeply hidden prejudices.
(may be handwritten)
All accompaniment music must be emailed in MP3 format with two CDs brought pageant day.
Type of Talent (singing, dancing, instrumental, reading, etc.) ______________________________________
Full Title of music you will use in your talent (**Must be on ASCAP website):
Please describe your outfit: ___________________________________________________________
I will bring the following props which I will use in my act: _______________________________________
Please submit a short introduction for your talent to be read by the emcee*:
*Sample Talent Introduction: With over 10 years of performance history, Cara is here this evening to perform her passion
of solo ringing on the handbells. Her self-arranged piece of “My Favorite Things” originates from the ever-popular
musical “The Sound of Music.” Relax in your seats and watch Cara’s careful skill and arrangement of these beautiful
** You must attach either a BMI or ASCAP certification. Visit www.ascap.com. Search for your song then print the
page that shows it is on either of these sites.
Please read the contract and fill in all information.
Step 1: Begin at the top of the contract and click on Type of Organization and type in “Harvest Homecoming
Pageants”, then hit Tab.
Step 2: In “Type Competition/Title”, type in the title competing: “Harvest Homecoming
Step 3: In “Type Contestant Name” insert your legal name then hit tab
Step 4: Under Application and Contract for Participation, type “16” next to 20 and hit Tab.
Step 5: Next to Miss, type “Harvest Homecoming” then hit Tab.
Step 6: In Section 1.1,
a. click on the line next to State of and type “Indiana” and hit Enter.
Step 7: In section 1.2,
b. click on Type Title Won and type “Harvest Homecoming”, then hit Enter.
c. Next to, “to be held in”, click on the line and type “Floyds Knobs”, then hit tab.
d. On the Date(s) of Local Competition line, type in “August 13” then hit Enter.
e. Click on the line next to 20 and type “16”, then hit Enter.
Step 8: In section 1.3,
f. on the line after “and shall be entitled to that title until her successor is named at the competition in”
click on the line and type “August” and hit Enter.
g. Type in “17” next to the 20 and hit Enter.
Step 9: In section,
h. on the line that says “Local Title” type “Harvest Homecoming” then hit Tab.
Step 10: In section type “Indiana” in the box and hit Enter.
You must read the rest of the contract and fill in the lines with appropriate information. Just click on the line and
type in the box. Click Save As on your computer and save it as (Your Name) Local Miss Contract. Have your
contract notarized and with you at the Meet and Greet, July 16th.
The percepts of conduct for contestants are the foundation upon which the image and reputation of the Miss America program have
been built and will continue to be the basis for its operation. Therefore, the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant directors
have formalized the following rules, which must be adhered to during the time contestants spend in the Miss Harvest Homecoming
Scholarship program.
1. Miss Harvest Homecoming contestants will conduct themselves at all times with the dignity, grace and good manners of
young women who exemplify the integrity of American youth.
2. A contestant must observe all rules and regulations from the time of her arrival at the pageant, until her departure. She
must register by the official time set and remain until released following the Miss Harvest Homecoming Pageant.
3. A contestant must stay only at the Miss Harvest Homecoming Pageant official venue. She may not leave the venue once
she arrives.
4. A contestant must be accompanied by a member of the Pageant Committee at all times. Contestants are not allowed to
leave venue unless accompanied by a Hostess.
5. A contestant will not participate in any interview, photo session, media contact or any type of publicity unless a hostess is
present. She may express her ideas and personal opinions on any subject, but has the right not to answer questions if she
so chooses.
6. A contestant will not attend parties, meetings, social events or make public appearances other than those scheduled by the
Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant during pageant weekend.
7. A contestant will not smoke in public or at the venue.
8. A contestant will not imbibe in any alcoholic beverages during pageant weekend.
9. A contestant will not be in the company of or speak to a Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant judge except at
regularly scheduled Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant events.
10.No visitors, including parents, family members, and friends are allowed backstage to visit any contestant at any time.
11.Cell phones or pagers may not be used backstage, in the dressing rooms, or during rehearsals.
12.Contestants who are not crowned are released from their contract with the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship
Pageant at the completion of the pageant on finals night following pictures with the photographer.
Parent’s/Guardians’ Initials:______ Contestant’s Initials: ______ Date: ______
ATTACHMENT C continued
If a contestant’s conduct is deemed unsatisfactory by any of the Pageant Committee directors/chairs, and by this conduct the image
and good name of the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant is deemed to be jeopardized, the following procedure is
1. The Director of the Pageant Committee will issue a warning to the contestant in the presence of the contestant’s hostess.
2. If the condition causing the warning is corrected, no further action will be taken.
3. If not corrected, the Hostess Committee Chair will notify the Executive Director of the Miss Harvest Homecoming Pageant
and provide all particulars regarding the infraction of the rules.
4. The Director and the Hostess Committee Chair will meet with the contestant to discuss the unacceptable conduct.
5. Notification of the Chair of the Judges and further action could be the result of the decision of the Director and Hostess
Committee Chair.
6. What a contestant does, where she goes, and how she conducts herself while participating in the Miss Harvest Homecoming
Scholarship Pageant, are all governed, to a large degree, by rules, regulations and demanding schedules. Use common sense.
Parent’s/Guardians’ Initials:______ Contestant’s Initials: ______ Date: ______
Attachment D
Appearances – Booking, Fees, Payments
All appearances for Miss Harvest Homecoming are arranged and handled by and through the Local Director, as her sole and exclusive
agent. The parents are not part of this process. Any individual or organization wishing to inquire or book a Miss Harvest Homecoming
for an appearance must contact the Local Pageant Director.
During her Year of Service, Miss Harvest Homecoming will be required to make a minimum three (3) appearances per month in
furtherance of her Platform and the Local Program as scheduled by her Local Director. In the event that Miss Harvest Homecoming
should need to cancel a confirmed appearance, she must make said cancelation 24 hours prior to confirmed time of event.
Miss Harvest Homecoming should also make arrangements with legal counsel in the event their services are needed during the Year of
Appearances, Meetings and Interviews – Preparation and Conduct
Miss Harvest Homecoming shall be responsible for doing the necessary preparation for each appearance, meeting and interview.
Preparation shall include, but not be limited to, reviewing all information and background material that is provided to her for review,
conducting independent research when necessary, and, with respect to appearances, writing her own speeches and specifically
targeting them towards the audiences that she will address.
Miss Harvest Homecoming shall be responsible for having a substantial and appropriate repertoire for talent performances for all of
her appearances.
Miss Harvest Homecoming shall show up on time for all appearances, meetings and interviews. She shall limit cell phone use to
emergency situations during appearances, meetings and interviews.
Provided Services and Wardrobe
Miss Harvest Homecoming shall be well groomed and dress and act appropriately for all occasions. Her choice of appearance outfit
must be approved by Local Director. Should the Titleholder be awarded additional monies to cover pageant related wardrobe
expenses, the following process will apply: Contingent of director approval, this money will be used primarily to reimburse partial or
complete cost of evening gown for Miss Indiana's Outstanding Teen. Any monies remaining will be used to cover
competition wear for talent, interview, lifestyle and fitness, and/or opening number.
Travel, Lodging and Transportation
Family, friends and others are not permitted to stay overnight in her room, or to accompany her at any appearances, unless approved
by Local Director.
Miss Harvest Homecoming shall stay overnight in the hotel designated and arranged by Local Program for each appearance. All
incidental expenses including hotel telephone, toll charges, and overtime charges related to internet access are the responsibility of
Miss Harvest Homecoming. If said appearance is representing the Harvest Homecoming Festival, then the festival will help with
Local Director will serve as a Business Manager for Miss Harvest Homecoming. The Business Manager responsibilities include
advising her of the necessary details of her appearances, and advising her with wardrobe selection for each appearance.
During her Year of Service, Miss Harvest Homecoming shall be a spokesperson not only for her Platform but also for the Harvest
Homecoming Festival and the Miss Indiana Scholarship Pageant (MISP). She shall continuously educate herself and be
knowledgeable about her Platform, the festival, and also about MISP, its activities and programs, and specifically its scholarship
program, so that she can provide accurate responses when asked.
Attachment D continued
During her Year of Service, Miss Harvest Homecoming shall maintain contact with the Local Director at all times. She shall notify
Local Director prior to any out-of-state travel which is not in connection with the performance of her obligations as a Local
Titleholder. She shall not contact clients, sponsors, business partners or service providers directly at any time.
During her Year of Service or at any time thereafter, Miss Harvest Homecoming shall not disparage or otherwise make any
unfavorable statements, oral or written, or perform any act or omission, which is detrimental to the reputation or goodwill of Local
Program or MISP. For purpose of the prior sentence, MISP shall mean MISP, its successors and affiliates and their officers, directors
and employees.
Upon winning the title of Miss Harvest Homecoming's Outstanding Teen, Local Titleholder will disclose a full and complete list of
any and all social websites, along with her screen/user name(s), in which she participates during her year of service. She will create
official social media accounts immediately upon assuming the title. Local Titleholder agrees to post any/all appearances within 24
hours. This includes, but is not limited to, Harvest Homecoming Festival events, Miss Indiana’s Outstanding Teen events, every
sponsor visit/receipt of service, and platform appearances.
During her Year of Service, Miss Harvest Homecoming will not seek pageant help, or coaching, from anyone other than her Local
Director unless approved by said Local Director. This includes, but is not limited to interview coaching/preparation, stage walking, onstage question prep. All talent coaching/choreography will be approved by Local Director who will have final say on talent
presentation. Local Director reserves the right to provide talent coaching/choreography/instruction to Miss Harvest Homecoming other
than Miss Harvest Homecoming’s personal coach/choreographer/instructor.
During her Year of Service, Miss Harvest Homecoming is responsible for representing and marketing MISP and the Harvest
Homecoming Festival/Pageant in a manner that is designed to (1) reflect the values and standards of MAO, MISP and the Harvest
Homecoming Festival/Pageant; (2) promote and enhance the visibility of MISP and the Harvest Homecoming Festival/Pageant; (3)
protect and enhance the image, good name and broad public acceptance of MISP and the Harvest Homecoming Festival/Pageant; and
(4) increase sponsorship opportunities for MISP and the Harvest Homecoming Festival/Pageant.
I have read, I understand, and I accept the Guidelines for Miss Harvest Homecoming’s Year of Service.
Attachment D MAO Contestant Social Media Policies
The MAO Contract is very clear regarding inappropriate behavior of ANY type, wherever it is found. This document specifically
addresses social media. Once you make the decision to participate in our program, your past and present is a determining factor in
your eligibility. If inappropriate language, photos, videos, or any other form of communication are discovered, your eligibility is at the
sole discretion of the MAO organization. This is a zero-tolerance policy that will be enforced.
If you have questions regarding the appropriateness of your social media posts, language, photos, videos, etc., ask yourself these
questions: “Can I stand on stage in front of the MAO judges and show them my social media posts? Can I repeat the language that I
have used?” If the answer is “no”, this organization is not for you.
Please refer to the following clauses in our contract regarding this issue:
1.1. (2) recognizing and honoring the traits of honesty, good character, talent, poise, intellect, leadership and good judgment in the
teens of America who enter the competition (the “Contestants”); and (3) enabling the Contestants to serve as role models for other
teens with similar goals and personal characteristics.
2.6. Personal Characteristics. I understand that in order to be eligible to compete in the National Finals, I hereby certify to the
Personal Characteristics set forth in this section:
2.6.4. Good Character. I am of good moral character and I have not been involved at any time in any act of moral turpitude.
2.6.6. Prior Conduct. I have never performed any act or engaged in any activity or employment that is or could reasonably be
characterized as dishonest, immoral, or indecent.
6.8. Termination of Eligibility. I understand and agree that if:
6.8.3. I fail to conduct myself in a manner, which, in the sole and exclusive judgment of MAO, is consistent with the
standards and dignity of the Program. (I will be disqualified.)
The following are the official guidelines for participating in social media for any participant in a Local, State, or National MAO
competition. If you’re creating or contributing to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of social media, these
guidelines are for you.
As a member of the MAO community, you are representing the organization when you are participating in social computing. Posting
as a representative of the MAO family is not a right but an opportunity, so please treat it seriously and with respect.
1. Disclose. Your honesty—or dishonesty—will be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Please represent MAO
ethically and with integrity.
• Be transparent: Use your real name, identify that you are associated with MAO, and be clear about your role.
• Be truthful: If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, be the first to point it out and be specific about
what it is.
• Be yourself: Stick to your area of expertise; write what you know. If you publish to a website outside MAO, please use a
disclaimer something like this: “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent MAO’s positions,
strategies, or opinions.”
• Be conscientious: Keep in mind that what you write is your responsibility and failure to abide by these guidelines could put
your relationship with MAO at risk.
• There is no clear line between your association with MAO and your personal life. Always be honest and respectful in both
capacities. With the ease of tracing authors back from their posts and the amount of information online, finding the actual
identity of a poster from a few posts and a screen name is not impossible. This creates an avenue for outside parties to link
your personal writings to those you've done as a MAO representative. Always write as if everyone knows you. Never write
anything you wouldn't say out loud to all parties involved.
2. Protect. Remember, if you’re online, you’re on the record—everything on the Internet is public and searchable. What you
post is ultimately your responsibility.
• Don’t slam the competition (or MAO): Play nice. Anything you publish must be true and not misleading, and all claims
regarding MAO must be substantiated and approved.
• Don’t over share: Be careful out there—once you hit “share,” you usually can’t get it back. Plus, being judicious will help
make your content more crisp and audience-relevant.
• Did you mess up? If you make a mistake, admit it. Be upfront and be quick with your correction. If you’re posting to a blog,
you may choose to modify an earlier post—just make it clear that you have done so.
• Avoid hazardous materials. Do not post or link to any materials that are defamatory, harassing, or indecent!
• Don’t promote other brands with our brand. Do not promote personal projects or endorse brands, causes or opinions when
posting as a representative of MAO unless you have received approval from your Executive Director or the MAO national
• Always trackback. When reposting or referencing a post on one of MAO online sites, provide a link to the original post or
3. Use Common Sense
• Perception is reality. In online social networks, the lines between public and private/personal are blurred. Just by identifying
yourself as a MAO representative you are creating perceptions about your expertise and about MAO. Do us all proud.
• The Internet is not anonymous, nor does it forget. Everything written on the Web can be traced back to its author one way or
another and very easily. Information is backed up often and repeatedly, and posts in one forum are usually replicated in others
through trackbacks and reposts or references.
• Do not return fire. If a negative post or comment is found online about MAO or yourself, do not counter with another
negative post. Instead, publicly offer to remedy the situation through positive action. Seek help from your parents, your
Local/State Executive Director, or the MAO office in defusing these types of situations.
REMEMBER! Everything you post on any form of social media is public information, whether you like it or not. It is a permanent
record of your character, personality, moral beliefs, behavior, and reputation. If you have ANY doubt that what you are about to post
may come back to haunt you, DON’T POST IT!
I have read, I understand, and I accept the Guidelines for Local Titleholder’s Year of Service.
MAO Contestant Social Media Agreement
MAO, in recognizing and honoring the traits of honesty, good character, talent, poise, intellect, leadership and good judgment in teens
who participate in our program, has developed Social Media Policies for the purpose of enabling our participants to wisely participate
in social media. These policies are included in this contract as Attachment D.
Please list ALL social websites in which you participate (Ex: Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, etc.) and list your screen names.
Screen Names
I, (Name)_________________ , understand that inappropriate social media behavior will not be tolerated by the Miss America
Organization or any of its subsidiaries. I am attesting, by my signature and that of my parent/legal guardian, on this form, that I have
not posted on any type of social media either photos, videos, inappropriate language, or any other actions that would be considered
inappropriate behavior in polite society. I understand that if any such materials are brought to the attention of the Miss America
Organization, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen, Inc, or my State/Local MAOTeen pageant, I am in danger of losing my title,
immediately. I agree that it is at the sole discretion of the Miss America Organization to determine the consequences of any such
(Contestant Signature) (Date)
(Parent/Legal GuardianSignature) (Date)
Parent’s/Guardians’ Initials:______ Contestant’s Initials: ______ Date: ______
Scholarship funds may be applied to tuition, textbooks, supplies, academic fees, talent fees and other appropriate
mandatory educational expenses. All unusual or questionable items of expense must be referred to the Miss
Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant Selection Committee with as much information as possible and far
enough in advance for consideration of approval. Amounts received as scholarship payments are taxable income
to the extent that they exceed “Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses”. Scholarship funds may be applied
toward talent and related expenses to said talent.
Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses include tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance of a student
at an educational organization, including fees, books, supplies and equipment required of all students in the
particular course of instruction.
Payment of all approved expenditures will be made directly to the college, university or other accredited
institution unless extenuating circumstances exist (with the exception of computer or musical equipment clause).
Personal Reimbursements to scholarship recipients will not be honored, so proper planning and time allotment is
essential on the part of the student.
Requests for scholarships are initially processed by the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant and for
its review and approval upon written receipt of statements from colleges and schools or from the contestant for
other educational expenses. All statements and invoices must be accompanied by a cover letter from the
Requests for computer or musical equipment will be recommended only if the college or school states in writing
that it is mandatory requirement in order for the contestant to complete the coursework. The contestant may be
reimbursed for this expense provided the contestant submits either a letter from the school stating the mandatory
requirements or a list of course requirements. There will however, be a $2,000 cap on computer equipment, and
this type of expense will be reimbursed only once. Computer software is not a reimbursable item. If a contestant
still has local funds available to her, a letter from the Local Executive Director that they do not reimburse or pay
for computers is required. The original bill of sale must be submitted as well as the original credit card receipt or
a copy of the canceled check.
Payments for room and board will be made to the educational institution (or for off campus housing if the
scholarship rules and regulations of the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant permits) to and such
requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation from the educational institution (or fully executed
lease agreement) evidencing the charges for same. Contestants must maintain at least 12 credit hours as a fulltime student, 9 credit hours part-time status and 9 credit hours for graduate in order to qualify. Payments do not
cover key fees or deposits. Utilities (electric, gas, cable, phone, etc.) are also not covered.
It is each contestant’s obligation to determine whether the scholarship, in whole or part, is includable in gross
taxable income, regardless of whether a Form 1099 has been issued by either The State Organization, the
Community Foundation or Miss America Organization. Contestants are encouraged to consult a tax advisor
regarding the taxability of the scholarship payments.
Contestants receiving scholarships at the local level must use the scholarship won at the local level prior to
applying for funds at the state level. It shall be the responsibility of the local contestant to request written
verification from the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant Local Executive Director that all local
scholarship funds have been exhausted for submission to the State Organization. Outside of a request for
computer equipment as discussed in Item 2, exceptions to this rule may be granted for payment of college or
university room and board which do not fall within the guidelines for disbursement at the local level. The request
for an exception must be submitted in writing to Scholarship Committee for consideration.
Scholarships may be used for outstanding student loan obligations provided the contestant has satisfactorily
completed the coursework for which the loan was obtained. In all cases, requests must include a current bill from
the lender showing a current address, a copy of the promissory note showing that the contestant is either the
primary or secondary payer of the obligation, and an official transcript showing completion of the coursework.
Scholarships may be used for future educational expenses, provided, however, contestants must begin use of their
scholarships within 1 years of the date of the award. Prior to forfeiture, reasonable attempt will be made by the
state organization to notify the contestant of impending forfeiture. If a contestant has not submitted a request to
the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant for her scholarship award dollars during this period, her right
to request funds will be forfeited. If a contestant forfeits any money from her scholarship award at the local
level, her award at the state and national level will automatically be forfeited.
A contestant who begins use of her scholarship within the designated time above will then be required to
show continuous activity in her scholarship endeavors up to a limit of 1 year (two for Miss State) following the
date of her award. Any balance remaining in a contestant’s award 1 year following the date of the award will
automatically be forfeited.
6B)An exception to the time limits described in Paragraph 6A above may be made if the contestant, prior to the
expiration date, makes a written appeal to the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant citing compelling
reasons why the time period should be extended. An extension will generally be permitted when the contestant
has had local awards within the prescribed time limits above or has been awarded the state title. However, the
contestants must still send a written request for extension. The Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant
will review the request and determine whether an extension is warranted. Consistent with the Code and the rules
and regulations of the Community Foundation, the decision of the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship
Pageant shall be final and binding. Any funds remaining in the account at the end of three years will automatically
be forfeited.
I (Contestant) have read and understood the 2016 Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant Local
Competition Scholarship Rules and Regulations:
Parent’s/Guardians’ Initials:______ Contestant’s Initials: ______ Date: ______
Pageant Requirements/Festival Commitment
That the manner and method of conducting the local pageant shall be in the sole discretion of the local pageant committee,
and the decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
I will properly execute a contestant’s contract with the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant, a copy of which has
been made available for my inspection. There is no reason, legal or otherwise, nor do I have any commitments for the future,
nor have I any legal obligations that prevent my full compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in such contestant’s
contract with the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant, nor with any duties required during my term as Miss
Harvest Homecoming.
I will agree to appear as Miss Harvest Homecoming 2016 at events requested by the local pageant committee, including
Harvest Homecoming festival activities (parade, contests, concerts, etc.) and the crowning of my successor at the Miss
Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Pageant 2017. The time and location of my personal appearances as Miss Harvest
Homecoming shall be mutually agreed upon by the Miss Harvest Homecoming director and me. If I am unable to fulfill my
obligations as Miss Harvest Homecoming, I forfeit all prizes, gifts, and title to my successor. I also agree that I will not make
any personal appearances as Miss Harvest Homecoming without obtaining prior approval of the Miss Harvest Homecoming
I will follow the procedures outlined in the scholarship rules and regulations of the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship
Pageant in order to secure any scholarship monies awarded to me through my participation in the Miss Harvest
Homecoming Scholarship Pageant. I will submit a scholarship request form and a statement of tuition fees from an approved
college or institution to the director of the Miss Harvest Homecoming Scholarship Program. All forms must be submitted
within one (1) year of the date of the award. Failure to comply to this deadline will forfeit all scholarship prizes. (This rule
also applies to the all runners-up and special award winners.)
I will have all paperwork for Miss Indiana ready for my director to review 2 weeks before the scheduled date it must be
turned in to the Miss Indiana Board. My headshot that is turned in must be approved by my local pageant director before it is
turned in. I will also meet with my director and go over the appropriate outfits I need to wear to all functions. These outfits
must be approved by my local pageant director.
I agree to participate in the Miss Indiana Pageant 2017 as Miss Harvest Homecoming 2016. In doing so, I will abide by all
rules set for by my Local Director. I will willingly participate in all preparations for Miss Indiana as deemed necessary by my
Local Director. I will comply with deadlines in my preparations and be willing to accept all input provided to me by my
Local Director. I understand that my Local Director has the final say in all of my wardrobe, pictures, and paper work that will
be used to compete at Miss Indiana.
If I am unable to fulfill or comply with the local contestant’s contract, this contract will be null and void. I will forfeit my
title, crown, scholarship grant, and any awards that accompany the Miss Harvest Homecoming title. The first runner-up will
assume the role of Miss Harvest Homecoming and all benefits of the title.
I understand that I may not hold the title of Miss Harvest Homecoming in consecutive years and no more than two times.
I will abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the Miss Harvest Homecoming Organization and the Harvest
Homecoming Festival, and all statements made in the contract.
Parent’s/Guardians’ Initials:______ Contestant’s Initials: ______ Date: ______
This is a sample of the appearances made by last year’s queens. Use it as a guide to your time involved at
the festival should you win the title of Miss Harvest Homecoming.
Harvest Homecoming Queens’ Festival Appearances 2015
*Wear sash and crown to every festival event.
*If the event doesn’t specify queens, then all three queens are to be at the appearance.
• HHC Bicycle Tour (Miss & Teen Only) Start time 9:30. Arrival time 8:30. Forest Discovery
Center, Starlight, IN. Dress: Jeans, cute top, comfy heels or boots, jacket/coat if needed.
• Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Start time 3:00. Arrival time 2:45. Comfy dress/heels.
• Who Wants To Be a College Student (Miss only). Start time 7:00. Arrive at 6:30. New Albany
High School: Dress or skirt with blouse.
• Dress & Dwell. Please let Remy know what time you’ll be there.
• 9:15. HHC office. Makeup with Marie.
• Opening Ceremonies: Start time 11:30am. Arrive at 10:30am in front of NA High School. I
can drive the queens to the school. Parents will go to the viewing stands in front of St. Mary’s
church on Spring Street.
• Parade: Saturday, Oct 5: Start time noon. (Katie)
• Bring a change of clothes. We’ll grab a quick dinner and head over to the Bowling
Tournament. Cute top, jeans, comfy shoes like a wedge as you’ll be on your feet. Arrival time
5:45. Registration 6:00. Tournament 7:00. You will be greeting bowlers at the door and
directing them to the registration table, then hanging out and bowling, handing out winnings.
Hoosier Lanes Strike & Spare, 2310 State Street, New Albany. (Miss & Teen only)
• HHC Motorcycle Ride. 9:45-11:45. New Albany Riverfront. You will help with registration if
needed, greet riders, start the ride. Cute top, jeans or leggings, cute shoes or boots. New
Albany Riverfront Amphitheater.
• Kids’ Dog Show: Arrival time 5:15. Start time 5:30. NA Riverfront Amphitheater. Cute top,
jeans or leggings, cute shoes or boots. Pose for pics with winning pooches. (Katie)
• Purdue Pumpkin Chunking Competition: Start time 6:00. Arrival time 5:30. Purdue College of
Technology, Charlestown Road, New Albany. Wear cute jeans, top, boots, jacket.
• Senior Bingo: Arrive 2:15. Start time 2:30-4:00. Providence Retirement Home. 4915
Charlestown Road. Dress, heels, jewelry (Katie)
• Booth set-up: Meet at the HHC office at 8:00pm. Set-up time 8:30 p.m. Please dress
comfortably and for the weather. Sneakers, sweats pants/leggings.
• Great Day Live: Arrive at HHC office at 8:30. Show time 9:00-10:00. Cute dress/shoes/
jewelry. (Miss and/or Teen only. not confirmed).
• Dress & Dwell: 11:00. Miss and Teen only to pick out WDRB outfit. (Not confirmed. Please
pencil in).
• Queens’ Booth: 12:00-4:00. Wear jeans/capris, blue pageant shirt, cute shoes like wedges or
cute flats.
• Visit Booths: 4:00-6:00. Stop at every booth and say hello. Same outfit as booth but wear
comfy, flat, cute shoes. Will finish on Sunday.
• Eat dinner: 6:00-6:50: Eat dinner.
• Queens’ Booth: 7:00-9:00.
• Fox 41: Miss & Teen Arrive 5:45am. Meet at the HHC office. Wear your outfit from Dress &
Dwell Preteen arrive at 8:00. Info booth at the Market and Pearl intersection. Time will be
finalized closer to festival.
• Breakfast at Toast: 9:00.
• J. Nicole: Miss Only. 10:00
• Business Luncheon (Miss only) Friday, Oct 12: Start time 11:00-2:00. Fashion show
coordinator will give you your arrival time.
• Queens’ Booth: 9:00-12:00. (Teen & Preteen Only). Red pageant top (Aubrey I have one for
you/ jeans/capris, cute shoes like wedges or cute flats.
• Lunch: 12:00-12:30. Teen & Preteen
• 12:30-3:15 (nothing on schedule unless we don’t have someone to work in the booth)
• Meet in office: 3:00.
• Queens’ Booth: 3:15-5:00. Red pageant top (Morgan ask Paige if you can borrow hers), jeans/
capris, cute shoes like wedges or cute flats. Miss & Teen only unless Aubrey wants to be there.
• Dinner: 5:00-5:15. Aubrey is done for the day unless leaving at 12:30 and not returning.
• Riverfront: 5:30-7:30. Wear red pageant t-shirt, jeans/capris, sneakers. (time not confirmed)
(Miss & Teen only)
• Dinner: 7:30-8:00.
• Queens’ Booth: 8:00-10:00. We may go meet the band at 9:00. Will keep you posted. (Miss &
Teen only)
• Meet at HHC Office at 9:45 We will leave the office at 10:00. (Miss & Teen only)
• Big Wheel Race: Start time 10:00am. Stage Area Market & State. Cute top w/jeans or capris.
Cute comfy shoes. Nothing off white or light in color. You’ll be on the black top and it gets
dirty. (Miss & Teen only)
• Baby Crawl: Start time 10:00am. Stage Area Market & State. (Miss & Teen only)
• Harvest Baking Contest (Teen & Preteen only) 11:00. Carnegie Center Basement corner of
Bank and Spring. Cara will take Shannon and Aubrey. Aubrey meet Cara at the HHC office at
10:45. Aubrey wear cute jeans/top/shoes. (Katie)
• Children's Tractor Pull: Start time 11:30am. (Miss only)
• Eat a quick lunch
• Costume Contest: Start time noon. Morgan to emcee (not confirmed) Stage Area Market &
State (Miss only)
• Kids Day in the Tent: (Teen & Pre-teen Only). Start time noon-3:00. Party tent between flood
wall and river. Cara will take Shannon & Aubrey to the tent in the golf cart. Katie will need to
be at this event. Meet at the HHC office at 11:30 and go with Cara on the golf cart. Take the
pageant banner. (Katie)
• Petite Little Miss, Little Miss, Miss Pre-teen, Little Masters: Start time 2:00. Arrive at 1:15.
Main Source Stage Area Market & State. Shannon to return and finish this event once Kids’
Tent is over. (Miss & Teen only)
• Queens’ Booth: 4:00-5:30 (Katie)
• Eat dinner/Change clothes: 5:30
• Harvest Idol: Start time 6:00. Stage Area Market & State. Jeans/leggings/cute top/shoes/
jewelry (Katie)
• Queens’ booth: 8:00-10:00 (Miss & Teen only)
• Riverfront Band: we may or may not go see the bands (Miss & Teen only)
• Queens’ Booth: 12:00-2:00.Wear cute outfit, jeans w/cute top or capris, wedges or cute comfy
• Visit booths: Start time 2:00-3:45. Stop at every booth and say hello. Same outfit but w/flats.
Last minute stop to eat at your favorite spots.
• Closing Ceremonies: Arrive at 4:00. Start time 4:15. Stage Area Market & State. Same outfit
but with low heel or wedge.
• Booth Break-down: 5:00. throw on some sneakers and comfy clothes.
Schedule for Miss Indiana Contestants
(Sample of what you will be doing as Miss Harvest Homecoming at the state
pageant in 2017)
11:00-12:30 Drop off competition wardrobe at
ZHS (your own transportation)
1:00 Meet for Pet Parade at end of route—
snappy casual (your own transportation)
1:10 Greet pets at end of parade
2:00 Opening Reception at Brick Street Inn—
snappy casual
3:00 Check in at hotel (your own
5:00 Dinner—cute casual (Miss IN
6:30 Video shoot at hotel—Opening Number
Lunch—snappy casual
Lions cookout—snappy casual
Joy of Life Lunch—cute casual in PINK!
Dinner at the PAC—casual
Dress Rehearsal
8:00 Alpha interviews at hotel
8:30 Beta talent rehearsals at PAC
11:30 Lunch at hotel
12:30 Beta interviews at hotel
4:30 Dinner at hotel
5:30 Depart for PAC
7:00 Prelims at PAC
8:00 Alpha talent rehearsal
10:00 Elks Brunch—snappy casual
1:00 Riley Hospital visit—snappy casual
3:00 Secret Ingredient visit—snappy casual
3:45 Depart Secret Ingredient for hotel
4:30 Dinner at hotel
5:30 Depart for PAC
7:00 Prelims at PAC
Princess rehearsal--Miss IN t-shirt with
white or tan shorts/capris
12:00 Princess Luncheon—Miss IN t-shirt
with white or tan shorts/capris
1:30 Boys and Girls Club—Miss IN t-shirt
with white or tan shorts/capris
3:00 Depart Boys and Girls Club and return
to hotel
4:00 Released to Directors/Parents for dinner
6:15 Check in at PAC for Teen Pageant-cocktail dress (own transportation to PAC)
7:00 Teen Pageant—sash, no crown
Brunch at Stonegate Meeting House—
11:15 Depart for Parade—dressy
12:00 Parade
12:45 Autograph signing at Zionsville
1:45 Depart business for lunch at
Cobblestone Grill on Brick Street
2:00 Lunch at Cobblestone Grill
3:00 Depart for hotel
5:30 Depart hotel for PAC
7:00 Miss Indiana Finals Night
*Actual times may vary or will be adjusted for pageant week.